Scenario for holding a matinee for March 8th. Preparation for the "March 8" matinee in kindergarten. Children dancing waltz

(Children enter the hall to the song “Little Country” and stand in a semicircle.)

Presenter: Spring, spring is walking through the yards

In the rays of warmth and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we are pleased with this.

Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate

All mothers on the whole planet.

"Thank you!" - they tell mothers

Both adults and children.

Today we have gathered to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, and sisters on the holiday of spring, on International Women's Day - March 8th.

(Children read poetry)

1. Look outside the window

It got a little warmer there

The main holiday is coming

The sun greets him!

2. Us early this morning

the sound of drops woke me up,

What's happened? It's a holiday!

Mom's holiday has arrived!

Hello to our mothers

“Mom” is an expensive word

The word that contains warmth and light.

4. Today is an unusual day,

very remarkable

Because it's mom's holiday

wonderful holiday!

5. Everything is ready for the holiday

So what are we waiting for?

We are a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday

Song "Radiant Sun"

6. Today is the brightest holiday,

Birds chirp in the yards.

All guests are dressed festively.

7. Today the sky is blue,

You can hear the cheerful streams,

Today we are even stronger

We are trying to grow faster!

8. We congratulate mothers, sisters,

Your beloved grandmothers,

And, of course, girls, -

Our dear friends.

9. The blizzard has recently cleared up

Spring comes to every home,

We sincerely congratulate you

Happy International Women's Day.

10. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers!

We are for everything, for everything, dear ones,

Together: We say “thank you” to you!

Song "Kind, sweet mother."

The clowns Stepa and Klepa run in. Hello, kids, Nastya, Vanya, and Irishki! And we funny clowns, I am Styopa, and this is my friend – Klepa! Points to the empty space next to him. Oh! Where did Klepa go? Have you seen her?

The children point to Klepa. Styopa puts his hand to his forehead and begins to look in one direction, then the other, slowly turns around, looking for his friend. At the same time, Klepa makes the same movements, imitating Styopa. Finally, Styopa, having outwitted Klepa, turns sharply and finds her friend. Both hug and laugh.

Styopa: Oh, this Klepa! Always coming up with something to play with.

Klepa: Exactly, let's play quickly!

Styopa: Stop, stop! We just arrived, and you immediately play, first you need to say hello!

Klepa: Hello Styopa! Now let's play?

Styopa: What a hurry you are, should I say hello to the guys?

Klepa: What about these? It's me in a second!

Styopa: Just say hello, somehow unusual!

Klepa: You’ll always come up with something unusual. OK. Unusual, so unusual! I will now greet each one separately. He starts shaking everyone's hand.

Styopa: So you will say hello until retirement.

Klepa: How should it be? I don't know any other way.

Styopa: Learn! You go out to the middle and shout loudly: “Hello!” It's clear?

Klepa: Yeah. I'll try it now. He goes out into the middle and shouts Hello! It's clear?

Styopa: You didn’t have to say “understandable.”

Klepa Okay, I'll try it now. Guys, hello, but you don’t have to speak clearly!

Styopa: How stupid you are. You just need to say hello!

Klepa: Yes, I understood everything a long time ago, I just decided to have fun. Now what?

Presenter: Like what? It's our holiday.

Klepa: So, time is stalling.

Styopa: Why take time? We'll pull the rubber (he takes the rubber out of the suitcase and gives it to Klepa. She pulls it, and Styopa lets go of the end).

Klepa: Ay-ay! (And runs after Stepa.)

Presenter: Well, okay, what else do you have in your suitcase?

Styopa: Let's see, Klepa. (the clowns are rummaging through the suitcase, pushing each other)

Klepa: And you know, Styopa, on holidays women are told very beautiful words, can you tell me?

Styopa raises his head and: Of course, please, piggy, dirty little talker, and pulls out 2 apples for the competition. Klepa gets offended and moves aside

Presenter: Klepa, don’t be offended, now we’ll hold a competition “ Tender words“, whether we know how to give compliments.

Competition "Tender words".

One apple is given to the first team, and the other to the second. Matches (toothpicks) are stuck on each apple. The player’s task is to pull out a match and say a kind word. And so on until the first pause. A pause means you lost.

Presenter: Well done, thank you all, now Styopka will also give compliments. And our boys prepared a dance.

Dance "Apple".

Stepa: How great! Klepa, do you think these children know how to play?

Klepa: Children? Otherwise! I'm worried about the mommies, they've completely quieted down.

Presenter: Guys, do you know your mothers well? Do mothers know their children well? And this is what we are about to find out. Now I will take turns inviting mother or grandmother and blindfolding her and let’s see if she finds her son or daughter.

I suggest the game:


The presenter asks one of the parents, for example, 5 mothers, or grandmothers, or fathers, to go to the center of the hall. The teacher blindfolds the parents one by one and places several children in front of them. The mother or father, touching the baby, must recognize their child.

Presenter: So we played, and now I suggest you listen and guess the riddles, who are they about?

*Who works at home all day long?

Who does your mommy call mommy?

*There are good wrinkles around the eyes, and hard work on the hands.

We listen to her story about her young years.

*Best friend, gives you toys,

Kind, gray-haired, sweet, dear.

*He will read fairy tales in the evening so that you fall asleep,

In the morning, my dad’s mom calls me for breakfast. Guys, who is this? (Children read poems about grandmothers)

11. I love my grandmother,

She's been busy all day.

I'll sing a song to grandma

And I'll give you a flower.

12.And I am my grandmother’s dear

Made from plasticine

There is a small house on the grass,

A dog and a penguin.

13. I love my grandmother too,

And, you know, guys,

I'll give the medal to grandma,

She received a reward from her grandson.

14.I am my own grandmother

I'll kiss you very hard

After all, my grandmother

Very, very kind.

Presenter: And now a song as a gift to grandmothers.

Song about grandma.

Ved. Well done, the guys also prepared a skit.

Sketch “Two Grandmothers”

1 grandmother - Women's Day is coming, Matryona,

How did you decide to cope?

Grandma 2 - How? Don’t you know, are you Praskovya?

I will rock my grandson.

(the song “Dolce Boar” sounds)

A Lady comes in wearing a hat and carrying a fashionable bag.

1 grandmother - Oh, I got ready for the holiday, dressed up, curled my hair.

They follow the lady with their eyes. A lady with a stroller is walking towards her, in her hands

her bags, a scarf on her head. (The song “Women’s Happiness” plays).

Fashionable lady - Zina! Honey, hello!

How many winters and how many years

We haven't seen you!

Take your time, stay with me.

You're all busy, you can't rest,

tell me how you live?

Lady with bags - I’m bringing groceries to the house -

Women's holiday on the nose.

I'll cook cutlets for everyone,

Let me cut the vinaigrette,

I'll do the laundry, I'll clean up,

I'm the last one to go to bed...

Fashionable lady - Darling, believe me,

She's got her hands full: (points over her head)

Nails need to be extended

Go to a dance club

Yes, visit the solarium!

I don’t know what to do!

Lady with bags - How are your kids doing?

Fashionable lady - What are grandmothers like? Well, bye.

Papa appears, laden with bags.

1 grandmother - And here comes my neighbor, carrying bags full. (Throws up his hands)

Grandmother 2 - Just don’t let him drink beer - it’s very ugly.

Dad - Oh, I’m really tired of buying you groceries.

Prices have been inflated in stores; how much do you have to get? (Wipes sweat).

1 grandmother - There are no such men.

The dads are all sitting in armchairs, watching TV.

2 grandma - Men are not too lazy to help mom only on Women’s Day!

1 grandma - That's for sure!

Children (together) Fathers and mothers - live together,

And help always when needed.

After the skit, the grandmothers are given MEDALS(made by hand)

Clowns: Well done, guys. Don't you want to play? (Children answer)

Play the game “Like this!” with the children.

Klepa: How are you living?

Children: That's it! (expose thumb)

Styopa: How are you going to kindergarten? (Children walk in place)

How do you run home from kindergarten? (running in place)

How can you make noise without a teacher? (stomping feet)

How do you sleep during quiet hours? (put palms together, apply to cheek, close eyes)

Klepa: How do you laugh at jokes? (clutching his stomach, he laughs along with Klepa)

How do you cry when mom doesn’t give you chocolate? (pretend crying)

How are you being naughty? (puffing out their cheeks and clapping them)

How are you silent?

Children: That's it! (cover mouth with palms)

Styopa: But we will not remain silent. I still have some magic tricks in my suitcase. Let's show you, Klepa. .

Water trick.

2 jars with clean water(we show), and the lids from the bottom are painted with green and orange gouache - we cover them with a handkerchief. Before showing, shake and open the handkerchief).

Presenter: Oh yes, well done, Klepa and Styopa. Let's sing a song about mom.

Song about mom " A bright smile I’m in the cradle” Styopa. Beautiful song. And we continue to play, right, Klepa?

Klepa. Let's play my favorite game "Sweep It Up"

Competition "Sweep"

2 teams of children and parents line up. Opposite each team there is a chair (at a distance of 5-7 steps). The first player on the team is given a broom and balloon. The player must “bring” the ball to the chair, “sweep” it around it and return back to the team. Then he passes the broom to the next participant, and everything is repeated. The team that finishes the relay faster is declared the winner.)

Presenter: Well done to all of us. The girls want to dance for their mothers.

Dance "Maccareno"

Styopa: Guys, what smart mothers you have... I still have a competition in store for them, and it’s called “Collect Proverbs”

Competition “Collect proverbs”

Proverbs are divided into 2 parts. The player’s task is to match the beginning of the proverbs with the ending. (The beginning is in one envelope, the ending is in another.)

The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

Business has time, but fun has time.

He who does not work does not eat.

A tree is valued by its fruits, and a person by his deeds.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

Where there is work, there is happiness.

More action, less words.

Don’t take on your own business, but don’t be lazy about yours.

Those who are used to working cannot sit idle. Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

Don't sit idly by, that way you won't get bored.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Don't be afraid of work - let it be afraid of you.

Klepa: It’s great how smart and beautiful our mothers are.

Styopa: Yes, Klepa, you and I need to learn and learn more.

Presenter: Today is such a day, we praise women,

May trouble, resentment, evil not touch you,

We praise grandmothers, there is no one better, kinder,

They will help you with everything and always know how to do everything.

We praise our mothers, thank you!

Beloved, loving, not knowing peace,

Tireless, they have so much to do,

Long-tolerant, not strict about pranks.

Klepa almost crying: Styopa, you promised to draw lottery tickets?

Styopa: Stop, stop! Let's start playing, come over, don't be shy.

Drawing of win-win lottery tickets.

Everyone at the festival comes up and pulls out a ticket, unfolds it and reads that he has won.

1. Start your home renovation as soon as possible, get an automatic machine for painting the walls (brush)

2. To be always beautiful, get this soap.

3. For peace and harmony in life, get chocolate.

4. To write things down, you will need a pen.

5. Your ticket accidentally gave you... tea, of course!

6. To lure money, please get a penny.

7. You received paper clips so that your husband’s hug would be strong.

8. This notebook was intended for you, a lover of writing.

9. So that there are children, here are three candies for you.

10. There is no better win! Cellophane bag.

11. To avoid troubles, receive a piece of bread.

12. Here are two gifts for you: a postal envelope and a stamp.

13. To make it easier to look at yourself, I’ll probably give you this dressing table. (mirror)

14. Reach out and receive the bow.

(The clowns draw first. Stepa gets a piece of bread, and Klepa gets an onion. Klepa cries, and they change)

Presenter: We are finishing our holiday. What else can we say?

Let me say goodbye

We wish you good health! Klepa: Women's holiday, Spring Day,

Comes in March.

We congratulate our dear mothers,

We wish you happiness!

Styopa: And may the sun always shine for them!

Boredom and misfortune come to their house

Let them not wander.

And, of course, the whole year

Let the holiday last!

Let the whole world bloom like a garden

And the birds are chirping!

Styopa and Klepa. Now the time has come to part with you, other children are waiting for us. Goodbye, see you again! (The clowns run away)

Children say goodbye to clowns and read poetry.

15. Our dear mothers!

Goodbye once again

We want to congratulate you

16. Dear mothers, dear

We wish you happiness

Happy spring day, mischievous

All of you...

Together: Congratulations!!!

Don't get sick, don't get old,

Never get angry.

So young

Stay forever.

Presenter: Well, now the time has come

Cheerful, loud, bright!

Now for both grandmothers and mothers

We give gifts!

Dear mothers, your children have prepared gifts for you. Children give gifts - “baskets” with flowers (made with their own hands).

May these flowers always delight you and bring you happiness. And don’t let the kids upset you. Well, and ours happy holiday has come to an end, we once again congratulate you on the holiday and thank you for your attention and active participation.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Matinee in kindergarten– one of the most exciting events for a child. These memories remain with the baby for life. This event It is traditionally held to please children, to reveal dormant talents, and to instill certain skills. And, of course, preparing children together for the holiday is a serious experience of working as a team. How to create in kindergarten interesting matinee in honor of the eighth of March?

Scenario selection- this is the main thing with which they always begin preparing for any matinee in kindergarten. The script should be given some attention special attention. Both the script itself and the details matter - music, decorations, holiday atmosphere, costumes and various pleasant little things.

Costume ball on March 8th! How to choose costumes for children

What costumes will be relevant for the 8th of March holiday? Of course, first of all, flowers. Not every parent can afford to buy costumes in a store, so in order not to traumatize some children with the richness of others’ outfits, let them all be the same. In this case, it is better for the teacher to discuss this with the parents.

  • Flower costumes for boys. As you know, a flower has a green stem, green leaves and a bright colorful bud head. Based on this, costumes are created. A green shirt can serve as a stem, and a flower cap created from bright red paper can serve as a tulip flower (or another flower, depending on the scenario).
  • Costumes for girls. For the stem, accordingly, green dresses or sundresses are chosen. Flower hats are also made from paper.
  • You can also involve children in creating costumes by placing butterflies they have drawn and cut out on the “buds.”

Fun games for the March 8 holiday in kindergarten

Original script for the matinee on March 8 in kindergarten

The performance for the holiday of March 8 can be anything - created based on a fairy tale, song, or impromptu invented by the teacher and parents. The main thing is that the children are interested in it, and that there are no uninvolved children left. For example, like this scenario, How:

Adventures of flowers in the land of spring

Roles of the performance participants:

  1. Roses – girls dressed in flower costumes
  2. Tulips - boys in flower costumes
  3. Sun
  4. Tuchka – one of the mothers or a teacher’s assistant in a suit
  5. Gardener - teacher in suit
  6. Bee – one of the mothers (grandmothers) or a teacher’s assistant in a suit
  7. Aphids (pair of characters) – one of the mothers or a teacher’s assistant in a suit

The main idea of ​​the play
Children play the roles of flowers growing in the garden. The gardener carefully looks after them, the sun smiles at them tenderly, the cloud waters them, and the bee flies in for pollen. The enemies of flowers are aphids. They, of course, try with all their might to prevent the flowers from growing. The gardener himself, the sun, the bee and even the cloud fight against aphids - after all, mothers are soon celebrating March 8th, and they are waiting for flowers.

Every year, with the beginning of March, a joyful and exciting holiday mood is in the air. And spring begins as if only from the 8th day, from the day of Femininity and Beauty.

Preparations for the holiday in kindergarten begin in February. The March 8 scenario is developed in advance: this is a choice musical accompaniment, and rehearsals with children. The matinee scenario in the preparatory group differs significantly from the scenario in the middle group. On March 8, it is better to spend time with younger children more games, learn dances, in senior group- poems and ditties.

And if you are looking for ideas for celebrating the holiday, then we bring to your attention a detailed scenario for March 8 in kindergarten.

Three grandmothers and mothers, as well as their daughters, are invited. Each trio is given yarn. One by one, the grandmother begins to wind it into a ball, and at a signal, she passes the skein on to the mother, and then to the daughter. Those who collect the ball first win.

Spring: Baba Yaga, did you like the helpers?

Baba Yaga:(respectfully) Good! And I had an idea-desire! Can I ring the bell?

They pass the bell to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
I wish to hear many congratulations,
But everyone wanted to laugh without embarrassment!
Ring a wonderful little bell,
Make my wish come true!


Children in Russian folk costumes come out and tell ditties. There may be a musical passage between ditties.

1 Our grandmothers and mothers
Happy Women's Day!
Without embarrassment, without hesitation
We'll sing ditties for you!

2. An important holiday is coming,
Mother's day is dear.
Today, I won’t do that
Bring home frogs!

3. Once my brother and I became obedient,
They cleaned the house and washed the dishes.
Some house immediately became complacent,
We washed away all the sadness from the house with foam!

4. You, grandma, don’t get sick,
Don't go to the pharmacy
Better stop by more often
To the club for a disco.

5. And grandma is a champion!
After all, her “Napoleon”
Attacks all the guests.
The most delicious of all kings!

6. My sister and I decided to give grandma a gift,
Knit her a scarf from threads of all colors!
But the cat didn’t agree to help,
We had to sew a scarf from scraps!

7. We wish our beloved mother
Receive in gifts
A kilogram of sweets, and also cakes,
So that everyone can be treated!

8. We sang ditties for you
The best ones.
They will also perform a dance
The boys are handsome!

Boys come out and dance, for example, the dance of gentlemen or knights.

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, kittens,
I’ve been staying too long with you, it’s time to know the honor!
But before saying goodbye, I will reward you for your kindness and friendliness!

Hands out treats to children.

Spring: Goodbye, Grandma Yaga, come visit again!

Baba Yaga waves to everyone and leaves.

1st child: Spring is red, open the gates!

Winter is leaving, the bird is starting to sing!

2nd child: And we congratulate our grandmothers and mothers

And we wish them to live in goodness!

3rd child: For the dearest and most beloved

We made the gifts ourselves!

Children take out a basket with handicraft flowers and give it to their parents. The holiday ends.

Props for the holiday

  1. Costumes of Spring and Baba Yaga;
  2. Beautiful bell;
  3. Large hoop, 3 kg of oranges, tablespoons, 2 baskets;
  4. Yarn;
  5. Candy for treats;
  6. Handmade gifts for parents.

Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood on the eve of the celebration of the International women's day; strengthening child-parent relationships.

Objectives: Improve children's public speaking skills; cultivate a feeling of love and respect for loved ones and relatives - mothers, grandmothers.



Scenario of the matinee for March 8
"Little Red Riding Hood"

Presenter: One of the most touching holidays celebrated in kindergarten, without a doubt, is International Women's Day on March 8. The most precious things for a child are their mother, grandmother, and closest and dearest people. Our dear mothers and grandmothers! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming holiday! Nature has endowed the Woman with inner sensitivity, subtle tenderness, unearthly kindness, unquenchable love and vital patience. May the beginning of spring bring joy and mutual understanding, bright hope, may feminine charm never leave you, and today our children have prepared a lot for you kind words, beautiful songs.

Children read poetry

1. 8 March - Women's Day.

I congratulate you, mom!

May there never be a shadow of sadness

It won’t touch your eyes, dear.

2. To you today and always,

I honestly, honestly promise

What will I always cherish

You, dear mommy

3. This holiday is the best,

After all, you can congratulate your mother,

I'll have fun with my mom

Jump, run and spin.

4. Let there be a lot of joy,

Will not forget the impressions

Congratulations on the eighth of March,

I wish my mother happiness.

5. On a sunny spring day

Congratulations to mom,

Long, joyful life

We sincerely wish

6. Dear mother,
I love you!
All flowers are spring
I'm giving it to you.
The sun is smiling
Looking from above.
How great is this -
I have you! .

7. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers

We are for everything, for everything, dear ones, We speak.

All. Thank you!

Song. "Mother"

1. Children come out in aprons. (mini skit) - 3 CHILDREN AND MOTHER
You guys, don't interfere with us.
I do laundry with my mom together.
To make the dress cleaner,
And the scarf was whiter,
Here I am, not sparing soap,
I am doing this without sparing any effort.
The Panama hat has become clean.
"Hey, mom, look!"
Mom smiles at me:
“Strongly, daughter, not three.
- I'm afraid that after washing
I'll have to mend the holes."

2. I tried and made it happen
Like mom's pie.
For some reason it worked
He has an uneven side.
My mom told me:
"It's uneven because
That there is very little filling
You put it in it"

3. I help my mother,
I'm putting away the toys.
Things are also in place
I can sort it out myself.
To surprise my mother,
I can cook compote.

Little Red Riding Hood appears to the song from the movie

Kr. cap : Hello guys! Hello mothers and grandmothers! Congratulations on your first spring holiday.

Presenter: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

Pies in my basket.

Hot blush.

This is a gift for grandma.

From me and mom.

Presenter: Did you help your mom? Did you bake pies? What a nice girl you are!

Our mothers and grandmothers are wonderful housewives. They can easily guess any recipe.


You have to draw two recipes at random. Each lists the main ingredients of well-known dishes and baked goods. You need to guess correctly and quickly!

1st recipe:

5 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, teaspoon layers, teaspoon soda

(biscuit dough).

2nd recipe:

3 cups milk, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 25 g butter, 0.5 teaspoons sugar, 0.5 teaspoons salt.

(pancake dough).

3rd recipe:

50 gr. yeast, tsp. salt, 1 glass of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 200 gr. Soft margarine, 3.5 cups flour, apple jam.

(yeast pie dough).

4th recipe:

Sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, green peas, sunflower oil.


5th recipe:

Boiled egg, onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, herring, mayonnaise.

(herring under a fur coat).

6th recipe:

Mayonnaise, onion, boiled carrots, boiled egg, boiled potatoes, green peas, sausage or meat.

(Olivier salad)

Presenter: Take our recipes and take them to your grandmother.

Kr. Cap: Thank you!

Song “For mothers and grandmothers”

Dancing, he walks along the path, and suddenly meets the Wolf.

Wolf : Hello, Kr. cap!

Kr. cap : Hello, Mister Wolf!

Wolf : Where are you going, Kr. Beanie?

Kr. cap : In March there is such a day with a number like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know what the number means?

Tell us everything in unison.

All children: This is the holiday of our mothers.

Kr. cap : On this day, everyone congratulates their mothers and grandmothers on the holiday and gives them gifts, so we have a dance gift for our mothers and grandmothers.

Dance: "Stamp my foot".

Kr. cap : Dear Wolf, you live in your own fairy tale and know nothing! On this day, all the children not only congratulate their mothers, grandmothers and girls, give them their gifts and help them in everything. And they try to do this not only on a holiday, but always.

Presenter: Listen, Wolf, to our guys.

Poems: children come out.

1. The day before we found out
About World Women's Day,
Because to my beloved mother
We are not too lazy to help.

2 . And today we won't
Run, jump and shout -
We are ready for anything for her,
Even finish all the porridge!

3. Today we are to our mother
We have prepared a surprise:
Swept, watered flowers,
The tea service was washed.

4. I take care of my mother’s work and help as much as I can.
Mom made cutlets for lunch today.
And she said, listen, help me, eat!
I ate a little, isn't that a help?

5. I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made the gift myself
From paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Hugging tenderly.

6. Here comes the Eighth of March,
Happiness bursts the chest,
I need to give it to my mother
Something this holiday.

I will wash my face for her as a gift,
I'll comb her hair as a gift,
I'll fit into a pair of the best slippers
And I’ll put on perfume.

7. I love work, guys,
A hunter of everything.
And it’s not for nothing that they call me
Mom's assistant.

Song “Flowers for Moms”

Kr. cap : You see, Wolf, how the guys try on this day. Help mothers and not upset them?

Wolf : Thank you, otherwise I didn’t even know that there was such a wonderful holiday. I’ll go visit my grandmother and congratulate her, and you, Kr. cap, walk along this long path to your grandmother.

(Kr. Riding Hood leaves.)

Wolf : Ha ha ha! I directed her along the long path. So I’ll not only have time to run to my grandmother, but also do something else. We will meet again!(runs away)

(Red Riding Hood appears).

Kr. cap : I’ll go to my grandmother through the forest, there I’ll pick her some flowers.

Presenter: We performed today to please our mothers. But your mothers and fathers also have their own mothers - these are your grandmothers. And now the children will congratulate their grandmothers.

1. Dear grandmother,
My dear.
More than anything in the world
I love you.

2. Very my grandmother -
I love my mom!
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead there is a gray strand
I just want to touch it
And then kiss.

3. Dear grandma,
Kind and gentle
I'll give you
Fresh snowdrops.
Your hands are warm
I remember.
How great is this -
I have you!

4. I will never make you sad

Just be healthy, my grandmother.

5. I'll sing a song to grandma
Sounding, beautiful.
Congratulations on the holiday

Beloved grandmother.

Presenter: And now the guys will sing a song for grandmothers.

"Song about Grandma"

Presenter: Grandmothers of beloved ones

Hearty congratulations

A fun dance for them

Now we are starting.

Kr. cap :: Okay, I have to go.

Presenter: Aren't you afraid of the wolf? You better not trust the wolf! This is a very cunning beast!

(A wolf appears.)

Kr. Riding Hood: Oh, Wolf!

Wolf : I've been looking for you for a long time and picked flowers for you!

Kr. cap : Why do I need flowers?

Wolf : How did you forget? After all, today is a holiday!(gives flowers)

Kr. cap : On the holiday, a miracle happened here, the whole fairy tale was transformed.

Wolf: Kr. cap, Let's go together and congratulate grandma on Women's Day.

Kr. cap : Aren't you going to eat my grandmother?

Wolf : What you! I don't eat anyone! I eat cottage cheese, jam and jam!

Kr. cap : Ah, Wolf, we are on the same path! Goodbye!

Presenter: We dance and sing and read poetry, and to make it more fun, now we’ll play.


Everyone knows that every woman contains a mystery.

1) Every woman has it. In the summer it is filled with the sun, dried in the fall, and eaten in the winter. What is this?(Highlight).

2) One carrot is cooked for 15 minutes. How long will it take to cook 2 carrots?(15 minutes).

3) Whose hair won’t be ruined by rain?(To the bald one).

4) What does half a stick of sausage look like?(To the other half).

5) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(One thing is that the rest will no longer be on an empty stomach.)

2nd competition

"Questions for ingenuity"

When performing the next task mothers you need to show your knowledge about fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes and heroes cartoons:

Sighing heavily,

Following the little goat

Walks and cries

Sister (Alyonushka)

Talking tasty ball

Jumps briskly along the path


All the children smile at him when they meet him

He's a sweet little wooden man


A villain sits on an oak tree,

He destroys people with his whistle

(nightingale the robber)

They are friends with him

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina,

And dad Carlo

Calls (Pinocchio)

3rd competition

"Become a Child"

Now let's see how well they know their children, their habits, gait, and whether they can imitate them.

Please portray how your child

Wakes up

Brushes teeth, washes face

Looking in the mirror

Getting dressed

Sits on a chair

Eating his favorite dish

Goes to kindergarten

Playing with his toy

4th competition

"Let's play a fairy tale"

Leaves of paper are laid out on the table inscriptions : Spring, Wind, Leaves, Wolf, Dog, Princess, Prince on horseback. AND items : a wreath for spring, a scarf for a princess, wooden spoons and a wooden horse.

Mothers take turns drawing lots, figuring out what role each of them will play.

Leading : Now mothers know who they have to portray in our fairy tale. Now I will ask them to take the items they need from the table, and then I will read the story. Each participant competition V right time will depict the action of his character.

Fairy tale

Spring has come, the wind blew timidly, the first spring rain began to fall, the trees rustled their leaves. Far in the forest, a hungry wolf howled. The dog barked furiously in response. And in a beautiful castle she cried bitterly princess : She wasn’t allowed to go to the ball. Suddenly the clatter of hooves was heard from afar, the prince had arrived, he put the princess on a horse and they rode together to the ball.

5th competition

Most women use it and eat it. Real men don’t use it, but they also eat it – up to 15 kg in a lifetime. What are we talking about?(Pomade)

Which female name wears a planet in the solar system?(Venus.)

Name the most feminine Russian river.(Lena.)

The most famous name flight attendants, thanks to the famous song? (Zhanna."A stewardess named Zhanna".)

What is the name of the fairy-tale girl who has a dog who wears a watch on his paw?(Malvina.)

Which novel did Leo Tolstoy name after a woman? ("Anna Karenina".)

Leading:. It's time to end our wonderful holiday

Dance with your mom, kids!

Children dance with their parents dance:

Dance with moms


Our holiday is already over, what else can we say?

Let me wish you good health in parting.

Don't get sick, don't get old, don't ever get angry!

Stay this young forever!

Accept gifts from your children

We celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 with a festive event every new spring. And every time we try to organize something special, original, bringing joy to both children and guests.

In search of new ideas and new inspiration for preparing a wonderful holiday, we invite you to look through the pages of our thematic section. Here we carefully store the useful experience of teachers accumulated in this matter, and will be happy to share it with you. Perhaps, already on the first pages you will find an idea that you like, which makes sense to use in preparing your holiday. Or you might want to take a lucky one ready script Women's Day in its entirety. It's up to you to decide.

Create a joyful festive atmosphere on March 8th with MAAM!

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Showing publications 1-10 of 6977.
All sections | Scenarios March 8

“Mom’s holiday is the best!” Scenario for the March 8 holiday in a preparatory school group Mom's holiday is the best! Scenario for the holiday March 8 in the preparatory school group Prepared: Elena Anatolyevna Belova, music director of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 44", Saransk. Goals and tasks: The main goal of this holiday is a caring and careful attitude towards mothers....

Scenario March 8 for the senior group“We’ll celebrate the holiday with mom together!” Leading. So spring has come again, Again she brought a holiday, a joyful, bright and gentle holiday, a holiday of all our dear women. To cheerful music "Vesnyanka" Children enter the hall singing and dancing...

Scenarios for March 8 - Scenario for the holiday for March 8 “Candy Tree” for children of the preparatory group

Publication “Scenario for the March 8 “Candy Tree” holiday for children...” Scenario for the March 8 holiday “Candy Tree” for children preparatory group 2019 (Music sounds and boys enter the hall) Presenter. Spring has come again, and it has brought a holiday again. A joyful, bright and gentle holiday, a holiday for all our dear women! Sounds...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of a matinee dedicated to March 8th for children 5–6 years old “Toy Store” Scenario of a matinee dedicated to March 8th for children 5-6 years old “Toy Store” The song “Mother’s Day” is played, a pair dance is performed, the children stand in a semicircle. Host: Our dear guests! Congratulations on the first spring holiday - March 8th! We are pleased to welcome you to this...

Scenario for the holiday “March 8” in a mixed-age group Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 9 Solnyshko Ozery Scenario of musical entertainment in the mixed-age group “Skvorushki” “March 8 is a wonderful day.” Prepared and conducted by: Musical Director I...

Scenario for the holiday March 8 “Teremok” Scenario for holding a matinee on March 8 for the Teremok Children's Medical Center - Dear guests, mothers, grandmothers! Congratulations on the coming of spring, on the first spring holiday. Our guys want to congratulate you. 1-Mom has so much affection and kindness... It’s time for us to say good things to her. Let mothers hear from their children...

Scenarios for March 8 - Scenario for March 8 in the preparatory group

The music of spring sounds, boys enter the hall in a crowd and stand in 3 semicircles. Boy 1: Spring has come to our house again! We are all waiting for the holiday again! How we will sing, how we will dance! But, just where are our girls? 2 boy: Oh, friends, we forgot that this holiday is for them too! We're not...

Scenario March 8 in the middle group Music sounds, the presenter and the boys enter the hall. Ved: The holiday came to us in the spring. The most affectionate, dear. This holiday is dear to us, What kind of holiday? All boys: Mother's Day! 1 boy: Spring day, golden, the sun is shining! Happy Women's Day March 8th We congratulate you! Boy 2: We...