Ready scripts by February 23. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23)

Shirobokova Elena

Traditionally celebrated in Russia, the holiday 23 February has long been perceived by most of its residents as the day of the entire male population of the country. However, we must not forget that this is not just a holiday of men and boys, it is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, organizing such a matinee in kindergarten, it is important to make sure that it is not only fun and interesting, but also contains elements of patriotic education.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Holiday scenario(based on the Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful")

Holiday goals:

Promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships;

Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day;

Improve coordination of movements, develop dexterity and accuracy in children;

Foster patriotic feelings.

Equipment: cardboard chest, oak wood from whatman paper, lump paper, letter, balloons,

Preliminary work: thematic conversations about the army, about soldiers with the participation of fathers and grandfathers who served in the army; viewing presentations on military topics; learning poems; reading a Russian folk tale, 2 teams: boys with dads and girls with dads.

(To the music from the song "Our Army" performed by the group "Fidgets" Children enter the hall in different formations)

1st child: Hello, holiday!

Hello, holiday!

Celebration of boys and dads!

Congratulations to all military personnel

Our fun kindergarten!

2nd child: Glory to the beloved army!

Glory to the dear army!

Our soldier is brave, strong,

Protects our peace.

3rd boy: Let the sun shine brightly,

And let the guns not thunder,

Peace, people, native country

A soldier will always protect!

(Children perform a song to the soundtrack “We will serve in the army” music Yu. Chichikova, lyrics. V. Malkova)

Leading: We are glad to see you this February day is visiting us. And we hope that you will not be bored at our holiday. February- the harsh month of winter, in which we celebrate the holiday of all men, defenders of the Fatherland; a holiday of courage, daring, knightly nobility. We try to cultivate all these qualities in our boys.

Knock on the door (hand over the letter)

Leading: What is this?

Children: Letter.

Leading: What is written here? (open the envelope and read)

Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

Vasilisa the Beautiful is in trouble. The evil Koschey the Immortal kidnapped her and hid her in his kingdom. Guys, help, please. (Well-wishers)

Leading: How can we save Vasilisa the Beautiful?

Children's answers: go to the kingdom, wall up Koshchei, find Koshchei’s death.

Leading: Right. Having passed various obstacles, we will find ourselves in a fairy tale and find the death of Koshchei the Immortal. Together with the dads, we go on a search.

1 obstacle. Task for dads. "Contest of wits"

1. Village set for seven minors. (shop)

2. The main weapon of the nightingale is the robber. (whistling)

3. Not a warrior in the field. (one)

4. Royal head distinction. (crown)

5. Robber's figure. (fourty)

6. Bogatyr figure. (three)

7. Serpent according to the priest. (Gorynych)

8. The Unclean Dozen. (thirteen)

9. Containers for miracles. (sieve)

Each team answers in turn and receives a token for the correct answer.

2nd obstacle. "Russian Silushka"

Popes (child sits on back) do push-ups from the floor for 30 seconds. Each team counts the number of push-ups performed by the players of the other team.

3 obstacle. « Air combat» (fight in pairs). Dads tie to the left leg

balloon. Right foot Dads have to crush and burst the balloon. The team whose balls remain intact wins.

4 obstacle: "Minefield". A basket is placed in front of each team at a distance of 2 m. Each participant has a small ball in his hand. At the signal, the first participant throws the ball into the basket and runs to the end of the column. The team with the most hits in the basket wins.

Leading: Overcoming various obstacles, we reached a fairy-tale world. Both dads and children proved that they are the strongest, bravest, most dexterous, and resilient.

And now, accompanied by cheerful music, we set off to save Vasilisa the Beautiful. (march to any music).

Leading: Tell me which tree is in front of us.

Children: Oak.

Leading: What's hanging on this oak tree?

Children's answers: Chest, crystal casket.

Leading: What could be in this chest?

Children's answers.

Leading: Right. In this chest there is a duck, in the duck there is an egg, in the egg there is a needle, and at the end of the needle is the death of Koshchei the Immortal.

How can we get the chest? How high he hangs!

Children's answers: can climb an oak tree, can throw stones.

Leading: We will make a lot of paper into a ball and throw it up so that the chest falls.

(they throw wads of paper, the chest falls, an egg rolls out of the chest, the presenter takes a needle out of the egg)

Leading: At the end of this needle is the death of Koshchei. And now let’s break this needle so that all the evil spells are broken. (music sounds)

Enter Vasilisa the Beautiful

You. Prec.: Hello, guys and adults! Thank you very much, that freed me and the entire fairy-tale camp from the evil spells of Koshchei the Immortal. Low bow to you. Please accept some treats from me.

Leading: Our holiday is over.

We wish you forever:

So that you don’t feel timid in life.

May it be with you forever

Health, happiness, courage.

Children give their dads handmade gifts.

Since Defender of the Fatherland Day for children from 5 to 10 years old, unlike adults, is not another reason to gather for festive table, then its implementation must be pre-planned minute by minute. A holiday for children is, first of all, an opportunity to have fun, so parents simply cannot do without a holiday script on this day. To creative process creating the plot of the upcoming event was not so painful, we offer several possible options holding Defender of the Fatherland Day, which can easily be transformed in accordance with your own ideas.

Why not, for example, celebrate a holiday for all men in an Indian settlement or on spaceship or in the role of a super agent among his own kind? If you decide on such an experiment, then the invited children should be warned in advance in the invitation about the need for a certain form of clothing. For example, you might want to arrange a super-agent rally for your children. Thus, warn the invited children that on such and such a date, at such and such a time, the next meeting of secret agents will take place, and note that elements of disguise are required for those invited. In this case, the most successfully disguised child will definitely have to claim a prize. Children will enjoy finding out who is hiding under the masks after all the guests have arrived.

First of all, the assembled guests must sit down at the table and taste a wide variety of canapés, tartlets and sweets, which can also have the most unrecognizable shapes. The children's holiday table is distinguished by the fact that there are no salads or main courses, but light snacks, usually in the form of small sandwiches, and fruits and sweet dishes predominate. You can warn the guys in advance that the one who gets a pre-prepared mark during the meal will be a secret spy. The spy's task is to keep the mark and try to win as many competitions as possible in order to ultimately receive the main prize. If a spy wins the game and presents proof - a mark, then each of the super agents fulfills his wish. If one of the super agents wins, then he must try to determine which of those present is a spy. If he succeeds, then the spy fulfills one wish of each superspy.

The competitions chosen for super agents are those in which they can demonstrate their skills. For example, they can demonstrate the ability to communicate nonverbally in pantomime competition. Before this competition, each participant receives an envelope indicating the place of his meeting with a contact person (bathhouse, dining room, toilet, train station, etc.). The one who guesses the place of appearance wins more once.

Super agents can test their insight in mind reading competition. To do this, all agents are divided into 2 groups, which are isolated from each other. Participants in the first group are asked to answer some questions (for example, if you were an animal, what kind?). In this case, answer options are given. Having received answers from each participant, they move on to another team. The task of the players of the second team is to guess who gave what answers to the questions posed.

At the end of the evening, the host says that the gathering of super agents was successful, all the special agents performed brilliantly, but according to the test results, such and such a super agent scored the most points. It is he who receives the key to the main prize. The super agent is given an envelope with a note indicating the location where the prize is hidden. The prize could be a cake. If a spy has the most points, he wins the grand prize along with the tag he received at the beginning of the evening.

You can end the evening with a joke game "Funny Answers".

Funny answers

Unusual questions and equally unusual answers are prepared in advance. One of the guys is given a sheet with questions, and the other with answers, which are read out loud. Possible questions may be as follows.

1. Tell me, are you always so active?

2. Tell me, do you like me?

3. Tell me, are you deceiving your parents?

4. Tell me, do you use a spare diary?

5. Do you like to do your homework?

6. Is it true that you sleepwalk?

7. Do you often snore in your sleep?

8. When people don’t see you, do you make faces in front of the mirror?

9. Do you eat in the bathroom?

10. Do you like to steal berries from other people's gardens?

11. Do you like to eat sweets under the blanket?

12. Is it true that on Mondays you only wear pink socks?

13. Is it true that you want to wear long hair?

14. Have you tried whiskey?

15. Is it true that you imitate Winnie the Pooh?

16. Is it true that you love collecting white elephants?


1. I simply cannot imagine my life without this.

2. I don’t answer provocative questions.

3. No, I'm a very shy person.

4. I am not ready to give an honest answer, as it could ruin my reputation.

5. Only when I'm in a bad mood.

6. Of course, I get a kick out of it.

7. When I skip classes.

8. My embarrassment is self-explanatory.

9. Yes, especially in dark time days.

10. Well, come on! How insightful you are! -

11. Not as often as you think, but it happens.

12. In principle, no, but there is always an exception to the rule.

13. Yes, I have had this habit since childhood.

14. Only secretly from parents.

15. Only on Saturdays.

Another great option— to hold Defender of the Fatherland Day in the form of a big concert. To prepare such a concert, you need to show your directorial abilities, as well as take care of the necessary theatrical attributes in the house. Firstly, for a real concert a curtain is simply necessary; it will give the festive action maximum realism. Old curtains may well be suitable as such. If the space of the apartment does not allow space for the stage, then the curtain can be placed in the doorway and thus separate the visual part of the hall from the backstage. If there is no shortage of space, then by pulling a strong rope and throwing a long fabric over it, you will build a real stage.

When organizing a home holiday concert, it is advisable to make sure that everyone present takes part in it. Therefore, along with pre-prepared numbers, there should be several impromptu ones in stock. This will appeal to everyone and will make the performance easier for those who have prepared in advance.

The role of entertainer is best left to the smallest party participant. He will cope with it quite well and, in addition, will get maximum pleasure. If there are several candidates for this role, then in order to avoid unnecessary disputes and quarrels, a leader must be appointed.

The concert program must include numbers that demonstrate the outstanding talents of the children. If no one can boast of such, it doesn’t matter. In this case, the highlight of the program will be the sailor dance “Apple”. This fiery dance is perceived cheerfully by the audience and is easy for the artists. The accompaniment for the dance can be selected in advance, or you can simply ask everyone present to perform the well-known song “Oh, apple, where are you going…”. Making costumes for this issue is also not difficult. A sailor collar can be made from blue colored paper and carefully draw white stripes on it. A white paper hoop with two ribbons attached to it will serve as a cap. The main thing is that all the parts of the costume are well attached and do not fly off the artist at the most crucial moment. Ordinary paper clips will help you with this.

As an impromptu performance, you can invite someone present to act out pantomime scenes from the life of a child to the music. For example, “A deuce again”, “I don’t want to wake up in the morning and go to school”, “Range from class”, “Swimming on the lake in cold water", etc. Someone present can be trusted to comment on what is happening on stage.

The most important part of the concert can be devoted to singing in chorus. Almost all children love to sing, and if it is also singing karaoke, there will be no limit to children's fun. For the musical part of the concert, it is necessary to select several of the most popular children's songs in accordance with the specifics of the holiday, distribute the songs among the performers and, calling the performers on stage one by one, hold a concert. The theme of the songs should make the boys feel like real heroes of the occasion. It is advisable to dedicate one of the songs to dads, because this is their holiday too. You can end the concert with a festive tea party. Concert program you can add as you wish, the main thing is that everyone has fun and there is no time to be sad. You can capture the most vivid moments with video or photography.

From year to year, February 23 is considered a special day for all men. Because it is on February 23 that every man feels even more important in this World. Therefore, the beautiful female half is rapidly beginning to prepare for this holiday. Since this is a wonderful opportunity not only to congratulate, but also to show men that they are truly significant.
It is on February 23 that every woman tries to pay due attention to her sons, brothers, husband, father. Showing them as much attention, care, affection, tenderness, warmth and love as possible on this day. And also pamper yourself with an original and unusual congratulations on February 23rd.

Today, there are many ways to congratulate your loved ones on February 23rd. And if this holiday is celebrated within the family circle, then the script for the celebration should occur accordingly.

Preparing for the holiday

For the celebration of February 23, the female half of the family begins to prepare for the holiday in advance. Since it is necessary to purchase gifts for men, create a holiday menu, decorate the house, and also create holiday script holiday.


When choosing a gift for men dear to your heart, first of all you need to take into account the interests, tastes and preferences of men. The gift may be different types and character. Perhaps the gift will be purchased in a store, ordered to order, or made with my own hands. The most important thing is that the gift is necessary and practical, and also given from the heart.

Holiday menu

When creating a holiday menu, it is also worth including your imagination. The menu should be interesting, unusual and consistent with the theme of the holiday. You can prepare men's favorite dishes, and also come up with ideas for them original titles.


Not a single holiday passes without decorating. Because this is where the very atmosphere of the holiday lies. The house can be decorated with colorful balloons. It will look very unusual to have stars, airplanes, and tanks cut out of paper and hung throughout the house. And also the design of the newspaper’s family walls, with wishes from February 23 and joint photographs.

Writing a script

The main part of the holiday is its script. A scenario that will fully correspond to the current holiday. In order for February 23 to really go off with a bang, you need to use ingenuity, a sense of humor, and also apply organizational skills in drawing up a script.

Scenario February 23 with family

When celebrating February 23, all family members dress in clothes that correspond to the theme of the holiday, and, accordingly, in military uniform. Thus, each family member should have his own military rank, and it can be divided according to seniority. The title does not have to be specified in the form of stars on clothing; it can be written on a piece of paper and attached near the assigned place at the festive table.
When all family members have gathered at the festive table, the first word and the first toast are given to the eldest woman in age. Perhaps it will be a grandmother or mother. Subsequent toasts and congratulations can go in any order.
Afterwards, the host of this holiday declares February 23 open. And he voices the first stage of the holiday, this is the stage of competitions.
1. Anecdote competition. Men must tell an army-related joke. If not a joke, then a funny incident from military service. Accordingly, whoever tells the funniest story wins and receives a prize.

2. Footcloth competition. In this competition, men must show their accuracy, cleanliness and speed in wrapping foot wraps. Instead of foot wraps you can use toilet paper. The competition is performed to cheerful music. The fastest and most accurate person wins the prize.

3. Competition based on seniority. You need to prepare cards with the name in advance military ranks: major, captain, general, colonel, sergeant, lieutenant, private, warrant officer, marshal. At the signal from the presenter, the competitors must arrange the cards according to seniority. The winner will be the participant who completes the task quickly, clearly and correctly.

After a short pause in the form of warm congratulations and toasts to dear and beloved men, the presenter announces the second stage of the holiday, this is the stage of games.
1. Song. The whole family participates in this game and is divided into teams. Each team must perform an army song. The song can be performed either by your own independent performance or with the help of karaoke. The team that performs the song without mistakes wins.

2. Dance. Couples who participate in the dance have shoulder straps made in the form of napkins placed on their shoulders. The task is to prevent the shoulder straps from falling off throughout the dance. Whoever copes with this task better receives a prize.

3. Minefield. In this game, each participant must walk independently through a minefield without stepping on a mine. Tennis balls can be used as mines. Having scattered balls all over the floor, the blindfolded participant is sent on a journey through minefield. If a participant steps on a mine, he is eliminated from the game.

The host of the holiday announces a commercial break. A large army-style cake is brought into the room. The cake is cut to the music, toasts are made and words of congratulations are made to the men.
The presenter announces the third stage of the holiday, this is the award stage.
Every man is a protector. And every man, from a child to the oldest member of the family, will be doubly pleased to be reminded of this, and even better, to be congratulated and presented with a medal.
It is necessary to prepare medals in advance for the award ceremony. Medals can be made from cardboard or plain paper with the military rank assigned to the man written. Titles can be of this nature, for example: “the most beautiful defender”, “the smartest defender”, “the most faithful defender”, “the most reliable defender", "the smallest defender" (to a child), "the most wonderful defender." Women determine which medal corresponds to the man and award him. In this case, more than one medal may be awarded. Some of the men may be lucky twice, otherwise and three times.
After awarding medals and sincere congratulations, the host announces the fourth stage of the holiday, this is the quiz stage.
To prevent family members from getting bored, give them a short quiz and warn them that in this quiz they will need to show off their intelligence and knowledge.
Make up a small number of questions with answers to the same questions. Questions directly must have direct relation for the holiday. Participants must choose the correct answer from the given answers.

1. First World War, her years:
1913 – 1915
1914 – 1918
1916 – 1919

2. From injury in battle, which serves as protection for the head:

3. What holiday is celebrated on February 23:
Victory Day
Fisherman's Day
Defender of the Fatherland Day

4. What is it called? military unit located in the city:

5. What does a person who does not want to serve do:

6. According to a Russian proverb, what happens when a soldier sleeps:
My beloved is waiting
Winter is just around the corner
The service is underway

7. What is thrown over the shoulder of an officer dressed in uniform:

8. What soldiers wrap around their legs:
Foot wraps

9. In response to the commander’s gratitude, what the soldier had to answer Soviet army:
"Come again!"
"I serve Soviet Union!"
"Oh, leave it alone!"

10. What is the name of the ration that a soldier is given with him on a campaign:

Correct answers to the questions:
1. 1914 – 1918
2. Helmet
3. Defender of the Fatherland Day
4. Garrison
5. Mows
6. The service is underway
7. Belt
8. Foot wraps
9. Serving the Soviet Union
10. Dry

Every holiday has its end. And to make the end truly pleasant, the presenter announces the fifth stage of the holiday, the stage of presenting gifts to men.
Mothers, wives, sisters, daughters sincerely congratulate their beloved men on the holiday of February 23 and give gifts.
The final and enjoyable stage of the holiday will be the launching of fireworks, as well as burning lanterns into the starry sky with the whole family.
To summarize, we can say that February 23 can also be spent very fun and original with the whole family, close to your family and friends. Giving them attention, care, warmth, love and a great mood for the whole day. The main thing is to approach everything responsibly and with love. After all, February 23 is celebrated once a year anyway, and it would be unforgivable not to make it unforgettable.

It is original and fun to congratulate relatives on their main holiday - not so simple task. And if this is a corporate party for men on February 23, female colleagues have to take into account dozens of nuances, from the nature of the company to the tastes of each person invited to the holiday.

Place, time

Start by choosing a room - this will help you decide on all further questions. Of course, it is ideal to book a cafe/restaurant with enough space for a stage, dancing, and banquet tables. Sufficient space will allow you to implement all the ideas for decorating the hall and any theme of the corporate party for February 23: military registration and enlistment office, barracks, exercises, military operation to combat despondency.

It is not always possible to move furniture in the office; office equipment gets in the way; there is not enough space for active competitions. And in general, a corporate party at work is not a very good idea if there is no separate room for such events. But decorating the hall in a military style will create a festive atmosphere, even if there is not enough space for wild fun with dancing and funny scenes.


  • Hang a congratulatory banner above the entrance or stage. Print themed posters, cartoons, funny pictures in army style. They can be easily supplemented with short anecdotes, jokes, chants for February 23 - interactive decor attracts attention and remains in the memory of guests;

  • make a “cool” stand for men with congratulations on February 23 in verse(short quatrains with humor). You can print a large thematic poster, where instead of the faces of the characters there are photos of colleagues. It is not necessary to be a master of FS, the main message is.

A joke on competitors - a poster where one army is chasing another. The winners' helmets/caps have your company's logo on them, while the losers' uniforms have the competitor's logo on them. But it is better to discuss this point with management.

  • borrow a camouflage net for the duration of the corporate event(summer residents, hunters, fishermen). It can be thrown over furniture or hung on the wall in a photo zone. Folding chairs, backpacks, accessories and khaki-colored clothes will come in handy - to decorate the hall on February 23, these are the most atmospheric decorations;
  • Cut triangles from khaki paper and assemble into garlands. Inside some of them paste your logo, a photo of the heroes of the occasion in helmets and caps (Photoshop). Hang balloons in themed colors in the shape of military equipment. Use toys to decorate the hall - soldiers, weapons, binoculars and compasses, tank cars.

Inside every man, even the most serious one, there lives a boy who has not played enough. If the room allows, organize a radio-controlled jeep race at your corporate event - the stronger sex will be delighted!

  • buy napkins, tablecloths, disposable tableware, khaki cocktail straws. You can make toppers from pictures on toothpicks (the company logo against the background of the country’s flag, a helmet, a red star), and replace the labels on bottles with themed pictures.

Invite all your colleagues to the corporate event, not just men. Ideas for an original invitation for February 23: a postcard in a military style (tank, grenade, brave soldier), a comic summons to the military registration and enlistment office, a dispatch from a general with an order to appear at the gathering place;

In addition to funny skits and congratulatory songs, prepare thematic anecdotes, toasts, and jokes. They will not let guests get bored during breaks between performances and competitions. Distribute in advance short texts ladies who are not embarrassed by the crowd.

There is no need to include ditties, chants, etc. in the corporate event script - these are rather arbitrary preparations that “pop up” during the course of the event. This will make the atmosphere at the party more relaxed.

Script, entertainment

We offer a universal corporate party scenario for February 23rd in army style. Suitable for a relaxed company gathered in an informal setting. It is advisable to set up a military registration and enlistment office or barracks in the office - hang up instructions, posters, stands.

If the corporate party on February 23 is not held at work, you need to agree in advance with the cafe/restaurant staff about the decoration of the hall (not everyone allows you to create your own decor, keep this in mind when choosing an establishment).

The main presenter appears in the image of a sexy commander/military commissar with a folder and/or even a whip, dressed in military style, speaking in a commanding voice. She greets the guests and invites them to sit at the tables.

Introductory part

Two “brand new” FIFA girls appear on the stage, very slender, typical “blondes”. The guests watch a funny scene as if from the middle of a conversation:

First girl(P): ...and also womanism flourishes there and for some reason it needs to be on the nightstand.

Second girl(B): Some nonsense. I don't believe it!

P: true, true! And just imagine - no cosmetics. You'll have to go AWOL for lipstick. You can also wash foot wraps by hand and even clean your boots yourself!

IN(horrified): And all by hand? What about manicure?!

P: Honey, what a manicure! All day long, either a machine gun or a shovel is in my hands - a manicurist. And makeup, by the way. Just imagine, you spend the whole morning making things look beautiful, and then bam the commander says: “Well, everyone put on gas masks!”

IN: No, I won’t join the army, a gas mask doesn’t suit me at all. Although there is so much handsome men... But I'm wearing a gas mask... Eh!

P: Men? It's true! This, by the way, is the worst thing (in a creepy whisper) - after all, everyone you meet will have to salute!

The second girl does big eyes, covers his most precious possessions with his hands, then grabs his head: And then who will need me so dishonest? He begins to howl loudly: How can I slope down? I won't go!

Two new people appear on the stage and approach the FIFA. Portly, with curves. One is dressed as a nurse, the second is a cook, with a large ladle:

Honey: Why did you burst into tears, you sick people? Who did you give in to? You'll only scare away all the men!

POV: They don’t want to give honor! Yes, there would be something to give away (twists two figs and shows the modest size of the “honor” of skinny fashionistas). Well, Shast Otsedova (he swings a ladle at the fifa, they run away from the stage).

Momma's children, no way in the world
Don't go to the army to serve
In the army there are shovels, a parade ground and machine guns
In the army for two years without pay.
We will bite, offend and beat you
Don't go to serve in the army, whiners.
In the army there is a robber, in the army there is a vampire
The army has a terrible co-manager!

They continue, making cute faces, dancing seductively during the loss:

But if you're a man, there's no reason to be afraid
We will live with you until
Yes, the army has shovels, parade ground and machine guns
The commander with a hangover is terrible
But we will feed you, care for you and love you
Come to the army to serve!
In the army they will show you and teach you everything,
They will teach you to defend your honor and your homeland!
We will feed you, care for you and love you
Come, guys, and serve in the army!

Choosing funny ones musical skits, ditties, songs remade for February 23, use the program or its equivalent. The service allows you to process a minus in two clicks, changing the key and tempo so that your words fit perfectly with the music everyone is familiar with.

Medical examination

Presenter (hereinafter B): And after such a speech, how can you not run to the military registration and enlistment office? However, you have no choice! Listen to my command - the whole squad should line up for the medical examination and roll call. Stand in alphabetical order so that my eyes don’t run over the list of surnames. Why are we sitting?! There will be no deferments from the army for anyone today!

All men invited to the corporate event are lined up according to the first letter of their last name. The medical examination on February 23, of course, will be humorous - there is no need to undress or touch anyone. V. moves from the first to the last in the ranks and comments.

A person who knows everyone well should come up with “cool” characteristics for colleagues for February 23rd. Phrases should be funny, but not offensive.

  • so, private Antonov... Wow, what hands! With such people you don’t even need a shovel - valuable personnel;

  • Dubov, why have you grown hair like a mammoth’s armpit?? Look at Ivanov - his skull is already shining, and your head will be sweating under your helmet. Should I shave? Okay, we'll figure it out later.

IN: ok, the medical examination is over. Now we line up according to height (men rearrange). You are so slow, like pregnant turtles! We need to hurry you up... Well, quickly line up according to size manhood. Stop laughing! Now they will give out the form - compare bellies, and not what you thought. Vulgar people!

For our corporate party scenario for February 23rd, prepare military-style caps, caps, tunics, badges or other accessories for men. V. distributes them after the “platoon” has adjusted to the size of the belly.

IN., looking around at the “soldiers”: But nothing happened, quite a decent platoon. But appearance– zilch, the main thing – physical training! Defending your homeland doesn’t mean shaving off your beard with a jillette—risk is always present.

Active competitions

Next in the scenario are army-style competitions. How many of them there will be and which ones to choose depends on many factors - physical fitness and middle age colleagues, time allotted for the entertainment part, location of the corporate event.

On February 23, darts or throwing balls of paper into a basket, arm wrestling, competitions for reaction speed, and endurance are suitable for the office. For young people in nature you can arrange sports games(conduct “exercises”). Examples of active competitions for a corporate party on February 23 at work, in a restaurant (in limited space):

  • who will hold the young lady in his arms longer, following the commands of the presenter(jump, sit down, spin around, stand on one leg);
  • who will inflate a balloon faster, jumping butt on a foot-drop to the song “Esaul, why did you abandon your horse?”. The ball needs to be put on the hose, borrow pumps from friends (they come with air mattresses, gymnastic balls, etc.);

  • two participants have dangling bags with two raw eggs inside. By swinging the bag, you need to break your opponent's eggs. Conclusion to the competition: “Now let’s see which of you has the strongest eggs!” Of course, if the morals of the company allow such jokes;
  • use a soft ball to knock down tin cans standing one on top of the other. The difficulty is that the cans need to be knocked down one at a time, starting from the top. If the whole tower falls, drink the penalty and try again or pass the ball to the next one;

  • wrap footcloths(tear strips of cheap fabric) for certain time. There are two winners - the fastest and the one who completes the task as correctly as possible.

Table break

IN: “Service is service, and lunch is on schedule. I invite everyone to the table!” To prevent a corporate party from turning into a banal drinking party, prepare short funny scenes, congratulations on February 23 in verse, songs of alteration, etc. Military-style table games and competitions will fit perfectly:

  • exam for men on knowledge of slang, abbreviations;

  • take turns telling thematic jokes or making toasts. Anyone who can’t remember/come up with a penalty drink or forfeits;
  • guess theme songs based on the first line/musical fragment;
  • if a corporate party on February 23 is held in the company of a large number of women, let the “soldiers” guess by body part which of the fair half of the team is shown in the photo. It will be cool if the series of eyes, hands and the back of heads is diluted with a couple of pictures of appetizing cleavage and women’s butts(or even men’s ones - let them rack their brains, listing all the young ladies).

  • guess how much the backpack/duffel bag shown by the presenter weighs (name the weight closest to the actual one).

Oath, collective congratulations

IN: So, stop relaxing! Platoon, line up to take the oath! In order to avoid the burden, so be it, I read it, and you bawle in a friendly chorus, “I swear!” after each point of the oath.

  • sacredly observe the company's charter, provide all possible assistance to colleagues and work for the idea, even if they are not given a salary (in unison - I swear!)

  • diligently pretend that I strictly follow all the orders of my superiors
  • come up with masterly excuses for absenteeism and tardiness
  • to the machinations of the enemy element - a vigilant competitor - to respond with shock labor

  • always protect the honor and dignity of the fair half of the team, beloved women and the Motherland.

Today we are not just relaxing -
Congratulations to the defenders of the reliable
Happy holiday - hurray! (all women in chorus - from February 23!)
Let everything in life be beautiful,
Enough money for the south and beer
Heroic health and women's health (in unison: from February 23!)
So that your wives appreciate you - give you affection and warmth,
So that the fish always bite, so that every choice is easy
Was on life path. Well, for the sake of rhyming “for” - from February 23!

The final part of the scenario is the presentation of gifts in military style. You can order souvenirs with template or your own inscriptions through the network - keychains, medals, fake military ID cards, mugs, T-shirts, etc. Awards with humor - “cool” nominations:

  • Mr. Savior, smile, homebody, hard worker, charm, punctuality;
  • "real colonel" to the most senior or superior

  • “a fighter of the invisible front” to someone who does unnoticed but important work
  • “peacemaker” for the ability to resolve conflict situations
  • "think tank" for idea generator

  • "operational staff" to someone who always finds himself in in the right place V right time, does not refuse to replace a colleague, helps out when necessary;
  • Field Marshal Nalivaiko, General Ulybaiko, Colonel Trudolyubov, Major KreatIvin, etc.

Give the winner a personalized medal, cup or certificate. If there will be a lot of people at the corporate party, include anonymous voting in the script. If the company is close, come up with and distribute nominations for February 23 in advance, according to the individual qualities of your colleagues.

Other thematic ideas for decorating the hall, scenarios and competitions are collected and.

Before convening everyone for the holiday, an assembly hall or office is decorated. Decorated with balloons, flags, military caps. Posters are drawn depicting heroes and military men, with photographs of male employees glued to them as faces.

Men are invited to the hall. The director or head of the department commands the team:
- Be equal! Attention! Dear women, the men of our team are ready and ready to receive congratulations!

To the accompaniment of cheerful music (preferably a march), the men enter the hall.

Presenter No. 1:
Once a year, at the end of February
All men are objects of admiration.
The girls rush to congratulate them,
At this festive moment!

Once a year, at the end of February,
All men call us
A range of feelings and of course fire!
And our hearts slowly melt.

Once a year, at the end of winter,
Both military men and civilians,
From Moscow to Kolyma,
Flowers, gifts, and applause await.

We must congratulate you now,
Open your arms quickly
We must give you gifts
Colleagues are brothers!

Presenter No. 1:
Our Nikolai is quite respectable,
It blooms and smells - obviously!
Every day Kolya is at the limit -
He's in the know, for sure, he's on the case!
Broad male shoulders
To meet winds and adversity,
It flies like a bullet,
And he will not turn back!

Presenter No. 1:
Oleg, you give moments,
For women's life inspiration,
You are a deity, so they said,
You have already won all the hearts!
Your appearance is beyond praise,
So many girls look with hope,
If only you would give them a look,
Or having passed by, turned back!

Presenter No. 1:
Maxim, you strive for dreams,
Goals, peaks, efforts!
Strive for convenience, influence,
But don't be afraid of desire!
Girls like you boldly
You do your job skillfully!
AND better friend we can't find
Than Max, you know that!

Presenter No. 1:
Vasily, all your toys -
Fishing, racing or guns,
Our computer is completely clogged,
But you conquered with your skill!
When I get into your car,
You also drive forward
It's like the top of a computer,
You're taking off!

Presenter No. 1:
Andrey is a wonderful man,
Successful, modest, wise,
Smiling, sociable!
Andrey is always intelligent,
Competent in his work
And he even forgives the Boss,
When he doesn't understand!

Presenter No. 1:
Alexander walks without looking,
Ahead, just for the sake of the goal,
Knows the price of each and everyone,
Never has any problems!
He is serious and practical
And also energetic!
Every hour and every moment -
Wonderful man!

Presenter No. 1:
You forget about everything in the world,
You always relax in his company,
After all, this is Styopa - our joker and rogue,
Everyone loves him and everyone takes care of him!
He charges everyone with his energy,
Where Styopa is, you can hear laughter,
He just gives joy to everyone and everything,
He is our working “family”!

Presenter No. 1:
We have Arkady in our company,
He's just a miracle - good news,
He is a lively and very nice fellow,
And never, never tired!
He is a delight, he gives support,
And is not afraid of ridicule
He's just as beautiful as day
He drives away laziness with his appearance!

Presenter No. 1:
The big boss is our Alexey
He has great experience
He looks at everyone with love,
And where necessary, he will shout!
Being a boss is not easy at all -
Milk would be harmful to him,
But it's not harmful, thank God,
There are, alas, few like him!

After all the men have been named, everyone stands at attention and waits for the gifts to be presented. The second presenter comes on stage.

Presenter No. 1: And now everyone is at liberty! Take a seat at the festive table!

Presenter No. 2:
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
Congratulations now!
Happiness, endless peace
At this idle hour!

Presenter No. 1: We meet the women's ensemble of our enterprise “Beauties”

Song to the music “It’s time, let’s rejoice” from the film “The Three Musketeers”

February is a great date again!
And we have Defender's Day again according to plan!
Which means we were carried onto the stage,
For now we can’t afford to hire stars!

Men need women - c'est la vie!
People like all of us - even more so!
But most importantly, we need love!
And may good luck accompany us!

Chorus: It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in our lifetime,
Money, love, luck, dreams and a man,
Bye-bye-bye we have defenders at hand
We whisper to fate more than once: “Mercy, side!”

Presenter No. 1:
Today is a special day!
We celebrate men!
After all, each of you is cool
Faithful son of the Motherland!

Presenter No. 2: Today, on this Defender of the Fatherland Day, each of the men of our team is honored with an Oscar for special personal achievements! Let's get started! (It’s worth preparing in advance commemorative diplomas and Oscar gift figurines or any other figurines containing the company’s label)

Presenter No. 1: In the “Fighter of the Invisible Front” category, the Oscar is awarded to Maxim for his modesty, purity of thoughts, beautiful appearance and perseverance beyond anyone else’s strength!

Presenter No. 2: The second nomination “Golden Voice” involves awarding an Oscar to Arkady for his ability to amuse even the saddest ladies with his excellent stories, which subsequently leads to good results in the work process.

Presenter No. 1: In the “Charming Simulator” category, Oleg undeniably wins the Oscar. For the whole year he collected greatest number women's views of various directions, but for some reason he still actively assures everyone that he did not notice them.

Presenter No. 2: The nomination “Drop-dead aura” provides for the award of an Oscar to Alexander for his fire in his eyes, kindling hundreds of ladies’ boredom and condemning them to fruitful work!

Presenter No. 1: The nomination “Robotechnician in the Flesh” means awarding an Oscar to Vasily for his extraordinary view of computer life and off-grid energy flow!

Presenter No. 2: “Oscar” in the category “Punctuality is the rule of kings” is awarded to Nikolai for his solid attitude to work, excellent serious approach to each task and ability to solve tricky issues.

Presenter No. 1: The “Encyclopedia Nearby” nomination awards an Oscar to Andrey. Thanks to his inexhaustible knowledge, anyone in our team can benefit from his intelligence and wisdom!

Presenter No. 2: In the category “Sunshine all day long,” Stepan receives an Oscar for his ability to always give others not only warmth, but also great mood for the whole day!

Presenter No. 1: In the “Mr. Kindness” nomination, Alexey becomes the undoubted winner. The Oscar is awarded for his steadfastness and sensitivity towards the endless raids on his office, as well as his hardness and gentleness of character at the same time!

Presenter No. 2: The ensemble “Beauties” will once again congratulate all Oscar nominees

Song to the music “Let them run clumsily” from the cartoon “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka”

Let them run clumsily
Kolya, Vasya through the puddles,
And Oleg is barefoot on the asphalt!
After all, it is unclear to passers-by,
This day is bad,
Why are they rushing to the office in droves!

To congratulate the men,

Everyone is cooler than the lions today!

Arkasha will suddenly come running,
Sasha will make us all laugh,
And Andrey will think about everyone,
Only our boss Alyosha,
Better than every boss
This joyful laughter flows into the day!

Chorus: We sing here on this holiday,
To congratulate the men,
Genius - Max il Styopa - a prankster!
Everyone is cooler than the lions today!

Presenter No. 1:
So let's start dancing,
We'll laugh
We won't say goodbye
Let's celebrate!

Presenter No. 2:
Happy holiday men,
Happy holiday, squad!
Eat oranges
Drink everything!

The holiday continues with dancing and feasting!