The daily routine of an engineering lieutenant. Daily routine in a military unit. What is the daily routine in the army?

The army teaches soldiers discipline and order, and therefore it is not surprising that there is a clear daily routine. The daily routine in the army is determined by the unit commander. This regime is approved for the entire department, and the need to comply with it is the direct responsibility of each soldier. The daily routine may differ significantly for military personnel serving under conscription and under contract. In this case, the officers are given their own special regime.

Following a certain daily routine is one of the basic principles of military service. This is one of the main factors of military discipline, compliance with which is very important. In case of violations of the daily routine, the soldier can expect various sanctions in the form of disciplinary sanctions.

The daily routine in the army may vary depending on the following factors:

  • specifics of task execution;
  • type of army.

By call

Military training is compulsory

For conscripted soldiers, a specific plan is established, which involves the conduct and implementation of a number of activities. Part of the time is allocated for study and personal needs of the serviceman.

The schedule on weekdays and weekends may differ slightly.

Let's look at an approximate daily routine for conscripts:

  1. 06:00-07:50. At this time, soldiers wake up, do morning exercises, and make their beds. Inspection of military personnel, breakfast and preparation for classes are carried out.
  2. 08:00-08:45. Listening to radio broadcasts. Commanders inform personnel and conduct training. After this, the soldiers are sent to informational classes.
  3. 09:00-13:50. Class time. Typically there are 5 lessons, each one hour long. There are 10-minute breaks between them. At the end of classes, soldiers are given 10 minutes to clean their shoes.
  4. 14:00-14:30. Lunch time.
  5. 14:30-16:00. Half an hour is allocated for personal time, when soldiers can go about their business. Then there are self-study classes for another hour.
  6. 16:00-18:00. Maintenance of military equipment and weapons is carried out. After this, the servicemen change their clothes and clean their shoes. After this, the results of the day are summed up.
  7. 18:00-19:00. This time is allocated for educational and sports activities.
  8. 19:00-21:00. Hygiene.
  9. 21:00-22:00. Watching television programs of an informational nature, after which 20 minutes are allocated for an evening check.
  10. 22:00. Lights out.

For good service, a serviceman may receive leave for a certain period of time.

As mentioned above, the schedule may vary depending on the day of the week and the need for additional activities. For example, on Mondays before classes there is a general divorce on the parade ground. The purpose of the event is for the commander to announce the results of the past week. He also sets specific tasks and goals for the next week.

Friday is often called “park day” because it involves cleaning and maintaining military equipment. Of course, a certain time is allocated for such actions in the general daily routine.

Saturday also has some differences. There are no usual classes on this day. Instead, soldiers clean the units' premises and surrounding areas. These events are held as part of a park and economic day or PCB.

Sunday is the favorite day of most military personnel. The fact is that the rise on this day is an hour later than usual, thanks to which the soldiers have the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

If the soldier does not have any violations, the commander may release him. This allows the serviceman to leave the territory of the unit. Otherwise, the soldier spends his free time without leaving the perimeter.

Bath days are also held, which involve allocating a certain time for washing personnel. Most often they are held twice a week. However, an unscheduled shower after housework is possible.

Bath days got their name because previously soldiers actually washed in baths. At the moment, special shower rooms have been installed on the territory of the unit for hygiene procedures.

Daily routine for contract military personnel

The service regime of a contract soldier differs from that of a conscript soldier.

Contract service is work that requires the presence of a soldier in a unit only at a certain time established by regulations. Such soldiers spend the night outside the unit, for which an apartment or dormitory can be used.

The daily routine of a contract soldier is planned in such a way as to maximize his use of combat and service training tasks within the 40 hours per week allocated for service by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If a serviceman is called upon to serve in excess of the weekly norm described above, then the commander is obliged to provide him with a certain time for rest.

Let's consider some features of contract service:

  1. The regulations involve allocating time to the soldier for physical training, lunch and training.
  2. In special cases, round-the-clock duty is possible, but it is carried out only with the appropriate order from the senior command.
  3. When a soldier is called to duty on his day of rest, he automatically receives the right to time off.
  4. By law, a contract soldier has the right to two days off a week. If this is impossible, then overtime is paid or replaced by time off.

Thus, the daily routine of a contract soldier has the following differences from that of a conscript soldier:

  1. Arrival at the unit is carried out daily, from Monday to Friday, at 08:45.
  2. At 17:45 the contract worker's working day ends.
  3. Physical training classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15:00 to 17:00.
  4. Lunch time is an hour - from 14:00 to 15:00. Contract soldiers have breakfast and dinner at home.

Officers' daily routine

Throughout the day, the officer maintains order and is responsible for each soldier

An officer's daily routine is not much different from the routine of an ordinary soldier. However, in this case, the officer controls his subordinates, and, if necessary, organizes additional events.

The officer is required to arrive at the unit 10-15 minutes before the general rise. After the personnel have risen, a half-hour exercise is carried out. When soldiers are busy in their personal toilet, the officer is given about an hour to plan the day, keep appropriate logs, etc. Part of this time can be used to hold meetings with unit commanders.

After this, the officer accompanies the personnel for breakfast. Then the soldiers line up, plans for the day or some other important information are announced to them.

While the personnel are in class, the officer is engaged in official business, namely:

  • work with documents;
  • organization of the functioning of the internal outfit;
  • training with personnel;
  • checking internal order, etc.

When personnel return from training, the officer is required to take the soldiers to lunch. After this, he continues to monitor compliance with the daily routine until the evening check, carried out 20 minutes before bedtime. Thus, after 22:00 the officer may be free until the next day.

General daily routine of soldiers

Thus, the daily routine of various military personnel is largely similar and involves the following stages:

  1. Morning. Classes are held in the morning and last until lunch.
  2. Day. Lunch, personal time and maintenance of military equipment.
  3. Evening. Sports and educational activities, hygiene, recreation.

Daily routine in the classroom

The training period is up to six months

After conscription, some soldiers are assigned not to combat units, but to training units. Military personnel come here to gain certain skills and knowledge. The training period is 3-6 months, after which young soldiers are distributed to various units.

The approval of the daily routine in the training unit is carried out by the commander. Here, more time is devoted to training personnel in any special skills. Other aspects of the soldiers' lives are practically no different from those typical for combat units.

After a soldier completes training, he can receive one of the following specialties:

  1. Gunner operator, including any related specialties.
  2. Mechanic-driver of military equipment.
  3. Truck crane operator, operator of heavy installations and machines.
  4. Specialties related to radio engineering, airborne and engineering troops.

Often, successful training in a training unit allows a soldier to receive the rank of junior sergeant. To do this, he is additionally trained in the basics of managing a unit, organizing work with subordinates, and gaining basic command skills.

Daily routine at a military school

In this case, the daily routine differs little from that found in military units. Rise at 6 a.m., bedtime at 10 p.m. Many future students of military universities do not even imagine the full extent of the difficulties they will have to face during their studies. The fact is that in military educational institutions discipline plays no less a role than in a regular military unit.

Therefore, during the first weeks it is especially difficult for students to get used to their new life, because only a few adhere to such a routine under normal conditions. However, in order to obtain an officer rank and make a career in the army, you have to sacrifice something.

Newcomers planning to join the ranks of soldiers want to know the detailed daily routine in the army. Every day in the armed forces is busy, active and clearly planned. That is why the army educates strong, brave and courageous defenders of the fatherland.

The main advantages of military service

  1. The army has a clear daily routine, which is beneficial for a growing body.
  2. Military service is an excellent stimulant for strengthening the body and increasing its physical mass.
  3. The army teaches soldiers to make independent decisions even in the most critical situations.
  4. Among the conscripts you can find new friends and acquaintances.
  5. Soldiers increase their personal level of self-discipline, acquire healthy habits, and improve their physical health.
  6. The strict daily routine in the army teaches young people how to properly manage their time and be organized.
  7. Being away from home, young people begin to appreciate the simple joys of life and family comfort.


In service, a soldier always knows what he will do during the day. The rules in the armed forces are strict. The document clearly states what actions soldiers must perform and at what time:

5.50 - rise of squad commanders and their deputies;

06.00 - general rise;

06.10 - morning exercises;

06.40 - morning toilet, making beds;

07.10 - inspection of soldiers;

07.30 - breakfast;

07.50 - preparation for classes;

08.00 - listening to radio broadcasts;

08.15 - informing personnel, training;

08.45 - sending personnel to informative classes;

09.00 - classes (5 lessons of 1 hour with 10-minute breaks);

13.50 - washing hands, cleaning shoes;

14.00 - lunch time;

14.30 - personal time;

15.00 - self-study classes;

16.00 - weapons and military equipment service;

17.00 - washing hands, changing clothes, cleaning shoes;

17.25 - summing up;

18.00 - time for sports and educational events;

19.00 - hygiene;

21.00 - watching the television program “Time”;

21.40 - evening check;

22.00 - lights out.

How are conscripts assessed?

Most of today's youth are looking for ways to avoid serving in the armed forces. The daily routine in the army and rumors of hazing frighten young people. And they begin to use the most popular technique - to look for health problems. It is the medical commission that determines the conscript’s suitability for service in the armed forces. Category “A” is issued to guys who can serve in any army; “B” - allows you to serve in the army, but with a limitation on the place of service. Category “B” exempts the conscript from military service; the young man is only enlisted in the reserve. “D” category is assigned to guys who are generally unsuitable for the army. They do not need to undergo a second medical examination. For conscripts with category “G,” the military registration and enlistment office sends a summons for re-examination: this category means that the person is only temporarily unfit for service (until recovery). For example, if a conscript has a body mass index of less than 19, he is given a deferment from military service until this indicator increases.

Army service period in 2015

Recently, one of the most discussed issues is service in the Russian army in 2015, namely, the change in its duration. There are rumors about its increase to 2 years or 32 months. The Russian Ministry of Defense answers this question unequivocally: the Government does not have an order to change the length of military service, and State Duma deputies do not discuss it. Therefore, soldiers will serve as before - 1 year. The head of state noted that in 2015 it is planned to staff the army 100% with privates and sergeants, and the length of military service is not expected to change. The Russian government has introduced another bill to the State Duma, according to which conscripts will be able to choose how they will serve: by conscription or by contract (2 years). The legislative document was approved on February 13, 2014 and came into force. The government believes that such innovations will help increase the level of social security of military personnel. It is planned to allocate additional financial resources for the implementation of the bill in 2016.

Girls want to serve in the army

The State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering the possibility of issuing a new law according to which not only men, but also women will be drafted into the army. It is planned that representatives of the fair sex will be able to join the ranks of soldiers from the age of 18 and if their age does not exceed 27. But if mandatory conscription into the army is established for young people by legislative acts, then for girls it will be on a voluntary basis. If the law comes into force, the barracks will need to be modified to meet the needs of women. But there are no plans to establish a separate daily routine in the army for the female half. An interesting fact is that in Israel girls are considered liable for military service from the age of 18. They undergo military service without any concessions. Compulsory military service also applies in North Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Peru, Libya, Benin, and Eritrea.

How prestigious and strong is the American army?

The US Army is considered to be the best in the world. What secrets of soldier training does she hide? How different is the daily routine in the army? Regarding the second point, the daily routine of the Russian and American armies is not much different. And the Americans do not know the special secrets of training soldiers. The US Army completely lacks the concept of morale and motivation for self-sacrifice. The fighters there are taught to kill. But there are few soldiers willing to die for the ideas of their country. About 2/3 of American officers are not career. Serving in the US Army for 3 years allows soldiers to gain free access to expensive education at American universities. Therefore, the officer corps is partly formed from the poor sections of society who pursue material benefits.

Let's look critically at the daily routine in the army, with the goal of taking what is useful from it for civilian life, if, of course, there is such a thing.

Let's consider the daily routine for the summer period, although now, for example, in Russia the time is not changed. The soldiers rise at 6 o'clock. What can this time of rise do for us? It's better to get up early rather than lie in bed until lunch!

From 6 o'clock to 6:10, that is, 10 minutes are given for dressing and toilet. For a civilian you can take more.

Then charging – 6:10 – 7:00, i.e. 40 minutes. Well, at least 30 minutes is enough for us to do a light warm-up, but this is still necessary.

But we can skip the morning inspection from 7:10 to 7:20, we somehow don’t need it. We control ourselves. We went further according to the daily routine in the army. And then what do we have? Of course breakfast.

We have breakfast in the army from 7:20 to 7:50. Half an hour. If we don’t have to prepare breakfast, then we can probably finish it, breakfast, in half an hour.

  • information, training (depending on the day of the week) - from 7:50 to 8:20, 30 minutes;
  • separation for classes and work – from 8:20 to 8:30, 10 minutes;
  • first class hour – from 8:30 to 9:20, 50 minutes;
  • second class hour – from 9:30 to 10:20, 50 minutes;
  • third class hour – from 10:30 to 11:20, 50 minutes;
  • fourth class hour – from 11:30 to 12:20, 50 minutes;
  • fifth class hour – from 12:30 to 13:20, 50 minutes;
  • sixth academic hour – from 13:30 to 14:20, 50 minutes;

Please note that classes last 50 minutes with 10 minute breaks. In total, classes take up 5 hours in the daily routine in the army. We use these five hours in civilian life for work or study.

Then, after classes, the warriors prepare for lunch (clean their shoes, wash their faces, etc.). 10 minutes are given for this.

And the most favorite thing to do in the army is lunch! It lasts from 14:30 to 14:00, yes, yes, only half an hour... Well, we can afford a whole hour for lunch, without being “poor.”

From 15:20 to 15:30 in the army, afternoon divorce. We, of course, don’t need him, but we will still have to start our civil affairs - either continue working, or do some other business. But, this is already according to our daily routine.

From 15:30 to 17:20 - cleaning weapons, working with equipment, etc., in general, improving the educational and material base (educational facilities). This is approximately 2 hours.

Independent preparation is usually from 17:30 to 18:20, i.e. 50 minutes. From 18:30 to 19:20 – educational work or mass sports. We work out according to our own schedule.

Then, according to the daily routine in the army, there is preparation for dinner, and dinner itself. This is from 19:20 to 20:00. (preparation for dinner – 19:20 – 19:30).

After dinner, the soldiers have personal time, one hour. From 20:00 to 21:00, then watching TV news from 21:00 to 21:30.

Conscription into the armed forces forces any young man to change many of his habits. He has to live in a team with other soldiers, respecting all its rules and laws, and comprehend all the intricacies of army science through many hours of drill, physical, and fire training. But the most difficult thing for many recruits is the need to strictly adhere to the daily routine in the army. The slightest violation of it can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, so you need to know exactly what and how to do at certain times of the day in order to avoid such problems.

Daily routine by the hour

The Army schedule is designed to keep Soldiers combat ready around the clock. By observing it, a warrior will be able to defend his country at any time of the day. Even at night, fighters are able to instantly respond to a combat or training alarm quite adequately, since following the routine makes it possible to obtain a fairly serious margin of safety.

In addition, life according to a schedule teaches soldiers of the Russian army to value literally every minute, to spend it with maximum benefit for themselves and for those around them, and not to waste time.

The day in the armed forces is scheduled literally to the minute. Every soldier knows the routine and in the process of completing the young soldier’s course, which is necessarily carried out before the oath, learns to unconditionally follow it, adapts to such a life according to the schedule. What do fighters do during the day? To answer this question, below we present the main points of the routine of any military unit.

Rise and fall

A soldier who chronically does not get enough sleep is unlikely to be able to effectively fight. That is why the main requirement for the daily routine is eight hours of sleep. In our huge country, wake-up and bedtimes are set in accordance with the time or climate zone, but in most of the territory, fighters for a long time went to bed at 22:00 and got up at 6:00.

In 2013, this item of the schedule was slightly changed. Now the soldiers sleep half an hour more, since the “rise” command sounds to them at 6:30.

In 2019, unit commands are allowed to postpone the rise by an hour on weekends and holidays. This was done in order to allow fighters to fully rest and recover as much as possible after physical exertion.

Physical exercise and time for personal hygiene

Immediately after the rise, the unit goes for physical exercise, which, depending on the type of troops, can last from 15 to 30 minutes. Usually it includes running in formation, as well as warm-up complexes, which allow you to finally wake up and prepare the body for new achievements. In the Airborne Forces or Marine Corps, exercise also includes strength exercises to maintain excellent physical shape.

The changes that were made in 2013 made it possible for unit commanders not to carry out physical exercises on weekends (now there are two of them - Saturday and Sunday), as well as on holidays.

Meal in the army daily routine

Every soldier and officer in the Russian army is provided with three meals a day. For this purpose, there are special standards establishing which products should be used for cooking throughout the week or month. But this is a topic for a separate article, so we will ignore it.

If we talk about breakfast, lunch and dinner in the daily routine, then the time for them is determined in accordance with the same climatic and time zones. The main requirement is that the interval between meals during the day should not be more than 7 hours.

Many recruits have a very difficult time getting used to such a schedule and for quite a long time are forced to fight hunger, reducing all conversations to culinary topics. However, after a month and a half they get used to three meals a day and army food, and after a year they begin to gain weight.

Formation is an integral part of the schedule in the army.

To check the availability of personnel, as well as to set tasks for a certain period of time, several formations are provided in the military daily routine:

  • morning briefing, at which the unit command receives reports from platoon and company commanders on completed tasks and incidents that occurred during the night;
  • divorce carried out immediately after lunch. It allows you to check the presence of soldiers and officers in their places, as well as set tasks for the second half of the day;
  • evening verification, carried out immediately before lights out.

In some units there is also a formation before the end of the working day. It concerns mainly officers and allows you to make sure that none of them goes home before the allotted time.

Other events included in the daily routine

Among other things, the army daily routine may include a number of other activities, which include:

  • morning inspection, which checks the soldiers’ compliance with personal hygiene rules, as well as the condition of their military uniform;
  • classes in drill, physical, fire training, as well as according to the requirements of the charter;
  • maintenance of military equipment, as well as putting weapons in order;
  • self-training;
  • various sporting events;
  • personal time that a fighter can spend on putting his uniform and appearance in perfect order, reading, communicating with family by phone or other purposes;
  • cleaning the territory assigned to a particular unit.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” No. 76 of May 27, 1998 Article 11. Service time and the right to rest

1. The total duration of weekly service time for military personnel performing military service under a contract, with the exception of the cases specified in paragraph 3 of this article, should not exceed the normal duration of weekly working time established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The involvement of these military personnel in the performance of military service duties beyond the established duration of weekly service time in other cases is compensated by rest of the corresponding duration on other days of the week. If it is impossible to provide the specified compensation, the time spent performing military service duties in excess of the established duration of weekly service time is summed up and provided to military personnel in the form of an additional day of rest, which can be added to the main leave at the request of these military personnel. The procedure for recording service time and providing additional days of rest is determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service.

3. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, participating in events that are carried out if necessary without limiting the total duration of weekly service time, at their request, instead of providing an additional day of rest, may be paid monetary compensation in the amount of salary for each additional day of rest required. The procedure and conditions for the payment of monetary compensation are established by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 91 normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week.

The conclusion is that the normal working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week. However, the involvement of these military personnel in the performance of military service duties beyond the established duration of weekly service time in other cases is compensated by rest of the corresponding duration on other days of the week. If it is impossible to provide the specified compensation, the time spent performing military service duties in excess of the established duration of weekly service time is summed up and provided to military personnel in the form of an additional day of rest, which can be added to the main leave at the request of these military personnel. (clause 1). And also clause 2 - monetary compensation may be paid.