Scenario for the April Fool's Day holiday "a clown visiting the guys." Festive scenario “Donut Clown visiting the birthday boy”

Lyudinovskaya Natalia Dmitrievna
MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 10" Karabash,

Chelyabinsk region, Karabash

Scenario for the holiday "Little Clowns"

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Middle group. "B"

Educator: Lyudinovskaya Natalia Dmitrievna.

To the music, the children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Leading: Dear guys, today we invited you to have fun, play, dance! Look, yesterday I received this telegram:

"Kiryusha and Parsley

They will come to visit you in the kindergarten,

Jokes, joke games

They will bring it to you as a gift.”

To the music, the clown Parsley (an adult in a suit) appears riding on a sword.

Parsley: Top, Top, stamp,

I'm going, I'm going, the way is long.

Not a step, not a walk,

On horseback. (Gets off) Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry,

I almost fell off my horse.

I flew into a birch tree,

I touched two bushes with my nose,

And then he fell five times.

Finally got to you.

Hasn’t my brother Kiryushka come to see you yet?( children's answers) oh good, so I'm first! I'll go meet him!

Leaves. The clown Kiryusha appears, also on a sword.


Through a stump through a stump

The goat is jumping - gray side,

Hop-hop, hop-hop,

The gray side goat is galloping!

I'm sitting on a goat

I look in all directions

I'm driving backwards

People are surprised!

Stop, little goat, stop! Well, we've arrived! Hello, guys, girls and boys! So I arrived and was not late at all!

My name is Kiryusha,

I have a brother Petrushka.

He probably overslept

And he hasn't arrived yet.

I'll go look for him! Parsley! AU,AU,AU

Petrushka enters. Parsley: Kiryushka, where are you? AU, AU.!

Kiryushka. And here I am! (Hug)

Parsley and Kiryushka (together) Well, hello, guys, girls and boys! Did you receive our telegram?

Leading. Got it, got it!

Parsley. Then listen carefully, we have a proposal. Do you want to go to the circus? (Children's answers) Then you and I will now go to the performance “Little Clowns”!

Kiryushka. Well, I see big clowns, but where are the little ones?

Parsley. Now don’t rush, help me carry that bag over there! Kiryusha and Petrushkacarry a bag to the music.Along the way, they stumble, fall on each other, scream indignantly and jokingly fight. Finally, they open the bag, take out clown caps from it and put them on the children, then paint each child’s nose and cheeks with lipstick, similar to clown makeup.

Parsley. Well, dear clowns, now we’ll organize such a circus, you’ll just gasp!

Kiryusha. The first act of our program will be jugglers! Do you want to be a juggler? (Children's answers) Then let's start the game.

Conducted game "Catch the ball with a hat." The clowns stand at a short distance opposite the children. On command, the children throw small balls, and the clowns must catch them with two hats that they hold in their hands.

Parsley. And now there is still a game.

The kids had fun!

And it’s called “Give me a word.”

Gray wolf in a dense forest

I met a red...(fox).

The goldfinch sings all day long in a cage at the edge of the forest.

He's in his third year now,

He is afraid of .... (cat).

My sock is missing

He was dragged away by ..... (puppy). Mikhail played football and scored into the goal .... (goal).

Kiryushka. Well done, you clowns,

Guess all the riddles!

Now play in the orchestra!

We'll keep everyone entertained!

Clowns pass out noise-making musical instruments.Orchestra.

Kiryushka. The next number of our program will be a performance of tightrope walkers. You need to walk along a tightrope over a large puddle.

Game "Rope walkers".


Dear clowns, get into the circle quickly!

We will dance together and delight the guests!

Dance "Heel toe".

Kiryushka. The next number of our program is equestrian! Guys, have you seen horses at the circus? And how skillfully do the riders gallop on them? (Children’s answers) You and I will hold a competition, and balls will serve as horses.

Game "Easy Riders"

Parsley. Do you like magic tricks? (Children’s answers)

Then watch! There are boxes in front of you,

I put a handkerchief in it!

Shows the children an open box with a double bottom and puts a scarf in it.

I close it one, two, three! I'll hit you with my stick, look!

Knocks on the box with a “magic wand”

. I open the box.....


But where did the scarf go? We are looking at Anya now. Is there a handkerchief in her pocket?

The girl looks in her pocket and does not find the scarf.

Oh, wait, he’s behind Tanya! He takes out a scarf of the same size and color from the girl’s belt, where it was hung in advance, and shows it to the children.

Parsley. And now - the highlight of the program!

Kiryushka, Children, look how beautiful my umbrella is. This umbrella is not simple, it’s magical!

Parsley. Yes, yes, only you will need to close your eyes tightly and a miracle will happen! One, two, three! Close your eyes and freeze! Parsley opens the umbrella and reveals sweet prizes (candies) suspended from its spokes from the inside. The clowns distribute them to children.

Kiryushka. Guys, today we visited the circus with you, you were very good clowns! Did you like the performance? (Children's answers)

Parsley. Well, then we will come to you again! Wait!

The clowns say goodbye and leave.

Anastasia Timoshenko

Day birth

2 people run into the hall clown(Tyapa and Bluster)

Clowns: Guys, we were invited to your place for a holiday. We were in such a hurry to get to you, we were so afraid of being late. Did we make it in time?

Tyapa: Oh, while we were in a hurry to get to you and forgot what holiday we came to you for?

Children: Day birth.

Crucifix: Whose day is it today? birth?

Tyapa: Come out here to us, birthday boy. Here's a place of honor for you

To the most beautiful "birthday" chair!

Bungler: Today is the day birth, and what needs to be done at the bottom birth?

Children: Need to have fun, rejoice, give gifts, sing songs,

Tyapa: Hooray! Day birth! This is my favorite holiday. Can I be the first to congratulate Artemy on his day? birth!

Bungler: Tyapa, haven’t you forgotten anything?

Tyapa: I? No!

Bungler: You and I were in such a hurry for the day birth that they forgot to say hello to the guys. Oh, we completely forgot!

Tyapa: Ah, now, now! (runs up to each child and shakes hands)

Bungler: Tyapa, so you will say hello until the night! Say hello to everyone at once.

Tyapa: Oh, really, I don’t have enough time until I run around everyone. Hello, good fellows! Hello, beautiful girls! And now attention, attention! I ask those who do not like jokes to close their ears and open their mouths, because now in honor of our roads, we will arrange the most

real fireworks! One, two, three!

(pierces the balloons)

Bungler: How old is our birthday boy?

Artemy: 4 years!

Tyapa: We will clap our hands 4 times!

We stamp our feet 4 times!

Accept Artemy, as a gift this medal with a number "4"!

You will look at her and remember your fun day

birth! Louder, music, play, we'll bake a loaf!

Round dance "Loaf"

Bungler: I funny clown and I love to do different miracles. Don't believe me?

Close your eyes and repeat the magic words with me words:

“Abra-kadabra-sim-sim-sim! (children repeat the words - Clown hands over

birthday girl a magic wand)

Bungler: This is a congratulations wand! Now we will play with her.

Game “Wand-congratulations”

(children pass it from hand to hand to the music, the one on whom the music is playing

finished - dancing with the birthday boy)

Tyapa: And I cheerful clown Tyapa really likes to have fun and play and I want to play a game with you now

Game « Funny Cars» .

Bungler: guys I have another great game for you

Game "Collect the balls"

Tyapa: Well, thank you guys for inviting us to your holiday.

Bungler: Tyapa, didn’t you forget anything?

Tyapa: nothing is certain, ahhh I forgot to say goodbye to the guys.

Bungler: Tyapa, do you know what for the day birth it is customary to give gifts you came for the day birth and you’re already saying goodbye, but you didn’t give the birthday boy a gift.

Tyapa: That’s right, I completely forgot, thank you bungler that at least you didn’t forget about it, they give a gift to the birthday boy and say goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

Designed for children aged 2 - 4 years old. The scenario is suitable for celebrating a birthday with the family. Venue: apartment. Number of guests.

"Birthday of the clown Lyapa." Entertainment in the second junior group Goal: Creating conditions for an emotionally prosperous climate in the group, the accumulation of positive emotions in the interaction of children and adults.

Who is the most positive hero at many children's parties? Well, of course the CLOWN! And if you didn’t call him, then most likely you visited yourself.

Summary of the role-playing game for children of the senior group “Birthday of the Bim-Bom Clown” Role-playing games allow children to develop their creative abilities, their imagination and artistry, and teach them to get used to the image of a particular character.

Self-analysis of the lesson “Balls for a clown” Lesson Analysis

Rybakova Olga Alexandrovna,

musical director

MAOU secondary school No. 2, Neman, Kaliningrad region

"Clown visiting the guys"


Ved. A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases, (SLIDE 2)

We're having fun this morning.

Summer gives us a ringing holiday,

And the main guest on it is the game.

Music plays and a train with a telegram appears on the screen. (SLIDE 3)

Ved. Look, the locomotive brought us a telegram.

“I am the cheerful clown Klepa,

I'll come visit you soon.

Jokes, games, jokes

I’ll bring it to you as a gift!”

Guys, how will Klepa find us? Let's clap loudly, stomp merrily, meow loudly, grunt merrily. And now, kids, let’s all shout “hurray” loudly!

Children clap... (SLIDE 4)

Klepa enters.

Klepa. Here I am! Long time no see!

Are you tired of waiting, and perhaps offended?

Ved. How can I tell you? Not that very...

Well, since you came, say hello, you see, there’s an audience.

Klepa. I don't see any bagel!

Ved. Not the bagel, but the audience. Say hello to the guys!

Klepa. A! They would have said so right away! Hello viewers!

Would you like to fight with me?

Ved. Klepa! What are you saying?

Klepa. What did I say? Hello viewers!

Would you like to compete with me?

Ved. But I heard something else... And what to compete in?

Klepa. Well, for example, who will open his mouth wider! So guys, 1 – 2 – 3!

(children open their mouth “A”)

Now who can scream louder! Come on, 1 – 2 – 3!

(children shout "Oh")

Ved. You know, Klepa, I’ll tell you in advance, we don’t need such competitions!

Klepa. Come on, I was joking. But how much fun it immediately became!

Ved. All! Stop opening your mouth and screaming!

It's time for us to dance!

Can you dance?

Klepa. Of course, my Aunt Motya taught me to dance. Do you want me to teach you too?

DANCE “Aunt Veselchak” (SLIDE 4)

Klepa. Guys, did you receive the telegram?

Ved. We got it, we got it.

Klepa. Then listen carefully, I have a suggestion:

Do you want to visit the circus?

Children. Yes!

Klepa. Then you and I will now go to the circus for the performance “The Clown and the Clowns.”

Ved. Klepa, I guessed it. We already have a clown - it’s you, and the clowns will be children - the most fun children in the world.

Klepa. Guys, do you agree? Then repeat after me

“One - two - three, spin around,

Turn the kindergarten into a circus!” (children repeat)

Child. You can’t help but love the circus, the circus is definitely a holiday

Haven't you dreamed of meeting them, friends?

Remember, a long time ago your mother smiled at you

Tomorrow we are going to the circus, there is a new program there.

Child. Circus always means smile and enthusiasm

There a magician will surprise you and a juggler will surprise you.

There will be courage in the parade, there will be an acrobat doing somersaults

Everything the clown does is funny and out of place!


Klepa. Hooray! It worked! We're at the circus! Now we’ll organize such a circus here, you’ll just gasp!

Let's start our performance with a parade alley.

VED. Klepa, what is this?

Klepa Parade-alle is the exit of all participants in the circus performance before it begins. Clowns, come out and show yourself.



Klepa. The first act of our program will be jugglers!

Do you want to be a juggler? And we will play with circus hats and rings. (children's answers)

GAME “CATCH THE RING WITH YOUR HAT” (children stand in a circle, Klepa and the Leader are in the center of the circle, with rings for throwing rings; children pass hats around the circle: “Give the hat to a friend, catch the ring in your hat!” Klepa and the leader throw the ball and ring to the one who ended up with the words .)


Ved. Circus riddles,

Guess it, clowns!

Who performs in the arena?

Everyone knows these animals.

1. The ring is on fire, it is burning,

The gymnast flies through the ring,

In flight he fluffed up his mane

And he wagged his tail playfully.

Answer: Leo

2. A juggler performs on stage (SLIDE 8)

He throws balls with his trunk

Standing on one paw, on one

He is very nice and funny.

Answer: Elephant

3.He used to sleep in a den, (SLIDE 9)

The circus invited him to come.

He lifts weights -

The circus performer is strong.

Answer: Bear

VED. Well done, you clowns

We solved all the riddles!

And the time has come again

Perform in the circus arena.

And circus animals will perform: giraffes, zebras and even elephants.



Klepa The performance continues!

We invite tightrope walkers to perform.


Klepa Klownyatki, do you want to become a tightrope walker?


VED. The fun continues (SLIDE 12)

Let's cheer up!

Get into the circle quickly

Let's dance more fun!

DANCE game "Circus" (SLIDE 12)


Klepa And now meet me! In the arena of the Rough Riders circus!


Klepa Clownies, do you want to become equestrians?

Let's start preparing, go out to practice.


VED. Circus musicians, (SLIDE 16)

Show me your talents

SONG GAME “FUNNY ORCHESTRA” (song accompanied by a children's orchestra).


Klepa And now the tricks! Do you love magic tricks?

1. MAGICAL PERFORMANCE - color the water different colors

2. FOCUS WITH A BOX (double bottom)

And in the box there are treats for children.

Clown. Guys, don't be shy, smile more often!

And stay so cheerful!

Congratulations to everyone on the holiday of laughter!!!

Song "Smile"

Klepa and the children go out into the street, where the children are drawing a circus on the asphalt.

Scenario: CLOWNS and CLOWN KIDS.

Ved: Dear guys, today we invited you to have fun, play, dance. Look, yesterday I received this telegram:

"Kirushka and Parsley

They will come to visit you,

Jokes, games, jokes

They will bring it to you as a gift"

(There is a knock on the door, Petrushka appears riding on a stick, singing a song).

Parsley: Stomp, stomp, stomp,

I'm going, I'm going on a long journey.

Not in steps, not on foot,

And riding on a stick.

(Gets off the stick.)

I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry, I almost fell off my horse.

I ran into a birch tree, hit two bushes with my nose,

And then I fell five times, finally I got to you.

Guys, hasn’t my brother Kiryusha come to see you yet? Okay, so I'm first. I'll go meet him.

(Leaves, Kiryusha appears).

Kiryusha: (jumps on a stick horse).

Over a stump, over a stump, a goat jumps, gray side,

Jump-jump, jump-jump, the gray goat is jumping!

I'm sitting on a goat, looking in all directions,

I’m driving backwards, people are surprised!

Stop, little goat, stop! Well, at least backwards, but I got there.

Hello kids, girls and boys!

So I arrived and was not late at all,

My name is Kiryushka, I have a brother Petrushka

He probably overslept and hasn’t arrived yet.

Guys, Petrushka didn’t come? I'll go look for him. Parsley-ah, ah, ah!

(Petrushka enters).

Parsley: Kiryushka, where are you? Ay, ay!

Kiryushka: Here I am! (Hug)

Together: Well, hello, kids, girls and boys! You received our telegram!

Children: We got it, we got it!

Parsley: Then listen carefully, we have a proposal. Do you want to visit the circus?

Children: Yes.

Parsley: Then you and I will now go to the circus for the performance “Clowns and Clowns”.

Kiryushka: Well, I see the clown, but where are the clowns?

Parsley: Now, don’t rush, help me carry that bag over there!

(A comic scene occurs: Kiryushka and Petrushka carry a bag and open it to the music, the clowns fall, play around, playfully fight, etc.

Then the clowns open the bag, take caps and put them on the children, and also smear lipstick on each child's nose and cheeks).

Parsley: Well, my dear clowns, now we’ll organize such a circus here, just gasp!

Kiryushka: The first number of our program will be jugglers! Do you want to be a juggler?

Children: Yes.

The game is being played.

"Catch the ball with your hat."

The game involves clowns and two children. Children are given a hat. They stand at a short distance opposite the clowns. On command, the clowns throw small balls, and the children must catch them with their hats. The game is repeated several times.

Parsley: And now there is still a game. Have fun kids! And it's called-

"Give me a word"

Gray wolf in a dense forest

I met a redhead...

Children: /fox/

Kiryusha: The goldfinch sings all day long

In a cage on the window,

He's in his third year, he's afraid...

Children: Cats!

Parsley: My sock is missing

He dragged him away...

Children: Puppy!

Kiryusha: Mikhail played football

And scored into the goal...

Children: Goal!

Parsley: Well done you clowns,

We solved all the riddles.

And now - to play in the orchestra,

We will entertain everyone!

(Children create a noise orchestra. It plays any folk melody.)

Kiryusha: The next number of our program will be a performance of rope walkers. You need to cross a rope over a large puddle. But since you are still beginner clowns, bricks will serve as a rope for you.

The game is being played « Tightrope walkers."

There are 2 paths made of wooden bricks laid out on the floor. These are ropes. There are two players. At the signal, children run along the “Rope”. The winner is the one who does not end up on the floor after falling from the “rope”.

Parsley: Hurry up, clowns! Get into the circle quickly!

We will dance together and delight the guests!

(Everyone is dancing merrily).

Kiryusha: The next issue of our program will be “Dashing Riders”. Have you guys seen horses at the circus? How do riders ride them? You and I will hold a competition, and balls will serve as horses.

The game "Dashing Riders" is being played.

2-3 children playing. They are given a large inflatable ball. They squeeze the balls between their legs. At a signal, children move to the opposite wall of the hall and back. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Parsley: And now - tricks! Do you love magic tricks?

Children: Yes.

Parsley: there is a box in front of you, I put a scarf in it.

(Shows the box, it has a double bottom).

I close it one, two, three!

I'll hit you with my stick, look!

I open the box...... (surprised)

But where did the scarf go?

We are watching now at Anya’s

Is there a handkerchief in your pocket?

(the girls look in their pockets and don’t find the scarf)

Oh, by the way, he’s behind Tanya.

(Parsley takes out a scarf and shows it to the children. The scarf was hung there in advance).

Kiryusha: And now we will have a deadly number!

Parsley: I ask those who are nervous to leave the hall!

Kiryusha: Children, look how small my cap is. Now I will perform magic on him, he will begin to grow and grow big.

Parsley: Yes, yes, but you need to close your eyes tightly, otherwise the trick won’t work. One, two, three! Close your eyes and freeze!

/ parsley watches the children so that they don’t peep. At this time, the small cap changes to a large one, and it contains prizes. Prizes are given to children).

Kiryusha: Guys, today we visited the circus. You were very good clowns. Tell me, did you like the performance?

Children: YES.

Parsley: Well, then we will come to you again. Wait!

(Parsley and Kiryusha say goodbye).

When a child's birthday approaches, parents are faced with the question of how to celebrate it? The easiest option for parents is to invite little guests to a children's entertainment center or cafe with a children's menu. The most profitable option is to invite the children home and organize the holiday yourself. If for some reason parents don’t want to entertain the kids themselves or don’t have enough time to prepare, then entertainment professionals can help - children's animators. Fortunately, there are now plenty of agencies providing this service, and you can choose a program to suit every taste.

To celebrate the holiday you will need:

  • An adult clown costume (can be improvised, as long as there is a nose and a wig);
  • Clown noses for children (according to the number of invited guests), some other attributes are possible, for example, wigs, headbands with pigtails, ties, etc.;
  • Whatman paper and drawing media;
  • A selection of fun music;
  • Balloons;
  • Small souvenirs for prizes;
  • Delicious food and a cheerful mood.

Entertainment script.

It is best for children to eat at the festive table before the start of the entertainment program. And you will have time to change clothes and prepare for competitions.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, a clown appears with a bunch of balloons (there should be the number of balloons for the number of children, plus 1 for the clown).

Clown: Hello! Friends! How glad I am to see you! What kind of holiday are you having?

(children answer)

Clown:(asks again) - Jam day? (No). Cookie day? (No). Day of torment? (No). A-a-a, School Day? (No). Got it, got it! Birthday!!! (Yes).

Clown: There are so many of you! Let's get acquainted! I know one fun game called “Tender Names.” Stand in a circle. We will throw a ball to each other and say our name. The one who catches the ball must call this name affectionately. Then throw the ball to the next person and say your name. Let me start. My name is Button (throws the ball to one of the children). Child: “Button”, etc. until each child says his name.

Clown: That's how we met! Now, I suggest you join the clown corps and have fun until you drop! Do you want it? (children answer)

Clown: Then you need to undergo a special rite of passage to become a clown. Now let's check how attentive you are children. (The clown plays the game “Attentive Listeners”). All guests stand in a circle. The clown stands in the center of the circle. The driver (clown) gives commands, and he himself carries them out exactly the opposite. Children should listen carefully to the clown and only do what he says, not what he does. For example, the clown says: “sit down,” and he rises on his toes, while the children must squat down; “hands up”, and he lowers himself down, etc.

Clown: Well done! We completed the task! Now, I can accept all of you as merry fellows - mischievous people. (Hands out clown noses and other attributes). We are now going to a cheerful clown country called “Laughterland”, and we will fly there in balloons. All children take a balloon and run around the room to cheerful music.

Clown: Now, let's play with your balloons. (Game “Keep the ball in the air”). Let's see whose ball will hang in the air longer and not fall to the floor. To prevent it from falling, you need to blow on the ball from below, like this. (The clown demonstrates how to hold the ball) Now try it! (A game is played. The child whose ball was in the air the longest receives a prize from the clown).

Clown: How clever you all are! Now we'll see how serious you are. This is a test of seriousness. The game is called "Bug". Now, with the help of a counting rhyme, we will choose who will be the first bug. (They choose). Now everyone stands in a circle, and the little insect gets on all fours and, crawling in a circle, says:

I'm a boo-bu-bu-bu-bug!


I'm red, I'm blue!

I'm the most beautiful!

Whoever laughs first repeats all the same actions and words. Thus, two insects crawl. Whoever laughs next also repeats everything. There are three of them. And this continues until there is only one player left or none at all. The last player remaining earns a prize.

Clown: You guys are very funny! Remind me why today is a holiday?! (Birthday). What do they do at all birthdays? (dancing). I also invite you to perform my favorite dance - “Lavata”. Children dance along with the clown, repeating the movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

Clown: We had a great dance! And now I propose to draw a portrait of our birthday boy! But we won’t be drawing quite normally! I have prompts here that tell you what part of the body each of you will draw. Pull out a picture for yourself. (Children pull out a picture from a clown’s hat, on each of them are drawn parts of the body that one or another child will draw. On whatman paper, guests take turns drawing a portrait of the birthday boy in accordance with the prompt cards. After the portrait is ready, you can glue children's multi-colored palms with the names of the guests, prepared in advance.

Clown: Well done! You made a very beautiful portrait! Now let's see how smart you are. Let's play the game "Guess who I am?" I have pictures here, but I won't show them to you. You yourself will try to guess what is shown there. You see, the pictures are not simple, they have holes for the head. Stick your head into the hole and try to guess who you are in this picture. You can ask questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” (They play a game).

If the children are not tired, you can show them two to four children's tricks, for which you need to prepare in advance.

Clown: Who's birthday is it today? (Children call). Then quickly start singing your birthday loaf! (They play the game “Loaf”).

Clown: What is missing from our birthday? Of course the jetta!!!

The clown brings out a cake with candles. You can purchase self-igniting candles for more fun.

Clown: Everyone please come to the table!

While the children are drinking tea, you can play another game.

Clown: While you enjoy the cake, let's compose a greeting from all of us. Only, bad luck, the words in the congratulations were all mixed up and here it turned out to be something that our birthday boy did not need to wish for. Can you help me figure it out? I will read a congratulation, if the wish fits, you shout “yes”, and if it doesn’t fit, then shout “no”. Are you ready? Let's start!

Happy Torment Day! (No)

Happy Birthday! (Yes)

We wish you happiness and joy! (yes)

Grow (name of the birthday boy) bigger, (yes)

Definitely become fatter, (no)

And beautiful (s), and funny (s), (yes)

Both loud and pugnacious. (no)

Be kind and give care, (yes)

To be mean is to bring everyone to tears! (no)

For mommy to love (yes)

With a strap to hit me more often (no)

She fed me chocolates. (Yes)

And grandma made cheesecakes,

Yes, delicious buns! (yes).

You can end the holiday with a fun disco and cutting prizes from a string.