The matinee on March 8 is interesting. Competition "Tender words". Boys come out to the music of gentlemen

Lead Squirrel 1:
In a clearing in the forest,
Under a tall pine tree
Early in the morning there was a roar,
All the forest people came running!

Animals run in

What's happened? What's the matter?
We won't understand anything!

A holiday is coming, mother's day,
I was too lazy to wake up
I slept soundly all winter
And I didn’t get the gift,

The frost is over now,
And Mishka has only tears...
What about mom without a gift?
I feel very, very sorry for my mother!

Lead Squirrel 2:
Bunnies approached Mishka,
Very friendly guys

They say:

Hare 1:
Stop crying
You are not a hare, but a bear!
We will all help
Happy spring to moms!
We will write on the Internet
Announcement about the concert.

Hare 2:
"Open the doors wider,
All animals are welcome
Who can dance
Read poetry by heart

Come show me
And help the bear.
Today is Mother's Day
Speak if you are not too lazy!

More hares come out to march

Hare 3:
The bear was very confused
Groma was very frightened,
This is a squad of bunnies
Happy to congratulate moms

No. 1 Performance of hares (with drums or tambourines, march and formation).

Lead Squirrel 1:
The fox came first
Forests of local beauty,
I recited the poems by heart,
I congratulated my mother from the bottom of my heart!

I love my mommy very much,
I will give her the first snowdrops!
Be always happy, my mommy,
Smile more often, I love you!

I'm in the studio in the spring
She gathered the forest people,
We prepared flowers
Unprecedented beauty!

Children run out in animal costumes and line up with flowers.

We didn't pick flowers
We cut them ourselves
Glued, bent,
They painted with paint!

We all tried very hard
And they worked hard
We weren't too lazy to do it
Flowers for mom, on mom's day!

Children give flowers to their mothers and form a rainbow

Moms, we love you very much,
We will always help you,
We'll sing a song now,
To congratulate you on Women's Day!

No. 2 Song about mom.

Lead Squirrel 2:
The birds have arrived
Small forest creatures
They are famous for their sonorous singing
And beauties!

Birds appear


Open your eyes wider
The birds have learned the dance,
We want to congratulate moms
Let's all take off in a light dance!

No. 3 Dance of the birds.

I'm tired of crying
I'm not a crybaby, but a bear!
Put your ears on top of your heads,
I'll sing ditties now!

Come on, bears, run out
And help your brother!

2 more bears run out

No. 4 Ditties

About girls, about girlfriends,
We'll sing little ditties
And from the stage together, amicably
Let's congratulate them on Women's Day!

I am my friend Klava
I will not allow you to offend!
Only I have the right
To drag her by the braid!

And my friend Luda
He will come to visit you to play,
Let him wash all the dishes
And he will collect toys!

Put some candy in your pocket
I wanted to treat Dasha,
Dasha lingered somewhere,
Well, I ate the candy!

All the girls in our group
Clever beauties,
We love them very, very much
We really like them!

Bear 2:
Hey boys, run out
And congratulations to your girlfriends
Happy wonderful holiday,
Funny, interesting!

The boys run out and give the girls gifts.

Ubiquitous Internet
I revealed a big secret to everyone,
What's in spring, March 8
They give gifts to women!
From the banks where there are bananas,

Hot dance "Chunga-changa"

No. 5 Dance “Chunga-changa”.

Lead Squirrel 1:
For beloved mothers,
Relatives, irreplaceable,
The girls learned the song
And we didn’t forget a word!
Performing now
Dear mothers, for you!

No. 6 Song about mom (performed by girls)

Lead Squirrel 2:
We sang and danced here,
Moms, girlfriends were congratulated,
And now, I'm not kidding,
I want to congratulate my grandmother!

No. 7 Poem about grandmother

No. 8 Song-dance “Our Grandmother”

Lead Squirrel 1:
The concert is coming to an end,
No one leaves the hall,
Together with my mother, in a round dance,
Stand up, forest people!

No. 8 General dance with mothers.

Adult presenters- group teachers.
Children presenters- girl and boy.

Progress of the holiday.

1 Presenter:
Good afternoon, dear ladies!
We are glad to welcome grandmothers and mothers in our hall!

2 Presenter:
Today all the best words are just for you!
And we will read the congratulations now!

Music sounds, children enter the hall. Performing the dance “We are the best!”

1 Presenter:
So let me continue -
Let us dignify our leaders!
Before you are the magnificent Max and the incomparable Emilia.

A musical beat sounds. The leading children go to the middle of the hall.

We are opening our concert,
We want to emphasize here:
We dedicate it to all women:
We invite you to relax today!

After all, it’s no secret that our mothers
Sometimes they don’t even rest.
So, we start the holiday
And we dedicate this song to my mother!

Song about mom. Children sit on chairs. The holiday is continued by the children presenters

We thought and wondered for a long time,
And even in quiet times we didn’t sleep,
They couldn't solve everything,
What is the best gift for mom?

I think that every mother
I wanted to get a picture in a frame,
Or a bottle of French perfume,
A trip to a boutique... What could be better for a mother?

It could be a great gift,
Well, where is your personal contribution visible?
Buy a painting or perfume...
After all, they are expensive.

Yes, I think we need to write a poem,
Or a melodic song...or maybe give a dance?
We will not hesitate, friends,
It's time to reveal the secret!

You haven't seen anything like this, you didn't know
What we will show in our hall.
We open the veil of secrecy -
“Love at first sight” program...
Together: Introducing!

A musical beat sounds. A huge fake heart is displayed on the podium

2 Presenter:
The birth of a child for mother reward,
And this love at first sight.
(pays attention to the heart)
A woman's heart. What is it like?
Full of bottomless love for the child.

1 Presenter:
A child's heart, although not big,
Fully filled with love.
Listen, mothers, these are the poems,
They are permeated with tenderness.

Children read poems about mothers

2 Presenter:
Many kind words have been said,
Every child is ready to confess their love.

1 Presenter:
So, I summarize:
Your mother is fashionable and young,
Heels are clicking on the pavement,
Fashionable dress, beads, -
Just what you need, a flawless look!

2 Presenter:
Why aren't they models? - For them now
We organize fashion shows of the week.

1 Presenter:
So, pay attention! Let's start the countdown!
Moms, be brave, the podium is waiting for you!

Mothers walk down the catwalk in twos. The presenters comment:

2 Presenter:
I won’t lie, very bold decisions!
I think these models
You just need to take it on board!

1 Presenter:
What lightness and grace!
You deserve a standing ovation! (applause sounds)

And as a sign of gratitude to our mothers -
We will show you the “Naughty Sailors” dance.

Individual dance “Naughty Sailors”.

2 Presenter:
Our love for our mothers is limitless,
We present this flower to you personally.
May he always warm your heart,
May it never lose heart.

The presenters attach the first flower to the heart.

We want to give our hearts
Not only our mothers
And to your grandmothers.
After all, our parents are
Their children are forever.
Do you agree with me, Max?

Well, of course, Mila, yes!
I ask for silence! A moment of attention:
Let's start confessing our love to grandmothers!

Children read poems about grandmothers.

Boy: I don’t know which grandmother is the best?
Girl: They need to be invited here soon.

Grandmothers come to the podium and walk to applause

1 Presenter:
Our grandmothers' outfits are simply adorable!
And they, in my opinion, are in no way inferior to my mother’s!

2 Presenter:
Yes, can you really call them grannies?
Just look at what figures they have?
Dressed - well, just classy!
I think that Zaitsev and Yudashkin worked hard for you! (addresses grandmothers)

No, not great couturiers from fashion houses, models,
We knit and sew this ourselves and now we wanted to demonstrate it!

Yes, our grandmothers are always busy:
And I’ll tell you a secret, they rest only in their dreams.
They knit, cook, clean the apartment,
They don’t forget to play with us grandchildren,
In a word, they don’t get bored and never get discouraged!

Today, grannies, put things aside,
You will have a rest at our holiday!
Listen to the song we are singing now:
The words of compliments in it are just for you!

Song about grandmother “Young grandmother” music. A. Evtodieva.

1 Presenter:
So, we attach the second flower to the heart,
We leave this corner for caring grandmothers!
Grandmothers, dear ones, don’t get sick!
And a message to your grandchildren: have pity on your grandmothers!

The presenters attach another flower to the heart.

2 Presenter:
Well, we won’t be bored -
It's time for us to continue the celebration!

We have a very big heart,
There is an unlimited amount of love in him - that’s it!

(shows, spreading his arms)

Our teachers are very charming!
They are fair and attentive to us!
We dedicate these words to you,
We are very grateful and grateful to you!

Children read poems about teachers

It's not a secret we're revealing now
We call our teachers second mother,
We read, sculpt, play with them,
We are discussing serious topics!

And now we invite you to rest,
Listen to a lullaby, and if you want, take a nap!

Lullaby for mom.

We give this flower to the teachers,
We collect all the children's love into it!

We attach another flower to the heart.

1 Presenter:
Well, well, there’s a small spot left on my heart:
This is our boys to girls recognition!

Boys come out to the music of gentlemen

2 Presenter:
Yes, before us are true gentlemen:
And the cane, and the hat, even the mustache (surprised),
Amazing changes!

1 Presenter:
This is all great, but I have a question:
Who did you dress like that for? And why is there such a demand for mustaches?

We won’t keep you guessing for long,
We'll give the gentlemen the floor.

Game "Compliments".

(boys give girls/mothers compliments)

We will not speak in vain -
And we will never forget you, beauties!
And in continuation of congratulations at this very hour
Let me invite you girls to a waltz!

Children dance the waltz.

2 Presenter:
Yes, our boys deserve the title of “Real Men”
They will reach the highest peaks in life!

1 Presenter:
I want to attach this flower from the boys to my heart,
Dedicate it to our girls!

The beat sounds. The presenters attach the next flower to the heart.

1 Presenter:
Adults have been going to work for many years now.
And everyone has their own worries, and there are no free minutes!

Children are growing up nearby: they are being led to kindergarten,
When they grow up, they have to go to school, and then they rush to the university.

Oh, how difficult it is for us to notice the rhythm of today's children:
Either they are playing “at school”, or they are not up to the task!

Discuss: what? How much? Where is the best place to build a house?
Here today and now...
We will play one of our everyday scenes for you...

Comic scene"Old grandmothers."

1 Presenter:
It's a joke. But seriously, I have one question:
Despite the hair color, mom’s look and dad’s height...
Who do your children want to be like?

2 Presenter:
We won't make you wait long,
Let's sing a song!

Song "I wish I could be like..."

After the song, the presenters attach the last flower to the heart.

1 Presenter:
Our hearts are on fire,
Look how much love there is in him now!
I think this love
Over the years it will only get stronger and will delight you again!

2 Presenter:
The holiday has come to an end,
And as it should be according to the example -
I would like to wish you all: (addresses mothers and grandmothers)
Let there be time to rest,

Wear clothes, sing songs...
You only get younger with age!
And never lose heart
And keep up with the kids!

There was less hassle for everyone,
May the holiday last all year long!

Children perform a dance with scarves.

The presenters invite parents and children to the group.

for mothers and grandmothers from pupils senior group

MK Preschool Kindergarten No. 1 Nekrasovka village

“My mom is the best in the world.”

The entire concert is performed by children. The song “About Spring” is playing in the background.

Music the leader plays “N. Roth’s Melody”,

3 children come out (2 girls and 1 boy).

    (girl): Mom, mommy, mommy,

How much is in this word

Tenderness and caresses

How much is in this word

Warmth and fairy tales!

Mom, mommy, mommy,

You are my angel, you are my friend,

Mom, mommy, mommy,

Let everyone around you know

    (boy): I love you very, very much!

I love you so much that I can’t sleep in the dark at night,

I peer into the darkness, I urge the dawn

I love you all the time, mommy!

Now the dawn is shining, now it’s dawn,

There is no better mom in the whole world!

    I love you, mom!

For what? I don't know.

Probably because I breathe and dream,

And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day

This is why I love you, dear!

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around

I love you, mom

You are my best friend!

One line at a time:

    We want to open the concert now

    Everything for you - for grandmothers, for mothers,

    For our dear sisters

Together: We dedicate this holiday to you!

A melody sounds (N. Rota), the children leave.

The boys come out to the same tune and line up in two lines. The boys are holding balloons in the shape of hearts on sticks. The girls will come out later with balloons in the form of stars.

    Dance “Mirror Waltz” (“Heart for Mom”) (They give their balls to moms).

    Mommy, my love, you are my dear,

The best in the world, I know for sure!

You are the only one, Mommy, so kind!

The very best, my mother!

I want to hug you now

And bow down at your feet!

I whisper in your ear

I love you! Thank you mom!

    (for a girl): Thank you, mommy, for giving me life,

I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

For not sleeping at night, raising me,

For everything, thank you for everything!

    (for a boy): Let me kiss your hands,

Let your hearts hear the running.

You, so dear,

Ready to hug the whole century!

Mom, congratulations to you,

And like dew in the morning

I wish you to shine

Mom, I love you!

To the center 4 girls run out - soloists who sing the chorus, the rest of the children sing the chorus.

    Song "About Mom"

Children sit on chairs, 3 boys remain in the center of the hall.

    So that my mother will never be upset,

To keep my mother from getting sick, she smiled more often.

    So that my mother has a kinder boss at work,

And so that she has enough money to spoil her children.

    So that dad gives mom flowers every day,

May all your mother’s cherished dreams come true!

They take their seats.

2 girls come out:

    My dear mother, my dear,

More than anyone in the world, I love you.

How are you from work, mommy, I'm waiting,

Whenever the bell rings, I run to the door.

Without you, candy tastes bitter in my mouth

And my toys are sad without you.

    I will never upset my mother,

I will always help mommy.

Beautiful, young, beloved mothers,

We will now congratulate

We will give them the Tango dance.

5 boys come out to the accompaniment, invite their girls, and stand in the designated places.

    Dance "Tango"

After the dance, the boys lead the girls to their seats.

4 children come out (4 boys and 1 girl ).

    (boy): They say I’m my mother’s tail,

I’m nowhere without my mom!

Well, tell me, is it possible?

Can you live without me for half a day?

    (boy): If, suddenly, I start playing,

And mommy is not around,

Of course I'll be scared

And of course I run to her!

    (girl): I’m next to my mom in the kitchen,

We go on errands together,

And together we watch a cartoon,

Divide the pear in half.

    (boy): Mom’s tail, I’m my favorite,

Mom is also without me,

Can't live for a minute

Without your favorite tail!

The melody “N. Rota", children line up in a semicircle and sing a song.

4. “Mommy, dear, my mother!”

The children take their seats.

1 boy and 1 girl come out.

Boy: The girl is a mystery, and we can’t solve it!

Either give her a toy, or let’s play hide and seek.

Then tear off this flowerbed, then give her boots,

Then bring some chocolate, stop fooling your brains!

Girl: We don’t fool anyone, we are always patient,

But if we want something and don’t do it, there will be trouble!

Let's pout and turn away and don't come to us,

We’ll also burst into tears – don’t expect anything else here!

Boy: Oh, mom! Well, what should I do?

Do you think we should remain silent?

Girl: And mom answered: “Don’t contradict, always give in to girls in a dispute!”

2 boys come out.

    Dear girls,

You are just princesses!

Beautiful, gentle,

Like a snowdrop!

You are smiling, like a clear sun,

I have never met more beautiful girls!

    And what eyes, what eyelashes,

It’s simply impossible not to fall in love with you!

We cordially congratulate you

And we dedicate this dance to you!

The boys take flowers. The dance is performed by 5 boys and 5 girls. Everyone takes their place.

    Dance – re-enactment with flowers “Mom, I fell in love”

They take their seats.

3 boys come out.

    I've been suffering for four days

My tooth is loose.

I'm wandering around the apartment,

My nose is already swollen from tears.

Mom and grandma console

They say: All children

Teeth also fall out

Dad to me: Don’t you dare cry!

    I'm screaming to break up

I don’t want it with a tooth at all!

The tooth is still very good

Served me for five years!

So what if it's milky?

I have treasured it all my life!

    Mom hugged me tenderly

He says: It’s in vain, son, you’ve become soggy,

Here, eat an apple,

Apple is a magical fruit.

I bit it... and then

Mine fell out baby tooth!

Now I'm in front of the mirror

I look at my mouth,

Without hiding my surprise:

Oh, there's a new tooth growing there!

They take their seats.

2 boys and 2 girls come out to sing.

    Song "Milk tooth"

They take their seats.

2 boys and 1 girl come out.

    (boy takes out a saucepan, glass and spoon):

This is how this light works

What any object sounds like.

And the pan and the glass,

If only there was a musician.

And even if there is no guitar -

Any item will do.

He knocks on the glass with a spoon and on the pan.

    (boy takes out a frying pan and a key):

The table may even sound

If you know how to knock.

No trombone - no problem,

But there is a frying pan.

Put the keys in it -

And knock yourself, knock.

He knocks the key on the frying pan.

    (girl takes out high-heeled shoes)

There is music in the house,

If your door squeaks.

Beat fractions with your heels -

It will be more fun in the house...

Knocks heel on heel.

Together: Conductors come out, show the orchestra for mothers!

All the children come out, take the instruments under the chairs - the boys line up, the girls stand parallel.

Two soloists - conductors (boys).

    Noise orchestra – performance of “Conductors” (Mozart’s “Turkish Rondo”)

The girls leave the hall, the boys take their seats.

2 boys come out.

    Mom is sleeping, she's tired,

But I didn’t play either!

I don't start a top

I sat down and sat.

My toys don't make noise

Quiet in the empty room,

And on my mother's pillow

The golden ray steals.

    And I said to the beam

I want to move too!

I would sing a song

I could laugh

There's so much I want!

Together (whispering): The beam darted along the wall,

And then he slid towards me.

“Nothing,” he whispered, as if,

Let's sit in silence!

They take their seats.

A girl comes out wearing her mother’s high heels and reads a poem.

Why, why,

Why is everything wrong?

Why does mom have shoes?

In high heels?

I'll put them on quickly

And on the floor: knock, knock, knock.

Now, it's another matter,

This heel suits me.

The girls come out in a chain in high heels and line up in a semicircle to sing ditties. Each girl sings one ditty; to lose, the girls show the poses of fashion models.

    Song Mom's Shoes

They sit down and take off their shoes.

1 boy comes out.

    Dear mother, dear,

Best of all - one of these!

Even if I'm naughty

I still love you!

I promise I won't

Tearing clothes, breaking dishes,

To drive dust through the rooms,

Walk in the yard all day,

Argue, quarrel, get angry, -

I agree to change.

But please keep in mind

Only when I grow up!

Presenter: Now moms, get up

Play with your kids.

Explains the rules of the game.

    Game “Following Mom’s footsteps”

Each child stands opposite his mother (at different ends of the hall). The child lays out one cardboard trail at a time and moves forward to his mother, the mother must kiss her child. The game is played with musical accompaniment.

3 children come out (2 girls, 1 boy).

    Mom has a job

Dad has work

They still have Saturday for me,

And grandma is always at home!

She never scolds me!

He will sit you down and feed you:

“Don’t rush!

Well, what happened to you, tell me?”

I say, and grandma

Doesn't interrupt

Buckwheat grain by grain

Sits and sorts...

We feel good like this, together,

And a house without a grandmother is not a home.

    (boy): My grandmother is with me,

And that means I’m the boss in the house,

I can open cabinets,

Water the flowers with kefir,

Play pillow football

And clean the floor with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands?

Slam the door on purpose!

But this won’t work with mom.

I already checked!

    I think I don't sleep at night:

What will I give grandma?

Maybe a book? Maybe a bear?

Maybe a doll or a baby?

She doesn't need toys.

My words are important to her!

So I say: “Granny!

Do you know how much I love you?!”

Children line up in a semicircle to sing a song.

    Song "Grandmothers - Old Ladies"

1 girl comes out:

You guys don't interfere with us.

I do laundry with my mom together.

To make the dress cleaner,

And the scarf was whiter,

I rub without sparing soap,

I work, sparing no effort.

The Panama hat has become clean.

“Come on, mom, look!”

Mom smiles at me:

“Strongly, daughter, not three.

I'm afraid that after washing

I’ll have to mend the holes.”

1 girl comes out:

Mom, I love you!

I'll sing you a song.

    Song "Lyublyuka"

The song “Where My Mother Is” is playing in the background.

The children are given their gifts for their mother. Children line up in their assigned places.

3 children come forward (2 girls 1 boy who started the concert)

    We'll give you a gift

We are to our mothers,

They painted it with their own hands

    We put our souls and efforts into it

And you will treat it with understanding!

    Accept the gift from the bottom of your heart

Hurry up and hug your son and daughter!

Children sway to the music, holding cards for their mothers.

Then the first line gives gifts, then the second line, and so on...

The concert is over.

Children enter the hall in pairs to “SPRING IS RED” (TRACK 1), dance and stand in pairs facing the guests

Presenter Good afternoon, our dear guests! We are glad to see you again in our festive hall
“VOICES OF THE SPRING FOREST” (TRACK 2) is playing in the background.

1 child Happy wonderful spring holiday
We congratulate everyone today.
And the main news for everyone
We inform you first

2nd child Spring has come to us in Russia,
The weather is wonderfully clear!
And the flowers bloom
Well, just amazingly beautiful.

3 child Starlings chirp songs,
Drops are ringing in the morning.
It's cheerful, bright,
Wonderful mother's day!


1. Winter the old lady hides in the snowdrifts and in the forest
I don’t want to let Spring-Red into our region again
She will let in the cold with a burning breeze,
And we will sing her our spring song

Chorus. Drip-drip-drip! The icicles are ringing merrily!
Drip-drip-drip! Spring is coming!
Drip-drip-drip! Celebrate the Holiday with songs!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mom's Day is coming!

2. Small birds began to sing outside the window of the house
Spring is coming! Spring is coming! We sing her praises!
The days are getting longer, the darkness and night are getting shorter!
Grandfather and dad are getting ready to help mom and me!

3. The Sun shines stronger and brighter on the Earth for us!
Rather, melt the snow and ice with your warmth!
So that spring streams ring here and there!
And they sang with us a song for grandmothers and mothers!

After the song, the children sit on chairs

4 children :
Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is your first friend!
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.
5 reb. :
If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help out.
6 children :
On the day of your holiday
We wish you long and joyful years,
Take it from your bullies and pranksters
Big and hot....
All: Hello!
7 children :
May our mothers today
It will be fun and light.
We want mothers to know:
We love them dearly!

Presenter Look, mothers, how your children smile at you, and you will smile back at them. After all, a kind smile adorns a person most of all.


Now let's remember fairy tales in which mothers are mentioned. And there are many such tales. Do the guys remember them? Do their mothers and grandmothers remember them?

1. In which fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to her grandmother with a basket of pies? (Little Red Riding Hood)
2. Which mother sang a song to her children at the door so that she would be allowed into the house? (A goat to seven kids)
3. In what fairy tale did mother say in a rough voice: “Who ate from my cup?” (Three Bears)
4. In what fairy tale did mom and dad, leaving home, tell their daughter to look after her younger brother? (Geese-swans)
5. In what fairy tale did the princess give birth to a hero to the Tsar-Father? (the tale of Tsar Saltan, Pushkin)
6. In what fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to the store to buy some bagels? (Seven-flowered flower)
7. In what fairy tale was the mother looking for a nanny for her child to sing him a lullaby? (The Tale of a Stupid Mouse, Marshak)

Sounds like “Gypsy” (TRACK4)

The gypsy woman brings out the "bear".
Make way, honest people,
Little bear is coming with me!
He knows a lot of fun,
There will be a joke, there will be laughter! (The bear bows to the audience.)
- Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how our girls get ready for kindergarten?
(The bear paints his lips, twirls, preens.)
- What kind of boys are in our group?
(The bear fights and growls.)
- How did Vanya oversleep, was he late for the garden?
(The bear is “sleeping”, jumps up, runs.)
- How does our teacher get around the group?
(The bear walks importantly across the stage.)
- How does Dunyasha dance?
(The bear puts out his leg.)
- Yes, not the Dunyasha that was before, but the present one!
(The bear turns its back.)
- Well done! Now take a bow and walk to the music!
(The bear bows and leaves, dancing.)

2 Teams of 4 mothers, carrying a stroller with a child, who is faster. (Receive medals)

While the music is playing, Mary Poppins suddenly appears in the hall with an open umbrella, as if she is flying onto the stage. (TRACK 6)

Mary Poppins. Hello! I am Mary Poppins - Lady Perfection of education and beautiful manners. I love order and discipline everywhere. What is all the noise you have here, who are you applauding so loudly?
Presenter. We're having a spring ball
Mary Poppins. Well! Perhaps I will stay a little while in your garden and help the girls become real ladies of perfection and good manners. I'll give you some lessons. Lesson one - etiquette.
Answer me, girls and boys, what will you do if a friend invites you to his birthday party? (The texts of some of the children’s answers are taken from G. Oster’s book “Bad Advice.”)
The first boy.
If a friend's birthday
I invited you to my place,
You leave the gift at home -
It will come in handy yourself.
Second boy.
Try to sit next to the cake,
Don't engage in conversations.
You're talking
Eat half as much candy.
Mary Poppins. What a horror! Are all guys really going to behave like this at a friend's birthday party?
Girls' answers
Mary Poppins. Another question: what polite words You know?
Third boy.
If you came to see your friends,
Don't say hello to anyone
The words "please", "thank you"
Don't tell anyone
Turn away and ask questions
Don't answer anyone's questions
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a talker.
Mary Poppins.
I'm about to faint!
Children, listen and remember
And choose your own polite words.
Mary Poppins.
You will act politely and nicely,
If you wake up and say...
The children say “thank you” in rhyme, and Mary Poppins corrects them.
Children. Good morning!
Mary Poppins.
It's not too lazy to talk during the day
When meeting people...
Children. Good afternoon
Mary Poppins.
And if I meet a friend in the evening,
I'll tell him...
Children. Good evening!
Mary Poppins.
The night has come, I really want to sleep,
I wish...
Children. Good night.
Mary Poppins. Now I’m happy with you, my little ones, and I can move on to the second lesson - I’ll teach you to be artists. Now I will wave my wand, and we will find ourselves in a school of songs and dances. One, two, three...) (TRACK 7)
The first girl.
Artist's profession
So romantic -
Fans, concerts,
Travel abroad.
Second girl.
Artist's profession
This is not so simple
After all, you need to be talented,
Beautiful - I know it!
Third girl.
I'm glad to work hard
Ready to study
So that with song and stage
I will never be separated in my life.


1. I go on stage
I don’t look into the hall out of fear
It's easy for you to watch from the audience
I'm shaking on stage

The pen goes the wrong way
The leg goes in the wrong direction
Our aunt is a choreographer
He says it's no problem.

Chorus. One palm, two palms
I'm not a star yet
If you like me, at least a little
You clap then!

One palm, two palms
I'm not a star yet
If you like me, at least a little
You clap then!

2. The notes jump in the wrong direction
Sometimes I don't remember words
Our aunt is a vocalist
He says it's no problem

If everything in me sings
There will be a song if there is a mouth
But what about the fact that I'm a baby
This will pass with age!

Chorus 2 times.

Mary Poppins. Well, dear guests, did you like our pop concert? For some reason I didn’t hear the shouts of “bravo”... And now let’s play the game “Tulip, snowdrop, mimosa.”
Mary Poppins shows cards with pictures of flowers, each of which corresponds to a specific action.
Tulip - shouts of “Bravo!”
Snowdrop - clapping.
Mimosa - silence.
Everyone is doing the task.

Mary Poppins. Well! I see my lessons were not in vain. I wish you good luck and victories. It seems that the wind is tailwind, and it’s time for me to go to another kindergarten. Goodbye!
Children. Mary Poppins, goodbye!
Mary Poppins opens her umbrella and flies away. to the music (track 9)

Child Today all the songs are for mom,
All dancing, smiling and laughing.
You are dearer and more wonderful than everyone else,
Dear, golden man.

Child We are your kind smiles
IN huge bouquet Let's collect.
For you, our dears,
We'll sing a song today.


Lyrics of the song "My Only Mother"
1. Who cares about us?
Mom, of course!
Who's patting us on the head?
Gently, gently?
Who walks with us?
Go for a walk on the weekend?
Well, of course, mom,
Mommy again.

Who heals us?
What if you suddenly get sick?
This is our mother -
The closest friend!
Who cooks delicious food
Holiday lunch?
This is our mother
There is no better one!

My only mother
My brightest light
My only mother
You are my flower
You are my flower
You are my flower.

2 Who teaches us to learn?
Dear mother!
Who has good tales
Knows a lot
Who will love us?
What if we get sad?
We return all the love
We'll give it to mom

Who teaches us to love?
Mom, of course!
Who loves us very much
Gently, gently?
Who has a smile
Very light?
Our mother -
The most wonderful!

Chorus (2 times)

Children sit on chairs
GAME "COLLECT A FLOWER" (girls team and boys team)
Track 11

6 child To congratulate mommy
You can read a poem to her,
And also for mom
Sing and dance a song
7 child So let's have fun,
Sing songs, play, dance.
Just don't be lazy
Bringing joy to the heart.
8 child We are cheerful this dance
We composed it ourselves.
And now we’ll give it away
To our dear mothers.


After the dance, the children sit on chairs

Shapoklyak music sounds (TRACK No. 13)

Shapoklyak Oh, how many beautiful mothers there are,
And elegant and happy!
Answer, honest people:
Is there a beauty contest going on?
I really, really need it
Win the title of "Miss Kindergarten".
Why is the Kindergarten so beautifully decorated?

Host of Mom's holiday for the guys!

Shapoklyak Women's Day in this hall?
You didn't invite me?
I'm a lady too!
You are downright ignorant!
I'm offended by you
I'll let the rat out now. /scares children with “rat”/

Presenter Shapoklyak, why are you so harmful?

Shapoklyak Everyone congratulates today
Their mothers and grandmothers.
Well, am I worse than them?

Host of the Holiday, won’t you ruin it for us?
And will you forget about the harmfulness?
Don't be offended by us,
Stay in our hall.
Let's continue the celebration
Play different games

Shapoklyak Well, come out quickly, beautiful mothers and their naughty children. Let's see how you cope with my task.
/ Shapoklyak theme sounds. She throws candy wrappers everywhere, knocks over toys/(TRACK #13)

Presenter Shapoklyak, how can this be? You said that you wouldn’t be mischievous or play dirty tricks, but you knocked over all the toys and scattered candy wrappers all over the room.

Shapoklyak And this is me on purpose. You said it yourself, stay and play different games. So let's play. Listen to my command: 1-2-3 – put away all the toys!
/mothers are arranging toys, children are collecting candy wrappers/

Shapoklyak What nice guys!
It’s immediately obvious that the assistants are growing.
Great help for mothers
How quickly the trash is removed.
And now I tell you guys
I want to make riddles:
You need to listen to them carefully
And then answer in unison.

1 riddle Who goes to bed later than everyone else?
And gets up earlier than everyone else?
Spends the day in worries
And very tired? /Mother/
2 riddle Mom's ears sparkle
And they don't melt at all
Crumbs of ice turn silver
In mom's ears /Earrings/
3 riddle These balls are on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In a small box /Beads/
4 riddle The land is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers.
The headdress is a mystery
Our mother has /Hat/
Shapoklyak There are answers on the table.
Isn't it time to play?
Which one of you guys wants
Decorate your mother?


Several pairs of people are invited to play (children with mothers)

Presenter Look, the guys tried very hard to dress up their mothers as brightly and variedly as possible. After all, every child considers his mother the most beautiful. Let's applaud them. /Mom fashion show/ (TRACK No. 16)

Shapoklyak You guys are great!
Moms were pleased - they dressed up for the holiday!
Are all the mothers smiling?
So your efforts were not in vain.
How I like fun.
I like to drink tea with cake,
To talk about this and that.

Presenter And we have a surprise for you! Every mother or grandmother always bakes a cake for the holiday. Now let us, together with our mothers, in front of everyone, prepare a birthday cake, and not just one.


Mothers and children are invited to the tables where PLATES, marmalade, tangerines, bananas are prepared
Attraction “Decorate the festive TABLE”

Shapoklyak And I have a surprise.
For culinary moms - a prize!
(small souvenirs - MEDALS)

Presenter Look at what skillful hands, rich imagination and imagination your mothers have. In just a few minutes they performed a miracle.

Shapoklyak: Do we have grandmothers in the hall? As beautiful as me?

1 child Who loves us, adores us?
Who buys toys?
Books, tapes, rattles?
Well, of course, our GRANDMOTHERS!
2nd child Happy holiday,
Happy spring holiday
All the grandmothers in the world
3 child They are not old women at all,
The grandchildren love us very much.
They buy us toys
And they take us for a walk in the garden.

Dear granny,
How I love you!
You and I are together
More than family!
Mom and dad too
I love you, but still
It's sad that
They have no time for me.

You are my best friend!
Well, put your ball aside!
Tell me, my dear,
How young you were...

Together with grandma
We're making dough
For everyone's dinner
Bake some pies.
And then with grandma
Let's wash the pots.
Even her and I
No time to lie down.

It was a great day's work!
Well, we're tired!
We're going to rest
To get up early.
I'll sing a song
I'll kiss you on the cheek,
Let grandma dream
Wonderful dream again.

Children sit on chairs
Shapoklyak. And now a competition for grandmothers and grandchildren.
Cinderella (TRACK 19)
As you know, all girls should be good housewives and help mothers in the kitchen.
The players’ task is to, blindfolded, determine by touch what kind of cereal is poured into the saucers: buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, oatmeal, etc.
Shapoklyak goes to the music (Track20)

Presenter Dear guests.
We are finishing our holiday.
Happiness, joy, health
We wish you with all our hearts!

May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the gardens bloom for you,
Let children not know grief
And they grow up happy.

Presenter And now, so that our bright holiday will be remembered,
We give you all gifts!
Children give gifts/(TRACK 21)
The children have prepared cards for you with their own hands. And with these gifts the guys want to tell you, dear mothers and grandmothers, that they love you very much

On International Women's Day, every person should congratulate their closest women - mother and grandmother, because they give us their warmth, love and care all their lives.

The March 8th holiday in kindergarten is an excellent opportunity for children to demonstrate their talents and please their families.

Organizing an event with young participants is not an easy task, because you need to find the right approach to each child and find in him the abilities with which he could surprise the audience

Naturally, organizing an event with young participants is not an easy task, because you need to find the right approach to each child and find in him the abilities with which he could surprise the audience.

On International Women's Day, every person should congratulate their closest women - mother and grandmother, because all their lives they give us their warmth, love and care.

Moreover, speaking in front of an audience is not an easy task for young artists, so they need special support from the teacher.

The March 8th holiday in kindergarten is an excellent opportunity for children to demonstrate their talents and please their families

When organizing an event with the participation of young children, you should adhere to several important rules.

Be sure to draw up a script and assign a specific role to each participant

This will help you avoid mistakes and arrange a bright and cheerful celebration.

  • Start planning ahead. Be sure to draw up a script and assign a specific role to each participant. Such a large-scale presentation requires clear organization. You will need a lot of rehearsals so that the kids can remember the sequence of numbers and the order of going on stage. If you start preparing just a week before March 8, then most likely you simply won’t have time to rehearse the concert well and learn the production.
  • Connect parents to the organization. In such a difficult task, you need to get a couple of assistants. Familiarize parents with the roles you have given their children, give them the text and ask them to prepare a costume. It is important that participants rehearse the performance not only within the walls of the garden, but also at home.

Pay attention to each child

  • Pay attention to each child. The children's parents and grandparents will be present in the auditorium, so each of them should become a little star at the event. Everyone must receive an important task in the form of a role in a production, a dance or a song. In this way, the kids will feel like an integral part of the concert and will take a responsible approach to preparation.
  • No competition. The purpose of the March 8th holiday in kindergarten is to congratulate the closest people, create a solemn atmosphere and unleash the creative potential of children, so there should be no winners and losers. Award all participants with certificates of commendation, and also prepare small sweet prizes for them.
  • The main thing is dynamics. It is quite difficult to win the attention of children, so something must constantly happen on stage. After the planned congratulations and speeches, hold a few fun games and competitions so that the kids don’t get bored. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to interest them.

A great way to end the holiday would be to watch a themed cartoon together or have a group tea party.

Sweets will help children regain wasted energy, and warm tea and a pleasant atmosphere can calm little guests excited by active games.

Note! Sweets will help children regain wasted energy, and warm tea and a pleasant atmosphere can calm down little guests excited by active games.

We make presents

Perhaps no celebration is complete without cute gifts, and the March 8th holiday in kindergarten is no exception.

Mothers and grandmothers deserve the warmest and most tender congratulations, so you should prepare something special for them.

Be sure to make small crafts with your children, which everyone will give to their loved ones during the concert.

Be sure to make small crafts with your children, which everyone will give to their loved ones during the concert.

  • Panel of seeds. Give the children multi-colored circles cut out of cardboard, a piece of plasticine and a variety of seeds. You need to form a small ball from plasticine and attach it in the center of a cardboard circle. We use plasticine as glue, so the ball should be decorated with small peas - this is the middle of the future flower. Next, around the resulting receptacle, place small balls of plasticine, onto which glue pumpkin seeds. This way you will get a beautiful chamomile. Complete the composition with other elements: roll out a thin sausage from plasticine, attach it to the edge of a cardboard blank, and then decorate it with multi-colored grains.

It’s better not to let kids work with scissors, so make required quantity blanks yourself

  • Greeting card. It’s better not to let kids work with scissors, so make the required number of pieces yourself. First, make a template: fold a landscape sheet in half, draw a heart on it and cut out a postcard. On one side in the center, cut out another smaller heart. Attach the pattern to a piece of colored cardboard, trace, cut out the card and fold it in half. Also prepare small leaves of colored paper and 2 flowers different sizes for every child. The kids will only have to form a composition from the received parts. On front side Green leaves should be placed carefully. In the middle of the small heart you need to stick flowers: first the big one, and then the small one. Don’t forget to attach a receptacle of a contrasting color and complete the composition nice wishes for moms.

During the manufacturing process, children will unite, help each other and learn to make collective decisions

  • Application. To decorate the March 8th holiday in kindergarten, a Whatman paper with a large flower made from paper children's hands is perfect. First, draw a beautiful background on paper: blue sky, green grass and bright sunshine. Then give each child an A4 sheet of paper. On them, kids should carefully trace their palms, and then write a small congratulation for their mothers and grandmothers. Collect the sheets and cut out the palms. From colored paper you need to cut out a green stem, leaves and the center of the future chamomile. Glue the stem onto whatman paper and then attach the palms around it. Decorate the flower with several leaves and don’t forget to glue the bright center. The difference between this craft is that it involves teamwork. During the manufacturing process, the children will unite, help each other and learn to make collective decisions.

As noted earlier, the scenario for the March 8 holiday in kindergarten should contain many games and competitions so that the children do not get bored.

  • Mysterious gait. The presenter speaks into each child's ear a certain emotion that needs to be expressed through gait. For example, depict a proud, scared, happy or tired person walking. Another option is for children to come up with a mood on their own, demonstrate it, and then the audience guesses the correct answer.

The presenter speaks into each child's ear a certain emotion that needs to be expressed through gait.

  • Voices of animals. Surely many children have tried to imitate animals more than once, so they will definitely like this kind of fun. The presenter makes a wish for an animal, and the child imitates its voice and behavior. The audience will have to figure out what kind of animal the participant showed them.

The scenario for the March 8 holiday in kindergarten should contain many games and competitions so that the kids don’t get bored

  • Portrait. This is a game involving parents. Mothers are seated on comfortable chairs, and small easels are brought out for children. The task is to draw mom as quickly as possible. The resulting images are given to mothers, and the fastest artist is awarded a sweet prize. Don't forget that all participants should receive consolation gifts.

The resulting images are given to mothers, and the fastest artist is awarded a sweet prize.

  • Feed grandma. Three grandmothers and their granddaughters are called from the auditorium onto the stage. The girls are given spoons, small jars of yogurt, napkins and a bib. As soon as the presenter turns on the music, they must quickly put a bib on the grandmother and feed her yogurt, not forgetting to wipe her mouth with a napkin. The team that completes the task the fastest will win.

Give children a holiday... Is it easy or difficult? It's easy if you really want it. It’s also easy because, having created a bright, joyful holiday atmosphere full of surprises, we introduce children to the very environment in which they feel like fish in water. After all, every child in itself is the embodiment of joy in this world. This means that a holiday is natural and necessary for him.

Is it difficult? Yes. Because a holiday is the result of a long, multifaceted work, it is a synthesis various types activities. The holiday must be thought out and organized in detail. This is the main task of educators and teachers.

There are no trifles at a holiday. A cluttered moment, a missed action, an incorrect intonation - and children will immediately sense the falseness, hide their emotions and, worst of all, stop trusting you. Therefore, give children a real, bright, memorable holiday that would make them sound inner world for a child to discover his individuality is a lot of work.

But any work brings joy when you do something with pleasure, enthusiasm, putting your soul into it. We have everything to create a festive atmosphere: a great desire to do it; a team of like-minded teachers - creative, enterprising people; the theater studio, which is the epicenter of the festive atmosphere, the basic platform for the preparation of holiday heroes; a wonderful music hall, its decoration reminiscent of a theater stage; costumes, attributes, decorations; our faithful allies and helpers are our parents and, of course, our main value for the sake of which all this exists are our students.

And so the holiday was invented, organized, carried out. A greater and better reward than the flushed faces of the children, their eyes shining with joy and a surge of emotions, their endless conversations, the exchange of impressions from the fairy tale in which they were the main characters, from the feeling of their own importance and strength (after all, they defeated the forest evil spirits and saved Spring, it is thanks to their efforts that Baba Yaga became kind and beautiful), it is impossible to wish for.

Using the proposed scenarios for holidays and entertainment in your work, dear teachers, music directors, educators, parents, you will certainly be able to perform this wonderful miracle - give children a holiday.

March 8 at the preschool educational institution. Scripts. Senior group

Scenario for the holiday for March 8 “My mother is the best in the world” for children of the older group Purpose: the script is intended for kindergarten teachers and music directors. Goal: to give children ideas about the holiday “March 8”, to cultivate a respectful, friendly attitude towards their mother. Characters: presenter, brownie Kuzya, Kikimora. Presenter: Today we feel as comfortable as at home. Look how many familiar faces there are in the hall. Moms came to us - we are glad to see you all! And we will begin the joyful holiday...

Scenario for the holiday at the preschool educational institution on March 8, “Warmth of hearts for our mothers.” Senior group The holiday script is built taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it may be of interest both for experienced teachers and for young professionals Venue: music hall. Decoration of the hall: inscription on the central wall - March 8, flowers, butterflies. Equipment: cubes, two scoops, two buckets, two brooms, rope, ribbons, decorations, bags for girls, lipsticks, scarves, Whatman paper - 3 pcs., felt-tip pens, Technical means: sound reproduction...

Scenario “Adventures in the Flower City” (celebratory performance for the Day of March 8 in the senior group) Characters: Presenter - Dunno - Sineglazka - Pilyulkin - Vintik - Shpuntik - Cheesecake - Pyshechka - Brush - Tsvetik Progress of the holiday. The hall is festively decorated in the style of the Flower City ( balls, flowers, turrets). Presenter: In one flowery city there lived short people. Dear, good girls and boys. The little ones had very funny names. They lived in a flowery city. The guys were very nice! Meet the guys soon, They...

Concert for mothers on March 8th. Senior group “And spring has come to us again” (music cafe for mothers) Goal: To create a festive mood, to form in children aesthetic feelings, call positive emotions. Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle. The presenter stands. And spring has come to us again. We feel her breath. The rivers woke up from their sleep, and the birds could already be heard chirping. With spring, our brightest holiday comes to visit us. We congratulate our mothers, We send them warm greetings! 1-child....

Scenario musical performance in kindergarten “March 8 and Thumbelina” Presenter: Once on the eve of March 8, when all the fairy-tale characters were preparing for the holiday, the girl Thumbelina became sad. Thumbelina comes out. Dance of Thumbelina Thumbelina: There is such a day in March, With a number like a pretzel. Everyone is happy about him, of course, but I’m the only one who’s sad. I would like to get married. Where can I find a groom? Ved.: Her friend, the Field Mouse, heard the words of Thumbelina, and came running to give good advice. Mouse comes out. Dance of the Mouse.(P.Drang...

Beauty contest for March 8th in kindergarten for older children preschool age Goal: creating a festive atmosphere in the team of children and their parents. Tasks. 1. Development creativity preschool children. 2. Involving parents to participate in joint educational activities when preparing children's numbers and costumes. 3. Fostering a respectful attitude towards adults and peers. Boys enter the hall. Reader 1. - Spring has come to our house again! Again we are all waiting for the holiday...

March 8 at the preschool educational institution. Senior preschool age Author: Nikolskaya Lyudmila Gennadievna, instructor in physical culture. MDOBU "Novoarbansky kindergarten "Rainbow". Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Novy village. Purpose: Holiday on March 8, for children of the senior group of preschool age. Description of work: the material can be used by teachers, music directors for holding a holiday on March 8 March Goal: to form love for mother, respect for women, develop interest in tradition...

Scenario for March 8. A holiday for children of the older group. Goal: To evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday, a desire to actively participate in its preparation. Cultivate love for mother, the desire to give gifts made with your own hands. The material is intended for preschool teachers. I propose to hold the “March 8” holiday for children of senior preparatory age. Since I have been working with older children for 10 years, I used the event for children 5-6 years old. Are they active...

1-child. For you, dear mothers! Dear ones, for you! The concert is cheerful, joyful. We will arrange it now! 1. Song-dance “Kind sweet mother” 2-child. Our concert is dedicated to you, dear mothers! The sun is smiling on you now, dear mothers! 3rd child. The birds composed a ringing song just for you! We wish you, mothers, that you live joyfully! 4- child. Let songs about our beloved mothers ring everywhere. We are grateful to you for everything, you are dearer to us, dearer to us! 2. Song-dance “Lullaby for Mom” Poems How many...

Celebration scenario for March 8th for older preschoolers " Better than mom not to be found" Presenter. And again spring has come to us. We feel its breath. The rivers have woken up from sleep, And the birds can already be heard chirping. With spring comes to visit us Our holiday, the brightest. We congratulate our mothers, We salute them warm greetings! Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle 1st child: Let the sun shine tenderly, Let the birds greet the dawn! About the most wonderful one in the world, I speak about my mother 2nd child: How many of them...

Scenario of the holiday for the International women's day“A lovely creature, sheer charm” A holiday dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8. For older kindergarten groups. Goal: 1. create a festive atmosphere; 2. develop the ability to behave in public; 3. promote the disclosure and realization of creative abilities; 4. cultivate an attentive, sensitive attitude towards your loved ones. Attributes and equipment: piano, recordings of music from the film “Goodbye Mary Poppins!”; suit for Men...

Holiday scenario for March 8th for children of senior preschool age " Fairy-tale heroes visiting mothers.”Author: Olga Aleksandrovna Chistikova This scenario will be useful for kindergarten teachers working with older children to hold a holiday. Celebration scenario for March 8 for children of senior preschool age “Fairy-tale characters visiting mothers.”In the hall There are tables in any form at which parents sit. Host: Mom! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds in every language...

SCENARIO OF THE MARCH 8 HOLIDAY for children of senior preschool age “SPRING NOTES” Author: Svetlana Vladimirovna Turcheneva, music director of the MADOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 1” in the city of Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region. Description: This material will be of interest to teachers and music directors, as well as parents who want to learn poems and songs with their children to congratulate relatives. The script can be used in working with children of senior preschool age (5 - 7 years old) T...

Entertainment script for March 8th for children of senior preschool age (Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.) Presenter: Spring, spring is walking through the courtyards in rays of warmth and light. Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with this. Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate all mothers around the planet. "Thank you!" - Both adults and children tell mothers. Today we have gathered to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, and sisters on the spring holiday, on International Women's Day - March 8th. (Children read poetry) 1. Look outside the window...

Scenario for children of the senior group, dedicated to March 8 “This is what Mother’s country is” Presenter. Hello dear guests, We are glad to see you all. Let this one of ours fly by unnoticed holiday hour! Anton Mom's heart knows no peace, Mom's heart is like a torch burning, Mom's heart will hide from grief, It will be hard for him - he will remain silent. Presenter. No one can replace motherly love for us, Don’t try, don’t, friends. Only mother’s heart will warm you with love, take a deep breath, embrace you lovingly... Dance with balloons Kirill. Oh guys...