Can nursing mothers eat carrots? Eating carrots during lactation: is it possible or not, in what form is it better for a nursing mother to consume the vegetable, when and how can it be introduced into the diet

At breastfeeding It is very important to properly organize the mother’s nutrition. Compliance with the rules healthy food– a guarantee of peace of mind for the baby and mother. The list of foods allowed during lactation is small. Let's figure out whether you can eat carrots while breastfeeding.

The consumption of prohibited foods affects the well-being of children in different ways. Carrots are not a forbidden fruit, but still their introduction into the menu of a nursing mother should be done with caution. This is due to the ability of carrots to cause allergies in children.

You should not completely abandon this vegetable either. If you study it carefully beneficial properties, then it becomes obvious that carrots even need to be eaten during breastfeeding.

Carrots are not just a vegetable, but healthy vegetable:

  1. This root vegetable contains a record content of vitamin A (beta-carotene). Thanks to it, the formation of bones and teeth, as well as mucous membranes and the retina of the eye occurs. Vitamin A enhances the work of leukocytes, and they, in turn, perform protective function in the body, fighting infections and viruses.
  2. In addition to vitamin A, carrots contain many other vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B8, B9, C, E), each of which has its own beneficial effect on the body.
  3. Carrots are rich in microelements such as potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, zinc and others.
  4. Carrots, like many other vegetables, contain a lot of fiber. It improves intestinal motility and promotes better cleansing.

How can carrots harm you?

Despite the fact that carrots are good for a nursing mother to eat, there are some negative aspects that are important to remember:

  • Brightly colored fruits warn of the danger of an allergic reaction. Carrots during breastfeeding are no exception, although they are not a strong allergen. Its introduction into the mother’s menu should occur gradually and carefully.
  • As mentioned above, carrots contain a lot of plant fiber. Of course, it is useful for the mother. But a newborn may develop symptoms after eating his mother’s carrots. intestinal colic. Another rule: you should not overuse carrot dishes, and also eat the vegetable raw until the baby is 6 months old.
  • In case of stomach diseases, the consumption of carrots should be agreed with your doctor.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to eat carrots in the first month after giving birth? In the first month, it is undesirable to consume this vegetable, since the baby’s fragile body may experience allergic reaction for this root vegetable.

Boiled or stewed vegetable introduced into maternal nutrition from 4-5 weeks after birth. The amount of carrots for the first time should be minimal. Grated carrots in soup will do. If the baby does not have a bad reaction, then next time you can increase the amount of the ingredient. If the baby develops a rash, upset bowel movements or bloating, and the mother is sure that carrots are to blame, then the vegetable should be immediately excluded from the diet for 1-2 months.

As mentioned above, nursing mothers can eat raw carrots from the age of 6 months. At the same time, you should not overuse the amount of vegetables: you can eat 1 medium root vegetable per day.

Freshly squeezed carrot juice during breastfeeding is also introduced no earlier than 6 months postpartum period. You can make mixes with apple, pumpkin juice. Important condition its use: the baby is not allergic to each ingredient. And it’s better to forget about store-bought juices during lactation - they contain a lot of preservatives, dyes and sugar.

To make carrot juice better absorbed by the body, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of vegetable oil or a teaspoon of cream or milk.

Carrots should be introduced into the diet in the same way as other foods - do not eat them in the first half of the day. large number and monitor the baby’s body’s reaction throughout the day. If there is no reaction, next time you can double the single serving. Acceptable daily norm carrots in any form (fresh, boiled, stewed, in the form of juice, etc.) - about 150 grams (2-3 medium-sized root vegetables).

Carrot recipes for nursing mothers

Recommended from 2 months of a baby's life.

Ingredients: 2 packs of cottage cheese, 2 carrots average size, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. sugar, 3 tbsp. flour, 0.5 cups milk.

Preparation: Grate the carrots on a fine grater. In a blender bowl, combine all ingredients and grind them. Place the mixture in a greased form. Place it in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 40-50 minutes. After cooking, allow the casserole to cool in the oven.

Salad with carrots and apples

Ingredients: 2 carrots, 2 apples, 1 tbsp. olive oil, parsley.

Preparation: Peel and core the apples. Wash and peel the carrots. Grate the carrots and apples using a coarse grater or a Korean carrot grater. Add a little olive oil and chopped herbs. Eat your salad fresh!

Video recipe for stewed carrots

Let's sum it up

Carrots are an incredibly healthy vegetable. And now you know whether a nursing mother can eat carrots. We remind you that boiled carrots possible, starting from 4-5 weeks after birth. Fresh carrots, as well as carrot juice should not appear on the mother’s menu earlier than 6 months after childbirth. When consuming this vegetable, it is important not to forget about the principles of gradualness and consistency, so as not to harm the baby’s well-being.

Breast milk is the main nutrition for many newborns, so a nursing mother needs to carefully monitor how she eats. Doctors ask to be careful when consuming fruits and vegetables that are brightly colored. These products can cause an allergic reaction in your baby. That is why many people wonder: can carrots be fed to breastfeeding women?

Since ancient times, this vegetable has been included in the list of the most healthy products. In different countries of the world it is added to many dishes. Carrots can be found not only in salads, soups, casseroles, but also in desserts. Its leaves and seeds are used as a seasoning. This simple and accessible root vegetable is often used for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of carrots for breastfeeding

Despite the fact that this root vegetable has a bright orange color, it is very useful during lactation. Carrots help a young mother eliminate problems with breast milk, or rather with its quantity. To do this, you need to drink carrot juice or eat carrot puree with milk or cream.

Thanks to this orange vegetable you can:

  • normalize blood pressure for a nursing mother;
  • improve kidney and liver function;
  • prevent the child from developing night blindness"due to the large amount of carotene that he receives from breast milk;
  • strengthen immune system thanks to vitamin C, which is contained in carrots;
  • improve problems with stool, as this vegetable has a laxative effect;
  • reduce fatigue.

Carrots contain a large amount of vitamins, which are very necessary during breastfeeding. Vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, carotene, potassium, iron, copper, iodine, glucose - this healthy root vegetable is rich in all of this.

Eating carrots usually does not cause discomfort in the baby’s intestines, so you can eat them already in the first month after birth. It also improves the functioning of the nervous and respiratory system, the condition of the teeth, vision and skin, which is so important for a nursing mother and her baby.

In what form should you eat carrots?

Carrots are good for the body, both fresh and boiled or stewed. Some women prefer to drink carrot juice. It must be freshly squeezed or purchased at a pharmacy. It is better for a nursing mother not to drink store-bought juices, as they may contain preservatives and dyes that cause allergies and are harmful to the infant.

Juice can consist of several components. So, you can drink juices in combination with carrots, green apples, pumpkins, pomegranates, beets, and milk. To improve the mood of a nursing mother during this difficult period, you can pour the prepared juice into a beautiful glass and decorate it with a cocktail straw and an umbrella. This way you can get a lot of vitamins and cause positive emotions with a young mother. Indeed, during lactation her emotional state is no less important than the state of health.

Useful for breastfeeding vegetable salads. You can also bake carrot casserole or just eat raw carrots.

However, during lactation, when consuming this orange vegetable, you need to avoid starch, flour and sweets. It is better to eat raw carrots with vegetable oil, sour cream, fats, herbs. Boiled carrots are included in many salads that a young mother can treat herself to.

If a nursing mother has stomach problems, such as gastritis or an ulcer, then she should not drink carrot juice.

Important points about eating carrots while breastfeeding:

  • It is not advisable to eat carrots in the first 2 weeks after the baby is born;
  • It is not recommended to eat raw carrots in the first 2-3 months. But if it is boiled, stewed or baked, then it will be much better for mother and child;
  • You need to be careful when eating vegetables raw. You should start with a small portion, observing the baby’s reaction;
  • eating this colorful vegetable in a very large quantities may lead to trouble. A new mother may experience nausea headache. Weakness and increased fatigue. If you eat a lot of carrots, your skin may turn orange.

During lactation, women should adhere to a special diet and know when to stop. You should not overeat carrots, despite the fact that this vegetable is very healthy and rich in vitamins and microelements. This should be especially remembered in the first month of breastfeeding. The benefit for the child should come first for the mother. However, she should not forget about herself. Thanks to this orange root vegetable you can preserve healthy hair, strengthen teeth, improve skin condition during breastfeeding. Nutritious food and a sense of proportion will be provided good condition the body of mother and baby during breastfeeding.

Among the many varieties of vegetables, one is often singled out - the orange earthen fruit, which is considered very healthy.

So is it possible to eat boiled carrots while breastfeeding and in what quantity, especially since they have such a bright color? Young mothers are afraid to eat foods of this kind, fearing allergies, but is this justified?

It is impossible to imagine a menu for a nursing mother without vegetables. This main source vitamins and necessary for the body minerals. In addition, vegetables are usually cheap, but have excellent nutritional properties, satisfying hunger for a long time.

Carrots, like potatoes, appear especially often on the table of a woman who is breastfeeding her child. These rich orange fruits are a source of the most valuable provitamin A, which is responsible for sharp vision. This is especially important if, during the period of bearing a child or after his birth, you notice that visual acuity has noticeably decreased.

Of course, refuse healthy carrots not necessary, even if you have recently become a mother and are breastfeeding a newborn baby. On the contrary, carrots will be very appropriate for you as one of essential products on a strict menu during lactation. Moreover, it is in its boiled form that it is least allergenic, is instantly digested in the stomach and absorbed by the body. You can even say that boiled carrots are a purely dietary product, perfectly suitable for the diet of a young nursing mother.

At the same time, carrots can be eaten as in pure form, boiling it as a side dish, and adding it to various firsts and second courses. And so that the product retains all the useful vitamins and minerals during the cooking process. nutrients, it’s worth doing it in a double boiler more often.

This dietary dish perfect for infant who is already starting to try complementary foods.

In general, carrots themselves are a product that experts classify as those that are least likely to cause food allergies in infants. Usually, an orange vegetable is allowed to be included in the menu of a nursing mother immediately after childbirth. You can eat boiled carrots even when the neonatologist recommended that you adhere to a strict diet during lactation.

An ordinary carrot can become the main ingredient for many healthy dishes. For example:

  • Often nursing women cook from it hearty salads, grating the pre-boiled and cooled to room temperature vegetable.
  • You can make steamed vegetable cutlets from boiled carrots, or you can mix them with lean meat.
  • Finally, such an ingredient should be added to ordinary mashed potatoes to make it healthier and tastier.

It is important to note that beta-carotene, found in abundance in carrots, requires oils in order to be better absorbed. Otherwise, part the most useful vitamins will be lost. That is why traditionally boiled carrots are seasoned with oil - most often butter, less often - vegetable.

Why does a nursing woman need to eat boiled carrots during lactation?

  • If a young mother often has problems with stool - constipation, then this particular vegetable, cooked in a pan, will be an excellent addition to the diet. Boiled carrots good for digestion and makes it easier physical condition for persistent constipation.
  • Carrots themselves are a low allergenic vegetable. This product should be included in the diet of a nursing woman. if her baby often suffers from atopic dermatitis or reacts sharply to many foods.
  • Carrots, according to leading experts, is a natural antiseptic. That is, it perfectly eliminates any internal inflammatory processes and at the same time heals the body of a nursing mother.
  • Boiled carrots are an excellent dish for those young mothers who dream of regaining their slim figure as soon as possible after childbirth. It is irreplaceable and healthy food during lactation, which will help maintain adequate breast milk production while on a strict diet.
  • Cosmetologists are sure that carrots are necessary female body in order to stay young as long as possible. Since orange vegetable can be called a natural antioxidant, it is especially valuable for female beauty, often suffering due to prolonged breastfeeding.
  • Carrots too has a great effect on complexion, making it brighter, more radiant and healthier. Try eating carrot dishes at least several times a week and you will notice how your face changes. This is especially useful if your appearance suffers greatly from constant lack of sleep.
  • As we noted above, carrots should certainly be included in the menu of nursing mothers with vision diseases. Ripe vegetables are incredibly rich in vitamin A, which acts as a natural component in the protection and restoration of human eye cells.

How often can a nursing mother eat boiled carrots during lactation?

The vegetable itself, in principle, is one of the most common on our tables. So, carrots are put in almost every soup, added to frying and homemade sauces, and are also often used as a banal seasoning.

And if the carrots are young and were harvested at the height of the harvest, then it is worth using the opportunity to saturate the body with the missing minerals and nutrients.

Boiled carrots during breastfeeding can be eaten quite often - up to five to six times a week. It is worth noting that in its raw form, an excess of vegetables can already be harmful to the body of a young mother. The fact is that the human body does not have an excessive need for beta-carotene, and if the norm of the vitamin is often exceeded, this element can already become poison. Since some of the beneficial substances are broken down during the cooking process, boiled carrots are not as rich in vitamin A. That is why you can eat them much more often than fresh ones.

Of course, it is also important to know when to stop here, because systematic abuse any food product will not benefit the body. However, if you love carrots and often boil them, then there is nothing wrong with that - eat for your health. Moreover, this will allow you to avoid problems with cleansing the intestines after childbirth.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of orange vegetables only if your doctor insists on it, or if your newborn baby is diagnosed with food intolerance of this food product. However similar situations are quite rare.

Also, sometimes doctors in the maternity hospital advise to hold off on adding carrots to a young mother’s menu and wait until the baby is a few days old. This is usually due to somewhat outdated prejudices that carotene, which carrots are rich in, can cause allergies in babies. However, boiled carrots almost never cause reddened cheeks in a newborn baby.

In addition to carotene, carrots are also rich in B vitamins, as well as ascorbic acid, vitamin E and K. Also, the vegetable has long been officially recognized the most important element in women's nutrition - it improves health hormonal levels, has a positive effect on the quality of breast milk.

So if you still have doubts and are thinking about whether boiled carrots are ok while breastfeeding, then feel free to put the earthen fruit in a pan of water. Moreover, some scientists assure that when cooked, the vegetable has even greater benefits for beauty and youth than when raw.

The benefits of carrots for women are an indisputable fact, but can a nursing mother eat carrots? To answer this question and not harm the baby, you need to know what is contained in the root vegetable, how it affects the body and how much carrots can be consumed during breastfeeding.

The best properties of root vegetables

Carrots are included in the world TOP 10 economically important agricultural products, and Russia is considered the second country in its production.

Carrots during breastfeeding provide mother and baby with the following vitamins:

The most healthy carrots– grown in your own garden without chemical treatment and nitrates
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin B;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B5;
  • vitamin B9;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin H;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin K.

In addition, the root vegetable contains iodine, iron, boron, phosphorus and some amino acids.

But the most important property It is believed to contain beta-carotene– a unique yellow-orange pigment that can be synthesized when entering the human body. This element solves the problem of twilight blindness.

Benefits for mom

A nursing mother can not only eat carrots, but also need them, because they can solve many problems that a woman has after pregnancy. The vegetable will quickly restore the body, supplying it with lost energy.

Beneficial properties of carrots during breastfeeding:

  • vitamin A improves the condition of the skin, stimulates the growth of nails and hair (what to do if hair falls out after childbirth, read;
  • iron helps overcome pain, which is so common in women after and during pregnancy, as well as in infants;
  • potassium strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • When consumed regularly, the vegetable charges a woman with vivacity and energy, helps fight or prevent;
  • beta-carotene removes accumulated toxins and harmful substances.

Vegetable crops will also help in the fight against the main enemy of women -. Low calorie and lightweight laxative effect allow you to turn on this product on a daily basis. It helps remove excess water, harmful substances and improve the metabolic process. Read 3 ways to lose weight while breastfeeding.

Carrots and children's bodies

Carrots are one of the most important products in the diet of children, and during infancy they can enter the child’s body only with mother’s milk.

Beneficial properties for children:

Harmful carrot

Can a nursing mother eat carrots? Definitely yes. But even healthy foods can be harmful if abused or used incorrectly. Thus, a raw and unwashed vegetable can introduce a serious infection into the body and cause poisoning for the mother and her baby. Are tomatoes harmful during breastfeeding?, you will learn from this.

Osokina Elena Aleksandrovna, endocrinologist of higher education qualification category, Medical center“Consultant”, Moscow

After childbirth, many mothers suffer from problems with gastrointestinal tract. Carrot juice helps cleanse the stomach and remove accumulated harmful substances.

But it is worth understanding that during the lactation period, freshly squeezed juices are preferable and only after.

Packaged drinks containing preservatives are not recommended to be consumed during breastfeeding.

Carrots also have other disadvantages:

  1. Frequent eating of the orange root vegetable in large quantities can cause yellowing of the skin in children and women.
  2. If you overeat root vegetables, you may experience an allergic reaction in your baby.
  3. Subject to availability peptic ulcer stomach or pancreatitis, it can cause exacerbation.

People suffering from hypotension should not eat more than 1 carrot per day. Such overeating can cause nausea and headaches, and increase fatigue.

You need to approach it with caution, this is due to the fact that the vegetable contains a small amount of glucose.

The daily dose for a healthy nursing mother should not exceed 250 g. per day. In order not to harm the baby, it is recommended to eat 1-2 medium fruits.

Kuzko Yulia Yurievna, obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the center of endoscopic gynecology in Tula

Based on medical practice, nursing mothers who regularly eat carrots are less tired and experience stress more easily.

Their mood improves and their energy is replenished; they have more strength to take care of the baby. After childbirth, this vegetable is especially useful for those struggling with postpartum depression.

An infant is very receptive to any vegetables and fruits; they should be introduced into your diet slowly and in small portions.

To avoid unwanted problems, a young mother should follow some rules:

carrot juice can be introduced into the diet no earlier than 5 months in a volume of 1 glass, diluted with water 1:1

Raw carrots when breastfeeding, it should be replaced with boiled vegetables. Also It is not recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice. Only after 5-6 months can you start eating the vegetable raw.
It is not advisable to eat more than 2 carrots, raw or cooked in one form or another, in one day.

If the vegetable was bought in a store out of season, then it is better to cut out the inner core from it. This element accumulates nitrates, which are used for better growth fetus

In the first days of a baby’s life, it is not recommended for mothers to consume orange vegetables; it is better to wait until they are one month old.

The root crop retains its useful qualities only when proper storage– in the refrigerator or cool, dry place. Limp, dried or rotten carrots should not be eaten during breastfeeding.

Choosing the right root vegetable

When buying carrots in a store, you need to take care of its quality. A good root vegetable should be strong, smooth and regular in shape.

You should pay attention to medium or small fruits, weighing up to 150 g. Such specimens contain more vitamins and fewer nitrates. They should be bright orange in color - this indicates a sufficient amount of beta-carotene.

You should not take soft carrots, with numerous growths or dark spots, with obvious visible damage fruit, and it is also not recommended to choose a vegetable with lush tops.

Olga Aleksandrovna Zhogoleva, allergist, immunologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, “SM-Clinic on Danube Avenue”, St. Petersburg

My patients often ask me, can a nursing mother eat carrots? And I always answer positively.

Carrots are a source of vitamins that support the immune system and help cope with infections and viruses.

This allows the baby to avoid certain diseases and suffer from acute respiratory infections less often.

Healthy carrot treats for moms

Carrots have not only beneficial properties, but also a pleasant, sweetish taste, which allows them to be included in soups, salads, main courses and even desserts. – those where the vegetable is used boiled or stewed.

Carrot soup


  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • onions – 0.5 pcs.;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • salt.
  1. Boil all ingredients until tender in 1.5 liters of water.
  2. Remove one carrot and cut into slices.
  3. Puree the remaining vegetables along with water in a blender until smooth.
  4. Place carrot slices in the puree soup.

Carrot-curd casserole


  • 500 gr. hard cottage cheese;
  • 2 carrots;
  • sour cream and semolina - 3 tbsp each. ;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. ;
  • some raisins;
  • a pinch of vanillin and salt;
  • chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • 50 gr. soft butter.
  1. Stew finely chopped carrots in butter, and then grind it until smooth and add half the raisins to the mixture.
  2. Beat cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, egg and vanillin with a mixer.
  3. Then add semolina little by little until the mass becomes thick.
  4. Add the remaining half of the raisins to the mixture.
  5. Place a layer of cottage cheese on a baking sheet lined with parchment, a layer of carrots on it, then cottage cheese and carrots again.
  6. The result should be a layered casserole, which should be baked in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Carrot jelly


  • water – 1 l. ;
  • carrots – 2 pcs. ;
  • starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice– 2 tbsp. spoons.
  1. Add lemon juice to the starch and mix.
  2. Boil the grated carrots in one liter of water until tender, discard them when ready.
  3. Add sugar to the hot broth and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour lemon juice and starch into it in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  5. Cook the jelly for 2-3 minutes without ceasing to stir.

What do moms think?

Zlata, 25 years old, Moscow

The first time I introduced carrots into my diet was when my baby was 5 days old. She developed a small rash on her cheeks, and I stopped eating this vegetable.

The next time I tried it was 6 months later and there was no reaction. Now I calmly consume this vegetable in any quantity without fear and am sure that it gives me strength and health.

Kristina, 26 years old, Penza

I don’t know if a nursing mother can have boiled carrots, but I eat them with pleasure, and no side effects didn't notice.

On the contrary, if you eat vegetables regularly, about 2-3 root vegetables a day, then my son’s stool improves, and my bloating stops.

Elina, 28 years old, Barnaul

We have our own carrots in the garden; in the summer I ate them raw without restrictions. After the birth of my first child and switching to breastfeeding, I began to limit myself and eat 1-2 boiled root vegetables every 2-3 days.

I didn’t feel any special changes, but I noticed that after eating carrots, the baby was more active and was eating breast milk with great pleasure.


As practice shows and numerous reviews, carrots are not only harmless for a nursing mother and her baby, but also healthy. In order to take everything from a vitamin-rich vegetable necessary elements, you need to use it correctly and in moderation. Then wellness And great mood provided for woman and child.

In the first weeks after giving birth, a young mother needs not only the congratulations of her household. Neonatologists and child psychologists argue that in order to establish a strong bond between mother and newborn, they both need peace and their own space for communication, and not a noisy crowd of curious people.

It is emphasized that this state of affairs is conducive to the establishment of the breastfeeding process. Important role A balanced diet also plays a role in the processes of postpartum recovery of the mother and the establishment of lactation.

Multivitamins or... carrots?

In the first weeks after childbirth, a woman should consume a sufficient amount of fluid for normal lactation and eat well, including dairy products, meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits in her diet. If the diet is formulated correctly, the need to take special vitamin complexes disappears.

In your search for the healthiest foods, you should pay tribute to the humble but healthy root vegetable - carrots.

4 Miracle Properties of Carrots You May Not Know About

Firstly, carrots for a nursing mother are not only an excellent source of vitamins A, E, C, necessary for the most important processes metabolism, and therefore the woman’s return to better shape. Carrots are rich in vitamins B and K, contain phosphorus, manganese, molybdenum and even calcium, which is so necessary for the mother’s bones and teeth during lactation.

Secondly, when discharged from the maternity hospital, the woman in labor is forced to endure residual bleeding for some time. The phytoestrogens contained in carrots will help you deal with them faster.

Thirdly, carrots for a nursing mother are a source of a special substance, falcarinol, which has an antifungal effect and reduces the risk of developing thrush in

Fourthly, eating salads with fresh carrots helps normalize stool in women who have recently given birth and suffer from constipation.

Carrots and lactation

No need to search useful substances in overseas fruits and vegetables. An important component healthy eating women can rightfully become ordinary carrots.

The need for its valuable properties increases many times over, since if the mother’s diet is unbalanced, the substances necessary for milk production will be extracted by the body from its own tissues.

A lack of vitamins can adversely affect the course of the postpartum period, so experts recommend consuming carrots during breastfeeding in any form: boiled, stewed, raw, and also in the form of juice. For better absorption For vitamins, it is useful to season carrot dishes with butter or sour cream.

The opinion that carrots and dishes made from them can directly influence production in mammary glands milk is questioned by scientists. It has been proven that the key to full lactation is sufficient production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, as well as regular emptying of the mammary glands and drinking plenty of fluids.

Science has not received evidence of the effect of carrots on the production of these hormones. Therefore, recommendations to mix milk during breastfeeding are simply a tradition.

Are carrots the culprit of colic and rashes?

The dependence of the development of allergic reactions and digestive disorders in children on the inclusion of carrots in the diet of their nurses still causes a lot of controversy among pediatricians, breastfeeding specialists and nursing mothers themselves.

Adherents of opposing points of view provide equally convincing arguments in defense of their views on maternal diet.

In our country, pediatricians often recommend following a certain diet during lactation. The statement that a nursing mother cannot afford to eat anything other than foods included in the list of permitted foods is based on fears of causing colic and allergic reactions in the baby.

Many years of experience show that this statement is not true for everyone.

Indeed, milk is formed in the mammary glands from those substances that enter the mother’s body with food. But how justified is the fear of harming the baby with your own breast milk after eating carrots with scientific point vision?

Theoretically, an allergic reaction or digestive upset in both the child and the mother can occur even from harmless carrots. In this case, it must be replaced with other vegetables and fruits.

But in practice, such cases occur infrequently, because carrots are not classified by medical science as strong allergens such as chocolate, strawberries, eggs, citrus fruits, milk and seafood.

By adding raw or processed carrots to your diet while breastfeeding in reasonable quantities, most women do not risk anything.

Can carrots harm a mother?

If overindulged, the mother's skin may turn yellow. This happens due to an excess of carotene entering the body - the substance that makes carrots orange. If a mother drinks more than a liter of juice a day, her skin also turns orange.

This condition is called carotenoderma and is not dangerous for mother and child. By reducing the consumption of carotene-containing foods, you can easily get out of this state, and then decide whether a nursing mother can combine carrots with other orange-colored vegetables and fruits.

How to eliminate colic and rashes in infants if the culprit is carrots

As for infants, experts believe that no one except the mother herself will answer the question about the dependence of the occurrence of a newborn on natural feeding colic and rashes on certain foods in the mother's diet.

Therefore, she must decide on her own whether a nursing mother can eat carrots.

If the child is calm, skin clean, and the stool is normal, there is nothing to worry about.

If negative reactions persist despite the fact that carrots are excluded from the diet, the cause is sought in other foods or environmental factors.

In severe cases, when diathesis and colic bother the baby too much, the mother is forced to resort to special diets. Those affected by this problem will have to carefully study the information about what a nursing mother can do in the first month of natural feeding.

8 rules for a nursing mother in the first month of breastfeeding

To compile proper diet There is no need to search the Internet for complex multi-page tables. It will be enough if a nursing mother begins to intelligently combine the basic rules of healthy eating and scientifically based recommendations:

Conversations with a pediatrician, common sense and a balanced approach to nutrition will help determine what a nursing mother can do in the first month. Your own intuition, combined with a scientific approach, will preserve the well-being and health of the nursing mother and child.