Entertainment script “The Adventures of Klepa the Clown in Kindergarten. Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: Entertainment scenario “Funny Clowns”

Lyudinovskaya Natalia Dmitrievna
MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 10" Karabash,

Chelyabinsk region, Karabash

Scenario for the holiday "Little Clowns"

DOWNLOAD (with photo)

Middle group. "B"

Educator: Lyudinovskaya Natalia Dmitrievna.

To the music, the children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Leading: Dear guys, today we invited you to have fun, play, dance! Look, yesterday I received this telegram:

"Kiryusha and Parsley

They will come to visit you in the kindergarten,

Jokes, joke games

They will bring it to you as a gift.”

To the music, the clown Parsley (an adult in a suit) appears riding on a sword.

Parsley: Top, Top, stamp,

I'm going, I'm going, the way is long.

Not a step, not a walk,

On horseback. (Gets off) Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry,

I almost fell off my horse.

I flew into a birch tree,

I touched two bushes with my nose,

And then he fell five times.

Finally got to you.

Hasn’t my brother Kiryushka come to see you yet?( children's answers) oh good, then I’m first! I’ll go meet him!

Leaves. The clown Kiryusha appears, also on a sword.


Through a stump through a stump

The goat is jumping - gray side,

Hop-hop, hop-hop,

The gray side goat is galloping!

I'm sitting on a goat

I look in all directions

I'm driving backwards

People are surprised!

Stop, little goat, stop! Well, we've arrived! Hello, guys, girls and boys! So I arrived and was not late at all!

My name is Kiryusha,

I have a brother, Petrushka.

He probably overslept

And he hasn't arrived yet.

I'll go look for him! Parsley! AU,AU,AU

Petrushka enters. Parsley: Kiryushka, where are you? AU, AU.!

Kiryushka. And here I am! (Hug)

Parsley and Kiryushka (together) Well, hello, guys, girls and boys! Did you receive our telegram?

Leading. Got it, got it!

Parsley. Then listen carefully, we have a proposal. Do you want to go to the circus? (Children's answers) Then you and I will now go to the performance “Little Clowns”!

Kiryushka. Well, I see big clowns, but where are the little ones?

Parsley. Now don’t rush, help me carry that bag over there! Kiryusha and Parsleycarry a bag to the music.Along the way, they stumble, fall on each other, scream indignantly and jokingly fight. Finally, they open the bag, take out clown caps from it and put them on the children, then paint each child’s nose and cheeks with lipstick, similar to clown makeup.

Parsley. Well, dear clowns, now we’ll organize such a circus, you’ll just gasp!

Kiryusha. The first act of our program will be jugglers! Do you want to be a juggler? (Children's answers) Then let's start the game.

Conducted game "Catch the ball with a hat." The clowns stand at a short distance opposite the children. On command, the children throw small balls, and the clowns must catch them with two hats that they hold in their hands.

Parsley. And now there is still a game.

The kids had fun!

And it’s called “Give me a word.”

Gray wolf in a dense forest

I met a red...(fox).

The goldfinch sings all day long in a cage at the edge of the forest.

He's in his third year now,

He is afraid of .... (cat).

My sock is missing

He was dragged away by ..... (puppy). Mikhail played football and scored into the goal .... (goal).

Kiryushka. Well done, you clowns,

Guess all the riddles!

Now play in the orchestra!

We'll keep everyone entertained!

Clowns pass out noise-making musical instruments.Orchestra.

Kiryushka. The next number of our program will be a performance of tightrope walkers. You need to walk along a tightrope over a large puddle.

Game "Rope walkers".


Dear clowns, get into the circle quickly!

We will dance together and delight the guests!

Dance "Heel toe".

Kiryushka. The next number of our program is equestrian! Guys, have you seen horses at the circus? And how skillfully do the riders gallop on them? (Children's answers) You and I will hold a competition, and balls will serve as horses.

Game "Easy Riders"

Parsley. Do you like magic tricks? (Children’s answers)

Then watch! There are boxes in front of you,

I put a handkerchief in it!

Shows the children an open box with a double bottom and puts a scarf in it.

I close it one, two, three! I'll hit you with my stick, look!

Knocks on the box with a “magic wand”

. I open the box.....


But where did the scarf go? We are looking at Anya now. Is there a handkerchief in her pocket?

The girl looks in her pocket and does not find the scarf.

Oh, wait, he’s behind Tanya! He takes out a scarf of the same size and color from the girl’s belt, where it was hung in advance, and shows it to the children.

Parsley. And now - the highlight of the program!

Kiryushka, Children, look how beautiful my umbrella is. This umbrella is not simple, it’s magical!

Parsley. Yes, yes, only you will need to close your eyes tightly and a miracle will happen! One, two, three! Close your eyes and freeze! Parsley opens the umbrella and reveals sweet prizes (candies) suspended from its spokes from the inside. The clowns distribute them to children.

Kiryushka. Guys, today we visited the circus with you, you were very good clowns! Did you like the performance? (Children's answers)

Parsley. Well, then we will come to you again! Wait!

The clowns say goodbye and leave.

It is hardly advisable to perform clowning all at once; they can be included during some humorous concert, between children’s performances.
Clowns Bim and Bom in bright costumes enter the stage from different sides, meet in the center and stop. Bim and Bom should act at ease, cheerfully, mischievously, and playfully.

Part I

Bim (joyfully). Bom!

Bom (surprised). Bam!

Bim. I'm so glad to see you!

Bom. And I'm even more happy!

Bim. Hello, Bom!

Bom. Hello, Bim!

They shake each other’s hands for a long time, repeating: “Hello!”

Bim. So, you and I forgot to do something.

Bom. I haven't forgotten anything.

Bim. We forgot to say hello to the guys.

Bom. This is true. Oh, how bad! It's your fault, Bim.

Bim. It doesn’t matter, Bom, who’s to blame, we need to say hello. You start.

Bom. But I can't.

Bim. Don't you know how?

Then I'll say hello first, and you study. Look and listen. It's very simple. Hello guys, hello! ( Bows in all directions).

Bom. Okay, now I ( small pause.) It's very simple. Hello guys, hello! ( Bows in all directions.)

Bim (approaches Bom, takes him a little back and in an undertone, but so that everyone can hear, tells him). There is no need to speak very simply. Just say: “Hello, guys, hello!”

Bom. There is no need to speak very simply. Just say: “Hello, guys, hello!”

Bim (irritably). You, Bom, don't understand anything. There is no need to tell the guys: “It’s very simple.” Just say: “Hello, guys, hello!” How come you don’t understand - I’m teaching you. Even little ones know how to say hello, but you’re not little.

Bom. Ahh! ( Cries loudly.) You teach me badly and scold me. ( Goes to the side, Bim runs up to him and pulls him back. Bom grabs him again and pulls him to the center.)

Bim. OK then. Don't be angry. Let's say hello together. Repeat after me: “Hello, guys, hello!” and bow. ( They talk together and bow.)

Bom(runs out screaming). Lost! Lost!

Bim (runs up to him). What did you lose?

Bom. I lost my candy ( Searches in all pockets). And here it is not. And here it is not.

Bim. What kind of candy did you have: fruit, chocolate, marmalade, mint?

Bom (keeps looking in his pockets). Nowhere. And you ask, which one? Delicious! That's what it is!

Bim. And if you find some candy, will you give me a bite?

Bom. Found it! Here it is, my candy! ( Walks along the first row of spectators and shows her.) Bim , Do you want candy, and not even a bite, but a whole one?

Bim. Want!

Bom. I'll give you candy if you guess in which hand I'll hide it.

Bim. Fine. I'll definitely guess. Hide it quickly.

Bom. Just turn away and don't peek.

Bim(moves away and stands with his back to Bom). Turned away!

Bom. Ready! ( Stretches out both hands.)

Bim (looks first at one hand, then at the other, wants to pull one, but pulls his hand away). I'm afraid to make a mistake. ( He walks away, then goes up to Bom again, looks at his hands, then on his face.) So, you have a huge mosquito on your forehead.

Bom(scared). A big mosquito? (Slaps his free hand on his forehead.)

Bim (quickly grabs the other hand). The candy is in this hand.

Bom. If you guessed correctly, you get candy. How did you guess it?

Bim. Ask the guys, they will tell you. Now take the candy and eat it. But I have no time. ( Leaves.)

Bom. Guys, how did Bim find out in which hand I hid the candy? ( The children explain.) Oh, how cunning! ( Runs away.)

Bom comes in and dances merrily.

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm smarter than everyone, of course!

(Sits in a chair and stretches his legs.)

And believe me, I'm not lying,

That I will outsmart everyone!

Bim sneaks up unnoticed, lightly touches Bum's left ear and hides behind a chair.

Bom. Oh! ( He grabs his ear and, cautiously, slowly turns to the left..) There is no one. But someone touched my left ear. ( Pause.) The bird was probably flying and hit it with its wing. ( Cheerfully repeats his song.)

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm smarter than everyone, of course!

And believe me, I'm not lying,

That I will outsmart everyone!

Bim touches Bum's right ear and hides again.

Bom(grabs his ear and slowly, cautiously turns to the right.) Someone touched me again, but this time other ear. And again there is no one. Probably the plane was flying and its wing hit . (Bim throws a scarf over Bom’s head.)

Bom. Oh! It became completely dark, I can’t see anything. ( Loud.) Bim, where are you? Come here quickly.

Bim (moves aside). What's happened?

Bom. Suddenly it became dark! I don't see anything... What does this mean?

Bim. This means that night has come. Everyone is sleeping. You're the only one making so much noise.

Bom. I also want to sleep. But how will I find my bed?

Bim. I'll help you.

Bom. Do you really see?

Bim. Yes, I see a little and will take you to the bed.

Bom. Please, Bim, take me!

Bim. Fine. Give me your hand. ( takes him by the hand.) Now let's go, but only carefully. And to make it more fun, let's sing your song, just quietly, so as not to wake anyone up. ( Bim leads Bom around the stage in different directions. Both sing softly.) Be careful, bumps! Raise your legs higher.

Bom (walks, raising his legs high). Bumps? I'll break my nose, but I only have one.

Bim. Now walk wider, there are puddles here.

Bom. Puddles? There's nothing worse than puddles. ( Keeps going.)

Bim. Jump, there's a ditch here.

Bom. Ditch? I might fall. ( Jumps and falls, his scarf falls off.) It's light again! What is it: day or night?

Bim. It was I who outsmarted you. ( Pause.) So, now I will sing your song. ( Sings.)

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm smarter than everyone, of course!

And believe me, I'm not lying,

That I will outsmart everyone!

Bom. Yes, you outsmarted me. But now I’ll pay you back for this. ( Departs from Bim, rolls up his sleeves and after 5-6 steps screams and falls.) Oh, my leg sprained! ( Tries to get up and can't.) Oh, Bim, I can’t even get up.

Bim. (helps him up). How did this happen?

Bom. I don't know myself. My leg sprained. ( Tries to walk but can't.) What am I going to do now? I can't go.

Bim. We need to go to the doctor.

Bom. But I can’t go Bim, help me. Take me to the doctor.

Bim. Fine. Get on the cart. ( Bom sits down, Bim takes him in a circle.)

Bom. Stop! What a good ride you gave me! Thank you! Bam! Well, who is smarter? Who will sing my song?

Bim. Let's sing it together!

They sing and leave.

Bim walks around the stage, sings without words, holding his lips tightly, and conducts himself.

Bim. Bom! Come here!

Bom. Did you call me, Bim?

Bim. Yes. Do you know what I came up with? Let's sing.

Bom. Well thought out. I love to sing. But when I start singing, everyone falls silent and there is complete silence.

Bim. Is it to listen to you better?

Bom(sad). I sing very loudly, I just scream, and everyone runs away.

Bim. Why are you screaming? We need to sing, not shout. Try!

Bom begins to sing a song familiar to the children at the top of his lungs. Bom runs up to him and covers his mouth with his hand.

Bim. No need to shout, sing quietly! ( Bom sings the same song a little quieter, but still very loud. Bim covers his ears. Bom immediately stops singing.) Even quieter. ( Bom sings quiet.) Even quieter, quieter! ( Bom gradually lowers the sound and finally sings silently, only opening your mouth and moving your lips.)

Bom. Enough jokes. Let's sing.

Bim. What are we going to sing?

Bom. We'll sing a song about the guys.

Bim. Fine.

Bom. And the guys will sing with us. We will sing, and they will sing along: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If you guys don’t like something and don’t agree with our verses, then don’t sing, but close your lips and shake your head ( shows). Like this.

Bim. Got it? Come on, Bom, let's start.

Bom and Bim (sing)

Let's ask everyone now,

Who here loves song and laughter?


Bom and Bim

Answer in chorus, instantly,

Who is the most spoiled person here?

Some children begin to sing the chorus.

Bom. Bim, see how many spoiled people there are here.

Who is used to your order?

Does he do exercises in the morning?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Tell me which one of you, brothers,

Forgets to wash your face?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

And one more question:

Who doesn't wash their nose?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends...

The hour of farewell has come!

Who among you will clap?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Bim and Bom bow, wave their hands and leave to the music.

Zhanna Rushanovna Fedina

Together with my daughter we celebrate children's BIRTHDAYS! I am the presenter and musical director, and my daughter is the CLOWN.

We have many scenarios. Here's one of them.


Good afternoon, dear friends!

Every person in life has a reason at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, for his personal holiday - his birthday. Today is Sophia's birthday.

Today you, Sophia, turn 10 years old. This is the first round date in your life. This is the first two-digit date of years. 10 years - ANNIVERSARY!

I wish you ten years

Live cheerfully, brightly, without troubles.

Useful gifts, surprises,

Less insults and whims!

Let everything be fine at school and at home:

Nice, clear and cool!

I wish you a cheerful laugh,

More luck and success!

All together: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (3 times)

And now a SURPRISE awaits you, we invited you to visit you for your anniversary birthday...


Hello everyone, friends!

I greet you all today!

My name is Clown Tyapa,

And I'm not a bungler at all.

You couldn't imagine a better reason for a meeting,

I am a cheerful clown and I was in a hurry to see the most beautiful, charming, attractive girl for her BIRTHDAY! (approaches the birthday girl and gives a flower, feeling shy)

Great, it’s just great how beautiful you all are, how are you feeling? The most important thing is your mood, without which a joyful holiday is simply unthinkable! (answers) I don’t hear something? How are you feeling?

So, tell me, guys, who’s birthday is today?

“What is customary to do on a birthday?”

(The answers, of course, were different: play, eat cake, give gifts, blow out candles, etc.)

“True, but it’s still customary to wish the birthday girl all the best! What do you want to wish her on this wonderful day?

I, the clown TYAPA, announce a competition for the best wishes for the birthday boy!

Birthday has arrived!

Today is a holiday, treats

There are candies, there are cookies!

But congratulations are not enough.

And now we will fix it. Everyone now wishes something good to our birthday girl on this wonderful day! I invite everyone to approach the colorful balls and write their congratulations.


Great! We hope that all your wishes will come true!

Tell me guys, do you like to travel?

(children answer)


Then I invite everyone to go to a beautiful fairyland, where fun adventures await you. And we will go there by special transport - in a hot air balloon! (all party participants receive balloons). Whoever inflates the balloon first will be the first to enter the magical land. The only condition: you need to make sure that the ball does not burst. So, let's inflate...

Balloon competition:

who will inflate it faster! So, let's fly!


Here we are with you on the island of fabulous adventures. Got there first. (Name). Let's give him a big clap! It's time to take part in fun adventures! Now we will divide you into two teams (girls and boys)

Competition "Jumble"

You need to throw as many balls as possible across the line. Whichever team has more balls on their territory loses.

Competition "Funny Clowns"

Children on their team dress up their own clown


We are the most fashionable and modern clowns Disco


Now let’s check how accurate you are, so come up to me one by one and take the rings in your hands!

Competition "Ring Throw"

Who will hit the target with more rings?

Competition "Chamomile" music

A chamomile is made from paper in advance - as many petals as there will be children. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal.

Children tear off the petals and begin to perform tasks: walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat a tongue twister. MUSIC


All these fabulous creatures speak different languages, the Eurovision 2012 competition is taking place on the island and you, TYAPA, can now try it too.



Zhele e bebese dve veselekh gese,

Eden Sirey Dregay Belay,

Dve veselekh gese


There lived and bibisi two hanging gisi,

Idin syriy drigiy biliy,

Two hanging gisi


Jules, booby, two, vusyulyuh, gusyu,

Yudyun syuryuy drugyuy byulyuy,

Two vusyulyuh gusyu


Zhulu u bubusu two vusuluh gusu,

Udun suri other bului,

Two vusuluh gusu


Zhala a babasa two vasalah gasa,

Adan shed dragay balay,

Two vasalah gasas


Zhyalya I babyasya two yasyalyah gyasya,

yadyan syaray crappy balyay,

Two vyasyalkh gyasya


Well done! You have once again managed to prove that your mood is at the highest level! You sing wonderfully, but what about your dancing? Let's check!


And no need to test us, we are all great dancers, right guys? Will they check us? I know how much I love to dance! And here is my magic bag, if you take something out of it, your legs will start dancing! (The CLOWN himself first puts on the thing from the bag and dances, and then the children)



And now Tyapa and Sophia will play a JOKIC LOTTERY.

You will receive comic gifts from the birthday girl!

1. We will have to live by learning grief,

Don't forget about the days of the calendar.

(Prize - calendar)

2. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?

Life will be joyful and bright.

(Prize - markers)

3. It’s time to get rich and save money,

in kopecks, paper bills

so that it is safe to store them somewhere,

You get the safe at home.

(PRIZE - piggy bank)

4. You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,

Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane.

(Prize - comb)

5. While the teacher is “removing the shavings” from you?

Calmly brew a mug of tea.

(Prize - mug)

6. To the one who receives this candle,

You'll have to travel around the world.

(Prize - candle)

7. Although this cream is inedible,

But the smell is simply incomparable.

(Prize - cream)

8. Receive a tube as a gift,

So that the tooth shines in the sun.

(Prize - toothpaste)

9. Friend's address, phone number

where can I find it if I need it?

Let it be in summer and winter

will be in the NOTEBOOK.

(Prize notepad)

10. And it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet,

Because you got a chocolate bar.

(Prize - chocolate)


Competition “Invitation with Ribbons”

Children take hold of the ends of the ribbons, and the leader holds all the ribbons by the middle. Then he releases the ribbons, the children find themselves distributed in pairs. After all, 2 tapes are connected together.


collect pictures in twos to see who is faster

Competition "Who can draw a clown the fastest"

Children are divided into 2 teams, each team runs up and draws one element.

Performed by the birthday girl it sounds

song "Happy Birthday"

(children stand in a circle)

1. On the day when happy smiles

Flow from radiant eyes,

Back in greeting cards

Someone remembers us.

And when gifts are impatient

We wait, holding our breath,

On this bright holiday, birthday

I will be the happiest of all.

Birthday, birthday,

Believe in a fairy tale again.

It's for adults for a moment

Opens the door to childhood.

Birthday, birthday,

That's what I want to hear

Wonderful words of congratulations,

Happy birthday to you!

2. On the day when pleasant surprises

They surround us everywhere

Even all the pranks and whims

We are forgiven this time.

Treats are prepared on this day

And welcome guests are waiting,

Oh, what a pity that it’s a birthday holiday

Comes once a year.


Let everyone remember this day

Dancing, dancing and fun

After all, we were not too lazy to have fun -

Only pleasure.


A joint photo will help us finish the anniversary as a memory of such a wonderful day.

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye! As a farewell, we will arrange an unusual fireworks display in honor of our birthday girl. Let us all once again congratulate Sophia on her birthday!

GET READY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Taking a photo together as a souvenir of such a wonderful day helps us end the anniversary.

Rybakova Olga Alexandrovna,

musical director

MAOU secondary school No. 2, Neman, Kaliningrad region

"Clown visiting the guys"


Ved. A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases, (SLIDE 2)

We're having fun this morning.

Summer gives us a ringing holiday,

And the main guest on it is the game.

Music plays and a train with a telegram appears on the screen. (SLIDE 3)

Ved. Look, the locomotive brought us a telegram.

“I am the cheerful clown Klepa,

I'll come visit you soon.

Jokes, games, jokes

I’ll bring it to you as a gift!”

Guys, how will Klepa find us? Let's clap loudly, stomp merrily, meow loudly, grunt merrily. And now, kids, let’s all shout “hurray” loudly!

Children clap... (SLIDE 4)

Klepa enters.

Klepa. Here I am! Long time no see!

Are you tired of waiting, and perhaps offended?

Ved. How can I tell you? Not that very...

Well, since you’ve come, say hello, you see, there’s an audience.

Klepa. I don't see any bagel!

Ved. Not the bagel, but the audience. Say hello to the guys!

Klepa. A! They would have said so right away! Hello viewers!

Would you like to fight with me?

Ved. Klepa! What are you saying?

Klepa. What did I say? Hello viewers!

Would you like to compete with me?

Ved. But I heard something else... And what to compete in?

Klepa. Well, for example, who will open his mouth wider! So guys, 1 – 2 – 3!

(children open their mouth “A”)

Now who can scream louder! Come on, 1 – 2 – 3!

(children shout "Oh")

Ved. You know, Klepa, I’ll tell you in advance, we don’t need such competitions!

Klepa. Come on, I was joking. But how much fun it immediately became!

Ved. All! Stop opening your mouth and screaming!

It's time for us to dance!

Can you dance?

Klepa. Of course, my Aunt Motya taught me to dance. Do you want me to teach you too?

DANCE “Aunt Veselchak” (SLIDE 4)

Klepa. Guys, did you receive the telegram?

Ved. We got it, we got it.

Klepa. Then listen carefully, I have a suggestion:

Do you want to visit the circus?

Children. Yes!

Klepa. Then you and I will now go to the circus for the performance “The Clown and the Clowns.”

Ved. Klepa, I guessed it. We already have a clown - it’s you, and the clowns will be children - the most fun children in the world.

Klepa. Guys, do you agree? Then repeat after me

“One - two - three, spin around,

Turn the kindergarten into a circus!” (children repeat)

Child. You can’t help but love the circus, the circus is definitely a holiday

Haven't you dreamed of meeting them, friends?

Remember, a long time ago your mother smiled at you

Tomorrow we are going to the circus, there is a new program there.

Child. Circus always means smile and enthusiasm

There a magician will surprise you and a juggler will surprise you.

There will be courage in the parade, there will be an acrobat doing somersaults

Everything the clown does is funny and out of place!


Klepa. Hooray! It worked! We're at the circus! Now we’ll organize such a circus here, you’ll just gasp!

Let's start our performance with a parade alley.

VED. Klepa, what is this?

Klepa Parade-alle is the exit of all participants in the circus performance before it begins. Clowns, come out and show yourself.



Klepa. The first act of our program will be jugglers!

Do you want to be a juggler? And we will play with circus hats and rings. (children's answers)

GAME “CATCH THE RING WITH YOUR HAT” (children stand in a circle, Klepa and the Leader are in the center of the circle, with rings for throwing rings; children pass hats around the circle: “Give the hat to a friend, catch the ring in your hat!” Klepa and the leader throw the ball and ring to the one who ended up with the words .)


Ved. Circus riddles,

Guess it, clowns!

Who performs in the arena?

Everyone knows these animals.

1. The ring is on fire, it is burning,

The gymnast flies through the ring,

During the flight he fluffed up his mane

And he wagged his tail playfully.

Answer: Leo

2. A juggler performs on stage (SLIDE 8)

He throws balls with his trunk

Standing on one paw, on one

He is very nice and funny.

Answer: Elephant

3.He used to sleep in a den, (SLIDE 9)

The circus invited him to come.

He lifts weights -

The circus performer is strong.

Answer: Bear

VED. Well done, you clowns

We solved all the riddles!

And the time has come again

Perform in the circus arena.

And circus animals will perform: giraffes, zebras and even elephants.



Klepa The performance continues!

We invite tightrope walkers to perform.


Klepa Klownyatki, do you want to become a tightrope walker?


VED. The fun continues (SLIDE 12)

Let's cheer up!

Get into the circle quickly

Let's dance more fun!

DANCE game "Circus" (SLIDE 12)


Klepa And now meet me! In the arena of the Rough Riders circus!


Klepa Clownies, do you want to become equestrians?

Let's start preparing, go out to practice.


VED. Circus musicians, (SLIDE 16)

Show me your talents

SONG GAME “FUNNY ORCHESTRA” (song accompanied by a children's orchestra).


Klepa And now the tricks! Do you love magic tricks?

1. MAGICAL PERFORMANCE - color the water different colors

2. FOCUS WITH A BOX (double bottom)

And in the box there are treats for children.

Clown. Guys, don't be shy, smile more often!

And stay so cheerful!

Congratulations to everyone on the holiday of laughter!!!

Song "Smile"

Klepa and the children go out into the street, where the children are drawing a circus on the asphalt.

Presenter (Tyapa):
Hello everyone, friends!
I greet you all today!
My name is Clown Tyapa,
And I'm not a bungler at all.

What is your name, my dear, charming and funny children? Let's get to know each other better: I throw a ball into everyone's hands, and you must catch it, saying your name in an affectionate manner.

1. Game “Getting Acquainted”
Presenter (Tyapa): We met everyone, but I don’t understand one thing: which of you is the main hero of today’s celebration?
(children answer)

Presenter (Tyapa) (addresses the birthday boy): Tell me, please, which song do you consider your most favorite?

(birthday boy answers)

Presenter (Tyapa): That’s great! Let's start our holiday with a round dance. I invite all guests to stand in a circle and sing his favorite song for our birthday boy!

2. Festive round dance
(all guests perform the song named by the birthday boy)

Presenter (Tyapa):
Birthday has arrived!
Today is a holiday, treats
There are candies, there are cookies!
But congratulations are not enough.

And now we will fix it. Each person (in a circle) will now wish something good to our beloved birthday boy on this wonderful day!

3. Congratulations from friends
Host (Tyapa): Tell me, guys, do you like to travel?

(children answer)

Presenter (Tyapa): Then I invite everyone to go to a beautiful fairyland, where fun adventures await you. And we will go there by special transport - in a hot air balloon! (all party participants receive balloons). Whoever inflates the balloon first will be the first to enter the magical land. The only condition: you need to make sure that the ball does not burst. So, let's fly!

4. Balloon competition: who can inflate it faster!
Presenter (Tyapa): Here we are with you on the island of fabulous adventures. The first to get there was... (name). Let's give him a big clap! It's time to take part in fun adventures! Tell me, can you draw? Can you draw a portrait of our birthday boy?

(children answer)

Presenter (Tyapa): Now we will check this. I will ask all guests of the wonderful island to divide into 2 teams. Each player takes out an inscription from the magic bag, which says what he should draw: nose, eyes, mouth, hair, etc.
(The presenter shows what paper and markers prepared in advance.).

Leader (Tyapa): Each team has identical pieces of paper. But in what order you pull them out depends only on you. So, young artists, let's quickly draw the hero of our occasion!

5. Team competition “Portrait of the Birthday Boy”
Presenter (Tyapa): Yes, I see that we have real artists here today! But the birthday boy will determine which portrait turned out to be more beautiful and realistic!
And you and I, dear guys, continue to play. Please remind Clown Tyapa: what did you use to get to this magical land of adventure? That's right, in balloons! These are exactly what we need now! I invite everyone to take part in the “Hold the Ball” competition

6. Competition “Keep the balloon in the air”
Presenter (Tyapa): The task of each participant is to hold the ball in the air for as long as possible without using their hands. You can help with your noses, foreheads, head, but not with your hands. Whoever drops the ball on the floor first is out of the game. The most dexterous and most resourceful will win! So, I wish everyone good luck, especially our birthday boy!

Presenter (Tyapa): Well done! Now let’s give our birthday boy a performance of songs with the words “Birthday”. Everyone takes turns singing a verse from any birthday song to our hero of the occasion.

7. Song assortment.
Presenter (Tyapa): Well, friends, it’s time to return home from this unusual land of adventure. Take your air transport (balloons familiar to everyone), and on my command burst it! This balloon fireworks display is dedicated to our birthday boy! Happy holiday to you again!

8. Balloon fireworks