Speech therapy session summary

This summary of a lesson in preparation for teaching literacy is one of the notes of the work program “From Sound to Letter”, compiled by me, speech therapist teacher N.K. Work program in preparation for literacy includes 72 lessons and is designed for seniors preschool age. The “Speech Therapy Primer” by N. S. Zhukova was taken as the methodological basis. I have been working with children for more than five years using this teaching aid.


1. Continue learning to navigate in the space-time categories “week”, “season”;

2. Continue to develop the ability to name an object according to its genus and species (“clothing”);

3. Continue to teach inflection techniques, namely: singular and plural nouns, including practicing plural genitive case nouns; diminutive suffixes;

4. Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “sound”, “vowel sound”, “consonant sound”, teach them to name characteristic features vowels and consonants, learn to distinguish between them;

5. Continue to develop the ability to name a generalizing concept;

6. Give an idea of ​​the concept of “letter”, continue to teach to distinguish between the concepts of “sound” and “letter”;

7. Give an introduction graphic image letters Ш, Ш;

8. Continue to develop the ability to correlate the letter being studied with familiar objects;

9. Continue to develop the ability to identify a given sound by ear in various positions: beginning, middle, end of a word;

10. Continue to develop the ability to come up with words for a given sound and determine the location of the sound in a word;

11. Continue to develop the ability to work with letters and syllables;

12. Continue to develop fine motor skills fingers using finger exercises;

13. Continue to develop gross motor skills through physical warm-ups.

Equipment: subject pictures HAT, SCARF, BALL, MOUSE; “Magic bag”, a cash register of letters, cards for indicating sounds, cards for laying out the syllabic structure of a word, a magnetic board.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Specifying the day of the week. Saying all the days of the week in forward and reverse order. Story “Days of the Week” (choral recitation).

“I know the seven days of the week: these are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are working days, and Saturday and Sunday are days off.”

Name the current season and list the autumn months.

2. Check homework

  • “Name the vowel sounds from those passed” (“A, U, O”). “Why are they vowels?” (“When they are pronounced, the air in oral cavity passes freely. Consists of voice. Form a syllable").
  • “Name the consonant sounds from those passed” (“M, S, X, R”). “Why are they consonant?” (“When they are pronounced, the air in the oral cavity encounters a barrier. They consist of voice and noise.”)
  • Reading the page of the ABC book “R” (this is the previous topic of the lesson).

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Pictures from the “Magic Bag”: HAT, SCARF, BALL, MOUSE.

(Words are spoken and pictures are hung on a magnetic board).

“Name the word that means headdress” (“This is a hat”).

“Name a word that refers to a piece of clothing worn around the neck to retain heat” (“It’s a scarf”).

“Name the word that denotes the object round shape, filled with air" ("It's a ball").

“Name a word that means a small rodent” (“It’s a mouse”).

  • Game "Classification"

“Which pictures can be put together and why?” (“You can put a scarf and a hat together, because they are clothes.”)

  • Game “One-many” (“Hat - hats”...).
  • Game “Name it affectionately” (“Hat - cap”...).
  • Game “Name the huge one” (“Hat – hat”...).
  • Game “Who/what is missing”: children close their eyes, and the speech therapist hides the picture (“The hat is missing”...).

The sound comes out sounding speech. “What sound is heard in all these words?” (“Sound [SH]”). “Today in class we will get acquainted with the sound [Ш].”

4. Analysis of classification characteristics.

Is the sound [Ш] a vowel or a consonant and why?” (“The sound [Ш] is consonant because the air meets an obstacle in the oral cavity”).

“Is the sound [Ш] voiced or unvoiced and why?” (“The sound [Ш] is dull because the throat does not sing - vocal cords don't work." Check with tactile-vibration control).

“Is the sound [SH] hard or soft and why?” (“The sound [SH[ is hard because the tongue is straight”).

“The sound [Ш[ is a hard voiceless consonant, denoted by a square blue"(The speech therapist presents a blue square).

5. Development phonemic hearing and perception.

“Raise your hand if you hear the sound [Ш]:

in the audio line: a, w, r, g, o, m, w, l, s, w, r, w...;

from the syllabic series: sha, ash, sa, zha, shu, sha, ach, shi, sho, sy, then, so, ku, shu...;

from the words: juice, ball, crust, fur coat, samovar, hat, bug, mouse, acorn …».

“Determine the place of the sound in the word” (beginning, middle, end of the word): HAT, SCARF, MOUSE, BALL.

“Come up with your own words with the sound you are studying and determine the place of the sound in the word” (beginning, middle, end of the word).

6. Correlating sounds with letters.

A card with a printed letter (large and small) is presented. “The sound [Ш] is denoted in Russian by the letter “Ш” (sha).”

We hear and speak sounds, we see and write letters.

7. Analysis of the letter image.

“The capital and small letter “Ш” are written the same way.” “What elements does our letter consist of?” “We draw three straight lines from top to bottom at the same distance from each other. Below we will draw one line, only from left to right, it connects all three lines together. The result is the letter “SH” (the speech therapist accompanies writing the letter by showing it on the board).



— We quickly inflate the balloon,

(Fingers are gathered into a pinch near the mouth and gradually “expand”)

- He's getting big.

(Hands over the top to the side, describe a circle)

- The ball burst

— The air is out,

(Tilt down, sit down)

- He became thin and thin.

(Stand up with your hands close to your body)


- This is mommy mouse.

(Stroke your head)

- She is beautiful like all mice.

(Stroke your face)

- She has big ears

(Stroke the ears)

- She has big eyes
(Stroke the area around the eyes)

- She has soft cheeks

(Stroke cheeks)

- She has a sharp nose

(Stroke your nose)

— She has a toothy mouth.

(stroke lips)

8. Correlating the image of a letter with familiar objects.

— Shura was stirring up the hay,

I forgot my pitchfork in the hay. (G. Vieru)

-What does Sh look like?

On the teeth of this bucket. (V. Stepanov)

- Oh, the stool is good!

Turn it over - and the letter Sh!

“What objects does the letter “SH” look like (children’s answers).

“What letters of the Russian language is the letter “Ш” similar to (children’s answers).

“What numbers does the letter “Ш” look like (children’s answers).

9. Working with the ABC book.

(Pages 29-30). Reading of speech material first by a speech therapist, then by children.

Finger gymnastics

Winter clothes

- Mom will tie it for her daughter

(“Knitting on knitting needles”)

— Scarf

(Run your palm over your neck and move your hand behind your shoulder - “throws a scarf”)

- And socks,

(Point to feet)

- A hat and mittens,

(Point to head and hands)

- So as not to freeze Varyushka.

(Threaten - shake index finger left-right).

(O. Krupenchuk)

10. Working with a bank of letters and syllables.

Place the letters and syllables in the box:

- capital/capital “Ш”;

- small/lowercase “sh”;


- sha - Masha


- Shu - Shura


There are as many syllables as there are vowels.

“How many syllables are in the words: ball, balls, Masha, noise, noises, Shura?” Accompany the laid out words with cards to indicate sounds.

11. Summing up.

“What sound did you teach?” (collective response of children).

“What letter did they use?”

12. Homework.

Reading the ABC book page (pp. 29-30). Post capital and lowercase letter Sh, sh. Make up words using the sounds you are learning. Come up with names for boys and girls that contain the sound being studied. Think about what the letter looks like Ш and receive a certificate for certification?

Subgroup summary speech therapy session

Speech therapy topic: Differentiation w - w.

Grammar topic: Spelling zhi - shi.

Target: Learn to differentiate w and w.


speech therapy:

Learn to differentiate the sounds Ш and Ж according to their voicedness and deafness.

To develop the skill of correctly writing combinations of Zhi and Shi.

Enrich and activate active and passive subject vocabulary.

Develop sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Strengthen the skill of writing the letters Ж and Ш in syllables and words.


Develop logical thinking.

Develop auditory attention.

Develop auditory and visual perception.

Develop dialogical speech.


1. To develop skills of cooperation and friendly relations between children.

2. Educate attentive attitude to the tasks given by the speech therapist.

Equipment: board; individual mirrors; a set of symbols to indicate sound characteristics; object pictures to highlight the first sound in words (giraffe, beetle, hat, cone); table with letters; cards; Lined workbooks.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational point:

1. Psychological attitude.

Speech therapist: Hello guys! Let's get ready for the lesson. Please sit down. Check if you are sitting at your desk correctly.

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk slimly

And behave with dignity.

Speech therapist: Well done! I see that you are ready to work.

II. Repetition:

Speech therapist: Please look at the table with the letters:

A, a; Uh, uh; Oh, oh; s; And, and;

K, k; P, p; T, t; Z, z; In, in.

Speech therapist: Let's repeat the letters, read in chorus.

(children read in unison the letter the teacher points to).

Speech therapist: Name the vowels.

Speech therapist: Today we will talk a lot. And to make it easier for us to speak, we need to prepare the muscles of the face, tongue, lips.

Articulation gymnastics.


(exercise “Fat men”)


(exercise “Skinny”)


(exercise “Smile”)


(exercise “Tube”)


(exercise “Smile”)


(exercise “Sail”)


(corresponding movements with “Sail”)


(repetition of these movements with the tongue in the “Bridge” exercise position)


(alternately puffing out the cheeks - the lips do not allow air to pass through)

III. Main part:

Introduction to the topic:

Speech therapist: To find out which inhabitants of the country of sounds and letters we will meet, we need to find a common consonant sound in the words: fur coat, reed, car.

(the speech therapist puts the letter Ш on the board)

Speech therapist: Well done! Find the common consonant sound in the words: toad, beetle, hedgehogs.

(the speech therapist puts the letter Z on the board)

Speech therapist: Well done! What sounds and letters do you think we will work with today?

(children's expected answers: W - F)

Linguistic material: fur coat, reeds, car; toad, beetle, hedgehogs.

Characteristics of sounds:

Speech therapist: Let's compare the sounds Ш and Ж. How are they similar and how are they different (according to the table):

(Children use individual mirrors to determine the articulatory structure of sounds. Together with the children, the characteristics of the sounds are given. Their similarities and differences are determined. Symbols of the sounds are displayed).


consonant consonant

lips with a straw lips with a straw

teeth close together teeth close together

warm air blast warm air blast

[SH]- wide tongue behind the upper teeth, lips are rounded, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The sound is consonant, hard, dull.

[AND]- a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue, the vocal cords are working. The sound is consonant, hard, sonorous.

Development of phonemic hearing.

Speech therapist: Clap if you hear a syllable with the sound Ш, stamp if you hear a syllable with the sound Ж.

Linguistic material: Zha, sha, zhu, zhi, ush, ash, already, osh, already.

Exercise: “On the contrary.”

Speech therapist: Now we will play the game “On the contrary”. If I come up with a word with the sound Ш, then you with the sound Zh. (if the children do not cope with the task, the task changes - If I name a syllable with the sound Zh, then you with the sound Ш).


Finger gymnastics “Days of the week”

Speech therapist: Let's prepare our pens for writing.

On Monday I did the laundry

On Tuesday I swept up the dust,

On Wednesday I baked kalach

I played ball all Thursday.

On Friday I washed cups of soap

And on Saturday I bought a cake.

All my girlfriends on Sunday

I invited you to my birthday!

Determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Speech therapist: Our hands and fingers are warm and ready to work. Write two words in your notebook: BEETLE, GIRAFFE.

Linguistic material: BEETLE, GIRAFFE.

Speech therapist: How many vowels are in the word BEETLE?

(children's expected answers: one).

Speech therapist: How many vowels are in the word GIRAFFE?

(children's expected answers: two).

(children's expected answers: with the sound [F]).

Speech therapist: Correct. There are cards in front of you. You need to determine the position of the sound Ж in words (put a button on right place: beginning, middle, end).

Speech therapist: Where is the sound [F] in these words?

(children's expected answers: the sound [Zh] is at the beginning of the word).

Speech therapist: What vowel is in the word ZHUK after the letter Zh?

(children's expected answers: Y).

Speech therapist: And in the word GIRAFFE?

Speech therapist: We get 2 syllables: ZHU and ZHI. Pronounce these syllables and listen, is the sound Z heard the same in these syllables?

(children's expected answers: no:

in the syllable ZHU it is hard, and in the syllable ZHI it is soft).

Speech therapist: Say it with me and follow the sound: ZHU-ZHI, ZHU-ZHI, ZHU-ZHI

(children repeat in chorus after the speech therapist).

Speech therapist: So how do we hear the sound [F]?

Speech therapist: Remember: the sound [F] is always hard!

Speech therapist: Now write down the words HAT, BONE.

Speech therapist: Take a red pencil and put dots under the vowels.

Speech therapist: What sound do these words begin with?

(with the sound [Ш]).

Speech therapist: Using the diagram cards, determine where the sound [Ш] is located in these words?

(children's expected answers: the sound [Ш] is at the beginning of the word).

Speech therapist: In the word HAT after the letter Ш, what is the vowel?

(children's expected answers: A).

Speech therapist: And in the word BONE?

(children's expected answers: I).

Speech therapist: We have 2 syllables: SHA and SHI, are the sounds [SH] heard the same way in them, or differently?

(children's expected answers:

in different ways: in the syllable SHA it is hard, and in the syllable SHI it is soft).

Speech therapist: Listen carefully and repeat after me: SHA-SHI, SHA-SHI, SHA-SHI. So, how is the sound [SH] heard?

(children's expected answers: the same).

Speech therapist: Remember: the sound [Ш], like the sound [Zh], is always hard! You see, it turns out that not all consonant letters represent two sounds - hard and soft. There are letters - Ж and Ш, which, regardless of what vowel comes after them, are always pronounced firmly.

One more thing must be said about these letters: they once quarreled with the letter Y and do not allow it to stand next to it. The letter Y never appears after Ж and Ш. Therefore, the combinations ZHI and SHI are always written with the letter I.

(on the board: ZHI - SHI - write with I)

Speech therapist: Write down the words on the boards: AWL, ZHI, SKI. Take a red pencil and highlight the combinations ZHI, SHI.

Fizminutka: Multimedia (“Radiant Sun”).

Speech exercises.(the speech therapist sets the rhythm by clapping)

Speech therapist: Repeat after me:

lady - lady - lady - lady - we saw a snake

sha - sha - sha - sha - mother washes baby

zhu - zhu - zhu - zhu - hurry to the hedgehog

shu - shu - shu - shu - I’m writing a letter to my wife.

Sha-sha-sha - Dasha has porridge.

Shu-shu-shu - Dasha is eating porridge.

Ash-ash-ash - Pasha has a hut.

Osh-osh-osh - Misha has a ladle.

(children repeat the speeches in chorus after the speech therapist).

Work in a notebook.

Speech therapist: You have cards on your table, you need to insert the combinations ZHI or SHI. What letter will you write them with?

(children's expected answers: with I).

IV. Lesson summary.

Speech therapist: What did we do in class today?

(expected answers of the children: they learned to distinguish between the sounds Ш and Ж, to write the combinations ЖИ - ШИ correctly.

Children can list the types of work they did).

Speech therapist: To consolidate the correct spelling ZHI - SHI, let's solve a crossword puzzle.

1. What do humans and animals need to hear? (ears)

2. Who walks in needles? (hedgehog)

3. Small, gray, live in a mink. (mice)

4. It jumps up on your forehead when you hit it hard, and grows on the tree. (cone)

5. A spotted animal with a long neck, lives in Africa. (giraffe)

Speech therapist: Our lesson has come to an end. At home, come up with 5 words starting with the letter Z and 5 words starting with the letter Sh.

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, str_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, str_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, str_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, str_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, str_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Card No. 1 NAME ___________________

We_, ly_, but_, lu_, pi_, ma_, kry_, ska_, spe_, layer_, str_, polo_, doka_, write_, ma_na, polo_la.

Speech therapy lesson notes in elementary school"The sound and letter "SH" in syllables and words"

Goal: Formation of skills of discrimination and clear pronunciation of the sound [w] in syllables and words.
train students in distinguishing the sound and letter [w] on the basis of syllables and words;
clarify the articulation and characteristics of the sound [w];
develop skills in sound analysis and word synthesis;
practice changing verbs by person; formation of the plural form of the genitive and nominative cases;
activate the terminological dictionary of students;
Correctional and developmental:
promote the development of phonemic hearing and attention, memory;
develop the ability to navigate in space;
develop fine motor skills of the hands;
cultivate respectful attitude towards each other;

Visual and handout: cards for sound [sh]; workbooks; copybook; colored pens; computer; presentation on sound [sh]; table mirrors.

L.N. Efimenkova “Correction of oral and writing students primary classes» Moscow “Enlightenment” 1991
E.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Tikhonova “Steps to school” Creative center “Sfera” Moscow 2000
“Assistant teacher-speech therapist of the center for socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance” Moscow, 1999.
I. Lopukhina “550 entertaining exercises for speech development”

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational point:
Guys, let's smile at each other and good mood Let's start our lesson.
II. Working on the topic of the lesson.
1. Today we will start working with a new sound. With what sound? You will find out if you answer my question correctly.
There is a rectangle in front of you (There are letters in the rectangle, in the upper left there is the letter c, in the upper right there is the letter w, in the lower left there is the letter u, in the lower right there is the letter w, in the center there is the letter h)

Let's remember the sides: top-bottom, left-right;
corners: left-top, right-top, right-bottom, left-bottom).
Name the letter located on the right bottom corner.
The topic of the lesson is on the slide (“Sound and letter “sh” in syllables and words”).

2. I suggest you become researchers and engage in research activities during our lesson.
Working with new words (words are posted on the board).
A researcher is someone who does research.

Research or research activities– this is work related to search to obtain new knowledge and expand old ones.
3. We will build our work according to the following plan (the lesson plan is posted on the board):
1.What does the sound sound like?
2. Articulation of the sound sh.
3.Characteristics of sound w.
4.Elements of the letter w.
5. Strengthen the skills of clear pronunciation and sound discrimination in syllables and words.

4. We are working on the first point of the plan - what does the sound Sh sound like?
Close your eyes and tell me what the sound is like? (Burst balloon). A picture appears on the computer.
We coped with the first point of the plan remarkably well.
5. Let's move on to the second point of our plan - articulation of sound (Mirrors).
Let's look at the articulation:

Tongue position – practice the “Cup” exercise 3-5 times, counting from 5 to 8;
- lip position – “Smile” exercise 3-5 times, counting from 5 to 8;
-pronounce the articulation of sound;
-we practice articulation of sound 3-5 times, counting from 5 to 8;
- “hissing: quiet-loud; together - alternately; short-long);
Let's “Blow up the Balloon” together. We do it 3-5 times.
-We stand in a circle, hold hands, inhale air through our noses - we disperse “inflate the balloon”;
-hold your breath;
- exhale air through the mouth - squeeze the circle;
And we have completed this task. Let's move on to the next point of the plan.

6. Characteristics of sound (Work in notebooks).
We analyze the characteristics of sound and write them down in workbooks.
7. Elements of the letter “w”.
Let's find out how many elements are in a letter? What elements? What do they look like? How is it different? capital letter from capital?
We write a line of the letter “sh”, alternating capital with lowercase.

8. Consolidation of skills correct pronunciation. We work orally:
Speech exercises.
our Masha is good

we say good

Misha and Masha kids

I'm wearing a new fur coat
Game "Memorize and repeat."
sha - sha - sha
hat, ball, noodles

Shi - shi - shi
awl, tire, kids

Sho - sho - sho
whisper, silk, bag

fur coat, joke, jester, bear

Game "Replace the sound".
Slippers - hats
Gift - ball
Peas - rustle
Lips - fur coats

Bowl - bear
Cork - cat
Helmet - porridge
Rat - roof

Game "Continue the sentence."
I'm going and you... are going
I sing and you... sing
I carry, and you... carry
I take it and you... take it

Game "One - Many".
Grandma has one cat. Grandma has many cats.
I picked one chamomile. I picked a lot of daisies.
I saw one green frog. I saw a lot of green frogs.
Masha has one balloon. Masha has a lot of balloons.
9. Physical education minute.
10. Work in cards:
Insert the letter sh into the words. Checking the task.
...uba -
...kaf -
ko...ka -
...ina -
...apka -
pu...ka -
ma...ina -
think...ka -
…ar –
cha...ka -
How many objects does each word represent?
Change the words so that they mean many things. Checking the task.
Fur coat - fur coats
Wardrobe – cabinets
Cat - cats
Tire - tires
Hat - hats
Cannon - cannons
Machine - cars
Pillow – pillows
Ball - balls
Cup - cups

III. Lesson summary:
1. Repetition of the material covered.
- Who were we in class today?
- What activities did you do?
- What sound did we work with?
- What does the sound [sh] sound like?
- Remember the articulation of sound?
- Give a description?
- Which task did you like?
- Which task seemed difficult?

2. Evaluation of students’ work by a speech therapist.

Summary of individual speech therapy sessions. Topic: sound "Sh"

Program content:

Automate the sound (sh) in syllables, words, text.
Learn to agree nouns with numerals.
Fix the names of wild animals and their young.
Develop fine motor skills (learn to accompany speech with hand movements).


Flannelograph: wild animals on magnets; two sheets of paper; two markers; two frogs (toys).

Progress of the lesson:

Speech therapist:

Hello. Today we will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound (Ш) beautifully. First you need to prepare your tongue for the lesson and perform articulation exercises: Fence, tube, wide tongue, blow on a wide tongue, horse, mushroom, accordion, cup, cup on upper teeth, hiss like a snake.

Finger game "Playing the piano"

When pronouncing the syllables sha - sho - shu - shi - she, the child imitates playing the piano, pressing each finger in turn to the table surface, starting with the thumb and vice versa.

Finger game "Hello finger"

(Left hand - ashka - oshka - ushka - oshka - , right hand- oshta - ushto - ishty - ashty), each finger touches the thumb.

Speech therapist:

Repeat the words after me: closet, school, box, corkscrew, pants, bayonet, headquarters, darn, curtain, bumblebee. Finish the word the same way: Babu - shka; grandfather -; mi -; pu -; katu -; podu - ; ko - ; mo - ; py - ; opu -….

Speech therapist:

Mom darns the teddy bear's pants.
Game: “I - you - he - we - you - they”
Mending my pants
To a teddy bear.

Speech therapist:

Guess the riddle.
The little animal is jumping -
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
And a mosquito and a fly.
Who is this?

Speech therapist:

That's right frog.
Count how many of them are sitting in the swamp?
Now tell me about the two frogs.

They live in a swamp -
We saw -
The children came -
They admired -
The heron crept up to -
She wanted to eat -
The children talked about -
The teacher is a speech therapist.
Come on, you and I will play with our frogs.

A dialogue is played out between the child and the teacher - speech therapist.

Where are you coming from?
Frog frog?
- Home from the market,
Dear girlfriend!
- What did you buy?
- A little bit of everything:
I bought kvapusta, kvasol and quarts.

Speech therapist:

Imagine that this is a swamp in the forest. Look, the animals are in trouble in the forest. They lost their young. Help the cubs find their parents.

Didactic game “Animals and their young”

Conducted didactic game. Well done. Now you and I will give each other a gift. Take a felt-tip pen and a sheet of paper. Repeat everything I say and draw exactly like me (with your right hand).

Speech therapist:

Once upon a time there were two brothers. One was called Mishka, the other Timoshka. They dug a well. They covered it with straw to keep it warm. They surrounded it with a fence. Two pipes were sticking out from behind the fence. There is a stove, but nothing to heat it with. Mishka is going to the forest to get firewood. He goes, he goes, he hits the hole, he goes, he goes, he hits the hole. Got lost. Climbed up a tree. He looks: two pipes are visible. He got down from the tree and went home. Hello, Timoshka. Here's a cat for you.

Lesson summary:

Tell me what you did in class? Thank you so much today, you are great!

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...