Agribusiness – ideas, directions, government support. Agribusiness as a specific form of coordination of the agro-industrial complex: theoretical foundations and practical implementation Kostin Vadim Yurievich

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Kostin Vadim Yurievich. Agribusiness as a specific form of coordination of the agro-industrial complex: theoretical foundations and practical implementation: theoretical foundations and practical implementation: Dis. ...cand. econ. Sciences: 08.00.01 Orel, 2005 150 p. RSL OD, 61:06-8/1152


Chapter 1. Methodological foundations of agribusiness research 10

1.1 Agribusiness: concept, structure and development features 10

1.2 The place and role of agribusiness in coordinating market relations in the agro-industrial complex 28

Chapter 2. Main directions of development of agribusiness in an open economy 61

2.1 Entrepreneurship, management and marketing as the main factors of achievement competitive advantages in agribusiness 61

2.2 Modern aspects of agribusiness development 81

Chapter 3. State regulation of agribusiness in the context of market reforms I 98

3.1 Institutional reforms in the agro-industrial complex 98

3.2 Evolution of state agri-food policy 113

Conclusion. 132


Introduction to the work

Relevance of the study. The processes of reforming the Russian economic system are accompanied by market transformations of the agro-industrial complex (AIC). In the agro-industrial complex system, the nature of socio-economic relations is changing, highlighting the development of private forms of management and agribusiness based on entrepreneurial activity all economic entities. Agribusiness predetermines the development of production, processing, storage, transportation and delivery of agricultural products to the final consumer. Agribusiness is the main structure-forming factor of the agro-industrial complex and supports the highly competitive nature of economic relations in market conditions. The development of agribusiness affects the interests of ensuring the country's food security and the social well-being of its citizens.

Market reforms of agriculture in the Russian economy have not provided the necessary institutional changes and modernization of productive forces adequate to the modern model of national agriculture, which is largely due to the underestimation of the role of agribusiness as a specific form of coordination of the development of the agro-industrial complex. The development of agribusiness should serve as a springboard for such processes as the development of the economy as a whole, different forms property, improving agri-food policy, strengthening the position of the Russian agro-industrial complex in world markets.

Based on the advantages of an open economy and active support from the state, agribusiness enables small, medium and large businesses to realize their potential in producing highly profitable products and achieving competitive advantages. This is evidenced by the modern experience of foreign countries, where the economic role and prospects of agribusiness are obvious. In our country, agribusiness has not yet taken its due place in the system of economic relations and requires further study.

Historical attention and support for agriculture from the state requires a special attitude towards agribusiness, which has all the specific features of agricultural entrepreneurship.

Thus, the relevance of economic research into the theory and practice of agribusiness as a specific form of coordination of the agro-industrial complex lies in the fact that, firstly, the development of agribusiness acts as the main factor in market transformations in the agro-industrial complex; secondly, the importance of agribusiness as a structure-forming and coordinating factor in the agro-industrial complex is increasing; thirdly, the role of agribusiness as a determining factor in the formation of a highly competitive food market is increasing; finally, fourthly, the need to study the specifics of the mechanism, functioning and practical strengthening of the potential of agribusiness. Study economic problems agribusiness in Russia reflects modern aspects of the problems of reforming the agro-industrial complex, efficient production of agricultural products and ensuring sustainable economic growth.

The degree of development of the problem. The concept of agribusiness has become widespread in domestic science only in recent years. Due to this research agribusiness develops over a relatively short period of time and covers reform and... post-reform periods of formation of the market economy of Russia, when entrepreneurship and private property arose in our country.

In the world economic science the theory of agribusiness began to develop thanks to the contribution of such prominent scientists as D. Davis and A. Hosking. In Russia, the methodological foundations of rural entrepreneurship were laid back in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by A. Chayanov, N. Kondratyev, A. Volynsky, A. Radishchev, N. Makarov. Significant contribution to the study of problems of agribusiness development in modern stage contributed by V.M. Arkhipov, I.B. Zagaitov, V.V. Miloserdoye, N.A. Popov, E.V. Serova, B.I. Shaitan, E.S. Stroev, A.I. Voropaev, N.V. Parakhin, E.F. Zlobin.

After the introduction of the term “agribusiness” in foreign economic science, it was this categorical concept that became the main object of study of agricultural economics. Theoretical foundations and experience of agribusiness development in different countries, analytical review and statistical analysis, comprehensive research and resolution of specific issues and problems find their place in scientific works and works, monographs and articles.

At the same time, systematic approach to the study of agribusiness in our country has just begun to take shape. Based on the deeper teachings of Western economists, Russian economic science provides a theoretical justification for agribusiness in the context of the formation and development of the Russian agro-industrial complex. Large quantity publications devoted to agribusiness differ in their approaches to defining the methodology and terminology of the problem under study. If in some cases only individual features of rural entrepreneurship are assigned to agribusiness, then other authors characterize it as a complex structural element with all its characteristic features. Modern research on agribusiness is fragmented and highly controversial, which is inherent in Russian economic thought, which is looking for ways out of the agricultural crisis.

The relevance of the problem, its scientific and practical significance, as well as its insufficient development predetermined the choice of the dissertation topic, its object and subject, determined the purpose and objectives of the study, its logic and structure.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the study is to study the theoretical aspects of agribusiness and the specific properties of its functioning in a market economy, defining it as a special form of coordination of the development of the agro-industrial complex, and identifying the main directions for further development.

The implementation of this goal required solving a number of problems reflecting the logic of the study:

Analyze the theoretical foundations of agribusiness, its structure and features;

To clarify the characteristics of the classification of areas of agribusiness activity;

To provide a modern rationale for the place and role of agribusiness in the formation of strategy and coordination of the development of the agro-industrial complex;

identify specific socio-economic functions of agribusiness;

Outline the main directions of development of agribusiness in an open economy;

Define conceptual approaches to institutional reforms in the agro-industrial complex and the evolution of state agri-food policy.

The subject of the study is the system of economic relations that develop in the process of formation and development of agribusiness in a market-type economy.

The object of the study is agribusiness as a specific form of coordination of the agro-industrial complex, as well as institutional entities that provide the infrastructure of agribusiness.

Theoretical and methodological basis research is a systematic approach to understanding economic and social phenomena in their inextricable unity and interconnection, scientific works of domestic and foreign classical economists, modern scientists in the field of macroeconomics and microeconomics, fundamental economic laws and categories, recommendations and developments of research institutions, regulatory and legislative acts, laws Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and Government resolutions regulating the problem.

Research methods and materials used. During the research process, general scientific logical techniques and the following methods were used: monographic, dialectical, abstract-logical, calculation-analytical, economic-statistical. Data from the State Statistics Committee of Russia and the Oryol Regional Committee of State Statistics, data from the regional department of agriculture, normative and reference materials from analytical bodies and scientific institutions on the problem under study were used as the information basis.

The scientific novelty of the study consists of the following aspects:

The theoretical essence and categorical definition of agribusiness is clarified, the relationship and interaction of its elements is indicated;

Conceptual differences between agribusiness and agricultural production are identified;

the concept of “coordination of the agro-industrial complex” has been expanded and specific forms of its implementation have been defined;

revealed economic importance the most effective organizational and legal forms of management;

The increasing role of agribusiness in the further development of the agro-industrial complex as the main coordinating factor is substantiated;

Modern forms of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex have been studied and supplemented;

Designated promising directions further development of agribusiness.

Provisions of the dissertation submitted for defense. The work defends the following most significant provisions obtained by the author:

1. Results of a study of the economic essence of agribusiness, its structure and distinctive features show that it is a specific form of coordination of the agro-industrial complex, functioning on the principles of market self-regulation.

2. The existence of various organizational forms of agribusiness in modern economy requires a special approach to studying them. individual structural elements. In this regard, systematized comparative characteristics and a qualitative description of organizational and legal forms of business was carried out. This assessment allows us to assert that only a variety of forms of ownership in agribusiness meets the interests of the development of a market economy and contributes to the growth of agro-industrial production.

3. Development trends in Russian agribusiness indicate the need to develop effective mechanisms for the functioning of agricultural enterprises. The formation of a competitive strategy and the achievement of competitive advantages becomes relevant. Difficult financial situation, depreciation of fixed assets and low level innovation activity agricultural enterprises require a special approach to the use of entrepreneurship, management and marketing, based on fundamentally new forms of organizing production and economic activities.

4. The study highlighted modern aspects of agribusiness development. It is concluded that the further development of agribusiness is associated with the processes of integration and globalization of the economy, implementation, information technology, the formation and evolution of the development of the New Economy and post-industrial society, providing for quantitative and qualitative changes in the economy.

5. An active state agri-food policy aimed at the further development of agribusiness in our country is justified. It should be based on close interaction between the state and agribusiness entities not only in the legal field and through the tax mechanism, but also in the field of investment, lending, leasing, consulting, insurance, and information.

Theoretical and practical significance of the work. Practical significance The results of the study are determined by the possibility of using the formulated provisions and conclusions, proposals and recommendations as a methodological basis for the further development of agribusiness. The conclusions obtained from the study of agribusiness are of practical interest for choosing directions for development and transformation. APK. Theoretical generalizations made in the dissertation about the essence of agribusiness, its role as a form of coordination of the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex, about modern development in the context of institutional reforms and the evolution of state agri-food policy can be used as methodological manuals for preparing lectures and conducting practical classes with higher education students educational institutions agricultural sector, to improve the qualifications of managers of agro-industrial complex enterprises and employees of government bodies whose competence includes agricultural issues.

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the dissertation work were reported, discussed and published at international, all-Russian and inter-university scientific and practical conferences held in the cities of Orel, Moscow, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine), Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Penza, at department meetings economic theory and world economy of Oryol State Agrarian University. 8 scientific articles with a total volume of 1.7 printed pages were published on the research topic.

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters combined into six paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

Agribusiness: concept, structure and development features

In economic theory, agribusiness is considered as one of the types of more general concept- business. The business can be oil, gas, aircraft manufacturing, transport, agriculture, etc. Therefore, the concept of agribusiness logically follows from the concept of “business”. The author in his research is more interested in the problems of the formation of agribusiness in Russia, including at the regional level, and its role in the coordination of the agro-industrial complex. In this context, we will reveal the essence of agribusiness, the features of its functioning in the context of market reforms, the ways and directions of further development.

The concept of “agribusiness” is new to Russian man, although even slight knowledge of English allow us to conclude that the word “agribuisnes” is somehow connected with doing business in agriculture. Terms such as “business”, “agro-industrial complex”, “entrepreneurship” have already been reflected in domestic science and colloquial speech, but “agribusiness” in the context of rapid socio-economic, institutional, legal, and political changes in recent years requires special study.

The theoretical and practical significance of the problem under study, the multivariate nature of its interpretation by scientists, necessitate a clear categorical designation of agribusiness. Leading economists who studied business as an economic category, as market transformation processes deepened, revealed its essence from various specific positions and approaches.

The modern economic dictionary identifies the concepts of “business” and “entrepreneurship”. A Civil code Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity (business) refers to independent activity, carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in established by law ok .

Chepurina M.N. and Kiselev E.A. Business is defined as “a business enterprise operating for the purpose of generating income (profit). It involves investing your own or borrowed capital in a business, the income from which is spent not just on personal consumption, but to expand production activities.”

At the initial stage of studying agribusiness in economic science, the concept of “entrepreneurship” was used, which was defined at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. R. Cantillon. He considered land and labor to be the source of entrepreneurial activity.

Other famous economists J.B. Say, A. Smith, D. Ricardo also addressed special attention on the use of factors of production, adding capital to the two above. The rural way of life of that time also influenced the scientific works of scientists.

Already in the 20th century, the concept of “agribusiness” was formed, which has different interpretations. This categorical concept was first introduced into economic theory in 1955 by Harvard University (USA) professor J. Davis. In his opinion, agribusiness is a set of operations for the production and distribution of products necessary to supply farms, as well as a set of industries involved in the transportation, storage, processing and distribution of agricultural products. Another formulation of it: “Agribusiness is all enterprises associated with the supply of resources to agricultural production, with the production of products and fiber, processing, storage and distribution of manufactured products” [144, P.411].

In our opinion, the vision of agribusiness presented by J. Davis does not fully reveal its significance in economic theory as a specific categorical concept. But despite all the shortcomings of the above formulations, they served as a foundation, a kind of starting point for further research.

The emergence of this concept in the second half of the twentieth century is not accidental, since it was during this period that economics developed countries, primarily the United States, integration processes were actively developing, affecting all areas of business.

A little later, in 1968, R. Goldberg made an attempt to consider agribusiness in a narrower sense, at the micro level. In his opinion, agribusiness, or vertical integration, characterizes the control of an integrator firm over two or more successive stages - production and sales of products.

M. Tracy somewhat clarified the concept of agribusiness, presenting it as a set of industries that are “upstream” (upstream) relative to agriculture, or supplying it with resources, and those located “downstream” (downstream) - sales, processing and distribution . In his opinion, agribusiness ensures the production and rapid promotion of products from producers to primary buyers and further down the chain with minimal losses.

Further research by scientists made it possible to study the essence of agribusiness much more deeply. We are closer to the position of A. Hosking, who views agribusiness not as a set of industries or enterprises, but as an activity carried out by individuals, enterprises or organizations to extract natural benefits, produce or purchase and sell goods, or provide services in exchange for other goods, services or money for the mutual benefit of interested persons or organizations in agriculture.

Many domestic scientists adhere to the same position. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences B.I. Shaitan believes that in the course of the functioning of agribusiness from rare production and natural resources Entrepreneurs over time, with or without the help of money, produce various goods and distribute them (i.e., sales) in order to satisfy consumer demand and make a profit.

The place and role of agribusiness in coordinating market relations in the agro-industrial complex

Agribusiness operates within the framework of the agro-industrial complex, which is a set of industries and spheres of the economy engaged in the production of food and other agricultural goods, supplying the population with these products, the production of machines and mechanisms for agricultural production and processing, and includes the production and social infrastructure of the village.

Already from the very beginning, the development of the social division of labor, the growth of productivity social labor and acceleration scientific and technological progress led to the emergence of completely objective economic, organizational and technological connections between agriculture and related industries and sectors of the economy. The isolation, isolation and self-sufficiency of agriculture was broken and the process of forming a single agro-industrial economic sphere of human activity began, covering both direct agricultural production and related enterprises specializing in the industrial processing of milk, meat, potatoes, fruits, feed, etc. Such a combination of production ensures. rational specialization of agricultural enterprises, integration of agriculture and industry, leading to savings in social labor, overcoming the seasonality of agricultural production, and reducing losses of marketable products.

With the formation of the agro-industrial sector in the command-administrative system of the USSR as a result of agro-industrial integration, the possibility of more flexible production management and maneuvering labor force, conditions were created for uninterrupted supply industrial enterprises raw materials and semi-finished products. A connection was established between the production and consumption of agricultural products, which accelerated the development of agricultural production infrastructure. Construction of roads, transport networks, storage facilities and storage has led to cost savings and increased efficiency in agricultural and industrial production.

Gradually, agricultural engineering and social sphere engaged in training and retraining of personnel, medical care, culture, education, etc.

Thus, as a result of the development of agro-industrial integration around agriculture, it is objective and natural. a set of industries connected by a certain sequence is formed technological processes, when the product of one industry is a derived resource for another, it adds up, social infrastructure. This set of integrated industries, the activities of which are impossible without each other, without the exchange of the products of their labor, forms the national economic agro-industrial complex.

After the transition from command-administrative to market elements, a significant transformation occurred in the economy. economic, social and institutional relations. As a result, the formation and active development of entrepreneurship in rural areas led to the identification of agribusiness, covering all areas of the agro-industrial complex as an intersectoral complex. In countries with a market economy, the functioning of the agro-industrial complex is unthinkable without entrepreneurship in various forms.

In our opinion, coordination of the agro-industrial complex is a set of forms of influence on the agro-industrial complex with the aim of its intensive, balanced development. There are two main forms of coordination - market self-regulation, the functions of which are performed by agribusiness, and government regulation(Fig. 3).

Agribusiness, through free competition, influences the formation of supply and demand, intensification of production, introduction of new technologies, marketing, branding and strategic management aimed at the final result - making a profit. Market self-regulation contributes to the development of the most effective organizational and legal forms of management, the most profitable agricultural projects and, ultimately, allows solving the main task of agricultural entrepreneurship - increasing the production of highly profitable products.

State regulation consists of creating and strictly observing the legal mechanism of the agricultural economy; applying a set of measures aimed at overcoming market excesses, developing new technologies, stimulating unprofitable activities, the products of which constitute Russia’s food security; ensuring high social status all participants in the agricultural market.

Entrepreneurship, management and marketing as the main factors for achieving competitive advantage in agribusiness

Implementation market mechanism in Russian agriculture means not only the emergence of agribusiness, but also internal and external competition. In this regard, it can be called an axiom that only the production of competitive products can bring profit to agribusiness. That is why, in our opinion, achieving competitive advantages is the cornerstone of the functioning of the market structure of the agro-industrial complex. In this chapter, within the framework of economic theory and on the basis of studying the practical experience of agricultural enterprises in the Oryol region, studies of many domestic and foreign authors, the concept is being built effective development agribusiness as a specific form of coordination of the agro-industrial complex.

The author identifies entrepreneurship, management and marketing as the main factors in the development of agribusiness. In modern economic conditions effective management production resources, regardless of the field of activity, is promoted to priority business functions. By importance managerial function surpassed only by the entrepreneurial function associated with the creation of new productive structures. World economy The stage that was marked by the separation of the functions of the owner and the functions of the manager (manager) has long passed. The manager became a hired employee of the appropriate level professional qualifications and certain personal qualities.

The current stage of development of the socio-economic life of Russia provides a lot of evidence that when replacing the old management system with a new one that more adequately meets the modern realities emerging in the country, the efficiency of enterprises increases quite significantly. Facts of this kind give grounds for some analysts to call the current stage that Russia is going through “the time of managers.”

Management building modern Russia, partially still operating according to the “inertial Soviet principle,” is increasingly aware of its importance and responsibility. The crisis development of the Russian economy at the turn of the century increases the demands on practicing managers, forcing them not only to constantly improve their professional level, but also increasingly to turn to the services of management consultants. The difficulties experienced by Russia are forcing the corps of directors to increasingly think about strengthening the role and importance of management, increasing its effectiveness and efficiency.

Entrepreneurship and management in Russian agribusiness are concepts that have not yet been fully formed and in practice differ in many ways from foreign experience. Imperfect legislation in the field of relations regarding land ownership and land use, interference and influence of regional authorities and local government on the agricultural market, the mostly negative opinion of society towards the results of privatization and its consequences, the difficult process of transition from the “Soviet thinking” of a person to a market one, the wary attitude of the rural population towards the entrepreneur, merchant, capitalist - all these are characteristic features of the development of agribusiness in Russia over the course of the last ten years.

In conditions of increased competition characteristic of a market economy, it is entrepreneurship and management that create new enterprises, introduce new technologies, attract additional labor and, accordingly, increase the level of employment of the population, and increase tax deductions to budgets of all levels.

The concepts of management, business and entrepreneurship often coexist in the culture of developed capitalist countries. Business is aimed at making a profit by creating and selling certain products or services, management involves managing commercial and business operations, and entrepreneurship implements some kind of innovation, a new business.

Entrepreneurship, first of all, consists of finding or creating demand for products, work, services and satisfying it by selling the corresponding products, work, services as goods. It does not matter whether the entrepreneur himself organizes the production of these goods or acts as an intermediary between their manufacturer and consumer. To be an entrepreneur you do not have to be the owner of capital; The main capital of an entrepreneur is not money, not tools or objects of labor, but his imagination and knowledge of consumer psychology.

Institutional reforms in the agro-industrial complex

The development of agribusiness in Russia is accompanied by fundamental institutional reforms in agro-industrial complex. The interpretation of institutional reforms in the economic aspect implies the process of emergence, development and strengthening of market rules of economic behavior and market organizations and their replacement of old rules and organizations inherent in the administrative-command system. It should be immediately emphasized that there is no unanimity of opinion among theoretical scientists both on the formulation of the concept of “institutions” and on the most optimal ways of institutional transformation. At the same time, modern institutionalism, having studied the mechanisms of the evolution of institutions, has shown that the development of institutions represents a continuous line, i.e. flow of one institution into another. It follows that new market institutions do not emerge out of nowhere, but represent a transformational system that corresponds to the modern historical path of development. In the previous socio-economic system, the action of such a powerful group of motives as possession of property rights was excluded, while in market organizational and economic mechanisms this group of motives occupies one of the leading places.

The transition to a market economy in agriculture required, first of all, the formation of market production units to replace collective and state farms. Already at the initial stage, difficulties along this path became obvious. Firstly, the negative perception of the majority of the rural population towards the ongoing reforms. Polls public opinion in the late 1980s it was shown that less than 15% of rural residents would like to farm on their own. Secondly, rural infrastructure and agricultural production technologies for many years were formed for large-scale enterprises. Go to more small forms management and farming requires the development of a fundamentally different transformation network, which is associated with huge financial costs. As the further course of agrarian reform showed, practically nothing was done in this direction. Thirdly, it turned out that the previously created production potential of collective and state farms is technologically impossible to divide into small farms.

At the same time, back in 1987, experiments with the creation of farms began almost simultaneously in the Oryol and Pskov regions. With adoption in 1990-91. In the year of the Land Code of the RSFSR and the Law on Peasant (Farm) Farms, the first adequate legislative basis for the development of private forms of management in the agro-industrial complex was created. According to experts from the UN Population Fund, the intensive creation of new structures in the agricultural sector in the early 90s led to a significant halt in the migration of the rural population to cities, which was actively observed during this period throughout the Russian Federation. This gave impetus to the exit of peasants from collective and state farms and the rapid growth in the number of farms (Table 2)

The number of farms increased from 49 thousand in 1991 to 280 thousand in 1995. However, later, without receiving the necessary financial injections and unable to withstand the competition, farms began to disintegrate and, since 1996, their number has been gradually decreasing every year.

The slow development of farms in Russia is explained, along with other reasons, by the low competitiveness of small farms in comparison with large producers. Farmers do not have enough financial resources, the opportunity to attract investment and introduce new technologies. Most farmers still use in production the equipment they received 10-15 years ago during the division of collective and state farms, and do not have the opportunity to modernize their material and technical base. Some of them survive only thanks to a kind of symbiosis with operating large agricultural enterprises.

It should be noted that, despite the fact that the mechanism for providing support to farmers is constantly changing, it is not being improved sufficiently. To date, the mechanism for using funds to support inter-farm cooperation in agricultural services, processing and marketing of products has not been considered, but the one developed back in the. 1996 scheme financial leasing With reuse funds and refund guarantees are not applied by the Russian Ministry of Finance. As a result, funds for interfarmer cooperation were received by cooperatives as free financing. It took almost a year to prepare and approve the procedure for using funds to provide assistance to farms from insurance companies due to unforeseen situations. Considerable time was spent resolving the issue of changing the use of funds to subsidize interest rates freed up as a result of the deferment of Central Bank loans. An unreasonable amount of time was spent on introducing only two amendments to the leasing supply procedure.

In connection with the transfer of funding for the agro-industrial complex to regional budgets, the development of farming largely depends on the attitude of local authorities towards it. In most regions, farming does not receive the attention and support of the local administration.

The bulk of farms (84.4%) are formed by rural residents; 72.8% of them, although they previously worked at agricultural enterprises, have low qualifications. The information and advisory service remains extremely weak and distant from farmers, since its centers and points are located mainly in administrative centers regions. There are no relevant specialists in agricultural management bodies, and farm associations do not have the opportunity to support them.

To put it in a nutshell, then Agribusiness is the business of farming. However, this word contains more deep meaning, especially for critics of large-scale, high-commodity agricultural production. For people who view large commercial farms negatively, agribusiness is the antithesis of traditionally small family farms. For the people involved in the business, the word is simply a convenient shorthand for being involved in a business based on agriculture.

Agribusiness includes the production, processing and supply of agricultural products from lettuce to corn syrup. Companies can focus on products such as cut flowers, fresh vegetables, or by-products production, such as fuel obtained from agricultural waste.

Agribusiness includes farm equipment, machinery, chemicals, suppliers and personnel. A few large firms control the bulk of the business, especially in the United States; this caused a backlash among people who were concerned about monopoly and fixed prices.

Several things characterize agribusiness that make it very different from family farming.

First - these are scales that are usually quite large.

Second significant factor - this is vertical and horizontal integration. For example, a company might own a plant that processes frozen vegetables, along with a controlling interest in the farms that produce those vegetables, as well as the companies that staff them to harvest and transport them.

Agribusiness It is also different in that it is run like a regular business with administrators rather than farmers at the helm of the company in the agricultural business.

Highly efficient and modern organization agribusiness helps keep food prices low. This is an important priority for many consumers and authorities public administration and authorities, who are also interested in business standardization, which in theory will limit the possibility of infection through food products and other food problems.

The rise of agribusiness began in the 20th century when people in the developed world began to cluster in their cities, resulting in fewer farmers struggling to meet food demand. Over time, agricultural enterprises emerged that used their capabilities and experience as levers to create a highly efficient system of farming and transporting agricultural goods. One of the main disadvantages of agribusiness is that it has been too successful, driving down retail prices and thus forcing small farms and small firms to go out of business because they could not compete with large companies.

Critics have also raised concerns about the chemicals farmers use to combat the problems. Pesticides, herbicides and various pharmaceuticals- all this is an integral part of agribusiness, for example. At the same time, it also distances people from the source of food, as any department in the production section of a large supermarket will confirm; Instead of buying secondhand from food producers, people prefer to buy grapes from Chile, peppers from Africa and rice from China.

And processing of its products. Structurally, agribusiness is basically equivalent to the agro-industrial complex.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .


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One of the most popular areas of entrepreneurship is business in rural areas. Competition in the industry is low, and there are a lot of unclaimed land resources. You can start a business from scratch by building a small agricultural farm for raising livestock, beekeeping or growing vegetables. The prospect for business development will be the expansion and industrial processing of manufactured goods.

How to choose a direction

The ideas for starting an agricultural business are different. You need to choose taking into account various factors:

Such areas of entrepreneurship have different profitability, project payback periods, and risks. The prospects for a particular idea are assessed comprehensively.

Promising areas of crop production

It’s possible to start a crop business from scratch with minimal investment and risks. The land plot is purchased or rented. Sowing seeds and cultivating the soil in a small area is done manually; in larger fields, agricultural machinery is used. The cycle of work on growing the corresponding crops in open ground is eight months. Using greenhouses allows you to grow vegetables all year round. Promising ideas business development of crop production:

  • Growing dill, parsley, coriander, lettuce, onions, and radishes in greenhouses. The greenhouse must be made of polycarbonate and equipped with a side ventilation system. It is recommended to grow greens using the conveyor method: one ton is removed and the same amount is planted. Plants are undemanding to fertilizers and care. The most profitable season for selling greens is from February to April.
  • Growing potatoes. Agricultural projects to cultivate large areas involve the use of machinery. Productivity will be ensured by varietal healthy tubers. The culture grows well in any climate. A startup will require significant investments in planting material and equipment, but the return on business will be high. Especially if there are warehouses for storing products.
  • Growing berries. Installing greenhouses is where you need to start a profitable berry business. In summer you can harvest in open ground, but in winter you need heating and lighting of seedlings. The berries have a short shelf life, but sales in the autumn-winter season provide a profitability of 200–300%.

In addition to the above business options, you can cultivate grain crops, root crops, cabbage, flax, grapes, and fruits.

Your own business in the flower industry

Ideas for starting a flower business often arise during the holidays. The demand for flowers exists all year round. You can even organize a flower growing business in a greenhouse in the attic of your own home, which will require glazing. The roof slope is equipped with special blinds built into the double-glazed windows, along with dormer windows and a heating system. This will ensure the temperature control of the greenhouse for growing plants.

On 1 m2 of greenhouse it is possible to grow 100 daisies, 30 tulips, 25 daffodils, 27 hyacinths. It is possible to convert an 80 m2 attic into a greenhouse for about 150 thousand rubles. About 2 thousand tulips will grow in such an area. The sale of flowers will cover the start-up costs in a year and a half. You can actually get a profitable one in 2 years. As an expansion of entrepreneurship, you can.

Growing mushrooms

The mushroom business is highly profitable, however, to open a mushroom greenhouse you will need to invest in equipment, ventilation and heating systems. Cultivation of mushrooms occurs under certain conditions, and champignons are more demanding than oyster mushrooms. Before you start implementing the idea of ​​creating a mushroom business, you need to find a suitable premises.

To grow mushrooms, you will need a substrate in which mycelia, a kind of mushroom seeds, are sown. Fungal growth occurs in cultivation chambers, where an optimal microclimate and carbon dioxide level in the air are ensured. The moisture level of the substrate is regulated by the irrigation system. Agricultural entrepreneurship for growing mushrooms has a low need for labor resources. The process is partially automated.

Agricultural goods are sold through food markets and chain stores. The profitability of the mushroom business is more than 40%.

Attractive areas of livestock farming

Consumption volumes of meat and dairy agricultural products are constantly growing, which ensures uninterrupted sales livestock farms. Product prices increase faster than the annual inflation rate. All this makes livestock farming a popular area for small and medium-sized businesses and ensures the profitability of agricultural entrepreneurship.

A startup in livestock farming can be in one of the following areas:

To increase the profitability of a livestock farming business, it is recommended to open a feed production line or workshop.

Poultry farming

The idea of ​​​​breeding birds is based on obtaining meat and eggs. Poultry farms raise: chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, partridges, and quails. Small farms use the free range method. Large agricultural enterprises raise poultry without walking, which causes weight gain to occur faster. To start a poultry farming business from scratch, you need to purchase healthy young birds. It can subsequently be raised from eggs. Sales of products can actually be carried out through your own retail outlet or by selling goods to wholesale buyers. The profitability of the business will depend on the location and price of sales of agricultural products.

A chicken breeding startup will require an initial investment of about 400 thousand rubles if you have your own land plot for farms and poultry housing. Entrepreneurship costs with a population of over a thousand poultry will pay off in the second year or later.


Successful implementation of the idea of ​​creating a beekeeping enterprise is possible if you have knowledge in this area. In addition to purchasing hives and bee families, it is necessary to ensure proper care and take care of striped pets. Income is received from the sale of bee waste products and additional products: honey, propolis, beebread, wax, royal jelly.

The business becomes profitable when maintaining more than 100 bee families. To create an apiary, hives are purchased. The price depends on the design of the product and ranges from 2800 to 5000 rubles. To collect nectar, bees need agricultural land with flowering honey plants. Such plantations can be sown independently. Renting one hectare of agricultural land will cost 200–550 thousand rubles.

The business is seasonal: in winter, bees need to be provided with a warm wintering place, for which a special hut is built. IN winter time you can open an apicenter and receive a stable income from entrepreneurship. These products are sold through shops and markets, medical and cosmetology enterprises. The profitability of beekeeping business is 15–27%, depending on weather conditions and technologies used.

In any direction of agriculture, you can organize a profitable business. You just need to draw up a plan, assess the risks, provide options for reducing them and calculate the break-even level of the business.

In agribusiness there can be nominal and real entities. Nominal- those who have the right to engage in business; real- those who have the conditions and prerequisites for this (capital, personal qualities, professional excellence etc.) and who organizes their own business that generates income.

Agribusiness entities are closely related to each other. Each of them occupies its own niche in entrepreneurship and the functioning of the market, providing services to other subjects of market relations.

A businessman first of all faces issues related to the choice of type and form of entrepreneurship, scope of activity and legal form. The solution to these issues largely depends on the functions that the entrepreneur assumes and will perform. The main functions of agribusiness are reflected in the types (directions) and forms of entrepreneurial activity.

The main types (directions) of agribusiness are shown in the figure. As you can see, the forms and types of agribusiness are very diverse and require professionalism, knowledge and skills.

Agribusiness is always associated with one-time investments (capital investments in fixed assets) and annual operating costs. Without this, it is almost impossible to ensure its effective functioning. Perhaps only consulting is an area of ​​entrepreneurial activity in which you can start working successfully with almost zero initial capital. In fact, all you need is a computer, telephone, fax and fresh professional ideas. And in working capital there is practically no need. After all, the basis of the cost of consulting services is the remuneration of specialist consultants.

In agriculture, in the agro-industrial complex, as in other sectors of the economy, various forms of agribusiness.

  • Sole (private) - carried out by an independent entrepreneur-owner.
  • Collective - carried out on the basis of collective or personalized property.
  • Corporate - an association, a union of entrepreneurs-owners, each of whom has their own share in the combined capital.
  • State - carried out government agencies management.
  • Contract - carried out by a professional manager who, on a contractual basis with the owner of the property, performs the functions of an entrepreneur, is endowed with the rights and responsibilities of a businessman, bears a certain responsibility, takes risks and sets the main goals - the development of production and making a profit.

Types (directions) and forms of agribusiness do not operate in isolation, but in specific conditions that together constitute the business environment.