Research work 'A doll is an amulet among the Old Believers. Semeyskikh'. Research work on the topic “Dolls-amulets Research work doll amulet bird

Kozhevatova Sofia

Project Manager:

Rodchenkova Natalia Alexandrovna


MBOU School No. 145

In the presented research work on the topic "Ritual dolls" (primary school) The history of the emergence and stages of modification of the appearance and technique of performing ritual dolls is considered. In the research project, the author also presents his interesting collection of ritual dolls.

In the proposed research project on the topic “Ritual dolls,” the author explores the history of the emergence of ritual dolls and the relevance of traditional technologies for making folk ritual dolls.

The presented project on the topic “Ritual dolls” contains a survey of 2nd grade elementary school students on an example of their knowledge and ideas about folk motanka dolls, as well as an interview with a CVR employee.

An elementary school student, in the process of researching ritual motanka dolls, is exploring traditional doll-making technologies in practice and plans to attract the attention of her classmates to the ancient art of making dolls with her work.

1. History of ritual dolls.
2. Variability of ritual dolls.
3. My collection of ritual dolls.
Literature used.


« Of all the mysteries that exist in the world, the mystery of the doll is
the most mysterious; Without understanding the essence of a doll, it is impossible to understand a person.
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

I have a lot of dolls at home: Barbie, Bratz, various Russians and even a whole collection of dolls " Ladies of the era" But I very rarely play them. I don’t want to throw them away, so my mother and I arranged them and put them on shelves.

Last year, my class and I were taken to the Volzhsky District Museum of History and Local Lore, located in the village of Dubovy Umet. We attended an interactive lesson " The world of forgotten toys. Toy-amulet».

They told us a lot about these toys and showed us their collection. We also made dolls from threads (spinners) with our own hands. These are the kind of toys I liked.

Just think! Everything, absolutely everything, every detail, knot or rag in a doll used to have its own meaning, explanation and meaning.

I realized that these were not just toys, but ancient folk ritual dolls that ancient people believed in. I really wanted to know more about them. This is how my research began.

Hypothesis: The ancient art of creating traditional folk ritual dolls is relevant and in demand in the modern world.

Relevance of the topic . In modern society, there is an acute revival of interest in the history of the Russian people, in their culture, traditions, customs, and way of life. And this is not just a tribute to fashion! People who are tired of constant stress and the crazy pace of work subconsciously reach out to the measured life of their ancestors, their worldly wisdom, experience and tranquility.

An invaluable source of knowledge about Russian culture is folk art. One of the most interesting folklore trends, of course, is the folk ritual doll.

Target: Explore the history and relevance of traditional folk ritual dolls.


  • Study the history of ritual dolls.
  • To determine the relevance of ritual dolls among modern schoolchildren.
  • Explore traditional doll making technologies in practice.
  • To attract the attention of contemporaries to the ancient art of making dolls.

Research methods:

  1. Questioning (2 classes of school No. 145).
  2. Sampling and analysis of information from printed and media sources
  3. Interview (TsVR employee)
  4. Definition of doll making technology.

Object of study: hand-made ritual dolls.

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Municipal budgetary educational institution
comprehensive boarding school No. 1
Basic general education in Tomsk
Research project
"The Mysterious World of the Guardian Doll"

Completed by: students of grade 5 “B”
Head: teacher
Belyaeva Irina Ivanovna

Table of contents.
2014-2015 academic year
Chapter 1. Folk dolls.
1.1. Definition of the concept "doll".
1.2 The history of dolls and their role in human life
1.3. Types and purposes of folk dolls
1.4. Guardian dolls.
Chapter 2. Traditional technologies for making doll banks.
2.1. My first dolls.
Appendix 1.
Appendix 2.
Appendix 3.
Appendix 4.
Appendix 5.
Appendix 6.
Appendix 7.

The world of dolls is full of surprises and mysteries. The doll is the first among toys. She
known since ancient times, remaining forever young. Her story
can be traced from the construction of the Egyptian pyramids to the present day. On
she is not affected by time, she still finds her way to the hearts of children and
This project topic was not chosen by chance. She is one of
component of the city program “Dialogue”. This project contributes to
awakening in children interest in Russian folk traditions, customs,
rituals The chosen topic seemed interesting to us because the doll is the most
ancient and most popular toy. She is an obligatory companion of children's games
and the most accessible work of art for children. After all, she keeps goodness and warmth
mother's hands. We wanted to know about the history of the emergence of puppet banks and
learn how to make them yourself.
We have identified the object of study as rag dolls,
research - technology for making a guardian doll.
In the age of modern technology, many folk traditions have been lost.
The true purpose of the dolls has also been lost. Lately people have been puzzled
the question of reviving the traditions of making Russian folk dolls, because
It was they who raised the child and developed him.

Perhaps getting acquainted with traditional Russian doll guards will help
modern man to gain lost ideas about the environment
world, about the value of family in society.
Purpose of the study.
Study the technologies for making doll coasters and teach them to other people
correctly understand the meaning of dolls.
The purpose of the study identified the following tasks:
 Get acquainted with the history of the appearance of dolls in human life.
 Identify the types of dolls and their purpose.
 Conduct monitoring among students of 5 “B” and 5 “C” classes.
 Make samples of doll banks using traditional technologies.

 Teach classmates to perform using traditional technologies
samples of Russian doll coasters.
To solve these problems we use the following methods:
 analysis of information from literary sources, the Internet;
 modeling;
 survey of students (questionnaire).
This research work has practical significance, since
the acquired knowledge and skills help to revive interest in rich
cultural heritage of our Motherland. Doll Guardian is only a small part of this
heritage. It reveals the ancient origins of the beliefs of our distant ancestors.
Chapter 1. Folk dolls.
1.1 Definition of the concept “doll”.
It turns out that scientists and scientists are still arguing about the origin of this word.
researchers. In Russian, the word “doll” is a borrowed word.
from Greek: koukla – “doll”. It in turn goes back to
Latin cuculla - “hood”. The relationship of these words can be explained
using head masks in primitive society, they
were worn not on the face, but on the head and represented an image
the whole figure.
The simplest derivative from this root is the word “cook”, which can also mean
a ball of thread, and a fist.
In V. Dahl’s dictionary and in the dictionary of “Russian folk dialects” this word has
many meanings:
 Snow woman.
 Fist (fig).
 Bunned flax.
 A handful of flax for fraying (waste - “kuklevina”), a tow, a skein of thread.
 Bundle of willow twigs.
 The insect is in the penultimate stage of development, in a state of freezing.
 Shape, blank for knitters.
 Counterfeit banknotes.
In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova:
A doll is an object in the form of a person or animal made of porcelain,
plastic, paper, wood and other materials.
Unfortunately, we people of the 21st century see in traditional dolls only external,
decorative features, poorly understanding their true meaning.
1.2 The history of dolls and their role in human life.
In ancient times, when people could not explain various phenomena of the environment
world, they made figurines of gods who, in their opinion, could protect them.

Most often, gods were made in the form of human figures. These were the very first
dolls When people invented gods, they felt more comfortable with it
vast and incomprehensible world. The people who created the gods believed them, worshiped them
and hoped for their protection. So the first dolls made life easier for the first people.
When did dolls appear? Some scientists believe that simultaneously with
the appearance of man. Others say that we ourselves are toys of higher powers. Still others say
that toys are objects made by man himself. By exploring history we can
understand that in the ancient world, dolls were used not only for games, but also for
rituals These were the ancestors of folk toys.
Until now, art historians cannot answer the question: did there exist
was the doll originally a toy as an independent cultural phenomenon or is it
secondary to ritual functions? Most researchers
are of the opinion that the doll did not immediately become a toy. And so
Why. In ancient times, in the early stages of the development of society, the world
children differed little from the world of their parents in the sense that the child
entered adult life, becoming familiar with its values. That's why the ancients
the dolls were not exactly toys. They had a different purpose:
participation in rituals, festivals, they were placed in graves or burned as
atoning sacrifice. Moving into adolescence, the child dedicated to the gods
toys of their childhood, as did, for example, the young Greeks and Romans.
The development of civilization has increased the period of childhood, which has complicated the designs
toys, her specializations. The doll has become childish, special and independent
cultural phenomenon. Gradually, the toy turned into a means of education
and child education.
In our country, the earliest toys date back to the second millennium
BC e. These are clay rattles, dishes, hatchets, and figurines of people. According to
cult of ancestors, the dead have magical powers and can have
patronage and help. To attract the spirits of the dead, they were made
figurines in which they should inhabit, prototypes of future dolls.
Ancient types of dolls or human figurines were
idol-like images with pronounced gender characteristics. Most
The doll has always been common among toys. Clay, wooden,
rag dolls existed among peasants for several centuries and had
different meanings. Dolls were largely associated with all kinds of rituals
during the holidays. Since the time of Peter the Great's reforms
toys, including dolls, gradually began to penetrate into Russia from abroad,
for rich people. Revival of the art of making hand-made dolls
began in the early 90s of the XX century. Charming, cozy world of nobles
estates came to life again in the images of numerous “urban” dolls. The most
a large St. Petersburg center for the production of hand-made dolls in
national and secular costumes of different times and peoples have become
art production association "Amusing Craft". First

designer toys made to order by Moscow craftsmen from the Armory
chambers appeared in the 1718th centuries. They were intended for the royal children and children
representatives of the highest strata of society of the Russian state. And in 1918
a decree was issued on the creation of a Toy Museum in Moscow, and dolls occupied it
decent place.
And so, a doll is a toy made in the form of a human figurine. Means
man, tried to show the similarity of the doll with a person. master puppeteer,
putting his soul into his work, like a creator, creates the likeness of a person.
He believes that such a doll will help in grief and share happiness.
1.3. Types and purposes of folk dolls.
There are different bases for classifying dolls (by size, by method
manufacture and intended purpose)
I. By size:
II. According to the manufacturing method.
doll base 2 rectangles (“kuvadki”, “wedding couple”, “Kuzma and
doll base 1 square (“day and night”, “angel”, “bell”, “Vepsian”).
base of the doll 1 roll of birch bark, fabric, poles (dolls “columns”, “12
III. According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups:
dolls - amulets
1.3.1. Dollguard. (Appendix 1)
This is a special category of dolls. At first the doll was a “toy”, and then
it became protection from diseases, misfortunes and all sorts of evil spirits. She's like
replaced a person with herself, distracted evil forces and thereby protected
its owner. That’s what her name was: amulet or bereginya. It was believed that when
When making amulets dolls, it was unacceptable to use piercing and
cutting objects that could injure a person. Therefore, rags and
the threads for future dolls had to be torn, not cut. And now the city ones
residents try to purchase or make a dollhouse or a doll themselves -
"beregin" of the hearth.
1.3.2. Play doll. (Appendix 2)
Play dolls were intended for children's amusement. They made dolls not only
from rags, but from clay, wood, bone, straw, thread and even cheese. The most
the ancient cloth dolls that have come down to us were made in the second half of the 19th century

century. Children all over the world played with fabric dolls. The cloth doll was
the favorite toy of both the little princess and the peasant girl. These dolls
crafted with their own hands with imagination and love. While the children were small,
Mothers, grandmothers, and older sisters sewed dolls for them. From the age of five every girl
I could make myself a doll myself. An embroidered pattern that once decorated an outfit
dolls, was also not accidental. Each of its elements had a magical meaning.
The word “pattern” meant “prizor”, i.e. “supervision”. On a doll's dress
as on an adult’s suit, they embroidered:
 circles, crosses, rosettes – signs of the sun;
 wavy lines – signs of water;
 horizontal lines – signs of the earth;
 diamonds with dots inside - a symbol of a sown field;
 vertical lines - signs of wood, eternally living nature.
In Russian peasant families, playing with dolls was not considered empty fun.
On the contrary, she was encouraged in every possible way. The peasants believed that the more and
The harder a child plays, the more wealth and prosperity there will be in the family
life. And if the dolls are treated poorly, played carelessly and sloppily -
troubles cannot be avoided. Both little girls and girls played with dolls
teenagers and girls of marriageable age. They took their dolls to gatherings, to
guests, in the field. The beauty of a homemade doll was used to judge its taste and skills.
housewives. The dolls were carefully stored and never thrown away.
"Log". It existed in the Smolensk province and represented
a wooden log dressed in women's clothing. The body is a piece of fabric,
a face rolled into a “rolling pin”, carefully covered with a linen rag. Kudelnaya,
or a hair braid. As a rule, the costume was not removed from the doll.
"Lady". It was made for young children. At first they did
body, covered with white cloth and bandaged in three places, then they took
a long flap, covered part of the body with it, bandaged it, separating
head. The remaining fabric on the sides was cut into three parts and braided - this
there were hands. They put a skirt and apron on the doll, and tied a scarf on her head.
"Baby - naked." A distinctive feature of its technology
manufacturing was that the fabric at the bottom was not left as a single “hemm”, but
divided into two parts and formed legs, wrapping them with threads. doll
necessarily belted. “Baby”, as is already clear from the name, was
naked, without clothes, but the belt was not only a mandatory attribute
Russian traditional costume, but also a very strong amulet.
"To the scolding." It was sewn by girls under 12 years old and was an exam in
sewing and needlework. Every girl wanted to make a doll faster,
to whom she could show her knowledge of the costume, so as not to stay too long with minors
children and get to gatherings on time. They sewed dolls “for snatching” mostly
during the Nativity and Great Lents.

“Helper for the first porridge.” One of the first toys of a child. Together
With this doll he was seated at the table and fed. If the child ate poorly, then the mother
she began to feed the doll, and the child joined the game.
1.3.3. Ritual doll. (Appendix 3)
There was a time when dolls saved people's lives by replacing humans in rituals
sacrifices. Our ancestors had a terrible custom: to appease
gods, sacrificed people to them. But one day it occurred to someone
offer the gods a doll instead of a living person. They took an ordinary log,
They dressed him in a scarf and sundress and sacrificed him to the gods. Gods sacrifice
accepted. So the log doll saved a man. Other dolls appeared -
stuffed animals that were sacrificed to various gods. Each doll had its own
name: Kostroma, Morena, Kupalo, Yarilo, Maslenitsa and others. Rituals
sacrifices turned into real holidays. Dressed up dolls with
carried them in their arms singing songs, danced round dances around them, started games, then
They “gave” them to the gods - they drowned them in rivers, burned them at the stake, and scattered them across the fields.
And in return they asked for happy love, good harvests, and health. Many
Ritual dolls are still popular today.
"Ten-handle." It was made from bast or straw on October 14, Intercession Day.
In production, red threads are used, which is
careful. 9 red string bows are tied to the bottom of the sundress. Doll
was intended to help girls preparing their dowries and women in
various crafts such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc. Having
many hands, she helps a woman cope with all her work today.
"Cabbage" Embodies fertility and prosperity. It is created in a way
twisting, not letting go of the bundle until the last moment. Young people were given
hands “Cabbage” and watched as the guy took it in his hands and examined it. By
By handling this doll, older women judged his readiness for marriage.
It was believed that the doll is like a representative, defender of the interests of that
the girl herself to whom the young man is wooing.
"Kupavka" “Kupavka” represented the beginning of bathing. She was rafted
on the water, and the ribbons tied to her hands took with them human illnesses and
adversity - such importance was attached to the cleansing power of water. This doll
holidays of Agrafena the Bathing Lady and Ivan Kupala.
"Carnival". Made from straw or bast, but always used
tree - a thin birch trunk. Straw, like wood, personified violent strength
vegetation. The doll's clothes should have a floral pattern. doll
decorated with ribbons and artificial flowers. Ribbons were hung on the hands, tying
which, people made wishes. These ribbons make your wishes come true,
should have burned along with the doll.
"Kozma and Demyan." They were made from medicinal herbs: yarrow,
chamomile and other herbs. There is such a legend. There lived two brothers of the same age in Rus'.

They were unmercenary. These brothers treated people and did not take money or food for
treatment. But one day one of the brothers took some food for work. Another brother
was very offended by him and asked after death to bury them in different places, but
the people judged in their own way. After all, food is food for existence, not money,
and so they were buried together. For their good deeds they were elevated to the rank of saints.
Therefore, they used to make dolls in their honor and put them in the red corner so that they
brought goodness and health to the house.
So, a folk doll can be a talisman, a toy, or participate in
ritual actions.
1.4.Dolls - amulets.
From birth to death, Russian people were accompanied by dolls.
I was interested in the question: why was the guardian doll faceless? Image
faces in the doll were prohibited, and this prohibition lasted for a long time. For him
compliance was strictly monitored by the elders. Village women believed that the face
the doll does not need it at all: there should be no extra eyes in the house. Eyes, nose, mouth, ears,
even drawn, these are the gates through which both good and
evil forces. In an ancient Russian village, people were deprived of basic
medical care. The birth of a child was dangerous both for himself and
and for his mother. The peasants believed that evil spirits were trying in every possible way
harm defenseless people. To deceive evil spirits, they committed
numerous rituals.
The doll was used as a talisman when they wanted to get rid of something
misfortune. They took it in their hands, turned it counterclockwise three times and
They said: “Turn away, turn around kindly.” When there were quarrels in the house,
the doll was used to sweep dirty laundry out of the house. Every housewife in her house had a “red corner”
doll In some huts there were at least a hundred dolls.
It was previously believed that if a Kuvadka doll hangs over a child’s crib,
then she drives away the evil force. Along with a diaper and blanket for the future baby
They built a “diaper” doll. The toy was rolled up from colored rags and placed
into the empty cradle for now: to settle in, warm up. And when the baby was born,
the doll was placed with it to confuse evil spirits. Baby doll in the crib
was there until the child was baptized in order to take on all the misfortunes,
threatening a child not protected by the cross. We made a “diaper” without a needle and
scissors could neither cut nor prick, because this talisman was invested
maternal strength and care that were supposed to protect the baby.
It was believed that restricting movement would make the child invisible to the evil ones.
spirits, so the baby spent almost the entire first year of his life in the cradle
tightly swaddled.
“Bell” is a doll of good news. The ringing of the bell protected people from
plague and other terrible diseases. The bell was dome-shaped, and
it looked like the sun from above. The doll has three skirts. Man also has three kingdoms:

copper, silver, gold. And happiness also consists of three parts. If
the body is good, the soul is good, then the person is completely happy. This doll is funny
perky, brings joy and fun to the house. By giving a Bell, a person wishes
to your friend receive only good news and keeps him happy
and a cheerful mood.
“Krupenichka” (other names “Zernushka”, “Pea”) is a talisman for
satiety and prosperity in the family (for housekeeping). Traditionally this doll
filled with buckwheat grain or wheat. This is the main doll in the family. First
When sowing grain, handfuls were taken from a bag sewn in the image of this doll. After
harvest season, the pupa was again filled with selected grain of a new
harvest. She was dressed up and carefully kept in a visible place in the red corner.
They believed that only then would the next year be full and there would be prosperity in the family.
In times of famine, they took grain from the pupa and cooked porridge from it. It was believed that
this porridge transfers the powers of Mother Earth. A guest entering the hut could take a doll
determine whether the family lives well. If the doll was thin, then there was trouble in the family.
And today this doll will help you have wealth in your home.
The child was also given an “insomnia” doll, which protected the baby’s sleep.
As a rule, these dolls were small in size. Bereginya of sleep was hung up
above the head of the bed. They believed that she drove away bad dreams. Laying down
child to sleep, the mother said: “Don’t play with my child, but play with this
doll! "
An “angel” doll was made as a name day gift. It's simple, but
a very cute doll - a talisman that existed in many provinces of Russia. Her
made using ancient traditional technology, having on hand
just scraps of light fabric and thread.
There is another doll that accompanied the child from childhood to
until she “left”, that is, she was eager. This is a “Vepsian doll”. Belongs
it belongs to the northern people – the Vepsians. This doll was the keeper of the home
hearth, wealth and prosperity. The doll's parts are not sewn together. Her
made from scraps of worn-out clothing, from which they pull threads for
tangling and tying up doll parts.
“Day and Night” – dolls protect the home. Pupae protect the change of day and
nights. During the day they set it to light, and at night - dark. Doll Day is young,
lively, active, hard-working and cheerful. She is the mistress of the day, making sure that on weekdays
people worked and labored during the days, and on holidays they had fun, sang, danced, played,
so that the sun shines during the day. Doll The night is wise, thoughtful, calm.
She is the mistress of the night, making sure everyone calms down and goes to bed, to rest from
daily activities, gain strength. She gives sleep and protects it.
"12 little dolls". There was such a holiday in Rus' as Seliverst Day
remembrance day of St. Sylvester. In the peasant calendar Seliverst day
fell on the period of “terrible evenings”, when, according to popular beliefs,
Evil spirits, sorcerers and witches indulged in special revelry,

they unleashed diseases on people. On Seliverst day it was customary to speak
sick. The hostess twisted twelve dolls measuring 56 cm from scraps,
depicting fevers, and attached them to the stove. In case of illness of a child
a spell was pronounced over the patient, in which the names of all the sisters were listed
fevers reflecting various diseases. It was believed that after the conspiracy
the fever will subside from the patient.
These are the names:
1) Tryaseya (Tryasavitsa) - from the verb “to shake”.
2) Ogneya, or Fiery: “Whoever I catch (she says about herself), he
will flare up like a flame in a furnace,” that is, it produces internal heat.
3) Ledeya, or Chills (Znobeya, Znobukha): like ice, the human race is chilled, and who
she torments him, he cannot even warm himself in the oven.
4) It bends - it lies on a person’s ribs, oppresses his womb, deprives him of appetite
and produces vomiting.
5) Breast - lies on the chest, near the heart, and causes hoarseness and coughing.
6) Deaf - leans on the head, hurts it and blocks the ears, causing the patient
7) Lomeya, or Bonecrusher: “Just as a strong storm breaks a tree, so it breaks
bones and back."
8) Puffiness - swelling (swelling) spreads throughout the body.
9) Turning yellow - this turns a person yellow, “like the color in a field.”
10) Korkusha, or Korcheya - brings together the veins of the arms and legs, that is, writhes.
11) Looking - does not allow the patient to sleep (does not allow him to close his eyes, from where
the name given to her is also explained); together with her, demons approach the person and drive him
him crazy.
12) Neveah (the deadening one) is the oldest sister to all fevers, and if it inhabits
man - he will no longer escape death.
In times of general struggle against paganism and ignorance, so as not to fall
in an unpleasant story, these dolls were modified from twelve
turned into one. They called her the “freckle” doll.
A pair of dolls - the bride and groom (“wedding couple”) were traditionally made for
wedding The dolls were made in knots, from bright shreds and threads, which
tied, but not sewn. These symbolic lovebird dolls have one
a common hand, so that husband and wife walk through life hand in hand, are together in trouble and
in joy. They were hung under the harness at the head of the wedding train,
carrying a young couple to the groom's house after the wedding (from here comes the half-forgotten
tradition of placing dolls on the hood of a wedding car). And after the wedding they
were kept at home as a talisman of love and fidelity.
Today, interest in folk art is unusually great:
folk toy clubs, folk art exhibitions are organized,
Festive folk festivals are being revived, high fashion is found

unexpected reflections of elements of Russian folk costume. Let's try too
make a doll - a talisman with your own hands.
Chapter 2. Traditional technologies for making amulets dolls
2.1. My first dolls.
Having studied the literature on this topic, there was a great desire to make
DIY amulets dolls.
Making dolls is not an easy task. Less complex to manufacture
It turned out to be an “angel” doll, but at the same time it is very original. Her
made from a simple piece of white fabric measuring 15x15cm without any help
needles, only tying the flap with thread. The flap is folded diagonally
in half. A wad of tangled threads is placed in the center of it. He is being pulled into
center of the flap with thread. Two opposite edges are straightened to the sides, two
others down. The folded flap is pulled in the middle with a white thread,
placing a belt, then crosswise across the doll’s chest. Side edges
spread their wings. The doll is ready. The “angel” doll was my first
handmade doll.
After this doll, others appeared - “Pelenashka”, “Kuvadki”,
"12 little dolls".
“Vepsian”, “wedding couple”, “martiniches”,
(Appendix 3). Almost all doll amulets are made using knotted
way. Manufacturing technology of “kuvadok”, “Vepsian doll” in detail
described in the appendix. (Appendix 4). The most difficult thing to make was
“wedding couple” doll. This pair of dolls is special. In a Russian wedding
traditions at the head of the troika, taking the young couple to the groom's house after the wedding and
church, a pair of dolls were hung under the arc of the harness: a Bride doll and a doll
The groom so that they avert unkind glances at themselves. This tradition is partly
is still supported today. The dolls have one common hand for husband and wife to walk
through life hand in hand. The dolls can be moved freely along the “hand”. This is needed for
so that between the dolls there is always room for future children -
Martinichek dolls (Appendix 3).
The work of making doll coasters is exciting and interesting. Not yet
my dolls are not as good as I would like. For me these dolls are the most
favorite, because they are made with their own hands. They keep the warmth of my hands and carry
great semantic load. The attractive facelessness of the dolls will distract
from my family illnesses and misfortunes. After all, if you believe in protective abilities
doll, then it will become a “amulet”.
2.2. Beautiful with your own hands.
At the second stage of our work, we offered students 5 “B” and 5 “C”
classes to answer the questionnaire. We were wondering if the guys were familiar with

history of folk dolls, do they have a desire to make doll amulets
with your own hands.
16 students took part in the survey. (Appendix 6). We
processed the questionnaires and found out that fifth-graders have poor ideas about
folk doll, the history of its appearance in human life. And its purpose for them
not known. Most of the boys were not interested in the puppet theme. Only11
class students showed interest in making doll coasters.
At an extracurricular lesson, the teacher told the children about folk dolls,
focusing their attention on the amulets dolls. The story was accompanied by a show,
made dolls. Classmates listened attentively and with genuine
looked at the dolls with interest. The guys wanted to make a doll - a talisman
with your own hands.
Operating procedure
every action of making a doll

Svetlana Buzanova
Research work “Dolls from Grandma’s Chest”

« Dolls from grandma's chest»


Interest in folk crafts in the modern world is growing. And this happens because once upon a time a gap, an emptiness, formed in people’s souls. And now there is a great need to fill it.

Russian doll considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an integral attribute of ancient rituals. Since time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Rus'.

The relevance of my work is, What:

Firstly, doll is a reflection of the life of the Russian people.

Secondly, rag doll appeared a very long time ago. She accompanied a person throughout his life, performing various functions: ritual, cult, educational, entertaining. And today interest in the doll has not faded away, but the same purpose was retained dolls or not, we have to find out during our research.

Carrying out your study, I would like to find out if they know about such dolls my peers, establish what benefits it can bring doll for children and adults.


Starting my work, I first of all asked myself question: what is it doll? Word definition « doll» I started looking in the dictionary.

In Ozhegov’s dictionary there are several meanings of this words:

Doll – 1. children's toy in the form of a human figurine. 2. in the theater presentation: a human or animal figure made from various materials and controlled by an actor (puppeteer) . 3. a figure that reproduces a person in full growth.

In Dahl's dictionary:

Doll- a toy made from rags, leather, broken paper, wood, etc. in the likeness of a person, and sometimes an animal.


To begin with, I decided to look deep into history and find out where it came from. doll in Rus'?

Since ancient times, rag doll was a traditional toy of the Russian people. Game of dolls was encouraged by adults, because by playing them, the child learned how to run a household and acquired the image of a family.

Doll accompanied a person from birth to death and was an indispensable attribute of any holidays. Folk rag doll was not just a toy, it carried certain functions.

Most dolls in Rus' were amulets. They are made from natural materials that come from forests: tree, vine, grass, straw. And this is no coincidence, because the forest is the habitat of the Russian people. Dolls, made on the basis of a birch log, are a talisman of family happiness. Aspen has always been considered dangerous for evil spirits, so dolls made on the basis of aspen wood are amulets for the home and drive away evil spirits from the home.

A very significant part of the dolls were ritual dolls. Of course, ritual dolls cannot be considered a children's toy. After all, traditional rag faceless doll. The face, as a rule, was not marked and remained white. In the villages they explained this simply by the inability to paint a face beautifully, and there were no such paints. But the meaning is much deeper. Doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible to the instillation of evil, unkind forces into it, and therefore harmless to the child. She was supposed to bring him prosperity, health, joy. This miracle: from several rags, without arms, without legs, without a designated face, character was conveyed dolls. The doll had many faces, she could laugh and cry.

Our ancestors lived quite cheerfully, their life was accompanied by rituals and holidays, and in them one of the leading roles was always given to gaming. doll.

In puppet games, children involuntarily learned to sew, embroider, spin, and learned the traditional art of dressing.

Dolls weren't just girls' fun. All the children played until they were 7-8 years old, while they wore shirts. But only boys began to wear pants, and girls began to wear skirts; their playing roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

While the children were little, their mothers sewed dolls for them, grandmothers, older sisters. From the age of five, any girl could do such a nursery rhyme.

Fabric doll- the simplest image of a female figure. A piece of cloth rolled into a “rolling pin”, a face carefully covered with a white linen rag, breasts made of smooth, tightly stuffed balls, a hair braid with a ribbon woven into it, and an outfit of colorful rags. As they got older, the girls sewed more intricate dolls, and sometimes they turned to the craftswoman, a woman who had these dolls they turned out painfully good, and she made them to order.

The face was embroidered or penciled in, and in earlier dolls - coal. They had to attach a braid and weave a ribbon into it if they were sewing a girl, and if baba, so they really took apart the hairstyle. They dressed up beautifully, tying an apron and a belt over the shirt.

The child's skills were assessed by adults. Doll was considered as a standard of handicraft, often teenage girls took a cart with a spinning wheel to get-togethers dolls. They were used to judge the skill and taste of their owner. In puppet games, children involuntarily learned to sew, embroider, spin, and learned the traditional art of dressing.

Toys were never left on the street, not scattered around the hut, but were kept in baskets, boxes, and locked in chests. They took them to the harvest and to gatherings. Dolls were allowed to be taken as guests; they were included in the dowry. They allowed the “young woman” who came to the groom’s house after the wedding to play, because people were given in marriage at the age of 14. She hid them in the attic and secretly played with them. The eldest in the house was the father-in-law, and he strictly ordered the women not to laugh at the young woman.


According to its purpose dolls divided into three big ones groups: dolls - amulets, games and rituals.

Dolls - amulets

A talisman is an amulet or a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers, as well as an object on which the spell is cast and which is worn on the body as a talisman.

Gaming dolls

Gaming dolls intended for children's amusement. They were divided into stitched and rolled. Collapsed dolls made without needle and thread. A thick layer of cloth was wrapped around a wooden stick and then tied with a rope. Then they tied a head with handles to this stick and dressed it in elegant clothes.

Ritual dolls

The Russian land is rich in rituals. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in the hut, in the red corner. They had a ritual purpose.


1. Results of a survey conducted among my peers.

One of the methods of collecting information during research there was a survey of my peers. Processing and analysis of the data obtained allowed me to draw some conclusions about the place of the rag dolls in the life of a modern person.

For the survey we took 7 questions. A total of 25 people took part in the survey.

(See Appendix No. 1)

Conclusions from the survey can be following:

Most children know about folk rags dolls, but like this Not everyone has a doll at home.

If the guys have one at home doll, then in most cases it is just a toy.

Rag doll not all children like it, some of them think that in such doll there is nothing special.

Rag I like the doll for that that she is soft, homemade, beautiful, funny, interesting and you can play with her.

To the question “What benefits does doll, the children answered that the doll protects the child, protects and protects from evil spirits, develops little ones children: teaches them to decorate, sew, take care of toys. Dolls- grains develop the child’s fine motor skills.

2. Survey of older people.

During his research I asked myself question: “And what our grandmothers had dolls

I interviewed 15 people aged 65-80 years. (See Appendix No. 2)

In most cases I interviewed old grandmothers and they answered me that older sisters and mothers made toys for them. When they grew up, they started making dolls themselves. Grandmothers 70-80 years old told me that they had dolls made from straw and using a log. Grandmothers 65 years old answered that their mothers made toys for them. They told us what craftswomen they were and what beautiful dolls they made. Only 15% grandmothers had dolls at home, amulets.

I would like to note that even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers There were already more gaming dolls than amulet dolls.

Now, in our time, people are returning to amulets again, buying modern amulets. They believe that these amulets will protect and protect the family and home. Some mothers whose little children sleep poorly, cry a lot, make dolls for their children - insomniacs. For weddings, the newlyweds are given homemade lovebirds.


In conclusion, I asked myself questions: “How was this useful for me? Job, “What did she teach?”.

Firstly, since I am a creative person, I learned a lot of new, interesting and useful things. After all, this topic interested me for a long time, I often asked myself questions to which I received answers as a result work on this topic. It was difficult for me, but I tried to find and highlight the main thing in the vast world of information. I think if I didn’t succeed, it’s not a big deal, because I’m just learning.

What did this give me? Job? I learned to compare and analyze. I would like to note that I have gained a lot of experience research work.

I found out that doll - sign of a person, his game image-symbol. Dolls are not just toys, but also close friends. In games with dolls children learn to communicate, fantasize, create, show mercy, and train their memory. But the main thing in these games is emotional contact with doll. Children don't just get used to dolls– they become attached to them as to living beings and painfully part with them.

As a result, during my work has been achieved following:

The history of traditional Russian folk music was studied dolls and their types

Implementation technology has been mastered;

Samples were made;

A master class was held;

Practical application of my work can be found in labor classes in elementary grades, in extracurricular activities at school; talk about rags dolls in preschool institutions. I could also introduce those interested in rag doll, adults.

I want to continue making dolls and learn more about them. I want to conduct a creative lesson in the lower grades, dedicated to rag doll and teach the kids how to make some of them.

I believe that there are different people in the world dolls: made of wood and fabric, clay and straw, rubber and plastic. They have different names. A dolls from our past will always be relevant.


1. Dine, G. L. Russian rag doll. Culture, traditions, technology [Text] / G. L. Dine, M. N. Dine. - M.: Culture and Traditions, 2007.

2. E. V. Bersteneva, N. V. Dogaeva, "Puppet chest» , White City, 2010

3. N. V. Shaidurova, "Traditional rag doll» , Childhood-press, 2011

4. Zimina, Z. I. Textile rituals dolls [Text] / Z. I. Zimina.

5. Encyclopedia of Children's Folklore "Okay", White City, 2008

6. Kotova, I. N. Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll [Text] / And. N. Kotova, A. S. Kotova. - St. Petersburg, Paritet, 2003.

7. Folk doll: [Electronic resource] //

8. Russian rituals dolls: [Electronic resource] //

9. Manual Job: Electronic resource]: ///

Educational and research work on the topic: “Dolls are amulets in people’s lives” Completed by: Anastasia Chashchina, 6th grade Supervisor: L. A. Ivanova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Tyukalinsky Lyceum

Objectives: 1. To study the significance of a doll in a person’s life and to identify its connection with the traditions of the Russian people. 2. Find out the reasons for the popularity of the doll as the oldest toy.

Objectives: 1. Conduct a literature review on this topic. 2. Get acquainted with the history of the origin of the folk doll. 3. Study the types of folk dolls and the technology of their manufacture. 4. Make your own doll - a talisman. 5. To identify the awareness of modern schoolchildren on the topic of my research.

God's Eye This is the most ancient protective doll of our ancestors. The cruciform composition expresses the idea of ​​spreading the forces of good or protective forces to all four cardinal directions.

Rules for making dolls You should carry out work on making a doll only when you really want it. Your thoughts should only be positive. It is best to choose a growing lunar period. You cannot create a talisman doll using sharp or cutting objects. The product must have an even number of knots, and a happy wish should be whispered to each of them. If you need a rigid base for the doll, then take two branches, give them the shape of a cross and tie them with red woolen thread to strengthen the magical power.

How to say goodbye to the amulet correctly First, you should mentally say goodbye to the doll. Only with pure and bright feelings towards the doll can you begin to disassemble it. Sharp objects are still not allowed. When all you have left in front of you is a pile of threads and material, you should burn it all. While burning the remains, do not forget to wish the doll a safe journey and say goodbye to her again. When the fire flares up, say these words: “Power of Fire, enter me!” Scatter the ashes to the wind.

Survey questions (with answer options) 1. What is a talisman doll? 2. Do you know when the amulet doll appeared in Rus'? 3. Why are amulets dolls needed? 4. What were the amulets dolls made of? 5. What types of dolls do you know? 6. Do you think every family could have such a doll? 7. How did the household feel about the amulets dolls? 8. Do you think it is difficult to make a talisman doll at home? 9. Did you make amulets yourself?

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Survey results Question What is a talisman doll? Do you know when the talisman doll appeared in Rus'? What were the amulets dolls made of? Result 70% know what it is 10% know the approximate time of appearance of dolls “Made from twigs and shreds” -100% “made from ash” -0% What types of dolls do you know? “Game” - 40%, “Ritual” - 60% How did the household feel about the amulet dolls? Girls (73%) - “they were taken care of as part of the dowry”; boys (60%) – “depending on the purpose”; the rest (20%) – “I don’t know” Do you think it is difficult to make a doll “Not difficult” – 37%; amulet at home? “Autumn is difficult” – 63% Have you made amulets dolls yourself? “Yes” – 42%

Making a Zhelannitsa doll 1. The main meanings of the colors red is the color of life, fire, love; yellow is the color of wheat, earth, sun and peace; green - symbolizes increased wealth and health; blue is a sign of self-development and creativity; gold is the color of God’s love; purple means wisdom.

2. What to make a motanka doll from? white cloth, thick material of any color for the doll’s head, multi-colored pieces of fabric for “clothes”, strong thread for winding, colored threads to decorate the product, beads (optional)

3. Master class (step by step) Photo 1. Take a strip of thick fabric and press its upper and lower parts to the center. Fold the strip in half and wind it in a spiral (this is a symbol of connection with generations). Photo 2. Wrap the spiral in white fabric and form the head of the reel from this part. Having tightly wrapped the base in fabric, make a “neck” - tie it with a thread in a circle.

Photo 3. The most important stage of the master class is winding a cross on the doll’s face. Select the threads so that they match the chosen color of the future motanka clothing. Photo 4. It's time to make the doll's hands. For the hands, you just need to roll up a piece of fabric and secure the hands with threads. It is very important to ensure that all windings are in the direction of the sun, away from you.

Photo 5. Place your hands on the doll’s back and tie them with threads crosswise. You can fasten the tip of the thread to the back of the product. Photo 6. Form a triangle of fabric, fold its edge and wrap it around the doll’s head like a scarf. Holding the base of the scarf, tie it to the body with a thread of the chosen shade.

Photo 7. Make another, “special weekend” scarf for the motanka. There should be a lot of outfits and different scarves on the doll: this symbolizes the connection between generations. The scarf can be tied in a knot on the back of the doll. Photo 8. The Desire doll, made with love with your own hands, is ready! At this stage of the master class, you can attach additional attributes to it in accordance with your desires.

State educational institution “Secondary school No. 3 of Luninets”

Slavic dolls - amulets

Completed by: Dubina Karina,

10th grade student

Head: Ermakovich Elena Nikolaevna,

history teacher


Table of contents

Introduction……………………………………………………………………...p. 3

I. Main part…………………………………………………………………………………..p.5

1.1 History of the appearance of the amulet doll……………………………………………………….p.5

1.2 Types of dolls………………………………………………………………...p.6

1.3 The meaning of amulets-dolls……………………………………………………………....p.8

II. Practical part……………………………………………………………..p.9

2.1 Questionnaire results…………………………………………………..p.9

2.2 Do-it-yourself amulet doll……………………………………………………......p.9



Appendix 1.……………………………………………………………………………….p.13

Appendix 2.……………………………………………………………………………….p.14

Appendix 3.……………………………………………………………………………….p.15

Keeps the amulet from the evil eye,
Keeps evil forces away.
A man became related to him,
Without parting until the grave.
His father wore it all his life,
My father got it from his grandfather.
Saved the warmth of hearts
And the memory of the ancient covenant.
People went into battle with him,
That they will return, believing sacredly
And they came home again.
This is how they lived in the old days.
But the man became more practical,
Thanks to our ancestors for science.
Where are you, our ancient amulet,
It’s a pity we won’t give it to our grandson...

(“Amulets” Alexander Ignatov)


Each of us at least once unknowingly stopped in front of a black cat and crossed his fingers on his hand, or put a snout under his heel during exams. Grandmothers and mothers pin a pin on their children. I had a question: why and why, from century to century, people continue to be wary of seemingly simple things. I learned that the Slavs in Ancient Rus' had amulets dolls.

Relevance of the study:

Every person should know the culture and traditions of his people. And the doll is a reflection of the life of the Slavic people. Even today, interest in the doll has not faded away, but I will try to find out whether the doll’s original purpose has been preserved or not during the course of the research.

Purpose of the study:

Studying the history of Slavic amulets - dolls.


The folk toy is not affected by time, and it still finds a response in the hearts of children and adults. It can be assumed that in our time people know about amulets and believe in their effect.

Object of study: dolls - amulets.

Subject of research: personal data, information resources about Slavic dolls, technologies for their manufacture.

Research objectives:

    study and analyze scientific information on the creation of a doll as a talisman in the 6th – 9th centuries, summarize, organize and specify the information received;

    present the obtained theoretical material in paper and electronic versions;

    make dolls-amulets yourself;

    develop research skills;

    come into visual contact with the past of our ancestors;

    to revive true traditions in modern culture and society.

Research techniques and methods:

In my research work, I used such techniques and methods as contextual search, Internet search, conducting a survey, highlighting the main thing, description, systematization of information, generalization, as well as practical activities.

The practical significance of this work is determined by the possibility of using the results in the practical activities of teachers, in lessons on the history of Belarus when studying the culture of the Eastern Slavs.

I . Main part

1.1 History of the emergence of amulets dolls

In our age, dolls are most often children's toys. But it wasn't always like this.

Everything that happened around primitive man was incomprehensible and often cruel and frightening.

Water poured from the sky and fire (rain and lightning) fell like arrows. Water, if it was a heavy downpour, washed away and carried away homes, people, and crops. The sun also did not always warm people and the earth kindly. There were times when it burned everything sown, depriving people of their harvest. The wind uprooted trees and destroyed homes.

And the man wondered: who does all this? Of course, these were some higher and powerful beings - gods. People created sculptures of gods, gave them names, and now man had someone to ask for help and protection, and someone to worship. This is how the gods appeared: Svarog, Dazhbog, Makosh, Perun and many others.

Most often, gods were made in the form of human figures. These were probably the very first dolls.

The Russian word “doll” is related to the Greek “kyklos” (“circle”), and means a rolled up bundle of straw that girls have swaddled and cradled since time immemorial, imitating their mothers.

When people came up with gods, they felt more comfortable in this huge and incomprehensible world. The people who created the gods believed in them, worshiped them and hoped for their protection. So the first dolls made life easier for the first people.

There was a time when dolls saved people's lives by replacing humans in sacrificial rituals. Our ancestors had a terrible custom: in order to appease the gods, they sacrificed people to them. But one day it occurred to someone to offer the gods a doll instead of a living person. They took an ordinary log, dressed it in a scarf and a sundress and sacrificed it to the gods. The gods accepted the sacrifice. So the log doll saved a man.

Other dolls also appeared - stuffed animals that were sacrificed to various gods. Each doll had its own name: Kostroma, Morena, Kupalo, Yarilo...

In ancient times, the Slavs took them quite seriously. The dolls were the main amulets, each of them fulfilling its “responsibilities.” Most were identified with the image of female deities.

Slavic homemade amulets dolls have always played a significant role in the lives of people in Rus'. In addition to their main purpose - to protect and protect, children played with dolls and used them to decorate the home. Our ancestors were confident that amulets dolls had an impact on the life, health, destiny and well-being of people. Therefore, dolls were made as symbols of ritual or keeper of the hearth, and they were often presented as gifts.

Dolls - amulets in Rus' - are made from natural materials that are brought from the forest: wood, vine, grass, straw. And this is no coincidence, because the forest is the habitat of the Russian people. Dolls made from birch wood are a talisman of family happiness. Aspen has always been considered dangerous for evil spirits, so dolls made on the basis of aspen wood are amulets for the home and drive away evil spirits from the home. The main feature of the pupae is their clean face, without a nose, mouth or eyes. Because according to ancient beliefs, it was believed that “if you do not draw a face, then evil spirits will not move in and will not bring harm to either the child or the adult.”

1.2. Types of dolls

Protective dolls themselves can be divided into several categories. For example, there are those that protect the child from disease or the evil eye; amulets for young girls or boys; for pregnant women; to protect the well-being of the family and so on. Let's look at some of them.


Bereginya (Stolbushka)- one of the oldest amulets dolls. She is considered the housewife's first assistant. The keeper of the family hearth, protects the family from evil people. Usually it is placed near the front door to protect the house. Her appearance may vary, but the main distinguishing feature of this doll is her large breasts, as a symbol of motherhood, fertility, and prosperity. When creating it, red threads are usually used. This color in Rus' has long been considered a protective color.

God's Eye

This is the most ancient protective doll of our ancestors - the Eye of God, or God's Eye. The cruciform composition expresses the idea of ​​spreading the forces of good or protective forces to all four cardinal directions.

The “Eye of God” is placed above the entrance door to the house, room, above the child’s bed, in a place that is clearly visible to the person entering. The bright and unexpected image of the amulet attracts the attention of the person entering, who forgets about the bad intentions towards the owners of the house.

As a rule, the most protective were dolls made without needles and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it (sometimes the dolls were called “torn”).


These fabric dolls would dangle when a woman learned the good news of her pregnancy. They looked like a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Such amulets were placed in a cradle, where they remained until the child was born, and also until the baptism ceremony took place. So the baby was protected from filth and the evil eye.

Doll-amulet “For your health”

The healing doll “Health” is made only from linen threads, since it is believed that linen, with its natural properties, is very environmentally friendly and, by taking the disease upon itself, helps a person get better. This doll is not decorated with anything and does not tolerate fuss, but on the contrary, it must be made, trying to remain in a state of goodness as much as possible, concentrating on thoughts about the sick person for whom this is being done.

You can light a candle and read prayers or conspiracies. For a sick child, the doll is placed in the crib, he can play with it, and as soon as the illness goes away, the doll is burned. When braiding a doll’s braid, you must say: “To your health, to your health.” Upon completion of production and when handing it over to the patient, repeat: “To your health.”

Doll "Goat"

The goat was a symbol of vitality, and it was supposed to bring this strength to the owner of the hut and his land, his field, so that bread would be born better.

The goat is an amulet of good mood. “Goat” is always cheerful, always carefree. It helps very serious people look at the world a little more cheerfully, it helps them look at their problems a little more detached. With her bells, she seems to give her joy and cheerfulness and drives away melancholy and sadness from the heart. The goat is a symbol of vitality, fertility and natural generosity. Also, a goat is considered to be a product of the devil and at the same time a protection against it. The Goat doll awakens creativity, gives attractiveness to a woman, the desire for courage, adds drive to life, and improves mood.

“A crown of prosperity and good wishes”

Gifted for wealth, happiness, prosperity.

The doll was made on Christmas morning. To do this, from the night of Christmas Eve in the house, in the red corner, various grains that were on the farm were scattered. In the morning, the grain was collected, tied into seven or 5 small bags and the doll was decorated with them. One type of cereal was poured into each bag.

The broom was placed in such a place that strangers would not see it, but the hostess would see it.

On Epiphany, brooms were dipped in holy water and the house was consecrated.

The Venichek of Well-Being was kept away from the eyes of strangers, and only the owner knew where he stood. Cereals in bundles were saved as a last resort; if one of the household became seriously ill, these grains were added to his food. And since this is Venicek, the housewife could use it to sweep away everything bad from the house secretly from everyone.

Amulet doll “Ten Hands”

Ritual helper doll. Intended to help in various matters. Made from bast bast.

The doll was intended to help girls preparing their dowries and women in various activities, such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc. Traditionally, after production, it was burned almost immediately. Having many hands, she helps a woman cope with all her work even today. We suggest hanging the doll in a prominent place in the room where the woman spends time working.


A doll-amulet depicting the joy of motherhood as the creation of a new life. A mandatory attribute of her appearance is the presence of two babies in her arms. The doll was often given as a gift for a wedding or when a woman was already pregnant.

1.3. The meaning of amulets dolls

Any object without exception can be a talisman. The most important aspect of endowing a certain object with the properties of a talisman is the sincerity of the desire and the absence of doubts. Depending on certain components, the amulet carries various symbols with certain properties. A talisman is not just a beautiful thing, it has a very specific practical and even mystical meaning, coming to us from the deep past as a message from our distant ancestors.

When making amulets dolls, our ancestors used a variety of techniques, techniques and different directions. Each of these crafts has its own meaning. Some objects protect human health, some protect against the evil eye and damage, and some can attract good news. You can make such a magical object in our time: just follow simple rules and use your imagination. The doll can be used as a talisman by any person who makes it or to whom it is given as a gift.

II . Practical part.

2.1 Survey results

Conducting my research, I decided to find out whether my peers knew about such dolls and to establish what benefits a doll could bring to children and adults. Processing and analysis of the data obtained allowed me to draw some conclusions about the place of a rag doll in the life of a modern person. For the survey I took 7 questions.

Survey questions:

1. Is there a rag doll at home?

7. What benefits does the amulet doll bring?

A total of 40 people in grades 8-10 took part in the survey. The following conclusions can be drawn from the survey:

Most children know little about folk rag dolls, but almost no one has such a doll at home.

If someone has such a doll at home, then in most cases it is just a toy or a purchased souvenir.

Not all children like a rag doll; some of them think that there is nothing special about such a doll.

I like a rag doll because it is soft, homemade, beautiful, funny, interesting and you can play with it.

To the question “What benefits does a doll bring?” The children responded that the doll protects the child, guards and protects from evil spirits, and can also help in business.

2.2 Do-it-yourself amulet doll

Manufacturing Features

Before you make a talisman, you need to know the basic rules that you need to follow.

    Positive thoughts. You can only make a talisman in a good mood, since the craft will definitely absorb your feelings at the moment of creation. no sharp objects.

    It is not recommended to use needles, scissors and other sharp objects so that the amulet does not lose its magical power. Therefore, the fabric and threads were torn. The fabric was twisted and secured with threads and knots. That's why in the old days they said not to sew a doll, but to twist it.

    Attention to knots. When tying knots, of which there should be an even number, repeat your wishes and kind words. It is advisable to do this out loud. You need to make a talisman with love. This condition is the main thing! You must like your doll and you must put your whole heart into sewing it. Remember, you can only make a talisman with your own hands, strictly following all the recommendations. Only in this case will the use of this type of amulets be effective.

    The dolls were not depicted with faces, since it was believed that, having a face, the doll would have a soul. And through the eyes, which are the mirror of the soul, an evil spirit could penetrate into the amulet.

    Bright colors, especially red, predominated in the creation of dolls. Red color in Rus' was considered the most powerful protective magical color.

I tried to make a talisman following the instructions. And I got a wonderful doll.


Nowadays, the traditional folk doll is being revived and brought back to life by people who are passionate and care about preserving folk traditions.

She has not lost her beauty, warmth and ability to please people.

Despite the fact that industrial production of toys is well established around the world, interest in handmade products is growing every day. Nowadays, in souvenir shops you can find handicrafts, including dolls. This confirms our hypothesis: the folk toy is not affected by time, and it still finds its way to the hearts of children and adults. A doll can tell about the traditions and culture of our people; they remind us of our rich history and connect us with our ancestors.

As a result of the work, the following was achieved:

The history of traditional Russian folk dolls and its types was studied

Implementation technology has been mastered;

A presentation has been made that can be used in Belarusian history lessons;

Samples of dolls have been made that can become a kind of gift to loved ones.

Based on the research, we can conclude that the doll is an inseparable part of our lives. Some people play with dolls in childhood and, growing up, forget about their favorite toy; for others, dolls turn into a hobby - such a hobby takes a lot of time and money, while others invent dolls themselves, creating unique objects of art.


Zimina, Z.I.Textile ritual dolls / Zimina Z.I. – M.: Publishing house “Ladoga-100”, 2007. – 64 p., ill.

Appendix 1

1. Is there a rag doll at home?

2. What folk rag dolls do you know?


3. Do you know when and why the folk doll was invented?


4. Do you like handmade toys?


5. Can you make rag dolls?


6. Do you want to learn how to make a rag doll?


7.What benefits does the amulet doll bring?


Appendix 2

Doll-amulet “For your health”





8. 9.

Appendix 3

To create a Mama amulet, twist a column of flax and tie it with thread.

To make the head round, add a little padding polyester in the right place and mark the neck line with a thread.

Form a skirt from bright fabric. The skirt can be made fluffy or straight. Both versions of the skirt are made in the same way, only the fluffy one will require a longer piece of fabric.

Lightly fill the doll's arms and chest with padding polyester. Then add a skirt and a warrior to the doll and tie a scarf. The doll's hands need to be tied together or tied to the body.