Chapter VI. State regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food. Agricultural raw materials State programs for the development of the agro-industrial complex



E. YU. KALINICHEVA, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing E-taN:1ep-kaIn"[email protected] Oryol State Agrarian University

The features of the formation of the food products market, the conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the domestic sugar market and filling its capacity with sugar produced from domestic raw materials, i.e. sugar beets, are considered.

Key words: market, food, competitiveness, sugar, raw sugar.

Regulation of the market for agricultural products, raw materials and food is carried out in order to increase the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products, raw materials, food and maintain the profitability of domestic agricultural producers. The main tasks are:

Increasing the share of Russian agricultural products - raw materials and food - in the domestic market;

Smoothing out seasonal price fluctuations and creating conditions for increasing exports of agricultural products;

Development of commodity distribution infrastructure in the domestic market.

The consumer market for food products is divided by industry into the market for bread and bakery products, the market for fruits and vegetables, the market for sugar and confectionery, the market for meat and meat products, the market for milk and dairy products, etc., each of which is specific and takes place in any economic situation.

common subject. In addition, the food market performs a number of additional functions: warehousing, storage, transportation, marketing analysis. One of the most important features of the agricultural market, which has a huge impact on the formation of competition in this market, is the fact that this market is considered one of the priorities from the point of view of the state. Concepts such as “food security of the country” and “level of social security of the population” are closely related to this market. This forces us to look at this market not only from the point of view of economic efficiency, but also taking into account the political, economic and socio-economic feasibility of its activities. Despite the fact that Russia has little experience in the mechanisms of protectionist policies, the state seeks to support the interests of domestic producers, and in particular sugar producers. The mechanism of state support through tariffs or non-tariff measures is quite complex, so it takes time to apply the opportunities provided by law and achieve the goal. At the same time, the complexity of regulation lies in the significant number of components that form the food market. The presence of such entities as large-scale farms and personal subsidiary plots, processing industry and trade enterprises presupposes a multiplicity of areas of regulation, the construction of an appropriate model of relationships between them, and subsequent

Indeed, there are many areas of regulation. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has adopted an industry-specific target program “Development of the beet-sugar subcomplex of Russia for 2010-2012”, which clearly provides for the most important areas of state support, in particular:

Compensation for part of the costs to agricultural producers of sugar beets in amounts that ensure equal competitive conditions in comparison with the production of other, more profitable crops (for the purchase of mineral fertilizers - 6,017 million rubles, for the purchase of chemical protection products - 4,081.8 million rubles);

Compensation of part of the costs of loans used for the purchase of specialized agricultural machinery and technological equipment for sugar and seed factories (development of the material and technical base of beet-growing farms and the purchase of specialized equipment - 302.8 million rubles). Central food problem

The Russian market is to increase domestic production of agricultural products, raw materials and food, improve their range and improve quality while reducing costs of production and delivery to consumers.

Food processing plays a major role in competition in the market, which requires the development of the food industry. This causes a decrease in the share of agriculture in the price of food products and a decrease in its role in this market. One of the main problems on which the reproduction and profitability of both agricultural production and the sugar industry depend is increasing the level of competitiveness of manufactured products. This indicator is the main condition for successful competition of enterprises in the market. On the one hand, competition seems to be an effective mechanism for the natural regulation of a market economy and the selection of the most financially stable enterprises capable of functioning in market conditions. On the other hand, this is a realized form of economic struggle of independent economic entities producing homogeneous products for markets for their sales in order to obtain higher incomes.

The large spatial dispersion of agricultural production, together with the concentration

The exclusion of the main consumers of products in cities creates unequal opportunities for competition. The presence of a market that is inaccessible to distant producers creates an objective need for an intermediary. Therefore, those located closer to sales markets, as well as those regions where the production infrastructure is better developed, gain competitive advantages in the market. These are advantages that are not closely related to the activities of the producer itself, but the efficiency of agricultural production largely depends on them. Sometimes infrastructure development has such a strong impact that objective weaknesses turn into competitive advantages.

The food market is increasingly split into two independent segments. Firstly, these are the products of agriculture itself, which enter the processing industry and trade, and secondly, this is the final market for food products, expressed in the wholesale and retail trade of food products. In the first case, the market structure is more competitive, when individual producers and even their associations cannot influence market prices and have virtually no hope of achieving this. There are a number of factors at work in this market that help maintain this structure and the high competitiveness of this sector:

A large number of competitors (impossibility of concentration of production);

A relatively stable state of demand, which leads to an intensified struggle for survival;

High level of fixed costs in the industry in the form of specific capital, which makes it difficult to reorient production;

High standardization of products;

Equal opportunity to access the achievements of scientific and technological progress within the region;

The diversity of competitors (subjects of production and substitute goods) in other regions, which introduces an element of uncertainty;

High importance for society of the food market (a decrease in production is not allowed, which leads to constant competition in this market).

Another thing is the food market itself. Depending on the type of product and the degree of monopolization of the market, it may take the form of monopolistic competition.

rent, oligopoly and even monopoly, more often expressed in the form of state, but not always. For example, in Japan, the state monopolizes imports and also actually controls domestic purchases of this product. The competitive struggle in this market is carried out using the entire arsenal of means of price and non-price competition, with the practice of ousting competitors from the market. In this case, agricultural producers who supplied food to the “losers” may be forced out of the market, but sometimes they may continue to work for the “winners.” The first often occurs when there is overwhelming competition from imports. A special feature of Russia at this stage is the weak development of effective domestic competition with increasing pressure from foreign manufacturers. Sharply increased competition in the food market forces producers to stimulate demand for food products, which in turn affects the peculiarities of competition in this market.

The market mechanism of the food market, based on taking into account the demand for food and its supply, the development of competition between consumers and producers, is designed to intensify agricultural production and the production of processing enterprises, commercial and entrepreneurial activities to satisfy real food consumers. Despite this, the bulk of Russian agricultural producers do not compete with each other and are not monopolists, but they are forced to operate in a monopolized environment of processors and trade.

A distinctive feature of the agri-food market is demand. For essential products, there is a delay in consumer reaction to price changes, since after a price increase, buyers continue to buy the product in the same quantities until they find an analogue. The factors determining the demand for food products practically coincide with the factors of demand for other goods. However, the degree of their significance and priority are specific. The main, most significant factor is the price of the product, and then the cash income of the buyer. In this case, individual demand is characterized by individual income, and aggregate demand is characterized by aggregate

A special place among the instruments regulating the development processes of the food market belongs to pricing policy, which serves as the basis for making decisions regarding the selling price for each specific transaction. The use of high prices on the territorial food market makes it more attractive to new business entities and leads to increased competition. Low prices stimulate buyer demand. However, the choice of pricing policy depends on the characteristics of the territory, trends and psychology of consumer behavior, and the specifics of the products sold. The dependence of demand for essential food products on price is generally relatively low. For expensive (delicacy) goods, the elasticity of demand is high, and for essential goods it is almost zero. The main factor influencing the price elasticity of demand for food products is the share of expenses for this product in total consumer expenses. The higher it is, the higher the elasticity of demand.

The food market is closely connected with the agricultural sector of the economy, both with agricultural production (milk, vegetables, fruits) and its processed products (meat, sausages, dairy products, juices, bread and bakery products, etc.). A feature of the functioning of the food product supply is the price. With an increase in purchasing prices, the volume of production increases, and an increase in retail prices leads to an increase in the supply of food to the market. The food market is characterized by a set of market segments that can be divided into four large groups: agricultural producers, processing enterprises, trading enterprises and end consumers. An analysis of the components of the retail price structure for individual groups of goods is presented in Table. 1.

An analysis of the influence on the formation of the retail price of the three main components of the technological chain (agricultural enterprises, food processing enterprises and distribution organizations) showed that for most of the surveyed types of food products the share of individual

Table 1

Analysis of the components of the retail price structure for individual groups of goods in 2006 and 2008, %

Type of goods Cost of raw materials and basic materials Production costs Turnover of the sphere of circulation Average prices for individual food products for December, rub.

2006 2008 2006 2008 2006 2008 2006 2008

Beef (except boneless - 52.9 51.7 7.9 9.1 28.6 27.0 142.81 188.60

no meat)

Pork (except boneless - 48.9 51.0 8.4 7.0 30.5 31.8 142.00 197.90

no meat)

Poultry meat 36.6 46.6 23.7 23.6 25.3 23.9 79.86 102.00

Boiled sausage of the highest 52.1 45.3 14.4 14.8 18.9 24.2 161.40 219.30

Wheat bread made from flour 27.6 27.3 41.4 39.5 17.5 18.4 18.38 28.17

1-2 varieties

Wheat bread made from flour 26.7 25.0 39.0 34.9 17.7 20.2 25.37 39.49


Rye and rye bread - 29.4 24.2 39.2 37.5 19.1 25.0 16.55 27.07

wheat flour

Premium wheat flour 37.6 34.4 10.1 10.1 46.5 47.7 13.64 21.63

Granulated sugar from sugar 38.7 34.2 21.8 20.3 32.7 38.8 22.69 25.07

domestic beets

Pasteurized whole milk - 41.0 41.4 25.8 24.8 23.0 21.9 18.03 26.18


Table egg 30.7 35.0 24.4 23.7 33.0 25.8 27.63 39.03

components of the retail price structure in 2008 is comparable to the indicators of 2006, which is largely explained by the comparability of the growth rate of selling prices for agricultural products and finished food products with the growth rate of retail prices. At the same time, for such goods as premium boiled sausage, bread made from rye and rye-wheat flour, granulated sugar from domestic sugar beets, there is a significant increase in the share of organizations in the distribution sector. However, the minimum increase in prices is typical for granulated sugar from domestic sugar beets (10.5%). Next, it is advisable to analyze the volume of product sales on the market (Table 2).

Data analysis table. 2 indicates that during the period under study there is a gradual

Dynamics of OSG consumption

significant increase in consumption across all groups of goods. However, the greatest value falls on such goods as meat and poultry - 92.8%, vegetable oil - 2.2 times, poultry eggs - 54.6%. The volumes of consumption of sugar and bakery products fluctuate from year to year, but in comparison with 2000 they increased only by 12.5% ​​and 10.1%, respectively.

Russia produces a fairly large list of necessary food products. However, due to low competitiveness, some of them do not always find a market. At the same time, most domestic products, due to high costs, are uncompetitive in comparison with Western analogues. As a result, low-quality food products that were not in demand in exporting countries began to enter the domestic market.

Table 2

new types of food

Product groups Year Growth rate, %

2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Meat and poultry, thousand tons 2,865 3,896 4,490 4,804 4,910 5,152 5,523 192.8

Animal oil, thousand tons 388 448 471 476 492 493 508 130.9

Vegetable oils, thousand tons 571 811 900 1,013 1,078 1,175 1,268 2.2 times

Bird eggs, billion pcs. 21.6 25.6 25.8 28.2 31.3 32.2 33.4 154.6

Sugar, thousand tons 2,623 2,932 2736 2,984 2,924 2,980 2,950 112.5

Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals), million tons 12.9 13.9 13.6 13.8 14.4 14.5 14.2 110.1

A very remarkable sign of the state of the agro-industrial complex in the 1990s. was the creation of an agro-industrial market, reflecting the specifics of the functioning of agro-industrial production. The study of theoretical concepts of foreign and domestic experience in organizing the food market allows us to put forward a number of fundamental provisions that must be adhered to:

The main suppliers of goods to the food and raw materials market are domestic producers;

Import of missing food and raw materials is the same natural phenomenon as developed trade relations between countries of the world.

Measures of state regulation of the food and raw materials market should be based on a reasonable economic forecast for the development of agricultural commodity production.

In addition, conditions for interaction between internal and external agricultural markets must be developed to preserve the country’s food security. For example, for such a strategically important food product as sugar, the ratio between domestic production and imports changed sharply after 1990. Negative trends in the economy, and in particular in beet sugar production, led to a sharp import of raw sugar and white sugar. Over the past decade, Russia has become one of the largest importers of sugar, thereby supporting sugar producers in other countries. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that world prices for white sugar, and especially for raw cane sugar, are constantly declining.

The sales volumes of crushed refined sugar, souvenir refined sugar (sugar heads), instant refined sugar, as well as food sugar-containing concentrates of domestic production: various compotes, jelly, custards, sugar with added starch, pectin, vanilla sugar have decreased significantly . The production of the listed products from domestic sugar makes them uncompetitive due to the high cost of the initial component - beet sugar. And this is a consequence not only of the low purchasing power of the population. According to requirements

recipes, for the production of most sugar-containing products, primarily baby food, refined granulated sugar is required, the production of which from beet sugar at refineries is simply unprofitable.

Therefore, state protectionism for Russian sugar producers, protection of their interests from imports, and customs protection of beet sugar production play an important role in preserving the domestic sugar industry. However, the competitiveness of sugar should not be increased artificially, but through the introduction of modern technologies for growing sugar beets, their processing, pricing, and improving the relationship between producers of raw materials and sugar factories. It is necessary to attract investments for the reconstruction of sugar factories, so that they participate in the organization and development of the raw material base for their production and create competition between sugar beet producers.

Over the past decade, the processes of reforming the multi-structured agricultural economy and changes in the agro-industrial complex have proceeded at an accelerated pace. They were accompanied by both a deep reduction in the resource potential of rural commodity producers, as well as increased degradation of soil potential and worsening environmental problems. Similar negative phenomena took place in the regional economy. Lately, positive processes have been gradually gaining momentum. Crop farming, which has recently maintained high profitability, attracts investors, investments in the processing of agricultural products are increasing, favorable economic conditions are being created to increase the competitiveness of the domestic beet-sugar subcomplex, develop the domestic sugar market and fill the market capacity with sugar produced from domestic raw materials, i.e. sugar. beets.


1. Zinchuk G. M. Determination of the strategy for the development of the food market // Achievements of science and technology of the agro-industrial complex, 2007. No. 4. pp. 36-38.

2. UshachevI. Economic growth and competitiveness of agriculture in the Russian Federation // APK: economics, management, 2009, No. 3.

Market of agricultural raw materials and food- This is the sphere of exchange of agricultural goods and other branches of the agro-industrial complex. Its emergence is closely connected with the elimination of the state monopoly on the purchase of agricultural products and food at “fixed” prices, with the widespread deployment of sales of products directly by the producers themselves. When forming it, the state must widely use methods of economic regulation and ensure price parity for industrial and agricultural products.

A fully functioning market for agricultural raw materials and food is a combination of several components - specialized markets, market infrastructure and a market mechanism (Fig. 10.1). The absence or insufficient development of at least one of them leads to a decrease in the efficiency of promoting goods from the manufacturer to the consumer, and, consequently, to a decrease in the profitability of all agricultural production.

The market for agricultural raw materials and food is characterized by certain features arising from the characteristics of agro-industrial production itself.

  • 1. Dependence of the supply of agricultural products on weather conditions, which limit the ability of rural producers to control the quantity and quality of products. This must be taken into account both by the manufacturers themselves and by government regulatory organizations.
  • 2. The presence of a guaranteed demand for agricultural products, since they satisfy the most pressing needs of the population. To a certain extent, this feature of the agricultural market compensates for the negative impact of the previous one. Agricultural enterprises can use it to improve the efficiency of their operations. To do this, they need not to produce the same products year after year, but to maneuver the assortment, develop the production of new ones, increase the production of goods in demand, so that

Rice. 10.1.

increase your competitiveness and find new sources of income.

  • 3. Fluctuations in the supply of agricultural products during the calendar year; this is due to the seasonal nature of crop production. It mainly comes to market during the harvesting period.
  • 4. Seasonal fluctuations in prices for agricultural products, which is due to their uneven supply throughout the year.
  • 5. A large volume of supplies of perishable products increases the need, on the one hand, for storage (primarily for vegetables, potatoes, fruits), and on the other, for the shortest possible delivery time. This is necessary to avoid significant losses of the grown crop, and consequently, a decrease in profitability.
  • 6. The concentration of consumption of agricultural products in cities, especially large ones, necessitates their marketing through various types of intermediaries. This leads to losses of a certain share of the income of commodity producers: they are forced to share part of the cost of the final product with intermediaries. The market for agricultural raw materials and food has

There are also a number of features that do not allow prices to be completely free. This is due to the responsibilities of the state as the guarantor of the country’s food supply, the need to take into account the natural and economic conditions of production and the high capital intensity of the agro-industrial complex.

The domestic food market is formed through domestic production and import of products. The share of imports in the formation of the country's food resources for meat is 32.3%, cheese - 47.5, animal butter - 30.6, vegetable oil -

23.3, in general for food - about 30%. For goods of this group sold in retail trade, the share of imports amounted to more than 40%, and in large cities and individual industrial centers it reaches 75%.

According to the standards adopted by international organizations, to ensure the country's food security, it is necessary that the import of food in the total volume of its consumption takes up no more than 20%. In the Russian Federation, this figure is twice as high as the specified standard, so there is a real threat of loss of food independence in the country.

An important indicator characterizing the food security of the Russian Federation is level of self-sufficiency country's main agricultural products, which is calculated as the ratio of production in the country to its domestic consumption and is expressed as a percentage. In recent years, this figure for some types of products has increased, and for others it has decreased. For example, the level of self-sufficiency in meat for 2000-2011. increased from 67.0 to 72.2%, eggs - from 97.5 to 98.3%; and the level of self-sufficiency in milk decreased from 88.3 to 80.5%, in vegetables - from 85.6 to 80.5%. These indicators are significantly lower than the level provided for in the “Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation.”

Food security- this is the ability of the state to guarantee the satisfaction of the food needs of the country's population at a level that ensures its normal life activities. It is determined by the degree of its provision with environmentally friendly and healthy food products of domestic production at scientifically based standards and affordable prices. An essential aspect of food security is the physical and economic availability of food in the required quantity and range.

Physical availability of food means its trouble-free delivery to places of consumption in volumes and assortments that meet the demand and standards established for consumers. In Russia, the percentage of availability of basic food products in retail trade is high (over 80%), so there are no problems with the physical availability of food.

Economic accessibility of food characterized by the possibility of various groups of the population purchasing food products in standard amounts on the food market at the current level of prices and incomes, as well as due to their receipt, bypassing market channels, from farms and personal subsidiary plots, from garden plots. There are 17.5 million private farms in Russia with a total area of ​​9.7 million hectares. From this source, about 90 million people provide themselves with potatoes, 60 million with vegetables, and 30 million with milk and meat. However, a significant part of the country’s population (about 20 million people) is below the poverty line and does not have the opportunity to purchase food products that meet physiological standards in quality and range.

In order to increase the economic accessibility of food products, the state needs to take measures to increase the effective demand of the population, reduce poverty and support the neediest segments of the population. To increase the physical accessibility of food products, it is necessary to develop interregional integration in the field of food markets, increase the transport accessibility of individual regions for food supply to their population, and create conditions for the development of market infrastructure.

To meet the population's need for food, an extensive and flexible system of price regulation is needed, including:

  • determination of target prices that provide profitability sufficient to cover current costs and expand production;
  • establishment of guaranteed (protective) prices, which can be lower than target prices and used when market prices fall below their level;
  • introduction of a mechanism for collateral transactions and corresponding quotas

for guaranteed purchases of products.

It is also necessary to create federal and regional food funds for purchasing and commodity investments in cases where state intervention is required in order to eliminate food shortages, stabilize and lower prices, and ensure freedom of movement of products within the country.

Appendix No. 8
to the State program
development of agriculture and
regulation of agricultural markets
products, raw materials and food

provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to stimulate the development of priority sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex and the development of small forms of business

With changes and additions from:

1. These Rules establish the conditions, goals and procedure for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to stimulate the development of priority subsectors of the agro-industrial complex and the development of small forms of business (hereinafter referred to as subsidies).

2. The terms used in these Rules mean the following:

A) "State program"- State program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2012 N 717 “On the State program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food”;

b) "grant to support a beginning farmer"- budgetary allocations transferred from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local budget in accordance with the decision of the regional competition commission to the head of a peasant (farm) farm to co-finance its costs that are not reimbursed under other areas of state support in accordance with the state program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (subprogram) and (or) municipal program, in order to create and develop peasant (farm) economy and new permanent jobs in rural areas in rural areas of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, based on the calculation of the creation of at least 2 new permanent jobs, if the grant amount is 2 million rubles or more, and at least 1 new permanent job, if the grant amount is less than 2 million rubles, within the period determined by the bodies authorized by the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body), but not later than the grant expiration date. At the same time, a grant to support a beginning farmer can be used by beginning farmers:

for the acquisition of land plots from agricultural lands;

for the development of design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises intended for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;

for the acquisition, construction, repair and reconstruction of production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions, utility networks, barriers and structures necessary for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products, as well as for their registration;

to connect production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions and structures necessary for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products to utility networks - electrical, water, gas and heat networks;

for the purchase of farm animals, including poultry (except for pigs);

for the purchase of fish seeding material;

for the purchase of agricultural machinery and attachments, trucks, equipment for the production and processing of agricultural products, the service life of which from the year of manufacture does not exceed 3 years. The list of specified equipment, freight vehicles and equipment is established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

for the purchase of snowmobile vehicles corresponding to code of the All-Russian Classification of Products by Type of Economic Activities (hereinafter referred to as snowmobile vehicles), if the peasant (farm) enterprise carries out activities to develop reindeer husbandry and (or) deer breeding in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, provided for in the list approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 3, 1983 N 12 “On introducing changes and additions to the List of regions of the Far North and areas equated to areas of the Far North, approved by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 10, 1967 N 1029" (hereinafter - regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them);

for the acquisition of autonomous sources of electricity, gas and water supply;

for the payment of no more than 20 percent of the cost of the project (hereinafter referred to as the planned costs) specified in subparagraph "k" of this paragraph, including the acquisition of property specified in paragraphs four, six, eight and nine of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2016 N 1528 "On approval of the Rules for the provision from the federal budget of subsidies to Russian credit organizations, international financial organizations and the state corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)" to compensate for lost income on loans issued to agricultural producers (with the exception of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives), organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in production, primary and (or) subsequent (industrial) processing of agricultural products and their sale, at a preferential rate, and on amendments to paragraph 9 of the Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to reimburse part of the costs to pay interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions and loans received from agricultural credit consumer cooperatives" (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for compensating banks for lost income);

to pay expenses associated with the delivery and installation of property provided for in paragraphs nine and ten of this paragraph, if the peasant (farm) enterprise operates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation belonging to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

for the purchase of planting material for planting perennial plantings, including vineyards;

V) "grant for the development of material and technical base"- budgetary allocations transferred from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local budget in accordance with the decision of the regional competition commission to an agricultural consumer cooperative to co-finance its costs that are not reimbursed under other areas of state support in accordance with the state program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (subprogram) and (or) a municipal program, in order to develop the material and technical base and create new permanent jobs in rural areas based on the calculation of creating at least one new permanent job for every 3 million rubles of the grant, but not less than 1 new permanent job for 1 grant, within the period determined by the subject of the Russian Federation, but not later than the period for using the grant. The acquisition of property from a member of such a cooperative (including associate members) using grant funds is not permitted. Property acquired for the purpose of developing the material and technical base using grant funds is contributed to the indivisible fund of the cooperative. Repeated receipt of a grant for the development of the material and technical base is possible no earlier than 12 months from the date of full utilization of the previously received grant;

G) "grant for the development of a family farm"- budgetary allocations transferred from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local budget in accordance with the decision of the regional competition commission to the head of a peasant (farm) farm to co-finance its costs that are not reimbursed under other areas of support in accordance with the state program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation ( subprogram) and (or) municipal program, for the purpose of developing peasant (farm) farming in rural areas of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and creating new permanent jobs in rural areas based on the calculation of creating at least 3 new permanent jobs per 1 grant within a period determined subject of the Russian Federation, but not later than the period of use of the grant. Receiving a grant for the development of a family farm is possible after the full use of a previously provided grant (including a grant to support a beginning farmer and an “Agrostartup” grant in accordance with the Rules for the provision and distribution of other interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the creation of a support system for farmers and the development of rural cooperation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2019 N 476 “On approval of the Rules for the provision and distribution of other interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the creation of a support system for farmers and the development of rural cooperation”), but not earlier than 24 months from the date of full disbursement of the previously received grant. In this case, grant funds for the development of a family farm can be spent on:

development of design documentation for the construction, reconstruction or modernization of facilities for the production and processing of agricultural products;

acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair or modernization of facilities for the production and processing of agricultural products;

completing facilities for the production and processing of agricultural products with equipment, agricultural machinery and specialized transport and their installation. The list of specified equipment, machinery and specialized transport is determined by the authorized body;

purchase of farm animals and poultry (except for pigs). At the same time, the planned breeding stock of cattle should not exceed 300 heads, sheep (goats) - no more than 500 conventional heads;

purchase of fish seeding material;

purchase of snowmobiles, if a peasant (farm) enterprise carries out activities to develop reindeer husbandry and (or) deer breeding in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation belonging to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

payment of no more than 20 percent of the cost of the project (hereinafter referred to as the planned costs) specified in subparagraph “k” in paragraphs three, four and seven of this subparagraph, carried out with the attraction of a preferential investment loan in accordance with the Rules

payment of expenses associated with the delivery and (or) installation of the property specified in paragraphs four to seven of this subclause, if the peasant (farm) enterprise operates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation belonging to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

acquisition of autonomous sources of electricity, gas and water supply;

d) "small forms of management"- peasant (farm) enterprises created in accordance with the Federal Law "On Peasant (Farm) Economy", and agricultural cooperatives (with the exception of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives), created in accordance with the Federal Law "On Agricultural Cooperation", economic societies, economic partnerships and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production and processing of agricultural products, whose annual income for the reporting financial year is no more than 120 million rubles;

e) "scientific and educational organizations"- scientific organizations, professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education, which, in the process of scientific, scientific-technical and (or) educational activities, carry out the production of agricultural products, their primary and subsequent (industrial) processing in accordance with the list specified in part 1 of the article 3 of the Federal Law "On the Development of Agriculture";

and) "beginning farmer"- a peasant (farm) enterprise, the head of which is a citizen of the Russian Federation, registered in the rural territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including in cities with a population of no more than 100 thousand people and urban-type settlements with a population of no more than 5 thousand people, located in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation belonging to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in the constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District, in the territories of which activities related to the production and processing of agricultural products predominate, the duration of which does not exceed 24 months from the date of its registration;

h) "priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex"- total economic activity on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the production of a certain type of agricultural product.

The specified activities are carried out in the following priority areas - development of small forms of farming, production of grain and leguminous crops, oilseeds, fiber flax and (or) hemp, open ground vegetables, fruit and berry planting products, including planting material, planting and care of perennial plantings, milk production, development of viticulture, specialized beef cattle breeding, sheep breeding. Priority areas for the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation are determined by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

And) "development of material and technical base"- activities aimed at introducing new technologies and creating jobs, construction, reconstruction, modernization or acquisition of the material and technical base of agricultural consumer cooperatives, including:

for the acquisition, construction, repair, reconstruction or modernization of production facilities for the procurement, storage, processing, processing, sorting, slaughter, primary processing and preparation for sale of agricultural products, wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, seeds and similar forest resources (hereinafter - wild food resources) and processed products of these products and resources;

for the acquisition and installation of equipment and machinery for production facilities intended for procurement, storage, part-time processing, processing, sorting, slaughter, primary processing, cooling, preparation for sale, loading, unloading of agricultural products, wild food resources and processed products of these products and resources , as well as for the purchase of equipment for laboratory analysis of the quality of agricultural products to equip laboratories for industrial control of the quality and safety of manufactured (manufactured and processed) products and conduct state veterinary and sanitary examination. The list of specified equipment and machinery is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

for the purchase of specialized transport, vans, trailers, semi-trailers, wagons, containers for transportation, ensuring safety during the transportation and sale of agricultural products, wild food resources and processed products of these products. The list of specified equipment is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

for the purchase of equipment for fish farming infrastructure and aquaculture (fish farming). The list of specified equipment is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

to pay no more than 20 percent of the cost of the project specified in subparagraph “k” of this paragraph, including the acquisition of property provided for in paragraphs two to five of this subparagraph, and implemented with the assistance of a preferential investment loan in accordance with the Rules for compensating banks for lost income;

for the delivery and installation of equipment, machinery and specialized transport specified in paragraphs three to five of this subclause, if the agricultural consumer cooperative operates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation belonging to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

To) "regional competition commission"- a competition commission created by the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized by the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to select projects for the creation and development of peasant (farmer) farms and (or) projects for the development of material and technical databases of agricultural consumer cooperatives, with the exception of credit cooperatives, to provide them with grant support;

k) "rural areas"- rural settlements and (or) rural settlements and inter-settlement territories, united by a common territory within the boundaries of a municipal district, as well as rural settlements and workers’ settlements that are part of urban districts (with the exception of urban districts in the territories of which the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are located ), urban settlements and intra-city municipalities of Sevastopol. The concept of “rural territories” does not include intra-city municipalities. Moscow and St. Petersburg. The list of rural areas on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is determined by the authorized body;

m) "agricultural consumer cooperative"- agricultural consumer processing and (or) marketing cooperative or consumer society (cooperative), operating for at least 12 months from the date of their registration, carrying out activities of procurement, storage, part-time processing, processing, sorting, slaughter, primary processing, cooling, preparation for sale agricultural products, wild food resources, as well as processed products of these products, uniting at least 10 agricultural producers as members of cooperatives (except for associate membership), at least 70 percent of whose revenue is generated through processing and (or) marketing activities of these products;

m) “family farm” - a peasant (farmer) enterprise registered in the rural territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including in cities with a population of no more than 100 thousand people and urban-type settlements with a population of no more than 5 thousand people, located in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation belonging to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in the constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District, in the territories of which activities related to the production and processing of agricultural products predominate, carrying out activities based on the personal participation of the head and members of the farm related (at least 2 such members, including the head), whose duration of activity exceeds 24 months from the date of its registration;

O) "subjects of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development"- Republic of Karelia, Republic of Altai, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Adygea, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Mari El, Chuvash Republic, Altai Territory, Kurgan and Pskov regions.

3. Subsidies are provided for the purpose of co-financing the expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation arising during the implementation of state programs (subprograms) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation aimed at developing the agro-industrial complex, and (or) providing subsidies from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to local budgets in order to co-finance expenditure obligations municipalities located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in the implementation of municipal programs aimed at developing the agro-industrial complex, arising from the provision of funds from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets to agricultural producers, scientific and educational organizations, as well as organizations and individual entrepreneurs carrying out production, primary and (or) subsequent (industrial) processing of agricultural products (hereinafter referred to as regional programs, municipal programs, funds, recipients of funds), for financial support (reimbursement) of part of the costs (excluding value added tax) associated with the production, sale and (or) shipment for in-house processing of agricultural products within the priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as with the development of small forms of management.

For recipients of funds using the right to exemption from taxpayer obligations related to the calculation and payment of value added tax, financial support (reimbursement) of part of the costs is carried out based on the amount of expenses for the purchase of goods (works, services), including the amount of value added tax .

4. Subsidies are provided within the limits of budgetary obligations communicated to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation as the recipient of federal budget funds for the provision of subsidies for the purposes specified in paragraph 3 of these Rules.

5. Funds are provided:

a) agricultural producers, with the exception of citizens conducting personal subsidiary plots, and agricultural credit consumer cooperatives, as well as organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in production, primary and (or) subsequent (industrial) processing of agricultural products, for financial support (reimbursement) of part costs for co-financing the activities of regional programs aimed at ensuring an increase in agricultural products of own production within the framework of priority subsectors of the agro-industrial complex at a rate per 1 head, and (or) 1 hectare, and (or) 1 ton;

b) agricultural producers, with the exception of citizens conducting personal subsidiary plots and agricultural credit consumer cooperatives, as well as organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in production, primary and (or) subsequent (industrial) processing of agricultural products:

for financial support (reimbursement) of part of the costs of planting and (or) caring for perennial plantings (before entering commercial fruiting, but not more than 3 years for intensive gardens), including nurseries, including the installation of trellises, and (or) anti-hail net, and (or) irrigation systems, and (or) uprooting of decommissioned perennial plantings (aged 20 years or more, starting from the year of planting, provided that agricultural producers have a project for planting a new garden in the uprooted area), incurred by agricultural producers in the current financial year, as well as in the previous financial year in the event of failure to provide an appropriate subsidy in the previous financial year to reimburse the specified costs incurred in the previous financial year, provided that agricultural producers have a project for planting perennial plantings - at the rate per 1 hectare of planting area and (or) care, while when calculating rates per 1 hectare of planting area for intensive-type gardens (pome-bearing, stone fruit, in compliance with variety-rootstock combinations), increasing coefficients are applied for gardens with a planting density of over 1,250 plants per 1 hectare - at least 1.4 , over 2500 plants per 1 hectare - no less than 1.7, over 3500 plants per 1 hectare - no less than 3;

for financial support (reimbursement) of part of the costs of planting and (or) caring for vineyards, including nurseries, including installation of trellises and (or) anti-hail netting, and (or) uprooting of decommissioned vineyards, in the current financial year , as well as in the previous financial year in the event of failure to provide an appropriate subsidy in the previous financial year to reimburse the specified costs incurred in the previous financial year, at the rate per 1 hectare of laying area and (or) maintenance, while when calculating rates per 1 hectare of laying area for grape plantings, including nurseries, increasing coefficients are applied for grape plantings with a planting density of over 2222 plants per 1 hectare - no less than 1.4, over 3333 plants per 1 hectare - no less than 1.7, for grape nurseries - no less than 2;

per 1 unit of volume of own-produced grapes and (or) wine materials produced from own-produced grapes, sold and (or) shipped for processing;

for financial support (reimbursement) of part of the costs of technical re-equipment of production of agricultural producers within the framework of priority sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex in the amount of no more than 40 percent of expenses actually incurred by agricultural producers (for subjects of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development and subjects that are part of the Far Eastern federal district), with the exception of costs for the reimbursement of which funds were provided in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2018 N 1413 “On approval of the Rules for the provision and distribution of other interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to reimburse part of the direct costs incurred costs for the creation and (or) modernization of agricultural facilities" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 N 1432 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies to manufacturers of agricultural machinery";

c) peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs:

in the form of grants to support a beginning farmer for breeding cattle for meat or dairy purposes - in an amount not exceeding 5 million rubles, but not more than 90 percent of the costs, for conducting other types of agricultural activities - in an amount not exceeding 3 million rubles , but not more than 90 percent of the costs, while the period for using the grant to support a beginning farmer is no more than 18 months from the date of its receipt. When using grant funds for the purposes specified in paragraph twelve of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, the grant is provided in an amount not exceeding the maximum amount of the grant, but not more than 80 percent of the planned costs. The period for disbursing a grant to support a beginning farmer or part of the grant funds may be extended by decision of the authorized body, but not more than 6 months. The basis for the decision by the authorized body to extend the period for disbursement of the grant is documentary confirmation by the peasant (farm) of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that prevent the disbursement of grant funds to support a beginning farmer within the prescribed period. The amount of grants provided for the implementation of these activities is established for the period until December 31, 2021;

in the form of grants for the development of a family farm - in an amount not exceeding 30 million rubles, but not more than 60 percent of the costs. At the same time, part of the costs of a family farm (no more than 20 percent) can be provided at the expense of funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. When using grant funds for the purposes specified in paragraph eight of subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, the grant is provided in an amount not exceeding 30 million rubles, but not more than 80 percent of the planned costs. The period for using the grant for the development of a family farm is no more than 24 months from the date of its receipt. The period for disbursing a grant for the development of a family farm or part of the grant funds may be extended by decision of the authorized body, but not more than for 6 months. The basis for the decision by the authorized body to extend the period for disbursement of the grant is documentary confirmation by the peasant (farm) farm of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that prevent the disbursement of grant funds for the development of a family farm within the established period. The amount of grants provided for the implementation of these activities is established for the period until December 31, 2021;

clause 1 of Appendix No. 14, clause 6 of Appendix No. 14 to the State Program;

d) agricultural consumer cooperatives, with the exception of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives:

in the form of grants for the development of the material and technical base - in an amount not exceeding 70 million rubles, but not more than 60 percent of the costs. In this case, part of the costs of an agricultural consumer cooperative (no more than 20 percent) can be provided at the expense of funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. When using grant funds for the purposes specified in paragraph six of subparagraph “and” of paragraph 2 of these Rules, grant funds are provided in an amount not exceeding 70 million rubles, but not more than 80 percent of the planned costs. The period for using a grant for the development of the material and technical base of an agricultural consumer cooperative is no more than 24 months from the date of its receipt. The period for disbursing a grant for the development of material and technical base or part of the grant funds may be extended by decision of the authorized body, but not more than for 6 months. The basis for the authorized body to make a decision to extend the period for disbursing the grant is documentary confirmation by the agricultural consumer cooperative of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that prevent the disbursement of grant funds for the development of the material and technical base within the prescribed period. The amount of grants provided for the implementation of these activities is established for the period until December 31, 2021;

for the payment of interest on loan agreements concluded before December 31, 2016, and loans received before December 31, 2016 in agricultural credit consumer cooperatives for the purposes provided for in paragraph 1 of Appendix No. 14 to the State Program, in the amount specified in paragraph 6 Appendix No. 14 to the State Program;

e) citizens running personal subsidiary plots, for the payment of interest on loan agreements concluded before December 31, 2016, and loans received before December 31, 2016 in agricultural credit consumer cooperatives for the purposes provided for in paragraph 1 of Appendix No. 14 to the State program, in the amount specified in paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 14 to the State Program;

f) scientific and educational organizations - in the form of grants in the form of subsidies to support the production and (or) sale of agricultural products of their own production in the areas specified in subparagraph “a” of this paragraph.

6. Funds are provided:

a) recipients of funds in the areas specified in subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 5 of these Rules, subject to the following conditions:

achievement in the reporting financial year of the results of using funds in accordance with the agreement concluded between the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the recipient of the funds, starting in 2021;

application of fertilizers used in the production of a specific type of crop product within the priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex (with the exception of the priority direction for the development of viticulture);

the use of seeds and planting material of agricultural crops, varieties or hybrids of which are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use in a specific region of admission, provided that the varietal and sowing qualities of such seeds and planting material comply with GOST R 52325-2005, GOST R 32552 -2013, GOST 30106-94 and GOST R 53135-2008 in the production of a specific type of crop product or planting perennial plantings within the priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex (with the exception of the priority direction for the development of viticulture);

achieving the level of productivity of farm animals established by the authorized body in the production of a specific type of livestock product within the priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex, while in the priority area of ​​milk production subsidies are provided to agricultural producers with the milk productivity of cows not lower than the level established by the authorized body for the corresponding category of farms in subject of the Russian Federation;

achieving the number of livestock of farm animals established by the authorized body in the production of a specific type of livestock products within the priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex;

b) in the areas specified in paragraphs two and three of subparagraph "c" and paragraph two of subparagraph "d" of paragraph 5 of these Rules - to recipients of funds who undertake to achieve the performance indicators provided for by the project for the creation and development of a peasant (farm) economy and (or) a project for the development of the material and technical base of agricultural consumer cooperatives, subject to the implementation of the activities for which the grant is provided for at least 5 years from the date of its receipt;

c) in the areas specified in subparagraphs "c" - "d" of paragraph 5 of these Rules - to recipients of funds in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that meet the conditions specified in paragraph four of paragraph 24 of these Rules.

7. For the areas specified in subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 5 of these Rules, rates are determined by the authorized body.

The amount of funds provided for in paragraph four of subparagraph "c", paragraph three of subparagraph "d" and subparagraph "d" of paragraph 5 of these Rules is determined based on the calculation carried out at the refinancing rate (discount rate) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the key rate in force at the date of conclusion of the credit agreement (loan agreement), and if there is an additional agreement, bank notice or other document to the credit agreement (loan agreement) related to a change in the amount of the fee for using the credit (loan), - on the date of drawing up the corresponding document to the credit agreement .

8. When determining the size of bets in the areas provided for in subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 5 of these Rules, the following coefficients are applied simultaneously:

from 2021, if the recipient of the funds fulfills the condition for achieving in the year preceding the year of receiving the subsidy (hereinafter referred to as the reporting year), the results provided for by these Rules, within the framework of the relevant priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex, a coefficient in the amount equal to the average ratio of the actual values ​​is applied to the rate for the reporting year to the established ones, but not higher than 1.2;

from 2021, if the recipient of the funds fails to fulfill the conditions for achieving in the reporting financial year the results provided for in paragraph two of subparagraph “a” of paragraph 6 of these Rules, within the framework of the relevant priority subsector of the agro-industrial complex, a coefficient in the amount equal to the average ratio of the actual values ​​for the reporting year is applied to the rate year to established;

paragraph three of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 6

from 2021, if the recipient of the funds fails to comply with the conditions provided for in paragraph four of subparagraph “a” of paragraph 6 of these Rules, a coefficient of 0.9 will be applied to the rate;

in the event that the dairy productivity of animals is higher than that established by the authorized body in accordance with paragraph five of subparagraph “a” of paragraph 6 of these Rules, a coefficient is applied in an amount equal to the ratio of the actual value for the reporting year for the corresponding category of farms to the established one, but not more than 1.2;

in case of ensuring the number of commercial livestock of cows of specialized meat breeds in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms above that established by the authorized body in accordance with these Rules, a coefficient is applied in an amount equal to the ratio of the actual value for the reporting year to the established one, but not more than 1.2;

in the event that the number of breeding stock of sheep and goats exceeds that established in accordance with paragraph six of subparagraph “a” of paragraph 6 of these Rules, a coefficient is applied in an amount equal to the ratio of the actual value for the reporting year to the established one, but not more than 1.2.

9. Subsidies are provided to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation subject to the following conditions:

a) the presence of legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that approve the list of activities for the purpose of co-financing which subsidies are provided, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

b) the presence in the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of budgetary allocations for the fulfillment of the expenditure obligation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, co-financing of which is carried out from the federal budget, in the amount necessary for its implementation, including the amount of the subsidy planned to be provided, and the procedure for determining the amount of these allocations, unless otherwise established by acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

c) conclusion between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of an agreement on the provision of a subsidy (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Rules for the formation, provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, approved by government decree Russian Federation dated September 30, 2014 N 999 “On the formation, provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for the Formation of Subsidies).

10. The criterion for selecting subjects of the Russian Federation to provide a subsidy is the presence of at least one priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year.

11. The subsidy is provided on the basis of an agreement prepared (formed) using the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget" in accordance with the standard form approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

12. The amount of the subsidy provided to the budget of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the corresponding financial year (Wi) is determined by the formula:

W li - the amount of the subsidy provided to the budget of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation;

W 2i is the amount of the subsidy provided to the budget of the i-th constituent entity of the Russian Federation to support constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development.

13. The amount of the subsidy provided to the budget of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation (W li) is determined by the formula:

W - the amount of the subsidy provided for in the federal budget for the corresponding financial year for the provision of the subsidy;

f is the coefficient established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation starting from 2021 to determine the share of subsidies allocated for additional support to constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development for the corresponding financial year within the priority subsectors of the agro-industrial complex. For 2020, the specified coefficient is set at 0.04;

a li is the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned production indicators of grain and leguminous crops;

a 2i is the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the production of oilseeds;

a 3i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned production indicators and growth in the production of open-ground vegetables;

a 4i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the development of viticulture;

a 5i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned production indicators of fruit and berry plantations and the area of ​​planting perennial fruit and berry plantations;

a 6i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the production of fiber flax products and the planned area under fiber flax crops;

a 7i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators of production and growth in milk production;

a 8i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the development of specialized beef cattle breeding;

a 9i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the development of sheep breeding;

a 10i is the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the development indicators of small business forms.

14. The share of the subsidy calculated for the budget of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation for the corresponding financial year in accordance with paragraph 13 of these Rules in the total amount of the subsidy cannot differ from the average share of the subsidy in the total amount of subsidies provided to the budget of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation for In the 3 years preceding the year of granting the subsidy, in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation by more than 40 percent, in the city of Sevastopol by more than 3 times.

The calculation of the average share of subsidies in the total amount of subsidies provided to the budget of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation for 2017, 2018 and 2019 is carried out based on the volume of subsidies provided to the budget of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation to facilitate the achievement of target indicators of regional programs, increasing productivity in dairy farming and unrelated crop production support.

15. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned production indicators of grain and leguminous crops (a li) is determined by the formula:

Yi is the maximum level of co-financing of the expenditure obligation of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation from the federal budget for the next financial year (in percentage), determined in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Rules for the formation of subsidies;

nl - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the production of grain and leguminous crops is defined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V1i is the share of the planned production volume for the corresponding financial year of grain and leguminous crops in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned production volume for the corresponding financial year of grain and leguminous crops, determined by the formula:

V S1i - planned indicators for the corresponding financial year for the gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops by agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation on the basis of those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the manner and form , which are approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the production of grain and leguminous crops is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

ki is the coefficient of increase in the indicator of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation. For the Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Far Eastern Federal District, the coefficient value is 1.5, for other constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 1;

D S1i - the share of the planned area occupied by grain legumes for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned area occupied by grains and leguminous crops for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where P Sli are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year in terms of the size of sown areas under grain and leguminous crops in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation on the basis of those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in in the manner and in the form that are approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the production of grain and leguminous crops is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V1пpi - the share of non-negative increase in the planned volume for the corresponding financial year of production of grain and leguminous crops to the average for the 6 years preceding the current financial year, excluding 2017, increase in the production of grain and leguminous crops in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total increase in planned volume of production for the corresponding financial year of grain and leguminous crops, determined by the formula:

where SPR li is the average for 6 years preceding the current financial year, excluding 2017, the gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, which produces grain and leguminous crops are identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year, based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service.

16. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned production indicators of oilseeds (a 2i) is determined by the formula:

N 2 - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the production of oilseeds (with the exception of rapeseed and soybeans) is defined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V2i is the share of the planned production volume for the corresponding financial year of oilseed products in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned production volume for the corresponding financial year of oilseed products, determined by the formula:

where V S2i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year for gross harvests of oilseeds (except for rapeseed and soybeans) in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in the manner and form approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the production of oilseeds is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D S2i - the share of the planned area occupied by oilseeds for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned area occupied by oilseeds for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where P S2i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year in terms of the size of sown areas for oilseeds (except for rapeseed and soybeans) in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on those submitted to the Ministry agriculture of the Russian Federation in the manner and form approved by the Ministry of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the production of oilseeds is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V2пpi - the share of a non-negative increase in the planned production volume for the corresponding financial year of oilseed products to the average for the 5 years preceding the current financial year, the increase in the production of oilseeds in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total increase in the planned production volume for the corresponding financial year of production oilseeds, determined by the formula:

where SPR 2i is the average for 5 years preceding the current financial year, the gross harvest of oilseeds (except for rapeseed and soybeans) in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, which has production oilseeds have been identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year, based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service.

17. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned production indicators and growth in production of open-ground vegetables () is determined by the formula:

N 3 - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the production of open-ground vegetables is defined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V3i is the share of the planned production volume for the corresponding financial year for the production of open-ground vegetables in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned volume of production for the corresponding financial year for the production of open-ground vegetables, determined by the formula:

where V S3i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year for the volume of production of open-ground vegetables in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation on the basis of those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the manner and according to forms, which are approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the production of open-ground vegetables is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V3пpi - the share of a non-negative increase in the planned production volume for the corresponding financial year of open-ground vegetable production to the average for the 5 years preceding the current financial year, the increase in the production of open-ground vegetables in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total increase in the planned production volume for the corresponding financial year year of production of open ground vegetables, determined by the formula:

where SPR 3i is the average for 5 years preceding the current financial year, the volume of production of open-ground vegetables in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, in which the production of open-ground vegetables is defined as priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year, based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service.

18. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the development of viticulture (a 4i) is determined by the formula:

N 4 - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the development of viticulture is defined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D Spl4i - the share of the planned area of ​​grape plantings that entered the commercial fruiting period in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation for the corresponding financial year in the total planned area of ​​grape plantings that entered the commercial fruiting period for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where P Spl4i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year in terms of the area of ​​grape plantings that have entered the commercial fruiting period in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) holdings, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in the manner and form approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the development of viticulture is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D Sz4i - the share of the planned planting area of ​​grape plantations for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned planting area of ​​grape plantings for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where P Sz4i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year in terms of the area of ​​planting grape plantings in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation on the basis of those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the manner and according to form, which are approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the development of viticulture is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year.

19. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned production indicators of fruit and berry plantings and planting areas of perennial fruit and berry plantings (a 5i) is determined by the formula:

N 5 - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the production of fruit and berry plantings is defined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V5i - the share of the planned production volume for the corresponding financial year of fruit and berry plantings in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned production of fruit and berry plantings for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where V S5i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year for the volume of production of fruit and berry plantings in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation on the basis of those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the order and in the form, which are approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the production of fruit and berry plantings is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D S5i - the share of the planned area planting perennial fruit and berry plantings, including nurseries, for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned area planting perennial fruit and berry plantings, including nurseries, for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula :

where P S5i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year in terms of the size of the planting area of ​​perennial fruit and berry plantings, including nurseries, in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) holdings, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture economy of the Russian Federation in the manner and form that are approved by the Ministry of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the production of fruit and berry plantations is determined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year.

20. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the production of fiber flax products and the planned area under fiber flax crops (a 6i) is determined by the formula:

N 6 - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the production of fiber flax products is defined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V6i - the share of the planned volume of production of fiber flax products for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned volume of production of fiber flax products for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where V S6i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year for the volume of fiber flax production (in terms of flax fiber) in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on the data of the subjects submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the manner and form approved by the Ministry Russian Federation, in which the production of fiber flax products is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D S6i - the share of the planned area occupied by fiber flax crops for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned area occupied by fiber flax crops for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where P S6i are the planned indicators for the size of fiber flax sown areas for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on data from the subjects of the Russian Federation in which the production of fiber flax products is defined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year.

21. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned production indicators and milk production growth (a 7i) is determined by the formula:

N 7 - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which milk production is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V7i - the share of the planned volume of milk production for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned volume of milk production for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where V S7i are the planned indicators for the volume of milk production in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the manner and form, which are approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which milk production is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V7пpi - the share of a non-negative increase in the planned volume for the corresponding financial year of milk production to the average for 5 years preceding the current financial year, the volume of milk production in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total increase in the planned volume for the corresponding financial year of milk production, determined by the formula :

where SPR 7i is the average for 5 years preceding the current financial year, the volume of milk production in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, in which milk production is defined as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service.

22. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the development of specialized beef cattle breeding (a 8i) is determined by the formula:

N 8 - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the development of specialized beef cattle breeding is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D S8i - the share of the planned number of commercial livestock of cows of specialized meat breeds for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total number of commercial livestock of cows of specialized meat breeds for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where P S8i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year for the number of commercial livestock of cows of specialized meat breeds (in heads) in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) holdings, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in the manner and form approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the development of specialized beef cattle breeding is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V8пpi - the share of a non-negative increase in the planned number of commercial livestock of specialized meat breeds for the corresponding financial year to the average for 3 years preceding the current financial year, the number of commercial livestock of specialized meat breeds in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total increase in the planned number of commercial livestock cows of specialized meat breeds for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where SPR 8i is the average for 3 years preceding the current financial year, the number of commercial livestock of specialized meat breeds in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on those submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Federation, in the manner and form approved by the Ministry, of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the development of specialized beef cattle breeding is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year.

23. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the planned indicators for the development of sheep breeding (a 9i) is determined by the formula:

N 9 - the number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the development of sheep breeding is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D S9i - the share of the planned breeding stock of sheep and goats for the corresponding financial year in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total planned breeding stock of sheep and goats for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where P S9i are the planned indicators for the corresponding financial year for the breeding stock of sheep and goats (including young ones one year old and older) in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) holdings, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on those submitted to the Ministry agriculture of the Russian Federation in the manner and form approved by the Ministry of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the development of sheep breeding is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year;

D V9пpi - the share of non-negative growth in the planned breeding stock of sheep and goats for the corresponding financial year to the average for the 5 years preceding the current financial year, the breeding stock of sheep and goats in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the total increase in the planned breeding stock of sheep and goats for the corresponding financial year, determined by the formula:

where SPR 9i is the average for 5 years preceding the current financial year, the breeding stock of sheep and goats (including young ones one year old and older) in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) holdings, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, y which the development of sheep breeding is identified as a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year, based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service.

24. The share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in the development indicators of small business forms (a 10i) is calculated by the formula:

N 10 - the number of subjects of the Russian Federation for which the development of small forms of business is a priority for the corresponding financial year. At the same time, priority for the development of small forms of business is established for all subjects of the Russian Federation, with the exception of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the number of small forms of business registered on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation exceeds 11 thousand units and (or) which have not established an indicator for the creation of new jobs in peasant (farm) farms and agricultural consumer cooperatives;

D vali - the share of the average value of gross output of crop and livestock production produced by peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation for the 3 years preceding the current financial year, in the average value of gross output of crop and livestock production produced by peasant (farm) households, including individual entrepreneurs, for the 3 years preceding the current financial year, determined by the formula:

where V vali is the average cost of gross crop and livestock production produced by peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, in which the development of small forms of farming is a priority for the corresponding financial year, for the 3 years preceding the current one financial year, determined on the basis of data from the Federal State Statistics Service;

D placei - the share of the planned number of jobs created in peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs, and agricultural consumer cooperatives that received grant support, for the corresponding financial year, based on the number of peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs, and agricultural consumer cooperatives cooperatives in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, determined by the formula:

To placei - the number of jobs planned for creation in the corresponding financial year in peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, and agricultural consumer cooperatives that received grant support in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation based on data from the subjects of the Russian Federation submitted to the Ministry agriculture of the Russian Federation in the manner and form approved by the Ministry;

T mfhi - the number of peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, and agricultural consumer cooperatives in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, operating (registered on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation) at the end of the reporting financial year preceding the year in which the amount of subsidies is calculated for the next financial year, based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service.

25. The amount of the subsidy provided to the budget of the i-th constituent entity of the Russian Federation to support constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development (W 2i) is determined by the formula:

m is the number of subjects of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development;

V 2i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development in the average gross value of crop and livestock products produced in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, for the 3 years preceding the current financial year, determined by the formula:

where V 2vali is the average gross value of crop and livestock products produced in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, for the 3 years preceding the current financial year, determined on the basis of data from the Federal State Statistics Service;

S 2i - the share of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development in the average population in the Russian Federation for the year preceding the current financial year, for the subjects of the Russian Federation defined as subjects of the Russian Federation with a low level of socio-economic development, determined on the basis of data from the Federal State Statistics Service.

26. The amount of the subsidy to the budget of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, calculated in accordance with paragraph 25 of these Rules, cannot exceed 15 percent of the total subsidy in this area. In case of excess, the released funds are distributed evenly among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation entitled to receive a subsidy in accordance with paragraph 25 of these Rules.

27. During a financial year, a subject of the Russian Federation has the right to increase the number of priority sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex for the corresponding financial year in agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation without increasing the total amount of the subsidy provided to the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation for the corresponding financial year, while the amount of the subsidy distributed subject of the Russian Federation for new priority sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex cannot exceed 20 percent of the subsidy volume calculated in accordance with paragraphs 12 - 25 of these Rules.

28. Transfer of subsidies is carried out in the prescribed manner to accounts opened by territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury in the institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to record transactions with funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

29. The authorized body submits the following documents to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation:

a) an extract from the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation (consolidated budget list of the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation) and (or) the municipal legal act of the representative body of the municipality on the local budget (consolidated budget list of the local budget), confirming the presence of those approved in the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation (local budget) budgetary allocations for the financial support of the expenditure obligations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation specified in paragraph 3 of these Rules (expenditure obligations of municipalities for the purpose of co-financing which a subsidy is provided to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) - within a period of no later than 30 days from the date conclusion of an agreement;

b) a document containing information on the use of funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in order to co-finance the expenditure obligations of which a subsidy is provided, with a list of recipients of funds attached - in the form and within the time frame established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

c) a report on the financial and economic condition of commodity producers in the agro-industrial complex - in the form and on time established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

d) a report on the achievement of the results of using the subsidy - in the form and on time established by the agreement.

30. To assess the effectiveness of the use of the subsidy, the following results of the use of the subsidy are used based on the list of priority subsectors of the agro-industrial complex established for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation:

a) gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs (thousand tons);

b) gross harvest of oilseeds (except for rapeseed and soybeans) in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs (thousand tons);

c) the increase in the production of open-ground vegetables in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, for the reporting year in relation to the indicator provided for in the agreement with the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the previous year (thousand tons);

d) area of ​​vineyards at fruiting age in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs (thousand hectares);

e) area of ​​planting vineyards in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs (thousand hectares);

f) area of ​​planting perennial plantings in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs (thousand hectares);

g) gross harvest of flax fiber and hemp fiber in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs (thousand tons);

h) increase in milk production in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs, for the reporting year in relation to the average milk production volume for the 5 years preceding the current financial year (thousand tons);

i) increase in the commercial livestock of specialized beef breeds in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs, for the reporting year compared to the previous year (thousand heads);

j) increase in the breeding stock of sheep and goats in agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, including individual entrepreneurs, for the reporting year in relation to the previous year (thousand heads);

k) the number of peasant (farm) enterprises implementing projects for the creation and development of their farms with the help of grant support (units);

l) increase in the volume of agricultural products produced in the reporting year by peasant (farm) enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs who received grant support, over the last 5 years (including the reporting year) in relation to the previous year (percent);

m) the number of agricultural consumer cooperatives developing their material and technical base with the help of grant support (units);

o) increase in the volume of agricultural products sold in the reporting year by agricultural consumer cooperatives that received grant support over the last 5 years (including the reporting year) in relation to the previous year (percent).

31. Assessment of the effectiveness of the use of subsidies based on the results provided for in subparagraphs “a” - “k” of paragraph 30 of these Rules is carried out on the basis of data generated for scientific and educational organizations, as well as agricultural producers, with the exception of citizens conducting personal subsidiary plots, and agricultural consumer cooperatives (processing, marketing (trading).

32. The effectiveness of using the subsidy is assessed annually by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on the basis of an integral assessment of the achievement of the results of using the subsidy provided for by the agreement, in accordance with the methodology approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

33. If, when forming a draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period, a subject of the Russian Federation, before August 10 of the current financial year, submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation an appeal containing information about the absence of partial or full need for a subsidy, unclaimed the subsidy is distributed among the budgets of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation entitled to receive a subsidy in accordance with these Rules.

34. Return by constituent entities of the Russian Federation of funds from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the federal budget in case of violation of obligations stipulated by the agreement in terms of fulfilling the results of using the subsidy and (or) achieving the values ​​of these results, including the procedure for calculating the amount of funds to be returned, deadlines return and grounds for exemption of subjects of the Russian Federation from the return of such funds is carried out in accordance with paragraphs 16 - 18 and the Rules for the formation of subsidies.

35. Responsibility for the reliability of information submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and compliance with the conditions provided for by these Rules and the agreement rests with the authorized body.

36. Monitoring of compliance by constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the conditions for the provision of subsidies is carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and state financial control bodies.

Agriculture is the most important industry that provides the country's population with many products necessary for the normal functioning of society.

Agriculture produces both finished products and raw materials that require further processing. Such raw materials are used in a variety of industries, from the food industry to the chemical industry.

Types of agricultural raw materials, food products and finished products

Raw materials produced by agricultural enterprises can be of animal or plant origin.

Experts include the following herbal products:

  • medicinal plants;

  • sugar beet;

  • potato;

  • sunflower;

  • grain crops;

  • cotton.

Animal raw materials include such product groups as:

  • milk;

  • fish;

  • meat;

  • fur;

  • animal skin;

  • wool;

  • animal fats.

By processing these types of raw materials, people receive high-quality food, clothing, all kinds of chemicals, medicines, and hygiene products. At the same time, the main feature of agricultural raw materials is that they can be constantly renewed and distributed throughout different territories of the country.

The disadvantage of this type of raw material is its seasonality. In other words, certain foods can only be obtained in the spring or fall.

Wholesale trade and purchase of agricultural raw materials, products and live animals

Wholesale trade of agricultural products in our country has been developing by leaps and bounds in recent decades.

A huge number of enterprises and companies have appeared that are engaged not only in the sale of raw materials and finished products, but also in the processing of this group of goods. Moreover, now the state is doing everything to develop agriculture in our country. To achieve this, new legislative acts are being adopted that simplify the rules for trade in agricultural raw materials.

Specialists involved in the wholesale trade of agricultural raw materials must not only know the legislation governing their activities, they must also understand the needs of the market. For example, the cost of raw materials may fluctuate depending on the season, the harvest received and climatic conditions.

It is best for wholesale suppliers to find markets where there is a shortage of specific products. Wholesalers must be able to find a common language with raw material producers (farmers).

Among the many companies that wholesale agricultural raw materials are the following:

  • LLC "Uralregionservice" The company is a leader in wholesale sales in the Orenburg region.

  • LLC "Grant" The company operates in the agricultural market of the Kursk region and occupies a leading position here.

  • JSC "Agroinvest" The company operates in the Novosibirsk region, supplying and processing agricultural raw materials.

Industries using agricultural raw materials

Agricultural enterprises supply raw materials for a large number of sectors of the national economy. Among them it should be noted:

  1. Food industry. On average, the agro-industrial complex provides 17% of supplies to this industry. The industry produces various food products. The food industry includes: meat industry, dairy industry, food processing industry, confectionery industry, sugar industry, bakery industry, oil and fat industry, salt industry, and alcoholic beverage industry.

  2. Textile industry. Engaged in the production of fabrics and other materials.

  3. Pharmaceutical industry. Production of medicines and medical devices.

  4. Chemical industry. Various compositions, including cosmetics.

  5. Leather industry. Manufactures products from animal skin.

  6. Woodworking industry. Wood, paper, carpentry.

Agricultural commodity markets

The agro-industrial market in our country is developing very quickly. Its peculiarity is that there is a stable demand among the population for agricultural products and raw materials.

Initially, manufacturers and suppliers saturated the market with essential goods of low quality in order to satisfy consumer demand.

But over time, enterprises began to supply higher quality products, and in addition, there was a need for deep processing of raw materials supplied by farmers.

Another important thing about the agricultural market is that it is rarely stable. It is characterized by seasonal fluctuations associated with a new harvest or the presence of a shortage of a particular product. It should be noted that now this is one of the most promising markets for investment.

Regulation of markets for agricultural products and raw materials

The agro-industrial market is regulated through special government programs. They are mainly aimed at increasing the share of domestic producers and sellers in the total volume of goods sold.

Thanks to such programs, the competitiveness of domestic producers increases and their income increases, which leads to an increase in the quality characteristics of domestic enterprises and allows them to supply their raw materials for export.

Processing of agricultural raw materials

The main purpose of processing agricultural raw materials is to ensure better preservation of products and improve their quality characteristics.

If we consider raw materials of plant origin, then primary processing includes procedures such as:

  • primary cleaning procedure;

  • storage of initially wet raw materials;

  • drying;

  • re-cleaning;

  • sorting.

Subsequently, the raw materials are supplied to food industry enterprises, where they are used to produce the final product.

Raw materials of animal origin go through the following stages of processing:

  • slaughter of livestock or poultry;

  • carcass cutting;

  • carcass sorting.

Export of agricultural raw materials

The Russian Federation exports a large amount of agricultural raw materials, including:

  • wheat;

  • meat;

  • barley;

  • peas;

Among the main exporting countries of agricultural products, Russia ranks sixth and is constantly increasing its production rates.

You can learn more about obtaining agricultural raw materials at the annual Agroprodmash exhibition.

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