Seminars and workshops. Workshop for teachers “How to successfully conduct a parent-teacher meeting

During the consultation, the discussion method is used.

In form and content, the discussion is close to the conversation method. It also involves choice important topic, requiring a comprehensive discussion, preparation of questions for educators, introductory and concluding remarks. However, Unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions and the raising of controversial issues. During the discussion, many other additional questions have to be asked, the number and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance. Therefore, the use of discussion as a method requires high professional competence, pedagogical skill, great culture, tact. The leader of the discussion must have the ability to quickly navigate the situation, capture the train of thought and mood of the participants, and create an atmosphere of trust. Participants in the discussion must have knowledge of theory and a desire to improve their activities.

The final speech briefly analyzes the participants' speeches and brings clarity to the solution of fundamental issues.

Seminars and workshops remain the most effective form methodological work V kindergarten.

The theme of the seminar is determined in the annual plan of the preschool institution and at the beginning academic year the manager makes up detailed plan his work.

A comprehensive plan with a clear indication of work time and thoughtfulness of tasks will attract attention more wishing to take part in its work. At the very first lesson, you can suggest supplementing this plan with specific questions to which educators would like to receive answers.

The leader of the seminar can be the head or senior teacher, or invited specialists. You can involve educators, specialists, and medical workers in conducting individual classes. The main goal of workshops is to improve the skills of teachers, so they are usually led by educators who have experience working on this issue. For example, At an ikebana workshop, teachers, under the guidance of a specialist, learn the art of making a bouquet. These skills are subsequently used in decorating a group room and in working with children. And during the workshop on making Christmas tree decorations, teachers not only master techniques for working with paper and other materials, but also develop a system for organizing a variety of exciting activities with children in a group room for a period New Year's holidays, where the main thing is a Christmas tree, decorated with crafts from children, parents, and teachers. Teachers come up with surprise moments and select literary material to create a fabulous atmosphere in the group these days.

For the seminar “Peculiarities of organizing and conducting observations in nature in the summer,” educators are given questions in advance to discuss the problem. For example: How often do you observe natural objects during classes (excursions), walks, etc. everyday life? What do you consider the main thing in the methodology of organizing and conducting observation? What difficulties do you encounter? What techniques do you use to develop children’s interest in nature and develop observation skills? What observations in nature arose on the initiative of children? How do you support, awaken, develop children's inquisitiveness and curiosity? What impact does their interaction with nature have on children's behavior? Do you use elements of environmental education in your work with children? During the workshop, it is possible to discuss different points of view, develop discussions, create problem situations that ultimately allow us to develop common positions in solving the problem. It is important that the results of the seminars are presented in the form of specific and feasible recommendations, and that their implementation is monitored.

All The question of the need to educate parents is raised more often, especially young mothers, methods of person-oriented communication with a preschool child. Therefore the organization workshop for parents - important form work. Various specialists may be involved in conducting such a seminar, who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; They will also teach you how to organize the game. You can organize an evening of games for children and adults, in which the leader of the seminar will be an attentive adviser and observer. He will tell parents about his observations and notes at the next lesson and give specific recommendations regarding methods of individual communication with the child.

It seems that such work will be useful for parents, children, and the preschool institution, whose authority in the eyes of parents will only increase. A seminar as a form of methodological work differs from the seminar practiced in higher educational institutions.

First hallmark is its duration. It can include one or several classes. Sometimes a permanent seminar is planned for long period, for example, several months or even an academic year. Second important sign- the place where it will be held. This could be a teaching room in a kindergarten, a group room, or other places (museum, exhibition hall, public garden, etc.) depending on the goals and objectives that the seminar leader must solve. The third feature is the nature of the didactic tasks that are solved during the seminar classes. This is both educational activities on systematization and improvement of knowledge, and work on the formation of skills. In addition, during the seminar the tasks of disseminating teaching experience are solved.

The fourth sign is the source of information. This is the word (reports and co-reports of the participants), and actions (completing various practical tasks at the seminar), and a visual demonstration on the topic of the seminar, and pedagogical analysis.

Therefore, the seminar is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with permanent place carrying out.

Properly organized preparation for it and preliminary information play a big role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant to a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo for the participants of the seminar, which indicates the topic, place and order of holding, a list of questions that need to be thought about, mandatory list literature, which is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think through methods and forms of including all seminar participants in an active discussion of the topic. For this purpose, situational tasks are used, working with punched cards, discussing two opposing points of view, working with regulatory documents, game modeling methods, etc. The seminar leader must clearly think through the tasks for each topic of the lesson and the assessment of their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the teachers’ works.

Open display. Each teacher has his own teaching experience and teaching skills. They highlight the work of a teacher who achieves best results, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is “looked up to.”

« Best Teaching Practices- is a means of purposefully improving educational educational process, satisfying the current needs of teaching and educational practice!” (Ya.S. Turbovskoy).

Advanced pedagogical experience helps educators explore new approaches to working with children and distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and promotes improvement. professional excellence. Best practice originates in mass practice and is, to some extent, its result.

For any teacher studying best practices, not only the result is important, but also the methods and techniques by which this result is achieved. This allows you to compare your capabilities and make a decision about introducing experience into your work.

Advanced experience is the fastest, most efficient form of resolving contradictions that have arisen in practice, quickly responding to public demands, to the changing situation of education. Advanced experience born in the thick of life is very instrumental and, subject to a number of conditions, successfully takes root in new conditions; it is the most convincing and attractive for practice, because it is presented in a living, concrete form.

Due to this special role of best practices, every year, as part of methodological work in kindergartens, open screenings are held, at which the best experience work in one of the areas of preschool pedagogy.

Open display makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during class and get answers to your questions. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the teacher, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity. The manager organizing an open display can set several goals:

Promotion of experience;

Training teachers in methods and techniques of working with children, etc.

Forms of organizing an open display may be different.. For example, before the start of the viewing, the manager himself can talk about the teacher’s work system and suggest questions that should be addressed special attention. Sometimes it is advisable to distribute questions, one teacher to calculate the children’s activity, another to calculate a combination different methods and techniques used by the teacher, rational use of aids, assess whether children are comfortable.

Such preparation for an open lesson will help the leader organize an interesting discussion of what he saw and develop a common opinion of the team. It must be remembered that in the discussion the first word is given to the teacher, demonstrating his work with children. Based on the results of the open review, a decision is made: for example, to introduce this experience into one’s work, submit the notes to the methodological office, or continue to generalize the teacher’s work experience in order to present it at district pedagogical readings.

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various different shapes dissemination of experience: open display, work in pairs, original seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical excellence, day open doors, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function methodological work that permeates the content and all its forms and methods. The importance of pedagogical experience is difficult to overestimate; it trains, educates, and develops teachers. Being essentially closely connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

In the methodological room of the preschool educational institution It is necessary to have addresses of teaching experience.

In the modern world, it is important to be able to conduct seminars. This is an interactive form of transfer of knowledge, information obtained through research, etc. Moreover, the audience is given a chance to engage with the topic by asking questions or commenting. In this article we will tell you how to conduct a seminar. There are also services for conducting a seminar - good company, which can organize work at a high level.

IN next list Suggestions and recommendations for preparing your seminar are presented:

  • Choose an interesting topic.

Although choosing your theme may seem like a mundane task, it is very important factor in determining the success of your presentation. Topics that are too broad will have so much information that it will be impossible to cover everything in, for example, a 40-minute conversation. On the other hand, it will be very difficult to gather enough information to fill 40 minutes if your topic is very specific. It is best to do some preliminary research to determine the amount of information available before you begin.

  • Collect information on your chosen topic.

You can start with a Google search, but keep in mind that most of the information you find online will be inappropriate or unnecessary for your workshop. In most cases, you should NOT use information that ONLY appears on a website for your presentation. Online scientific journals are an exception to this rule. You can find websites that show which researchers are working in your area of ​​interest and may even have copies of some of their research papers. You can also find informal research reports, but these should only be used as starting points for detailed study in the library. When will you have general overview topic, it's time to focus on the primary scientific literature. Primary literature refers to articles that have been carefully reviewed by other scientists before they are published.

Much of your library research can be done using a computer. There are some great databases out there you can dig through, and in many cases you can find the full text of articles online. If the article you want is not available online, it may be available in print from your library, or you may need to request it from another library. It is very likely that you will have to request several articles from other libraries, so you should start your search early.

It is important to maintain a complete record for each of your sources of information. For each source, you should record the following: author, date of publication, title of publication, publisher, and page numbers. For websites, there is also the web address (URL) and the date you viewed (as the site may change over time). This information should be presented in the form of a bibliography when you present your seminar.

Workshop workshop how to do?

Remember that if your seminar is a workshop, then your event should be aimed at juniors. You can assume that your audience will have basic experience in the field you want to talk about, such as biology (assuming everyone has taken the course), but you cannot assume that everyone knows something about biochemistry, developmental biology, immunology or plankton ecology. Therefore, your seminar introduction should include a section in which you present the background material needed to understand your conversations. This information is usually found in secondary sources such as textbooks, review articles, and general periodicals. The majority of the remainder of your seminar should focus on Primary Literature such as journal articles, conference proceedings, etc. Your information should be as current as possible, preferably within the last 5 years.

How many links do you need? This will vary from topic to topic, but you should choose a topic in which you can find at least 10 articles in the primary literature.

How to organize a seminar?

The information collected should be inserted into the following sections:


  1. A brief description of your topic indicating why it is an important and interesting topic
  2. The history of your topic leading to the information that will be presented in your conversation.

Main part:

  • Use the information you've gathered to talk about the major questions and concerns that surrounded your topic. Then, talk about the research that was conducted to find answers to these questions.
  • For most topics, there is still debate among scientists about how and why certain things happen. You must present the opinions of all parties and then provide your own interpretation and assessment of the given situation or problem.
  1. Summarize
  2. Discuss additional questions that need to be answered to make your topic clearer

Now you know how to organize a seminar.

It must be scientific in nature and based on primary references (original research published in peer-reviewed journals). Don't just report the results of people's research, but state how the science was done. Data, experimental methods, and statistics should be an important part of your seminar. How to conduct a seminar correctly? To do this, your seminar should try to answer the following questions:

  • What is the mechanism?
  • How do we know?
  • What is the evidence?
  • Audiovisual media.

Use illustrations, charts, and tables to illustrate your conversations and clarify key points. To do this, you can use the Power Point program. Don't forget to indicate the source of your videos and audio so that anyone can find and watch something else from your topic.

  • Length.

Your seminar should last as long as you are allotted. But the materials should be available for a time that is 2 times longer than the established one. This is in case some technical problems are discovered, and instead of showing audio and video, you have to talk in more detail about the topic.

How to conduct a seminar in an interesting way

Many people ask how to make a seminar memorable. Except interesting topic, this will require your personal qualities. Such as: a sense of humor (especially at the beginning you can joke somehow), oratory skills (the audience gets tired of monotonous speech), and even clothes. Remember to include your audience by asking them questions. And at the end you can take a group photo with all the seminar participants. This will definitely make your event memorable.


We told you how to organize a seminar or training from scratch.

Now, in order to consolidate the knowledge gained, we suggest you choose a topic that interests you, conduct library research on this topic and present the results of your investigation to your classmates or fellow students.

A workshop is an effective form of methodological work with teachers.

Ershova Valentina Anatolevna,

c senior teacher, first qualification category

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13 "Forget-me-not" combined type"

Preparation of any methodological event starts with defining the goal. It is important to answer the questions “What do we want to achieve by organizing this event?”, “What should be the result?”, “What should change in the activities of teachers?” If the goal is real, then it encourages the teacher to act and makes him active.

Today, the main goal is to improve methods of working with teachers, because each teacher has his own level of pedagogical skill.

Answering the question “What is pedagogical experience?”, K.D. Ushinsky explained: “More or less facts of education, but, of course, if these facts remain only facts, then they do not give experience. They must make an impression on the mind of the educator, qualify in it according to their characteristic features, generalize, and become a thought. And this thought, and not the fact itself, will become the correct educational activity.”

Methodological work in preschool educational institutions is designed to help achieve high results with minimum costs time and effort. It is necessary to organize work in this direction so that each teacher can demonstrate his abilities, acquire new knowledge, abilities and skills that will help improve his pedagogical competence, which in turn would lead to an increase in the efficiency and quality of teaching and education of preschoolers.

When planning methodological work with teachers at our institution, we use well-known, widely accepted forms of methodological work, which can be divided into two groups:

- group(pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, methodological exhibitions, mutual visits, creative microgroups, schools of excellence, business games, etc.);

-individual(self-education, individual counseling, interviews, mentoring, etc.).

Workshop– one of the effective forms of methodological work in kindergarten, because allows you to more deeply and systematically study the problem under consideration, support theoretical material with examples from practice, showing individual techniques and ways of working. The main objectives of the workshops are:

Improving the professional skills of teachers in in a certain form activities;

Development of creativity and imagination of teachers;

Discussion of different points of view, conducting discussions;

Creating problem situations that allow us to develop common positions in solving the problem;

Creation of realistically implementable recommendations.

The workshop differs in that it includes practical tasks, observations of colleagues’ work, followed by discussion. Teachers have the opportunity not only to master work techniques, but also to develop a system for organizing activities with children in certain conditions.

In addition, during the workshops, it is possible to discuss different points of view, debate, and create problematic situations, which ultimately make it possible to develop a common position on the issue under consideration.

An important condition The organization of this form of work is the inclusion of all seminar participants in the discussion of the topic. To do this, punch cards are used, opposing points of view are considered, game modeling methods are used, etc. Based on the results of the seminar, an exhibition of the teachers’ works can be arranged.

The content of workshops is creativity and awareness of the goals of their organizers. However, it is possible to single out a universal structure carrying out this form of methodological work:

    preparatory work(thematic exhibitions, viewings open classes, mutual visit, etc.) – the goal is to identify the problem;

    organizational moment (psychological exercises, elements business games, discussion of statements, etc. frontally or in creative groups) – the goal is to specify the problem;

    theoretical part(speech by the organizer of the workshop, a member of the creative team, multimedia presentation, “questions and answers”, etc._ - the goal is a theoretical justification of what is being discussed;

    practical work(frontally, in groups) - the goal of this stage is to disseminate teaching experience, acquire new skills by teachers;

    summing up the event - the result of the work may be visual materials(booklets, reminders, didactic games, etc.), made by the hands of educators, recommendations for their use that can be used by all teachers.

Thus, in methodological work at this stage of development preschool education it is necessary to use forms of work that would contribute to continuing education teaching staff, improved their professional qualifications, provided real help teachers in the development of their skills as an alloy of professional knowledge and skills necessary for modern teacher properties and qualities of personality. And workshops are one of these forms of methodological work.

“The importance of folk games for the development of children early age»


Tasks: updating teachers’ knowledge and competence in implementing the leading tasks of the academic year; development of the ability to discuss and agree on proposed issues, dissemination of teaching experience.

I. Preparatory work.

Exhibition of folk didactic games, operational (selective) control over the organization of the gaming environment in groups.

II. Organizational moment.

Teachers are invited to divide into two teams “Theoreticians” and “Practicians” and from a set of didactic games choose those that, in their opinion, are popular. Then the teams justify their choice and, from the point of view of their position, prove the pros and cons of using folk toys in teaching practice.

III. Theoretical part.

    The leading activity of a young child is play. An integral part of the game becomes a toy, which is traditional, necessary element educational process, acting as a subject of fun, entertainment, joy for the child, and at the same time it is the most important means of his comprehensive development. In this regard, we assign an important role in the education and development of young children to folk toys. Which is interesting to children, corresponds to their life experience, and carries significant opportunities for cognitive and speech development.

Researchers have noted that about 70% of toys on the shelves of children's stores are so-called “anti-toys”; they are distinguished by their brightness, affordable price and poor quality, approximately 20% are Western-made, they are distinguished by a high price, good quality and technical practicality, and only about 10% are domestic manufacturers. Oddly enough, but today among parents there is erroneous opinion that the more toys, the better for the child, and they actively buy low-quality goods. Despite the fact that, it would seem, just such a toy is designed to make the child happy and enthusiastically play with it for hours, after a fairly short time the interest dries up, and playing with it no longer brings the same pleasure. We believe this is a consequence of replacing the quality of the gaming medium with quantity.

According to many experts, the material for the manufacture of gaming equipment has great importance. Children learn a lot through touch and tactile sensations. They touch different surfaces and structures of materials. Listen to the sound, explore the properties and qualities of the most various items. For example, a plastic cube can be large size, and weighs very little. Objects made from natural materials, as a rule, are harmonious: the larger it is, the heavier it is. In addition, the child’s hand, touching natural materials, receives genuine information about the world: tree bark is rough, sand is loose, stone is smooth, water does not contain shape. When a child takes something in his hand, information is transferred to the brain. By interacting with natural materials, a child receives much more information than from contact with plastic. Therefore for small child just starting to learn the world around us, it is more expedient to make educational toys from natural materials.

Wood is probably the most ancient material for making children's toys. It is easy to process, can take different shapes and be painted in different colors, and is very durable. And it is also “warm”, “alive”. It is not by chance that many manufacturers choose wood as the main material for toys. This is an environmentally friendly natural material that can work wonders.

We can say with confidence that if a toy does not help a child develop, especially at a very early age, then it is an empty toy. It is important to realize that a child should play with benefit. To a greater extent, wooden toys can help develop the most important skills and abilities. If you give kids the opportunity to interact with educational wooden and folk toys, then it’s easy to see that the children themselves begin to gravitate towards them. Unfortunately, modern parents often consider such “grandmother’s” games to be irrelevant. Apparently, for too long, modern children have been weaned off unfashionable, unprestigious “village” toys. For some reason, even nesting dolls are not a popular children's toy, although they have great potential for play. These “messengers from the past” are considered unnecessary in the present. Or, for example, while the child is small (1.5–3 years), fragile and breakable clay toys are almost not given to him, and if they are given, it is only for a short time and under supervision, which cannot but affect the research processes.

It is important to note that children should have folk toys at home from a very early age. First of all, these are clay and wooden toys. It is very good if you have a small collection of such toys at home; it can be located on a small shelf or in a magic box. Of particular interest to children are, for example, such folk toys as nesting dolls, spillikins, whistles, Dymkovo, Kargopol and Filimonov toys.

WITH early childhood It is necessary to “accustom” children to folk toys, to cultivate the child’s taste and eye. Little by little, introduce children to the real beauty and harmony that authentic folk toys possess. Communication between children and folk toys is also necessary so that a child, who learns about the world around him through games and toys, can begin to become familiar with cultural values, the history of his fatherland, art and morality.

2) Teachers are offered booklets with the most common folk games and a description of the developmental effect:

1. Matryoshka classic folk toy for kids. Children love to disassemble and assemble, and this game helps them concentrate, learn patience and perseverance, and develop logical thinking, spatial imagination, large and fine motor skills, hand coordination. A unique folk toy comprehensively develops a child’s mental activity, gives him new impressions and a good mood.

2. Pyramids – from the age of six months, the child begins to be interested in this toy. And this is good, since it has a beneficial effect on development fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements, logic, thinking. If the pyramid is colored, then acquaintance with colors also occurs.

3. Tops arouse surprisingly lively interest among children. Games with tops not only promote the development of fine motor skills and differentiation of finger movements, but also stimulate the development of attention and imitation.

4. “Spillkins” - an old family game that develops eye, dexterity and patience. This wonderful game is extremely useful for children. Firstly, during the game the child learns to interact with other players and take turns. Secondly, the baby learns to correctly distribute and concentrate his attention. The child’s memory develops as he learns to remember certain positions and movements of the hands. Thirdly, children learn patience, perseverance, and accuracy. Fourthly, the details of the game are so small that manipulating them is an excellent workout for a child’s hand, for the development of fine motor skills.

5. Sorter. The essence of this game is that the child must take a three-dimensional object (for example, a geometric shape) and place it in the appropriate place in the main part of the toy. Objects are almost always different colors. In this case, the child not only studies volumes and objects, but also colors. The game is also aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands, spatial perception, development of logic, memory and attention.

6 . Insert frames or Seguin boards and cut pictures . The essence of the frame is to select the object that corresponds to the allocated space. When a child plays this game, he studies shapes and objects, colors. He needs to use his logical abilities and develop them.

7. Educational game "Kegs" consists of barrels that are easy to disassemble and put one into another according to the principle of the Russian folk nesting doll. During the game, the child learns to distinguish colors and sizes. This is also a good exercise for baby's little hands. With barrels you can play with sand, natural materials, and balls of different sizes. Other options for this game include washing bowls, balls, and eggs.

8. "Magic bag" Also very attractive to kids. With its help, the child will become familiar with geometric shapes, develop his sense of touch and tactile perception, moving the toy with your fingers and trying it to the touch from all sides. Trains thinking processes (comparison, classification).

9. Laces can be very different, the most attractive for children are lacing in the form of an apple, pear, orange, mushroom, tomato and a piece of cheese. The game is designed for ages from 1.5 years, and, as was said, develops fine motor skills of the hands, thereby helping to acquire writing and speaking skills. In addition, it develops correlative and differentiated movements of the fingers.

10. Wooden cookware sets contribute to the development of instrumental actions. The child adjusts his hand to some kind of tool. Such items are the most common household things - spoons, cups, combs, brushes, pencils, etc. All of them require very specific actions, which are not easy for the baby at first. It is cultural ways of doing things that are important here.

11. Beads for stringing . The formation of determination and perseverance is carried out in simple productive actions that involve an idea of ​​​​the final result. Result (goal) orientation contributes to the development of focus. Beads for stringing, figured pyramids, and manuals that involve composing an image from several parts (beads, cubes, cut-out pictures, etc.) are well suited for carrying out such actions.

12. Sets of wooden figures depicting characters famous fairy tales, people, wild and domestic animals are necessary for the speech development of children. The development of a child’s speech is carried out in live communication with an adult. Such communication presupposes a common understanding and designation of any objects and events. Accordingly, game aids that promote speech development should provide materials for recognizing, understanding and naming any objects, actions or plots.

13. Cubes develop fine motor skills, sensory skills, and coordination of movements. Child studying geometric shapes, primary colors (if the set is painted), masters the construction of towers.

14. Guessing game . One of the most favorite games, which is a frame with cells that close with doors. A duck, a bunny, a mushroom and a Christmas tree are hidden in the cells. The child first studies the frame on his own, then the adult asks him to guess who is hiding behind which lid. The game develops memory, logical thinking and helps to correlate primary colors.

15. Sets for finger theater on the themes of fairy tales. Aimed at developing motor coordination, fine motor skills, creativity and development of active speech.

Forms of methodological work with teachers (general recommendations)

In the pedagogical literature, organizational forms of methodological work are classified according to the method of organization (collective, group, individual), as well as according to the degree of activity of the participants (active, passive).

Passive forms the work of the methodological service is focused to a large extent on reproductive mental activity and provides support for the zone current development teachers.

Active forms stimulate the search and creative research activities of teachers and are focused on the zone of proximal development of teachers.

The most effective forms of methodological work at the present stage of school development, in our opinion, are:

theoretical seminar, workshop, scientific and practical conference, methodological decade, days of science, methodological festival, methodological bridge, methodological mosaic, discussion, methodological ring, business game, pedagogical KVN, brainstorming, training, video training, pedagogical readings, lecture hall, professional exhibition, project defense, thematic pedagogical council, open lesson

Forms of organizing and holding meetings of the Moscow Region may be as follows:

Lecture, theoretical seminar, workshop, conference, excursion, creative discussion, creative dialogue, living room, hour of collective creativity, methodological festival (based on the results of methodological work for the year), business game, methodological KVN, fair of methodological ideas, methodological training, meeting round table, author's workshop.

Types of homework teachers, as part of planning methodological work, may have the following:

Modeling a lesson (in whole or in fragments)

Development of a lesson system on a topic or course

Development of a special course, research program on a specific topic

Selection of literature on a specific topic, course, problem

Annotation on the topic, course, problem, work experience of a colleague

Preparation of control materials and tests

Drawing up and protection of supporting diagrams, memos, didactic material

Development of plans for clubs, scenarios for extracurricular activities in the subject, elective courses

Attending classes, extracurricular activities, special courses, additional classes with subsequent analysis

Presentation of your own experience on a topic or problem

Defense of the topic on self-education.

Interactive methods and games

"Interactive" means interaction-based. But interactivity is not just the interaction of subjects with each other, but specifically

socially organized cognitive activity with a pronounced social orientation.

The purpose of using interactive methods and games is to change the behavior patterns of participants. By analyzing his own reactions and those of his partner, the participant changes his behavior pattern and consciously assimilates new norms of activity, which allows us to talk about interactive methods as a process of interactive education.

Guiding principles the organizations of the interactive process are:

Thought activity;


Freedom of choice;


The organization of mental activity is:

In the performance by participants of various mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, abstraction, etc.);

Exchange of results of mental activity between participants in the pedagogical process;

Change and diversity of types, forms of mental and cognitive activity;

A combination of individual and group forms of work;

Problem-based learning, the use of modern educational technologies in the pedagogical process;

Meaning-making of participants;


Creation of meaning involves the conscious creation in the process of interaction between teachers of new content, assessment of the phenomena of the surrounding reality, their activities, and the results of interaction from the standpoint of their individuality.

The end result, the goal of meaning-making, is enrichment, the emergence of a new individual experience of comprehension (meaning), expanding the boundaries of individual consciousness.

Reflection in the pedagogical process - this is the process and result of recording by subjects (participants in the pedagogical process) the state of self-development, establishing causes and consequences.

Each interactive method and game has its own goal and rules, so, taking this feature into account, you can use them at different stages of the event. An important condition is to position the participants in such a way that they can see each other while sitting, for example, in a circle around the perimeter.

The newest forms of teacher training include innovative, organizational and activity-based, business, role-playing and other games that contribute to the formation of an intellectual culture and a culture of self-development.

The latest forms of education are used within the framework of the ability model of education, which ensures the preparation of teachers for innovative activities and creates the prerequisites for their rapid adaptation in a dynamic professional environment.

Formsmethodological work with teachers (passive)

Theoretical seminar. This form of classes is necessary to familiarize teachers with modern achievements pedagogical science and advanced teaching experience. It requires speakers (scientists, specialists from educational authorities, heads of educational institutions, teachers) to provide accessible coverage in messages, lectures, reports of current issues of the educational process, the content of modern educational technologies, methods, methods and techniques of teaching. Such seminars should be scheduled no more than two or three times a year to avoid overloading teachers.

A type of theoretical seminar is psychological and pedagogical seminar, which is actively used in educational institutions of the republic. It primarily addresses issues of psychological support for the educational process. And leads the work of such a seminar

specialist psychologist.

The purpose of the theoretical seminar: increasing the theoretical level of teacher professional training.

Tasks: familiarization with new pedagogical ideas and technologies, basic approaches to organizing the educational process; identifying problems in the work of the teaching staff.

Approximate topics:

Individualization and differentiation of student learning.

New regulations on certification

Problem seminar.

Sample topic: Development of general academic skills.

Modern lesson and health saving technologies.

Improving the system of work of the class teacher.

Improving the system of work of the class teacher

Activation of the learning process for low-performing and underachieving students.

Modern lesson - what is it?

Ways to maintain student performance.

Activation of students' activities during the learning process.

Psychological atmosphere of the lesson.

Requirements for the personality of a modern teacher.

Workshop. This form of work requires very serious preparation, since at such a seminar teachers introduce their colleagues present to the experience of their work (educational, research, search), carried out for a certain time under the guidance of a consulting scientist or an education management (department) specialist.

The focus of the workshop is not only on theoretical issues of the educational process, but also on practical skills, which is especially valuable for the growth of the professional level of teachers.

Workshops are an effective form of introducing teachers to creative, exploratory, experimental and research activities and improve their general pedagogical culture.

Training - this is a system of specially selected exercises for self-regulation of the psychophysiological state, training of various mental qualities of the individual (attention, memory, will, etc.), practicing methods of accepting and processing information, mastering various methods of organizing work. The great value of this kind of exercise is the opportunity to get an assessment of your behavior from the outside, to make a self-assessment and an assessment of your actions. Training, more than other forms (methods), creates a situation of mandatory “immersion” into oneself and one’s activities.

Training- a form of work aimed at developing certain professional skills. Training can be used both as an independent form of methodological work and as a methodological technique when conducting a seminar. When conducting training, pedagogical situations, technical teaching aids, and handouts are widely used. It is advisable to conduct training in small groups (from 5 to 10 people). The basic principles of the training group: confidential and frank communication, mutual respect, sincerity, responsibility in discussions and when discussing the results of the training.

Video training - “training using video recordings of solving pedagogical sketches or extreme situations, which are analyzed from the position of mastery of not only verbal, but also non-verbal communicative methods of influence and interaction”,

The specificity of video training is the combination of the method and video equipment when training teachers.

The method consists in dividing the pedagogical act into separate technique and teaching skills that need to be analyzed and corrected are perceived. The tool in this case is a video recorder, with the help of which the steps and stages of the pedagogical process model are studied in detail, skills and abilities are practiced, and feedback is provided.

Video training is an indispensable assistant in the formation of reflective skills in teachers.

Quiz - an entertaining game during which, in a certain sequence (logical, chronological, etc.), participants are asked questions to which they give answers orally or in writing. The quiz allows you to expand and deepen the knowledge gained as a result of self-education and practical activities, improve the skills of analysis and systematization of information from various sources, modeling and forecasting actions aimed at creative changes in teaching practice.

Quizzes are an independent type of methodological work, but can also be conducted at meetings of research groups in the form of showing drawings, photographs, playing tape or video recordings, and demonstrating experiments.

Before the quiz starts, participants are introduced to rules.

1. Each answer of the participants is evaluated by the jury: two points are awarded for a correct and complete answer, and one point for a correct but incomplete answer. At the end of the game, the points are summed up and the winner is determined.

2. If the quiz task was given in advance, its demonstration is carried out in accordance with the script.

3. Answers to questions must be sufficiently clear and meaningful. Those who wish, with the permission of the presenter, give answers to questions.

4. Written assignments are submitted to the jury through the captain.

5. The results are announced and the winners are rewarded after the end of the quiz.

The result of the game, expressed in the analysis of its results, is given by the leader, focusing the attention of those present on the best answers, some of which are quoted.

Oral journal. The specificity and integrity of oral journals lies in the variety of issues, facts and problems covered. This form consists of a series of messages on the most pressing issues from the field of science, culture, law, religion, modern pedagogical practice, politics, etc. As illustrations, oral journals include video footage; demonstration of creative products of children and adults (teachers, members of the institution’s staff, parents), fragments of holidays and entertainment is carried out.

"Open Mic" promotes the development of polemical skills, the art of speaking in front of an audience, and develops the ability to express one’s attitude to real-life manifestations of the life of a group.

“Microphone” as a form of methodological work gives the most tangible results if it, having become traditional, is carried out once a year, during the period of summing up the results of the institution’s work (the end of the half-year, year).

V preparation period Before conducting a lesson, the problem for discussion is first identified. For this purpose, the organizing committee notifies the team in advance (1-1.5 months in advance) about the collection of anonymous notes with proposals for topics for discussion. The organizing committee analyzes the received materials and determines the most significant issue for discussion. The announcement notifies participants about the day, time, and topic of discussion. A topic proposed for discussion of any important issue usually begins with the following approximate formulations: “What do I want to say about ...”, “What thoughts arise in connection with ...”, “What hurts me?” soul, when I...”, “I ask for the floor, because...”.

Efficiency carrying out this form of methodological work is ensured by preparedness for it. To ensure that the speeches of the participants in the “microphone” are laconic in form and deep, constructive in nature, the leader can advise the speaker on how, following the well-known logic, to construct a speech. To this end, to help those preparing for a speech, an exhibition of literature on public speaking and the issue under discussion is being organized. In the future, the leader draws the attention of the proposed speakers to the fact that the peculiarity of the “open microphone” is that the time is strictly limited, so it is necessary to adhere to the regulations and clearly, concisely express your thoughts and formulate proposals.

Scientific and theoretical conferences and pedagogical readings.

Once a year, it is advisable to hold scientific and theoretical conferences, pedagogical readings, as a kind of report from teachers who have prepared abstracts, reports, reports on the results of their searches on a particular problem. Teachers get acquainted with best practices, exchange opinions, and prepare in advance for the conference And readings, conduct creative search work, which significantly enriches the pedagogical process.


Teachers' work experienceBy development programs.

How to develop and educate a communicative personality in the new conditions of school and society development?

Educational activities - special shape child’s activity in developing independence.

On the continuity of education between primary and secondary levels.

Classical education and development of aesthetic tastes in the learning process.

Identification of individual personality inclinations and the formation of new formations.

The formation of basic knowledge is the most important task of a modern primary school.

Problems and prospects for the development of educational cooperation.

Comparative analysis of traditional and developmental education programs. Studying the amount of homework in the conditions of subject teaching in primary school.

Scientific and practical conference - this is the form joint activities scientists, teachers and students. Its main goal is to generalize, familiarize and promote the best work experience, develop one’s own research position, and skills in conducting experimental work on an educational and pedagogical problem. The defining features of the conference are: a large number of participants; the presence of participants invited from outside (from other schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, universities, scientific institutions); comprehensive coverage of the problem. The practical part of the conference is carried out in sections and consists of viewing fragments of training sessions “live”, on video, modeling training sessions, demonstrating techniques, methods, tools, and teaching technologies. As a rule, the topics of scientific and practical conferences are determined by the most pressing problems of pedagogy, psychology and are related to the practical activities of the educational institution.

Psychological and pedagogical readings.

Carrying out pedagogical readings in an educational institution requires the involvement of all levels of the methodological service in their preparation, since these readings are a kind of summing up the work of methodological substructures. As a rule, pedagogical readings are conducted on a specific topic related directly to the general school methodological topic. They are not random in nature, but reflect the experience of teachers, their achievements, successes, and record the difficulties that had to be overcome on the way to the intended result. Teachers' presentations are accompanied by video materials, tables, diagrams, graphs, photographs, and student products. All speeches are discussed by those present, often in a discussion form, since the optimally defined topic of the readings leaves no one indifferent. It is desirable that pedagogical readings be planned to summarize the milestone and final results of the teaching staff’s work on a single methodological topic and priority problems of the educational institution.

By results control work was 62% with 100% success rate. 2.2.Analysis methodological work schools for... teachers, parents; in the form of conversations, lectures, debates, class hours, collectively- creative cases, raids, business games...

  • Methodological recommendations ABC of methodological work: planning, forms and methods of work

    Methodical recommendations

    ... work there may be collective and individual. Collective forms: seminars And workshops, scientific and practical conferences, methodological associations, schools of excellence, creative ...

  • Basic educational program of primary general education of Klimovskaya secondary school

    Main educational program

    ... creative competitions, festivals, holidays, excursions...schools By results work for year, ... living room, meeting for round table, question and answer evening, seminar, pedagogical workshop...carrying out discussions, dialogues; task variability By compositions...

  • Educational program of primary general education for the period 2011-2015

    Educational program

    Independent experience creative activities, as well as acquire skills collective creativity, skill... results our work for year(1 hour). Summary of the main theoretical knowledge and summing up results practical activities By ...

  • Parameter name Meaning
    Article topic: Workshop
    Rubric (thematic category) Ecology


    Question 2. Forms of methodological work with teaching staff

    Direction: Study, generalization and dissemination of best practices.

    Best practices can be considered only such experience that, being the result of a creative search, opens up new pedagogical opportunities for raising children, contributes to the improvement of accepted forms, methods, and techniques of educational work.

    Stage 1– identification of existing experience.

    Stage 2– generalization of accumulated experience.

    Stage 3– implementation and dissemination of best practices

    Every year, as part of the annual work of the preschool, a seminar and a workshop are planned, which remain the most effective form of advanced training for educators.

    ·Identifies the topic and draws up a detailed plan for the seminar, which includes several sessions

    · determines the schedule and location of the seminar. An important issue is the location of the seminar. This should be a methodological classroom, a group room, an environmental room, a kindergarten area, a public garden, etc.

    · appoints a seminar leader. The head of the seminar is the head, deputy. head, experienced teacher or invited specialist.

    · Determines the contingent of teachers participating in the seminar. Teachers and other kindergarten employees participate in the seminar. It is important to think through ways to include all seminar participants in the discussion of the topic

    At the first lesson, you can offer to supplement this plan specific questions that educators would like answered.

    The seminar consists of several sessions in which theoretical issues, practical problems, new literature and best practices are discussed.

    For example, the topic of the seminar was “Environmental education of preschool children.”

    Seminar topics:

    2. Creation in preschool institution conditions of environmental education.

    3. Observation is the basis sensory knowledge nature.

    4. Nature calendar as a means of environmental education.

    5. Labor in nature: an ecological approach to its organization.

    6. Using games in environmental education of preschool children. Etc.

    The work of the seminar ends with the development of recommendations on the possibility of using the studied problem in work or the development of a plan for studying specific issues of this topic.

    Workshops are distinguished by the fact that they include practical tasks, observations of colleagues’ work, followed by discussion.

    At the beginning of the school year, the head of the school

    · Determines the topic and draws up a detailed plan for the workshop

    · determines the schedule and location of the workshop.

    · appoints the head of the workshop. The seminar leader can be an experienced teacher or an invited specialist.

    · Determines the contingent of teachers participating in the workshop.

    For example, at an ikebana class Teachers, under the guidance of a specialist, learn the art of making a bouquet. This skill is subsequently used in decorating a group room and in working with children.

    At the workshop for the production of nature calendars Educators master the content of work on creating and maintaining nature calendars in different age groups, the system of organizing a variety of exciting activities with children.

    To the workshop ʼʼFeatures of organizing and conducting observations in nature during the summer periodʼʼ Teachers are given questions to discuss in advance:

    How often do you observe natural objects during classes, walks, and in everyday life?

    What do you consider the main thing in the methodology of organizing and conducting observations?

    What difficulties do you encounter?

    What techniques do you use to develop children’s interest in nature and develop observation skills?

    What observations in nature were carried out on the initiative of children?

    What impact does their interaction with nature have on children's behavior?

    Workshop - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Workshop Seminar" 2017, 2018.