How to understand that the first teeth are coming out. How to understand that a child is teething and how to alleviate his condition: useful information for parents. How to make teething easier for your baby

From this article you will learn:

  • signs of teething in children,
  • timing of baby teeth eruption, permanent teeth,
  • teething in infants: photo.

Teething in children has a certain order, and must also be paired, i.e. Identical teeth must erupt at the same time, for example, a pair of central incisors, a pair of lateral incisors or a pair of canines. Below in the diagrams you will find the timing and sequence of teething in children.

However, if you suddenly see that your baby’s teething dates do not coincide with the average values, then you should not immediately panic about this. Approximately 50% of modern children experience a shift in the timing of the eruption of primary and permanent teeth. This happens for certain reasons, which we will also discuss below.

What teething looks like: photo

Teething is fundamentally no different in infants, infants and older children. You can see what teething looks like in children in photos 1-9. Below we will also list in detail all the symptoms of teething in children.

Gums during teething: photo

In some cases, 2-3 weeks before the eruption of milk or permanent tooth a lump filled with clear or bluish liquid may appear on the gum (Fig. 6-7). This is not a pathology and is not associated with inflammation. No interventions (other than periodic examination) are required. Only when the lump becomes large enough can a small incision be made and thus release the accumulated bloody fluid.

The timing and order of teething in a child -

As we said above: teeth should erupt in pairs, in a certain sequence, and also at average times (indicated in the tables below). However, in modern children, premature or delayed teething can increasingly be observed. Premature or delayed eruption is considered to be a deviation from the average period of 2-3 months for baby teeth, and 2-4 years for permanent teeth.

1. The order of eruption of baby teeth –

A newborn child has 20 primary tooth buds inside the upper and lower jaws (10 follicles for each jaw). As for the rudiments of permanent teeth, at the time of the birth of a child there are only 16 of them. But the remaining 16 rudiments of permanent teeth are formed in the jaws after the birth of the child. As a rule, the central incisors on the lower jaw erupt first.

Table/Scheme of baby teeth eruption:

Reasons for delays in the eruption of primary teeth:

Research shows that the proportion of children with normal teething dates (indicated in the table) is generally only about 42%. A delay in the timing of teething was observed in approximately 48% of children, and in 10% of all children, early eruption of primary teeth was observed. This especially depends on the type of feeding of the child, as well as past diseases a pregnant woman and the child himself in the first year of life.

  • Feeding in the first year of life
    The research results clearly show the dependence of the timing of the eruption of baby teeth on the type of feeding. Research has shown that children artificial feeding delayed eruption occurs 1.5 times more often than in children breastfeeding, and 2.2 times more often - compared to children on mixed feeding.

    In addition, early teething in the group of bottle-fed children was observed 1.8 times more often - compared to children on natural feeding, and was completely absent in the group of mixed-fed children.

    The researchers also provide the following results: in children on mixed feeding, the timing of teething was normal in 71.4% of cases, in children on natural feeding, such timing was observed in 53.7% of cases, and with artificial feeding, normal timing of teething occurred only in 28% children.

Other causes of disturbances in the eruption of primary teeth
The following diseases of a pregnant woman can affect the change in the timing of teething...

  • toxicosis of the 1st-2nd half of pregnancy,
  • kidney disease,
  • previous pneumonia or acute respiratory infection with high fever,
  • herpes infection, rubella, toxoplasmosis,
  • constant chronic or short-term severe stress.

But the timing of teething can be affected not only by diseases of the pregnant woman, but also by diseases and conditions in the first year of the child’s life -

  • neonatal sepsis,
  • past pneumonia, frequent acute respiratory infections,
  • convulsive states,
  • intestinal toxicosis,
  • prematurity and postmaturity,
  • Rhesus conflict.

2. Timing of eruption of permanent teeth –

You can see the sequence and timing of teething in children in diagram No. 2. Of the permanent teeth, the 6th teeth (1st molars) are the first to erupt. These are the most important teeth in the entire dental-facial system, which, unfortunately, are often immediately affected by caries. Therefore, immediately after their eruption, pediatric dentists always recommend doing these teeth.

Schedule/Scheme of teething in children:

Reasons for delays in the eruption of permanent teeth:

If in milk teeth premature or delayed eruption is considered to be a deviation from the average eruption time of 2-3 months, then for permanent teeth this figure is 2-4 years. Among the main reasons for the delay in the eruption of permanent teeth, it is especially worth highlighting the inflammatory processes that preceded this in the area of ​​the roots of milk teeth, as well as early removal baby molars.

  • Purulent inflammation at the roots of baby teeth
    if your child develops (this may look like swelling or a lump on the gum) or painful biting on one of the teeth, or a fistula with purulent discharge may appear on the gum - this means that a purulent inflammation. Most often, this disease is a consequence of untreated caries (you will be able to see carious cavity or filling), or is a consequence of dental trauma, for example, as a result of a bruise.

    If we were talking about a permanent tooth, then treatment would consist of removing the nerve from the tooth and filling the root canals. But due to the structural features of baby teeth, they cannot be subjected to such treatment. According to all textbooks on dentistry, such teeth should only be removed, because... the purulent process in the area of ​​the roots of a baby tooth is separated by only a few mm of bone from the germ of a permanent tooth. Many not very competent doctors do not recommend removing such teeth, citing the fact that it may affect the eruption of permanent teeth.

    Such doctors do not remove such teeth and leave children with a purulent infection in the mouth. However, studies have shown that pus and toxins from the area of ​​inflammation affect the germs of permanent teeth, leading not only to the same violations of the timing of eruption, but sometimes even to the death of the germ of a permanent tooth. Not to mention the fact that a purulent infection affects the entire growing body, increasing the risk of developing allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and tonsillitis.

Other causes of delayed eruption of permanent teeth

  • underdevelopment of the jaw bones,
  • including – premature removal of primary molars,
  • incorrect position of the primordia,
  • various diseases in childhood...

Which permanent teeth are more likely to experience delayed eruption?

  • one of the fangs upper jaw– occurs in 43.64% of children,
  • 2 maxillary canines at once – in 25.65%,
  • second premolar of the mandible – in 12.84%,
  • 2 canines of the upper jaw and second premolars of the lower jaw at once - in 10.34%,
  • both second premolars of the lower jaw – in 5.11%,
  • both lateral incisors of the upper jaw – in 2.61%.

Teething: symptoms

Signs of teething in infants usually begin 3-5 days before teething. The child’s teething symptoms continue until the moment when the teeth appear through the mucous membrane of the gums.

1. The main symptoms of teething in infants are:

  • swelling, swelling of the gums at the site of eruption,
  • irritability,
  • bad dream,
  • poor appetite, refusal to eat,
  • the child tries to bite whatever he can, trying to relieve the itching in the gums,
  • increased salivation,
  • rash and irritation in the mouth and chin area, as well as on the chest
    (due to drooling from the mouth).

2. Additional signs of the eruption of the first teeth -

  • Teething: temperature –
    A child’s temperature should not normally rise during teething. High temperature during teething is most likely a consequence of some concomitant inflammatory process not associated with teething, for example, ARVI or herpetic viral stomatitis.

    Carefully examine the child's oral mucosa for the presence of -
    → small bubbles filled with clear or cloudy liquid,
    → small erosions surrounded by inflamed bright red mucous membrane,
    → bright red, inflamed gums.

    How to care for children's teeth -

    Oral hygiene should begin even before the first teeth erupt. Typically, infants' gums are cleaned twice a day. It is done either using a special fabric fingertip, or a clean bandage wound around the finger and moistened boiled water. When the teeth erupt, they already need special means hygiene

The first year of a baby’s life is wonderful and, undoubtedly, the most anxious time for parents. Moments of joy are replaced by anxiety when unusual symptoms or changes in the child's behavior. This is especially true during the teething period. In some cases, this time passes quite calmly, but much more often it is accompanied by a complex of unpleasant manifestations. To distinguish normal phenomena during this period from signs of disease and to help the baby, you need to know all the stages, symptoms and conditions.

Timing and stages of teething

In medicine, only approximate dates for the appearance of the first teeth in infants are presented. It is not possible to calculate this period absolutely accurately, since it is individual for each child.

Vimania! There is no need to worry if teeth erupt earlier or later than the established time - most likely, this is the individual norm of the child.

However, there are a number of factors that influence this process. These include:

  • heredity. Often, close relatives have similar timing of dentition formation;
  • calcium level in the child's body. A big role is played by the baby’s nutrition, which should be rich in vitamins and minerals, including this microelement for correct formation and body growth. It must be taken into account that receiving nutrients carried out before the birth of the child, during its intrauterine development. The formation of baby teeth occurs at 3-4 months of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important that calcium reaches the baby not only after birth, but also at the stage of intrauterine formation of his body;
  • climatic conditions. It has been observed that children living in hotter environments erupt teeth earlier;
  • gender. It was revealed that girls are somewhat ahead of boys in this matter.

As for the timing, the norm is that the first tooth appears in infants between the ages of five months and one year. Such a wide interval additionally indicates the presence of an individual norm for each child. The most common timing of teeth appearance is shown in the following table.

Table. Approximate dates teething in babies.

Types of teethAge period, months.
Lower central incisors (2 teeth)6-7
Central incisors from above (2 teeth)8-10
Lateral incisors from above (2 teeth)9-12
Lateral incisors from below (2 teeth)11-14
Front molars from the side (upper first molars) - 2 teeth12-15
Front molars from the side (lower first molars) - 2 teeth12-15
Fangs (4 teeth)18-22
Posterior molars from the side (upper and lower second molars) – 4 teeth24-32

Teething occurs in stages. Usually the lower incisors appear first, followed by the upper ones after a while. However, here too there are individual differences, so do not worry if there is a violation of the order and other teeth erupt first. When the baby reaches one year, the next 4 lateral incisors usually appear. The first molars (molars) are cut around the age of one and a half years, and by the age of two the child’s fangs have erupted. By the age of three, the second molars (molars) appear. This completes the process of teething. Their number by the age of three years is 20 pieces.

On average, the first tooth appears at the age of seven months. However, even a significant delay in meeting deadlines is often the norm for children. Usually by the age of one year the baby has at least one tooth. There is no need to worry about timing and appearance; these indicators do not affect “quality”.

Video - How a child cuts teeth

Teething symptoms

In some cases, the period of teeth appearing passes quite calmly or with minimal symptoms of illness. Basically, this time is associated with a whole complex of symptoms, which can be difficult to distinguish from manifestations of diseases. Usually the first unpleasant signs of this period occur at the age of 4-8 months of the baby.

Your baby is teething - symptoms

The main symptoms of teething include:

Attention! Sometimes, several weeks before the appearance of a tooth, a tooth appears in the eruption area containing a liquid of a transparent or bluish color. There is no need to worry - this is not pathological phenomenon and you don’t need to touch it, just watch. It is opened and the liquid is released only in case of excessive growth.

Video - What are the signs of teething

Warning signs

Signs of the eruption of the first teeth in babies are similar to the symptoms of many diseases, so it is important to monitor them and, in some cases, seek treatment. medical care. Signs of concern include:

Attention! This age period(after 6 months) the child loses immune protection received from the mother, since even with continued breastfeeding her antibodies are no longer present in the milk. Your own immunity is just beginning to manifest itself.

The child's slight malaise, irritability, tearfulness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, swelling and looseness of the gums usually indicate the period of teething and do not pose any danger. If symptoms increase and new ones appear, you should consult a doctor to rule out diseases with similar symptoms.

Relief of teething symptoms

How to help you survive the difficult time when your first teeth appear? pharmaceuticals, so traditional methods. The choice of symptom relief depends on their intensity, degree of discomfort, and individual characteristics of the body.

Among the pharmacological methods there is a wide variety of specialized drugs:

  • Dental gels with anesthetic are most often used (Kalgel, Detinox, Kamistad, Cholisal and others). They do not affect the process of teething, but they can reduce pain due to lidocaine and menthol in the composition. The effect lasts about 20 minutes, they can be used no more than five times a day, not exceeding three days. Allowed for children as young as 4 months;

Important! The child must be monitored during use. Allergic reactions may occur.

Answers to the question: “What to do?”

QuestionExpert opinionPhoto
Increased salivationIf saliva has irritated the skin around the mouth and chin, you can take advantage of the drying effect of creams containing zinc. Moreover, such a cream is most often found in a baby’s medicine cabinet and is used to prevent diaper rash.
MoodinessFeed the baby breast milk on demand - this will calm the baby and reduce his irritability. Offer your baby a dryer or cracker to “scratch his teeth.” Carry in your arms more often - the vertical position favors the outflow of blood from the site of inflammation, thereby reducing the severity of symptoms
Increased body temperatureIt is worth reducing the temperature by using antipyretics containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. They also have an analgesic effect. Don't forget about non-drug methods temperature reduction: cool air in the room, drinking plenty of fluids, light clothing
Loose stoolTreatment this symptom carried out only after consultation with the doctor observing your child. And in the case of vomiting, increased regurgitation, frequent (more than 3 times a day) and profuse loose stool with an admixture of mucus or blood, a decision on a medical examination should be made immediately
Nasal dischargeIf you and the doctor observing the child have come to the conclusion that the cause of the runny nose is teething, then you can limit yourself to simple rinsing nose from accumulated mucus, if desired, using one of the children's aspirators to remove “snot”

Traditional methods

Non-drug ways to relieve teething symptoms are usually used when mild degree discomfort; in particular, this includes:

The following traditional methods should not be used for safety reasons:

  • finger pressure on the eruption area. This will not speed up the process of tooth emergence, but may provoke increased pain;
  • treat the gums with undissolved soda, and also pick them out. In this case, there is a risk of infection;
  • give your baby stale bread, cookies, carrots. This method is an alternative to teethers.

Important! Using this method is dangerous for the child's life. Without strict supervision, he may choke on crumbs. It is preferable to use teethers.

Effective combination folk ways facilitating the manifestations of the described period with pharmacological agents. However, complete disappearance of symptoms will occur when a small white tooth appears above the surface of the gum.

Video - Baby's first teeth

With the advent of a baby, young parents have more and more reasons to rejoice, because every day brings something new: the first smile, the first “aha”, and, of course, the first, and so long-awaited tooth! It is he who is awaited with great impatience, since for many parents he is a symbol of the next stage in the development of their baby.

Most often, the first tooth appears at the age of six months.

A newborn boy's first tooth appears at six months.

However, it is worth noting that the development of boys and girls is somewhat different, and the timing of teething is no exception. Due to the characteristics of your body boys may be somewhat behind their peers .

Standards for teeth

Eight baby teeth are considered a normal indicator.

The norm is considered to be eight baby teeth , who managed to “hatch” during the first year of the baby’s life. All the rest will definitely appear in the next one and a half to two years.

Nature also provides a certain sequence of teething. In this case, milk teeth may appear together with molars. So that the child has correct bite, it is necessary to ensure that the natural arrangement of the teeth is not disrupted.

Sequence of teething

The lower central incisors appear first.

The correct sequence of tooth growth looks like this:

  • The lower central incisors appear first, usually on 6–10 months child's life.
  • Central upper incisors8–12 months .
  • Upper lateral incisors – 9–13 months .
  • Lower lateral incisors – exposed to light a little longer, 10–16 months .
  • First upper molars13–19 months , and then the lower ones - 14–18 months .
  • Upper canines – 16–22 months , lower – 17–23 months .
  • Second lower molars – 23–31 months, and the second upper molars complete the process of formation of the dentition - 25–33 month.

Symptoms of teething in boys

Starting from 4–8 months of life, the baby’s behavior and well-being begins to change noticeably.

This suggests that a difficult period for the baby and his parents begins when the first teeth begin to cut.

This is easy to notice by the following signs:

  • swelling and inflammation of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • the desire to constantly gnaw something, bite, pull foreign objects into the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased tearfulness, frequent change moods, whims;
  • restless sleep;
  • diarrhea or, on the contrary, vomiting;
  • cough, nasal congestion, increased body temperature.

When teeth begin to cut, increased salivation occurs.

Each child experiences teething differently: some cause virtually no trouble to their parents, while others experience the most painful period in infancy.

Why are teeth delivered like this? painful sensations kids? The fact is that a tooth, before appearing outside, must “cut” its way through bone tissue, and then through the mucous membrane of the gums.

What dangers does teething pose?

Increased body temperature often accompanies the appearance of teeth.

Indeed, such unpleasant symptoms like a cough elevated temperature body, diarrhea often accompanies the appearance of teeth in a baby. However, you should not be dismissive of their appearance. During teething, the child’s body is most vulnerable, since immune forces are noticeably reduced and the risk of infection with various viral diseases increases.


Salivation coupled with slight wet cough are considered within normal limits for a child whose first or next tooth is soon to appear.

The saliva, which he simply does not have time to swallow, collects in the throat, and the baby has no choice but to clear his throat in order to be able to breathe normally. As is correct, such a cough lasts no more than 2-3 days and does not require drug treatment.

Cough during teething lasts no more than 2-3 days.

It’s a completely different matter if the child coughs strongly, often, with anguish and sputum production.. In this case, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and wheezing are observed. In this case, you should not attribute the malaise to teething - you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Runny nose

During teething, not only salivation increases, but also the amount of mucus released from the nose.

During teething, the amount of mucus from the nose increases.

Within normal limits, it is transparent in color, liquid, and the runny nose itself lasts no more than a few days. In this case, it will be enough to rinse your nose to remove accumulated mucus.

But if the mucus becomes thick, greenish or whitish in color, you should consult a specialist.


The appearance of a tooth is accompanied by increased production active substances in the gum area. This leads to the fact that the baby’s body temperature can rise to 38 C, which lasts no more than a day.

If you rise high temperature, do not delay your visit to the pediatrician.

To alleviate the child’s condition, you should give him an antipyretic drug intended for newborns.

The situation is much more serious if the temperature rises to 39 C or higher, lasts more than two days and is accompanied by other alarming symptoms. Do not delay your visit to the pediatrician, as this may be a sign serious illness requiring immediate treatment.

Video about a child's first teeth

All parents remember the period when teeth are cut. Changes in behavior and disturbances in the functioning of organs occur. Knowing the signs of teething, you can help your child cope with pain in time and avoid complications.

The first teeth appear at about 6 months of age. It can take 2 months from the moment the first signs appear until the tooth appears.

The following symptoms will help you understand that your baby is teething:

  • before the teeth emerge, the gums look inflamed and swollen;
  • salivation increases;
  • the child begins to put all objects and toys into his mouth;
  • eats poorly;
  • sleep becomes interrupted, often wakes up crying.

The baby's behavior during teething also undergoes changes. The baby becomes capricious, excitable, and often asks to be held.

Does not tolerate harsh sounds or bright light. Observed sudden changes in mood: from apathy to an increased desire to be paid attention to.

Signs of teething that resemble the onset of a cold and bowel dysfunction:

  1. frequent regurgitation;
  2. the temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  3. bowel disorder (constipation or diarrhea);
  4. runny nose;
  5. cough;
  6. rash on cheeks.

It is not necessary that all these symptoms will be detected immediately. Some babies may only experience diarrhea, while others may simply drool. When they climb upper teeth, the temperature often rises.

During teething, especially the upper ones, the gums are injured. Therefore, you can see blood on it. It can change the smell of your mouth.

Dangerous signs of the disease

At the moment when the first teeth are cut, the child’s immunity decreases. The body weakens and becomes susceptible to germs and bacteria. Parents should identify the symptoms of the disease in time.

In order to understand whether a child is starting to have a cold or is just teething, it is important to know the symptoms that are characteristic of both cases.

If a child’s immunity is weak, then oral diseases may occur during the appearance of teeth.

  • Thrush. This fungal disease. Symptoms of the disease: the gums and tongue become covered with a white coating, itching appears, and loss of appetite occurs. The pain intensifies. You need to contact a specialist.
  • Stomatitis. Symptoms: ulcers and wounds can be found in the oral cavity.
  • Caries. Appears on teeth that have weak enamel. Mandatory dental intervention is required.

Timing of eruption

All children have their first teeth different terms. But already from the 1st month growth begins inside the gums. Teeth can come out early - at 3 months, or they can appear late - at 10-11 months. Most often, the first tooth can be seen at 6 months.

The early appearance of teeth in infants (3 months) is associated with the intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. If teeth appear before 3 months, the child needs to be examined. This may be the cause of endocrine diseases.

Normally, by the age of one year there should be at least 1 tooth. In cases where the teeth do not come out for a long time, the child should be shown to a doctor to rule out developmental pathologies.

Reasons why babies teeth erupt late:

  • rickets;
  • weakened immune system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • unbalanced diet, late complementary feeding;
  • premature birth;
  • edentia – absence of the rudiments of baby teeth.

The pattern by which the upper teeth erupt in most children is as follows:

The pattern of teething of the lower row of teeth in many children is as follows:

In some children, the pattern of teeth appearing changes, for example, the canines rather than the incisors emerge first. This individual feature which doesn't mean anything bad.

A consultation with a dentist is necessary when the paired eruption is disrupted: one tooth of the pair has appeared, but the other has not, while other teeth are being cut. This may indicate congenital anomaly development.

Unpleasant symptoms and pain accompany the period when fangs come out. This is due to the fact that these teeth have sharp, wide and jagged edges.

The upper teeth are often accompanied by a runny nose. This occurs due to the spread of swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. By the age of 3, babies should have 20 baby teeth.

Can't be ignored preventive examinations at the dentist. First visit – at 1 year. Only a specialist can identify oral problems in a timely manner.

Providing assistance

Teething symptoms can be alleviated by using increased attention and affection. You need to pick up the child more often, play with him, talk to him, read books. This is how the baby feels cared for and is distracted.

Adults need to know what activities will help alleviate the condition:

Problems that arise with the first teeth

The color of the first teeth can tell about the child's health.

  • If the base has a blackish tint, this indicates that you are taking iron supplements. This color can be observed in chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • A yellowish-brown tint indicates that the mother took antibiotics during pregnancy, or the child himself during the appearance of teeth.
  • A yellowish-green tint indicates blood disorders.
  • A red tint appears during congenital disorder exchange of porphyrin pigment.

When teeth are being cut, parents can help their child. The main thing is to understand the signs in time and consult a doctor. Care and attention are the most best medicines for the baby at this time!

The cutting of a baby's very first tooth is always a long-awaited moment for the whole family. The joy of parents who heard the characteristic sound of a spoon while feeding their baby is a worthy reward for all the hardships experienced during the time when baby tooth just starting to sprout. Indeed, the growth of the very first teeth, with rare exceptions, is quite unpleasant for the child, and the discomfort he experiences naturally becomes a problem for parents.

The formation of tooth buds begins in the child even when he is in the womb. It is impossible to predict when it will begin, since it is determined by various prerequisites, including heredity, climate, and diet of both the child himself and his mother.

The beginning of intensive growth of the first milk teeth is preceded by the formation of their roots. Most often, children begin to erupt teeth between the ages of six months and nine months. Some babies develop teeth earlier. Often the cause of this is pathologies of internal secretion. In exceptional cases, a baby may be born with teeth. At the same time, in some children, on the contrary, it occurs. However, in such a situation, the real cause for concern is the lack of teeth. one year old child. The reason for this may be a lack of necessary substances or, even worse, pathologies of intrauterine development.

Parents of a baby whose teeth have not yet begun to grow need to be prepared for the challenges that the growth of their baby’s baby teeth has in store for them. Otherwise, the very first problems associated with this will cause panic from not knowing what needs to be done in this situation.

Scheme of baby teeth eruption

Upper teeth When does a tooth erupt?
Central incisor 8-12 months 6-7 years
Lateral incisor 9-13 months 7-8 years
Fang 16-22 months 10-12 years
First molar 13-19 months 9-11 years
Second molar 25-33 months 10-12 years
Lower teeth When does a tooth erupt? When a tooth falls out
Central incisor 6-10 months 6-7 years
Lateral incisor 10-16 months 7-8 years
Fang 17-23 months 9-12 years
First molar 14-18 months 9-11 years
Second molar 23-31 months 10-12 years

So, what should parents know about the growth of children's first teeth?

First milk teeth in children: main symptoms during growth

In most children, the growth of the first baby teeth causes quite unpleasant symptoms, although in some in rare cases, teething has virtually no effect on the child’s well-being. Usually, before the appearance of the first tooth, the following phenomena are observed in babies:

  • inflammatory process gum tissue, visually observed as swelling and redness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • increased moodiness;
  • hyperthermia - usually small, but in some cases reaching 39 degrees and above;
  • severe drooling, often leading to a wet cough;
  • rhinitis with colorless and transparent discharge from the nose;
  • diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation;
  • availability constant desire chew on the first object you come across;
  • reluctance to eat;
  • in rare cases - vomiting.

Reason negative symptoms When teeth grow, the baby experiences a temporary softening of the tissues surrounding the tooth, which should facilitate tooth eruption. This leads to weakening protective functions fabrics. The gums become less resistant to microorganisms. As a result, a local inflammatory process begins, accompanied by itching, redness and swelling of the gum tissue, as well as the body.

All negative phenomena accompanying the intensive growth of the first teeth, however, are the norm. It makes sense to talk about the presence of pathology only in the following cases:

  • if the temperature rises above thirty-eight degrees and does not subside within four days;
  • if the child’s cough continues after the tooth has already erupted, especially if it has become dry;
  • if nasal discharge has become purulent;
  • if diarrhea or vomiting does not stop for too long.

In these situations, there is reason to assume that the baby has an infectious disease. Therefore, in this case, you must definitely call a doctor.

When do babies cut their first teeth?

As a rule, intensive growth of baby teeth in babies begins at about six months. Often, eruption occurs at eight months. The premature appearance of the first teeth, however, is often not a sign of accelerated development of the child, but a symptom of pathologies of the endocrine system.

Exists erroneous opinion, that at late appearance first teeth, teeth change also occurs later. This is not true. The time of appearance of baby teeth does not in any way affect the age at which they are replaced.

  1. Incisors.
  2. First chewing teeth or molars.
  3. Fangs.
  4. Second molars.

In this case, the lower main incisors appear earlier than the upper ones, but with the growth of the lateral incisors, the opposite order is observed. The first chewing teeth begin to grow after the child is one year old, with the upper pair growing first. After the molars appear upper canines, followed by the lower ones growing. The upper second chewing teeth grow later than everyone else - sometimes at an age approaching three years.

This order is approximate, and in practice it is often violated. However, most children by age two and a half have a full set of baby teeth.

What should parents do when their children cut their first teeth?

The eruption of baby teeth is a process that is almost always unpleasant for a child. Sometimes it becomes a real torment for both the children themselves and their parents. Therefore, the baby should be given all possible help so that his discomfort is not so severe. To do this, you can take the following measures:

  1. Give your child a teether. This simple device is specially created for the child to chew on it and thereby massage the gums. Some designs of teethers provide the ability to fill them with water, which acts as a coolant. Instead of a teether, you can use a pre-cooled silver spoon or a regular pacifier.
  2. Apply homeopathic remedies, such as Dantinorm or Dentokind. These drugs have a complex effect - they relieve pain, reduce fever and normalize the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Apply to baby's gums dental gel, For example, Holisal or Pansoral. The first of them has an analgesic and bactericidal effect. The disadvantage of this medicine is its ability to cause allergies in some children. Pansoral is an anti-inflammatory drug plant based. To others remedy containing extracts medicinal plants, is a gel Baby doctor "First teeth" The main advantage of this gel is its rapid pain relief effect.
  4. – such as honey, coconut oil, baby cream, strawberry root, chamomile decoction. Honey in this case is used to lubricate the gums. Coconut oil or the cream should be applied to the skin in the mouth area to relieve irritation caused by saliva. Strawberry root is used similarly to a teether. Chamomile decoction is used to wash the child's mouth. This remedy relieves pain and inflammation well.

Diarrhea is a very common occurrence during teething. It arises partly from nervous soil, partly due to the abundance of ingested. Normally, during the growth of the first teeth, a child should have stool no more than three times a day. A high frequency of stools, as well as a duration of diarrhea exceeding three days, is a reason to consult a doctor. If the intestinal disorder in a baby during teething corresponds to the norm accepted for this period, then the baby can be given rehydron - to restore fluid balance in the gastrointestinal tract, immodium - to reduce the speed of passage feces, smecta - as an adsorbent and Linex - to normalize the intestinal microflora.

Reasons to consult a doctor during the growth of baby teeth

Despite the painful process of growing the first teeth, all unpleasant symptoms go away on their own after a few days and do not require doctor’s intervention. However, in some situations, parents should sound the alarm and stop trying to treat the child themselves. This is necessary in the following cases:

  • with prolonged extreme heat in a baby, especially when the temperature exceeds 39 degrees;
  • when a child coughs painfully and often, and when coughing either too much sputum is released, or, on the contrary, there is no discharge at all;
  • if the child’s stool contains bloody inclusions or mucus;
  • with severe and prolonged diarrhea;
  • in case of constipation lasting more than four days;
  • with rhinitis lasting more than four days, especially if it is accompanied purulent discharge from the nose;
  • with the formation of ulcers on the oral mucosa;
  • if there are visual deviations from the norm on the emerging teeth - for example, black edging of the teeth or yellow spots on their surface;
  • at complete absence teeth over twelve months of age.

If the growth of baby teeth is normal, without any complications, there should not be any of the above symptoms. Therefore, if a baby experiences one or more of these symptoms, parents should immediately seek medical help.

During teething, the baby's body weakens and becomes more susceptible to infectious diseases than usual. The risk of secondary infection is increased by the fact that the baby is always ready to put into his mouth the first thing that comes to hand. Thus, through oral cavity pathogenic microbes can enter his body. The result may be:

  • diseases of the nose and throat, for example, sore throat and various acute respiratory viral infections;
  • oral diseases such as stomatitis or gingivitis;
  • intestinal infections - dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.

If a baby’s teeth are cutting in the summer, parents should ensure that there are no flies in the room that carry infectious agents and helminth eggs. Even if a child’s attempts to put toys and other things into his mouth are stopped in a timely manner, there is a possibility that the baby will sooner or later begin to gnaw on the object on which the fly had previously walked, thereby risking serious illness.

Painful symptoms that occur during teething can also occur for reasons not directly related to tooth growth. However, coinciding with this process, they fit into the overall picture and at first do not stand out from it. Thus, intestinal disorders in a baby may be a sign of an existing gastrointestinal pathology. In this case, the criterion for the presence of a problem is the atypicality of the symptom - for example, if the child has the urge to have bowel movements too often and this continues for too long.

Thus, any deviation from the norm in the general symptomatic picture during the growth of baby teeth is a reason to contact a specialist - only a doctor can determine the essence of the problem in this case.

How to give your baby first aid before the doctor arrives

In case of abnormal hyperthermia during tooth growth, it is necessary medical assistance, because high fever may indicate a serious danger to the health or even the life of the infant. However, there is not always a need to take any measures before the doctor arrives. First aid is required if the child’s temperature exceeds 39 degrees. In this case, the fever must be brought down, otherwise the baby may experience convulsions. Artificial temperature reduction may also be required at lower temperatures - if hyperthermia causes severe deterioration general condition baby.

To reduce hyperthermia, you can use antipyretic medications - but not and not. These traditional antipyretic drugs are not best option even for adults. Other medications containing this drug as the main active ingredient are also excellent for young children - efferalgan, panadol, cefekon. If the child healthy liver and do not bother the kidneys, then you can use ibuprofen medications, which not only reduce fever and soothe pain, but also relieve inflammation. It is not advisable to combine medications containing , with other painkillers. The most optimal form of medication for children is suppositories inserted into the anus.

If there are no suitable medications, then to reduce hyperthermia in an infant, you can use air baths or water rubdowns. The water should be at room temperature.