Names of cartoon characters girls. Favorite characters, cartoon characters: the most striking animated images. Foreign heroes of our time

Leafing through illustrated books with fairy tales, watching their favorite Russian or foreign animated films, children get acquainted with different characters. Over time, some of them become the most beloved.

Famous fairy tale characters

Fairy tales are a powerful tool for teaching children. As is known, children perceive best information that is presented to them in game form. Through fairy tales, they quickly and easily understand common truths in a form designed for children's understanding.

WITH early childhood When mothers read their first fairy tales to their children, they become acquainted with fairy-tale characters. Young children know such fairy tale heroes as the Three Little Pigs, the Little Gray Goat, the Tsokatuha Fly, Barmaley, the Cockroach and Moidodyr. They are also all familiar with The ugly duckling, Doctor Aibolit, Kolobok, Pockmarked Chicken, Zhikharka, Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, Masha and the Bear.

As children grow up, they become acquainted with fairy tale characters intended for their age, and their priorities regarding their loved ones change accordingly. fairy tale characters. Among the favorites appear Gerda and Kai, Thumbelina, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Balda, Prince Gvidon, the Little Humpbacked Horse, Little Red Riding Hood, Mowgli and Carlson. You can't help but like Ellie, the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow.

Heroes of the most popular Russian cartoons

There are many children and adults among fans of Russian cartoons. Let's name the ten most famous heroes Russian cartoons. In first place is the sneaky and evil Dyudyuka Barbidokskaya. Dyudyuka with a big bow and an umbrella in his hands is trying to quarrel with his friends. She is the heroine of such cartoons as “A Gift for an Elephant” and “On the Road with the Clouds.”

As you know, this robber, invented by Korney Chukovsky, lived in Africa and was an enemy of Doctor Aibolit. An honorable third place is occupied by such a cartoon character as the polar bear Umka. Cheburashka is in fourth position, and Leopold the Cat is in fifth. A bear named Winnie the Pooh is also one of the most popular Russian cartoon characters. He took sixth position in the ranking.

A man in his prime, namely everyone’s favorite Carlson, entered the top ten and took seventh place. The eighth place was shared by the following domestic cartoon characters: Thumbelina, Captain Vrungel, Dwarf Nose and the silly Dunno. The wooden boy is in ninth place in the ranking. The last place in the top ten most popular heroes is occupied by the onion boy - the brave Cipollino.

The most favorite foreign cartoon characters

Almost every child watches cartoons, and his favorite characters are not only representatives of the domestic film industry, but also cartoon characters from foreign animated films. Powerful advertising contributes to the growing popularity of foreign cartoon characters.

By the way, Disney princesses have become very expensive to produce. Tangled is included in the ranking of the most expensive cartoons. There is a .

Among the foreign animated films, there are many that have become favorites for children. They have kind and beautiful heroes. Among my favorites are the characters from the cartoon “Cars.” For the most part they are interesting to boys. But girls are interested in a character like Kitty. Despite the fact that he appeared on screens back in 1974, his popularity continues unabated today. The spectacular and beautiful Winx fairies are also more interesting to girls, many of whom strive to be like them. Princesses from Disney cartoons have remained popular for many years - Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel.

One cannot help but recall such cartoon characters as SpongeBob and Scooby Doo, Shaun the Sheep and Bernard, Ninja Turtles and Kuzco, Bart Simpson and Mickey Mouse. All of them are known and loved by children. The green hero of the foreign cartoon Shrek has long remained a leader in popularity among representatives of the younger generation. Ratatouille, Hulk and Rango are no less interesting and beloved characters from feature-length cartoons.

The most popular cartoon character today

Every country has a cartoon that ranks first in popularity. For example, among Korean cartoon characters, Pororo is the most popular. Even crying children This blue little penguin makes me laugh. It is gradually becoming popular in many countries around the world. Shrek is the most famous cartoon character today

Among the variety of cartoons made, children different countries loved films about Shrek and his many friends. It is he who is recognized as the world's most beloved cartoon character. Several episodes featuring Shrek have already been released, and his little fans are eagerly awaiting the emergence of new exciting stories about this green hero.
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Animation is an entire industry that is popular not only with children, but also with adults and accomplished people. Many characters have been loved for generations. Which cartoon character is the most famous today?

Homer Simpson

This cartoon character has been at the peak of popularity for thirty years, especially among Americans. Homer is the father of a family who sincerely loves his wife and children, but is fat, lazy and rather stupid. For the sake of his loved ones, he is often ready to do completely reckless things. Homer works at nuclear power plant a small town called Springfield. Despite his responsible position, he shows miracles of incompetence: he can fall asleep at work or eat donuts. IN free time most often he sits at Moe's Tavern, where he drinks beer with friends, and at home he sits on the couch with beer and donuts, staring at the TV. Homer got his name in honor of the father of the cartoon creator, Matt Groening.

In many situations, Homer could be called a terrible father, but he does not do this on purpose. He loves children, although he does not know how to handle them. And how could he learn, if in his own childhood his father paid practically no attention to him? In general, Homer is an average resident of Springfield, except for his wealth of life experience and ability to get into various troubles. He saved the city several times, traveled to space and even won an Oscar. More than once he managed to survive after being seriously wounded.

This mouse is the most popular Disney cartoon character. He has a white face, red shorts with a white button, white gloves and huge boots yellow. This character is very complicated story occurrence. At first, Disney planned to make a rabbit named Oswald his symbol, but did not have time to secure the rights to him, as a result, the rabbit went to another company along with several animators. Walt Disney was forced to start literally from scratch.

The character was officially introduced to viewers in the film "Willie the Tank Engine"

For a long time he couldn’t choose which animal to use, but one day a tame mouse caught his eye. Then Disney had an idea. And very soon the familiar Mickey Mouse appeared - only at first it was monochrome and with black ovals instead of eyes. Mindful of past mistakes, Walt quickly registered the rights to it and began painting. The first of the Mickey Mouse cartoons was Airplane Crazy.

Tom the cat is the most common pet; he loves to eat, sleep, is interested in cats and does not miss the opportunity to chase the mouse. In addition, he has many “human” abilities: plays the guitar, reads newspapers, fishes. In several episodes he even got drunk. In relations with cats, the cat behaves like a refined gentleman, but most often loses to other yard cats.

In 1940, the animated duo Hanna-Barbera gave the world this cheerful couple, who quickly fell in love with the audience.

Jerry is like Tom in many ways, he also respects delicious food And good sleep, and also more than once fought off his girlfriends from the cat. Likes to climb into the refrigerator, where he steals cheese, and often sleeps; loves to mock Tom, driving him to white heat. Jerry is also quite athletic and enjoys baseball, bowling, and golf. And, ultimately, the mouse has a kind soul: he never leaves Tom if he is in danger.

Almost all the characters in the 2001 cartoon were not invented by the creators, but were borrowed from various fairy tales or myths, only in a slightly modified form in a modern way. Main character– a cannibal ogre named Shrek – is one of the most popular cartoon characters of the 21st century. The idea of ​​its creation was taken from European folklore.

The first appearance of the familiar green character took place in the children's book "Shrek!" writer W. Steig

The ogre has tube-shaped ears, big belly and green skin. He usually wears a light canvas shirt, a short vest and dark checkered pants. He has a rather unsociable character; he prefers to live in the swamps so that no one will bother him. He doesn’t like to receive guests, but there are still those who know how to approach him, these are his wife Fiona and the good-natured, cheerful Donkey, who consistently gets into trouble.

If we talk about modern Russian cartoons, then at the peak of popularity, along with “Luntik” and “Barboskins”, is the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”.

One of the episodes – “Masha + Porridge” – became a record holder on YouTube among animated series, gaining an incredible number of 63 million views (as of June 2017). The characters, graphics, voice acting and animation are truly captivating.

Masha – typical child about six or seven years old, very smart, but mischievous. In almost every episode, Masha causes complete destruction around herself and brings a lot of anxiety to the stern, but fair and caring Bear.

Ultimately, the girl corrects her mistakes and proves herself to be a very kind and insightful person. Masha wears a crimson sundress and scarf, her eyes are green and her hair is blond.

Masha loves to dress up and play with dolls; in addition, reads books, watches cartoons or plays with the Hare

Squirrel Scrat

Perhaps this is the most famous of the episodic characters of modern cartoons. The viewer gets to know him in "Ice Age". Scrat is a representative of the “saber-toothed rat squirrels” who loves acorns more than anything else. In addition to the fact that the squirrel appears in all four parts of the main cartoon, she has four personal short films. The type of animal cannot be associated with anything that actually existed; it has a long snout, fangs and a large bushy tail.

Scrat cannot talk, he only makes various squeaking sounds. As a rule, he appears in short, funny scenes where he performs actions that sometimes have a strong impact on the plot. For example, by pulling an acorn out of a glacier, he provokes its descent, and another time, the flooding of a valley or a volcanic eruption.

Scrat doesn't pay attention to the main characters, but he becomes furious if they try to take away his coveted acorn

The book about this unusual little man was published back in 1967 and literally immediately created a sensation in many countries around the world. An animated film about him belongs to the golden fund of Soviet animation. Even Astrid Lindgren herself has repeatedly said that it seems to her that Carlson has some Russian traits. It is worth noting that in his homeland he is considered rather a negative character - a hooligan and boor. Soviet animators made him a cheerful and cunning “man in the prime of his life.”

A small and plump flying man lives in the city of Stockholm on the roof of a high-rise building and one day meets a little boy. They quickly become friends. Carlson does a lot of mischief: he carries buns, dresses up as a ghost, drops a chandelier.

Carlson loves himself, takes life’s troubles lightly and cannot live without sweets

An adventure cartoon about two chipmunks and their friends has gained incredible popularity in Russia. The plot tells the story of a team of Rescuers, dominated by a pair of cheerful chipmunks. Chip is wearing a hat and flight jacket, and Dale is wearing a red Hawaiian shirt.

Chip is the most serious and responsible of all. He considers it his duty to help out anyone who is in trouble. Loves to read, especially detective stories. Dale is the most cheerful and carefree. Loves video games, comics, horror films. Doesn't like to clean his room. He often quarrels with Chip, and also creates problems for the team with his rash actions. Nevertheless, everyone loves him and forgives his small weaknesses.

Chip and Dale complement each other and are therefore best friends

This lazy red cat was originally just a comic book character, but then cartoons were made about him. Beloved by the whole world, Garfield loves to sleep and eat, at the same time he is quite smart and calculating and shows miracles of ingenuity in trying to get the most tasty morsel, especially when it comes to lasagna (he hates raisins more than anything else).

Garfield the cat loves his stuffed bear toy and is friends with his dog named Oddie

The most popular cartoon characters have remained in the hearts of the planet's inhabitants for many years, and their creators enjoy well-deserved recognition, and it is not surprising, since cartoons are one of the most popular genres of popular culture.

By the way, Cinderella herself is not actually called that either. This is the nickname given to the heroine by her harmful stepsisters. In one of them, the unfortunate woman’s name is Zezolla, someone takes the French “Cendrillon” (which also means “messy”) close to the truth, in general, the truth is buried under a layer of ash, dust and various translation versions.

However, the names of fairy-tale heroes are a vague matter, and we will return to them later. Now let’s remember the main character of the cartoon, who is a boy, and, in general, that’s all. It seems that the hero's name is Chris, in honor of the author of the original story, but this is briefly clarified only in the art book. That is, the vast majority of viewers will never know about it.

The central heroine of the wonderful old cartoon also has no official name. This is a film adaptation of the book of the same name by Peter Beagle, where the unicorn is not named in the same way. Why? This is the case when the absence of a name emphasizes the loneliness and uniqueness of the character.

In the cartoon itself, the unicorn was turned into a human and was called “Amalthea” in honor of the ancient Greek deity. But this, of course, is just a nickname for disguise. But the main character of the cartoon was not called at all, he came himself. At the same time, other characters had names - his father, for example, was called Kurzh (“Pumpkin”). And the boy is, at most, the “Son of Pumpkin.” And this French nameless “Mowgli” is completely normal, by the way.

There is such a special category of cartoons - those in which they do not. There, the issue of the character's name is resolved almost in the title - Shaun the Sheep, and so on, so that the audience knows exactly what the characters' names are. And in the cartoon nominated for an Oscar last year, there are no words or names. None. Just a man, just a female turtle, just children. A minimum of details, a maximum of touches and emphasis on something else, more important.

The absence of proper names can also be seen in many short Soviet cartoons. Starting from “Nekhochukha,” whose name was clearly not that, to “Last year’s snow was falling,” where a man is just a man, and nothing more. Names are not needed when such magic is happening on the screen that it is understandable without words or conventions.


Perhaps the animated monarchs have some names. Somewhere. But they keep their passports in secret safes, if they have them at all, and those around them call them that too - just Tsar, just Sultan, just King. For example, Sultan from , which we asked about in the test - his name is not mentioned anywhere, except for the casually thrown "Baby Bobo" in the animated series. But what is it? Obviously a children's nickname. Whether it has anything to do with the name is very unlikely.

A separate stumbling block is the name of the Prince from the franchise. It is officially believed that he is an allusion to Vladimir the Red Sun. And the name in the cartoons is not specified, because the hero is generally negative, it is not good to defame the baptizer of Rus'. Well, the epic image of Vladimir was similar, caring about his own skin more than the hero’s; in the cartoons this trait was simply taken to the absolute level. And everything seems to fit.

However, viewers knowledgeable in history claim that Vladimir did not have a brother from Byzantium, which means he is not in the cartoons, and dynastic marriages were introduced later, under Yaroslav the Wise. The invasion of the Horde generally took place two hundred years later than the epic adventures of the heroes and Vladimir, and the Shamakhan queen - all of five hundred! But here the answer is simple - the creators of “Three Heroes” deliberately did not bother with chronology, historical accuracy and other boring things. After where Santa Claus made a deal with Nefertiti, it’s stupid to be surprised at anything. And the Prince in the cartoons seems to be Vladimir, but - at your discretion.

The Moon King, mother (his daughter) and her sisters (or aunts) - it is easier to list those characters who had names than those who were nameless. The royal extraterrestrial family didn’t bother themselves with such trifles, so Kubo’s mother seems to have a name - Sariatu - but you won’t hear it in the film. And you won’t even think about it, by the way.

The list of nameless kings can be continued for a long time - here is the Princess (together with the Troubadour) from, and “ Snow Queen", and many others. The king is the king in Africa too!


Back to fairy-tale heroes. Briefly. Little Red Riding Hood? Not a name. Characters - Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny - not names. But for some reason they left Jack with passport data from a human life.

Oak in the same “Three Heroes” is not a name. You can continue further yourself. In general, even Vanya from our fairy tales is such an archetypal name that it is not always a proper name. And this is even better, because such allegories make stories much more vivid.


The images of antagonists are also very often so telling and complete that they simply don’t need names. Well, the evil stepmother does not have an official name, and no one even remembers it.

There seemed to be information about Queen Grimhilde, but this is from the comics, and Disney has not confirmed it in any way, so it does not count.

Are we revisiting old fairy tales? Yes. But the new one is . For convenience, the villain is called “the other mother,” but you already understand everything yourself. Foreign sources mention Beldam - that’s what the ghost-children called the antagonist, but this is an old, archaic word for “witch.” Witch is not a name.

A similar name was assigned to a mischievous old woman, a “wood carver” from. Witch, that's all. But it is quite possible that her name is Mary. This is exactly what the unnamed but seemingly approved name of baby Boo from . According to, Boo and the witch-carver are one person. Quite nameless, but fateful for the universe.


Animals very often do without names. This is understandable - it is unlikely that animals bother with such conventions when communicating with each other. And yet, in animation, giving names to animals is good form, otherwise it’s very easy to get confused in all these Cats, Dogs and other Monkeys. Here's a phrase for you - Cartoon Hare. Who do you remember? The clever hero from ? Caring dad from “Bag of Apples”? Or maybe a coward from? Eared hero? And he, by the way, is a rabbit. But many people get confused.

Here you definitely need to remember Simon the cat from the series of short cartoons of the same name. Many viewers think that the cat's name is Simon, but this is not true. Read it: “Simon’s Cat.” Simon is the owner, he is also the artist Simon Tofield, the creator of all this purring cute ugliness. The cat's name is never heard.
Some believe that the name of this bright hero is Hugh, after the eldest of the artist’s cats, but this, again, has not been confirmed or announced anywhere. Just a guess.

More unnamed cats? Please - . Strange name, isn't it? But Tigress, Mantis and other animals from. For some reason, the panda has a name. The turtle Oogway does the same. And the Furious Five lack such individual luxury. Monkey, Crane, Snake. The height of originality.

An excellent alternative to a name, in our opinion!


In conclusion, here are the heroes whose name stories seemed especially interesting to us. Meet Rochelle from Planes. Don't remember her? That's right, because in our dubbing she is Tanya. In Brazil - Coraline. In Germany - Heidi. Full list look for the transformations that cartoons undergo when localized for different countries. As for this wayward girl, she doesn’t seem to have her own name.

But the hero is relevant around the Oscars. He received his own name only at the end of the cartoon, when he grew up at all, and in the process he was called best case scenario"Brother."

And in the end - where we started. Disney princes. The same source (not the most reliable, by the way) that called Cinderella's prince Henri nicknamed Snow White's prince Florian. This name most often appears in relation to this character, but there was still no clarity here. However, Disney sources still use it. Sometimes.

But the name of the Beast from Adam is fictitious and unconfirmed, although it is used everywhere and everywhere.

One spectator-activist spent a whole study on the topic that the Beast is just a Beast, and not Adam. Whether to believe him or not is everyone's question, and Disney employees are only happy with the additional hype around their characters.

Even more interesting things in our group in

Along with full-length films, the animation genre always comes close. From year to year, a huge number of cartoons are created, which not only children enjoy watching. To say more - for every adult, animation, rooted in childhood, is nothing more than a step in growing up. The number of cartoon characters drawn and loved over the decades is truly impressive. In this article we will highlight the most famous of them.

Domestic heroes are the best

More than one generation has grown up with them; our parents and grandparents remember them. All of them are painfully familiar characters to every Russian. cartoon characters Soviet films rightfully take first place. Agree, there are unlikely to be those who shrug their shoulders at the mention of “Well, just wait!” For all twenty issues since 1969, the wolf desperately tries to catch the hare, who, in turn, always deftly escapes. The animated series, popular in the Soviet Union, reflects the concept of friendship in each episode, and often the wolf and the hare walk arm in arm.

“Three from Prostokvashino” tells about a smart boy, Uncle Fyodor, who leaves his parents to live in the village. There he lives with local dog Sharik and the farm cat Matroskin. The characters include a curious man who dreams of getting a bicycle for a missing boy.

An adaptation of Astrid Lindgren’s work, “The Kid and Carlson” became the first Soviet cartoon to use the electrography technique. Viewers met a bored boy and his new friend Carlson, who lives on the roof, as well as the “housekeeper” Freken Bock.

“Leopold the Cat” was released in 1975. The popular cat, perhaps the kindest of all pets shown on screen, fights the mischief of two mice in each episode, urging young viewers to live together.

In addition, the classics of Russian animation include “Dunno” who went to the moon, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Cheburashka” and his faithful friend “Funtik” running to the wizard and many others.

A new era of Russian animation

Leaving Soviet examples in the past, the capabilities of current technology have become indispensable in modern times. With new works, new characters are also presented to the public - cartoon characters no less colorful and memorable. Among them the most striking:

  • the good boy Jacob, whom the evil witch turned into “Dwarf Nose”;
  • three heroes who received an independent cartoon: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets (“Knight’s Move” in 2015 brought the heroes together);
  • “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” is a story filled with loyalty and courage, love and magical transformations;
  • “Star Dogs: Belka and Strelka” - space adventures of faithful friends with the little rat Venya;
  • Luntik - unusual creature with an incredibly kind character, who fell from the sky.

Cartoon characters: Disney

Disney cartoon characters occupy a special place, and the animation studio itself has huge story. Over the course of a long, painstaking effort spanning decades, Disney has released a number of both classic and live-action projects. Famous cartoon characters:

  • Aladdin, living in the eastern town of Agrabah, together with his beloved Jasmine, the Genie and the parrot Iago, he confronts various heroes of the forces of evil;
  • funny ducklings Billy, Willie and Dilly, as well as their elderly uncle Scrooge McDuck, who became a minor character, are familiar from “DuckTales”;
  • Princess of the Atlantic, the little mermaid Ariel, who loves to explore human things found at the bottom of the ocean, and keep her company true friend Flounder and the prim crab Sebastian;
  • Black Cloak, abbreviated as PE, is a peace activist in the city of Saint-Canard; master of martial arts, lover of getting into trouble; his chief assistant- mechanic Zigzag McCrack.

This list does not include everything famous characters. Cartoon characters who became prominent representatives Disney direction, supplemented by the funny “Gummi Bears”, “Chip and Dale”, always rushing to the rescue, “Winnie the Pooh” and his team of friends, “Miracles on Curves” about the courageous seaplane pilot Baloo, and many others.

Foreign heroes of our time

Hollywood production of animated films can be safely put on the conveyor belt. Over the past two decades, the largest studios in the land of dreams, like Disney and Pixar, have presented the viewer with a huge list of new characters - kind, brave, funny. “Cars” in 2006 captivated the world audience not only with its interesting plot, but also with its colorful graphics. The “Planes” created based on them were slightly less successful. The green troll “Shrek” has become one of the most successful projects, each of its four parts invariably became a masterpiece.

Authors and animators try to saturate a number of characters - often they become a variety of animals, for example, birds, snails, ants, mice and other smaller brothers (“Rio”, “Turbo”, “Thunderstorm of Ants”, “Flushed Away”, “Lesnaya” bro”, “ Ice age”, “Horton”, “Madagascar”, “Ratatouille”), epic creatures (“How to Train Your Dragon”), monsters (“Monster Family”, “Monsters on Vacation”), children’s toys (“Toy Story”), all kinds of villains and superheroes (“Megamind”, “Wreck-It Ralph”, “Bolt”), as well as ordinary people(“The Incredibles”) and other fictional creatures: “The Smurfs”, “Epic”, “Rango”, “The Lorax”.

Cartoon characters: girls for girls

Any animated film is intended for a wide range of viewers. But despite this, cartoons for girls occupy a separate category. As a rule, the main heroines are beautiful princesses who are necessarily saved by the prince. These include “Cinderella” and “Rapunzel”. Charming Barbie will captivate you with her many adventures, just like the Fairies in “Lost Treasure,” and the sorceresses of the Winx Club will teach you how to remain determined warriors.

To the future only with the past

It remains to express the hope that the beloved characters will not be lost in the audience’s memory. And new cartoon characters became even brighter and more interesting, whose names will take their place in animation history.