“Night Tears,” or why does a child cry in his sleep? Why does a newborn baby sob and cry in his sleep without waking up: find out the reasons

If you are soon expecting an addition to your family or a newborn has already arrived in your home, prepare yourself mentally in advance or simply come to terms with the upcoming sleepless nights.

I was lucky with my eldest daughter: she beeped only once around midnight, practically without waking up, fed, and continued to sleep until 6-7 in the morning. She fed again, stayed awake a little and fell asleep again before 9-10. In general, with her I practically did not suffer from lack of sleep.

Such a “gift” with my first child even convinced me that every baby can live like this, the main thing is to find an approach to it. But that was not the case. 6 years later, my youngest daughter proved exactly the opposite to me. During our first 11 (!) months together, my only need in life was an insatiable desire to sleep.

Why do children cry in their sleep?

Physiological reasons

The child is hungry

All young mothers first check to see if the baby is hungry. And this is an absolutely healthy and correct approach.

Old-school pediatricians or your mothers and grandmothers may convince you that a newborn must be accustomed to a strict feeding regimen, and then he will sleep at the prescribed time and wake up for feeding strictly on the clock. Don't listen to them. If you have chosen breast-feeding, your baby should be breastfed on demand.

This regime will make him healthier both physically and mentally. But, if for some reason you have chosen to feed with artificial formula, then you will simply have to feed the baby hourly and carefully follow the norm calculated by the neonatologist for the amount of formula per feeding.

With the question of regime baby food there is another one controversial point: Pediatricians say that the average infant does not feel hungry for 2-3 hours after feeding. I am convinced that this conclusion can be attributed specifically to artificial people: they “eat away” their norm, calculated in accordance with age and weight, and, indeed, become saturated for these 2-3 hours.

In addition, formula is a denser food for babies. It is carbohydrate-rich and heavier in fat, so it gives you a feeling of fullness faster, and it lasts longer. And a baby who receives lighter and less dense, but better balanced in composition, mother's milk may well get hungry much faster.

My personal experience and observations of numerous young nursing mothers show that newborn babies sometimes require breastfeeding every hour, and sometimes more often. Thus, the first reason babies cry at night is hunger.

Diaper soiled

The second action in the algorithm of behavior of young mothers: if the baby cries in his sleep, but the mother has already made sure that he is full, check the diaper.

In the old days, before the era of disposable diapers, newborn babies could actually scream if their diapers got wet. IN modern world A wet diaper rarely causes the baby to start crying. Well, perhaps if it hasn’t been changed for a very, very long time.

But it is necessary to check the presence of poop in the diaper, because it irritates the baby’s bottom and causes pain. If you don't change a soiled diaper in time, you'll end up with a screaming baby all night.

Tummy hurts

The third most common cause of nighttime crying in newborns is intestinal colic. The baby is fed, his diaper is clean, his bottom is fine, but he still screams. Mom instinctively takes him in her arms and begins to rock him to sleep.

Attention: look at the child’s behavior. If he winces and moves his legs, most likely his tummy hurts. This is colic. During the first month of life, a newborn adapts to the outside world, and his internal organs and systems continue to form and adapt to an “autonomous” life, already separate from the mother’s body.

Because the type and method of nutrition changes dramatically after birth, gastrointestinal tract reacts with painful colic, and the child cries in his sleep.

Teeth cutting

In babies under one year old, teething can cause crying at night. Usually the first teeth emerge at the age of about 6 months, but acceleration shows more and more early teeth: at 4-5 months, sometimes even at 2!

If the eruption process is not accompanied severe pain and temperature, the baby may cry during sleep without even waking up. But such crying quickly stops.

Temperature discomfort

And finally, an infant may cry and not wake up if he is sweating or, conversely, cold. The conclusion suggests itself: the baby is hot and stuffy, or, on the contrary, cold. Remember that for this reason, children can cry both before and after one year. Even at 2 years old they can.

Psychological reasons

The baby should always be close to the mother. This is his nature. For newborns, this is at the level of instinct: they express the slightest need by screaming. Maternal presence calms children and creates a feeling of security.

If the mother separated the baby by putting him in the crib, he, without waking up, feels it and screams. It is clear that no mother can hold her child in her arms around the clock, and not all mothers are ready to sleep with their babies. Then it is important to organize the common space so that the baby feels that his mother is nearby.

A child's sleep may be disturbed due to overstimulation. Excessive activities, intensive exercises and massages, a long walk, too hot and long a bath before bed - young parents hope to “wind up” their child in the hope that he will fall asleep in a rich sleep.

But no. The baby gets overexcited, or, as our grandmothers used to say, “overacts,” and, as a result, cannot fall asleep at all.

Health problems

Trying to make diagnoses on your own based on crying at night is absolutely pointless. Some at 6 months, some at a year old, some at 2 years. Even if we are just talking about teething.

If your baby has a fever at night, or you notice something completely unusual and not very healthy in his behavior, call a doctor and let him personally notify you about his teeth. Or he will put another one, correct diagnosis and will immediately prescribe treatment.

Children get sick, sadly. But everything can be fixed if you don’t let the disease take its course. And don’t forget that in some cases you can help the child yourself, for example, detect a runny nose and clean the baby’s nose, and then apply baby drops.

What might cause an older child to cry in his sleep?

Children older than infants may cry at night because they are scared and dark. I wanted to go to the potty, but it was pitch black all around. Of course, he will get scared and cry. This is such an ancient and often unconscious fear. If an older child cries and does not wake up, most likely he has nightmares.

Uncomfortable sleeping position, stuffiness and overheating, cold, runny nose, holding your breath, unsuitable mattress or pillow - all this can cause night crying in children of preschool and sometimes primary school age.

How to help a baby if he bursts into tears in his sleep?


With newborns - sequentially perform all the steps of the algorithm described above: pick up, check the diaper, feed. If the newborn is definitely not hungry, rock it.

Be prepared that your newborn baby may have to be carried in your arms every night. It's hard, but it usually ends in a month. Can get rid of such a prospect co-sleeping mother and child.

But here it should be borne in mind that not all parents can sleep with their baby. Moreover, fathers, even if the young mother is ready for this. Unfortunately, newborn children can separate husband and wife in bed for a long time and lead to a situation where mom sleeps with the baby and dad sleeps in another room.

I know families, and there are many of them, in which the spouses never returned to their shared bed, even when the need to sleep with the child ceased.

For colic

If the baby twitches and twists his legs, also pick him up and press his tummy to yours; it is better to hold the baby upright. Rock him like this.

You can try giving the baby a special gas reliever, baby tea, or dill water, but especially inventive babies don’t want to drink all this, and if you have already managed to stuff a similar liquid into his mouth, they spit it out.

By the way, it helps a lot with colic and gas. warm bath. You will be surprised how instantly the child becomes silent. Well, if you're willing to run his bath in the middle of the night, of course.

For an older child

It’s easier to calm older children who are crying: wake them up, console them, hug them. As a last resort, take him to bed with you or lie down next to him.

For symptoms of illness

Remember, all of the above techniques apply to healthy children. If the temperature rises or the child gets sick, take appropriate treatment measures.

In severe cases, you will have to call an ambulance, in simpler cases, lower the temperature, give warm drinks, put babies to your chest, call a doctor in the morning.

Let’s end this article with the hope that your children will be healthy and will eat and sleep well, to the delight of mom and dad. During.

Video: reasons for children's crying during sleep

Newborn babies (up to 1 month) sleep differently than their parents. The child spends almost half of the time in the so-called phase REM sleep. It is necessary to baby brain grew and developed intensively. During this period, children’s pupils may move, children begin to move their upper and lower lower limbs, grimace, smack your lips, thereby reproducing the process of breast sucking, make different sounds and whine.

Such a dream is quite weak and disturbing, so the baby may cry and wake up from this. But more often it happens differently: the child cries for a few seconds, then calms down on his own and continues his night’s rest.

In addition, the duration of sleep also differs. For example, a baby up to 1 month old will spend about 21 hours a day sleeping. Growing up, the child sleeps less and less, and at the age of 1, many children have 2 hours left for daytime sleep and about 9 hours for night rest.

Thus, children's sleep It is just being formed, “honed”, established, so failures in the form of short-term crying at night are not excluded. Usually such whining does not bother the child and his parents too much, but if the baby cries a lot in his sleep, it should be determined hidden reasons similar process and improve the quality of rest.

Why does a child cry at night?

If a child cries a lot at night, screams loudly and shrilly, you should definitely understand the reasons for such behavior. Sometimes the culprits are the discomfort experienced by the baby in his sleep.

In other cases, nighttime tears are a symptom serious illnesses, especially if the child suddenly starts crying and does not stop for a long time. When experiencing pain, the baby tries to signal this to his parents. But since its capabilities are very limited, the most accessible method what remains is the scream. Let's look at the main reasons for crying at night.

External factors

Often children cry due to discomfort caused by so-called external factors. Night crying may occur if parents do not take into account when putting them to bed:

  • room temperature (if skin perspiration appears, which means it’s a little hot in the nursery; if your skin has goosebumps and your arms and legs are cold, the room is cool);
  • the level of humidity in the nursery (if the room is too stuffy and dry, the child’s nasal and oral mucous membranes may dry out);
  • dry diaper (a baby 6 months old and younger may start crying if he feels in a dream that the diaper has become wet);
  • comfort of a vest, bed linen, pajamas (many children have an extremely negative attitude towards creases in clothes, seams, folds and other inconveniences).

Such factors may seem frivolous only at first glance. Children at 2 or 3 months, unable to roll over or otherwise correct the discomfort, begin to cry and scream, attracting their mother’s attention.

Internal factors

When answering the question why a baby cries in its sleep, many experts point to the presence internal factors. These include various diseases, hunger and other unfavorable conditions. Each of them deserves a more detailed description.

If a child cries a lot in his sleep, then his health should be checked. The baby is probably unwell due to intestinal colic, teething, inflammation of the middle ear, and a cold.

The gastrointestinal tract of an infant up to 3 or 4 months is just adapting to breast milk or artificial mixture. The resulting gases are not expelled in full, which causes colic.

If a baby 2 or 3 months old begins to cry in his sleep, pull his legs up to his tummy, and clench his fists, most likely he is worried about intestinal colic. In this case, the crying will be even, prolonged and incessant.

To reduce pain, the mother should reconsider her own diet, monitor proper breastfeeding, hold the baby upright so that he burps excess milk and gets rid of gas. Another popular way to combat colic is dill water.

The cause of pain can be: unpleasant conditions, such as a runny nose or inflammation of the middle ear. When a child lies in a crib, being in a horizontal position, the processes intensify, as a result of which the child cries and screams in his sleep.

One more probable cause night crying - teething. Many children start teething at 5 or 6 months, which is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, high temperature. Pain syndrome It especially intensifies at night, hence the sobbing and crying in sleep.


If a child cries in his sleep and does not wake up, then the mother may assume that a feeling of hunger has arisen. Satiety – important condition for a good night's rest, whether at 3 months or 2 years. Correcting the situation is quite simple - the child is given milk or formula.

Do not overfeed your baby, otherwise he will begin to wake up constantly, cry due to a feeling of fullness in the stomach or terrible dreams.

It would seem that you need to physically load the baby as much as possible so that he goes to bed “without hind legs" However, there is an inverse relationship here: if parents missed the optimal time for sleep, overloaded the child with exercises and games, then he will have difficulty falling asleep.

When he closes his eyes, fatigue will not allow him to sleep properly. little child will wake up with tears or whine in his sleep, which, of course, will affect his well-being. This behavior is especially typical for excitable children.

Experts advise to act the same way, regardless of the child’s age. Both a month-old baby and a one-year-old toddler should go to bed before they start crying from overwork. You should also not get carried away with massage, games and gymnastic exercises.

Overabundance of emotions and information

Does your baby cry in his sleep? This may be due to excitement and excessive emotional fatigue. A child of 5 months or 9 months reacts the same way to information and emotional oversaturation.

  • Excess emotions and experiences during the day, especially in the evening, lead to babies crying in their sleep. Thus, nighttime tears are a child’s response to strong emotional stress;
  • Experts advise turning on the TV when the child turns two years old. However, many parents introduce cartoons and television programs when babies are not yet 9 months old. This puts excessive stress on the nervous system.

Minimize your child’s contact with the TV and especially the computer during the day. It is especially important to stop watching cartoons before bed. Also, you should not overload your child with communication with peers and strangers.

If your child wakes up at night and cries loudly, it is probably due to bad dreams. Up to a year, dreams are not so vivid, but after this age, night visions become more and more realistic, which affects the quality of rest.

In a dream, a baby does not always see something pleasant, and this is completely normal. However, if such terrible dreams happen regularly and the child constantly cries in his sleep, you need to think about what is the source of nightmares.

Psychological problems

If a child often whines at night, but is absolutely healthy physically, it can be assumed that there is some kind of psychological problem.

A 2 or 3 year old baby can react sharply to a strong emotional impression. Such a shock is often a sharp change in his life: adaptation to kindergarten, the appearance of a brother/sister, moving to another place of residence.

Why does a newborn cry in his sleep? Perhaps this is how he reacts to psychological state mother. If there are problems in the relationship with her husband, the woman is in a stressful state due to fatigue, the baby will definitely feel this and express it in the form bad sleep.

Night restlessness is often the first and most obvious sign of diseases of the nervous system. That is why, in case of repeated cases of children crying at night, parents should definitely show the child to a neurologist.

What to do if a child cries at night?

If a child rarely cries in his sleep without waking up, you should not be afraid. Perhaps these are one-time cases. But with constant roaring at night, it is necessary, if possible, to identify and eliminate factors that interfere with proper rest:

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky is convinced that good sleep Only rested parents will be able to. If the mother does not get enough sleep and is under constant stress, then the child also feels this stress, which is expressed in night crying. Therefore, adults should also get enough sleep.

As a conclusion

So, answering the question of why an infant cries in his sleep, we have discovered many provoking factors. The main task of parents is to pay attention to crying baby, try to identify the true “culprit” of children’s tears and respond correctly.

Some children require their mother’s presence in this way or signal discomfort, while others require qualified medical assistance. But in any case, all babies could use maternal tenderness and love!

The baby, who cannot yet speak, expresses his anxiety by crying. After some time, parents independently begin to understand the peculiar language of their child. If all parents get used to standard situations over time, sometimes situations arise when the baby begins to cry in his sleep. In such situations, parents first begin to check whether the diaper is dry and control temperature regime in the room and the child's pose. But all these factors turn out to be in order. Therefore, parents begin to think: why is she crying? infant in a dream?

Physiological reason

This state is physiological night crying, and it does not pose any danger to the health of the baby. The baby cries during sleep due to unstable nervous and motor system. This is due to the fact that an emotionally intense day can provoke the appearance of dreams at night. The child, experiencing anxiety in his sleep, begins to cry heavily and does not wake up.

Even visiting guests or meeting new people at home can contribute to the development of such experiences. After such a busy day, the child must throw out unnecessary worries, which is why crying at night is observed. Therefore, parents can be calm - the baby screams and cries not because of illness.

There are situations when a baby begins to cry in his sleep, and as soon as the mother approaches his crib, the crying stops. In this way, the infant simply checks to see if his mother is nearby, since during the 9 months of pregnancy a strong bond has been established between them.

The baby may also begin to cry or wince during the transition from REM to NREM sleep. The same effect often accompanies the sleep of adults, so it does not pose a danger to the baby. If the child is not disturbed by his whining and does not wake up, parents should not worry about the health of the baby. After a while nervous system The baby will develop and become stable, which will allow the baby to experience sleep time more smoothly.

Reason: discomfort

It happens that a newborn cries at night due to the appearance painful sensations or discomfort. The baby may be hot or cold, or he may have a wet diaper or diaper. The baby may suffer from abdominal pain, increased gas formation, teething. But if the baby does not wake up, but simply whines, then he is not experiencing any discomfort. He will wake up only when the sleep phase changes.

Other reasons

There are also other reasons why a baby screams or cries heavily in his sleep without waking up:

  1. Feeling hungry.
  2. Runny nose making breathing difficult.
  3. Extreme fatigue.
  4. Negative impressions after an active day.
  5. Presence of illness.

Many parents overload their child with excessive exercise and walking, after which cortisol, a stress hormone, accumulates in the baby’s body. Usually the reason for the formation of its excess is increased loads and a large flow of information.

What to do

Sobbing at night may subside on its own, or may abruptly give way to screaming. All parents often check, approaching his crib, how their child feels during sleep. If they see that the baby is sleeping, they do not need to wake him up or calm him down, as this can only harm him. In such a situation, the child will wake up, and then it will be difficult for him to fall asleep.

If a baby screams to find out if his mother is nearby, then he needs to be carefully and gradually accustomed to independent sleep. This will help gradually reduce crying to a minimum - both during sleep and before bed. If you show care to a child at his first call, he will get used to it, and each time the situation will worsen, and the volume of crying will increase.

It is worth considering that by 6 months, children should be able to calm down on their own without maternal care if their crying before bed is caused by loneliness. But such situations do not refer to the presence of pain or discomfort.

Help for the baby

To help your child become calmer during sleep and before bed, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • You need to spend a lot of time with your baby fresh air. Such walks have a positive effect on the function of the nervous system. Don’t forget to regularly ventilate your child’s room before going to bed and use a humidifier.
  • Before going to bed, you should not play active outdoor games with your baby, give him strong emotions. Such activities can overload the baby’s nervous system. Due to such intense activity, the baby will cry in his sleep and be capricious before bed.

  • To calm the baby while bathing, you need to use herbal infusions. They can be used only after the navel has completely healed. Usually infusions of thyme, oregano, string, and thyme are added to the water. But before such a bath, you should check the baby’s reaction to such an infusion. To do this, you just need to wipe a small area of ​​skin with it and wait a little. If redness does not appear, you can proceed to water procedures.
  • Also, before bedtime, the mother can place a bag of soothing herbs next to the baby. The baby will inhale their vapors while sleeping at night, which will calm his nervous system and relieve him of crying.

How to prevent night crying

To avoid crying during sleep, parents should be sensitive to their child and perform a certain ritual after an active day.

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the schedule of actions before putting the baby into the crib. Gradually, the child will remember this algorithm and it will be easier for him to fall asleep.
  • The day can end with a calm massage that will relax the baby. It is strictly forbidden to play active games before bedtime if the baby often screams or screams at night.

  • It is necessary to ensure that the optimum temperature is maintained in the room where the baby sleeps. Bed linen should be pleasant and warm.
  • All tense situations in the family should be excluded.
  • You should not put your baby in the crib after feeding, as this can impair digestion and cause colic at night.
  • There is no need to turn off the light in the room; it is better to leave it dim so that the baby is not afraid to fall asleep alone again if he often wakes up.

To understand why the baby cries out at night, you need to take a closer look at him. Basically, the causes of this condition do not harm children. But if the crying is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body’s systems, they should immediately begin to be eliminated by seeking help from a doctor.

Most parents are familiar with the problem when a child cries in his sleep, screams, wakes up, or the process of the baby falling asleep is associated with restless crying.

The reasons may be either physiological or psychological nature. Crying can be triggered by:

  • Nervous tension. The daily load on a baby’s nervous system is colossal. By crying, the baby tries to release unused energy. Therefore, parents should treat the child’s prolonged hysterical crying calmly.
  • Increased nervous excitability. Quite often, tantrums in children force parents to see a doctor, who diagnoses increased nervous excitability. In fact, the child relieves nervous energy in this way, and then, as a rule, falls asleep calmly.
  • Violation of the daily routine. Parents should strictly adhere to the baby's sleep schedule. It is unacceptable to allow a child to go to bed whenever he wishes. Compliance with the regime creates a feeling of calm and stability in the child’s psyche.
  • Night terrors and fear of the dark. When mom is not in the dark, it can cause fear in the child and disrupt sleep. That's why the best solution To regulate sleep, the mother will be nearby.
Teething in infants is always accompanied by pain, which leads to the baby crying at night

It is also possible physiological reasons sleep disorders in children:

  • At teething V. This process is accompanied by swelling of the gums and itching, which leads to sleep disturbances.
  • At intestinal colic. In the first months of a baby's life, intestinal colic is very common. To calm the baby, you need to apply it to the stomach warm compresses, drink tea with fennel. When such measures do not help, drug therapy is used on the advice of a doctor.

To normalize the baby’s condition, it is important to understand the cause and neutralize the physiological circumstances that interfere with normal sleep. There is a need, there is a need:

  • change the diaper;
  • change body position for comfortable sleep;
  • replace tight clothes to a more free one;
  • protect from the cold by covering with an additional blanket;
  • feed the baby;
  • consult a doctor to find out a possible disease.

A well-fed baby, and next to his mother, will fall asleep much faster

Why does a child cry when he wants to sleep?

There are also a number of reasons that prevent you from falling asleep peacefully. It's possible that mother's milk It’s not enough for the baby to eat and fall asleep peacefully. Therefore, children up to six months of age are fed with formula milk, and after six months - with adult food.

Here Possible emotional problems when a child protests against being put to bed without his mother.

The baby needs to feel the closeness of his mother, the warmth of her body. This helps the child feel safe and secure.

The child cries after bathing before bedtime

It happens that children happily take a bath, but immediately after bathing they begin to scream and cry.

Reasons for this protest:

If a child cries in his sleep after bathing, this may be due to temperature changes, the duration of the bathing process itself, or ordinary whim
  • Feeling of temperature change. The child liked the hot water, and then his body immediately came into contact with the cold air of the room. This caused discomfort, which expressed itself in crying.
  • Bathing is a rather tiring process for a baby. He was tired of this procedure.
  • Overheating. The child was swimming in hot water, and after bathing he was dressed warmly. The baby may be anxious because of the heat.
  • Keep bothering me colic and after swimming. IN aquatic environment the baby was relaxed, there was no pain. Then she returned, and the baby expressed this state by crying.
  • Whims because of the desire to stay in pleasant water.

In fact, A baby's crying is a signal of some discomfort; this is normal., because the first year of life is a big test for the functioning of a small organism.

A child cries in his sleep... How to calm him down?

The first rule for parents when a baby is crying is to take the baby in your arms so that he feels that mom and dad are nearby.

If the baby continues to cry, you may need to feed him or rock him a little in your arms. Check to see if a change of clothes is needed, inspect and adjust the child's bed.

An important rule The behavior of parents is a calm attitude towards the baby: do not shout, do not get irritated, so as not to frighten him with your reaction.

When you have tried all the remedies and the child does not calm down, you need to consult a pediatrician. At night in such cases it is necessary to contact the ambulance service.

After kindergarten, the child cries at night

Attending kindergarten is one of the most complex problems for children and parents. All babies go through a period of adaptation, which can be expressed in different cases differently. For some, this period goes smoothly, without complications, for others it turns into a big test.

Negative impressions after visiting kindergarten can cause a child to cry at night

There are cases when a child after kindergarten cries in his sleep at night. The reason is that in the child’s psyche there are episodes of his stay in kindergarten during which he experienced negative emotions : fear, uncertainty, anxiety, sadness.

In the process of adaptation to kindergarten, the role of parents and educators is enormous. It is important to take into account the individual qualities of the child’s personality.

Maybe, it is necessary to establish a short-term stay in the kindergarten in the first days, gradually increasing the time. For such kids it is necessary individual approach: more attention, specially selected games and activities involving other children.

The child cries at night for no reason

Adequate sleep is very important for a child's development. The baby's crying and restlessness have reasons that parents have to find out. The reasons may be health problems:

Otitis - inflammation of the ear - worsens at night, which is why the child cries
  • if the nose is stuffy, breathing is difficult, the child may cry in his sleep;
  • sore throat, difficulty swallowing;
  • ear hurts. With otitis media, fluid accumulated in the middle ear presses on the eardrum and causes pain;
  • intestinal colic bothers me.

Poor sleep can also be caused by fatigue and nervous tension, quarrels between parents, a feeling of lack of attention and care.

At night the child cries when he wants to pee

This is absolutely normal. After all this is how the baby gives a signal for you to come to him. During the day, this situation can happen calmly, without crying.

The child cannot pee at night and cries

The child may cry in his sleep due to fullness bladder.

A child’s crying during sleep while urinating is a reason immediate appeal see a doctor

If any are noticed alarms, when crying repeatedly accompanies urination, you should consult a specialist.

The child gets up in the crib at night and cries

A fairly common problem for parents. This behavior of the baby can be explained by all the reasons listed above: both physiological and psycho-emotional nature.

We can only add that if, after all physical problems have been eliminated, the child’s crying continues, it means that the child cries in his sleep, gets up at night and has difficulty falling asleep, thus reflecting unresolved psychological problems during the day.

In that case, Parents are required to have more attention, care and participation in daytime situations, activities, games, walks, that is, in the process of communicating with the child.

If physiological reasons for a child’s nighttime crying are excluded, you should think about psychological ones.

The child often wakes up, sobs and cries

Up to 3 months, the baby's waking time is insignificant. During the newborn period, he sleeps about 16-18 hours a day, in subsequent months, reducing the duration of sleep to 15 hours.

By 6 months, the baby can sleep about 10 hours at night and about 6 hours with intervals of wakefulness during the day.

But it happens that This regime is violated for the following reasons:

  • Bad habits. The baby is used to being fed and rocked immediately after waking up... Or he has developed the habit of falling asleep in a stroller, in a car seat...
  • Overtired during the day. Insufficient daytime sleep disrupts normal sleep patterns.
  • Violation biological clock. For children different ages Age-appropriate bedtimes should be established. Failure to adhere to the biological clock disrupts normal night sleep child.

For a child, at any age, the daily routine is very important, in particular, bedtime

Why does a child sleep poorly and wake up every hour?

Only caring parents can protect the health and peace of mind of their beloved children. Whether the child cries in his sleep, sleeps poorly or wakes up every hour is completely unimportant for loving parents, whose patience is limitless, just like their love for the child.

overcome negative influences, tireless attention and care will help eliminate constant getting up at night, crying and anxiety.

Why does a child suddenly startle, wake up and cry a lot?

According to experts, The baby's shuddering in his sleep can occur when:

  • Change of sleep phase. When slow phase changes to a fast one, the child’s brain begins to work faster. And the baby can see dreams, which are the reason for the shuddering.
  • Overworked. Every day, the little ones receive new knowledge and impressions that the fragile children’s nervous system needs to process.

The fragile nervous system of a baby, who receives new knowledge every day, often cannot stand it, and this manifests itself in the fact that the child cries in his sleep

Sometimes in a dream, certain inhibitory mechanisms of the nervous system are activated so that the baby can fully rest. It is these moments that can be expressed through a wince. Therefore, the child often cries in his sleep, he is restless.

  • Physiological diseases: colic, teething, otitis. Symptoms typically worsen at night, leading to restlessness, shaking, and crying.

The child cries in his sleep and talks

In most cases, somniloquy is a normal process.

What factors influence this deviation:

  • Newborns are characterized by cooing and groaning. Something is bothering the baby: colic, uncomfortable position, folds in clothes, absence of mother.
  • If a child has experienced some kind of stress or emotion during the day, he will experience this state at night.
  • Any changes in life can have an impact on impressionable children.

Impressionable children rethink their new knowledge during a night's rest and may still talk in their sleep
  • New knowledge and fresh impressions. A 3-4 year old child, gaining new knowledge, can pronounce learned words or phrases in his sleep. In this way, children gain knowledge of the surrounding reality.

The child cries in his sleep, arches, turns over and jerks his legs

This problem can be explained both physiologically and psychological problems. Depending on the age of the child, this condition may be associated with teething, night colic, but perhaps this is daytime overexcitement.

If such restless behavior continues for a long time, there is no doubt that there is a reason to contact a pediatrician or neurologist.

A child cries and crawls in his sleep

In the case when this happens from time to time, there is no reason for concern; this phenomenon is within the normal range, since new skills that the baby acquired while awake are being developed.

If crawling in a dream is rare, do not worry - this is how the baby practices new skills acquired during wakefulness

If movements during sleep are active and disturb sleep or disturb others, the mother should take the baby in her arms and, hugging him tightly, lie down with him. The child will calm down and fall asleep.

The child cries at night and scratches his butt

The causes of this problem are various, including neurotic ones. You should contact your pediatrician You may need to undergo tests.

What should parents do if their child complains of leg pain at night?

The most common cause of leg pain at night is the growth of the child. This is usually observed in children 3-9 years old.

But an indispensable condition in such cases, there is no swelling or redness on the child’s legs, there is no increase in body temperature, the child is cheerful and active during the day, pain is observed in the late afternoon and at night.

If a child complains of pain in the legs at night or at other times, first of all it is necessary to exclude any injuries or diseases

In such cases, massage helps, and the pain is wandering, i.e. the localization of pain changes. You can make warm compresses, use Butadione or Diclofenac ointments. The pain continues indefinitely and disappears spontaneously.

Pain due to orthopedic pathology or joint pathology, diseases is also possible cardiovascular system. That's why, in any case, a visit to the pediatrician is necessary.

A child with a fever cries in his sleep

High temperature at night can be a sign of infections, poisoning, or any childhood disease. Each of these diseases is individual, therefore It is recommended to consult a doctor the next morning. The specialist will examine and select a treatment method.

Need to know that for any infection, an increase in temperature to 38.5 degrees is considered normal, because they work protective forces body to fight microbes.

At a temperature of 39 degrees, you must consult a doctor. In such cases, the baby needs enhanced care and acceptance. necessary measures to normalize the condition.

If your child shakes and cries in his sleep

What reasons can cause such a process in a baby? This happens to a child when:

  • daytime overexcitation;
  • fatigue;
  • teething;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • temperature increase;
  • dreams.

In such cases, the child may become frightened and cry with eyes closed.

If your child cries frequently and loudly during sleep, consult your doctor for advice.

However, you need to know that there are a number serious reasons for such a condition. If the problem does not go away within a certain time, and the child wakes up several times at night with fear, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

The child cries in his sleep and moans

The baby is trying to free himself from mental stress related to:

  • wet or tightly stretched diapers;
  • discomfort in the crib;
  • colic or fatigue;
  • hunger;
  • lack of oxygen if the air is too dry and hot;
  • extraneous noise;
  • illness or pain;
  • dreams.

The child cries in his sleep and does not wake up

If a child cries in his sleep several times at night, this, according to Dr. E.O. Komarovsky, maybe increased tone nervous system.

For a developing baby to become skeletal system and the formation of teeth requires calcium. Its intake into the body with food may be inadequate. That's why It is recommended to use calcium gluconate to support the child's nervous system.

Why does a child cry after sleep?

Pediatricians consider a 2-3 year old child's crying after sleep to be normal. Perhaps the baby is hungry or had a dream. Or maybe crying is a transition from sleep to wakefulness, when the body is rebuilt.

Why does a child wake up, scream, scream hysterically and cry?

The main reason for this behavior is nightmares.

It is also possible that the baby was affected by a stressful day, an unfavorable situation in the family, a change of place of residence, a violation of the daily routine, a lack of attention from parents who are obliged to create favorable conditions to strengthen the child's nervous system.

A child who cries in his sleep after anesthesia can be given soothing teas

The child cries at night after anesthesia

A special case is if a child cries in his sleep after anesthesia. The effects of anesthesia may linger certain time. During this period, children may sleep restlessly, eat poorly, and be capricious.

The attention and care of parents is important to overcome this temporary phenomenon. You can offer your baby a glass of milk at night and please him with reading new fairy tale or do light massage. Also Doctors recommend giving your baby sedative herbs and teas.

Residual phenomenon in the form restless sleep after anesthesia depends on the individual tolerance of the body and the type of anesthetic agent. But as a rule, after a few days capable of rapid recovery the child's body will return to normal functioning.

Sleep is a vital necessity for child's body. It is difficult for the baby to adapt to new conditions, which are a huge burden for him. Sleep helps relieve fatigue, gives new strength and strengthens the baby's health.

A child's good sleep is the key to his health and the well-being of his parents.

Why does a child cry in his sleep:

Young children, unable to complain to their parents about discomfort, express their feelings through crying.

Why does a child cry in his sleep and does not wake up, what causes concern in infants and older children - this article will answer such questions for mothers.

Sleep phases in newborns

For any person, including a newborn, sleep includes two states.

This is described in more detail in the table:

Phase Description
Fast This condition is characterized by rapid movement eyeballs. This stage falling asleep is called active.

Increasing blood pressure, possible disruptions in respiratory and heart rate, the baby dreams, limbs and facial muscles tremble.

In this state, the newborn may wake up for a while. It is important that the baby is not disturbed at this moment, otherwise he will wake up completely

Slow The deep phase during which the child rests. The person who has fallen asleep does not move at all, and the muscles relax.

May be accompanied by hypnagogic fear, when arms and legs twitch. You can hardly wake up someone sleeping in this state.

Characteristic for the first hours of rest. It takes place in four stages, starting from falling asleep until the process progresses deeply

Why might a baby cry in his sleep?

Any mother worries when baby sleeps poorly, because he cannot talk about his problems, so it is not easy to guess what causes discomfort.

A baby’s nighttime crying is provoked by the following reasons:

  • Nightmares. This rarely happens in infants, but as they develop, dreams become more realistic and believable.

    Therefore, crying for this reason may occur more often, and sometimes the baby moans.

  • Unpleasant sensations in the tummy. Pain can be caused by colic, which is why newborns cry, sob and arch without waking up.
  • Feeling hungry. Due to the small stomach, satiety does not last too long, therefore, with a long rest period, the baby may be bothered by hunger.
  • Uncomfortable indoor conditions– low or high temperature, high humidity, etc.
  • Wet diapers. This is also caused by dry but uncomfortable diapers, so the baby is capricious, kicks his legs, and rolls over.

The above factors can disturb the baby not only at night, but also during daytime sleep. Often the baby cries a lot when he wakes up.

This is caused by a sudden transition to a state of wakefulness and is associated with physiological characteristics– difficulties with adaptation. The baby is often capricious alone; communication with his mother will calm him down.

Causes of restless sleep in children after one year

Children over one year of age should sleep at least thirteen and a half hours a day.

The distribution is as follows:

  • Up to twelve o'clock at night.
  • Until two o'clock in the afternoon.

These problems in such children are caused by:

  • Fear of losing my mother. The baby feels dependent on his parents and feels uncomfortable and lonely, often screams when he wakes up if his mother is not around.
  • Fear of the dark, invented characters, etc.
  • Excessively vivid impressions received before bedtime.
  • Overwork. Many parents think that this should provide sound sleep, however, in such a situation it is observed reverse effect, due to increased load on the psyche.

It must be remembered that a child’s restlessness during sleep indicates problems with the nervous system, so it is important to establish the cause of this behavior and take timely measures.

Many people think that the problems listed are not serious and should not be given much attention. But that's not true.

In infancy, the foundations of character are laid and the nervous system is formed. His future character and health largely depend on how soundly and calmly a child rests.

How to calm a child and solve the problem?

To prevent similar problems you need to do the following:

  • Establish a strict sleep-wake schedule. The child should go to bed at clearly established hours, and the duration of sleep should not exceed the norm.
  • Walk more often, provide normal condition indoor air by frequent ventilation, especially in the evening.

    The baby's nervous system reacts positively to oxygen saturation in the air.

  • Ensure an active day; you need to play and talk with your baby more. Shortly before falling asleep, you need to limit activity with a gradual transition to rest.
  • Changes in the environment should not occur too abruptly - the child should be gradually introduced to reality.

    Anxiety can be caused by visiting new people and going to unfamiliar places.

  • When bathing, you should use soothing infusions that have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the baby. A relaxing massage is helpful.
  • Eating too much before bed can cause digestive problems, accompanied by colic and bloating.
  • If a child is worried, shaking, or scared in his sleep, caress him and calm him down. He will understand that his mother is nearby and the anxiety will pass.
  • The night cry is sometimes called painful sensations from teething. In this situation, pain-relieving gels will help relieve discomfort.
  • The temperature in the room should be kept under control. It is maintained within eighteen to twenty degrees. When the air is excessively dry, humidifiers are used.
  • It is necessary to ensure the softness and comfort of bed linen and clothing.
  • It is recommended to use a wooden crib with a moderately firm mattress; pillows are not allowed.
  • To prevent your baby from feeling lonely, sing him a lullaby and place his favorite soft toy next to him.
  • To prevent nightmares in young children, it is recommended to leave soft, dim lighting in the room; many children are afraid of the dark.