Folk remedies for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with herbs Folk remedies in the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with traditional methods is an excellent auxiliary option. It must be used along with other treatment methods: medication, diet, proper lifestyle, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that has a chronic form. This disease disrupts the functioning of the nerves of the brain and spinal cord. What people think of as memory loss and call multiple sclerosis actually has nothing to do with multiple sclerosis. Statistics show that in most cases it is between the ages of 20 and 40. But this does not mean that men do not suffer from the disease.

This disease has the following nature. Due to damage to the nerve fibers, the nerve type of tissue is replaced by scars. These are called sclerosis lesions. This connective tissue gradually spreads. The reasons for the development of this disease are not fully understood.

If you consider the importance of the nervous system for the functioning of the entire body, you can understand how serious the consequences of sclerosis are. Over time, more and more sclerotic plaques will appear in different parts of the nervous system. Scientists are developing new methods to cure this disease.

An excellent remedy for the treatment of sclerosis is a mixture of honey and onions. In order to prepare such a medicine, you must first thoroughly peel and rinse several onions. Now you need to get onion juice from them.

The onion variety is used. It needs to be grated thoroughly. You can use a juicer. Now the patient can choose to consume only juice or juice along with finely chopped pulp. Honey is added to the onion. It is necessary to mix in different proportions.

There is no debate about how to treat multiple sclerosis with onions. This excellent remedy will help prevent the development of the disease, but it must be used for a long time. The product should be used 3 times a day an hour before meals. Onions and honey must be stored in the refrigerator.

At home, you can treat multiple sclerosis with ordinary black currants. Berries are rich in vitamins and beneficial elements. You can eat the berries just like that, or make mousses out of them, or squeeze the juice. You need to take this remedy 3 times a day. It is best to drink at least a third of a glass before meals. For variety, you can just eat berries. Considering that they are very sour, it is allowed to add honey to them - it will not harm, but will enhance the beneficial effects of this natural medicine. But it’s better to give up sugar.

Not only berries, but also currant leaves have beneficial properties. It is best, of course, to use fresh leaves of the bush at home. You need to brew them in boiling water and let them brew for about 20-30 minutes. After this, you can drink the product instead of regular tea. If it is winter and there are no fresh leaves, then you can dry them in advance in a warm place where there is no direct sunlight.

Useful properties of mumiyo

Shilajit has a large amount of microelements and vitamins, so it can also be used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. To do this, a small piece of the product must be dissolved in water. For 5 g of mumiyo, no more than 100 ml of water is required. The water should be a little warm. When the product is ready, it can be used one spoon on an empty stomach before meals. No more than 3 times per day are allowed. The liquid should be stored in the refrigerator.

In order to improve the results of treatment with mumiyo, propolis is often used.

In addition to mumiyo tincture, propolis infusion is required. To prepare it, you need no more than 5 g of this beekeeping product. The substance is thoroughly crushed. Now you will need alcohol of 96% or 70% concentration.

For 5 g of propolis you will need half a liter of alcohol. Now the product needs to be tightly closed so that the alcohol does not evaporate, and placed in a cool, dark place. It should be left for at least a week, after which the resulting liquid should be drained. But propolis can be used again. 200 ml of alcohol is poured into a container with old propolis. Now you need to insist for 7 days, after which the tincture is drained. The product is ready and can be used.

If you don’t have the time and desire to look for propolis, alcohol and prepare the product, much less wait for it to infuse, then you can go to the pharmacy and buy a ready-made drug. But it will be concentrated.

To use the resulting product, you must adhere to the correct dosage. 30 drops of tincture should be mixed with 50 ml of clean water. It is allowed to take half an hour after mumiyo tincture. The course of treatment with these two drugs is no more than 3 months. Then you need to take a break for a month, after which you are allowed to repeat the course.

Garlic is very useful not only for multiple sclerosis, but also as a medicine or preventative measure for other diseases. It can be added to different dishes or eaten separately.

But to treat multiple sclerosis, you need to prepare special garlic oil. To do this, you will need a peeled and washed head of garlic. Its size should be medium. It is crushed, cut or ground in a mortar. The consistency should be mushy. After this, the resulting grated garlic is transferred to a glass container. It needs to be filled with unrefined oil and placed in the refrigerator. Before using the medicine for medicinal purposes, you must leave it for at least a day. After this, before taking, you need to mix 1 spoon of the resulting garlic oil and 1 spoon of lemon juice each time. This medicine is allowed to be taken 3 times a day before meals. It is required to maintain a pause of at least half an hour between taking the medicine and eating.

In the treatment of this disease, decoctions and tinctures of various herbs can be used. Flowers and leaves of hawthorn, rue, valerian and other herbs cope well with the problem. You can use them individually or make mixtures.

The most effective herbal mixture in the treatment of multiple sclerosis would be a mixture of 10 g of valerian rhizome, 25 g of flowers and 25 g of hawthorn leaves, 15 g of rue. All components must be thoroughly washed and dried. After this, all the herbs and flowers are crushed. Now you can mix them. For 1 spoon of this mixture you will need a glass of cold water. It is recommended to infuse the product for at least 3 hours. After this, the drink needs to be boiled for 5 minutes, cooled and strained. The medicine is ready. It should be divided into 3 parts and taken throughout the day. It is best to drink the drink on an empty stomach before meals.

Another good herbal medicine is an infusion of Echinacea sharogola. You will need its seeds. 3 tablespoons of the product are poured into a glass of boiling water, after which it must be allowed to brew in a thermos for 12 hours. Drink 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies can be used as an addition to the main therapy. This will help speed up the healing process and also make treatment more effective. In addition, folk remedies have virtually no contraindications or side effects, and treatment with their help has a milder effect.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system. Without proper treatment, this disease can lead to disability.

The causes of the disease have not yet been clarified. One thing is certain, people aged 25 to 50 are at risk. The age of the disease decreases every year.

Typically, the disease does not have specific symptoms. Each case of the disease manifests itself individually.

Often people simply do not pay attention to the first manifestations of the disease, and when they realize it, it may already be too late.

Here are the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis:

visual and speech impairment; weakness, memory and attention deteriorate; coordination is impaired; genitourinary system disorder.

When you first notice these warning signs, it is best to consult a doctor immediately!

Difficulties of treatment

Multiple sclerosis of the cerebral vessels is very difficult to treat. This is due to the fact that there are no effective treatments to combat this disease.

All the drugs available in modern medicine can only slow down the rate of development of the disease.

Despite the modern technological equipment available to doctors, unfortunately, there are no positive dynamics in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Traditional medicine

As often happens, when traditional methods are powerless, people use traditional methods to treat multiple sclerosis.

But it should be remembered that when using traditional methods, one should not forget about the medications prescribed by the doctor.

Combined treatment makes it possible to achieve positive changes in the fight against the disease. The patient's condition stabilizes, in some cases significant improvements are noticeable.

The main advantage of traditional methods of treatment is that all herbal preparations, decoctions and other remedies consist of natural ingredients.

This allows them to be used for treatment by everyone without exception, without fear of allergic reactions and other side effects.

Treatment at home

In order to have a positive result, the patient should change their lifestyle.

Overheating of the body must be avoided. You should not stay in the open sun for a long time. If there is a need to go outside on a hot day, then a sun umbrella or a wide-brimmed hat should become a must-have companion.

You shouldn't take a hot bath either. It is better to limit yourself to a cool shower.

Of course, you need to give up bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine are strictly contraindicated for multiple sclerosis.

In addition, you need to reconsider your diet. Try to reduce your consumption of animal fats. Eat less sweets, but vegetables and fruits will become a reliable ally in the fight against illness.

It is best to get rid of pets if you have them. Wool can cause an allergic reaction, and as a result, provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

For the same reasons, you should not have flowering plants. In the room where the patient lives, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible.

An important factor in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is the patient's rest.. Try to avoid stressful situations.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to relieve nervous tension with alcohol or drugs!

The best way to reach a state of peace is meditation. To do this, just sit for a few minutes in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. It is recommended to breathe slowly and deeply, and try to focus your thoughts on breathing.

Sleep is the best way to relax. Therefore, you need to stick to the regime and go to bed on time. During sleep, the body relaxes and rests as much as possible.

Talk to your doctor about exercising. Moderate stress on the muscles is a great way to get rid of nervous tension.

Even if your doctor prohibits fitness classes, try to take walks in the fresh air. Just select the average air temperature for such walks.

Parkinsonism syndrome is a symptom of many diseases of the nervous system. Find out more in our material.

Hypochondriacal neurosis can lead to hysteria and mental disorders if adequate methods are not adopted in time.

Traditional medicine recipes

Various herbal decoctions and tinctures help well with multiple sclerosis.

Here are some recipes for folk remedies for multiple sclerosis:

Chop two tablespoons of rose hips and mix with the same amount of onion peels and spruce needles. Then add 0.7 liters of water to the mixture and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is left to stand for approximately 8 hours. Take throughout the day. One teaspoon each of lemon balm, valerian, hops, marshmallow root and peppermint is mixed with two dessert spoons of oregano. Brew as tea with 500 g of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. It is recommended to drink 3 times a day before meals. Add a tablespoon of Echinops seeds to 250g of vodka and let it sit for 3 weeks in a cool place. During the settling process, the tincture must be shaken twice a day. Take only diluted 30 ml of tincture in 50 ml of water, 15 minutes before meals. Before going to bed, 1 spoon of tincture can be rubbed into the spine area. You can make a herbal collection. To do this, you need to mix in equal proportions: yarrow herb, chamomile flowers, calamus and licorice roots, birch buds, calendula, tricolor violet, chicory, St. John's wort, immortelle, dandelion root and elecampane root. Grind the collection thoroughly and brew two tablespoons per two cups of boiling water. The resulting collection should sit overnight. Take it half a glass 3 times a day. 1 kg of chokeberry, mixed with 1 kg of sugar. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
1 teaspoon of buckwheat is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for 3 hours. Then filter and drink half a glass 3 times a day. A glass of chopped garlic mixed with two glasses of honey. Take 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day. Grind the elecampane root and add alcohol at the rate of 30 g of plant per 500 g. Keep the tincture in a dark, cool place for a month. Take a teaspoon in the morning and evening. After a week of treatment, the dose is increased to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Other non-traditional treatments

The following methods are also used to treat sclerosis:

Can be done massage, after covering the body with honey. Many experts recommend taking 2 times a week baths with pine needles. To prepare such a bath, branches of coniferous trees are boiled over low heat for about 30-40 minutes. Let it sit for two hours and then filter. The resulting liquid is added to the water before bathing. If the disease is accompanied by pain and muscle spasms, you can try acupuncture. The targeted effect on human bioactive points came to us from China. And since then, acupuncture has successfully helped in the fight against many ailments. If there are no contraindications, you can undergo bee sting treatment course. Bee venom helps reduce the development of multiple sclerosis and helps restore coordination of movements. Besides, you can try aromatherapy. To avoid possible allergies and complications, you should consult your doctor before using this treatment method.

The disease is incurable, but you shouldn’t give up

Unfortunately, at present there is not a single case of recovery from multiple sclerosis. In addition, it is unknown what factors can trigger its occurrence.

Therefore, it is impossible to determine who is at risk. The best way to prevent this unpleasant and dangerous disease is to try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Give up bad habits, eat healthy and balanced. Pay more attention to sports and walks in the fresh air. Hardening will also be useful. Try to avoid nervous tension.

If one of your relatives does get sick, under no circumstances should you self-medicate! This can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

When you are offered some magical remedy for multiple sclerosis that can completely defeat the disease, do not believe it.

Very often, scammers take advantage of the gullibility of desperate and sick people. Be sure to discuss taking all medications, including traditional medicine, with your doctor.

Despite the fact that multiple sclerosis is considered an incurable disease, we sincerely hope that the above tips and recipes will help alleviate and improve the condition of the sick person.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the nervous system.

As a result of this disease, sclerotic plaques form in the spinal cord and brain.

What causes the formation of these plaques?

Clinical picture

The reason for the formation of plaques is a failure in the immune system, which begins to regard the personal cells of the myelin sheath as foreign.

They are being destroyed chaotically.

Perhaps that is why the disease has such a specific name - multiple sclerosis.

From the affected areas bursts of impulses are transmitted with malfunctions to all organs, but most often to the brain and eyes. As a result:

coordination of movements becomes unclear, vision and gait are impaired, frequent urges to urinate appear, limbs begin to tremble, it becomes difficult for a person to control his body, a deterioration in his state of health is gradually observed, memory and thinking deteriorate, problems begin in bed with a partner (about the use of field grass for men with impotence it is written here), the process of emptying the intestines from feces is disrupted.

There is one unpleasant point: mainly young people are susceptible to the disease, aged from 18 to 45 years.

What do you know about the benefits and harms of raisins for the human body? The healing properties of dried grapes are described in a useful article.

Read about the treatment of drug-induced hepatitis with folk remedies on this page.

It is for this reason that it is not worth leaving a young man alone with an insidious disease.

It is necessary that all friends, relatives and friends of the patient direct all their efforts to combat this disorder.

Many doctors consider this disease incurable. But, if you use the recommendations of traditional healers in time and carry out comprehensive treatment correctly, the result will exceed all your expectations.

General instructions

If you have multiple sclerosis, you should not be overheated.
You cannot soak in a hot bath; it is advisable to wash under a warm shower.
Do not overuse the sun's rays.
In hot sunny weather, you should try to spend more time in the shade. The menu should be dominated by products of plant origin. The disease can worsen because a person leads an inactive lifestyle.
Blood should not stagnate in brain cells.
If you like to sleep during the day, then you should give up this habit. For night sleep, you need to choose a high pillow (it should be equal to half the volume of your head). Don’t forget to do basic physical exercises: we rise on our tiptoes, then sharply lower ourselves onto our heels.

This should be done every hour for 15–20 exercises.

In order not to provoke an aggravation of the situation, you need to completely protect yourself from all kinds of allergens. An important rule to remember and always follow: avoid stressful situations, smile as often as possible, believe in your own strength, and the disease will definitely recede.

If you have tried all the possible methods of traditional treatment for multiple sclerosis, and they were unsuccessful, you should pay attention to the methods offered by alternative medicine.

You should never “give up” in the face of any illness. You need to hope for the best and look for ways to get rid of the pathology.

In order to achieve the best effect, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in parallel with taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

The main thing is to remember that you will not be able to quickly cope with this disease. You need to prepare yourself for quite a long treatment.

What do you know about the medicinal properties of oak bark? For which diseases does traditional medicine recommend the use of remedies based on it is written in a useful article.

The benefits and harms of strawberry leaves are written here.

On the page: read about the benefits and harms of strawberries during pregnancy.

Under no circumstances should we slow down healing. The main thing is patience.

Interesting fact: Every fourth patient with multiple sclerosis is cured of this disease.

Many traditional healers, when treating this disease with medicinal decoctions, strongly recommend leading a healthy lifestyle and following a diet.

To avoid being given a disappointing diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in the future, you must adhere to the following dietary recommendations:

you need to eat parsley as much as possible(its benefits for the body are described in this article).
This green has a diuretic effect and prevents the formation of salts in the body; seaweed perfectly cleanses the blood vessels of the brain(recipes for using dried kelp are posted here).
This product should take its rightful place in your diet; has a good anti-sclerotic effect watermelon juice.
During the season, watermelons should be eaten in large quantities; prevents cerebral vascular sclerosis from developing wild strawberry.
This delicacy is not only tasty, but also very healthy.
Berries should be included in your diet, at least 100 grams. per day.

What should you give up completely?

It is necessary to give up smoking and strong alcoholic drinks(how to drink Riga Balsam is written in this article). These bad habits negatively affect the body in general and blood vessels in particular.

Excessive consumption of table salt favors the development of the disease. Sodium chloride tends to accumulate in the body.

And this becomes the cause of impaired transmission of nerve impulses, as a result, we have multiple sclerosis. But remember, you shouldn’t completely give up salt.

In small quantities, it is needed for the normal functioning of the entire body.

In order to “wake up” your body, you need to drink a glass of hot water (not boiling water) on an empty stomach in the morning.

Thanks to warm water, blood will circulate faster, which minimizes the possibility of blood clots.

Products such as:

liver, chocolate, sardines, sprats and some others should be excluded from your table.

Traditional methods of restoring brain and nervous system functions

Flower pollen.
Treatment with this product should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Therapy should be started and stopped gradually.

As a remedy, you need to drink 32 grams of flower (pine) pollen every day.

As a preventive measure, 20 grams per day is sufficient. The product is drunk two to three times a day, on an empty stomach.

Minimum treatment course– 1 month.

It is necessary to collect the plant heads and fill a liter jar with them.

Then add vodka (0.5 liter) on top and leave for two weeks. Take one large spoon before bed.

You need to take the medicine for 2.5 – 3 months. Then there is a 14-day break, then we repeat the course again.

We take the following composition of herbs:

hawthorn leaves (25 grams), flowers of the same plant - 25 grams, valerian root (instructions on how to take the tincture are posted here) - 10 grams, rue (15 grams).

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour it with a glass of cold water.

After 3 hours, put on low heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 – 7 minutes.

After cooling completely, filter through cheesecloth or a thick strainer.

We take the decoction three to four times a day in equal portions.

The product can be stored for no more than one day..

Stinging nettle collection(10 grams) and yarrow (10 grams).
Mix the raw materials, take a tablespoon and place the herbs in an enamel bowl.

Fill the contents with cold water in the amount of 0.5 liters, place on the stove and boil for several minutes.

You need to drink the medicine half a glass warm before going to bed.

We take the following herbal ingredients:

30 grams of kulbaba roots, the same amount of soapwort roots and wheatgrass rhizomes (medicinal properties), 30 grams of yarrow.

Chop and mix all this. Place a spoonful of the mixture in a saucepan and pour a cup of boiling water.

Let it sit for 1 hour. The decoction is ready for use.

You need to drink 1 glass in the morning and evening, before bed.

The tincture can be prepared at home, or you can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. If you have the ingredients at home, prepare the medicine yourself:

take 5 grams of propolis (to increase immunity in children) and fill it with alcohol (0.5 liters).

Take 5 grams of the product and dissolve it in warm boiled water (100 grams).

Store the infusion in the refrigerator in a closed glass container. Take 1 teaspoon in three doses throughout the day.

For headaches Blackcurrant juice will help get rid of it (useful properties and contraindications of the leaves).
You need to drink 1/3 glass of it at least three times a day.

Honey with onions.
Onion, grate or grind in a meat grinder.

Squeeze 1 glass of juice through cheesecloth. Mix it with a glass of honey. The mass should be stored in the refrigerator.

We use the medicine an hour before meals, three times a day.

Hawthorn fruits in alcohol.
We use half a glass of dried fruits, chop them and pour a liter of 70% alcohol.

We infuse for seven days, filter and take 50 drops before meals, but not more than three times a day.

Ready-made hawthorn tincture (instructions for use) can be purchased at any pharmacy in your locality.

You can make a tincture from the roots of elecampane(its use in folk medicine is written about in this article).
Before you start preparing the medicine, you need the root:

wash it thoroughly from the soil, there is no need to peel off the bark, grind the root, take 50 grams of the mass and fill it with vodka in the amount of 1.2 liters, leave for at least 3 days.

After this period, filter and take 50 grams three times a day, before meals.

It should be remembered that it is not recommended to take various alcohol and vodka tinctures at the same time.

An effective remedy for multiple sclerosis is prepared from rowan bark.

Shoots of common heather. We are preparing a decoction. For this purpose, you need to use dry heather shoots.

Grind them using a meat grinder or blender. Take a tablespoon of ground raw materials and fill it with hot water (500 g).

Boil over low heat for 8 - 10 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it with a towel. Let it brew for 2.5 – 3 hours. After this we filter.

We take the medicine twice a day, 1 glass.

Therapeutic gymnastics

In practice, relaxing methods have been proven effective in combating the disease. These could be Hatha yoga exercises (asanas with descriptions in pictures are posted on this page).

It is also very useful to do breathing exercises. Eastern medicine, namely acupuncture and homeopathy, successfully copes with this disease.


There are many alternative approaches to treating multiple sclerosis. And they all have a characteristic effect on the general condition of a person.

The main thing to remember is that each individual reacts differently to the healing process. Each patient needs individual therapy.

Be careful with herbs, they can cause allergic reactions. Follow moderation in everything and do not forget to consult your doctor.

Watch the video below to learn about the effective treatment of multiple sclerosis with bees.

To date, not as much information is known about multiple sclerosis as is necessary for successful and rapid treatment. This is a disease of the central nervous system that is chronic and in most cases negatively affects the functioning of the brain and spinal cord, and also affects the human optic nerves.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies

As a result, organs cannot realize their properties at the level of the body at the proper level, which leads to significant impairments.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies

Multiple sclerosis cannot be called an age-related disease, since even the youngest people, starting from the age of fifteen, are susceptible to it. According to statistics, the likelihood of getting this disease after sixty years of age decreases sharply. The only thing that can be confidently stated is that women are more susceptible to this disease than men.

Multiple sclerosis

Causes of the disease and symptoms

As for the causes of the disease, the lack of necessary information is dramatically affecting here. Currently, experts involved in research into this disease claim that multiple sclerosis is not inherited, and also suggest that the underlying cause of the development of the disease may be a viral infection suffered by a person in childhood.

According to some doctors, another cause of the disease may be significant disturbances in the central nervous system, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes and swelling of the nylon sheath

According to some doctors, another cause of the disease may be significant disturbances in the central nervous system, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes and swelling of the nylon sheath. The disease most often results in scars and plaques. Complete recovery of a person is possible only if the inflammation is one-time and does not have a large number of foci.

In half of the cases, the main clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis are problems with the musculoskeletal system. The carrier of the disease begins to feel significant muscle weakness and experience difficulties with coordination. Often these problems are accompanied by dysfunction of the limbs: numbness, colic, etc. Approximately 20% of patients complain of involuntary urination, an extremely low threshold for fatigue, and difficulties in the sexual sphere. The most terrible effect is a decrease in the level of intellectual development and loss of basic skills.

The most terrible effect is a decrease in the level of intellectual development and loss of basic skills

The course of the disease may vary depending on the degree of damage to the spinal cord and brain. In some cases, the patient experiences virtually no discomfort with this disease, but at some point the disease suddenly makes itself known and begins to progress at a rapid pace.

Remissions and exacerbations invariably accompany the development of multiple sclerosis. Due to these factors, it becomes more difficult to compile an effective set of therapeutic agents. The unambiguous nature of the disease, systematic manifestations and unambiguous course could become the foundation for determining appropriate actions, but in the case of multiple sclerosis this is impossible.

Patients with this disease have a relatively low life expectancy - thirty-five years from the onset of the disease. The cause of death in most cases is infection of the urethra or infection of bedsores.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

After consultation with a specialist, the patient can count on changing the rate of progression of the disease through the influence of medications, immunosuppressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and physiotherapeutic actions. However, you should not stop at this treatment, since health depends on the patient himself. You can support the human body at home, which does not require grueling procedures and significant material costs. Traditional methods have proven to be effective and economical.

Traditional methods of treating multiple sclerosis

Honey and onion juice

To prepare this product you will need onions and honey. If you have a juicer, then you need to squeeze one glass of juice from the onions. If there is no juicer, then several heads can be grated on a fine grater.

After preparing the required amount of onion juice, you need to add honey in the same amount, mix thoroughly and turn into a homogeneous mass. It is recommended to use this mixture several times daily during the day. The dose is limited to one tablespoon. The effectiveness of treatment will be higher if you take onions mixed with honey an hour before meals or an hour after eating.

black currant

black currant

In many ways, the treatment of multiple sclerosis depends on the symptoms that accompany the course of the disease. If, along with the above clinical manifestations, the patient suffers from constant headaches, then black currant will be a suitable remedy. You need to collect or buy fresh berries and make fresh juice from them every day. Two or three times a day will be enough.


The next remedy against multiple sclerosis involves the use of mumiyo. It is necessary to heat (or cool) boiled water to room temperature and dissolve a small piece of mumiyo there (five grams per hundred milliliters of water will be enough). After the mummy has completely dissolved in water, the mixture is ready for use. Between doses, it is best to store the medicine in the refrigerator. It is important not to overdo it with doses: one teaspoon on an empty stomach three times a day is the maximum.

Propolis tincture

Propolis tincture is extremely effective. To prepare it you will need propolis and alcohol 70% or 90%.

It is necessary to carefully grind about five grams of the substance and pour half a liter of alcohol into it, then leave the liquid for a week in a dry, dark place with a fairly high temperature. After the expiration of the prescribed period, the tincture should be drained, leaving propolis, which will then have to be filled with another 200 milliliters of alcohol. The tincture should sit for at least another six days before use. Now the tincture can be stirred and eaten.

To make the task easier, you can purchase a ready-made tincture at any pharmacy. In any case, the reception requires compliance with several basic rules: firstly, thirty drops of the tincture must be diluted in 50 milliliters of water, and secondly, it is recommended to drink the tincture thirty minutes after taking the mummy, the recipe for which is described above.

The treatment period is limited to three months.

Garlic, lemon and oil remedy

To prepare this product you will need the following components:

medium sized head of garlic; a glass of refined sunflower oil; lemon juice.

You need to do simple things with garlic: peel, cut in half and crush with a knife. The main thing is that the result is a paste. It should be transferred to a glass bowl and vegetable oil should be poured into it. The mixture is not yet ready for use. First, it needs to brew for a day in the refrigerator. You should take garlic oil this way: mix a teaspoon of oil and lemon juice and eat thirty minutes before a full meal.

Herbal mixture of hawthorn, rue and valerian

Herbal remedies have long been considered the most universal remedy. In order to create a product that will help fight the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to use natural ingredients:

hawthorn flowers – 25 grams; hawthorn leaves – 25 grams; valerian root – 10 grams; rue grass – 15 grams; water – 1 glass.

Rue aromatica or rue aromatica

All of the listed ingredients must be crushed and mixed in one vessel. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with cold water and left to steep for about three hours. After the mixture has stood for the prescribed period, it is necessary to boil it over low heat for five minutes, cool and carefully strain. For ease of use, the collection should be divided into three equal portions and consumed throughout the day.

Ball-headed Echinops

For the treatment of multiple sclerosis, a plant such as globulus, which is popularly considered an alternative to ginseng, is also used.

Ball-headed Echinops

To prepare the product, you need to take three tablespoons of pre-peeled seeds and pour one glass of boiling water over them. It is best to mix them in a thermos and leave it like that for twelve hours. It is recommended to drink the given amount in four doses within one day. Repeat the procedure daily for two months.

Bee stings

Bee stings as medicine

Among the most effective and exotic treatments are bee stings. Many patients may consider this method dangerous, but competently following the advice completely eliminates any risk.

Among the advantages of bee treatment is the fact that it stops the development of sclerosis, has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the myelin sheath, improves the functioning of the central nervous system, promotes improved functioning of the immune system, and also helps to improve coordination.

It is important to comply with the following condition: insect bites must fall on the so-called acupuncture points, which are located along the line of the spine.

In order for the treatment to produce the expected effect, at least three courses should be carried out. During the first period, the number of bites should be limited to one hundred and twenty. The break between the first and second courses should not be more than three weeks, and between the second and third - less than six weeks. The total number of bites required for recovery should be six hundred.

It is important to remember that before treatment you need to consult a specialist and check the reaction to apitoxin, which is the basis of this remedy.


Traditional healers offer a tincture made from acacia as a remedy against multiple sclerosis. To make a remedy, you need to fill the bottle halfway with flowers and fill the contents with kerosene to the very top, seal the vessel and leave it like that for ten days. It is recommended that the mixture infuse in a dark place away from sunlight. For greater effect, the bottle can be buried in the ground. After the due date has passed, the vessel can be removed from a secluded place. Before using the infusion, you must first prepare your feet. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton wool in vegetable oil and wipe your foot. Now you can use the tincture. After the procedure, it is recommended to wear warm socks and put your feet under a blanket.

Vitamin blow to multiple sclerosis

Achieving a positive result cannot be achieved without additional stimulation of the brain. This requires a complex of vitamins, fully contained in sprouted grains. In addition to vitamins B, C and P, sprouted grains enrich the body with proteins, fats, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other components necessary for normal human life. Before use, sprouted grains must be washed. You should take three teaspoons of grains per day, washing them down with vegetable oil.

Diet for multiple sclerosis

In order to optimize the treatment of such a complex disease as multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to carefully monitor your diet. Experts recommend including products such as fresh beets, black currants, blueberries, strawberries, lingonberries, apples, cabbage, and bananas in your daily menu.

Video - Treatment of multiple sclerosis with traditional methods

Video - Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the nervous system.

As a result of this disease, sclerotic plaques form in the spinal cord and brain.

What causes the formation of these plaques?

Clinical picture

The reason for the formation of plaques is a failure in the immune system, which begins to regard the personal cells of the myelin sheath as foreign.

They are being destroyed chaotically.

Perhaps that is why the disease has such a specific name - multiple sclerosis.

From the affected areas bursts of impulses are transmitted with malfunctions to all organs, but most often to the brain and eyes. As a result:

  • coordination of movements becomes unclear,
  • vision, gait,
  • there is a frequent urge to urinate,
  • limbs begin to tremble,
  • it becomes difficult for a person to control his body,
  • gradually there is a deterioration in the state of health,
  • memory and thinking deteriorate,
  • problems begin in bed with a partner (it has been written about the use of field grass for men with impotence),
  • the process of emptying the intestines from feces is disrupted.

There is one unpleasant point: mainly young people are susceptible to the disease, aged from 18 to 45 years.

It is for this reason that it is not worth leaving a young man alone with an insidious disease.

It is necessary that all friends, relatives and friends of the patient direct all their efforts to combat this disorder.

Many doctors consider this disease incurable. But, if you use the recommendations of traditional healers in time and carry out comprehensive treatment correctly, the result will exceed all your expectations.

General instructions

If you have tried all the possible methods of traditional treatment for multiple sclerosis, and they were unsuccessful, you should pay attention to the methods offered by alternative medicine.

You should never “give up” in the face of any illness. You need to hope for the best and look for ways to get rid of the pathology.

In order to achieve the best effect, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in parallel with taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

The main thing is to remember that you will not be able to quickly cope with this disease. You need to prepare yourself for quite a long treatment.

On the page: read about the benefits and harms of strawberries during pregnancy.

Under no circumstances should we slow down healing. The main thing is patience.

Interesting fact: Every fourth patient with multiple sclerosis is cured of this disease.

Many traditional healers, when treating this disease with medicinal decoctions, strongly recommend leading a healthy lifestyle and following a diet.

To avoid being given a disappointing diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in the future, you must adhere to the following dietary recommendations:

What should you give up completely?

It is necessary to give up smoking and strong alcoholic drinks(how to drink Riga Balsam is written in the article). These bad habits negatively affect the body in general and blood vessels in particular.

Excessive consumption of table salt favors the development of the disease. Sodium chloride tends to accumulate in the body.

And this becomes the cause of impaired transmission of nerve impulses, as a result, we have multiple sclerosis. But remember, you shouldn’t completely give up salt.

In small quantities, it is needed for the normal functioning of the entire body.

In order to “wake up” your body, you need to drink a glass of hot water (not boiling water) on an empty stomach in the morning.

Thanks to warm water, blood will circulate faster, which minimizes the possibility of blood clots.

Products such as:

  • liver,
  • chocolate,
  • sardines,
  • sprats and some others - you need to exclude them from your table.

Traditional methods of restoring brain and nervous system functions

Flower pollen.
Treatment with this product should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Therapy should be started and stopped gradually.

As a remedy, flower () pollen should be drunk 32 grams every day.

As a preventive measure, 20 grams per day is sufficient. The product is drunk two to three times a day, on an empty stomach.

Minimum treatment course– 1 month.

It is necessary to collect the plant heads and fill a liter jar with them.

Then add vodka (0.5 liter) on top and leave for two weeks. Take one large spoon before bed.

You need to take the medicine for 2.5 – 3 months. Then there is a 14-day break, then we repeat the course again.

We take the following composition of herbs:

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour it with a glass of cold water.

After 3 hours, put on low heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 – 7 minutes.

After cooling completely, filter through cheesecloth or a thick strainer.

We take the decoction three to four times a day in equal portions.

The product can be stored for no more than one day..

Stinging nettle collection(10 grams) and yarrow (10 grams).
Mix the raw materials, take a tablespoon and place the herbs in an enamel bowl.

Fill the contents with cold water in the amount of 0.5 liters, place on the stove and boil for several minutes.

You need to drink the medicine half a glass warm before going to bed.

We take the following herbal ingredients:

  • 30 grams of kulbaba roots,
  • the same number of soapwort roots and wheatgrass rhizomes (),
  • 30 grams of yarrow.

Chop and mix all this. Place a spoonful of the mixture in a saucepan and pour a cup of boiling water.

Let it sit for 1 hour. The decoction is ready for use.

You need to drink 1 glass in the morning and evening, before bed.

The tincture can be prepared at home, or you can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. If you have the ingredients at home, prepare the medicine yourself:

Take 5 grams of the product and dissolve it in warm boiled water (100 grams).

Store the infusion in the refrigerator in a closed glass container. Take 1 teaspoon in three doses throughout the day.

For headaches Blackcurrant juice will help get rid of it ().
You need to drink 1/3 glass of it at least three times a day.

Honey with onions.
Onion, grate or grind in a meat grinder.

Squeeze 1 glass of juice through cheesecloth. Mix it with a glass of honey. The mass should be stored in the refrigerator.

We use the medicine an hour before meals, three times a day.

Hawthorn fruits in alcohol.
We use half a glass of dried fruits, chop them and pour a liter of 70% alcohol.

We infuse for seven days, filter and take 50 drops before meals, but not more than three times a day.

Ready-made hawthorn tincture () can be bought at any pharmacy in your locality.

You can make a tincture from the roots of elecampane(its use in folk medicine is written in the article).
Before you start preparing the medicine, you need the root:

  • wash thoroughly from the soil,
  • there is no need to peel off the bark,
  • grind the root
  • take 50 grams of the mass and fill it with vodka in the amount of 1.2 liters,
  • insist for at least 3 days.

After this period, filter and take 50 grams three times a day, before meals.

It should be remembered that it is not recommended to take various alcohol and vodka tinctures at the same time.

An effective remedy for multiple sclerosis is prepared from rowan bark.

Shoots of common heather. We are preparing a decoction. For this purpose, you need to use dry heather shoots.

Grind them using a meat grinder or blender. Take a tablespoon of ground raw materials and fill it with hot water (500 g).

Boil over low heat for 8 - 10 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it with a towel. Let it brew for 2.5 – 3 hours. After this we filter.

We take the medicine twice a day, 1 glass.

Therapeutic gymnastics

In practice, relaxing methods have been proven effective in combating the disease. These could be Hatha yoga exercises (asanas with descriptions in pictures are posted on the page).

It is also very useful to do breathing exercises. Eastern medicine, namely acupuncture and homeopathy, successfully copes with this disease.


There are many alternative approaches to treating multiple sclerosis. And they all have a characteristic effect on the general condition of a person.

The main thing to remember is that each individual reacts differently to the healing process. Each patient needs individual therapy.

Be careful with herbs, they can cause allergic reactions. Follow moderation in everything and do not forget to consult your doctor.

Watch the video below to learn about the effective treatment of multiple sclerosis with bees.

Due to their versatility, folk remedies can do almost anything. But completely relying on them is not always advisable. In the case of multiple sclerosis, traditional treatment methods can only stop the progression of the disease. Let's look at how multiple sclerosis is treated with folk remedies and what kind of disease it is - sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis has nothing to do with memory. Such a diagnosis indicates that normal functional tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which subsequently dies. The word "scattered" means that the disease occurs in several places, and is not grouped in one piece of the organ. All organs are susceptible to this disease, but nervous tissue primarily. Due to the universality of the disease, it can also affect people of any age: from eighteen to fifty.

One of the main symptoms of the disease is muscle weakness and problems with coordination. Another indicator of the disease is deteriorating vision. Symptoms include a decline in a person’s sexual powers and a consistent loss of control over the process of urination. This disease has another very terrible effect - the progressive loss of basic skills and a decrease in the level of intellectual development.

Causes of the disease

The reason can be extremely standard and ordinary, like most other ailments, for example, a viral infection in the body. However, a predisposition to multiple sclerosis can also be inherited. A certain circle of doctors note that one of the reasons may be serious disorders of the central nervous system (CNS).

Recipes and methods of people for multiple sclerosis

Naturally, traditional methods of treating multiple sclerosis are not a panacea for the disease. The recipes below will serve as additional support to the main course of treatment. This method is characterized by low financial costs and the absence of difficult and tedious procedures.

  1. Take a container with a volume of 1 liter. Fill with clover flowers. Add half a liter of vodka. Infuse for exactly two weeks in a dark room (can be in a closet). Filter and consume twenty milliliters daily before bed. The duration of treatment is at least ninety days. After this, you should rest for 2 weeks (during this time you can prepare the next portion) and continue.
  2. The next recipe is an herbal mixture. Take twenty-five grams of hawthorn leaves, add the same amount (by weight) of hawthorn flowers, fifteen grams of an herb called rue, add ten grams of valerian roots. Grind into dust (extremely thorough grinding is required here). Take 20 grams of the final mixture and add chilled distilled water. Leave for about three hours. Bring to a boil and continue boiling for exactly five minutes. Next, cool for twenty minutes and filter. Drink in equal portions every eight hours.
  3. Take ten grams of yarrow and nettle. Mix and grind. For every twenty grams of the resulting herbal mixture, add half a liter of cold distilled water. Boil for ten minutes over low heat. You need to drink 100 milliliters every day before bed.
  4. The next recipe is also herbal. We take the roots of dandelion, soapwort, wheatgrass and yarrow, thirty grams of each name. Traditionally mix and grind. For one serving you need to take twenty grams of the mixture, brew with one cup of boiling water. Leave covered for at least an hour. Every morning and before bed you need to consume 200 milliliters of the finished product.
  5. Let's take a root from the larkspur plant. Grind according to the old scheme. Take two grams and pour boiling water over it. Pour this drink into a thermos and leave it overnight. The next morning we filter. The working dose of the resulting drug is twenty grams. You should drink in the morning, afternoon and evening. There is also a second mandatory use case. You should carefully clean your nose and instill 2 drops of the drug. The duration of the course is sixty days.
  6. The well-known propolis tincture. We buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it at home. Twenty percent concentration is needed. The tincture is used every eight hours thirty minutes before meals. Duration - from thirty to ninety days.
  7. A very interesting tasting medicine. Finely grated white onion, from which the juice should be squeezed out. Add the same amount of honey. Mix well and take twenty grams in the morning, afternoon and before bed.
  8. Take one medium head of garlic. Grind it to a paste. Place in a container and add two hundred milliliters of unrefined (not refined) sunflower oil. Insist for exactly one day. To use, add ten ml of lemon juice. Take half an hour before meals. After the course you need to rest for one month and repeat.
  9. Take 20 grams of peeled Echinops globulus seeds. Pour a cup of boiling water into a thermos and leave for twelve hours. After filtering, drink in 4 rounds. Duration - sixty days.
  10. Use of bees. Bee venom contains apitoxin, which stops the development of multiple sclerosis. For such a recipe, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the compatibility of the body and apitoxin. Duration: three courses with a break of three to six weeks.
  11. You can also use chickweed. We collect only the surface part of the plant, then, as usual, crush and mix it with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Use five times a day. Dose – twenty grams. The composition can also be prepared from the juice of the same plant, then the honey is replaced with water.
  12. Take the root of the kupena and grind it using a fine grater. Mixed with sour cream. Rub it into the affected areas, and after fifteen minutes you need to wash it off.
  13. 100 grams of young needles are collected and filled with half a liter of water. Cook the infusion for fifteen minutes over low heat. Leave in a warm place for ten hours. Drink to the end.
  14. Twenty grams of crushed Rhodiola rosea (roots), burdock, kupena officinalis, Manchurian aralia and dandelion. Add the same amount of meadowsweet, sage, chamomile, yarrow, thyme, red rowan, calendula, St. John's wort, string and rose hips to the herbal mixture. Pour a cup of boiling water and leave under the lid for one hour. Filtering. Take several sips throughout the day. Consistently increase the dose to six hundred milliliters per day.
  15. Long-standing research has confirmed that using low temperatures makes symptoms of multiple sclerosis easier to bear. Within reasonable limits, cold drinks, baths, massage with ice cubes, etc. are an effective remedy in the early stages of the disease.
  16. As indicated in the symptoms, the patient often has problems with urination. For therapy, cranberry juice is used 100 milliliters per day. If hypotension of the large intestine occurs, taking ten grams of plantain seeds daily will help. If you have depression, you should brew ten grams of St. John's wort and drink it after meals.
  17. If headaches begin to torment you as the disease progresses, drink blackcurrant juice. Like any juice, its recipe is extremely simple: take the berries and squeeze. To achieve maximum effectiveness, you should drink the juice about 2 – 3 times a day.
  18. Another interesting folk recipe is mumiyo tincture. You need to heat or cool boiling water to room temperature, take a piece of mumiyo and dissolve it in water with a proportion of five grams per 100 milliliters of water. After complete dissolution, you can use it. The medicine itself must be stored in the refrigerator. Dosage – a teaspoon before meals three times a day.
  19. If there is an acacia tree nearby, you can safely use its flowers. We take a bottle, fill it halfway with flowers, and then fill it with kerosene to the very neck. We close the bottle and hide it in a dark place for ten days. This tincture is used for feet. Before use, you must wipe your foot with vegetable oil. After using the resulting tincture, you need to put on warm socks and hide your feet under a blanket.
  20. Additional recipe with the addition of pine needles. We take needles, onion peels, rose hips. 2 tablespoons of each ingredient. Pour in seven hundred milliliters of water. Boil for ten minutes, pour into a thermos. Leave for eight hours and strain. The resulting drink must be drunk throughout the day.
  21. If you have valerian roots, fennel fruits, motherwort and caraway seeds, you can take a teaspoon of each component and pour boiling water over them. Infuse for forty minutes. Half an hour before meals, you should use this remedy three times a day. You can take baths with this drug.

If you love juices, then the following three recipes are for you:

  1. Take parsley, celery and carrots. We squeeze fifty, one hundred fifty and two hundred milliliters of juice out of them, respectively. We drink three times a day before meals.
  2. Squeeze two hundred and fifty milliliters of carrot, cucumber and beet juice. We put it in the refrigerator. Consume warm forty minutes before meals.
  3. Two hundred and fifty celery juice, ten milliliters of aloe juice, add a little black pepper - about 0.2 grams. Use one hour before meals twice a day.

Necessary products for this disease

Without fail, doctors recommend eating bananas, strawberries, cabbage, apples, fresh beets, black currants (the benefits of its juice are mentioned above), blueberries and strawberries every day. It is also recommended to consume less animal fats. It will be useful to reduce the share of sweets in your diet.

To rid the body of excess salts, you need to eat parsley. Sea kale is excellent for cleaning the blood vessels of the brain. Wild strawberries can also adequately help the same vessels.

External treatment products

Your weakened muscles need to be rubbed with tincture from shepherd's purse several times a day. This herb is taken, crushed, and vodka is added. Infusion period is 10 days.

For pain in the intervertebral discs, you can use a bath with white peony root extract in an amount of one hundred grams.

You can also rub yourself using oil extracts of chamomile, thyme or St. John's wort. To prepare them, we take the herb, grind it as usual, add olive oil and leave it covered for ten days.

Treatment of symptoms of the disease

Multiple sclerosis is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Some of them have been described above. Treatment with folk remedies will help alleviate them.

To alleviate the fate of the brain and central nervous system, pollen is used. However, this drug can easily cause an allergic reaction, which will require a course of treatment under doctor's supervision. The course of therapy takes at least a month and begins and stops at night. The medication is taken three times a day, thirty-two grams.

Additional measures to alleviate the course of the disease

You should not stay in the sun for a long time. It is necessary to get rid of excessive heating of the body. When visiting the street on a hot day, take a wide-brimmed hat or umbrella.

Pet fur, if there is a possible allergic reaction to it, will provoke an exacerbation of the disease. For the reason stated above, it is not recommended to breed plants with flowers. In addition, wet cleaning of the patient’s room should be done more often.

You should consult your doctor about playing sports. Loads of the required severity will relieve nervous disorders and tension, and some euphoria after training will add joy to life.

It is better to choose high pillows for sleeping at night.

We should not forget that these remedies are not a panacea, but only an addition to the main course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. The process of struggle itself is extremely long. Multiple sclerosis cannot be cured, but it is possible for a person to slow down the development of its symptoms. Although if there were few foci of the disease, and the disease itself was one-time, then there is a chance to be cured.

If multiple sclerosis is diagnosed, treatment at home using various traditional methods can improve the quality of life of the sick person. Sometimes properly selected and regularly used products help restore certain body functions.

Most patients perceive this diagnosis as a death sentence. After all, it is a chronic, constantly progressive disease of the nervous system. When it occurs, myelin (the walls of nerve fibers) becomes inflamed and begins to break down.

The disease progresses in waves and is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations. This is due to the possibility of self-destruction of tissue in any part of the central nervous system. Sclerosis lasts a long time. Sometimes it can lead to rapid disability.

Manifestations of the disease:

  • impaired sensitivity and paralysis of the lower (rarely upper) limbs;
  • balance and gait disorder;
  • failures in coordination of movements, the appearance of tremors;
  • changes in speech (the patient pronounces words syllable by syllable) and handwriting;
  • changes in fields and decrease in visual acuity;
  • retention or increased frequency of urination;
  • in men with spinal cord damage, potency decreases;
  • dysfunction of memory and thinking;
  • emotional disturbances.

Multiple sclerosis is rare in children and people over 30 years of age. Pathology begins to develop mainly between the ages of 20 and 30 years. In some cases even earlier.

Every year this terrible disease affects more and more people. But doctors still cannot accurately name its causes or determine the course of its course. There are no specific medications, the use of which would lead to complete recovery.

Medicines are used that can only, to a greater or lesser extent, prolong the terrible consequences of the pathology. Their cost is quite high. Not all sick people can afford such treatment.


Treatment with folk remedies has a rather long history and a large arsenal of methods in the fight against this insidious disease. This includes not only the use of herbs and all kinds of substances, but also exercises for memory development, breathing exercises, body wraps, water treatments, and massage.

At home, beekeeping products are widely used to treat multiple sclerosis:

  1. Royal jelly. It needs to be absorbed like candy for 5-10 minutes, adding 10 drops to 1 tsp. honey This is done approximately 30-60 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. In total there should be from 3 to 12. Between courses you need to take a break of 1.5 weeks.
  2. Honey. After smearing the whole body with this natural product, they give a massage. The movements should resemble tearing the skin away from the body.
  3. Flower pollen. It is consumed 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day before meals. The course is 1 month. Pollen can be taken for longer periods.

Many recipes for treating illnesses consist of medicinal herbs:

  1. Foot baths made from red clover. Pour 300 g of dry grass into 5 liters of boiling water. If the clover is fresh, then you need to take 900 g. Leave for 5 hours. Then strain and pour into the bath. The duration of the bath is from 10 to 15 minutes. The water temperature should not be higher than 36°C. Along with baths, it is useful to take an infusion of herbs. To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. l. dry clover pour 1 cup boiling water. Leave until the water cools down. Drink the infusion 3 times a day, 0.5 cups each.
  2. Infusion of arnica flowers and yarrow herb. Take 1 tsp. arnica and 1 tbsp. l. yarrow. Pour 1 cup boiling water over the plants. Insist. Take sips throughout the day.
  3. Infusions of St. John's wort, dill or yarrow will help cope with urinary incontinence. Dry St. John's wort herb (40 g) pour 1 liter of boiling water. Wrap and leave for about 3 hours. After straining, drink instead of tea 3-4 times a day. 0.5 tsp. Brew yarrow herbs in 1 cup of boiling water. Drink the infusion in small sips throughout the day. In the evening, pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. dill seeds and pour 200 g of boiling water. Leave for about 24 hours. Strain. Take the entire dose before bed for 1 month.

Food helps cope with multiple sclerosis. They can also be an excellent preventive measure. The diet of sick people should include:

To cope with developing pathology, a sick person should not give up.

A positive attitude and the desire to fight sclerosis at home will help you overcome the disease and recover.

You should learn to get joy and satisfaction from life. To achieve success, you need to try to find something you like and develop your skills.

You need to perform speech therapy and mental exercises:

  • learn tongue twisters and poems by heart;
  • solve crosswords;
  • play board games (chess, dominoes, cards, checkers).

It is imperative to give physical activity to your muscles. Without systematic training, they will weaken faster. Exercises and loads should be feasible. Under no circumstances should you become overtired or overheated. It is useful to take walks in the fresh air or jog. Swimming brings remarkable results.


Particular attention must be paid to nutrition. Food should be healthy: contain the maximum amount of nutrients. The diet should include a lot of fresh vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits.

You absolutely need to give up alcohol-containing drinks and tobacco. Nicotine has a maximum destructive effect on nerve cells.