How chickenpox begins and looks like in children. Therapeutic and diagnostic measures. What does chickenpox look like in children: photos of the initial stage of the disease

This infectious disease, like chickenpox, is difficult to confuse with other diseases. The first signs of chickenpox in a child are not much different from the disease in an adult. Although most people get the disease during childhood, some do not become infected until adulthood. There is no reason to be happy about this, because what older man becomes, the more complex the disease progresses. You will learn what chicken pox looks like and what are the first signs to recognize it by reading the information, photos and videos.

What does chickenpox look like?

A characteristic rash in the form of small pink spots with a diameter of one to five mm, spreads throughout the body very quickly, not excluding mucous membranes oral cavity, nose. After a few hours, it enters a stage when bubbles appear that are filled with liquid. The pink halo around the bubble persists for several days. When the inflamed blister bursts, a crust appears, which will fall off on its own after complete healing. To make the process go faster, the rash is lubricated with brilliant green. The rash may recur in waves several times.

Forms of the disease

Depending on age, general condition the body, the level of immunity, doctors determine three main forms of disease development according to certain characteristics. It is important that, despite the itching, the drying crusts are not damaged, otherwise re-infection may occur and become more complex. severe form, which can lead to a number of complications and scars on the skin. Common information:

  • Light form The disease is often observed in children from two years of age to twelve years. Chickenpox in mild form may be accompanied by a slight short-term increase in body temperature and mild rash for 2-3 days.
  • When the form of chickenpox is of moderate severity, a profuse rash is observed, elevated temperature, body itching. After 5 days the rashes stop. The temperature returns to normal when dried crusts appear on all areas of inflammation.
  • Severe form chickenpox accompanied by severe rashes throughout the body, including on the scalp, genitals, mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose. High fever, lack of appetite, severe headaches and itching accompany the patient for more than a week.

First symptoms of the disease

How does chickenpox start? The most characteristic signs of chickenpox are rashes all over the body, fever, sometimes reaching 39 degrees or higher, chills, headache. The incubation period of the virus is up to three weeks. Rashes can appear either on the tenth or twentieth day after infection. Depending on the body’s resistance and the age of the patient, the course of the disease progresses differently.

In children

Children cannot always explain what worries them at the onset of the disease. The first days the symptoms of the disease are similar to colds: the child loses his appetite, he becomes capricious and lethargic, his body temperature rises, and his stomach hurts. After a few days, the first traces appear on the skin in the form of pink pimples. When a child is still small, he cannot control the itching. It is important to ensure that the pockmarks are not damaged. By lubricating the emerging watery blisters with brilliant green, it is easier to track when the appearance of new painful and itchy spots will stop.


While on breastfeeding, small children under one year of age rarely become infected with chickenpox. Immunity to various kinds of diseases appears along with antibodies coming from breast milk. If infection occurs anyway, the incubation period for chickenpox in a newborn is 7 days. The form of the disease can be mild with minor rashes and more severe, accompanied by high fever and multiple papules with suppuration.

In teenagers

Cases of chickenpox in adolescence difficult to bear. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and decreased immunity. A high temperature of 39.0-39.7 can last for several days. The rashes are often profuse and purulent, leaving dimples and scars on the skin after recovery. It is important not to confuse the first smallpox papules that appear with teenage rashes and to start smearing them with brilliant green in a timely manner.

In adults

Symptoms of chickenpox in adults include general malaise, headache, aches, and fever. A couple of days after the condition worsens, a rash appears on the body. Adults suffer from the disease very hard, high temperature does not decrease until all the pockmarks are dry. The danger of chickenpox in adulthood is such that complications may occur (pneumonia, arthritis, loss of vision, meningitis, lymph nodes become inflamed and enlarged).

How does recurrent chickenpox begin?

There is still disagreement in the medical world about whether chickenpox can recur. The symptoms of chickenpox are similar to herpes rashes, they belong to the same category. There are times when these two diseases are confused and misdiagnosed. But like every rule, chickenpox may have exceptions, which is why cases have been recorded repeated illness chicken pox.

Symptoms and development of the disease are the same as for the primary disease: fever, rash with several stages of change appearance, general malaise. There is a possibility that doctors may not have accurately identified the disease the first time, because most doctors tend to think that people only get chickenpox once. If you suspect a recurrence of chickenpox, it is better to quarantine for three weeks so as not to expose others to infection.

Video about the first signs of chickenpox

To make it more clear what the first well-known signs of chickenpox look like, we suggest watching a selection of videos with a visual illustration of the rash at different stages of the disease. Theoretical knowledge will help you not to miss a crucial moment when the disease is only in initial phase to start correct treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Learn about chickenpox prevention measures in the form of vaccinations. Detailed list symptoms will help to correctly diagnose the disease at the first signs of chickenpox.

The popular children's doctor Komarovsky will help you find the answer to the question of whether you need to use traditional brilliant green to lubricate the bubbles that appear. What effect does the antiseptic brilliant green solution have on the course of the disease and does it have medicinal properties? Is it possible to give up greenery and what are the risks? Find out interesting information from Komarovsky, after watching the proposed video.

The onset of chickenpox

Komarovsky about the rash

Few children manage to avoid the unpleasant itchy blisters that chickenpox generously bestows on children. The attitude towards this disease is twofold - some mothers are afraid of it like fire, others are even glad that the child suffered from it in childhood and earned lasting immunity (see photos of chickenpox in children below).

Dangerous virus With beautiful name Varicella-zoster (VZ), discovered in 1958, affects people at any age, but chickenpox is more severe in adolescence and adulthood.

What is chickenpox (varicella)

The very name of the disease signals that its pathogen flies freely in the air and lands wherever it wants. Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by the herpes virus. Having taken a liking to its owner, it settles in his body for life. More than one and a half million people get chickenpox every year, 90% of whom are children under twelve years of age. Most often, little fidgets “catch” a viral infection in children's institutions - if at least one carrier of VZV appears in the acute stage, it is extremely difficult to avoid infection.

Chickenpox in children - how does infection occur?

The main source of infection is not bubbles, as some people think, but droplets of mucus from the nasopharynx of a sick child. That is why, even two days before the skin rash, an infected baby infects the friends around him. During a conversation, during joint games and simply by being in the same room, the virus from the patient first enters the air, and then settles on the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and mouth of those around him. With the flow of blood and lymph, it quickly spreads throughout the body and begins to multiply.

For 1-3 weeks, which is how long the incubation period lasts, the chickenpox pathogen does not bother the child and does not manifest itself in any way. Considering the “volatility” of the virus, which easily spreads over a distance of twenty meters, it is possible to become infected even through ventilation openings. An adult with shingles can also become a source of infection. The causative agent of this disease and chickenpox is the same - the herpes virus Varicella-Zoster.

Chickenpox in children - stages of the disease and symptoms

Chickenpox in children occurs in several stages, differing characteristic features:

1. Incubation period is from 1 to 3 weeks - the virus multiplies and accumulates without external manifestations.

2. Prodromal period - in young children it may be absent or occur with minor manifestations. This stage lasts about a day or a little more and can manifest itself like a common cold:

- increase in temperature, most often not too high;

- headache, weakness;

- loss of appetite, nausea;

- sore throat;

- a short-term appearance of reddish spots on some parts of the body is possible.

3. The period of rashes is usually accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature to 39-39.5 degrees. Observations show that the higher the thermometer reading on the first day, the more profuse the rashes will be and the more severe the course of the disease. Sometimes, with a mild form, the disease occurs with a slight rise in temperature or without it at all, and the only sign of chickenpox is a rash.

What does chickenpox look like in children (photo)

In order not to make a mistake with the diagnosis, not to miss the first appearing symptoms, it is very important to know what it looks like unpleasant disease.

1. This is exactly what the baby’s skin looks like on the first day of illness - pimples look like annoying insect bites.

2. The spots quickly turn into full spots. clear liquid blisters bordered by reddish skin. Gradually their contents become cloudy, and they themselves burst.

3. When the bubbles dry out, a crust forms, which under no circumstances should be peeled off.

4. At the same time, you can observe all stages of the manifestation of the rash - spots, bubbles filled with contents, crusts (see photo of chickenpox in children below).

Features of the rash in children with chickenpox

The first reddish spots resemble mosquito bites and appear on the body. However, the rash quickly gains new positions, spreading over the arms and legs, then moves to the face and scalp heads. Appearance skin rashes changes quickly - red dots turn into fluid-filled blisters, which burst after 8-10 hours and cause unbearable itching. After a while they dry out and become crusty, but new ones appear, going through the same cycle. On any part of the body, you can simultaneously see all stages of the development of rashes, and each subsequent one causes a jump in temperature. Bubbles, the number of which reaches several hundred and even thousands, can affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, eyes, and in severe cases even cover the soles and palms of the hands.

The period of rash lasts from 4 to 8 days, after which recovery begins. The yellow-brown crusts that appear in place of the bubbles disappear after about a week, leaving no trace. But this is only if the mother helped the baby survive a period of severe itching - she prevented scratching and infection from getting into the wound. Premature tearing of the cortical layer can lead to the appearance of a “pockmark” that can remain for life. Five days after the last bubble appears, the baby is considered not contagious and can be taken out for a walk.

Treatment of chickenpox in children

Specific treatment chickenpox is absent, chickenpox does not respond to antibiotics and antibacterial drugs. Helping a child who has contracted an unpleasant virus involves combating the symptoms of the disease:

- if the thermometer quickly and confidently rises above 38 degrees, the child should be given an antipyretic - ibuprofen or paracetamol;

Carefully! Aspirin and chickenpox are incompatible!

- do not force the baby to eat, but provide drinking plenty of fluids;

- carefully monitor the appearance of new bubbles and prevent scratching them;

- you can use brilliant green, which slightly dries out the rashes and allows you to control the appearance of new bubbles. Has the same effect aqueous solution potassium permanganate or 2-3% tincture of iodine;

- if the child suffers from too much itching, ask the doctor to prescribe antiallergic medications;

- for periods with symptoms of fever and intoxication, it is advisable bed rest.

Treatment of chickenpox in children takes place at home; only if any complications arise, the doctor may suggest hospitalization. Parents should help their child cope with unpleasant condition, relieve suffering from itchy rashes. Experts give useful recommendations, which are not at all difficult to perform:

- the apartment should be cool; sweating intensifies the itching;

— bathing a baby with chickenpox is extremely necessary — cool water It will help him not to itch, so you can give him baths several times during the day. It is very effective to add a little soda or a weak solution of potassium permanganate to some water - the first will relieve the itching, and the second will dry out the wounds. Be careful when wiping; it is better to pat the skin lightly with a soft towel;

— clothes should be made of natural materials and not fit close to the body. It, like bed linen, needs to be changed daily;

- light mittens at night will protect the damaged skin of a sick child from scratching. If an infection gets into the wound, an inflammatory process may occur and, as a result, the pockmark from the wound will remain for life. The same result is expected from forcibly tearing off the formed crusts - they should fall off on their own;

On the sixth day after the appearance of the very last bubble, you can go for a walk with your baby. He no longer poses a danger to others, but is still very weak. It is better to delay the return of the little martyr to kindergarten, giving him the opportunity to regain his strength and get stronger.

Ways to prevent chickenpox in children

A fairly reliable way to protect against chickenpox is vaccination, but it is carried out at the request of the parents. After vaccination, a child receives protection for ten years - he either avoids infection altogether, or the disease proceeds in a very mild form. Many mothers believe that instead of vaccinating, it is better to let the baby become infected preschool age. In this case, they believe, the illness will be mild, and your beloved child will receive guaranteed protection for life.

However, the opinions of experts on this issue are divided. Opponents of this method argue their position quite logically: there is real danger the occurrence of complications during the illness of children, and the herpes virus that has settled in the child’s body can cause herpes zoster in the future. So take it right decision Parents will have to, after carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

Note to moms: Studies convincingly show: out of 100 vaccinated children, 90-95% do not get chickenpox and have very little chance of getting shingles in the future. The remaining 5-10% may get sick, but in a very mild form. The duration of the vaccine is 10-20 years.

Attention! If a child comes into contact with a patient with chickenpox, the mother has 96 hours to decide on urgent vaccination. Later, the vaccination will no longer help, and the baby is almost guaranteed to get sick.

In children's institutions, quarantine for chickenpox is declared for 21 days.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about chickenpox in children?

Most frequently asked question, which concerned parents ask their favorite doctor, concerns the effects of brilliant green in children with chickenpox. Evgeny Komarovsky’s answer is unequivocal - no therapeutic effect There is no such effect, brilliant green serves only as an indicator of the period of infectiousness. Lubricating the blisters with a colored solution every day, one day mommy notices that there are no new rashes. From this moment the countdown begins for the last five days, when the baby can pose a danger to others.

The doctor draws the attention of parents to the fact that the viral infection, which is chickenpox in children, is not susceptible to antibiotics even during the normal course of the disease special drugs does not require. Only in adolescence When the disease is too severe, doctors prescribe antiherpetic drugs. The main advice that Dr. Komarovsky gives for mothers of sick children:

- avoid overheating, which increases itching;

- cut your nails short, wear gloves if necessary, and in every possible way distract the baby from combing the bubbles;

- do not give aspirin so as not to cause liver complications;

- scratching the blisters leads to bacterial infection and the likelihood of marks for life;

- chickenpox suppresses the immune system quite strongly, so after past illness You should refrain from visiting kindergarten and devote more time to walks.

Regarding vaccinations, Komarovsky believes, sensible parents should not have any discussions. However, he reminds that vaccination against chickenpox is voluntary, so mothers and fathers will have to take responsibility for its implementation.

In order to promptly recognize the presence of an infectious disease such as chickenpox in a child, you should know more about acne due to chickenpox in children: photos, what they look like and where they come from.

Acne with chickenpox in children in the photo in the initial stage looks like redness and slight swelling. They appear after a long incubation of the disease. The appearance of acne is the main symptom of the development of chickenpox in a child. The development of this disease in the body is provoked viral infection and massive reproduction of viral particles.

Parents strive to identify as early as possible infectious process in your child in order to treat the disease as effectively as possible. Therefore, many people wonder what acne looks like with chickenpox. Although put accurate diagnosis It’s unlikely that even a doctor can look at a photo of chickenpox acne on the first day.

You can find out how and where the first pimples appear when a child has chickenpox by visiting Internet resources that specialize in describing infectious diseases.

What is chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a disease that has a high infectious danger to others. The causative agent of the disease is one of the types of herpes virus type 3. This virus is highly “volatile” and is capable of moving in airspace over considerable distances.

The most common method of transmission of infection from a sick person to a healthy person is airborne droplets, less common contact method transfers.

Important! A person infected with a herpes viral infection becomes infectiously dangerous to others 2 days before the first signs of a rash appear on the skin.

The infectious danger of virus transmission continues for 4 days after the last pimple appears on the body.

After an illness, the child’s body develops a persistent immune response. Immunity lasts throughout a person's life.

Almost every mother knows what acne looks like with chickenpox. If the parents did not have to deal with the disease, then photos of acne with chickenpox in children are abundant in the specialized medical literature.

Chickenpox is one of the most common childhood diseases.

Attention: The rashes that appear when a child is infected with a herpes viral infection, in appearance at the initial stage may resemble the rash that occurs when enterovirus infection, allergies or dermatitis.

For this reason, it is very difficult for parents to determine whether their child is infected at the initial stage of the disease.

A distinctive feature of the rash that occurs with chickenpox in children is its rapid transformation into characteristic pimples (see photo), by which the presence of the disease can be determined.

Who can get chickenpox and types of the disease?

Children aged 4-7 years are most susceptible to the disease. Infants very rarely suffer from this disease, since during breastfeeding, antibodies from the mother's body enter their body, which provide good protection for the child's body from infections. Most often, the development of chickenpox in infants is associated with intrauterine infection, if a woman’s infection occurred a week before the birth of the child.

Depending on the nature of the disease, medical specialists divide chickenpox into two types:

  • typical;
  • atypical.

The atypical form differs in the characteristics of acne that occurs with chickenpox in children; photographs of such formations should be compared with those present on the body in order to determine what type of disease develops in the child. Comparing acne on a child’s skin with a photograph allows you to determine the differences and determine the type of illness.

In addition to appearance, pimples differ in the area of ​​localization.

Depending on the area where the rash is localized, there are 4 types of the disease:

  1. A vestigial variety. Characterized by a small amount of rash that appears. An infectious disease in this form does not lead to an increase in body temperature and the appearance of catarrhal phenomena. The child does not experience any deterioration in health.
  2. The gangrenous form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of inflammation around pimples with the formation of pus. After the pimples burst, long-term non-healing ulcers form in their place, which can merge to form large spots.
  3. The hemorrhagic form is distinguished by the fact that the blisters are filled with ichor, and bruises form in places where acne forms. The appearance of the rash occurs in waves, and the interval is 1-2 days. If this form of the disease develops, there is a high probability of internal bleeding with fatal outcome.
  4. The visceral form of the disease is the most dangerous, as internal organs are damaged. As a rule, this form of the disease occurs latently, and practically no rashes form, which complicates its detection in a child.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

In order to determine the presence of the disease in a child, you need to know well how chickenpox begins in children and the first symptoms.

The disease has a fairly long incubation period. IN childhood duration incubation period is usually 2 weeks.

Immediately after infection of the body, the virus does not manifest itself; it exists secretly in the body. During the incubation period, viral particles multiply and accumulate. With the further development of the disease, the first signs of malaise appear, which in their manifestations resemble a cold. First manifestations viral infection organism occur when the virus penetrates regional lymph nodes and circulatory system body.

The further development of chickenpox in children is characterized by the appearance of pimples characteristic of this disease; photographs of such formations can be found in sources of information devoted to infectious diseases and methods of combating them.

The first manifestations are an increase general temperature body temperature up to 39 degrees and general malaise. A day later, the first rashes appear on the child’s body.

If you look at a photo of chickenpox acne at the initial stage, they resemble small red spots on the skin of the body. The rash occurs almost all over the body - on the arms, legs, face, stomach and back. Photos of acne at the initial stage of chickenpox eloquently show that while the rash looks like allergic rash. Most often, the area of ​​localization of the first pimples with chickenpox (see photo) is the head and abdomen.

With further development of the disease, the resulting red spots turn into papules. The center of the reddened area rises and a bubble filled with clear liquid contents forms. Further progression of the disease leads to the formation of a vesicle with purulent filling from the papule. During this period, acne breaks out, which is accompanied by severe itching. After opening the vesicle, ulceration occurs with the formation of a crust called a scab.

The opening of the vesicles with the formation of crusts and further drying occurs 2-3 days after the formation of the rash, and the crust disappears 8 days after formation.

Duration of the disease in children

The appearance of new elements of the rash accompanies the entire period of the disease, for this reason there are rashes on the child’s skin in various stages development. During the period of illness, both red spots and papules, vesicles and crusts can be detected on the child’s body.

Very often, parents wonder whether the pimples that occur with chickenpox hurt. Medical specialists answer this question in the negative. The formation of a rash is not accompanied by the appearance pain in a child. However, it is worth noting that the formation of a rash is accompanied by severe itching, which appears at the moment the spots form and does not go away until the stage of formation of a dense crust on the surface of the damaged area of ​​the skin. It should be noted that at night, when the number of distractions is significantly reduced, itching intensifies.

If the vesicle is accidentally scratched, an ulcer forms in its place, and only then does it dry out with the formation of a superficial crust.

In children under 12 years of age, chickenpox most often occurs in a mild form, in which there is no formation catarrhal symptoms and increased body temperature. With this course of the disease, the only sign of an infectious disease is a rash, which quickly passes through 4 stages of its development. When the infection occurs in a mild form, a few foci of rash are formed, and the formation of secondary rashes is absent.

There is no clear answer to the question of how long chickenpox lasts. This period is individual for each child. But on average, the duration of infection from the appearance of the first pimples to the formation of the last rash with chickenpox (see photo) is 10 days.

If the child has a strong immune system The healing process begins a week after the first visual signs of the disease appear. After a week, the child stops forming new foci of rash on the skin and his health improves significantly.

There are cases of infection developing in which new foci of the rash form within 2-3 weeks. This situation usually arises when there is child's body weakened immune system.

Possible complications when a child is infected with chickenpox

Most often, the course of chickenpox does not lead to complications in the child, but medicine knows cases of complicated course of the disease, in which the alarm should be sounded. Most often, this situation occurs when a child becomes infected with an infection immediately after vaccination. During this period, the child’s immunity is extremely reduced. At the first suspicion of the occurrence and development of complications in the body, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

The main signs of the development of complications are:

If an atypical course of the disease is detected, you should immediately contact an infectious disease specialist for advice and assistance. Only a qualified healthcare professional is able to accurately determine the degree of complication of the disease and determine the method of treating the child.

In the absence of proper parental control over the child's condition and the absence of appropriate treatment, serious consequences, including death, can occur.

The attending physician is obliged to promptly register changes in the child’s body associated with the severe course of the disease, and, if necessary, make adjustments to the child’s treatment process.

Important! Timely measures taken by the attending physician to relieve complications allow a child who has had chickenpox to quickly get rid of complications without special consequences for the body.

How to properly treat chickenpox?

With a typical course of infection and in the absence of complications, chickenpox is treated at home. To alleviate the condition of a sick child if he has a high temperature, antipyretic drugs are used, the bubbles that form at the site of the rash are lubricated with medications that have an antiseptic effect. Antihistamines are used to relieve severe itching.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, a solution of brilliant green is used as a standard antiseptic for disinfecting the wound surface that forms on the skin in places where a rash forms. When using a solution of brilliant green, new areas of the rash are smeared once with a clean cotton swab, and scratches are also treated with brilliant green.

In North America, European countries and Israel, antihistamines and brilliant green have long been replaced by the drug Calamine. This drug is recognized as the standard in the treatment of chickenpox. Calamine lotion is also certified medical drug on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The drug Calamine has an antipruritic effect and dries out pimples. In addition, the drug has a disinfecting effect and reduces inflammatory swelling in the area of ​​rash formation. Reduces skin irritation. The use of the drug allows you to accelerate the process of skin regeneration; the use of the product makes it possible to create a protective barrier on the wound surface that prevents the penetration of bacterial flora and the occurrence of secondary infection.

Chicken pox is a disease that most of us have had in childhood. However, having transitioned to the status of parents, yesterday's boys and girls get scared when they see signs of an infectious disease in their own child. What do the symptoms of chickenpox look like, and why does the disease occur? We will tell you how to determine that your baby has chickenpox and what kind of help he needs after identifying this disease.

What is chickenpox, what does it look like: the first signs

Chicken pox, or simply chickenpox, is a childhood infectious disease. The causative agent is a type of herpes virus Varicella Zoster, which is transmitted from an infectious child to other members of the children's team.

A child infected with chickenpox will feel fine at first. Only at the end latent period will appear initial signs chickenpox in a child.

The appearance of the chickenpox rash

How can you tell if your baby has chickenpox? Its distinctive feature is a rash, which consists of blisters filled with liquid:

  • Rash pink color, which are convex nodules no more than 4-5 mm in diameter. Pimples very quickly begin to cover an increasingly larger surface of the body, but it happens that they are localized only on the back, abdomen and on the bends of the limbs.
  • At the same time, the baby may develop a fever, aches in the joints, and general weakness. There may be mild signs of respiratory illness.

Dynamics of the disease

A child has chickenpox - what are the dynamics of the onset of symptoms of this disease? The temperature occurs only at the beginning of the disease, then it gradually normalizes, and each nodule (papule) on the patient’s body goes through several stages of transformation. After its appearance, it begins to fill with liquid and increase in size, turning into a vesicle. Then its contents become cloudy and it bursts. From this moment the healing of the wound begins - it becomes covered with a crust, which later disappears.

Pimples appear and disappear in waves. While it lasts acute stage diseases, a rash can be seen on the body of children at the same time varying degrees maturation. The photo shows what papules, vesicles and drying crusts look like.

In parallel with the rash, which often covers the face and even the head under the hair, enanthema may occur on the oral mucosa. These are the same pimples as on the body, but after they burst, a small ulcer with a yellow edging remains in their place. After appropriate treatment, the wounds in the mouth heal.

You can see what pimples look like by looking at the photo.

Children are more likely to get chickenpox younger age. U one year old child and children under 12 years of age, the disease usually occurs without complications and is easily tolerated, forming lifelong immunity. Does a teenager get chickenpox? The course of the disease will be more severe than in younger children. The worst thing is if chickenpox strikes an adult, since in this case the disease is most severely tolerated.

Causes of the disease

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The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and more often children bring it from kindergarten. In a confined space, the virus spreads rapidly, and as soon as someone from the team gets sick, new victims of the virus are immediately discovered. According to the rules, a quarantine is declared in the group, the duration of which is three weeks from the moment of registration of the disease. During this time, do any of the kids get chickenpox? Then the quarantine is extended.

Children who were not in the group at the time the virus was detected are not recommended to be taken to the kindergarten during quarantine. However, some parents, on the contrary, bring their child to the group (with a signature), because they want him to get over chickenpox while he is young. This policy is designed to protect a person from the disease in the future.

The first signs of the disease at the initial stage

Chickenpox follows a typical scenario. After infection, an incubation period begins, which lasts on average 2 days:

  1. at this time the virus does not appear, but it has already penetrated the mucous membranes respiratory tract, then got into the blood;
  2. Together with the blood and lymph, Varicella Zoster spreads throughout the body, attaches itself to the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, starting its work there.

As a rule, the first signs of chickenpox in a child are a rash accompanied by fever and general deterioration condition. The first pimple (at the beginning of the disease it looks like in the photo below) can appear anywhere - on the back, stomach, face, and after a couple of hours the rash covers most of the baby’s body (we recommend reading:). Fever and weakness disappear on the second day, and the further course of the disease is characterized only by a rash.

Where do spots and nodules appear most often, and where does the infection begin to spread? First of all, they appear on closed parts of the body - the back, butt, and stomach. Less often - on the arms and legs.

Forms of chickenpox

Despite the fact that chickenpox is a well-known disease, it can occur in different ways. There are two types of chickenpox - typical and atypical. The symptoms of typical chickenpox are described above.

Atypical chickenpox is rare and affects people with weakened immune systems. There are the following forms of atypical chickenpox:

  • Vestigial – hidden disease. Its symptoms are so insignificant that a person does not notice the disease.
  • Pustular – this type of disease is usually seen in adults. Rashes (pustules) are in no hurry to dry out and turn into crusts. Over time, the contents of the blisters become cloudy and purulent.
  • Bullous - a rash on the skin acquires gigantic proportions and is difficult to treat. Symptoms are also possible severe intoxication, after which the patient recovers slowly and difficultly.
  • Hemorrhagic and gangrenous - occurs in people with blood clotting disorders, which fills the pustules. Over time, ulcers and foci of necrosis form. Begins gangrenous form, which can cause death.
  • Visceral - bubbles with liquid contents appear not only on the body, but also on internal organs. It occurs in infants whose bodies are weakened. This form is fatal.

Light shape Chickenpox may not be noticed at all by parents at the initial stage

Chickenpox can be mild, moderate or severe. A mild form of the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • the rash does not cover the entire body, but only certain areas;
  • the temperature remains normal or slightly elevated (37.1 -37.3 ° C);
  • general condition is satisfactory.

Moderate and severe forms are characterized by significant rashes throughout the body, fever up to 40°C, and general malaise. A severe form can last longer than a week and cause complications.

How to diagnose the disease and understand that it is chickenpox?

Very rarely, chickenpox can be confused with another disease. Determine the presence of the Varicella Zoster virus on early stage possible based on the results of studies (viroscopic, molecular biological). However, chickenpox is more often diagnosed by the appearance of pustules and vesicles - you can see what they look like in the photo above:

  • As a rule, a rash can be distinguished on the patient’s body in different stages– the initial one is characterized by pink, raised pimples, then they turn into pustules and vesicles filled with liquid and crusts.
  • The disease can also be recognized by a clear symptom- enanthema appears in the mouth. Essentially, this is the same rash as on the body, but it forms on the mucous membrane.
  • A red rim appears around the blister, and after the blister bursts, an ulcer forms in its place, which heals well over time.

How dangerous is chickenpox?

Chickenpox does not apply dangerous diseases, since most patients tolerate it relatively easily. However, one in twenty patients may develop complications. Let's look at the most common ones:

  • Bacterial skin lesions, when the vesicles burst and in their place purulent formations (abscesses) appear.
  • Inflammation of the lungs caused by the chickenpox virus, which has penetrated the alveoli of the respiratory organs.
  • Inflammation of the brain - encephalitis. Occurs when the virus destroys nerve cells in the brain. As a rule, signs of complications appear closer to the end of the disease - 5 to 21 days after the first symptoms. Dizziness, nausea, lethargy, loss of consciousness are possible.
  • Heart complication – myocarditis. Symptoms of cardiac muscle dysfunction include high fever, rapid heartbeat, and chest pain.
  • Lymphadenitis. The disease can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes, usually in the armpits, groin, and neck.
  • Nephritis is a disease of areas of the kidneys called the glomeruli that can develop towards the end of the second week of chickenpox.
  • Complication of pregnancy. On early stages infection can cause miscarriage or lead to developmental delays in the fetus. On later While carrying a child, the mother's illness can create conditions for the baby to develop chickenpox syndrome.

First aid and effective treatments

Let's look at how to treat chickenpox. Since the disease is caused by a virus, effective ways there is no impact on it. The main task is to prevent complications and give the body the opportunity to fight the infection on its own. It is equally important not to let your baby scratch the wounds, so that over time scars or pockmarks do not form in their place.


The key treatment for chickenpox is treating the rash. Pimples do not need to be treated with an antiseptic, but then, while scratching, the baby can introduce an infection (bacterial) into the wound:

  1. Nodules and pustules are lubricated with brilliant green, a solution of potassium permanganate, and Fukortsin. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.
  2. To relieve itching and prevent scratching little patient give antihistamines. Pediatricians usually prescribe Fenistil or Zodak drops. Older children can be given Suprastin 1/2 tablet before bedtime.
  3. Also used to treat chickenpox antiviral drugs, for example, Acyclovir. It can be taken in tablets and applied as an ointment to rashes. However, Acyclovir is more often used in severe cases of the disease and only in the initial stage. Before use, you need to read the description of the drug with explanations of dosage.
  4. Does your baby have signs of body intoxication - fever, headache and body aches? It makes sense to give him painkillers. As a rule, children are prescribed Nurofen, Panadol, Efferalgan.


How to properly care for a child during an exacerbation of the disease and is it possible to bathe him? This issue still causes controversy among doctors. Foreign pediatricians recommend bathing the baby, regardless of the stage of the disease, being careful not to damage the pustules.

Domestic experts are usually against water procedures. You can bathe your son or daughter only after the acne has begun to dry out. They justify this ban by the fact that during bathing, the bubbles can become damaged and become infected. However, on hot days, periodic showers are necessary - a sweaty child will unnoticed by scratching the itchy and irritated skin.

It is important to choose linen and clothing made from natural fabrics, and also monitor their cleanliness. This is necessary in order not to provoke itching on the affected areas of the body. You also need to monitor the cleanliness of your baby’s hands and trim his nails on time. It can comb through vesicles, allowing the virus to spread to healthy skin and infection pathogenic bacteria burst ulcers.

Drinking regime

During any illness, a child needs a sufficient amount of fluid. If at first the baby has a high temperature and intoxication, even more so. What should it be daily dosage liquids? The daily volume is calculated according to the child’s age. For example, a 3-year-old child needs 105 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day. For an older child (7 years old) – 95 ml per kilogram of weight.

In this case, you should give the child not only water, but also other drinks - tea, compote, fruit juice. The baby can receive part of the liquid volume as part of liquid dishes - soups.

Folk remedies

There are folk remedies to combat chickenpox. It is believed that blueberries inhibit the virus, so it is recommended to consume them fresh and as juice, compote, or fruit drink. Among the many folk recipes the following can be distinguished:

Chamomile decoction is a good helper in the fight against chickenpox
  • Baths. Prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, lemon balm, sage and add to bathing water. Also shown are soda baths, which have an antiseptic and antipruritic effect.
  • Rubbing. Boil 1 cup of barley in one liter of water and strain. Use the decoction to wipe stains. This method helps relieve itching.
  • Herbal infusions for oral administration. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry mixture of chamomile, coltsfoot, calendula, chicory, immortelle and burdock, pour into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for eight hours, drink half a glass three times a day.

Therapy for young children up to one year old

Children under one year of age rarely get chickenpox, but if a child over 6 months is infected, it is possible severe course. As a rule, there is a high temperature (about 40°C), tearfulness and a rash, which quickly turns into a purulent form. At this age, it is important to call a doctor who may recommend hospitalization.

Treatment of a child under one year of age is not much different from general recommendations. You should give your baby some water, especially if there is a fever. This can be done using a syringe without a needle.

Also a pediatrician in mandatory prescribes antiallergic drugs (Fenistil) to reduce itching. In some cases, antiviral drugs are prescribed in the form of suppositories - Viferon, Interferon. However, their effectiveness is considered unproven.

Chickenpox is widely known as a common infectious disease. Infection occurs at the slightest contact with a sick person, through airborne droplets, hence the name “varicella”. Acne with chickenpox is similar to papules, characteristic, although they differ significantly in the severity of the disease. The course of the disease is not complicated, but it is very easy for chickenpox to develop into a purulent state. Why is this happening?

What kind of chickenpox is called purulent?

In children, chickenpox is mild; in adults, the situation is worse. If protective forces the body is weakened, the disease causes negative consequences. And then it becomes not so much contagious as dangerous.

The most striking manifestation of the disease are vesicles, which, against the background weak immunity with an attached secondary infection take the form purulent pimples. By his appearance purulent form owes to pathogenic microorganisms:

  • streptococcus;
  • staphylococcus

The recovery process is long and difficult, without special medicines there is no way around this situation. But it is quite possible to avoid complications and eliminate the consequences with a competent and timely approach in both adults and children.


Pimples covering the entire body, under the influence of pathogenic microbes, fill with pus and transform into purulent vesicles. This is the main one distinctive feature severe form of chickenpox.


When and why simple form chickenpox becomes severe and not an easy process development of the disease? It's time to remember the doctor's instructions: do not scratch the rash, do not pick off the scabs. It’s not for nothing that experts give such instructions, because damaged acne is main reason, which provokes infection with pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus). When the integrity of the pimple is broken, it becomes one of the main causes of the spread of purulent infection. It begins to fester, gradually infecting all rashes.

What does the rash look like with purulent chickenpox?

In order to respond in time and prevent complications, you need to know what acne looks like with chickenpox. Once in the body, the virus begins to act. The onset of the disease is immediately displayed on the skin in the form of a rash:

  • Red spots appear first. They are located on the scalp, in the ear area, and gradually spread throughout the body. At this stage, it is important not to confuse the red spot, as a manifestation of the disease, with insect bites.
  • Gradually, the redness turns into a papule. Inflammatory process visible to the naked eye, a vesicle head forms on top of the papule, which is filled with clear liquid. This stage is the most critical, because the watery blisters deepen and become painful. They lose elasticity and may increase in size.
  • The papule is replaced by a vesicle, inside of which pus collects. The rashes combine to form large ulcers. The healing process takes a long time. The patient feels severe itching near pustules that hurt a lot. The vesicles burst, forming crusts. Touching or performing any procedures without doctor's orders is strictly prohibited.

Children's skin is more elastic, able to renew itself quickly, so scars do not have time to form on it. The epidermis of older people does not have time to renew itself; pits and scars remain at the site of the rash.


The causative agent of chickenpox is very hardy and immediately penetrates deep into the body. The incubation period takes from 14 to 21 days. A person does not feel any signs on himself, remains cheerful, cheerful, energetic, but after the incubation period, first the first and then subsequent symptoms appear:

  • headache;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature, up to 40 degrees;
  • loss of appetite;
  • decreased activity;
  • a rash that hurts.

Symptoms last until new lesions of the rash appear. Moreover, each new rash or if they fester is noted sharp jump body temperature. All this time the patient must be in quarantine, as he is contagious. Only 5 days after the cessation of the appearance of a new rash, the virus becomes inactive and the person is not infectious to others.

How to deal with purulent acne?

To improve the condition, if an area of ​​skin has become infected, doctors prescribe a suitable antibiotic at the very beginning of symptoms.

That pustules are a consequence bacterial infection, It's clear. It remains to figure out what to do with rashes that fester. How to treat such a complication? What drugs and how many of them will be needed, because classical therapy in similar situation can't cope. To improve the patient’s condition, if any area of ​​the skin has festered, doctors prescribe a suitable antibiotic, preferably at the very beginning of the onset of symptoms. On average, the course of taking the drug takes about a week. This period of antibiotic therapy will reduce the number of rashes. To combat ulcers, the most effective are:

  • "Cephalosporin". Dosage: 1 g 3 times a day, intramuscularly or intravenously.
  • “Amoxicillin.” The dosage is 1 g every 4 hours. Prescribed in tablets or intramuscularly.
  • To combat representatives of the virus, “Acyclovir” tablets, 1 pc., are used. 4-5 times a day.

Taking antibiotics negatively affects organ function gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the specialist recommends taking a course of probiotics in parallel according to a special scheme: one or two days before taking antibiotics, during all days treatment course and 5 days after its end. There is nothing pleasant when a rash festers, in order to speed up its healing on the skin of the face and body, to prevent the appearance of scars and cicatrices, it is not enough to use only antibiotics, it is necessary to precisely smear the damaged area with the following drugs:

  • treat pustules with a solution of calendula, which has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect;
  • smear the affected areas with chloramphenicol;
  • treat with a solution of fucorcin, which has an antiseptic and antifungal effect;
  • To control the situation, new pustules can be smeared with brilliant green.

During the period of treatment of formed pimples and when new ones break out, the patient’s feeling of itching intensifies. Sometimes it becomes unbearable, annoying, turning into painful sensations. It can be treated with antiallergic drugs. Doctors do not recommend giving preference to serious medications when treating chickenpox infection. “Diazolin” is considered the most suitable - a proven drug that perfectly eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

From the initial signs of illness until all symptoms subside, it is important to closely monitor the rash. Touching the crusts or opening them is strictly prohibited. It is important to remember that untimely or unscrupulous treatment of the disease, especially in older people, is fraught with the formation of scars and pits in place of the pustules.