Here is the tweaker plus 0.9. Latest update information

  • Update date: May 04, 2019
  • Total marks: 17
  • Average rating: 3
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Latest update information:

Updated 05/04/2019:
  • adapted for 1.5;

WOT Tweaker is a program designed to speed up the game on your computer as much as possible.

Acceleration is achieved by optimizing game settings to consume less computer resources. With WOT Tweaker you can easily manage visual effects in the game, turning them off or on as needed. This program has a very friendly interface and is multilingual. In order to start using Wot Tweaker, you need to modify the game files using WOT Res Unpack- this program is in the archive with . Its work is almost completely automated. All you need is to run it and watch the process.

1. Preparing game resources

In order to start using the WOT Tweaker program, you need to modify the game files. To perform this action, follow these instructions.

1. Copy WOT RES UNPACK to the game folder:

2. Launch WOT RES UNPACK.exe, select the desired language and click on the button "Modification of game resources." After this, the program will begin to perform the necessary actions automatically.

3. After all the necessary actions have been completed, a window indicating the completion of the modification will appear on the screen. We close the window. Now you can use WOT Tewaker.

2. Restoring game resources to update the game client

When you need to update the client, be sure to restore the game resources changed by the WOT Res Unpack program. How to do it:

1. Launch WOT Res Unpack.exe. and click on the button to restore data from backup. After this, the program will begin to perform an operation to restore game files.

2. When the recovery is complete, a window will appear informing you about this. You can close this window and feel free to start updating the game client.

3. How to use WOT Tweaker

So, after we have prepared the game resources, we can start using Wot Tweaker. To do this we launch Wot Tweaker.exe. At the top of the window that appears, you will see several flags, by clicking on which you can select the desired language. Below you can see the path to the folder with WOT, as well as a sign with the effects and their status (on/off).

If the effects are not displayed in the table, then most likely the path to the installed WOT client is set incorrectly. To correct the situation, click on the " Browse folders" and select the folder in which the game client is installed and click OK.

To disable/enable the desired effect, just click on the red cross (disable the effect) or the green plus sign (enable the effect) opposite the corresponding effect. If successful, the program will display a window with the appropriate message.

Now you see how easy it is to manage WOT visual effects using the WOT Tweaker program.

4. Hotkeys

WOT Tweaker supports sending messages to the game chat using hotkeys. To use this feature, the program must be minimized to tray (run in the background). In addition, you must enable hotkeys in the program. To do this you just need to click on "Num*" on your keyboard, pressing this button again will disable hotkeys. Sending messages using hotkeys, as well as turning them on/off, will be accompanied by the sound of the speaker built into your computer. If hot keys are enabled, a keyboard icon will appear in the program window:


  • « Num +»: « flood and spam in chat help the enemy"(message 5)
  • « Num —»: « recharge"(message 6)
  • « F8»: « fighters destroy their scouts on the approaches to our positions"(message 1)
  • « F9»: « group into a tank column to attack"(message 2)
  • « F10»: « provide fire support on the indicated squares"(message 3)
  • « F11»: « take a perimeter defense to hold the position"(message 4)
  • « Num *": on off. hotkeys.

You can edit messages. To do this, open the file send_keys.txt and change the message text. IMPORTANT :

  • The default keyboard language on your computer must match the character language.
  • The use of special characters is strictly prohibited.

Immediately after launching WOT Tweaker, hotkeys will be disabled. To enable them press Num *. At the same time, you will hear the sound of the built-in speaker (if you have one). You can turn hotkeys on and off right in the game itself by pressing Num *.

5. Additional settings

WOT Tweaker can execute several commands. To do this, enter the desired command in the input field and press the “Enter” button (in the program window) or “Enter” on the keyboard:

List of commands:

  • music disable- turn off background music
  • music enable- turn on background music
  • only flame mod— launch ONLY FLAME MOD .
  • hotkey enable— activation of hot keys. Suddenly your button is broken NUM* :).
  • hotkey disable- disable hotkeys
  • birds disable— disabling birds on maps
  • enable birds— inclusion of birds on maps
  • Update date: May 04, 2019
  • Total marks: 26
  • Average rating: 3.65
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Latest update information:

Updated 05/04/2019:
  • Updated files for manual installation.

The WoT Tweaker Plus program, specially developed for the Jove modpack, is absolutely necessary for users of weak gaming machines and those who like to install a large number of mods on the World of Tanks game client.

The number of frames per second () is one of the most important indicators of the comfort of the gameplay in World of Tanks, and in any other games that require quick actions here and now. That's why popular modder Jov included a game effects optimization program in his mod pack. Despite the fact that it can be used separately, regardless of whether the modpack is installed or not.

The program interface is fully visible in the screenshot:

First of all, you need to set the path to the root directory of the game. If your game is installed in the default directory - C:\Games\World_of_Tanks - then you don’t need to change anything and you can launch WoT Tweaker Plus.


  • The World of Tanks game client does not support modern multi-core processors very well, as a result of which performance may drop in new WoT patches. If after updating the game to a new version you encounter a sharp drop in FPS, the first thing to do is try disable multi-core using WoT Tweaker Plus.
  • Option " detailing"reduces the quality of drawing objects in the game world. This will allow your computer to process the scene faster and respond to changes faster.
  • « Smoke from the exhaust pipe«, « smoke from destroyed tanks«, « tree movement effect" And " cloud display"—purely decorative special effects designed to add realism to the game. In fact, you probably won't even notice they're missing, and your productivity will improve. These effects can be safely disabled.
  • « Smoke and flames when fired" is also more of a decoration than something useful. This option is responsible for the realistic appearance of the shot, when flame and smoke from the shot burst out of the gun barrel along with the projectile.
  • Option " Projectile Detonation Effects"is responsible for drawing a cloud of smoke and dust when shells hit the ground and other objects that are not player tanks. Together with " effects of hitting objects" And " effects of object destruction» Shell explosions will show you if someone was shooting at you and missed. This can greatly help in battle, so it's best not to turn it off.
  • « Effects of hitting a tank" And " tank destruction effects“responsible for visualizing successful shots at players’ tanks. By disabling them you will not lose anything, you will only increase FPS.
  • Using WoT Tweaker Plus you can also disable splash screen when starting the game. This does not affect FPS, but disables the annoying video.
  • The option “disable crayfish, vegetables...” does not work - this is just the signature humor of Job and company.
  • “Texture compression” is the longest-to-use and most radical way to increase FPS. The textures of all tanks and other game objects are copied from standard game resources, processed to the compression level you choose and copied to the res_mods folder. Due to the large volume of graphic files, the process takes a long time and can take up to several hours, depending on the level of compression and the power of your computer.


  • Download the archive, unzip the downloaded file
  • Copy the extracted file to the root directory of World of Tanks
  • Close the game client if it is open
  • Launch WoT Tweaker Plus, make the necessary settings
  • Wait until the settings are applied.
  • Launch the game.
2 years and 5 months ago Comments: 9

Greetings, dear tankers! Laich is with you and today we will talk about texture compression in World of Tanks.

Who needs to compress textures?

No matter what “advanced” computer you buy, the time comes when a newly released toy will force you to reduce all graphics settings to minimum so that it becomes at least a little more playable. Manufacturers of computer games do not sit still and are constantly working to improve physics and graphics, and this only benefits hardware sellers. Not long ago we wrote about. We recommend that you read it if you can’t decide.

The game World of Tanks is no exception.

With each new update it takes over more and more resources of your computer. But not every computer game lover can afford a powerful and expensive gaming computer! So what should you do if you upgraded your hardware five years ago, and you don’t have any extra funds for it in the near future, but you still want to play?! Don't throw away your favorite toys!

How will WoT Tweaker Plus help us?

I want to tell you about the excellent WoT Tweaker Plus program, which you can easily find on the Internet, or download in a ready-made modpack, for example, the same one. The program serves to disable the most energy-intensive effects in the World of Tanks game, which cannot be disabled in the normal game settings, with the ability to compress textures to values ​​acceptable for your computer, and therefore increase the desired FPS (frame rate per second).

No program installation required.

You just need to run the WoTTweakerPlus.9.17.1.exe file, specify the path to the installed game folder, uncheck the effects that you think are unnecessary, and compress the textures to the values ​​that your computer “saves”.
By the way, when installing the WoT Tweaker Plus program from a mod assembly from Jove, the file WoTTweakerPlus.9.17.1.exe will be located in the root folder of the installed game, and when you launch the application, you no longer need to enter the path to the game.

The program interface is as simple as possible

After setting the slider to the desired compression percentage, you need to click the "Compress" button and wait for the texture processing to complete. After which you can safely go into battle in less beautiful, but at the same time more mobile and obedient tanks, in a world where your tree branches will not move and it will never be cloudy! :)

Do I need to compress textures if my computer is powerful?

My computer configuration allows me to play without using this program, and I do not compress the textures, but I still disable, for example, the startup screen, the effects of tree movement and cloud display, and also, depending on my mood, smoke from the exhaust pipe. I don’t need this and it doesn’t worsen the overall look of the game, and an increase in FPS is never superfluous! ;)

Consequences of abusing WoT Tweaker Plus

But without the effects of destruction, smoke and flame when fired, the effects of hitting a tank, as well as the effects of shell explosions, the game becomes not at all as atmospheric, and sometimes disabling these effects can have negative consequences. For example, if you turn off the effects of shell explosions, it is not always possible to understand what kind of shell fell next to you or when playing on a self-propelled gun, or if the self-propelled gun fires at you, it will not be clear to you where the shell hit. Also, if you turn off the smoke and flame when firing, you won’t always know when the enemy is discharged.

One of the key characteristics for an adequate and stable game of tanks is, without a doubt, FPS. The game does not always show the wonders of optimization, and consumes quite a few system resources, which often leads to all sorts of inconveniences, even on powerful computers. It’s strange, of course, that until today the developers have not introduced disabling some of the most complex elements into the game, but mods will do it for them.

Wot Tweaker - FPS Savior

Increasing FPS is the main task of the tweaker, which can make sure that some “heavy” effects are disabled or their quality is significantly reduced, among such effects: smoke after the destruction of any tank, display of additional objects on the map: clouds, birds, shooting effects, etc. other. But by default, in the normal game settings, they cannot be abolished in any way. Especially in order to delve deeper into WoT settings, a Tweaker was developed that will allow you to compress textures up to 97% if necessary and improve game performance.

Effects that are disabled by HERE TWEEKER

Types of smoke pollution maps;
- Effects of explosions, shooting, destruction;
- Display of secondary objects.