What should I do? My back right side hurts. Lower back pain on the right: reasons why the right side of the back hurts in the lumbar region

In the doctor's office, you can often hear complaints of back pain. This phenomenon occurs at any age, for example, in schoolchildren due to curvature spinal column, and in older people due to attacks of angina, etc.

Looking for reasons

But sometimes it happens that the back hurts only in the lower right back or the pain is localized only in the right side.

In any case, this phenomenon does not simply occur and you need to consult a specialist, because many diseases are characterized by this symptom:

  • Central part of the back on the right – kidney problems;
  • On the right under the scapula – possible neurology (pinched nerve). Also, localization in this area may indicate a disease that has affected the lung. Sometimes they show up like this cancerous tumors lungs and bronchi, as well as pneumonia and pleurisy. The same can be said about the left side of the back;
  • Under the ribs on the right side. Here are located gallbladder and liver. Damage to any of the above organs causes pain. If this phenomenon is observed for a long time, then first of all it is necessary to check the liver. When the pain is accompanied by other symptoms (nausea and vomiting, fever, tension in the abdominal muscles), then this is an attack of cholecystitis. In some cases, it can radiate to other areas of the body, but most often to the right shoulder and shoulder blade;
  • On the lower right side of the back, there is damage or pathology of the spinal column/intervertebral hernia. Also, localization in this area indicates a disruption of the urinary system. In the latter case, the pain does not subside even with a change in body position;
  • Painful sensations only in the morning - unsuitable mattress, but perhaps more serious problem– muscle dystrophy.

Nature of pain in the lumbar region

This unpleasant phenomenon It can be either temporary or periodic in nature. In the first case, pain usually appears only with sudden movement, as well as after being in an uncomfortable position, for example, sitting.

Acute attacks can occur when trying to bend over or straighten up:

  • Cramping is usually associated with contraction of the muscles of the hollow organs;
  • Constant signals about stretching of the membrane of parenchymal structures;
  • Increasing – inflammatory process;
  • Acute - rupture of a formation, organ, blockage of blood vessels, intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • Shooting – problems with the spinal cord or nervous system;
  • Long lasting;
  • Drawing, aching, dull;
  • Short, etc.

Despite their character, they are not normal condition body, but indicate a violation in it. Therefore, for any warning sign you need to visit a doctor. If your right side hurts from your back, you can simply take painkillers, but there are situations when urgent medical assistance.

There are several diseases that require surgical treatment and even surgical intervention, and a person’s life may depend on the speed of assistance. When pain occurs suddenly and sharply, does not stop and is localized on the right side of the back, this is a reason to call an ambulance.

It is also necessary to do this in case of acute, sudden pain above the lower back under the ribs and in cases where pain is accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Back pain on the right in the area above the lower back:

  • Nagging pain in women can signal a disease in the gynecological area;
  • This is often a symptom in men initial stage prostatitis;
  • Those whining talk about osteomyelitis. This disease requires a particularly thorough examination, including x-rays of bone tissue;
  • Severe bruise, fall, injury;
  • If the lower back and right side of the back hurt at the same time, this may indicate cholecystitis, hepatitis, pneumonia (right-sided), pyelonephritis, hepatomegaly;
  • Incorrect posture caused by spinal deformation, for example, scoliosis.

Most often, the pain is localized in the place where the problematic structure is located. That is, pain indicates pathology in organs in a specific place, but there are cases when this phenomenon is located far from the source of inflammation and spreads to the most unexpected points of the body.

Back pain in the lumbar region to the right of the spine

The right side of the body contains vital organs, which is why you need to seek help from professionals, talking about your well-being and your own observations.

Many people periodically feel back pain on the right side under the ribs. It varies in its characteristics, severity and duration. In the vast majority of situations, this symptom implies the presence of changes in the internal organs. In addition, pain can radiate to the right side, back from other parts of the body, and sometimes also occur in healthy people. Therefore, if this occurs, you should pay close attention to it and go through the necessary medical examination to find out why it appeared and begin timely treatment.

It happens that discomfort on the right front and back appears in a more or less healthy person. As a rule, this manifests itself in the following situations.

  • Pain in the side during or after physical activity. Unprepared for physical activity People often report that they experience intense, sharp pain in the right hypochondrium during or after playing sports (for example, running, bending over) or performing strenuous activities. physical work, especially associated with lifting heavy objects, carrying them, etc. This is explained as follows: with such a load, adrenaline is released into the blood, the bile ducts are stretched due to stagnant bile. At this point in time, more blood enters the liver, its capsule increases, which causes stabbing pain on the right, which goes to the back.
  • Pain in the right side, under the ribs in the back, is almost always felt during physical activity immediately after eating.
  • Spasms of the diaphragm during physical activity provoke a dull pain reaction under the rib in the back. It appears when deep breathing, coughing, sneezing. Such sensations are short-lived; it happens that a person feels better with slight pressure. When breathing is restored at the end of the workout, the pain stops.

Rehabilitation doctor Sergei Nikolaevich Agapkin understands what pain is talking about:

  • Pain under the ribs in front and behind in women can be of physiological origin. For example, within a few days before the start of the next menstruation, spasms of the biliary tract occur, caused by hormonal imbalance which manifests itself as pain. Sometimes this condition is caused by the use of hormonal drugs birth control pills. Pain in the right side can be both dull and acute.
  • Pain in the right side of the back and side is often observed during pregnancy. This is explained by the peculiarities of physiology. Uterus in last trimester pregnancy increases significantly, putting pressure on nearby internal organs. After giving birth healthy woman no such pain is observed.
  • Often, healthy people experience discomfort in the back and sides after a night's rest. As a rule, this is not dangerous and stops if you replace uncomfortable sleeping accessories (mattress, pillow).

Causes of pain in the right side

Several vital ones at once internal organs are in human body right. Here are located:

  • Liver.
  • Gallbladder and biliary tract.
  • Head of the pancreas.

  • Intestines.
  • Appendix.
  • Right kidney.

Accordingly, the condition for the manifestation of a pain reaction on the right is a disturbance in the functioning of any of the above organs. To find out this accurately, you should identify the frequency, severity and characteristic features pain because various pathologies appear different types pain, as well as associated symptoms. It must also be remembered that pain in right hypochondrium Dysfunction of the lungs, bronchi, heart, stomach and spine may result. Let us consider in more detail which diseases are characterized by this symptom and what should be done in each specific case.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver

If a person feels pain on the right side of the back, first of all, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract should be excluded. Disturbances in their functioning are often the causes of pain. Very often, the manifestation of pain is directly related to food intake. In addition to pain in this situation, additional symptoms are observed:

  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Bitterness in the mouth.

Cause of heartburn

  • Heartburn.
  • Lack of appetite, etc.

With such symptoms, the patient should consult a gastroenterologist.

Most often, pain in the right hypochondrium is caused by the following diseases:

  1. Chronic or acute pancreatitis - manifested by nausea, pain spreading to the back. The patient is suffering intestinal disorders, feeling of weakness, fever, bloating. The inflammatory process is provoked cholelithiasis, inflammation of the duodenum, alcohol poisoning. Acute and chronic forms of the disease differ in the intensity and frequency of pain. If the disease develops for a long time, the structures of pancreatic tissue undergo irreversible changes. In case acute form diseases quickly relieve pain, the patient is given medications that block enzyme activity. Be sure to limit your food intake. The chronic form is treated by following dietary recommendations, taking painkillers, and vitamins.
  2. Cholecystitis (acute or chronic) also manifests itself as pain in the back under the ribs. In acute inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, patients report high fever, malaise, nausea, repeated vomiting, severe pain radiating to the right shoulder blade and shoulder. The cause of the pathology is stones in the gall bladder, blocking the bile ducts, which is why bile does not come out. In the chronic form of the disease, the pain becomes periodically recurring and dull. The patient's appetite decreases and he feels a bitter taste in his mouth. Following dietary recommendations prevents pain syndrome, its frequency and severity.
  3. Inflammation of the appendix often results in pain in the right side under the ribs. Although the diseased organ is located in the lower abdomen, pain may also be reflected in the upper part abdominal cavity, which misleads the patient and the doctor. To determine the appendix initial examination The patient's abdomen is palpated while lying on his back. Not diagnosed in a timely manner can lead to death.

About symptoms and treatment chronic pancreatitis say gastroenterologist Igor Vladimirovich Gorodokin and interventional cardiologist German Shaevich Gandelman:

  1. Gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, in addition to a pain reaction, usually dependent on food intake, are also accompanied by belching.
  2. Pain on the right side under the rib, bitterness in the mouth, belching are also accompanied by the following conditions: gallbladder dyskinesia, inflammatory processes in the bile ducts, duodenum. Similar signs become less pronounced if you follow medical recommendations on nutrition and take the necessary medications.
  3. Stones in the gall bladder or bile ducts form as a result of stagnation of bile, high level salts, which contributes to the appearance of sediment in this organ. Clinical picture the disease manifests itself only on late stages its development. It includes: deterioration in the functioning of the gallbladder, accompanied by pain on the right side of the back under the ribs, belching and bitterness in the mouth, and nausea. Renal colic is especially painful if the ducts are clogged with a stone. Pathology is diagnosed by general clinical tests, ultrasound, and MRI. Treatment involves taking hygiene measures and following a diet. In the most advanced forms - surgery to remove stones or the entire organ.

In the video, doctors deal with the causes, symptoms and treatment of gallstones:

  1. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the liver, then their signs are a dull pain from the back, which in some cases is characterized as bursting. This symptom can bother the patient throughout the whole day. Very often observed with overeating, poisoning, abuse alcoholic drinks. Hepatitis of various etiologies is characterized by bloating and pain in the right side, especially after eating fried, smoked, very salty or spicy foods. Cirrhosis of the liver changes the structure of its tissues, its cells die. A person has a pain under the ribs on the right, which resonates in the back. Accompanied by pain strong burning sensation, and symptoms appear already at initial stages development of pathology. In the most advanced conditions, the liver damaged by cirrhosis becomes smaller, it cannot cope with its functions, and the probability of death of the patient is high. Pain in the side and back that occurs after eating characterizes duodenitis.
  2. Diseases colon can cause pain in the right side under the ribs in the back. The severity and frequency of occurrence of this symptom depends on the degree of distension of the colon. Colitis, Crohn's disease, and neoplasms also manifest themselves as pain.

Sections of the colon

  1. Subhepatic abscess - purulent inflammation between the liver and intestines, is a complication after surgery on the abdominal organs. Symptoms of the pathology vary depending on where the abscess appears, its size, and the underlying disease. Most often, patients experience pain in the right side, which intensifies during inspiration and radiates to the back. The pain is accompanied by chills, low blood pressure, violation heart rate. Pathology is detected using ultrasound, x-ray, and CT. Patients are treated in a hospital.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases

Kidney and urinary tract diseases are considered the most common causes of right back pain. The characteristics of pain depend on the disease; they are almost always accompanied by general malaise and problems with urination. Urologists and nephrologists deal with kidney pathologies.

  • Pyelonephritis is an infection of the kidneys caused by pathogenic microbes. The likelihood of the disease is higher if the patient has furunculosis, osteomyelitis, sexual dysfunction, or other infections. There are acute and chronic pyelonephritis. The main symptoms of the disease: dull, aching pain, which becomes stronger with movement, with hypothermia, accompanied by pain when urinating. During the period of exacerbation there is high temperature, malfunctions of the digestive system. Diagnosis is made by clinical tests urine (for sterility, according to Nechiporenko), ultrasound, CT and other special studies. Consultation with a urologist and gynecologist is required to exclude sexually transmitted diseases. reproductive system. Treatment is based on taking antibacterial medications and some recommendations for food intake (eating hot, spicy foods should be avoided). From folk remedies It is recommended to use diuretic and anti-inflammatory infusions.

  • Urolithiasis - urological disease, which is characterized by the formation of sand and stones in excretory system. Develops due to improper metabolism, leading to the formation of salt deposits, insoluble and not excreted naturally with urine. Often occurs due to hereditary predisposition. The degrees of pathology are distinguished by the size of the stone formed. From a few millimeters in the initial stages of the disease to several centimeters in the later stages. The main symptom is a sharp, burning sensation near the navel, in the perineum, if the stone has blocked the ureter, which has stopped the outflow of urine. The chronic form is manifested by a person’s back aching and pain on the right side, especially severely after physical activity, running, or lifting heavy objects. The treatment method depends on the patient’s condition and the severity of the pathology. Treatment is therapeutic: uroantiseptics, diuretics, vitamins, physiotherapeutic procedures, and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. If necessary, the patient is offered surgical intervention.

Urolithiasis: 1 - stone in the pelvis, 2 - stone in the ureter, 3 - stone in the ureteric orifice, 4 - stone in the bladder

  • Chronic glomerulonephritis, kidney prolapse, necrosis of the renal papillae, acute upper paranephritis and other pathological renal disorders can also manifest as back pain between the ribs. If this symptom is detected, as well as disturbances in the outflow of urine ( insufficient quantity, blood in the urine, etc.) you should definitely contact a urologist.

Diseases of the chest organs

Soreness in the ribs is a sign of disease respiratory organs and hearts. The strength of its expression varies: from mild to intense. Additionally, cough, shortness of breath, hard breathing. With such symptoms, you should contact a pulmonologist, phthisiatrician, or cardiologist.

  • Inflammation of the lungs changes the structure of their tissues. It is characterized by acute pain in the chest and back, especially increasing with coughing and sudden movements. Accompanied by fever, chills, weakness. Diagnosis is made using X-ray image, Ultrasound. For treatment, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

You will learn about the signs, symptoms and treatment of pneumonia by watching the video:

  • Pleurisy affects the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs). Often the disease develops against the background of allergies, tuberculosis, and pancreatitis. A cutting pain syndrome is felt under the ribs in front and behind, accompanied by a strong cough, difficulty breathing, elevated temperature. Pathology is diagnosed using X-rays and ultrasound. Treatment is selected depending on what caused the pleurisy. In addition to medications, physiotherapeutic measures and exercise therapy are prescribed.
  • Oncological diseases are also accompanied by girdle pain of varying severity. In addition, weight loss, shortness of breath, and hemoptysis are observed. Oncologists treat pathology.

Other diseases

To exclude diseases of the spine if you have existing back pain, you should pay attention to other manifestations of pathologies. The pain syndrome increases significantly with intense movements, decreases or completely stops at rest. It is complemented by tension in the back muscles and numbness in the arms. With traumatic bone injuries, the pain under the ribs in the front and back becomes stronger if the person coughs or bends over. With these signs, they turn to a surgeon or traumatologist.

  • If a person has osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, then he will notice muscle stiffness, limited mobility, pain in the back, below and above the lower back, which responds to upper limbs. They are characterized and continued in different ways. Used in the treatment of pathology various drugs to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as a variety of additional methods: massage, therapeutic exercises, physical therapy.

  • Intercostal neuralgia is another disease that is characterized by painful sensations on the right side under the rib. They are characterized as stabbing and can occur in different parts bodies. They intensify when a person makes movements with the body: turns, bends. Similar symptoms observed in muscle inflammation - myositis.
  • Shingles, spreading throughout the body in the form of rashes similar to herpes, is accompanied by an itchy burning sensation and a pain reaction. In this case, consult a dermatologist.

In what cases do you need to urgently seek help?

In some situations, pain on the right side, radiating to the back, may be a symptom of a serious pathology that requires immediate surgical treatment. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, there is a high risk of death for the patient. Emergency help You need to call immediately if a person, in addition to unbearable pain, has:

  • Injuries.
  • Bleeding.
  • Fainting.

Procedure for measuring blood pressure

  • Severe vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • High temperature and a sharp decrease or increase in pressure.

Particular attention should be paid to the child’s complaints of pain in the right side in order to prevent the development of any serious diseases.

The abdominal cavity on the right side contains several extremely important organs. If any of them gets sick, then one of them clear symptoms pathology may be pain on the right side, radiating to the back. It is not recommended to independently determine the cause of its appearance, much less take any medications, without consulting your doctor.

Sometimes illness overtakes us suddenly, takes us by surprise, leading to panic and rash actions. When we feel pain on the right side from the back , You should not make hasty decisions and “drown out” the symptoms with painkillers. It is worth understanding what causes these sensations and only after identifying the cause, begin to eliminate it. Let's consider several variants of the disease based on pain symptoms.

Gives it to the back

If persistent pain on the right side of the back does not subside within a few hours, this may mean that the cause lies in the disease, and not in an uncomfortable bed. This is not at all a matter of the usual aching of old joints or the spine; the reason is much more serious. Here you will need to consult a doctor, because the right side hurts and radiates to the back for several reasons:

  • with pathology of the reproductive system;
  • kidney disease;
  • pinching sciatic nerve;
  • malfunction of the circulatory system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • heart disease.

Each of these reasons is quite serious and many people become overly nervous about it. However, there are many favorable ways solutions to this problem. It is important to understand the root causes of the disease and correctly and successfully eliminate them.

If persistent, permanent pain in the right side radiates to the back , experts will advise you to go in-depth examination and receive qualified diagnostics. It is important to know exactly where the pain is. In the place where the brain receives a signal about a problem, pathology most often lies.

And only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is possible to effectively localize the disease, and then completely eliminate the disease. My patients use a proven remedy, thanks to which they can get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

But there are often cases when pain in the right side from the back is caused by organs located far from the apparent source. Such phenomena in medicine are called irradiating, i.e. such that they can cover not only adjacent areas of the affected organ, but also give off in unexpected places.

If there is pain in the right side of the back, the pain is characterized by several signs:

  • static;
  • pulsating;
  • sharp;
  • non-stop;
  • increasing;
  • shooting;
  • pulling;
  • chronic;
  • stupid.

If the right side behind the back constantly hurts , then, most likely, this indicates that in the body goes wrong exchange substances, more precisely proteins. Throbbing pain occurs in the muscles of the hollow organs during their uncontrolled, chaotic contractions. Sharp pain appears when moving and stones entering the ureter.

It limits and sometimes paralyzes movement, making it impossible to even turn over in bed. Also, nagging and increasing pain appears when the gallbladder becomes inflamed or as a result of acute or chronic pancreatitis. Sometimes a person does not understand why the side on the right side and the back hurts , as if a pin had been stuck there. After a visual examination and palpation, the doctor will identify a connection with the pancreas.

Very often it occurs due to deformation of the spine, inconvenient stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time. This is facilitated by permanent job sitting, incorrectly selected chair height or low physical activity.

Problems with the spine arise after various injuries and therefore the right side hurts. This serves as a reason to consult a doctor. Shooting occurs due to pathologies spinal cord or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. A specialized specialist can determine the exact cause of such sensations.

Under the ribs

Nomadic pain caused by a number of reasons is detected when the right side hurts from the back under the ribs . Possible cholecystitis, determined by these signs, will give additional discomfort. Chronic pathologies digestive organs can be the answer to the question: what hurts in the right side of the back?

Similar symptoms accompany benign and malignant tumors of internal organs in the gastrointestinal tract. If there is a nagging pain in the right side of the back, it is similar to the disease duodenitis. The above symptoms, as well as profuse sweating and bitter belching, complete the list of signs of these diseases.

If there is a feeling of fullness, then this may be a relapse of cholecystitis. From the moment the symptom appears, it is worth applying a strict diet, because acute pain is sometimes “quenched” by hunger, which has a beneficial effect on stabilizing the patient’s condition.

If the gallbladder is not working properly, it also hurts in a similar way. All these diseases cannot be cured on their own; when they appear, you should sound the alarm and call ambulance. In the future, only specialists can help cure the disease.

In the lower back

Seizures often occur. Most often they are caused by age-related changes in muscle structure, redistribution of the load on them and increased work new group muscles that were previously not capable of performing such tasks.

It becomes known why the right side behind the back hurts , if changes are diagnosed by ultrasound or x-ray. After checking with the doctor how strong the changes are, apply various ways treatment.

If dull pain progresses in the right side from the back , Most likely, this is caused by kidney pathology. Pyelonephritis, nephritis, as well as urolithiasis characterized by a non-local character. Pain in right lower back , caused by such diseases. Persistent lack of appetite causes inflammation of the kidney and impaired urination.

Also, if appendicitis is detected, then it becomes clear why the right side from the back hurts. Referred pain immediately reveals itself, which is often misleading. Similar symptoms are common in heart and lung disease. But the diagnosis can only be established with thorough examination patient and studying all tests.

The reasons why there is pain in the right side of the back can be mechanical, i.e. caused by various injuries and damage to internal organs. Sharp physical activity, can also cause pain in the right side closer to the back.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to such deviations from the norm. If there is a pathology of internal organs, then their signs can appear very clearly, the area hurts greatly.

An acute pain in the right side of the back indicates changes in some internal organs. You will need to consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

From the above we can conclude: to determine the exact cause, you should undergo an examination and establish the nature of the disease and the place of its occurrence. A qualified doctor can diagnose the phenomenon using medical equipment.

However, if you have pain, sensations of this nature need to be monitored and responded to when they occur. If they appear for the first time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the cause of their appearance.

Permanent occurrence similar phenomena will make it easier to understand their resumption, and also, time will not be lost on the use of medications that alleviate the condition. Unfortunately, diseases haunt us throughout our lives, however, having received information, we become more armed and ready to repel the attacks of illnesses.

Video on the topic

Many people complain of back pain, but the reasons for this phenomenon can be very different. For example, pain in the lower back on the right side may indicate problems in the spine or a disease of the right.

This is how problems with the right ovary sometimes make themselves felt. There may be other reasons.

If such a symptom occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Since the reasons can be quite serious pathological process s, it is better not to delay a visit to a specialist, and especially not to self-medicate.

Why does the symptom occur?

If we look at the problem in more detail, similar symptoms in the lumbar region may occur due to the following reasons:

  1. Diseases associated with musculoskeletal system:, spondylolisthesis and others.
  2. Muscle-related pathologies (inflammation, traumatic injury, stretching).
  3. Neurological diseases (neuritis or plexitis).
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs (right kidney, liver and intestines, right ovary).

Characteristics of pain in various pathologies

Whatever the reasons, if symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, since there are many organs located in the lumbar region on the right.

Symptoms of pain in this area are often an unfavorable sign and require accurate diagnosis for adequate assistance.

Osteochondrosis and sciatica

If the pain is associated with osteochondrosis, then it can be dull or dull, but it can also be acute – when a nerve is pinched. This pain in the back on the right is accompanied by stiffness of movement. It intensifies after:

  • physical activity,
  • hypothermia,
  • sudden movement or staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

It goes away after rest and taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Acute and unbearable sensations can develop with, or. As a rule, such pain is localized below the lower back and radiates to the thigh and lower leg.

Deterioration occurs during prolonged periods, sometimes even with coughing or sneezing. The disease needs integrated approach to treatment (, physiotherapy,).

Muscle inflammation

Nagging pain below or above the lower back can appear as a result of muscle inflammation, or myositis.

By palpation, areas of compaction can be identified. Warming ointments and compresses are used for treatment.

Hernia of the spine

Acute back pain on the right side above the lower back may indicate development. Sometimes it is localized lower depending on where the lesion is located. Accompanied by:

  • impaired mobility,
  • change in gait,
  • numbness and atrophy of the leg muscles.

If given pathological condition medications do not help, your doctor may recommend surgical method treatment.

Diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas

Pain above the lower back on the right side may indicate pyelonephritis or kidney stones. Sometimes this symptom indicates the presence of severe hydronephrosis.

In such cases, renal colic often develops, in which the patient’s suffering is so unbearable that he cannot find a place for himself and constantly rushes about. The attack can only be relieved by taking antispasmodics.

In some cases, when the process is neglected and organ function failure develops, it becomes necessary operation for kidney removal.

Pain on the right under the ribs at the back above the lower back occurs with diseases of the liver and biliary tract. They are accompanied by:

  • indigestion,
  • yellowing of the skin,
  • heaviness in the liver area.

In this case, hepatoprotectors are used, choleretic agents, antispasmodics. Be sure to follow a diet.

In the back above the lower back on the right side, pain is often accompanied by inflammation. It is also noted on the left, but can be encircling in nature. Acute attack of this disease can only be treated in a hospital setting.

Gynecological diseases

Pain in the right side below the lower back in women can be a sign of gynecological problems:

  • endometriosis (inflammation of the inner wall of the uterus),
  • salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries and appendages),
  • and other pathologies of the pelvic organs.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations are not noted, and the insidiousness of such pathologies is that the patient believes that she simply has a lower back strain.

Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. In men, it can appear with prostatitis or prostate adenoma.

Age problems

If your back hurts in the lower back area on the right in an elderly person, then you can assume age-related changes spine or osteoporosis.

Often such a symptom is observed when metabolic processes are disrupted, when diabetes mellitus and gout.

Manifestations during pregnancy

Similar signs are observed in a woman during. The stress on the body from the rapidly growing uterus puts pressure on the spine, kidneys and liver.

Given that most expectant mothers gain additional weight during pregnancy, signs of pain in lumbar region are not uncommon in this state.

Who should I contact?

If these signs arise, you should first go to a therapist. And after undergoing examinations and receiving test results, he can refer you to a specialist of the required profile.

Spinal diseases are dealt with by a vertebrologist or neurologist, with renal pathology consultation with a nephrologist or urologist is necessary. A gynecologist deals exclusively with female genitalia.

And if the cause is a pathology of internal organs, then the patient continues treatment with a therapist or gastroenterologist. An endocrinologist deals with metabolic disorders.


The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Today we offer an article on the topic: “The right side of the back hurts.” We tried to describe everything clearly and in detail. If you have any questions, ask at the end of the article.

Pain in the right side from the back may occur with various reasons. Most often with diseases of the respiratory organs, urinary tract, circulatory, and reproductive systems. Only after a thorough diagnosis can an accurate diagnosis be made.

1. Cramping pain occurs due to the fact that the muscles in the hollow organs sharply contract.

2. Constant pain appear when stretched outer shell in the parenchymal structure.

3. Increasing pain indicates an inflammatory process.

4. A sharp dagger indicates that some formation has been ruptured, a vessel has become clogged, or internal bleeding has suddenly occurred.

5. Pain-lumbago is characteristic of diseases of the spinal cord, pathology nervous system.

6. Drawing, dull, aching pain.

7. Long and short.

Please note that every pain is very dangerous; it signals that there are serious disorders in the body.

When to call the emergency room for pain in the right side of the back?

In some situations, in order to get rid of pain, you need to urgently call an ambulance to save the person. An ambulance is called if a person has the following symptoms:

1. The pain is sharp and sudden, does not go away for a long time, and is localized on the right side.

2. Severe unbearable pain arose under the ribs, the person loses consciousness, becomes dizzy, and becomes weak.

Causes of pain on the right side of the back

When making a diagnosis, it is important to pay attention to the nature and location of pain. Only the attending doctor can clarify the diagnosis. It is important to consider the following factors:

1. Back pain in the center right, this indicates serious kidney disease.

2. Pain in the back under the shoulder blade on the right. This symptom is characterized neurological disease, he says that the nerve is pinched. When the back on the right under the shoulder blade hurts severely, it means the person has a serious pulmonary disease– cancer of the lungs, bronchial tubes, pneumonia, pleurisy.

3. Pain under the rib on the right side characterizes serious liver pathology or diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas. When the pain is prolonged, it is necessary to examine the liver. If the pain does not go away for a long time, it is observed feverish state, vomiting, nausea, abdominal muscles are tense, which means the person has cholecystitis. In such a situation, pain can radiate to the shoulder blade, shoulder, or chest.

4. Pain in the lower back on the right indicates a pathological process in the spine, intervertebral hernia, problems with urinary system. The condition can be alleviated only after the person takes a different position.

5. In the morning, the back hurts due to muscular dystrophy if a person has chosen the wrong mattress.

Treatment of pain in the right side from the back

You cannot take a lot of medications at once; you must first find out the opinion of your doctor; do not self-medicate. On the right side there are organs that are important for full life. To relieve pain, you need to take painkillers medicine. The pain will pass after the exact cause has been identified.

Please note that symptoms may indicate various diseases. In this situation, it is very important to consult a specialist, so you can protect yourself from complications in time.

When does severe pain occur in the right side from the back?

1. Diseases of the respiratory organs - during pneumonia, pleurisy, with malignant tumor in the bronchi, lungs.

2. Diseases of the digestive system - with acute cholecystitis, intestinal colic, appendicitis.

3. Urinary tract diseases - with hydronephrosis, retroperitoneal hematoma, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney abscess.

4. For problems with the spinal cord, spine. When a person has osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, spondylosis.

Features of pain in respiratory diseases

With pleurisy, sharp pain bothers you. The purulent form is accompanied by severe pain and poor breathing. Attacks of pain that intensify when a person coughs or moves indicate a dry form of pleurisy.

With pneumonia, in addition to pain, the body temperature rises sharply, and severe cough, wheezing, intense pain. Pneumothorax is characterized by sudden pain that radiates to the scapula area.

Features of pain in diseases of the digestive system

The pain is localized in the back of the right side, most often speaks of acute cholecystitis, radiating to the shoulder girdle, right intercostal space, shoulder, and scapula. Sometimes it burns a lot lumbar region. The attack can last several hours or days. The temperature rises sharply and severe vomiting occurs.

Pain can often be characterized by intestinal colic, in this case it is necessary to take No-shpa. It is dangerous when pain occurs during acute appendicitis, it is localized in the right side, giving back. The symptom is rare, only when the appendicular process is located behind the cecum, it has large sizes, swelling.

Characteristics of pain in the urinary system

Pain in the right side behind may indicate a serious kidney disease - abscess, hydronephrosis. Unpleasant sensations can be different, they are often bothered by nagging, dull, sharp pains, which can increase when pressure is applied to the lumbar region. With renal colic, the pain is acute, and the symptom also indicates thrombosis of the renal artery.

So, the right side of the back can hurt for various reasons. It should be borne in mind that in addition to diseases of the internal organs, symptoms indicate intervertebral hernia, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, pinched nerve. The pain is often sharp and radiates to the right side of the back. In order to distinguish pathology in the spine from diseases of the internal organs in time, you need to pay attention to other symptoms - pain when moving, stiffness, numbness.

Pain in the right side, manifested from the back, is a symptom that can indicate many diseases, including serious ones. If the patient gets to a specialist on time, this will allow him to avoid fatal complications and receive proper treatment.

When does the pain appear?

Pain in the right side, felt in the back area, is a symptom that can appear with the following diseases.

    Respiratory system diseases:

    • pleurisy (“dry”);



      cancer of the bronchi and lungs.

    Digestive system diseases:

    • intestinal colic;

      acute cholecystitis;


    Diseases of the urinary system:

    • retroperitoneal hematoma;




      kidney abscess;

      renal colic.

    Lesions of the spine, spinal cord:

    • osteochondrosis;


      intervertebral hernia.

List possible diseases, in which there is pain in the right side, localized in the back, is quite long. You should definitely pay attention to the nature of the pain and the accompanying symptoms.

Respiratory system diseases

Painful sensations in the right side, manifested from the back, are among characteristic features pathologies of the respiratory system.

    Inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy) can be exudative and dry, in both cases it can manifest itself with sharp pain when breathing. At purulent form In addition to severe pain on the right side, poor breathing on the affected side is added. The dry form makes itself known by cutting pain attacks, activated by movement and coughing.

    Pneumonia (right-sided pneumonia) is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, wheezing in the lungs, and cough. The intensity of pain varies.

    Spontaneous pneumothorax causes acute sudden pain, extending into the shoulder blade.

    Lung and bronchial cancer are diseases that are characterized by nagging pain, localized in the back on the right, it is also possible to capture the scapula and right shoulder. The syndrome becomes more active as the tumor grows, during movement, coughing, and breathing.

Digestive system diseases

Pain that is concentrated in the back right side may also indicate problems related to the digestive system.

    Acute cholecystitis is a disease in which pain is concentrated in the right intercostal space and can radiate to the shoulder girdle, scapula, and right shoulder. In some cases, a burning sensation in the lower back is also present. The duration of the attack can range from several days to several hours. Additional symptoms– rise in temperature, attacks of vomiting.

    Intestinal colic can also cause pain in this area. You can eliminate it with the help of No-Shpa; it often disappears on its own.

    Acute appendicitis can also cause pain in the right side behind. This rare symptom appears if the appendicular process is localized behind the cecum, enlarged in size, and swollen.

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Diseases of the urinary system

Many kidney diseases can cause pain in the back of the right side.

    Glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, kidney abscess and other pathologies are marked by aching, pulling, dull and sharp pain. The pain increases if you put pressure on the lumbar area.

    Renal colic causes acute pain, the same symptom may indicate thrombosis of the renal artery.

Problems of the spinal cord, spine

Intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, pinched nerve roots - all these problems can cause sharp pain localized on the right side of the back. In order not to confuse spinal pathology with other diseases, it is worth studying other signs. A feeling of stiffness appears in the back, a pain attack increases with movement, radiates to chest, limbs, groin area. Numbness and “pins and needles” may also occur.

Severe pain is possible with a fracture of the scapula or ribs on the right. It is activated by coughing, deep breathing, and movements.

How to calculate a “sick organ”?

Often, people experiencing pain concentrated in the back right side have no idea which specialist to contact or which organ the problem is associated with. Of course, with accurate diagnosis Only a specialist can decide after completing a full examination.

However, the location, intensity and nature of pain attacks can tell us something:

    Right under the shoulder blade. Perhaps the problem is neurological in nature and is the result of a pinched nerve. You can also suspect lung diseases: pneumonia, pleurisy, lung cancer.

    Under the ribs. The liver and pancreas are located here, and the gallbladder is located. Pathologies of any of these organs can be a source of pain. For prolonged pain, the liver is checked first.

    Right in the central part. Most likely, the problem is related to kidney disease.

    Lower back right. Painful attacks may indicate pathologies and injuries of the spine, hernias. Disruptions in the urinary system are also likely. IN latest situation the pain does not subside in any position.

Back pain on the right side can also bother a person in the morning. Possible problems that cause pain after waking up are an incorrect mattress, muscle dystrophy.

Do I need to call an ambulance?

There are diseases that require emergency treatment, in some cases we are talking about surgical intervention. Often, the life of a patient directly depends on the speed with which medical help comes. You should definitely call an ambulance if a symptom appears such as a sharp, unexpected and non-stop pain felt on the right side of the back. Additional symptoms are weakness, fainting, dizziness.

In any case, you should not prescribe medications on your own without undergoing a medical examination. As a last resort, you can use painkillers to temporarily relieve the symptom. However, it is possible to completely get rid of pain only after eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

Any pain is a sign of dysfunction of internal organs. There are no exceptions when the right side begins to hurt from the back. Therefore, you should not ignore changes in your health: if you have any doubtful symptoms, consult your doctor. He will help to identify diseases in time and prescribe appropriate treatment.


One of the causes of pain appearing from the back on the right side is a disruption of the respiratory system. Thus, pleurisy, pneumonia, tumors affecting the bronchi or lungs appear.

Often the right back hurts in people whose digestive system not okay. Pain can be a sign of cholecystitis, and it usually lasts up to several days. The disease is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal muscle tension. Unpleasant sensations can radiate to the chest and shoulder blade.

In some cases, pain occurs in the right side due to disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system. For example, when renal colic- blockage of the ureter with stones, blood clots, resulting in inflammatory process. It causes discomfort to the patient, since it is almost impossible to find a position in which the pain would ease. It usually develops in patients suffering from urological diseases, after drinking liquid in large quantities, physical stress and less often at rest. Impaired urine flow leads to its accumulation, causing it to put pressure on the urinary tract. All this causes swelling of the kidney and pain. If the right side hurts from the back, the right kidney is affected accordingly. When a stone moves along the ureter, the pain moves down the abdomen and back, spreading to the genitals and area bladder. When the stone comes out sharp pains disappear, instead the patient feels in the right side dull pain, which is associated with damage to the urinary tract.

Pain felt in the side may be a sign of diseases such as pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, thrombosis of the kidney vessels, kidney prolapse, etc. Pyelonephritis in case of damage right kidney is expressed by a sudden and increasing sharp pain localized in the upper back in the right side. For chronic form characterized by incessant nagging pain. At the same time, the body temperature rises, swelling occurs, changes in the urine are observed - it becomes cloudy or acquires a red tint, and the process of urination is also disrupted.

Problems with the nervous system or spinal cord can also cause pain in the right side. The pain in this case has the character of a lumbago.

On the right under the ribs there is the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. Pathology in these organs can lead to pain. If it is long-term, the liver should be checked first.

In case of spinal injury, formation intervertebral hernias Pain may also occur in the lower back. If your back hurts in the morning, possible reason- muscle dystrophy, incorrect mattress.

These are the main reasons why a person may feel pain in the right side. There are others - this is a fairly common symptom that can signal the most various ailments. Some diseases can be very serious, so it is important to get a diagnosis and treatment promptly.

Types of pain

As a rule, pain is localized in the place where the diseased organ is located. But sometimes it can arise in a completely different area: it spreads to the most unexpected areas of the body.

Side pain can be different:

  • cramping- occur with a sharp contraction of the muscles of the genital organs,
  • growing accompany the inflammatory process,
  • spicy may indicate rupture of internal organs, blockage of blood vessels, sudden bleeding,
  • shooting through indicate disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system or spinal cord.

In addition, the pain can be nagging, dull, aching, short or long-lasting.

When the right side of the back hurts, first of all, you need to understand why this happened. In some cases, painkillers help, in others, immediately call an ambulance. Immediate intervention a doctor is required if there is a sharp feeling on the right side, severe pain, which does not subside for a long time, is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

Pain during pregnancy

Pregnant women should be sensitive to their health. Any pain that occurs during this period requires medical intervention. Female body during pregnancy is vulnerable, as a result of which it often worsens chronic diseases. Pain that occurs in the right side of the back can be a manifestation of hepatitis, pyelonephritis, pathology of the biliary tract and other diseases, each of which poses a danger to both the child and the woman. acute pain may be noted frequent urge to urination. Pain may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the right side of the back may hurt for other reasons:

  • osteochondrosis, poor muscle development,
  • lumbar radiculitis,
  • hormonal changes
  • incorrect posture due to a shift in the center of gravity,
  • pressure from the uterus on the nerve endings at the base of the spine.

In all these cases, it is necessary to abandon high-heeled shoes, use a bandage, and engage in physical therapy.

How to relieve the condition

Remember that before making a diagnosis, self-medication is unacceptable; without consulting a doctor, take medicines not advisable. IN right side The body contains important organs. Therefore, you cannot do without the help of professionals. For quick fix pain, you can take a painkiller, but the problem will not go away. Pain will leave you forever only if the disease that caused the pain is cured.

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