What is located on the right under the shoulder blade. Why does the right shoulder blade hurt: causes and treatment

If we're talking about about the pain underneath right shoulder blade from the back, diagnosis in this area is difficult due to a number of specific and purely human character. Patients visit doctors if the pain under the right shoulder blade from the back becomes unbearable. A long wait does not allow timely identification of the first signs and localization of the disease at its source.

Typically, a considerable amount of time passes from the onset of the disease to its detection. The patient forgets about the circumstances of the incident and complains to the doctor about completely different symptoms, which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Trying to understand the danger of the complaints described by patients, attention is paid to the distribution of symptoms and their manifestation. The following types of pain in the back area under the right shoulder blade are distinguished:

  1. Aching pain between the shoulder blade and the spine on the right is most often a consequence of body stiffness.
  2. The pain under the shoulder blade is debilitating and prolonged. It can hurt not only under the right shoulder blade, but also in the right arm. Symptoms occur when the arms are suddenly thrown up and down, or when there is any movement of the torso and neck. The cause of the dull pain under the right shoulder blade is ambiguous; it is unlikely that you will be able to understand it on your own.
  3. Pain under the shoulder blade on the right reveals itself unexpectedly, for example, with increased coughing, trying to inhale air, or moving disproportionately quickly. The reason is not always harmless. At constant unpleasant symptoms, it makes sense to understand this problem.
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If the pain on the right behind bothers you more than once, but occurs periodically, you should find the cause and immediately begin treatment.


The causes of pain under the right shoulder blade are not at all easy to determine. This requires certain knowledge and equipment. Initially, the doctor makes only a preliminary diagnosis based on exactly how the pain manifests itself and why it hurts in this particular area.

Dull pain

If we are talking about dull pain from the back, then its possible causes should be sought in:

  • Spasm of one of the muscles and a damaged scapular nerve;
  • Diseases internal organs.

The reasons why lie in:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Chronic cholecystitis;
  • Tumors of the liver, pancreas, right kidney, or lung;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

Prolonged dull pain under the shoulder blade with right side back appears in diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys and pancreas. With pancreatitis, the pain begins suddenly, the person does not sleep and takes positions that are not comfortable for him in a lying position, since the torture of getting comfortable causes even more inconvenience. The listed diseases are a source of considerable trouble.

It's a dull pain

Prolonged aching pain in the back on the right, tingling and pulling sensations indicate disturbances in the functioning of the spine.

A nagging pain under the right shoulder blade may be the first sign of osteochondrosis, chondrosis and spondylosis. It occurs in people who do not pay enough attention to sports.

Sedentary work, lack of opportunity to do exercises, all this will inevitably lead to cervical osteochondrosis, or osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Unpleasant sensations are not the only sign of illness. Patients experience numbness in their fingers and severe headaches. The cause may be a simple pinched nerve or neurological diseases.

It is possible that back pain is a consequence of a tumor. In the latter case, it is necessary to carry out a full examination of the patient by specialists of various profiles. Look for the cause in the very place of concentration pain, it makes no sense, most likely, the pain below the shoulder blade only radiates to the indicated place. The cause may also be pancreatitis, in its chronic form, bronchitis, pneumonia, cirrhosis, or hepatitis.

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It is possible that aching pain in the lower part of the shoulder blade that is located to the right of spinal column a consequence of cholecystitis and pyelonephritis. With cholecystitis, it can radiate into the chest, taking on a paroxysmal form . Pyelonephritis is accompanied by a burning sensation in the upper part of the scapula, which developed as a result of inflammation of the right kidney.

At the time of gallstone disease formation, painful sensations also aching. With cholelithiasis, pain in the shoulder blades occurs along with nausea, vomiting and high fever. The skin turns yellow and a fever begins.

Acute pain

Burning and tingling in this area are usually not connected in any way with the spinal region. should be looked for in damage to internal organs. Symptoms occur primarily in people with abnormal heart rhythms, vascular diseases, problems with digestive tract and rectum. Often back pain occurs when:

  • Hepatic colic;
  • Acute cholecystitis;
  • Gallstone disease;
  • Hypertensive form of gallbladder dyskinesia.

If the cause of back pain is one of the listed diseases, other characteristic symptoms will arise over time, including irritability, sweating, insomnia and fatigue.

Unabated sharp pain in the back under the scapula indicates a subphrenic abscess located on last stage. Unpleasant sensations intensify when trying to inhale and disappear when exhaling, being reflected in the right shoulder blade. If it hurts on the right side under the scapula, then this indicates hepatic colic or a purulent infiltrate. In the latter case, the patient will develop a fever and may have problems with urination.

Particularly worried if the right shoulder blade hurts. As mentioned above, short-term pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade does not mean anything. You should start worrying only if the pain does not go away for 1-2 hours in a row.

A recent injury may also cause pain; in this case, you should contact a specialist immediately. Fractures or the onset of an infectious process cannot be ruled out; in the latter case, the chance of quickly getting rid of the problem without the help of a specialist is quite low.

Diagnosis and treatment

Because how quickly it will be delivered correct diagnosis, a lot depends, and above all, the life of the patient himself. If you feel unwell for the first time, you should consult a therapist. It is the therapist who must make initial examination the patient and question him about other symptoms that a person ignorant in medicine may not pay due attention to.

After such an inspection and identification warning signs, the therapist is obliged to refer the patient to a vertebrologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, traumatologist, or neurologist. To determine the location of back pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, the patient will have to do x-ray, donate blood and urine.

The treatment prescribed based on the results obtained, regardless of the nature of the pain on the right side, begins with taking painkillers.

If we are talking about common cold, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications and recommend warming compresses and ointments for the lower back. In other cases, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory, antiviral, neurological and other drugs designed to treat not just the symptoms, but also the very cause of the disease.

The pain under the right shoulder blade is polyetiological; it becomes a manifestation of local neuralgia, as well as a consequence of many diseases. It is not always possible to reliably determine the source - the true source may be located at a considerable distance.

The syndrome occurs in many patients over 30-35 years of age and accounts for almost 45% of all clinical manifestations.

The nature of the pain under the right shoulder blade from behind - how can it hurt, and how to describe the pain to the doctor?

Unpleasant sensations or severe pain are not an independent disease, but clinical symptom. It is important for future patients to understand how it hurts under the right shoulder blade - this will help the doctor promptly and quickly diagnose the pathology and prescribe timely therapy.

Important criteria for assessing a symptom are:

  • Characteristic aspects, or how it hurts (there are acute pulsating, dull and intrusive).
  • Time (with constant or temporary flow).
  • Strength (when circumstances increase or subside).

Clinicians take into account the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of pain. For example, a significant increase in breathing after inhalation, contraction of the diaphragm, or sudden movement right hand.

There are several characteristics of pain under the right shoulder blade from the back:

  1. Dull pain. The syndrome develops against the background muscle spasms, exacerbation of the organs of the hepatobiliary system, lungs, and renal structures. They differ in duration, their intensity usually increases at night. Well-being suffers, but patients are able to endure.
  2. Acute pain. The condition does not go away medications, change of position. Well-being usually suffers, and other symptoms of clinical distress appear.
  3. Aching and intense. Such pains become a consequence of bone pathologies cartilage tissue: osteochondrosis, sciatica, chondrosis, arthrosis. One of the dangerous diseases is osteoporosis of the spinal column.

The doctor must collect a clinical and life history, past injuries, previous infections. Important Age and the presence of concomitant diseases play a role.

Pain under the scapula at the back is often combined with other clinical manifestations: fever, malaise, impaired joint mobility, shortness of breath.

If atypical symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor!

Injuries, infections, oncology, as causes of pain under the right shoulder blade from behind

Why does it hurt under my right shoulder blade? Subscapular pain under the right shoulder blade from behind from the back of varying intensity should be differentiated from neurological damage, acute infections and oncogenic processes.

According to statistics, the cause of pain under the right shoulder blade is typical factors.

1. Traumatic factor

Appearance sudden pain under the right shoulder blade from behind the back is often caused by bruises, subluxations, dislocations of the forearm and even a violation of the integrity of bone tissue.

Soreness persists for a long time after prolonged exercise, tendon strain, or ruptures due to falls. In this case, the pain is localized, the affected area has hematomas and bruises.

For injuries mild degree, without damaging the bone tissue, the pain goes away on its own.

More complex clinical situations are traumatic lesions of the suprascapular nerve on the right and pneumothorax (traumatic). In the first case, the pain has an unclear localization, radiates markedly, and spreads over the entire shoulder. In the case of patients experiencing primary pain in the sternum, which subsequently radiates to subscapular region in the projection of the lungs.

2. Oncology

At the stage of tumor formation, the asymptomatic period, the latent phase, predominates.

Unfortunately, symptoms appear only with progressive malignancy, and pain spreads throughout the body. Thus, cancer of any localization provokes a painful syndrome in the first place.


Associated symptoms oncological process there is a significant deterioration in the condition (literally, fading), an increase in temperature, mainly in children, sharp increase lymph nodes.

3. Infectious diseases

Infectious processes in the body tend to migrate along descending or ascending pathways. So, a diseased tooth with a fistula or can cause generalized sepsis with the formation of infiltrative foci of any location.

Common infectious processes causing subscapular pain are:

  1. Inflammation lower sections respiratory system(complicated bronchitis, focal pneumonia, purulent pleurisy). The main symptoms are pain in the diaphragm, chest, wheezing, hyperthermia, and spasmodic cough. During diagnostic tapping there is almost always a reaction from the patient.
  2. Inflammation of the diaphragm. The condition is characterized by the formation of a purulent infiltrate between upper corner liver and diaphragm, becomes a consequence of perforation or perforation of a stomach or small intestine ulcer, liver abscess, surgery on the abdominal organs. If you suspect subphrenic abscess urgent medical attention is required.

Considering that there are many causes of pain under the right shoulder blade from behind, it is important to assess the degree of potential danger.

An emergency reason for hospitalization or urgent medical examination is:

  • Long-term continuous pain (from 3-4 days).
  • Unchanged localization, the patient clearly points under the right shoulder blade.
  • The effect of analgesics is insignificant or does not occur.
  • The general condition worsens.
  • High body temperature.
  • The appearance of tumors.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

If the pain is constant, does not depend on a person’s activity and does not calm down even at night, then this significantly worsens the quality of life.

Timely differential diagnosis helps not only alleviate the condition, but also save lives.

What diseases of the internal organs can cause pain under the right shoulder blade from the back?

The causes of pain under the right shoulder blade from the back can be congenital or acquired diseases of the internal organs.

Progressive pathologies with anomalies in size, location and growth against the background of an inflammatory process always give radiating pain (polycystic kidney disease, hepatosis, megalia, -pathies).

1. Hepatobiliary system

If the right side hurts under the scapula, then one may suspect the development or exacerbation of existing liver pathologies (secondary cirrhotic changes), damage to the gallbladder tissue.

Radiating pain in the right side under the scapula occurs when the tissue of the liver structures is destroyed, the lumen of the ducts is blocked by stones or sand.

At risk are patients with cholecystitis, progressive hepatitis, and chronic cholelithiasis. The syndrome itself is intense, reminiscent of paralyzing colic. Weak pulling appears against the background of chronic pathologies.

2. Nephro-urological pathologies

The kidneys are anatomically located closer to the back, so if their function is impaired or inflammation occurs, characteristic symptom– pain under the right shoulder blade at the back.

The effleurage reaction is positive or absent. Need to differentiate kidney diseases from osteochondrosis of the spine.

So, with nephritis, acute pyelonephritis, joins high temperature, malaise, painful and frequent movements.

If the pain is in the right side under the shoulder blade, then the right kidney is probably predominantly affected.

3. Digestive organs

If there is pain under the right shoulder blade at the back, the cause may be pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Anatomical location of organs digestive system suggests irradiation of pain to the subscapular region on the right or left.

Diseases include pancreatitis, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, and pathologies of the spleen (especially tumors).

Pay attention!

In the acute phase, the pain is intense, often aching under the right shoulder blade, the syndrome goes away after taking antispasmodics, painkillers.

Widespread pain appears with the appearance of cystic cavities, tumor neoplasms, polyps, dysplasia of the tissues of internal organs (for example, against the background of their growth).

Pathologies and deformations of the musculoskeletal system as causes of pain under the right shoulder blade in the back

Osteoarticular deformities are a consequence of multiple negative factors: non-infectious, autoimmune, inflammatory. Destruction and thinning of musculoskeletal structures leads to impaired joint mobility and irreversible changes in the structure of the skeleton.

Video: Pain in the right side from the back

If there is pain under the shoulder blade on the right side, then you should consider the likelihood of developing the following conditions:

  • Humeroscapular periarthritis(inflammation of small and large articular segments, structures).
  • Subscapularis bursitis (inflammatory lesion synovial bursa).
  • Myositis(inflammation of muscle structures as a result of excessive cooling, trauma, impaired blood flow, bacterial damage).

Typically, pain under the right shoulder blade radiates to other parts of the musculoskeletal system; the localization is not always clear.

Other pathologies are arthrosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, osteoporosis, tumors, osteomyelitis (inflammation of bone tissue, can also be classified as an infectious group of diseases).

Neurological causes of pain under the right shoulder blade from the back

TO neurological pathologies with severe pain syndrome include those in which there is an irritating effect on the nerve roots, peripheral and central NS as a whole. The inflammation is accompanied by intense aching pain under the right shoulder blade, with a tendency to intensify with mobility.

Very often, osteodeformations provoke compression of the nerve processes, so it is not always necessary to separate both directions.

If there is pain under the right shoulder blade at the back, the reasons are due to the following conditions:

  1. Neuralgia localized in the intercostal space. The pathology is accompanied by acute shooting pains that radiate in the intercostal space and reach the scapular region. The main reason is compression of the nerve roots, acute neuroinfections. Unpleasant sensations intensify with reflex tension of smooth muscles.
  2. Damage to the brachial plexus. The painful syndrome is accompanied by paresthesia (numbness) of the shoulder, hands, and partially cervical spine spine, characteristic pain when abducting or raising the arm.

If there is a stabbing sensation under the right shoulder blade against the background of a complicated cardiac history, it is important to undergo timely additional examination from a specialized specialist. Symptomatic pain may be due to cardiomyopathy, significant enlargement of the chambers and ventricles of the heart.

Awkward movements, turns or sudden bends of the body cause discomfort in the spine. Often there are complaints of pain under the right shoulder blade from the back. This condition is associated with damage to soft tissues, their stretching, or indicates the development of inflammation in the body. Similar sign ailments of internal organs or sarcoma of bone tissue still appear. Therefore, ignoring symptoms can lead to advanced stages of undiagnosed diseases.

The feeling of discomfort under the shoulder blade on the right has several options. The most common are pains of aching, intense, spontaneous and nagging (dull pain) nature. Unpleasant sensations can arise as a result of being in one position for some time, usually in a bent state.

Also, the intensity of pain can change. When coughing, inhaling, sneezing or turning the body, the lumbago appears strong and acute. A spontaneous attack can occur even with normal inhalation or at rest. Nagging discomfort below the neck is usually long-lasting.

It is worth noting that the appearance of any manifestation pain syndrome in the area of ​​the shoulder blade (on the right side) should definitely alert you and encourage you to see a doctor. It is necessary to look for factors that provoke discomfort, and not wait until it becomes easier.

Pay attention! A painful attack in the back always indicates the presence of negative processes in the body that adversely affect human health. The sooner they are detected, the greater the chance of recovery.

Causes of pain under the scapula on the right

Discomfort in the spine slightly lower shoulder girdle- a common phenomenon. Most often, the discomfort is caused by pain on the right side under the shoulder blade. In this part of the musculoskeletal system large number nerve roots, which does not immediately make it possible to diagnose the true causative agent of unpleasant discomfort.

Pay attention! Discomfort in this place also occurs as a result of ordinary stretching, but still you should not delay a visit to the doctor. It's better to play it safe once again.

The main pathogens that provoke attacks of pain under the shoulder blade:

  • congenital abnormalities;
  • significant bruise or broken bone;
  • diseases caused by infection (tuberculosis);
  • development of benign or oncological nature(osteoma, sarcoma).

The causative agents of pain in the scapular part on the right side can be ailments of the internal organs. Pathologies that localize acute attacks in the spine.

Serious disturbances in the normal functioning of the liver (cirrhosis)

Painful attacks under the shoulder blade are the initial stage of the development of such a disease. Then the skin turns yellow, the temperature fluctuates, and nausea and discomfort under the rib appear.


A disease that in chronic form can manifest itself as dull pain under the shoulder blade on the right. Discomfort occurs periodically, wears weak manifestation. Yellowing may occur at this time skin, fever, vomiting.

Impaired functioning of the bile ducts caused by infection

The disease provokes unpleasant sensations under the rib on the right side, gradually moving into the subscapular area. Pulling pain can occur when turning or tilting the body, or taking a deep breath.

Inflammatory processes in the pancreas (pancreatitis)

In its acute course, the pathology can cause severe lumbago under the shoulder blade. It happens that the burning sensation is localized equally throughout the entire upper part of the spine. In the chronic form, sudden attacks also occur.


The pathology is clearly expressed at stage 2 of development. A nagging pain appears, which can be localized in the scapula on the right side, as well as lumbar region. This condition is explained by the occurrence of sclerotic processes in the affected kidney tissues. In the event of acute pain attacks, we may be talking about the presence of pus in the organ. Here you need to immediately contact a specialist.

Know! Diseases such as pyelonephritis, cholecystitis in remission, nephritis are accompanied by dull ache in the area of ​​the shoulder blade. But intense and spontaneous shooting in the upper part of the ridge is a sign of negative processes in the gallbladder.

It is worth noting that the causes of discomfort between the shoulder blades (especially on the right) are pleurisy, pneumonia, purulent inflammation under the diaphragm. Typically, such pathologies are asymptomatic in the first stages. In the process of their further development, they can provoke a burning sensation and pain under the right shoulder blade.

There are also factors for pain under the scapula, which depend on disorders in musculoskeletal system. The causes are destruction of discs and pinching of nerve fibers in thoracic region spine (osteochondrosis), curvature (scoliosis), inflammation in the subscapular bursa, herpes zoster, deviations in the tendons of the shoulder (scapula). The nature of the pain attack, in this case, is shooting, sharp, pulling, aching or burning. It is necessary to understand that such symptoms arise just like that. You need to see a doctor to find out the cause of the pain.

Pay attention! A burning sensation or lumbago under the scapula on the right may occur due to neurological disorders (pinched roots, disruptions in autonomic system due to stress).

Diagnosis of pain

Many people do not attach importance to the short-term appearance of discomfort in the back, justifying this condition as fatigue or overexertion. Only with increased pain do people begin to turn to specialists. Typically, a gradual increase in discomfort under the right shoulder blade, as well as difficulty moving the body, indicate the presence of diseases dangerous to health.

To correctly find out the cause of the pain syndrome, you need to know which doctor to see. First of all, you need to go to a therapist. He will appoint comprehensive examination, and, if necessary, will write out a referral to a gastroenterologist, neurologist, or cardiologist. Specialists will help to find out the cause of the pain under the shoulder blade from the back, if it is due to a disease of the internal organs.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  1. Interviewing the patient, studying the diseases he has suffered, as well as studying hereditary pathologies.
  2. Assessing the patient’s condition – pulse, blood pressure, body temperature.
  3. Feeling the area between the shoulder blades, as well as the entire back, to determine the location of the pain and its spread to other parts of the spine.
  4. Determining other signs of disease by monitoring general condition sick.
  5. Neurological examination to help confirm or rule out psychogenic causes occurrence of pain.
  6. Examination of internal organs using ultrasound diagnostics, magnetic resonance and computed tomography.
  7. Study of biological material ( general analysis blood, urine).

Comprehensive diagnostics also includes x-rays of the spine and all its parts, and a cardiogram of the heart is done. All research is aimed at full examination patient to identify the causative agent of pain under the scapula on the right.

Pay attention! Only a thorough study of the medical history, carrying out all the research and a personal examination by a specialist can find the real reason discomfort in the upper back.

Treatment of identified pathologies that cause pain under the scapula

After a detailed examination, the doctor prescribes complex therapy. Treatment depends on the nature of the disease.

The main directions for eliminating pain under the shoulder blade on the right, depending on the causative agent of discomfort:

  1. Purpose non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory action (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Diflunisal, Meloxicam). These medications treat bruised scapula and vertebral pathologies (myositis, osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia). At this time, medications containing B vitamins (Neurorubin, Milgamma) may be prescribed. Pain-relieving ointments are used locally.
  2. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed when the cause of pain under the scapula at the back is infectious processes. If we are talking about bone tuberculosis, then specific drugs (ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide) are added to the antibiotics and the patient can be transferred to a special dispensary.
  3. Use of analgesics and medications antispasmodic action occurs with colic (renal, hepatic, gallbladder). Acute pain is well eliminated by the drugs Revalgin, Ketarol, No-shpa, Baralgin, Platyfillin.
  4. Therapy with fibrinolytic drugs and anticoagulants is carried out if myocardial infarction is suspected. The patient is transferred to cardiology, where they provide rest and the necessary treatment.
  5. Surgery is performed if the pain under the scapula is caused by tumor formations. Surgical treatment also prescribed for inflammatory processes in bone tissue(elimination of purulent focus).
  6. Anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs are prescribed when pain in the subscapular area is caused by diseases of the respiratory system. At this time, therapy includes inhalation procedures and mucolytic medications, which help thin the sputum.

Pay attention! Treatment should be carried out comprehensively and under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. This approach to solving the problem will achieve a positive effect in the fight against the disease.

Based on the diagnosed disease, except drug treatment, massage, physiotherapy, heating and reflexology may be prescribed. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s instructions and not self-medicate.

Also, pain in the scapular area can be caused by oncological pathologies. In this case, treatment is based on radiation and chemical therapy. If the tumors are operable, surgical intervention is practiced.

Painful attacks of aching or acute nature in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade, turning into lumbago or burning, are a manifestation of dangerous diseases. It is necessary to understand that ignoring symptoms can worsen the patient’s condition.

Reasons acute manifestations There may be inflammatory, infectious processes in bone tissue or internal organs. Even with minor pain under the right shoulder blade, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital. This will make it possible to prevent further development dangerous pathology, and eliminate it by early stages damage to organs and tissues.

A person may be bothered by pain throughout his life. different areas body, pain under the right shoulder blade is often bothersome. It may be harmless (“pulled a muscle”), or it may indicate some serious pathological process (sarcoma).

Pain is a signal that something is wrong in the body. It can be local and diffuse, can occur at the site of a pathological focus or radiate to neighboring areas of the body, can be acute, sudden or dull aching and, as a rule, has many different causes.

What can hurt under the right shoulder blade?

To better understand the causes of pain on the right side under the scapula, let's remember a little anatomy. So, let's look at the back from behind. We are interested right half, where the right shoulder blade is located in the upper third.

The scapula is a triangular shaped bone, almost right triangle, the short leg of which is directed upward, acute angle- down, and the long leg is parallel to the spine. The shoulder blade is covered with skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Below it are the ribs, between which intercostal nerves and vessels pass. Inside chest, directly behind the shoulder blade, is located right lung, covered with pleura.

Here we have identified the first anatomical structures that can hurt and do hurt quite often. These are the skin, muscles, the bone itself, ribs, intercostal nerves, right lung and pleura.

But it is possible that the pain may radiate due to pathology neighboring organs. Therefore, we remember that on the right under the diaphragm there is a liver with a gallbladder, the right half of the intestine and the right kidney.

Causes of pain under the shoulder blade on the right

All pain under the right shoulder blade can be caused by pathology of the bone itself and radiate here with diseases of other organs and tissues. Thus, the causes of pain can be divided into two groups:

  1. Pathology of the scapula of a traumatic, infectious and oncological nature.
  2. Diseases of other organs, which in turn can also be divided into diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological diseases and diseases of internal organs.

Let's look at each group of diseases in more detail.

Damage to the scapula

There are few diseases of the scapula, but, like any anatomical formation, it can also be affected by certain ailments.

  • Fractures of the right scapula are extremely rare. This happens with a direct blow to the shoulder blade area. The fracture line can run in different ways: through the body, along the edges, through the corners, or along the neck or glenoid cavity of the scapula.

The function of the right arm does not suffer in all fractures, except those affecting the shoulder joint, but severe aching pain appears under the right shoulder blade.

  • As in any bone formation, infectious processes such as osteomyelitis and tuberculosis can develop in the scapula. The infection gets here mainly hematogenously or from intradermal and intermuscular abscesses of the scapular region when neighboring tissues melt.

The pain under the right shoulder blade can be either sharp or dull. As a rule, it is accompanied by fever, weakness and deterioration in general condition.

  • Tumor-like formations of the scapula are extremely rare and can be benign or malignant (primary and metastatic). Most often they are formed from cartilage tissue, which is explained by the development of the scapula in the prenatal period.

Tumors such as osteoma and osteoclastoblastoma are more common, and chondroma, osteoid osteoma, reticulosarcoma and chondrosarcoma are less common.

Diseases of other organs

Often pain caused by spinal pathology radiates under the right shoulder blade. This is observed at , and at , and at . The nature of the unpleasant sensations will depend on the disease in which they appeared.

  • Ribs

Peripheral lung cancer, growing into the pleura, also manifests itself as pain. Such crayfish for a long time They may not manifest themselves in any way until the tumor reaches a certain size.

  • Liver and gallbladder

One of the classic symptoms of biliary or hepatic colic In addition to abdominal pain and dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, flatulence), there is a stabbing pain under the right shoulder blade, in the right subclavian region, right shoulder and right side of the neck. Pain syndrome appears after consuming fatty fried foods and may be accompanied by yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyeballs.

  • Stomach and duodenum

Diseases of these two organs, as a rule, do not lead to the pain we are interested in, but a complication peptic ulcer, sometimes developing when ulcers perforate rear walls of these organs will manifest itself in the appearance of a pulling or bursting pain under the right shoulder blade. This complication is subphrenic. This is the name of an abscess that forms on the right between the diaphragm and the liver. It can also occur as a complication of various operations on the abdominal cavity. The purulent process is always accompanied sharp deterioration condition, fever and other symptoms of severe intoxication.

Although sometimes such an abscess may not manifest itself in any way other than discomfort when breathing.

  • Kidneys

Sharp pain under the right shoulder blade can be observed with renal colic, which often complicates the course urolithiasis. In this case, the stone clogs the ureter, preventing urine from flowing freely into the ureter. bladder. The pelvis and cups stretch, and a sharp pain, from which “the patient spins like a top on the bed.” Nausea may bother you, the temperature rises to 39 degrees.

  • Heart

Sometimes the only symptom cardiac pathology may cause discomfort under the right shoulder blade. In this case, the patient is examined for everything possible diseases, and the ECG reveals a myocardial infarction suffered on the legs.

The furuncle of the right scapular region can also hurt quite severely. Subcutaneous and intermuscular abscesses are also found in this part of the body.

One of the most rare causes, perhaps, we can call it . This systemic disease connective tissue, manifested in characteristic changes in the skin (swelling, thickening). In severe form pathological process spreads to the skin of the chest and back. A feeling of “corset” appears.

A lot can be said about treating pain under the right shoulder blade, but the main thing to remember is that methods of eliminating pain are determined by the cause that caused it, and self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences. You can, of course, drink analgin or another painkiller and wait for it to feel better. But the pain syndrome is not always completely relieved, and the condition finally improves.

  • For fractures of the scapula, ribs, spinal pathology, and intercostal neuralgia, drugs from the NSAID group (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) will help relieve pain. A fracture of the neck of the scapula may require reduction and surgery.
  • Basic treatment infectious process(osteomyelitis of the scapula, furuncle of the scapular region, pneumonia, pleurisy) is antibiotic therapy. The pain goes away as the symptoms of the disease subside. Tuberculosis of the scapula requires specific treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs.
  • Gall and renal colic relieved with analgesics and antispasmodics. But, if the cause is stones (in the first case, the gallbladder, in the second, the urinary system), then the attack may recur until the calculus (stone) is removed.

There is no point in delaying the removal of stones, since neither gallstones nor kidney stones lead to anything good. Biliary peritonitis is the most aggressive of all types of inflammation of the peritoneum. Well, a kidney block leads to the development of kidney failure.

  • Subphrenic abscess requires emergency surgery, otherwise the abscess will break through abdominal cavity will lead to diffuse peritonitis, and everything can end very sadly.

Tumor-like formations in unadvanced cases are operated on quite successfully, and if necessary, radiation and chemotherapy are performed.

If any of the above symptoms are detected, it is recommended to visit a therapist who will prescribe necessary tests and help improve your health.

There is practically no person who has not experienced back pain at least once in his life. This can be explained by the fact that the spine and back muscles are constantly under severe stress, which does not go away without leaving a trace.

Pain may occur in different departments, but pain in the right back under the scapula is known to everyone, because there are a lot of reasons that can cause it.

Scapula position

Everyone knows about such an organ, and its function is quite important - connecting the human torso and upper limbs, that is, hands. Directly below the shoulder blades are the ribs, between which the intercostal nerve passes.

The spine, heart and large vessels, stomach. Any problems in these organs can be characterized by pain appearing under the shoulder blades at the back.

Pain in this part of the back creates discomfort and hinders movement, so it is necessary to identify and eliminate its cause.

Pain and its nature

If we characterize pain, we can note two types:

  1. Aching. May appear frequently. Sometimes it’s enough to sit in an uncomfortable position for a while or overstrain your muscles as a result of the same type of work, and here you have a nagging pain under your shoulder blades.
  2. Spicy. Most often it signals problems in the internal organs. It may appear unexpectedly. The pain is much stronger than in the first case.

When visiting a doctor, you need to explain to him in detail what kind of pain and in what area you are concerned, so that you can make a preliminary diagnosis as accurately as possible.

Causes of pain

Such sensations can be localized under the left, under the right shoulder blade or between them. Each variety has its own reasons. If you often have pain radiating under your right shoulder blade, then you can assume the following problems in the body:

  1. Inflammation of the gallbladder or stones in this organ, as well as dietary errors can cause aching pain under the shoulder blade on the right.
  2. Subphrenic abscess causes pain radiating to right hypochondrium. In this condition, the temperature and the number of white blood cells in the blood may even increase. This pathology requires immediate medical attention.
  3. Kidney disease can cause pain under the shoulder blade. Quite often, lumbar pain is added to this pain.
  4. It causes pain not only under the right shoulder blade, but also in the side.
  5. Osteochondrosis upper section spine. Pain can even appear in the heart area and right shoulder.
  6. Injuries to the shoulder muscles can cause pain on the right side behind the shoulder blade.
  7. after pleurisy.
  8. Pancreatitis in the acute stage.

Any pain on the right side behind the shoulder blade requires consultation with a doctor, otherwise you may miss the development of a serious disease. Since such pains have many reasons for their occurrence, it is necessary to pay attention to their nature.

Severe pain on the right

If pain appears under the right shoulder blade, the causes may be hidden in the following diseases:

  • Cholecystitis is a common cause of such pain. Many patients learn about the onset of an exacerbation when they appear.
  • Vertebrogenic radiculopathy or pinched nerve endings due to intercostal neuralgia.
  • Renal colic. The pain differs in that it often causes nausea and vomiting.
  • Perforation of the pleura as a result of trauma. This problem requires immediate hospitalization.

Usually such diseases are detected quickly because the patient simply cannot tolerate severe pain and goes to the doctor.

Stitching and pulling pain

Any painful sensation can always be characterized by all sorts of adjectives. But these characteristics are not just given for beauty. They may well help in making a diagnosis.

The stabbing pain usually begins suddenly and disappears just as quickly. It is not typical for serious pathologies of internal organs; most often such conditions are provoked by:

  1. Neurological disorders. They can cause pain in the side, pain in the right under the shoulder blade appears most often.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic region.

If stabbing pains right back under the shoulder blade long time do not go away or change their character, this may already signal more serious problems, so consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Nagging pain most often causes changes in the spine or spasms in muscular system shoulder girdle. Such conditions often occur with osteochondrosis, especially in the morning.

It is unusual for other diseases to manifest themselves as nagging pain, unless it is oncological problems on the very initial stage. This once again confirms that any pain should make you see a doctor.

Treatment of pain under the right shoulder blade

If you want to get rid of this condition, you need to identify the cause of its occurrence. No painkillers will help you if you do not eliminate the provoking factor.

In order to make a diagnosis as accurately as possible, it is necessary to undergo an examination that will help clarify the problems, causing pain under the right shoulder blade. Treatment in this case will be more effective.

If you want to get rid of your problem as quickly as possible, then you will need to consult the following specialists:

  1. Traumatologist.
  2. Neurologist.
  3. Cardiologist.
  4. Gastroenterologist.

And you need to start treating pain under the shoulder blade on the right by visiting your local doctor. He will prescribe the most necessary tests, and, if necessary, may recommend taking certain medications to alleviate the condition until an accurate diagnosis is established.

If you experience unbearable pain under your right shoulder blade, there may be different reasons, but it’s still better to immediately call an ambulance to play it safe.

Pain under the left shoulder blade and its causes

If the pain is localized on the left side, then most often its causes are more serious than when it appears on the right. Among the most common are the following:

  1. Osteochondrosis. It causes a lot of inconvenience and causes various pains, including on the left side under the shoulder blades. With this disease, it is usually also accompanied by a burning sensation in the spine.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the neck. There are passages that are adjacent to the shoulder blade, so problems in this department necessarily lead to pain under the shoulder blades at the back.
  3. Humeroscapular periarthritis. Pain under the left shoulder blade occurs due to the close proximity to the site of the inflammatory process.
  4. With intercostal neuralgia, not only pain appears on the left side under the scapula, but also inexplicable aggression and irritability.
  5. Oncological diseases. In this case, there is no time to think; every day can push the chances of recovery further and further.

All of the above reasons are not so closely related to internal organs, but sometimes they are completely different.

Diseases of internal organs and pain on the left

If you often have pain under your shoulder blades, the causes may lie in your internal organs.

1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • Angina pectoris. Pain behind the sternum gradually migrates under the left shoulder blade.
  • Heart attack. Pain on the left side, which has a burning nature, is often the only symptom of this serious disease.
  • Aortic aneurysm. This condition can cause you to feel pain under your left shoulder blade at the back because there is congestion in the lungs, leading to swelling and pain.

2. If the lesion affects the part lying closer to the esophagus, then a stitching pain may well appear.

3. Inflammation of the lungs, especially on the left side, leads to pain under the left shoulder blade. Despite the fact that such pain can be tolerated, the high fever and cough should force you to urgently call a doctor.

4. Pleurisy. Pain occurs most often when taking a deep breath, and breathing is difficult.

5. Pericarditis can provoke pain under the shoulder blades, the causes may be heart injuries, disorders metabolic processes, viral infections.

To deal more effectively with everyone unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to find out their cause and eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Pain between the shoulder blades

The pain can be localized not only in one shoulder blade, but also between them. If you periodically experience pain between your shoulder blades with a crawling sensation or numbness, then we can assume that you have one of the following diseases:

  1. Formation of a hernia in the thoracic spine.
  2. Curvature of the spinal column.
  3. Disc protrusion.
  4. Angina pectoris.
  5. Spondyloarthrosis.
  6. Heart diseases.
  7. Lung diseases.

People most often suffer from pain in this area professional activity which is associated with long-term stress shoulder girdle, for example, seamstresses, drivers, typists and some others.

In the thoracic region, the vertebrae are less mobile than in the cervical and lumbar, so dystrophic changes most often occur here.

In some diseases, pain can occur directly in the shoulder blade itself. These may be the following problems:

  • Traumatic injuries to the scapula. This may occur as a result of a fall or blow to the area.
  • Pterygoid blade. It can appear as a result of paralysis of some back muscles.
  • Scapular crunch. He is called inflammatory processes in the synovial subscapular bursa.
  • Tuberculosis of the scapula. It is quite rare.
  • Tumor. It can be either benign or malignant. Treatment is usually done surgically.


Due to the fact that many diseases cause pain under the left shoulder blade from behind, doctors collect a thorough history of the disease before prescribing treatment. You must tell the doctor in detail what nature of the pain is, how often it occurs, and where it is localized.

This is not simple medical curiosity; any competent specialist only wants to exclude the most dangerous diseases, for example, oncology. When the area of ​​pain causative agents is approximately determined, then more specific examinations are prescribed.

These include:

  • ECG and ultrasound of the heart to rule out heart disease.
  • An MRI or CT scan is usually prescribed if there is a suspicion of lesions in the spine or other parts of the musculoskeletal system.
  • X-ray examination in the presence of pulmonary diseases.
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and if the doctor suspects you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Only when all the necessary tests have been taken and the examinations have been completed, the doctor will be able to reasonably prescribe adequate treatment that will help you quickly get rid of all problems.

Treatment and prevention

In order to completely get rid of pain under the shoulder blades, you will have to visit more than one specialist. You will need recommendations not only from a therapist, but also from a neurologist, cardiologist, traumatologist, and gastroenterologist.

Whatever the cause of your pain, usually any specialist will advise you to pay attention to your daily routine and diet.

Most diseases can be treated conservative methods treatments, among them the following:

  1. Use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers. They will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Typically, the first stages of treatment involve taking these drugs.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures, which include laser and magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, etc.
  3. Massage can bring relief from many symptoms, including pain under the shoulder blades, especially if they are caused by problems with the spine.
  4. Manual therapy.
  5. Therapeutic exercise.

You can also list treatment methods, but for greater effectiveness it is advisable to use them in combination, then recovery will come faster.

Any disease is easier to prevent, so in order to prevent the appearance of pain under the shoulder blades, you need to pay attention to your health in a timely manner.

If you have problems with cardiovascular system, then it is necessary to strictly dose the loads, take medicines that your doctor prescribes to you, avoid nervous tension.

Our spine is not only the support of our body, but it is precisely the problems in it that often cause pain. To prevent this, it is necessary to conduct active image life, watch your posture, perform at least the simplest exercises.

Considering that our diet is far from healthy, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can be diagnosed in almost every second person. If you value your health, then you should reconsider your attitude towards food.

Health cannot be bought for any amount of money, so each of us must independently show maximum attention to ourselves. Only in this case can you guarantee that you will not experience pain of various locations.