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Hiding in war is not as scary a symbol as it might seem. War symbolizes financial problems, quarrels, unpleasant conversations, but hiding from hostilities is a sign that these troubles can be avoided. Be sure to remember everything you see in a dream, this will help dream books give more accurate explanations of what you dream about.

As Gustav Miller explains

Miller's dream book, explaining what war might mean in a dream, speaks of difficulties of a family or work nature. But hiding from battles in war is a symbol of the fact that through tricks and tricks you will be able to avoid the lion’s share of difficulties. Such dreams may also prophesy a desire to expose a person whose actions outrage you.

Reasons for taking cover

If you dreamed that you were hiding from something in a war, remember what exactly prompted you to take such actions, and the dream books will explain why you dreamed about it. So:

  • taking cover from bombing - to attempts to avoid attacks and threats;
  • hiding from enemies in a dream out of fear - an unpleasant conversation with the boss awaits you;
  • hiding in ambush to take the enemy by surprise - expect victory over your rivals;
  • I dreamed that you were hiding someone - in reality you will help someone cope with difficulties.

“Lair” of the enemy: Lack of self-confidence

Nostradamus’s dream book suggests why you dream of hiding in an ambush. Such plots mean your desire to gain victory in any way, even if it is not entirely honest.

But, the Gypsy interpreter assures that hiding during a war in the enemy’s camp in order to attack him first means that you are concerned about your own capabilities. It's time to cast aside doubts and start acting!

Cowards have no place among heroes, or Work will open on the other side

Dreaming of yourself hiding in a war because of your own cowardice is a sign that you need to gather your thoughts and come to your senses, otherwise production problems will “fall” on you, the Lunar Dream Book advises.

Do you see in a dream that your enemies found you and pulled you out of hiding? The interpretation of the dream from the Eastern Dream Book will surprise you: unexpected trouble in a team will reveal hidden potential in you, and you will be able to achieve even what you never dreamed of. The main thing is not to miss the moment, the interpreter suggests.

Helping Others: From Selflessness to Curiosity

Do you dream that you are hiding someone in a shelter? Ask why you dream about such a plot. For example, the dream interpreter of the seer Vanga assures that this may be a desire to reveal someone’s secret or find out the details of a “dark” story in which the person you are hiding in a dream is involved.

When gloomy pictures of the outbreak of war come in a dream, apparently the sleeper has some tension brewing on the romantic front or in the business sphere. Why do you dream about war, and what does your behavior in the dream mean? Dream books will tell you about this, taking into account all the details and little things.

Will the dream come true?

When a dream about the outbreak of hostilities causes an unaccountable feeling of panic, the interpretation is directly related to whether prophetic dreams occurred earlier. Only when dreams come true can we say that the dream will really come true and war will come.

In other cases, the dream does not prophesy, but only suggests that there is chaos in the soul. Serious unpleasant stories are also possible. The modern combined dream book claims that in any case, intense passions and emotions await ahead.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist points out that such a dream warns men of a crisis situation in business, relationships and scandals in the family circle. Why do you dream that a war is starting and a girl sees her lover going to the front? There is news ahead that will reveal his character not from the most pleasant side or news of some shameful offense.

Fight or wait it out

Behavior in a dream can reveal many secrets about your inner world and future events. Medea's dream book reports that the beginning of a war in a dream will show a person his personal strength and masculinity. A truly brave person will show readiness to defend his principles and state even in his dreams. The plot in which you were hiding from recruitment foreshadows unpleasant situations and oppression due to your cowardly behavior.

Freud connects the dream that a war is starting with rigidity in the intimate sphere. The sleeper is ready to participate in battles in a dream - the psychologist’s dream book interprets this as a desire for group intercourse. Watching military operations from afar will indicate a certain specificity of your erotic fantasies. You yourself are not ready to accept them.

Physical condition

Ivanov’s newest dream book will tell you about health in the context of a dream about the beginning of the war. For the sleeper, the threat of a military conflict in a dream became news - a serious illness with fever awaits ahead. How severely you will endure the illness depends on the details of the dream.

Looking at a military conflict from afar means extreme mental and physical torment. If you take an active part in the battle, you will successfully overcome the turning point and restore your health.

To win in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as sufficient strength of the immune system for recovery without consequences. Dreaming of defeat signifies psychological trauma.

Problems in society

Why do you dream that a war is starting? In the dream book of the seer Vanga, there is an indication that food shortages and mass diseases await the Earth ahead. In her opinion, there is a war ahead that can turn the lives of everyone, young and old, upside down, and it has prepared death for young men.

Nuclear disaster

Did you have a dream about a nuclear war starting? Your thoughts are filled with evil plans. According to the Modern Combined Interpreter, such a dream foreshadows the suffering that you and your family will experience. The Birthday Dream Book prophesies natural disasters and human powerlessness to resist them. Hearing an announcement about a nuclear explosion in a dream means sad news about a loved one will soon come. For those for whom at this stage their career comes first, the dream book associates the vision of a nuclear mushroom with an upcoming important discussion with their superiors.

Army, blitzkrieg, guerrilla, hazavat, warfare, superwar, Military operations, military operations, Armageddon, military labor, Campaign, enmity, strife, psychowar

War in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Labor and tension of nerves.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep War:

    War - work and nervousness, troubles, difficulties in business

    Why do you dream about War? Esoteric dream book?

  • Win, kill, come out victorious.
  • "War" at work.
  • Run away, hide - everything will calm down, but only for a while.
  • If they kill you or take you prisoner, you will lose.
  • IN Ukrainian dream book if you dream about War:

  • War is a quarrel; stress, hard work; news.
  • If you dream about War? IN Modern dream book:

  • Seeing war in a dream means failure in business and troubles in the family. For the young women accompanying a loved one to war in a dream means that she will learn something about him that will surprise her a lot. If you dreamed that your country lost the war, then expect economic and political cataclysms that will directly affect your well-being. Victory in the war, on the contrary, promises revival of business activity and family well-being.
  • Interpretation of the dream War in Miller's Dream Book:

  • Seeing war in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, as well as disorder and strife in the house.
  • If you dream of victory, then in reality there will be a revival of business activity, and harmony will come in family relationships.
  • If young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war - this means that she will hear something unpleasant about his character.
  • To dream that your country was defeated in a war is a sign that there will be suffering for the people from the revolution, from major changes in business and political life.
  • Seeing War in a dream Azar's Dream Book:

  • worries, scandal in the family, work and tension of nerves
  • What does it mean to see War in a dream? Muslim dream book?

  • War - if someone sees that the inhabitants of a city are waging war with strangers, it means that food supplies will be high in that city. And if he sees that they are waging war with the king, this will bring peace to the state and an abundance of earthly blessings. Fleeing from a battle or the battlefield in a dream is fortunate.
  • What does War mean in a dream? Lunar dream book?

  • Seeing war means a quarrel.
  • War in a dream Vanga's dream book:

  • Seeing war in a dream is a very bad omen, which promises pestilence and famine, difficult times for adults and children, and especially for young people - they will have to fight and die.
  • If you are participating in a war, then such a dream means that troubles will affect you or your loved ones, and if you do not have time to hide, you are destined to experience your own and common grief.
  • See War in a dream. IN The newest dream book:

  • The onset of V. is a disease associated with high body temperature. Typically, such a dream visits a patient during a period of crisis with subsequent recovery - if you are a participant in V.; observer V. – you will be subjected to physical and mental violence. Defeat in V. means a huge scandal in which you will find yourself the instigator.
  • What does War mean? Family dream book:

  • If young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war - she will hear something unpleasant about his character.
  • If you dream of victory, then your affairs will go smoothly, and peace and harmony will reign in the family.
  • War is a dream of an unimportant state of affairs, as well as disorder and strife in the house.
  • Seeing War in a dream. IN Eastern dream book:

  • If you had a similar dream - expect troubles at work that will irritate and burden you, but which you will hardly be able to avoid.
  • What does War mean? Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • argument.
  • What does War mean in a dream, in Noble dream book?

  • To see war or battle means recovery, happiness in love.
  • The meaning of the dream War in Gypsy dream book:

  • If you dream that there is a war, a strong scandal will break out in which you will play a significant role.
  • War in Schiller's Dream Book:

  • trouble, rivalry and difficulty in business.
  • Interpretation in Solomon's Dream Book Sleep War:

  • troubles.
  • Why do you dream about War? Old Russian dream book?

  • argument.
  • IN Italian dream book if you dream about War:

  • It means the consequence of erroneous decisions karmically directed against the subject, and shows the current aggressiveness of the environment, which a person considers positive.
  • If you dream about War? IN Mayan dream book:

    Interpretation of the dream War in French dream book:

  • War - dreams of a peaceful life, peace and contentment.
  • Seeing War in a dream Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • Fight. - He talks about empty glory, inflated fame.
  • A man gives a bow or crossbow. - Portends outside help.
  • You see the shine of rays on pikes and halberds. - You will receive an appointment to the post.
  • You hold a bow and arrows in your hands. - Portends great happiness.
  • It is very difficult to tighten the bowstring of a crossbow. - Foretells the separation of brothers.
  • The sounds of shots from bows and crossbows are heard. - Foreshadows a quarrel.
  • You put on armor and arm yourself with a sword. - Portends a high appointment to an important position.
  • The bow string breaks when you draw it. - Portends misfortune, trouble.
  • You see warriors who have just set out on a campaign. - Your business will not end in success.
  • At the head of many people you defeat rebels, enemies. - You will achieve what you are looking for.
  • Another person shoots you. - Arrival of the traveler.
  • You are at army positions. - Portends great happiness and good luck.
  • You shoot a person yourself. - Foretells a long trip.
  • You see the military who were defeated. - Foretells misfortune.
  • The officer and soldiers follow each other. - Foretells a joyful event.
  • War horses enter the city. - Portends wealth and a good career, career success.
  • The army returns from a campaign. - Foreshadows illness.
  • Our experts will help you find out why you dream about War starting in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

      I dreamed that it was as if a war had started and everyone around began to run and hide. For some reason, my son is small again and I’m also trying to hide him, but he gets lost and then finds himself again, and so does my husband. All in confusion and fear.

      It was like night, I heard sounds like crying, I thought it was my puppy, but it turned out to be a baby girl and it seemed like my daughter, then I began to hear a light, and then louder sound of a siren from the window and turned into a very loud roar and military planes flew off — the war began, and I shouted that this couldn’t happen, although I saw and clearly heard the sounds of flying planes. I looked at the girl, and she was smiling, as if nothing was wrong.

      I’m in Moscow and I don’t know us somewhere, well, about 5 or 10 they put me in a carriage, they gave me armor and the carriage began to go along the underground road, my mother screamed, when suddenly the war with the Americans appeared, we came out of the carriage and looked at the kid in front of the cathoir, they were traveling together, they killed him, one of the nicknames came closer, I take it comfortable in the hand stone not small not large but with a pinwheel right in the littso whoopshem after it a lot of ours appeared and there the Americans war, in short, not a knife, not weapons, we throw stones, well, there are a lot of us, I’m sure we’ll break them, but they don’t give up and they also throw stones whoopshem I I'm sure we'll play the dream, it was so natural and real when I woke up I thought okay

      I dreamed that a war had started. And I'm worried about not getting under fire. Previously, I also dreamed that the war had just begun, the shelling began and we were hiding in some house, so as not to be seen.

      I dreamed that ISIS terrorists declared war on the country. I'm sitting in an inflatable boat. At sea. We sit and see terrorists approaching the city from the sea. We went to intercept the ship. Without stopping shooting at terrorists. The intruders were about 500 meters from us, although we were in constant motion and the waves regularly tossed our craft, but they fired a machine gun accurately, it was clear that they hit. After some time, we see military transport planes in the sky and troops landing on the sea (but it was not possible to understand whether they were allies or opponents). We continue to fire at the terrorists in the boat. After about 10 minutes of fighting, I destroyed them all. When they swam to the enemy ship, there were many corpses in the water, but they were not retrieved. Then another man from the motor boat expressed gratitude to me for saving an entire city from a terrorist attack on civilians.

      I dreamed about the beginning of the war, the evacuation began... I started calling my mother-in-law because she had my daughter, she was unavailable. Then they called and said that they were gone...their house had been destroyed. Then I accompanied my grandfather to the evacuation helicopter, cried a lot... I couldn’t find my husband, I swore that I would take revenge and got ready to go to the front. It began to rain, and I began to cry again from some deep melancholy. And I woke up with the same feeling. The war was not like the Second World War, but in the modern world with technology.

      I dreamed that a patriotic war had been declared, but at the same time the Soviet troops were holding a holiday for children. I didn’t even see the Germans fight. I also really wanted to go to Syria in my dream to help the children. The dream took place from Friday to Saturday.

      It was a physics lesson in my bedroom, I was called to the hardest task at the blackboard. Board near the window
      Early morning, at some point in the bright morning sky near the horizon colors appear (as at dawn or sunset), flashes, and then as if shells are falling and leaving a mark on the sky. Everyone who was in the bedroom realized that this was war
      At some point I wake up in the hospital with an IV, I didn’t want it to be put in and I had a desire to get it, but while I was in the hospital there was no hint of war and I myself didn’t remember that the war had started