Cognitive disorders: spectrum of impairment from mild deficits to dementia. Impairment of cognitive functions (memory, speech, perception) Sharp decline in mental abilities

The brain grows until the age of 15 and works most intensively in a person between the ages of 15 and 25. Until the age of 45, brain function remains the same, and then begins to weaken.

The brain is like an autonomous command post, divided into separate zones where the information received is analyzed and signals are sent to the body's organs. The human brain is capable of storing the amount of information contained in a thousand twenty-volume encyclopedias.

Secrets and obvious enemies of the brain

  • Constant stress
  • Overweight
  • Lack of sleep
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Chemical compounds
  • Medicines
  • Poor nutrition
  • Head injuries
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • High blood pressure

What you need to build a healthy brain

Mental strength determines success in school, work and life. Loss of memory and mental acuity is not an inevitable consequence of aging. These are signs of mental fatigue, which in turn can bring a lot of trouble, even serious illness. The brain ages as a result of the same forces as the body, only faster and heavier. The causes of almost all brain problems:

1. Penetration of free radicals into the brain.
2. Reduced ability of brain cells to produce energy.

The brain has an amazing ability to regenerate; it can restore lost abilities.

There are tools you need to rejuvenate your mind when you experience signs of forgetfulness or an inability to concentrate. They will be faithful helpers, both with minor forgetfulness, and with failures in the process of memorization, and with severe memory disorders.

Brain nutrition program

Making up only 2% of the body's total weight, the brain consumes 25% of all energy, making it extremely sensitive to dietary patterns. That is why multivitamin and mineral feeding of your beloved body, and a complete healthy diet are very important. Nutrition is such a powerful medicine that the slightest change in food habits can affect your entire body and the state of your brain in particular.

To maintain the brain at its peak, it is necessary to pay due attention to the main tool for maintaining mental and physical health - nutrition. The laws of good nutrition require: eliminating unnecessary sources of sugar and trans fatty acids from the diet, reducing consumption of saturated fats, adding antioxidants and increasing consumption of omega-3 fatty acids.

Simply taking a few pills a day will significantly reduce your risk of many health problems, including decreased mental alertness, memory and concentration.


Now we are talking about brain nutrition and will consider antioxidants as the most important builders of mental abilities. If the brain lacks antioxidants, it becomes more susceptible to the damaging effects of free radicals and begins a downward spiral, causing deterioration in thinking abilities. Regular intake of antioxidant vitamins reduces the likelihood of developing vascular dementia by 88%, which is dangerous primarily because it is the main cause of senile dementia, and at the same time Alzheimer's disease. The tablet contains a complete set of antioxidants, consisting of vitamins A, C, E and minerals (selenium and zinc).

From the VIVASAN data bank:

Green tea with peppermint in tablets is an effective weapon in the fight against free radicals.

Red Berry syrup is an energy multivitamin drink based on fruit juices (cranberry and passion fruit) and wheat germ extract. Contains a full complex of antioxidant vitamins.


Everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of vitamin C. But few people know that vitamin C significantly improves mental abilities. Experts have found that taking vitamin C can increase IQ (intelligence quotient) by an average of 5 points (which is quite significant). Lack of sufficient vitamin C can cause memory impairment, inattention, and fatigue.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so it is easily excreted in urine, remaining in the body for only 4-6 hours.

Taking vitamin C is extremely effective in old age. Such evidence was obtained in a study of about 3,400 Hawaiians from the island of Honolulu. Tests showed that older adults who took vitamin C and E supplements performed better on memory tests than those who did not take the supplements.

From the VIVASAN data bank:

VIVASAN has a large number of mineral and vitamin complexes that include vitamin C. The most preferred among them are:

Acerola in tablets is a food supplement with a general strengthening effect, optimally replenishing the body's need for vitamin C. Acerola, a tropical cherry, contains a monstrous amount of vitamin C, 30-80 times more than in lemons or oranges.

COQ-10 (coenzyme Q10, ubiquinol - coenzyme Q10, ubiquinol)

Q-10 is the primary nutrient that supplies the biochemical "electric generator" that provides energy to cells.

Q-10 is essentially energy: it stimulates energy production at the cellular level.

A reduced level of coenzyme Q10 means an increase in the number of free radicals, a lack of energy supply to the brain, rapid fatigue, “obesity” of nerve cells in the brain, which cease to learn, think and remember information with due efficiency, and a greater susceptibility to neurological diseases. Studies have shown that when the level of Q-10 decreases (which is typical for age-related changes), the supply of energy to organs and cells ceases to meet the real needs of the body. A decrease in the level of coenzyme Q10 poses a double danger for brain cells: firstly, they receive less necessary energy, and secondly, they are exposed to free radical attacks.

If the brain lacks energy, it also lacks neurotransmitters - chemical compounds that provide sharp thinking and speed of reaction, and it also loses the ability to repair cells damaged by free radicals.

Taking Q-10 entails the following positive changes in the body: increased energy, improved heart function, prevention of gum disease, stimulation of the immune system, maintaining an optimal level of brain function, increased enjoyment of life.

From the VIVASAN data bank:

Tonicsin in tablets and Tonicsin in bottles are a tonic, great for helping with fatigue during any type of mental, mental, or physical activity. Ingredients: coenzyme Q 10, eleutherococcus root, ginseng root, Leuzea safflower root, radiola rosea root, catuaba extract, acacia honey, arginine aspartate.

GINKGO BILOBA (nootropics)

All over the world, the development and patenting of new nootropic agents is in full swing. At the same time, natural nootropics have long been known in medicine, one of which is gingo biloba.

Ginkgo biloba is one of the most popular medicinal plants in the world. Centuries of experience in treating a wide variety of diseases have shown that ginkgo biloba is one of the safest, cheapest and most effective herbal medicines, widely used both in hospital settings and for self-medication. The healing substances of the leaves of this relict tree have a pronounced positive effect on blood flow, reduce the need for brain tissue and heart muscle for oxygen, optimize the oxidative balance in the body, prevent premature aging of vital organs and systems, alleviate and eliminate the symptoms of brain failure.

This wonderful plant prevents mental fatigue, increases efficiency and intellectual activity, improves memory and concentration.

Ginko biloba leaves have been used in Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years to treat weakening memory. The effectiveness of this relict plant has been proven by Western scientists.

It is important that the use of ginkgo biloba not only improves mental function, but also significantly contributes to overall health and well-being. Some studies conducted in Europe and the US have shown that ginkgo may help people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Leading European scientists have found that dementia patients who took ginkgo showed signs of improvement. Research conducted in the United States several years ago confirms these data.

From the VIVASAN data bank:

Ginkolin dragee is an effective dietary supplement with ginkgo biloba extract and vitamin C to improve blood supply to the brain, heart and strengthen memory.


Scientific research shows that Omega-3 is essential for normal brain function, as it provides a rapid supply of energy that helps transmit impulses that carry signals from one cell to another. This helps us think more easily, store information in memory and retrieve it from there as needed. Recommended for migraines and nervous stress. This substance is necessary for the embryo developing in the mother's womb. In animal experiments, it was found that the learning ability of pups was irreversibly impaired if their mothers lacked the essential omega-3 fatty acid.

Smega-3 fatty acid in fish dishes, fish oil or vitamin supplements increases the production of the LR11 protein, which interferes with the action of starchy beta, which is toxic to brain neurons.

And low levels of this protein lead to oxidative stress in the brain and the formation of neurodegenerative disease, which includes signs of dementia, memory loss, etc.

Omega-3 fatty acid cannot be obtained from sources other than fish. It is very important for embryonic and infant cognitive development. Unfortunately, not everyone in Russia has access to fresh sea fish, especially from the cold northern seas. In this case, the solution may be to take encapsulated fish oils made from such fish.

From the VIVASAN data bank:

Salmon oil capsules “Vital plus” – contain at least 30% OMEGA-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids


Hello. I am 25 years old. For the last 2 months, the following has been troubling: memory deterioration; decreased mental performance. I work and study in the evening, I don’t smoke, I don’t abuse alcohol. Ordinary daily processes at work and school are very difficult. Constant feeling of "emptiness" in the head. Dizziness, insomnia and noise in the head are common. Irritability, nervousness, and fatigue also appeared. A year ago, a similar situation was observed. All this lasted 3-4 months, and resolved itself. In a normal state, 7-8 months passed and again the same picture. I consulted a neurologist and was diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. They prescribed Cerebrolysin 10 injections, Cortexin 10 injections, Actovegin dropper 5 times, Combilipen 5 injections. Noodzheron 10 ml, 3 weeks (1st-5ml, 2nd-10ml, 3rd 10 ml). After the treatment it didn’t get any easier, quite the contrary. Noodzheron caused severe dizziness. Conducted a number of examinations: 1) MRI of the brain. the results are as follows: On a series of MR tomograms, weighted by T1 and T2 in three projections, sub- and supratentorial structures were visualized. The lateral ventricles of the brain are of normal size and configuration. The size of the third ventricle is 0.5 cm. The fourth ventricle, the basal cisterns are not changed. The expansion of the leaves of the transparent septum in the posterior section is determined to be up to 0.9 cm wide. The chiasmal region is without features, the suprasellar cistern is enlarged, prolapses into the cavity of the sella turcica, the pituitary gland is up to 0.4 cm high. The pituitary tissue has a normal signal. The subarachnoid convexital space is expanded, mainly in the area of ​​the frontal, parietal lobes, and lateral fissures. The midline structures are not displaced. The cerebellar tonsils are located normally. No focal or diffuse changes were detected in the substance. Conclusion: MR picture of external replacement hydrocephalus. Partially forming "empty" sella turcica. 2) ECHO EG: Mst=75mm, Mdt=75mm, Dbt=75mm, Ikk=140mm, III m=5-6ml. There is no displacement of the midline structures of the brain. Ripple and number of signals are satisfactory. 3) EEG: Low amplitude beta activity dominates. There is no activation reaction. Regional differences are not preserved. No hemispheric asymmetry was detected. Response to f-loads: moderate BSR not detected. Conclusion: moderate diffuse changes in bioelectrical activity. 4) REG Amplitude of pulse blood filling in the carotid system - sufficient, in the vertebrobasilar system - sufficient Tone of medium and small vessels - mixed type dystonia syndrome Venous outflow - slow, Functional loads - APK in the VBB is not reduced Please tell me if it is set correctly diagnosis and what recommendations will help in my case?

Hello! The reason for your memory loss may be a “picture of external replacement hydrocephalus.” In addition to congenital hydrocephalus, acquired hydrocephalus can also develop (most often in the first months of a newborn’s life) after meningitis, meningoencephalitis, intoxication, etc. Impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid leads to increased intracranial pressure. As a result of the pressure exerted on areas of the brain, vision begins to decrease, oculomotor disorders occur (strabismus, paresis of upward gaze (the “setting sun” symptom)), weakness in the upper and lower extremities. This can lead to severe neurological disorders and decreased intellectual abilities. A partially formed “empty” sella turcica is also the result of increased intracranial pressure. However, I would recommend contacting for additional examination. Thus, your colleagues provided you with high-quality effective treatment to improve nerve conduction and improve memory; perhaps you need to add drugs and venotonics to reduce intracranial pressure and associated venous stagnation, which lead to atrophy of the cerebral cortex and memory loss.

Dementia(dementia) - an acquired mental defect with a predominant disorder of intellectual functions.

Signs of dementia are loss of accumulated abilities and knowledge, a general decrease in the productivity of mental activity, and personality changes. The dynamics of dementia vary. With brain tumors, atrophic diseases and atherosclerosis, mental defects constantly increase. In the case of post-traumatic and post-stroke dementia, restoration of some mental functions in the first months of the disease and a stable nature of symptoms over many subsequent years are possible. However, in general, the negative nature of disorders in dementia determines its relative persistence and the impossibility of complete recovery.

The clinical picture of dementia differs significantly in the main mental illnesses - organic processes of epilepsy and schizophrenia.

Organic dementia It can be caused by a variety of diseases that lead to disruption of the brain structure and massive death of neurons.

The clinical picture of organic dementia is dominated by severe memory impairment and decreased ability to think abstractly. Presumably the cause of this syndrome can be judged by some features of the clinical picture of the disease. According to clinical manifestations, lacunar and total dementia are distinguished.

Lacunar (dysmnestic) dementia manifests itself primarily as a memory disorder (the ability to form concepts and judgments is impaired much later).

This significantly complicates the ability to acquire new information, but professional knowledge and automated skills can be retained for a long time in such patients. Although they feel helpless in complex professional activities, they easily cope with daily household chores. Characteristically, there is a critical attitude towards their shortcomings: patients are embarrassed by their lack of independence, apologize for their sluggishness, and try (not always successfully) to compensate for memory impairment by writing down the most important thoughts on paper. Such patients are frank with the doctor, actively present complaints, and deeply experience their condition. Character changes in lacunar dementia are quite mild and do not affect the core of the personality. In general, relatives find that the basic forms of behavior, attachments, and beliefs of patients remain the same. However, more often than not, some sharpening of personality traits and a “caricature” of previous character traits are observed. Thus, frugality can turn into greed and stinginess, mistrust into suspicion, isolation into misanthropy. In the emotional sphere, patients with dysmnestic dementia are characterized by sentimentality, emotional lability, and tearfulness.

The cause of lacunar dementia is a variety of diffuse vascular diseases of the brain: non-stroke course of atherosclerosis and hypertension, diabetic microangiopathy, damage to systemic vessels due to collagenosis and syphilitic infection (lues cerebri). Changes in the state of the blood supply to the brain (improvement of the rheological properties of blood, taking vasodilators) can cause fluctuations in the condition and short periods of some improvement in these patients.

Total (global, paralytic) dementiais manifested by the primary loss of the ability to logic and understand reality.

Memory disorders can be very severe, but they can also lag significantly behind abstract thinking disorders. A sharp decrease or complete absence of a critical attitude towards the disease is noticeable. The pathological process often affects the moral properties of the individual: the sense of duty, delicacy, correctness, politeness, and modesty disappear. Personality disorders are so pronounced that patients cease to be like themselves (the “core of personality” is destroyed): they can cynically swear, expose themselves, urinate and defecate right in the ward, and are sexually disinhibited.

A 57-year-old patient, a taxi driver, always had a domineering, rude character, did not allow any initiative on the part of his wife and children, completely controlled the spending of money in the family, was jealous, and abused alcohol for many years. Over the past year, his character has changed dramatically: he became complacent and sentimental, stopped actively taking care of the car, could not figure out minor breakdowns, and left any repairs to his sons. He continued to work as a driver, but forgot how to navigate the city and was constantly asking passengers for directions. He stopped drinking alcohol and did not delve into family affairs and the family budget. I didn’t do anything at home, didn’t watch TV, because I didn’t understand the meaning of the programs. In response to the television announcer’s address “Good evening!” often answered: “Good evening to you too!” He often began to hum songs out loud, but could not remember many of the words and constantly replaced them with a meaningless “hoo-oo,” and tears always appeared in his eyes. He didn’t understand why his family brought him to the doctor, but he didn’t mind hospitalization at all. In the department he made immodest compliments to female doctors and nurses.

A computed tomography examination revealed signs of brain atrophy with predominant damage to the frontal cortex.

The cause of total dementia is direct damage to the cerebral cortex. These can be diffuse processes, for example, degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's and Pick's disease), meningoencephalitis (for example, syphilitic meningoencephalitis - progressive paralysis), dementia after self-hanging. However, sometimes a small pathological process in the area of ​​the frontal lobes (local trauma, tumor, partial atrophy) leads to a similar clinical picture. Significant fluctuations in the condition of patients are usually not observed; in many cases, there is a steady increase in symptoms.

Thus, the division of dementia into total and lacunar is not a pathological, but a syndromic concept, since the cause of lacunar dementia is diffuse vascular processes, and total dementia can arise due to local damage to the frontal lobes.

Epileptic (concentric) dementiain fact, it is one of the varieties of organic dementia.

Schizophrenic dementiadiffers significantly from dementia due to organic disease.

In schizophrenia, memory is practically not affected, and there is no loss of the ability to think abstractly. At the same time, his harmony and focus are disrupted, and passivity and indifference increase. A characteristic symptom is fragmentation (schizophasia). Typically, patients lack the desire to achieve results. This is expressed in the fact that they, without trying to answer the doctor’s question, immediately declare: “I don’t know!” Physically strong patients with a fairly good stock of knowledge are completely unable to work, because they do not feel the slightest need for work, communication, or achieving success. Patients do not take care of themselves, do not attach importance to clothing, and stop washing and brushing their teeth. At the same time, their speech often contains unexpected highly abstract associations (symbolism, neologisms, paralogical thinking). Patients usually do not make gross errors in arithmetic operations. Only at the final stages of the disease does prolonged “inactivity of the intellect” lead to the loss of the accumulated stock of knowledge and skills. Thus, the central disorders in schizophrenic dementia should be considered impoverishment of emotions, lack of will and disruption of the harmony of thinking. More precisely, this state should be designated asapathetic-abulic syndrome(see section 8.3.3).

Cognitive functions of the brain are the ability to understand, cognize, study, realize, perceive and process (memorize, transmit, use) external information. This is a function of the central nervous system - higher nervous activity, without which a person’s personality is lost.

Gnosis is the perception of information and its processing, mnestic functions are memory, praxis and speech are the transmission of information. When these mnestic-intellectual functions decrease (taking into account the initial level), they speak of cognitive impairment, cognitive deficit.

A decrease in cognitive function is possible with neurodegenerative diseases, vascular diseases, neuroinfections, and severe traumatic brain injuries. In the mechanism of development, the main role is played by mechanisms that separate connections between the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures.

The main risk factor is considered to be arterial hypertension, which triggers the mechanisms of vascular trophic disorders and atherosclerosis. Episodes of acute circulatory disorders (strokes, transient ischemic attacks, cerebral crises) contribute to the development of cognitive disorders.

There is a disruption of neurotransmitter systems: degeneration of dopaminergic neurons with a decrease in the content of dopamine and its metabolites, the activity of noradrenergic neurons decreases, and the process of excitotoxicity is launched, that is, the death of neurons as a result of disruption of neurotransmitter relationships. The magnitude of the damage and the localization of the pathological process matter.

Thus, with damage to the left hemisphere, it is possible to develop apraxia, aphasia, agraphia (inability to write), acalculia (inability to count), alexia (inability to read), letter agnosia (failure to recognize letters), logic and analysis, mathematical abilities are impaired, voluntary mental activity is suppressed .

Damage to the right hemisphere is manifested visually - by spatial disturbances, the inability to consider the situation as a whole, the body diagram, spatial orientation, emotional coloring of events, the ability to fantasize, dream, and compose are disrupted.

The frontal lobes of the brain play an important role in almost all cognitive processes - memory, attention, will, expressive speech, abstract thinking, planning.

The temporal lobes provide perception and processing of sounds, smells, visual images, integration of data from all sensory analyzers, memorization, experience, and emotional perception of the world.

Damage to the parietal lobes of the brain results in a variety of cognitive impairments - spatial orientation disorder, alexia, apraxia (inability to perform purposeful actions), agraphia, acalculia, left-right orientation disorder.

The occipital lobes are the visual analyzer. Its functions are visual fields, color perception and recognition of faces, images, colors and the relationship of objects with colors.

Damage to the cerebellum causes cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome with dulling of the emotional sphere, disinhibited inappropriate behavior, speech disorders - decreased speech fluency, the appearance of grammatical errors.

Causes of cognitive disorders

Cognitive impairment can be temporary, after a traumatic brain injury, poisoning and recover in a time interval from days to years, or can have a progressive course - in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, vascular diseases.

Vascular diseases of the brain are the most common cause of cognitive disorders of varying severity from minimal disorders to vascular dementia. The first place in the development of cognitive impairment is occupied by arterial hypertension, followed by occlusive atherosclerotic lesions of the great vessels, their combination, aggravated by acute circulatory disorders - strokes, transient attacks, systemic circulatory disorders - arrhythmias, vascular malformations, angiopathy, disorders of the rheological properties of blood.

Metabolic disorders due to hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, renal and liver failure, lack of vitamin B12, folic acid, alcoholism and drug addiction, abuse of antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers can cause the development of dysmetabolic cognitive disorders. With timely detection and treatment, they can be reversible.

Therefore, if you yourself notice any intellectual deviations that have appeared in yourself, consult a doctor. The patient himself may not always realize that something is wrong with him. A person gradually loses the ability to think clearly, remember current events and at the same time clearly remember old ones, intelligence and spatial orientation decrease, the character changes to irritable, mental disorders are possible, and self-care is impaired. Relatives may be the first to notice disturbances in daily behavior. In this case, bring the patient for examination.

Testing for cognitive impairment

To determine the presence of cognitive dysfunction, the baseline level is taken into account. Both the patient and relatives are interviewed. Family history of dementia, head injuries, alcohol consumption, episodes of depression, and medications taken are important.

During examination, a neurologist can detect the underlying disease with corresponding neurological symptoms. An analysis of the mental state is carried out using various tests, tentatively by a neurologist and in depth by a psychiatrist. Attention, reproduction, memory, mood, following instructions, creative thinking, writing, counting, and reading are examined.

The short MMSE (Mini-mental State Examination) scale is widely used - 30 questions for an approximate assessment of the state of cognitive functions - orientation in time, place, perception, memory, speech, performance of a three-stage task, reading, drawing. MMSE is used to assess the dynamics of cognitive functions, the adequacy and effectiveness of therapy.

Mild decline in cognitive functions - 21 - 25 points, severe - 0 - 10 points. 30 – 26 points is considered the norm, but the initial level of education should be taken into account.

A more accurate clinical rating scale for dementia (Clinical Dementia Rating scale - CDR) is based on a study of disturbances in orientation, memory, interactions with others, behavior at home and at work, and self-care. On this scale, 0 points is normal, 1 point is mild dementia, 2 points is moderate dementia, 3 is severe dementia.

The Frontal Dysfunction Battery is used to screen for dementias with predominant involvement of the frontal lobes or subcortical cerebral structures. This is a more complex technique and determines disorders of thinking, analysis, generalization, choice, fluency of speech, praxis, and reaction of attention. 0 points – severe dementia. 18 points – the highest cognitive abilities.

The clock drawing test is a simple test where the patient is asked to draw a clock - a clock face with numbers and arrows indicating a specific time - can be used to differentiate frontal type dementia from Alzheimer's and subcortical lesions.

For a patient with acquired cognitive deficit, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory examination: blood test, lipid profile, determination of thyroid-stimulating hormone, vitamin B 12, blood electrolytes, liver tests, creatinine, nitrogen, urea, blood sugar.

For neuroimaging of brain damage, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, Dopplerography of the great vessels, and electroencephalography are used.

The patient is examined for the presence of somatic diseases - hypertension, chronic lung diseases, heart disease.

A differential diagnosis of vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease is made. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a more gradual onset, gradual slow progression, minimal neurological impairment, late impairment of memory and executive functions, cortical type of dementia, absence of walking impairment, atrophy in the hippocampus and temporo-parietal cortex.

Treatment of disorders

Treatment of the underlying disease is mandatory!

Donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, memantine (Abixa, Mema), nicergoline are used to treat dementia. Dosages, duration of administration and regimens are selected individually.

To improve cognitive functions, medications of various pharmacological groups that have neuroprotective properties are used - glycine, Cerebrolysin, Semax, Somazina, Ceraxon, Nootropil, Piracetam, Pramistar, Memoplant, Sermion, Cavinton, Mexidol, Mildronate, Solcoseryl, Cortexin.
Treatment of hypercholesterolemia is mandatory. This helps reduce the risk of developing cognitive dysfunction. This is following a low-cholesterol diet - vegetables, fruits, seafood, low-fat dairy products; B vitamins; statins – liprimar, atorvastatin, simvatin, Torvacard. Avoid smoking and alcohol abuse.

Consultation with a neurologist on the topic of cognitive impairment

Question: Is it useful to solve crossword puzzles?
Answer: yes, this is a kind of “gymnastics” for the brain. You need to force your brain to work - read, retell, remember, write, draw...

Question: is it possible to develop cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis?
Answer: yes, the structure of cognitive function deficit in multiple sclerosis consists of disturbances in the speed of information processing, mnestic disturbances (short-term memory), disturbances of attention and thinking, and visual-spatial disturbances.

Question: What are “evoked cognitive potentials”?
Answer: the brain's electrical response to performing a mental (cognitive) task. The neurophysiological method of evoked cognitive potentials is the recording of the bioelectrical responses of the brain in response to the performance of a mental task using electroencephalography.

Question: what medications can you take on your own for mild absent-mindedness, attention and memory problems after emotional overload?
Answer: glycine 2 tablets dissolve under the tongue or ginkgo biloba preparations (Memoplant, Ginkofar) 1 tablet 3 times a day, B vitamins (Neurovitan, Milgamma) for up to 1 month or nootropil - but here the doctor will prescribe the dosage depending on age and diseases. It’s better to see a doctor right away - you may underestimate the problem.

Neurologist Kobzeva S.V.

How can you stop mental decline and prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease? The drugs available today are not very effective. There are two types of medications that help slow the progression of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease and improve its course.

  • These are drugs that increase the concentration of acetylcholine in the body, a neurotransmitter that affects the maintenance of memory processes.
  • Another group of drugs reduces the effect of another neurotransmitter, glutamate, on brain cells. Glutamate is responsible for triggering thought processes in the brain. In Alzheimer's disease, the body produces excess amounts of this neurotransmitter.

Unfortunately, both of these types of drugs are unable to prevent the disease or treat it in any effective way.

There are also drugs that have been proven to have a positive effect on the course of Alzheimer’s disease and its prevention. This is aerobic physical activity with heart rate support at the level of 75-85% of the heart rate reserve. Heart rate reserve is the difference between your maximum heart rate (for example, while running) and your resting heart rate. A better flow of oxygen to the brain plays an important role in this. In addition, intense exercise promotes the release of growth hormones, which have a positive effect on brain cells.

Another important point is mental and social activity. Numerous studies show that older people who lead an active intellectual life maintain brain function at a higher level.

If Alzheimer's does strike

The main risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is age. It affects 1% of 60-year-olds, 7% of 75-year-olds and about 30% of 85-year-olds. The most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia and Parkinson's disease. At the same time, Alzheimer's disease accounts for 70% of cases, vascular dementia another 15%, and the remaining 15% are frontotemporal dementia, Parkinson's disease and rare forms.

Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed with absolute certainty only through a post-mortem autopsy of the patient. However, this diagnosis is made in most cases when the observed significant cognitive impairment does not fit the symptoms of Parkinson's disease or other clearly diagnosable diseases.

What exactly happens with this disease? First, short-term memory begins to suffer. Research shows that verbal memory (the ability to remember a sequence of words) weakens first. Then a decline in executive functions and difficulty speaking begins. At the next stages, delusions and hallucinations are added. At the end of all this, the patient loses the ability to walk, speak, interact with reality, and incontinence begins. The disease develops over a long period of time (sometimes decades).
Currently available treatments have only moderate effect.

Some comforting facts

  • Currently, doctors have learned to fairly reliably diagnose various types of dementia in the early stages.
  • Cognitive and physical training can help slow mental decline.
  • In almost half of cases of cognitive decline, the patient's condition remains stable for a very long time.
  • There is no effective treatment, but a number of measures can delay the development of the disease