Determining the circle of significant people test. Psychogeometric test (often used when applying for a job!!!)

Dear readers, I want to offer you a Geometric Shapes test, which can tell you a little about your character. This is quite an interesting technique. Moreover, it does not require much time and intellectual thought. However, you should not take the psychogeometric test as a serious study of your personality. Although it belongs to proven methods.

So, Geometric Shapes Test. Look at the proposed geometric shapes and choose the one you like best.

2. Triangle

3. Square

Geometric shapes test - CIRCLE

If you like the circle, then you are a harmonious and holistic person. There are no very difficult situations for you, because your presence of mind never leaves you. And optimism helps to endure any adversity.

Your most important advantage, what distinguishes you from other figures, is your sociability and sociability. People around you consider you an easy person because you don’t dramatize situations or complicate them. However, despite all this, you cannot be called a superficial person.
You want to please people, and you know how to do this, thanks to your friendliness, peacefulness and patience, which sometimes seems endless. You can hardly be seen screaming or crying - all your emotions are under control!

Therefore, the professions that suit you are those in which you need to communicate with people: the service sector, medicine, the education system, psychology...
As for your personal life, there should be no problems here. You are a great partner! But not for everyone. Scandalous personalities do not appeal to you. You will appreciate peace and optimism. You can get along with any figure. Problems can only arise with a conflict Triangle.

Test Geometric shapes - TRIANGLE

Have you ever had thoughts like, “Everyone lives quietly, but I always have some kind of adventure?” So these “adventures” do not appear out of nowhere, but out of the desire to have constant emotional impressions. Because of this, you find yourself in unusual and difficult situations. That is, your unconscious itself creates life’s difficulties, otherwise you will simply get bored.

The upside is that these experiences promote intense personal growth. But for this, problems must be solved, and not run away from them.

Triangle? It’s clear that your profession should provide you with a lot of vivid emotional experiences. You will not only easily withstand severe stress, but also enjoy overcoming it. Yes, the ambulance and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are waiting for you. Although working at school and kindergarten will also provide “unforgettable” experiences!

It is better to choose a calmer and more stable figure as a partner, for example, a Square or a Circle. But it’s better not to clash with Zigzag - the battlefield will be secured...

Geometric shapes test - SQUARE

Probably, the Square is very similar to a phlegmatic person. If you like this angular figure, then you balanced, stable and reliable person. You love peace and a measured life. You may be irritated by life changes and new people. Your accuracy can reach the point of pedantry. I wouldn’t be surprised if in your kitchen all the plates are stacked according to size, and the books on the shelf are in alphabetical order... It’s a pity that I’m not a Square...

The fact that you are attentive to little things makes you observant and helps you remember. You know how to analyze everything and sort it out.
There are many professions for you where you will show your rare abilities, patience and accuracy. However, it is better not to rush you, otherwise you will start to get lost and do worse work. You are an excellent "office worker".
For personal relationships, it is better to find the same Square, calm, stable and pedantic. Creative Zigzag may be right for you if you are attracted to opposites. By the way, Zigzag will help you look at the world differently, and you will teach it order!

Test Geometric Shapes - Zigzag

Without Zigzags, the world would be boring and uninteresting. If you are a Zigzag, then you probably know how to write poetry, dance, intrigue others, and be unpredictable. Oh, these Zigzags!
Zigzags love change and quickly adapt to it. Flexibility in life goes hand in hand with flexibility in the body. Some Zigzags easily manage their body and even easily lose weight if necessary.
But the disadvantage of your impressionable character is that your environment has a direct influence on you. People around you are having fun - you are having fun, they are crying - and you cry. You will be impressed by both the film and the book. This is what makes you a good partner - you easily grasp a person’s mood.
But we, Zigzags, cannot live without creativity (I’m also a typical Zigzag!)! Even if we don't fall into the field of art, we will bring it into our profession!
However, it is better for us to live with Squares. Otherwise we will leave real life. Let the Square bring stability, and we will bring unpredictability and lightness!

Geometric shapes test - LINE

The line is similar to an arrow, therefore, if you chose this geometric figure, then you are a purposeful and energetic person who knows how to fight and overcome obstacles. You will not mark time, because you cannot live without movement. New heights and victories are calling you! Novelty and change are what you need.
You also have a lot of ambitions, which forces you to achieve your goals and go for it. The main thing in your professional field is career and financial growth. Are you not a manager yet? Well, then an entrepreneur? If not, you will be soon! And in general, take a look at the Will I Be Rich test. Surely you are a future millionaire.
The disadvantage of this figure is that the professional sphere often outweighs the personal one in importance. In it you realize yourself, becoming a workaholic. Well, if you still remember that people are creatures of different sexes, then choose Square and Triangle as partners. It’s better to just be friends with Zigzag or do work together. The line will only work if it steps on the tail of its own song.

Zigzag is always with you

Thanks to everyone who presses the network buttons!

Psychogeometry is a relatively young system of personality analysis that allows one to predict and evaluate certain character traits, behavioral patterns and lifestyles of a person using simple geometric figures. It was developed in the USA by a doctor of psychology Susan Dellinger, who worked with the staff for many years and generalized her experience in psychogeometry.

What's the point:

Psychogeometry is based on five personality types, which correspond to geometric figures. Look at the photo below for 10 seconds and from the suggested figures ( square, triangle, rectangle, circle And zagzag) choose the one with which you associate yourself. Number the remaining figures in descending order of preference. The chosen figure determines the main character traits. And the last figure in your numbered list may represent the persons with whom contact will be the most difficult for you. It should be noted that we are talking not so much about personality types, but about the attitudes and ways of behavior habitual for a person. Also keep in mind that the result works “here and now”, and not throughout life.

Interpretation of results:


The main character trait of those who chose the square is hard work combined with organization, perseverance, patience and firmness, as well as punctuality, cleanliness and practicality. The choice of a square as the main figure may indicate a penchant for analytical thinking and rationality. Such a person strives to do all his affairs as well and efficiently as possible. And since he knows how to manage himself and organize others, he can occupy leadership positions.

The Square person is distinguished by conservatism, strict adherence to rules and regulations, and a lack of spontaneity and creativity. Strives to organize and systematize everything around him - space, things, any information with which he works. He likes it when information is presented in accordance with strict logic. The person who chose the square likes the speech to be replete with facts, figures and theses, preferably with links to the source from which it was taken. Prefers order, a planned life. He is picky about making acquaintances and does not like noisy parties. In conflicts, he often avoids direct confrontation. This is a good administrator and performer. Loses in efficiency of actions, contact with different people.

Women who choose a square are organized, punctual, picky, and attentive to details. They are patient, hardworking, persistent in achieving goals, firm in decisions and inclined to strictly follow rules and instructions. They don't like to stand out.

Square people usually speak quietly, preferring not to raise their voice unnecessarily. And they do not tolerate raised voices from others either. At the same time, their speech is distinguished by clarity, accuracy, logic and thoroughness. It tends to be somewhat monotonous and “mechanical.” They are characterized by the use of speech cliches.

Pedantry, scrupulousness and consistency are also evident in the choice of clothing. These people prefer a strict, classic style, restrained, soft colors. They are neat and lean. The reluctance to stand out is also manifested in gestures that are stingy and inexpressive.


Those who associate themselves with the triangle are certainly strong personalities, very self-confident and active. They do not like to sit still and always strive to be in the thick of things. The choice of a triangle as the main figure may indicate developed ambition and power at any cost. They are born leaders. Impatience is one of their main character traits. Triangles may interrupt you mid-sentence, but only because they have already grasped the essence of your thoughts.

These people are decisive, energetic, unstoppable, able to set clear goals and achieve them, concentrating on the main thing, and analyze the situation deeply and quickly. These are excellent managers and politicians. They yearn to be the first and control the state of affairs, to decide not only for themselves, but also for others, to defeat competitors. They feel the benefits well. Triangles love risks, are impatient and intolerant, and have difficulty admitting mistakes. They are self-centered, but people are drawn to them and follow them.

Women who choose a triangle are focused on achieving their goals, self-confident, decisive and impulsive. They are characterized by a high level of self-esteem, a tendency to take risks, overflowing energy, high efficiency and a craving for entertainment.

Triangle people are very sociable and, without experiencing any discomfort, can strike up a conversation with anyone. Their speech is logical, intelligible and aphoristic. It is usually emotional, colorful, fast and clear. They are given the ability to touch their interlocutor's heartstrings. They are characterized by a loud voice and low timbre, the use of slang words and expressions, and jokes. Accordingly, the gestures of those who associate themselves with the triangle are quite relaxed.

They prefer fashionable, elegant clothes in a classic style. They are distinguished by their well-groomed nature, the ability to take care of themselves and their love of expensive things. The gait is confident and relaxed, with smooth movements.


The main value for this type is people and communication with them. These are extremely sociable and friendly representatives of the human race, taking the position of a peacemaker in any conflict. Even in business negotiations, they cannot resist asking their opponent a personal question.

Choosing a circle as the main figure may indicate gullibility, sociability, orientation to the opinions of others and indecisiveness. The circle person is a wonderful listener; he can always “cry into his vest.” He experiences other people's pain as if it were his own, because he has developed emotional perception. And you can rejoice and share happiness like no one else. By the way, thanks to their subtle mental organization, “circles” are literally walking lie detectors; they subtly sense when they are being deceived.

Those who have chosen the circle avoid responsibility, preferring to shift it to others. Afraid of ruining relationships, they don’t know how to refuse and make vague promises.

Women who choose the circle are friendly, generous, and sensitive. They are characterized by a tendency toward empathy and a desire to care for others. They are distinguished by melancholy, sentimentality and a focus on the past.

Circle people love intimate conversations and a warm atmosphere. Their speech is characterized by inconsistency, illogicality and frequent deviations from the main topic. As a rule, it is emotional, smooth and somewhat slow. These people love jokes, are cheerful, sometimes to the point of frivolity, and generous. They are characterized by a rich, thick voice of low timbre, the use of enthusiastic assessments and compliments.

They prefer an informal style of clothing. They tend to be overweight, feminine and charming. The gait is light, smooth, with relaxed body movements.


The choice of a zigzag as the main figure may indicate impulsiveness of thinking, fickleness of views, variability of mood and relationships with others. These are creators, generators of ideas, in a word, creative and creative individuals. They prefer to think in images and rely on sudden insights that are completely devoid of logic. Consistency is alien to such people by nature. Expressiveness, lack of restraint, eccentricity - these are their character traits. They are also idealists, impractical and naive. However, they can be witty, sometimes even sarcastic.

Zigzags need high activity stimulation. Generating ideas in large quantities, quite often they farm them out to others, since they themselves are not able to bring the matter to completion. They do not tolerate subordination, love freedom and independence, and do not give in to organization, either in everyday life or in activities. Chaos is the organic state of zigzag people. And this is also the sexiest figure.

They are characterized by sudden changes in mood. Today a zigzag person may smile at you, but tomorrow he won’t notice. Ignores conventions and accepted norms. Extremely intolerant of other people's weaknesses. At the same time, he himself is susceptible to flattery.

Women who choose the zigzag are dreamy, enthusiastic, impractical and spontaneous. They are characterized by a positive attitude towards everything new, a focus on the future, and a rebellious thirst for reconstruction. They are characterized by a lack of self-discipline, carelessness in financial matters and self-sufficiency.

Speech is figurative, vivid, inconsistent and associative. As a rule, it is emotional, hasty and incendiary. The voice has many shades, its timbre varies from very high to low. The vocabulary is rich and varied, characterized by the use of evaluative words and expressions.

They prefer fashionable, extravagant outfits. They are prone to mixing styles and carelessness in clothing. They can appear in society in a wrinkled suit and feel comfortable at the same time. Swift, mannered, with animated facial expressions and gestures.


A rectangle is often chosen by people who are at the stage of transition from one state to another. This situation, reflecting some kind of personal crisis, as a rule, does not last long, and the person chooses a more specific type of behavior described from the four presented above. In a word, this is someone who is looking for a better position, or has just changed it, or anticipates changes. But there are individuals for whom it drags on for a long time.

A characteristic feature inherent in a person of this type is a pronounced internal dissatisfaction with the way his life is shaping up at the current moment, and a desire to change something. Often this state of affairs is complicated by a state of confusion, confusion of thoughts, lack of understanding of one’s own desires and lack of guidelines for further movement.

Choosing a rectangle as the main figure may indicate inconsistency, a tendency to make impulsive decisions, unpunctuality and nervousness. The mood of a rectangle person can change many times even within one day, which entails a change in his behavior.

Those who preferred the rectangle tend to be inconsistent, lack self-confidence and have low self-esteem. They are in dire need of communication. At the same time, these people are brave and inquisitive. Open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, they easily learn everything new. The feeling of their own imperfection prompts them to look for ways of self-development and change: read more, attend various courses.

Women who choose a rectangle are morbidly inquisitive, suggestible, trusting and naive. They often become victims of other people's manipulations. They are characterized by haste in resolving issues.

There are no special preferences in clothing. Rectangular people are not neat and characterized by a complete lack of style.

So, the psychological test of geometric figures for knowledge of oneself as a person, its answers and decoding

Geometric figure circle

The man who chose the circle, very harmonious. No difficulties can make him lose his presence of mind and become despondent. Why dramatize and complicate already difficult days, you might say, smiling.

It is better to talk and resolve conflicts quickly. A person in a circle is easy to communicate with; it is not difficult for him to make new acquaintances and maintain existing ones with ease. People like KRUG; they want and love to communicate with him. He never aggravates relations; on the contrary, he peacefully smoothes out all the rough edges.

CIRCLES produce quite good professionals in the field of services, healthcare, education... They make wonderful psychologists. Circle people can communicate with all other types without difficulty, but most of all they value peace-lovingness and friendliness. The conflict partner acts depressingly. Of all the types, the most intense relationship is with the TRIANGLE.

Geometric figure square

SQUARE– the most stable and balanced of all types. He is able to remain calm and equanimous even in very difficult situations. As a rule, squares are very neat, punctual, and attentive to detail. At school and in college they are interested in exact sciences, and very often their future life path is associated with numbers and formulas. Thanks to excellent memory and extraordinary analytical skills, such people become people of finance - accountants, economists, top managers.

For SQUARE people, haste and lack of time are critical; they should avoid time pressure, as it can throw them off balance for a long time. But balance is the basis of life for people - squares.
A union is possible either with the same SQUARE on the basis of complete mutual understanding and commonality of habits, or SQUARE chooses the complete opposite of themselves - ZIGZAG. In the first case, the union will be reliable, calm, but without explosions and creative enthusiasm, and in the second, ZIGZAG will be somewhat annoying, but at the same time attractive with its originality. He is able to develop SQUARE spiritually.

Geometric zigzag figure

Change! - our hearts demand! This line from V. Tsoi’s song fully reflects the lifestyle ZIGZAG. This person loves change, wants it and enjoys it. His life is changing at kaleidoscopic speed, and ZIGZAG can easily adapt to every change.

Even ZIGZAG's body is surprisingly flexible to match its owner. They make excellent acrobats and gymnasts. Such people are very sensitive, able to easily adapt to their partner, to each person, to each business ZIGZAG approaches very creatively. Even if ZIGZAG is not a person of art, he will bring a lot of creativity to any activity. New research, a breakthrough in science, a new word in poetry, an unusual approach in the visual arts - it’s all about ZIGZAG.

ZIGZAG is characterized by sudden and unconditional changes in mood. Such a person is all about his feelings, he doesn’t care what others say about him. ZIGZAGS often crave fame and recognition.

A union can be long-lasting, oddly enough, with a calm, stable SQUARE. It will be a reliable haven for ZIGZAG, a fortress in which they gain strength for new achievements.

Geometric figure straight line

Direct line are chosen by determined, purposeful people who know exactly what they want, where they are going, and what they are fighting for. It is very difficult to lead such a person off course; they are very persistent in their intentions. People of this type always strive for development and achieve success, no matter in what area they find themselves. Very often a person is a DIRECT LINE, becomes a boss, and actively moves up the career ladder.

For such people, their career is extremely important and a higher priority than their personal life. New contracts, new projects, new companions... The family considers them workaholics and career obsessed.

Often the body is not able to withstand this, and then nervous breakdowns and the development of serious diseases are possible.

SQUARES OR TRIANGLES are able to find harmony in relationships with a STRAIGHT LINE, but ambitious ZIGZAGS will not get along with them; only a business alliance is possible.

Geometric shape triangle

Triangle is a very emotional comrade and often looks for conflicts and problems that haunt such people throughout their lives. If he faces problems head-on, then it is likely that by struggling and developing spiritually, TRIANGLE will solve them.

It's time for a simple psychological test to determine your character. All you have to do is choose the figure that you like best from the provided figures and the psychological character test will tell you who you are.


If you chose a square, you are hardworking, diligent in everything, and it is very important for you to bring every task you start to its logical conclusion. Endurance and patience make you an excellent specialist in your field. Squares love order, that everything happens at the designated time, and that everything is in its place. An ideal life for you is a life in which everything is sorted and there are no unexpected surprises.


This is a temporary form of personality and is worn by different people at different periods of existence. If you have chosen this figure, this clearly indicates that you are dissatisfied with what you currently have and are looking for a better position in society. Your qualities: interest in everything that happens, courage, curiosity and even inquisitiveness. You are open to new ideas and easily learn anything new. You can change your values ​​and lifestyle with ease.


This is a leadership figure. If you have chosen this figure, you are a person who can concentrate clearly on one goal. Your qualities: energy, uncontrollability, willpower. You are a strong personality who always achieves your goals. In addition, you are also pragmatic and ambitious, and know how to prove to people that what you do is important. The triangle strives for leadership and therefore constantly competes with other people, trying to be the best in everything.


This is the most benevolent figure. People who choose this figure prove that they are sensitive, can empathize and sympathize. They always respond emotionally to other people's experiences. The circle reacts to both pain and joy and feels it as its own. Great happiness for a circle is when everyone lives in harmony with each other. In conflicts, the circle gives in first so that peace can prevail. He always strives to find the positives in people and unite them with friendship based on common interests.


Psychological character test based on geometric shapes, 8.9 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

Psychogeometry was formed as a system in the USA, and its creator is Susan Dellinger. A psychogeometric test allows you to instantly determine the typology of a person’s personality, characterize personal qualities and create a scenario for the individual’s behavior in standard situations. You can take the Dellinger psychogeometric test online in a few minutes, and the diagnostic accuracy will be about 85%.

Psychogeometric psychology test

Look carefully at the five shapes: rectangle, square, circle, triangle, zigzag. Choose from them the one that best suits you. Try to become aware of your form. If you cannot choose, then mark the figure that first caught your eye. Now rank the remaining figures, writing down their names under the desired numbers.

Interpretation of the Dellinger psychometric test

The figure that you chose first will determine the main, dominant traits of your character and behavioral characteristics. The other four figures are modulators that influence the main line of your behavior. The figure to which you assigned the last fifth number will characterize the person with whom it is most difficult for you to find a common language.


Those who have chosen this figure are tireless workers; they are characterized by perseverance, diligence, and the desire to bring any work they start to completion. These people love to collect all kinds of data; the constant need for information, patience, hard work and endurance make them highly qualified specialists in their field. The strength of the Square is the ability for mental analysis, the ability to provide the necessary information almost instantly. People who choose a square are most often left-hemisphere, that is, those who process information sequentially. They are very attentive to details, love order, and dream of a planned life. Such people can be excellent technicians and administrators, but the work of managers is not for them; the need for accurate and detailed information deprives these people of efficiency in decision-making. Emotional dryness, rationality and conservatism in decision making prevent Squares from establishing contacts.


This is a symbol of a leader; such people know how to identify main goals, set specific goals for themselves and, as a rule, achieve them. Triangles are also left-hemisphere and are able to analyze a situation deeply and quickly. But unlike Squares, who are interested in details, Triangles are focused on the essence of the situation. The need to manage the situation, to always be right, makes such a person constantly compete with others, working only to win. Triangles quickly learn new things, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Such people are often impatient and do not like those who hesitate in their decisions; they are extremely ambitious. Squares want to achieve the best quality of their work, and Triangles strive to achieve high status. The main negative quality of these people is egocentrism, which does not allow them to be particularly scrupulous on their way to the top.


This figure symbolizes the transitional state of personality, therefore they are characterized by inconsistency and unpredictability. These people can change a lot in one day. They often have low self-esteem, but they need communication with other people, although others may shy away from interacting with such a pliable person. At the same time, Rectangles are inquisitive, courageous, and open to everything new. Such people are easily suggestible and easy to manipulate.


This symbol speaks of harmony and the desire to establish good interpersonal relationships; the highest value for the Circle is people. He is the one who holds the work team together, knows how to listen, has a high degree of empathy, perceiving other people’s pain as his own. Such people do not like conflicts and tend to be the first to give in; their motto is “If only there is no war.” Those who choose the Circle are right-hemisphere, they rely more on intuition, most of all they pay attention to subjective aspects - feelings, values. Such people can find commonality even in opposing points of view; they are born psychologists. But the Circle will be prevented from becoming the head of a serious business due to the lack of organizational skills characteristic of the Triangle and the methodical nature of the Square.


Those who choose such a symbol have creative, imaginative thinking. If a person firmly chooses a zigzag, then he is a dissenter, he is characterized by intuitiveness and imagery. Zigzag thoughts often remain ununderstood by left-hemisphere rational Triangles and Squares. Such people do not concentrate on details, they see beauty as a whole, their aesthetic sense is very developed. But Zigzags do not strive to achieve consensus; they want a conflict of ideas, contradictions, in order to take something new out of it. They don't like routine and monotony, people trembling because of status or agreeing for the sake of appearance. Zigzags cannot work where there is a clear structure; they need independence like air. This sign is the most excitable and enthusiastic, it is a symbol of idealists, such people are expressive and eccentric. But specific details and little things are not for them; they cannot be too persistent, which prevents them from bringing all their ideas to life.

It may happen that no figure suits you completely. In this case, a combination of two or even three figures can describe your personality.