The most important vitamins in winter. Vitamins for women necessary in winter

Winter is a time when there is practically no sun outside, and the sky is mostly gray and heavy clouds. And everyone is in the same mood: they want to wrap themselves in a blanket and sleep. Since fresh vegetables and fruits are quite difficult to find at this time, there is a lack of vitamins. And because of this, health problems may occur. For example, lack of vitamins in winter time years becomes the reason that a person begins to overeat. After all, the body tries to collect the substances it needs even from “empty” food. From here depression develops, and melancholy intensifies even more. Although the solution is quite simple: just add it to your diet necessary elements. The main thing is to know which ones. found out what exactly our body lacks in winter.

What does a lack of vitamins lead to?

A lack of vitamins has a very significant effect on a person’s appearance and health. So, if there is a significant deficiency of them, the hair loses its shine and becomes lifeless, nails break and peel, the skin becomes extremely dry, redness and pimples appear on it. In addition, in this case, the skin takes on an earthy tint, becomes flabby and saggy. And against the background of winter vitamin deficiency, vision deterioration develops, dark circles under the eyes and redness appear. If there is a lack of calcium in the body, then over time the bones will begin to suffer: they will become excessively brittle.

What should you take in winter?

IN winter period It is difficult to live without vitamin A; it is vital in cold weather. In addition to supporting vision, it also has anti-inflammatory properties, due to which it increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. A sufficient amount of vitamin A provides increased immunity, normalizes a person’s general condition and allows him to remain active. If you eat tomatoes, apricots, buckwheat, meat, dairy products and eggs in winter, you will notice that your skin condition has improved. This simple method will also protect the liver.

A lack of vitamin A will be indicated by signs such as sleep disturbances, seizures, muscle spasms and enlarged pupils.

Another important winter element is vitamin C, a traditional immune stimulant. If there is not enough of it in the body, a person develops drowsiness and experiences a loss of strength and immunity. Due to a lack of vitamin C, constant feeling fatigue, lethargy, depressive state, joint pain and even bleeding gums.

You can compensate for the deficiency of this vitamin by consuming black currant, cabbage, rosehip and lemon.

Not enough in winter to the human body and vitamin D. But without it, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the intestines is disrupted. In addition, it is responsible for the strength of bones and teeth. Moreover, in the cold season, people especially urgently need it, because... sunny days noticeably less than in summer.

To correct the situation, you should supplement your diet fatty varieties fish, eggs, butter and vegetable oils, seafood, dairy products.

The beauty vitamin, scientifically called vitamin E, is needed by the body to fight stress. It helps oxygenate the brain and provides a clear mind and nerves of steel. At the same time he is quite large quantities found in broccoli, eggs, carrots, spinach, liver.

B vitamins cannot be ignored in winter. They help normalize carbohydrate metabolism, contribute to bringing nervous system in order and help avoid depression. Very important group B has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, preventing disturbances in its functioning and protecting the body from premature aging.

A lack of these vitamins can be recognized by deteriorating skin condition, watery eyes, and cracked lips. To correct the situation, you should eat buckwheat, peas, nuts, beets, and liver.

In winter, you should also replenish the supply of an antioxidant such as vitamin P. It helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which improves blood circulation and protects the heart. The source of such a substance will be cabbage, rose hips, grapes, etc.

Doctors also advise using industrial vitamin complexes which will provide required level useful microelements in the blood and fill the body with the energy it needs.

What vitamins are needed in winter?

To figure out what vitamins are needed in winter, you should analyze the state of the body and determine what problems are bothering you. For example, apathetic state, increased susceptibility to disease, bleeding gums, dull hair and bruised skin indicate a lack of vitamin C.

Poor condition hair and nails indicates a deficiency of vitamin B, as well as magnesium and iron. Eye fatigue increased sensitivity skin, cracks, dryness, calluses signal that it is necessary to replenish vitamin A reserves.

Symptoms of B vitamin deficiency are:

  • puffiness();
  • cracks and sores near the mouth and on the lips, dryness ();
  • peeling, skin rashes ();
  • hair fragility and pallor (B12 and);
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • poor appetite;
  • headache;
  • heaviness in the legs.

If we talk about what vitamins are missing in winter, we should mention vitamin D. There is not enough of it in the body if you are irritated, suffer from sweating, feel weak and have joint pain. Vitamin E deficiency can be identified by dark circles under the eyes and bleeding gums.

Vitamins in food

A balanced diet is very important during the winter. Along with the products, the body receives the necessary nutrients. If you stick to the principles healthy eating, then the question will not arise where to find vitamins in winter. There are products that contain greatest number certain vitamins. When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account what substances the body lacks and eat more foods with the necessary vitamin.

Vitamin What products contain
Carrots, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, rose hips, apples, sweet pepper, dairy products, fish oil, liver, grapes
Oatmeal, wholemeal products, fatty meat, yolk, Brussels sprouts, broccoli
Buckwheat, oatmeal, green vegetables, bread, meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, liver, kidneys, flour products by leaps and bounds
Cauliflower, oatmeal, buckwheat, peas, leafy vegetables, liver, kidneys, heart, fish roe
Green vegetables, avocado, soybeans, potatoes, corn, meat, walnuts, cereals, buds, yolk
Barley, legumes, oatmeal, bran, mushrooms, oranges, dates, nuts, milk, meat, salmon, pumpkin
B12 Beef, eggs, soy, poultry, seaweed, milk, yeast, cheese
Citrus fruits, cabbage, kiwi, cranberry, black currant, rose hips, bell pepper
Dairy products, fish oil
Milk, yolk, nuts, vegetable oils, liver

Cooking food better method baking, stewing, boiling or steaming. This way she will save the greatest amount useful substances. It is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits more often fresh.

An important question is also which vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity. To improve the body's resistance to negative factors external environment, you need to take enough vitamin C, which supports the body's immune system. It is also worth replenishing vitamins A, B and E.

Vitamin supplements

It is worth carefully monitoring your diet and including foods that you need to eat in winter. But sometimes food does not provide the body with enough vitamins. In such cases, you should pay attention to vitamin preparations. In winter, the lack of nutrients is felt especially acutely, so it is worth taking a course of vitamin supplements, of which you can find large quantities in the pharmacy. The pharmacist will help you choose best vitamins.

What vitamins should I take in winter? Among vitamin preparations that are available in abundance on pharmacy shelves include:

  • Aevit (replenishes vitamins A, E, improves immunity, improves the functioning of the nervous system, is good for the skin).
  • Ascorbic acid (saturates the body with vitamin C).
  • Vitrum (contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B12, B6, considered good remedy to combat vitamin deficiency, improves immunity).
  • Multitabs (increases immunity, helps fight stress and mood swings, suitable for those who work a lot).
  • Complivit (contains vitamin B12, helps cope with digestive problems, has a balanced composition, so it is suitable for almost everyone).
  • Centrum (contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, helps fight vitamin deficiency, take 1 tablet per day).

In some cases, vitamins for the winter can be administered intramuscularly. This mainly applies to B vitamins. This is done not only to compensate for vitamin deficiency, but also for medicinal or for cosmetic purposes. Before injecting, you must consult your doctor. If you are prescribed several vitamins at once, then inject them separately, one type per day. If you inject yourself, then follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, and also do not forget about all safety measures.

Additional sources of vitamins in winter

You can get the vitamins you need in winter from drinks you prepare yourself. Fruit drinks will help replenish the supply of vitamins. To prepare them, it is good to use:

  • cranberries;
  • honeysuckle;
  • lingonberries;
  • rowan;
  • currants;
  • rose hip.

Will be useful herbal teas. At the pharmacy you can buy syrups that will help you survive the winter without lack of vitamins. Rosehip syrup, echinacea or lemongrass will help strengthen the immune system and relieve fatigue. You can drink these syrups to strengthen your immune system in the autumn and winter.

Rosehip contains a large amount of vitamin C. In addition, it contains vitamins E, B, K and P. You can prepare a rosehip drink yourself. For this you will need half a glass dried berries rosehip. They are washed, placed in a thermos and filled with 1 liter of boiling water. It is better to prepare the drink in the evening so that it infuses overnight. In the morning, drink the prepared drink on an empty stomach.

For skin, hair and nails in winter, in addition to taking vitamin preparations, you need to select high-quality shampoos and creams containing vitamins A, B, E, C. Vitamin A prevents skin aging. Vitamin B improves the condition of the skin, vitamin E softens and promotes its restoration. Thanks to vitamin C, the skin becomes fresh and healthy looking. By choosing care products with the necessary vitamins and eating right, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin over time.

In winter, you may experience a general weakening of the body and decreased immunity. To select the necessary complex of nutrients, you need to find out which vitamins are best to take in winter. By analyzing your condition and symptoms, you can determine what useful substance your body lacks. If the diet does not give required quantity nutrients, take vitamin supplements. It is better to take vitamins after consulting a doctor. The video below will tell you how to prepare berries for the winter that will become good source vitamins

Vitamins in winter help maintain the body's immune strength. There are special vitamins for women, men and children to maintain immunity during the winter. You should start taking the complex for the body after consulting a doctor. The consultation will allow you to find out what necessary funds required for parents and children.

Why do we need vitamins in winter?

Before choosing which vitamins to take in winter, you need to know that this period causes stress in the bodies of women, men and children. Their shortage leads to bad mood, drowsiness, laziness, fatigue and numerous illnesses, especially in expectant parents. This indicates the presence of vitamin deficiency.

For example, peeling, dryness, redness of the skin of the hands and face in women and men indicates a lack of vitamins E, C, A and group B. Hair loss, their dark color and brittle nails indicate a lack of vitamin C, group B, iron, magnesium and copper in women and men. Lack of vitamin B6, B3, B2 leads to frequent dermatitis and not wound healing for a long time speaks of a deficiency of vitamins K, D and C.

How to support the body and help improve immunity? It's very simple, it is recommended to take special complex for the body, intended for men and women. What vitamins are best to take in winter? Yes, almost everything, because at this time there is practically no healthy vegetables and fruits, although it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting to take it.

A lack of vitamins during this period of the year has a detrimental effect on the body, and at this time a decrease in immunity may be observed. Women and men experience frequent colds, and their health may deteriorate sharply.

Vitamins on a plate

Many people wonder where to find vitamins in winter? What foods should you eat to be beautiful and healthy, maintaining vitality body. Let's try to figure it out together, which products are recommended for maintaining immunity during the winter season.

According to statistics, with the onset of winter, women most often lack vitamin C - ascorbic acid. It is safe to say that this vitamin is the most important. Being the most powerful antioxidant, he plays one of critical roles in metabolism, forms “happiness hormones” and helps improve immunity in women and men.

To compensate for the lack of essential ascorbic acid in the body, it is recommended to eat oranges, kiwi, tomatoes, chokeberry and bell pepper. You should also remember about sauerkraut, because it contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits.

Besides ascorbic acid, what vitamins are needed in winter? The human body does not receive enough B vitamins. If the complex of vitamins is absent in the body, there are pockets in the corners of the mouth, cracks in the lips, brittle nails and hair, and watery eyes. Another person suffers from insomnia and becomes irritable for no apparent reason. To replenish the complex of vitamins, you need to eat peas, rice, buckwheat, fermented milk products, eggs, liver, kidneys, heart, beets and nuts.

If you have problems with vision, then you lack vitamin A, which is responsible for its sharpness, as well as strengthening the immune system, maintaining healthy nails and hair. You can get vitamin A from apricots, sorrel, dill, parsley, carrots, fish, eggs and milk.

If everything falls out of hand, and there is a rush at work, you cannot concentrate on anything? This means that you have a lack of vitamin E - tocopherol. Vitamin E is the most powerful natural antioxidant. It allows you to support the immune system, protect against cell damage, improves their oxygen supply, slows down the creation of free radicals, allows you to cope with heavy mental stress, protects the body from stress and nervous breakdowns. Tocopherol is found in cabbage, spinach, beef liver, lettuce, vegetable oil, eggs and lean meat.

Time to go to the pharmacy

A person needs to take a complex of minerals and vitamins every day, unfortunately, this can be done on the basis of only proper nutrition very difficult. Firstly, it is almost impossible to organize your own diet with such a variety of products. Secondly, you cannot be 100% sure that all useful substances are preserved in products after long-term storage, delivery and heat treatment. You need to take a vitamin complex with all the necessary components.

You can buy such drugs at any pharmacy without a prescription, but this does not mean that you can take them uncontrollably. It is best if your doctor selects vitamins individually. Find out from your doctor which vitamins are recommended for you to take in winter. It is believed that the human body needs to take 2/3 of all vitamins with the “right” substances and only 1/3 with chemical components.

Particular attention should be paid to the content of vitamins in one tablet in accordance with daily requirement body. If one tablet contains daily dose, then vitamins are taken once every three days.

Beauty from a jar

Even if there is balanced nutrition And taking a vitamin-mineral complex, we are not able to provide the hair and skin with a sufficient amount of vitamins from the inside. A jar of cream will help correct the situation. We can talk about the content of the required amount of vitamins in a container with cream only if the active substances are contained in such large quantities that they can “work” with the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using vitamins C, E, A and group B.

Vitamin A is responsible for preventing the body from aging; it is included in many anti-aging products. Vitamin E has a softening effect and takes part in tissue restoration. Vitamin C is used to eliminate dark circles, refreshes the complexion, provides protection against free radicals.

B vitamins promote recovery vital functions all cells. Cosmetics containing vitamins can be purchased from any cosmetics manufacturer.

  • Eat right - do not eat fast food, minimize the consumption of animal fats, smoked meats, sausages, and products made from refined white flour.
  • Drink vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Life is about movement. Play sports, walk more.
  • Go to bed no later than 10 pm, ventilate the room first.
  • Always keep a good mood.
  • Give up alcoholic drinks, quit smoking.

Advice from an expert

Vitamins for the body are especially important in the winter season. A correctly selected complex will improve immunity, lift your mood, and relieve irritability and drowsiness.

Even harmless vitamins should not be taken without consulting a doctor, especially for children and pregnant women. Be attentive to your health.

In winter, the human body is susceptible to many respiratory diseases. This is due to many factors.

Causes of various diseases in winter

During the off-season and winter, with regular temperature changes, the immune system is subject to stress. It is this factor that influences the development of various respiratory diseases. There is an opinion that cold causes illness, but this is not true. Colds are caused by a virus that actively develops during the rainy autumn period, and also remains active in public and poorly ventilated areas. Therefore, many doctors strongly recommend frequently ventilating crowded rooms, because cool, dry environment is ideal for maintaining vital functions viral infections. Regular ventilation and wet cleaning of premises will significantly reduce the likelihood of contracting an acute respiratory infection.

If it happens that you catch an acute respiratory infection or worse, FLU, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Current viruses are very insidious and pose a great danger to the body. This is due to many complications following colds. They can manifest themselves both as the occurrence of cardiac pathologies and the development of pneumonia. Both pose a danger to human life. In order to avoid and overcome infection as much as possible, it is worth seeking help from etiotropic treatment, in other words, antibiotics.

To maintain immunity at this difficult moment for the body, it is worth taking care of its stimulation. Vitamin complexes in this case will come in handy. They have a balanced complex of beneficial substances that help the body fight infection, and can also support protective functions body. Vitamins for women, helping in winter, differ from men's in a different content and balance of nutrients. And even this is not always indicated by the manufacturer - as a rule, immunostimulating vitamin complexes are not divided into male and female. If this happens, then this is nothing more than a commercial move aimed at increasing sales. But it’s still worth taking into account gender characteristics, because... Women are more susceptible to lack of nutrients in winter than men.

Why should women take vitamins in winter?

As you know, women's skin is more susceptible to external factors, such as:

  • cold;
  • high humidity;
  • weathering.

These factors cause various irritations, dryness, and loss of elasticity of the skin.

From the outside general condition the body is:

  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • drowsiness.

In addition, vitamins are unique regulators of hormone production, which is directly related to general hormonal levels. And, as you know, hormones play a key role in the work of all internal organs.

Female hormonal background significantly different from men's. Therefore, it is still worth distinguishing women's vitamin complexes from men's ones. Women are more in need of:

  • retinol (A), which supports healthy hair, nails and bone tissue;
  • ascorbic acid (C) – which takes care of maintaining immunity and restoring the body’s protective functions;
  • tocopherol (E) – involved in the regeneration of skin tissue and maintaining healthy hair and elasticity of the skin.

Vitamins in winter for women play an important role in maintaining the beauty and health of the entire body as a whole. Thus, by taking a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals, you can significantly help the body fight the influence of external negative factors, and also protect from various diseases by stimulating work immune system. So, the following substances are very important for women in winter:

  • A, which effectively combats dry skin, split nails and thinning hair;
  • Vitamin B1 - necessary to combat lack of appetite, apathy, hypotension;
  • Vitamin B2 can effectively influence frequent headaches, hair loss, and excessive oily skin;
  • Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, being a natural antioxidant, actively affects the functioning of the immune system and restores the body's protective functions, as well as strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents bruising on the skin.

These active substances used in combination provide invaluable assistance. female body, helping to fight not only illnesses, but also keep the entire body in good shape.

In order to avoid unexpected health problems in the winter in the form of various acute respiratory infections and hypovitaminosis, it is worth taking care of the supply in advance during the harvest period and active harvesting of vegetables and fruits. They are the natural source of all useful vitamins and microelements, so necessary for the female body during the cold season. IN fresh vegetables and fruits contain most of the essential vitamins. For example, in white cabbage and bell pepper V large quantities contains vitamin C, carrots and tomatoes contain beta-carotene, which is subsequently converted into vitamin A, and sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E. By including these simple products in your diet, you can not only easily replenish your reserves of nutrients, but also maintain their balance until the coldest.

If for some reason a deficiency is still diagnosed active substances in the body, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe a complex of vitamins suitable for your specific case.

Carefully! It is not recommended to self-medicate, because by filling in the missing elements, you can disrupt quantitative indicators others, which will manifest itself as new symptoms called hypervitaminosis.

Only a competent therapist will be able to correctly select the necessary vitamin complex.

And remember! Prevention is much easier than cure!

Read also:

What general strengthening vitamins for women are recommended for use? The most essential vitamins for depression for women

Vitamins- like regulators on the way to assimilate nutrients. They speed and direct metabolic processes. For example, if you ate a piece of chocolate, glucose entered your body. If there is enough vitamin B1 in it, then its combustion will occur and energy will be released. As a result, you will feel cheerful and energized. But if the body lacks this vitamin, then glucose will turn into fat. The situation is similar in the absence of other vitamins. That’s why their presence in the diet is so important. all year round. And if in the summer they themselves ask for your mouth in the form of juicy apples, delicious watermelons, fragrant peaches and other fruits, then in winter it is more difficult to obtain useful substances. It is their deficiency that in most cases explains weakness, fatigue, and a tendency to disease. To prevent the symptoms of vitamin deficiency from affecting you, adjust your diet for the winter.

Partially useful substances are stored by the body in reserve. For example, fat soluble vitamins- A, D, E. He himself can synthesize some of them in small quantities. Liver cells produce vitamin B-12, some of the vitamins are synthesized in the intestines. But most enter the body only with food. First of all, this is vitamin C. In winter, it is especially lacking. Therefore, actively lean on citrus fruits and red peppers. There is a lot of this element in . By the way, it also contains substances that are beneficial for the intestinal microflora. In winter, there is also a deficiency of B vitamins, especially among those who abuse sweets or refined foods. The amount of vitamin D, which is synthesized by the skin in summer under the influence of sun rays. You can replenish your reserves of these vitamins from animal products - meat, liver, eggs.

The body reacts sensitively to a lack of nutrients and immediately sends an SOS signal. For example, without vitamin E, the skin becomes dry, with a lack of B-2, cracks appear in the corners of the lips, a lack of vitamin A leads to roughening of the skin, a deficiency of vitamin C leads to weakness and bleeding gums. Agree, there is no point in bringing yourself to such a state if you can do everything just diversify the menu. Introduce beets into your diet (both boiled and raw), carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, greens, olive and vegetable oil, nuts. Regularly consume dairy products, seafood, various types porridge. Treat yourself to nutritious vegetable fresh juices. Reduce the quantity bakery products, pasta, sweets. And don’t get carried away with diets - they further reduce the amount of vitamins in your diet. Take a complex of vitamins and minerals for several months. Choose the one that contains the daily norm necessary for the body substances. This is definitely worth doing if you are fasting. In this case, also make sure that plant food was varied.

Winter period is fraught not only with a lack of vitamins, but also extra pounds. Weight gain occurs due to changes in metabolism. Wasn't there before heating devices, and to keep warm, the body has learned to release more energy in winter. When you sit near the radiator and wrap yourself in warm clothes, calories are not consumed, but are stored as fat. Spices will help activate their combustion. For example, chili pepper increases metabolism by 50 percent. Also regularly replenish your body's water reserves, although in winter you want to drink less than in summer. Water helps remove toxins. Daily norm liquids - 1.5-2 l. No matter how much you want to hibernate, remember physical activity. Do exercises regularly and walk in the fresh air.