"Branolind N" with Peruvian balsam: reviews, prices, description. Wound healing dressing HARTMANN Branolind N with Peruvian balsam

Branolind is a special ointment dressing made from cotton fabric that is used to treat burns, bruises, cuts, and other skin injuries of varying severity. They are widely used in dermatology and plastic surgery to heal wounds, accelerate the regeneration process and eliminate scars.

Pharmacological action of Branolind

According to the instructions, Branolind promotes fast healing wounds, while accelerating the process of outflow of inflamed secretions. Branolind with Balsam of Peru prevents wound infections, as the dressings allow air to circulate freely and also have an antiseptic effect. Reviews of Branolind confirm that the dressings have an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, so they are effectively used for healing trophic wounds and chemical skin lesions, as well as severe frostbite. Branolind is also used after skin transplantation. In this case, it promotes the process of tissue engraftment and accelerates the growth of the epithelium. Bandages can also be used for sensitive skin because they are not annoying skin and have hypoallergenic properties.

Branolind contains Peruvian balsam, which is a dark liquid of an oily consistency that has pleasant smell vanilla. This balm has been used for wound healing since the 16th century; it contained essential oils and beneficial acids. Currently, Branolind with Peruvian balsam is also used to increase protective forces organism simultaneously in the treatment of wounds or ulcers. Branolind gives this effect due to the presence of vanillin, benzoic acid and resin acids.

Branolind release forms

Branolind is available in the form of dressings impregnated with a composition that contains Branolind ointment, petroleum jelly, glycerin, purified fat, and Peruvian balsam. The dressings come in a variety of sizes and there are usually 30 dressings per pack.

Indications for use of Branolind

According to the instructions, Branolind is used to treat various wounds and burns varying degrees. Bandages are also indicated for use in the treatment of chronic wounds, frostbite and purulent abscesses. Reviews of Branolinda talk about the use of dressings to cleanse wounds after transplantation.

Directions for use and dosage

To apply Branolind, you need to unpack the package, cut the bandage to the shape of the wound, remove the film, and then apply it to the wound or damaged area. To keep the bandage longer and better, it is fixed on top with a bandage or sterile cloth. Branolind dressings are changed daily when dressing the wound. For burns, bandages should be changed after two to three days. Changing the dressing is painless for the patient. Branolind can be used by both adults and children and is used for superficial and deep wounds. The therapeutic effect of the bandage lasts up to 74 hours, so it can be applied for 2-3 days. For burns, it is recommended to use bandages until complete cure, their use protects wounds from harmful effects environment.


According to the instructions, Branolind cannot be used if you have individual intolerance dressing components. It is not recommended to use these dressings on tissues that are affected by necrosis.

Conditions and periods of storage of Branolind

Bandages should be stored in a dry place, always in a horizontal position. The product must be inaccessible to children.

Branolind has a shelf life of five years.

Branolind is available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Previously, in order for skin lesions to heal, improvised means were used and constant dressings were required using various ointments and solutions. Modern medicine has in its arsenal a lot more funds, designed to accelerate the healing processes of wounds and abrasions, as well as trophic ulcers. Let's look at what Branolind is, how to use the bandage correctly and its effectiveness.

What kind of remedy

On sale you can find a Branolind N bandage with Peruvian balsam and a Branolind patch. The only difference is in the composition. Product marked "H" contains more active substances, including wound-healing components.

Branolind with Peruvian balsam are products impregnated with medicinal compounds. The fabric base contains:

  • Petrolatum;
  • Glycerol;
  • Branolind ointment;
  • Peruvian balsam;
  • Cetomacrogol.

The basis is purified fat. The dressings are packed in boxes of 10-30 pieces. Each mesh with active substance sterile and therefore suitable for use on wounds.


Branolind can be found on sale in individual packages.

Therapeutic effect

Before you buy Branolind for wound treatment, it is important to understand how this remedy works. Active substances, included in the composition, promote rapid tissue healing, protect against infection and the risk of developing purulent inflammation.

The products do not interfere with the free penetration of air, allowing the wound to “breathe”. This speeds up the regeneration process.

Sterile dressings have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects. The products are effective for both thermal and chemical burns. Help after overheating, frostbite or cuts.

In most situations, Branolind dressings do not cause allergic reaction. The main components included in the impregnation and the material from which the mesh is made are hypoallergenic.

Indications for use

The scope of application of the Branolind N dressing is quite wide. The product is actively used for:

  • Non-healing;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Abrasions and cuts;
  • Skin transplantation;
  • Bedsores at any stage;
  • Purulent abscesses;
  • Previous burns;
  • Removing the nail plate;
  • Rehabilitation after plastic surgery.

Branolind dressings can be used as protective or prophylactic products. They have an antiseptic and wound-healing effect.

Existing contraindications

Instructions for use of Branolind N with Peruvian balsam warns of the presence of contraindications. Such dressings cannot be used for:

  • Wounds complicated by necrotic processes;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

IN in rare cases the following negative symptoms develop:

  • Digestive disorders;
  • Allergic manifestations;
  • Rash and irritation.

When adverse symptoms It is better to avoid treatment with Branolind dressings. About everyone side effects You should inform your doctor so that he can adjust the previously recommended therapy.

How to use bandages correctly

In order for Branolind N ointment dressings to have maximum effect, it is important to use them correctly. To do this, each package contains detailed instructions for use.

Branolind wound healing ointment dressings have a powerful effect. The healing mesh must be applied as follows:

  • Open the sterile packaging;
  • Cut the required form Branolind patch;
  • Remove the protective layer of paper;
  • Apply a bandage to the wound surface with the side of the fabric containing the medicinal composition;
  • Cover the application site sterile bandage or gauze to create a layer of absorption;
  • Fix.

For weeping wounds, trophic ulcers and other skin lesions, the bandage should be changed daily. If a burn is being treated, Branolind N is changed once every two days.

Are there any analogues

An identical analogue to Branolind wipes has not yet been created. Eat medical products, the effect of which is similar to the bandages of this manufacturer.

Expert opinion!

If your doctor has prescribed you to use Branolind dressings, you should not replace them with similar ones yourself. If you cannot find this product on sale, you should consult your doctor.

Reviews of Branolind and similar products show that patients often replace these dressings with the following products that can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • Silcofix;
  • Voskopran;
  • Jelonet;
  • Cosmopore;
  • Atrauman;
  • Peruvian balsam.

Although all of these drugs differ in composition from Branolind, they have a similar effect.

How much does the product cost?

Every patient can afford to buy these medical products. Price of Branolind dressings:

  • 30 pcs. sizes 7.5x10 cm cost from 1300 to 1900 rubles;
  • 30 pcs. sizes 10x20 cm cost from 3200 to 3700 rubles.

Please discuss with your doctor before purchasing required size and type of drug. If you need to choose an analogue, it is important that a doctor does this.

Are there any restrictions

All active ingredients successfully tolerated by patients of different ages and gender. Even newborn babies can be treated with mesh bandages.

Pregnancy and period breastfeeding is not a reason to refuse treatment with Branolind wound healing dressings. Some experts recommend using this product in postpartum period if a caesarean section was performed.

Branolind dressing contains white petrolatum, cetomacrogol, glycerol monostearate, hydrogenated fat, triglycerides.

Branolind with Peruvian balsam: main substance – peruvian balsam 265 mg. Vaseline, triglycerides, hydrogenated fat, cetomacrogol, glycerol monostearate, as auxiliary components.

Release form

Sterile ointment dressings measuring 7.5 by 10 cm and 10 by 20 cm, No. 30.

Pharmacological action

Antiseptic, wound healing.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


These are sterile dressings made of large-mesh fabric, permeable to air and wound secretions, impregnated with either a neutral ointment mass without pharmaceuticals. medications, or Peruvian balsam. The hydrophobic ointment base prevents the granulations from sticking to the wound and causing trauma during dressings. Changing the dressing is painless.

Peruvian balsam is a dark-colored liquid with an oily consistency. It has an antiseptic and anti-edematous effect, stimulates the growth of granulations, resulting in faster healing of the wound and the formation of epithelium.

The risk of scar formation after frostbite, burns and trophic ulcers is significantly reduced. At burns Dressings should be used at all stages because they provide protection from the environment and prevent burn scabs from forming underneath. It is important that the bandage is elastic, so it can be easily applied to wounds in inaccessible places and with complex configurations. The dressings are hypoallergenic, which allows them to be used on sensitive skin.


Not provided.

Indications for use

  • fixation of skin grafts;
  • bedsores initial stage;
  • condition after nail removal;
  • superficial wounds and abrasions;
  • ulcers ( trophic and diabetic);
  • lacerations;
  • application in cosmetology and plastic surgery.

Branolind N with Peruvian balsam has more extended indications, including additional treatment of severe burns, poorly healing wounds and deep bedsores.


  • Availability hypersensitivity to the constituent components;
  • treatment of wounds complicated by the necrotic process.

Side effects

Despite natural composition Peruvian balsam there are cases of individual intolerance and the appearance of. Dyspeptic symptoms are possible.

Branolind, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The sterile packaging must be opened. The bandage is covered with protective paper and must be cut to fit the wound surface without removing the paper. Then remove the layer of paper from one side and apply a bandage to the wound, after which you need to remove the protective paper from the other side of the bandage. The applied bandage is covered with absorbent sterile cloth (bandage, gauze) and fixed with a bandage or plaster. The ointment dressing is changed daily and after 2 days for burns.


Not registered.


Not studied.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

At temperatures up to 30°C.

Best before date


It has no structural analogues. Similar action provide bandages Voskopran , Jelonet , Soffra-tulle , Silcofix , Cosmopore , Atrauman , Hydrocoll Finn , Grassolin neutral , .

Reviews of Branolinda

In certain phases of the wound process, drugs should be used that protect the wound surface from infection and activate metabolic processes, stimulate wound healing and improve blood circulation. This is precisely the effect that Branolind N dressings have, which are also atraumatic - they do not stick to the surface of the wound and do not damage the growing epithelium.

The unique composition of Peruvian balsam, obtained from the bark of the balsam tree, provides antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Reviews indicate high efficiency of these dressings in the treatment of superficial and deep skin lesions In addition, they provide an analgesic effect for 50–70 hours. Many patients note that changing the dressing is painless.

  • « ... I severely scalded my leg with boiling water. They advised me to apply the Branolind patch. I didn’t even have a trace of the burn left! Everything healed very quickly».
  • « ... A very good dressing for trophic ulcers».
  • « ... It helps well against burns, relieves pain and heals quickly. I got a little stuck».
  • « ... Indeed, this bandage helps well with burns and bedsores. I bought it for my son, who burned his hand, and for my bedridden grandmother.».

Branolinda price, where to buy

You can buy Branolind in the Russian pharmacy chain. Ointment sterile dressings available different sizes: 7.5x10 cm No. 30 at prices from 1280 to 1860 rubles. and bandages 10x20 cm No. 30 costing 3116-3630 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia


    Branolind Branolind N Bandage 7.5x10 cm 30 pcs. Peruvian balsam Hartmann [Hartmann]

    Branolind Branolind N Bandage 10x20 cm 30 pcs. wound healing with Peruvian balsam Hartmann [Hartmann]

    Branolind Branolind N Bandage 10x20 cm 1 pc. Peruvian balsam Hartmann [Hartmann]

    Branolind Branolind N Bandage 7.5x10 cm 1 pc. Peruvian balsam Hartmann [Hartmann]

From injury, wounds and burns in living conditions Not a single person is insured. Therefore, experts recommend keeping home medicine cabinet products that can clean wound surfaces, disinfect them and promote rapid healing. The drug “Branolind N” with Peruvian balsam has these therapeutic properties.

Reviews of the effectiveness of this product, its indications, methods of use and release form will be presented below.

Release form and composition of the drug

What is Branolind? A sterile ointment dressing with Peruvian balsam is sold in almost all pharmacies. The composition of this medication includes the antiseptic and healing ointment “Branolind” (the fabric bandage is abundantly impregnated with it), as well as Peruvian balsam, petroleum jelly, glycerin, purified fat and cetomacrogol.

The product mentioned above goes on sale in cardboard box. Also, the mesh bandage can be produced in a single package.

Operating principle

Do you know how the Branolind N dressing works? Branolind N with Peruvian balsam promotes and also accelerates the process of outflow of inflamed secretions and prevents infection.

Ointment mesh dressings accelerate tissue regeneration and growth without interfering with normal air circulation.

It should also be noted that the drug in question has a pronounced anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. It also retains antiseptic properties for a long time.

What is remarkable about the drug "Branolind"? The use (reviews about it will be presented at the end of the article) of this remedy is indicated for the healing of frostbite, trophic ulcers and chemical lesions of the skin. After tissue transplantation, the drug can be used to improve the acceleration of epithelial growth and tissue engraftment.

Features of the drug

What other properties are inherent in the drug “Branolind N” with Peruvian balsam? Reviews from experienced specialists report that this product has a pronounced hypoallergenic effect. Its use does not irritate the skin, therefore this medication used even on very sensitive skin.

The Peruvian balsam in the composition of the preparation in question is a liquid (oily) of a dark color and with the aroma of vanilla. It is very effective in healing wounds and has been used since the 16th century.

This substance consists of essential oils, useful acids and has an effective therapeutic effect.

The drug "Branolind" (instructions, reviews, use of the drug - the topic of our review) produces high healing effect. Thanks to the presence of resin alcohols, benzoic acid and vanillin, it significantly increases protective functions body.

Indications for use

For what conditions is the Branolind N dressing with Peruvian balsam used? Reviews from experts claim that the medication in question is very effective in treating bruises, burns, cuts and other skin injuries varying degrees heaviness and depth.

The product, which is an ointment bandage made of permeable cotton fabric, promotes rapid healing of wounds, accelerates regeneration processes and eliminates scars.

Enough wide application The drug was obtained in plastic surgery and dermatology.

In addition to all of the above, the medication in question is used for chronic wounds, frostbite and purulent abscesses. There are also positive reviews about what this drug It shows itself very well as a product that is used to cleanse and protect wounds formed after transplantation.

Contraindications to the use of dressings

It should also be noted that the mentioned antiseptic drug should not be applied to tissues that are affected by necrosis.

How to use the drug "Branolind N" with Peruvian balsam?

Consumer reviews report that using this drug is quite simple.

According to the instructions, before use local remedy The bandage must first be unpacked and then cut to the size of the burn or wound. After this, it is necessary to remove the protective film from it and apply it to the damaged area.

If required, after the above steps, the bandage can be secured with a bandage or absorbent sterile tissue.

Experts say that for better effect Branolind needs to be changed every day during dressing and used throughout the entire treatment period. For burns, it is better to change the drug every 2-3 days.

When treating burns, it is advisable to use bandages at all stages of therapy. This is due to the fact that they do not form scabs and also protect the surface from environmental influences.

According to the instructions, the analgesic and therapeutic effect of this drug lasts about 40-75 hours.

Side effects

The majority of people who used the remedy in question did not experience any complications during the treatment of ulcers and injuries. Although in rare cases this drug still caused the development of local allergic reactions.

Cost of dressings and consumer reviews

The price of an ointment dressing is not very high. You can buy it for 50 rubles (size 7.5 by 10 centimeters). However, many patients consider this cost to be too high. After all, up to 10 dressings may be needed to treat serious skin lesions.

In general, messages about this remedy are more positive character. People who use Branolind N with Peruvian balsam to treat wounds, burns and other injuries are quite satisfied with the results. In their opinion, without this drug, the healing and recovery process was very slow.

As for the negative reviews, they say that this medication is absolutely useless for old scars and scars. However, the manufacturer does not make any promises in this regard.

The main advantages of Branolind N mesh dressings are the absence large quantity contraindications and a minimum of adverse reactions.

Branolind N is an atraumatic ointment dressing with Peruvian balsam, which is used in the treatment of skin injuries. The product is a large-mesh cotton fabric with a high degree of air and secret permeability. The bandage is impregnated with a special ointment, which includes Peruvian balsam. This remedy has long been known and used as a natural antiseptic that accelerates the healing of various wounds.

More details

Peruvian balsam has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Branolind N promotes wound healing, accelerates the regeneration process, and reduces the risk of scar formation. In addition to Peruvian balsam, the healing ointment contains glycerin, hydrogenated fat, petroleum jelly, and triglycerides.

When to buy Branolind N with Peruvian balsam:

  • superficial wounds - lacerations, abrasions, thermal and chemical burns;
  • chronic wounds;
  • purulent wounds, abscesses;
  • carbuncles, boils;
  • frostbite with complications;
  • after nail removal;
  • after skin transplantation;
  • at trophic ulcer;
  • treatment of infected wounds;
  • operations of a phimosis nature;
  • for fixation of split skin grafts;
  • treatment of bedsores and diabetic ulcers;
  • after plastic and cosmetic surgeries.

The price of the product depends on the number of bandages in the set and the size of the bandages. In our online store, the cost of such products is affordable and reasonable.

What are the advantages of Branolind N dressing?

An ointment dressing with Peruvian balsam makes the surface and edges of the wound elastic and prevents it from drying out. The product stimulates the onset of epithelialization and granulation processes and is a good preventative against scar contractures.

  • air and wound secretions penetrate through the bandage due to its mesh structure;
  • Peruvian balsam has a beneficial effect on the affected areas of the skin, accelerating their recovery;
  • if the wound is on a complex surface (face, hand), then due to the plasticity of the bandage, its application is easy and simple;
  • good contact with the wound;
  • changing the dressing is painless due to its non-traumatic nature;
  • may remain on the wound for up to three days.

You can buy Branolind N in our online store PAUL HARTMANN LLC. It is not recommended for use by people with sensitivity to the components of Peruvian balsam, as well as with extensive tissue necrosis. The content of Peruvian balsam is 50 mg per 1 g of ointment. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.