Folk recipes that cleanse wounds and quickly heal trophic ulcers. Treatment of trophic ulcers at home

Illness is always unpleasant, and diseases that can leave behind ugly wounds are even worse. Such ailments include trophic ulcers, to combat which people have successfully used not only traditional medicine, but also folk remedies.

Of course, you won’t be able to instantly get rid of the disease using traditional methods, but then you won’t be left with scars on the skin that remain after surgery. Let's consider more safe methods treatment of trophic ulcers on the leg at home.

Trophic ulcer is a fairly common disease that affects the mucous membrane or skin. This occurs as a result of the body’s rejection of necrotic tissue and a weak tendency to regenerate. Often, ulcers occur in parallel with the course of other diseases and are characterized by the fact that trophic ulcers are very difficult to treat.

The rate of recovery is influenced by the course of the underlying disease, as well as the possibility of eliminating the disorders that provoked the development of the disease. For more effective treatment of trophic ulcers, you need to become familiar with the causes of the pathology and the characteristic symptoms.


There are many different factors that can trigger the occurrence of trophic ulcers. As a rule, we are talking about other diseases or pathological processes that somehow affect blood circulation.

The main reasons for the appearance of such ulcers on the body:

Symptoms and diagnosis

Clinical picture of trophic ulcers:

  • the appearance of purple spots on the skin, it becomes more tense;
  • the skin becomes rough;
  • burning and itching occurs in the affected area;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower leg;
  • my legs hurt and swell.

These are more indicative symptoms, therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo various laboratory tests, based on the results of which the doctor will be able to clarify the problem and prescribe the most effective method treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease includes:

  • Vascular ultrasound;
  • vascular angiography;
  • immunological studies;
  • analysis of blood obtained from the wound;
  • general blood test;
  • urine test.

The combination of these diagnostic methods allows you to get the most complete and clear picture of the patient’s condition with characteristic symptoms trophic ulcer or who simply has a suspicion of the course of this disease.

Treatment methods for lower extremities

Treatment of a trophic ulcer requires a lot of effort at home, and it is also quite lengthy. Treatment of any type of illness must be done under the supervision of a doctor. For this purpose, methods such as drug treatment, traditional medicine, by using medicinal plants, therapeutic diet. Let's consider each of the methods separately.


Drug treatment of trophic ulcers is divided into two main stages. At the first stage, when the patient’s skin is affected by weeping ulcers, therapeutic therapy consists of the use of drugs such as broad-spectrum antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ketoprofen and others).

The second stage of therapy comes into force after the resulting ulcers begin to heal and scar on the patient’s body. To speed up this process, use various ointments having a healing effect. These are antioxidant agents, Ebermin, Solcoseryl, Actevigin. Curision is used to treat ulcers. Subsequent treatment is aimed at eliminating the root cause of trophic ulcers, and the medications themselves are prescribed individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient and his tolerability of individual components.

Folk remedies

The most common recipes for folk remedies used in the treatment of trophic ulcers:

  • Grind 4 kernels to a powder and mix it with 3 mashed chicken yolks. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, then add 1 teaspoon of iodoform. Before applying the product, you need to treat the ulcer with hydrogen peroxide. Apply the prepared ointment to the ulcer and bandage it. Leave the bandage on for 2 days;
  • mix streptocide with hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. As a result, you should have an ointment that needs to be applied to the wounds. Place a clean napkin on top of the treated ulcers and secure it with polyethylene and a warm scarf. Repeat the procedure daily for 10 days;
  • prepare medicinal compresses by soaking a sterile cotton swab in tar. You can purchase sterile swabs at any pharmacy. Apply compresses to the resulting ulcers and secure them with a bandage. Compresses need to be changed every few days;
  • treat the ulcer with potassium permanganate, letting it get wet thoroughly. Apply chicken egg wrap to the wounds. You only need to apply the wet part, then secure the compress with a bandage. Repeat the procedure daily until the ulcers are completely healed. You only need to use raw egg film;
  • pour 1 liter of water into 1 tablespoon table salt and the same amount of sea. Soak gauze in the prepared solution and apply it to the wounds, twisting them on top with a dry cloth bandage. After 3 hours, the bandage can be removed. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day until the symptoms of the trophic ulcer are completely eliminated.

Medicinal herbs

Trophic ulcers can also be cured with the help of medicinal plants:

Medical nutrition

To enhance the effect when treating a trophic ulcer, doctors recommend following special diet which involves limiting certain foods.

Prohibited products include:

  • pickles, canned salads, marinades;
  • fish and meat delicacies;
  • sausages;
  • ice cream and cream sweets;
  • fried and fatty meat dishes;
  • alcoholic products.

Permitted products include:

  • berries and fruits;
  • seaweed and seafood;
  • olive oil, seeds;
  • lean beef, poultry and rabbit;
  • medium fat dairy products;
  • boiled, baked or stewed vegetables.

Such an extensive set allows you to create excellent combinations of permitted products for preparing various dishes. When creating a menu for every day, you should not have any problems, and besides, the food will be varied.

Possible complications

Incorrect or untimely treatment of a trophic ulcer can lead to unpleasant complications that have poor prospects for the patient’s health.

If the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs was not started on time, then diseases such as skin cancer, gas gangrene, sepsis, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, etc. may occur.

To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to treat the disease only under the supervision of the attending physician. Remember that any initiative can lead to fatal consequences, and they just need to be minimized as much as possible.


Prevention of trophic ulcers consists of timely and effective treatment of the underlying disease that provoked the development of ulcers on the patient’s body.

For varicose veins you need:

  • use special elastic bandages;
  • try to lead an active lifestyle and not remain stationary for a long time;
  • avoid heavy physical work.

To protect against the occurrence of trophic ulcers in vascular atherosclerosis:

  • exercise;
  • give up alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • follow a special diet;
  • engage in timely treatment.

You can prevent diabetic ulcers by:

  • wearing comfortable shoes;
  • avoiding injuries and severe hypothermia;
  • adherence to a therapeutic diet;
  • maintaining control over blood glucose levels.

Trophic ulcers are one of the most ancient diseases of mankind, but they still cause many people to suffer. Therefore, the problem of its treatment still remains relevant.

How to completely and permanently get rid of varicose veins!

Varicose veins cause serious complications and consequences. There is a way that helps to get rid of varicose veins MORE

Causes, symptoms, stages, photos, initial stage, ointment, reviews. Stages of the disease, treatment for varicose veins, complications, diabetes.

Trophic ulcer on the leg - what is it?

A trophic ulcer on the leg is an area of ​​epithelium and underlying tissue that does not heal for a long time after its damage (more than 1 month).

"Trophika" means nutrition. And since the skin acts as a protective barrier against the effects of aggressive factors on the body external environment, then disruption of the nutrition of the epithelium and adjacent tissues leads to the gradual extinction of this function.

Ulcers can form in any place on the human body where, due to various reasons tissue nutrition is disrupted. However, the lower extremities are more often affected. The reasons are as follows:

How I got injured after the show and cured varicose veins!

How I got injured after the show and got rid of varicose veins forever! Roza Syabitova shared her secret in THIS ARTICLE!

  • the legs are furthest from the heart;
  • The circulatory system of the lower body experiences the greatest impact of gravity, complicating blood circulation.


The occurrence of a trophic ulcer can be compared to a dam breaking in a river. As soon as a place appears that can no longer withstand pressure from the outside, a gap appears there. If in healthy body when its protective cover (skin) is damaged, restoration mechanisms are instantly activated, but in the case when tissue nutrition is disrupted, the opposite happens. Any damage to the epithelium can cause a problem:

  1. Cut.
  2. Broken callus.
  3. Chafing.
  4. Scratch.
  5. Hematoma (common bruise).
  6. Insect bite.

Among the causes of occurrence are the following:

  • damage to the epithelium of a chemical and thermal nature (frostbite and burns);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • causing disruption of lymph outflow and swelling;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • bedsores;
  • various diseases affecting the functions of blood and blood vessels;
  • some types of neurological diseases.

Risk factors contributing to the emergence and development include:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hypertension;
  • food and chemical poisoning;
  • allergic reactions leading to skin injuries;
  • wearing tight shoes.


As a rule, trophic ulcers on the leg do not appear immediately. Negative side This is because the disease can creep up on a person unnoticed. But there is also a positive side. By being attentive, a person has the opportunity to notice alarming symptoms and have time to respond to them.

Symptoms that precede their appearance on the body may be as follows:

  • unpleasant sensations on the surface of the skin of a persistent nature (from a feeling of discomfort and mild pain to itching and burning);
  • swelling of the legs and heaviness in them (especially in the calf muscles);
  • decreased sensitivity in the foot and a feeling of cold (typical for patients with diabetes);
  • enlarged veins;
  • leg cramps (especially at night);
  • a symptom of “wet feet”, when the skin becomes shiny, as if it were wet, and darkens.

You should also be wary if for a long time(more than 1 month) the wound does not heal. This alarming symptom. And if the process drags on for more than 2 months, this is already a problem.

Types of trophic ulcers

Depending on the causes that cause them, trophic ulcers on the leg belong to the following main types:

  1. Arterial.
  2. Diabetic.
  3. Venous.
  4. Neurotrophic.
  5. Hypertensive.
  6. Infectious (pyogenic).

The foot is usually affected in patients with pathologies arterial vessels. The symptoms in such cases are especially painful because the affected areas are constantly injured when walking. Painlessness is typical for ulcerative complications diabetes mellitus, since tissue necrosis is preceded by the death of nerve fibers. The disease most often begins on the toe, then spreading to the entire foot.

Ulcers caused by varicose veins most often appear on the inside of the lower leg and then spread to the outside. Damage to the foot in the heel area is characteristic of neutrophic ulcers caused by damage to the spine or traumatic brain injury.

Ulcerative complications in the background hypertension are rarely observed. They are red-blue in color and usually appear on both legs at the same time. Precursors of infectious diseases can be furunculosis, eczema purulent type, as well as respiratory infectious diseases caused by decreased general level immunity.

Such ulcers are characterized by localization in the lower leg area and a relatively shallow depth of tissue damage. Also, the status of infectious can be assigned to an ulcer of any origin if it becomes infected.

Stages of development

There are 4 stages in total:

  1. . In this case, slight redness appears, and then a wound (one or several) appears. After which the surface of the lesion expands by combining several wounds into one, or, conversely, the growth of one.
  2. Purification stage . The contours of the wound usually become rounded, and the unpleasant and painful symptoms intensify. At this stage, the main task is to clean the surface of the wound. Particular attention should be paid to the nature of the discharge appearing from it. Turbidity, darkening and the appearance of a purulent component are indicators of infection.
  3. Scarring stage . The area of ​​the wound gradually decreases in size due to the tightening of its edges, and the activity of tissue regeneration of the surface layers increases.
  4. Final . The ulcer granulates and then heals.


Despite the fact that an ulcer on the leg itself is unpleasant illness, their possible complications pose an even greater danger. These include:

  • sepsis . Caused by the entry of fungi and non-spore-forming microorganisms into the wound area. Development is typical for an anaerobic environment;
  • eczema, gangrene and dermatitis. Occur due to necrotization of the layers of the epidermis;
  • arthrosis of the leg;
  • inguinal lymphadenitis;
  • erysipelas, as well as the addition of other types of infection;
  • oncological complications (skin cancer). Causes partial or complete degeneration of ulcerated tissues.

Treatment for varicose veins

Treatment should begin with the fight against the causes that caused it. Therefore, in the case of varicose veins, it is necessary to take measures to help normalize blood circulation in them. This problem is solved through pathogenetic therapy which includes:

  1. Arranging the bed for sleeping in such a way that the leg area is raised.
  2. Treating the affected areas of the skin with antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, etc.) This will prevent the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection, or prevent its penetration deep into the tissue.
  3. Preventive treatment of areas of skin that cause concern as places where new lesions are likely to arise (Venoruton, etc.).
  4. Improving blood microcirculation in problem areas(Reopoliglyukin, etc.).
  5. Use of external agents based on broad-spectrum antibiotics (Argosulnan, etc.). Indicated for use in cases where a secondary infection has occurred, or if the likelihood of this is high.
  6. Overlay wound healing ointments. To stimulate tissue regeneration processes (Levomekol, etc.).
  7. Using compression garments and wrapping the legs elastic bandages. Bandages are applied in the direction from the periphery to the center with a gradual release of pressure.
  8. Herbal medicine. Application of compresses with decoctions and infusions indicated for the treatment of varicose veins (walnut, horse chestnut, white willow etc.).
  9. Taking medications to prevent blood clots.
  10. Taking diuretics, venotonics, etc.
  11. Supportive therapy of the immune system, including taking multivitamin complexes, and in some cases antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.
  12. Physiotherapy. Vacuum therapy, UHF, laser irradiation, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, ozone therapy, balneotherapy, mud treatment, etc. In some cases, the success of planned surgical treatment directly depends on the quality of the preliminary activities of the physiotherapeutic complex.

Pathogenetic therapy can be carried out both in a hospital setting and at home. It should be taken into account that despite the typical development of the main forms of varicose veins, the clinical picture of the disease in each specific case may have significant differences. Therefore, the entire complex of the above measures should be carried out in consultation with the attending physician, and especially medicines.

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Among the hardware methods, laser and UV treatment are currently the most in demand. Cauterization of wounds with their help is aimed at stimulating the processes of scarring of damaged tissue.
Sustained success of treatment can be achieved only if the causes of the disease are completely or partially eliminated.

With varicose veins, the cause is dilation of the veins. Despite large number various means of drug treatment, the only in an efficient way the solution to the problem currently remains surgery. It should be remembered that only in a timely manner measures taken lead to achieving the best results.

Treatment at home with folk remedies without surgery

  • treatment with hydrogen peroxide and streptocide;
  • applying a silver bandage and a Hartman bandage;
  • use of Vishnevsky ointment, etc.

Traditional medicine also knows a large number of ways to combat trophic ulcers.


In treatment, the cleansing and healing properties of this plant are valuable.
Before use, cut the leaf in half and immerse it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about an hour. Then treat the wound with an antiseptic and place aloe on it with the cut down. Cover with plastic and bandage. Repeat the procedure for at least 5 days. The scabs will begin to fall off.

Ointment dressings

There are many options for ointments. Particularly popular are those that do not require special expenses and are easy to prepare. Here is one such option:

Heat half a glass vegetable oil and dissolve a tablespoon of beeswax in it. Add half egg yolk, let it sit for an hour and strain through a nylon. The ointment is ready. Store in the refrigerator and apply to wound healing bandage Reheat to room temperature each time.


The choice of solutions is large. It is important to choose the most effective one. In addition, it is convenient to use healing substances in solutions as a supplement to the main active elements. So, after applying any medicinal substance, you can cover it on top with gauze soaked in a solution of another substance. It is only important to make sure that they are compatible.

Salt - saline solution

People have been using the wonderful properties of salt for a long time. Its retracting ability is also effective here.
Prepare the solution: 2 tsp. salt per glass of water. Soak a bandage folded in several layers in the solution and apply to the wound overnight. Even greater effectiveness can be achieved by alternating exposure to salt at night and bee propolis during the day.

Gel dressings

Gel dressings are similar to ointment dressings. It all depends on the substances included in their composition. But the difference is that the gel, as a rule, has a slightly gentler effect on the skin, so the application time of the bandage with it may be longer.

Birch tar

Treatment with tar, like salt, has a delaying effect, but it should be used with caution, observing the skin's reaction. Apply tar tampons to the wound, changing them at least once every 2 days.
If this remedy is suitable, the effect will appear within a couple of days. If not, don’t waste your time and try other options.


The remedy is strong. It is especially effective when used in the early stages of peptic ulcers. However, it also works in advanced cases. It is important to be patient and apply bandages regularly.

Soda and laundry soap

Impact laundry soap and soda on the wound is beneficial. It is also important that it is combined with the use of almost any other means. It is better to wash the wound with a soapy solution using dark soap.


Therapeutic wipes are especially necessary in cases with weeping wounds, when the materials used must have the greatest absorbency.


Due to their adhesive ability, plasters are well suited in cases where rigid fixation of the material applied to the wound is required, but the use of a conventional bandage is difficult for some reason.

How to treat on the legs: photo, initial stage

The main thing to start treatment with is to determine the causes of the disease. And the result of treatment of the trophic ulcer itself will depend on how successful the doctor’s chosen tactics are to combat these causes. However, regardless of the cause of the disease, the following actions are necessary at the initial stage:

  • improve blood microcirculation and nutrition of affected tissues;
  • destroy the infection;
  • relieve pain;
  • activate healing.

Where to buy ointment in a pharmacy - drugs

The selection of medications should be carried out taking into account the etiology and stage of the disease:

  1. In the initial stages, a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect in combination with improved tissue trophism is important. It would be advisable to use drugs such as Levosin, Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Algofin, Vulnuzan, Argosulfan, Sulfargin, Dermazinin.
  2. At the granulation stage, drugs that combine antibacterial properties and the ability to relieve pain and heal wounds will be required. Wundehil, Thiotriazolin, Betadine, Methyluracil, Thiotriazolin are suitable.
  3. At the stage of scarring, drugs that accelerate recovery processes, such as Curiosin, Mephenate, Bepanten, etc., take first place in importance.

For diabetes

The initial stage of treatment is aimed at stopping the development of the disease. It includes:

  • vascular strengthening therapy;
  • therapy aimed at improving the nutrition of damaged tissues;
  • fight against secondary infection;
  • therapy for wound cleansing and healing.

Further treatment involves an integrated approach with two main goals:

  • treatment of the underlying disease that caused the ulcers (diabetes mellitus);
  • restoration of body surfaces damaged by ulcers.

Treatment with propolis

The greatest effect in the treatment of trophic ulcers is obtained by combining propolis with honey. One of the recipes is as follows: a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of 20% alcohol solution of propolis, a tablespoon sunflower oil. Mix. Apply as a compress. Healing can be expected soon. However, for a sustainable effect, the course should be carried out for a month.


Success in preventing their occurrence directly depends on the effectiveness of treatment of the disease that causes them. To general preventive measures The following can be included:

  • moderate physical activity and regular physical therapy exercises;
  • avoiding hypothermia and overheating;
  • injury prevention;
  • diet;
  • control of blood sugar levels (for diabetes);
  • giving up alcohol, smoking and other bad excesses;
  • use of compression garments and elastic bandages (for varicose veins);
  • reasonable selection of shoes.

Activetex napkins

It's convenient dressing at an affordable price, which also has antioxidant properties. Contains: chlorhexidine, vitamins E and C.

Meturacol sponge

The active drug is made on the basis of collagen. It has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, stimulates the growth and formation of granulation tissue.
The sponge fits tightly to the surface of the wound, actively absorbing its secretions.

Stellanin ointment

An innovative tool. Particularly effective in difficult cases. Complexly solves the following problems:

  • restoration of blood microcirculation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • destruction of infection;
  • relieving inflammation.

Proteox-TM bandages on the lower leg

A modern remedy that accelerates wound healing. Made from natural cellulose. It has disinfecting properties, including trypsin and mexidol. Capable of short term relieve inflammation and cleanse the wound of pus.

Branolind N

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  • How to completely and permanently get rid of varicose veins!

    Varicose veins cause serious complications and consequences. There is a way that helps to get rid of varicose veins MORE

    Diagnosis, causes, symptoms and treatment of trophic ulcers on the lower extremities. What medications help cope with the disease, folk remedies and homemade recipes.

    Trophic ulcer on the lower extremities - what is it?

    From the ancient Greek trophic (trophe) - this is nutrition. It provides proper cellular nutrition and preserves tissue structure. Let's consider a disease associated with trophic rupture.

    Any ulcer will bother you, even the smallest one. Whether it's under the armpits, in the nose or on the finger. But there is a particularly dangerous trophic one. This type of ulcer affects a large percentage of the population. Wikipedia claims that 2% of people have this problem. What is an ulcer and what is the danger?

    How I got injured after the show and cured varicose veins!

    How I got injured after the show and got rid of varicose veins forever! Roza Syabitova shared her secret in THIS ARTICLE!

    Trophic ulcer is a long-term non-healing tissue defect resulting from vascular or endocrine diseases.

    The blood supply to the body is designed in such a way that about 80% of the blood is transported through deep veins, 20% through superficial veins. Valves prevent blood from flowing back. It is the valves that distribute pressure evenly throughout all sections of the veins.

    If there is a violation or death of the valve apparatus, then the undisconnected blood flow increases the pressure on the lower sections of the vein. Subsequently deep veins expands and appears:

    1. Secondary varicose veins.
    2. Stagnation venous blood.
    3. Deep vein thrombophlebitis.
    4. disorders.
    5. ulcers.

    The danger is that the ulcer is difficult, almost impossible, to cure. After all, it is a consequence of illness. Without curing varicose veins, diabetes or hypertension, recurrence cannot be avoided.
    The terrible consequence of the disease is gangrene and amputation of the limb. That's why they don't joke with her. An ulcer requires immediate and long-term treatment.

    The best medicine is prevention. At the first signs of vascular or endocrine diseases, you should consult a doctor. By treating venous diseases in the early stages, you will avoid such an irreversible process as an ulcer.

    Despite modern methods treatment with the latest devices, not a single doctor and not a single clinic, in Israel or Russia, guarantees full recovery.


    It is important to understand and know the symptoms of the disease. The complexity and duration of treatment depends on how soon you identify the problem.

    Venous eczema is a harbinger of the appearance of a trophic ulcer.

    But don't forget that eczema or varicose dermatitis, this is a consequence of chronic inflammation against the background of varicose veins. The first symptoms of the disease depend precisely on the diseases that will result in an ulcer.

    • external manifestations of inflammation (skin changes color);
    • pulsation on the feet, on the heel;
    • increased skin sensitivity;
    • that the skin is dry and shiny;
    • a wound with pus and a white spot in the center;
    • dermatitis or eczema;
    • a very weeping wound or crack.

    If you notice a crack or see a constantly wet wound that festers and does not heal within a couple of weeks, then seek help immediately. Don't delay treatment.


    A trophic ulcer can be healed only if the main cause of its appearance is cured. Diseases that can cause ulcers:

    1. Obesity.
    2. Varicose veins.
    3. Thrombophlebitis.
    4. Thrombosis.
    5. Diabetes mellitus.
    6. Hypertension.
    7. Ischemia.
    8. Chronic venous or arterial insufficiency.
    9. For atherosclerosis lower limbs.
    10. For heart failure.
    11. Steroid overload (anabolic steroids).

    If you have vascular or endocrine diseases, the risk of ulcers is high. If you have a purulent wound, you need to begin immediate treatment for these diseases. Don't wait until lower limbs are amputated.

    Even after curing varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, there is a risk of ulcers. There is one important condition: “You must follow all the instructions of the phlebologist.”

    Treatment of trophic ulcers with varicose veins

    Varicose veins - main reason the appearance of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. To be cured, you need to get rid of the problem of varicose veins. Diagnostics will help prevent stage 4 disease.

    The first thing to do is see a doctor. A phlebologist must:

    Get rid of varicose veins and arrange your personal life!

    How I overcame my figure problem and got rid of varicose veins on my legs! My method is proven and accurate. My story on MY BLOG HERE!

    • order an examination;
    • study your medical history (most likely a recurrence of varicose veins);
    • determine methods of treating varicose veins (operative or conservative);
    • rid the patient of varicose veins as quickly as possible;
    • begin effective treatment of the ulcer (surgical or medicinal methods);
    • explain how important it is for the patient healthy image life to prevent relapse;
    • prescribe wearing compression garments.

    Surgical methods of treatment for varicose veins of the lower extremities are more effective in such advanced conditions. Previously, the operation was very difficult. It consisted of ligating the vein and removing the affected vein. They also put up an umbrella. Then they excised the ulcer and transplanted skin onto the wound. Rehabilitation lasted a long time and helped a small percentage of patients. Many remained disabled.

    Now there are the latest methods for treating vein diseases that allow you to get rid of the problem on an outpatient basis, quickly and efficiently. Example:

    1. Laser therapy is a thermal method of acting on the vein wall. Relieves inflammation, venous congestion.
    2. Sclerotherapy - under ultrasound supervision and with the help of a transluminescent lamp, a drug is injected into the vein, which glues it together and resolves it.
    3. Stripping is the removal of an enlarged vein with a probe.
    4. Phlebectomy – removal of the entire vein.
    5. Microphlebectomy – removal of veins through pinholes.
    6. Nucleoplasty – treatment with cold plasma.

    After treating varicose problems surgically, they treat trophic ulcers:

    1. Surgical debridement or excision (removal of dead tissue).
    2. Surgical treatment or enzyme therapy - a special device introduces protolytic enzymes to a depth of 10 cm.
    3. Drug treatment (antibiotics, collagenase and collagen preparations, regenerative substances).
    4. Mesh implants, Keffer bandages (bandages impregnated with gelatin paste, applied in the form of a boot) and other local treatments.
    5. Ozone therapy is local or internal administration of ozone. Oxygen treatment.
    6. Laser irradiation of blood (relieves pain, triggers tissue regeneration, enhances the effect of medications).
    7. Autohemotherapy – the patient is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly with blood taken from a vein (removes pus, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, increases immunity, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system).
    8. Compression garments.

    It is imperative to maintain a healthy lifestyle, otherwise varicose veins will break out with renewed vigor.

    If you eliminate venous disorders, you can allow the ulcer to heal completely. It is important to remember that the skin, even after transplantation, remains a vulnerable place forever.

    Folk remedies at home

    Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities using traditional methods is practically impossible.
    Can be found good remedy to relieve the first symptoms. Home folk way, which will relieve the pain, but will not eliminate the problem.

    Firstly, blood purification is needed to treat the underlying disease. Dr. Malakhov advises using Sytin’s mood to rejuvenate the body.

    For the treatment of diabetic foot and trophic ulcers, you can use Vishnevsky ointment, tar, Zhivitsa, celandine, lavender oil, sea buckthorn oil.

    The scientist Neumyvakin has made more than one video about the treatment of ulcers. He uses regular medicinal aloe. Gives advice on hardening. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide and streptocide is also known. Although this product is a pharmaceutical product, it is official medicine doesn't take it into account.

    Known for his videos, Vitaly Ostrovsky gives a lot about the treatment of varicose veins recipes. One of them is suitable for blood thinning. You need to mix:

    • Art. l. flax seeds;
    • a couple of tablespoons of water;
    • a pinch of sea salt;
    • fish oil tbsp. l.

    Leave overnight. Drink a couple of glasses this morning warm water, after half an hour, have breakfast with sprouted flax seeds, chewing slowly.

    It is also known to treat circular trophic ulcers using Andreev’s method. He uses it for this sea ​​buckthorn oil. Treatment with lavender oil has a calming effect.

    Many people resort to hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. And this makes sense. Leeches squirt into the blood active substance, which thins the blood.

    Lilac tinctures with vodka will help get rid of inflammation of the veins. But under no circumstances get into the wound.

    Important!!! Self-medication can lead to limb amputation.

    Have your body examined by a doctor before treatment with traditional methods. Check their effectiveness during treatment. Do not allow irreversible processes to occur.

    Salt treatment at home

    Treatment for non-healing lesions is to cure the root cause of their appearance. If you notice the first manifestations of varicose veins, then you can use one effective folk method. To do this you need:

    1. Make a saline solution (water 90%, salt 10%).
    2. Fold gauze or cotton fabric 10 times.
    3. Soak the fabric in the solution.
    4. Apply to the problem area.
    5. When it dries, you can remove it.

    The course of the procedure is 7 days, then a 7-day break. And repeat until the condition improves.

    Modern medicine has not found the best way avoid vascular and endocrine diseases than a healthy lifestyle.

    If you see the first signs of hypertension, varicose veins, diabetes, ischemia or other chronic diseases, immediately quit all bad habits.

    A healthy lifestyle can help you get out of any hole.

    At varicose diseases The first rules of treatment are not medications, but you need:

    1. Quit bad habits.
    2. Start eating right.
    3. Lead an active lifestyle.
    4. Get busy useful view sports
    5. More fresh air and natural vitamins.

    The main thing is that we must understand that our health does not depend on doctors and clinics, but on ourselves. Everything is in our hands.

    Application of soda

    Regarding the use of soda in treatment, it can be said that the opinions of scientists differ on this issue. Some believe that baths with soda are beneficial for the skin and circulatory system, while others say that they are harmful.

    If you don’t get carried away, but add a little baking soda to your bath and take it once every two weeks, then it definitely won’t cause any harm. But you won’t feel any visible benefits.

    Starch based

    There is a good product based on starch. Recipe:

    • 1 tsp. starch;
    • apply citric acid to the tip of a knife;
    • 50 ml. boiled water, not hot;
    • mix thoroughly;
    • pour in 150 ml. boiling water;
    • Place over medium heat until it begins to thicken;
    • leave for 2 hours;
    • add 1 tsp. iodine 5%.

    The purulent ulcer is washed with furatsilin solution, jelly and a gauze bandage are applied. The compress is changed every 4 hours, except at night. Don't touch it at night.

    At the initial stage

    Wound healing at the initial stage is quite possible. To do this you need to take:

    • 3 bottles of castor oil;
    • streptocide tablet;
    • 5 g ichthyol ointment.

    Grind the tablet, pour in the oil and add the ointment. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. Let it cool. At this time, wash the ulcer with a solution of furatsilin. Apply the mixture. Fix with a gauze bandage.


    Why are leg bandages needed and how to use them. When festering wounds form on the lower leg, the most convenient ways Applying medications are impregnated bandages.


    Aloe has the ability to draw out pus and relieve inflammation from tissues. Effective for purulent wounds. Need to:

    1. Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise.
    2. Soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate.
    3. Apply to the sore spot.

    Change the compress every day.

    Treatment with laundry soap

    When treated with different herbs, allergies may occur. If this happens, I advise you to contact medicinal properties laundry soap. It disinfects well and has antithrombic properties. You can prepare a mixture of soap. For 50 g of grated soap, add a glass of milk and sugar. Boil for 10 minutes. When it cools down, add 50 g of heparin ointment. Apply while warm. Change the compress every day.

    Treatment with strong moisture release

    Treatment of weeping trophic ulcers on the legs is a long and complex process. Why did this happen and why did the treatment become complicated? Most often, the discharge is caused by the introduction of secondary infectious bacteria. This happens due to poor hygienic dressing conditions.

    1. Apply bandages with absorbent components.
    2. Wear compression garments.
    3. Apply collagen hydrogel.

    This complication is bad sign, when not proper treatment may lead the patient to disability.

    Laser treatment

    Treatment of trophic ulcers with laser is expensive, but effective procedure. The mechanism of action is that the rays act with heat on the walls. Subsequently:

    1. The blood thins out.
    2. Blood clots dissolve.
    3. The pain is relieved.
    4. Tissue regeneration is stimulated.
    5. The effect of medications on the body increases.
    6. Microcirculation is improved.

    The procedure is almost imperceptible. Recovery after laser therapy fast. The effect is worth the money.

    Activetex napkins

    Activtex wipes have become popular. It contains the components Furagin, sea buckthorn oil and Chlorhexidine, which:

    • kill germs;
    • clot blood
    • relieve pain;
    • heal wounds;
    • relieve inflammation.

    The important thing is that they are easy to use. Activelex is effective for 3 days and does not require constant dressings. To heal an ulcer, this is what you need.

    Antibiotics: how to cure quickly

    To treat such an ulcer, phlebologists use antibiotics for internal and external use. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious effects. They kill the microflora, thereby preventing the processes of suppuration in the wound from continuing.

    Some of the most popular antibiotics for internal use are:

    1. Amoxicillin capsules.
    2. Oxacillin tablets, capsules or ampoules.
    3. Doxycycline capsules.

    There are also external antibiotics:

    1. Heliomycin ointment.
    2. Miramistin solution.
    3. Chlorhexidine solution.
    4. Dioxidin solution.
    5. Levomycytin ointment.

    In the treatment of purulent inflammatory and infectious diseases You can't do without antibiotics.

    Preparations and ointments for external use

    It is difficult to determine the best topical products because there are so many of them. Everyone chooses for themselves based on cost and contraindications.

    I advise you to treat the wound disinfectants before applying the ointment.

    There are several types of topical preparations:

    1. Antibacterial: Furacilin, Streptomycin, Stepotsid, Miramistin, ASD 1, 2 or 3 (Antiseptic Dorogov Stimulant).
    2. Restorative: Actovegin, Solcoseryl.
    3. Anti-inflammatory: Panthenol spray, Curiosin, Chlorhexidine, Dioxidin, Levomycetin.
    4. Painkillers: Argosulfan, Sulfargin.
    5. Healing: Wundehil, Thiotriazolin
    6. Combined: Levosin, Levomekol, Olazol, Curiosin, Iruksol, Tetracycline, Panthenol spray and others.

    When choosing, it is better to consult a doctor. Each stage of healing requires different capabilities of external agents. During long-term treatment, you can change about 10 products.

    For diabetes

    Wounds and cracks on the skin of the legs accompany a patient with diabetes in 70% of cases. It is important that the healing of wounds, cracks, even scratches with this disease is significantly hampered due to blood thickening.

    Poor wound healing is the first symptom of diabetes.

    Special treatment for this chronic disease simply necessary, since ulcers have specific external signs:

    • small size;
    • even if detected and treated in the early stages, they do not heal;
    • the skin around them is dry and thin.

    The difficulty is that from a small ulcer to gangrene of the leg there is only one step. It is important to consult a doctor for first stages.

    Treatment tips:

    1. Normalize sugar levels.
    2. Improve blood circulation.
    3. Diet.
    4. Compression garments and even bed rest(if needed).
    5. Surgical treatment.
    6. Physiotherapy.
    7. Absorbent bandages, compresses and ointments.

    Further treatment depends on the stage and severity of the ulcer.

    1. Levomikol.
    2. Wundehil.
    3. Streptolaven.
    4. Solcoseryl.
    5. Actovegin.

    And many others, depending on the characteristics of education.

    Healing ointment for trophic ulcers

    When a person has thrombophlebitis or diabetes, there should always be good antiseptic and healing ointment. If the leg is damaged or festered, it must be treated immediately using a mixture of ointments to relieve inflammation, disinfect and heal.

    The best healing ointments for trophic problems:

    • Levomikol;
    • Solcoseryl;
    • Eplan;
    • Rescuer;
    • Panthenol;
    • Actovegin and others.

    How to relieve pain from a trophic ulcer

    A trophic ulcer causes a lot of inconvenience and pain. For pain relief the following is often used:

    1. Aerosol or spray: Olazol, Panthenol, Lidocaine Asept.
    2. Solution: Dimexide.
    3. Ointment: Propoceum, Anestezin.


    A good ointment for ulcers Stellanin. Prescribed by doctors in the Russian cities of Ekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkov), Belarus and other CIS countries also use it.

    It helps with bedsores, scratches, cracks, burns, ulcers, and accelerates the healing of implanted skin.

    Not cheap, but affordable price. In online pharmacies in Russia the cost does not exceed 500 rubles. You can order home delivery or call and order delivery to the nearest post office. Delivery within the city is usually free.

    No one argues about the effectiveness of the ointment. The reviews write that it coped well with third-degree bedsores, boils and diabetic ulcers.


    Every doctor knows that Solcoseryl regenerates tissue well. Prescribed for ulcers, erosions, conjunctivitis, wounds and other skin defects. Release form: ointment or jelly, ampoules and bottles of injection solution, eye gel.

    To improve the effect, the drug is administered intramuscularly and ointment or jelly is applied. The doctor will prescribe the daily dose: 5-4 ampoules and ointment a couple of times. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease.


    Based on silver, it has anti-inflammatory and wound healing abilities. Prescribed for skin defects. Apply a couple of times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.


    Antimicrobial treatment is not complete without Streptocide. From 5 to 15 grams are poured into the wound. powder. It kills harmful bacteria and disinfects the wound.

    Powder preparations

    The most popular powder preparations on the medicinal market:

    • Streptomycin;
    • Tricillin;
    • Streptocide.

    They disinfect open ulcers. Antibacterial microflora is maintained until the infection is killed.

    Drug treatment

    Treatment of a trophic ulcer requires endurance and patience. Sometimes a patient needs to be treated in a hospital, and it doesn’t matter whether it is a special treatment center or a paid hospital. The main requirement of the patient is “give specific treatment for the arterial ulcer.”

    Doctors must prescribe antibiotics and treatment with other medications that heal and relieve pain. It has already been described above what antibiotics should be used.

    Well-known pharmaceutical drugs are involved in different methods treatment:

    • treatment with Trichopolum, Levomikol, Dimexide, Chlorophyllipt;
    • treatment with Streptocide;
    • Insulin treatment;
    • Stellanin ointment;
    • gel dressings;
    • Dermazin;
    • Curiosin solution and others.

    Drug treatment always depends on the characteristics of your body:

    1. The doctor must examine all your pathologies and chronic diseases.
    2. Do an examination.
    3. Consider the specifics of your work.
    4. Make a choice of treatment method: gels, dressings, ointments.

  • Trophic ulcers are open wounds that do not heal for 6 weeks or more. It is very difficult to cure. Formed as a consequence as a result venous insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, bedsores, varicose veins of the lower extremities. They are most often located in the lower leg area. Incorrect therapy can provoke purulent process. The ulcer spreads beyond the lesion, affecting tissue, fiber, and bones. Treatment of the problem must have an integrated approach. It is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of the skin disorder.

    Application natural remedies promotes wound healing. For a long time, recipes have been collected and passed down from generation to generation. Before using alternative medicine, consult your doctor.

    Using traditional methods

    • Recipe No. 1. An ointment containing honey and egg white will help cure a trophic ulcer. Mix the components in a ratio of 1 to 1, apply to the affected area; in case of varicose veins, it does not harm the veins. Place a burdock leaf on top and tie with a bandage. Should be worn during the day or at night. We carry out the procedure 10 times. The result will not be long in coming. After a week, pink sores remain, covered with a crust. They pass on their own.

    Sea buckthorn oil is very effective for severe itching and suppuration.

    • Recipe No. 2. Traditional treatment trophic ulcers using yolks. We prepare an ointment based on the chicken product. Take fresh chicken yolk and add a 5% iodine solution. Mix thoroughly until smooth. We get a liquid mass of a brownish tint. Using a teaspoon, apply to the affected area of ​​skin, cover with a napkin, and apply a bandage. We change every 11 hours. The product should be applied carefully, without affecting healthy areas of the skin. The advantage of the method is that it does not leave scars and ensures complete healing.
    • Recipe No. 3. Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies is carried out with blue clay. We take the powder, which can be purchased in pharmacies. Dilute to the consistency of sour cream, apply to the wound, and after drying, wash with soapy water from laundry soap. It is possible to cure the disease in 7-8 procedures. Preparing the solution is not difficult.
    • Recipe No. 4. Treatment can be carried out with ash. It is poured with boiling water, infused, after two hours the resulting liquid is poured into the wounds, cleaned with a swab dipped in a calendula solution. After drying, treatment with streptocide powder is recommended.
    • Recipe No. 5. Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat leg ulcers. It is enough to spread the surface, cover with a cabbage leaf or a napkin, and leave while you sleep. The next day we change the bandage. Heals wounds within a week.

    To prepare the dressing, mix honey and egg white in a 1:1 ratio.

    Compresses made from natural ingredients

    Useful substances are contained in decoctions of calendula, yarrow, golden mustache, celandine, and rhubarb. These herbs are rich unique substances, capable of healing wounds in a short time.

    • Recipe No. 1. It is possible to cure the disease with the help of celandine juice. Used fresh grass during the flowering period, dry preparations for decoctions. You can find the plant in almost any garden, the main condition being a shady area. The herb contains more than 25 toxic substances who kill pathogenic bacteria. It has bactericidal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Used for treatment cancerous tumors. A decoction of celandine is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of herb in a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, then wipe the affected areas every hour. Juice is used. During the flowering period, the plant secretes yellowish juice; it is recommended to lubricate the surface of the wound. Over time, it becomes a crust, which falls off on its own.
    • Recipe No. 2. Rhubarb root is an effective herb for home therapy. Contains tannins that promote wound healing. Has a blood thinning effect. Grind the root into powder, use a coffee grinder or blender. Cover the wound and apply a bandage. After a few days, the result will not be long in coming.

    Golden mustache against trophic ulcers

    • Recipe No. 3. Golden mustache Unique plant, which has a positive effect on the affected area. Fights bacteria and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The leaves are crushed with a mortar and the juice is released. The mixture is applied to the wound, and a gauze bandage is applied on top. They endure as long as they have the strength to endure the pain. After removing it, apply the next one after 5-6 hours.
    • Recipe No. 4. Grandmothers will tell you how to treat a trophic ulcer at home traditional methods. Aloe leaves. Helps heal wounds and relieve inflammation. We wash the wound with peroxide, cut a leaf of the plant, soak it in a manganese solution and cover the wound. Apply a bandage and leave for a day. We change the compress every day. We carry out therapy for 7 days. The wounds should heal.
    • Recipe No. 5. Treatment at home involves the use of alcohol tinctures. For example, you can make it from calendula. Pour a tablespoon of flowers into a glass of vodka, infuse, moisten the swab, and apply to the wound. We make lotions throughout the week.
    • Recipe No. 6. Tomatoes will help cure the disease. It is recommended to use fresh, not overripe ones. We cut the vegetable, apply it to the affected area, and bandage it. It is recommended to wear the compress for 24 hours and change the bandages daily. The disadvantage is the duration of treatment. It will take about two months to fully recover.

    Aloe is an effective treatment for trophic ulcers

    Traditional methods described on forums and in magazines will tell you how to cure skin damage. Remember, before using the products, consult a doctor. Depending on your case, he will select the necessary therapy.

    You can decide how to treat the disease yourself. The main thing is to remember the recommendations that must be followed if you choose traditional methods:

    • Disinfection. Doctors recommend treating wounds, the surrounding surface of the skin, and the distance between the fingers. Special solutions prevent the spread of infection to surrounding tissues.
    • Application of the product. Drugs are divided into two categories. The first is applied exclusively to the affected area, and the second to the surrounding tissues. Before use, decide where the product is allowed to be applied to determine whether it will damage the skin.
    • Timely change of dressings. It is recommended to change it once a day or every other day, depending on the degree of hydration of the dressing.

    Traditional methods and remedies allow you to cope with the disease without harming the body. The disadvantage is the length of the treatment period. Conservative therapy acts more actively. The advantage of folk remedies is that they can be used during pregnancy, natural ingredients do not harm the baby, the methods are not expensive. You should avoid toxic drugs. In any case, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Patient reviews on medical forums will recommend how to treat a trophic ulcer at home.

    Trophic ulcers are called violations of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane, arising due to insufficient blood circulation of epithelial cells and their gradual death. They are located mainly on the legs (in lower parts), but are also found in other places.

    The main difference between such wounds on the legs is long-term healing, which in most cases is impossible without drug intervention. Often ulcers do not heal for more than 60 days, inflammation and swelling of the skin intensify every now and then and require prompt treatment. This material will tell you how to treat trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, their types and characteristics.

    What is it?

    A trophic ulcer of the lower extremity is a defect of the skin and mucous surface that appears after the destruction of surface tissues. Intense destruction can be triggered by impaired blood flow, infection and other factors. After which the patient develops a disease in the vessels that spreads, and as a result, treatment becomes difficult.

    What distinguishes a trophic ulcer from other diseases is:

    • long-term (up to 1 month or more) recurrent nature;
    • the spread of the lesion not only over the surface of the skin, but also deep into the tissues down to the bones;
    • loss of the ability to regenerate in the damaged area;
    • healing occurs with the formation of a rough scar.

    Timely treatment of a trophic ulcer leads to its scarring. However, no patient is immune from the reappearance of trophic ulcerations on the legs in the future.


    According to statistics, symptoms of a trophic ulcer most often occur with a complicated course or. In this case, the cause of the disease is a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the underlying parts of the lower extremities - blood stagnation gradually develops in small-caliber veins, the regulation of the tone of the capillaries of the microcirculatory bed is disrupted, and the arterial link is the last to be affected vascular system. With atherosclerosis of the arteries, blood flow and, accordingly, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues below the location of the atherosclerotic plaque.

    The most common causes of trophic ulcers:

    1. Thermal injuries - frostbite or burns;
    2. Diabetes mellitus and its complications;
    3. Chronic, including allergic;
    4. arteries of various calibers in the lower extremities;
    5. Chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities – varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis and its consequences;
    6. Anatomical and inflammatory diseases lymphatic vessels - acute and chronic;
    7. Injuries to nerve trunks with subsequent violation of integrity;
    8. Autoimmune diseases of connective tissue, accompanied by systemic disturbances of blood flow in the arterial, microcirculatory and venous beds, including antiphospholipid syndrome.

    Usually, in the formation of a trophic ulcer, two processes are of equal importance - the formation pathological phenomena, which affect the blood supply and innervation of a certain area of ​​the skin and subcutaneous tissue (most often on the lower extremities) and trauma that provokes primary damage at the site of formation of the future ulcerative defect.

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    The danger of the disease is that the symptoms that help diagnose a trophic ulcer appear suddenly. Still, there are signs in the form of swelling, heaviness and pain in the extremities, against the background of which symptoms arise, which determine the onset of development of a trophic ulcer.

    The list of signs that indicate the possibility of the onset of the development of a trophic ulcer includes the main ones:

    1. Itching, heat and burning in areas of the skin.
    2. Cramps that occur during sleep.
    3. The appearance of the epidermis, which is accompanied by pain.
    4. The presence of purple spots that can reunite during growth.
    5. External changes in the skin: rough areas with a glossy surface appear.

    The listed signs appear in the area where the veins are located, on the inside of the lower leg. This is due to the fact that the development of the disease begins precisely from the areas where the veins are located, where it manifests itself in the form of the formation of small ulcers. The shape of the ulcer resembles a volcano crater, with torn edges along the entire roundness, with possible suppuration at the ends, as a result of inflammatory processes. Damage to the arteries, namely they are primarily subject to inflammatory processes and destruction of integrity, is determined by the following signs:

    • The appearance of small ulcers on the toes.
    • Paleness of the epidermis.

    Neurotrophic ulcers appearance resemble bedsores that have a round shape. Their location is most often the heel area or the sole of the foot. Inflammatory processes are sluggish and do not cause any particular pain. Autoimmune lesions are expressed in a symmetrical location on both limbs; in diabetes mellitus, ulcers appear on the heel and one of the toes.


    Characteristic features of development different types trophic ulcers:

    1. Neurotrophic ulcers - have the shape of a deep crater;
    2. Pyogenic ulcers are shallow and oval in shape;
    3. Venous ulcers - night cramps, swelling and heaviness of the legs, violet/purple spots along the veins;
    4. Hypertensive ulcers (Martorella) - quite rare, symmetrical compactions slowly form on a red-bluish background;
    5. Diabetic ulcer - loss of sensitivity, night pain, no symptom of “intermittent claudication”, very rapidly developing deep wounds large area;
    6. Atherosclerotic ulcers - preceded by “intermittent claudication” (difficulty climbing stairs), constant coldness of the legs, increased pain at night.

    Stages of ulcer development

    Trophic ulcers form in several stages:

    1. The first stage of pathology formation. The patient has initial symptoms - red spots on the lower extremities, which intensively peel off. Gradually, the spots begin to provoke itching and discomfort.
    2. The second stage of pathology progression. Instead of red spots, the patient develops wounds that have a dark tint. On the surface of the wounds, ichor is visible, which slows down healing. The patient begins to complain of deterioration in health, increased body temperature and fever. Intoxication can also be diagnosed.
    3. Third stage of defeat. The wounds begin to intensively secrete pus. The lesion increases in size and becomes regular in shape. Ulcers also progress deeper into the leg, causing severe pain. The patient experiences the emergence of new lesions.

    If treatment is not started, this situation can provoke sepsis.

    What does a trophic ulcer look like: photo

    The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in the initial and advanced stages.

    Click to view


    How to treat a trophic ulcer?

    The earlier full-fledged (both local and systemic) treatment is started, the best result will be achieved, and the body will be at less risk. Shallow ulcerative skin defects in the initial stage are treated conservatively; surgical intervention in this case is not advisable.

    How to treat trophic ulcers and what medications to use is decided only by a phlebologist. Self-administered local treatment can result in the healing of a single ulcer, but does not exclude the appearance of new wounds. Only local effects prescribed by a doctor and systemic therapy the underlying disease will prevent the deepening of the ulcerative process and minimize the chances of relapse.

    For an open, non-scarring wound, the following remedies are used:

    • NSAIDs to relieve inflammation and soreness;
    • Antibiotics - capsules, tablets, and when severe course illnesses - intramuscular injections;
    • Antihistamines - Suprastin, Xizal, Tavegil - to eliminate an allergic reaction;
    • Drugs that reduce blood viscosity - antiplatelet agents - to prevent the formation of blood clots;
    • Solutions of antiseptics or medicinal herbs for daily washing of the ulcer.

    When treating ulcers, Unna's bandage is often used. To do this, you need a gelatin-glycerin mixture with the addition of zinc and an elastic bandage.

    • The bandage should be applied to the lower leg from the foot to the knee.
    • The prepared mixture is applied to the skin, then wrapped in 1 layer of bandage, and re-covered with the mixture on top of the bandage. Do the same with other layers.
    • After 10 minutes, the bandage should be lubricated with formaldehyde to remove stickiness.
    • You can walk in 3 hours. After 1.5 months, the ulcers heal.

    Among the ointments for treatment, it is necessary to use antiseptics, proteolytics and venotonics.

    • The first include: Bioptin, Miramistin, Levomekol.
    • To the second group: Iruksol and Protex - TM.
    • The group of venotonics includes: Lawton, Hepatrombin and Hepton.

    Gels are used to treat trophic ulcers local application based on heparin. The enzymes included in the gels are insignificant, so they do not cause allergies or side effects. The more heparin in the gel, the better the effect. Such gels include:

    • Lyoton;
    • Trombless;
    • Thrombophobe.

    To start treatment with a patch, you need to prepare it:

    • 20 g of combustible sulfur;
    • two medium onions;
    • 80 g wax;
    • 20g spruce resin;
    • 60 g butter.

    Mix everything thoroughly to form one thick mass. Apply the mixture to linen fabric and apply sore spot, secure with a bandage. Remove after 2 days.

    In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures will significantly increase the rate of healing of ulcers:

    • Exposure to magnets dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow;
    • Sunbathing (ultraviolet lamp);
    • Method of treating ulcers ultrasonic cavitation, operating at low frequencies, has an antiseptic effect;
    • Procedures in a pressure chamber give an excellent effect in the treatment of arterial wounds;
    • Laser treatment of ulcers is relative new method which can significantly reduce pain;
    • Ozone therapy cleanses the wound of bacteria and dead cells, saturates living tissues with oxygen, and is well tolerated by all patients.
    • For full recovery Balneotherapy and mud therapy are recommended.

    Compression bandages in the treatment of trophic ulcers

    Elastic compression must be performed at all stages of treatment. Most often, this is a bandage made of several layers of elastic bandages of limited extensibility, which must be changed daily. This type of compression is used for open ulcers of venous origin. Compression significantly reduces swelling and vein diameter, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities and the functioning of the lymphatic drainage system.

    One of the progressive compression systems for the treatment of venous trophic ulcers is Saphena Med UCV. It uses a pair of elastic stockings instead of bandages. For the treatment of ulcers with varicose veins, permanent elastic compression using medical knitwear “Sigvaris” or “Medi”, compression class II or III, is recommended. To carry out intermittent compression for pyogenic, congestive and other types, you can use special compression bandages called “Unna boot” on a zinc-gelatin base or “Air Cast boot”.

    Dressing and applying a compression bandage

    Folk remedies

    A list of some folk recipes that can additionally help in treating ulcers at home:

    1. This happened even before the revolution. A 6-year-old girl had ulcers and abscesses all over her legs. She lay and cried day and night. One day a passer-by came into the hut, examined the wounds and told him what to do. You need to take 3 handfuls of dope and nettle and steam them in 5 liters of boiling water. Then dilute it with water in a barrel so that the water level reaches the girl’s groin. Keep the child in the warm broth for 30-40 minutes. The parents did just that, at first the girl screamed as if she had been dipped in boiling water. After the procedure, she fell asleep and slept peacefully for a day. For complete cure Three procedures were enough. (HLS 2004, No. 23, p. 30).
    2. Take 4 toasted hazel kernels and grind them into powder in a coffee grinder. Hard boil 2 eggs, remove the yolks, dry and grind them into powder in a hot frying pan (clean without fat). Mix and grind the yolks and kernels, add 1 coffee spoon of yellow iodoform powder. Clean the trophic ulcer from necrotic deposits with hydrogen peroxide, then apply a thin layer of the mixture, do not bandage for 1.5 hours. Then cover with a sterile napkin and bandage for two days. (HLS 2003, No. 6, p. 15, from a conversation with Clara Doronina).
    3. Cauterize the clean wound alcohol tincture propolis or regular vodka. And then apply Vishnevsky ointment, which contains birch tar. You can use ichthyol ointment, which has similar properties.
    4. A woman with diabetes mellitus developed trophic ulcers on her legs. For 4 months she hardly slept, experiencing this terrible pain, then impossible itching. She visited many medical institutions, was treated with various remedies that doctors prescribed to her, but the ulcers on her lower legs did not heal. A friend advised her to read the “Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin”, write out folk recipes and special attention devote to treatment ASD faction. I decided to treat the ulcers with this remedy, as a result the pain stopped almost immediately, and after two weeks the ulcers began to heal. (2010, no. 13, pp. 22-23).
    5. Propolis ointment based goose fat. Take 100 g of goose fat and 30 g of crushed propolis. Cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Place the ointment into the ulcerated hole. Cover with compress paper and bandage. This ointment can be prepared with butter or lard.
    6. Once a patient was brought to the hospital from the medical and social care department on a stretcher; he had three trophic ulcers of the legs, he lived alone and suffered from alcoholism, looked like a homeless person, they washed him, began to treat him, his condition improved, but the wounds were not on his legs. The doctor who treated the patient found a method of treatment with solid oil in the literature. The man had his ulcers treated with hydrogen peroxide and bandaged with grease for two days. Gradually the wounds cleared and began to heal. The patient began to walk. (2008, no. 8, p. 19).
    7. Powder from dried tartar leaves. Wash the wound with a solution of rivanol. Sprinkle with prepared powder. Apply a bandage. In the morning next day Sprinkle with powder again, but do not wash the wound before. Soon the ulcer will begin to heal.

    Treatment of diseases of the lower extremities with folk remedies is a long and labor-intensive process. Recovery occurs only with regular treatment of the affected areas of the skin, adherence to a diet, and a proper lifestyle. The folk remedies used must also be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication can lead to complications.

    Surgical treatment

    If the condition is advanced or it is not possible to slow down the development of the ulcer, surgical interventions are effective. In each case, an individual surgical plan is drawn up. But general meaning intervention is as follows:

    • Remove dead tissue;
    • Provide maximum quick removal separated;
    • Activate and create conditions for natural healing.
    • In case of deep trophic ulcers on the toes and feet, they are amputated to prevent the development of gangrene and blood poisoning.

    A separate group of interventions is elimination cosmetic defects, remaining after trophic ulcers. A transplant may be performed healthy skin(for example, from the patient’s buttocks), polishing scars.

    Complications of trophic ulcers

    As already mentioned, the ulcer itself is not terrible. Its complications are much worse. Among which:

    1. Gangrene.
    2. Sepsis (blood poisoning).
    3. Osteomyelitis ( purulent lesion periosteum and bone).
    4. Lethal outcome.

    To prevent this from happening, trophic ulcers should be treated in a timely manner.


    It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it; this is especially true for trophic ulcers. For prevention, it is recommended to closely monitor the condition of the veins, periodically apply gels and ointments that improve blood circulation, and avoid prolonged standing or sitting.

    If circulatory problems are detected, you should regularly perform physical therapy exercises and do not neglect examinations by a doctor. It is also important to remember that self-medication can be harmful.