Treatment with birch tar. The healing properties of birch tar. Recipes

Pharmaceutical drug in the form of birch tar is a product of repeated processing, which has retained all the original healing properties of tree bark. Drink tar in pure form difficult. It has an oily texture and is sometimes thick like an ointment. On pharmacy shelves you can see the drug already dissolved in alcohol and alkalis. This contains several active components, which are donated by nature itself. These include:

But as part of this unique substance There are also components that can negatively affect human health. Therefore, it is important not to exceed the dosage and take this remedy with caution.

Taking birch tar internally

Treatment with birch tar is suitable for large quantity diseases. About how to take Birch tar, it is better to ask your doctor. Another option is to use the instructions for use. Well, doctors themselves recommend using it for the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina;
  • renal failure;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • fungal infections;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • helminthiasis
  1. On the first day of use, in one glass apple juice add one drop of tar and drink the prepared cocktail.
  2. In subsequent days, until the seventh, the number of drops increases by 1 per day.
  3. After the first week until the 30th day of administration, the same dosage is observed - ½ teaspoon.

Tar water

Using the product in its pure form

For half a glass of boiled water there is 1/3 teaspoon of tar. The resulting substance is mixed and applied once a day for two weeks. After this, the drug is not used for 10 days. Then, the course of treatment is repeated, according to the same dosage regimen and in the same dosage.

Application of bread with tar

Taking tar with bread is also effective. The course of treatment is long, but not difficult. It goes step by step with increasing, maintaining and decreasing the dosage active substance. So, for this, on the first day, before going to bed, a small piece of bread is cut off. 5 drops of tar are poured on top of it. All this is eaten. Such actions are carried out for 10 days, with an increase in the dosage of the medicine by 1 drop per day. Having reached ten drops, the dose does not exceed another week and a half. After this, the number of tar drops decreases in reverse order. Stop taking the drug when the number of drops is 5.

Milk-tar mixture

A mixture of honey and tar

For this recipe, you need to get liquid honey. If this is not the case, then a thick one will do. It just needs to be melted in a water bath before use. Add a drop of tar to 1 teaspoon of honey, eat the treat and go to bed. Every evening, the amount of tar is increased by 1 drop. Such procedures are repeated for 7 days. After this, the dose of tar is counted in reverse order. The course is considered complete when a person returns to 1 drop per teaspoon of honey.

But there is one caveat. After taking the product, you should not eat or drink for the first 3-4 hours. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective.

Grated apple with tar

  1. One small apple is grated on a fine grater.
  2. Add 1-2 drops of tar to the resulting mass.
  3. Add milk to taste (optional).

The puree is eaten half an hour before going to bed. Every evening, the number of drops is increased by 1 per dose. Doctors advise not to exceed the “10” drops mark. The frequency of administration is 14 days. Sometimes, to be sure, the course is extended by no more than 5 doses.

Contraindications and side effects

Not all drugs, especially those used in folk medicine, provide more than just benefits to the human body. This is especially true for tar. And the first thing that most often worries people is allergies. A rash appears on the body, and sometimes dermatitis may develop. Another manifestation of drug intolerance is nausea and even vomiting. For pregnant and breastfeeding women, tar infusion is generally prohibited for use.

Others are also possible side effects from taking tar. These include: diarrhea, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, sharp jumps blood pressure, as well as swelling of the mucous membranes. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage indicated in the annotation. This is the only way to reduce the risk of side effects drug.

The strength and effectiveness of the active ingredients of tar contribute to the rapid removal of a large number of helminths from the body. A kind of “cleaning” of harmful microbes, protozoa and helminths occurs in the intestines. Due to the toxic effect of tar, helminths die quite quickly. And its effect on the human body remains insignificant, comparable to a small dose of alcohol or nicotine.

Birch tar has long been used in folk medicine. And if over time it came into official use as a means for external use, then ancient recipes also suggest internal use. Birch tar, which is still used internally, is very useful, but also very dangerous. What is worth knowing about this therapy and what many people forget?

What is tar and where to buy it?

This substance is obtained by distilling birch bark material (the upper light part of the tree bark). Birch tar is considered the best, the use of which can be dangerous to your health. It was obtained from the sap bark of freshly cut down trees. And also best quality has raw materials that are obtained from the material of living specimens that are at least 12-14 years old. The collection takes place in early to mid-summer, when the birch bark is removed from the trunk without any problems. Exists special system distillation of the product by burning this very bark, which produces in the vapor a resinous substance called “birch tar”. Internal use has been practiced since approximately the same time when they learned to extract this wonderful natural medicine. Today, purchasing tar is not difficult at any pharmacy.

Composition of the substance

This resinous, viscous consistency is obtained during the decomposition of bitulin, which gives birch bark White color. The composition of this substance is very unusual and includes phenol, benzene, xylene, toluene, phytoncides, organic acids, resinous substances and much more. Such excellent content results in the healing properties of the product.

Diseases that birch tar treats

Directions for use: tar water

This recipe, according to healers, can also be used by children, but we would not recommend that you risk the health of a small, fragile organism. For adults, consumption is possible in the form of two tablespoons once a day. This remedy should be taken before meals. Reception system - 10/10. That is, you drink for ten days, rest for ten. Again you drink for ten days, but then there are twenty days of rest. Ten more days, and then you take a break for a whole year.

Using any of these recipes involves gradually increasing the dose. Many people do not know how to take birch tar, and therefore often rely on the Russian “maybe”. But the problem is that this remedy can cause severe attack allergies. In addition, birch tar, the use of which internally can be extremely dangerous, gives heavy load on the kidneys. Such stress can provoke the most various diseases. And no one has canceled the poisoning of the substances included in the product, which can also harm other organs. It is up to you to decide whether to use such dangerous traditional medicine on yourself, but for your own good, consult your doctor first.

And chaga and pollen. Another effective medicine is tar obtained from tree bark.

Features of tar

From birch bark a viscous oily liquid is obtained, dark in color with a characteristic odor - birch tar. IN chemical composition There are substances that make it an effective medicine:

  • organic acids;
  • phenols;
  • esters of organic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • alcohols;
  • aldehydes.

And it's not full list substances that make it the strongest natural antiseptic. But the substance also contains carcinogens (benzopyrine in high concentration), can be very harmful to health, so they should be taken orally with extreme caution.

Attention! Self-medication with birch tar can be very dangerous. It is not recommended to use this remedy internally without permission from the attending physician.

Areas of application

Before the widespread development of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, tar had a variety of uses in various fields. They used it as a lubricant for parts, as a means for treating leather products to make them soft and moisture-resistant.

But it found its main application, of course, in medicine. List of diseases treated traditional healers“Russian oil” (as Europeans called it according to legend) is rather large:

  • skin diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • and other pulmonary diseases;
  • joint diseases;
  • oncology.
  1. Heat half a red brick.
  2. Place the brick in an empty iron bucket.
  3. Drop a couple of drops of tar onto the brick (smoke will form).
  4. Sit on this bucket and sit for 15-20 minutes.

The procedure is carried out before bedtime.

Application for hair

If, with the development of pharmaceutical production, tar was no longer used as an independent medicine, then “Russian oil” is widely used as a cosmetic product for hair care. Possessing antiseptic and antifungal properties, it can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair, providing the following effects:

There are no contraindications, except individual intolerance. Tar hair masks should be used once a week for 2 months.

Mask recipe:

  • one yolk;
  • 1 tsp. castor oil;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp each honey and vodka;
  • a few drops of birch tar.

Important! Due to the phenol content, these masks cannot be used for a long time. 1-2 courses per year of 6-8 procedures.

Application for face

Another popular use of cosmetic products is. Tar soapeffective remedy in the fight against acne and oily skin. Soap gently cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, making it healthy and velvety.

Lotion, for cleansing problem skin face, prepared from tincture of tar, you can buy it at the pharmacy.

Lotion recipe:

  • 50 ml of tincture (or 50 g of alcohol and 5 g of tar);
  • 5-7 drops of salicylic alcohol.

Gently wipe your face with the resulting liquid. The area around the eyes and mouth should be avoided.

Tar face mask:

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1/3 tbsp. l. tar.

Mix apply thin layer on the face. Leave for 10 minutes. Then wash off warm water.

Treatment of deprivation

A skin condition characterized by a scaly surface and colored rashes is called “lichen.” Ringworms can be either contagious or not. Among non-contagious diseases, psoriasis is a common disease. And the causative agents of infectious “lichens” are often various fungi and viruses. Having antifungal properties, tar is used to combat them. It renews skin tissue, quickly healing wounds.

  1. Mix in equal proportions butter and tar. Apply the resulting ointment to the infected areas of the skin. Apply a tight bandage. The affected areas are treated before bedtime.
  2. Treatment scaly lichen. Mix equal parts of tar and fish oil. Leave the compress on the area infected with lichen for half an hour. The procedure is carried out for 10 days.

Attention! Redness or moistening of the skin on the affected areas after compresses is possible; in this case, apply zinc paste for another 2 hours.

When treating lichen, it is most effective not to use ointments, but to use crude tar with a high concentration.

For psoriasis, ointments and compresses based on tar have proven effective. Conducted studies prove that its use can stop the synthesis of DNA that contains defects.

Treatment of mastopathy

Among traditional methods The use of tar for mastopathy turned out to be effective. Mastopathy is a disease in which nodules and compactions of fibrous tissue form in the area.

Attention! Self-medication for this disease is contraindicated, and the use of the product is recommended for initial stages under the strict supervision of a doctor.

What properties determine the effectiveness of tar in the fight against this disease:

  • antiseptic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anesthetic.

That is, when treating mastopathy, inflammation is eliminated, painful sensations and further development of the disease is inhibited. As a medicine, the drug is taken orally according to the following scheme:

  • the first 3 days 3 drops three times a day;
  • second 3 days 5 drops three times a day;
  • the next 3 days, 7 drops three times a day.

Take a break for 10 days and repeat the course, starting with 7 drops and reducing the dosage over time to 3 drops.

Use for fibroids

Birch tar was widely used for a reason. The product is effective in treating various gynecological diseases, because it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, absorbable, antiseptic effects on the body.

When treating gynecological diseases, the same scheme is followed as for mastopathy. Also, in combination with oral administration, tampons are used at night.

Tampons with tar:

  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tar or camphor oil.

Mix all ingredients. Make a tampon from gauze soaked in the prepared mixture. At night, a tampon is inserted into the vagina. It is recommended to alternate tampons with tar and camphor oil. Local procedures are carried out within 30 days. If necessary, take a break for another 30 days and repeat the procedure of inserting tampons at night.


How to prepare an infusion of birch leaves. And also find out all about l and contraindications.

Treatment of fungal diseases

Tar has been used since ancient times. It was not for nothing that soldiers in the tsarist army had insoles made of birch bark. This is due to the antifungal properties of the substance.

  • make a soap bath with laundry soap and steam your feet for 10-15 minutes;
  • trim affected nails as much as possible;
  • treat your feet with pumice, removing dead skin;
  • Wipe your feet dry and apply tar.

Apply folk remedy using a cotton swab on the surface of the nail. Leave to soak for an hour to an hour and a half. After two days, the procedure is repeated. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to treat the insoles of shoes with a few drops of tar. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Birch tar with milk

Tar as a medicine is taken orally with milk to treat many diseases.

Clinical form of tuberculosis:

  • 1 Week. 50 ml milk, 1 drop of tar;
  • Week 2. 50 ml milk, 2 drops of tar;
  • Week 10 50 ml milk, 10 drops of tar.

A week's break and repeat the course from the very beginning.

  1. Atherosclerosis is treated for 45 days. A few drops of tar are diluted in a glass of milk and drunk three times a day.
  2. Catarrhal cystitis is treated with a glass of milk with 5 drops of tar three times a day.

Traditional medicine uses milk and tar to relieve many diseases, including those used for oncology.

Use for constipation

An unpleasant disease that we often have to deal with, but this problem can also be solved with the help of tar. To get rid of constipation, traditional medicine recommends taking tar water.

Water recipe:

  • 4 l. cold water;
  • 0.5 kg of tar;

Stir for 5 minutes with a wooden spoon. Close the lid tightly and let sit for 2 days. Then carefully remove the foam, and clear liquid pour into a clean bottle and close tightly. This water is stored in a dark place and taken daily in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals.


  • children 50 ml;
  • adults 100 ml.

This remedy is also for asthma and other diseases.

A miraculous remedy that can help with many diseases. But we must never forget that careless use of funds traditional medicine can have an extremely detrimental effect on the health of the body. So use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Uncontrolled use can lead to toxic effects and adversely affect the kidneys and liver. Also possible allergic reactions Therefore, before starting a course of treatment, tests should be carried out on a small area of ​​skin. And it is advisable to regularly examine your urine during the course of treatment.

Birch bark, after burning, releases pure tar - a dark brown liquid with a specific odor and therapeutic properties. The use of birch tar in folk medicine goes back hundreds of years. However, the greatest popularity of the product came from its use in Vishnevsky ointment and in the form of tar soap.

Medicinal properties are as follows:

  • Have a tonic and analgesic effect essential oils, included in the composition of the highly purified drug;
  • Reducing the concentration of “dangerous” cholesterol, destroying pathogenic microorganisms due to antibacterial properties;
  • Use according to the instructions helps to get rid of calculous cholecystitis - the formation of stones in gallbladder against the background of an inflammatory process;
  • The composition contains substances that help improve the functioning of the immune system;
  • Eliminates viruses, fungal microorganisms and bacteria, has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

In medicine, the use of tar helps fight various dermatological diseases(psoriasis), fungal infections. The product also helps with hair loss and acne.

The composition contains substances that give an antiseptic effect, which allows you to restore normal microflora intestines. As is known, helminths in the process of their vital activity lead to its disruption, which is accompanied by various symptoms.

Instructions for using birch tar

The product is not suitable for all people, as it has contraindications. Tar can be taken if there is no history of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, duodenum, stomach, pancreas of an inflammatory or ulcerative nature.

Oral use

The ingestion of birch tar is carried out according to a certain scheme, which is strictly forbidden to modify independently. An unreasonable increase in dosage or frequency of use does not help get rid of helminths faster, but it leads to serious disorders in organism.

If during the therapeutic course any alarming symptoms, for example, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting or general malaise, treatment with birch tar is stopped. The symptoms will go away on their own in a few days.

Birch tar can be drunk not only against worms, but also to treat the following diseases:

  1. Pathologies respiratory systems s;
  2. Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  3. Laryngitis, sore throat, pus in the tonsil area;
  4. Cardiovascular diseases;
  5. Mastopathy;
  6. Chronic form of prostatitis in men;
  7. Tumors in the body;
  8. Disruption digestive tract and other diseases.

External application

Tar can be ingested, but it is also used local way. It helps well against hair loss and scalp problems - dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, fungal infection, Demodex mite.

In the latter case, birch tar - best helper. It is applied to problem areas for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water. It is acceptable to use for the development of eczema. Can be used at any age – even for babies.

Note: if the goal is to get rid of acne, then the tar is applied pointwise to the rash. Application time for the first time is 10 minutes, gradually increased to 20-25 minutes. When extensive skin lesions are observed (for example, with psoriasis caused by ascariasis), take a tar bath - 100 ml of the mixture is added to water, the duration of the treatment is 20 minutes.

The described methods are approved not only by adherents alternative treatment, but also official medicine. They are often recommended by doctors as additional means treatment.

To cure Giardia in children externally, apply the product to a cotton pad, then attach it to the child’s navel and leave it overnight. To prevent burns, skin covering around the navel generously lubricate with rich cream.

Recipes for cleansing the body with tar

Birch tar for worms is used in the following variations:

Important: birch tar can be used as a prophylaxis against helminthiasis - taken as a course in the autumn and spring.

Many medications that people use to try to improve their health work well with a certain disease, while having negative side effects. Therefore, more and more attention is being paid to traditional medicine, which allows you to improve the health of the body without causing any harm. negative influence. Birch tar is becoming increasingly popular. Reviews about using it internally to get rid of a number of diseases or cleanse the body are full of positivity and indicate the high effectiveness of the drug.

But you need to be careful when using birch tar internally. Reviews from some people who are overly keen on this remedy indicate undesirable consequences for the body in the form of poisoning or other symptoms. Therefore, before use, you need to find out whether there is an individual intolerance to the product and whether it is possible to use birch tar internally in a particular case.

Use of birch tar internally for treatment

Birch tar was a very popular remedy among healers who could, without being absent at that time pharmacological drugs cure a person from various kinds ailments. Today, the medicinal properties of this substance are again widely used to get rid of many ailments. So, in order to overcome cardiovascular, respiratory, urolithiasis and other diseases, birch tar is taken internally. Using this remedy you can get rid of a number of diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • chronic otitis;
  • suffocating cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • digestive disorders;
  • urethritis;
  • hypertension;
  • metabolic disorders.

To treat each disease, the drug or preparations based on it are used according to specific recipes, so you must follow the instructions for using birch tar internally. Reviews from people who have resorted to using the product indicate its effectiveness in correct use with strict observance recommended standards.

Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are treated with tar water. To prepare it you need tar and boiled water in proportions 1:8. The drug must be diluted in water, stirring the liquid with a wooden spatula, and left for 24 hours. After infusion, the liquid becomes covered with a film, which must be carefully removed and, avoiding shaking, pour the water into another container.

Using birch tar internally for weight loss

Many women have heard about the miraculous powers that birch tar has: its internal use is often advertised. But still, the fair sex is not sure whether it is possible to take birch tar internally and how to do it correctly. Of course, it can be used in the fight against overweight birch tar, but oral use of this drug must be carried out according to the instructions.

Weight loss with the help of the drug occurs due to a whole range of effects that accompany the ingestion of birch tar. Reviews from people indicate the following changes in the body:

  • due to the diuretic effect, excess fluid is removed;
  • appetite decreases;
  • the functioning of the digestive system is normalized;
  • metabolism improves.

Tar water is used for weight loss. You need to take it once a day, 2 tablespoons. The course of treatment consists of three two-week appointments, between which you need to take breaks. The first break lasts 10 days, the second – 20.

The weight loss effect of birch tar (oral use) persists for a long time, which cannot be achieved using medications.

Contraindications for ingesting birch tar

Despite the many healing properties, which birch tar has, its use internally has contraindications. Reviews from many people who have tested the drug themselves indicate cases of individual intolerance to birch tar by the body.

In any case, before you start taking birch tar orally, you should consult a doctor. We should not forget that the drug or products based on it should be used only in recommended doses. Since birch tar contains phenol, which can accumulate in the body and cause poisoning, it is strictly not recommended to overdo it with the drug.