For terrible pain, what kind of painkiller injection for a cat? What painkillers can be given to cats? Pain relief for cats

Painkillers for cats are an important component of every cat owner’s first aid kit. Cats experience pain, but cannot communicate this to their owner. It is the owner's duty to anticipate when the animal will encounter pain and to recognize that the animal is feeling pain.

Of course, it is unacceptable to give a pain pill as soon as you think the animal is suffering. It is important to make sure that this step is necessary and to determine the source of pain. The decision to prescribe analgesics must be made by a veterinarian.

Cats, unlike dogs, are very patient and calm animals. They can endure and hide their pain for a long time - this can lead to irreparable consequences.

In this article we will tell you how to understand that an animal needs analgesics, we will tell you which painkillers of professional and traditional medicine to choose.

In what cases should analgesics be given?

Painkillers for cats are prescribed only as part of complex therapy. Painkillers themselves do not cure anything, they only relieve pain. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the animal’s suffering and prescribe treatment for the underlying disease.

The second thing that owners should remember is that all analgesics are very toxic, uncontrolled use of this group of drugs is unacceptable. They are given to pets only as prescribed by a doctor, in the specified dosages and periods.

Failure to comply with dosages can be fatal.

What diseases cause pain syndrome

There are a number of diseases that are accompanied by acute pain. Suffering worsens the course of the underlying disease, has a detrimental effect on the animal’s nervous system, and disrupts the functioning of body systems. Severe pain causes a shock reaction and leads to death.

Pathologies with severe pain syndrome:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • injuries: fractures, bruises, concussion, ligament rupture, joint dislocation, rupture of internal organs;
  • gastric volvulus, peritonitis;
  • progressive tooth decay;
  • , kidney failure;
  • inflammation: otitis media, endometritis, pancreatitis, etc.;
  • renal and hepatic colic;
  • volvulus, intestinal obstruction;
  • condition after surgery;
  • CNS diseases.

Signs of pain in cats

Cats are secretive animals with a high pain threshold, which openly express their torment only on the verge of painful shock. The owner must know the signs that can help identify the cat’s suffering in order to be able to help her.

Symptoms of pain syndrome:

  1. Changes in the animal’s behavior: a sharp decrease or increase in activity.
  2. Unjustified aggression.
  3. Avoiding contact with humans and other pets.
  4. Loss of interest in food. Refusal of favorite treats.
  5. Attempts to adopt atypical body postures: arching the back, head in the corner.
  6. Apathy, drowsiness. Sleeping in unusual places. The cat is looking for a secluded corner.
  7. Refusal to use the litter box.
  8. Increased heart rate.
  9. Profuse salivation.
  10. Heavy rapid breathing. Dyspnea.

If your pet shows any of these signs, it should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.


A veterinarian should prescribe pain medication for your cat. Only a specialist can assess the need for analgesic therapy and select the type, brand and dosage of the medication. When prescribing, the biometric characteristics of the pet (weight, age, gender), its health and physiological condition must be taken into account.

In cat veterinary medicine, a limited list of drugs is used.

Most analgesics used to treat humans, dogs, and large pets are toxic to cats.

Types of medications used in cats:

  1. Opioids. Narcotic drugs.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Local anesthetics.
  4. Alpha2-adrenergic agonists (alpha2-adrenergic receptor agonists).
  5. NMDA receptor antagonists.
  6. Anticonvulsants.


The most effective painkillers prescribed for moderate to severe pain. They block pain, acting at the level of the central nervous system, and have a sedative and calming effect. The main active ingredient of drugs of the narcotic class is morphine. They are used mainly in the form of injections, inhalation anesthesia and epidurally as prescribed by a doctor in a clinical setting.

Indications for use: surgery, severe injuries and cancer.

Advantages: universal, safe, reversible, inexpensive.

Flaws: can cause hyperthermia, bradycardia, difficulty breathing and agitation in the cat, and have a high sedative effect.


  • Morphine;
  • Fentanyl;
  • Buprenorphine;
  • Nalbuphine;
  • Hydromorphone;
  • Tramadol;
  • Butorphanol;
  • Codeine;
  • Omnopon.

Dosage: selected individually by your doctor.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

A group of available drugs with combined action. NSAIDs treat the source of pain (inflammation) and have an analgesic effect. The analgesic effect of NSAIDs is lower than that of opioid drugs. Prescribed for moderate pain syndrome and long-term treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for use: teeth cleaning, castration, treatment of simple abscesses, osteoarthritis, arthrosis, ligament rupture, sprains, intervertebral hernia, neoplasia and joint dysplasia.

Advantages: long-lasting effect, non-addictive, easy to administer.

Flaws: Not suitable for cats with severe systemic diseases, renal and liver failure, bleeding disorders, and gastrointestinal ulcers.


  • Meloxicam (Metacam®);
  • Ketofen;
  • Ketonal;
  • Quadrisol;
  • Rimadyl;
  • Flexoprofen;
  • Norocarp;
  • Vetalgin.

Release forms: tablets, ointments, gels, injection solutions.

Dosage: as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Local anesthetics

Effective drugs with a slow onset effect and a long duration of action. Used for local anesthesia. They do not cause addiction or side effects.

Indications for use: surgical treatment of injuries, sterilization and castration operations.

Advantages: effective, inexpensive, without addictive effects.

Flaws: if the dosage is observed, there are none.


  • Lidocaine;
  • Bupivacaine.

Dosage: 1-1.5 mg/kg bupivacaine; 2-5 mg/kg lidocaine.

Alpha2-adrenergic agonists

A group of drugs with sedative and analgesic properties. Provide light and deep sedation. Used for simple surgical procedures and clinical research.

Indications for use: pre-anesthesia preparation, recovery period after surgery.

Advantages: reversible, provide a sedative effect.

Flaws: Contraindicated in animals with cardiovascular diseases.


  • Medin;
  • Dexdomitor.

NMDA receptor antagonists

Used for cat anesthesia and pain relief. Used in preoperative preparation, during surgical operations, and in emergency medicine. Reduces nervous excitement of animals.

Indications for use: sterilization/castration operations, caesarean section, neuropathic pain.

Advantages: inexpensive, used for anesthesia.

Flaws: Contraindicated in animals with epilepsy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


  • Ketamine.

Release form: solution for injection.

Dosage: prescribed individually.


Prescribed for the treatment of neuropathic pain. They have a pronounced analgesic and anticonvulsant effect.

Indications for use: post-traumatic and postoperative pain, disc pain, epileptic seizures.

Advantages: high efficiency.

Flaws: Do not prescribe to pregnant and lactating cats, animals with liver and kidney diseases.


  • Gabapentin.

Release form: tablets and capsules.

Dosage: prescribed individually by a veterinarian.

Traditional and alternative methods

When your pet is in severe pain, you shouldn’t experiment and use folk methods one after another at home - what if it helps!

The best solution is to immediately take the cat to the clinic or invite a veterinarian to your home, who will prescribe pain medication for the cat.

The only thing that can be recommended is to give the animal a soothing herbal decoction of chamomile, caraway and lemon balm. It will not relieve the pain, but it will help relieve the excitement caused by the pain syndrome.

To relieve your cat's suffering, there are alternative ways to relieve pain:

  1. Homeopathic remedies – Traumatin, Traumeel. Herbal medicines are not able to stop an acute attack. They are prescribed long-term therapeutic courses. Most often before and after spay/neuter surgery to speed healing and reduce pain effects.
  2. Manual therapy - massage. The procedure improves blood supply to tissues, relieves swelling and muscle spasms. This relieves pain from injury.
  3. Compresses, heating pads, IR irradiators. Used in the treatment of chronic non-inflammatory pain. Relieves swelling.
  4. Acupuncture - acupuncture. Relieves mild to moderate pain in chronic pathologies.
  5. Magnetotherapy. An effective way to eliminate swelling, pain, and inflammatory processes.

Before helping your cat cope with pain, determine the cause. Careless help can harm your pet.

What not to give

We have already talked about the toxicity of painkillers and the fact that not all medications are allowed to be given to cats.

  1. Analgin – provokes the development of pathologies of the hematopoietic system (anemia, leukopenia). The drug poses the greatest danger to cats with infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  2. Paracetamol and paracetamol-containing products. Medicines inhibit hematopoiesis and have a strong toxic effect - poisoning is possible. In severe cases, death is possible.
  3. Ketorol. Causes bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Do not confuse with the drug Ketonal.
  4. No-shpa. Should be used with caution. An individual reaction to injections is possible - failure of the hind legs, spontaneous defecation and urination.
  5. Aspirin. An overdose of acetylsalicylic acid can occur at a dose of 22 mg/kg. The drug irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa and can cause stomach ulcers and internal bleeding. Suppresses bone marrow function and causes kidney and liver failure. In severe cases, intoxication leads to coma and death of the pet. Ibuprofen and Indomethacin have a similar effect on cats.

Remember that an animal may develop an individual intolerance to pain-relieving injections for cats and non-injectable drugs: tablets, solutions.

This informational article contains basic information on medications that can help your pet cope with existing problems, but you need to understand that it is not recommended to make a decision without consulting a specialist.

Pain reliever for cats at home in injections and tablets, drops if there is a toothache, after sterilization, for oncology, cancer, fracture, bruises

Pain reliever for cats suffering from toothache - Metrogyl Denta and Dentavedin. These drugs are produced in the form of a gel, which is applied with a cotton swab to the inflamed gum or the surface of the gum near the diseased tooth.

A solution of chlorhexidine can also have an analgesic effect for toothache. They also need to treat the mucous membrane around the tooth. Injections for toothache include cefazolin, baralgin and traumeel. After sterilization, pain in the animal can be relieved using a mixture of novocaine and an antibiotic, for example, bicillin.

Painkillers for cats with cancer and fractures - tramadol and fentanyl. The latter is available in the form of a patch and, unlike tramadol, you can purchase it without any problems. A powerful pain reliever produced in injections and tablets and used after operations and injuries - Ketonal.

You can numb a cat's bruise with an injection of papaverine or baralgin, or pentalgin tablets.

Painkiller for cats analgin, arthrozan, aspirin dosage and instructions

“Human” medications for pain relief in cats should only be used in cases of extreme need. Often, substances that relieve pain in humans cause a completely different reaction in animals and can even cause their death. Another important point is to correctly calculate the dosage of the medicine, and only a veterinarian can do this, taking into account the physiological condition, age and weight of the animal.

You can take on the functions of doctors only in desperate situations. So, in case of dislocations and fractures, difficult childbirth, severe infectious diseases and gastrointestinal diseases, the analgin available in our first-aid kits can relieve pain. The drug is available both in tablets and in ampoules for injection. The analgesic effect of tablets occurs after 40-60 minutes, injections - almost immediately.

The daily dose of analgin for a cat should not exceed 0.5 g. It is advisable to inject analgin together with diphenhydramine. The dosage of analgin is 0.5, diphenhydramine is 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight.

Another drug that relieves pain syndromes is arthrozan. Its microscopic dose per day (0.15 ml once a day, IM) eliminates pain, but causes drowsiness, so the animal, among other things, will need rest.

Aspirin is a mild bactericidal and analgesic, but a good antipyretic, but modern veterinarians try not to prescribe it due to the risk of internal bleeding and poisoning. You can give aspirin to cats in a dosage of no more than 10 mg per 1 kg of weight and not daily, but after 2-3 days. A regular aspirin tablet taken by humans must be divided into 8 parts to give to a cat.

Pain reliever for cats ketonal, ketanov, ketorol

Ketonal is an anesthetic drug prescribed for inflammatory processes, injuries, oncology and other diseases. The correct dose of the drug is up to 1 mg/kg per day.

Ketanov is a pain reliever intended for short-term use. You can take ketans for a maximum of 2 days at a dosage of 0.3 ml twice a day.

Ketorol is an antispasmodic that is not advisable to use in cats, as it has numerous side effects. In extreme cases, Ketorol 0.5 can be injected at night. Veterinary painkillers for cats - ketofen, rimadyl, tolfedine,

Pain reliever for cats loxicom, meloxicam, no-spa

Loxicom (generic name meloxicam) is used in veterinary medicine after surgery and for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, dislocations, arthritis, arthrosis and other pathologies.

According to the instructions, on the first day Loxicom is prescribed in a dosage of 0.2 mg/kg of the cat’s weight, in the subsequent days of treatment - 0.1 mg/kg. The course of use of the drug should not exceed 10 days. In case of an overdose, the animal may experience diarrhea or stomach bleeding.

No-spa is not a veterinary drug, but if there is a need to use it, then you can give a small dose of the drug. Consumption of no-shpa is fraught with vomiting and increased fatigue, and an overdose can lead to paralysis of the hind legs. Spascuprel and papaverine have the same effect as no-spa.

Pain is a completely normal physiological phenomenon. Through the occurrence of pain, the body “reports” that something is very wrong with it. But sometimes it happens that it becomes too strong. So strong that it can cause death from shock. In such cases, only painkillers for cats can protect your pet from moving to a better world.

Important! Never use human medications to alleviate an animal’s condition! Aspirin, Paracetamol and many other drugs can simply kill a cat. In any case, it doesn’t hurt to consult your veterinarian first!

Practicing veterinarians have long known that cats are very sensitive to many medications. So, even, which (albeit with precautions) can be given to dogs, is strictly contraindicated for cats. The same applies to standard painkillers that can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

We remind you that painkillers for cats belong to the category of potent drugs. “Right and left” they cannot be given, since they uncontrolled use can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the animal. In addition, all these drugs do not treat the cause of pain, but only temporarily relieve pain attacks. So if your pet is in a lot of pain, and human painkillers help for a short period, do not delay, but immediately contact a veterinarian.

Delay may cause irreparable damage to your cat's health. However, if you inject a painkiller into a cat that is already wheezing from pain, nothing good will happen either. Let's look at the main types of pain medications that are most often used in veterinary practice.

Note also that opioids and their synthetic analogues, which include, for example, Fentanyl and Tramadol, are prescribed only by a veterinarian. These drugs used for severe injuries when a cat can quickly die from painful shock. Unfortunately, the legislation in the sphere of control over the circulation of potent and narcotic drugs in our country is such that in recent years veterinarians have tried not to use such drugs at all. You can only hope for their appointment if you go to some large clinic.

Read also: Cat foaming at the mouth: list of main causes and first aid for your pet

In addition, our pharmaceutical industry simply does not produce specific painkillers for cats, and everything is not very good with “dog” drugs. So you have to use the assortment of regular pharmacies, which are not very willing to sell drugs prescribed according to veterinary prescriptions...

However, Fentanyl in the form of a patch impregnated with a drug solution, can still be purchased without any problems. But you need to remember that you need to give your cat an anesthetic of this type under the constant supervision of a veterinarian, since in the event of the slightest overdose, extremely serious consequences are possible. We have already said that cats’ bodies are very sensitive to many medications. This is especially true in cases where something completely “extraordinary” has happened to the animal. For example, after a chemical burn (when the liver and kidneys are already having a hard time), only the most “mild” drugs that do not have a pronounced toxic effect should be prescribed.

Other effective medicines

The drug is quite affordable and effective for many types of pain. Ketonal. Available in tablet and injection form. It is not recommended to use tablets for cats (especially to relieve severe pain). Many owners confuse Ketonal with Ketorol, but the latter, although it is a powerful painkiller that is used even for cancer, is generally prohibited from being given to cats. Too much there is a high risk of developing gastrointestinal bleeding.

The usual No-Shpa, but for severe pain this remedy will not help, since it is rather an antispasmodic drug. In addition, experienced veterinarians advise using it instead. Papaverine, since the cat’s body responds to it much more consistently and without sudden surprises.

Read also: Baralgin for cats: characteristics of the drug and its use

What other painkillers for cats are there? Analgin It is not a purely veterinary drug, but it helps really well with pain, even relatively severe ones. Dosage – 0.5 g. per day. Just don’t overdo it, as metamizole sodium has many side effects. Please note that it is better to administer Analgin intramuscularly, 0.15-0.3 ml per animal per day. In this case, the likelihood of developing side effects is much less.

Also, in situations where the animal experiences very severe pain and weakness (after surgery), it is permissible to use the well-known human Pentalgina. The dose for one adult cat is no more than 1/8 tablet. If you need painkilling injections for cats, you can (but only under the supervision of a veterinarian) use. The dosage is about 0.4 ml per cat, but it is advisable that a specialist calculate the exact dose, focusing on the weight, physiological condition and age of your pet.

Have proven themselves well non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds. Their advantages include the fact that such painkillers for cats can not only stop painful attacks, but also effectively combat the causes of their occurrence. The most well-known and common medications of this type include Meloxicam.

But! We must always remember that long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is fraught with serious problems with the cat’s health, including complete failure of the liver and kidneys.

By the way, the animal often suffers from very severe pain, and it can only be relieved using a very limited list of means. Only a veterinarian should choose them!

Alternative ways to relieve a cat from pain

Magnetic therapy. This method of physiotherapy came to veterinary medicine from medicine. Magnets methods effectively relieve inflammation and alleviate pain in many diseases. Special “harnesses” have been created for cats, allowing the plates to be firmly secured to almost any place on the body.

Pain is a physiological reaction to certain disturbances in the normal functioning of the body's vital systems. This is a signal to take action to help the pet. In some cases, feline pain medication should be given immediately.

In the article, in addition to drugs for pain relief, we also look at the causes of pain and give advice in which cases a cat really needs to be given medicine. We do not recommend skipping these sections, but if you want to know only about the best drugs and their prices, then refer to the contents.

Signs of pain

Usually cats tolerate pain patiently, but in some cases it is a signal for an urgent visit to the veterinarian.

Signs that your cat is in pain:

  • unusual behavior: excessive activity or lethargy;
  • unjustified aggressive reactions;
  • desire for solitude;
  • uncharacteristic apathy and drowsiness;
  • refusal of the litter tray;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • heavy or difficult breathing, shortness of breath.

When is pain medication needed?

Pain syndrome can be acute and chronic. In case of severe injury or cancer, delay in providing assistance to your pet can lead to painful shock and even death.

Injuries most often occur during fights with dogs and other cats, when the animal is hit by a car, when falling out of a window or simply from a height.

Typically, pain in cats is accompanied by:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Injuries - superficial extensive wounds and cuts, fractures of the paws and spine, bruises and torn ligaments.
  • Postoperative period after surgery.
  • Recovery after or.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage - cystitis, urolithiasis, others.
  • Kidney or stomach colic.
  • Disruption of the nervous system.
  • Tooth and jaw pain (more often with destruction of enamel).

Types of veterinary drugs for pain

Cats differ from humans and most other domestic animals in their response to pain medications. The list of approved products that do not have a high toxic effect on your pet is very narrow.

Types of analgesics used in veterinary medicine and allowed for cats:

  • Narcotic. They are prescribed only under the supervision of a veterinarian in exceptional cases - in case of severe injuries and oncological pathologies. These are Omnopon, Fentanyl, Tramadol, Codeine.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Unlike the first group, they are not addictive and not only relieve pain, but also have a therapeutic effect. In acute attacks they are ineffective. These are Ketonal, Ketofen, Quadrisol, Rimadyl, Meloxicam, Vetalgin.
  • Other. Some medications intended for treating humans are also suitable for cats. These are Papaverine in the form of injections, Baralgin, some others as prescribed by a doctor.

Table of painkillers approved for cats with approximate dosages

Sometimes taking immediate action to relieve a cat's pain is urgent. Approximate dosages are calculated in the table for an average-sized adult animal.

Drug name Dosage Directions for use Description and price
1 mg per 1 kg of weight, twice a day Injections NSAIDs.

10 ampoules of 2 ml - about 250 rubles.

2 mg per 1 kg of weight In the form of injections or tablets Wide spectrum of action, not recommended for gastrointestinal diseases.

10 tablets of 5 mg - 500 rub.

20 ml bottle for injection - 1150-1200 rub.

1 ml per 10 kg weight Oral (gel)

Syringe tube 15 ml - no information on cost.

2 mg per 1 kg of weight, once Injections Anti-inflammatory veterinary pain reliever.

20 ml bottle for injection - 2100-2150 rub.

1 tablet once or twice a day Oral (tablets) A veterinary drug for general use.

10 tablets - 140-170 rubles.

0.05-0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight Injections A veterinary drug from the NSAID group.

10 ml - 300 rub.

0.1-0.2 ml Injections Veterinary drug for injuries with swelling. Contraindicated for heart disease.

50 ml bottle for injection - 1000-1100 rub.

2 mg per 1 kg of weight Injections A veterinary drug from the NSAID group.

10 ampoules of 2 ml - about 100 rubles.

In addition to medications, in modern veterinary medicine there are alternative methods of pain relief.

  • Magnetic therapy. It is a method of pain relief widely practiced in traditional medicine. Veterinary clinics usually have special devices (“harnesses”) for attaching metal plates to the body of a sick animal.
  • Acupuncture is good for relieving aching pain that usually accompanies chronic diseases.
  • Homeopathic remedies. An example of a herbal remedy widely used in veterinary medicine is Travmatin. It is often prescribed before and after sterilization of cats.
  • Compresses, heating pads, infrared emitters. They help well in the treatment of chronic pain of a non-inflammatory nature. Contraindicated for any inflammation or if the etiology is not clear.
  • Anti-pain massage. It helps well in the complex of rehabilitation therapy after fractures and sprains for pain relief.

What drugs are prohibited for cats?

There are a number of “human” drugs that are strictly prohibited for cats. Of the painkillers, this is Ketorol, which is often confused with the approved Ketonal. The first causes severe stomach bleeding in the cat and leads to the death of the pet.

You should not give them due to their high toxicity for cats, although they will not cause such severe consequences:

  • Aspirin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen);
  • Theraflu;
  • Analgin;
  • No-Shpa.

What not to give to cats

How to give a pill to a cat and give an injection

All injections that the owner can give to the animal himself at home are usually done subcutaneously at the withers.

To do this, you need to fix the cat on a hard surface (with the help of a second person), pull up the skin at the withers and insert the syringe needle under the skin, the drug is infused slowly. Gently rub the injection site.

The tablet can be given using a special device, crushed and inserted into the oral cavity from a syringe without a needle with water or liquid food.

You can also take the animal by the scruff of the neck, secure it well on the floor, open its mouth and place the tablet on the root of the tongue. Then hold the mouth tightly with one hand, and with the other hand, carefully move it several times along the animal’s neck in order to evoke a swallowing reflex.

Can a cat be given Analgin?

Veterinarians do not give a clear answer to this question. Some experts prescribe an injection of Analgin-Diphenhydramine to reduce high fever, and the animal tolerates it normally.

In other cases, an unfavorable reaction to the drug is noted. Drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, even death. Presumably, such side effects are caused by the active substance – Metamizole (Noramidopyrine). This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has special antispasmodic properties, characterized by increased salivation (salivation).

The use of Analgin, and indeed any “human” antispasmodics, is contraindicated in any animals due to its toxic effect on the bone marrow, kidneys and liver. By the way, Analgin is also excluded from human medicine; it is replaced with antispasmodics of new generations.

But I would like to note that this is only one of the opinions of veterinarians. Others insist that a one-time administration of Analgin will not cause harm. At the same time, everyone agrees that Aspirin, Paracetamol and any other “human” antipyretics are deadly for cats.

From the author. I would also like to note that in our nursery we have never taken risks and never used human antispasmodics. In case of serious injuries, we turned to competent surgeons; they have a large arsenal of veterinary drugs.

Popular belief states that a cat has nine lives. True, this is just a belief. Specialists from the American Veterinary Insurance Society compiled a rating of the reasons for visiting clinics with. All kinds of wounds and injuries ended up on the seventh line of the gloomy “hot ten”. Not a single cat is immune from these diseases, and it is useful for the owner to know at least the basic rules and techniques for providing first aid to an injured pet. We talked about them with Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Sergei Aleksandrovich Yagnikov.

Most often, domestic cats suffer from wounds received in fights with fellow cats or with cats, as well as from the consequences of falling from a height. A non-specialist, based only on external signs of damage, can very rarely correctly assess the true nature of the injury and its danger to the life and health of the animal. Therefore, a responsible owner should not ignore any injury that occurs, even if it seems to him that the cat escaped with a few scratches and feels quite normal.

Cat wounds

Most often, cats have bitten, lacerated “battle wounds” received in fights with other cats or dogs. The most obvious sign of such wounds is damage to the skin, which requires appropriate treatment. First of all, the wound must be washed with a disinfectant. A regular solution of furatsilin is suitable for this. If you don’t have a ready-made solution, you can prepare it yourself by dissolving two tablets in a glass of warm boiled water. The surface of the wound is treated with this solution. If possible, remove hair from the area around the injury to prevent hair from sticking to the wound.

When the owner is unable to immediately deliver the injured cat to a veterinarian, she should be given an antibiotic. If the owner does not have a special veterinary antibiotic at hand, it can be replaced with a human drug, for example, Augmentin (amoxiclav). The antibiotic is given in a dosage of 12-15 mg per 1 kg of animal body weight twice a day. That is, an “average” cat that weighs 3 kg should receive about 50 mg of antibiotic at one time. And, of course, the animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

If the cat received a cut wound and started bleeding, then you need to do the following: take a clean, or better yet, sterile napkin, apply it to the surface of the wound and bandage it with moderate force. The pressing effect will reduce bleeding. If a large artery is damaged, it will most likely have to be sutured. Bleeding from small vessels can stop on its own, but treatment of such a wound still requires the supervision of a specialist.

Eye injuries are also common in cats and, unfortunately, in this case, the owner can do practically nothing himself. The damaged eye should be carefully rinsed with furatsilin solution and immediately consult a doctor.

Cats also have so-called abscesses. They usually develop as complications if the wound has not been washed with an antiseptic. Pathogenic microorganisms enter it and begin to develop, causing a cavity with pus to appear under the skin - an abscess itself. Externally, an abscess manifests itself as swelling, a “bump” on the skin and painful sensations when touched, since the cavity compresses the nerve endings. Sometimes the abscess opens spontaneously and pus comes out of the wound. However, even in this case, it is better not to hope for the animal’s independent recovery. An abscess requires mandatory intervention by a veterinarian, because antibiotics alone cannot suppress a purulent focus. It is necessary to open and wash this cavity, install drainage in it and maintain it until the pathogenic process stops.

Injuries in cats

Cats often fall from heights and are injured. Many ordinary people tend to consider a broken limb to be the most “terrible” of such injuries, but in fact, fractures in cats are well treated, and the animal has every chance of making a full recovery. True, fractures are also different. For example, an animal may suffer an intra-articular fracture, in which a crack runs along the surface of the “hinge” of the joint. Such fractures are the most complex, they require long-term treatment and sometimes lead to the development of arthrosis.

Very often, after a fall, the animal begins to drag its hind legs. This may be a sign not so much of paw fractures as of some kind of neurological injury, for example, a fracture of the spinal column. It occurs quite often in cats, and most often occurs at the level of the last thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae. Such a fracture is fraught with serious injury to the spinal cord and, unfortunately, the prognosis in this case is unfavorable.

The animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian as quickly as possible if:

  • the cat does not eat or drink;
  • limps heavily, does not support a limb;
  • The cat developed bloody saliva, bloody discharge from the nose, and blood in the urine.
If the animal feels well, eats and drinks normally, but has a slight limp, then the owner may not rush to visit the doctor. Perhaps the cat just has a sprain or bruise that goes away quickly without treatment. But if lameness does not go away within a few days, then it is better to contact a veterinary clinic.

A rupture of the spinal cord may be indicated by the absence of pain. This is easy to check even at home. You need a suitable tool, such as tweezers, to squeeze the skin between the toes of the hind paw quite firmly. In a normal situation, such manipulation will cause pain - the cat will scream, try to scratch or bite. In this case, the prognosis will be favorable. But if the animal does not react in any way to such pain, then, most likely, its spinal cord is seriously injured. Even if the cat jerks its paw when squeezed, this does not mean anything. This is how the flexion reflex manifests itself, which can persist even with a complete rupture of the spinal cord. In case of spinal injury, only the feeling of pain can be considered a favorable factor that gives the animal a chance to recover.

Often, injuries associated with a fall from a great height lead to rupture of the diaphragm (the so-called partition between the chest and abdominal cavities). When it ruptures, part of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, in particular the intestines and liver, can move into the chest cavity, where the lungs are located. Externally, such damage is expressed in the fact that the animal develops rapid breathing and cyanosis of the mucous membranes, because the lungs can no longer fully expand. The cat loses its appetite, and due to the pain caused by the injury, stiffness appears in its movements. But an accurate diagnosis can only be made using radiographic examination. If the diaphragm ruptures, the animal requires surgery, which can only be performed in a veterinary clinic.

Pain relief for cats

Most injuries cause the cat to experience severe pain. The owner can independently reduce it by using pain relief therapy. Special veterinary drugs ketofen or nalbuphine are well suited for this purpose. But it is better not to give such popular painkillers as baralagin and analgin, especially in tablet form, to a cat, because they cause severe salivation in the animal. As a last resort, you can inject analgin by injecting 0.4 ml intramuscularly (dose for an average cat).

Also, with injury, traumatic shock is possible, one of the manifestations of which is vasospasm. This spasm has a very bad effect on the liver and kidneys. It can be removed with anti-shock therapy. The affected animal should be given corticosteroid drugs, for example, prednisolone (0.3-0.5 ml intramuscularly). But injections should only be considered as an emergency aid. At the veterinary clinic, anti-shock therapy will be continued using drip infusion.

Let's remember about rabies
Cats get rabies in the same way as dogs, so they also need to be vaccinated. It is very important that owners do not forget about this. Rabies can be transmitted to an unvaccinated cat even through a minor bite, and the owner or staff of the veterinary clinic can become infected from it. That is why, when going to the doctor, do not forget to take the animal’s veterinary passport with you. If a cat does not have a rabies vaccination, then the veterinary clinic may refuse to accept it, especially if the animal has a biting laceration received from an unknown location. The safety of people comes before the desire to save the injured animal. Moreover, many cases of rabies are registered in the Moscow region.