What is vascular pathology? Complication of varicose veins. Cerebrovascular diseases

Diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVD): review, manifestations, principles of treatment

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) represent the most acute problem modern medicine, because mortality from pathology of the heart and blood vessels came out on top along with tumors. Millions of new cases are registered every year, and half of all deaths are associated with some form of circulatory system damage.

Pathology of the heart and blood vessels is not only medical, but also social aspect. In addition to the colossal government costs for diagnosing and treating these diseases, the level of disability remains high. This means that a sick person of working age will not be able to fulfill his duties, and the burden of his maintenance will fall on the budget and relatives.

In recent decades there has been a significant “rejuvenation” cardiovascular pathology, which is no longer called a “disease of old age.” Increasingly, among patients there are people not only of mature age, but also of young age. According to some reports, among children the number of cases of acquired heart disease has increased up to ten times.

Mortality from cardiovascular diseases According to the World Health Organization, it reaches 31% of all deaths in the world; coronary disease and strokes account for more than half of the cases.

It has been noted that diseases of the cardiovascular system are much more common in countries with an insufficient level of socio-economic development. The reasons for this are the inaccessibility of high-quality medical care, insufficient equipment of medical institutions, shortage of personnel, lack of effective preventive work with a population most of whom live below the poverty line.

The spread of CVD is largely due to our modern lifestyle, diet, lack of exercise and bad habits, so today all kinds of preventive programs are being actively implemented aimed at informing the population about risk factors and ways to prevent pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

Cardiovascular pathology and its varieties

The group of diseases of the cardiovascular system is quite extensive, the list includes:

  • – , ;
  • ( , );
  • Inflammatory and infectious lesions - rheumatic or other in nature;
  • Vein diseases – , ;
  • Pathology of peripheral blood flow.

Most of us associate CVD primarily with coronary heart disease. This is not surprising, because this pathology is the most common, affecting millions of people on the planet. Its manifestations in the form of angina pectoris, rhythm disturbances, and acute forms in the form of a heart attack are widespread among middle-aged and elderly people.

In addition to cardiac ischemia, there are other, no less dangerous and also quite common types of CVD - hypertension, which only the lazy have never heard of, strokes, peripheral vascular diseases.

In most diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the substrate of the lesion is atherosclerosis, which irreversibly changes the vascular walls and disrupts the normal movement of blood to the organs. – severe damage to the walls of blood vessels, but it appears extremely rarely in the diagnosis. This is due to the fact that clinically it is usually expressed in the form of cardiac ischemia, encephalopathy, cerebral infarction, damage to the blood vessels of the legs, etc., therefore these diseases are considered the main ones.

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a condition when the coronary arteries altered by atherosclerosis deliver an insufficient volume of blood to the heart muscle to ensure exchange. The myocardium experiences a lack of oxygen, hypoxia occurs, followed by -. The response to poor circulation is pain, and structural changes begin in the heart itself - connective tissue grows (), cavities expand.

factors for the development of ischemic heart disease

The extreme degree of lack of nutrition of the heart muscle results in heart attack– myocardial necrosis, which is one of the most severe and dangerous types of coronary artery disease. Men are more susceptible to myocardial infarction, but in old age the gender differences gradually disappear.

Arterial hypertension can be considered an equally dangerous form of damage to the circulatory system.. It is common among people of both sexes and is diagnosed from the age of 35-40. Increased blood pressure contributes to persistent and irreversible changes in the walls of arteries and arterioles, as a result of which they become inextensible and fragile. Stroke is a direct consequence of hypertension and one of the most severe pathologies with a high mortality rate.

High pressure also affects the heart: it increases, its walls thicken due to increased load, and the blood flow in the coronary vessels remains at the same level, therefore, with a hypertensive heart, the likelihood of coronary artery disease, including myocardial infarction, increases many times over.

Cerebrovascular pathology includes acute and chronic forms circulatory disorders in the brain. It is clear that an acute stroke in the form of a stroke is extremely dangerous, since it makes the patient disabled or leads to his death, but also chronic variants of the lesion cerebral vessels cause a lot of problems.

typical development of ischemic brain disorders due to atherosclerosis

Discirculatory encephalopathy against the background of hypertension, atherosclerosis or their simultaneous influence causes disruption of brain function, it becomes increasingly difficult for patients to perform work duties, with the progression of encephalopathy difficulties appear in everyday life, and the extreme degree of the disease is when the patient is incapable of independent existence.

Listed above diseases of the cardiovascular system are so often combined in the same patient and aggravate each other, that it is often difficult to draw a clear line between them. For example, a patient suffers high pressure, complains of heart pain, has already suffered a stroke, and the reason for everything is atherosclerosis of the arteries, stress, and lifestyle. In this case, it is difficult to judge which pathology was primary; most likely, the lesions developed in parallel in different organs.

Inflammatory processes in the heart() – myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis – are much less common than the previous forms. The most common cause of them is when the body reacts in a peculiar way to streptococcal infection, attacking with protective proteins not only the microbe, but also its own structures. Rheumatic heart lesions are the lot of children and adolescents; adults usually have a consequence - heart disease.

Heart defects can be congenital or acquired. Acquired defects develop against the background of the same atherosclerosis, when the valve leaflets accumulate fatty plaques, calcium salts, and become sclerotic. Another cause of acquired defect may be rheumatic endocarditis.

If the valve leaflets are damaged, both narrowing of the opening () and expansion () are possible. In both cases, circulatory disturbance occurs in the small or large circle. Stagnation in the systemic circle is manifested by typical symptoms of chronic heart failure, and with the accumulation of blood in the lungs, the first sign will be shortness of breath.

the valvular apparatus of the heart is a “target” for carditis and rheumatism, the main cause of acquired heart defects in adults

Most heart lesions ultimately result in heart failure, which can be acute or chronic. Acute heart failure possible against the background of a heart attack, hypertensive crisis, severe arrhythmia and is manifested by pulmonary edema, acute in the internal organs, cardiac arrest.

Chronic heart failure also referred to as forms of ischemic heart disease. It complicates angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, previous myocardial necrosis, long-term arrhythmias, heart defects, dystrophic and inflammatory changes in the myocardium. Any form of cardiovascular pathology can result in heart failure.

Signs of heart failure are stereotypical: patients develop edema, the liver becomes enlarged, the skin becomes pale or bluish, shortness of breath is tormented, and fluid accumulates in the cavities. Both acute and chronic forms of heart failure can cause the death of the patient.

Vein pathology in the form of varicose veins, thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, it occurs both among elderly and young people. Largely spread varicose veins promotes lifestyle modern man(nutrition, physical inactivity, excess weight).

Varicose veins usually concern lower limbs, when the subcutaneous or deep veins of the legs or thighs expand, but this phenomenon is also possible in other vessels - the veins of the small pelvis (especially in women), the portal system of the liver.

A special group of vascular pathologies consists of congenital anomalies, such as aneurysms and malformations.- this is a local expansion of the vascular wall, which can form in the vessels of the brain and internal organs. In the aorta, an aneurysm is often atherosclerotic in nature, and dissection of the affected area is extremely dangerous due to the risk of rupture and sudden death.

C, when the developmental disorder occurred vascular walls Neurologists and neurosurgeons are faced with the formation of abnormal weaves and tangles, since these changes pose the greatest danger when located in the brain.

Symptoms and signs of cardiovascular disease

Having very briefly touched upon the main types of pathology of the cardiovascular system, it is worth paying a little attention to the symptoms of these ailments. The most common complaints are:

  1. Discomfort in the chest, heart palpitations;

Pain is the main symptom of most heart diseases. It accompanies angina pectoris, heart attack, arrhythmias, and hypertensive crises. Even slight discomfort in the chest or short-term, not intense pain should be a cause for concern, and in case of acute, “dagger” pain, you need to urgently seek qualified help.

In coronary heart disease, pain is associated with oxygen starvation of the myocardium due to atherosclerotic damage to the heart vessels. Stable angina occurs with pain in response to exercise or stress; the patient takes nitroglycerin, which eliminates the pain attack. Unstable angina manifests itself as pain at rest, medications do not always help, and the risk of a heart attack or severe arrhythmia increases, so pain that occurs on its own in a patient with cardiac ischemia is the basis for seeking help from specialists.

Acute, severe pain in the chest, radiating to left hand, under the shoulder blade, in the shoulder may indicate myocardial infarction. P Taking nitroglycerin does not eliminate it, and symptoms include shortness of breath, rhythm disturbances, a feeling of fear of death, and severe anxiety.

Most patients with pathology of the heart and blood vessels experience weakness and get tired quickly. This is due to insufficient oxygen supply to tissues. As chronic heart failure increases, resistance to physical activity sharply decreases; it is difficult for the patient to walk even a short distance or climb a couple of floors.

symptoms of advanced heart failure

Almost all patients cardiological profile experiencing shortness of breath. It is especially characteristic of heart failure with damage to the heart valves. Defects, both congenital and acquired, can be accompanied by stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation, resulting in difficulty breathing. A dangerous complication of such heart damage can be pulmonary edema, requiring immediate medical attention.

Edema accompanies congestive heart failure. First, they appear in the evening on the lower extremities, then the patient notes their spread upward, the arms, tissues of the abdominal wall, and face begin to swell. In severe heart failure, fluid accumulates in the cavities - the abdomen increases in volume, shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the chest intensify.

Arrhythmias can manifest as a feeling of palpitations or freezing. Bradycardia, when the pulse slows down, contributes to fainting, headaches, and dizziness. Rhythm changes are more pronounced during physical activity, anxiety, after a heavy meal and drinking alcohol.

Cerebrovascular diseases with damage brain vessels, manifested by headaches, dizziness, changes in memory, attention, and intellectual performance. Against the background of hypertensive crises, in addition to headaches, palpitations, flickering “spots” before the eyes, and noise in the head are disturbing.

An acute circulatory disorder in the brain - a stroke - is manifested not only by pain in the head, but also by a variety of neurological symptoms. The patient may lose consciousness, paresis and paralysis develop, sensitivity is impaired, etc.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Cardiologists, therapists, and vascular surgeons treat cardiovascular diseases. Conservative therapy prescribed by the clinic doctor, and if necessary, the patient is sent to the hospital. Surgical treatment of certain types of pathology is also possible.

The basic principles of therapy for cardiac patients are:

  • Normalization of the regime, excluding excessive physical and emotional stress;
  • A diet aimed at correcting lipid metabolism, because atherosclerosis is the main mechanism of many diseases; in case of congestive heart failure, fluid intake is limited, in case of hypertension - salt, etc.;
  • Giving up bad habits and physical activity - the heart must perform the load it needs, otherwise the muscle will suffer even more from “underutilization”, so cardiologists recommend hiking and feasible exercises even for those patients who have had a heart attack or heart surgery;
  • (verapamil, diltiazem); indicated for severe defects, cardiomyopathies, myocardial dystrophies.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathology of the heart and blood vessels are always very expensive measures, and chronic forms require lifelong therapy and observation, therefore, is an important part of the work of cardiologists. To reduce the number of patients with heart and vascular pathology, early diagnosis changes in these organs and their timely treatment by doctors in most countries of the world, preventive work is actively carried out.

It is necessary to inform as many people as possible about the role of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, movements in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. With the active participation of the World Health Organization, various programs are being implemented aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality from this pathology.

It's no secret that all diseases, in particular vascular diseases, have become noticeably younger. Today, even a child can suffer from some pathology of the cardiovascular system, although previously heart and vascular diseases were diagnosed mainly in people of the older age category. Similar diseases very dangerous. In addition, according to statistics, the highest mortality rate is observed among people who have been diagnosed with vascular disease.

The causes and symptoms of CVS pathologies can be very diverse. Everything will depend on the specific disease. In any case, if alarming symptoms appear (we will talk about them later), you must immediately seek the help of a phlebologist. It is this specialist who deals with the treatment of vascular diseases.

The human body is equipped with a large number of venous and vascular networks. There is no organ in the human body that does not depend on lymph and blood circulation. Vessels are a kind of pipeline. The vascular network is responsible for transportation necessary products to all organs. Arteries deliver everything necessary substances, in particular oxygen, to all organs. Venous vessels are responsible for collecting carbon dioxide-rich blood and delivering it to the heart and liver. The exception in this case is the blood vessels of the lungs.

People who suffer from such diseases complain of the appearance of the most different symptoms, caused by damage to the blood vessels of certain organs, in particular the brain, kidneys, intestines and muscles.

Pathologies of the vascular system are characterized by:

  • dilated veins;
  • blanching, redness or cyanosis of the dermis and mucous membranes;
  • increase or decrease in temperature;
  • the appearance of cracks, erosions and ulcers on the skin;
  • pathological pulsation of the arteries;
  • asymmetrical (local) lymphatic edema of the limbs and torso;
  • violation of the integrity of the vascular walls: the appearance of hematomas, cyanosis, spider veins;
  • bleeding;
  • malaise;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritability.

Methods for examining peripheral vessels include palpation, auscultation and inspection. During the examination, special attention is paid to the pulsation of certain arteries.

In some cases, you can see the artery itself, which runs shallow. This is due to its increased pulsation. Upon examination, it is also possible to detect focal dilatation of small peripheral vessels or telangiectasia - a large number of dark red vascular nodes. In addition, tortuosity of the arteries is revealed. This is due to loss of elasticity and lengthening (due to pulse impulses).

Inspection of blood vessels during vascular diseases carried out throughout the entire periphery of the body. There is an expansion of the cervical vessels, the vessels of the anterior peritoneum and the vessels of the legs (phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins).

Quite often, patients experience lymphedema of the legs, genitals, arms and face. The appearance of lymphostasis is caused by congenital anomalies, obstruction of the lymphatic pathways due to inflammation, trauma, surgery.

The localization of swelling during lymphostasis is the foot or lower leg. Swelling is not constant. The appearance and increase in edema is usually determined by the time of year (summer, spring) and load. A decrease in swelling occurs in autumn-winter or after a long rest.

In addition, swelling may increase due to a sedentary lifestyle, professional activity, which is associated with prolonged standing and frequent stressful situations.

Skin with vascular pathologies is of normal color. The vascular network is poorly expressed. In addition, with vascular diseases, severe swelling is noted. The pits do not remain at the moment of pressure. There is a tendency to inflammation, which provokes worsening of the pathology and its progression.

Capillary pulse refers to the rhythmic redness and blanching of the nail. A similar pulse is also characterized by a change in the color of the forehead (if you rub it with something). Such a pulse can also be observed on the lips when pressing on them with a piece of glass.

There are true and precapillary pulses. The emergence of the true is conditioned varying degrees filling the veins Such a pulse can be observed in people suffering from a pathology such as thyrotoxicosis, as well as in young people in case of a strong increase in temperature.

As for the precapillary pulse, it appears exclusively in people suffering from aortic valve insufficiency.

Pathological changes in blood vessels are usually caused by:

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases (arteritis, thrombophlebitis);
  • congenital pathologies and anomalies;
  • deposition atherosclerotic plaques;
  • embolism;
  • aneurysms;
  • autoallergic inflammatory processes (obliterating endarteritis);
  • blood pathologies;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diabetes mellitus;

The central vessels are responsible for the blood supply to the heart and brain. Often the occurrence of diseases is caused by atherosclerotic processes in the cerebral and coronary arteries. The consequences of cholesterol plaque formation include arterial stenosis, tissue ischemia, and susceptibility to increased blood clot formation.

The main diseases of the central vessels include: coronary heart disease, cerebral ischemia, neurocirculatory dystonia.

Pathology occurs as a response to the lack of blood entering the vessels, which is responsible for nourishing the heart muscle. The disease is characterized by the appearance of intense retrosternal painful sensations. Initially, pain occurs only with exertion. In the future, it occurs even at rest. Pain can radiate to the left arm, throat, jaw, and shoulder blade. The attack is eliminated after taking nitro drugs. In addition, with IHD there are complaints of shortness of breath and rapid pulse.

An acute form of ischemia is fraught with the development of a heart attack - dangerous tissue damage. The pain intensifies and becomes cutting. It is also possible for shortness of breath to transform into suffocation and pulmonary edema. You can relieve an attack with Nitroglycerin.

As for a common heart attack, it is characterized by the appearance of cardiogenic shock, which in turn is fraught with secondary vascular damage. Treatment in this case is aimed at preserving life.

As for cerebral vascular ischemia, the development of this disease is determined not only by atherosclerosis, but also by injuries spinal column. The development of chronic ischemia is gradual. Pathology is often found in people old age. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of:

  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • staggering when walking;
  • decreased quality of hearing and vision;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • gradual memory loss.

The acute form of the pathology is fraught with ischemic stroke. In addition, there have been complaints of the following symptoms: mental disorders, difficulty speaking, paralysis, dizziness, coma.

To treat the disease, vasodilators and sedatives, vitamins.

What about neurocirculatory dystonia, then this disease is an excellent example of arterial damage due to disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system. This disease manifests itself:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • nausea;
  • headaches;
  • slight decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • fainting states;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite.

More than 70% of urban residents suffer from this pathology. It is even found in children and adolescents. The development of the disease is often caused by overwork and past infections. Therapy consists of following a diet, taking medications, and leading an active and healthy lifestyle.

The most common peripheral vascular diseases include thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis of the legs, obliterating arteritis of the legs.

Obliteration is determined by:

  • nonspecific inflammation of the wall;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • smoking.

Any person can develop pathology, but representatives are more susceptible to its occurrence strong half society. Elderly people are more susceptible to the development of atherosclerosis.

The disease manifests itself acutely painful sensations in the calves, cramps, coldness of the extremities, increased pain when walking, trophic changes in the dermis, “intermittent claudication.”

As for varicose veins, in this case there are complaints of aching pain in the feet and calves, swelling of the feet in the evening, increased fatigue of the lower extremities, the appearance of red spiders on the dermis of the lower leg and thigh.

When deep veins are affected, symptoms increase. Pain bothers the patient constantly. In addition, blueness of the feet and translucency of thickened venous plexuses are observed.

Varicose veins are classified as female pathologies. The reasons for this are: constant wearing of stilettos, pregnancy and stress on the pelvic organs. However, it should be understood that the development of varicose veins in representatives of the stronger half of society is also not excluded.

A special form of the disease is hemorrhoids, characterized by constant itching and burning in the anal area, bursting pain, and bleeding. For the treatment of varicose veins, the use of gymnastics, ointments, and compression garments and use of medications.

Pathologies of peripheral vessels in late stages are fraught with gangrene of the toes and upper parts.

In order to prevent the occurrence of vascular diseases, it is necessary to maintain the tone of the walls of blood vessels. The first thing to adjust is your diet. It is recommended to consume vegetables and fruits, dairy products and fish. Eating fried, fatty, spicy, smoked foods is not encouraged.

Moreover, it is necessary to abandon bad habits, in particular, smoking. Remember, the key to healthy joints is movement. Find something you like. Swim, run or bike. Start every new day with exercise. This is the only way you can prevent the development of dangerous pathologies.

Cerebrovascular diseases: symptoms and therapy

Cerebrovascular diseases are quite common today. According to statistics, more than 80% of the planet's population is susceptible to the development of vascular pathologies and diseases related to the blood supply. The leading cause of vascular damage is the modern lifestyle. Many teenagers are familiar with the manifestations of VSD and hypertension.

Diseases of the cerebral vessels do not manifest themselves at all for a certain period of time. In addition, few people attach particular importance to headaches or fatigue. However, it is important to understand that even minor malaise or dizziness may indicate the presence of cerebrovascular disease.

If such seemingly minor symptoms occur, you should seek the help of a doctor. You should not use folk remedies or medications to combat headaches. This may cause the condition to worsen. You can take any medications with the knowledge and prescription of a qualified specialist.

What are the manifestations of cerebrovascular diseases

The development of ischemic heart disease or dyscirculatory encephalopathy, cerebral vascular sclerosis is accompanied by:

  • frequent migraines;
  • pre-fainting states;
  • decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • malaise;
  • numbness of the limbs and loss of sensation.

Vascular damage can be caused by genetic predisposition, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, diabetes, pathologies of the spinal column, and blood diseases.

Therapy of vascular pathologies of the brain

If alarming symptoms occur, seek medical help immediately. Therapy for vascular pathologies should be appropriate and timely. Treatment of coronary artery disease is:

  • restoration of physiological and behavioral functions. The use of massage, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, and physical therapy is prescribed;
  • stabilization of blood pressure and prevention of strokes. Anticoagulants and drugs that promote vasodilation are prescribed;
  • normalization of metabolic processes and blood circulation.

For the treatment of discirculatory encephalopathy, antihypoxants, nootropics, and drugs based on nicotinic acid.

Vascular diseases of the legs and arms: types, as well as causes of vascular diseases of the upper and lower extremities

According to statistical data on pathology, CVS is the most common cause of death. Today, vascular diseases of the legs are increasingly being diagnosed even in adolescents.

The most common and dangerous diseases of the blood vessels of the legs include:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • endarteritis;
  • vascular obstruction;
  • blockage of deep veins;
  • thrombosis.

A chronic disease, the development of which is caused by impaired lipid metabolism and the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls, is called atherosclerosis. Subsequently, a narrowing of the vascular lumen is noted. This is the main precursor to IHD.

Second, no less dangerous illness, characterized by an imperceptible contraction of blood vessels until they are completely blocked, is called endarteritis. develop this disease leg vessels can occur in both women and men, regardless of age.

Another equally dangerous disease is varicose veins. The causes and manifestations of pathology were mentioned earlier. Ignoring the manifestations of the disease is fraught with the development of venous insufficiency.

As for blockage of deep veins, this disease is accompanied by the formation of blood clots in the legs, quickly developing edema, local increase temperature, pain, arterial contractions.

One more dangerous disease blood vessels of the legs is thrombosis. This disease is a companion to varicose veins.

Only a qualified specialist can treat pathologies of the vessels of the extremities. Treatment of the pathology depends on the stage of the disease and the patient’s condition. In addition to application medications diet, wearing compression bandages, and application of compresses are prescribed.

Conditions characterized by poor circulation in the arteries that run from the chest to the upper extremities due to narrowing or blockage of blood vessels are very rare.

Often their appearance and progression are very slow and do not manifest themselves at all in the first stages of the disease. In the future, pain in the hands may appear. Ignoring this or that disease is fraught with the appearance of ulcers and gangrene.

In addition to atherosclerosis, lesions of the blood vessels of the hands can be caused by:

  • Buerger's disease. Characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in small vessels. Often occurs in smokers.
  • Takayasu's disease. Asian women are more susceptible to developing this autoimmune disease.
  • Raynaud's disease. A condition characterized by increased sensitivity of the fingers to the effects of cold.
  • Collagenoses.
  • Embolism - blockage of an artery due to the penetration of a blood clot into it.
  • Frostbite.
  • Breast cancer.

Pathologies of the blood vessels of the hands are characterized by: pain, cramps, fatigue in the hands, paleness and coldness of the dermis of the hands. A common manifestation of ailments is numbness in the fingers.

All vascular pathologies are very dangerous. They can lead to disastrous consequences if they are not treated promptly. Therefore, you should not hesitate when the above symptoms appear. The sooner treatment for the disease begins, the sooner recovery will occur and the better the prognosis.

Blood vessels are a kind of hollow tubes through which blood flows under pressure. This is a large closed system in which any disturbances affect the health of various tissues and organs. That is why vascular treatment occupies an important place in medical practice. Once an inflammatory process or inflammation of the veins is detected, the disease should be kept under medical supervision and the effectiveness of treatment monitored.

Causes of pathology

When the veins are affected, the disease begins to progress, sometimes without obvious signs. Diagnosis is usually carried out when the disease has already affected the body.

To prevent the development of blood vessel diseases, you should carefully study the factors that provoke the pathology and, if possible, eliminate them:

  • Vascular and heart diseases are hereditary pathologies. If there have been cases of strokes, heart attacks and other pathologies in the family, you should pay attention to special attention vascular health.
  • Vein disease is more common in obese people than in people of normal weight. The problem is the heavy load on the heart and vascular system. Also, in most cases, line weight means high rate cholesterol in the blood.
  • Diabetes mellitus often causes problems with blood vessels.
  • High cholesterol levels, which provoke the development of atherosclerosis, will sooner or later cause problems with blood vessels. They appear inside the arteries, first in the form of plaque, then their number increases. Using modern diagnostic methods, it is possible to unambiguously detect the presence of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels only after 50% of the width of the artery is blocked.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse lead to damage to veins and blood vessels, which are difficult to cure. Expansion and subsequent sudden expansion leads to constant spasms, poor circulation and high blood pressure.
  • Consuming large amounts of salt contributes to fluid retention in the body. This increases the stress on the body and causes vein disease.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity leads to vascular diseases and other diseases. Many people are familiar with the situation. When a person sits at his desk for 8 hours, and then, when he comes home, he sits on the couch all evening. This is a direct path to varicose veins or arterial hypertension. A complete lack of exercise is detrimental to health.

Any vascular damage and disease that develops must be kept under medical supervision. If a person high blood pressure or varicose veins develop, you should do special exercises, regularly visit your doctor and take special medications.


Vascular diseases on early stages the development of pathology may not cause obvious symptoms. A person may confuse signs of vascular disorders with symptoms that occur with fatigue and mild ailments.

Problems with blood vessels and the symptoms they cause can be divided by location.

If you have pain in the heart area, damage to the coronary arteries is possible, and if your legs hurt, varicose veins may develop:

  • Problems with the blood vessels of the lower extremities cause swelling and painful sensations in the legs, especially at the end of the working day or after a long walk.
  • Frequent headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, the appearance of cloudiness or spots before the eyes are signs of problems with blood vessels in the brain or neck.
  • Symptoms of venous disease, which can affect the functioning of the heart, include pain in the chest, numbness in the fingers, and sometimes difficulty raising an arm.
  • Paleness, weakness, fatigue, irritability and nervousness can be a consequence not only of stress, but also of problems with the arteries.
  • In some cases, pathologies of blood vessels are accompanied by atypical symptoms: cough, nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, etc. They are rarely associated with the cardiovascular system, but if the symptoms are considered in combination, the doctor may suspect damage to the veins.

Symptoms of problems with blood vessels cannot be ignored and hope that everything will go away on its own. The situation will only get worse. Arterial diseases without proper treatment develop into a severe or chronic condition and lead to negative consequences. In 57% of cases, problems with veins lead to further disability of the patient.


Treatment of blood vessels directly depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. To know how to treat a disease, it is necessary to identify it. There are many diagnostic methods. There are also those that do not require special equipment or laboratory tests. But in modern clinics and hospitals, devices and methods are used that make it possible to carry out diagnostics as accurately and efficiently as possible, using the achievements of medical technologies.

Diseases of the arteries and veins are diagnosed using the following laboratory methods:

  • Ultrasound examination (Dopplerography)
  • Digital angiography with contrast agent
  • Plethysmography
  • Capillarography
  • Computed tomography angiography
  • Rheovasography (RVG)

Major diseases

Vascular diseases can manifest themselves differently depending on the location of the pathology. Arterial hypertension or hypertension manifests itself general deterioration conditions, headaches and other symptoms. The disease develops gradually and has 3 degrees of severity. With each increase in blood pressure, the risk of stroke, hypertensive crisis and other serious complications increases.

Careful treatment and medical supervision is necessary.

Varicose veins are a disease that affects both men and women. But for the fair half of humanity, it is important to eliminate cosmetic defect which causes varicose veins. As the disease progresses, large blue veins appear through the skin. Pain and itching appear, blood stagnates and has a toxic effect on the tissue. As a result, an allergic reaction occurs, itching intensifies and blood vessels become inflamed. With proper treatment, varicose veins are practically invisible.

Thrombosis is essentially a bleeding disorder, not a vascular disease. But at the same time, the formation of blood clots inside the arteries and the adhesion of red blood cells to each other provokes the onset of the inflammatory process of blood vessels. Thrombovlebitis and phlebothrombosis develop. The risk of pulmonary embolism (with damage to blood vessels in the lung area) is complicated, severe allergic reactions etc.

Inflammation of the aortic walls and the presence of cholesterol plaques can lead to an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The vessel expands by more than 3 cm, there is a risk of vessel rupture and subsequent death. Treatment is aimed at preventing dilatation of the aorta. In most cases, this disease is asymptomatic.

Atherosclerosis is manifested by cholesterol deposits inside the walls of blood vessels. If left untreated, cholesterol plaques fill the space inside the artery until they completely block blood flow. Some cells remain without blood supply and tissue necrosis develops. This is one of common reasons strokes.

Drug treatment

Treatment of blood vessels is carried out medicinally using droppers, injections and tablets. Atherosclerosis is treated with dietary nutrition and medicines. The most commonly used are Piracetam, Plavix, Traykor, Plagril, etc.

Preparations based on fibric acid (Traykor, Lipanor, Choledol, Fenofibrate, etc.) help dissolve cholesterol accumulations inside the arteries.

Choledol – natural remedy to fight bad cholesterol. The main active ingredient is amaranth seeds and juice. The plant contains squalene, a component that effectively reduces cholesterol levels. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by research from the Research Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine. Choledol also includes: blueberry juice, clover flowers, native garlic concentrate, rock oil, wild garlic juice. All components of the product effectively reduce cholesterol levels and restore all body systems.

You can buy Choledol at a discount on the manufacturer’s website.

For blood vessels, treatment begins with a correct diagnosis. If there is a threat of a stroke or after an attack, therapy is used under the supervision of a physician, most often in medical institution. Drugs for the treatment of stroke are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the blood vessels in the brain.

Medicines for the treatment of blood vessels and cerebral circulatory disorders stimulate metabolic processes in cellular level and reduce psycho-emotional stress(Glycine, Heparin, etc.). Diuretics (diuretics) are used to treat high blood pressure. The action of these drugs is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body, as a result of which the pressure decreases slightly. Vasodilation medications are also used to improve blood flow.

If the cause of venous disease is high blood clotting or thrombosis, doctors first prescribe drugs that reduce blood viscosity. You should only take medications prescribed by your doctor and in the recommended dosage. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or take pills on the advice of relatives and colleagues.

There are also a huge number of funds traditional medicine and therapeutic diets. Before treating blood vessels folk remedies You should consult your doctor. Many herbal decoctions, ointments plant based and other means are very effective. Therapeutic nutrition is aimed at normalizing weight and reducing the amount of fat consumed. It is recommended to include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits to get enough nutrients and microelements.

Surgical treatment

In severe cases, blood vessel diseases require surgery. This treatment approach aims to improve blood flow when the arteries are significantly damaged.

The indication for surgery is a high risk of spasm or blockage of veins and arteries, which pose a direct threat to life.

For diseases of the blood vessels, various surgical methods can be used:

  • Shunting. During the operation it is created new way to move blood around damaged arteries. Using shunts, the surgeon excludes the most difficult sections of the arteries from the circulatory system.
  • Stenosis. Improving blood flow inside the arteries is achieved by expanding the damaged vessel. A special frame is inserted into the artery, which is fixed in vulnerable spot and maintains a constant artery width.
  • Carotid endarterectomy. Surgery is performed to remove significant buildup of cholesterol plaques inside the arteries. Using clamps, the doctor fixes the affected area and makes an incision. Clusters of cholesterol are removed from the artery. The blood arteries are sutured with small sutures.

For venous diseases, treatment is not built around the phrase: take a pill. The cardiovascular system is very difficult to put in order. Treatment should be carried out comprehensively, with the help of medications, physical therapy, dietary nutrition and other procedures. For severe manifestations of disease, treatment blood arteries can last for years. However, without treatment, life expectancy is significantly reduced and the likelihood of disability increases.

Arteries, veins, capillaries located throughout the body provide nutrients and oxygen to all organs. Vascular diseases are considered one of the most dangerous pathologies and often cause early mortality. These diseases are becoming “younger” every year; they are diagnosed in children and adolescents.

Clogged blood vessels interfere with normal blood circulation

Vascular diseases

Vascular pathologies are divided into two groups, depending on the location of the main focus of the disease. Diseases of the central vessels are accompanied by circulatory disorders in the aortas and coronary arteries of the head, neck, spinal cord, problems with peripheral vessels cover the legs, arms, and abdominal cavity. The diseases are accompanied by expansion or narrowing of the lumen of the veins, poor patency, spasms, pain, and blockade of nerve fibers.

Atherosclerotic vascular disease

Most dangerous look vascular lesions, in which irreversible changes develop in large arteries. The main reason is bad cholesterol, which accumulates in the body when addicted to junk food. The development of the disease can be triggered by bad habits, hereditary factors, physical inactivity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thyroid diseases. You can see what cholesterol plaques look like in the photo.

Excess cholesterol clogs blood vessels

Symptoms and types of diseases:

  1. Coronary atherosclerosis – cholesterol accumulates in the vessels of the heart. The disease is accompanied by pain in the left side of the chest, which radiates to the arm, intensifies with inspiration, chills, disturbance heart rate. As a result of the illness, weakness in the limbs appears and fainting is possible.
  2. Atherosclerosis of the aorta – clinical picture manifests itself in the form of hypertension, a burning sensation in the chest area. Basic distinctive features– premature aging, wen on the face.
  3. With atherosclerosis of the abdominal region, the vessels of the peritoneum are clogged, which manifests itself in the form of increased gas formation, deterioration of kidney function, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain.
  4. Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities - the skin turns pale, a venous pattern clearly appears on them, the extremities hurt, are cold, go numb, develop serious illnesses legs
  5. Cerebral atherosclerosis is accompanied by damage to blood vessels in the brain - tinnitus, severe cephalalgia, dizziness, shortness of breath, chronic fatigue, arterial counts increase, and memory deteriorates.

Vascular diseases develop slowly, often at the initial stage they occur without pronounced symptoms, so many people consult a doctor already with neglected forms pathologies.

Ischemia develops against the background of regular blood deficiency in the coronary vessels that nourish the myocardium and brain tissue. The causes of the disease are physical inactivity or constant excessive physical activity, stress, overwork, bad habits, balanced diet, disturbance of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

When ischemia occurs, the blood supply to the heart is disrupted

Main symptoms:

  • pain in the chest, which radiates to the arm, jaw - first occurs after physical exertion, gradually begins to bother the person even at rest;
  • dyspnea;
  • arrhythmia, increased heart rate.

In the acute form, a heart attack develops - during the disease, a large area of ​​tissue falls out of the blood circulation. The pain syndrome becomes strong, cutting in nature, shortness of breath turns into suffocation, pulmonary edema.

With cerebral vascular ischemia, coordination of movement is impaired, a person staggers, vision, hearing, and memory deteriorate, problems with sleep arise, and character changes.

Eliminate severe pain Nitroglycerin will help with ischemia, but with a heart attack this drug does not help.

With a persistent disruption of the blood supply to brain tissue, the death of nerve endings begins, which leads to the loss of certain functions. The cause of the disease is long-term oxygen starvation tissues with atherosclerosis. In an ischemic stroke, the lumen of a blood vessel is blocked by a thrombus or cholesterol plaque; in a hemorrhagic stroke, the damaged vessel bursts, forming an intracerebral hematoma.

With prolonged oxygen starvation, brain cells die


  • weakness and numbness of the limbs on one side of the body, one half of the face;
  • pulsating headache;
  • double vision;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of coordination, loss of orientation in space.

If such signs appear, you should urgently call an ambulance - qualified assistance should be provided no later than four hours from the start of the attack.

Ischemic stroke is diagnosed more often, but hemorrhagic stroke occurs in more severe form. The disease mainly develops at night or in the morning.


The diagnosis is made when there is a persistent increase in readings to 140/90 mmHg. Art. Provoking factors - obesity, imbalance of lipids in the blood, overuse salts, insomnia, frequent stress.

Hypertension - high blood pressure

Signs of the disease:

  • throbbing headache in the occipital and temporal zone;
  • tinnitus;
  • flashing black spots before the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath, swelling of the limbs;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Without proper treatment, hypertension can cause the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, and cerebral hemorrhage.

Hypertension is diagnosed in every seventh person over 45 years of age.

Neurocirculatory dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia develops against the background of a malfunction of the nervous system, the functioning of large and small vessels, doctors describe many causes and signs of the disease. Provoking factors – vitamin deficiency, stress, chronic insomnia, sedentary lifestyle life. The disease is diagnosed in a child when there is excessive mental, emotional and mental stress.

How the disease manifests itself:

  • pain in the heart area;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • hands and feet are constantly cold, a marble pattern appears on the skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • panic attacks;
  • dyspnea;
  • migraine, dizziness, weather sensitivity;
  • upset stool, loss of appetite;
  • , or with the left;
  • The temperature may rise slightly, and fluctuations in blood counts are observed.

VSD is a disease of urban residents; every eighth person suffers from it; most often, the pathology is diagnosed in people with an asthenic body type. Strengthen weak blood vessels Hardening and regular exercise will help.

With varicose veins, the arteries of the lower extremities suffer - the lumen of the venous bed expands, the walls of the vessels become weak, the disease is considered female, and often occurs during pregnancy. The disease develops in people who have to stand for a long time, with endocrine problems, disruption of the venous valve, congenital weakness of the vascular walls, and frequent hypothermia.

Healthy and varicose veins on the legs

Symptoms of deterioration of the arteries in the leg:

  • bulging, swollen veins in the legs;
  • pain especially in the evening;
  • spider veins, small ulcers, peeling skin;
  • cramps, swelling.

Varicose veins – hereditary disease, for prevention it is necessary to regularly use plant-based venotonics and wear compression garments.


Venous disease, a type of varicose veins, in which the cavernous areas of the final section of the rectum expand, venous stagnation is formed. The disease often develops during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth, against the background of regular constipation, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent heavy lifting, and alcoholism.

Hemorrhoids are a venous disease

Signs of hemorrhoids:

  • bursting pain in the anus in sitting position and during defecation;
  • itching and burning in the anus area;
  • bleeding during the bowel movement process.

Hemorrhoids can cause anemia due to chronic blood loss.

Venous and arterial thrombosis, thromboembolism

Blood clots on the walls of blood vessels are a dangerous disease; at any moment the clot can break off, which will lead to rapid fatal outcome. Pathology develops against the background of endocrine and infectious diseases, after surgical interventions on vessels, with high viscosity blood, physical inactivity.

Blood clots on the walls of blood vessels are very dangerous


  • tissue edema;
  • pale skin;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin, ulcers;
  • painful lumps;
  • acute hypoxia, tissue necrosis.
Thrombosis – common pathology in bedridden patients.

Which doctor should I contact?

The vascular system is one of the most complex mechanisms in the human body; various highly specialized specialists are involved in the treatment of diseases.

Which doctors treat vascular diseases:

  • – eliminates vascular pathologies in the brain;
  • – treats varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis, inflammatory processes of the venous wall;
  • – heart disease specialist;
  • angiologist – a doctor specializing in diseases of the arteries and lymphatic system;
  • – deals with the treatment of lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, which often cause problems with blood circulation and blood vessels;
  • Sometimes consultation may be required.

If you have heart problems, you should visit a cardiologist

A newborn often develops a hemangioma - a proliferation of blood vessels, and a convex red spot appears on the neck. The neoplasms themselves are not dangerous, but they negatively affect blood clotting, immune system. It is necessary to consult with a surgeon, but in most cases specific treatment not required, the problem disappears on its own by 10 years.

Problems with blood vessels often occur in women during menopause - female sex hormones protect the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol .

Diagnosis of vascular diseases

After examining and questioning the patient, palpation, percussion and auscultation, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental tests to clarify the diagnosis and draw up correct scheme therapy.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  1. Clinical blood test - the presence of inflammatory processes in the vessels is indicated by an increase in ESR.
  2. General urine test - it matters LDH level, an increase in urine of this substance indicates ischemic infarction.
  3. Biochemical blood test - shows cholesterol level; in men, the values ​​​​should be in the range of 5.9–6.5 mmol/l, in women - no more than 5.2 units. You should take the test only on an empty stomach; your last meal should be 10 hours before the test.
  4. Immunological test to detect lipoproteins in the blood.
  5. Coagulogram - allows you to determine how the process of blood clotting occurs in the body.
  6. Vascular angiography – contrast x-ray. Used to detect pathological changes in the vessels of the heart, legs, and brain. The method is informative, but has many contraindications and requires special training in a hospital setting.
  7. Angiography – using a tomograph, the condition of blood vessels in the heart, neck, abdominal region, and brain is studied.
  8. Ultrasound (Dopplerography) - allows you to see the presence of cholesterol plaques and their location.
  9. An MRI method will help identify vascular abnormalities and the degree of narrowing of blood vessels.
  10. Vascular RVG - this method allows you to see how blood circulates in the arms and legs, and assess the tone of blood vessels in the extremities.
  11. – using REG, the level of vascular response is checked.

Vascular diseases never manifest themselves as a separate pathology - they are always closely related to any malfunctions in the body.

A blood test will show the condition of the blood vessels

Possible complications

Since blood vessels supply all systems with oxygen and nutrients, when they become diseased, pathological processes can begin in any organ, but the heart and brain suffer the most.

Consequences of vascular diseases:

  • heart attack, different types of stroke;
  • dementia;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • encephalopathy;
  • severe migraine;
  • blindness, deterioration of speech, coordination;
  • paralysis of limbs;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • mental disorders.

Vascular pathologies provoke the development dangerous diseases that cause disability or death.

If vascular diseases are not treated, a heart attack may occur.

Treatment of vascular diseases

To get rid of vascular pathologies, improve well-being, and prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to take special medications. But drug therapy will be ineffective if the patient does not follow a special diet.


In the treatment of vascular diseases, drugs are used whose action is aimed at improving blood circulation, increasing the lumen in damaged capillaries, and cleansing blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques. The correct choice of medications helps to normalize metabolic processes and eliminate oxygen starvation in tissues.

Groups vascular drugs:

  1. Myotropic, neurotropic drugs, nitrates– Euphilin, Reserpine, Nitroglycerin. The medications are intended to normalize cerebral blood flow, reduce vascular tone, and have an effect on nerve fibers.
  2. Calcium channel blockers– Diazem, Verapamil, Nifedipine, Amlodipine. Prevents deterioration in the flexibility of blood vessels and strengthens their walls.
  3. Heart medications– Adoniside, Cardiovalen. Improve the functioning of coronary vessels, eliminate oxygen deficiency in the brain.
  4. Preparations based on nicotinic acid- Enduracin. Have a beneficial effect even on the most small capillaries, but worsen liver function.
  5. Medicines plant based- Bilobil, Cavinton. They eliminate spasms, normalize blood circulation, and have virtually no contraindications or adverse reactions.
  6. Preparations for strengthening the walls of blood vessels– Ascorutin, Venoton, Detralex.
  7. Nootropics – Nootropil, Phenotropil. They improve memory and brain function, and are necessary for people who engage in mental work.
  8. Anti-migraine medications- Maxalt. They reduce vascular tone, eliminate spasms, relieve pain, and have a vasodilator and anti-inflammatory effect.
  9. Anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents– Heparin, Hirudin. Medicines prevent the formation of blood clots, reduce the risk of heart attack, and improve the condition of peripheral blood vessels.
  10. Preparations for cleansing blood vessels- Cavinton, Capillarin.
  11. – used to reduce blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels.

People who are at risk of vascular pathologies need to regularly take ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and fish oil.

Ascorutin will strengthen the walls of blood vessels


All the food a person eats affects the health of blood vessels. Fat and fried foods, large number coffee, salt, sugar - a direct path to dangerous diseases.

What should be included in the menu:

  • sea ​​fish, seafood, low-fat varieties meat;
  • vegetable oils – olive, corn, flaxseed;
  • cereals, bran, rye bread, wholemeal bread, pasta from durum wheat;
  • milk and dairy products with medium fat content - when consuming low-fat products, calcium is less absorbed;
  • You can eat biscuits, bread rolls, homemade marmalade, marshmallows in moderation - provided there is no predisposition to obesity;
  • light vegetable soups, meat first courses can be consumed once a week;
  • raw nuts;
  • legumes, potatoes, carrots, sauerkraut, eggplant, celery, pumpkin greens;
  • seasonal berries and fruits, dried fruits, citrus fruits.

Fruits have a beneficial effect on vascular health

All dishes need to be baked, stewed, boiled, steamed, and salted directly on the plate after cooking. Spicy seasonings and vegetables thin the blood well - chili, ginger, mustard, horseradish root, onion, garlic, but if you have stomach problems, you should not use them.

To reduce the likelihood of diseased blood vessels, you need to completely give up fast food, eat no more than two chicken eggs per week, and drink 1 cup of coffee or strong tea per day.

Prevention of vascular diseases

Vascular diseases are fraught with various serious complications, so it is important to regularly carry out preventive measures that will help reduce the likelihood of developing these pathologies.

How to avoid problems with blood vessels:

  1. Take Aspirin. This drug thins the blood, it is recommended to take it to prevent thrombosis and heart attack - 100 mg every evening during dinner for 4-6 months. The medicine should not be taken if you are prone to bleeding, in order to reduce the negative effect on the stomach, you should choose enteric forms acetylsalicylic acid– Thrombo ACC, Aspirin Cardio.
  2. Proper and balanced nutrition will help avoid the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, and blood vessels will maintain elasticity.
  3. Learn to cope with stress and nervous tension - meditation, yoga, hiking fresh air, favorite hobby.
  4. Measure regularly and record the results in a special diary.
  5. Control your weight – every extra 10 kg increases your blood pressure by 10–20 units. Get rid of bad habits.
  6. Get enough sleep.
  7. Play sports - exercise should be regular, but moderate.

Aspirin thins the blood

In order to detect vascular pathology in a timely manner, after 30 years of age it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations, monitor cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

In addition to weight, it is necessary to regularly measure your waist circumference to determine abdominal obesity. Normally, indicators for women should not exceed 88 cm, for men – 102 cm.

Vascular diseases are second only to cancer in the number of cases of premature mortality. Simple preventive measures and a healthy lifestyle reduce the risk of developing pathologies by 3 times.