The best aromatic oils for the home. Essential oils for home fragrance. What are the benefits of oils for older people?

In this article we will study the most interesting, mysterious and even magical properties of essential oils, their areas of application, and for ease of perception we will summarize some of the information in tables.

Types of essential oils

For thousands of years, mankind has known the antimicrobial and antibacterial capabilities of essential oils. Even in the Bible there are references to essential oils such as laurel, myrtle, frankincense, and sandalwood. They are also mentioned in the works of the great healers of the past, Hippocrates and Avicenna.

Over the last decade alone, more than 500 studies have been conducted to study the properties and areas of application of essential oils and aromatherapy; their results have been published, systematized in tables and available for study by everyone.

So what are the different types of oils?

By extraction method

Without identifying the main varieties and subspecies, it makes no sense to study such a broad issue as essential oils: properties and applications. The table below shows their varieties by extraction method.

Source of production Type of oil
BerryCloves, allspice, juniper.
WoodCamphor, sandalwood, rosewood.
SeedsNutmeg, sandalwood, anise, celery, cumin.
BarkCinnamon, cassia (Chinese cinnamon), a relative of laurel sassafras.
RhizomesGinger, Potentilla erecta (galangal).
ResinMyrrh, frankincense, styrax wood, benzoin.
LeavesBay, basil, sage, eucalyptus, patchouli, pine, mint, thyme, rosemary, lemongrass, cinnamon, tea tree, oregano, buchu.
PeelOrange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit, lime, bergamot.
InflorescencesOrange, clary sage, chamomile, hemp, jasmine, hops, lavender, ylang-ylang, marjoram, damask rose.

Advice! Note that different types of oils can be extracted from the same plant, such as sandalwood. Add just a few drops of it to a tablespoon of olive oil and massage into the skin. This mixture has wonderful anti-aging properties.

  • distillation (from leaves and bark) - separation into fractions and evaporation of the liquid component;
  • extraction (from inflorescences, petals and roots). In special extractor devices, the raw materials are combined with a special extractant substance, which is then removed, leaving pure, high-quality essential oil;
  • pressing (from peels and fruits) - mechanical pressing.

By the nature of the impact on humans

Through observation, people have determined the ability of these volatile compounds to affect our body in different ways. This explains the diverse, sometimes downright magical properties of essential oils and their scope of application. The table below shows the most interesting of them.

It has been noted that the smells of certain herbs, flowers and seeds relieve fatigue, the consequences of stressful situations and neuroses. There are fragrances to awaken passion, lift your spirits, and combat feelings of fear. And there are essential oils that have their own magic (they are also present in our table), their properties and scope of application are more unique, they are used to restore such subtle matter as the aura, in case of damage caused by someone else’s ill will and envy.

Advice! Drop just a couple of drops of chamomile oil on a table lamp, and soon a wonderful, rich aroma will spread throughout the room, giving a feeling of peace, promoting thought and meditation.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties

The spectrum of biological activity of essential oils is very wide. Some of them are excellent antispasmodics, relieve headaches, others are antiseptics, they are recommended for treating wounds and cuts on the skin, there are oils for calming and, conversely, stimulating the nervous system and stimulating mental activity.

Moreover, almost any of them are classified as potent drugs that can provide both help and harm, if the recommendations for use are not clearly followed. Therefore, such a question as essential oils: properties and applications requires careful and methodical study. The table below will help make this difficult task easier (positions marked with an “*” should not be used in the sun).

Advice! After cutting yourself, apply diluted lavender oil to the wound. You will be pleasantly surprised by the speed of wound healing.

Features of the use of essential oils

The easiest way to make an essential oil safe for use is to dilute it with water. When carrying out cosmetic and medical procedures, it is most often necessary to mix the oil with a base, which can be milk, honey, wax, cream, lotion, but most often it is another transport oil. They call a number of vegetable oils that have both solid (shea butter) and liquid texture (olive, sea buckthorn, coconut, almond and others). The purpose of the transport oil is to ensure the penetration of the essential oil into the skin to ensure a therapeutic effect.

Advice!To avoid burns, do not use essential oils in pure, undiluted form, especially for children, unless otherwise indicated in the recommendations for use. Also, pregnant women and people with allergies should avoid aromatherapy.

Most often, essential oils are used for the following procedures:

  • baths and saunas;
  • massages;
  • inhalation;
  • compresses;
  • improvement and enrichment of cosmetic preparations;
  • aromatherapy using lamps and stones;
  • aroma pendants.

The properties of essential oils contain special magic, so that their use does not turn out to be harmful, use the dosage table.

Aromatherapy for home use is useful and effective

Working with aromatherapy is useful for those who know how to use it. To begin your journey into the world of fragrances, you need to prepare. Aromatherapy at home begins with the first few steps:

  • Study of the most popular and popular oils.
  • You should decide on the positions of the first broadcasts in your home pharmacy.
  • To have your own experience with oils, you need to take several oils from inexpensive price categories (from companies with good reviews and experience). Plus several of the same oils from a more expensive price segment to be able to compare them.
  • Learning how to use aromatherapy. And choose the method you like.
  • Studying the basic rules and requirements when working with essential oils.

DIY aromatherapy methods at home

Aromatherapy at home has several uses

All methods of working with essential oil, as well as what this science is in general, are described here:. You should know more about home independent techniques. These include:

  • Self-massage or wraps with essential oils. Such procedures often require the assistance of another person. But independent application by zone is also possible. More about this: and.
  • Aroma baths. One of the easiest ways to use aromatherapy at home. Baths are made for the whole body or individual parts, legs or arms. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 30 minutes. Read more about homemade recipes below.
  • Inhalations. Cold and hot procedures can be performed. The simplest method is to inhale the vapor of water to which oil has been added.
  • Compresses. Compresses and applications basically have the same effect. Soak a cloth or cotton pad with diluted oil and apply it to the painful area. The application is applied for a few minutes, compresses are tied to the sore spot for a longer time.
  • Aroma lamps.

Several recipes

There are a great many recipes and ways to use oils. By immersing herself and studying this science, she will always discover something new. For the initial steps of aromatherapy at home, it is enough to know a few recipes for every day.

Aroma bath

Aromatic baths have strong physical and psychological effects

To have a good effect of aromatherapy at home, using baths, you must observe the following:

  • Before the procedure, take a cleansing shower.
  • The aromatherapy bath should be thoroughly washed with water to remove chemicals.
  • The water temperature is about 37-38 degrees.
  • Essential oil must be dissolved in a diluent. Suitable: honey, kefir, cream, base oil or salt.
  • When taking a bath for the first time, you should start the course with a minimum time, i.e. 10 minutes.
  • After the procedure, you need to calmly get out of the water, using soaking movements to remove any remaining moisture.
  • Aromatherapy baths at home help with regular exposure. A course of 12 procedures is required.

Proportions are calculated depending on the size of the bath. One drop of oil per 20 liters of water.

Recipe for sleep: mix 3 drops each of chamomile, bergamot and lavender, and add to 15 ml of diluent. Dilute the mixture in the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

To relieve tension: mix 6 drops of sage with 4 drops of jasmine or rosemary, add everything to 10 ml of diluent. The following is the same sequence as above.

For cellulite: 5-7 drops of orange oil on base oil and in the bath. This procedure should be performed for 20 to 30 minutes. A tingling and slight burning sensation may be felt. A course of at least 10 procedures, 2 times a week.

For varicose veins: 2 drops each of cypress, geranium, lavender and 10 ml of base oil. Or ginger, juniper and rosemary, in the same proportions. A course of at least 10 procedures, 15–20 minutes each.

A bath with lavender is suitable for a child’s restful sleep. 2 drops of oil into the thinner and then into the water. 5-7 minutes is enough to calm and relieve tension.

Aroma lamps

Aroma lamps are the simplest and most popular method of aromatherapy

The most popular method of aromatherapy. Add water to the aroma lamp, add a few drops of oil and place it under a candle. At the rate of 2 drops per five square meters of room. A few important rules for aromatherapy at home using a lamp:

  • Oil must be added to water. Otherwise they will burn. The water should be warm.
  • The procedure takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  • Windows and doors must be closed during the session.
  • Use natural candles, without fragrances or additives.
  • After the procedure, wash the aroma lamp with hot water.

Recipe to improve your mood: rosewood oil, geranium and lavender, in equal proportions. From 20 min. per day.

For irritability: lavender and valerian in equal proportions. From 20 min. several times during the day.

Flu prevention: lavender, tea tree, pine, rosemary, basil. Mix in approximately equal proportions. Perform aromatization for 1 to 2.5 hours.

Boosting immunity: 2 drops each of tea tree, fir and eucalyptus. From 1 to 3 hours a day.

General rules when working with oil at home

Almost all essential oils require dilution

When aromatherapy at home, it is important to follow the basic recommendations:

  • Before use, any oil must be tested on the wrist. To do this, add a couple of drops of oil to the base and rub into the skin. If after 24 hours no unpleasant reactions are detected, then the oil is suitable.
  • Most essential oils should only be used diluted. Basic vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, grape, peach, etc., depending on preference) will do.
  • Essential oils are prohibited from being taken internally, except for certain types. And then after consultation with a doctor. You cannot do this on your own.
  • It is necessary to combine oils based on their psycho-emotional properties. For example, lavender (soothing) and ginger (tonic) should not be used together.
  • You need to assess your condition in the first 10 minutes. If it becomes bad, then the procedure should be stopped and the room ventilated.
  • Mixing more than 5-7 types of oils is not recommended.
  • You should not use aromatherapy for more than 3 weeks in a row. A break of 2 weeks is required.
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.
  • Some oils are phototoxic and should not be used immediately before sun exposure. For example, citrus oils, which should be used a couple of hours before contact with ultraviolet light.
  • In case of serious illnesses, before starting aromatherapy at home, consultation with a doctor and an aromatherapist is necessary.
  • Oils should be kept in cool places, in the dark and away from children.
  • Carefully study all contraindications of the oil used.

An important rule: if the aroma is unpleasant or causes tension, irritation and other unhappy feelings, you should not use it. Aromatherapy at home can be pleasant, beneficial and effective if you follow the recommendations and safety rules. The main principle: do no harm.

We all adore smells, love to enjoy them, decorate ourselves with them; Some enthusiasts buy molecular perfumes to enhance their attractiveness to aunts and uncles :). We even know about the magical effect of aromas on our health, nervous system, immunity (read) and the energy of our home: they cleanse it, raising positive vibrations and even influencing relationships.

If we speak scientifically, then we are, of course, talking about Aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy a type of alternative medicine that uses the effect of volatile or essential aromatic substances obtained from plants on the body.

For us, “adepts” :) of Conscious Beauty, Aromatherapy is extremely important because works on subtle energy levels,nourishing our natural energy, and the subtler the impact, the more powerful and irreversible its effect :), therefore, when caring for our energies and the energies at home, we must definitely take advantage of the gifts of this ancient and wonderful practice.

But, to be honest, real room therapy, cleansing, filling the air with various vibrations (each aroma is, of course, a vibration) This is the topic of a slightly different article, I will only say that in particular, I myself use dry bouquets of lavender (about its magic) to maintain positive energy at home.

It turns out that air fresheners (for example, sprays), which can be bought in any supermarket, contain phthalates potentially dangerous chemicals, which, by the way, are banned in some countries, particularly in the UK. A group of scientists testing air fresheners found that even those labeled “natural” and “unscented” tested positive for phthalates 12 out of 14 times. A study of scented candles showed that paraffin can be potentially dangerous in poorly ventilated areas, as it releases toluene and benzene, which are carcinogens, when burned. Diffusers contain dipropylene glycol an ingredient that is also used in antifreeze and is potentially harmful to cats and dogs, as well as ethanol. All this poses a danger to small children if it suddenly gets into their eyes. Therefore, if encountering carcinogens is not in your plans, then take advantage of easy and very pleasant ways to fill your home with wonderful, delicious aromas!

First of all, of course, we need to open the windows and let fresh air into the room, and if it’s sunny outside, then be sure to take the chance and fill the house with sunlight. By the way, it is known that sunlight can also kill odors.

1. Boil the cinnamon!

Fill the pan with water, well, 80 percent, add a couple of cinnamon sticks or powder and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for a few minutes until the smell fills the whole house. You can even walk through different rooms with a steaming pan, let the smell “smoke” through the rooms, filling the space with an amazing aroma!

By the way, cinnamon is extremely beneficial for the body (it has been studied since 2003), as it reduces the level of glucose, triglycerides (“bad” cholesterol) and total cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon a natural food preservative with antibacterial and antifungal properties and, finally, contains calcium, iron, manganese and dietary fiber. 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day is enough.

2. The aroma of baked apples.

I got into the habit of baking apples with raisins: I just cut a couple, put them on a baking sheet coated with olive oil, sprinkle with raisins and seeds and put them in the oven, remove them after 15-20 minutes depends on how soft I want the dessert to be. Our house is filled with a great smell that lasts a very long time. If you have cheap and not the most delicious :) apples in your life, then you can simply boil them, like cinnamon, waiting until the wonderful aroma fills your house.

3. Make your own incense.

Back in Thailand, on the advice of an aromatherapist, I did this: taking a small spray bottle, I filled it with vodka and dropped a few drops of vanilla aroma oil into it. The sweet aroma of vanilla is very welcoming and, they say, extremely attractive to men. :) You can dilute it by mixing vodka with water.

4. Lemon scented cleanser.

Today, a lot is written about the colossal harm to our health caused by chemicals contained in cleaning products for washing dishes, floors and disinfecting various surfaces. To this end, experts in the field of home ecology offer various “homemade” methods. If there is interest, I can write about it. Returning to our topic, we note that for aromatization and cleansing in one bottle, home ecologists suggest using fresh lemon juice mixed with baking soda to clean everything from limescale (toilet and kitchen surfaces).

5. Lime spray.

You can make an air freshener from lime juice, water and baking soda: it will also neutralize odors perfectly, and the air in the house will be filled with freshness!

A sachet of your favorite herbs, dried flowers, spices, (again!) cinnamon:), cloves (finally I’ll find a use for it:)), mint, thyme. You can buy any aromatic herbs at the market from thyme, lemongrass to wormwood and lavender. They can be placed in sachets (make small cotton bags for herbs yourself), and they, in turn, can be placed in drawers with clothes, bedding (here, of course, you need lavender, which also has the property of defeating moths), and even in cabinets in the kitchen.

This is a well-known technique among interior designers and real estate sellers. fill the “object” with the aroma of coffee: in their opinion, this makes it more attractive. :) Coffee can be brewed, ground, or the beans can be fried. I admit, I adore the aroma of coffee, as well as the drink itself :), so I’m happy to use this tool.

It’s so simple, easy and not harmful, and as a result it’s very warm and cozy. In times of permanent cold and snowy evenings, imagine how great it will be to come in from the cold and plunge into your own warm, fresh and cozy aromatic world, where it smells of cinnamon or apples, lime or vanilla. :)

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Every house has its own smell. By smell we determine who lives in the apartment - a heavy smoker, dogs and cats, or newborn children. And sometimes we just want the smell to disappear as quickly as possible - everyone has had something burn at least once.

Aromatherapy takes care of your health because essential oils contain no harmful substances , which are found, for example, in cleaning products and air fresheners. But this is only if you purchase oils made from organically grown plants.

Read also:

Homemade ways to use essential oil are extremely simple:

  • If you have an aroma lamp– mix three drops of your chosen essential oil with three tablespoons of water and leave the candle lit for half an hour.
  • Add 5 drops to 50 mg water in a mechanical spray bottle and spray a fragrant cloud.
  • Apply a vacuum cleaner. Wet a piece of cloth with essential oil and let the vacuum cleaner suck it up. A pleasant smell will follow the vacuum cleaner along the cleaning route.
  • And if you are sorely short of time, just wet a piece of cloth and place it somewhere.

For reference:
Aromatherapy is used to treat people, and at various stages of treatment, both individually and in combination with other medications, both with the use of chemicals and in their complete absence. Regular use of aromatherapy sometimes allows you to reduce the dosage of potent drugs. In many cases, aromatherapy even replaces medications over time. Of course, the use of aromatherapy for health purposes, especially in the presence of any diseases, should always occur after consultation with a doctor, on the recommendation of a specialist.

Aromatherapy in the hallway

The hallway is the business card of your house or apartment. This is the first smell that your guest encounters, and this smell can set him up both negatively and positively. At the same time, it is necessary that the aromas of the hallway have antiseptic and antibacterial effects . We remember what is stored in the hallway: shoes, fur clothes, hats, mittens.

  • Thus, for the hallway it would be primarily useful the smell of lavender . Lavender is a famous moth fighter. How do you like these smells: pine, cedar, cypress, and before the guests arrive – lemon, bergamot, grapefruit, cloves, peppermint ?
  • Aroma and disinfection. When cleaning the hallway, as well as the entire apartment, it is recommended to disinfect a few drops of essential oil with the aroma of spruce, geranium, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, sage, nutmeg on a rag with which you wipe off dust, or simply spray it in the air.

Aromatherapy in the living room - for you and your guests

In the living room we relax, talk, solve important problems, and receive guests. The purpose of scenting living rooms is relieving tension and fatigue after a hard day at work, creating a good mood and a cozy atmosphere .

  • The aroma for the living room should be chosen in accordance with the taste and health status of the inhabitants of this room. Here you can successfully use sandalwood, geranium, lavender, ylang-ylang.
  • When you receive guests, they will be nice citrus fruit aromas, they create a pleasant, exciting atmosphere. And you will see that your friends will be happy to visit you again and again.

Secrets of aromatherapy for the office

Some lucky people have it. Or at least a work area.

  • The office is a place where a high degree of concentration and efficiency is needed. Fragrances will help you with this lemon, rosemary, cloves, sage, juniper, lemon wormwood.
  • You can calm down, but not fall asleep, but continue to work, thanks to the subtle odors basil, bergamot, grapefruit, sandalwood.
  • Many of us work at the computer all day long. Are you wondering what smells help reduce fatigue, reduce the number of mistakes, create an atmosphere of creativity, and have a beneficial effect on tired eyesight? This aromas of lemongrass, ginger, rosemary, jasmine. Read also:

Aromatherapy in the bedroom - for healthy sleep and pleasant dreams

  • Will provide us with a restful sleep and a pleasant awakening scent of geranium, sandalwood, chamomile or nerol.
  • If you suffer from insomnia, interrupted sleep, talking in your sleep, sleepwalking, it is recommended to spread it in the bedroom aromas of lavender, cedar, ylang-ylang, marjoram, rose, wild thyme.
  • In the bedroom you can put it next to you scented pillow, apply aromatic oil to your pillow or sheet.

Freshness, benefits and disinfection are the goals of aromatherapy in the kitchen

So we got to the kitchen.

  • Thyme, lemon, geranium, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, orange, violet, mint, sandalwood, anise, sage and pine aroma will help you destroy unpleasant odors, refresh, clean and disinfect the air.
  • The kitchen should smell clean or smell like delicious food. But in the kitchen we also throw away waste. Pets often eat in the kitchen too. Therefore, a huge number of odors are mixed here, including unpleasant ones, mold and bacteria. In addition, the air often contains condensed steam or fat molecules that are released during cooking, baking and frying. If you spray essential oils in the air, they will serve as a shell for fat molecules, rid them of odor and bring a fresh smell to the kitchen.
  • Tamers of harmful microbes - cloves, lemon rosemary, thyme- use when cleaning kitchen stoves, refrigerators and work surfaces. For general cleaning, eight drops of essential oil per five liters of water is enough.
  • To disinfect surfaces, especially those with mold contamination, it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning once a week using the following solution: add five drops of essential oils to one liter of water (can be used separately or together) lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, sandalwood, cinnamon, pine, geranium.
  • There is nothing worse than an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator! First of all, of course, you need to remove the source of this smell, wash the refrigerator and then put it in the refrigerator a piece of gauze or porous stone soaked in just one drop of lavender or lemon oil. Read also:
  • To remove unpleasant odors from the microwave, add to a small container of water. 3 drops lemon oil, put it in the oven and turn it on for 2-3 minutes.

For reference:
Get rid of insects- geranium, cloves, lemongrass, mint, calamus, wormwood, juniper, lavender, thyme, sage, bay leaves, rowan, basil, eucalyptus, lemon, patchouli will help you against flies, mosquitoes, wasps and ants.
Successfully fights cockroaches hops, parsnips, bird cherry, eucalyptus.
Mice they do not like the smell of elderberry, bird cherry and bay leaves.

As for waste, try not to leave garbage overnight; throw away waste of perishable products immediately, otherwise no essential oils will help.

Aromatherapy in the bathroom

Sparkling and fragrant - this is how your bathroom should look after “aroma cleaning”.

  • When will you wash sink, bath or shower, add essential oils of eucalyptus, lemon, angustifolia lavender, sage or pine to the cleanser directly onto the sponge.
  • You can put a few drops of the same oil inside toilet paper roll. The oil will soak into the cardboard and slowly release into the air as fragrant molecules.
  • You can also place 6-7 drops of oil on small terry towel and hang it in the place where the clothes dryer is located.
  • You can also put it on a shelf incense stone with your favorite scent and update it as needed.

And one last tip: Don’t overdo it in scenting your home! Smells should not be intrusive and in no case should they interrupt the natural smells of freshly baked pies or a bouquet of lilacs on the table.

Essential oil is a fragrant volatile substance released from flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, fruits, wood or resin of plants.

Oils give plants flavor. The properties of oils depend on the type of plant, the conditions under which they are grown, the part used, and the production method. Often oils with different compositions and aroma are obtained from different parts of the same plant. Essential oils are obtained by distillation (from greens and barks), extraction (from inflorescences, petals and roots) and pressing (from peels and fruits).

Essential oils have a wide range of biological activities. Some of them are antiseptics, others are antispasmodics, others regenerate cells, and others calm or, on the contrary, excite the nervous system. At the same time, essential oils are potent agents that can not only help, but also harm if you do not follow the recommendations for use.

The table will help you understand the pharmacological properties of essential oils.

Application of essential oils

Essential oils should not be applied to the skin without a base. You should protect your eyes. Keep oils out of the reach of children. It is not recommended to use essential oils for pregnant women, as well as people prone to allergies.

Essential oils do not mix with water and are not used in their pure form. In cosmetology and medicine, essential oils are used with a base. It can be wax, honey, milk, cream. But most often these are so-called transport oils.

Transport (base) oils- these are oils of plant origin, both solid (for example, shea butter) and liquid (olive, sea buckthorn, almond, jojoba and others). They promote the penetration of essential oil into the body and provide a mild therapeutic effect.

Bath and sauna

Yanik Chauvin/

An aromatic bath is a great way to relax after a hard day. Relieves stress and relaxes sandalwood, geranium, lavender, rose oil. Muscle tension (for example, after a workout) will help relieve verbena and juniper oils. During colds, baths with pine or lemon oil are recommended.


  • Before taking an aroma bath, you need to wash yourself.
  • Water temperature - 36–38 ºС.
  • As a base you can use honey, kefir, whey, milk, sea salt or transport oil.
  • Do not use gel, shampoo, foam or other cosmetics during the procedure.
  • Frequency and time - 5–25 minutes, no more than three times a week.
  • After taking an aromatic bath, do not rinse or wipe dry.

In the bathhouse, essential oil is added to a ladle of water to add to the heater. Oils that improve breathing are recommended: cedar, eucalyptus, spruce and others. In addition, brooms can be moistened with a mixture of base and essential oils.


Essential oils enhance the healing properties of massage, improve skin condition and affect the nervous system. Different oils will have different pharmacological effects. Thus, cloves accelerate heating and stimulate blood circulation. Nutmeg relieves rheumatic pain, citrus fruits help break down fatty tissue, and rose, jasmine and sandalwood have a lifting effect.


  • Massage mixture recipe: 3–5 drops of essential oil + 10–15 ml of base oil (for the body - peach, olive, apricot, almond; for the face - jojoba, macadamia, avocado).
  • Select the oil not only by its pharmacological properties, but also by its smell. It should be pleasant to the person receiving the massage.
  • During the massage, give preference to soft circular movements.
  • After the session, you need to lie down for 10–20 minutes; you should not go outside for an hour.


Image Point Fr/

Inhalations with essential oils are an excellent remedy for flu (thyme, ginger), bronchitis (eucalyptus, pine, thuja), stomatitis (orange, calendula), as well as for facial cleansing (oregano, tea tree).

People with asthma and other serious respiratory diseases should use inhalation with the permission and supervision of their physician.

Cold inhalations

  • Apply a few drops of oil to a cloth or paper towel.
  • Inhale the aroma through your nose evenly and deeply for 5–10 minutes.

Hot inhalations

  • If available, use a special inhaler.
  • If you don't have an inhaler, add 2-4 drops of oil to a container of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with your eyes closed.


Aroma compresses help relieve pain in joints, back and soft tissues. Essential oils penetrate through the skin to the problem area and have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

For chronic diseases, consult your doctor about the possibility of using aromatic compresses.

Cold compresses effective for tumors, sprains, bruises.


  • Dampen a flannel or other cotton cloth with cold water and apply 3-5 drops of essential oil to it.
  • Apply to the damaged area. Secure with an elastic bandage.
  • Or prepare a mixture of base and essential oils (30 ml - 15 drops), soak a cloth in it and apply to the painful part of the body.

Warming compresses They treat chronic diseases, they relieve pain and inflammation. Useful for rheumatism, osteochondrosis and radiculitis. The rules are the same, only warm water is used and the compress is wrapped.

Antonova Anna/

Since ancient times, oriental beauties have used ethers as a means of self-care. Oils also add a therapeutic effect to cosmetic benefits.

Cosmetics with a neutral composition should be enriched. Products designed to solve specific problems (for example, anti-aging) are best used without additives.

There are many recipes for homemade cosmetics with essential oils. Here are some of them.

  • Face mask: For 1 tablespoon of clay powder, add 2-3 drops of essential oil, then add water to achieve a paste consistency. Apply the mask to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave until dry and rinse with warm water.
  • Face cream: Take any neutral cream (for example, baby cream), prepare a mixture of base and essential oils. The first should correspond to the skin type (dry, normal, combination, oily, problematic), and the second should correspond to the purpose of use (fighting rashes, moisturizing, and so on). Approximate dosage is 10–15 drops of the mixture per 150 g of base.
  • Skin lotion: dilute the infusion of medicinal herbs with water (in equal proportions), dissolve 2-3 drops of essential oil in 1 teaspoon of alcohol and add to the strained solution. Wipe your face and neck with lotion.
  • Aroma ice: Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1-2 drops of essential oil, dissolve the resulting mixture in water, pour into molds and freeze. Use flavored ice cubes to rub your face to relieve redness.
  • Shampoo: use a product with the most natural composition, add oil to the palm of your hand with shampoo directly when washing (1-2 drops) or to the bottle (13 drops per 100 ml).

Aroma lamps and aroma stones


Aroma lamps and aroma stones are used for aromatization of enclosed spaces and aromatherapy.

(or aroma pot) is a bowl into which water is poured and essential oil is added, and a candle is placed under it. As the water heats up, the air is filled with essential oil vapors.

Aromatization by lamp

  • Ventilate the room.
  • Pour warm water (50–55 ºС) into the bowl. The volume of the bowl is at least 50 ml, otherwise the water will evaporate too quickly.
  • Add essential oil: 2 drops for every 5 square meters. m area.
  • Light a candle. The minimum distance from the flame to the bowl is 10 cm.
  • The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Add water periodically. Do not leave the lamp unattended.

Aroma stone It has a porous structure and retains odors for a long time. You can buy it or make it yourself from plaster. The peculiarity of the aroma stone is the locality of action. If the aroma from a lamp spreads throughout the room, then from a stone it spreads only a short distance. Therefore, the aroma stone can be used even in the workplace.

Flavoring with stone

  • Apply 2-4 drops of oil to the stone.
  • Place the stone on a table, in a closet, bag or pocket.
  • Add oil as the smell dissipates.

Sachets are also made with essential oils. An aromatic bag with rose oil will give your linen and clothes a pleasant aroma, and a sachet with lavender on your bedside table will give you a sound sleep.


(or aroma medallions) are an accessory made of porous clay that easily absorbs and preserves odors for a long time.

Wearing it is especially important during flu epidemics. Ginger, cedar, eucalyptus, mint and other oils help the body fight viruses and strengthen the immune system.

How to use aroma pendants?

  • Select the oil according to its properties and smell.
  • Place 2-3 drops into the pendant.
  • After three days, refill the pendant.

These are the basic principles of using essential oils.

How do you use essential oils?