How often and with what should a dog be anthelmintic: medications and rules for when it is better to anthelmintic are considered. How to deworm a cat at home Deworm a nursing cat

In this article I will talk about deworming dogs. This is a procedure for treating or preventing an animal from becoming infected with worms and why worming is carried out. I will consider a detailed scheme for deworming puppies and adult dogs, how to properly deworm pregnant animals, and how many days after deworming you can vaccinate your dog at home. I’ll tell you about anthelmintic drugs and which is the best anthelmintic drug.

When and how to deworm

Even ideal maintenance does not protect the animal from infection (infestation) with worms. Helminth eggs are found in large quantities in the soil, feces of stray dogs and raw foods, and are transmitted through water, dust and objects.

Helminthiasis (infection with worms) is a serious threat to animal and human health.

Therefore, deworming is carried out regularly, regardless of worm infestation and lifestyle.

For the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis, drugs called anthelmintics are used.

Medicines cause the death of worms, which are eliminated from the body within 24-48 hours.

For prophylaxis, the drug is given once.


Approximate diagram (age):

  • 3-4 weeks;
  • 6 weeks;
  • 10 weeks;
  • 6 months.

For sanitation, anthelmintics are used with the mark: for puppies.

Adult dogs

From the age of 6 months, deworming according to the schedule of an adult dog.

The frequency of deworming depends on lifestyle and dietary habits.

One of the procedures is carried out 7-10 days before the annual vaccination.

Dogs that eat industrial food and do not walk in places where stray dogs are concentrated need to be wormed twice a year - in autumn and spring.

Very often, worms, if they are in your animal’s body, do not make themselves felt at all

With a different lifestyle and diet, the dog is dewormed every 3 months. This schedule is required if the animal eats raw meat and unprocessed food, is prone to caprophagia, communicates with other animals and is taken out for hunting.

Many types of helminths are spread by fleas.

If the pet is affected by them, then the animal is also treated with anti-flea agents.

Proper worming at home

If a helminthic infestation is detected in an animal, unscheduled deworming is carried out.

This is noticeable by the symptoms:

  • worms in feces and in the hair around the anus;
  • the animal scratches the anus on objects, rides on the ground;
  • poor or insatiable appetite;
  • vomiting, alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • bloated belly;
  • dulling of fur, appearance of dandruff;
  • deterioration of general condition, decreased activity, drowsiness, apathy.

Specific symptoms of helminthiasis, such as worms in the feces and itching, appear only with severe infestation. Other symptoms are also possible in more serious diseases, in which the use of anthelmintics is dangerous.

To avoid consequences, it is better to contact a veterinarian and get tested for worm eggs. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will select the most effective drug for the identified type of helminth.

When treating helminthiasis, the drug is given 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.

A single injection of the drug is not effective.

If signs of infestation are observed even after the second administration of the drug, you need to contact a veterinarian.

A change in medication and additional examinations may be necessary.

It is not recommended to deworm pregnant and lactating (up to 3 weeks) bitches.

Medicines have a toxic effect on the zygote, embryo and suckling puppy.

This is especially dangerous in the first half of pregnancy, when the organs and systems of the fetus are developing. Exposure to drugs can lead to intrauterine death and abnormal fetal development. If anthelmintics enter the body of a suckling puppy through milk, they can cause poisoning.

The female is dewormed 10-14 days before mating. Deworming is not carried out if estrus begins suddenly. In this case, the animal is dewormed 3-4 weeks after birth.

But there are exceptions. For example, when an animal has a severe helminthic infestation, which can cause more harm than the use of an anthelmintic. In this case, use a drug whose instructions allow use during pregnancy.

Deworming before vaccination

Vaccination is the introduction of weakened strains of viruses into the animal’s body. After this, the immune system produces specific antibodies that will protect the animal from dangerous diseases.

If during the production of antibodies the pet suffers from helminthiasis, then immunity may not be formed.

Otherwise, he will be weak and unstable. This invariably leads to diseases, many of which are fatal. Therefore, the animal is always dewormed 7-10 days before vaccination.

The importance of correct dosage of drugs

In fact, all anthelmintics are toxic poisons, but are given to animals in a prophylactic dose. This means that the medications in the doses indicated in the instructions are safe for the dog.

In case of overdose, not only the toxic effect of the drug is dangerous, but also the toxic decay products of helminths. If in an adult dog this is manifested by nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of intoxication, then small puppies may die.

When working with medications, strictly adhere to the dosage, frequency and intervals of administration indicated in the instructions.

All drugs are dosed according to the weight of the animal.

Dogs should be dewormed from a very early age.

Before each administration of the drug, the dog is weighed, even if the drug is given after only 10 days.

It is impossible to deworm exhausted, sick and operated animals.

If the dog's body is weakened, the toxic effects of drugs can lead to irreversible consequences.

Review of anthelmintic drugs

In this review, we will look at the drugs of various forms that have been tested in practice and are most often recommended by veterinarians.

Lawyer (drops in the withers)

A combined product in the form of a solution against helminths, lice, fleas and ticks. It is possible to completely sanitize an animal without using multiple products.

The therapeutic dose of the product is 0.1 ml per 10 kg of dog weight. The manufacturer packages the drug in pipettes of 0.4; 1.0; 2.5; 4.0 ml 3 pcs. in packaging. When purchasing, they are guided by the body weight of the animal.

Lawyer for dogs from 4 to 10 kg (1 pipette)

Similar drugs:

  • Helmintal-S

The medicine is applied to dry and intact skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck, spreading the fur. Large dogs are processed in several places. Do not use on animals with skin diseases.

Dironet (suspension)

The drug is packaged in 1 ml pipettes or 60 ml bottles with a dispenser. Active ingredients: pyrantel, praziquantel, ivermectin. Used at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of dog weight.

Similar medications:

  • Vermistop
  • Prazicide.

Suspensions are easy to dose, so they are often used for puppies and small dogs.

Medicines are given during morning feeding with food or forcefully from a dispenser under the root of the tongue.

Dironet SPOT-ON for puppies No. 4.

Drontal plus (tablets)

The active ingredients of the drug are febantel, praziquantel, pyrantel embonate. Two types of tablets with different concentrations of active ingredients: 1 tablet per 10 kg and 35 kg. Packaged in blister packs of 2 and 6 pieces.

Similar medications:

  • Alben S
  • Vermidin
  • Helmimax
  • Dehinel plus
  • Dironet
  • Dirofen
  • Gelmistop
  • Milprazone.

If the drug instructions do not say anything about food, then it is better to give the tablets on an empty stomach in the morning.

Sometimes you have to be cunning. The tablets are mixed with food, ground into powder and dissolved in water - administered with a syringe under the root of the tongue.

Drontal plus tablets

Manufacturers put marks: for puppies and small dogs, for medium dogs, for large dogs. This means that the concentration of the active substance of the drug is calculated for a certain weight category. Medicines are produced in attractive aromas and forms. For example, drontal plus.

Do not regularly use drugs with the same active substance.

Helminths develop resistance to the active substance - treatment will be useless.

Deworming seems like a complicated procedure only at first. The main thing is to decide on the drugs and timing. To avoid confusion, I started a diary where I note the dates and all the medications used. I purchase medications only from veterinary pharmacies. You can always get detailed advice from them and there is no risk of buying a fake.

Deworming: Frequently Asked Questions.

What is deworming?

At what age and how often should an animal be dewormed? In what case is repeated deworming needed 10 days after the main one?

Periodic deworming is best started at 3 weeks of age. For this purpose, use preparations marked “For kittens” and “For puppies”. The rest of the angelmints are designed for more mature individuals - such products are best used no earlier than 1.5 months, or even 2 months of age.

The frequency of preventive deworming varies depending on age. It is recommended to deworm young pets up to one year old at least once a quarter (3 months). It is customary to deworm adult animals once every six months.

What types of angelmints are there?

For preventive deworming, you choose the type of drug that is suitable for your animal’s age, as well as the most convenient to use and calculate the dose.

For example, now the vast majority of anthelmintic tablets for dogs are designed for 10 kg of animal weight. But how many microscopic parts will the tablet have to be divided into if you have a Chihuahua weighing 950 grams? In such a case, it is more convenient to use suspensions for small breeds of dogs - they come in a dosage of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight. Or even use drops on the withers (spot-ons). Simple arithmetic!

Now there are various dosage forms of angelmintics on the market: tablets, suspensions, drops on the withers. You choose the drug that will be easier/more convenient to set. If in doubt, consult a pharmacist at your local veterinary pharmacy.

Isn't this dangerous?

It should be noted that anthelmintic drugs are poison in a prophylactic dose. This means that their active ingredients (praziquantel, fenbendazole, albendazole, piperazine, ivermectin, pyrantel, etc.) in doses specified by the manufacturer are safe for the health of the pet.

Two basic safety rules for the deworming procedure:

My animal does not leave the house, should it be dewormed?

Necessarily. If a pet does not go outside, this does not mean that it cannot be infected. Animals that do not leave the apartment are dewormed according to the general scheme: up to a year - once every three months; after a year - once every six months.

If your animal does not go for walks, but eats raw meat, offal, minced meat, and fresh fish, it should be dewormed once every 3-4 months.

Why do veterinarians insist on deworming the animal before vaccination?

We veterinarians often hear:

“We have a “clean” animal, we don’t go for walks anywhere, we have no need to worm!” or

“We would have noticed his discomfort!”

Dear owners:

Just like in order to contract a viral infection, an animal does not have to go for a walk. Most of your pets are infected in early childhood, from a mother who was not wormed before mating; It is also important to remember that YOU walk down the street - and bring all sorts of things on your shoes. There is also a risk of infestation from raw meat if you feed your pet natural food.

Understand, the term “preventative deworming” would not exist if it were not necessary.

It is necessary to deworm the animal 7 - 10 days before vaccination to achieve the best effect of vaccination and the formation of strong, lasting immunity.

Is it possible to give angelmints to pregnant and lactating animals?

The annotation for most drugs states that it is not recommended to deworm lactating and pregnant females. And this is true, because the drug, being absorbed into the blood, enters the fetus, having an embryotoxic effect, or ends up in the milk that the cubs feed on. The result is developmental disorders or severe poisoning.

To protect the expectant mother and her offspring, it is recommended to deworm the female 10-14 days before the intended mating; subsequently, the cubs are wormed 3 weeks after birth.

However, manufacturers of some drugs allow deworming of pregnant and lactating animals; but many veterinarians are skeptical of such claims and stick to the old scheme.

But there are critical situations: for example, you picked up a pregnant cat, and then realized that she had worms. What to do? Take emergency measures. If there is no choice, you can trust drugs whose annotations indicate their harmlessness to the fetus; Or you can wait until the birth, and immediately after it, worm the animal, neither earlier nor later. There is an option to combine these two methods. But in any case, this is done after carefully weighing all possible consequences!


1) preventive deworming is an integral part in the process of maintaining the health of your pet;

2) kittens and puppies are dewormed no earlier than 3 weeks of age once every 3 months; Upon reaching the age of one year, young animals that do not go outside and consume ready-made food are dewormed once every six months. It is recommended to deworm street animals every 3-4 months.

3) deworming of animals is mandatory 7-10 days before the expected date of vaccination;

4) deworming of pregnant and lactating animals is prohibited to avoid toxic active substances entering the fragile body of the fetus;

5) choosing the form of anthelmintic is not a fundamental question, boiling down to what exactly will be easier to ask the animal.

6) Two basic safety rules for the deworming procedure:

  • Strictly act in accordance with the instructions for the drug: follow the dosage, regimen, frequency.
  • Do not deworm weak, sick, exhausted, or recently operated animals. In this case, the pet’s body is weakened, and the additional toxic effects of angelmintics can lead to disastrous results.

7) Be sure to deworm the animal 7 - 10 days before the intended vaccination; this helps to achieve a better vaccination effect and the formation of a healthy, viable immune system.

8) Deworming of lactating and pregnant females is not recommended. Deworming should be carried out 10-14 days before the intended mating. Cubs are dewormed no earlier than 3 weeks of age.

In the course of their activity, worms destroy the tissues of internal organs and impair their functioning, reduce the absorption of nutrients and release toxic compounds that are dangerous to the host. In addition, a large number of worms can cause blockage of the intestines and even rupture of its walls, especially when it comes to kittens. As long as the invasion and intoxication of the body are not too severe, the cat may feel normal, but after a while the following symptoms appear:

  • constipation, bloating, flatulence, sometimes vomiting;
  • loss of a healthy appearance of the coat - it becomes dull, brittle and disheveled;
  • absence or severe increase in appetite;
  • itching in the anus, due to which the animal begins to “ride” on its butt and often licks the anus;
  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • unexplained weight loss.

Important! The most effective way to find out whether a cat has worms is to take a stool test, but this does not always give an accurate result, since helminths have certain life cycles, and during certain periods they are simply invisible.

What worms do cats have?


Round white helminths 3-5 cm long, which can live not only in the intestines, but in the biliary organs and liverDeterioration of appetite and general health, weight loss (no specific symptoms) Hookworm


Helminths are small in size (2 mm in length), which reproduce quickly and feed on bloodSigns of anemia - apathy, decreased activity, severe thirst, in severe cases alternating constipation and diarrhea, vomiting, blood in stool and vomit. Diphyllobothriasis


Small helminths no more than 4 mm long, live in the intestines, are transmitted from infected rodentsCharacteristic symptoms of helminthic infestation Paragonimiasis

The causative agent of paragonimiasis

The worms are oval-shaped, grow up to 1 cm in length, the larvae enter the intestines or under the skin and penetrate the lungsCough, wheezing, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, fever Opisthorchiasis

There is always a danger to an animal's health due to helminthic infestation, but infection with some types of worms can lead to death - diseases that can cause dire consequences include dirofilariasis and opisthorchiasis.

How and with what to worm a cat

When to worm a cat for prevention?

Why worm a cat before vaccination and sterilization?

How to worm a pregnant or lactating cat

Pregnancy and lactation in cats are contraindications to taking anti-worming drugs, so in cases where the animal does not suffer from manifestations of helminthic infestation (is active, eats normally, does not lose weight, etc.), then it is better to hold off on deworming. If the pet feels unwell, the deworming procedure should be carried out as soon as possible. When carrying out the procedure, do not forget that almost all drugs against helminths have a toxic and teratogenic effect, that is, they can cause miscarriage or congenital deformities in kittens.

Products that are approved for pregnant and lactating cats include Drontal, Dirofen and Profender.

  1. "Drontal" and "Dirofen" can be used in the second half of pregnancy, but not earlier than 6 weeks after mating.
  2. Profender is approved for use throughout pregnancy, with the exception of the last three weeks.

It is strictly not recommended to choose medications for the treatment of pregnant and lactating cats on your own - the procedure can be carried out after prior approval from a veterinarian.

The best drugs for treating worms in cats

Table 2. The most popular anthelmintic drugs for cats.

Drug nameRelease formFeatures of the impact


Suspension, tabletsA relatively safe drug with a wide spectrum of action, which is most often used against cestodes and nematodes. Suitable for deworming kittens, pregnant and lactating cats (not earlier than 22 after lambing). The disadvantage is low efficiency, so for deworming street cats you need to choose another drug


Tablets, suspension, pasteA complex remedy effective against tapeworms and roundworms with a quick effect. It has a small number of contraindications, the main of which is the age of the kitten up to 1.5 months


Soluble cubesA broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug (usually used for infestations by cestodes and nematodes), approved for use in kittens that have reached the age of one month, but prohibited for pregnant individuals


PillsEffective against tapeworms and roundworms, can be used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Practically does not cause adverse reactions, can be used to treat helminthic infestations in pregnant, weakened and small animals

"Prasicide Plus"

Suspension, tabletsRecommended for the control of nematodes and flatworms. The product is quite strong, so it is taken once and in some cases can cause side effects

"Albendazole Ultra"

Tablets, powderThe drug is recommended for use in cases of infection with liver flukes, but requires precise dosage selection, since in case of overdose it can have a detrimental effect on liver cells


Suspension, tabletsIt has a good effect against tapeworms and hookworms; it is not used in pregnant and lactating animals. Disadvantage - side effects, which include vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite


Tablets, powderUsed to treat helminthic infestations caused by roundworms or hookworms; it has no effect on tapeworms and flukes. It has an effective effect and is quickly eliminated from the body, but in some cases

It is recommended to purchase antihelminthics for cats only in pharmacies(conventional or veterinary), since there are many counterfeit products on the drug market. At best, such medications will not give the desired effect, and at worst, they will cause serious complications.

General rules for the use of anthelmintic drugs

Along with the use of anthelmintic therapy, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene - immediately after the cat goes to the toilet, thoroughly clean the places where it sleeps and eats, and also treat them with disinfectants.

Video - How to worm a cat

How to give a cat medicine

Most likely, it will not be possible to persuade a cat to take medicine, so the owner of the animal needs to choose one of the options - to use force or cunning.

Method No. 1. The medicine should be mixed with the pet’s favorite treat (the tablets should first be crushed into powder) and the pet should be given a “cunning” dish to eat. Canned foods are best suited for these purposes: pates, mousses and other products that have a puree-like consistency. The disadvantage of this method is that the cat will never eat the treat if it smells foreign impurities in it.

Method No. 2. Use a special device called a piller or a regular syringe without a needle to take the medicine. The drug should be taken into a syringe (crush the tablets and mix with a small amount of liquid) or fix the tablet in a piller, then place it on the root of the animal’s tongue, squeeze the jaws and stimulate swallowing by stroking it along the throat. It is better to carry out this procedure together with an assistant, the downside is the likelihood of revenge on the part of the offended pet (in retaliation for violence, some cats may tear clothes or furniture, urinate in shoes, etc.).

Special device - peeler

Important! When deworming, minor side effects are allowed in the form of salivation or gastrointestinal disorders, which go away on their own within 1-2 days. If your cat has a fever, lethargy, pain or other alarming symptoms, you need to show her to the veterinarian, and in the future, choose another anthelmintic drug.

Video - How to give a cat a pill

Folk remedies for worms in cats

Traditional recipes for the treatment of helminthic infestations in cats are considered safer for health than pharmaceutical drugs, but in fact this is not the case. They can also cause side effects and negatively affect the health of the pet, and, in addition, their effectiveness is several times lower than that of medications.

  • Pumpkin seeds. Take 5 g of peeled pumpkin seeds, chop, mix with the same amount of lard or vegetable oil, and then feed the mixture to the cat. Repeat the procedure for 5 days in a row, and a new portion of the medicine must be prepared daily.

  • Onions. Divide an ordinary onion into parts, pour a glass of well-boiled water, and let stand for half an hour. Give the resulting liquid to the animal on an empty stomach, 1-2 tablespoons for a week.
  • Garlic. Grind one clove of garlic and mix it into cat food, feed the cat one clove of garlic once a day for 7 days.

  • Tansy. Take a tablespoon of the dried plant, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, then filter and give the cat the infusion 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach. You should feed your pet no earlier than an hour after taking the medicine.
  • Carrot. Carrot juice for deworming cats is used as an enema - inject 20 ml of freshly squeezed juice into the cat's anus every day, for a course of 7 days.

Attention! If helminths have caused intestinal blockage or any other serious complications, you cannot carry out treatment on your own - in such cases you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Prevention of worms in cats

To prevent helminth infection, cat owners must follow the following rules:

  • maintain hygiene, promptly clean the animal’s tray, wash bowls and clean the place where the cat eats and sleeps using disinfectants;

In order for the prevention of worms in cats to be effective, you need to follow the rules of hygiene.

  • do not feed your pet raw meat or fish, give it only boiled water;
  • If possible, avoid contact with stray animals;
  • regularly inspect the cat for the presence and control of insects;
  • consult a veterinarian about the optimal timing of preventive anthelmintics and the drugs that are best used for the procedure, and strictly follow his recommendations in the future.

Due to the fact that recently there have been a lot of questions in the comments about how to properly deworm cats and kittens, I decided to write a separate post where every owner of a British cat can find answers to all their questions. So, according to the standard scheme, you need to give your cat leaf medications once every 3 months. And even if a cat does not go outside and does not eat raw meat, this does not mean that it does not have worms. Like many other diseases, worms can be brought from the street with shoes, on clothes, and worms can also be carried by flies and fleas.

If you find fleas on your British cat, deal with them first, and only after 10-14 days give deworming medication. Stronghold, Frontline, and Advantage drops on the withers have proven themselves to be effective. By the way, we use the latter ourselves; the dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal, and is applied only once.

Only healthy cats can be given anthelmintic drugs! If you notice that something is wrong with your kitten or cat, it is better to put off the deworming!

Please note that drugs such as Prazitel and Prazicide are not 100% effective, and very often on the Internet you can find information about frequent counterfeits, and that cats often began to be poisoned by these drugs, and there were even deaths! This also applies to the drug Drontal. Do not use anthelmintics intended for humans!

If the cat eats natural products, then worms should be removed every 3 months. Here is a list of drugs that have worked well:

— deworming drops for cats on the withers Profender (can be used for kittens from 5 weeks)

— Kanikvatel (suitable for kittens from 3 weeks)

— Troncilom K

— Febtal (for cats and dogs from 3 weeks)

— Milbemax (kittens no earlier than 6 weeks of age)

Dosages of anthelmintic drugs are calculated based on the weight of the animal, take this into account when you buy them. Also read the instructions carefully, because anthelmintic drugs themselves are poison.

ATTENTION: PROFENDER is dripped onto the withers ONCE WITHOUT REPEATING, the drug is effective for 28 days! Carefully read the instructions for the medications!

Along with anthelmintic drugs, it would not be superfluous for the cat to give an injection of Gamavit - 0.5 - 3 ml or (in case of severe anthelminticism) Fosprenil 0.5 ml. These drugs are injected subcutaneously, either into the fold of the withers or intramuscularly (into the hind leg).

Additionally, after anthelmintic drugs, it is imperative to give the cat or kitten one of the sorbents: enterosgel (not sweet!) - a teaspoon of a solution diluted according to the instructions (half a teaspoon for kittens), polysorb, or enterodes according to the instructions, give by weight as for infants, or activated carbon - 1-1.5 tablets for an average cat, half for a kitten.

After all the manipulations, make sure that in the next 24 hours the cat goes to the toilet a lot (so as not to get poisoned!!!). If there are problems with stool, you can give 6-8 ml (for kittens 1-3 ml) of Lactusan or Duphalac (laxative syrup, sold in regular pharmacies.) Or the same amount of Vaseline oil. No other oil except Vaseline can be used! All other oils will damage the animal's liver!

For preventive purposes - once every 3 months, anthelmintics without repetition - once.

It is imperative to drive away worms before vaccination according to the following scheme:

1 - for cats that have never been dewormed, or that are dewormed once every six months / year, if this is not a drug that is given once (for example Profender) and so on - twice according to the scheme above, 5-10 days after the second run - graft.

2 - for cats that are dewormed once every 3 months - a one-time deworming (repetition is not required) and vaccination after 5-10 days.

Read also: Coronavirus in dogs: details about the disease, diagnosis and treatment

The owners themselves can bring eggs and helminth larvae into the house on the soles of shoes, clothes, and household items.

How do puppies get infected from their mother dog?

Important! Severe helminthic infestation can cause spontaneous miscarriages in pregnant bitches. Often puppies are born dead or severely weakened, emaciated, and non-viable.

The following types of helminths are found in dogs:

  • roundworms;
  • diphyllobothria;
  • Echinococcus;
  • uncinaria;
  • alveococci;

Read also: Dog vomits foam: main causes and methods of treatment

Symptoms of helminthiasis:

  • malfunctions;
  • dull, matte coat;
  • , skin, itching in the anal area;
  • nausea, ;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • fast ;
  • the presence of fragments, eggs, larvae of worms in the feces;
  • decreased appetite from food;
  • , rapid breathing;
  • muscular, .

If a mother dog has infected puppies with helminths, the symptoms in babies will be more intense than in adult dogs. Severe helminthic infestation often leads to the death of puppies due to intoxication and rupture of internal organs.

What to do if a pregnant dog has worms

It is immediately worth noting that it is best dog two to three weeks before the planned planned mating using complex systemic anthelmintic agents for preventive deworming. Before choosing a veterinary drug, consult your doctor.

Most antihelminthics, despite the huge selection, contraindicated for pregnant and lactating bitches. Active components can negatively affect the health of newborn puppies and intrauterine development. In addition, most veterinary drugs belong to the category moderately toxic medications Therefore, it is very important to follow the dosage indicated in the annotation.

Advice! If a pregnant pet is heavily infected with helminths, deworming can only be done under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

If the period of deworming before planned mating is missed, use anthelmintics that are not contraindicated for pregnant or lactating bitches.