Copper treatment (copper therapy): using old copper coins for treatment. Copper for joints

In ancient times it was believed that healing effect copper is primarily associated with its direct analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Russian peasants applied nickels to sore places, and this was the most effective in the treatment of radiculitis, polyarthritis and sore throat.

Aristotle also wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents bruising and that copper treats swelling, and that when treating ulcers, copper plates should be applied. IN Ancient Greece copper was used to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. In France, hearing disorders are still treated with copper. In the old days, doctors noted that people wearing a copper cross were less likely than others to contract cholera during epidemics. To prevent rickets, children were given copper bracelets.

Copper plays a key role in the metabolism of all living organisms, starting from the simplest cell. It is part of several dozen biological catalysts - enzymes. Life is impossible without them. That is why biologists have nicknamed copper “the metal of life.” Directly or indirectly, copper is involved in most metabolic processes and is their main regulator.

The slightest lack of copper in the body can cause many diseases. Here is a far from complete list of them:

    Anemia; bronchial asthma; bronchitis; vitiligo; glaucoma; muscular dystrophy; impotence; coronary heart disease; myopathy; neuritis; osteoporosis; psoriasis; diabetes mellitus; Menkes syndrome; toxicosis of pregnancy (preeclampsia); pulmonary tuberculosis; schizophrenia; epilepsy.

The formation of hemoglobin is impossible without copper ions. Therefore, one of the main functions of copper is hematopoietic.

For real medicinal properties Copper in our country began to be studied by engineer N. M. Safonova in 1958. And since 1975, doctors began to use copper and silver discs in the treatment of various diseases.

On February 19, 1982, Safonova spoke at the Institute of Balneology summarizing the results of her work: “...The application of copper reduces temperature, relieves pain, has a hemostatic effect, is strong bactericidal agent, activates water and mineral metabolism, improves sleep, calms the central nervous system, activates the action of insulin in the blood, enhances leukocyte functions. Copper application resolves benign tumors (induration mammary gland, uterine fibroids, mastitis, etc.), cures tuberculosis, all inflammatory processes in the body ( chronic otitis media, chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, inflammation bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, sinusitis, infectious arthritis, kidney stones, cholecystitis, polyarthritis, diabetes, skin diseases etc.). Cures radiculitis, follicular conjunctivitis, injuries of various origins, cardiovascular system (heart, veins, thrombophlebitis), improves post-infarction condition, gastroenterological diseases (i.e. gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis). Copper application restores hearing, relieves tinnitus, cures tendovaginitis, postoperative hernias, hemorrhoids, cold abscesses, improves postoperative conditions, and treats rheumatoid arthritis.”

In medical treatment, coins issued before 1961 are used (which, by the way, also contain aluminum, which is involved in the formation bone tissue) and red copper plates 50 mm wide and 10 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use they must be calcined over a fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper. Discs prepared in this way are applied to painful areas for a period of 6 hours to 3 days. The discs are fixed to the skin with adhesive tape. Copper can simply be bandaged to the sore spot. If the application site is not found accurately, the copper under the bandage will move right place. (From a chemical point of view, this is explained by a violation of the biological potential under the influence of the disease, which is leveled out under the influence of copper).

After removing the plates, the skin underneath is washed warm water with soap. As a rule, the course lasts from 3 to 20 days.

However, medical therapy does not help everyone. There is a simple way to determine whether this treatment method is right for you or not. To do this, you need to apply a copper coin or disk to the skin. If copper adheres well to the skin and for a long time is held on it, which means it suits you as a remedy.

Copper appliques

Copper plates have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Copper salts formed in the body are extremely toxic to fungi, measles bacteria, cholera, and some viruses.

The plate application method can be used to treat people of any age and pregnant women. The metal is applied for several days, then a break is taken for two weeks, then applied again.

For headaches, apply a 5-kopeck copper coin to the most painful place (on the forehead, temples or back of the head); As a rule, the pain goes away within 15-25 minutes.

If your throat hurts, your tonsils are inflamed, your upper respiratory tract, coins or plates are applied to the neck in the tonsil area at night. The throat is tied with a warm scarf or scarf.

For pain after a broken bone, it is very good to use copper coins before 1961.

If there is a bruise, you need to put coins on it.

As a result of bruised legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To avoid them, you need to put copper coins in your shoe under your stocking (or sock).

Applying copper plates and coins to postoperative scars promotes rapid resorption of adhesions, normalizes muscle activity, and eliminates postoperative hernias.

Copper is good for treating varicose veins. The coins should “stick” to your foot, and you should wear them until they begin to roll under your heel.

If you have shoulder pain, take a woolen rag, soak it in gasoline, and place it on sore spot, and press firmly on top with a heated copper plate, plate or large coin. Do this procedure for three days, and the pain will disappear.

Copper cures deafness. To do this, one two-kopeck coin needs to be stuck on the convex bone behind the ear, the other - to the ear, on the side of the face. During treatment, coins are applied as they adhere to the skin. When there is pounding in the ears, a coin is placed on the back of the neck.

In case of sinusitis, it is necessary to apply small copper coins to the eyes at night.

For heart pain, place a copper coin in the subclavian fossa. If the coin adheres to the skin, wear it for 10 days, fixing it with a band-aid and not removing it even at night: the pain disappears. The same treatment method is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. At coronary disease hearts, copper coins should be placed on the collar area and kept for 4 days.

Copper coins cure hemorrhoids and stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. To do this you will need two of them. In this case, one coin should be placed with its edge directly on the anus, and the second coin should be held higher, between the buttocks, but so that the coins do not touch each other.

For uterine fibroids, copper coins are applied to the lower abdomen at night.

Copper helps with diabetes because it activates the action of insulin in the blood. Therefore, using medical treatment, you can reduce insulin prescriptions or completely abandon it.

The use of copper calms the nervous system and helps with insomnia.

Copper resolves all benign tumors and heals burns after X-ray irradiation.

Copper is a good pain reliever during the deposition of oxalate stones in the kidneys.

Copper water

Copper is an excellent tonic for the liver, spleen, lymphatic system. For this purpose, drink two teaspoons of copper water 3 times a day for a month.

Copper water is being prepared as follows: Rinse several copper plates of chemically pure copper or two copper coins of royal mintage in lime water, then place in an enamel bowl and pour in 1.5 liters of water. Boil until half the water has evaporated.

For normal operation The body needs a daily intake of copper in the amount of 3-5 mg. How does she get inside? First of all, these are food, water, skin. It should be noted that it is sufficient large number copper is found in fish, meat, cereal crops, nuts, poppy seeds, pumpkin, mushrooms, egg yolks, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, beets, watermelon, etc.

Long-term copper deficiency leads to the development of serious diseases:
- psoriasis;
- asthma;
- glaucoma;
- bronchitis;
- anemia;
- diabetes mellitus;
- impotence and others.

Healing properties of copper

Copper coins, wire, and plates are used for home medical treatment. The metal is first calcined over a fire, after which it is cooled and applied to the diseased area of ​​the body. For fixation, you can glue it with a plaster or wrap it with a bandage. After the procedure, you must wash your skin thoroughly. The average course of treatment is 3-5 days.

Scope of copper use:
- it is necessary to place copper coins behind the ear and on the affected areas;
- - on the eyes;
- for tinnitus – on back neck;
- for headaches - on the back of the head, temples or forehead;
- at and – on a sore spot;
- for pain in the heart - into the subclavian fossa;
- with fibroma – on bottom part ;
- for varicose veins - in the area of ​​veins and blood stars.

To treat varicose veins, copper plates are applied under a sock or stocking until the copper slides off the sore spot.

The healing properties of copper have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and on the state of the nervous system. Honey therapy can improve sleep, reduce high body temperature, relieve inflammation and pain. Copper also has a bactericidal effect, so it is effective as a natural antiseptic.

Very often, copper is used to sterilize water, which is subsequently used to eliminate inflammatory processes.

Of course, copper is prescribed by an experienced doctor, since for some categories of people this technique is contraindicated. It is necessary to first establish the cause of the disease so as not to provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

By folk beliefs, medical therapy is achieved when the plate is easily held on the surface of the skin, and the color of the skin underneath changes gradually. In the absence of adhesion, this treatment method will be ineffective and can harm the body. In case of an overdose, convulsions, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and decreased breathing occur.

Kanfo message: Treatment with copper.

Treatment with copper.

In ancient Greece, copper was used to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. In modern France, hearing disorders are treated with copper.

Russian doctor Grigoriev and other doctors are working on copper treatment, but wide application no, the laws have not been developed yet.

When copper, gold and lead come into contact with human skin, current flows from the metal to the skin. When silver and tin come into contact - from skin to metal. Metals can attract and repel.

Since 1976, some doctors began to use discs for skin diseases. We use copper applications only when there is adhesion of the metal to the skin (when the metal is suctioned to the skin), since we have noticed that the body in the sore spot attracts the metal and holds it. When it is not needed, the body rejects it. It is necessary to stop treatment; when the metal is finally rejected is determined by testing.

Healing with copper

When treating with copper, wire or copper royal nickels are most often used by applying them to certain areas of the body. These can be looped wrappings of the joints, lower back, or head. In essence, these methods do not have any fundamental differences from the long-known and well-proven applications with copper wire and pennies, which have been used by our ancestors since ancient times.

How does a copper applicator work?

Human skin secretes various secretions through the sweat glands, or simply put, sweat, which is saturated with various salts (mainly NaCl) and is a good electrolyte. When a copper object is placed on the skin, ions are separated from the copper into the electrolyte, which penetrate into subcutaneous layer through the sweat glands. Here, ions exert their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, destroy pathogens, and enhance some physiological processes.

As a result of this effect, wounds heal, inflammation goes away, bruises and bumps resolve. In cases such as non-healing wounds, dermatitis, skin lesions various bacteria and viruses, treatment with copper can become an indispensable and safe remedy.

Upon contact with the skin, copper gradually oxidizes and darkens, leaving a greenish mark on the body. During the disease, the composition of sweat, as a rule, acquires an acidic reaction, as a result of which the process of metal oxidation intensifies, the number of ions and oxides increases and therapeutic effect becomes more efficient. In other words, the more oxidized the metal, the higher its healing properties. To increase the layer of soluble oxides, copper wire should be calcined over a fire.

Now let's move on to the special properties of copper wire.

Not only does the wire act as an applicator according to the principle described above, but if it is given a ring closed form, then in it
Circular microcurrents arise, which have an additional therapeutic effect. This happens due to the Earth’s magnetic field, as well as fields generated by human activity: radiation from television and radio stations, computers, microwave ovens, cell phones and other electrical equipment.

Taking on any electromagnetic radiation, the copper wire circuit converts it into electric current and dissipates into
space in the form of thermal energy. Thus the circuit has positive impact on the sore spot and reduces the intensity of harmful radiation.

According to serious medical research By wrapping copper wire around the lower back or a sore joint, you can carry out real physical therapy procedures at home, which can be long-term in nature, without any contraindications for health.

For copper treatment, soft stranded wire of grade M-1 is best suited, which must be removed from the electrical wire and cleaned of insulation. But it should be noted that after removing the insulation, an invisible film remains on the wire, which greatly weakens the therapeutic effect. You can remove the film by calcining the wire over a fire and holding it for 2 hours. vinegar essence. Then the wire must be washed with water and dried. To avoid scratching the skin, wrap the ends of the wire with adhesive tape.

By putting a copper hoop on your head, you will get rid of headaches, calm your nervous system, and insomnia will disappear. A copper headband is indispensable for patients with epilepsy, significantly reducing the number of seizures.

Copper coins applied to the body have exactly the same positive effect. Several of them are attached over a short distance to the sore spot. They treat radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and others. joint diseases. If you don't find it required quantity coins, then you can cut nickels from sheet red copper, up to 3 cm in size.

Copper in the human body is involved in hematopoiesis and metabolic processes. Lack of copper in the diet affects mental health
abilities and physical activity. Copper is especially necessary for pregnant women, children and the elderly. In Ancient Greece, tumors, inflammation of the tonsils, joints, and skin lesions were treated with copper plates.

Coins from the USSR before 1961 or pre-revolutionary copper coins are suitable for treatment with copper. To obtain copper water, you need to put 10 grams of pure copper in a one and a half liter pan and boil until half of the water boils away. The remaining water will be “copper”.

You can make a compress from it in the form of a bandage, applied to the sore spot for 3-4 hours. Repeat the procedure until the pain disappears.

For liver disease and obesity, you should drink 1 teaspoon of this water 3 times a day before meals for a month. Sick people can drink too diabetes mellitus 2-3 tablespoons of copper water daily before meals for a month. Several courses of treatment should be carried out over a year.

Application of copper in practice

ABOUT healing properties People learned about copper a long time ago. In ancient India, it was used to treat skin and eye diseases. Recipes for various?copper medicines? were in the arsenal of doctors all over the world. The great Avicenna, after surgical removal of purulent tonsils, recommended rinsing the mouth with cooled water and vinegar, and then applying copper sulfate to the wound.

Doctors Ancient East They treated bone fractures with red copper powder, which was taken orally and washed down with water or milk. In Russia, copper has also been used for healing for a long time. It was used to treat radiculitis, polyarthritis, bruises and broken bones, epilepsy and many other diseases, even cholera. And not in vain. It was noted that during the terrible cholera years, workers at copper foundries, as well as those living near copper warehouses, did not suffer from cholera. Barge haulers on the Volga, in order to avoid getting cholera, put copper coins under their heels and wore copper crosses.

Copper relieves inflammation, soothes pain, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, helps to avoid infectious diseases, and stimulates the body's defenses. Upon contact with skin, it has a local bactericidal effect.

When exposed to copper disks, leukocyte activity increases. Copper heals quickly. If the temperature is high in the evening due to pneumonia, then after applying copper coins the temperature will normalize by the morning. Copper resolves all benign tumors. Many sick women with fibroids and breast tumors recovered after applying coins. Copper works well on cardiovascular system: if the heart hurts, then coins are placed in the subclavian fossa. Attach the plates and wear them around the clock during the day. After 10 days the pain may stop. As a result of bruised legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To warn him, copper coins are placed in the shoe, under the toe.

Copper heals well chronic diseases: otitis, sinusitis, tracheobronchitis. For sinusitis, you need to apply penny coins (sometimes even they are large). For tracheobronchitis, apply to the neck.

To cure deafness, apply one 3-kopeck coin to the bulge of the bone behind the ear, and the other to the ear on the side of the face. Copper
activates the action of insulin in the blood.

Therefore, using medical treatment, you can reduce insulin or completely abandon it. When using copper, the nervous system calms down and insomnia disappears. Copper gives vitality to the body.

Copper reduces headaches if it is applied to sore spots (forehead, temples, back of the head) for 15-20 minutes. Treatment with copper alleviates the post-infarction condition, and in case of a heart attack, copper is applied to the subclavian region. The treatment uses the application of copper plates. The plates are made of red copper. These are thin, well-polished copper circles of various diameters, applied when various diseases to the corresponding BAP (biologically active points).

You can use plates or coins ranging in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter, 1-3 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use they must be calcined over a fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper. Discs prepared in this way are applied to painful areas for a period of 6 hours to 3 days. The discs are fixed to the skin with adhesive tape.

After removing the plates, wash the skin underneath with warm water and soap. Typically, the course of medical therapy lasts from 3 to 20 days. It is noticed that the effect is higher when the plate is attracted by the skin, which under the plate acquires a greenish color.

Traditional healers believe that if there is adhesion between the skin and copper, copper can be used for treatment; if not, copper is useless. In everyday life, copper can be applied to a sore spot and simply bandaged. If the application location is not chosen accurately, the copper under the bandage will move itself to the right place. (Chemists explain this by a violation of the biological potential under the influence of the disease, which is leveled out under the influence of copper).

According to the observations of Professor F.N. Romashov, conducted in 760 patients with various diseases, applications of copper disks and plates had an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Copper salts formed in the body are extremely toxic to fungi, cholera bacteria, and some viruses. The bacteriological effect of copper is widely used to sterilize water and treat inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes.

Use copper to treat broken bones, bruises, and abscesses.

Traditional medicine recommends using copper sulfate as part of an ointment prepared as follows: 20g of spruce resin, one crushed onion, 15g copper sulfate, 50g vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Mix everything, grind thoroughly and heat to a boil. The resulting ointment has a burning effect and heals well. The ointment is applied to sore spots.

Copper bracelets for health

In case of chronic diseases, metal discs need to be applied from time to time, since the central nervous system “remembers” that there was a disease.

Application of copper relieves fever, pain, has a blood-restorative effect, is a very strong bactericidal agent, activates water and mineral metabolism, improves sleep, calms the central nervous system, activates the action of insulin in the blood, and enhances leukocyte functions.

Copper applications resolve all benign tumors (breast lumps, uterine fibroids, mastitis, etc.). Cures tuberculosis, all inflammatory processes in the body (chronic otitis, chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the bladder, lungs, sinusitis, inflammation of the tonsils, inflammation of the middle ear), normalizes metabolic processes in the body, infectious arthritis, kidney stones, cholecystitis, diabetes, skin diseases, etc.

Cures radiculitis, injuries of various origins, cardiovascular system (heart, veins, thrombophlebitis, improves
post-infarction condition), cures diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, duodenum, gastritis, colitis.

Copper application restores hearing, relieves tinnitus, cures tenosynovitis, relieves harmful effect radiation (treats burns after irradiation), cures postoperative hernias, hemorrhoids, cold abscesses, improves postoperative condition in surgery, treats rheumatoid arthritis.

Copper treats burns after x-ray irradiation and removes the harmful effects of radiation. Copper coins stop and cure hemorrhoidal bleeding, as they have a good effect on the veins around anus. Therefore, the coin should be placed with its edge directly on the anus, and the second coin should be held higher between the buttocks, but so that the coins do not touch each other.

Copper heals postoperative hernia, as it reduces the strength of connective tissues and tendons. For chronic diseases, repeated courses of treatment are needed at night. Copper cures otitis media, sinusitis, and technical bronchitis well. For sinusitis, you need to apply penny coins to the sore spots (sometimes even they are too big for the maxillary cavities). For tracheobronchitis - on the neck.

Copper cures deafness: To do this, you need to stick a two-kopeck coin on the convex bone behind the ear, and another coin to the ear on the side of the face.
The treatment lasts so long and the coins are applied only as long as the adhesion of the coins to the skin lasts.

For tinnitus, a coin is placed behind the ear. Copper activates the action of insulin in the blood, therefore, using copper therapy, you can reduce the dose of insulin or completely abandon it.

When medical treatment is used for bone fracture sites, the bones do not respond to changes in weather.

Copper coins issued before 1961 contain aluminite, and it is involved in the construction of connective tissue.

Copper eliminates insomnia, as it calms the nervous system, and copper gives vigor to the body.

Copper relieves headaches: Apply five-kopeck coins to the areas of pain (forehead, temples, back of the head), the pain is relieved after 15-20 minutes.

You can wear copper for a very long time without any harm to your health. But if you feel a metallic taste in your mouth, this means that your body is full of copper and you should reduce the amount of time you wear wire or coins.

And at the end of this article, here is another way for you to correct your own general health copper wire, using it as grounding. To do this, you need to tie one end of a thin wire to your leg overnight and the other to the battery, that is, to make a grounding. And sleep like that all night. As a result of this action, positive ions will evaporate from the body, which do not benefit the body as a whole. But negative ions will accumulate, which is very beneficial for the body and greatly helps it cope with various kinds of diseases.

After use, copper must be periodically burned or washed in a salty solution, and then kept in running water (from a tap).

Copper is a potent healing agent. Since ancient times, copper discs, copper powders, copper filings and copper coins have been used to treat many diseases.

Now this is the direction traditional medicine is actively being revived. Moreover, for treatment it is recommended to use old coins, preferably produced before 1961: they contain aluminum, which is involved in the construction of connective and bone tissue.
antipyretic folk remedy
In the old days, doctors noted that people wearing a copper cross were less likely than others to contract cholera during epidemics. To prevent rickets, children were given copper bracelets. Copper, according to peasants, helped with fractures. To do this, shavings from ancient copper coins were eaten with bread, and copper scraped with a knife was taken for hernia.
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It has now been established that copper applications reduce temperature, relieve pain, stop bleeding, normalize water and mineral metabolism, improve sleep, calm the nervous system, resolve benign tumors, relieve all inflammatory processes in the body, including inflammation of the joints, and treat gynecological diseases, have an antiseptic effect, reduce the harmful effects of radiation, and serve as an effective rehabilitation agent after a heart attack. treat syphilis with a folk remedy

Copper heals quickly, but it does not help everyone. There is a simple way to determine whether copper treatment is right for you. You need to apply a copper coin or disk to the skin. If copper adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then copper will heal you. If there is no clutch, do not waste your time: copper is not suitable for you as a remedy.
folk remedies for throat infectionsIt also happens that in one area of ​​the body the adhesion of copper to the skin is good, but in another it is not. This means that it is advisable to treat with copper only those sore spots or diseased organs in the area of ​​which adhesion is observed.

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For heart pain, place a copper coin in the subclavian fossa. If the coin adheres to the skin, wear it for 10 days, fixing it with a band-aid and not removing it even at night: the pain disappears. The same treatment method is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. For coronary heart disease, copper coins should be placed on the collar area and kept for 4 days.

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If your hands often hurt, put on thin gloves at night, putting a copper coin or a piece of copper wire compressed into a ball in them: already on the second day the pain will calm down.
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If thrombophlebitis has formed on your leg as a result of a bruise, place a copper coin in your shoes under a sock or stocking. It should stick to your leg. Wear the coin until it starts to roll under your heel. Exactly the same method can be used for varicose veins veins
folk remedies for pest control currants If you have uterine fibroids, apply copper coins to your lower abdomen at night.

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Copper coins cure hemorrhoids. To do this you will need two copper coins. One coin should be placed with its edge directly on the anus, the other should be held higher with the gluteal muscles, but so that the coins do not touch each other.

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For sinusitis, small copper coins should be placed on the eyes at night, and for tinnitus, on the back of the neck, fixing the coins on the neck with a plaster.

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Copper cures deafness. To improve hearing, one 2-kopeck copper coin should be stuck on the convex bone behind the ear, and the other should be attached to the ear on the side of the face.

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For a headache, apply a 5-kopeck copper coin to the most painful place on the forehead, temples or back of the head: usually the pain goes away in 15-20 minutes. If you apply a copper coin to the bruise, the pain may temporarily increase, but will soon disappear. Copper coins with therapeutic purpose can be used by people of any age, including children, the elderly and pregnant women. Typically, coins are able to “work without rest” for several days. Then a 2-week break is taken, after which the course of treatment can be repeated. Just remember to periodically burn or wet the coins saline solution to restore them healing properties. AIF-Health

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I found the answer to this question in the book by children’s doctor S. M. MARTYNOV “The main thing is to get to the point” (M. Prosveshcheniye, 1996). A pediatrician with thirty years of experience, an experienced rehabilitation doctor not only used copper to treat frequently ill children, but also used this metal for rapid diagnosis of complications of acute respiratory viral infections.

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Unfortunately, very often an acute respiratory viral infection in a child occurs with an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx - adenoiditis, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear. And the baby is not always able to immediately tell you where it hurts: usually he does this only when inflammatory process is already in full swing. Doctors familiar with bioenergy therapy know that at the very beginning of the disease, only microsymptoms of damage appear - at the level of bioenergetics disorder: in the biologically active zones responsible for a particular organ, when it is inflamed, the electrical biopotential increases. It turns out that this can be established even without any diagnostic equipment - you only need a disk made of vacuum copper or a copper coin issued before 1962 inclusive. In order for the disk or coin to be more “sensitive”. Before use, they should be boiled for five to ten minutes in saline solution(a teaspoon of table salt per glass of water). and then rinse thoroughly with running water, eliminating traces of salt, and dry. Now the disks are ready for use.
a child's butt itches - folk remedies As soon as, for example, you place such a disk or coin on the area of ​​the affected maxillary sinus, it will literally be attracted, as if by a magnet - the so-called “clutch” symptom appears. But the appearance of the symptom of “adhesion” of the copper disk with the surface of the skin in front of the tragus and behind the auricle - on the so-called mastoid process- speaks of otitis media developing in a child.
treatment of stage 4 prostate cancer with folk remedies Using the “copper” method, it is possible to detect inflammation much earlier than the patient develops ear pain, when not only the Eustachian tubes are affected, but also eardrum. “Adhesion” of a copper disk to the skin near the middle part of the spine, where the roots of the lungs are projected, as well as on the chest on the right under the collarbone, indicates bronchitis in a child. In case of stagnation of bile, damage to the duodenum, gastritis or “irritation” of the pancreas, the “clutch” symptom is noted when a disc is placed on the projection area of ​​the corresponding organ, not only on the skin of the abdomen, but also on the spine (see figure). By the way, notes Dr. Martynov, sometimes it’s worth massaging with a copper disk in the “adhesion” zone. rotating it counterclockwise and at the same time, naturally, without lifting it from the surface of the skin, as the attraction begins to weaken. The pain goes away, especially with acute spasmodic pain in the stomach, duodenum or gallbladder. IN everyday practice The doctor often used copper disks to relieve abdominal pain, especially when there was no medicine at hand.
folk remedies for benign tumor pituitary gland Interestingly, the “clutch” symptom disappears only after stable clinical recovery. This means that the copper disk can also serve as a means of control, allowing one to objectively judge the child’s final recovery after another illness. An untreated disease is most often the reason that a child gets sick again.
folk remedy for dandruff at home forum Dr. Martynov was especially successful in using copper discs to treat sinusitis, lymphadenitis (inflammation lymph nodes) in the neck area - as is known, they are responsible for the condition of the nasopharynx; He also recommended that parents use this method for diseases of the stomach, duodenum, dysfunction of the gallbladder, damage to the pancreas, kidneys, and urinary incontinence.

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