The cat has severe conjunctivitis. Follicular conjunctivitis in cats. Treatment of conjunctivitis in cats

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the connective transparent mucous membrane of the eye.

The conjunctiva, or mucous membrane of the eye, in cats covers the back of the eyelids and the front of the eyeball down to the cornea.

With conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva is damaged, which is responsible for normal functioning the lacrimal glands of the eye and its secretions, which help the eyeball not to dry out.

Causes of conjunctivitis

The causes of conjunctivitis in cats are varied. The main causes of conjunctivitis in cats are the following:

  • Various mechanical damage to the eye (fights with relatives, blows from branches while jumping, ingress of sand, grass, etc.).
  • Infectious diseases caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses, in which conjunctivitis is one of the symptoms of a particular disease (bordetellosis in cats,).
  • Invasive diseases (,).
  • Allergic reactions. The mucous membrane is very sensitive to a variety of allergens (pollen, dust, perfumes, objects household chemicals, food products causing an allergic reaction in a cat).
  • Contact with chemicals. Evaporation of certain chemicals, gases, household chemicals, cosmetics.
  • Various cold factors.
  • Transfer of inflammation from the skin adjacent to the eye.

Forms of conjunctivitis in cats

Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis. The most light form conjunctivitis. The disease develops acutely as a result of activation of coccal microflora (staphylococcus, streptococcus) in the conjunctival sac. The epithelial layer is damaged. The cat's eyes are constantly watering, the eye is red, the mucous membrane is slightly swollen. When opening the eye, the cat experiences pain and the eyes constantly water. Body temperature is kept within normal limits. IN inflammatory process The cornea may be involved, and small infiltrates form at the border with the limbus in its superficial layers—superficial catarrhal keratitis develops. The illness lasts about a week.

Purulent conjunctivitis. It occurs in cats with reduced conjunctival resistance and is accompanied by a depressed state in the cat, decreased appetite, and the cat tends to lie down more. Celebrating elevated temperature body, yellow or green exudate comes from the eyes. An inflamed eye does not open at all, the eyelid may be covered with a thick, dense yellow crust, and the eyelids stick together. Skin around sore eye gets wet, and the hair may fall out in the future.

Follicular conjunctivitis.

With follicular conjunctivitis, lymphatic follicles are involved in the inflammatory process, top surface In the third century, red round bumps form. The cat's inflamed eyes become covered with a cloudy film, and the cat has a constant squinted gaze. Exudes from the affected eye purulent fluid. At severe course In this form of conjunctivitis, the cat develops photophobia (the cat chooses the darkest place in the room - sits in the closet, under the bed).

Parenchymal conjunctivitis.

With parenchymal conjunctivitis, not only the conjunctiva, but also subconjunctival tissue is involved in the inflammatory process. Inflammation occurs as a phlegmon. The mucous membrane takes on a red tint, the eyelids become very swollen, and the third eyelid thickens and falls out. Blood flows from the inflamed eye along with pus. If left untreated, vision will deteriorate and blindness will occur.

Allergic conjunctivitis.

Allergic conjunctivitis in cats is usually a complication allergic reaction. With this form of conjunctivitis, owners note the release of clear tears from the eyes and the development of symptoms of conjunctivitis. When examining a sick cat veterinary specialist registers from minor purulent accumulations in the corners of the eyes to severe inflammation and prolapse of the third eyelid with fetid bloody-purulent discharge.

Conjunctivitis in cats can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

In acute conjunctivitis in a cat, the signs of the disease are most pronounced and are accompanied by lacrimation, which, as the disease progresses, becomes thicker and more opaque; accumulated pus causes the eyelids to stick together, purulent discharge gradually dry out, forming crusts.

Chronic conjunctivitis occurs in cats as a result of untreated acute conjunctivitis. The chronic course is characterized by slight discharge from the eyes, especially in the morning and upon awakening.

Diagnosis Conjunctivitis is diagnosed based on the clinical picture of the disease, results laboratory research for infectious and invasive diseases, one of the symptoms of which is conjunctivitis.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

Treatment for conjunctivitis in cats includes rinsing the eyes with mild antiseptic solutions furacillin and potassium permanganate at a dilution of 1;5000, sometimes chamomile or calendula solutions are used, carefully removing purulent accumulations and crusts with a cotton swab. It is more correct to prescribe treatment by a veterinarian at the clinic, based on the examination of the sick animal and the results of a laboratory study of eye swabs for bacteriology.

Usually in initial stage diseases, used as treatment eye ointments and drops that contain antibiotics - Levomycetin, Tetracycline ointment, Sofradex.

For follicular and purulent conjunctivitis, additionally apply to a sick cat intramuscular injections antibiotics.

For allergic conjunctivitis, treatment begins with eliminating exposure to the allergen that led to conjunctivitis. Treatment is carried out by using antihistamines and eye drops.

For infectious conjunctivitis in sick cats, sick animals are prescribed antibiotics, immunostimulants, eye drops and antiseptic ointments.

In the case when conjunctivitis in a cat is accompanied by damage to the eyeball, then to relieve puffiness and swelling, instillation of a 2% solution of novocaine or lidocaine (1 ml) into the eye is used. To relieve inflammation, severe swelling and symptoms of photophobia, hydrocortisone and dexamethasone are used. To influence pyogenic microflora and relieve suppuration - tetracycline ointment, floxadex, ciprofloxacin, sofradex. For indolent conjunctivitis, it is recommended to use aloe extract, autologous blood, TES - normin.

Prevention of conjunctivitis in cats

Prevention of conjunctivitis in cats should be based on preventing the causes leading to the development of conjunctivitis in a cat.

It's great when pet- the cat is healthy and not sick. But it often happens that cats, especially those walking outside, develop eye diseases. The most common eye disease in cats is conjunctivitis; most often it is only a harbinger of a serious disease. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that covers eyeball And inner side century. Therefore, it is important to determine what type of conjunctivitis a cat has.

Types of conjunctivitis

  1. Catarrhal- the most simple form diseases. It is a harbinger of other forms of conjunctivitis if assistance in the treatment of catarrhal conjunctivitis is not provided in time. Characteristic signs- translucent discharge from the eyes, swelling of the eyelid, itching, photophobia, pain, redness of the conjunctiva;
  2. Follicular- occurs due to mechanical damage to the eye, observed in animals copious discharge from mucous, fluid or pus. Characteristic signs are photophobia, the cat begins to scratch its eye with its paw, the third eyelid enlarges and turns very red;
  3. Viral- occurs due to bacteria and viruses entering the cat’s body, when adenoviral infections, with the plague. Characteristic signs - the eyes become very swollen, copious cloudy discharge from the eyes, if help is not provided in time, purulent discharge from the conjunctival sac begins;
  4. Bacterial- occurs due to damage to the cat by bacteria and viruses - staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, Koch's bacillus. Appear due to mechanical damage, hypothermia, can occur as a consequence of previous diseases of the throat, nose, ear, and skin.
  5. Allergic- appears when a cat comes into contact with an allergen, such as: dust, fumes from household chemicals, smoke, perfumes, paint, medications and other allergens. Characteristic signs - severe redness conjunctiva, copious and intense discharge of fluid from the eyes, sometimes even purulent discharge. Accompanied by the appearance of allergic reactions on the skin and nose.
  6. Purulent- fungi and bacteria become the cause of such conjunctivitis. Characteristic signs are dark red conjunctiva of both eyes, high temperature body of the cat, discharge of pus from the eyes with unpleasant smell. In the absence quick help cat, the eyes become cloudy, the eyelids roll up, and the animal’s vision decreases.
  7. Phlegmonous (Parenchymatous)- very serious and complex inflammation of the conjunctiva and parenchyma, resulting from exposure to various bacteria. Characteristic signs are fever, the eyelids are very swollen, the red, swollen conjunctiva, which has a dried out surface, bleeds when touched, causing severe pain. If treatment is not started in time, profuse purulent discharge begins, abrasions and abscesses appear, and a dried, dark red scab appears.
  8. Chlamydial- occur due to chlamydia infection. Characteristic signs - first it affects one eye, after a few days the second, then moves to the nasopharynx. Severe tearing of the eyes, pus is released, the eyelid swells, a burning sensation and rash appear.
  9. Fibrinous (Diphtheritic)- this type of conjunctivitis is rare and appears due to chemical burns, cat infections. Pseudomembranes form on the conjunctiva of the eyelids. Characteristic signs: the eyelids swell, severe pain, photophobia. The conjunctiva becomes covered with a white film, a yellow and cloudy liquid is released, and if it is removed, bleeding ulcers will appear.
  10. Eosinophilic - possible reason occurrence is the herpes virus or insect bites. Characteristic signs include inflammation of the third eyelid, clouding of the cornea of ​​the eyes, and pink-white plaques appear on the conjunctiva.
  11. Chronic- occurs as a consequence of untreated conjunctivitis of any kind. Appears due to reinfection infection, bacteria, viruses. Characteristic signs are that the eyelid swells and discharge appears from the conjunctival sac.

Treatment at home is carried out only for allergic and catarrhal types of conjunctivitis, others only for thorough examination and supervision by a veterinarian.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carry out procedures aimed at removing the causes of conjunctivitis:

  1. Delete foreign body, dust, sand;
  2. Clear the eye of nitrous oxide, pus, and discharge;
  3. Rinse eyes. For each eye, a separate cotton swab or gauze.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in cats

The following procedures can be carried out at home:

  • Rinse with tea. Brew strong tea, leave for 15-20 minutes, put the tea leaves in gauze, squeeze a little, wipe the eye and eyelid;
  • Rinse with chamomile decoction. Brew 1 tbsp in a water bath. chamomile in 0.5 l. water, leave for 20 minutes. Strain, soak a cotton swab in warm tea leaves and rinse your eyes;
  • Rinse with calendula decoction. For 0.5 l. water 1 tbsp. calendula flowers, brew in a water bath, leave for 20 minutes;
  • Furacilin powder is diluted with 5 liters of water, 1 gram and the eyes are washed carefully;
  • Potassium permanganate should be used very carefully as it causes dryness and can cause severe burns to the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • Dissolve eyebright extract 5 drops per 150g of saline solution. Place 2 drops into each eye;
  • Aloe. Aloe juice is diluted with water 1:10;
  • Kalanchoe. The juice is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • Rose hips. 1 tbsp. rose hips in 200 grams of water, boil for 5-7 minutes, then infuse for 40 minutes, has an antibacterial effect;
  • Dill dressing. Squeeze juice from 200 g fresh dill, moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the eye.
  • Ointments. Place it in the lower eyelid using a bandage. 1% tetracycline, hydrocartisone, erythromycin ointment, dexomethasone;
  • Drops. 1-2 drops in each eye, even if only 1 eye is affected. Floxal, chloramphenicol drops, ciprofloxacin, sofradex, conjunkivin, ciprovet, leopard;
  • Solution for pain relief: 2% novocaine or icecaine.

How to properly treat a cat's eyes and apply drops

  1. Wash your hands with soap and wipe dry;
  2. Study the instructions for the medications that will be used;
  3. Wrap the animal in a towel or other thick fabric like a baby;
  4. Rinse the eye with herbal infusions or furatsilin;
  5. Place the cat with its back on the owner's lap, take the medicine right hand, open the lid, fix the head in your left hand, open the animal’s eye with the fingers of your left (thumb and index) hand, drip a couple of drops. You can also put the ointment in the lower eyelid. For conjunctivitis of one eye, medications are dripped or ointment is applied to both eyes to avoid infection of the second eye;
  6. We hold the cat in our hands for another 3 minutes so that it can blink and the medicine does not leak out;
  7. Let the animal go, let it calm down, pet it, feed it some treats.

Prevention of conjunctivitis

  1. Proper balanced nutrition;
  2. Limiting contact with foreign animals;
  3. Correct and daily care for the animal, especially for the eyes, ears, nose;
  4. Visit a veterinarian regularly;
  5. Get vaccinated;
  6. Increase immunity;
  7. Frequently clean the apartment and clean carpets;
  8. Avoid drafts in the house;
  9. In frosty weather or strong winds, take the cat out for a maximum of 15 minutes;
  10. Hide household chemicals and perfumes;
  11. Do not get into your eyes, ears, or nose with your hands; carry out cleaning procedures with clean hands using cotton pads and cotton swabs;
  12. Carry out a deworming procedure every 3 months.

In most cases, provide first aid on time medical care cat, get rid of the causes that provoke the disease, and follow the rules of keeping and caring for a pet.

Conjunctivitis in domestic cats can appear as a consequence of another disease, after injury, or as a symptom of an allergic reaction. Animals sometimes suffer from eye contact foreign objects, ordinary house dust, sand or soil from broken flower pots.

Very often, conjunctivitis in young cats develops after a fight, when the hierarchy between representatives of the “cat tribe” becomes clear. Scratches can occur in the eye area, and inflamed wounds on the face become a source of infection, which can be carried into the eyes by washing the paws.

First you need to show the cat to the veterinarian and get accurate diagnosis, as well as a list of recommended medications. After this, if the inflammation is mild, your pet can be treated at home.

Conjunctivitis occurs not only in kittens, but also in adults, regardless of immunity, as it is spread by a virus. But the course of the disease and its intensive treatment takes longer in exhausted and elderly pets. Acidity of the eyes in cats usually occurs due to irritants:

  • mechanical - bodies in the eyeball of foreign origin, dust, specks;
  • radiation - irradiation of the retina with ultraviolet rays;
  • chemical - penetration of vapors into the animal's eye toxic substances;
  • allergens - characteristic of each pet individually (possible due to infection with worms).

Irritants are not the only factors leading to the development of conjunctivitis; they also include infectious diseases:

As etiological (cause-and-effect) factors leading to the development of conjunctivitis in a cat, irritants occupy a primary place:

  • mechanical - getting foreign objects, dust, debris, etc. into the eye;
  • radiation - irradiation of the retina, can serve as a radiation source ultraviolet rays, including solar, x-rays, radiation;
  • chemical - irritation of the eye mucosa by vapors of toxic substances, accidental entry of household chemicals into the conjunctival sac, etc.;
  • allergens - for each animal they will be different.

In addition, eye inflammation appears when pyogenic microflora gets into the eyes and in some infectious diseases:

Secondary conjunctivitis occurs as a result of the transfer of inflammatory processes to the eye from surrounding tissues, for example, due to injuries.

Despite the variety of reasons, causing inflammation connective membrane of the eye, clinical picture All types of conjunctivitis have common symptoms:

  • persistent closure of the eyelids caused by involuntary contraction eye muscles(blepharospasm);
  • redness and swelling of the conjunctiva;
  • lacrimation, discharge from the eye.

If at least one of the listed signs is detected in a pet, the owner needs to show the cat to a veterinarian.

Most often recorded in cats the following types diseases:

  1. Catarrhal - occurs due to injury, infectious diseases (viral conjunctivitis). With this form, lacrimation, discharge, redness, swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye are noted; in case of severe damage, protrusion from under the eyelids (chemosis) may be observed. Beginning in acute, often progresses to chronic stage, difficult to treat. The discharge from the eye becomes viscous and thick.
  2. Purulent conjunctivitis in cats is usually caused by an infection associated with the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the body. Predisposing causes: metabolic disorders, decreased protective properties animal body. Most often it occurs acutely, affecting both eyes. Often occurs with the development of bacterial diseases in an animal (chlamydial conjunctivitis in cats). Swelling and increased local temperature of the eyelids, photophobia, and depression are noted. Discharge from the eyes is initially liquid, then becomes purulent, thick in consistency, accumulating on the eyelids, forming gray-yellow crusts.
  3. Follicular conjunctivitis in cats is characterized by chronic course. The cause is most often a mechanical effect on the organs of vision, a complication after past infections, dry food cat food. There is information about viral nature conjunctivitis of this type. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and enlargement of lymphatic follicles in the third eyelid are noted.
  4. Fibrinous conjunctivitis occurs with such acute viral diseases, such as rhinotracheitis and panleukopenia. In the conjunctival sac there is an accumulation of mucopurulent masses, which, when released, form films on the surface of the connective membrane of the eye. Ulceration of the cornea is possible, and if left untreated, complete or partial fusion of the eyelids with the eyeball (symblepharon). In such a complicated condition, only a specialist can decide what to do.

Many owners, having discovered discharge from the eyes of a kitten, are in no hurry to show their pet to a specialist, thinking that the disease will go away on its own. This is erroneous, since any signs of abnormality in the body can be a harbinger of a dangerous infection.

Types of disease, clinical picture

Conjunctivitis in cats is divided into the following types:

Conjunctivitis occurs in two forms:

  1. Acute - this form of the disease is characterized by well-defined symptoms: pain and itching in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, attempts to scratch the eyes with a paw, discharge (first transparent, and then purulent), refusal to eat, apathy, even attacks of gastrointestinal upset;
  2. Chronic – actually, untreated or undertreated acute conjunctivitis. With this form, the cat looks practically healthy: clear tears sometimes flow from its eyes, and there may be slight swelling in the eyelid area.

There are the following types of disease, depending on the degree of complication of symptoms:

  1. Catarrhal.
  2. Purulent.
  3. Phlegmonous.
  4. Follicular.
  5. Allergic.
  6. Bacterial.
  7. Purulent.
  8. Parenchymatous.

Distinguish following types course of the disease: acute, subacute and chronic.

The acute form of eye disease in pets manifests itself with sudden redness and watery eyes.

The subacute form is characterized by less noticeable redness of the eyes and mild lacrimation.

The most dangerous and invisible is chronic form, since she doesn’t have obvious signs, the disease proceeds unnoticed.

The forms of conjunctivitis are diverse. They differ in flow and clinical manifestation inflammatory process.

Acute conjunctivitis

In this form, the superficial cells of the cornea of ​​the eye are mainly affected. Characteristic symptoms: lacrimation, the consistency of the discharge is mucous, they are cloudy, and moderate redness of the mucous membrane of the eye is also observed.

Chronic form

Symptoms of the disease are mild. Commonly encountered signs include:

  • slight redness of the membrane,
  • swelling (thickening) of the mucous membrane,
  • discharge from the eyes is cloudy, viscous, accumulates in the form of dried crusts,
  • the hair in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye falls out, forming tracks, the skin becomes red.

Purulent form

Purulent conjunctivitis in cats is characterized by bilateral eye damage. It is characterized by:

  • oppression,
  • pain in the eye area,
  • increase in local body temperature,
  • the animal prefers not to go out into bright light, because sun rays cause an unbearable attack of pain,
  • frequent, almost uncontrollable blinking;
  • The conjunctiva is swollen, red, and may even protrude beyond the eye.

At the beginning of the inflammatory process, the discharge is liquid, then it becomes viscous and dirty yellow in color.

Parenchymal conjunctivitis

With this form of the disease, not only the conjunctiva itself is involved in the process, but also the lower layers of the eye. The main symptoms of conjunctivitis in cats in this case will be: severe swelling eyelids, enlargement and swelling of the mucous membrane. At the same time, it is very tense, protrudes beyond the palpebral fissure, is dry and bleeds when touched.

Follicular form

Follicular conjunctivitis in cats is a chronic process, which also involves the lymphatic follicles of the third eyelid. The disease lasts a long time and is very difficult. It is characterized by:

  • frequent uncontrolled blinking,
  • purulent lacrimation,
  • the palpebral fissure is narrowed, while the eyelids from the outer corner are turned out,
  • When examined, bright red dots are visible on the third eyelid - a cluster of follicles.

Diphtheritic inflammation

It is characterized by swollen eyelids, eye soreness and photophobia. Orange-colored fluid (exudate) is released from the conjunctival sac. The conjunctiva itself becomes covered with a film, which, when removed, leaves bleeding ulcers.

Types of conjunctivitis and signs

First of all, the owner notices that his pet’s eyes are red and inflamed, the animal is worried and rubs its muzzle with its paw. In severe cases, the eyelids stick together from pus, the eye swells and completely “floats.”

The cat may develop a fever, and also experience other symptoms: lethargy and apathy, refusal to eat, lack of interest in games and its own fun, attempts to hide in a dark place, as the animal may experience lacrimation and photophobia. Basically, all the symptoms resemble the “human” disease, so they are easily recognizable.

It must be remembered that this disease is very contagious both for the cats themselves and for their owners. If you notice reddened eyes in your pet, immediately take him to the hospital. If several cats live in the house, the sick person must be quarantined.

Conjunctivitis can be transmitted to people, so owners need to carefully monitor home hygiene and wash their hands with soap more often, and be sure to do so every time after contact with a pet.

Follicular form


Common symptoms of conjunctivitis in kittens are: redness of the eyelids, swelling, and watery eyes. To treat such a disease, it is necessary to know the type of conjunctivitis, which is characterized by a number of symptoms characteristic of them.

For catarrhal conjunctivitis, the most quickly curable and less dangerous form such a disease, there is thick and cloudy lacrimation of the pet, redness of the eyes, slight swelling of the eyelid, hair loss in places of irritation skin, clumping of cilia due to mucous secretions. Body temperature is within 37.1–38.0 °C, but when accompanied by other inflammatory processes, an unexpected increase in temperature is possible.

The following type of conjunctivitis in a cat is a consequence of untreated catarrhal type eye diseases - purulent. Purulent conjunctiva in cats is characterized by the accumulation of mucus and its transformation into purulent formations. Therefore, the main symptom is discharge from the pet's eye. large quantity pus. In the morning, dried yellowish-green crusts can be found around the cat’s eyes.

It is possible to observe the phenomenon when the damaged eye is squinted or completely closed. The pet may have a weakened state of the body, complete absence appetite, increased body temperature, painful sensations around the eyeball. Exactly purulent inflammation century, in most cases indicates the presence of a serious infectious disease. Delayed contact with a veterinarian and prolonged treatment threatens the pet with blindness.

Phlegmonous conjunctivitis is demonstrated by the discharge of pus from the eyes, as well as the entire conjunctiva under the epithelial layer. This type of conjunctivitis is much more difficult to treat.

The most severe type of disease is follicular. Inherent signs: bulging of the pet's eyelid outward, thereby covering the eye, narrowing of the eyes, fear of light, purulent discharge, endless closing of the eyes, the appearance of a dirty gray film on the conjunctiva. Necessary special treatment, since the follicular type of conjunctivitis often becomes chronic.

Diagnosis and prevention of conjunctivitis

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis clinical signs when examining a cat. Experts recommend laboratory tests to establish the cause and prescribe the correct treatment:

  1. Bacteriological - examination of smears from the conjunctiva, inoculation of secretions on nutrient media, if pathogenic microbes are detected, a test is carried out for their sensitivity to medicines, so it will be possible to establish what is more effective and how to treat conjunctivitis.
  2. Cytological - analysis of scrapings from the mucous membrane of the eye, it helps in determining the type of conjunctivitis and identifying the causative agent of the disease (chlamydia, cocci, pathogenic fungi).
  3. Immunofluorescent and serological - carried out to exclude viral form conjunctivitis.
  4. Immunological - prescribed if a disease caused by an allergy is suspected.

Necessary measures to prevent the disease:

  • vaccinations against calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, chlamydia;
  • regular examination by a veterinarian;
  • prevent your pet from getting hypothermic;
  • bedding, carrier, and household items in the cat's environment must be kept clean;
  • When walking, avoid contact with stray animals.

Owner, observing simple rules Having information about a disease such as conjunctivitis, you will be able to help your pet in time, thereby preserving his health and life.


Before starting treatment

your pet should be shown to a specialist. The doctor, after examining the animal and taking tests if necessary, accurately determines the type of disease and its cause (for example, inflammation can develop due to viral infections or as a result of allergies).

You can try to start treatment at home if the discharge from the cat’s eyes is clear and there is no significant swelling of the mucous membrane. You need to do this:

  1. With a clean cotton pad or gauze soaked in a solution of “Furacilin” (chamomile decoction or tea leaves), wipe each eye from outer corner to the inner. Moreover, even in cases where only one eye is inflamed, the other will have to be wiped in the same way (a separate clean cotton pad is taken for each eye);
  2. Treatment of conjunctivitis in cats should preferably include veterinary drugs bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties: eye drops “Tsiprolet”, “DECTA-2”, “Lakrimin aseptic”, “IRIS”, “Conjunctivitin”;
  3. If there are no special veterinary medications at hand, and the zoo pharmacy is closed (located far from home, etc.), “human” drops (for example, “Dexamethasone” or others) will help relieve inflammation;
  4. If the inflammation is severe, the discharge from the eyes is abundant, and even more so when they become purulent, you will have to use antibiotics - drops of Levomycetin, Tobrex, Tetracycline and Floxal ointments (placed behind the lower eyelid of the animal);
  5. For pain in the cat's eyes, a 2% solution of Novocaine or Ledocaine is instilled under the lower eyelid, which also helps reduce swelling.

All procedures should be carried out by the owner wearing clean disposable gloves. After contact with the eyes of a cat with conjunctivitis, you should wash your hands thoroughly.

The drugs listed above should not be used if the positive result, and the cat began to experience even more problems (purulent discharge, clouded eyes, increased body temperature, etc.). Purulent, phlegmonous and follicular conjunctivitis cannot be treated without medical supervision.

If a diagnosis is made of conjunctivitis in cats, how to treat the disease and how long it will take concerns every animal owner. Although there is currently a wide range of medicines, curing the disease is quite difficult.

If the owner detects any symptoms in the pet, it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian, who will make a diagnosis and advise how to treat conjunctivitis in cats. Depending on the type of disease, specialists prescribe:

  1. For catarrhal conjunctivitis - elimination of the cause (removal of a foreign object), rinsing the mucous membrane of the eye with a solution of Furacilin, Novocaine (0.25%) or Boric acid (2%). The use of Iris, Maxitrol, Eubital, Colbiotsin drops 5–8 times a day showed good results during the treatment of the disease. They also prescribe eye ointments: Tetracycline, Erythromycin, which are placed behind the lower eyelid 3-4 times a day. For complicated conditions, your veterinarian may prescribe subconjunctival injections of Dexamethasone in combination with an antibiotic every 3-4 days to reduce inflammation.
  2. For follicular conjunctivitis, treatment is carried out in a clinic. After anesthetizing the eye by instilling a solution of Lidocaine (2%) or Dicaine (0.5%), the follicles are scraped from the third eyelid. If necessary, as prescribed by the attending physician, the procedure is repeated. Sofradex and Iris drops are used topically.
  3. For viral and bacterial diseases, along with eliminating the underlying infection, eye treatment is carried out. Effective drops: Interferon (150–200 units), Tsipromed, Kolbiotsin - 3–4 times a day. If purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane is present, the eyes are washed with Furacillin solution (1 tablet per 200 ml of warm boiled water). For fibrinous conjunctivitis after local anesthesia remove films from the eyes.

Folk remedies can be used to treat conjunctivitis, but only after consulting a veterinarian, since in any case they will not replace basic medications. Usually, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and tea leaves are used to wash the eyes.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in a cat at home is only possible if it has already been examined by a veterinarian and given his opinion.

Owners often ask how to cure conjunctivitis in cats with albucid, because this is the most common and effective remedy from this disease in humans. But for animals this drug is not used, the veterinarian will tell you how to treat conjunctivitis using drops for cats.

Tetracycline is most often prescribed to get rid of the disease. Moreover, this antibiotic can be used in different types: tetracycline in the form of drops, tetracycline ointment and oral preparations for severe conditions.

It is also used for chlamydial infections, so this drug is prescribed for children. Another good way to treat simple catarrhal conjunctivitis in kittens is to wash them with weak decoctions of chamomile, calendula flowers or tea. In general, any treatment for an eye disease always begins with rinsing, and then medications are added.

It should be recalled that the choice of medications and methods of therapy is the prerogative of the veterinarian, so you should not show unnecessary initiative, as this can be dangerous.

Treatment of the disease is always comprehensive, including taking not only antibiotics, but also other anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines for allergies, as well as surgery, for example, removing damaged follicles.

People who have a cat with inflamed red eyes in their house are wondering whether they and their children can become infected with this disease. Conjunctivitis of an infectious nature is easily transmitted and can cause the development of other dangerous illnesses Therefore, a sick animal must be isolated.

It is easy to cure conjunctivitis in a cat. Both eyes are subject to treatment, regardless of the presence of the disease in one eye, and veterinarian supervision is strictly necessary.

For each type of conjunctivitis, it is necessary to wash the pet’s eyes with a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin. To treat catarrhal conjunctivitis, antibiotic-based eye drops and ointments (tetracycline and chloramphenicol) are used.

In practice, veterinarians recommend Albucid, Maxitrol, Iris, and Kolbiotsin drops with regular use up to 8 times a day. They were the ones who presented the best results in the therapy process. Eye ointments work well: “Erythromycin” and “Tetracycline” up to 4 times a day. In cases of complications, the veterinarian prescribes Dexamethasone injections every 4 days to reduce inflammation.

For follicular conjunctivitis, therapy is best carried out in a clinical setting. After anesthetizing the eye, cleaning of the follicles from the third eyelid begins. It is possible to repeat the procedure, but at your discretion veterinarian.

For viral and bacterial diseases, eye treatment begins with eliminating the main infection. Effective drops considered: “Interferon”, “Kolbiotsin”, “Tsipromed” up to 4 times a day.

When purulent, phlegmonous and follicular conjunctivitis cannot be treated locally, intramuscular injections of antibiotics are prescribed. Their introduction is mandatory, since with ongoing types of disease there is no way to recover. After using antibiotics, cats need vitamins and immunostimulating drugs.

When the cause of conjunctivitis is an allergy, it is necessary to find the allergen and treat it antihistamines. In cases where the development of eye disease was caused by fleas or lice, you should purchase products designed to remove pests from the pharmacy. It is necessary to follow the dosage so as not to harm the pet.

During treatment, before and after treating your beloved pet's eyes, you should wash your hands with soap. This disease is contagious and dangerous both for other pets and for humans.

It is not difficult to guess that the treatment of conjunctivitis in cats will largely depend on the form. First, they identify the cause of the disease, eliminate it, and only then begin therapeutic measures.

In case of simple lacrimation that occurs as a result of foreign objects, household chemicals or eye vapors getting into the eyes, exclude the effect of the irritant, after which rinse is carried out a large number tap boiled water. To prevent the development of microflora, approved antiseptic solutions are used. At acute form independent conjunctivitis of these simple actions It’s quite enough to bring the animal’s condition back to normal.

In more severe cases, special antibacterial drops or use eye ointments with antibiotics.

It is worth understanding that treatment of conjunctivitis in cats at home is possible in the simplest cases, when the animal feels more or less normal, is not depressed, has normal temperature body, and her condition does not worsen hour by hour. If all these symptoms appear, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian.

Indeed, in some forms of the disease, therapy can be lengthy and require intravenous infusions of antibiotics, additional research and complex medical procedures.

Folk remedies

No less effective in relation to drugs from the pharmacy are folk remedies. Of course, they generally do not treat the disease, but only relieve its severity, thereby making life easier for the pet. Effective folk remedies are applicable only to early stages diseases. Such remedies usually include: chamomile, tea leaves, almond oil.

It is also important to systematically wash off brownish deposits around your pet’s eyes. Ignoring the current rule may lead to the development of dermatitis. The animal will begin to pick at its eyes more often, thereby causing more infection.

Very high ability Almond oil reduces pain and relieves swelling. It can be used together with other drugs. You should drip 2-3 drops throughout the day. Calendula infusion is characterized by the same properties.

Let's take a closer look at one of the folk remedies - tea leaves. Take 1 tablespoon of black tea per glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and leave. After that, after the tea has cooled to room temperature, a cotton swab is moistened and both eyes of the animal are wiped, regardless of the fact that there is only one affected eye. Each tampon can only be used once.

With the knowledge given in this article, you can help your pet in a timely and correct manner, which is most important in relation to our smaller brothers. It is imperative that when carrying out procedures on your own, you must remain calm and quiet so as not to frighten or frighten the animal. Open all containers with medications carefully and with safe objects. The cotton swab must be moistened carefully, without spilling the contents on household items, the floor or other surface.

Folk remedies

After a veterinarian has diagnosed conjunctivitis in a cat, treatment at home can be continued by the owner of the animal himself. It is important to learn how to properly treat (rinse the eyes) of your pet and be able to instill solutions. For this purpose, the cat must be carefully, trying not to scare, restrained (wrapped in thick cloth), to avoid scratches, it is better to have an assistant nearby.

Prevention of conjunctivitis in cats

The following measures will help protect your cat from eye inflammation:

To avoid getting conjunctivitis from a cat, you need to make sure that it cannot get sick. To do this, you will have to take care of the cat's health. It is necessary to regularly visit your doctor, especially when free-ranging, in order to identify the threat of infection in time.

It must be remembered that cats can also have allergies, so you should not use cosmetics, aerosols, or household chemicals with your animal, and also keep such substances as far away as possible.

To avoid conjunctivitis infecting your beloved pets, you must adhere to the measures given below.

  1. Maintaining the animal's immunity.
  2. Avoiding drafts and hypothermia of the pet.
  3. Preventive visits to the veterinarian, testing.
  4. Annual vaccination and deworming.
  5. Comb the animal very carefully so that hair does not get into the eyes.
  6. Limit the animal's contact with stray and unkempt cats.
  7. Maintain hygiene of the pet and its used accessories.
  8. Daily wet cleaning of the premises, but not in the presence of a pet.
  9. Finding household chemicals on the top shelves.

The cat's eyes began to water and swell, and if they do not open at all, then the cat has conjunctivitis. What to do and what treatment to use?


Why adult cats and kittens may develop conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis in cats is an eye disease accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane, with improper treatment may arise serious consequences, up to blindness. There are several types of this disease in cats, as well as the causes of each of them:

The kitten has acute conjunctivitis with slight discharge

Treatment of any type of conjunctivitis can be done at home if you know the exact cause, otherwise incorrect medications can lead to serious complications and even blindness.

Symptoms of the disease

Conjunctivitis is divided into several types according to the severity of the disease. Let's characterize each of them:

Allergic conjunctivitis, tears flow heavily.

How to cure fluffies

The kitten must be treated as soon as symptoms are noticed. The first step is to clean the eye; for this, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate are used. Kittens are washed, just like people, using well-moistened cotton swabs; it is important that pieces of cotton do not get into the eye.

Further treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor to determine the necessary medications. Usually, to treat conjunctivitis it is enough antibacterial ointment and special eye drops; in more severe cases, antibiotics are used in the form of ointments or injections and local painkillers.

For any conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe ointment and drops for treatment. How to put drops in a cat’s eye, and how to spread it at home:

No matter how hard the kittens struggle or scratch, the procedures must be done the prescribed number of times, otherwise the treatment will be in vain. Let your kittens not get sick, treat them and let them get well soon.

When a cat's eyes are watery, it is better to go to the veterinarian, as this is most likely conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis in cats is a fairly common disease that occurs not only in animals walking outside the home. Moreover, eye inflammation is a harbinger of various infectious diseases. In our article we will try to reveal the main causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease, and also talk about the main preventive methods.

There are many reasons for the development of eye inflammation:

  • Mechanical causes are eye injuries, the presence of foreign bodies.
  • Chemical causes are irritation resulting from contact with gases, vapors, and acids.
  • Infectious causes.
  • Transition of the inflammatory process from one area to another.
  • Allergens. A similar illness can arise from plant pollen or the host’s new perfume. In this case, it is necessary to observe what factor caused the irritation and eliminate it from everyday life.

Unfortunately, many owners, having discovered conjunctivitis in a kitten, are in no hurry to treat it at the veterinarian, however, this ailment can be a harbinger of a serious infectious disease, and this cannot be done without consulting a veterinarian.

Main types of conjunctivitis in cats

The following types of disease occur in kittens:

  1. Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis. Symptoms of this type of disease: swollen eyes, lacrimation, which is initially clear and then becomes cloudy and thick. Discharge collects in the corners of the eyes in the form of lumps, which dry out after sleep and stick the eyelashes together. If you take it easy and do not treat acute conjunctivitis, it will later turn into chronic.
  2. Chronic catarrhal– characterized by constant and weak discharge that accumulates in the corners of the eyes in the form of dried crusts, resulting in an inflammatory process in the eyelid area and hair loss.
  3. Purulent conjunctivitis. It rarely happens when purulent appearance The disease occurs in one eye; it mainly infects both eyes. What does the cat have at this time? following symptoms: sluggish appetite, painful sensations when blinking, increased temperature, swelling of the eyelid, discharge of pus with an unpleasant odor, the eyeball is red, extending beyond the orbit.
  4. Parenchymatous This type of disease is characterized by the fact that the inflammatory process involves almost the entire eye. Characteristic symptoms: swelling of the eyelids, redness of the mucous membrane, bleeding of the conjunctiva. If you don't start timely treatment, then parenchymal conjunctivitis can lead to complete blindness of the kitten.
  5. Follicular, is considered the most looking heavy diseases. With this type of disease, the eye narrows, pus leaks out, photophobia, spasm of the eyelid muscle, and pain on the eyeball appear.


In order to assign correct treatment The veterinarian must take a smear for analysis, this will help him determine the type of disease. Treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, otherwise there is a risk of blindness and includes:

  • Typically, the initial stage of treatment involves washing with antiseptic solutions, for example, furatsilin, a weak solution of manganese.
  • At the initial stage of the disease, treatment begins with antibiotics in the form of drops or ointments, for example, sofradex, tetracycline ointment, chloramphenicol.
  • When pronounced swelling is observed, solutions of novocaine and hydrocortisone are used for instillation.
  • Silver-based ointments will be advisable when chronic form diseases, also at this stage antibiotics are prescribed in the form of ointments, films, emulsions.
  • You can also treat your eyes with a solution three times a day. boric acid, after which ointments with antibiotics, for example, tetracycline, are applied.
  • Treatment of a purulent or follicular type involves the administration of antibiotics in the form of injections; for these purposes it is better to seek help from veterinary clinic. Treat at home serious look conjunctivitis is not recommended, this is especially true in cases of severe pain when the cat is undergoing a novocaine blockade. This procedure, in addition to reducing pain syndrome promotes faster recovery.
  • Injectable immunostimulants often help treat eye infections in kittens.

In cats, both eyes should be treated, even if one is affected.

To prevent your pet from scratching its eyes, you can put a special collar on it.

How to help a kitten at home

Treating a kitten at home involves washing the eyes, and it should be done at the first signs of illness. If not necessary funds, then you can use:

  • Tea, and it should be of medium strength, not freshly brewed, but yesterday. You should not use tea that is two days old, because bacteria will begin to grow in it.
  • Chamomile decoction.
  • Calendula decoction. Decoctions are made in a ratio of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water.
  • Potassium permanganate. You need to use potassium permanganate with extreme caution, as you can burn your eye; the solution should be slightly pinkish in color.

Conjunctivitis is a contagious disease; after handling kittens, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


It just seems that conjunctivitis is a simple disease that can be easily cured with eye drops. In fact, this is a common misconception that can lead to blindness in kittens. As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it, let's look at the main methods of prevention:

  1. Regular examinations by a veterinarian will help to avoid the presence of infectious diseases, the symptom of which may be eye inflammation.
  2. Vaccinations against herpes, chlamydia, and calcivirus play an important role.
  3. Daily eye care will help avoid such troubles.

It has been noticed that pets who have conjunctivitis do not suffer from good care, that is, you need to love and care for the cat, and then he will please the owner great mood and good spirits.