Melissa - medicinal properties and contraindications for the human body. Treatment of viral diseases. Description of the dosage form


Active ingredient: Melissa
ATX code: N05CM
KFG: Herbal medicine with sedative effect
Reg. number: P No. 000473/02
Registration date: 09.11.08
Owner reg. cred.: St.-MEDIPHARM (Russia)


100 g - Paper bags (1) - cardboard packs.

The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make a decision about the possibility of using a particular drug.


Herbal product. Causes sedative, anticonvulsant, antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic, antispasmodic, antiemetic effects. The main active ingredients are essential oil components (0.06-1%), incl. citral (up to 62%), geraniol, linalool, neral, caryophyllene, in combination with terpenoids, glucosides of eugenol, benzyl alcohol and phenolcarboxylic acids provide antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity.

The active components of lemon balm improve digestive processes, have a mild choleretic effect, and help restore the saprophytic intestinal flora and the secretion of digestive enzymes. Along with essential oil, vitamins B 1, B 2, C and a complex of microelements, including potassium, have a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous system. The latter, in combination with geraniol and phenolcarboxylic acids, provides a negative chronotropic effect, helps normalize cardiac activity and vascular tone. Thanks to a complex complex of biologically active substances, lemon balm preparations exhibit a pronounced antihypoxic effect, which in turn underlies the cardio-, neuro-, nephro- and immunoprotective properties. They eliminate mild forms of dysmenorrhea, manifestations of toxicosis of pregnancy, menopausal disorders, and normalize the function of the gonads in men.

Essential oil components, flavonoids, terpenoids, chlorogenic, rosmarinic, ferulic, salicylic acids improve the drainage function of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, reduce the viscosity of sputum, facilitate its coughing, and have an antipyretic effect due to increased heat transfer (dilation of skin blood vessels, increased sweating). When applied to the skin and mucous membranes, lemon balm preparations exhibit analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antimicrobial, and antiviral effects.


Neuroses, neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type, mild forms of arterial hypertension, mild forms of coronary artery disease, tachyarrhythmias; acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, dyskinesia, dysbacteriosis, fermentopathy, flatulence; acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system (bacterial and viral origin); dermatitis accompanied by itching, eczema, trophic ulcers; menstrual disorders, menopausal disorders, toxicosis of pregnancy; immunodeficiency states (as part of combination therapy).


It is used orally as a prepared infusion of 30-50 ml 2-4 times a day after meals, and in order to normalize digestion 15-30 minutes before meals. Melissa preparations can also be used in the form of inhalations.


In some cases: hypersensitivity reactions to lemon balm.


Hypersensitivity to lemon balm.


Melissa potentiates the effect of antihypertensive, analgesic and central nervous system depressants.

Lemon grass, lemon aroma, lemon mint - this is what lemon balm is popularly called, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described below. This miraculous plant has been used in alternative medicine since ancient times. It has been and continues to be used as a spicy, medicinal, essential oil, and melliferous plant. The Latin name of the genus Melissa is derived from the Greek word bee. This is due to the fact that the plant strongly attracts working women.

There is even a legend according to which Melissa was a nymph, the daughter of King Melisseus. She fed Zeus honey and milk and wanted to teach people how to extract honey. Another legend says that Melissa had extraordinary beauty, which, of course, the goddesses did not like, which is why they turned her into a bee.

Ancient medicine attributed antimicrobial, antiseptic, sedative and antidysenteric properties to the plant. The plant was used to improve vision and normalize the menstrual cycle. Avicenna recommended using the plant for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Today, lemon balm has no less widespread use. It is valued in cosmetology, cooking, aromatherapy and, of course, informal medicine.

Application in cosmetology, aromatherapy, cooking

The essential oil of the plant is used to treat gastrointestinal pathologies caused by stress. It has powerful antiviral properties and is used to normalize heart rate, lower blood pressure, normalize sleep, minimize the symptoms of menopause, eliminate itching, burning and swelling from insect bites.

Moreover, oil is a component of homemade cosmetics and all kinds of skin care products. It is also used in the perfume industry to flavor waters, creams and lotions.

The dried leaves of the plant are used to flavor teas. Salad made from fresh young leaves is part of the therapeutic diet. Melissa is used to make excellent seasonings for all kinds of dishes. The plant is often used to prepare liquor and vodka products.

Melissa is an excellent and valuable honey plant. Melissa honey has a very pleasant aroma and taste and is one of the best varieties.

Botanical characteristics

Melissa is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family, reaching a height of fifty centimeters or more. Lemon grass is equipped with an erect, branched, tetrahedral stem, petiolate, opposite, heart-shaped, coarsely toothed leaves, covered with soft hairs, and small, pale pink or white flowers located on short stalks.

Melissa blooms in the second year of life in the middle of summer. The fruits of the plant consist of four brownish ovoid nuts. Melissa's homeland is the Mediterranean. The plant was grown several thousand years ago in Ancient Rome, from where it spread throughout the rest of Europe.

In Mediterranean countries, the plant is considered a weed. Shady shrubs, open forests, rocky and grassy areas, forest meadows, river banks, roadsides are places where grass grows. The Caucasus, Crimea, Central Asia, Ukraine, Russia are the habitat of lemon balm.

Collection and preparation

The tops of shoots and foliage of the plant are used to make preparations. It is recommended to collect and prepare raw materials at the beginning of flowering. Next, the raw materials are dried in the open air, preferably under a canopy or in a dryer with sufficient ventilation at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees.

After drying, the workpieces are placed in paper bags or bags for further storage. In one season you can get two or more harvests. Collecting herbs in order to reduce the loss of essential oils is best done at noon and preferably in cloudy weather. You can store the blanks for a year, no more.

Melissa - medicinal properties and contraindications, composition

Lemon grass is a storehouse of beneficial and healing properties. And all this thanks to its composition. The plant contains a significant amount of:

  • essential oils;
  • triterpene compounds (citral, citronellal);
  • monoterpene compounds (linalool, cetronellol, geraniol);
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • mucous substances;
  • tannins;
  • caffeic, rosemary, oleic, ursolic acids;
  • bitter substances;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty oils;
  • macro- and microelements: calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, chromium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, vanadium.

The rich composition gives plants a whole arsenal of healing properties. Melissa has antispasmodic, sedative, hypnotic, sedative, carminative, choleretic, hypoglycemic, astringent, anticonvulsant, expectorant, tonic, diuretic, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiallergic effects.

Preparations based on lemon balm help:

  • increased appetite;
  • stimulating the secretion of gastric juice;
  • elimination of fermentation anomalies;
  • increased gastric motility;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • eliminating bad breath;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • activation of the intrasecretory function of the thyroid gland;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • therapy of nervous disorders, migraines, insomnia, painful menstruation, neuroses, ischemic heart disease, dyskinesia, flatulence, dysbacteriosis, dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, toxicosis, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, hypertension, bruises, oral ailments, epilepsy, anemia, gout, cholecystitis , pyelonephritis

Folk recipes

Making soothing tea

Take a few spoons of dried crushed leaves of the plant and pour into a thermos. Brew the raw material with boiled water – 1.5 cups. Leave the mixture to sit for an hour. Drink a cup of tea three times a day. When a small amount of honey is added to tea, its hypnotic effect is enhanced. The drug can be taken to eliminate headaches, dizziness, as well as normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kidney pathologies: infusion therapy

Steam three spoons of dry leaves of the plant in five hundred milliliters of boiled water. Let the product brew. It is recommended to consume half a glass of the filtered drug three times a day.

Tinnitus Therapy

Pour fifteen grams of fresh, finely chopped lemon balm herb with vodka - 50 ml. Close the container tightly and leave the composition to brew in a dark, cool place for a week. Next, the product must be filtered through several layers of gauze. Place three drops of the product in each ear, preferably before going to bed.

The use of healing baths

Steam fifty grams of raw materials with boiled water - a liter. The product must infuse. After filtering, pour the composition into the bath. It is recommended to take a bath before bed.

Viral diseases: treatment with essential oils

Combine a few drops, no more than three, with a small amount of natural honey. Pour boiling water over the mixture. Lean over the container, cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the steam until the water cools.

Melissa essential oil for the treatment of headaches and nervous tension

Place a few drops of oil, but no more than five, into a bathtub filled with hot water. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. If desired, you can combine lemon balm oil with peach oil.

Collection for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Mix lemon balm in equal proportions with hawthorn fruits, nettles, blackberry leaves, lavender, hops, adonis, and elderberry. All ingredients must be thoroughly chopped and mixed. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture with just boiled water and leave to brew for a couple of hours. Drink 100 milliliters of the filtered drug three times a day.

Making cleansing tea

The product has cleansing properties, helps normalize metabolic processes, reduce body weight, and improve skin health. Combine dry lemon balm leaves with rose hips, rose petals, horsetail, and yarrow in equal quantities. Grind the ingredients and steam three tablespoons of the raw material with boiling water - half a liter. Leave the mixture to sit for three hours. Take half a glass of filtered drink at least three times a day.

Preparation of a drug that helps strengthen the immune system

The product, with long-term use, helps to increase the body's defenses. Combine dried crushed lemon balm leaves in equal proportions with hawthorn, barberry fruits, leaves

The beneficial properties and contraindications of lemon balm have been verified by centuries of experience in traditional medicine. But the herb has also been well studied in scientific medicine and is widely used to treat functional disorders of the nervous system and digestion, and heart diseases. In addition, the herb is used in veterinary medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. Melissa is a valuable honey plant that produces a high-quality and valuable variety of honey.

Features of the medicinal plant lemon balm

Melissa officinalis. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

The most popular popular name for lemon balm is lemon balm or lemon balm. This is due to the pleasant lemon aroma. It is by smell that you can often identify a plant. It intensifies when you touch the grass or rub it in your hand.


Lemon balm is native to the Mediterranean. This is a heat-loving plant. In the wild, the grass is most often found in the southern and central regions of Europe and Russia. It also grows in North Africa, Iran, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Ukraine. The grass is cultivated in many European countries as an excellent honey plant, pharmacological and essential oil raw material. It is successfully grown in home gardens and gardens.


  • Preparation for the winter. Cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant. Dry in bunches by hanging the grass. It can also be laid out in attics, verandas, under awnings with access to fresh air. Once dried, the grass is threshed, only the leaves and flowers are selected, and the rough branches and stems are separated.
  • Storage . It is recommended to store it as essential oil raw materials - in a tightly sealed container. Shelf life - 2 years.
  • Features of cultivation. The bushes are planted in early spring at a distance of 30–40 cm from each other. 3 bushes are enough to get a good harvest of grass. The plant reproduces by dividing the bush. Loves warmth, does not tolerate frost and hot weather. Requires watering and fertilizing the soil with mineral fertilizers. Under favorable conditions it grows quickly and forms young shoots around the main bush. Young branches take root easily, stick them into the ground and water them.

Healing effect

What benefits does lemon balm bring? What are its healing properties?

  • General strengthening.
  • Calming.
  • Painkiller.
  • Soft.
  • Appetizing.
  • Carminative.
  • Choleretic.
  • Laxative.
  • Anticonvulsant.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Antiemetic.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Tonic.
  • Immunostimulating.

What is the chemical composition of the herb? The most valuable is the essential oil, which includes the substances myrcene, citral, citronellal, caryophyllene, and geraniol. Citral gives the plant a lemony scent. Also found in the plant:

  • useful acids: ascorbic, ursolic, oleanolic, caffeic;
  • minerals, tannins;
  • resins;
  • mucus;
  • bitterness;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty oil;
  • carotene.

Indications for use

What are the medicinal uses of lemon balm? For what diagnoses and symptoms does this herb provide the greatest benefit?

  • Nervous system. For a long time, lemon balm has been known as a sedative. It is taken for functional disorders of the central nervous system, neuroses, hysteria, chronic fatigue, loss of strength, spasms, and convulsions. The herb helps with migraines, irritability, sleep disorders, and dizziness.
  • Heart diseases. The herb is useful for the heart: relieves pain, reduces attacks of tachycardia and cardiac shortness of breath, normalizes the rhythm of heart contractions.
  • Vascular diseases and hypertension. The herb is a good remedy for blood pressure, relieves pain, and prevents the deposition of cholesterol. Helps with atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders.
  • Joints, tissues, peripheral nerves. I drink lemon balm for inflammatory processes in connective tissue and joints - for gout, rheumatism, and also for neuralgia.
  • Digestive organs. The herb increases appetite, improves digestion, eliminates bloating and spasms of the stomach and intestines, including those of a psychosomatic nature. It also helps with nausea and acts as an antiemetic. For constipation, you can take it orally and do enemas from decoctions. The herb helps with diseases of the liver and gall bladder, acts as a choleretic medicine.
  • Antiviral agent. There is information that lemon balm essential oil helps with herpes types 1 and 2, chickenpox, and has a pronounced antiviral effect. The medicine does not cure the virus, it only softens the symptoms and promotes rapid healing of herpes. It is recommended to take the herb orally and wipe the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes externally.
  • External use. The herb relieves pain, inflammation and swelling from bruises, joint diseases, and animal bites. In addition, it is widely used in dermatology. Decoctions are used to treat acne, ulcers, boils, and rashes. They are also used in dentistry - for toothache and gum inflammation. For skin problems, neuralgia and joint diseases, medicinal baths, compresses, rubbing, and lotions are indicated. But you can also take the herb internally at the same time.

There are also reviews that the herb relieves ear pain due to otitis media. Fresh lemon balm juice or diluted alcohol tincture is dripped into the ears, and lotions are also applied to the parotid areas. However, you need to remember that in case of acute ear pain you need to urgently consult an otolaryngologist. Warming up the ears can, on the contrary, increase pain and inflammation.

Are there any contraindications to the use of lemon balm? First of all, it is individual intolerance to the grass and an allergic reaction. Also, you should not take the drug if you experience severe drowsiness, lethargy, hypotension, or lethargy. Concomitant use with other sedatives and hypnotics is not recommended. In case of overdose, the following side effects are possible: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, decreased concentration, drowsiness.

Using lemon balm at home

In what dosage forms can you buy lemon balm? What are the uses of the herb in folk medicine? How does lemon balm benefit women, men and children? How is it used in cosmetology?

Pharmacy drugs

  • Melissa officinalis herb. Sold in packages of 30, 50, 75 g. It can be in the form of a powder, packaged in filter bags of 1.5 g. Belongs to the pharmacological group of sedative, antispasmodic herbal medicines. The main indication for use is increased excitability of the central nervous system and problems with falling asleep. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the herb at home.
  • Melissa essential oil. Refers to non-toxic oils with sedative action. What are the uses of lemon balm essential oil? This product is used in different ways - for massage, aromatherapy, therapeutic baths, treatment of skin and mucous membranes, for cosmetic masks and creams. It is also prescribed for anemia, asthenic syndrome, neuroses, depression, headaches, and insomnia. The product helps with viral infections and can be taken to prevent influenza and ARVI. In addition, it has antibacterial, antifungal, insecticidal and antihistamine effects. The oil oxidizes quickly, it should be protected from light and stored only in the refrigerator.
  • Tincture. The official instructions contain an extensive list of indications for use: arterial hypertension (hypertension); neuroses; signs of neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type (weakness, dizziness, headaches, irritability, sleep disturbances); diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, flatulence; inflammation of the respiratory system; immunodeficiency states; menstrual irregularities; dermatitis, trophic ulcers; toxicosis during pregnancy.

Dry lemon balm extract and essential oil are often included in medications with antispasmodic and sedative effects. They are most often prescribed for functional disorders of the nervous system, insomnia, stomach cramps of a psychosomatic nature, heart ailments, and to increase appetite.


The main medicinal properties of lemon balm tea are sedative, antispasmodic and tonic. Indicated for nervous, irritable people who are subject to regular stress and have low stress resistance.

Making tea

  1. Take 3 tsp. chopped grass.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Close the lid and leave for 15 minutes.

Take warm. It may seem that 3 teaspoons per glass of water is too high a dose. But for severe symptoms of neurosis and insomnia, this dose is recommended, which will give a sedative effect. It can be adjusted - add 1, 2 or 3 tsp. depending on individual tolerance and condition. It is recommended to add honey to tea - it enhances the sedative properties of the herb.

Decoction and infusion

How to brew lemon balm in order to preserve the beneficial substances in it as much as possible?

Preparing the decoction

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 40 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Take ½ glass in the morning and evening before meals. For external use, prepare a concentrated decoction of lemon balm - take 4 tbsp per glass of boiling water. l. herbs and infuse longer. This decoction is used in the form of lotions and added to medicinal baths.

Preparation of hot infusion

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain.

This cooking method eliminates boiling. The dosage is the same - ½ glass 2 times a day. You can also prepare hot poultices. To do this, lemon balm leaves are simply doused with boiling water, wrapped in cloth and applied to painful joints and boils.

Preparation of cold infusion

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of cold boiled water.
  3. Leave for 4–6 hours.
  4. Strain.

This infusion is rich in vitamins. It is taken not only as a sedative, but also as a general strengthening, immunostimulating, and appetizing agent.

Alcohol tincture

What is the use of lemon balm tincture in medicine? All of the above mentioned diagnoses and symptoms are indicated. Most often they drink it for heart disorders and neuroses. Also prescribed during the premenopausal period, for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, inflammation of the respiratory and genitourinary systems, and diabetes.


  1. Take 1 part herb and 3 parts 40% alcohol.
  2. Leave for 24 hours in a warm place.
  3. Strain.

You can drink 20 drops 3 times a day before meals. A single dose is diluted in ½ glass of water.

Melissa tincture for external use

  1. Take 1 part herb and 5 parts 70% alcohol.
  2. Leave for 7 days in a warm place.
  3. Strain.

It is used to rub sore spots for gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, and to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the gums and toothache. It is recommended to dilute the product in direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

Benefits for women

How can grass be useful for women?

  • Premenopausal period. The pronounced calming properties of the herb will help relieve irritability and anxiety attacks during the onset of menopause. Melissa has a beneficial effect on a woman’s emotional sphere, normalizes metabolism and hormonal levels.
  • Pregnancy. Mint and lemon balm during pregnancy are among the safest herbs, but you should not get carried away with them because of the possible impact on hormonal levels. Only a doctor can prescribe the herb, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman and the severity of the symptoms. Taken in the form of decoctions and infusions as a sedative, antispasmodic, mild carminative, to normalize digestion and sleep. Most often, tea with lemon balm is prescribed during pregnancy in moderate dosage, but alcohol tincture is contraindicated. Melissa is often prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy: the herb helps with toxicosis in the first trimester, reduces attacks of nausea and vomiting, normalizes appetite, and relieves increased anxiety and tearfulness.
  • Breast-feeding. Melissa is a lactogenic herb. During lactation, it can only be taken in the form of aqueous decoctions, infusions or teas. Also, to enhance lactation, it is recommended to prepare herbal infusions with lemon balm, anise, oregano, dill, hops, sage, and walnuts.

Benefits for men

Since ancient times, lemon balm has been considered a feminine herb. Therefore, there is an opinion that it is harmful for men, as it reduces potency. This information has no scientific confirmation. Nowhere in the instructions for the drug containing lemon balm or mint is it stated that it has a negative effect on the potency of men. There are no gender differences in the indications for the use of lemon balm. It is also useful for men with sleep disorders, digestion, nervous disorders, stress, irritability, and heart ailments. And in moderate doses it will not cause any harm to men's health and strength.

It is only important to remember: lemon balm-based drugs dull mental, motor reactions, and concentration levels. Therefore, it is not recommended to take the medicine when driving vehicles or performing professional activities involving machinery.

Benefits for children

Teas with lemon balm are allowed for infants. This herb is often included in sedative and antispasmodic mixtures for children. After them, children sleep well and are less capricious. Also helps with colic, bloating, and digestive disorders. Individual intolerance to the herb is possible. Before use, consult a pediatrician. The doctor prescribes the correct age dosage and course. The herb can also be prescribed to children with signs of hyperactivity, poor sleep and appetite.


The herb is often used in cosmetology, added as a fragrance to creams, lotions, masks, shampoos, and soaps. What beneficial properties does it have for skin and hair, how is it used?

  • Improves skin color.
  • Rejuvenates, makes the skin firm and elastic.
  • Eliminates excess fat.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Soothes the skin, eliminates irritation and peeling.
  • Relieves inflammation, treats pimples and acne.
  • Hair is rinsed with decoctions and infusions, which gives it a healthy color and shine.
  • Helps get rid of dandruff, strengthens hair.

Melissa essential oil is especially popular for hair and skin. It is added to rejuvenating and nourishing masks, tonic lotions, relaxing and soothing baths.

The main beneficial properties of lemon balm are sedative and antispasmodic. Therefore, the herb is one of the first choice plants for neuroses, insomnia, spasmodic pain in the stomach and intestines, headaches, and heart pain. In second place is the use of herbs for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also widely used in dermatology and cosmetology.

This plant has long been known to mankind. It has been used in folk medicine for many centuries. The healing herb has incredible properties. Before using it, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

A perennial herbaceous plant is called lemon balm. Experts attribute it to the Yasnotkov family. If conditions are favorable, the plant will remain in place for up to eight years. As bushes age, their resistance to frost decreases. The stems are branched, their height is 30-80 centimeters. The leaves have serrated edges and are dark green in color. The next year after sowing, the plant begins to bloom. Melissa flowers are light purple, less often pink. Flowering occurs from June to August.

Melissa is also known by other names: lemon balm, honey mint, bee balm, lemon grass. The plant grows in the Mediterranean, Europe, USA, North Africa, and Asia. There are varieties of grass, the most popular include:

  • Melissa officinalis. Distributed in Europe and Central Asia. The height of the plant can vary from 30 to 120 centimeters. Blooms from June to August. Used to treat digestion, skin diseases, neuroses.
  • Melissa Aurea. It has variegated golden leaves. The plant loves shade and can burn in the sun. Grows in Southern and Central Europe. More used in cooking than in folk medicine.

What are the benefits of lemon balm?

The beneficial properties of the plant are:

  • Saturates the body with vitamins.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Relieves spasms.
  • Treats heart diseases.
  • Normalizes sleep.
  • Eliminates increased excitability.
  • Fights digestive diseases.
  • Destroys eczema, rashes, red spots on the surface of the epidermis.

For men You should avoid using this plant, as it negatively affects potency. Erection problems may begin, so it is worth finding an analogue that will not cause harm.

For children It is allowed to use lemon balm to normalize sleep, increase attention and concentration, and improve memory. This herb will make the baby more diligent, excessive activity and whims will disappear.

Contains vitamins A, B, C.

Indications for use

  • Anemia.
  • Asthma.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Constipation.
  • Painful menstruation.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Skin diseases.

Harm and contraindications

Melissa is not harmful, but in too large doses it can lead to allergic reactions, complications and side effects. There are contraindications:

  • Arterial hypotension.
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Diseases of the duodenum.
  • Liver failure.

The plant is used with caution for epilepsy. A doctor's consultation is required.

Dosage forms

In the pharmacy this plant is presented in the form of essential oils and solutions. You can prepare decoctions and tinctures from lemon balm at home, as well as medicinal tea.

Instructions for use

Each of the recipes presented has a specific effect. Before using it, you should carefully read the instructions.

For adults

For skin rashes and eczema, a compress from this plant should be used. You need to combine four tablespoons of crushed dry raw materials and 500 ml of boiling water. The solution is infused for thirty minutes, then filtered. The finished product is used as a compress. The procedure lasts 10 minutes and is applied once or twice a day.

A tincture of lemon balm will help fight epilepsy. To do this, mix three tablespoons of dried herbs and 500 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the liquid for two hours. Then it is recommended to strain the product. The finished medicine is used 4 times a day, half a glass before meals.

Lemongrass tea will help with diabetes. To prepare the remedy, you need to combine one tablespoon of dried herb and a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for ten minutes. You should drink the tea immediately after steeping. After eating, at least an hour should pass. To make the tea tastier, honey is added to it. This product cleanses the intestines and helps in getting rid of extra pounds. It is worth remembering that patients with gastritis with low acidity levels need to add a small amount of lemon to their tea.

For children

If a child has digestive problems, concentration and memory need to be improved, a healing decoction should be prepared. One tablespoon of plant leaves should be poured with a glass of hot water. Next, the solution is boiled in a water bath for ten minutes. Then it is cooled, filtered and consumed one teaspoon twice a day before meals.

If a skin rash or dizziness appears during treatment, you should stop using lemon balm. There is a possibility of allergies.

During lactation and pregnancy

Experts allow the use of this plant for treatment during this period. With the help of lemon balm you can get rid of swelling and improve lactation. It's easy to prepare the product. It is necessary to combine 300 ml of hot water and three tablespoons of dry raw materials. It is recommended to mix the components in a thermos. The medicine should be infused for at least ten minutes. Next, the solution is filtered and consumed a third of a glass twice a day.

When taking this product, you should pay attention to your baby's skin. If the mother is not allergic to lemon balm, then the baby may be allergic. Red spots and rashes appear on the skin. Then the use of this plant should be discontinued.

Melissa officinalis herb
Instructions for medical use - RU No. LP-000188

Last modified date: 19.04.2017

Dosage form

Chopped grass


Melissa officinalis herb

Description of the dosage form

A mixture of pieces of stems, leaves, flowers and buds passing through a 7mm sieve. Color ranges from grayish-green to green. The smell is weak. The taste of the water extract is slightly bitter.


The lemon balm herb contains essential oil, vitamins Bl, B2, C, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, ursolic acid.

Pharmacological group

Sedative of plant origin.

Pharmacological action

An infusion of lemon balm herb has a mild calming effect and has moderate antispasmodic properties.


Used in adults with increased emotional excitability, irritability, sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, early awakening).


Hypersensitivity to the drug, drowsiness, lethargy, lethargy, children under 18 years of age

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Possibly if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child. You should consult your doctor.

Directions for use and doses

About 2-3 g (1 tablespoon) of chopped herbs are placed in a glass or enamel bowl, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of boiling water, cover and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter. The remaining raw materials are squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water.

Take orally warm, 1/2 -1/3 cup 2-3 times a day, 1 hour after meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


To date, no cases of overdose have been registered.


Strengthens the effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that depress the central nervous system.

Special instructions

In case of individual intolerance, lemon balm infusion is replaced with valerian preparations.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.

During the treatment period, care must be taken when engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher and operator).

Release form

The grass is crushed, 50 g in a cardboard pack with an inner paper, polymer or polypropylene bag.

The full text of the instructions for use is printed on the pack.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light; prepared infusion - in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Keep out of reach of children