The use of Tranexam for uterine bleeding is a quick and effective help. Tranexam for uterine bleeding: effectiveness and instructions for use

Doctors do not recommend taking Tranexam on your own during pregnancy. Pregnancy is the most wonderful period for many women. It is very difficult to convey in words what women experience when they develop new life. From the very minute a woman finds out about her interesting position, her life begins to change enormously. Every woman experiences pregnancy differently, but according to doctors, the first weeks of pregnancy are considered the most dangerous. It's about about the risk of unwanted termination of pregnancy. The reasons for this threat may vary. Modern medicine Today, we have developed a drug that helps fight this danger.

Why is Tranexam prescribed?

Modern pharmacology after various studies has developed a drug that helps many women prevent early and early pregnancy loss. later. Tranexam is available in the form of tablets or injections. This drug is completely safe for the fetus, as it does not freely penetrate the placenta. According to its pharmaceutical characteristics, this drug is classified as a hemostatic drug. As a rule, the threat of interruption is accompanied by bleeding. During pregnancy, this drug tends to make the blood thicker, which has a good effect on clotting.

Pregnant women are prescribed hemostatic medications in cases:

  • The appearance of aching and nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • When brown discharge from the vagina;
  • For prevention, if a woman has previously had miscarriages or has been diagnosed with “recurrent miscarriage”;
  • If found inflammatory processes in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • If a pregnant woman is prone to allergic reactions;
  • With placental abruption.

At the first symptoms of a threat, Tranexam should be taken as early as possible. If there is a threat of miscarriage, taking this drug helps stop bleeding and reduce pain. The drug also has properties to relieve allergic reactions and inflammation. of different nature. As was previously said, this medicine does not have a negative effect on the fetus, so expectant mothers should not worry about this.

How to take Tranexam: dosage

Accept this medicinal product during pregnancy, take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day after meals. The full course of treatment usually lasts several weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended. The correct dosage is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account all the nuances of the pregnancy. You should not self-medicate and take pills at your own discretion.

Find out about correct dosage Tranexam can only be obtained from your attending physician.

There is a dosage table based on which the doctor makes prescriptions:

  1. In case of hematoma, uterine or nosebleeds, during pregnancy, 1000-1500 mg is prescribed several times a day.
  2. In the early stages, to stop bleeding, the dose is 250-500 mg 4 times a day for a week.
  3. For allergies and inflammation, Tranexamic acid is taken 2 times over 24 hours, 1000-1500 mg.
  4. When generalized fibrinolysis is established, a Tranexam drip is placed, followed by 1000 mg tablets several times a day.

Most often, Tranexam is prescribed in tablets, but in certain cases the doctor may decide to take the drug in a solution that is administered intravenously. In cases where blood loss reaches more than 100 ml, a dropper is prescribed, followed by switching to tablets. The dropper is prescribed in the following dosages: for generalized fibrinolysis, 15 mg per kg of the pregnant woman every 6 hours; for local fibrinolysis, the drug is administered no more than 500 mg 2 times a day.

Instructions for use of Tranexam during pregnancy

The instructions for using this drug are much longer than described above, so before taking it it would be a good idea to read in detail about the rules of administration and possible side effects.

In general, the drug is well tolerated, but such adverse reactions are possible:

  • Heartburn;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • General weakening of the body;
  • The occurrence of dizziness;
  • Possible disturbances in the functioning of the visual organs;
  • Possible heart palpitations;
  • Thrombosis formation;
  • Pain in the chest area may occur;
  • Appearance allergic reactions in the form small rash, redness of the skin, itching.

Like any medicine, this drug has contraindications for use. Pregnant women should not take the drug if: a diagnosis of varicose veins has been established; intolerance to the components contained in the drug; thrombosis formation; subarachnoid bleeding; any disturbances in kidney function; disturbance of blood supply to the brain. It is strictly forbidden to take Tranexam simultaneously with diazipone and tetracycline drugs, this leads to active formation of blood clots. During lactation, taking the drug is prohibited. During breastfeeding, the active substances of the drug are excreted along with mother's milk, which may have negative impact for the baby.

Taking Tranexam during early pregnancy

Taking Tranexam in the early stages of pregnancy is possible if a woman has such problems as: inflammatory processes, detection of neoplasms and tumors, when making diagnoses such as stomatitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, accumulation of toxins as a result of taking medications, leukemia, hemophilia, liver dysfunction.

How many days to take the drug in early pregnancy is prescribed by the doctor after examining and interviewing the patient.

Doctors recommend taking Tranexam during early pregnancy for inflammatory processes.

In most cases, the drug is taken within a week. If symptoms of intolerance to the drug appear during use, you should immediately consult your doctor. After a thorough examination, the doctor may decide to take medications that help. The drug is taken only as prescribed by a doctor, especially if you are also taking drugs such as any antibiotic, Renaxa, Curantil, Duphaston. Alcohol is prohibited.

With the development of uterine bleeding female body endangered: due to blood loss, cellular structures receive less nutrients and oxygen. Early and effective help helps prevent severe consequences. Tranexam is the drug of choice therapeutic tactics V similar situations. The drug has been successfully used in clinical practice and deserved it great reviews patients.

Uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding - different in intensity and nature of blood discharge from the uterus. Very often pathological condition is regarded as normal menstruation.

Uterine bleeding threatens women's health

You can think about bleeding from the uterus if the volume of blood released during menstruation is more than 85 ml per day, and the woman is forced to change sanitary pad every 1–2 hours.

Signs of uterine bleeding are as follows:

  • a large number of blood clots;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • development of anemia;
  • feeling of fatigue, weakness.

Uterine bleeding can occur as a result of diseases of the female genital area, for example, with fibroids, as well as against the background hormonal disorders. In the pathological course of pregnancy and in postpartum period blood loss in most cases poses a serious threat to the life of a woman and child.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - video

Description of the drug Tranexam

Tranexam shows excellent results with uterine bleeding, quickly stopping them. This drug affects the blood coagulation system by blocking the activity of the enzyme fibrinolysin and preventing the conversion of the plasma component plasminogen. Tranexam reduces permeability blood vessels uterus, and also has a general effect on the body. The hemostatic effect of the drug begins within 20 minutes after administration into a vein; in tablet form, the drug acts 1–2 hours after administration. This is one of the fastest-acting remedies to combat uterine bleeding.

Tranexam effectively stops uterine bleeding

Indications for use of Tranexam

Prescribing Tranexam is justified in the following cases:

  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding during childbearing years;
  • conditions after surgical interventions for gynecological diseases;
  • uterine bleeding during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period;
  • bleeding from the uterus into menopause.

Composition of the drug and release form: tablets, injection solution

Tranexam is available in tablets and as an injection solution.

1 tablet contains tranexamic acid in the amount of 250 mg or 500 mg. The composition also includes the following auxiliary components:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • hydroxypropylcellulose;
  • carboxymethylcellulose;
  • talc;
  • calcium stearate;
  • anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • macrogol 6000.

1 ml of solution for intravenous administration contains 50 mg of tranexamic acid. The ampoule can hold 5 or 10 ml. The solvent is water for injection.

Intravenous administration of Tranexam stops bleeding within a few minutes

Contraindications and possible side effects

Tranexam is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • hemorrhage under arachnoid membrane brain;
  • increased susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism suffered in the past.

Taking Tranexam may cause the following side effects:

  • loss of appetite and bad taste in the mouth;
  • burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • lack of coordination and vestibular disorders;
  • increased fatigue;
  • violation color vision and blurred visual perception;
  • thrombotic complications;
  • increased heart rate and palpitations;
  • unpleasant sensations in the projection of the heart;
  • development of fainting.

Destination Features

Prescribing medications in different periods A woman's life has its own characteristics. Thus, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of many drugs is limited - they can harm the baby.

Bleeding during pregnancy can be stopped with Tranexam

During pregnancy

If bloody discharge appears, the expectant mother should immediately seek help. medical assistance. Bleeding from the uterus during pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus and can cause a risk of miscarriage. In such a situation, the use of Tranexam is necessary and justified. If the examination reveals that there is no immediate danger, you can get by with more by gentle means. Decisions of this kind are made by the attending physician after thorough examination female patients.

When breastfeeding

During treatment with Tranexam breast-feeding should be stopped

Tranexam has the ability to penetrate into breast milk. Considering the toxicity of the drug and possible side effects, it can be prescribed to a nursing mother only if there is an immediate threat to the life and health of the patient. It is strongly recommended to stop breastfeeding during treatment with Tranexam.

During menopause

Postmenopausal uterine bleeding may be a symptom oncological diseases female genital organs

In premenopause, the risk of dysfunctional uterine bleeding increases significantly. It is possible to discharge blood from the vagina during menopause and postmenopause. Such symptoms require not just stopping the bleeding, but a thorough examination by a gynecologist. During menopause, the cause of uterine bleeding may be:

  • development of benign and malignant tumors genitals;
  • endometriosis;
  • hormonal disorders.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended to prescribe Tranexam together with other drugs that stimulate the blood coagulation system or block the activity of fibrinolysin. In this situation, the likelihood of thrombosis sharply increases.

Tranexam should not be prescribed simultaneously with anticoagulating and antiplatelet drugs, some antibiotics, and tranquilizers. The following medications are incompatible with Tranexam:

  • Heparin;
  • Warfarin;
  • Chime;
  • Sibazon;
  • aspirin;
  • benzylpenicillin sodium salt;
  • tetracycline drugs.

How to take medication correctly

Tranexam tablets should be taken 2-4 times a day with water. The average treatment period is seven or eight days; if necessary, it can be extended to two weeks.

If it is necessary to administer the drug by injection, Tranexam is prescribed intravenously as a stream or as a dropper.

Drugs that can replace Tranexam - table

Preparation Active ingredient Release form Features of the action Contraindications Price
Aminocaproic acid Aminocaproic acid
  • Solution for injection;
  • pills;
  • powder
Effective 15 minutes after intravenous administration, should only be prescribed in a hospital Thrombosis, thromboembolism in the past 30 rubles
Askorutin Ascorbic acid,
Pills Increases immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels Allergic reactions to the components of the drug 40 rubles
Vikasol Vitamin K
  • Pills;
  • injection solution
The action develops after 5–6 hours Increased blood clotting 50 rubles
Etamzilat Etamzilat
  • Pills;
  • injection solution
The drug acts on capillaries, strengthens the vascular wall Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism 200 rubles
Pamba Aminomethylbenzoic acid
  • Pills;
  • injection solution
Stops massive bleeding within 20 minutes Thrombotic and thromboembolic conditions in the past 2000 rubles

Tranexam is a drug that can help the expectant mother maintain her pregnancy. Today we will talk about when Tranexam is prescribed during pregnancy, how to use it correctly, and whether there are contraindications to taking the drug.

Why is Tranexam prescribed during pregnancy?

Most miscarriages occur when the pregnant woman begins to bleed. Normally, while carrying a baby, a woman may have only white discharge (leucorrhoea), which should not be accompanied by a burning sensation, itching, or other subjective signs.

Bloody discharge is a symptom of a threatened miscarriage. This condition needs urgent treatment, and it should be based on the use of medications that reduce the tone of the uterus, and on the use of hemostatic agents.

Tranexam thickens the blood and enhances its clotting. The drug quickly stops bleeding, thereby saving the baby from premature birth. The drug contains tranexamic acid (the main active ingredient), silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium glycolate.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed if expectant mother appeared painful sensations pulling in the lower abdomen or spotting. And the sooner a pregnant woman starts taking medication, the better.

Tranexam can help even in the most advanced and severe cases, for example, with premature aging placenta, detachment of the ovum. However, such pathologies can only be detected after ultrasound examination.

Most often Tranexam is prescribed in complex treatment with other drugs. When taking the medication, the doctor must monitor the coagulogram parameters of the pregnant woman.

Tranexam can be prescribed from the most early dates pregnancy, and even more so if the doctor diagnosed her with a “habitual miscarriage.” In addition, Tranexam relieves inflammation and relieves allergies. The drug quickly crosses the placenta without causing negative impact for the fruit.

Instructions for use

If there is bleeding during pregnancy, take one or two tablets of the drug, three or four times a day, unless the doctor recommends a different dosage. The course of treatment usually lasts about a week, but it can be extended if prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects

Tranexam is quite well tolerated, although sometimes observed side symptoms(nausea, heartburn or even vomiting). In some cases there is general weakness and dizziness.


Cannot be taken with varicose veins veins, thrombosis, disorders of the blood supply to the brain.

The drug is not prescribed intravenously if the pregnant woman has had blood or its components transfused. It is undesirable to combine the medication with diazepam or tetracycline drugs, as this can lead to the development of thrombosis.

After 3 hours, the maximum concentration of the drug can be detected in the blood plasma. The drug is excreted primarily by the kidneys, so in case of pathologies of the urinary system, tranexamic acid can accumulate in the body.

A drug used to treat bleeding of various etiologies. Medicine Sold in pharmacies in tablet form. In a hospital setting, it can be administered intravenously in the form of a solution for infusion.

The most common indication for use of the drug during pregnancy is uterine bleeding. Less commonly, the drug is prescribed to treat other forms of bleeding disorders. Sometimes Tranexam is used for allergic and inflammatory pathologies any organs.

Composition of the drug

The active component of the drug is Tranexamic acid. The medicine belongs to the group of fibrinolysis inhibitors because it has a hemostatic effect.

Most important effect Tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic. The drug helps disable the enzyme that causes decay blood clots. Due to the described action, the medicine increases the viscosity of the intravascular fluid and promotes the activation of the coagulation system.

Tranexamic acid also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It reduces the severity of edema, reduces pain syndrome, relieves redness of the skin and mucous membranes.

The medication has an antiallergic effect. The medicine reduces the production of substances that cause an atypical reaction in the human body. Tranexamic acid reduces local and systemic manifestations allergies.

The drug has high bioavailability, it is well absorbed in the organs gastrointestinal tract. The drug then enters the bloodstream. The maximum concentration of Tranexamic acid in plasma is observed 3 hours after administration.

The activity of the drug remains for 18 hours. Complete cleansing blood from traces of Tranexamic acid is observed 4-5 days after the last dose. Most of the medication is excreted from the body through the kidneys along with urine.

Release form and expiration date

At home, the medicine is used in the form of tablets. They have white, biconvex shape. Pharmacies sell the drug with a dosage of 0.25 and 0.5 grams of Tranexamic acid per tablet. The shelf life of the medicine is 36 months.

In the hospital, Tranexam is used in the form of a solution for intravenous infusions. One milliliter of the drug contains 50 milligrams active substance. The solution for infusion is transparent in color and has a shelf life of 24 months.

The medicine should be stored in a cool, dark place, avoiding contact with sun rays. After the expiration date, use of the drug is strictly prohibited.

Indications for use

The main indication for taking Tranexam during pregnancy is the threat of miscarriage and maintaining pregnancy. This condition caused by placental abruption.

If placental abruption occurs in the periphery, expectant mother observes uterine bleeding. It has various shapes- from brown daub on underwear up to scarlet profuse discharge. Quite often, placental abruption is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen. If symptoms are detected, a pregnant woman should seek immediate medical attention. medical care.

Sometimes placental abruption occurs in the middle part, so blood cannot escape into the uterine cavity. This type of pathology is accompanied by the formation of a hematoma. In the described case expectant mother does not observe uterine bleeding, the presence of a problem can be guessed only by the presence of cramping pain.

During pregnancy, Tranexam is taken for bleeding from various organs:

Tranexam is also indicated for the treatment of pathologies of the blood coagulation system. These include hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, aplastic anemia, and leukemia.

IN in rare cases Tranexam is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract- laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis. The drug is also prescribed as a component of antiallergic therapy for dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, and rash.

The drug is used in the postpartum period. It is used to stop excessive bleeding after the birth of the child.

Effect of the drug on the fetus

According to the instructions for use, the drug is classified as “B” class of drugs: Tranexam can be used during pregnancy if there are serious indications.

In the course of studies on laboratory animals, it was established that the medication does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus - Tranexam does not contribute to the occurrence of congenital anomalies. Also, the drug does not have a toxic effect - it does not cause delays in the growth and development of the unborn child.

Some gynecologists exclude the possibility of using any medications in the early stages of pregnancy. Before the 13th week of the gestation period, all the organs of the unborn child are formed. Reception medications may contribute to disruption of fetal tissue division. However, if there are serious indications, taking Tranexam is not prohibited even in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Starting from the second trimester of the gestation period, Tranexam has more wide list indications for use. By this period, the main organs and systems of the fetus have been formed.

The drug can be used in late pregnancy up to birth period. The drug does not affect uterine activity, so it does not reduce the intensity of contractions. Also, Tranexam does not help slow down the dilatation of the cervix during childbirth.

Instructions for use

Before using the medicine, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a specialist. Tranexam is dispensed from pharmacies only with a prescription form.

The exact dosage, frequency of administration and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor. Typically, pregnant women are prescribed to take 1-3 tablets three times a day at regular intervals. Average duration therapy lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Tablets can be used regardless of meals. However, to reduce negative side effects It is recommended to take the drug immediately after eating. The medicine should be taken with a glass clean water without gas.

Tranexam in the form of a solution for infusion is used only in a hospital setting. Intravenous injection of the drug is allowed in a dose of 15 milligrams of the active substance per 1 kilogram of the patient’s weight. The medicine should be administered every 6-8 hours.

The drug can also be administered using intravenous drip. To do this, the drug is diluted in a solution of sodium chloride or glucose. The drug is administered 3 times a day at equal intervals. The average duration of treatment is from 3 to 7 days. Then it is possible to switch to the tablet form of release.


The medicine has contraindications for use. Under no circumstances should the drug be used by persons who have allergic reactions to its components. Tranexam is prohibited for patients with chronic renal failure in the stage of decompensation.

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of thrombophilia of various etiologies. Such diseases include acute heart attack myocardium, disorder cerebral circulation, dysfunction of the organ of vision. The drug should not be used in persons with subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Tranexam is prohibited for use in persons with bleeding from upper sections urinary tract. Also, the drug is not recommended for use in patients suffering from chronic diseases liver in the stage of decompensation.

Side effects

Tranexam is usually well tolerated by patients. Sometimes, while taking the medicine, digestive disorders occur: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, belching, diarrhea or constipation. Very rarely, flatulence occurs during use of the drug.

During drug treatment, allergic reactions may develop. Most often they manifest themselves locally - a rash appears like urticaria or dermatitis. Less commonly, allergies to drug components are systemic in nature - angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

In very rare cases, Tranexam contributes to disruption of the central nervous system. nervous system. Patients complain of dizziness, weakness, fatigue. Possible impairment of vision or hearing.

The drug may contribute to the development of pain in the area chest. Also, taking the drug leads to a decrease in numbers blood pressure. In exceptional cases, while using Tranexamic acid, patients developed thrombosis or thromboembolism.

Tranexam's analogs

Utrozhestan is a drug available in tablet form that contains the hormone Progesterone. The drug helps maintain the pregnancy process. That is why it is prescribed when there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, accompanied by uterine bleeding and cramping pain. The drug can be used at any stage of pregnancy as prescribed by a specialist.

Dicynone is a medicine produced in the form of tablets and solution for infusion. The drug is used to stop bleeding of various etiologies. In obstetric practice, medication is prescribed when there is a threat. The drug can be used from the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Duphaston is a medicine that contains synthetic analogue female hormone progesterone. The medicine is used to support pregnancy when there is a threat of premature termination of pregnancy. The drug is approved for use at any time.

A drug that promotes tissue regeneration. It contains components of the blood of calves. The drug is used in the composition complex therapy with uterine bleeding and impaired blood supply to the fetus. The drug can be used from the first trimester of pregnancy.

A medicine that contains Dipyridamole. The drug is available in tablet form. Curantil is indicated for stabilizing the condition after thrombosis and embolism. The drug is also used in cases of impaired blood supply to the fetus and its retardation in growth and development. The medication can be used from early pregnancy.

Etamzilat is a medicine with the same name active substance, produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The drug is used to treat bleeding of various etiologies, disorders of blood properties, inflammatory diseases. The drug is approved for use from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Tranexam is a hemostatic drug, and it is based primarily on tranexamic acid, which is uniformly distributed in the tissues. The product has antiallergic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The maximum concentration in plasma is reached three hours after taking the first Tranexam tablet, and the effective concentration in tissues is observed up to 17 hours.

Tranexam is excreted primarily by the kidneys, so with pathologies of this organ, accumulation of tranexamic acid in the body is also possible.

IN chemical composition the following are present excipients: hydroxypropylcellulose, talc, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethyl starch, calcium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.

Tranexam is available in the form of tablets and as a solution for intravenous injections.

Among the analogues of Tranexam are Cyclocapron, Exacil, Troxaminate, Tranestat and Tranexa.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Tranexam

Tranexam is prescribed for hemorrhages of various etiologies, in particular in postoperative period, with chorionic detachment, hemophilia, leukemia, as well as in the case of malignant tumors of the pancreas and prostate glands and for liver diseases.

The use of Tranexam is indicated when it is necessary to immediately stop uterine bleeding and hemorrhages in the gastrointestinal tract.

Tranexam is also an antiallergic drug that is prescribed for allergic dermatitis, hives, eczema, skin rash and while taking medications.

It also effectively relieves inflammation in laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and stomatitis.

Among the contraindications, the presence of subarachnoid bleeding should be highlighted.

Use Tranexam with caution in case of myocardial infarction, thrombosis, thromboembolic syndrome and deep vein thrombophlebitis. In addition, restrictions apply to patients with color vision impairment and renal failure.

Side effects and overdose of Tranexam

Tranexam has systemic action, therefore, side effects that occur during treatment can affect everyone important systems body.

From the gastrointestinal tract: dyspepsia, loss of appetite and heartburn.

From the side of the central nervous system: general weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision and inability to perceive color pictures.

From the outside vascular system: thrombosis, tachycardia, hypotension.

Allergic reactions: itching, swelling, urticaria and skin rash.

No evidence of overdose was found.

Instructions for use of Tranexam

Tranexam tablets. For nosebleeds, 1 g is indicated up to three times a day for a week; after tooth extraction, 25 mg/kg up to four times a day for a week. For uterine hemorrhage, 1.5 g up to four approaches for 3-4 days; and at the end of surgical manipulations on the cervix - 1.5 g three times a day for two weeks.

Tranexam solution for intravenous administration. During surgical intervention on bladder 1 g is administered, and then 1 g every 8 hours for three days, and then switch to tablets. Before tooth extraction, 10 mg/kg is administered, and then a tablet form is prescribed.

Features of the use of Tranexam

Before taking Tranexam, you must visit an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination of the condition of the fundus, color vision and visual acuity.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Tranexam is not advisable, but it is permissible if the harm to the baby is less than the benefit to its mother. In addition, it penetrates the placental barrier, and part of it is excreted mother's milk Therefore, its use should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Management is not indicated during the treatment period due to the possibility of vision deterioration. vehicles, as well as classes labor activity requiring speed of reaction and attention.

Tranexam is released only with a prescription from a specialist and should be stored away from children in a cool place.

Interactions with other medications also have their own nuances. Thus, in combination with such hemostatic drugs, the risk of blood clots increases. Tranexam solution for intravenous administration is not recommended to be combined with blood products, hypertensive drugs, penicillin, urokinase, dipyridamole, tetracyclines, diazepam.

With a sharp intravenous administration hypotension may progress.

Reviews about the drug Tranexam, price

Most reviews about the effectiveness of Tranexam are left by women with characteristic diseases.

The drug significantly reduces the amount of bleeding. During menstruation, Tranexam is also indispensable, since it perfectly promotes the regulation menstrual cycle. Besides similar treatment significantly reduces the number of recurrences of nasal hemorrhages.

The only thing that upsets me is numerous reviews about the aggravation side effects during treatment with Tranexam. In some clinical pictures I even had to change the regimen of the chosen treatment and select a more gentle analogue as a treatment. This medication It is available exclusively by prescription, which eliminates the possibility of self-medication.

Price for Tranexam tablets 250 mg No. 10 - 245 rubles

Instructions for Tranexam coated tablets film-coated manufacturer Mir-Pharm LLC [Obninsk] (Russia)

01:56 Tranexam: instructions, use, reviews -

In surgery, gynecology, urology and dermatology, it appears quite often medical drug Tranexam, which has a systemic effect in the body. Its main task is to stop and prevent hemorrhages of various etiologies. General effect of the drug Tranexam Tranexam is a hemostatic drug, and it is based primarily on tranexamic acid, which is uniformly distributed in the tissues. The product has antiallergic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Limit [...]