Glucose solution: instructions for use for intravenous infusion. Glucose for a child - application features, norms and indications

Attention! The information is provided for informational purposes only. This instruction should not be used as a guide to self-medication. The need for prescription, methods and doses of the drug are determined exclusively by the attending physician.

General characteristics

International and chemical names: Dextrose; D-(+)-glucopyranose;

Basic physical and chemical properties: colorless or slightly yellowish, transparent liquid;

Compound: 1 ampoule contains glucose (Glucose- grape sugar, a carbohydrate from the group of monosaccharides. One of key products metabolism, which provides living cells with energy) 8 g; excipients: 0.1 M solution of hydrochloric acid (up to pH 3.0-4.0), sodium chloride - 0.052 g, water for injections (Injection- injection, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, etc. introduction into the tissues (vessels) of the body of small quantities of solutions (mainly medicines))- up to 20 ml.

Release form

Solution for injection.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Solutions for intravenous administration. Carbohydrates (Carbohydrates- one of the main components of cells and tissues of living organisms. Provide all living cells with energy (glucose and its reserve forms - starch, glycogen), participate in defensive reactions body (immunity). From food products the richest carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, flour products. Used as medicines (heparin, cardiac glycosides, some antibiotics). Increased content some carbohydrates in the blood and urine are important diagnostic sign individual diseases(diabetes mellitus). Daily requirement person in carbohydrates is 400-450 g). ATC B05B A03.

Pharmacological properties

Glucose provides substrate replenishment of energy expenditure. When hypertonic solutions are injected into a vein, intravascular osmotic pressure increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, and processes accelerate metabolism (Metabolism- totality chemical reactions, as a result of which the synthesis or breakdown of substances and the release of energy occurs. In the process of metabolism, the body perceives substances from the environment (mainly food), which, undergoing profound changes, turn into substances of the body itself, constituent components body), the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, blood vessels dilate, increases diuresis (Diuresis- the amount of urine excreted per day certain time. In humans, daily diuresis averages 1200-1600 ml). When inserted hypertonic solution glucose, redox processes are enhanced, and glycogen deposition in the liver is activated.


After intravenous administration, glucose enters the organs and tissues through the bloodstream, where it is included in the processes metabolism (Metabolism- the totality of all types of transformations of substances and energy in the body, ensuring its development, life activity and self-reproduction, as well as its connection with environment and adaptation to changes external conditions) . Glucose reserves are stored in the cells of many tissues in the form of glycogen. Entering the process glycolysis (Glycolysis- the process of breaking down carbohydrates under the action of enzymes. The energy released during glycolysis is used for the vital functions of animal organisms) glucose is metabolized to pyruvate or lactate; under aerobic conditions, pyruvate is completely metabolized to carbon dioxide and water, producing energy in the form of ATP. The end products of complete oxidation of glucose are excreted by the lungs (carbon dioxide) and kidneys (water).

Indications for use

Hypoglycemia (Hypoglycemia- condition caused by low level plasma glucose. Characterized by signs of increased sympathetic activity and adrenaline release (sweating, anxiety, tremors, palpitations, hunger) and central nervous system symptoms (fainting, blurred vision, convulsions, coma)), infectious diseases, liver diseases, toxic infections and others toxic (Toxic- poisonous, harmful to the body) conditions, treatment shock (Shock- a condition characterized by a sharp decrease in blood flow in organs (regional blood flow)\; is a consequence of hypovolemia, sepsis, heart failure or decreased sympathetic tone. The cause of shock is a decrease in the effective volume of circulating blood (the ratio of bcc to the capacity of the vascular bed) or a deterioration in the pumping function of the heart. The clinical picture of shock is determined by a decrease in blood flow in vital organs: the brain (consciousness and breathing disappear), kidneys (diuresis disappears), heart (myocardial hypoxia). Hypovolemic shock is caused by loss of blood or plasma. Septic shock complicates the course of sepsis: waste products of microorganisms entering the blood cause expansion blood vessels and increase capillary permeability. Clinically manifests as hypovolemic shock with signs of infection. Hemodynamics in septic shock are constantly changing. To restore the bcc you need infusion therapy. Cardiogenic shock develops due to deterioration of the pumping function of the heart. Medicinal substances that enhance myocardial contractility are used: dopamine, norepinephrine, dobutamine, epinephrine, isoprenaline. Neurogenic shock - a decrease in the effective volume of circulating blood is caused by the loss of sympathetic tone and dilation of arteries and venules with the deposition of blood in the veins\; develops with injuries spinal cord and as a complication spinal anesthesia) And collapse (Collapse– a severe, life-threatening condition characterized by a sharp decrease in arterial and venous pressure, suppression of the activity of the central nervous system and metabolic disorders). Glucose solution is also used for diluting various drugs when administered into a vein (compatible with Glucose); as a component parenteral (Parenteral - dosage forms, introduced, bypassing gastrointestinal tract, by applying to the skin and mucous membranes of the body\; by injection into the vascular bed (artery, vein), under the skin or muscle\; by inhalation, inhalation (see Enteral)) nutrition.

Directions for use and doses

Glucose solution 40% is administered intravenously (very slowly), 20-40-50 ml per injection. If necessary, administer dropwise at a rate of up to 30 drops per minute, up to 300 ml per day (6 g of glucose per 1 kg of body weight). For use as a component parenteral nutrition 40% Glucose solution is mixed with 5% Glucose solution or balanced saline solution until the concentration reaches 10% and carry out infusion (Infusion(IV administration) - administration of fluids, medications or blood products/components into venous vessel) of this solution.

Side effect

With fast intravenous administration phlebitis may develop. Ionic (electrolyte) imbalance may develop.


Diabetes mellitus and various states accompanied by hyperglycemia.

Interaction with other drugs

Due to the fact that glucose is a fairly strong oxidizing agent, it should not be administered in the same syringe with hexamethylenetetramine. It is not recommended to mix Glucose solution in one syringe with alkaline solutions: with common anesthetics (Anesthetics - medicines, providing anesthetic effect, divided into local and general) and sleeping pills (their activity decreases), solutions of alkaloids (their decay occurs). Glucose also weakens the effect of analgesics, adrenergic agonists, inactivates streptomycin, and reduces the effectiveness of nystatin. For better absorption glucose in normoglycemic conditions, it is advisable to combine the administration of the drug with the prescription of 4-8 units of insulin short acting(subcutaneously).


In case of an overdose of the drug, hyperglycemia, glucosuria, increased osmotic pressure blood (up to the development of hyperglycemic hyperosmotic coma), overhydration and electrolyte imbalance. In this case, the drug is discontinued and insulin is prescribed at the rate of 1 unit for every 0.45-0.9 mmol of blood glucose until the level reaches 9 mmol/l. Blood glucose levels should be reduced gradually. At the same time as insulin is prescribed, an infusion of balanced salt solutions is carried out.

Features of application

The drug should be used under control of blood sugar and electrolyte levels. It is not recommended to prescribe Glucose solution in acute period severe traumatic brain injury, with acute disorder cerebral circulation, since the drug can increase damage to brain structures and worsen the course of the disease (except in the case of correction of hypoglycemia). In case of hypokalemia, the administration of a Glucose solution must be combined simultaneously with the correction of potassium deficiency (due to the risk of increased hypokalemia); for hypotonic dehydration - simultaneously with the introduction of hypertonic saline solutions.

General Product Information

Conditions and shelf life

Store at a temperature not exceeding +25°C. Shelf life: 5 years.

Vacation conditions

According to the recipe.


5 or 10 ampoules of 20 ml each, in a cardboard box.

Manufacturer.Open joint stock company"Farmak".

Location. 04080, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Frunze, 63.


This material is presented in free form on the basis of official instructions for medical use drug.

Glucose is an easily digestible source of valuable nutrition that increases the body's energy reserves and improves its functions.

Pharmacological action

Glucose is used as a means for detoxification (removing toxins from the body) and rehydration (replenishing fluid losses).

An isotonic glucose solution 5% is used to replenish fluid in the body. Also, this glucose solution is a source nutrient, during the metabolism of which in tissues it is released large number energy that is necessary for the full functioning of the body.

There are also hypertonic glucose solutions (10-40%), intravenous administration of which can increase the osmotic pressure of the blood, improve metabolism and antitoxic functions of the liver, and increase the flow of fluid directed from the tissues into the blood.

In addition, the use of a hypertonic glucose solution promotes vasodilation, increased contractility of the heart muscle and an increase in urine volume.

How tonic glucose is used for chronic diseases which are accompanied by physical exhaustion.

The detoxification properties of glucose are due to its ability to activate the liver’s functions to neutralize poisons, as well as a decrease in the concentration of toxins in the blood as a result of an increase in the volume of circulating fluid and increased urination.

Indications for use of Glucose solution

Glucose solution is prescribed for:

  • hypoglycemia ( reduced level blood glucose);
  • carbohydrate deficiency;
  • intoxications accompanying liver diseases ( liver failure, hepatitis);
  • toxic infections (poisoning caused by microbes entering the body with food);
  • hemorrhagic diathesis (a disease of the blood system manifested in the form of increased bleeding);
  • dehydration caused by diarrhea, vomiting or in the postoperative period;
  • intoxications;
  • collapse (sharp drop blood pressure);
  • shocked.

Glucose can be used to prepare solutions medicines for intravenous administration, and also as a component of anti-shock and blood-substituting fluids.

Directions for use

Glucose 5% can be introduced into the body in any way (intravenously, subcutaneously, into the rectum), since its osmotic pressure corresponds to the osmotic pressure of the blood. Hypertonic glucose solutions are administered only intravenously, since their osmotic pressure significantly exceeds that in tissues and blood.

Increase glucose levels by oral administration(tablets) it is recommended to use 0.5-1 g of the drug per dose. The use of a 5% glucose solution using an enema involves the drip administration of 200 ml, 500 ml or 1000 ml of the drug at a time, while daily dose should not exceed 2000 ml.

A 5% glucose solution can be administered intravenously (drip) or subcutaneously in a volume of 300-500 ml.

Hypertonic glucose solution can be prescribed as a single injection of 10-100 ml or drip injection of 200-300 ml (daily dose).

Side effects

The use of recommended doses of glucose, as a rule, does not cause unwanted effects. IN in rare cases the drug may cause fever, hyperglycemia ( increased level glucose in the blood), acute left ventricular failure, hypervolemia (increased volume of circulating blood), increased urine production. Local reactions the body to the use of glucose can manifest itself in the form of thrombophlebitis, bruising, infection, and local pain.

When using glucose 5% as a solvent for other drugs, the manifestation side effects caused by the action of these drugs.

Contraindications specified in the instructions for the Glucose solution

Drug-induced increases in glucose levels can be dangerous if:

  • decompensated diabetes mellitus (always high content blood sugar);
  • decreased glucose tolerance;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • hyperosmolar coma (a special type of diabetic coma);
  • hyperlactic acidemia (increased levels of lactic acid in the blood in diabetes mellitus).

Caution is necessary when administering glucose solution to patients with chronic renal failure, hyponatremia and decompensated chronic heart failure.

The use of glucose during pregnancy and breastfeeding is permitted. It should be remembered that in women bearing children, the level of glucose in the urine rises, which is due to hyperglycemia and relatively insufficient insulin production. In order to prevent the development diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to closely monitor glucose fluctuations during pregnancy.

Additional information

Glucose should be stored at air temperatures from 150C to 250C. The shelf life of the drug depends on the form of release - from 2 to 10 years.


Glucose droppers allow you to quickly restore a weakened body and improve general health patient. There are several types of solutions of this medicine: isotonic and hypertonic. Each of them has its own indications and contraindications. At misuse the medicine may harm the body.

Description, indications and contraindications

Glucose is a universal source of energy for the entire body. It helps to quickly restore strength and improve the patient’s overall well-being. This substance ensures the normal functioning of brain cells and the nervous system. Often intravenous glucose is prescribed in the postoperative period.

The main reasons for the lack of this substance include:

  • poor nutrition;
  • alcohol and food poisoning;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • formation of neoplasms;
  • problems with the intestines and stomach.

Optimal blood glucose levels must be maintained to normal operation central nervous system, heart and stable body temperature.

There are a number of clinical indications for the administration of the solution. These include:

For children, a glucose drip is given if there is a shortage mother's milk, dehydration, jaundice, poisoning and when they are premature. The same drug is administered when birth injuries And oxygen starvation baby.

The use of glucose solution should be avoided if the following clinical situations are present:

  • low glucose tolerance;
  • hyperosmolar coma;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • hyperlactic acidemia;
  • hyperglycemia.

With extreme caution, a drip can be placed in patients with chronic renal or heart failure. The use of such a substance during pregnancy and lactation is permitted. However, to eliminate the risk of developing diabetes, the doctor must monitor changes in the amount of glucose during pregnancy.

Types of solution

There are 2 types of solution: isotonic and hypertonic. The main difference between them is the concentration of glucose, as well as medicinal effect the effect they have on the patient’s body.

An isotonic solution is a 5% concentration of the active substance diluted in water for injection or saline. This type of medicine has the following properties:

Such a solution can be administered not only intravenously, but also through an enema. The hypertonic variety is a 10−40% solution for administration into a vein. He provides next impact on the patient's body:

  • activates the production and excretion of urine;
  • strengthens and dilates blood vessels;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • normalizes blood osmotic pressure;
  • removes waste and toxins.

To enhance the effect of the injection, the medicine is often combined with other useful substances. A glucose dropper with ascorbic acid is used for infectious diseases, bleeding and high temperature bodies. The following substances can also be used as additional ones:

  • novocaine;
  • sodium chloride;
  • Actovegin;
  • dianyl PD4;
  • plasma-lit 148.​

Novocaine is added to the solution for poisoning, gestosis during pregnancy, toxicosis and severe convulsions. For hypokalemia that occurs due to intoxication and diabetes, potassium chloride is used as an additional substance. The solution is mixed with Actovegin for ulcers, burns, wounds and vascular disorders in the brain. Dianil PD4 together with glucose are indicated for renal failure. And to eliminate poisoning, peritonitis and dehydration, a solution with plasma-lit 148 is administered.

Features of use and dosage

Administration of the drug through a dropper is prescribed when it is necessary for the drug to enter the blood gradually. If you choose the wrong dosage, there is a high risk of developing side effects or an allergic reaction.

Most often, such an IV is placed during treatment. serious illness when it is necessary for the medicine to be constantly present in the blood and in a certain dosage. Medicines that are administered by drip begin to act quickly, so the doctor can immediately assess the effect.

Solution with 5% active substance injected into a vein at a rate of up to 7 ml per minute. The maximum dosage per day is 2 liters for an adult. A medicine with a concentration of 10% is dripped at a rate of up to 3 ml per minute. Daily dose - 1 l. A 20% solution is injected at 1.5-2 ml per minute.

For intravenous jet administration, you need to give a solution of 5 or 10%, 10-50 ml. For a person with a normal metabolism, the dose of medication per day should be no more than 250-450 g. Then the daily volume of fluid that is excreted is from 30 to 40 ml per kg. On the first day, children are given the medicine in an amount of 6 g, then 15 g each.

Side effects and overdose

Occurrences negative manifestations are rarely observed. The reason may be improper preparation of the solution or administration of dextrose in the wrong dosage. Patients may experience the following negative manifestations:

  • weight gain;
  • blood clots in places where an IV was placed;
  • feverish condition;
  • increased appetite;
  • necrosis of subcutaneous tissue;
  • hypervolemia.

Due to rapid infusion, fluid accumulation in the body may occur. If the ability to oxidize glucose is present, its rapid administration can lead to the development of hyperglycemia. In some cases, there is a decrease in the amount of potassium and phosphate in the plasma.

If symptoms of overdose occur, stop administering the solution. Next, the doctor assesses the patient’s condition and, if necessary, provides symptomatic therapy.


In order for therapy to bring maximum effect, you should understand why glucose is injected intravenously, what is the duration of administration and optimal dosage. Medicinal solution cannot be entered very quickly or for too long long period time. To prevent the development of thrombophlebitis, the substance is injected only into large veins. The doctor should constantly monitor the water and electrolyte balance, as well as the amount of glucose in the blood.

The drug is administered with extreme caution if there are problems with blood circulation in the brain. This is explained by the fact that medicinal substance may increase damage to brain structures, thereby worsening the patient's condition. The solution must not be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

international and chemical names: glucose; (+)-D-glucopyranosine monohydrate;

Basic physical and chemical properties

colorless or slightly yellowish, transparent liquid;


1 ml of solution contains 0.4 g of glucose in terms of anhydrous glucose;

excipients: 0.1 M solution of hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, water for injection.

Release form

Solution for injection.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Solution for intravenous administration. Carbohydrates. ATC code B05C X01.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. Glucose provides substrate replenishment of energy expenditure. When hypertonic solutions are injected into a vein, intravascular osmotic pressure increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes accelerate, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, and diuresis increases. When a hypertonic glucose solution is administered, redox processes are enhanced and glycogen deposition in the liver is activated.

Pharmacokinetics. After intravenous administration, glucose enters the organs and tissues through the bloodstream, where it is included in metabolic processes. Glucose reserves are stored in the cells of many tissues in the form of glycogen. Entering the process of glycolysis, glucose is metabolized to pyruvate or lactate; under aerobic conditions, pyruvate is completely metabolized to carbon dioxide and water with the formation of energy in the form of ATP. The end products of complete oxidation of glucose are excreted by the lungs and kidneys.

Indications for use


Directions for use and doses

Glucose solution 40% is administered intravenously (very slowly), for adults - 20-40-50 ml per injection. If necessary, administer dropwise at a rate of up to 30 drops/min (1.5 ml/kg/h). The dose for adults with intravenous drip administration is up to 300 ml per day. The maximum daily dose for adults is 15 ml/kg, but not more than 1000 ml per day.

Side effect

With rapid intravenous administration, phlebitis may develop. Ionic (electrolyte) imbalance may develop.


Diabetes mellitus and various conditions accompanied by hyperglycemia.


In case of an overdose of the drug, hyperglycemia, glycosuria, increased osmotic blood pressure (up to the development of hyperglycemic hyperosmotic coma), hyperhydration and electrolyte imbalance develop. In this case, the drug is discontinued and insulin is prescribed at the rate of 1 unit for every 0.45-0.9 mmol of blood glucose until the blood glucose level reaches 9 mmol/l. Blood glucose levels should be reduced gradually. At the same time as insulin is prescribed, an infusion of balanced salt solutions is carried out.

Features of application

The drug should be used under control of blood sugar and electrolyte levels. It is not recommended to prescribe glucose solution in the acute period of severe traumatic brain injury, in case of acute cerebrovascular accident, since the drug can increase damage to brain structures and worsen the course of the disease (except in the case of correction of hypoglycemia).

In case of hypokalemia, the administration of a glucose solution must be combined with the correction of potassium deficiency (due to the risk of increased hypokalemia).

Glucose infusions in pregnant women with normoglycemia can cause hyperglycemia in the fetus and cause metabolic acidosis. The latter is important to consider, especially when fetal distress or hypoxia is already caused by other perinatal factors.

For better absorption of glucose in normoglycemic conditions, it is advisable to combine the administration of the drug with the administration (subcutaneously) of short-acting insulin at the rate of 1 unit per 4 - 5 g of glucose (dry matter).

Interaction with other drugs

Due to the fact that glucose is a fairly strong oxidizing agent, it should not be administered in the same syringe with hexamethylenetetramine. It is not recommended to mix glucose solution in the same syringe with alkaline solutions: with sleeping pills (their activity decreases), solutions of alkaloids (they disintegrate). Glucose also weakens the effect of analgesics, adrenomimetics, and inactivates streptomycin.

    Glucose is absorbed very well and quickly by the body, and also saturates it with energy. For quick recovery strength and use it. It is used for many ailments. Such as: under stress, lack of sugar, low blood pressure, bad work liver and heart.

    Glucose It is a very easily digestible source of nutrition for the human body, which can increase both energy reserves and improve the body's performance functions.

    Glucose droppers are used for detoxification, i.e. removing toxins from human body and to replenish the fluid lost in it.

    As a general maintenance therapy, glucose is used if a person experiences general physical exhaustion.

    Glucose solution can be prescribed for:

    intoxications and poisonings

    for hepatitis and liver diseases

    for diseases of the blood system

    for severe diarrhea

    and other problems.

    Glucose is a substance that quickly replenishes nutritional deficiencies in the human body in order to improve tone and increase energy.

    Once I was put on a glucose drip for poisoning, because I felt simply terrible and had a huge loss of strength. I agree with one answer that glucose is not prescribed to detoxify the body. The most important task Glucose is to provide nutrition to the body as quickly as possible.

    Also, as far as I know, glucose is very useful for low blood pressure.

    Glucose is the most versatile source of energy, as it is easily absorbed and is subject to rapid breakdown in the body.

    Glucose is dripped:

    1) For various types of intoxication and poisoning;

    2) When falling blood pressure to improve blood pressure;

    3) In case of cardiac dysfunction;

    4) In case of dysfunction of a=liver;

    5) To increase sugar levels if they have dropped significantly;

    6) After severe stressful situations;

    7) When the body is depleted in order to normalize metabolism.

    Most often, glucose is dripped to remove signs of intoxication, that is, to destroy toxins in the body or to wash away unwanted drugs. Very effective and fast-acting method. They are also dripped after operations to speed up the healing of soft tissues.

    Several times I was faced with the need to inject glucose into my animals. The point is that this good source nutrition. If for some reason, for example, animals cannot eat, in order to maintain their health they do not drip, in fact they do not feed in this way.

    Glucose droppers are given to a person for certain diseases.

    Glucose is administered intravenously for hypoglycemia, when blood sugar levels are low. It is necessary for those who have infectious diseases.

    Glucose is administered at sharp decline pumping function of the heart (decompensation of cardiac activity).

    Glucose is necessary for liver diseases, pulmonary edema, hemorrhagic diathesis (increased bleeding), shock and sharp drop blood pressure (collapse).

    Glucose solution is used mainly to replenish fluid in the body. Droppers are prescribed for

    low blood glucose levels

    a sharp decrease in blood pressure

    increased bleeding

    in the postoperative period

    poisoning caused by microbes that entered the body with food

    Glucose droppers have been used in medicine for a long time.

    Glucose is a source of energy that is easily absorbed. Studies have also been conducted that have proven that glucose relieves stress.

    A glucose drip is given in the following cases:

    firstly, to improve blood pressure, with a sharp drop in blood pressure,

    secondly, to improve liver function, after a drip it works better,

    thirdly, to improve metabolism in the human body, as well as when the body is exhausted,

    fourthly, to improve the functioning of the heart muscle,

    fifthly, if your blood sugar level has dropped significantly,

    sixthly, if a person is in a state of shock,

    seventhly, in case of alcohol poisoning.

    Glucose is a universal source of energy, as it is immediately broken down in the body and is very easily absorbed. What they write that they say is for detoxification or fluid replenishment is bullshit, since the glucose solution almost immediately leaves the bloodstream (5-10 minutes after entering the bloodstream) into the tissues where it is already metabolized, providing cells with the necessary energy, in addition it draws water onto itself, so there is no way to flood it. For detoxification, more crystalloids and less colloids are used (for example, regular saline solution, rheosorbilact, sorbilact, rheopolyglucin, ringer, etc.). Use a 5% glucose solution.

    A 40% solution is also used, which is administered intravenously in a stream in case of hypoglycemic coma (as a rule, with an overdose of insulin), the patient is literally at the end of a needle, as soon as you begin to inject it, he comes to his senses. It is also an excellent remedy for relieving acetone syndrome in children. As soon as you smell acetone from your mouth, let the child drink 10 ml of 40% glucose, if everything is done on time, vomiting, etc. can be avoided.