How to put a person to sleep for 2 hours with sleeping pills. Fast-acting sleeping pill. Medicinal ways to put a drunk person to sleep

Even in ancient times, doctors thought about how to put a person to sleep. There was no anesthesia or drugs for these purposes, so we had to come up with our own methods. Now doctors are already making full use of all the benefits of medicine, however, the question of how to calm a person for a while still remains relevant.

Sometimes this is required in order to fall asleep faster without resorting to sleeping pills. However, most often it is simply necessary to calm down a drunken brawler and put him to sleep.


Hypnosis can put a person into a trance state and keep him there for several hours. The technique of hypnosis is quite difficult to master, so you should not use this method unless you have enough knowledge to do so.

Important! When using hypnosis, you must be able to not only put a person into a state of sleep, but also bring him out of it.

Another nuance is that not every person can be hypnotized. More suggestible people are able to immediately succumb to the influence, while others may not enter the sleep state at all.

Special points on the body

Many saw in the film how some hero pressed a certain point on his opponent’s body and thereby instantly knocked him out. This is not a cinematic trick, this can be done in real life. There are special points on the human body that can quickly turn off consciousness or cause severe drowsiness.

Let's list some of these points:

The above points are not all that are capable of influencing the body, but are the most easily accessible to external influence.

Liquids for euthanasia

Another method familiar to us from films. Applying a rag or scarf soaked in a special liquid to the face. This method is fast-acting, but quite dangerous. Careless use may result in mental disabilities in the future or even death.

For euthanasia it is used:

  1. Chloroform.
  2. Ether.
  3. Clonidine.

Any of the above medications is quite dangerous, so it is only allowed to be used by specialists.

In addition, each of them has strong side effects:

  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane and respiratory tract.
  • Impaired kidney and liver function.

List side effects quite impressive, so you shouldn’t put a drunk person to sleep using this method.

In case alcohol intoxication, the use of medications can lead to negative consequences. In no case should you experiment with them, much less give them sleeping pills, without first knowing how they interact with alcohol. Alcohol can increase the effects of medications, which can lead to respiratory arrest or cause a hypertensive crisis.

Doctors most often prescribe drugs from the imidazopyridine group to drunk people:

  1. Zolpidem.
  2. Snovitel.
  3. Sanval.
  4. Ivadal.

The above drugs are available only with a doctor's prescription. Under no circumstances should you exceed the prescribed dose, otherwise side effects may occur.

Other methods

If methods for putting a drunk person to sleep at home did not help, or you need to quickly bring your husband or acquaintance to their senses, while remaining conscious, you need to cleanse the body of toxins.

The following methods are suitable for this:

  • Gastric lavage. To do this, you need to drink as much of a special solution as possible at one time, and then induce artificial vomiting. It is allowed to use a solution of soda or salt.
  • Ammonia. Dissolve 5 drops of ammonia in one glass of water and drink.
  • Large amount of liquid. To restore the body, you should drink as much liquid as possible, for example, tea, fruit juice or herbal decoctions.

In addition to taking various liquids, it will help to sober up fresh air, running and strength training. If you cannot sober up a person on your own, you should consult a doctor.

How not to calm someone down

Sometimes, when trying to help and calm a person, you can only anger him more. Some recommendations cannot be used at all on your own, as you may miscalculate and harm the health of your friend or relative.

Commonly used methods that you really shouldn't use:

In case of slight intoxication, bring the person to normal condition you can do it yourself. Otherwise, if a drunkard begins to row and threaten society, it is better to call ambulance and send the person to the hospital.

Attention, TODAY only!

Sleep problems affect people of all genders and ages. The working population has difficulty falling asleep due to stressful situations in the family, at work. Elderly patients often suffer from dyscirculatory brain damage, which is manifested by an inability to fall asleep on time or frequent awakenings. Among the wide selection of hypnotics, it is not easy to choose the right fast-acting sleeping pill. The article provides information on drugs that have their effect within 15-30 minutes.

Modern sleeping pills are divided into the following groups:

In what situations are the described drugs applicable?

Rapid-acting sleeping pills have their effect in a fairly short terms. There are medications that can help people fall asleep within 5 minutes.

It is quite logical that somnologists (doctors who specialize in sleep problems) recommend a fast-acting sleeping pill if so-called presomnia insomnia occurs. This is a pathological condition in which a person has difficulty falling asleep. However, he does not wake up at night, and awakening is quite easy and asymptomatic.

Intrasomnic insomnia is a condition that is accompanied not by difficulty falling asleep, but by frequent awakenings. It is easy to assume that a quick-acting sleeping pill in this situation is not only not indicated, but is also fraught with aggravation of the condition. It can lead to dangerous psychosomatic consequences.

Very fast acting drugs

The rapid onset of the hypnotic effect is necessary for the correction of presomnia disorders. The most convenient and safest would be the use of anticholinergic drugs.

The most famous fast-acting sleeping pill from this group is Donormil.

It is antihistamine. That is, it combines several therapeutic effects:

  • Anxiolytic (sedative).
  • Antiallergic.
  • Muscle relaxant.

The basis of this medicine is Doxylamine succinate. This compound can also be part of such hypnotics as Reladorm, Reslip.

  • Individual reactions of intolerance to Doxylamine succinate in the anamnesis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Impaired renal function (with a pronounced decrease in glomerular filtration rate).
  • Glaucoma, even anamnestic information about this disease in the family.
  • Obstruction urinary tract disease-related prostate gland in men.

Sleeping pills impair brain activity and slow brain waves

The use of this group of drugs is justified for a short course. It is better if its duration does not exceed 3 weeks. If after 5 days there is no effect, and the person still suffers from insomnia, you should consult a doctor to find the cause and its adequate correction.

Benzodiazepine drugs

This group of drugs acts on receptors of the same name located on nerve cells. Midazolam and Lorazepam are drugs registered in the Russian Federation. They can act quite quickly on synapses that transmit information through gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The point is that this mediator inhibits excitation in various structures brain in humans, thereby causing various effects, including anxiolytic and hypnotic.

These two drugs exert their effect quite long time(lorazepam induces sleep lasting 10-20 hours depending on dose taken). But there are also drugs that have a good, quick, but at the same time short-lasting effect. So, Midazolam acts for about 3 hours. This is a fairly effective fast-acting sleeping pill. It induces sleep within 20 minutes of use. Therefore, taking this drug must be synchronized with this parameter: half or a whole tablet is used half an hour before bedtime.

Midazolam is a short-acting drug of the benzodiazepine class.

The effects realized by benzodiazepines are not much different from Doxylamine and its analogues. Sleeping pills from this group act quickly due to their high lipophilicity. But it should be remembered that joint reception antisecretory and antacid drugs can significantly distort the effects and lengthen the time of sleep onset.

Other groups of drugs

Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics are an alternative to the medications described above. To date, two drugs have been registered in Russia – Zopiclone and Zolpidem. Each is a potent hypnotic that selectively acts on the omega-1 or omega-2 subtypes of GABAergic receptors in the brain.

They also cause a hypnotic effect, improving not only the duration of sleep (increase), but also affecting its phases. At the same time, the latent stage is shortened. Sleep becomes longer and deeper. The patient does not wake up in the middle of the night, and the next morning he does not feel weak.

Among the effects provided are the following:

  • Muscle relaxation.
  • Reduced anxiety.
  • Soporific effect.
  • Anticonvulsant action.
  • Weakening respiratory center.

The latter effect is undesirable, but in therapeutic doses, respiratory arrest is excluded. All of the drugs listed are not sold without a prescription. The following group of medications can be purchased freely.

These are Melaxen and Circadin. They are effective for desynchronosis - conditions that arise when flying or moving to other countries, or changing work schedules. In pathogenesis main role plays a shift in all regulatory mechanisms due to circadian mismatch. Melaxen is not a strong hypnotic. But it can normalize sleep in conditions of desynchronosis.

These drugs can be used prophylactically before a flight or move. If insomnia was preceded by a change of job or place of residence, it makes sense to try treatment with these medications. In addition, the frequency adverse reactions theirs is minimal.

Special instructions when taking sleeping pills

Sleeping pills are psychotropic compounds. This means that they act not only on certain structures of the brain, but also on the entire nervous system generally. Therefore, driving a car is contraindicated during treatment with these drugs.

Pregnancy is a vulnerable period in a woman’s life. Especially the 1st trimester, when the formation of the main organs and systems of the developing fetus occurs. The use of sleeping pills should be postponed during this period. This is due to the teratogenic effect. Cases of children being born with deformities after taking Thalidomide are still published and excite consciousness. The second and third semester are the times when these drugs can be used for treatment if the benefits of the drug significantly outweigh the potential harm.

When using hypnotics, the following may occur: unwanted effects:

  • rise blood pressure, especially dangerous in individuals with pre-existing hypertension.
  • The formation of drug tolerance is a situation when a quick-acting sleeping pill no longer has its effect.
  • Sedation is a state of weakness after waking up.
  • Paradoxical excitation and stimulation.

These conditions can only be avoided if the drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Adequate reception sleeping pills involves a 3-week intermittent course. This means taking 1 or two tablets at bedtime every other day for 21 days.

During treatment, you should avoid alcohol, nicotine and psychotropic compounds.

The problem of sleep paralysis

Among other sleep disorders, this condition stands apart. Young people are more likely to develop sleep paralysis. So what is it: a disease or a condition that you shouldn’t be afraid of?

If, after waking up or before falling asleep, a person experiences immobility, muscle weakness, or a feeling that the body is “not listening,” then this is sleep paralysis. Common reasons developments lie in rather banal everyday and environmental factors:

  • Abuse of nicotine or caffeinated drinks.
  • Irrational work and rest regime.
  • Emotional or physical overload.
  • Sleep disorders as a result of desynchronosis.

Sleep paralysis is not difficult to recognize. Symptoms concern only the process of falling asleep and waking up. Sleep paralysis does not require therapy. Treatment is aimed at correcting causal factors. Sleep disturbance will require the use of Circadin or non-benzodiazepine fast-acting hypnotics. Questions about how to treat a condition such as sleep paralysis should be answered by a neurologist or psychotherapist.

To fall asleep, you can use the following methods:

  • influence by hypnosis;
  • use chloroform;
  • click on special points located on the body.

Important! Regardless of which method is chosen, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with it in detail and study the possible consequences.

How to put a person to sleep for 2 hours without harm to health: the theory of hypnosis

Hypnosis has a close connection with human history. It is even mentioned in religious books. To put a person to sleep for 2 hours without harm to his health, you must be fluent in the technique of hypnosis. This method is used in medicine to calm the patient by influencing his consciousness.

Important! You need to not only know how to hypnotize a person, but also have techniques for awakening him.

When using hypnosis there is one important nuance. Even doctors are not able to euthanize every patient. A person must be suggestible, otherwise he will not be able to fall asleep.

Important! If you do not have certain knowledge and experience of hypnosis, its use can lead to changes in a person’s consciousness.

Below is a video about hypnosis.

Points on the body for sound sleep

There are many areas on the human body that, when exposed, can quickly turn off consciousness. The most famous point is the carotid artery, which is located in the neck. If you press it, the blood flow to the brain will stop. As a result, a person falls out of reality for a long time.

Note! Put to sleep by pressing on carotid artery should be used with caution, as there is a possibility of squeezing it, which entails serious consequences.

The second known point is the area on the shoulder, closer to the neck. Pressing it leads to sleep. It should be noted that different people The location of this point may vary.

There are other areas of the body that are less well known, but exposure to them can also put you to sleep. “Sleeping points” are located in the following places:

  • between the eyebrows (press several times index finger);
  • on the outer corners of the eyes (exposure is carried out by pressing with both hands clenched into fists);
  • on upper eyelids(you need to press on both points, and then look with an “internal” look at your feet);
  • area on the nose, which is located 1 cm from the nostrils.

Important! Caution must be exercised when using sleep points. This method can instantly put you to sleep, but if done incorrectly or long-term exposure leads to changes in consciousness and even death.

Liquid for euthanasia

Surely many have seen films where a handkerchief is brought to a character’s face without his knowledge, after which he falls unconscious. The audience is introduced to the idea of ​​euthanization with chloroform. It is a narcotic substance that has a strong effect on the human body. To put a person into a state of sleep, you need to moisten a handkerchief in chloroform and apply it to the nose and mouth, pressing and holding for several seconds. As a rule, consciousness switches off already on the second breath. By the way! In the game Yandere Simulator, you can put people to sleep in a similar way.

Note! Chloroform is highly toxic.

There is also a method of euthanasia with clonidine, but it is not recommended. After waking up it feels feeling unwell: headaches, dizziness, nausea. But that's not all. If the dosage is exceeded, the person may die.

You can also put someone to sleep at home for a couple of hours or more with alcohol, azaliptin, or psychotropic medications. Each of the above methods is not completely safe. If used incorrectly, it can cause harm.

Medicines with hypnotic effects

In pharmacology, there are several drugs that have a sedative effect of varying intensity:

Only drugs of the latter group can be freely purchased at pharmacies, while the first and second are sold only with a prescription from a specialist. They need to be taken only in a dosage selected by a doctor based on weight, health characteristics and the human body.

How sleeping pills work with alcohol

Majority Abstract medicines contains a note that they should not be consumed simultaneously with alcohol-containing liquids. Not even large number alcohol can trigger several reactions:

  • neutralizes or reduces the therapeutic effect;
  • enhances the effect of the medicine.

In some cases, the reaction cannot be predicted. Taking sleeping pills can lead to serious disruptions in the body's functioning and even death. In particular, when combined with antidepressants, alcohol causes sharp increase blood pressure, which causes strokes and heart attacks even at a young age.

Phenazepam and similar medications, when consumed simultaneously with alcohol, inhibit the functioning of the nervous system, which leads to a depressive state.

Moreover, after such a cocktail, some drunken men and women may experience suicidal thoughts. After drinking alcoholic beverages, some barbiturates (strong sleeping pills) may cause problems cardiovascular system, respiratory arrest and mental disorder.

Very important! Even in cases of severe intoxication, the addict should not be given medications to calm him down. Even herbal remedies are not so harmless when interacting with alcohol, and the consequences of taking potent medications can even be sad.

What to do to calm down a drunkard

Most people, under the influence of large amounts of alcohol, quickly fall asleep if the provoking factors are removed. Another feature of those who drink is a tendency to aggression even with minor irritation.

The first rule of a wife trying to put her husband to sleep as quickly as possible: remove all alcohol without provoking a conflict. Any attempts to clarify the relationship should be ignored, much less initiated. A drunk man is extremely unpredictable in his actions; alcohol can make him raise his hand (or something more serious) even against the woman he loves or a small child.

If a person does not calm down and continues to look for something else to drink, loved ones should think about their safety. The most prudent thing is to remain as calm as possible, restrain emotions, and in some cases it is better to leave the drunkard alone with himself (but watch from afar).

What will put a drunk person to sleep?

If the alcoholic is not aggressive (perhaps just very drunk), before you put him to bed, you need to try to sober him up. At home, this can only be done in one way: induce vomiting and rinse the stomach. To do this, the poor fellow needs to be given 500–750 ml of warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate to drink. The water should have a light pink tint, otherwise there is a high risk of burning the mucous membranes. As a rule, involuntary vomiting occurs after this. If this does not happen, the stomach is forcibly cleared (method of irritating the larynx with fingers).

To neutralize toxic effect alcohol, a drunkard can be offered:

After this, many people calm down. It is important to know how you can put an alcoholic to sleep. There is a saying that a drunkard's sleep is sound, but short. This is due to the excitement of the nervous system and the onset of a hangover. To finally sober up a man or woman, after cleansing the stomach, you can offer warm tea with 20–25 drops of mint tincture.

Drinking plenty of alcohol (warm tea or compote), as well as minor physical activity. You can offer the drunk a walk together or ask for help with housework.


Such methods of calming are suitable only if the patient wants to sober up. Otherwise, only a team of narcologists will help. Today, many clinics provide a similar service at home; it is harmless for an alcoholic.

The patient is injected into the blood with drugs from the cyclopyrrolones group: Zolpidem, Zopiclone. In cases of recurring situations, a narcologist can write a prescription for medications and recommend a dosage regimen. When using these products, you need to consult a specialist by telephone.

Unconventional methods

In some cases, alcoholics do not give in to persuasion, and there is nowhere to wait for help from specialists. In such a situation, you can put the drunk to sleep yourself by clicking on certain points:

  • between the eyebrows;
  • outer corner of the eye (at a distance of 10 mm);
  • surface of the upper eyelid;
  • carotid artery;
  • nostrils (or rather, 7–10 mm to the left and right of them).

When engaging in such therapy, care must be taken not to injure the patient or provoke a new outbreak of aggression.

Hypnosis can help put a drunk person into sleep without medications, but this method is used only by specialists.

What is prohibited to do

Many wives and mothers, trying to sober up or reason with a drunkard, use ineffective methods:

A case of severe intoxication in a man can occur in any family. If this is rare, you can try to cope on your own:

  • quietly remove all alcohol;
  • drink warm tea with sugar;
  • give one aspirin tablet;
  • put to sleep.

Left in silence, the drunkard will begin to fall asleep on his own and will not harm himself or his loved ones.

If a person is very drunk, you need to first rinse his stomach and give him absorbents. With severe alcohol poisoning, a decrease in body temperature is observed due to excessive vasodilation. To warm a drunken person, you need to cover him with a blanket and let him sleep. The main thing is no aggression or provoking scandals.

If the alcoholic is very violent and all methods do not work, it is wiser to turn to specialists. For signs of delirium tremens ( inappropriate behavior, aggression, crazy look) you should call an ambulance.

Alcohol in large doses brings out the worst in a person. After a hangover and final sobering up, alcoholics most often do not remember anything or feel ashamed of their behavior. To avoid scandals and irreparable actions, a drunk person should be put to bed as quickly as possible, preferably without medication. Sedatives and medications can only be used under the supervision of a specialist.

How to put a person to sleep without sleeping pills?

Everyone knows the common phrase that sleep is best medicine. Indeed, after several hours of rest we feel vigorous and healthy. It is no coincidence that people at all times have been actively interested in methods of artificial euthanasia without harm to the body. Carotid points and arteries became the main focus of research, and healers and magicians used relaxation for practical purposes.

The most talked about method of putting people to sleep is hypnosis.

  • Hypnosis is one of the most mysterious, but at the same time absolutely harmless ways turning off a person without sleeping pills. In addition to hypnosis itself, the practice of self-hypnosis is widespread - putting oneself to sleep to improve physical or psychological capabilities.

  • Hypnosis originated during primitive people. It was during this period that the first “intermediaries” began to appear other worlds– shamans. Their role in the formation of hypnosis is quite large.
  • Hypnosis involves the body, but most often occurs without body contact. Euthanasia and other manipulations are carried out on a subconscious level. However, this topic is at the research stage. But one thing is known for sure - a sleepy person can be the object of influence of a hypnotist for both good and selfish purposes.
  • Hypnotic sleep is a type of disconnection of the body from independent decision-making. The will of a person is controlled by the hypnotist or his assistants.

How to put a person to sleep for 2 hours without harm to health?

  • find a point at a distance of 1 cm near the corner of the person’s eye, and press it with two fingers;
  • Another way to put a person to sleep is to press the point between the eyebrows with the index finger;
  • measure the distance from the nostrils at the width of a finger, and then massage the point at this place with rotational movements of the hands;
  • identify the points above the eye sockets and press them with both fists at once - as soon as you do this, lower your eyes to your knees and fix your gaze on your feet.

What liquid is used to euthanize?

  1. The first thing to note is breathing problems. The liquid disrupts the rhythm of the respiratory tract and can lead to health problems.
  2. The second is the activation of the cardiovascular system. Chloroform increases the pulse and affects heart contractions.
  3. Third, chloroform disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

As a result, we can conclude that hypnosis, sleepy dots and liquid to put a person to sleep help cope with insomnia. However, in no case should you use the other methods of euthanasia indicated in the article on another person, especially against the will of this person.

Before you start taking medications to combat insomnia, you should find out the cause of this condition. Here are the main ones:

  • stress;
  • experiences;
  • anxiety states;
  • sleep apnea – breathing stops during night rest;
  • bad habits;
  • overwork;
  • mental and physical stress;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • drinking caffeinated drinks before bed;
  • existing diseases – bronchial asthma, thyroid problems, oncology, kidney and liver diseases, pathologies digestive tract.

In addition, changing time zones and moving can be a source of sleep difficulties.

Sleeping pills are divided into several groups:

  1. Benzodiazepine group. Suitable for those who have trouble sleeping due to unreasonable anxiety, fear, worries and phobias. This includes Phenazepam, Sibazon. If you use medications from this group for a long time– more than 2 weeks, this will lead to dependence and increased symptoms. With a single dose, the use of benzodiazepines does not lead to any negative consequences.
  2. Barbiturate acid derivatives. Used in cases of serious sleep disorders. This group includes: “Barbital”, “Hexobarbatal”, “Phenobarbital”, “Relodorm”. Prescribed as anticonvulsants, hypnotics, and relaxants. With prolonged use, addiction syndrome may develop. In addition, barbiturates shorten the phase time REM sleep. When purchasing, the pharmacist requires a doctor's prescription.
  3. Preparations with melatonin. These medications are among the safest. Do not affect sleep cycles, do not cause drowsiness or fatigue during the day. This group includes: “Melaxen”, “Melarena”, etc.
  4. Z- drugs. The most effective and safest products with hypnotic effect. They have no side effects, and no cases of overdose have been observed. It is worth noting that too long use leads to addiction. This group includes Ivadol, Andante, Zopiclone.

There is another group of drugs that affects the quality of sleep - antihistamines. This includes Diprazine and Diphenhydramine. Not suitable for treatment severe forms insomnia.

Fast-acting medications are prescribed for difficulties falling asleep, numerous awakenings at night, superficial sleep, as well as increasing the duration of night rest, eliminating agitation, and improving sleep quality.

It is worth noting that all drugs with a hypnotic effect that have a quick effect have one thing in common. They help relax muscles and suppress the activity of certain areas of the brain responsible for tension and anxiety.

Important! All drugs with hypnotic effects lengthen the duration of the REM sleep phase, but reduce the deep sleep stage.

List of rapid-acting sleeping pills

To begin with, we will describe medications that are sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription and are the safest for the body.

The main substance that is part of the medicine is melatonin. It is recommended to take 1 tablet before a night's rest - half an hour before. If observed severe violations with falling asleep - the dosage can be doubled.

Melaxen is eliminated from the body very quickly. Other advantages include:

  • acceleration of falling asleep;
  • does not lead to drowsiness during the day;
  • does not cause mental or physical dependence;
  • the number of awakenings during the night's rest is reduced.

Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of taking during pregnancy and breastfeeding. People with hormonal disorders, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, kidney problems, diabetes mellitus the medicine is also prohibited for use.

The cost of the drug is 650 rubles.

According to reviews, we can conclude: the drug "Melaxen" is very effective. Many claim that the medicine does not cause drowsiness and promotes instant falling asleep and deep sleep.

"Donormil" is a fast-acting sleeping pill. The main active ingredient is doxylamine. In pharmacies you can find it in the form regular tablets and “fizzy drinks” that dissolve in water. The drug is prescribed for sleep disorders, insomnia, and frequent awakenings.

The action begins 10-15 minutes after administration. During this period of time, ethanolamine H-1 receptors are blocked. The duration of action of the drug is from 6 to 8 hours. Take ½ tablet 10-15 minutes before bedtime. Duration of therapy is 3-5 days. For serious sleep disorders, the dose may increase to 1-2 tablets.

Among the contraindications it should be noted:

  • the patient has angle-closure glaucoma;
  • problems with urination in men, prostate diseases.

Expectant mothers are allowed to use Donormil in any form. The medicine should not be given to children under 15 years of age. People who are suffering should be careful temporary stop breathing during night rest (apnea).

Important! In order for the drug to put you to sleep faster, doctors recommend ventilating the room before resting at night, ensuring yourself a comfortable sleeping place, do not overeat and do not watch films that affect the psyche.

Side effects include urinary retention, dry mouth, and constipation.

The main analogues of the drug are “Reslip”, “Sonmil”. The price of Donormila is 330 rubles. Sleeping pills are sold without prescriptions from doctors.

Many people claim that with the help of Donormil you can fall asleep in 10 minutes. Also, those using this drug note the absence of side effects and drowsiness in daytime.

Dreamz is completely natural preparation, which has hypnotic and sedative effects. It is absolutely safe, as it consists entirely of plant materials. It can be taken even by children as young as 2 years old.

Available in the form of drops. Used for chronic insomnia, irritability, mental disorders, anxiety, depression, unreasonable fear, frequent awakening during the night's rest, long periods of falling asleep.

Adults need to use the drug at night - for insomnia, 3 times a day - for anxiety. Dosage – 5 ml.

The cost of Dreamz is 1600 rubles. The composition of the product is similar to “Sonylux”.

Numerous reviews say that the drug is good for anxiety, especially when important events are expected the next day. “Dreams” quickly calms you down and relieves anxiety. The next morning no drowsiness. Most of those who tried this medicine recommend it for use.

"Sonylux" is another medicine with a hypnotic and sedative effect, which consists only of plant materials. The drug promotes falling asleep quickly, reducing the number of awakenings and eliminating the sources of lack of sleep and insomnia. Besides, active ingredients, contained in this product, easily eliminate irritability, anxiety, fear, aggression, and chronic fatigue.

For insomnia, take 1 scoop 30 minutes before bedtime on an empty stomach. For psycho-emotional disorders, the number of doses should be increased to three.

The cost of the drug is 990 rubles. An analogue is “Dreams”.

Many claim that the drug is absolutely safe. Its effect is equivalent to strong sleeping pills, which with prolonged use lead to addiction. “Sonylux,” according to reviews, acts almost instantly, sleep comes quickly, the nervous system calms, and in the morning there is no drowsiness or fatigue.

Another product that can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription is Valocardin. This is one of the most safe drugs, which will not only speed up the process of falling asleep, but also eliminate the symptoms of angina pectoris, and also reduce high blood pressure.

The main active ingredients of Valocardin are: phenobarbital, validol. Prescribed for insomnia caused by irritability, anxiety, and neurosis. The drug is available in the form of drops. Taken at night half an hour before bedtime. Dosage – 15 drops (can be increased to 25 if necessary).

Advantages of Valocordin:

  1. Relieves pain.
  2. Reduces blood pressure.
  3. Improves blood circulation.
  4. Prevents vascular spasms.
  5. Eliminates intestinal bloating.
  6. Reduces the excitability of some parts of the central nervous system.
  7. Blocks the activity of the part of the brain responsible for anxiety, anxiety, and excitement.
  8. Does not inhibit reactions.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  1. As mentioned earlier, one of the main active ingredients is phenobarbital. So, frequent use of products containing it is addictive.
  2. Systematic use may cause dizziness and drowsiness during the day.

The drug should not be taken by breastfeeding women or pregnant women.

The cost of “Valokardina” is 50 rubles. Among the analogues one can note - “Corvalol”, “Validol”, “Barboval”, “Darvilol”.

An excellent remedy that not only relieves anxiety and improves sleep, but also eliminates stomach pain. All those who use this remedy, talk about its effectiveness and safety.

"Fito-novo-sed" consists entirely of herbal ingredients. It has no side effects (except for allergies to the herbs it contains).

The main indications for use of the drug are neurotic conditions which are accompanied by anxiety, irritability, fears, insomnia, and headaches.

Important! Among the advantages of “Fito-novo-sed” is the absence of drowsiness, which makes it possible to take it during the day.

The use of the drug is contraindicated:

  • children under 18 years of age, expectant mothers and women who are breastfeeding;
  • people with HIV infection;
  • at autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis, leukemia.

You need to take the medicine 3 times a day - for psycho-emotional disorders, and before bed - if you suffer from insomnia. Dosage – 0.5 teaspoon of extract. Be sure to dissolve in 50 ml of water. The course of treatment is 14 days.

The price of the medicine is 90 rubles.

Most people suffering from insomnia report good result after using "Fito-novo-sed". Sleep occurs within a few minutes after use. The medicine quickly calms down, relieves irritability, and does not cause fatigue or drowsiness during the day.

Medicines available only with a doctor's prescription

Another drug that almost instantly solves the problem of falling asleep is Phenazepam. Refers to a number of tranquilizers. Among all sleeping pills, this medicine is considered to be the best. The hypnotic effect of Phenazepam can be expected 15 minutes after administration. It is recommended to take it for insomnia that appears due to fears, anxiety, and phobias.

Important! The fast-acting sleeping pill Phenazepam relieves anxiety and is used as an anticonvulsant drug.

Prescribed in the following dosage: for adults daily norm can reach 6 g. main active ingredient (in difficult cases). The optimal single dose is 250-500 mcg.

Take 1 time per day before bedtime - half an hour before. Long-term use can cause withdrawal symptoms and dependence.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be careful. It is not allowed to use the drug together with alcohol. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks, no more.

Upon purchase, the pharmacist requires a prescription from the doctor. Price – from 85 to 200 rubles.

According to doctors, Phenazepam is a last resort for insomnia. There are milder medications that will relieve restlessness, anxiety and irritability that lead to insomnia.

“What drug should I take to make me fall asleep instantly?” — many people ask at a doctor’s appointment. "Imovan" is a fast-acting sleeping pill. It is prescribed in the following cases:

  • for sleep disorders;
  • when the process of falling asleep is difficult;
  • with numerous awakenings during the night's rest;
  • for situational insomnia;
  • for chronic insomnia;
  • when sleep disturbances are associated with neurosis, anxiety, and unreasonable fears.

People with respiratory and heart failure, apnea, children under 15 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women should not take Imovan.

A single dosage for people over 15 years of age is 7.5 mg. In severe cases, as prescribed by the doctor, it can be increased to 15 mg. Elderly people and those who suffer from severe renal impairment should start with a dosage of 3.75 mg.

Undesirable effects include disorders in the digestive tract, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (head pain, drowsiness, blurred vision, hallucinations, scary dreams, confusion, dizziness).

You cannot combine the use of Imovan and alcoholic drinks. The drug is dispensed only with a medical prescription from a doctor. Cost – 550-900 rubles.

According to reviews, “Imovan” really helps you fall asleep almost instantly. Only a few complain about the many side effects that manifest themselves in daytime drowsiness, as well as difficulty waking up in the morning.

"Ivadal" is included in the category of "sedative, fast-acting sleeping pills." The medicine is good to use when there are sleep disturbances, chronic lack of sleep, insomnia, and constant awakenings during the night.

Important! The next morning, drowsiness after taking Ivadal does not persist.

It is better not to take the drug for people with impaired gas exchange in the lungs, apnea, severe renal pathologies, liver diseases, as well as children under 18 years of age, women expecting a child (in the first trimester) and nursing mothers.

Undesirable effects include disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, allergic reactions. When taking the drug for a long time (more than 1 week), addiction develops.

The tablets should be taken a quarter of an hour before bedtime. Single dose – 0.1 g. The course of therapy is from 2 to 5 days. If the doctor has prescribed to continue treatment for more than a week, then the drug should be discontinued gradually.

The medicine is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. The cost of the medicine is 830 rubles.

As for those who have tried the drug on themselves, the reviews are generally positive. Many people talk about the rapid action of the medicine. The drug is especially good for shallow sleep and frequent awakenings.

To quickly fall asleep, doctors often prescribe Reladorm to patients. The medicine has combined action. It begins to act within 15-20 minutes. It has the following effects on the body:

  • sedative;
  • hypnotic;
  • anxiolytic, that is, it relieves anxiety.

In pharmacies it is found only in tablet form. The medicine includes the following substances: calcium cyclobarbital, diazepam. Prescribed for sleep disorders caused by anxiety and neuroses.

People with:

  • glaucoma;
  • myasthenia;
  • apnea;
  • depression;
  • mental disorders;
  • respiratory failure;
  • with thoughts of suicide;
  • renal and liver failure.

In addition, the drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children under 15 years of age, and elderly people over 65 years of age. Reladorm is prohibited for use in cases of severe alcohol poisoning and drugs that affect the nervous system.

You need to take the drug 15 minutes before bedtime, ½ or a whole tablet orally. Side effects include digestive tract disorders, allergies, low blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, and fainting. Duration of treatment – ​​7 days (no longer possible, as there is a possibility of developing withdrawal syndrome).

The medicine is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. The price varies between 380-600 rubles. Analogues are: “Sibazon”, “Relium”, “Seduxen”.

Opinions about this drug divided. Some talk about its effectiveness, while others complain about a large number of side effects.

The main substance of Sanval is zolpidem. It is sold only in tablet form. The medicine is prescribed to people who complain of systematic and early awakenings during the night, as well as difficulty falling asleep.

The disadvantages of the drug include the inability to use in depressive states, as well as negative impact on the central nervous system and digestive tract.

The optimal dosage of Sanval is 10-20 mg (maximum). Elderly people should take no more than 5 mg of the active ingredient. The tablets should be taken before bedtime. The duration of treatment is no more than 4 weeks. The withdrawal should be gradual.

The price of the drug is 350 rubles.

Many people speak positively about this drug. After using it, sleep comes quickly. However, there are also those who talk about undesirable effects, among which the most common are daytime drowsiness and short-term stomach pain.

Another good one quick cure- “Andante.” The drug belongs to the group of pyrazolo-pyrimidines. It is considered one of the safest of this category. It is prescribed to help you fall asleep faster and prevent early awakening. Act main component– zaleplon – starts within 15 minutes. Available in capsule form.

It is not recommended for people who are intolerant to the components that make up the drug, as well as for expectant mothers. In addition, there is no need to use the rapid-acting sleeping pill “Andante” for pulmonary and renal failure, as well as girls breastfeeding and children under 18 years of age.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • accelerating the process of falling asleep;
  • reducing the number of awakenings at night;
  • elimination severe form sleep disorders.

It is worth noting that the drug has several side effects: from the central nervous system - lethargy, passivity, headache, dizziness, short temper, aggressiveness; from the digestive tract - vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, pain in the entire abdominal area. IN in rare cases Skin rashes and allergies are noted.

Important! The fast-acting drug Andante is addictive if taken for a long time. With systematic use, withdrawal syndrome develops, which manifests itself in the form of increased symptoms of insomnia.

Price “Andante” – 470 rubles.

Many who have taken Andante talk about its immediate effect. However, there are those who claim that they will no longer take this medicine due to side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness and tiredness during the day.

The main component of the drug is diphenhydramine. "Diphenhydramine" has sedative and hypnotic effects. Therapeutic effect occurs 1 hour after administration and lasts about 6 hours.

It is recommended to take 50 mg 1 hour before bedtime. Undesirable effects include disturbances in the functioning of the nervous, respiratory, reproductive, immune, digestive, and cardiovascular systems. Such failures occur only when the drug is overdosed.

Not allowed for use by people with glaucoma, asthma, or during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The price of the drug is 100 rubles.

As for the reviews, they are both positive and negative. Doctors say that Diphenhydramine is a drug that should be taken for insomnia only in extreme cases.

Sleeping pills should be taken with caution. Since many of them cause addiction with a subsequent increase in insomnia symptoms. Therefore, before purchasing sleeping pills without a prescription, it is better to consult a doctor.

It may be that taking medications with a soporific effect is not necessary at all. Indeed, in most cases, sleep problems can be eliminated by adjusting nutrition, daytime routine, and giving up bad habits etc.

Good health to you!

About the dangers of taking medications while drunk

Ethyl alcohol can both potentiate (strengthen) and inhibit the effect of many drugs. For example, drinking alcohol during antibiotic therapy leads to treatment failure. And the simultaneous use of alcohol and sedatives can lead to a deep coma. This is why doctors do not recommend giving pharmaceuticals to a person while intoxicated.

In some cases simultaneous use Ethyl alcohol and medications lead to serious disruptions to the functioning of many organs, strokes, heart attacks, severe poisoning, loss of consciousness, and coma. There are cases when attempts to quickly put a husband, son or wife to sleep ended fatal. If relatives do not want to poison drinking man– they should not give him any drugs at home.

The most dangerous drugs for an alcoholic are:

  • Sleeping pills. Alcohol enhances the effect of these medications and can cause intoxication, lethargy, and depress the respiratory system. If a drunkard is given a large amount of sleeping pills, he may develop respiratory failure. To prevent the death of a person, he will need to be hospitalized in the intensive care unit;
  • Sedatives. In the instructions to most sedatives It is indicated that taking them simultaneously with alcohol is prohibited. This should not be done because ethyl alcohol enhances their effect and inhibits the nervous system. Calming your husband in this way can seriously harm him;
  • Barbiturates. Drugs in this group, like alcohol, depress the respiratory center. Mixing them can cause a person to stop breathing and even die. If relatives do not want to put an alcoholic to sleep “forever,” then they should not give him drugs from the barbiturate group (Phenobarbital, Sodium Thiopental, etc.);
  • Antidepressants. Combining alcohol with drugs such as Amitriptyline or Imizine leads to a sharp jump blood pressure. A person has an increased risk of developing hypertensive crisis, stroke or heart attack, which could cause serious harm;
  • Tranquilizers. Together with alcohol, they have a strong depressant effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory system. If given to an alcoholic, he may develop psychosis, personality disorientation, or other mental disorders. To prevent this from happening, tranquilizers should not be used at home without first consulting a specialist.

Advice! To avoid unforeseen complications, you should not try to put a person to sleep using medications. As a last resort, you should call a narcologist to carry out detoxification. If an alcoholic develops symptoms of delirium tremens, you need to call an ambulance.

First of all, you need to take the alcohol from the alcoholic and hide it away. This must be done carefully and calmly so that he does not become even more angry. Then he can rinse his stomach or allow him to take absorbents (Enterosgel, Activated Carbon, Smecta). In addition, you can give the solution to drink baking soda or potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - after this the person will vomit and his body will be partially cleansed of alcohol.

You can also take the drunkard out into the fresh air and let him walk a little. It is necessary to make sure that he drinks more fluid - this will help relieve intoxication. You should give him teas, broths, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions. Thanks to this, he will partially come to his senses and be able to sleep peacefully.

The following drugs have a hypnotic effect on a drunk person:

  • ammonia in a proportion of 5 drops per glass of water;
  • peppermint tincture (20 drops per glass of clean still water);
  • warm mint tea made from collected or purchased mint;
  • some medications approved for alcoholics.

You can also help an alcoholic fall asleep by pressing on the so-called “sleepy spots.” They are located on the upper eyelids, neck (in the area of ​​​​the projection of the carotid artery), between the eyebrows, at a distance of 1 centimeter from the corners of the eyes and nostrils. Press on the indicated points carefully, trying not to frighten or anger the alcoholic.

If you cannot calm a person down and send him to sleep, you should call a specialist to your home. Many modern clinics offer a similar service for affordable prices. The narcologist will put an alcoholic on a drip and prescribe necessary treatment. IN difficult situations a drunkard should be admitted to a hospital.

Important! Sleeping pills that can be taken while intoxicated include drugs from the cyclopyrrolones group. These include Zopiclone, Snovitel, Zolpidem.

Alcohol and drugs

The interaction of alcohol with medications produces unpredictable effects. Alcohol can change the effect of the drug, and the drug itself can affect the degree of intoxication of a person. With the simultaneous use of barbiturates and alcohol, apnea (stopping breathing) can occur, which, in turn, can be fatal.

In the case of combined use of alcohol and antidepressants (amitriptyline (tryptisol), imizin (melipramine)), there is a risk of increased blood pressure and there is real threat development of hypertensive crisis.

The simultaneous use of drugs such as phenazepam, haloperidol, sonapax and alcohol sharply increases the effect of drugs on the central nervous system, which can cause psychosis, loss of personal orientation, and in severe cases, depression of the cardiovascular system and breathing.

Considering the possible serious consequences that may occur in the event of a combination of alcohol and sleeping pills, it is better to refuse the opportunity to put a drunk person to sleep with the help of drugs.

Narcologists and psychiatrists rightly believe that there are no means that can pacify a drunk. If you have become the object of drunken aggression, it is more correct to think not about ways and means that can calm and stop the drunk, but to take care not to become the object of his aggression. Here are the main tips from experts:

  • if you are unable to stop and calm a drunken violent person, the best thing is to try to stay away from him;
  • there is no need to provoke a drunk person by pouring out or taking away vodka, or making scandals: in a state of alcoholic intoxication, your words will be useless, a brain intoxicated by alcohol cannot correctly perceive information;
  • try to be as calm as possible, trying to “infect” a drunken brawler with your calmness: you don’t need to respond to insults, you should talk quietly and calmly, pretending that nothing is happening.

How to put a drunk to sleep?

Most safe way bring a drunk person to an adequate state - sober him up as soon as possible. Although it is quite difficult to do this quickly at home. In a short period of time, it is possible to remove alcohol from the blood only in a clinical setting, using special efferent (forcibly removing foreign substances from the body) methods.

Currently, services are quite common medical institutions on withdrawal from binge drinking at home. Qualified specialists using infusion therapy are able to return even a very drunk person to a sober state in a fairly short period of time.

However, there are also ways to revive a drunk person without the help of specialists, at home:

  • Dilute 20 drops of peppermint tincture in a glass of water and give to a drunk person to drink;
  • 5 drops of ammonia per glass of water;
  • taking enterosorbents (for example, activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

The most in an efficient way To speed up the removal of alcohol from the blood and bring a person to his senses, induce vomiting. Vomiting can be induced with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, several crystals of potassium permanganate should be dissolved in warm water and the drunk should be given several glasses of this liquid to drink. A few minutes after taking it, a person will experience nausea, followed by vomiting.

After the stomach is cleansed, you can give him warm tea with milk and honey, a couple of aspirin tablets and put him to bed.

What is chloroform?

Chloroform is a fatty drug that has a stronger effect than anesthetic ether .

Unlike ether, it causes an attack much faster and relaxes well skeletal muscles . However, at the same time it is characterized as a very toxic agent.

Formula and properties of the substance

Wikipedia says about Chloroform that when normal conditions This chemical compound is a mobile volatile clear liquid colorless and with a characteristic ethereal odor. Chloroform is non-explosive and non-flammable.

The formula of Chloroform is CHCl3. The formula was established by the French chemist Dumas.

The substance is practically insoluble in water and is miscible in all proportions with fatty essential oils, alcohols and ether. It also dissolves large amounts well organic matter(for example, paraffin, resins, rubber) and some inorganic substances (for example, sulfur or phosphorus).

Chloroform is a sufficient compound unstable . When exposed to light and air, it is oxidized by oxygen. The products of this reaction are chlorine and carbonic acid dichloride (phosgene) - poisonous chemical substance, which has a suffocating effect.

For this reason, the chloroformation procedure should be avoided with an open flame. Poisoning phosgene - enough common occurrence when working with chloroform, which has been stored in a warm place for a long time.

To prevent the decomposition of Chloroform, it must be stored in orange glass jars. For the same purpose, alcohol or - sometimes - is added to chloroform.

Chloroform hazard class according to the degree of exposure to humans is II (Highly hazardous substances).

Release form

Release form Chloroform is an emulsion for external use in 50 ml bottles.

The substance is produced in accordance with the current standard GOST 20015-88.

The result of constant exposure to this substance in the body is liver disease And kidney .

According to statistics, almost every tenth inhabitant of the planet is dependent on Chloroform. It is most often expressed in the form of a strong increase in body temperature (up to 40 degrees) and vomiting (after surgical operations in which the substance was used as a anesthetic , vomiting was observed in approximately 70-85% of patients).

Animal studies have shown that inhalation of air containing as little as 0.03% chloroform by pregnant female rats results in spontaneous abortion. The same was observed in rats that were given chloroform orally.

The next generations of experimental rats and mice, who continued to inhale air with Chloroform, were born more cubs with various types of congenital pathologies than their healthy counterparts.

The effect of the substance on reproductive function humans have not been fully studied. It is only known that prolonged inhalation of its vapors (for 2-10 minutes) can provoke death .

Presumably, chloroform can cause hereditary changes in the fetus and increases the likelihood of occurrence. These properties appear only in cases where the permissible concentration of the substance in the air is exceeded.

How to make Chloroform at home

On forums there are often questions “How to put a person to sleep with Chloroform?” and “How to prepare Chloroform yourself?”

If putting a person to sleep is the task of an experienced anesthesiologist, then almost anyone can obtain the substance at home if desired.

Chloroform is a chlorinated derivative of methane. It is obtained by heating bleach with ethanol (ethyl alcohol).

Preparation from ethyl alcohol

To obtain the substance in this way, you need to take 430 g of bleach, which contains 23.4% CaO2Cl2, and mix it with 1.5 liters of water. Then add 100 g of caustic (slaked) lime and 100 cubic meters. cm alcohol 88.5%.

The resulting mixture is distilled, and lime milk (a suspension of slaked lime in lime water) and calcium chloride CaCl₂ are added to the distillate. The released chloroform is separated, shaken several times with concentrated sulfuric acid and rectified (divided into practically pure components by repeated evaporation of the liquid and condensation of vapors).

Preparation from acetone

To obtain chloroform from acetone, take 275 g of bleach, which contains 33.3% active chlorine, and grind it with 800 cubic meters. cm of water and gradually pour in a mixture of acetone and water (to prepare it, take 22 g of acetone and 70 cubic cm of water).

Preparation from potassium (K) or sodium (Na) hypochlorites

This method involves electrolysis aqueous solution potassium chloride and alcohol. Instead of alcohol, acetone or aldehyde can be used.

Receiving from Whiteness

One of the most simple ways obtaining the substance - mixing Whiteness and acetone. For 100 ml of Whiteness you should take 10 ml of acetone. This amount of ingredients allows you to get a fairly large (about 3 ml) drop of Chloroform. Probably, by distillation it is possible to obtain a slightly larger amount of the required substance.

Indications for use Chloroform

Chloroform is used as anesthetic at surgical interventions. In addition, the range of medicines also includes the drug “Chloroform for external use”.

Since one of the main properties of Chloroform is its ability to irritate the skin and mucous membranes, it is often used in combination with turpentine or methyl ether salicylic acid for rubbing during and inflammatory lesions skeletal muscles () .

In some cases, Chloroform in the form of drops (mixed with tincture ) is assigned when , vomiting And pain in the epigastric region .

To reduce sensitivity mucous membranes of the respiratory tract , affected by toxic substances with irritating and tear action (in particular, arsenic hydrogen - one of the most powerful inorganic poisons that has blood destroying effect and provoking development malignant tumors ) Chloroform is prescribed in the form of a so-called anti-smoke mixture, which in addition includes Ethyl and and also anesthetic ether .


Contraindications to the use of Chloroform as anesthetic are:

  • increased individual sensitivity to it;
  • pathology cardiovascular system ;
  • liver disease ;
  • kidney disease ;
  • asthenic syndrome .

For external use, chloroform is contraindicated if the patient has purulent-inflammatory skin diseases . There are no contraindications for oral administration.

Side effects

Exceeding the recommended dose of Chloroform when euthanizing a patient by, and especially by inhaling concentrated vapors of this substance (when the concentration exceeds 2%), leads to weakening cardiac activity , a sharp drop in indicators (up to the development collapse ) And cardiac arrest .

Chloroform vapors are irritating to mucous membranes of the eyes , respiratory tract , and when taken orally - also gastric mucosa . As a result of such exposure in humans:

  • mucous membranes turn red;
  • there is a feeling burning sensation ;
  • copious discharge begins mucus, tears And saliva ;
  • seizures occur cough ;
  • there is a feeling nausea ;
  • arises vomit .

Increased secretion of mucus provokes difficulty breathing , and in some cases may become the cause.

As a result of the allocation salivary glands a person often begins to have a large amount of saliva vomit . The entry of vomit into lungs in turn leads to strangulation or development pneumonia .

Chloroform vapors are irritating and sensory nerve endings , located in respiratory tract mucosa , which has a reflex effect on the function respiratory and vasomotor centers , as well as for activities vagus nerve center .

As a result, after initial excitation, a person reflexively begins to slow down breathing And heartbeat (sometimes to a complete stop).

Chloroform has the ability to penetrate intact skin , initially causing her irritation. Prolonged local exposure is accompanied by strong inflammation , and education. Sometimes or may develop.

In some cases, the patient may develop an addiction to Chloroform due to ingestion of the substance or abuse of it in the form of inhalation. This type is called “chloroformomania.”

Instructions for Chloroform (Method and dosage)

Externally, chloroform is used in the form of a complex chloroform liniment, which contains it in equal parts with an oil extract of black henbane leaves or datura oil. The product is applied to the painful area and gently rubbed.

The drug for oral administration in the form of Chloroform in water is prescribed to take three to five drops 3-4 times a day. The drug in the form of chloroform water containing 0.5% chloroform is taken one tablespoon. The frequency of receptions is 3-4 per day.

The highest single oral dose for adult patients is 0.5 ml, the daily dose is 1 ml.


Chloroform has toxic effect on metabolism and function internal organs .
The odor threshold is 0.0003 mg per liter. A clearly noticeable specific odor is observed when the concentration of Chloroform is 0.02 mg per liter.

The narcotic concentration of the substance is 0.25-0.5 mg/l. At this concentration, Chloroform provokes a change in the rate of development reflex muscle tension , change in current metabolic processes, gastric And intestinal disorders , decreased amount of urine excreted by the kidneys and the appearance of sugar in the urine .

Serious poisonings from the substance most often occur in people working in the pharmaceutical industry. They are accompanied by a violation heart functions And respiratory center , damage to mucous membranes (eye , stomach , respiratory tract ).

Milder forms of poisoning are accompanied by vomiting , increased weakness throughout the body, dizziness. Some people may experience stomach pain and restlessness.

Laboratory tests may show a change cellular composition blood , characterized by increased or reduced content.

Even low concentrations of chloroform can provoke severe poisoning with liver damage .

Treatment of poisoning with Chloroform

If symptoms of poisoning occur when Chloroform is administered to a patient by inhalation, the administration should be stopped immediately. anesthesia . Further measures are aimed at facilitating patency respiratory tract .

The patient is connected to a ventilator lungs , to eliminate oxygen starvation apply oxygen therapy (supply humidified oxygen for inhalation) and provide hyperventilation lungs .

To ensure efficient oxygen transport and eliminate symptoms and consequences intoxication also resort to infusion-transfusion therapy .

The patient is warmed up and prescribed intravenous administration and (at a dose equal to 1 mg per kilogram of body weight). To remove from blood toxic products carry out procedures and hemosorption . Prevention is also considered advisable pneumonia .

To normalize activities hearts appoint subcutaneous injections With caffeine (10%), camphor (20%) and (25%). The volume of one injection is 1-2 ml.

If symptoms of poisoning occur due to oral ingestion of a substance, first aid is limited to: pulmonary intubation , gastric lavage , prescribing laxatives to the patient - sodium salt of sulfuric acid (sodium sulfate) and Vaseline oil .

The effect of Chloroform wears off within a few days. Colon lavage it is recommended to do this before clean rinsing water (the so-called siphon enema ).

Procedures aimed at preventing lesions are also prescribed kidney And liver . Experts often resort to bloodletting (150-300 ml) with further partial blood replacement.

If the patient develops collapsed state (light form collapse ), he is indicated for intravenous administration of 0.5 ml of a 0.05% solution in 10-20 ml of solution glucose . According to indications, it can be prescribed.

Therapy using sympathomimetic amines (, norepinephrine , etc.) is contraindicated. In addition, sulfonamide and chlorine-containing sleeping pills should not be prescribed.

After poisoning with the drug, it is strictly prohibited to use fatty foods and alcohol.


No drug interactions have been described.

Terms of sale

By prescription or according to lists for medical institutions.

Storage conditions

List B. The drug should be stored in a well-sealed bottle in a cool, dry place. If stored improperly, the substance evaporates quickly.

How to put someone to sleep instantly


What is chloroform?

Chloroform is a fatty drug that has a stronger effect than anesthetic ether.

Unlike ether, it causes an attack much faster anesthesia and very relaxing skeletal muscles. However, at the same time it is characterized as a very toxic agent.

Formula and properties of the substance

Wikipedia says about Chloroform that under normal conditions this chemical compound is a mobile, volatile, transparent liquid without color and with a characteristic ethereal odor. Chloroform is non-explosive and non-flammable.

The formula of Chloroform is CHCl3. The formula was established by the French chemist Dumas.

The substance is practically insoluble in water and is miscible in all proportions with fatty essential oils, alcohols and ether. It also dissolves well a large number of organic substances (for example, lecithin, paraffin, resins, rubber) and some inorganic substances (for example, iodine, sulfur or phosphorus).

Chloroform is a sufficient compound unstable. When exposed to light and air, it is oxidized by oxygen. The products of this reaction are chlorine, hydrochloric acid and carbonic acid dichloride (phosgene), a toxic chemical with an asphyxiating effect.

For this reason, the chloroformation procedure should be avoided with an open flame. Poisoning phosgene- a fairly common occurrence when working with chloroform, which has been stored in a warm place for a long time.

To prevent the decomposition of Chloroform, it must be stored in orange glass jars. For the same purpose, alcohol is added to chloroform or - sometimes - urotropin.

Chloroform hazard class according to the degree of exposure to humans is II (Highly hazardous substances).

Release form

In different situations, it may be necessary to search for sleepy points and their location on the human body. Sometimes a person needs this skill and everyday life. For example, in order to calm a person who is intoxicated.

Even in ancient times, people knew that when certain points on a person’s body were pressed, he could fall unconscious. One of these points is located on the shoulder a little closer to the neck; pressing on it leads to loss of consciousness. The same thing happens when you press on the carotid artery. And this can be used as a way to put a drunk person to sleep.

Melatonin is credited with many properties, one of which is the so-called rhythm-organizing effect, in the event of which people's biological rhythms are disturbed (especially when moving from one time zone to another). Melatonin also has antioxidant and immunostimulating effects. Many scientists around the world believe that pineal gland with the help of melatonin it acts on protective forces body. For example, melatonin binds oxidants, triggering the antioxidant defense of the body as a whole. Looking at the function of melatonin in immune system, we can say that his role in antiviral protection undeniable. The pineal gland hormone has a positive effect on fat metabolism, which significantly reduces cholesterol in the blood, consequently reducing the risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and regulates blood pressure levels. Many researchers believe that melatonin can prolong life, but so far there is no convincing evidence for this hypothesis in experimental data. There is only indirect evidence based not on the increased level of epiphyseal hormone in the blood of centenarians, but on the high activity of their immune defense.

Everything would be wonderful, taking into account all the functions of melatonin, if not for one “but”, the amount of the hormone changes throughout our lives. Its production begins at the age of three months, and reaches its peak by the age of five, then remains at the same level until the onset of puberty (puberty), then its level drops sharply and reaches its critical minimum by the age of 40-50.

The "bad guys" think the same thing, which is why information obtained through torture is often deceptive, which further slows down the investigation.

Read also: 10 barbaric practices that still exist

So if torture doesn't work, what will? Human conversation and adequate attitude, as experts say. But it doesn't sound that exciting, and that's why torture will be constantly shown in movies.

4. You should never inject medicine directly into the heart.

In Pulp Fiction and The Rock, the hero of the film survives due to the fact that he was injected with medicine directly into his heart. Although intracardiac injections exist, they are practically not used, as there are many ways to administer the drug without the fatal risk.

Many people who cannot sleep are also interested in the question of where sleepy point? There are actually several points that can help you fall asleep quickly. First of all, these are points on the human body, pressing on which allows you to relax - because without this it is impossible to get rid of insomnia.

    A point at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye. To make it easier to fall asleep, you need to massage it with your index and middle fingers.

    The point between the eyebrows. It should be pressed lightly with your index finger several times.

    A point that can be found about the width of a finger near the nostrils. It is usually massaged in a circle.