We name the main causes of cold sweat in men. Causes of increased sweating in women Weakness in the legs cold sweat

The human body is a complex mechanism that sometimes fails.

People are different age categories complain of weakness in the body and sweating at night.

A healthy person sweats during physical exertion, hot climates or excitement.

Fatigue and sweating can occur in overweight people who gain excess water very quickly.

In some cases, weakness, fatigue, sweating, loss of strength, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness and cold sweat may be the first symptom of the disease. There are many reasons for this condition, let’s look at the reasons and select treatment.

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Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: Site Administration


I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov ointment - nothing helped.

There are cases when hyperhidrosis accompanies a person for many years. Sometimes this problem develops into a serious illness and causes discomfort. Then the patient looks for the reasons for this condition.

In addition to the fact that it is unpleasant for the person himself, from the outside the disease does not look aesthetically pleasing. People try to avoid issues related to sweating. Feelings of shame or embarrassment do not allow you to seek help from professionals in a timely manner; this is fraught with dire consequences.

Thousands of toxins and other negative substances are released through sweat every day, and excessive water production causes many more problems than you think. The glands work harmoniously, which means that a failure in one place will provoke disorders of other organs. There are dozens of diseases where the first symptom is hyperhidrosis, or in other words, sweating.

To understand what is happening to your body, try to observe its work. Whether it is a mild disorder or a serious illness, you should not ignore its signals.

When determining what triggered such a symptom, you need to know what may lie behind the excessive removal of water from the body.

The first common option is recent stress. If you are often exposed to psychological disorders and are 100% sure that you have difficulty withstanding:

  • criticism;
  • problems;
  • troubles and discord.

The cause of sweating is your character. This manifestation is the body’s defensive reaction to factors that irritate and cause dissatisfaction. If a man suddenly breaks into a sweat, or women experience severe sweating and weakness, this will immediately affect their morale. The location of the distribution of symptoms, such as general weakness and excessive sweating, has certain locations:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • palms;
  • weights;
  • feet;
  • lower back;
  • small of the back.

The second guess would be heavy weight. Man with extra pounds- retains a lot of water and harmful substances. For people diagnosed with obesity, hyperhidrosis is a common condition. If the cause of severe weakness and serious sweating is increased body weight, this must be dealt with. Excess subcutaneous fat does not allow oxygen to pass through the pores, and as a result, lack of air, sweating in the body and legs will become a clear sign presence of this problem.

Due to the fact that 100% human body has not yet been studied, genetics has its influence. If you are constantly worried:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness tires;
  • sweating;
  • breaks into cold sweat regularly;
  • aching headache;
  • morning sickness.

The cause may be heredity. You may have inherited a genetic disease from close relatives. In this case, a person will have to pay attention to under what circumstances the problem progresses the most.

Taking medications is another reason why you may feel dizzy, weak and sweaty without increasing your temperature. However, with pressure surges and the state of sticky cold unpleasant sweat, you also need to deal with both the symptoms and side effects after treatment with certain drugs, medications.

External factors

Quite often, people begin to sound the alarm and aggravate the situation with unnecessary panic. The problem is not always that a person is seriously ill with something. There are situations when you should not worry ahead of time:

  • constant nausea;
  • weakness;
  • sweaty palms;
  • weight loss;
  • dizziness in women, men or children.

Usually such conditions are caused by other irritants. It is difficult for people to keep track of the lifestyle they lead, and this is extremely important for maintaining balance in the body.

Experts have compiled a whole list of external factors that have a negative impact on the human body. These can be basic household items, everyday things, they negatively affect the body. It is difficult to understand at first what provoked such consequences, because many from this list are the last to be suspected.

Sports activities contribute to:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • oxygen saturation;
  • removal of toxins through sweat glands and pores.

Perhaps it is not such a bad thing when a person sweats after sports exercise or hard work.

The body's reaction, in the form of increased sweating, can be caused not only in the heat, but also in the cold.

If sweating is normal in summer, then in winter time- this is a cause for concern. This happens because in the cold there is poor blood circulation and in this case the person’s limbs often freeze. When acclimatizing to a new place of residence, this happens often and is not harmful to health.

Poor quality of clothing, shoes and coverings that you touch affect the presence of a feeling of stickiness and cold sweat. Tactile sensations are developed in humans in the same way as taste or smell, so you should take what you buy seriously.

  • Rubber and polypropylene products, especially workwear and footwear, plastic, plastic coverings.
  • Synthetic fabrics and materials for tailoring, artificial leather, jeans of poor quality.
  • Creams, ointments and cosmetics that create foam on the skin prevent cells from being saturated with oxygen.

Internal factors

  • feeling of sweating;
  • nausea;
  • cold, irritating sweat;
  • pallor of the skin.

These symptoms are companions during pregnancy or the onset of the menstrual cycle in women. These are not diseases; they do not need to be cured or treated, but you can follow the recommendations of doctors.

This also includes allergic reactions, because if a person has individual intolerance substances, then sweating is a natural reaction of the body to an irritant.

Also, internal reasons can play a role serious illnesses. In the acute course of the disease, a diagnosis should be immediately made by an experienced specialist and timely treatment should begin.

Weakness and sweating with a cold

Hyperhidrosis accompanies everyone who suffers from viral or bacterial diseases. Abundant evaporation of moisture from the body indicates that the immune system is weakened and is struggling with the source of the disease.

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Along with a cough, hoarseness in the throat and runny nose, the patient is attacked by:

  • sudden muscle pain;
  • dizziness;
  • severe, sharp weakness in women;
  • temperature rise;
  • sweating in men.

Breaks into a sweat because of extreme heat. This often happens with poor blood clotting. All these symptoms are more likely a side effect of a cold or an inflammatory process, and upon completion of treatment they disappear along with the disease. In this case, they are not worth treating; you can only fight it with:

  • soul;
  • healthy sleep;
  • rest;
  • personal hygiene products.

However, weakness, sore throat, sweating, drowsiness, dry mouth, temperature 37 or the progression of the disease without fever at all, pain in the arms and legs, can be the cause of exhaustion of the body after illnesses and colds. Such a fever signals that ARVI is receding.

Concomitant diseases

There are a number of reasons why you feel cold or hot, sweating, general weakness, drowsiness, low temperature and rapid heartbeat, observed by men and women, regardless of age and body composition.

These symptoms are much more dangerous than just ARVI or allergies.

The main cause of nighttime ailments is age-related changes. This symptomatology is typical of both older people and teenagers who are starting puberty. If, after consulting a doctor, no pathologies are found in the body, then perhaps weakness, dizziness and sudden sweating in the morning or more often at night are a temporary phenomenon. This manifests itself as follows:

  • sweating of hands and feet;
  • tremor;
  • drowsiness or, conversely, excessive activity during the day.

Perhaps this is a sign for those who are just going through puberty, hormonal imbalances and growing up. Teenagers often complain of feeling unwell, so it is worth observing how the problem progresses.

Symptoms that signal the onset of a critical age include:

  • weakness;
  • cold sweating;
  • loss of strength;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate.

During this period, the hormonal system changes, usually affecting women after 45 years. In other words, menopause is accompanied not only by the production of excess moisture, but also by other symptoms.

There is also a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In part, the release of hormones also influences this. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland are caused by:

  • severe weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • sweating of hands and feet;
  • fatigue;
  • accelerated heartbeat.

Unfortunately, all of the above problems are the reasons for the common diagnosis of “thyrotoxicosis”.

There is nothing wrong with this, but it is very important not only to treat the disease itself, but also to avoid consequences, such as sudden sweating and weakness of the body.

Vegetovascular dystonia today occurs in 64% of the population, while some cope with it by controlling their condition, others suffer from sudden mood swings, atmospheric pressure. This is often accompanied by a condition such as:

  • the person begins to feel unwell;
  • weakness appears;
  • trembling in the body;
  • Cold sticky sweat appears in both men and women of different age categories.

As a result of heat exchange disturbances, the body begins to adapt to the new state. This is the case when it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but the source of the disease itself.

The paradox is that the vessels, under the influence of many external and internal factors succumb to irritation, become uncontrollable, expand and contract at the most inopportune moment, for no apparent reason. If a person has this diagnosis in his medical record, then he should be prepared for what he will feel:

  • weakness;
  • increased night sweats;
  • general malaise;
  • shortness of breath;
  • fatigue.

This state will occur even with little physical and mental stress.

The reasons why a person breaks into a cold sweat, diarrhea, vomiting, attacks of severe and severe weakness, chills, trembling and nausea:

  • inflammation of the intestines and digestive systems s;
  • intoxication;
  • food/chemical poisoning;


If they came with weakness fatigue quickly, critically low temperature at 35 degrees and irritation, then perhaps you just have a loss of strength or exhaustion.

This condition can happen as in the case mental fatigue, and physical. A lack of certain vitamins can also affect a person’s well-being.

How to cure this trouble?

Depending on what caused the illness, you can choose the optimal treatment method. As such intensive care against weakness, sweating, dizziness and tremors in the body, but the causes of this can be eliminated quickly.

If you are overweight

Problems with excess weight and gastrointestinal diseases are similar, so the treatment methods will be similar. First of all, this visit:

  1. Nutritionist.
  2. Gastroenterologist.
  3. Therapist.

After it starts effective fight Once the diagnosis is made, the problems will begin to recede. Successful treatment depends on the person, so you need to exclude:

  • bad habits;
  • junk food;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Complexes regarding excess fluid evaporation will be able to overcome:

  1. Hygiene.
  2. Antiperspirants.
  3. Cold shower.

Hormonal imbalances, menopause, age-related changes

If you have hormonal age-related disruptions and changes in your body, do not delay treatment and seek a diagnosis of the disease from a specialist. After a thorough examination, a gynecologist will be able to help much more than self-medication. The success of therapy lies in not worsening this temporary, painful state with empty experiences, but in completely curing yourself.

Depression and stress

When you are faced with a condition such as depression, do not try to fix the problem yourself. First, consult a psychotherapist. Take care of yourself. If you expose the body to moral stress less often, the condition will normalize.

If you experience symptoms such as:

  • cold sweat;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness.

These are just external causes of the disease, so treatment can only be prescribed by a neurologist or psychotherapist.

For prevention purposes, doctors prescribe diets to prevent sweating after overeating.

  • drink alcohol;
  • tobacco in large quantities;
  • abuse medications.

In addition to some restrictions, pay attention to your overall health. To avoid becoming a victim serious problems When sweating is excessive, you need to undergo an annual examination by specialized doctors. This will not cause any harm to the body, but the person will feel much calmer.

Following the rules of personal hygiene will help you quickly get rid of discomfort, and procedures such as:

  • regular baths and showers;
  • antibacterial agents.

They will complement the treatment of the source of inflammation or disease.

In order not to aggravate the situation even further, try to carefully choose clothes and shoes. To avoid breeding fungus and germs, do not wear other people's personal items.

If you have any questions or want to share your opinion or experience, write a comment below.

When a person experiences excessive sweating at night, he needs to be immediately examined by a doctor. If cold sweat appears in a dream, the causes of the condition may be different. Sometimes increased sweating occurs due to overheating, and in some cases due to illness.

Causes of perspiration at night

The removal of fluid through the sweat glands is a function of the body through which thermoregulation occurs. IN in good condition a person produces up to 500 ml of sweat per day. In hot weather - much more. The problem arises when, in addition to increased sweating, a person develops weakness, trembling, nausea, coughing, and the sweat itself acquires an unpleasant ammonia, vinegar or mouse smell. Body temperature may rise rapidly or drop suddenly. Hyperhidrosis during sleep is also alarm signal. This symptom may indicate the presence of a dangerous pathology.

Causes of night sweats:

  • viral disease (flu);
  • infectious disease (cold, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • disturbing sleep;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke);
  • withdrawal symptoms (more often in men than in women);
  • taking medications before bed (antipyretics, antidepressants);
  • anemia;
  • allergic diseases;
  • intoxication due to poisoning;
  • rheumatism;
  • hormonal changes;
  • pressure changes (high pressure during a stroke, low pressure due to blood loss or dehydration due to diarrhea);
  • migraine;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

During sleep, perspiration may appear on the chest, back, forehead, neck, and legs. A man suddenly wakes up covered in profuse sweat. This may cause him to feel chills, his arms and legs to tremble. Usually cold sweat occurs at night on different parts of the body against a background of normal temperature. But sometimes it is observed after a fever with infectious disease, cold or flu.

At night, profuse sweating occurs with migraines, usually accompanied by severe headaches and weakness. During sleep, a powerful release of adrenaline occurs, which is the cause of excessive sweating. Why does a person develop hyperhidrosis during withdrawal at night? People who are addicted to drugs and alcohol often experience nausea, weakness, tremors and dizziness when they stop taking them. Their body has to wean itself from bad habits for a long time. Restructuring and restoration normal functions leads to increased sweating. Sweat is also released when nervous disorder or stress.

Osteochondrosis cervical region may cause cold, clammy sweats at night. In diabetes, due to the release of insulin, blood sugar drops and the body breaks out in cold sweat.

Factors of increased sweating in men:

  • low blood pressure;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • idiopathic hyperhidrosis due to stress or troubles at work;
  • hormonal imbalances due to sexual dysfunction.

Causes of excessive sweating in women:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • pregnancy:
  • menopause

Older women can recognize the onset of menopause by the wet sheets they discover early in the morning. The reason for this phenomenon is a lack of estrogen. It is this hormone that causes excessive sweating and chills at night. During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, cold sweats may also appear at night, but this symptom goes away with the birth of the child.

Causes of night cold sweats in a child:

  • heart disease;
  • beginning rickets;
  • low blood sugar;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • infectious disease;
  • nervous breakdown.

Factors for increased sweating in infants:

  • lack of vitamin D;
  • physical strain when sucking the breast;
  • problems with phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • teething.

Important! According to Dr. Komarovsky, children often sweat in their sleep when the body overheats. If the room is too hot and the child is dressed warmly, sweating increases. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis may be caused by increased activity baby before bedtime. In addition, it can be caused by a cold or lack of vitamin D.

There are different reasons for excessive sweating during sleep. Some of them are not dangerous, others require immediate medical attention. Isolated cases profuse sweating can be eliminated by changing the diet or temperature. If the patient suffers from severe pain and other symptoms, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

When to see a doctor

If a person wakes up at night in a cold sweat and is in a broken state, and there is a slight trembling throughout the body, this indicates a lack of oxygen in the body. The reason for this phenomenon may be a poorly ventilated room. In hot weather, sweat increases if you sleep with the windows closed and there is no air conditioning in the room. Increased sweating can be caused by poor-quality nutrition, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages before bed. Ethyl alcohol disrupts the process of thermoregulation and leads to night sweats.

You can cope with such causes of hyperhidrosis on your own. To do this, you need to regularly ventilate the room before going to bed, do not cover yourself too warmly, and do not abuse alcohol. Sleepwear should be light, made of natural material. The air temperature in the bedroom is about 18–20 degrees.

Cases when you should seek help from a doctor:

  • every night breaks into a cold sweat;
  • if, besides profuse sweating, the following signs are observed: vomiting, pallor of the face, pain in the chest area or in the heart area, severe headache, fainting, attacks of coughing with blood;
  • the person is constantly in an anxious state;
  • in case of overheating - prolonged exposure to the sun or sauna.

Increased sweating occurs at night if a person's blood glucose levels drop. In this case, he urgently needs therapy. Blood pressure that suddenly drops due to intoxication or allergies should also be treated.

Darkening in the eyes, severe dizziness, loss of consciousness against the background of increased sweating can occur when intracranial pressure increases when a person has a stroke. In this case, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary. Pneumonia and tuberculosis provoke attacks of night sweats. Diseases are treated in a hospital setting with antibiotics. With diseases of the thyroid gland, there is also daytime sweating.

Important! Hyperhidrosis should be treated. If a person breaks out in a cold sweat every night, you need to find out the reason for this condition. You need to consult a therapist or dermatologist. Increased sweating is a symptom of some disease.

Features of treatment

Excessive sweating may be a consequence various diseases, including oncological ones. The pathology is treated after thorough examination and making a diagnosis. Diseases that cause cold sweats at night can be cured with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. In addition to therapy, you must adhere to a diet and use antiperspirants.

To influence the activity of the sweat glands, the patient may be treated with a solution of formaldehyde or antiperspirants with aluminum chloride. Hyperhidrosis is treated with botulinum toxin injections. With the help of injections that remove wrinkles, you can achieve dry skin for a period of six months. They also fight excess sweating with the help of iontophoresis.

If no means help cope with excessive sweating, resort to sympathectomy. The operation has a number of undesirable consequences and is justified only if you need to remove sweaty hands. Removing sweat glands is undesirable; this can lead to various complications - for example, tissue necrosis.

The simplest, safest, most accessible and effective means To combat sweating, wipe the areas with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of ammonia. You need to dry the skin on your forehead, palms, feet, and under your arms twice a day: in the morning, after taking a shower, and before bed. The first thing a person discovers after a couple of days is the absence unpleasant odor. Sweat will not decrease immediately, but with regular use it will take a few months. But the skin condition long-term use will not suffer, but will improve. It will become drier.

Treatment with traditional methods and prevention

What to do if you have excessive sweating if you don’t have medications on hand? You can fight sweat using traditional methods. If a person sweats a lot at night in the armpits, chest, or back, you need to wipe areas of the body with chamomile tincture with the addition of soda.

Recipe with chamomile for sweating

You will need:

  • chamomile – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • soda – 1 tsp.

Brew chamomile and let it brew for half an hour. Add soda. Wipe areas of excessive sweating several times a day.

Recipe with vodka

You should take:

  • vodka – 250 ml;
  • horsetail – 1 tbsp. l.

Pour vodka over the grass. Place the tincture in a dark place for 10 days. Wipe areas of the body twice a day.

For excessive sweating, it is useful to take baths with a decoction of chamomile, sage, string, and calendula. You need to brew and drink sage decoction during menopause. To calm the nerves, prepare an infusion of lemon balm, mint, and valerian. You can reduce sweating in the armpits with lemon juice.

To prevent excessive sweating, use a regular diet - reduce the consumption of fatty, spicy and salty foods. After illness due to infection, sweat may appear at night due to long-term treatment drugs. In this case, you need to drink as much fluid as possible during the day, until 19 hours.

It happens that the state of health unexpectedly deteriorates - a man breaks out in a sweat, a wave of heat “rolls” through the body, the head begins to ache and feel dizzy, the heartbeat quickens, and tremors of the hands are detected. Such attacks can be associated with natural factors, and also indicate various diseases.

When a sudden attack of sweating happens once, there is no need to worry - most often the situation is caused by external factors. But when you break into a sweat day and night, and attacks occur quite often, you need to consult a doctor. Only identifying the cause will help get rid of the problem.

Sweating increases and makes you feel hot for various reasons. The most common etiologies include vegetative-vascular dystonia, endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalance, andropause, colds and other pathologies.

What does a sudden attack of sweating indicate, why men feel hot and suddenly feel worse, what to do in such a situation - detailed information in our review.

Natural causes of sweating attacks

It's okay to sweat. All people sweat. Sometimes excessive sweating is based on natural causes, and therefore should not be a cause for concern. A natural cause of sweating is eating. Certain foods lead to the synthesis of hormones that change the composition of the blood and correct the work internal organs, including SSS.

This is a fatty food, especially fried in a lot of butter or sunflower oil. It puts a strain on the digestive tract, which speeds up metabolic processes for complete digestion. As a result, the man breaks into a sweat and hyperthermia appears.

A similar effect is detected against the background of alcohol consumption. Especially hot flashes and sweating are felt when consuming a large dose, which leads to intoxication of the body. In this case, the man needs help, because alcohol poisoning leads to problems with the cardiovascular system.

Abruptly throws you into sweat for the following reasons:

  • Wrong clothes. The body has a thermoregulation function, which is aimed at protecting internal organs from overheating/hypothermia. If a man is dressed very warmly and is in a hot room, then he is likely to sweat excessively. There is no particular danger to the body, but there is a risk of getting sick. Sweat moisturizes the body, and any breeze will lead to a cold;
  • Chronic fatigue and stress. Against the background of stress, blood pressure increases, blood rushes to the surface of the skin, which is manifested by intense sweat production and a feeling of heat. In such a situation, you may feel dizzy, your vision may darken, and perspiration may appear throughout your body.

If the reasons are improper clothing or emotional instability, then the man does not require treatment. It is enough to eliminate provoking factors, which helps prevent attacks of sweating and fever.

Pathological causes of excessive sweating

When you suddenly break out in sweat in the morning and/or evening, the reason may lie in the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). In the presence of such a pathology, sweating is a consequence of lability of arterial parameters. Other symptoms are often present: dizziness, darkening of the eyes, headache, severe weakness. Symptoms tend to intensify at night.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia develops under the influence of provoking factors: physical inactivity, frequent stress, neurosis and anxiety, bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse, fatty foods. At severe attack the man feels his heart beating, nausea is detected, and sometimes the urge to vomit.

When you suddenly break into a sweat, this may be a violation of thermoregulation. The primary source of the problem is: dysfunction of the hypothalamus, disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal diseases. Most often, sweating occurs during physical activity or when weather conditions change. Treatment is necessary. It involves the use of medications that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and vitamins. You need to eat right and lead healthy image life.

Pathological causes of excessive sweating:

  1. Hypertension. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in obese men with metabolic processes. Sudden changes blood pressure is accompanied by profuse sweating, hot flashes, and redness of the skin. Arrhythmia and tachycardia appear.
  2. may indicate the development of endocrine diseases that are associated with hormonal imbalance. To heal, it is necessary to restore hormone levels. Treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist.
  3. Cardiovascular pathologies. When a man suddenly becomes ill, his body and face burns, and quickly becomes covered in sticky sweat, it could be a heart attack or stroke. Other symptoms: tremors of the limbs, burning pain in the chest.
  4. Oncological diseases. With cancer, all organs and systems are affected, breaking out in hot or cold sweats, while general well-being worsens, attacks are detected quite often.
  5. For colds and respiratory diseases not only happens excessive sweating, but the body temperature also increases, patients complain of weakness and lethargy, headache.

To more rare reasons bouts of sweating include tuberculosis, malfunctions of the immune system, hepatitis, liver disease, and infectious pathologies.

Why does he break into a cold sweat?

It often happens that sweating is accompanied by body heat, but the opposite situations also occur, when a man breaks into a cold sweat and begins to shiver. In most cases, there is more than one symptom. The picture is complemented by dizziness, severe weakness, nausea (sometimes vomiting), and headache.

If fever often indicates overeating, then in 90% of situations it signals a pathological process. Rarely, cold sweat is a consequence of stress or severe overwork.

When cold sweat appears directly due to excitement or emotional stress, then there is no need to worry. However, when a symptom appears from time to time, and there are no objective reasons, you should contact a medical facility.

Cold sweat occurs for the following reasons:

  • Male menopause;
  • Poisoning (most often food);
  • Inflammatory process in the middle ear;
  • Pneumonia, bronchitis, flu;
  • Meningitis;
  • Allergic reaction.

Treatment for sweating attacks depends on the underlying cause. Therefore, you may need to consult the following doctors: cardiologist, therapist, endocrinologist, neurologist, oncologist, psychotherapist.

Etiology of sudden night sweats

Some people experience excessive sweating only at night. A man wakes up wet, with sweat on his forehead. Why do you break into a sweat at night? In reality there are many reasons. Natural factors are associated with stuffiness in the room, too warm night clothes, blankets, and poor-quality bed linen.

When night sweats occur febrile state, while the patient has lost weight, then this is a sign oncological process. Diabetics experience a hypoglycemic state at night - sharp drop concentration of glucose in the blood, which is manifested by intense sweating. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis most often occurs in type 1 diabetes.

Night sweats can be a consequence of the use of antipyretic drugs, which contain the following components:

  1. Tamoxifen.
  2. Nicotinic acid.
  3. Hydralazine.

Sometimes increased sweating at night occurs due to nightmares. They arise due to excitement during the day. It is believed that scary and frightening dreams are a kind of overload that allows the body to get rid of the consequences of stress and other unpleasant events.

Practice shows that sudden bouts of sweat are often the first signal of a malfunction in the body. Timely seeking medical help helps to avoid many problems and complications. Therapy depends on the original source of the problem. Reviews from doctors recommend maintaining hygiene, sleeping in comfortable conditions, dressing for the weather, and treating chronic diseases as preventive measures.


Every person breaks into a sweat at least occasionally. The reasons for this condition are very diverse. In some cases, excessive sweating is natural reaction organism to environmental conditions. It is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. If you suddenly break into a sweat and your general condition worsens significantly, it may indicate the presence of some disease. If you feel unwell for a long time, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and, if necessary, will make effective scheme treatment.

Pathological causes

When you break into a sweat frequently and heavily, the cause may be extremely serious illnesses. The most likely factors that can lead to the occurrence of a pathological condition:

  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system. If a person’s well-being has sharply deteriorated, the body feels hot and starts to sweat, the cause may be the development of a stroke or myocardial infarction. If this is so, the patient soon begins to shake, he develops pronounced painful sensations and a burning sensation in the chest on the left side. He may also lose consciousness.
  • Neuroendocrine disorders. If you break into sweats at night, the cause is most often thyroid dysfunction. In men this sign often indicates a lack of the hormone testosterone. Why else does he break into a cold sweat? The cause may be the development of diabetes mellitus. For timely treatment it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist as soon as possible.
  • Hypertensive crisis. The person literally breaks out in a sweat, and at the same time sharp and intense surges in pressure are felt. In addition, he has weakness and severe general malaise. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  • Problems psychological nature. The sudden occurrence of increased sweating is the body's response to a stressful situation. When a person is nervous and cannot control it, he feels either hot or cold.
  • ARVI. When body temperature rises, the process of intense sweating begins. As fluid is removed, the body cools down. In other words, during a cold, the thermoregulation process is more active.
  • Diseases oncological nature. Formation and growth malignant neoplasms provoke disruption of the body's functioning. Against the background of this pathological condition, a person breaks out into a cold or hot sweat. But at the same time, other alarming symptoms must also be present.

Thus, if a person regularly breaks into a sweat, it is necessary to exclude the presence of serious pathologies. To do this, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Natural causes

It makes people who have a hereditary predisposition to this condition break into a sweat. If it is observed in close relatives, then, most likely, it will regularly bother the descendants. Heavy sweating in such situations can be controlled. To do this, it is enough to select effective drugs from sweat and hygiene products.

Increased secretion of secretions at night may be a natural result of a violation of the indoor climate regime. If the air temperature outside is high and the humidity is low, excessive sweating will be a regular concern. In such cases, installing an air conditioner can help.

In addition, it often makes athletes sweat. The body, which is regularly exposed to high-intensity exercise, often reacts this way both during training and during periods of rest. This is a natural condition that does not require correction.

If you often break into a cold sweat

As a rule, excessive secretion production is accompanied by a feeling of heat. But it also happens that a person constantly breaks into a cold sweat. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by a number of other alarming signs, for example, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and weakness.

It is extremely rare to break into a cold sweat due to overwork. Most often this indicates the following diseases and conditions:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Flu.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Meningitis.

In representatives of the stronger sex, the release of cold secretions may indicate the onset of male menopause.

If you break into a sweat at night

The most likely are natural factors: disruption of the climate regime, warm clothes, duvet, low quality bed linen. Against this background, it makes me sweat after several hours of sleep. A man wakes up with sweat on his forehead and wet clothes.

However, if night rest is organized correctly and breaks into sweat regularly, it is necessary to exclude pathological causes. This condition may be a symptom of the development of an oncological process.

Regularly causes people with diabetes to sweat at night. At this time, the level of glucose in the blood drops, resulting in a hypoglycemic state. In response to its occurrence, the body starts the process of intense sweating.

Sudden attacks at night may be a consequence of taking antipyretic drugs, active ingredients which are: nicotinic acid, tamoxifen, hydralazine.

If during the day a person was in a state of psycho-emotional instability, during rest he may be tormented by nightmares. Frightening dreams are also a cause of excessive sweating.

You should be alert and make an appointment with a doctor if the following warning signs occur:

  • deterioration general well-being;
  • increased body temperature;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • weakness;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea turning into vomiting.

These conditions, coupled with excessive sweating, indicate the development of a pathological process in the body.

Who should I contact?

Whenever alarming symptoms you need to make an appointment with a therapist. This is a general specialist who will help you find out why you are throwing up sweat. The reasons can be very diverse, and therefore, based on the results comprehensive survey The therapist can additionally refer you for a consultation with an endocrinologist, oncologist, neurologist, psychotherapist, etc.


To identify pathology, the doctor prescribes:

  • Blood and urine analysis (both clinical and biochemical).
  • Serum testing for hormones.
  • Blood test for tumor markers.
  • Biopsy.

If necessary, instrumental diagnostic methods are indicated: x-ray examination, MRI, CT or ultrasound.

In order to exclude or identify early stage development of dangerous pathologies, you need to undergo an additional examination by a cardiologist and gynecologist. The therapist will refer you to other specialized specialists if you suspect an illness that matches their profile.


Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will tell the patient why he breaks into sweat at night or during the day, when it is cold or accompanied by fever. It is important to establish the root cause of this condition. If you suddenly break into a sweat due to the development of any disease, a treatment regimen for the underlying disease is drawn up. As soon as you manage to get rid of it, unpleasant condition will disappear on its own.

If the reasons are natural character, can be prevented sudden attacks sweating. To do this, it is recommended to use effective pharmaceutical products.

The most effective are the following drugs:

  • "Dry Dry." Modern remedy, which is available for almost all areas of the body. It is enough to use it once every few days. The drug is produced in Sweden. It is odorless and eliminates sweat for a long time. When using it, there is no need to use conventional deodorants or antiperspirants.
  • "Lavilin." This is a cream that, according to the manufacturer’s promises, allows you to forget about sweat for 2 weeks. After this, you need to repeat its application to the body.
  • "Formidron". Particularly suitable for people who break out in a sweat due to being in a stressful situation. It reduces secretion production and has a disinfectant effect.

It is important to understand that if there are pathological causes, treatment cannot be avoided. However, if the diagnostic results did not reveal any serious diseases, it is enough to follow the recommendations below:

  • Organize your night's rest properly. The room should be cool; it is advisable to purchase bed linen made from natural cotton.
  • Responsible for maintaining hygiene rules.
  • Before exciting events, take sedatives on plant based. They are gentle and non-addictive.

It is important to remember that if alarming symptoms appear, coupled with sudden sweating, you should seek medical help. If your health deteriorates significantly, you should call an ambulance.

In conclusion

If a person suddenly breaks into a sweat, this may be a consequence of both natural factors and pathological processes. You can determine the cause by consulting a doctor. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and, if necessary, draw up an effective treatment regimen based on them. In addition, he can additionally refer you for consultation to specialized specialists.

Very often, when we feel weak, we are in no hurry to consult doctors, associating this symptom with banal fatigue. But when good rest does not bring proper relief, we are no longer talking about fatigue, but about something else. And only a specialist can figure this out after carrying out certain diagnostic measures.

The same goes for sweating. Wet armpits during sports and stress will not surprise anyone. And even though they look unaesthetic, you understand that this is temporary. You just have to rest and calm down and sweating will return to normal.

What if not? The person is calm, but the armpits, face, hands or other parts of the body suddenly become wet. This is already an alarming symptom, especially if you notice it regularly.

General and muscle weakness and sweating can occur due to fatigue, infectious inflammatory diseases, nervous, endocrine, gastrointestinal, oncological and other pathologies. Those. These symptoms cannot be called any specific, which means there is no point in making a diagnosis based on them. It’s another matter if other symptoms are added to this symptom complex. Here the circle of “suspects” narrows somewhat, which facilitates diagnostic measures and reduces their number.

Without pretending to be a diagnostician, we will still try to understand the question of when weakness and sweating are symptoms of the disease and what kind of disorders in the body we can talk about with various combinations of symptoms.


Weakness, sweating, and a general loss of strength have been experienced by everyone who has at least once suffered from colds and respiratory diseases, when the nose was stuffy, the throat was sore and the temperature rose to very high levels. high performance. It must be said that the thermoregulation mechanism works not only in the event of temperature changes environment, but also with fluctuations in one’s own body temperature. It is clear that an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels (about 37-38 degrees) or more will be accompanied by thermoregulatory sweating. And this is good, because in this way the body does not allow the body temperature to rise to critical values.

Appearance large quantity sweat during illness is necessary to reduce the temperature, so the process of sweating is stimulated by various medications (antipyretic) and folk ( drinking plenty of fluids, warm tea with lemon or raspberry) means.

Why does this cause weakness? This is a response to the large expenditure of the body’s own energy to fight the disease, i.e. on the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, during illness it is so important to receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and energy. valuable substances(glucose, fats).

Sore throat, night sweats, low-grade fever

Weakness, sore throat and sweating accompanied by a runny nose, headaches, high fever, and cough are most often an indicator of a respiratory viral infection and haunt a person during the course of the disease. But after ARVI, influenza, sore throat caused by viruses, and other similar diseases, weakness and sweating may remain, which, against the background of a low temperature, only indicates a great degree of weakening of the body.

Low-grade fever, weakness and night sweats are considered frequent symptoms infectious diseases. For example, they are characteristic of the clinical picture of tuberculosis. But sometimes a prolonged increase in temperature is associated not with a specific disease, but with the presence in the body of a chronic infectious-inflammatory process of different localization (sinusitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.).

True, sometimes even such serious pathologies as ARVI, influenza, sore throat, pneumonia can occur without fever, which does not at all entail the absence of weakness and sweating. Usually, the absence of fever only indicates low immunity and loss of strength, which is always accompanied by weakness. Sweating also indicates a lack of energy, especially when it occurs at night.

But weakness and sweating in the background elevated temperature can be a signal not only of colds. They may indicate the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process inside the body associated with bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Symptoms will indicate that the body is fighting pathogens that destroy its cells and poison it with their waste products.

Weakness and night sweats can also have several causes. We have already talked about acute retroviral infection, but this is not the only pathology in which hyperhidrosis is observed at night.

Night sweats and weakness are characteristic of hormonal imbalance (often torments adolescents, pregnant women and women during menopause), generalized oncological pathologies and cancer with metastases (sweat can be intensely released during painful attacks during the day or at night), tuberculosis, obstructive apnea syndrome, HIV infection, reflux disease, hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism. True, if such a phenomenon is observed in isolated cases, its cause is most likely a nightmare or stuffiness in the room.

Night sweats and weakness accompanied by a rise in temperature are also characteristic of some oncological pathologies lymphatic system. For example, this symptomatology is specific to Hodgkin lymphoma. But at the same time, a change in the size of the lymph nodes is also noted.

A slight increase in temperature, weakness and sweating can be noted against the background of overheating of the body due to high ambient temperatures, taking muscle relaxants and atropine-like substances, physical overexertion, and stressful situations.

Fatigue, dizziness, palpitations

Sometimes weakness, sweating and fatigue accompany cardiovascular pathologies. In this case, additional symptoms such as pain in the heart area, nausea (usually with pressure fluctuations), and dizziness may appear. For example, sweating, dizziness and weakness are common symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). But we also cannot exclude various endocrine pathologies, as well as infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. It should be noted that with ARVI, sweating is observed mainly in the evening and at night.

You need to understand that fatigue is considered one of the symptoms of weakness, and most often occurs due to overwork of the body. But overwork can be caused by stressful situations or physical factors(regular sports, heavy physical labor) and pathological reasons (for example, chronic diseases that lead to exhaustion of a person’s strength).

Weakness, sweating and increased heartbeat against the background of a slightly elevated temperature may indicate both a viral pathology and problems with the cardiovascular system, especially when it comes to inflammatory pathologies (myocarditis, pericarditis, etc.).

Severe weakness and sweating are characteristic of VSD, a drop or increase in blood pressure, in general, for vascular pathologies. Very often, vegetative disorders are observed against the background of long-term low-grade fever(low-grade fever), and it seems that there is a hidden viral or bacterial infection in the body.

A sudden onset of weakness and cold sweat can be observed with a sudden change in body position. This may also cause nausea and darkening of the eyes.


Dizziness, sweating, cough and weakness are considered to be symptoms of pathologies of the respiratory system. This is how bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and some other pathologies can manifest themselves. In this case, we are talking about an infectious and cold cough. A strong cough itself causes muscle tension and sweating, a deep breath leads to dizziness, and the expenditure of energy to fight the disease leads to weakness.

By the way, a cough does not have to be a cold. A similar symptom can sometimes be observed with allergies, which exhaust the body no less than others. chronic diseases, therefore, may be accompanied by weakness and sweating during exertion. Still, coughing also requires strength.

But there is also such a thing as a cardiac cough, which is evidence of stagnation of blood in the lungs. But congestion is considered a consequence of heart failure, leading to a weakening of blood flow. It must be said that in addition to a dry cough in case of cardiac dysfunction, frequent complaints are the same weakness and sweating that can be observed at the very beginning of the disease.


A combination of symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, weakness and sweating is typical for acute course viral diseases and intoxications of various origins. But viral pathologies are most often accompanied by a runny nose, cough, sore throat and head, pain in the eyes, and intoxication, depending on what caused the poisoning, is fraught with digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological disorders. If the issue is not a cold or poisoning, then perhaps we are talking about a banal allergy, which is also characterized by the symptoms described above.

By the way, nausea, weakness and sweating may also indicate inflammatory pathologies of the digestive organs that occur with metabolic disorders. And if at the same time there are also floaters in the eyes, tinnitus or stupefaction or dizziness appears, the cause of this condition is probably a drop in blood pressure. At high blood pressure Nausea, weakness and hyperhidrosis may be accompanied by facial flushing, skin flushing, and severe headaches.

But the same symptoms can manifest themselves and new life. Moreover, in equally we can talk about helminthiasis and pregnancy. True, in the latter case, attacks of nausea and vomiting torment the woman mainly due to the smell of food (toxicosis).

Weakness, hyperhidrosis and nausea may also indicate food poisoning or chemicals. In the first case, the symptoms are often accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, in the second - disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, headaches, disorientation and other neurological disorders.

Headaches, shortness of breath

Headache, sweating and weakness are often symptoms of circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain and malfunction autonomic system. The same symptoms can be observed in hypo- and hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathologies.

But sometimes such symptoms are caused by hormonal imbalance in various age periods(in adolescence during puberty, at a young age during pregnancy, in middle and older age at the onset of menopause) or mild intoxication with chemicals.

When they talk about symptoms such as weakness, shortness of breath and sweating, they mainly suspect respiratory or cardiovascular pathologies. In diseases of the respiratory system, the general picture of the disease is often accompanied by dry or wet cough, rhinitis, wheezing, fever, chest discomfort.

Cardiovascular diseases can also be accompanied by such symptoms, but the pain behind the sternum will be compressive or acute, the temperature rises slightly and not always, and a cough in heart failure can be dry or with blood discharge.

But you need to understand that shortness of breath, as one of the symptoms of breathing problems, may also be present with chemical poisoning, in which sweating and weakness are considered common symptoms.

Body and limb tremors, muscle weakness and pain

Of interest is also a combination of symptoms such as weakness, sweating and trembling in the body. Most often, such symptoms are observed with severe anxiety. But an identical picture also accompanies attacks of hysteria, during which overly expressive laughter, anger, tears, shortness of breath, sobs, fainting, etc. are also observed.

Strong and prolonged negative experiences can cause a mental disorder called depression. At the same time, the body gradually loses the strength to live and fight, which indicates physical and nervous exhaustion. However, tremors and sweating are not specific symptoms depression, but with nervous or physical stress they can make themselves felt.

Tremors of the arms, legs, head and regularly recurring “causeless” trembling throughout the body against a background of weakness and sweating are characteristic of:

  • some hereditary disorders (symptoms may appear simultaneously or separately),
  • parkinsonism (trembling different parts bodies can be observed even in calm state),
  • Wilson's disease ( severe hyperhidrosis, tremor mainly during motor reactions),
  • individual vascular disorders,
  • lesions brain stem,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • hyperthyroidism (in this case, tremors of the limbs are one of the first symptoms, hyperhidrosis is severe, weakness is often felt throughout the body),
  • hypoglycemia (low sugar levels - one of the main sources of energy, which is also responsible for tissue respiration),
  • some traumatic brain injuries accompanied by neurological symptoms(at the same time, lethargy, weakness in the arms, sweating when moving, fatigue, disturbance of orientation in space, especially with eyes closed), are also observed.
  • food, chemical and drug poisoning (hand tremors, profuse sweating, general weakness),
  • encephalitis (paroxysmal trembling in the hands is accompanied by paresthesia, muscle pain, sweating and weakness),
  • emotional lability (tremor is not intense, but constant, hyperhidrosis is mild, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, alternating episodes of apathy and agitation are also common).

Hand and body tremors, sweating and weakness can be symptoms of severe physical stress and fatigue. And sometimes such symptoms are caused by taking medications in large doses, overdose of medications, uncontrolled reception drugs ( additional symptoms: nausea and vomiting, water-salt imbalance), while trembling is small and irregular.

Weakness in the legs

Weakness in the legs and sweating can also have a great variety of different causes. Such symptoms can be observed against the background of a weakened body with respiratory infections both viral and bacterial, changes in blood pressure, brain tumors, endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc.). An identical situation occurs under strong psycho-emotional stress, as a result of excitement, anxiety, and stress.

The cause of such symptoms may be inflammatory process in the body, the onset of infectious pathology, intoxication and dehydration of the body, iron deficiency conditions, neurological disorders.

But weakness in the legs against the background of sweating can also occur when a person long time sticks to a diet with low content protein or takes medications in large doses. Women during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause can also complain that sweating has increased and their legs have become weak, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body.

If weakness in the legs and hyperhidrosis are combined with nausea and dizziness, the cause may be a malfunction vestibular apparatus, food or chemical poisoning, taking medications on an empty stomach, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), hunger, etc. But sometimes such symptoms can be observed with a sudden change in body position (for example, when you suddenly get out of bed), immediately after visiting extreme attractions, while traveling in land or sea transport, or taking an elevator.

If weakness is felt in only one leg, then most likely we are dealing with a neurological or vascular pathology spinal cord And lower limbs, but a circulatory disorder in the brain cannot be ruled out.

Sweating combined with weakness of the legs can torment a person in hot weather, so summer time Such symptoms will not surprise anyone. With intense physical exertion, such symptoms are also normal. But when sweating increases in cool weather against the background of physical and mental rest, plus muscle weakness of the legs is added to this, this is already a reason to consult a doctor for advice. At the same time, you need to understand that the symptoms do not necessarily have to be related to each other, they can have completely different causes, so the diagnosis may consist of two or three definitions.

Dry mouth and thirst

When dry mouth, weakness and sweating appear, it is also unlikely that it will be possible to make an unambiguous diagnosis right away, because the feeling of dryness of the oral mucosa with the development of thirst, the appearance of cracks on the lips may indicate pathological reasons, and about temporary conditions that do not require drug treatment.

Decreased saliva production may be a consequence of taking various medications(such a symptom will be noted in the instructions in the drug as side effect medications), and weakness and sweating in this case may be manifestations of the disease for which medications are taken.

Feelings of weakness and hyperhidrosis often plague women during menopause. But a decrease in the activity of the salivary glands during this period is also not uncommon, which is associated with age-related and hormonal changes.

What can I say, the same symptom complex tormented literally each of us more than once in hot weather, when dry mouth and thirst were caused by increased sweating itself, as a result of which the body loses water reserves. And weakness appears due to hypoxia, because under the influence of high temperatures the blood becomes thicker, flows slower through the vessels and supplies tissues with oxygen less well. There is nothing surprising or pathological about this.

But don’t relax, dry mouth, weakness and sweating can also be symptoms of a certain pathology, which requires special attention to them. For example, such symptoms are often observed in infectious pathologies accompanied by fever (hyperthermia), diarrhea, and vomiting. It's about not only about respiratory diseases (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, etc.), but also about infectious intestinal diseases (dysbacteriosis, dysentery, etc.).

Dry mouth, along with weakness and sweating, is often accompanied by various intoxications, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Such symptoms are especially pronounced when alcohol intoxication and smoking.

Very often, such symptoms become part of the clinical picture in endocrine diseases. For example, with diabetes mellitus, against the background of increased sweating and an increase in the volume of urine excreted, one can hardly surprise anyone with the appearance of dry mouth. And weakness occurs as a consequence of metabolic disorders, which negatively affects the functioning of various organs.

With thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism or increased production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland), there is also an increased excretion of fluid from the body due to increased sweating, frequent vomiting and diarrhea, which results in a feeling of thirst and dry mouth. Patients are tormented by fear, their sleep deteriorates, and rapid heartbeat, appetite worsens, tremors appear in the hands and body, they become irritable, so it is not surprising when patients against this background begin to experience severe weakness.

Weakness, hyperhidrosis, dry mouth can be a consequence of cancer in the head and radiation therapy used for their treatment, iron deficiency anemia and great excitement neurological problems and systemic pathologies (for example, cystic fibrosis), kidney diseases.

Diarrhea, vomiting

Weakness, sweating and diarrhea in most cases indicate food poisoning or alcohol intoxication. In this case, there is a profuse release of cold sweat on the face, spasmodic pain in the abdomen, pale skin. In case of severe poisoning, the temperature may also rise significantly as a result of severe intoxication of the body.

But they can also have similar symptoms acute conditions for gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc. For example, all these symptoms can be observed with pancreatic diarrhea, which occurs during exacerbations chronic course inflammation of the pancreas.

Frequent episodes of diarrhea, weakness and sweating may accompany the development of tumors in the digestive tract. Symptoms are especially pronounced in late stages diseases that are associated with severe intoxication of the body by decay products of neoplasms.

The same with episodes of fever and frequent infectious pathologies It is also observed in the last stages of HIV infection, called AIDS. The body is unable to fight the proliferation of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, which again leads to severe intoxication by bacterial waste products.

A little higher, we have already mentioned such an endocrine pathology as hyperthyroidism, which is also characterized by the symptoms described above, including hyperthermia. Although such symptoms may appear even earlier, at the stage of the appearance of a goiter or the development of a tumor in the thyroid gland.

Surprisingly, diarrhea, weakness and excessive sweating can be caused by a stressful situation, and the increased production of the hormone adrenaline will be to blame. It is not without reason that such symptoms are often experienced by high school students and students on the eve of and during exams.

Infectious respiratory and gastrointestinal pathologies, for which weakness and sweating against the background of changes in body temperature are common symptoms, can also be accompanied by diarrhea caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora. These same symptoms can result from intensive antibiotic therapy, which can destroy the beneficial intestinal microflora. Why do doctors advise during treatment with systemic antibacterial agents take probiotics.

Some women experience diarrhea and sweating against a background of general weakness during menstruation. In this case, pain in the lower abdomen and dizziness are also often noted.

Loss of appetite, weight loss

Weakness, sweating and loss of appetite are nonspecific symptoms, which can be observed in combination with other manifestations of various diseases. They may be included in the clinical picture of inflammatory pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious pathologies of various etiologies(remember at least how much you want to eat when you have an acute respiratory viral infection or the flu, not to mention poisoning and dysbacteriosis). The reason for the decrease in appetite is, if not intoxication of the body, then the fear of pain while eating.

In principle, any acute pathology is accompanied by a deterioration in appetite. And weakness and its manifestation as hyperhidrosis are a consequence of the fact that the body spends great energy on fighting the disease.

The cause of loss of appetite and weakness can be hormonal imbalances, especially if they are caused by a decrease in secretory function thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), and some neuropsychiatric disorders.

The problem of lack of appetite is especially relevant in oncology and certain eating disorders (for example, anorexia). This condition is observed due to general violation metabolism. It is clear that the general clinical picture These deadly pathologies will also include various manifestations of weakness.

It is clear that many of the pathologies described above (cancer, anorexia, diseases of the nervous, endocrine and digestive systems) can be accompanied by weight loss. Moreover, for cancer diseases Weight loss, sweating and weakness are quite specific symptoms.

With gastrointestinal pathologies, weight loss is not always observed. Typically, this symptom is characteristic of gastric and duodenal ulcers, intestinal obstruction and ulcerative colitis. There are also other specific symptoms:

  • acute abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting (sometimes bloody), dyspepsia - ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • dull pain lower abdomen, retention of stool and gas, vomiting of digested food - intestinal obstruction.

In the vast majority of cases, there is a deterioration in appetite.

As for endocrine pathologies, they can manifest themselves in different ways. Decreased appetite is characteristic of both hypo- and hyperthyroidism. However, in the first case there is usually an increase in body weight, and in the second - a decrease against the background of the same weakness and hyperhidrosis. In diabetes, low insulin production causes the body to waste its own energy in the form of fat reserves and muscle tissue.

Weight loss and weakness are among the many symptoms of a systemic disease such as sarcoidosis, characterized by the formation of granules in various organs and metabolic disorders. Depending on the location of the lesion, symptoms such as cough, sweating, shortness of breath, fatigue, impaired swallowing (dysphagia), anxiety, sleep disturbances, joint pain, etc. can be observed.

It's clear that weight loss is something that many dieters strive for. But most diets provide for strict restrictions in the choice of food, as a result of which the diet turns out to be unbalanced, metabolism is disrupted, and as a result, weakness and sweating appear.


Any symptoms that we do not understand cause an anxious feeling in our soul. And what more people thinks about his illness, the more he grows nervous tension. And strong excitement and anxiety, as we know, can easily cause a feeling of weakness and excessive sweating.

But a person can worry not only about his condition. These could be problems in the family and at work, conflicts with friends and management, the so-called “black streak”. Anxiety caused by such reasons can drag on and put a person into depression, in which weakness and sweating will occur with any physical or emotional stress.

Anxiety due to weakness and sweating may be a consequence of hormonal changes during adolescence or menopause. The same symptoms may occur in expectant mothers, especially in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

But the most dangerous thing is when such symptoms are observed against the background of pathologies with the heart, which may indicate coronary disease heart or the development of myocardial infarction. In this case, there is a appearance of cold sweat on the forehead and back, difficulty breathing, anxiety and pain in the chest on the left.

A similar clinical picture can be observed at the onset of a stroke, which subsequently leads to loss of consciousness.