Nazaval instructions for use. Nazaval Plus for children: instructions for use. Name of medical product

Nasal spray Nazaval- a new unique remedy for preventing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
Thanks to a special mechanism of action, Nazaval protects against the development of allergies, preventing contact of the nasal mucosa with aeroallergens and pollutants: plant pollen; household allergens - house dust mites, house dust; fungal allergens; epidermal allergens of animals and birds; allergens of cockroaches and other insects; chemicals; other microparticles that enter the nasal cavity when air is inhaled.
Nazaval is used for the prevention and complex treatment of allergic rhinitis: itching in the nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa and impaired nasal breathing, copious, liquid, transparent nasal discharge, sneezing attacks, etc.
Nazaval acts as a natural barrier against aeroallergens, preventing the development of allergies.
Cellulose powder forms a transparent, gel-like, protective layer on the nasal mucosa that does not interfere with breathing. The gel-like layer is an effective barrier against allergens, protecting the body from an allergic reaction.
Nasal spray, dosed Nazaval is a barrier agent and does not have a systemic or local effect.

Indications for use

Nazaval used for allergic rhinitis to protect the nasal mucosa from aeroallergens and pollutants, as well as other aggressive environmental factors inhaled with air.

Directions for use

Adults and children: one spray into each nasal passage.
For prevention spray Nazaval:
- if you are allergic to plant pollen (seasonal allergies), it is recommended to start using Nazaval in advance, 1-2 weeks before the expected start of the pollen season.
- for year-round rhinitis (allergies to house dust, animals, etc.) Nazaval can be used situationally 5-10 minutes before expected contact with the allergen.
Prophylactic use of Nazaval reduces the risk of exacerbation of allergic rhinitis.
In order to prevent further entry of allergens into the body in complex therapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Recommended dosage: one spray into each nostril 3-4 times a day (every 5-6 hours), usually
enough to protect against allergens all day long. If necessary, Nazaval can be used as often as necessary.
It is recommended to use Nazaval before expected contact with allergens, for example, before going outside during the flowering period of plants, visiting crowded places, doing home cleaning, or contacting pets.
Application procedure:
When using for the first time, make 2 test presses on the walls of the bottle into the air - you will see a stream of powder.
Before use, if necessary, perform hygienic cleaning of the nasal cavity.
Keep your head straight, there is no need to throw it back.
Shake the bottle.
Pinch one nostril with your finger.
Place the nozzle of the bottle in the opposite nasal passage and, pressing intensely on the walls of the bottle, make one injection of the powder while inhaling.
Carry out the same procedure on the opposite side.
It is recommended to reuse after each cleansing of the nasal cavity to restore the protective layer.


The use of the spray is contraindicated Nazaval in case of individual intolerance to the components.


Nazaval can be used in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since it does not have a systemic effect and does not contain preservatives.

Interaction with other drugs

If necessary, combined use with other nasal medications Nazaval should be used no earlier than 30 minutes after their use.
It is not recommended to use Nazaval after using nasal ointments and oil-based nasal drops.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children!
The bottle is recommended to be used within 3 months after first opening.

Release form

Nazaval - spray; 500 mg each in a polyethylene bottle with a patented dispenser and a screw cap.


Spray Nazaval contains: micronized cellulose of plant origin.
Excipients: natural peppermint extract.


Nazaval in children should be used under adult supervision.
The safety of Nazaval spray is due to the lack of interaction with organs and tissues of the body.
The use of a barrier agent (filter) Nazaval does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and does not cause drowsiness.
Before each use of Nazaval, you should clean your nasal passages.
If Nazaval gets into your eyes, it is recommended to rinse them with water.
Contact of the bottle spout with the nasal mucosa should be avoided. This may cause the bottle to become clogged with powder. If this does happen, clean the bottle spout with a thin, sharp object (needle, toothpick).

Basic parameters

ATX code: V01AA05 -

Nazaval is a drug used primarily for seasonal allergic rhinitis. Its close analogue, nazaval plus, consists of the same active component, but additionally garlic extract is added to the composition to enhance the pharmacological effect.

Indications for use

The medication is mainly used to prevent allergic reactions and protect the nose from various irritating factors on the nasal mucosa. Nazaval spray is able to suppress allergic rhinitis caused by inhalation of pollen, chemicals, dust, fungal microspores, animal hair and saliva, and particles of bird feathers.

The drug prevents the appearance of symptoms of allergic rhinitis: sneezing, sore throat, itching in the nose and mouth, clear mucus discharge, swelling of the nasal mucosa, congestion.

Nazaval can be used for children from preschool age - when the child goes to kindergarten, from 4-5 years old.

Nazaval and nazaval plus - what are the differences?

Differences in composition make these medications somewhat different. As the instructions indicate, in addition to micronized cellulose, Nazaval Plus contains garlic extract; it is no different in anything else. The release form is also interesting - it is a spray, inside of which there is a powder for spraying. Nazaval plus is used in children from the same age as the regular medication.

Thanks to the garlic extract, the list of indications for the analogue is expanding; you can spray the powder into the nose not only for allergic symptoms, but also when the first signs of a cold and ARVI appear. Garlic has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and helps cleanse the nasal mucosa from harmful viruses and microbes.

Composition of the drug

The main active ingredient is cellulose microparticles. Additionally, mint extract has been added to the composition.

Medicinal properties

Although nazaval really helps with allergies, it does not apply to n-1-histamine receptor blockers. The good thing about the medicine is that the powder spray does not have any systemic effect on the body, so it can be used by children and pregnant women. After spraying, cellulose microparticles settle on the surface of the nasal mucosa and protect against the harmful effects of allergens for about a day.

Release forms

The average price in Russia is 450 rubles per bottle.

The medication is available in the form of dosed powder drops, which are sprayed through a special dispenser, like a spray. The color of the powder inside is white; one bottle contains 500 mg of active ingredient. In total, the bottle contains 200 doses.

Directions for use

Dosed drops are injected into each nasal passage 15 minutes before expected contact with the source of the allergy or after the onset of its symptoms. Before use, you need to make sure that the nozzle is installed correctly and spraying will be successful. It is tightly attached to the dispenser and the first few doses are test-sprayed into the air to ensure correct installation. Then follows the procedure for cleaning the nose; to do this, you need to rinse it with running water or with a saline solution. After the cleansing procedure, the medication is sprayed into each nostril once. Can be used an unlimited number of times.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Nazaval during pregnancy, like its analogue with garlic, is approved for use, as it does not contain harmful impurities, and it is not absorbed into the blood.


Intolerance to any of the components of the medication.


Side effects

They do not and cannot arise, since there is no systemic impact.


Overdose is impossible due to the lack of systemic effects.

Conditions and shelf life

Before opening the bottle - 3 years, after opening - no more than three months. The storage temperature must be maintained in the range of 15 - 25 degrees Celsius.



Aeropharm Dr. Gerhard Mann, Germany

Average price in Russia – 190 rubles per package.

The active ingredient of cromohexal is cromoglycic acid. It also does not directly relate to n-1-histamine receptor blockers, but has a pronounced antiallergic effect on the body. When administered intranasally, it is absorbed into the systemic circulation only partially, approximately 7% of the total dose taken. In addition to the nasal spray, you can find eye drops and an inhalation solution on sale. After administration, the product has an active effect for about 2-3 hours.


  • High efficiency
  • It's inexpensive.


  • Have to use medication frequently
  • A large number of possible side effects.

Meda Pharma, Germany

Average cost in Russia – 580 rubles per package.

The active ingredient of Allergodil is azelastine. This component belongs to the selective blockers of H-1-histamine receptors and has a direct anti-allergic effect on the body. Easily and quickly eliminates negative side symptoms associated with allergic reactions. After intranasal administration, the effect begins to show after 15 minutes, and the duration of exposure reaches up to 12 hours in a row, which makes this product very economical to use. Sold in the form of a spray and eye drops.


  • Good efficiency
  • Economical spending.


  • May cause a large number of side effects
  • It's expensive.

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 04.09.2009

Filterable list

Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images

Composition and release form

in a PE bottle of 500 mg (complete with a spray dispenser); 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Description of the dosage form

Powder is white or close to white in color with a slight mint odor.


Natural fine powder of cellulose and wild garlic extract of plant origin with a slight mint scent in a spray dispenser.

Consists of natural ingredients.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- local antiviral, antibacterial.

Effect on the body

Acts as a natural barrier on the nasal mucosa and is used to protect against the penetration of viruses and bacteria that enter the upper respiratory tract when air is inhaled. It is a preventive and protective remedy against influenza and colds.

Does not contain systemically or locally active substances.

Component Properties

The cellulose powder from the dispenser spray enters the nasal mucosa, binds to the moist surface of the nasal mucosa, forms a transparent gel-like layer that lines the nasal cavity and serves as a natural barrier against the penetration of viruses and bacteria during the day.

Indications of the drug Nazaval Plus otolaryngological barrier agent (filter)

Protection of the nasal mucosa from the penetration of viruses, bacteria and aggressive environmental factors in children and adults, including women during pregnancy and lactation.


individual intolerance to the components of the drug;

allergic reactions to garlic;

tendency to nosebleeds.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since it does not contain active ingredients or preservatives and does not have a systemic effect.

Directions for use and doses

Intranasally, as necessary, periodically, when visiting crowded places (to avoid airborne infection).

In adults and children (under adult supervision): 1 spray into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day (every 6-8 hours) - as a rule, the recommended dosage is enough for protection throughout the day.

Special instructions

How the product works

1. When using for the first time, it is recommended to adjust the dosing device to obtain the optimal dose. To do this, you need to place the dispenser bottle opposite you and, lightly pressing the walls of the bottle, make 2 test injections into the air - a stream of white powder should appear.

2. Before use, if necessary, you should hygienically clean the nasal cavity or blow your nose.

3. Pinch one nasal passage with your finger.

4. Place the nozzle of the bottle in the opposite nasal passage and make 1 spray while inhaling, pressing on the walls of the bottle.

5. Hold your breath for 2 seconds and then take a deep, calm breath so that the powder penetrates the nasal passage.

6. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.

The drug can be used as often as necessary. Re-use is recommended after each nasal cleansing.

Do not use simultaneously with other drugs for the nose, because this may reduce the effectiveness of Nazaval Plus.

Do not use if the bottle is damaged.

Storage conditions Nazaval Plus otolaryngological barrier product (filter)

In a dry place, at room temperature. (with the lid screwed on tightly).

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of Nazaval Plus otolaryngological barrier agent (filter)

3 years. Use within 6 months after opening the package.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Every mother strives to protect her children from ARVI and influenza during a period when the incidence of such infections is increasing. Both proven methods and new developments, of which there are now quite a lot on the pharmaceutical market, are used. Among modern means for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, a drug called “Nazaval Plus” stands out.

It is a barrier agent, that is, it prevents pathogenic viruses from entering the body. In addition, this medicine contains only natural substances. But before using such a drug in children, it is worth learning more about its action, proper use and possible harm.


Nazaval Plus is produced in Switzerland in the form of a powder placed in a plastic bottle with a special dispensing device. One bottle includes 200 doses of medication containing 500 mg of active ingredients. This powder has a white color and a faint mint smell.

As in the medicine called Nazaval, the main active ingredient of Nazaval Plus is crushed (micronized) cellulose obtained from plants. However, unlike the usual “Nazaval”, the composition of the product marked “Plus” also includes an extract from wild garlic, and the auxiliary ingredient of such a medicine is a natural extract from peppermint.

Operating principle

The natural cellulose present in Nazaval Plus, together with garlic extract, after contact with the mucous membrane, creates a natural barrier that does not interfere with breathing, but prevents the attacks of bacteria and viruses. The formation of such a transparent gel-like protective film effectively protects the child’s body from ARVI and colds. Garlic extract also has an antiseptic effect, thanks to which Nazaval Plus can neutralize pathogens that have already reached the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.


The drug is prescribed as a prophylactic to prevent the development of colds and acute respiratory viral infections (including influenza infection). It is used:

  • before traveling on public transport;
  • if the child goes to a place where there will be a lot of people, for example, to a store;
  • after contact with someone who has the flu or a cold;
  • with the development of ARVI in a family member;
  • in the morning before school or kindergarten.

At what age is it prescribed?

The drug is not contraindicated in childhood and, after consultation with a doctor, can be used even in infants. In order for the medicine to have the expected effect, its administration into the nasal passages in children must be supervised by adults.


You cannot use Nazavalem Plus in the following cases:

  • if the child has hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the powder;
  • if your baby is allergic to garlic;
  • if a small patient is prone to frequent nosebleeds.

Side effects

Since the active substances of Nazavala Plus are not absorbed through the mucous membrane and do not enter the blood, the medication does not cause any side effects from internal organs. The only rare negative effect of the powder is an allergic reaction, due to which the drug is immediately discontinued.

Instructions for use

If the child has had contact with a sick person or will be in a place where there will be a lot of people (in a store, clinic, etc.), then the spray is used once. The medication is sprayed 10-15 minutes before the expected contact with viruses or immediately after it.

In the event of an unfavorable epidemic situation, the drug is prescribed for as many days as there is a risk of infection. At the same time, it is used daily, one injection every five to six hours, that is, three or four times during the day.

When using the drug for the first time, you should press the sprayer twice and wait until a stream of powder appears. Before each use of Nazaval Plus, the patient’s nasal cavity is recommended to be cleared of mucus and dirt. When injecting the product, there is no need to tilt your head back - the child should keep it straight.

After shaking the bottle, you need to close one nostril of the small patient with your finger. Next, insert the nozzle of the bottle into the open nasal passage and press firmly on the walls of the bottle so that the powder enters the nasal cavity. Then the same actions must be carried out for the second nasal passage. To prevent the child from sneezing immediately after spraying the medicine and to keep particles of the medicine in the nose, you can hold the baby’s nose with your fingers for a few seconds.

It is undesirable to touch the bottle to the mucous membrane so that the powder does not clog the hole. If the nozzle of the spray device becomes clogged, it can be cleaned with a toothpick or other sharp object.

If Nazaval Plus is prescribed together with other drugs that are injected or dripped into the nose, then it should be used 30 minutes after treatment with other drugs. However, after lubricating the nasal passages with ointments or after using oil drops, treatment with Nazavalem Plus is not recommended.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase Nazaval Plus at a pharmacy, you do not need to get a prescription from a doctor, but an examination of the child is advisable. The price of one bottle varies from 350 to 480 rubles. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years, but after the first use of the powder it is reduced to six months.

The drug should be kept in a place hidden from children at room temperature.

Hello, my dears!

My baby went to the garden and began to get sick endlessly. So often that even the adenoids became enlarged. At one of the ENT appointments, the doctor advised me to purchase NAZAVAL PLUS review.

Buying it was problematic. Half of the pharmacies had not heard of it, the other half did not have it))).

But by some miracle we still managed to acquire it.

Price in the area 340 rub.

Dosage 500 mg or 200 doses.

Type: nasal spray.


Micronized vegetable cellulose and wild garlic extract.

All! Here is the composition! Essentially vegetable powder (looks like mint) and crushed garlic.


prevention of colds, ARVI, influenza.

The principle of operation is very interesting. This spray, entering the nose, covers the nasal mucosa with a thin film, thereby preventing viruses and bacteria from attaching. It doesn't interfere with nasal breathing at all.

Directions for use:

Children and adults: one injection into the nasal passage every 5-6 hours (3-4 times a day).

The drug is interesting, but not unambiguous. I found both pros and cons for myself.. Read more...


1. Excellent organic composition! No preservatives!

2. Can be used by pregnant, lactating, children of any age, because local drug.

3. Effective. Even the well-known virologist Chervonskaya says that garlic is almost the only way to destroy the virus, unlike oxolinic ointment or immunomodulators.


1. High price. Really tall!!! Why do you ask? For chopped garlic???

2. It stings your nose a lot when using it for the first few seconds. If I can tolerate this, then it is almost impossible to persuade a 3-year-old child to do this!

3. Inconvenient application scheme. 3-4 times a day - this is the minimum that can provide the necessary protection. But this minimum cannot be met if the child goes to kindergarten, and it is in the kindergarten that all infections are picked up. If you purchase the drug for yourself, then this minus is not relevant.

4. Does not cure illness.

But please consider all the pros and cons. The drug is not a prescription. May cause an allergy to garlic.