Which drug is a mucolytic drug? Mucolytic drugs in the daily practice of a doctor. What are mucolytic drugs?

As a rule, illness strikes when a person is absolutely not ready to face it. The most common in modern society are considered viral infections, as well as diseases associated with damage to the respiratory system. The cough that accompanies such diseases can be dry or wet, but in any case it is necessary to help the body by removing mucus from the bronchi. Doctors included complex therapy For respiratory diseases, mucolytics are prescribed to help thin mucus, or expectorants to help remove it.

Mucus thinners

In case of illness accompanied by a dry, debilitating cough, it is important to clear the bronchi of accumulated mucus. The body tries to do this by coughing, however, if the phlegm is too thick, then it is not so easy to remove it. Doctors, after listening to the patient’s complaints about a dry, “barking” cough, as a rule, prescribe mucolytic drugs that help thin the sputum. Experts divide mucolytics into two groups: direct and Not direct action. Both stimulate the functioning of the bronchial glands due to reflex irritation of the mucous membrane and, ultimately, contribute to the dilution of sputum. The question of what remedy to prescribe to the patient is decided by the doctor, having studied the nature of the disease and the picture of the course of the pathological process. That is why self-medication is not recommended, since the cough medicine that will help one person may be absolutely useless for another. Direct-acting mucolytic drugs include cysteine, acetylcysteine, and trypsin. Bromhexine and ambroxol have an indirect effect.

Main groups of mucolytics

Experts traditionally divide mucolytic agents into three types:

Helps reduce mucus thickness

Promoting sputum removal

Helps reduce the amount of mucus.

Medicines of the first group are prescribed to those patients whose cough is too dry, not accompanied by sputum production. They strengthen secretory function bronchi, dilute mucus, thereby facilitating its removal. In the event that sputum is excreted, but its amount is insignificant, and the secreted mucus is too thick and viscous, a mucolytic cough remedy of the second type is prescribed. Medicines belonging to the third type of mucolytics are used by doctors to treat coughs accompanied by significant secretion of thick mucus.

Mucolytics of plant origin I

Application of plants in medicinal purposes came to us from our Slavic ancestors. Many herbs and flowers are known to be beautiful and effective means against coughs and colds, while practically not causing unwanted effects. Typically used in pharmacology herbal teas, extracts, dry mixtures that have an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. Medicines based on thyme affect the upper respiratory tract, reducing inflammation in the throat. Such drugs include "Bronchicum". A cough medicine containing ivy leaf extract and marshmallow root has a pronounced mucolytic effect and creates conditions for easy removal of phlegm. Remedies that combine thyme extract and plantain effectively cure tracheitis and bronchitis, accompanied by difficult sputum discharge. These medications include cough tablets "Mukaltin" and syrup "Linkas".

Products for children

To treat cough in children, as a rule, drugs for plant based. They are prescribed for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in children, more protracted illnesses lungs and bronchi. One of such medicines is "Mukaltin". Tablets, the instructions for use of which allow their use in pediatrics, are actively prescribed as a medicine for the treatment of severe cough in young patients. An equally popular remedy for children is Alteyka syrup, as well as Pertussin, Stoptussin, and Bronchicum. All these drugs are safe to use due to their plant origin. They reduce the density of sputum and improve the excretory function of the bronchi. Mucolytic drugs for children, as a rule, do not pose any harm to the baby, but before use you should definitely consult with your pediatrician, and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of doctors.

Medicines for adults

The modern pharmacy chain offers a fairly wide range of mucolytic drugs. Some are intended to treat only adult patients; the main contraindication to the use of such drugs is childhood up to 12 years old. The most common mucolytics for adults are:

- "Gerbion" "syrup").

- "Gedelix".

- "Lazolvan" in syrup.

- "Bronholitin" (potion).

- "Prospan" (potion).

Primrose syrup.

Licorice root syrup.

- "Ambroxol" in tablet form;

- "Bromhexine" (tablets and mixture).

These drugs are the most common antitussives. Some of them are plant-based, others, in turn, are synthetic. But both are equally effective for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Children's drugs

Pharmacies also have a fairly wide range of drugs for treatment. children's cough. For the most part, these are also mucolytic agents. The list of the most common children's cough medications is as follows:

- "Gedelix" in drops.

- "Doctor MOM" in syrup.

- "Mukaltin" (tablets).

Licorice root syrup.

Dry children's cough medicine.

Syrup "Pertussin".

Considering that these drugs contain herbal components, the absence or presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the drugs should be taken into account.

Action of expectorants

Expectorants are designed to remove mucus from the bronchi, while effectively clearing the airways. As a rule, sputum production gradually decreases significantly, and the cough gradually goes away. The first group of expectorants has a pronounced irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the gag reflex. But it doesn’t come to the point of vomiting, it just increases the production of mucus in respiratory tract, thus the bronchi are cleansed and gradually healed. The second group of expectorant drugs acts directly on the bronchial mucosa, thereby stimulating their secretion. The effect of such expectorants is to some extent similar to that produced by mucolytic drugs.

Cough expectorants

Expectorants in modern times pharmacy assortment are also presented in the form herbal preparations and synthetic drugs. The decision to prescribe a particular drug is made by the doctor, taking into account the presence or absence of a cough, accompanied by the release of viscous and difficult to remove sputum. The most popular among patients are Lazolvan, Prospan, ACC 200, ACC Long, Sinekod, Bronchostop, Amrobene and other drugs.

Use of expectorants in children

Treatment of cough in children using expectorants is quite common. Despite the availability of a group of these drugs in the pharmacy chain and their free over-the-counter sales, doctors warn parents that self-medication with such drugs is dangerous for children. When looking for what can be defined as a good expectorant, parents should contact their pediatrician. The doctor will be able to correctly determine the nature of the pathological process in the child and select optimal treatment. Some expectorants for children may have double action: mucolytic and expectorant (for example, "Mukaltin"). Tablets, the instructions for use of which specify its sputum-thinning properties, also help remove it from the bronchi. If the baby has a wet cough, liquid sputum under the influence of mucaltin will liquefy even more and intensively accumulate, closing the lumen of the bronchi from the inside. This threatens the child with bronchial obstruction, and this will be caused by incorrectly selected treatment.

Expectorants for children

Many expectorants contain thermopsis herb. These are medications such as "Thermopsol" in tablet form, "Cough tablets", "Codelac Broncho" in tablet form and in syrup. The use of these drugs for the complex treatment of diseases in children should be approached with caution, since even with a slight overdose the baby may vomit. Moreover, the components of these drugs stimulate respiratory function, giving way to oppression. Therefore, parents should use such expectorants strictly as prescribed by the doctor, and follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor. You should know that the drug "Codelac" belongs to the group "Expectorants and mucolytics", so the issue of using this drug for the treatment of children is decided in mandatory specialist.

Herbal remedies for babies

Marshmallow-based products are also effective medications for the treatment of cough in children. Most parents speak positively about treating coughs in their children with expectorants such as Mukaltin and Alteyka syrup. These drugs belong to the herbal group, and therefore are considered to be somewhat safe. However, you should know that side effects When using these medications, there are also contraindications that must be taken into account. First of all, these are allergic reactions to the components of the drug, the baby’s history of other somatic disorders, for example gastrointestinal tract. The question of the advisability of using herbal preparations to treat children is also decided by a certified physician.

Treatment of cough in adult patients

Most people think that a good cough expectorant is an expensive and overhyped medicine. Often this opinion turns out to be erroneous, since the drug that helps eliminate a specific pathological condition. The cost of a drug does not depend on its effectiveness and efficiency, but is determined by policy pharmaceutical company and the manufacturer. A cough in which there is no sputum is considered dry. Most often, doctors recommend cough suppressants: Sinekod, Codeine, Cofex.

If sputum discharge is poor, completely different drugs will be effective - not those that suppress the cough, but those that help thin the sputum. The most popular are "Gedelix", "Lazolvan", "Prospan". A wet cough, as a rule, is accompanied by a copious accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, which is why doctors recommend expectorants that do not have a pronounced mucolytic property: Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Erespal. Correctly selected medicinal product- the key to quick and full recovery Therefore, doctors do not recommend self-medication for either children or adults.

Treatment of cough in children

Coughing in babies, as a rule, causes many unpleasant moments for parents and the child himself. Many groups of mucolytic drugs are prohibited for children under one year of age, since their use by children is harmful infancy significantly exceeds the benefit. Pediatricians say that expectorant thinners for babies are selected with extreme caution, since uncontrolled self-medication can lead to severe complications in the respiratory tract. Among the expectorant drugs allowed for children under one year old, we can highlight “Gedelix”, licorice root syrup, “Pertussin”. From six months, babies can also be treated with dry cough syrup. At severe forms diseases of the pulmonary system in children effective means is "Lazolvan", syrup "Bromhexine", "Ambrobene".

Rules for determining an effective medicine for children

Only a pediatrician should select a drug to treat a child’s cough, otherwise there is a high risk of harming the child’s health. Many mucolytic drugs are allowed only from the age of two, so parents need to take a responsible approach to treatment and strictly follow the recommendations of children's doctors. Before you start choosing and purchasing a medicine for your baby, you need to show your child to the doctor and listen to his recommendations.

As a rule, illness strikes when a person is absolutely not ready to face it. The most common in modern society are viral infections, as well as diseases associated with damage to the respiratory system. The cough that accompanies such diseases can be dry or wet, but in any case it is necessary to help the body by removing mucus from the bronchi. Doctors, as part of complex therapy for respiratory diseases, prescribe mucolytics that help thin mucus, or expectorants that help eliminate it.

Mucus thinners

In case of illness accompanied by a dry, debilitating cough, it is important to clear the bronchi of accumulated mucus. The body tries to do this by coughing, however, if the phlegm is too thick, then it is not so easy to remove it. Doctors, after listening to the patient’s complaints about a dry, “barking” cough, as a rule, prescribe mucolytic drugs that help thin the sputum. Experts divide mucolytics into two groups: direct and indirect action. Both stimulate the functioning of the bronchial glands due to reflex irritation of the mucous membrane and, ultimately, contribute to the dilution of sputum. The question of what remedy to prescribe to the patient is decided by the doctor, having studied the nature of the disease and the picture of the course of the pathological process. That is why self-medication is not recommended, since the cough medicine that will help one person may be absolutely useless for another. Direct-acting mucolytic drugs include cysteine, acetylcysteine, and trypsin. Bromhexine and ambroxol have an indirect effect.

Main groups of mucolytics

Experts traditionally divide mucolytic agents into three types:

Helps reduce mucus thickness

Promoting sputum removal

Helps reduce the amount of mucus.

Medicines of the first group are prescribed to those patients whose cough is too dry, not accompanied by sputum production. They enhance the secretory function of the bronchi, thin the mucus, thereby facilitating its removal. In the event that sputum is excreted, but its amount is insignificant, and the secreted mucus is too thick and viscous, a mucolytic cough remedy of the second type is prescribed. Medicines belonging to the third type of mucolytics are used by doctors to treat coughs accompanied by significant secretion of thick mucus.

Mucolytics of plant origin I

The use of plants for medicinal purposes came to us from our Slavic ancestors. Many herbs and flowers are known as excellent and effective remedies for coughs and colds, while causing virtually no unwanted effects. As a rule, herbal preparations, extracts, and dry mixtures that have an anti-inflammatory effect and help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane are used in pharmacology. Medicines based on thyme affect the upper respiratory tract, reducing inflammation in the throat. Such drugs include "Bronchicum". A cough medicine containing ivy leaf extract and marshmallow root has a pronounced mucolytic effect and creates conditions for easy removal of phlegm. Remedies that combine thyme extract and plantain effectively cure tracheitis and bronchitis, accompanied by difficult sputum discharge. These medications include cough tablets "Mukaltin" and syrup "Linkas".

Products for children

To treat cough in children, herbal preparations are usually used. They are prescribed for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in children, and more protracted diseases of the lungs and bronchi. One of such medicines is "Mukaltin". Tablets, the instructions for use of which allow their use in pediatrics, are actively prescribed as a medicine for the treatment of severe cough in young patients. An equally popular remedy for children is Alteyka syrup, as well as Pertussin, Stoptussin, and Bronchicum. All these drugs are safe to use due to their plant origin. They reduce the density of sputum and improve the excretory function of the bronchi. Mucolytic drugs for children, as a rule, do not pose any harm to the baby, but before use you should definitely consult with your pediatrician, and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of doctors.

Medicines for adults

The modern pharmacy chain offers a fairly wide range of mucolytic drugs. Some are intended to treat only adult patients; the main contraindication to the use of such drugs is children under 12 years of age. The most common mucolytics for adults are:

- "Gerbion" "syrup").

- "Gedelix".

- "Lazolvan" in syrup.

- "Bronholitin" (potion).

- "Prospan" (potion).

Primrose syrup.

Licorice root syrup.

- "Ambroxol" in tablet form;

- "Bromhexine" (tablets and mixture).

These drugs are the most common antitussives. Some of them are plant-based, others, in turn, are synthetic. But both are equally effective for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Children's drugs

Pharmacies also have a fairly wide range of drugs for treating children's cough. For the most part, these are also mucolytic agents. The list of the most common children's cough medications is as follows:

- "Gedelix" in drops.

- "Doctor MOM" in syrup.

- "Mukaltin" (tablets).

Licorice root syrup.

Dry children's cough medicine.

Syrup "Pertussin".

Considering that these drugs contain herbal components, the absence or presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the drugs should be taken into account.

Action of expectorants

Expectorants are designed to remove mucus from the bronchi, while effectively clearing the airways. As a rule, sputum production gradually decreases significantly, and the cough gradually goes away. The first group of expectorants has a pronounced irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the gag reflex. But it doesn’t come to the point of vomiting, the production of mucus in the respiratory tract simply increases, thus the bronchi are cleansed and gradually healed. The second group of expectorant drugs acts directly on the bronchial mucosa, thereby stimulating their secretion. The effect of such expectorants is to some extent similar to that produced by mucolytic drugs.

Cough expectorants

Expectorants in the modern pharmacy assortment are presented in the form of herbal preparations and synthetic drugs. The decision to prescribe a particular drug is made by the doctor, taking into account the presence or absence of a cough, accompanied by the release of viscous and difficult to remove sputum. The most popular among patients are Lazolvan, Prospan, ACC 200, ACC Long, Sinekod, Bronchostop, Amrobene and other drugs.

Use of expectorants in children

Treatment of cough in children using expectorants is quite common. Despite the availability of a group of these drugs in the pharmacy chain and their free over-the-counter sales, doctors warn parents that self-medication with such drugs is dangerous for children. When looking for what can be defined as a good expectorant, parents should contact their pediatrician. The doctor will be able to correctly determine the nature of the pathological process in the child and select the optimal treatment. Some expectorants for children can have a dual effect: mucolytic and expectorant (for example, Mucaltin). Tablets, the instructions for use of which specify its sputum-thinning properties, also help remove it from the bronchi. If the baby has a wet cough, liquid sputum under the influence of mucaltin will liquefy even more and intensively accumulate, closing the lumen of the bronchi from the inside. This threatens the child with bronchial obstruction, and this will be caused by incorrectly selected treatment.

Expectorants for children

Many expectorants contain thermopsis herb. These are medications such as "Thermopsol" in tablet form, "Cough tablets", "Codelac Broncho" in tablet form and in syrup. The use of these drugs for the complex treatment of diseases in children should be approached with caution, since even with a slight overdose the baby may vomit. Moreover, the components of these drugs stimulate respiratory function, which is replaced by depression. Therefore, parents should use such expectorants strictly as prescribed by the doctor, and follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor. You should know that the drug "Codelac" belongs to the group "Expectorants and mucolytics", so the question of using this drug for the treatment of children must be decided by a specialist.

Herbal remedies for babies

Marshmallow-based products are also effective medications for the treatment of cough in children. Most parents speak positively about treating coughs in their children with expectorants such as Mukaltin and Alteyka syrup. These drugs belong to the herbal group, and therefore are considered to be somewhat safe. However, you should know that side effects when using these medications also occur, and there are contraindications that should be taken into account. First of all, these are allergic reactions to the components of the drug, the baby’s history of other somatic disorders, for example, the gastrointestinal tract. The question of the advisability of using herbal preparations to treat children is also decided by a certified physician.

Treatment of cough in adult patients

Most people think that a good cough expectorant is an expensive and overhyped medicine. Often this opinion turns out to be erroneous, since the drug that helps eliminate a specific pathological condition will be effective. The cost of a drug does not depend on its effectiveness and efficiency, but is determined by the policies of the pharmaceutical company and the manufacturer. A cough in which there is no sputum is considered dry. Most often, doctors recommend cough suppressants: Sinekod, Codeine, Cofex.

If sputum discharge is poor, completely different drugs will be effective - not those that suppress the cough, but those that help thin the sputum. The most popular are "Gedelix", "Lazolvan", "Prospan". A wet cough, as a rule, is accompanied by a copious accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, which is why doctors recommend expectorants that do not have a pronounced mucolytic property: Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Erespal. A properly selected medication is the key to a quick and complete recovery, therefore doctors do not recommend self-medication for either children or adults.

Treatment of cough in children

Coughing in babies, as a rule, causes many unpleasant moments for parents and the child himself. Many groups of mucolytic drugs are prohibited for children under one year of age, since the harm from their use by infants significantly outweighs the benefits. Pediatricians say that expectorant thinners for babies are selected with extreme caution, since uncontrolled self-medication can lead to serious complications in the respiratory tract. Among the expectorant drugs allowed for children under one year old, we can highlight “Gedelix”, licorice root syrup, “Pertussin”. From six months, babies can also be treated with dry cough syrup. For severe forms of diseases of the pulmonary system in children, an effective remedy is “Lazolvan”, “Bromhexine” syrup, “Ambrobene”.

Rules for determining an effective medicine for children

Only a pediatrician should select a drug to treat a child’s cough, otherwise there is a high risk of harming the child’s health. Many mucolytic drugs are allowed only from the age of two, so parents need to take a responsible approach to treatment and strictly follow the recommendations of children's doctors. Before you start choosing and purchasing a medicine for your baby, you need to show your child to the doctor and listen to his recommendations.

Many colds cause the baby to develop a cough, attacks of which torment the child throughout the day and night. Expectorants have been successfully used to treat children's cough. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups, suspensions and drops, which are intended for the treatment of children of various ages. Expectorants are prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, colds, bronchitis, which occurs with a wet cough and poorly produced sputum.

It should be remembered that medications for children must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment may lead to complications.

Expectorants are prescribed to the child if there is wet cough with poor mucus discharge. If you have a dry, unproductive cough, these medications should not be given.

Expectorants are usually prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Sinusitis;
  • ARVI;

Expectorant drugs for children with wet cough promote the natural release of mucus, which is located in the respiratory organs. Come out with sputum pathogenic bacteria, which provoke inflammation in the trachea, bronchi and lungs.

The health of a sick child improves due to the fact that medications cause a change in the consistency of sputum. In some diseases, there is viscous mucus in the child’s bronchi, which cannot come out on its own due to its thick consistency.

Types of medications

All medications that are prescribed for the treatment of wet cough are divided into two types.

Mucolytic agents.

For viscous sputum with a thick consistency, doctors usually prescribe mucolytics, which thin the mucus and promote its removal from the respiratory tract. If your child has a productive cough with copious sputum, mucolytic agents are not prescribed. The main feature of the drug is that while liquefying sputum, mucolytics practically do not increase its volume.

Medicines can be administered orally or used as inhalations.

The most popular mucolytic drugs:

The medicine thins sputum and has a weak antitussive effect. Prescribed when acute bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia. For young children, bromhexine is prescribed in the form of syrup. From the age of six, a child can be given the drug in tablet form. Bromhexine solution is used for inhalation.

ACC 100 and ACC syrup.
The medicine is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system that cause cough with highly educated viscous mucus that is difficult to come out. For children under two years of age, the medication should be prescribed only under the strict supervision of the treating pediatrician. Available in the form of granules, which must be dissolved in water, or syrup (for children over 2 years old). For inhalation treatment, the drug is prepared in the form of a solution.

This medicine is intended to treat a cough with sticky sputum that hardly comes out. naturally. The drug can be prescribed for expectoration of sputum in children from 1 year of age. It increases the volume of mucus and helps it come out. The release form is granules that dissolve well in water. The medication is also available in ampoules, which are intended for inhalation.

. This is a new generation medicine that effectively treats cough. It can even be given infant. The drug is taken for acute bronchitis and pneumonia. It is available in the form of a solution, which is given to children to drink before meals or used for inhalation.

Refers to mucolytic drugs with a pronounced expectorant effect. Lazolvan is used for expectoration of sputum in children from 1 year of age.

Important! For babies under one year of age, medications are prescribed, the main active substance in which ambroxol appears. Bromhexine-based drugs are used to treat cough in older children.


These are medications that facilitate the removal of phlegm from the bronchi and lungs when coughing by diluting the resulting respiratory system mucus. They are appointed when acute diseases, which are not accompanied a large number mucous secretions. Expectorants are mainly medicines based on components of plant origin:

Medicines that promote expectoration are prescribed for oral administration. Also, for wet coughs, hot inhalations using decoctions of expectorant herbs or essential oils are useful. However, these procedures are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

They are also used to treat wet and dry coughs. homeopathic medicines(for example Stodal syrup).

To treat productive cough, hot rubbing with various medications is used.

The composition of ointments for rubbing includes special essential oils, which help increase blood flow to the pulmonary lobes, stimulate the bronchial glands and irritate skin. The preparations are rubbed into the skin of the baby’s chest and back. Hot rubs can be used to treat children from six months of age.

Additional Treatments

Exists large number folk remedies, which have long been used to eliminate unproductive and wet cough in children. These include:

Many parents prudently prepare medicinal herbs for decoctions and teas on their own in the summer.

Makes it easier general condition child and promotes speedy recovery also massage. It improves the drainage function of the tissues and glands of the bronchi, promotes the removal of phlegm and mucus from them.

These methods are excellent as an auxiliary method of treating cough or in its initial stages.

Remember what to put correct diagnosis Only a doctor can, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

Every person has taken expectorants and mucolytics at least once in their life. However, not everyone knows what it is.

Expectorants are drugs that enhance the removal of mucus from the bronchi and lungs.

Mucolytics are medications that reduce the viscosity of sputum in the lungs and bronchi without increasing its quantity.

They also facilitate the process of removing mucus. The main advantage of mucolytics is that thanks to them nonproductive cough becomes productive, which significantly speeds up the healing process. As a rule, mucolytics and expectorants are available in the form of tablets or syrups. Mucolytics can also be purchased in inhalation form.

There is the following classification of mucolytics:

  • preparations with proteolytic enzymes;
  • medications with active substances, synthesized artificially.

The mechanism of action of these drugs can be direct or indirect.

Expectorants can be divided into groups according to their mechanism of action into:

  • reflex;
  • resorptive.

Expectorants can be either herbal or artificial origin. Expectorants and mucolytics have completely different mechanisms of action. Proteolytic enzymes included in mucolytics, when taken orally, disrupt the peptide bonds between sputum molecules and thus lead to depolymerization of nucleic acid, as a result of which the mucus accumulated in the respiratory organs becomes much thinner.

There is no negative effect on healthy tissue. As a rule, such drugs are injected into the trachea or bronchi for a short period of time. Mucolytics of synthetic origin cause depolymerization of mucoproteins and produce a liquefying effect. Some drugs have the same effect on mucopolysaccharide fibers of mucus.

Expectorant medications act on the human body somewhat differently. The action of expectorants is to irritate the gastric mucosa and irritate the vomiting and cough center in the brain. Increased activity of these centers leads to an increase in mucus secretion in the respiratory organs and an improvement in the cough reflex. The effect of these drugs is relatively short.

When using expectorant medications, you need to be extremely careful, since exceeding the recommended dosage can lead to vomiting.

Resorptive drugs increase mucus secretion respiratory organs, make it more liquid and thus facilitate the process of mucus discharge.

The difference between direct and indirect acting drugs is that the former have therapeutic effect after the drug enters the gastrointestinal tract and is absorbed, while the latter have a therapeutic effect only when it enters the affected area pathological process region. Mucolytics and expectorants are prescribed to patients suffering from acute or chronic inflammation respiratory organs (cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma, tracheobronchitis, pneumoconiosis, COPD, bronchiectasis).

Thus, specialists improve physical condition patient, reduce the manifestations of a long, exhausting non-productive cough. At the moment when the sputum becomes sufficiently liquid form, and the cough becomes wet, the mucolytic effect is unnecessary. Then expectorant medications are prescribed to help remove previously liquefied mucus from the body. It is not recommended to combine expectorants and mucolytics.

What is the difference between mucolytics and expectorants?

How do mucolytics differ from expectorants? This question has been asked at least once in life by every person who has encountered inflammation of the respiratory system.

The function of mucolytics is only to destroy the bonds between the molecules of sputum accumulated in the lungs and bronchi and dilute it.

Expectorant (secretomotor) medications activate the reflex cough center in the brain and increase bronchial contractions, thus helping to expel liquid sputum. The most popular mucolytic throughout many years Bromhexine remains. It is produced in tablet form. Included in the list of essential medicines since 2012.

This remedy is used for serious illnesses respiratory organs, which are accompanied by various complications. The product can be used to sanitize affected tissues. It thins mucus and at the same time has a mild antitussive effect. The first results of taking medications can be seen after 24-48 hours. A lasting, noticeable effect appears 2-5 days from the start of therapy.

In most cases, the medicine is well tolerated and does not cause any side effects. If you are intolerant to certain components of the drug, allergic reactions may occur. When using the product for longer than 1 month, digestive disorders may occur. After stopping the medication, these effects quickly disappear on their own. Another effective and popular mucolytic agent is ACC containing acetylcysteine.

This medicine not only thins mucus in the respiratory system, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect and removes toxins from the body. Unfortunately, the drug is powerless if the patient has sputum mixed with pus. ACC is available in the form of syrup, as well as effervescent tablets or powder that must be dissolved in liquid. Thanks to this, the drug is easily absorbed and begins to act as soon as possible. short terms.

This product does not have a toxic effect on the body. ACC can be combined with antibacterial drugs. The medicine is strictly prohibited for patients with ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, as well as bleeding of the lungs. The medicine is prescribed with extreme caution to patients with severe kidney and liver diseases, as well as varicose veins veins

Popular expectorants for wet coughs include Codelac Broncho, which is available in syrup and tablet form. When taken simultaneously with antimicrobial drugs, it is important to take into account that Codelac Broncho increases their effectiveness. The drug is not combined with antitussive medications.

Codelac Broncho is not recommended for use by pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, or children under 12 years of age. In case of an overdose of the drug, the patient experiences disruptions in the functioning of the digestive organs. In this case, you need to stop the drug and perform gastric lavage. If after this unpleasant symptoms do not go away within 2 days, the patient is given symptomatic therapy.

Doctors often also prescribe Thermopsol to improve expectoration of sputum. This product contains a huge amount of plant alkaloids, which effectively stimulate the cough and vomiting center.

At the same time, sodium carbonate enhances the production of secretions by the bronchi. The medicine is contraindicated in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Other patients should not use Thermopsol for more than 5-7 days to avoid side effects. With the simultaneous use of antimicrobial drugs, it increases their concentration in sputum.

If desired medications can be supplemented with medications made independently at home. However, one should not treat folk medicine frivolously. In this case, you need to know the difference between expectorants and mucolytics. To liquefy sputum, a decoction of plantain, motherwort, thermopsis, as well as thyme, licorice root and marshmallow is most often used.

To prepare the product, you need to take one of the above herbs in the amount of 2.5 tbsp. l., put them in a container and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse the product for 2 hours. You need to take the medicine 1 glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals. You can also use onion and garlic to thin the mucus. To do this, you need to grind 100 g of onion and 50 g of garlic in a meat grinder and mix everything with 200 g of honey. The medicine is taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day after meals.

To expectorate phlegm, you can prepare a remedy from bananas. For this you need 2 tbsp. l. sugar, pour 150 ml of water and bring to a boil. Boil the syrup for 10-15 minutes over low heat. After this, the prepared liquid is poured into 2 medium-sized bananas, previously ground into a paste. Ready product Use 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals. A radish-based remedy is also effective for expectoration. For cooking of this medicine You can only use black radish.

The top is cut out from the fruit, and then the pulp itself (about 1/3). The resulting space is filled with honey. In order for the radish to release juice better, it needs to be placed in a warm place. After 3-4 days, the medicine can be consumed 1 tsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Despite the huge amount of advertising, it is strictly not recommended to select medications on your own. Only a doctor knows how expectorants differ from mucolytics and how to select them in each specific case.

Mucolytics and expectorants for children

Mucolytics and expectorants for children are the main drugs for treating cough.


Mucolytics for children under 2 years of age should be used very carefully. Often drinking plenty of fluids and humidifying the air in the room in the shortest possible time dilute sputum in children without any risk.

IN advanced cases and only if a child over 2 years old is allowed to use Ambroxol in the form of syrup. This remedy not only thins thick mucus, but also suppresses severe cough. Therapeutic effect becomes visible already half an hour after using the product.

It is important to say that Ambroxol enhances the effect of antibiotics and promotes their accumulation in the lungs. Side effects of the drug include allergic reactions. Period complete removal means is 10 hours. It is not recommended to use Ambroxol for more than 1 week, as this may lead to ulcerative lesions gastrointestinal organs. Expectorants and mucolytics for children also cannot be taken at the same time, even despite their safe composition.

Expectorant drugs for children include Ambrobene. You can do it with it therapeutic inhalations or just take the syrup. When consumed this tool you need to increase your fluid intake. Among expectorants for children, one can highlight Doctor MOM syrup based on medicinal herbs. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and can be combined with antibiotics.

Dr. MOM has pleasant taste, so it can easily be given to even the youngest children. The drug is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Shake the syrup thoroughly before use. The method of use and dosage of each mucolytic and expectorant for children should be indicated by a doctor.

As a rule, this information is also included in the instructions for the drugs, however, the instructions may vary somewhat depending on the patient’s age, height, weight, accompanying pathologies and many other factors. Typically, Ambroxol is prescribed ¼-1/2 of a tablet 2-3 times a day, regardless of meals, Ambrobene 2-3 ml 1-2 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals, Doctor IOM 2.5-5 ml 3 times a day immediately after meals.

Increased formation (hypersecretion) of mucus in the respiratory tract accompanies many acute infections, as well as other pulmonary pathologies. In this case, it is necessary to take expectorant and mucolytic drugs. Their main purpose is to improve expectoration of mucus and/or reduce its formation.

Mucoactive drugs are divided according to their mode of action into expectorants, mucoregulators, mucolytics and mucokinetics. You can classify them into other groups, but this approach makes it possible to more accurately select the drug needed for coughing.

Accumulation of mucus due to inflammation of the airway wall

U healthy people mucus is secreted in normal quantity and is continuously removed by ciliated epithelial cells towards the larynx, and then enters the nasopharynx and is swallowed. Increased mucus secretion can become a problem, especially if the rate of secretion exceeds the speed of movement of mucus particles by ciliated epithelial cells.

Hypersecretion of mucus - characteristic feature ORZ, as well as bronchial asthma, COPD and , . During inflammation caused by infection, there is an increase in the number and size of so-called goblet cells located in the submucosal glands. Secretory hyperactivity occurs.

Inflammation causes loss of function and destruction of epithelial cilia, changes physical and chemical properties mucous membrane and disorder normal composition sputum. During this process, dead bacteria accumulate and immune cells, desquamated epithelium forming pus.

Mucus, which forms the basis of sputum, is an oligomer that consists of water and high molecular weight proteins that form a gel. Medicines that change physical or chemical characteristics sputum are called mucoactive and, depending on the main effect, are divided into groups.

Expectorants and mucolytics are prescribed:

  • with bronchitis;
  • with tracheitis;
  • for influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • with smoker's bronchitis;
  • for asthma.


These medications make it easier to cough up mucus and are better for dry coughs.


Thermopsis cough tablets are a popular expectorant.

This substance is well tolerated. Only sometimes after its administration is it possible to disrupt the functioning of the stomach, loose stool or signs of bleeding. Likely skin rash or itching.


  • exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis of any etiology in the acute stage;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy;

Carbocisteine ​​can be prescribed to children starting from 1 month in the appropriate dosage.

Medicines containing this substance:

  • Bronchobos (syrup and capsules);
  • Libexin Muco (syrup);
  • Fluifort (syrup and soluble granules);
  • Fluditec (syrup).

Anticholinergic drugs (ipratropium bromide), glucocorticoids, and macrolides also have moderate mucoregulatory properties. However, the main effects of these drugs are different, so they are not used for the direct purpose of changing the characteristics of sputum.


These agents reduce the viscosity of sputum, giving it “fluidity.” They are used if the sputum is too thick.


Acetylcysteine ​​thins mucus

The substance directly affects long molecules and breaks the chemical bonds between them. As a result, the polymer properties of mucus weaken and its viscosity decreases. Acetylcysteine ​​is also active against purulent sputum, which distinguishes it from many other drugs.

The substance has an antioxidant effect, that is, it protects cell membranes from harmful influence toxins and metabolic products. It enhances the body's production of glutathione, a substance that actively removes toxins and free radicals.

Acetylcysteine ​​is prescribed for viscous and/or mucopurulent sputum in the following cases:

  • inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, lungs;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • pulmonary atelectasis;
  • asthma;
  • sinusitis.

It can also be prescribed to children starting from 2 years old. Possible side effects:

  • rarely – stomach pathology, diarrhea;
  • rash and itching of the skin, bronchospasm;
  • when used in a nebulizer - severe cough, stomatitis;
  • nosebleeds;
  • tinnitus.

Acetylcysteine ​​is contraindicated during exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, hemoptysis, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and in case of drug intolerance. It is necessary to take a 2 hour break between taking this substance and antibiotics.

List of products with acetylcysteine:

  • Acestin (regular and soluble tablets);
  • Acetylcysteine ​​(powder and soluble tablets);
  • ACC (soluble granules, syrup);
  • ACC 100 (soluble tablets);
  • ACC Inject (solution for deep intramuscular or intravenous administration);
  • ACC Long (soluble tablets);
  • Vicks Active Expectomed (soluble tablets);
  • N-Ac-Ratiopharm (powder and soluble tablets);
  • Fluimucil (solutions for oral administration, for inhalation and injection, soluble granules and tablets).

Dornase alpha

The modern drug Pulmozyme is used as a mucolytic for cystic fibrosis. It is based on a genetically engineered enzyme that cleaves extracellular DNA.

When such an aerosol enters the bronchi and lungs, viscous, purulent, with altered properties, sputum in cystic fibrosis is broken down and liquefied, which significantly enhances its excretion.

In addition to cystic fibrosis, dornase alfa can be used for bronchiectasis, severe COPD, congenital defects lung development, pneumonia against the background of immunodeficiency.

Side effects of this drug are extremely rare and the frequency is the same as with placebo (a neutral, non-drug). Most patients who experience any adverse effects associated with the use of Pulmozyme can continue to use it. This aerosol is administered using a special device - a jet nebulizer. It is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance.


Erdomed – modern drug cough

This substance is the basis of the drug Erdomed, produced in capsules and soluble granules. Such a mucolytic was synthesized quite recently. In addition to mucolytic and antioxidant properties, it reduces the ability of bacteria to “stick” to the wall of the respiratory organs. The drug is used in the treatment of bronchitis, COPD, bronchiectasis, sinusitis and other conditions with thick sputum. It is especially indicated for use in smokers.

Contraindications include:

  • age up to 2 years;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • for granules – phenylketonuria;
  • homocystinuria;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • individual intolerance.

Side effects are rare. This allergic reaction, nausea, vomiting and loose stools.


These drugs are used for obsessive, unproductive coughs to enhance mucus removal and cleanse the bronchi. They act primarily on the cilia of the epithelium, and also reduce the “adhesion” between the mucous membrane and sputum particles. These drugs are ambroxol and bromhexine.


This remedy makes phlegm liquid and clears the bronchi from it. By acting on glandular cells, ambroxol enhances the production of the liquid part of mucus. Under its influence, the amount of surfactant in the lungs increases, ensuring the expansion of the alveoli. The drug activates the work of epithelial cilia. Cough under its influence decreases slightly.


  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • respiratory distress syndrome.

You can use the medicine from birth. It is well tolerated, only occasionally causing stomach upset or allergies.

Ambroxol is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • convulsions;
  • lactation.

List of ambroxol drugs:

  • Ambrobene (capsules, solution for oral administration and nebulizer, tablets, syrup, solution for intravenous administration);
  • Ambrohexal;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Ambrolor;
  • Ambrosan;
  • Bronchoxol;
  • Bronchorus;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Lazongin;
  • Medox;
  • Neo-bronchol;
  • Remebrox;
  • Suprima-Kof;
  • Thoraxol Solution Tablets;
  • Flavamed;
  • Halixol.


Bromhexine – safe drug against cough

Its chemical structure is very similar to ambroxol. It is used to combat viscous sputum in tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma, cystic fibrosis and COPD.

The drug is used for oral administration and for. Its effect develops gradually, often only after a few days of use. However, low toxicity and the possibility of use in children of any age make bromhexine a popular mucokinetic drug.

Possible side effects: nausea, stomach discomfort, headache, dizziness, skin rash, sweating, bronchospasm.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug, which distinguishes it favorably from ambroxol.

List of drugs based on bromhexine:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Bronchostop;
  • Solvin.

Multicomponent expectorants and mucolytics

For persistent coughs, medications containing several ingredients that mutually enhance the effect are often used.

Drug name Components
Bronchosan drops


Essential oils of fennel, anise, oregano, mint, eucalyptus

Joset syrup




Cashnol syrup Same
Cofasma syrup




Rinofluimucil nasal spray



Codelac Broncho tablets


Sodium glycyrrhizinate

Dry thermopsis extract

Sodium bicarbonate

Elixir Codelac Broncho with thyme


Glycyrrhizic acid

Thyme herb

Coldact Broncho syrup


Chlorphenamine (antiallergic component)


Phenylephrine hydrochloride (vasoconstrictor)

Syrup and tablets Ascoril Ekspectorant




Many of these medications are available without a doctor's prescription. Therefore, it is worth studying the features of their purpose before purchasing at a pharmacy and choosing the most suitable one for yourself. medicine. Here we do not stop at herbal medicine and non-drug methods cough treatment.