Closed cycle as a form of management within the framework of industrial ecology. Creation of closed production cycles

“We can still provide ourselves with wholesome and healthy food. But as long as the concept of profit exists, your task as a biological organism is simply to survive." Anatoly Kokhan

Modern civilization at the dawn of its formation can provide itself with safe and healthy food. Closed ecological agricultural cycles can provide environmentally safe and healthy food.

Take a plot of land for your personal farming and try, at least sometimes, to eat yourself and treat your family with an environmentally friendly product that cannot be bought, neither in the market, nor in a store, and for any money.

The basis of a closed agricultural cycle is the balanced maintenance of farm animals and the cultivation of crops on a limited plot of land as a quasi-closed ecosystem, part of which is a physically removed consumer - a person.

Thus, we obtain a self-renewing consumption resource in the form of an environmentally friendly, complete agricultural product.

Closed ecological agricultural cycles will make it possible to resolve the issue of producing environmentally friendly, nutritionally complete and healthy products in terms of maintaining immunity during the development of technologies for the production of complete mineral nutrition, if the use of mineral nutrition shows its feasibility.

Closed ecological agricultural cycles exclude the use of mineral fertilizers, growth stimulants, herbicides and similar agricultural technologies.
Bacteriological and anti-infective measures are carried out as necessary. Closed ecological agricultural cycles are localized in a limited area, which maintains a certain bacteriological regime, the composition of microflora and fauna, which does not contribute to, but rather prevents, the development of dangerous infections.

The initial testing of prototype technologies for closed ecological agricultural cycles is currently being carried out on the basis of the private farm of Anatoly Kokhan.

The direction of work to create and improve closed ecological agricultural cycles must be continued and developed. To date, some significant results have already been obtained. Of course, the achieved results and recommendations must be expanded and refined, but today they can already be used in practice.

On modern stage products obtained through a closed ecological agricultural cycle are not so much important for everyday nutrition, but as an analogue of a medicine that allows you to restore the natural functions of the human body associated with the construction and restoration of tissues, metabolism, treatment and prevention of diseases that have become widespread in urban life, as well as changes in human nutrition.

Products of ordinary private household plots, hunting trophies and collected forest products cannot replace them or be their equivalent due to uncontrolled pollution environment. The cleanest areas are potentially and actually the sites of increased pollution.

Creation of a closed ecological agricultural cycle.

To create closed ecological agricultural cycles, it is advisable to use agricultural lands, but the long-term use of herbicides has led to long-term pollution, and the lack of crop rotation has led to land depletion. Meadow grasses, shrubs and overgrowing of agricultural land with forests, of course, clean the land, but they simultaneously impoverish the soil and cause a surface accumulation of pollutants and carcinogens. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carry out measures to clean up any territory planned for the organization of closed ecological agricultural cycles.

Initially, it is necessary to use agricultural areas traditionally suitable for various types agricultural work.

Preparing a site for organizing a closed ecological agricultural cycle. Territory planning.

First of all, it is necessary to plan the territory of the site and begin its development and cleaning. Must be taken into account climatic conditions, soil characteristics, landscape features and site humidity.

In this case, you must take into account not only the characteristics of the top layer of soil, but also the subsequent ones, especially the characteristics associated with moisture absorption, friability and, of course, the chemical reaction and characteristics of the chemical composition.

At this stage, you should have already pre-planned the type of closed-loop ecological agricultural cycle to be used, the types of farm animals raised, poultry, crops grown, fruit trees and shrubs, as well as trees and shrubs used for technical and environmental purposes.

Particular attention must be paid to the landscape and natural moisture circulation. Your farm should make the most of the terrain and the irrigation structures you may need to build.

The site is planned in such a way that you use minimal electricity and energy-consuming technologies. The turnover of agricultural products must be combined with soil enrichment, environmental cleanup and renewable energy resources.

If you have a small area for individual use, for example: one hectare or less, even if use “for livestock farming” is permitted, you will not be able to keep cattle on it, even one cow. This area is not enough. You won't even be able to keep sheep. In a closed ecological agricultural cycle you can count on a few goats, a small number of poultry and, of course, rabbits. Perhaps the landscape will allow you to create a small pond for fish, crustaceans or molluscs. Part of the plot will have to be allocated for crop production and vegetable gardening.

In any case, you will have to use equipment, so immediately plan passages and sanitary barriers.

Fruit trees and shrubs will serve as sanitary barriers and snow retention. If you use firewood, you need to consider replanting fast-growing trees for firewood. The cycle must be complete and closed, no matter what types of farm animals you raise or what crop rotation you organize.

If possible, you should organize water collection on the site for agricultural, technological, domestic and fire-fighting purposes.

It is also necessary to plan a collection site, sorting and disposal procedure for waste associated with the use of equipment, packaging and transportation means that are not involved in the ecological renewal cycle.

Primary cleaning of the site from pollution and launching a closed ecological agricultural cycle.

Cleaning up a site from contamination should begin by searching for information about the previous use of the site, as well as using neighboring sites and searching for potential sources of air pollution, spring and storm water, and potentially hazardous objects on your site from the point of view of contamination. Particular attention should be paid to official and actual cattle burial grounds, existing spontaneous, organized and abandoned landfills, cemeteries and spontaneous burial sites of infectious and chemically hazardous waste.

After examining the condition of the territory and potential threats, surface debris is removed and hazardous sources of pollution are eliminated. It must be remembered that any recycling is part of the ecological cycle. For this purpose, it is not the burial or disposal of biological and chemically hazardous materials that is carried out, but their neutralization in order to ensure subsequent biological safety.

After surface cleaning, measures are taken to neutralize potential contamination threats.

Final cleaning is carried out from biologically active pollutants and herbicides and fertilizers previously used on the agricultural site. Final cleaning lasts about seven years and is combined with the restoration of soil cover by growing crops and keeping farm animals.

This is the period of launching a closed ecological agricultural cycle. During this period biological system allows us to include a person as a consumer, and the food product will be superior in quality to the products of traditional and industrial agriculture, however, the ecological system is still at the stage of coming into balance and freeing itself from previously accumulated pollution. It should be noted that such systems cannot be isolated from global and large-scale territorial pollution of the current period.

The introduction of closed ecological agricultural cycles does not eliminate the problems of environmental protection and waste disposal from industrial production, transport, extractive industries, settlements and retail chains. However, the production of agricultural products itself becomes safe and ceases to be a source of environmental pollution.

Seven-year agricultural cycle of biological purification and soil restoration.

An experiment on Anatoly Kokhan’s private farm showed that the biological treatment cycle was seven years. During this time, farm animals were completely transferred to a nutritious diet from the same land plot and the soil cover of the land plot has received sufficient enrichment with organic matter for agricultural plants.

One should not think that a closed ecological agricultural cycle is possible using only fencing technology. It is not enough to build a fence and let animals in there to live and reproduce. Ecological systems are self-regulating. From such a system it is impossible to painlessly, for the ecosystem itself, select biological material as food for an organism located outside the ecological system itself.

Fencing is an important detail for ensuring the sanitary regime of closed ecological agricultural cycles, however, the determining factor in functioning to ensure the selection of biological material from a closed ecological cycle (for cooking) is the management of animal populations and flora and reimbursement of waste products of the remotely served population in a closed ecological cycle.

First of all, it is necessary to use green manures (green fertilizers). Then forage crops are combined with keeping herbivores and poultry. At the same time, plant trees. Then you move on to the planned formation of a closed ecological agricultural cycle.

While cleaning the soil, you must have a complete understanding of what animals and poultry you can keep and what food you will grow for this. During this period, you will be able to experience the technologies of growing plants, animals and poultry from your own experience.

Practical organization of a closed agricultural ecological cycle.

Growing vegetables, berries and fruits in a closed ecological agricultural cycle involves a complete rejection of chemicals that protect against pests.

The fact that growth stimulants and chemicals for controlling weeds and pests are abandoned calls into question the yield of agricultural products. Therefore, pest control is carried out with the help of their natural enemies. Weed control - non-industrial cultivation methods.

It is advisable to grow vegetables in a closed ecological agricultural cycle for human consumption; in case of surplus or illiquid stock, they are fed to domestic animals.

Potatoes are an important crop in the human diet. However, growing potatoes is associated with damage from the Colorado potato beetle. In a closed ecological agricultural cycle, potato cultivation is accompanied by the maintenance of a sufficient number of adult guinea fowl - a natural enemy of the Colorado potato beetle. At the same time, the guinea fowl must be raised without the use of intensive feeds and technologies used in industrial poultry farming in order to preserve its natural diet.

Cabbage is very useful plant, however, it is also highly susceptible to various kinds of pests and is loved not only by humans, but also by domestic animals and birds. To protect cabbage from pests, small birds are used, for which an excessive number of birdhouses are installed at the growing site or special protected growing methods are used.

Tomatoes are not only susceptible to cold weather, but they are also popular with birds. If there is an excess population of small birds, all ripe fruits will be destroyed. Therefore, tomatoes must be covered with non-woven material. In addition, tomatoes cannot be grown if there are significant numbers of weeds and the soil should be covered with light-proof non-woven material.

Cucumbers are well suited for growing indoors and open ground. Lightproof non-woven material is used to control weeds.

Zucchini, squash and pumpkins are grown in small quantities on the manure of poultry and animals, without contact with the latter, since for many of them they are a delicacy. These crops can be grown on compost heaps and pits.

Field crops are among the most important agricultural crops. Bread is the basis of the human diet. An experiment on Anatoly Kokhan’s private farm showed that grain grown industrially causes progressive obesity in animals and poultry, while fodder grown in a closed ecological agricultural cycle allows animals to develop harmoniously and even excess consumption does not cause severe obesity.

When growing field crops, it is necessary to follow the rules of crop rotation and change crops in places. However, closed ecological agricultural cycles do not use fertilizers or herbicides. This causes infestation of crops with weeds, which reduces crop rotation requirements. In addition, grains must be collected together with weed seeds. The presence of weed seeds in animal feed eliminates the need to use additives that are vital for animals and poultry, since they receive additional necessary elements from weed seeds.

Field crops can be grown in small areas and harvested in the traditional way or using small-scale mechanization.

The main recommended field crops are wheat, barley and oats. It is useful to use millet, both the grain and the harvested straw of this crop are of high value, but you must make sure that millet can actually be grown in the conditions of your strip.

Storing grains encourages the breeding of rodents, while keeping farm animals and birds will attract wild predators. Therefore, there should be dogs and cats on your property. These outdoor pets are healthy and solve problems with rodents and wild animals. Do not use hunting dogs, you will lose your livestock.

From forage grasses It is advisable to grow alfalfa; it enriches the soil well and is a valuable feed crop not only for herbivores, but also for almost all birds. But alfalfa is not the only suitable one; clover, grass mixtures or other herbs can be used. No products are used in closed ecological agricultural cycles chemical industry, which is favorable for bee breeding.

Let's consider keeping the most common animals in a closed ecological agricultural cycle.

Rabbits are very nice view for cultivation and one of the few species suitable for growing in microfarms. The rabbit is a herbivore, tolerates any frost well, does not require water in the cold season, and gets along well with ice. IN winter time Grains are added to the diet. It is very sensitive to inbreeding, so only individuals planned for slaughter can be kept in enclosures. When kept, it requires daily observation; if nasal discharge occurs (runny nose), “dandruff” or nodules form on the ears (and other external signs of any diseases), the animal must be immediately slaughtered. When doing this simple rule you will never use medications that may subsequently enter the body of a person who does not need them.

Sheep cannot be kept in a completely “wild” state. Sheep breeding also requires breeding work, without which the population is doomed to very rapid extinction. Sheep should not be allowed to come into contact with potentially dangerous places. A place for disinfection of vehicles, their parking, storage of oils and equipment. An animal does not die from contaminated food, but it becomes unsuitable for human consumption. Sheep are a very good species for breeding, require scheduled slaughter and are very critical to the cleanliness of feed. When sheep are raised in closed ecological agricultural cycles, the meat does not have a distinct animal smell.

Cows are the most complex look for cultivation on a private plot due to insufficient space allocated for this. For one unit of large cattle At least one hectare of land is required for grazing and fodder storage. Cows are very sensitive to feed variety and quantity. An animal becomes an adult only in the third year of life, and a bull becomes an adult animal only at the age of five. Readiness of meat for food accordingly. The quality of meat does not change upon reaching adulthood. Animals that have not reached adulthood do not have sufficient amounts of essential substances in their meat.

In a closed ecological agricultural cycle, an animal that produces milk is highly desirable. A fermented milk product in combination with ground grain products completely replaces food additives in the diet for raising chickens of various types of poultry. You can, of course, use worms, but this requires significant costs to ensure required quantity biomass. In nature, this deficiency is compensated for by insects. However, air pollution and accumulated toxic substances have reduced the population of insects, the breeding of which in a closed area - as part of the food chain - is still very expensive. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. This is a separate area of ​​research.

Poultry is one of the necessary parts of closed ecological agricultural cycles. The most important birds common for use in closed ecological agricultural cycles are guinea fowl, chicken, turkey, duck, goose.

Purchased chickens and adult birds of commercial breeds must be vaccinated; the first vaccination is done in the egg before the chick hatches. Vaccinated birds remain carriers of the diseases against which they were vaccinated. Therefore, any bird must be bred from eggs using an incubator. If you buy a commercial bird and place it with your own, your bird will die because the commercial bird is vaccinated and yours is not.

Bird droppings have a high content of substances that fertilize the soil and in primary concentration are destructive even for all weeds. This property of bird droppings is used to protect plants with a buried root system, such as fruit trees, during cultivation. Bird droppings are placed at some distance from the trunk on the surface, creating a ring of non-competitive growth, which is subsequently dug up. This makes it possible to fertilize the soil for the fruit tree and remove weeds that interfere with the growth and development of new plantings.

Digestion of a bird requires the presence of pebbles in the stomach, since the bird does not chew its food. In addition, the bird lays eggs, for which it needs calcium in almost ready-made form. Thus, any bird all year round you need fine gravel and limestone, preferably in the form of crumbs or flour.

The guinea fowl is in first place, since this bird gives preference to insects in its diet, but they eat berries with the same pleasure, and if there is a lack of plant food, they will dig up crops and peck them with roots, even if the feeder is full of grain. The guinea fowl, or African chicken, flies and withstands severe frosts. Like all animals, it does not like damp, cold air. Does not die due to local frostbite. Does not tolerate inbreeding.

Chicken is the most common and unpretentious type of poultry. The chicken species used in industrial production differ high performance in the production of eggs and meat. However, these indicators are achieved with the use of growth stimulants and medications against the background of special nutrition, which give a quantitative yield of eggs or meat, with a complete loss of their quality. These are not viable hybrids and genetically modified individuals in an evolutionary sense. During breeding, the offspring of industrial birds lose the quality of the industrially used ancestor, gradually degenerating into viable breeds from which industrial birds were obtained.

For use in closed ecological agricultural cycles, non-industrial breeds are applicable, which produce much less production, but of adequate quality, given that feed is used that ensures a natural existence that does not require intensified development, which eliminates the ingress of substances unusual for traditional nutrition into human food.

Chickens will grow for a long time, lay eggs in about a year, but will not be a synthetic allergen. Poultry meat will have traditional nutritional and health properties, but will differ significantly in taste qualities from products of intensive poultry farming.

Turkey is one of the most ancient birds used in agriculture. Turkey poults are born with poor eyesight, grow slowly and poorly, require warmth and care. However, despite the disadvantages of breeding, adult birds have low feed consumption and good meat. The proportion of green mass in the diet of turkeys is higher than that of chickens. Turkey is characterized by low mobility, as a result of which turkey meat is softer than that of other birds. Turkeys are good consumers of insects, but they love berries, so they are not used to protect fruit trees and berry bushes from pests, especially during the fruiting period. A very good bird, but requires close attention. Chicken eggs are placed under the turkey along with turkey eggs, but a little later, so that the chicks hatch at the same time.

It is advisable to raise small turkey poults with chickens. Turkey poults follow the example of nimble chickens, so they eat and grow better. However, keeping chickens and turkeys in the same area is impossible. The fact is that some diseases of chickens, which they easily tolerate, are fatal to turkeys. Therefore, chickens and turkeys should not be in the same area.

The duck is one of the unpretentious, but very voracious birds. Ducks need grass and low-calorie food. Ducks are omnivores and excellent litter producers. Feeding ducks grains grown in a closed ecological agricultural cycle does not lead to obesity. However, it should be noted that ducks even eat poisonous plants, which usually causes the death of the bird. Therefore, the area for keeping ducks must always be prepared in advance. Excessive numbers of ducks in a limited area can lead to contamination of the area, which can cause the death of the bird. This is especially true for ducks, since the duck gets a significant part of its diet by straining the contents of any puddle. Duck chicks can drown, especially if they have not fledged. Therefore, chicks need to be kept in the presence of water in which it is impossible to drown (believe me, chicks without a mother are like homeless children, they can manage to drown in a saucer of water). But in fact, it is better to raise a duck to full plumage before releasing it into the pond. Ducks on the pond compete with fish, knocking out frogs and small snakes. Therefore, a pond where there is no fish is optimal for ducks.

Although the goose spends all its time in the water, it is a herbivore bird. The goose is one of the most profitable birds. In summer, one goose needs at least 15 square meters of grass. The goose is a strong bird with high survival rate, but is practically not bred commercially. Goose eggs purchased from farmers are practically unsuitable for incubation due to improper maintenance and inbreeding. Breeding work with geese must be carried out very scrupulously. In closed ecological agricultural cycles, geese can replace herbivores.

Fruit trees and berry bushes in closed ecological agricultural cycles.

The most common fruit trees in central Russia are apple trees, pear trees, cherries, sweet cherries, cherry plums, and plums. Fruit trees require maintaining fertility and tillage. In addition, fruit trees are sensitive to soil moisture. Fruit trees with seeds do well in soils with a high limestone content. The apple tree does not like excess moisture and prefers soils high in iron and iron oxide. All fruit trees require crown formation and do not like crowded planting. Plums, cherries and sweet cherries are subject to attacks from small birds when ripe. All these factors must be taken into account when forming a closed ecological agricultural cycle. The most heat-loving of the listed trees is the cherry; an appropriate place should be allocated for its planting.

Excess apples and pears can be used to feed rabbits, cattle and sheep. Cherries and plums that have not been consumed by humans can be used as feed additive for poultry.

Wood heating in a closed ecological agricultural cycle.

For a house of 120 sq. meters, 25 acres of tree planting is enough for heating purposes. There are two ways to grow trees for firewood. The first one involves planned felling. For example, 25 acres are divided into 10 parts; every year one 10 part is cut down and planted. The second involves one-time planting, annual sawing off of large branches and replacement of dead trees.

A similar amount of firewood will provide 50 acres of fruit tree garden.

A place to plant trees for firewood is a favorable place for raising animals and poultry.

The need for heating fuel depends greatly on the design of the house. The use of thermal accumulators, for example, a Russian stove, a jet stove or modern analogues, significantly reduces fuel consumption. Convection heating systems are also effective solar energy, even in winter.

You can learn more about the technologies of closed ecological agricultural cycles at advanced training courses or free lectures at the training center « Modern Civilization"Open World Campus".

Anatoly Kokhan

General Director of Technological Equipment LLC

Report at the round table “Assessing the effectiveness of additional burdens when issuing quotas for catching aquatic biological resources”

The fishery complex plays a significant role in the country's food complex and is one of the main sources of employment for the population of the coastal regions of Russia. This is determined by the presence of significant potential of aquatic biological resources, which is natural competitive advantage Russia in the global economy and forms the basis for economic development and social sphere coastal subjects.

1. Granting fishing rights for 2018-2043.

The current situation in the fishery sector of the Russian Federation is characterized by positive dynamics of the main indicators. Thus, over the past five years, the catch of aquatic biological resources increased from 3801.4 thousand tons in 2009 to 4296.8 thousand tons in 2013, or by 13%. Production of fish and fish products, semi-finished products and highly processed products increased during the same time from 3309 thousand tons to 3682 thousand tons (by 11%). The share of domestic fish food products in the domestic market increased from 72.4% in 2009 to 78.2% in 2013, but has not yet reached the 80% threshold defined by the Food Security Doctrine. There are a number of factors that hinder the development of the industry. Among them, one of the key places is given to the moral and technical aging of the industry’s main material assets (including onshore processing plants and the fleet).

Today, the production potential of the industry is almost exhausted. An effective mechanism is needed that can give impetus to investment in production.

State Duma deputies have prepared a bill, according to which it is proposed to increase the period for fixing quotas for catching ABRs from 10 to 25 years. A broader planning horizon will make it possible to attract investment into the industry for the development of those sectors of the fisheries industry that today are in dire need of modernization and renovation.

At the same time, it is necessary to observe principles that will guarantee that the measure taken will be effective and sufficient.

The fishing right “2018 – 2043” must additionally:

Establish principles that guarantee sustainable development industries;

Balance the solution of socio-economic problems and preserve the natural (resource) potential of the industry;

Meet the economic and social interests of both the state and the economic entity;

Provide access to the resource and encourage its rational and effective use;

Stimulate the renewal of fixed material assets of the industry.

Compliance with these principles when allocating resources will stimulate the development of both the industry in general and enterprises in particular.

2. The closed-cycle plant is a point of strategic development of the industry

To date, no common understanding of the essence and principles of restrictions (encumbrances) on fishing rights has been formed. Meanwhile, the need for a substantiated and documented understanding of this issue exists. Not only for the state, but also for the implementation of practical, economic activities. As noted, the right to catch should encourage business entities to direct funds to update funds, but at the same time it should not contradict the very logic of conducting economic activity.

As a possible mechanism for such stimulation, the very need to modernize production can be considered, which involves the introduction at enterprises of modern technology for processing incoming raw materials, which will allow them to work without waste. Enterprises with a properly organized technological cycle become closed, processing all incoming raw materials into useful products.

Closed-cycle factories can be considered as a new strategic point for the development of both the industry in general and enterprises in particular.

Modern technology, which is incorporated immediately when designing an enterprise (both onshore production and shipboard), will ensure:

High technology of production (automation);

Its efficiency (high degree of processing of raw materials);

Increase labor productivity to European levels;

Increase the added value of each ton of FBR caught.

A closed-loop plant means that every step of processing matters. The technology will allow us to accept, sort, preserve and process fish and seafood in such a way that they do not lose their quality at each stage. Moreover, a closed-loop plant also means that any part (whether bycatch or production waste) could be effectively used to produce a profitable product.

Everything that enters the plant must be turned into marketable products. This technology can be implemented both on shore and in the fleet. At the same time, it will allow work at all fishing facilities. Including the inclusion in the production cycle of such aquatic biological resources as saury, herring, salmon, as well as by-catch and non-breeding objects and all production waste.

Let us consider the effectiveness of the designated concept using the following examples:

a) Modernization of ship fish-meal plants

b) Modernization of the coastal fish processing complex for receiving salmon.


a) Traditionally, the bulk of aquatic animals are caught on ships in the exclusive economic zone. The volume of production of hydrocarbons in the Far Eastern basin is up to 2.6 million tons per year. At the same time, waste from the processing of aquatic organisms on ships ranges from 30 to 40%, or 560 thousand tons.

All large-capacity vessels are equipped with “traditional” press-type fish meal plants for the production of fish meal. Due to the imperfections of this technology, up to 25% of dry substances are removed from the processed waste by discharging the press broth overboard.

Modernization of existing RMUs will increase the yield of fishmeal by 15% and protein by up to 62%.

Thus, vessels of the MRKT type “Starzhinsky”, which have a ship-based fish meal plant with a capacity of 150 tons of raw materials, with modernization will be able to increase the yield of fish meal by 6.3 tons per day, which in monetary terms is equal to 260 thousand rubles. And this is only for one fishing day.

If we extrapolate this example on the industry, then we will see: 1.6 million tons of cod are mined in the EEZ of the Russian Federation annually. When using traditional pressing technology, a pre-press broth is formed, which, when modernizing ship RMUs with decanter centrifuges, can produce an additional 32 thousand tons of high-quality protein flour. In ruble equivalent, this equals 1.2 billion rubles ($37 million).

b) Currently, coastal enterprises in the Far East process more than 700 thousand tons of various fish species - from flounder to sockeye salmon. At the same time, fish production waste amounts to up to 30%, or more than 200 thousand tons. Often they are not used at all. At best, enterprises process waste into flour in inefficient pressing plants, but most dump waste into the sea within a 7-mile zone or bury it.

The equipment existing at most enterprises in the industry is not capable of ensuring the protection of environmental interests and rational use of natural resources, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, producing high-quality products from recycled materials for subsequent use in agriculture, medicine and other industries, i.e. make money from waste.

Among the main reasons why at the moment waste is not used effectively, the following can be distinguished:

Lack of waste collection technology;

Lack of infrastructure to effectively process waste to produce low-fat flour with a high protein content and fish oil medical quality;

Lack of technology that allows efficient processing of small (up to 200 tons per day) volumes of fatty fish waste;

There is a small amount of available data on the specifics of processing fatty fish (primarily salmon).

At the same time, for one salmon fish in the production of headless products, the share of waste is 15-20%, or about 66 thousand tons of 330 thousand tons of salmon processed. Taking advantage modern technology based on a decanter, it is possible to extract about 15 thousand tons of flour and 11.5 thousand tons of fish oil from this volume.

According to IFFO, for the period from March to September 2013, the cost of flour reached a historical maximum of $2,018 per ton. The cost of a ton of fish oil is 1.3 thousand dollars, food oil – 2200 dollars per ton. Thus, This year alone, the industry has lost more than 50 million US dollars.


Both in the fleet and on shore, waste can become a growth point for both a company and an industry.

The introduction of closed-loop plants will continue the current trend of reducing waste and increasing use by-products fish processing, which will bring increasing economic, social, conservation and environmental benefits.

Thus, the introduction of closed-cycle plants as part of the modernization of production will allow us to make the industry efficient and close the issue of “burdening” fishing rights.

2.1. Market needs

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the need Russian market in fishmeal is 500 thousand tons. Production barely exceeds 145 thousand tons, but about half of the volume - about 70 thousand tons - is exported. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the world market demand for fishmeal is 10 million tons per year.

Global market demand for fishmeal and oil is projected to continue to grow faster than production rates. Thus, in the period until 2015, the demand for fishmeal will increase to at least 6 million tons per year. Increased demand for flour will be ensured by the growth of aquaculture, the volume of production of which, according to FAO forecasts, will increase by 10% - to 70-75 million tons.

As for fish oil, the most promising direction is the production of medical grade fish oil. According to the FAO report, global demand for Omega-3 components in 2010 amounted to 1.595 billion US dollars.

Analysis of pharmacy sales of products containing fish oil shows high dynamics: in packages, the growth of this segment was +17%, and sales volumes in monetary terms increased by 32%.

In total, in 2012, pharmacies sold 210 million packages of dietary supplements worth 29.9 billion rubles, while the share of dietary supplements containing fish oil amounted to 7.8 million packages (26%) worth 1 billion rubles.

The weighted average cost of products containing fish oil increased from 76.1 rubles in 2008 to 126.6 rubles in 2012 (by 40%).

According to the “Retail Audit of Dietary Supplements in the Russian Federation”™ (IMS Health), every year the range of drugs increases by 8-14 types of dietary supplements containing as the main active substance Omega-3 fatty acids of fish oil. If in pharmacy sales in 2008, out of 113 trade names in the RZhO-3 drug segment, 97 were dietary supplements, then in 2012, out of 144 trade names, 129 were dietary supplements. The share of medicinal products in the segment in packages amounted to 11.5% (back in 2008 it was 20.9%), while in monetary terms it was 10.2%.

Frosn&Sullivan analysts, having conducted an in-depth study that included analysis of data on key suppliers of raw materials, the competitive environment, production, demand, distribution, pricing, morbidity and other factors affecting the prospects for the consumption of Omega-3 ingredients, predict a 10 percent average annual growth rate of the global market polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

One of the ways to saturate the market segment under study with products from domestic manufacturers may be the use of import-substituting technologies for the production of modern dosage forms.

2.2. Line

A closed-cycle plant can exist as a chain of several enterprises linked to the main fish processing centers with different capacities and a single production and logistics center, for example, in a port. So be a separate, autonomous structure. Key decision– waste-free production technology.

3. Assessment of the impact of the implementation of “closed cycle” plants in practice in the strategic plan

From the point of view public administration and taking into account the goals and objectives of the Federal Target Program, the introduction of closed-cycle plants:

1. Complies with the principles of rational environmental management, including:

Solves environmental problems;

Eliminates pressure on the fishing base.

2. Meets the economic and social interests of the state and business entities, including:

It is a lever that stimulates an increase in the supply of fish products to the domestic market;

Allows you to modernize the fish processing sector (both coastal complexes and on ships);

Increases the production of high value-added products in the country;

Provides high-tech development of the fishery complex;

Has a multiplier health effect for the economy of the territories:

Stimulates the growth of gross regional product;

Leads to an increase in income to budgets of all levels.

For business entities, the implementation of closed-cycle plants allows:

Maximize the efficient use of raw materials in 100% volume without increasing the cost of fishing;

Ensure continuous operation;

Achieve high automation of processes;

Makes it possible to process any fish, first of all, the most fatty types(versatility);

Expand the range of products offered;

Make the maximum possible profit;

Increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market;

Provide high level environmental safety.



According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2010 No. 1873-r, one of the main tasks of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field healthy eating population for the period until 2020 is the development of industrial production of specialized products baby food, products functional purpose, dietary (therapeutic and preventive) food products and dietary supplements, incl. for meals in organized groups.

In recent years, clean energy markets have been growing at an extremely high rate, and not only scientists are contributing to the development of new technologies and the creation of alternative fuels, but also companies that are investing in finding solutions environmental problems. To save natural resources, the search for new types of biofuels is underway. Algae are already considered the third generation of plant raw materials that can be used to generate energy. Investments in the environment can be considered not only direct environmental measures, but also investments in resource-saving structural restructuring, low-waste and non-waste technologies.

Sources of environmental danger are the development of mineral deposits and the construction of oil and gas pipelines, industry using old technologies, concentration of vehicles and irrational environmental management, leading to the transformation of natural resource potential. In addition, the region's climate - too hot in summer and cold in winter - often causes environmental instability.

One of the directions for greening economic development is the widespread development of low-waste and resource-saving technologies. The goal of their development is the creation of closed technological cycles with full use of incoming raw materials and waste. The AgroSib-Razdolye company also resorted to waste-free production technology, which began producing fuel briquettes from sunflower husks in the Altai Territory.

Waste-free production

Previously, the AgroSib-Razdolye enterprise produced oil and meal - concentrated feed for poultry farms and livestock farms. Over the past year, the company's capacity has grown, and the question has arisen about the appropriate use of waste from the main production. “Today we process 600 thousand tons of sunflower. The amount of husks removed has increased. The boiler room is working at its limit. So the need arose to dispose of the husks,” says the general director of AgroSib-Razdolye. Vladimir Anipchenko.

AgroSib-Razdolye spent 17 million rubles on the purchase of equipment and the launch of the production of fuel briquettes. The payback period of the project is estimated at one and a half years.

The fuel briquettes themselves are small cylinders with a diameter of up to 12 centimeters and a length of up to 30 centimeters. Today AgroSib-Razdolye produces up to 20 tons of briquettes per day, but with an increase in the volume of oil produced, the fuel production capacity will also change. “As far as we know, in the Altai Territory they also produce fuel from sawdust waste from wood processing, but not in briquettes, but in pellets. Altai also produces fuel pellets from oat husks,” says the company’s marketing analyst Evgenia Vasilyeva.

According to the program coordinator charitable organization"Siberian Ecological Center" Alexandra Dubynina, agricultural waste should be a raw material for the production of biofuel and be included in the cycle of resource use. “There is a trend in the world - a company that produces any product must also be responsible for waste disposal. One way or another, we must enter such closed cycles - produced and processed. Of course, we need to calculate how beneficial this is for the enterprise, but from an environmental point of view, any such projects are important, and we must support them in every possible way, and the state must provide the maximum good conditions, if it’s a small business, give grants or interest-free loans,” comments Dubynin.

According to Vasilyeva, there is not yet a large demand for biofuel from husks, there is only interest so far. “There is quite a lot of interest, we are receiving calls. In any case, the product is innovative; it requires a lot of explanatory and educational work, because people need to be shown and proven what the benefits are, what advantages this fuel has over others. But the demand has not yet fully formed, the market is in its infancy,” sighs the marketer.

Speaking about the new technology, Evgenia Vasilyeva makes a reservation: processing husks is not the invention of the Altai plant. Oil extraction enterprises, which also produce biofuel from husks, operate in the European and southern parts of Russia. “But this is a new thing in the Altai region and in Siberia in general,” she adds.

You can use fuel briquettes made from husks instead of firewood or coal both in a private home and in small-capacity boiler houses that heat villages or administrative institutions: schools, hospitals. Firewood and coal can be replaced or supplemented with these fuel briquettes.

Instead of wood and coal

Wood, which itself is a biofuel, is a renewable resource. Currently, energy forests consisting of fast-growing species, such as poplar, are grown in the world for the production of firewood or biomass. In Russia, firewood and biomass are mainly consumed from pulpwood, which is not of suitable quality for lumber production.

Firewood is replaced by fuel pellets and briquettes - pressed products from wood waste(sawdust, wood chips, bark), straw, agricultural waste (sunflower husks, nut shells) and other biomass. Wood fuel pellets are called pellets; they have the form of small - up to three centimeters in length and two in diameter - cylindrical or spherical granules. Today in Russia, the production of fuel pellets and briquettes is economically profitable only in large volumes.

However, to use pellets you need special boiler equipment, the installation of which requires significant costs, while fuel briquettes from husks can be burned in already installed boiler rooms.

According to research by the AgroSib-Razdolye company, in comparison with traditional hydrocarbon raw materials, fuel briquettes made from husks have a number of undeniable advantages: unlike firewood, fuel briquettes have a stable humidity of 8–10 percent, while the humidity of firewood can constantly change, why their thermal conductivity also changes. The optimal moisture content of firewood for heating is about 20–25 percent, but then their thermal conductivity is 30–35 percent less than that of briquettes. “Often, the supplied firewood has a moisture content of 30–40 percent, in which case the calorific value of the briquettes can be 40–100% higher. That is, to produce the same amount of thermal energy, 100 kg of briquettes will be required from 130 to 200 kilograms of firewood,” they explain at AgroSib-Razdolye. The amount of heat released during the combustion of briquettes is comparable to the heat emission during the combustion of coal, but at the same time, the ash content of briquettes is much lower - only 2.8 percent versus 10–20 percent for coal and 5–10 percent for wood. “That is, 5–10 times less combustion products are formed. In addition, coal combustion products contain many harmful substances and require mandatory disposal - removal to ash and slag dumps, etc. The ash resulting from the combustion of husks is absolutely harmless and can be used as fertilizer,” explains Evgenia Vasilyeva.

Other advantages are savings on transportation, saving on the space they occupy, but most importantly, environmental friendliness. According to Vasilyeva, synthetic adhesives are not used in the production of briquettes. "At high blood pressure and temperature, a sticky substance, lignin, is released from the fibers, which binds the husks into a briquette. Due to the extremely low content of elements such as sulfur, nitrogen, and chlorine in the husks, no harmful volatile substances are formed when burning fuel briquettes,” explains the marketing analyst.

The cost of briquettes is from 1,900 rubles per ton without transport delivery, the price depends on the type of packaging, purchase volume and other factors. According to manufacturers, this is a fairly competitive price compared to the price of firewood. “In Barnaul now the average price of birch firewood is 1,300 rubles per cubic meter. If we translate this into kilograms and thermal conductivity, then burning briquettes is 50–60 percent more profitable in price. The price of coal for boiler houses is approximately at the same level, and for the population coal will also cost significantly more,” the company explains.

The company plans to sell briquettes in the Altai Territory and in the surrounding regions. AgroSib-Razdolye fears that longer logistics will lead to an unprofitable increase in the price of the product. The company intends to sell biofuel through its Barnaul distributor.

ECOLOGICAL CYCLES - periodic fluctuations passing through similar phases of interaction between nature and society. They reflect the impact, on the one hand, of natural cycles, on the other - cycles in the development of society and characterize the disruption and restoration of balance between society and the environment.  

IV group. Content of harmful components. The presence of harmful components in mineral raw materials is a sharply negative indicator of its consumer quality. The concept of “harmfulness” can be determined by three circumstances. Firstly, the presence of such components can greatly reduce the quality of the useful product obtained from them (for example, the presence of phosphorus in steel). Secondly, it can manifest itself in the form harmful emissions into the environment (combustion of high-sulfur coals). Finally, thirdly, it can complicate the extraction or processing of mineral raw materials (development of coal seams with dangerous methane content). The noted consequences in some cases can be quite serious. For example, the extremely negative environmental consequences of the large-scale use of high-sulfur coal (“sulfur rain” and their impact on the biosphere) are known. The most radical way to get rid of harmful impurities is to capture and convert them into a useful by-product using low-waste “closed cycle” technologies. A good example here is the preliminary degassing of coal seams, which significantly facilitates the processes of coal mining and, in addition, provides additional volumes of gas fuel to consumers. Equally tempting are attempts to extract sulfur from waste gases. coal power plants. A satisfactory solution to these problems remains largely to be found.  

The concept of quality in technical practice has a slightly different connotation. Here, it is customary to consider products of higher quality, the individual properties of which are superior to those previously achieved in domestic or foreign industry. In this case, the quality indicator becomes a measure of design perfection, cleanliness of material processing, machine power, machine productivity or some other purely technical parameter. The peculiarity of this understanding of quality is its irrelevance to economic results product consumption. Of course, such naked technicalism in a demonstrative form is now almost obsolete. Engineers came to the realization that not only the technical properties of a product themselves are significant, but, mainly, how they satisfy a specific need. Therefore, the technical perfection of a product is recognized by the consumer only to the extent that it increases the degree of his satisfaction under a given budget constraint. “Technically the quality may be very high, but economically it may not be.” [Z.S.14]. For example, an industrial robot with 10 degrees of freedom of working parts can replace several working assemblers and welders, but due to the high cost of the control system, its use is not yet economically feasible. The word “yet” here highlights the important consideration that the economically feasible limit for improving the technical parameters of a product is always a question of the measure identified by the optimization calculation for a specific stage of the life cycle of a given product. Over time, the optimal value of any qualitative parameter shifts to a higher level in a technologically developed area. But such a shift is not arbitrary, but is caused by the interaction of a complex of technical, economic, social, demographic, and environmental factors. The quality management strategy is largely based on an economically sound factorial forecast of the optimal values ​​of quality parameters of products. Thus, being fundamentally continuous and endless, the process of improving quality represents a nodal line of measures known from dialectics, i.e. successive stages of ascent to perfection that were optimal for their time. This makes a huge difference.  

At the same time, removing resources from the circulation of nature that have reached the stage of full formation is the task of responsible environmental management and helping to maintain the activity of natural cycles. Rational use of large-scale timber and other forest resources from the point of view of human consumer interests makes it possible to preserve the country's promising life support opportunities, compensate for the economic and social costs of economic activity, as well as ecological balance.  

Reducing the building area made it possible to reduce the volume of zero-cycle work by reducing the number of piles by 1000 (over 2 thousand tons of reinforced concrete) and the volume of excavation work. This, in turn, contributes to the rational use of natural resources, since reinforced concrete and steel have the greatest environmental hazard, primarily due to the high energy intensity of their production. For example, 6-8 tons of crude oil are consumed to smelt 1 ton of steel. The production of steel is accompanied by large waste and environmental pollution at all phases and stages of the production cycle - from mining and beneficiation of ore to the production of steel and its rolling, while significant territories are withdrawn for mining, placement of rock dumps and enrichment waste. The situation with cement production is not much better in this sense. In addition, it is necessary to take into account direct savings in fuel and energy resources by reducing the volume of transportation of piles (by rail, by road) and mechanized work for driving them.  

A society of production and consumption must be in a complex balance and integrated into natural cycles (for example, through industrial recycling). It is known that short-term benefits, such as production profits or consumer welfare, can lead to a global deterioration in living conditions. New information technologies, built on the basis of the theory of complex systems, should help in choosing an appropriate strategy for using energy, climate, and achieving well-being, taking into account cycles and states in the economic-ecological system.  

The partner organizations involved in this project cover the full range of required disciplines, complementing each other. The experience of a major European glass manufacturer is combined here with the university knowledge and applied research of a team with a long history of development in the field of combustion. The partners plan to work closely with a major European fuel supplier, as well as use the experience of distributing technologies used by manufacturers of burners and sensors. Overall, the project will help accelerate the modernization of various continuous-cycle industries, where large user industries will contribute to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises by demonstrating new, environmentally friendly products and using the experience and knowledge of researchers.  

This phenomenon was caused by the simultaneous crises of a) another crisis of overproduction b) the onset (about 50 years after 1929-1933) of a downward wave of a large cycle c) a sharp aggravation of the environmental crisis. The last reason was that developing countries resolutely opposed the supply of extremely cheap raw materials and energy to the West, nationalized their natural resources and raised prices on the world market in 1973-1974. 10-20 times. This sent Western entrepreneurs into a state of shock and caused a jump in cost inflation. It took the Western economy about 10 years to recover from such a shock through the introduction of cost-effective high technologies.  

If traditional technology is characterized by environmental pollution, then high technology, as a rule, are environmentally friendly. They use closed water consumption systems, closed production cycles, and widely use secondary raw materials and industrial waste. This ensures an increase in economic and social efficiency of economic activity.  

To reduce the level and gradually eliminate environmental dangers, all countries need to allocate hundreds of billions of dollars a year for environmental protection. Scientists and practitioners advise reducing waste and losses not only through additional treatment systems and facilities or restoration work, but primarily through the introduction of waste-free technologies, recycling for the production of scrap, glass containers, waste paper, etc. Such management methods are very effective. They help reduce material and energy consumption, reduce the degree of danger of economic activity for humans and nature. Investments in waste-free technologies throughout their entire cycle quickly pay for themselves and bring high returns. It is also recommended to increase responsibility for damage caused to nature by  

Depending on the nature and characteristics of the advertising material and the stages of the product life cycle, informational and aggressive advertising are distinguished. For example, at the first stage, when the product is new and has not yet been produced by competing companies, information advertising is preferable, emphasizing the distinctive advantages of this product, which is original in its quality and performance characteristics. This advertisement informs buyers about the product. However, at the third stage of the product life cycle, the stage of maturity and market saturation, aggressive advertising is carried out, demonstrating the advantages of the product of this particular company, for example, quality, service, delivery time, safety, environmental friendliness, etc., since during this period the company needs actively fight with competitors producing similar products. Recently, the company's marketing activities have paid increasing attention to informational and explanatory advertising.  

Some enterprises (existing or under construction) process raw materials during the production cycle and have production waste, which can negatively affect the environment. To this end, the business plan determines the results of a preliminary analysis of the facility’s impact on the environment during normal operation and in emergency situations, outlines the planned measures to prevent possible environmental situations unacceptable to society and the associated economic and other consequences, and also provides an assessment of investment costs for environmental protection measures.  

CYCLES are regularly repeating periods in the development of nature and society. There are natural, industrial, scientific, technical, economic, and environmental cycles. Economic cycles - in addition to cycles of economic activity - include demographic, innovation, structural, and management cycles. Ecological cycles are the result of the interaction of natural and economic cycles.  

ISO 14040 (Document Series) Methodology for life cycle assessment - assessing the environmental impacts associated with a product at all stages of its production life cycle

All other documents are considered as supporting documents. For example, ISO 14004 contains more detailed guidance on creating an environmental management system, while the 14010 series of documents defines the principles of EMC auditing. The 14040 series defines a life cycle assessment methodology that can be used in assessing the environmental impacts associated with an organization's products (such an assessment is required by ISO 14001).  

In order to improve the environmental situation in industrial regions, it is necessary to ensure the sanitary and hygienic state of the atmospheric air, as well as eliminate the consumption of water for purification of process gases, thereby operating a closed water cycle and sludge management. To do this, programs must provide  

Thus, it has been shown that the spent phosphoric acid catalyst can be completely recycled in a “closed cycle”. The proposed method makes it possible to almost completely eliminate the removal of spent catalyst to a dump and thereby improve the environmental performance of the processes  

The state's technological policy cannot help but focus on the transition to sustainable nature-oriented development, in contrast to natural processes for which the material and energy cycles are relatively closed; in traditional technological systems such cycles are open. As a result of their functioning, not only the main product is created, for the sake of which these cycles are organized, but also a certain set of waste that enters the natural environment and destroys its natural cycles. If we pose the question more broadly, it is necessary to develop a strategy for the environmental safety of Russia with a definition of changes in the economic situation under various options for socio-economic development, because the threat of depletion of natural resources and deterioration of the environmental situation in the country is directly dependent on the level of economic development and the readiness of society to realize the globality and the importance of these problems. There are growing trends in the use of Russian territory as a burial site for environmentally hazardous materials and substances and the location of hazardous industries on Russian territory. The weakening of government supervision and the lack of effective legal and economic mechanisms for preventing and eliminating emergency situations increase the risk of man-made disasters.  

Y. V. Beketov. Regionalism and cyclical co-evolution of nature and society, ecological aspect // Cycles. Materials of the Interregional Seminar (Stavropol, June, 2002). Stavropol Publishing house North Caucasus. state tech. Univ., 2002. pp. 36-38.  

The implementation of technology for the production and transportation of oil, gas and condensate from offshore fields will significantly improve the technical, economic and ergonomic indicators of oil and gas production, will allow for the technical re-equipment of fields being developed, and the construction of environmentally friendly oil and gas fields operating in a closed cycle.  

But this is also problematic, since it has been proven that the phases of economic cycles do not occur with a certain regularity at precise intervals, since scientific and technological progress, which reveals the cyclical development of production, does not develop cyclically. It should be noted that the procedure for developing forecasts based on existing indicators is left to the developers, it is poorly algorithmized and is of a purely individual nature. Because of this, the real dynamics of indicators are interpreted differently by different forecasters, and therefore, based on the same data, forecasts are developed that are significantly different from each other. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the phases of the economic development cycles of any country are not repeated in all respects. With the passage of time, the economic, environmental and political situation in the country itself and beyond its borders is changing qualitatively - foreign economic factors in terms of the state of the economy of countries - partners in trade and production, the state of the global financial market, etc. Therefore, the nature of the dependence of the economic indicators selected from past experience and the state of the country’s economy also changes.  

Each state has specifics generated by the peculiarities of historical, economic, socio-cultural development. Attempts to blindly copy the experience of other countries, as well as the use of uniform economic policy recipes imposed by international organizations, are, as a rule, unproductive, and sometimes lead to a worsening of the economic situation. It is no coincidence that the activities of these organizations have recently been subjected to severe criticism. Despite increasing globalization, the economic development of individual countries is still uneven, and the cycle remains asynchronous. Interests nation state remain the most important factor in social development and international relations. The state continues to play a leading role in resolving many economic, financial, social, environmental issues and ensuring national security. National  

Types of power plants. Unit cost, fuel efficiency, number of personnel and environmental characteristics vary widely depending on the type of power plant. In turn, the types of power plants may differ in the type of fuel or primary energy resource (thermal power plant, hydroelectric power station, nuclear power plant, renewable energy sources), initial steam parameters (thermal power plant, nuclear power plant), energy cycle scheme (gas turbine unit, combined cycle gas turbine unit), absence or presence of steam extraction for heat supply (IES , CHP) and other characteristics.  

Ideas N.D. Kondratieff and J. Schumpeter have again attracted attention since the mid-70s, when, under the influence of global economic and environmental crises a new wave of basic innovation has begun. In a book with the characteristic title Technological stalemate, innovation overcomes depression (1975), the German scientist Gerhard Mensch analyzed 112 major innovations he selected from the mid-18th century. to the 60s of the XX century. and found that if inventions are distributed relatively evenly over time, then the mass adoption of technical innovations occurs during the upward waves of Kondratieff cycles.  

The current state of the Earth's ecological system leads to various kinds of improvements and changes. The solution to the problem of conserving natural resources, including water, lies in the creation and use of waste-free production systems. Non-waste technologies are based on the principle of integrated use of raw materials and energy. Also, zero-waste production models include low-waste principles of enterprise operation. Low-waste technology is a technology in which, for some reason, the ideal model of a waste-free method cannot be implemented.

The main waste of most enterprises is waste water with varying degrees of contamination. Treatment facilities initially involve the collection, transportation and then purification of water. Usually, when transporting and collecting waste water, there is an inevitable mixing of compounds that are similar in their properties and completely different, and this leads to the complication of isolating the necessary components and purifying the water to the desired state. Sometimes the solution to this problem remains unfulfilled.

Wastewater from chemical industry plants is replete with substances of one limiting sign of harmfulness, which exhibit a powerful additive effect. Therefore, the operation of treatment facilities should be maximally aimed at reducing the residual content of waste to the lower threshold of permissible concentrations. This is due to the serious capital and operating costs of treatment facilities.

Treatment facilities operating on the principles of mechanical, chemical and biological treatment waste water, do not guarantee a decrease in salt content in wastewater, and sometimes, as a result of incorrect preparation of mechanisms, these concentrations increase significantly.

The creation of closed water supply systems leads to the fact that specific consumption fresh water use is significantly reduced. In chemical fiber factories this process takes place in two stages. The first stage consists of measures leading to a reduction in water consumption without capital expenditure. The second stage is based on the implementation of these measures using a variety of treatment facilities.

The creation of closed systems and corresponding treatment facilities is due to three reasons: a lack of water, a decrease in the assimilative capacity of objects that are intended to receive industrial waste, and economic benefits over direct-flow water supply systems.

The use of these systems and corresponding treatment facilities makes it possible to build chemical plants in areas with minimal water resources, but acceptable from the point of view of economic and geographical indicators.