Aloe nasal drops - how to prepare at home. Aloe is an excellent remedy for treating a runny nose in infants

Colds most often accompanied by such an unpleasant and painful manifestation as a runny nose. It provokes nasal congestion, makes breathing difficult, and interferes with normal communication and life activities.

Pharmacies sell many various means, helping to treat rhinitis and remove mucus from the nasopharynx. However, they are not always effective and efficient.

Is it possible to cure this disease folk remedies, for example, using aloe? Treating a runny nose with the juice of this plant is a fairly common and effective method, used since ancient times.

What should you consider when deciding whether to use this product or not? Is it possible to use it to treat children? What are the current recipes for aloe for a runny nose? Let's find out.

First, let's talk about the plant itself and its positive properties Oh.

Aloe. What is this?

Aloe is a perennial leafy herbaceous plant, characterized by a short stem from which thick, fleshy leaves grow, arranged diagonally. They are often framed with sharp spines and can reach up to sixty centimeters in length.

Aloe is a very unpretentious plant. It easily tolerates severe drought, as it is capable of extreme situations close the pores of the peel and retain moisture inside. Therefore, aloe is the most optimal indoor plant that does not require painstaking, constant care.

Aloe. How is it useful?

Modern research shows that this plant has unique components, thanks to which it is widely used in pharmacology and cosmetology. What are these elements?

First of all, vitamins (cyanocobalamin and ascorbic acid), as well as amino acids, enzymes, beta-carotene, essential oils.

How are these substances useful?

First of all, the beneficial components of aloe perform an antimicrobial function, suppressing the development of bacteria such as staphylococcus, shigella, streptococcus. They also act as a natural antibiotic and destroy harmful bacteria.

To others important property plants are immunostimulation of the body, that is, assistance in the appearance and development of protective elements.

Moreover, aloe juice has anti-inflammatory properties, cleanses local organs of toxins, and promotes rapid regeneration.

It is not surprising that thanks to such unprecedented possibilities, the plant is used to treat rhinitis and other diseases. How is aloe in the nose useful for a runny nose?

First of all, it is used to reduce swelling and irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, remove mucus and improve breathing. Due to the fact that active ingredients quickly absorbed into the blood, destruction begins harmful bacteria and infections, and healing effect comes relatively quickly.

If the plant is so useful and effective, a completely logical question arises: how to treat a runny nose with aloe?

Extracting the juice

From the above, it becomes clear that most of the medicinal elements are found in the juice of the plant. Is it possible to prepare it yourself at home?

Of course, and it's not difficult. However, some rules must be followed.

To treat a runny nose, aloe should be taken as an adult plant (at least as old as three years) and pick off a large and juicy leaf growing from the bottom of the outer side, which then needs to be washed and dried.

However, it is best not to use the torn leaf right away. It is recommended to wrap it in clean paper and put it in the refrigerator for ten to twelve hours. Such manipulations will help to activate useful substances and elements and thereby increase the healing properties of the juice.

Recipe one

Treatment of a runny nose with aloe is very diverse. There are many time-tested recipes that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of this disease. Below are some of them.

The first and easiest remedy is to dilute the resulting juice with water. This is very important to do because the jelly-like liquid of the plant is very viscous and bitter. However, for dilution you should use only purified or boiled water.

In what proportion should the jelly-like mass be diluted? The optimal recommended ratio is one to two, that is, one serving of juice contains two servings of water. You can also add a little honey.

It is necessary to prepare such drops immediately before use so that the constituent components do not lose their healing properties.

How often and in what doses should aloe juice be used for a runny nose? It is best to do this three times a day, placing three to five drops in each nostril. Duration of use - up to complete cure(however, no more than a week).

This recipe is also effective and applicable during childhood rhinitis. You can use aloe juice for a runny nose for children as an independent or complex treatment, having previously diluted the juice with water in a ratio of one to three.

What other recipes for aloe are there for a runny nose? About this we'll talk further.

Method number two

In accordance with other recommendations, you can use not only a jelly-like liquid for instillation of the nose, but also the plant itself, crushed to the desired degree. To do this, the aloe leaf should be twisted in a meat grinder, squeezed through cheesecloth and diluted with water. Here the ratio of the resulting mass to water can be slightly increased (up to one to three), since the concentration and saturation of the juice will also be influenced by the top layer of the leaf.

Internal use

They also use another recipe with aloe for a runny nose (reviews about this method always positive).

To do this you need to shred the sheet medicinal plant in any way convenient for you, transfer it to a glass container and fill it with alcohol, keeping the proportion one to one. After which it is recommended to infuse this mixture in a dark place for ten to twelve days.

This tincture can be used both for oral use and for nasal instillation. You need to take the resulting mixture twice a day, half a teaspoon, which will help increase immunity and restore strength. In the form of drops, this remedy is effective when instilled into the nose twice a day (previously diluted with water in a ratio of one to two).

You can also use another product internally, the main component of which is aloe. In order to prepare it, you need to take two large juicy leaves and chop them. Add half a glass of purified water and three hundred grams of honey, put on low heat and cook for two hours. This medicine It is recommended to take one teaspoon three times a day.

Recipes with other ingredients

Aloe for a runny nose is a very effective remedy when combined with other ingredients. For example, very effective method is a mixture of aloe juice and onion. How to cook it?

Ratio Luke to aloe it should be one to two. Then water is added to the resulting mixture (maintaining the same proportion) and this solution is instilled. This medicine is best used for adults.

Other healing components of aloe may include: honey and lemon(taken in equal shares). This remedy is used in the form of nasal drops. Children need to dilute it with water (ratio of one to three).

An incredibly effective healing method (according to many patients) is a mixture of aloe juice and Kalanchoe, taken in equal shares. To apply drops to a child’s nose, it is recommended to dilute the medicinal cocktail with water (one to one).

It also has a powerful effect garlic, interacting with aloe.

In order to prepare these nasal drops, you need to take five crushed cloves of garlic, pour a glass of water over them, cover with a lid and leave for four hours. At the end of the allotted time, the liquid should be filtered, mixed in equal proportions with aloe juice and liquid honey, stir thoroughly and drip the resulting mixture into the nose, six drops three to five times a day.

One more an important component some folk recipes is about olive oil, which can be mixed with aloe juice in a ratio of one to three. The resulting product must be kept in a steam bath for eight minutes, cooled, and then four drops should be instilled into the nose every four hours. This medicine is good to use when crusts form in the mucous membrane.

Turundas in the nose

Very interesting recipe are turundas made from aloe. To do this, the juice of this plant is mixed with honey, crushed rosehips and eucalyptus oil (ratio 4:2:2:1). Mix the resulting mixture well and apply to the turundas, which will need to be inserted into each nostril in turn. The duration of action is fifteen minutes.

Allergy testing

Yes, aloe for a runny nose is very effective and effective remedy. It is easy to prepare, inexpensive and convenient to use. However, before using it, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to this plant. How can this be done?

Not large number juice should be applied to back side wrists and leave for twelve hours. If after given period If redness, inflammation or rashes do not appear on the skin, then aloe can be safely used as the main or complex treatment for a runny nose.

However, in addition to allergic reactions, you should also remember the contraindications of this medicinal product.

When should it not be used?

The first thing to remember is that aloe affects blood circulation and uterine musculature, so it should not be used during pregnancy. Also, medications containing these components are not recommended for use during bleeding(even menstruation).

Here are other contraindications of aloe during which it is not recommended to use it:

  • chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, biliary inflammation, hemorrhoids, hypertension, varicose veins);
  • children under three years of age;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • breastfeeding.

Pros and cons of eating aloe

As we have seen, this plant has important and useful elements, which can have anti-inflammatory, healing, antibacterial, anti-edematous and analgesic effects. It can be used as a primary treatment (especially on early stage rhinitis) and how aid with drug therapy.

However, there are also negative properties of aloe. For example, thanks to their active components it can stimulate reproduction and increase not only immune cells, but also oncogenic. Therefore, in the United States, fifteen years ago, laxatives containing aloe were banned.

Therefore, when deciding whether to use aloe for a runny nose, it is important to weigh all the positive and negative aspects this plant, its contraindications and usefulness.

Good health to you!

A runny nose is a common occurrence in children. Works for ARVI or colds
protective reaction of the body - mucus is produced in the nose to fight viruses and bacteria. Although the disease lasts 5–7 days, it causes a lot of trouble for parents.

Along with medications, home remedies are sometimes used for a runny nose. One of them is aloe juice in a child's nose. How is the plant useful? At what age are aloe nasal drops used for children? Can it be used by children under one year old? Which side effects causes aloe when instilled. Who should not use it? Let's look into these issues.

Aloe or agave is houseplant with meaty green leaves. There are more than 300 species of this plant in the world, each of which has medicinal properties. It contains amino acids, vitamins, phytoncides and microelements. Aloe for the nose has antiseptic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Amino acids help produce a special protein - the basis of immunity. Phytoncides fight viruses and bacteria.

Therapeutic effect of aloe:

  • accelerates wound healing;
  • increases appetite;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • stimulates the immune system.

Aloe for a runny nose in a child is used in nasal drops, and also as an external remedy for lubricating wounds. In ampoules it is prescribed as a biostimulant to maintain the body's strength.

How to make aloe juice for a child with a runny nose

The pharmacy sells ready-made aloe juice, but it is easy to prepare at home. To home remedy turned out to be therapeutic effect, you need to know the rules for obtaining juice from a plant:

  1. An adult plant no younger than 3 years old has healing properties. By this age, the required concentration of nutrients accumulates in it.
  2. To prepare nasal drops, use the lower branches - they are soft and juicy. A part of the plant 15 cm long is cut off, wrapped in paper and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  3. Then wash with water at room temperature.
  4. Cut off the thorns from the leaf and remove the skin.
  5. The pulp is placed in cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out.
  6. Shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than 24 hours.

For use, it is better to prepare a new portion each time. Freshly squeezed juice contains high concentration useful substances.

How to use aloe juice for a runny nose in children

Aloe juice childhood used for rhinitis in diluted form or mixed with other substances. up to 10 years, the squeezed juice is diluted with chilled boiled water in a ratio of 1:3.

Recipe No. 1.

Before using agave nasal cavity the child is washed with physiological or homemade saline solution. After 10–15 minutes, the juice is instilled into each nostril. The number of drops depends on age:

  • up to 3 years – 2–3 drops;
  • over 3 years – 4–5 drops;
  • after 10 years of age – 5–7 drops.

For a runny nose in children, repeat the procedure three times a day for 5–7 days. Children over 10 years old can also use undiluted juice.

Recipe No. 2.

Aloe juice with honey and celandine decoction. Attention! This mixture is used if the child does not have allergies, including diathesis.

To prepare the solution:

  • boil 0.5 liters of water, adding 2 tbsp. l. celandine herbs;
  • After removing from heat, leave to infuse for 40 minutes;
  • then mix 2 tbsp. l. decoction of celandine, aloe juice and honey.

It is recommended to instill 2 drops into the nasal passages 3 times a day for 5–7 days. From a medical point of view, the combination of aloe and aloe is contrary to common sense. Important! Honey is the best environment for the growth of bacteria in the nose. Thus, honey at bacterial rhinitis negates the antiseptic effect of aloe.

Recipe No. 3.

For crusts in the nose, prepare the following composition:

  • 1 part aloe juice;
  • 3 parts olive oil;
  • heat in a water bath.

Instill instillation 3 times a day after cleansing the nasal cavity. Attention! For children under 2 years of age, the use of oils in the nose is contraindicated. The mucous membranes of the nose are lined ciliated epithelium, which propels the snot towards the exit. But the oil blocks the function of the cilia, resulting in mucus remaining in the nose, provoking the proliferation of bacteria. In addition, there is a danger of getting into the lungs. Even a drop of oil that reaches this organ provokes the development of fatty pneumonia. The best way softening crusts in the nose - rinsing with saline solutions.

Recipe No. 4.

For crusts in the nose, folk healers use aloe in a mixture with Vishnevsky ointment:

  • 3–5 drops of plant juice are mixed in half with the preparation;
  • Apply to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages once a day.

It is highly doubtful that the child will like the specific smell of the ointment in the nose. Try this mixture for yourself first. Aqualor or Aquamaris based product softens crusts much faster sea ​​water Adriatic Sea.

Recipe No. 5.

Healers advise using aloe juice in children , over 12 years old, with sinusitis. They mix agave juice with Kalanchoe, honey, milk, onions and laundry soap, melted in a water bath. Traditional healers soak a cotton swab with the composition and inject it into the nasal passages for 15 minutes for 5 days. Before using the mixture, the nasal cavity is washed with saline solution. Before using this treatment method, it is better to consult with an ENT specialist. The aggressive composition of the mixture is fraught with unpredictable consequences for the child. Whether it makes sense to risk the health of children when there are treatments developed by doctors and pharmacologists is up to parents to decide.

How to bury correctly aloe in the child's nose

To ensure that the juice gets into the nasal cavity and does not slip into the throat, the child is given the desired position. While lying down or sitting, tilt your head in the direction in which aloe is dripped into the nostril. After use, pinch your nostrils for 1 minute. Repeat the procedure similarly with the other half.

Is it possible to drink aloe juice for a child with a runny nose?

used in the form of squeezed juice, diluted with cooled boiled water. But agave is not suitable for every child. Attention! Aloe juice for children under one year old from a runny nose not recommended, and contraindicated before 3 months of age.

There are several reasons for this:

  • In children under one year of age, a runny nose occurs physiologically, when the body adapts to new living conditions. When dust particles get into the nose, the mucous membranes clear the passages with the help of sneezing and snot. Such nasal discharge and sneezing cannot be treated with any medication. The best up to a year - Optimal conditions: temperature 18–20 °C and humidity 50–70%. Viruses and bacteria do not multiply in cool air, but die quickly. In addition, the nasal mucous membranes do not dry out, which means a runny nose does not occur. To create humidity, spray water in the room where the child is.
  • Children also have a runny nose during teething. In such cases, folk remedies do not help. Walking on fresh air and nasal rinsing saline solution effectively prevent the proliferation of bacteria and viruses in the nose.
  • In case of viral or bacterial rhinitis, aloe should not be used in newborns for any other reason. Aloe nasal drops must contain at least 40% plant extract. At this concentration, aloe juice has an aggressive effect on the delicate mucous membranes of children under one year old. Therefore, it would have to be diluted with water in a concentration of 1:5, but this composition does not have beneficial properties. There is no point in using it.

like others aggressive methods treatments that can harm children early age. By listening to the above recommendations, you will avoid risk side effects aloe.

Aloe in the nose of a child with adenoids

Freshly squeezed agave juice is used to treat adenoids. Aloe is especially effective in helping with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil - adenoiditis. The plant reduces swelling and improves blood circulation in the tonsil. Suppresses the growth of bacteria on its surface.

The immunomodulatory properties of agave attract protective cells to the inflammation zone. Moderately irritating, clears nasal passages when sneezing. Aloe for adenoids in children is instilled 5 drops once a day for 2-3 weeks. In order for the medicine to reach the tonsils, you need to drip while sitting or lying down with your head slightly tilted back. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to lie in this position for 10 minutes.


People believe that agave is a harmless remedy, and all children can be treated with aloe juice. However, practical medicine has accumulated a lot of facts adverse reaction per plant. After all, in medicine there is the concept of individual immunity and increased sensitivity. It is useful to weigh the need and potential harm using aloe for a runny nose in a small child .

If you still decide to use herbal nasal drops, it is recommended to check the child’s reaction to tolerance. To do this, do a skin test:

  • 2-3 drops of juice are applied to the skin of the elbow or wrist;
  • if redness, itching or rash does not appear on the body within 1 hour, the juice can be used for a runny nose;
  • before instilling aloe, remove mucus from the nose using a nasal aspirator;
  • wash the nasal passages with saline solution;
  • instill half the dose to assess the reaction of the mucous membrane.

However, it should be taken into account that the reaction may not appear immediately, but after several uses. There is such a thing as a delayed type allergy. Antibodies gradually accumulate in the blood. And they show aggressive action when they accumulate to a certain level. In this case, tearing, burning in the nose, swelling of the mucous membranes, and a rash on the body appear. Important! A severe allergic reaction is possible - difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue, earlobes and lips. These symptoms indicate the development of Quincke's edema. They require urgent medical care. If such signs appear, even before the ambulance arrives, you need to rinse your nose repeatedly with saline solution.

The medicine is not used for bloody discharge from the nose. Aloe juice is also not used for allergic rhinitis. The plant can only eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, but does not solve the problem. In children suffering from hay fever (hay fever), even a small amount of aloe can cause allergic reaction up to anaphylactic shock.

Allergic reaction to aloe juice

Mom Supporters traditional methods Treatments include aloe drops in the nose for a runny nose. The use of this method in children is not always advisable, and in some cases it is useless or even dangerous. It is especially risky to use herbal preparations young children. If you have a profuse runny nose or crusts in the nose, it is much more effective and safer to use a nasal rinse with physiological or homemade saline solution. At bacterial rhinitis aloe will not solve the problem, but will delay the treatment. In this case, you will need a complex therapeutic measures using antiseptics, which can only be selected by a doctor.

Aloe is found on the windowsill in the kitchen as often as a salt or pepper shaker on the table. And not at all because this prickly green plant is very attractive and is the main decoration of the kitchen space.

It’s just that when something hurts, aloe comes to the rescue. So it is found in almost every apartment next to lush exotic plants.

At the right moment, aloe will come to the aid of people with diabetes and psoriasis, with arthritis and burns, with colds and runny nose. Its analgesic, antiseptic, wound-healing, immunomodulatory, antitumor and antifungal properties have earned respect from all physicians during treatment. No one will deny that everyone can have a personal doctor during the runny season, when aloe lives on the windowsill of an apartment.

Homemade aloe recipes: juice for treating a runny nose and tincture

If you have an adult aloe plant at home, you can use its juice to treat a runny nose. The greatest nutritional value has aloe juice obtained immediately before use, so it is not advisable to store it for future use.

Having cut off one succulent leaf, it must be washed thoroughly, especially if the plant is in the kitchen, when a lot of fumes settle on it. When choosing a leaf for treatment, you should look for it on outside plants. These leaves are the most mature and contain larger number antioxidants and useful minerals. The three-year-old plant is rich in vitamins. For young children, young aloe juice is dripped into the nose; it is less stinging.

How to make drops from aloe juice

The cut leaf is wrapped in papyrus paper and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. So everything is activated in it useful components and the treatment effect is much higher.

When you have a runny nose, not everyone is ready to wait for the leaf to sit in the refrigerator, so they use fresh raw materials. And yet, even if you start dripping juice from one leaf, place the other on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The interior space of the leaf is filled with a jelly-like substance. This is medicinal juice.

1. Select a leaf with a thick base and carefully tear it off, removing the spines.

2. Aloe leaf juice can be obtained in several ways:

  • Cut the aloe into small pieces and leave for half an hour, then squeeze with a spoon or through a sieve.
  • Pass the leaf through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

The juice is then used in fresh or they prepare sabur - a concentrate - from it. To obtain it, excess water is evaporated, then poured into containers where the sabur hardens. It is used for oral administration and for cosmetic procedures.

How to make tincture from aloe juice

The recipe for aloe tincture is surprisingly simple. The ripened material is removed from the refrigerator, crushed on a grater, in a blender, or in the manner indicated above. The resulting mass must be placed in a glass container and filled with alcohol. For one glass of aloe, take 5 glasses of liquid. The future potion should stand in a dark place for 10 days.

During a cold or runny nose, the tincture helps restore strength to the body. They accept it and how prophylactic ahead of the infectious disease surge season.


  1. Accept alcohol tincture aloe must be used very carefully. It can be consumed up to 2 times a day, half a teaspoon, always washed down with water.
  2. Before dripping into the nose, the tincture is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. 2 drops in each nostril will be enough for heavy discharge from the nose. Do not overdo it with the solution, so as not to get burned or cause excessive dryness of the internal sinuses.

Aloe for colds for adults, children and pregnant women

Aloe, getting into the nose, acts instantly. The juice is absorbed into blood vessels, which pierce with a thin mesh the entire inner surface nose, and spreads throughout the body, preventing the infection from multiplying. Toxins are neutralized by exposure natural antibiotics, and the viruses die. After such instillations, breathing becomes free, swelling and congestion of the nasal passages disappear.

Like every drug, aloe has its own dosage to use. Of course, it is not as strict as when using antibiotics or drops for the common cold, but excessive consumption of even aloe juice or extract causes burning and irritation of the mucous membrane.

For adults, if necessary, you can drip aloe juice directly from a cut leaf into your nose. However, sensitive people can dilute it with water in equal quantities.

Some parents, knowing about the bitter taste of the plant's juice, are afraid to give their children aloe for a runny nose. The child should be warned in advance that this medicine is very effective, but is a little bitter, then they will not expect a honey effect from it. To avoid irritation of the delicate mucous membrane in the nose, caring mothers, on the advice of a doctor, dilute aloe juice with water 1:1 if the juice is taken from a young plant and 1:2 if the plant is old.

A runny nose can lead to complications if it is not treated immediately as soon as the first signs of nasal congestion appear. When it is difficult to breathe, children are given aloe juice and honey diluted in equal proportions. This mixture does not burn the nose and acts much faster. Children are given a teaspoon this tool for oral administration before meals. It perfectly strengthens the body when viral infections and relieves cough if it accompanies a cold.

wonderful therapeutic effect has a healing trio for instillation into the nose: aloe juice + lemon + honey.

How to make aloe juice with honey and lemon

To prepare the medicine, lemon (with zest), honey and aloe leaf pulp are taken in equal parts and crushed using a blender or meat grinder. The resulting mass, if necessary, is diluted slightly with water. The medicine is stored in the refrigerator in a closed container for no more than three days.

Aloe with honey and lemon helps with colds, improves appetite, restores strength to the body and improves immunity. In cosmetology, this composition can be used to clean and whiten the face. It is best to use honey from an apiary, not store-bought.

A composition based on aloe juice, rose hips and eucalyptus oil.

Aloe juice with rosehip and eucalyptus oil

One spoon of jelly-like juice is mixed with half the same spoon of honey and the same amount of ground seedless rose hips. A quarter of a spoonful of eucalyptus oil is added to this mass. Having made a tampon from gauze, place it inside medicinal composition and one by one, tampons are placed in the nostrils for 3-5 minutes. Congestion and snot from aloe in combination with eucalyptus, rose hips and honey go away quickly.


  • Particular caution should be taken when taking aloe-based preparations during pregnancy (even small doses can cause miscarriage, especially during pregnancy). early stages), heavy menstruation, at uterine bleeding, liver diseases, inflammatory processes in bladder, high blood pressure. In case of epilepsy it is strictly prohibited.
  • There is no strict schedule for instilling aloe juice with honey. It is used for difficulty breathing, but not more than 4-5 times a day. There is no habituation to agave, so you can use the healing gel from the leaves until the mucous discharge from the nasal passages stops. In the evening, it is advisable to do the last instillation 1.5 hours before bedtime.

We recommend that anyone who has taken a fancy to this thorny plant native to Africa should plant it at home in the coming days. In the meantime, while the plant is gaining strength, you can use aloe extract for a runny nose, which you will have to look for in a pharmacy (this liquid has yellowish color and can be used for nasal instillation even in infants).

Aloe in the nose is unique means from a runny nose and even sinusitis. It is very important that the components of this plant do not cause addiction to the body, because due to regular use medicines from a runny nose it can turn into chronic form. Aloe in the nose as a remedy for rhinitis and sinusitis and as a prophylactic has been used for a very long time, one might even say that this is an ancient grandmother’s method, but one of the most effective. Aloe is a plant that contains a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body, involved in many vital physiological processes body. It is included in many medications, and nasal drops are no exception.

But the difference is that you have to pay for medicine, but you can use a plant that is displayed on the windowsill completely free of charge.

A runny nose is a fairly common phenomenon that needs to be treated as soon as the first nasal discharge appears, because untreated rhinitis can lead to a disease such as ozena - a foul-smelling runny nose, which is very difficult to get rid of.

What are the benefits of aloe for the nose?

Aloe contains substances that have the following properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • antiallergic;
  • cleansing;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • regenerating;
  • antiviral;
  • bactericidal;
  • healing.

Aloe is valuable due to its content of amino acids, microelements, vitamins (including vitamin C), mineral salts, carbohydrates, various biologically active enzymes, catechin, tannins, flavonoids. Aloe is useful not only for a runny nose, but also for immune system- the plant strengthens it well.

The inside of the nostrils is covered with tiny capillary vessels, so when aloe juice enters the nose, nutrients They are absorbed very quickly and act on the affected areas. It is for this reason that aloe in the nose for a runny nose or sinusitis is considered effective. After the first use, a person will feel much better: inflammation will decrease, swelling will go away sinuses, redness will disappear, breathing will be restored.

Proper preparation of aloe nasal drops is the key to a quick recovery

In order to use aloe as a medicinal medicine To treat inflammatory processes in the nose, you must be able to properly prepare the composition. Moreover, it can be used in pure form or mix with others natural ingredients. Young plant It is not suitable for preparing miraculous drops - you will need a three-year-old plant or older. Herbalists claim that when the plant reaches this age, it becomes medicinal. It is better to take the lower leaves. After they are cut, they must be washed (settles even with daily care the dust on the flower is not needed in the nose). You don’t need to take and cut a lot of leaves, just one is enough. The thing is that the drops are best used freshly prepared. The composition, which will then be stored in the refrigerator, does not lose its properties for 3 days; after this period, the juice is no longer effective. Before use, the leaves of the plant must be placed in a cool place, but not in the freezer.

Thus, nutritious and necessary for the body substances will become more concentrated and saturated. The plant needs to be kept in the cold for 10 hours at a temperature of 0-5°C. Aloe leaves contain spines that need to be carefully cut off. To get nasal juice, you need to grind it. This can be done using a meat grinder, blender or grater. The leaves should be of such a size that you can squeeze them out healing juice. You can strain it out using gauze or a bandage.

Aloe juice in the nose: uses and recipes

It should be immediately noted that concentrated aloe juice can be dripped into the nose only for sinusitis. To treat a runny nose, the juice should be diluted with purified or distilled water in a ratio of 1 drop of juice to 2 drops of water. For children, it is better to dilute the composition one to three. Drops are dripped into the nose 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.

Particular attention should be paid to when nasal aloe is used to treat sinusitis. In this case, it is necessary that healing mixture got not only into the nose, but also into the sinuses, where pus accumulates during sinusitis. In this case, it is better to bury your nose while lying down, throwing your head back - this way the composition is guaranteed to get into the right places. To treat sinusitis, aloe should be instilled into the nose every 2-3 hours.

To do this, you can use the following recipes (when mixing some components with aloe juice, the treatment effect doubles):

  1. Prepared aloe juice (1 tsp) is mixed with 0.5 tsp. honey, better than flower honey. You need to drip the composition into your nose 5-6 times a day, 2 drops.
  2. 1 tsp. aloe juice + 1 tsp. celandine decoction. Apply in the same way as the above composition.
  3. 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice mixed with 5 drops of juice onions, drip 3 times a day, for sinusitis - 5 times a day.
  4. A good remedy for rhinitis is aloe juice in the nose, mixed with fortified red wine in equal proportions. Apply 3 drops 2 times a day, but if present arterial hypertension or heart disease, this composition cannot be used.
  5. A triple effect will be obtained if you combine aloe juice, Kalanchoe (gruel), honey and ichthyol ointment in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5, respectively. From this composition you need to form small balls and put them in the nostrils for 30-40 minutes.
  6. 1 tbsp. l. mix boiled olive oil with 3 tbsp. l. aloe juice When the composition has cooled, drop 2-3 drops into the nose 2 times a day.
  7. 1 tsp. chamomile decoction (to prepare the decoction you will need 1 tbsp. dry crushed herb per 1 liter of water) mixed with 1 tsp. aloe juice For sinusitis or rhinitis, you need to drip the composition into your nose, 4 drops every 3-4 hours.
  8. Essential oil tea tree(2 drops) combine with 1 tsp. aloe juice and drip the mixture into your nose 3 times a day, 2 drops.

A good effect occurs when treating rhinitis and sinusitis from aloe tincture in the nose. First of all, you need to do the above-described procedures with the leaves (washing, cooling, grinding), then pour 800 ml of vodka into the crushed 5 aloe leaves (dilute alcohol with water in a 1:1 ratio).

It is necessary for the tincture to stand in a cool and preferably dark place for 1 week. You can take it 1 tsp. orally or instill in the nose, 1 drop per day, but first dilute with water 1 to 1 so that the composition does not burn the nasal mucosa. This medicine is especially effective for severe rhinitis, when there is abundant mucous discharge from the nasal cavity.

Aloe juice will fight inflammation, and alcohol will dry out the mucous membrane.

This composition can be used during the quarantine period for prevention.

Aloe juice in the nose: contraindications

Despite the fact that this plant has a huge range of positive properties, there are also contraindications to the use of its juice.

If a person has cardiovascular diseases, kidney and liver diseases, you should not use aloe to treat a runny nose. As a last resort, you can consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of complications of the disease.

Juice enzymes are quite active substances that, when entering the blood, excite nervous system, increase the rate of blood circulation, which is unacceptable for the above diseases. The juice of this plant in the nose is contraindicated during menstruation.

People who have any type of allergy, asthma, are also not recommended to use the plant for a runny nose due to individual intolerance some components of aloe, especially if a runny nose is caused by an allergy to the flowering of certain plants.

Pregnant women should also not use aloe, because the components can cause intense contraction of the muscles of the uterine walls.

Despite the wide range of modern pharmacological drugs, aloe for runny noses for children continues to be popular. And this is not surprising, because it is natural and safe remedy, which has virtually no contraindications for use.

Preparing juice from agave requires a certain approach, despite the appearance of ease and simplicity. Fresh leaves plants contain large amounts of biologically active substances- phytoncides, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes.

However, by putting fresh juice in the baby’s nose, you can achieve the opposite effect - worsening inflammatory process on the mucous membrane.

In addition, you cannot take the first agave you come across and treat your baby with it.

There are certain requirements for aloe that must be strictly observed:

  1. It is necessary to use only an adult plant that is more than 3 years old. The young agave plant, as a rule, has not yet had time to gain strength. In the end positive result from its use will be very weak or completely absent.
  2. To prepare the juice, you need to take the large, fleshy lower leaves.
  3. The picked aloe is wrapped in paper or newspaper and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Staying agave in low temperature conditions helps to strengthen it medicinal properties. However, you should not exceed the recommended time intervals, as this will not bring any results.
  4. Aloe juice can be squeezed out using any in an accessible way. It is advisable to use it within the next 24 hours.

Aloe juice prepared in this way for a runny nose should be warmed to room temperature immediately before use. This will make it possible to prevent unpleasant sensations from cold liquid entering the nasal passages.

How does aloe work for rhinitis?

Aloe juice has been used for children for a runny nose for a very long time. Due to the superficial location of the vessels in the nasal mucosa, the drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and immediately begins to act.

One of its main properties is that it has a vasoconstrictor effect, as a result of which breathing becomes free. This is very important, because small children can only breathe through their nose. Therefore, if it is blocked, they become restless, sleep and appetite are disturbed.

In addition, the biologically active substances of agave affect pathogenic microorganisms and viruses, destroying them not only on the nasal mucosa, but also in the blood. That is why rhinitis of any etiology is a direct indication for the use of the drug.

Features of using aloe juice for children

Can aloe be used for children with a runny nose? This remedy is recommended for the treatment of both adults and children.

However, caution should be exercised when using it to treat a child. Despite the fact that this natural medicine, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dosage and not exceed it.

If you have aloe, treatment of a runny nose in children will be quick and painless, especially if you start therapy when the first symptoms of a cold appear.

You should not drop aloe juice into a child’s nose without first diluting it. The easiest way is to mix it with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Since the plant has a rather bitter taste, when instilled into the nose, it may cause discomfort even in case of preliminary dilution.

Therefore, depending on the situation, you can increase the proportion of water in relation to agave juice. The maximum allowable dilution is 2-3 drops pure juice for 1 tsp. boiled water, since depending on the individual sensitivity of the body to the plant, a burn of the mucous membrane or its ulceration may occur.

For a runny nose in children, apply 2-3 drops into each nasal passage several times a day. You cannot stop putting drops into your baby’s nose when there is a slight improvement. Therapy should be continued until full recovery sick.

Recipes for products with agave juice

Aloe for a child with a runny nose is most often used in combination with garlic, honey or olive oil. This will help strengthen therapeutic effect Agave.

The most commonly used recipe is the addition of garlic and honey infusion. However, due to quite unpleasant smell it is recommended for use in children over 5 years of age. First of all, you need to prepare an infusion of garlic: pour 1 liter of boiling water over 1 head and leave for at least 4 hours.

After this, you need to mix all the ingredients in equal proportions. The product is used to wipe each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. It is best to do this with a cotton swab to prevent injury to the mucous membrane.

When adding olive oil to agave, it must first be heated well in a water bath, but not brought to a boil.

After cooling, it must be mixed with aloe juice in a ratio of 3:1. The mixture must be placed again on water bath and cool. For runny nose in children oil solution 1-2 drops are instilled or placed using turundas or flagella in each nostril for several minutes.

Honey is mixed with agave juice and boiled water in equal proportions. The mixture should be lubricated with the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications and possible adverse reactions when instilling aloe juice

If the child has a history of individual sensitivity reactions, you should make sure that there is no allergy to the plant. To do this, you need to drip a little juice onto the inner bend of your elbow. If there is no redness or itching, the product can also be used for instillation into the nose.

Despite the fact that scarlet American centenary is an effective folk remedy, there are certain contraindications to its use.

It should be remembered that with intranasal use of aloe, increased tearing and sneezing may occur. This is a temporary phenomenon caused by the influence of the active substances of the plant, which will pass very quickly.