Fir oil. Fir essential oil: application and instructions, oil properties

Fir oil is widely used for external therapy. It contains valuable substances with disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effects.

Fir oil - what kind of product?

Fir oil is a natural essential oil, obtained from the buds, young shoots and needles of the plant. The product can be used within folk and traditional medicine. Two types of oil are produced - cosmetic and medicinal, the difference is in the degree of purification and manufacturing technology. The cost of the drug varies depending on the volume and manufacturer - from 25 to 300 rubles. The manufacturers are pharmaceutical companies:

At home, the drug can be used as prescribed by a doctor, as its effect is very powerful. The aromatic yellow-greenish liquid contains more than 35 active ingredients. Among them are bornyl acetate, monoterpenes, provitamin A, vitamin E. The composition also contains aldehydes, organic and fatty acids, glycerides. The oil contains a number of microelements, ascorbic acid, tannins.

The main actions of the product are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant.

The product also has a local irritating effect, so it is used to enhance local blood circulation and microcirculation. It improves general health, body resistance, removes fatigue. The product will help heal wounds and destroy infection; it is also beneficial for the skin and is widely used in cosmetology.

Indications for use

As an aromatic and general tonic, as an anti-infective drug, fir oil is used for spraying in baths and saunas. This helps against the following pathologies:

For the above problems, you can use the oil in other ways - breathe, do inhalations (a nebulizer is not used for this purpose, you need compressor inhaler). The product is taken internally less often, but is rubbed externally into the skin for many diseases:

The product can be used to massage the joint area; it is excellent for arthrosis and arthritis - it relieves pain. In case of fractures, by accelerating microcirculation, oil will allow you to recover faster. In ENT practice, fir oil is used against otitis media - it is dripped into the ear, it is indicated for stomatitis, sore throat and gingivitis.

IN for cosmetic purposes properties will also come in handy. Its benefits for hair include eliminating dandruff and stopping hair loss. For the face, the product is used for ulcers, pimples, boils, and it is also suitable for wrinkles, sagging and age spots.

Instructions for use

Used for joint diseases medicinal baths. Add 5-10 drops of oil to warm water, stay in water for 15 minutes, course - 10 procedures every other day. Oil is also used for massage - drop 5 drops per 10 ml of base product (any cream, peach oil). Gently rub the product into the area of ​​the affected joint, repeat the therapy twice a day for 7 days.

It is better to rub your joints before going to bed, and then immediately go to bed in a warm bed.

Inhalations are used to treat bronchitis and tracheitis. The easiest way is to douse the heater with water (500 ml) with 3-4 drops of the product in a bathhouse. In parallel, you can use incense, lavender, eucalyptus.

Similar procedures help with insomnia, nervous overstrain, stress. Also treated against cough in this way:

  • heat a liter of boiling water to 80 degrees;
  • add 5 drops of the product;
  • breathe, covered, while steam flows;
  • Such inhalations are not given to children under 12 years of age.

You can cook for colds foot bath. To do this, on the pelvis hot water pour 20 ml of oil, put your feet on for 15 minutes. Also for colds you can mix 50 ml olive oil, add 3 drops of fir, mint, rosemary, rub into the chest and back. The drug is taken orally to strengthen the immune system. 6 ml of the product is combined with 200 ml of any juice, a teaspoon of honey. A cocktail in this portion is drunk once a day for 21 days.

How else can you use the oil?

There are many other recipes recommended by traditional medicine that involve fir preparations:

For lichen, mix the product with 1:1, rub the lichen spots twice a day until they disappear. Against intestinal infection They drink this remedy - add 4 drops of oil to a glass of tea (cold) and drink it three times a day. For bruises and contusions, the drug is rubbed into the skin pure form. For toothache, moisten a tampon and apply it to the tooth.

Contraindications and side effects

When treating wounds, it should be kept in mind that deep defeat tissue does not tolerate the use of home remedies. In this case, fir can cause harm, because the product is not sterile. It is contraindicated to do inhalations or drink the product internally:

Contraindications to internal treatment- breastfeeding, epilepsy, gastritis and stomach ulcers, acute colitis. For renal and liver failure, acute diseases gallbladder, therapy will also have to be abandoned.

You should not drink the oil on an empty stomach - it will cause severe nausea.

Before the first appointment, the patient should be checked for allergies. Lubricate the elbow area with inside If there are no reactions after an hour, therapy can be carried out. You should avoid getting fir in your eyes to cause symptoms. allergic dermatitis. During pregnancy, the use of the drug may cause problems embryonic development child and renal disorders. In case of overdose, severe poisoning is possible, requiring hospital treatment!

Hello dear readers. In ancient times, the fertile area of ​​Gilead was located across the Jordan. According to contemporaries there was amazing fresh air and rare valuable herbs and trees grew. As they would say now, it was an ecologically clean zone. There is even a mention of it in the Bible. It says that the greedy brothers sold Joseph to merchants who were taking to other countries a very valuable balm from Gilead, made from the needles of the great tree. This is how fir oil was first mentioned in the literature. Fir is indeed a very demanding tree and unique in many ways. It grows only in ecologically clean areas. In our country this is the taiga of Siberia.

Another fir is the only thing conifer, whose cones grow not down, but up. Moreover, on the lower branches of this tree the cones are only female, and on the top - only male. Since ancient times, fir has been a symbol of health and longevity among many peoples. It itself is a long-lived tree; the Caucasian fir lives up to seven hundred years or something.

Therefore, it is not surprising that oil prepared from fir needles, young branches and cones has long been valued in cosmetology and especially in medicine.

Chemical composition of natural fir oil

Before we talk about the valuable properties of this oil, let's figure out what it consists of. scientific point vision.

Its main components are monoterpene hydrocarbons and bornyl acetate. Both substances are rare and chemically active. Bornyl acetate, for example, is a highly complex ether mixture of borneol and acetic acid.

Used for inhalation food industry and cosmetology. Valued in perfumery and household chemicals.

Fir oil contains a lot of carotene - it turns out that it is found not only in carrots. This substance slows down the aging process and helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and cataracts.

This miraculous natural balm also contains a lot of vitamin E and is very valuable for health. ascorbic acid, the benefits of which are widely known. And finally, fir oil contains quite a lot of tannins.

They also have rare and the right people properties. In past centuries, for example, they tried, not without success, to neutralize poisons that had entered the body. Now tannins help with poisoning and strengthen blood vessels.

Well, let’s not forget about camphor - its presence in fir oil can be felt even by smell. This substance has been widely used in medicine for a long time. Therefore, it is worth talking about this further.

Fir oil - main medicinal properties

A rare case - some of it healing features is equally recognized by both folk and official medicine. Even shamans use fir branches during the performance of their rituals.

It is believed that fir essential oil cures almost all diseases - that’s why it is called forest mumiyo.

It has been revealed that it has the following properties:

  1. Antiseptic.
  2. Antiviral.
  3. Bactericidal.
  4. Anti-inflammatory.
  5. Wound healing.
  6. Regenerative.
  7. Warming.
  8. Calming.
  9. Tonic.
  10. Painkiller.

Let's take a closer look at some of them. Most often, in so-called cold cases, oil is used in compresses, drops, rubbing and simply healing drinks.

For indoor use you need to take a glass of juice of any fruit, except citrus fruits, or a teaspoon of bee honey and dissolve three to five drops of oil there. Take three (minimum) times a day.

For the flu and any cold rub with oil, as with a regular massage. After this, the patient is wrapped or carefully covered with a warm blanket. It is also useful to drink tea with raspberries.

For sore throat Lubricate the tonsils with this oil. When you have a runny nose, put a few drops of it in your nose. Can be diluted warm water, especially if children are sick. At first you will feel a burning sensation, but this goes away quickly.

Often, for colds, doctors recommend special inhalations of hot steam. In a container with strongly hot water add 5 drops of oil - it will be better. True, this is contraindicated when elevated temperature bodies.

Severe cough You can calm it down by placing a few drops of oil on the root of your tongue using a pipette.

Fir oil can also help with dangerous cardiovascular diseases. A few drops are gently rubbed into the left chest area. The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times a day.

Radiculitis and sore joints can be treated with the same rubbing, only before them you need to rub the sore spots with alcohol.

Place 7 drops of fir oil along with a small amount of Vishnevsky ointment on a piece of bandage. This lotion will help with boils.

If you apply a cotton swab with a few drops of oil on it to a sore tooth, the pain will subside after a while. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

At severe bruises , which also cause pain, oil is rubbed into the bruise twice a day - morning and evening.

This remedy helps with wounds and cuts. Here your allies will be compresses with a solution of a few drops of forest balm. Just remember that deep and extensive wounds It cannot be treated this way.

Different doses of the oil being considered today can have the exact opposite effect. For example, if you add 5-6 drops of this remedy to your bath before going to bed, insomnia will leave you that night. If you add twice as many drops, the procedure will significantly invigorate you.

Lotions and sitz baths made from well-diluted oil extracted from fir sometimes successfully treat prostatitis.

Fir oil and oncology difficult question. Official medicine does not use it in this direction, just like herbs in general. However, some Siberian healers treat cancer using fir oil in combination with resin, an extract from fir bark.

It is difficult to say how successful this treatment is, but stories about cancer patients being healed in this way periodically appear on the Internet.

Application of fir oil in dermatology

For many people, skin diseases seriously affect their lives. Add to this large number all kinds of pseudo-creams and ointments, which not only do not help recovery, but also worsen the course of the disease.

Fir oil does not contain any harmful impurities. And therefore when correct use can help you find a path to recovery.


A burn is also a skin disease. It comes unexpectedly and requires an immediate response. But what if you don’t have the appropriate ointments or medications at hand?

Just put your hand under the stream, for example. cold water- The measure, although effective, is temporary. But fir oil will help right away. To prepare the ointment, you need to mix fir oil and a natural fat base in equal parts.

Apply to your hand and bandage it. The next day, if the burn is severe, the proportion of oil can be increased. And so on until complete recovery.


They are also difficult to treat. Often the use of dubious recipes leads the situation almost to a dead end. Fir oil really helps here too. There is no need to dilute it or mix it with anything.

It is enough to simply drip oil onto the harmful wart several times a day. Papilloma can also be treated.

Wet eczema

The disease is also not a pleasant one. If he gets attached, it will last for a long time. Fir oil comes to the rescue in these cases too.

You still shouldn’t expect a quick victory in the fight against eczema, but you need to fight. Mix the oil in equal proportions with any animal or poultry fat. Goose, for example, is generally considered a standard in this regard.

The resulting ointment should be applied to problem areas twice a day - morning and evening. If improvement does not occur, it is necessary to take 7-10 drops orally daily along with this procedure. Dermatitis can be treated well in the same way.

Fungal diseases

Foot baths with the same drops of oil help very well here. Fungal diseases, especially of the feet, are a very annoying phenomenon, as doctors say.

The natural activity of the components of fir balsam suppresses fungal activity; you just need to carry out the procedures regularly.

Formation of wrinkles, papillomas

Skin withering with age and the formation of wrinkles can also be prevented, or slow down this process with the help of fir oil. It is enough to add two or three drops of this product to the regular cream that you usually use. The effect will be noticeable within a few days.

Fir oil and official medicine

Modern medicine, and pharmacology in particular, especially values ​​and uses camphor, which is abundant in fir oil. A solution for injection is prepared from camphor, a solution from camphor and from salicylic acid, ointment, camphor alcohol. It is often included in multicomponent medications, successfully interacting, for example, with valerian.

Fir oil in modern medicine is effective for treating asthma. organs respiratory tract, skin diseases. In many sanatoriums, oil baths are used to treat the musculoskeletal system and prostatitis.

Even in maternity hospitals it is used to disinfect the room and as an excellent flavoring agent.

Treatment with the help of so-called aero lamps has now become widespread.

Cleansing the body with fir oil

The technique for this procedure is simple. But fir oil is quite effective and can remove toxins from the human body and improve intestinal flora. This will take several days. But the effect is felt almost immediately.

According to the cleansing method fir oil you need to take a teaspoon of granulated sugar or just a little refined sugar, add a certain number of drops there and wash it down with a small amount clean water or weak tea.

Patients with reduced or normal stomach acidity take this remedy, like all medications, before meals, with increased acidity - after meals.

Schedule for taking sugar with natural fir oil:

  • first and second days – 3 drops three times a day;
  • the next two days – 4 drops 3 times three times a day;
  • the next two – 5 drops 3 times a day;
  • further (two days) – 6 drops three times a day;
  • the next two – 7 drops three times a day;
  • Days 11 and 12 – 8 drops 3 times a day;
  • the next two – 9 drops three times a day;
  • and the next two - 10 drops 3 times a day!

If during these procedures there is rapid heartbeat, suspend the reception. You can choose a more gradual schedule. You just don’t need to take more than 10 drops at a time.


People with stomach ulcers should not undergo treatment with this oil for internal use.

The reason is clear - forest balsam is a very active substance and irritates the walls of the stomach. This treatment is contraindicated for pregnant women and young children.

It should not be taken by patients with epilepsy.

It should be used with great caution by people with cardiovascular diseases - the oil has tonic properties, which may be contraindicated for you.

In any case, you should consult a qualified physician before starting treatment.

Is it possible to prepare fir oil at home?

This procedure is simple, although it takes a lot of time. Finely chop the pine needles and young fir branches without shoots.

Put it all in a two-liter jar, leaving 5-8 centimeters on top. Fill to this level with sunflower oil.

Place in a saucepan and cover loosely with a lid. Fill the saucepan with water up to halfway and place on low heat.

Evaporation should take 5 hours. Periodically add water that boils away from the pan.

At this time, fir oil will be intensively released in the jar. After 5 hours, drain the oil from the jar into a separate bowl, squeeze out the pine needles and branches and discard.

Repeat the procedure again, putting a new portion of pine needles and branches into the jar and filling them with the previously prepared oil.

After five hours, drain the oil from the jar. It's ready.

Application in cosmetology

Canada has its own variety of fir. It is known that the Indians who were indigenous there used diluted fir resin to paint their faces and soften their skin. So cosmetic properties of this tree appeared a long time ago.

It is especially useful and effective to use for facial skin care. Modern women this has already been appreciated. It is enough to add a few drops of oil to a regular face cream and this will help preserve the natural color of the skin, cleanse the pores, and stop the aging process of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Such creams work effectively on problematic acne-prone skin and in the fight against freckles. Masks with the addition of fir oil dramatically increase their effectiveness. Just don’t overdo it - the components contained in forest balsam are very biologically active.

A few drops of fir oil will relieve you of herpes in two to three days.

A few drops of fir oil will also help in caring for your hair and scalp. Add them to your favorite shampoo and your hair will no longer be brittle and dull.

Due to the fact that the substance we talked about today is not yet very familiar to us, its popularity is not so high.

But it’s better to turn your back close attention on it, because with the help of this amazing source of strength, beauty and health, you can solve many problems with the state of the body (physical and psychological), and also prevent their manifestation.

Read my interesting articles.

Essential fir oil has been known since time immemorial for its healing qualities, therefore, even today it has not lost its relevance and is used in folk and official medicine in the treatment of many ailments. This truly healing product is obtained from the needles and young shoots of fir. Externally, it is a liquid with a pronounced pine aroma, the composition of which is rich in glycerides, acids, aldehydes and other components.

Fir grows mainly in the forests of Eastern Siberia, where there are enterprises for the extraction of fir oil. Fir oil can be confidently considered natural product, since the tree itself, parts of which are processed to obtain oil, can grow exclusively in environmentally friendly areas.

Useful properties of fir oil.
This amazing and biologically active extract has high cosmetic and strong medicinal properties - disinfectant, bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. Also, its use has a restorative, tonic and calming effect.

Fir oil is often used in for preventive purposes and treatment of diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, has a calming and expectorant effect, relieves irritation. This healing product is rich in provitamins and phytoncides, which makes it possible to effectively use it as a remedy for general strengthening the body, increasing its defenses. Its effect is simply invaluable in cases of frostbite and hypothermia.

The analgesic properties of fir oil are invaluable in the treatment of neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia and osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout, and the product additionally provides an anti-edematous effect.

Also, fir oil is valuable for its vasoconstrictive ability, the ability to increase myocardial contractility, stimulate an increase in the level of blood pressure and restore impaired blood circulation.

Fir oil has a beneficial stimulating effect on the central nervous system, relieves stress, and copes well with chronic fatigue, neuroses and sleep disorders, including treats insomnia, restores tone, harmony and peace.

This essential oil is often used as additional treatment diseases of urological and gynecological nature.

The oil can be used externally, in the form of inhalations, medicinal baths, as well as for the purpose of aromatization and disinfection of the room (has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes, removes unpleasant odors, makes the air cleaner). Fir oil is one of the components of medicinal camphor, which is used in the treatment of burns, arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, and eczema.

This product can contribute to the development of allergic reactions, so you should test your skin before using it.

Suffering from kidney disease, no matter in what form, the use of fir oil can only be carried out according to a doctor’s indications.

When applying fir oil to the skin, a slight tingling sensation may be observed for a couple of minutes.

Application in cosmetology.
For cosmetic purposes, fir oil is used only to solve serious problems, which are in the acute phase of development, as an antiseptic and deodorizing agent. It is ideal for the treatment of pustular rashes, furunculosis, acne, and relieving edema. It is also effective against wrinkles and sagging, can be used for mature, aging and fading facial skin, has a pronounced lifting effect, significantly rejuvenating the skin.

Fir oil is an excellent helper for excessive sweating legs and in the treatment of dermatoses on the feet.

Baths and saunas with fir essential oil.
Inhalations and aromatherapy using fir oil will come in handy during the height of the colds, with tonsillitis and bronchitis. Just like eucalyptus, lavender and incense, fir oil is used to deodorize rooms. To carry out home aromatherapy with fir oil, it is enough to douse the stones with water enriched with this a wonderful remedy(1 drop per liter of water). Anyone who prefers regular baths to saunas can also use the oil by adding it to warm water (pre-dilute 8 ml of oil in 100-150 ml of water at a temperature of 80 - 90 ° C). Oil is added to water, not the other way around! Fifteen minutes in such a bath and you will get rid of fatigue, calm the nervous system, relax, gain strength, improve sleep, get rid of insomnia, and with regular procedures, strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the skin. Fir baths are excellent for gynecological and urological diseases.

Treatment with fir oil, recipes.

Baths to treat skin problems.
For such procedures, it is necessary to prepare an emulsion in advance. To do this, you should use enamel dishes, which you fill plain water(550 ml). Boil this water, add 30 g baby soap, grated on a coarse grater, then cook over low heat until the soap is completely dissolved. Next, remove the mixture from the heat, after fifteen minutes, gradually stirring, pour 0.5 liters of fir oil into the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into containers with lids. Keep the emulsion in a dark place.

For medicinal baths (I’ll say right away that it is necessary to carry out several procedures, and each time the volume of the emulsion used must be increased), you should fill a bath (200 liters) with water at a temperature of 39-42 degrees; in case of heart problems, you should maintain the temperature at 39 degrees. Next, pour 15 ml of emulsion into water and stir well. Take a bath for fifteen minutes, and the water should not cover the heart area. If all the specified conditions are met, after ten minutes of the procedure you will feel a slight tingling in the groin and perineum. To prevent this, regular Vaseline should be applied to these areas in advance. Drying off after such a bath is not tedious; it is important to lie down after the procedure and lie quietly for fifteen minutes.

At following procedure the dose of the emulsion used should be increased by 5 ml, that is, twenty ml, and so on each time until the volume reaches 85 ml per procedure. The amount of ready-made emulsion is approximately enough for twenty procedures used every day, preferably at night. You can repeat the course of treatment after six months.

During fir baths, you should give up alcohol, smoking and spicy food.

Removing warts.
In its pure form, apply the oil in dotted strokes directly to the warts four times a day.

For the same purpose, you can use a mixture of 300 g of celandine juice and 20 ml of fir oil. First, squeeze out the juice, let it thicken to a jelly-like state, and only then add the oil. Treat warts with this mixture three times a day until they are completely eliminated.

The following remedy is also effective: chop two medium garlic cloves, mix with the juice of half a medium-sized lemon, add 10 ml of acetic acid and 30 ml of fir oil. Mix everything and can be used by lubricating warts daily. Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam the warts by holding them in hot water.

Treatment of lichens.
From 200 g of celandine, extract juice, let it stand until a vein-like consistency forms, mix with 40 ml of fir oil. Apply the composition to the lichen several times a day.

Grind four garlic cloves, add the juice of one lemon, 10 ml of acetic acid and 20 ml of fir oil into the pulp. Lubricate the lichen every day two or three times.

Also effective alcohol tincture propolis and fir oil. Mix 20 ml of oil and 20 g of propolis, add alcohol and leave for three days. Do not apply the product to open wounds or cuts.

Treatment of wounds, cuts, infections.
Compresses with oil are effective: moisten a bandage in fir oil and apply to the affected area, secure the polyethylene on top. Change the dressing every twelve hours. For large skin lesions, the oil is contraindicated.

Treatment of coughs and colds.
In the treatment of colds, fir oil is used in the form of therapeutic sitz baths, compresses, massage, internal use, and inhalations.

For a sitz bath, add 50 ml of oil to warm water and take a bath for ten minutes.

Foot bath: add 20 ml of oil into a bowl of hot water (so that the skin can tolerate it). Keep your feet in it for ten minutes.

For internal use, fir oil (6 ml) is mixed with natural fruit juice (200 ml) (with the exception of citrus fruits), or a teaspoon of honey. Take three times daily before meals.

To prevent colds, rub a mixture of 50 ml into the chest and back. sunflower oil with the addition of rosemary, fir and mint, taken 5 ml each.

For flu and colds, rub your neck, back and chest with fir oil, massage with it every five hours, then drink raspberry or linden tea and lie under a blanket.

To treat a sore throat, it is good to lubricate the tonsils with fir oil, and also instill a drop of oil into each nasal passage. In the first minutes you will feel a slight burning sensation, “sneezing”, but literally in ten minutes everything will pass, and the condition will improve with each procedure.

For bronchitis and pneumonia, rubbing with fir oil is effective. After this, it is recommended to place a heating pad or a heated towel on your chest. Can be combined with inhalations.

Treatment infectious diseases nasopharynx.
In this case, the product can be used in different options: inhalations, massages, rubbing, baths and baths, room aromatization, indoor application. The application is similar to that described above.

Treatment of intestinal infections.
Use fir oil internally every three hours. Add 5 ml of oil to a glass of juice or tea.

Strengthening the immune system.
In this case, inhalations with this miraculous product of nature provide the greatest effect.

Treatment of bruises.
Rub the oil into the bruised area twice, in the morning and in the evening, and in the latter case it is more effective to apply a compress at night.

Treatment of periodontal disease and toothache.
To calm down toothache or to relieve inflammation from the gums, you need to apply a tampon soaked in fir oil for twenty minutes. The procedure can be repeated every two hours for toothache.

For periodontal disease, 15-20 applications with fir oil are carried out; treatment can be repeated after three months.

To prevent burns of mucous membranes, pre-dissolve the oil (5 ml) in a glass warm water.

Treatment of eye diseases.
For styes, cholazium or blepharitis, rub fir oil into tightly closed eyelids, preventing it from penetrating into the eyes.

Treatment of fungal diseases and diaper rash.
For fungal infections of the feet, lotions with fir oil help well. The procedure is carried out within twenty minutes. Treatment should be carried out daily until complete cure fungus. This usually takes seven to ten days.

To treat diaper rash, oil the affected areas three times a day, or apply the application for ten minutes.

From insect bites.
Lubricate the bite areas with pure oil; in case of swelling, combine fir oil with almond, apricot, and olive oil. This method is effective for calluses and blisters.

For arthritis, myositis, radiculitis, apply fir oil with rubbing movements to the area of ​​​​sore joints, which must be wiped with alcohol in advance.

For angina pectoris, grind 5 ml of oil light movements in the chest area on the left. In severe cases, carry out the procedure three to four times a day.

To treat osteochondrosis, it is effective to rub fir oil after a massage along the spine directly in the area of ​​pain.

For boils, this remedy helps: combine 7 drops of fir oil with 3 grams of Vishnevsky ointment. Distribute the composition onto a bandage, which is applied to the affected area, cover with compress paper on top and secure with a bandage. Do this bandage three times a day.

Fir oil is contraindicated.

  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Presence of kidney pathologies.
  • Gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  • The oil should not be taken orally on an empty stomach.
Since the product can cause strong allergic reactions, before use, it is important to do a test for individual intolerance, and the product should be applied to the skin (observe for 24 hours) and inhaled for five minutes.

Fir oil during pregnancy.
Fir oil is prohibited for use by pregnant women, especially in the early stages, since the allergic reactions that it can provoke will be extremely dangerous for both mother and fetus. In particular, it has been proven that its use during pregnancy provokes disruption of embryonic development and causes kidney failure.

This oil is called forest doctor: healers have always used medical practice life-giving properties fir oil balms. Now it is successfully applied modern medicine. It is cosmetic, medicinal and disinfectant, energy source, wellness. The scope of application has no boundaries.

What are the benefits of fir oil?

An oil extract is obtained from young tree branches, cones, and pine needles by distillation. The substance affects viruses, bacteria, fungus. Contains provitamins, phytoncides, oleic and lauric acids, campherene, carotene, tannins. Together they serve to strengthen the body, restore harmony and peace. The price of the product is low. As for beauty, the Siberian elixir is the first assistant in cosmetology.

For hair

Dandruff and flaking of the scalp will go away by adding 1-2 drops of fir to the shampoo. A combination of 3 tablespoons will help your hair. mustard powder, diluted with warm water, and 2-3 drops of fir balsam. Pharmacy products inferior to blue clay in the consistency of thick sour cream if you add a couple of drops of concentrate to it. It is useful, according to the instructions, to combine fir balsam with other oils. Use the resulting substance as a mask.


Directions for use:

  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add other ingredients.
  2. Apply the mask to the roots of your hair, cover your head with polyethylene and a towel (for warmth).
  3. Wash off after 2 hours.

For face

Fir “doctor” fights skin aging; you just need to add a couple of drops to your usual cream. They will provide cells nutrients, will make the skin elastic, reduce the number of wrinkles, and remove bags under the eyes. This is especially important for older women. Before applying to wet clean face All parts must be connected for 30-35 minutes. Ingredients:

  • oils apricot kernel or wheat germ – 15 ml;
  • fir extract – 4 four drops;
  • concentrated solutions of vitamins A, E – 1 drop each.

Other recipes:

  1. Oily skin loves whipped chicken protein with fir resin (4 drops). Apply the mixture in layers, and when the mask dries, wash off.
  2. Helps dry skin mashed potatoes with cream and fir remedy (3 drops). Keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour.
  3. If you add 7 drops to half a glass of warm water, freeze and wipe your face, it will stop sweating in the heat.
  4. Guaranteed method of rejuvenation – 10 g baby cream and 4-6 drops of oil.\

Treatment with fir oil

This oil dissolves salts in joints, relieves pain from neuritis, rheumatism, gout, and osteochondrosis. This is one of the best ways treatment of colds and flu. 10-minute inhalations with 2-3 drops of extract, rubbing of palms, feet, chest. For foot or nail fungus excellent remedy– warm applications of sunflower oil with fir oil extract. Hypertension can't resist folk healer.

Directions for use:

  1. Moisten a piece of sugar with three drops of fir extract.
  2. Take twice a day for 1 month.
  3. For older people, repeat treatment after 3-4 months, for young people - after 6.
  4. The same method is successful with varicose veins. If there is no discomfort, the areas of blockage can be massaged with light circular movements with fir remedy for 3-5 minutes. (at least 2 times a day).
  5. After a month of the course, a break for 3 weeks. Then repeat the treatment.

For a runny nose

For a runny nose, fir extract in the nose has an effect. But you need to bury a mixture of fir and sea ​​buckthorn oils in equal parts and warm boiled water:

  1. Dilute 2-3 drops with 100 ml of heated water. Place the solution into the nostrils a few drops at a time. This procedure dangerous for children.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. vegetable and 3-4 drops of fir extract. Drop into each nostril 3-4 times throughout the day.

For acne

Pimples and blackheads respond to fir oil, fungal diseases skin. It regulates functions sebaceous glands, tightens pores, fights comedones and oily shine. The procedures effectively cleanse the skin of impurities. An excellent mask is easy to prepare at home:

  1. For one tablespoon, add 2-3 drops of a mixture of milk thistle, black cumin, avocado, and grape seed oils.
  2. Keep on face for 25 minutes, rinse.
  3. For acne, apply the product pointwise using a cotton swab.

For cough

Essential oils for bronchitis and other colds that are accompanied by cough are very effective:

  • Inhalations have magical properties. Drop 5-6 drops of essential oil into a bowl of boiling water, cover your head with a towel, inhale the healing vapors for 5 minutes. Do inhalations 2 times a day, if there is no fever.
  • Helpful medicinal drink. Put honey (a teaspoon) and 6 ml of fir extract into a glass of juice (not citrus). Drink 3 times a day before meals.

Against skin diseases

The product promotes healing burn wounds, diaper rash, bedsores, but it must be diluted with baby cream or animal fat. At trophic ulcers, weeping eczema, purulent wounds ointment from the internal pork fat with the addition of fir oil in a ratio of 3 to 1. Treat the wound with ointment, apply a bandage, cover with wax paper, fix for 15-20 minutes 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

How safe is oil treatment?

Tips for using fir oil will help you get the benefits by choosing available and effective methods healing:

  1. External use of the oil is permissible in diluted form; for open wounds, the procedure should be avoided.
  2. Testing is important: drop a drop on the bend of the elbow and observe the skin reaction.
  3. Do not use internally for kidney problems, gastritis, or ulcers.
  4. There are contraindications for patients bronchial asthma, it is dangerous for small children and young mothers who are breastfeeding.
  5. Fir oil is not allowed during pregnancy.
  6. It cannot be combined with alcohol: healing power fir will not appear, the effect will be invisible. The harm can be serious, so it’s better not to risk it.

Since ancient times, fir essential oil has been known for its healing properties. Useful product obtained from young shoots (cones, twigs) and fir needles. The squeeze has an extraordinary aroma. It is used in folk and official medicine, and is used as a remedy for many ailments.

Fir oil - properties

Features of fir oil in its composition. High biological activity extract provide glycerides, aldehydes, tocopherols, acids, etc. They have a tonic, soothing, restorative effect on the body. The use of aroma oil is possible in various areas, as it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, bactericidal and analgesic properties.

People suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract (ARVI, bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia), skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis) and cardiovascular diseases, having problems with blood pressure, neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis and other ailments use fir oil, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are actively discussed and used all over the world.

Fir oil - application

The benefits of fir oil have been proven over many years of its consumption. The healing product is effectively used for cosmetic purposes, as an antiseptic, regenerating and deodorizing agent, a medicine against wrinkles, aging skin, and sagging. The essential concentrate has several roles in dermatology:

  • used as part of baths and lotions for fungal diseases;
  • helps in the fight against dermatosis;
  • eliminates warts;
  • neutralizes calluses, blisters;
  • heals cuts.

In medicine, aroma oil is indispensable as an analgesic, provides an anti-edematous effect and increases the body's defenses. Fir extract has vasoconstrictor properties. It increases myocardial contractility and stimulates an increase in blood pressure, restores. In addition, aroma oil removes painful sensations and is a natural immunostimulant.

Fir oil for hair

Fir oil is very useful for hair – its strengthening and growth. It helps in short terms get rid of dandruff, prevent flaking of the scalp, reduce oily hair and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Fir essential oil can be used in its pure form: applied to the scalp several hours before washing, massaged with a drop of concentrate, or added to regular shampoo, immediately before application or into a bottle of product - this will create a light healing effect. Hair will gain elasticity, silkiness and healthy shine.

Fir oil for face

For magical properties fir is called “sap”. Natural ingredients have a soothing and rejuvenating effect on the skin, making it firm, velvety, and elastic. Fir oil has found widespread use in cosmetology due to its antiseptic and bactericidal effects. It is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, eliminate fatty elements and stimulate the formation of new cells. Holders oily skin use fir oil for acne. Thanks to great content ascorbic acid, it heals the skin at the cellular level.

Fir oil helps against wrinkles under the eyes, it tones and smoothes the skin. To prepare a smoothing mask, you will need 2 drops of fir ether, avocado oil and olive oil in equal quantities (a teaspoon). The product is mixed until smooth and applied to the area around the eyes. It should be left overnight and washed off in the morning. After several uses the skin will become healthy color, the unevenness will be smoothed out.

Fir oil - medicinal properties

In medicine, especially folk medicine, fir aroma oil is used in various ways. External and internal use of the healing extract is practiced: in compresses and inhalations, aroma lamps and baths. The product is used diluted or pure, used for rinsing, used for massage, or simply lubricated damaged areas of the skin. Treatment with fir oil helps with:

  • toothache;
  • neuralgia;
  • diseases cardiovascular system;
  • colds;
  • skin problems;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis and other genitourinary ailments;
  • bruises and wounds.

Fir oil for colds

Everyone remembers the “Zvezdochka” balm, consisting of fir oil and petroleum jelly, and how it perfectly dealt with colds and runny nose. The antiviral and bactericidal properties of fir allow you to destroy infections at the root. If you have a runny nose, just lubricate the bridge of your nose with oil and drop 1-2 drops of the extract into your nose. Chronic sore throat It is treated by lubricating the tonsils and rinsing (to prepare the solution, you need to mix a teaspoon of honey with a few drops of oil, add salt and dilute everything in a glass of water).

In more serious cases (bronchitis, flu), inhalation with fir oil combined with rubbing helps. Aroma oil is rubbed into the patient's back and chest, then he needs to be wrapped to make him sweat. It is important to remember that inhalations using a strong concentrate should not exceed five minutes in duration. Fir aroma oil has the combined effect of an expectorant and a remedy that relieves irritation of the respiratory tract.

Fir oil for sinusitis

Complications after a runny nose and sinusitis can also be cured by fir oil - its medicinal properties and contraindications are as follows: the product can be used by people of any age, except those who have allergic reactions. To treat sinusitis, you need to drip undiluted fir essential oil into your nose (1-3 drops in each nostril) and rub the area with it. maxillary sinuses, and also do inhalations: 10 drops of the product per liter of hot water.

Fir oil for herpes

Squeezing fir effectively helps get rid of herpes. During the day, you need to rub the aroma oil into the affected areas using a cotton swab and treat the herpes at intervals of 2-2.5 hours. The bactericidal properties of fir oil will help eliminate the problem in a matter of days. It is convenient to use, since the colorless substance is almost invisible on the lips. Possible discomfort– only a slight burning sensation and it is not recommended for the aroma oil to get into the mouth.

Fir oil for joints

The interaction of the aromatic composition of fir with salts helps active internal cleansing of the body, which is why it is used to treat kidneys and genitourinary system. Not everyone knows that fir oil treats joint diseases. It relieves pain and improves blood and lymph circulation. Nutrition cartilage tissue normalizes. Treatment of joints with fir oil is effective for diseases of the spine.

Hot baths with fir concentrate have a beneficial effect on the affected joints of the arms and legs. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After this, the painful areas are rubbed with fir oil, the medicinal properties of which and contraindications are known - possible allergic reactions - force it to be applied to skin dot strokes or use diluted.

Fir oil for fractures

Complex ailments, for example, can also be alleviated with the help of aromatic extracts. How is fir oil useful in this case? It helps bones heal quickly and correctly by unique composition from biological components. Application of the product accelerates metabolic processes, and its anti-inflammatory properties prevent the development of bacteria that can interfere with the healing of cracks. In addition to all of the above, fir squeeze relieves swelling and reduces pain. You can do baths, massages, compresses with it.

Fir oil in aromatherapy

Fir oil is less known than spruce and pine oil, but it is also used in aromatherapy. The coniferous analogue has unique characteristics, which no other aroma oil can boast of:

  1. Woody “cold” smell, fresh and tart.
  2. The concentrate is stored for a long time.
  3. Has a warming and strong tonic effect. Fir essential oil is a good “companion”. It perfectly complements other scents: cypress, pine, juniper, cinnamon, rosemary, cloves, lemon, nutmeg, etc.

Fir oil - contraindications

Sometimes it is important to use natural cosmetology and medicine preparations correctly and not violate possible prohibitions. Fir oil is no exception, the medicinal properties and contraindications of its extract have been successfully tested and studied for many years. It should be used with caution in its pure form, not diluted, as stinging fir tends to irritate the skin. As a therapeutic agent, it is strictly not recommended to be taken on an empty stomach. Fir essential oil (both internally and externally) is prohibited for the following categories of patients:

  • people with kidney pathology;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • owners of ulcers and gastritis;
  • pregnant women.

To avoid possible problems must be observed correct dosage product. To aromatize small rooms (up to 15 m2), use 4-5 drops of the product. Take no more than one drop orally with honey, jam or bread, with water. Inhalations with fir oil are also limited to two drops of concentrate. For massage, take 4-5 drops of ether in a thick solvent (for example, cream). Only in the bath or for preparing a rubbing product can you add 6-12 drops of the substance.

If all the rules are followed, aromatic fir squeeze can serve good service. No wonder the remedy has long proven itself in medicine. This is truly a precious find and a cure-all cure. Wonderful refreshing aroma and mass medicinal properties gave the oil wide possibilities for use from traditional medicine, to cosmetology.