Apricot kernels are contraindications. Apricot kernels - health benefits and harms

Apricot is very tasty and healthy fruit, is a favorite fruit of many children and adults. However, few people know about the benefits of apricot kernels. Let's try to figure this out.

Chemical composition

Apricot kernels are a healer human cells. All thanks to the fact that kernels contain rare vitamin B17, which contains cyanide. If cyanide enters the body, cancer cells either they die or they are healed. 100 grams of apricot kernels contain 25 g of protein, 47 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of apricot kernels

Many nutritionists prohibit their patients from eating apricot kernels, based on high level calorie content of this product. Oddly enough, in this case they are right. 100 grams of apricot kernels contain more than 450 kcal.

The benefits of apricot kernels

Everyone is looking forward to summer, waiting for apricots. But many people, having eaten an apricot, throw away the stone, not knowing about its benefits. Besides healing cancer cells, apricot kernels are the most effective means from bronchitis, whooping cough and nephritis.

Also apricot seeds used by people with cardiovascular problems. The kernels can be consumed raw, dried or fried, but not more than 20 grams at a time.

Apricot kernels are a favorite treat for people who want to gain a few pounds. After all, the bones contain many vegetable oil, which is well absorbed in the human body. In addition, many athletes eat kernels, because they contain a huge amount of energy.

Apricot kernels are very often used in medicine. Also in Ancient China Healers used apricot kernel oil to treat skin and joint diseases. The procedure for extracting oil was very difficult, so the procedures were available only to members of the imperial family and those close to it.

If we look at today's realities, then Apricot kernel oil is available to everyone, because with the help of new technologies the extraction process has been significantly simplified.

In medicine, apricot kernel oil is also used for massage, because it is very well absorbed by human skin. In addition, I add oil to shampoos, which help fight dandruff. Many cosmetic companies use the oil as an additive for natural creams and scrubs.

Apricot kernels are widely used in cooking. The oil is thrown into frostings, ice creams, yogurts, creams and other dairy products.

Harm from apricot kernels

Children really like apricot kernels because of their unique taste. In small quantities the kernels are useful. The harm of apricot kernels depends on how many pieces you eat. You are allowed to eat no more than 50 g of apricot kernels per day, children - 2 times less.

This is because there is a lot of cyanide in the kernels. In small quantities this Chemical substance kills cancer cells, but with large accumulations of cyanide, healthy, normally functioning cells suffer.

You should not eat bitter apricot kernels. Bitterness comes from amygdalin, which is a source of the strongest hydrocyanic acid. Some sweet varieties of apricots do not contain amygdalin. Behind last years Scientists have developed many varieties with minimal amygdalin content. The breeders also managed to increase the size of the seed and, accordingly, its kernel.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of apricot kernels are obvious. You just have to learn how to use the gifts of this wonderful tree called apricot.

Well, for us, housewives, pits can be used instead of almonds-not only do they not differ in appearance, but also very similar to a nut in taste. Of course, this cannot be a complete replacement, but if the recipe specifies a small amount of almonds, why not use apricot kernels?)

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

One of the most popular summer fruits is. The ripe fruit has a pronounced, pleasant sweet taste. Both adults and children love to eat it. But many people don’t realize that apricot kernels can also be eaten. Moreover, it has a number of useful properties. It’s no wonder that children love apricot kernels so much. Parents, sometimes not realizing their benefits, forbid their children to use them. But nothing will happen if a child eats a bone or two. It can be eaten directly raw.

The kernels that contain apricot kernels do not have any pronounced taste, but the kernels they contain are the basis of many medicines. When roasted, apricot kernels are tasty, nutritious and healthy. The benefits of apricot kernels cannot be underestimated (calorizator). There are varieties where the seed and, accordingly, the kernel are very large; it is often used as a substitute. There are also varieties in which the kernels are not tasteless, but have a pleasant sweetish taste, special nutritional value, they contain about 70% edible oil.

Apricot kernel calories

The calorie content of an apricot kernel is 440 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels are valued for their vitamin content (,), minerals( , ). If the seed is sweet, it means it contains a lot. Apricot kernels are also rich in protein.

Particularly popular is the one extracted from apricot kernels. It contains vitamins: fatty acid(linoleic, oleic, palmitic), phospholipids, tocopherols and many other useful substances.

Beneficial properties of apricot kernels

Consuming apricot kernels is a natural anthelmintic; when brewed as a tea, they can help treat cardiovascular diseases. A safe amount for an adult is to consume no more than twenty apricot kernels.

The special benefit of apricot kernels lies in their ability to fight cancer cells. They are a kind of cancer cell killer. This property is ensured by the presence of apricot kernels. It is in it that cyanide is found, which doctors attribute to the ability to destroy cancer cells. The bitter taste of the seeds is ensured precisely by the presence in their composition. Its amount is directly proportional to the bitterness of the seeds. As it increases, so does the bitterness.

Harm from apricot kernels

But besides useful elements, apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid. An excess of this acid has a negative effect on intestinal tissue and the entire body as a whole (calorizer). Apricot kernels should not be consumed in large quantities, otherwise they may harm your body.

Apricot kernels in cooking

The scope of application of apricot kernels is quite extensive. In cooking, they are used to prepare glazes, ice cream, yoghurts, creams, waffles, and other sweet dishes. , which is also made from apricot kernels, has the most valuable properties. is included in creams, shampoos, face masks, and other cosmetics.

In addition, the seeds are crushed and added to compotes, jams, preserves, ice cream and baked goods. This gives the product a more pronounced apricot flavor.

There are many fruits grown in Russia that people love very much. They include a large number of substances beneficial to health. One of the most popular types middle zone country is apricot. This fruit is useful not only for its fruit, but also for the bone located inside it. About this and we'll talk in this article, as well as about the benefits and harms of apricot kernels and what their properties and uses are.

What kind of fruit?

Apricots contain many organic acids, including tartaric, citric, malic and even a little salicylic, as well as tannins, vitamins and starch. All have a positive effect on immune system body. Apricot is exceptionally rich in potassium, which ensures good functioning of the liver and heart. The iron in it increases hemoglobin and prevents anemia. The fruit contains a lot of beta-carotene, which affects the skin and vision. Magnesium promotes brain activity, and calcium improves the functioning of the neuromuscular system.

What are the benefits of this fruit?

Apricot is effective for anemia, as it promotes hematopoiesis. It is indicated for pregnant women and young children. Use only 100 grams. juice satisfies daily requirement the body in calcium and beta-carotene, normalizes stomach acidity.

Dried fruit is nutritious and tonic. A decoction of it will soften the inflammatory processes of the digestive tract.

Many cosmetologists recommend using it as a hair mask, which helps strengthen and shine curls.

However, not only fruits are beneficial for the body. Apricot kernels contain large amounts of vitamin B17, which can prevent the development of cancerous tumors. Their benefits and harms cause a lot of heated debate today.

The kernels of this fruit were used by healers to treat many diseases.

They even grow special varieties of apricot, which have large seeds and their kernels, which are used instead of almonds.

However, using them too frequently can cause distress, especially in women when they are Once again stand on the scales. After all, these bones are quite high in calories. Therefore, you need to follow a certain norm when eating them.

Apricot kernels

In recent years, scientists have increasingly said that the reason oncological diseases are metabolic disorders. The main imbalance here is in minerals and vitamins. Natural sources of useful elements can help normalize this process.

The main ones are apricot kernels. Their benefits and harms have already been described in many sources. Bones are an extremely rich product in composition, so you need to be extremely careful with them and consume them in a certain amount, without overeating, as they can cause serious poisoning.

The kernels are edible not only in their raw form. They are often included in various confectionery, creams, ice cream, yoghurts and so on. Apricot oil, very popular in cosmetology, shampoos and creams for the face and body are made from them.


It must be said that this vitamin is found not only in apricot kernels. It is found in strawberries, cranberries, blueberries and other wild berries.

Perhaps apricot kernels are not so tasty, but they will not allow cancerous tumor. In addition, not all of them taste bad: there are even sweet kernels. They contain seventy percent valuable edible oil and twenty percent protein.

In addition, apricot kernels are rich in amino acids. These are arginine, valine, tyrosine and methionine.

Apricot seeds traditional healers, especially oriental ones, treat diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, cough, bronchial asthma, upper catarrh respiratory tract.


However, not everything is so simple. It turns out that apricot kernels are not for everyone. The benefits and harms of kernels lie in their rich composition. On the one hand, they resist many diseases, primarily cancer. On the other hand, there is a possibility of causing a considerable number of problems to the body.

For example, iron can accumulate in the body and be very difficult to remove.

The hydrocyanic acid they contain (contained in amygdalin) has different effects on the body. However, this point has almost been overcome by selection, thanks to which apricot varieties with a minimum content of this substance have now been bred.

Thus, bitter apricot contains up to twelve and a half percent amygdalin, while sweet apricot contains up to five percent. Most of it is found in bones with a pointed end.

When you mentally weigh the benefits and harms of apricot kernels, you need to know that they can cause severe poisoning, even death.

Almond kernels also contain amygdalin, and the wild variety is quite poisonous.


Among some culinary specialists there is an opinion that hydrocyanic acid is neutralized when drying kernels. Thus, when the benefits and harms of apricot kernels were discussed, supporters of proper drying believed that the damage from them was minimized. Supporters were of the same opinion heat treatment, being confident that it significantly reduces the risk of poisoning.

But it is not so. Under the influence of high temperature, another substance associated with amygdalin is destroyed, and it continues to affect the apricot kernels. The benefits and harms (reviews of many people confirm this) of the product remain controversial issue still. Some believe that the danger of nuclei is greatly exaggerated, others, on the contrary, are sure that they should under no circumstances be eaten.

The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

In 1993, in the USA, New York State, a study was conducted on the content of amygdalin in the kernels of fruit seeds. Each package for sale contained several lethal doses this dangerous substance. The product was then confiscated, but it was not officially banned. Therefore, both before and after the study, apricot kernels continued and continue to be sold.

The benefits and harms of diabetes, however, do not cause any controversy, just as in the case of problems with the liver and thyroid gland. Kernels are contraindicated for patients with diabetes. Apricot kernel nuts should also be used with great caution in pregnant women. Their benefits and harms, however, will not be so topical issue, If daily dose their consumption exceeds twenty grams.

Apricot pulp contains many vitamins that are necessary to maintain immunity. The question of the beneficial properties of apricot kernels and the quantities in which they can be consumed raises a lot of controversy.

By nutritional properties Apricot kernels can only be compared to a nut: 100 grams of kernels will contain about 500 kcal. But they should not be consumed in such quantities; you can eat up to 50 grams of raw kernels per day. After all, they contain amygdalin, this substance, when broken down, releases hydrocyanic acid, that is, cyanide, thanks to this substance the seeds taste bitter.

The concentration of this substance is present to varying degrees in different. This is quite easy to determine. The sweeter the nucleolus, the less substance.

Apricot kernel: beneficial properties and contraindications

Many admirers of this delicacy are interested in “what are the benefits of apricot kernels?” A vitamin such as lethril, that is, vitamin B17, has great benefits; it has a beneficial effect on the immune system and is a key component in the development of drugs for cancer patients. Based on this vitamin, the development of Laetrile, a drug that destroys cancer cells, was carried out.

The benefits of this medicine are constantly subject to criticism, but B17 is certainly useful vitamin, which has been proven more than once with the help scientific research. Doctors confirm the benefits of apricot kernels and recommend using them as a prophylactic from cancer. The number of seeds taken per day should not exceed 10-12 pieces.

In the presence of cancer, the dose must be increased. It must be taken throughout the day, but not at one time, and the kernels must be chewed thoroughly, you can add a little honey. Start with a small dosage of 3-4 seeds per day, gradually increasing the dose based on the body’s reaction.

Since B17 tends to dissolve in liquid, when taking the seeds you need to drink melt water. For 1 kilogram of weight, 30 milliliters.

Apricot kernels have an analgesic effect, can activate metabolism and slow down the aging process. Scientists conducted observations during which they discovered the small Hunza nation in Pakistan, the people of this nation are distinguished by amazing longevity, and they also completely lack cancer. The fact is that the tribe eats mainly apricot fruits, and they eat the pits every day.

Apricot kernels are rich in vitamin E, which also makes them healing. Vitamin E also helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. Apricot oil is contained in various masks and shampoos; it is also used in the care of newborns, since it is hypoallergenic. Due to the abundant content of unsaturated fatty acids in the kernels, they are often used in medicinal purposes. The oil can rejuvenate the skin; it is often used as the basis for a healing massage.

Apricot kernels contain fatty acids, they have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, the use of these useful kernels and pulp can have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. In order for the bones to render healing effect, they are consumed raw, since heat treatment has a destructive effect on hydrocyanic acid. After processing, the seeds completely lose their harmful qualities, but become useless; of course, with all this, they remain very tasty.

Apricots have also found their use in culinary arts; jams are made from them, into which apricot kernels are sometimes placed. To preserve their properties, the nucleoli must be preserved without resorting to heating. Preservation occurs by placing the kernels in a pasteurized jar and pouring honey over them.

Some people have discovered a way in which beneficial features apricot kernels are removed in the following way: the kernels are brewed and consumed as tea, in this form they can help cure cardiovascular diseases.

It is worth noting that daily consumption of apricot fruits and kernels helps:

  • avoid cardiovascular diseases;
  • remove cholesterol and heavy metal salts;
  • get rid of swelling;
  • increase hemoglobin levels;
  • improve brain activity;
  • cope with vitamin deficiency;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • regulate work intestinal tract, liver and gallbladder;
  • get rid of heartburn;
  • cope with thirst.

The following diseases and conditions are contraindicated for use:

  • dysfunction thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

What are the benefits of apricot kernels for people with overweight? Unfortunately, nothing, since they are quite high in calories and are not classified as light products. But in the case when a person strives to gain the missing kilograms, apricot kernels will come in handy. Due to the fact that they contain oil, absorption occurs very quickly.

Many athletes include apricot treats in their daily diet, it provides them with the necessary energy without causing harm.

How many seeds can be consumed per day without causing damage to the body? An adult is allowed to eat up to 50 grams per day. Can a child eat them? Acceptable rate For young body– 20-25 grams. You should not eat more than the established norm, since the kernel contains amygdalin, which, if consumed excessively, can have a detrimental effect.

It is also highly not recommended to eat old kernels, since over time the amount of cyanide substances in them increases and can cause serious poisoning. For each individual person, such a concept as the benefits and harms of apricot kernels may be unequal, so you should not experiment on your health.

The best solution would be to see a doctor, who will explain in detail what effect it has. this product, is it worth taking it for you and in what dosage it can be taken without harm to health.

Storage rules, use of apricot kernels

To experience the full beneficial effect of apricot seeds, you need to choose them correctly. Bones good quality in appearance they are similar to almonds, in shape they should be oblong and even, the color of good seeds is brownish, but, in general, the shades can vary from pale to darker, copper.

They can be stored either peeled or unpeeled. In cases where long-term storage is planned, it is better not to clean the kernels; this will increase their shelf life. Store dried bones in a jar to protect them from sun rays, dust and pests.

For people who are afraid to eat apricot kernels, this is suitable. This oil is unique in its composition and includes: useful acids such as lionolium, stearic, oleic, magnesium calcium salts and a complex of vitamins.

Apricot kernels are usually consumed in all kinds of forms, that is, fried, dried and raw. Used in the manufacture of the following products:

  • milk products;
  • cookie fillings;
  • glaze;
  • caramel;
  • candies.

Some varieties have a fairly large stone, which can fully replace almonds. For the most part, the kernels do not have saturated taste qualities, but there are types that are distinguished by sweetness; these types are saturated with oils by 70%.

A discovery in the field of cosmetology - apricot kernels. The oil extracted from them is widely used for making shampoo, ointment, creams, etc. In beauty salons, products containing apricot kernels are used for rejuvenating massage, since this component can positively affect the condition of the skin and also has excellent absorbency.

Apricot oil is used as an additive in the creation of expensive medicinal cosmetics.

The invaluable benefits of apricot kernels as medicine was discovered by Chinese healers. They were the first to identify unique properties nuclei during treatment skin diseases and joint ailments. Soon about health benefits The whole world has recognized the delicate kernel, and today, thanks to its excellent composition, many countries use apricot kernels in the medical and cosmetology fields.

Apricot kernels contain:

  • Fats – 45 g
  • Carbohydrates – 25 g
  • Proteins – 3g

The composition of apricot kernels includes many rare substances. Among them:

  • Phospholipids
  • Tocopherols
  • Potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium
  • Saturated and unsaturated acids
  • Vitamins of groups F, C, A, PP, B
  • Amygdalin
  • Squirrels
  • Essential oils
  • Hydrocyanic acid
  • Natural pigments


Harm from apricot kernels

After a detailed study of all the components of the apricot kernel, scientists made unpleasant conclusions. Sweet cores can be consumed without fear, however, it is worth knowing that the very bitter-tasting seeds contain an impressive concentration of organic poisons. The fact is that when the kernels of the seeds enter the body, they release hydrocyanic acid. Its excess in the body is fraught with severe poisoning and deterioration of health.

The bitter taste is given by the substance amygdalin, the strongest source of hydrocyanic acid. Although some varieties of apricots do not contain amygdalin. But in any case, it is worth remembering that uncontrolled consumption of cores is dangerous for the body, as it can cause poisoning, but for this you need to take a large number of cores - more than 40 grams.

But the harm of apricot kernels will be reduced to zero if you dry them in the oven or boil them before use. Under the influence high temperatures harmful components of the nuclei will be completely destroyed.

Apricot kernels can be harmful if you consume old seeds that have been in storage for several years. In such kernels, the content of cyanide substances increases every year, and they should absolutely not be taken. This chemical kills cancer cells in small doses, but in large concentrations, healthy cells of the body already suffer from it.

Apricot kernels are contraindicated if:

You can feel the harm of apricot kernels if you consume more than 20...40 grams of seeds at one time. Moreover, signs of poisoning can appear in the period from 30 minutes to 5 hours after consumption.

Symptoms of poisoning may include:

  • Lethargy, weakness
  • Stomach pain
  • Severe migraine
  • Stomach cramps and nausea
  • Breathing problems

At acute poisoning convulsions, fainting, pressure surges, sudden cessation of breathing and acute heart failure are possible.


Apricot kernels: benefits

In small quantities, apricot kernels can be very beneficial for human body. We can say with confidence that the composition of this product is truly extraordinary, and with proper use of kernels, you can improve your health and even get rid of some diseases. Many European countries are “weighing” the benefits and harms of this extraordinary product.

The enormous benefits of apricot kernels for the body and the amazing healing effect were revealed in the treatment of:

  • Oncology
  • Bronchitis, whooping cough, various ailments upper respiratory tract
  • Heart diseases

Anyone who has ever tried the core of an apricot kernel remembers that its taste is slightly bitter. It owes this to the substance amygdalin (B17), a glycoside that is found in the seeds of many fruits of the plum genus. Once in the body, it breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde, substances that are dangerous poisons.

In the environment of healthy cells, they are transformed into carbohydrates and do not harm the body. However, it is these substances that have a detrimental effect on cancer-infected cells, and with regular consumption of apricot kernels it was found complete destruction oncological neoplasms.

Tocopherol, of which there is a “decent” amount in apricot kernels, has excellent properties. It prevents the aging of the body and slows down the process of skin aging. A natural acids, such as palmitic, linoleic and oleic, have a beneficial effect on the epidermis and improve the condition of hair and nails.

The cores of apricot kernels are widely used in cooking in the production of yoghurt, caramel, cakes, desserts, and ice cream. Selected species kernels contain up to 70% fatty oils, have an excellent taste and can replace even expensive almonds in some dishes.

Medicinal properties of apricot kernels

Widely used aroma oil, obtained from apricot kernels. In medicine it is used for diluting certain medicines, and also as a prophylactic agent for liver cirrhosis.

Seed kernel oil has antimutagenic properties, prevents acute heart failure, and restores vascular elasticity. It is used for treatment chronic diseases kidneys, for anemia and constipation. Thick healing oil used as medicinal product for stomach ulcers, gastritis, and also as an emollient for inflammatory processes rectum, for hemorrhoids.

Oil from fresh apricot kernels has gained popularity as a vitamin and moisturizing additive to facial gels, creams, and shampoos. Thanks to excellent protective properties, gentle oil protects against infections and significantly prolongs the youth of the body.

Calorie content of apricot kernels

Thanks to the impressive amount of fat, aromatic oil is produced from juicy apricot kernels, which is used in cosmetology and medicine. Arouses admiration and nutritional value of this product - 100 g of raw kernels contains 510 calories.

Due to the high caloric content of apricot kernels, it is not recommended for people who are obese or on a diet. Apricot kernels can be taken raw, dried or roasted.

Crispy and slightly sweet grains are loved to be added to gourmet dishes cooks and cooks. For example, they give a special piquancy apricot jam, if you add them to the sweet mass during cooking. Miniature seed cores go well with yogurt, fresh oatmeal and cottage cheese. It is also good to take them in combination with honey, jam, or use them as an additional ingredient for salads.