Barotherapy: principle of action and effect of the procedure. Treatment in a pressure chamber. Life-giving properties of oxygen

If you look into medical card expectant mother, you can find there many recommendations written by your doctor. Pills and injections, tests and examinations - all this has to be done by a pregnant woman who wants to give birth healthy child. IN lately Among the prescriptions, every now and then there is an instruction to visit the pressure chamber. What is the meaning of this treatment method and how does it affect the condition of the expectant mother?

What happens in the pressure chamber?

Experts call treatment in a pressure chamber hyperbaric oxygen therapy(HBOT) and claim that this procedure can be very beneficial during pregnancy. The essence of the treatment is to expose the woman to oxygen high blood pressure. The hyperbaric oxygenation method allows you to cope with hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus. It would seem, why such difficulties? Perhaps walks on fresh air would be enough to provide the baby with much needed oxygen?

It's actually not that simple. During hypoxia, blood cells responsible for delivering oxygen to organs actively die. The remaining red blood cells are simply not able to transport the required amount of oxygen to the tissues in normal conditions. There is only one thing left - to increase the atmospheric pressure to improve delivery important element to every cell of the body. This is exactly what happens in pressure chambers, where a woman ends up on a doctor’s referral. The hyperbaric oxygen therapy method has proven itself to be very effective way combat fetal hypoxia and has been used during pregnancy for many years.

When is a visit to a hyperbaric chamber indicated for an expectant mother?

While expecting a baby, a woman undergoes hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the following conditions:

  • chronic fetal hypoxia, confirmed during examination;
  • disruption of uteroplacental blood flow;
  • gestosis (edematous syndrome);
  • pregnancy in the background diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases.

All of these conditions in one way or another lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus in the womb and require treatment using high atmospheric pressure.

Inside the pressure chamber: how does the procedure proceed?

While a pregnant woman is in a pressure chamber, her body is actively saturated with oxygen. It is natural that improving the general condition of the expectant mother has a beneficial effect on the health of the fetus. With the blood flow, dissolved oxygen penetrates through the placenta into the baby’s organs and tissues, eliminating the formed hypoxia. The course of treatment in a pressure chamber lasts 8-12 days, and during this time it is possible to completely restore the cells’ ability to perceive atmospheric oxygen. In some cases, the procedure is repeated twice during pregnancy.

While in the pressure chamber, the expectant mother does not experience much discomfort. You may experience tinnitus, which goes away fairly quickly. The procedure lasts about an hour, during which the pregnant woman can take a nap, meditate, or simply spend time in peace and quiet. Most expectant mothers note that being in a pressure chamber helps them relax and take their mind off current problems for a while. It is not recommended to exceed the procedure time - excess oxygen can negatively affect the condition of the woman and the fetus.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is prescribed to women from 12 weeks of pregnancy. Before the procedure, the expectant mother is recommended to visit an ENT specialist and a therapist to rule out possible contraindications to the therapy. If no obstacles to HBOT are found, the woman will be sent for oxygen treatment as soon as possible.

After undergoing the procedure, expectant mothers note calm and tranquility. Being in a pressure chamber has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, moisturizing and protecting it from harmful effects environment. In addition, after oxygenation, nails are noticeably strengthened, brittleness and hair loss are eliminated. These positive effects can be a pleasant bonus for a pregnant woman who decides to undergo the procedure for the sake of her baby.

In addition to the immediate positive effect on the condition of the fetus, being in a pressure chamber also has long-term positive points. Oxygen saturation facilitates the child’s adaptation after birth and helps him lighter faster adapt to work in new conditions. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy also alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis, increases appetite and improves general condition pregnant woman.

What to do if during the procedure the expectant mother feels discomfort or deterioration in her health? There is no need to worry - all pressure chambers are equipped with communication with medical personnel. A pregnant woman can inform the nurse about her condition at any time and stop the procedure ahead of schedule. The issue of extending the course of treatment in this case is decided individually after consultation with the attending physician.

Contraindications to the procedure

  • pathology of ENT organs (impaired patency eustachian tubes);
  • epilepsy at the moment and in history;
  • gestosis, accompanied by increased blood pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • acute colds;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces).

The final decision on the need for the procedure is made by the attending physician. According to indications, consultation with other specialists (ENT, therapist, neurologist) is carried out to exclude possible contraindications to undergo hyperbaric oxygenation.

The course of treatment in a pressure chamber is simple and reliable way eliminate fetal hypoxia and prevent all consequences of this condition. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be an excellent alternative to injections and pills, which do not always have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother. To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to complete the entire course of oxygen therapy without interruptions.

Barotherapy: principle of action and effect of the procedure

The most various diseases helps to treat one of the developing methods - barotherapy.

This is an air treatment gas environment and its components that act on the body by reducing or increasing pressure.

Therapy is carried out in pressure chambers, which can be for one or several people.

How hyperbaric oxygen therapy works

One of the most popular types of barotherapy is hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). Thanks to this method, under increased pressure, the body is saturated with oxygen.

Oxygen is essential for human life and for the good functioning of cells. In case of a lack of oxygen, oxygen starvation can develop - hypoxia, which leads to malfunctions in the functioning of cells, then tissues and then to their death.

Many people know that oxygen starvation contributes to the development pathological processes for any inflammation, but if this cause is eliminated, then some diseases may disappear.

Malignant formations also appear where there is enough oxygen, and they feel very good in such an environment. HBO was opened back in 1955, and during this time it managed to establish itself as an excellent product.

How does hyperbaric oxygen therapy work? Hyperoxia facilitates the diffusion of oxygen into cells, due to which oxidative phosphorylation comes into activity and the number of synthesizing macroergs becomes larger, microsomal oxidation also improves, and the elimination of toxic substances, acceleration of glucose oxidation and reduction of lactose levels.

That is, if there are disturbances in the patency of blood vessels or disturbances in the exchange of oxygen in the blood, then many organs may suffer from this.

But due to HBOT, oxygen is sent with the blood flow, reaching every, even the most distant, cell of the body. This helps cells recover and not deteriorate further. And others that cannot be restored will be destroyed and will begin to be replaced by new ones.

Artificial high blood pressure in a pressure chamber, leads to blood saturation with oxygen more than in normal human life. Having received the required fuel, the tissues begin the recovery process. This applies to all tissues - muscle, bone, nervous, cartilage and even fat.

Due to barotherapy treatment, the body switches to an economical level of operation. Breathing and heart rate become less frequent, blood circulation volume per minute decreases, but the functioning of plasma capillaries improves, which leads to good job cerebral cortex.

Interestingly, the effects of hyperbaric oxygen do not stop at the end of the session. Because after therapy, tissue changes do not return to their previous state, although the oxygen tension in the blood drops to the previous level within 20-30 minutes.

Rules for carrying out the procedure in a pressure chamber

When the doctor discovers indications for the use of barotherapy and no contraindications are identified, treatment begins. Typically, the course includes 22-25 sessions, which are held no more than five times a week, but can reach up to 60 sessions.

The degree of air rarefaction consists of the following developed stages:

  1. The first stage lasts two days, during this period the pressure in the apparatus decreases as if a person were climbing to a height of 2000 m, which is equal to 597 mm Hg. st;
  2. The next stage lasts from 3 to 5 sessions. During this time, the air in the pressure chamber is even more discharged and is equal to the altitude of 2500 m above ground level; for a pressure chamber this is 560 mm Hg. st;
  3. Then, from procedures 6 to 12, the air is discharged to such an extent that it is equal to 3000 m altitude;
  4. The last stage begins with the 13th procedure and continues until the end of the entire treatment. The pressure at these pores is comparable to the height of 3500 m above ground level.

The duration of one procedure is no more than 60 minutes. During this period, a person experiences the influence of rarefied air for about 8-10 minutes, and then the so-called period of presence at altitude begins.

In which, in 25-30 minutes, the necessary stage of treatment takes place. Then the pressure equalizes with the surrounding pressure over 12-18 minutes.

A person, depending on the disease, is exposed to either low or high atmospheric pressure.

Barotherapy is good because it can be combined with other treatment, for example, taking medicines. During treatment in a pressure chamber, medication intake is often reduced several times, and sometimes is not required at all.

To carry out treatment, a person undresses completely, puts on a hospital gown or covers himself with a towel. Then the patient lies down on a couch, which extends into a pressure chamber about 2.13 meters long. During therapy, you need to relax and breathe calmly, receiving the required amount of oxygen.

Indications for use

Just as in any treatment there are indications and contraindications, so here too. This method can be used to treat many diseases, or simply for prevention, but most of all it is used for respiratory diseases.

The hyperbaric chamber is used for the following diseases:

  • Infectious, chronic. It can be treated for both children and adults, no older than 45 years;
  • Bronchial asthma is in remission, but with the possibility of exacerbation. Used as a prophylaxis;
  • Caisson disease or also called divers disease;
  • Inflammatory, non-purulent diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Whooping cough and hay fever;
  • Pleurisy, tracheitis, endarteritis;
  • Allergic diseases in the form of dermatitis;
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used for diseases of the cardiac system - endocrine disorders;
  • High blood cholesterol levels;
  • Toxic lesions blood, neurasthenia and logoneurosis;
  • At ;
  • During remission of iron deficiency anemia;
  • Syndrome chronic fatigue, ;
  • Post-infarction cardiosclerosis;
  • Treatment is indicated for neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • For the treatment of certain inflammatory processes of the female genital organs;
  • Perhaps recovery in this way for some people who have suffered. And often such patients are prescribed approximately 60 sessions;
  • Barotherapy may be necessary for those who have undergone radiation therapy.


  1. In severe cases bronchial asthma, with manifestations of pulmonary heart failure;
  2. Pneumosclerosis;
  3. Pleural adhesions;
  4. ENT diseases in the acute phase;
  5. Subcompensated heart failure;
  6. Some types coronary disease hearts;
  7. Arterial hypertension;
  8. Pulmonary insufficiency and pulmonary-heart failure;
  9. Otitis;
  10. and obstruction of intestinal tubes;
  11. Uterine fibroids or fibroids;
  12. Brain injuries and;
  13. Toxic brain damage.


Hyperbaric chambers are widely used by doctors in medical institutions and sanatoriums.

An amazing mechanism that allows you to saturate the body with oxygen can extend not only the life of cells, but also the life of a person.

Therefore, it is important to consult an experienced physician for better effect and due to undesirable consequences.

Video: Barotherapy

There is nothing more important than oxygen in human life; the supply of oxygen to the body through the lungs provides the blood with a sufficient amount of substances that are needed for the full functioning of cells and organs as a whole. In the case when the body does not receive required quantity oxygen, symptoms appear very quickly oxygen starvation, the manifestations of this may be different. This first affects cellular level, when the cells begin to die, then it passes to tissues, which also die very quickly, and actually after this death occurs. But this is in extreme cases; in most cases, hypoxia lasts a long time.

Most pathologies develop precisely because of oxygen starvation, when tissues begin to die and various inflammatory processes. That's why main reason The emergence and successful development of chronic diseases is precisely hypoxia. In addition to chronic diseases, the mechanism of oxygen starvation also causes the appearance of cancer diseases. After all, for malignant tumor The right environment in which there is an opportunity to develop and resist drugs is very important. Namely, such a favorable swamp is tissue where cells lack oxygen, as a result of which they do not receive the necessary nutrition, and cancerous tumor has the ability to grow successfully.

After some time, when scientists around the world came to understand the importance of this process of oxygen deficiency, the idea arose that a disease that develops due to a lack of oxygen can be treated not with medications, but with oxygen enrichment. This method is called HBOT, which stands for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The discovery took place in the middle of the 20th century, in 1955, for a long time it has been improved and has only the best reviews all day.

How does hyperbaric oxygen therapy work?

Oxygen is carried throughout the body's cells by blood, which in turn is enriched through the lungs. If there are problems in the vessels, such as blood clots, edema and other diseases, then blood does not reach all organs in the quantity required, as a result of which hypoxia begins. When oxygen begins to enter such cells and tissues, the regeneration process starts, and living cells appear in place of dead cells, dead cells are removed, diseased cells are restored and help cleanse the body. It must be said that cells are able to recover very quickly.

To do this, a person is placed in a specially created pressure chamber, a certain pressure is artificially injected into it, and enriched oxygen is supplied. As a result, the blood is maximally saturated with oxygen, more than normal, which allows it to penetrate into those parts of the body where there was no access before. At the same time, certain organs receive much-needed oxygen, after which the cells immediately begin to engage in restoration and cleansing work. It is worth noting that this applies to absolutely all types of tissue, muscle and cartilage, bone and even nervous. Moreover, this method of oxygen supply helps normalize adipose tissue, i.e. in this case, adipose tissue will not build up, as happens with other tissues, but on the contrary, excess adipose tissue are burned while the fat content of the myelinated nerve fibers is strengthened.

Who can benefit from it? oxygen treatment

Given the nature of many diseases, oxygen treatment will be useful for a huge number of diseases, wherever there is a peripheral circulatory disorder. As already mentioned, this includes everything without exception. chronic forms diseases, as well as problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition to treating existing diseases, the HBOT method is very good as a preventive measure, to strengthen the human body and immunity. Knowing how this method works, enriching the body with valuable oxygen, it can be directed in any direction; it is often used to treat cancer.

Here is just a basic list of diseases that can be treated with oxygen:

  • furunculosis;
  • anemia;
  • periodontal disease;
  • problems with blood circulation in the extremities, incl. for diabetic foot;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • scleroderma;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • at chronic enterocolitis;
  • after strokes and heart attacks with severe consequences;
  • at ;
  • with hepatitis;
  • diffuse toxic goiter;
  • in case of chronic and acute pancreatitis;
  • hearing loss;
  • inflammatory diseases pelvic organs;
  • bedsores;
  • during withdrawal due to drug or alcohol use;
  • ulcers 12 duodenum or stomach;
  • for a number of mental illnesses that arise due to improper blood circulation in the brain;
  • for obesity;
  • patients with oncology when they have undergone a course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is perhaps the only way to recover from severe toxicosis due to carbon dioxide, as well as other products and toxic chemicals released during combustion. This also includes those substances (cyanides) that bind oxygen in blood cells. The HBOT method is very useful for air embolism and decompression, in case of gas gangrene, if wounds do not heal for a long time, in case of suffocation or frostbite. It is necessary to mention traumatic ischemia and severe traumatic compression.

Such oxygen courses not only help recovery, but also eliminate the possibility of complications due to injuries or heavy operations. HBOT is used for rehabilitation after complex injuries of athletes, during heavy physical exertion and excessive fatigue. If you have chronic insomnia, this method is also extremely effective. Thanks to the capabilities of oxygen, sometimes you don’t need to use it at all. drug treatment or partially alleviate it. This approach is very useful for children or when severe violation liver function, it can also help pregnant women avoid taking dangerous antibiotics.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is contraindicated

Oddly enough, even oxygen treatment may be contraindicated for people with certain diseases or in a certain condition. Sometimes the HBOT method can lead to deterioration, often this mental illness. So:

  • with acute respiratory infections;
  • epilepsy;
  • with a cyst, abscess;
  • cavities in the lung;
  • if there is arterial hypertension, which is resistant to forms of therapy when blood pressure is higher than 160/90 mmHg. Art.;
  • at bilateral inflammation lung;
  • for claustrophobia;
  • with pneumothorax, if there is no drainage;
  • with disease of the sinuses, with the presence of polyps, with inflammation of the sinuses, with anomalies, with disruption of the Eustachian tubes or problems in the nasal appendages, with swelling.

Carrying out HBO

A person is placed in a pressure chamber, this is a vessel or capsule similar to an underwater bathyscaphe, it is sealed, and several windows are made for observation. In the chamber, a person is placed in a horizontal position on his back. All that is required of him is to lie quietly and breathe enriched and pure oxygen. The capsule contains a variety of sensors that are responsible for correct work apparatus, for oxygen and pressure inside the chamber. In addition, sensors monitor the general condition of a person. The data is sent to the computer of the doctor and nurse, and they remain nearby throughout the entire HBOT session.

It’s not for nothing that the pressure chamber looks like a bathyscaphe; conditions are created there as if at a depth of 5 m under water. At times a person feels that their ears are blocked due to pressure, but this does not last long, sometimes it helps to simply swallow saliva, other than this there are no other strange sensations. The full course of HBOT depends on the disease and the doctor’s indications, as a rule, it is 5-10 sessions, each session’s duration also depends on the disease, from 20 minutes to one hour.

It is clearly noted that after successful completion of the entire course, a person feels an improvement in his illness, and in addition, his general well-being improves significantly. It is for this reason that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is recommended as a prophylaxis and a course of general restoration of the body, without any diseases.

The hyperbaric oxygenation method allows you to treat any hypoxia with oxygen under high pressure. And the hypobaric adaptation method stimulates the body's defenses. Sick and healthy.

The abundance and accessibility of medicines, the confidence of patients that only good pills, do not allow the doctor to pay due attention to non-drug methods that mobilize human reserves inherent in nature itself.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy method allows you to treat any hypoxia with oxygen under high pressure. A method of hypobaric adaptation stimulates the body's defenses. Sick and healthy.

In the blood, oxygen is chemically bound to hemoglobin (19.1 vol.%) and is also dissolved in plasma (0.3 vol.%). Under normal conditions, it is delivered to the tissues by hemoglobin in red blood cells, and the dissolved fraction only regulates the process. The vast majority of diseases are accompanied by oxygen starvation of the cell - hypoxia, which leads to its death. With cell hypoxia and normal atmospheric pressure, even breathing pure oxygen will not help, since hemoglobin saturation has a limit, and the level of oxygen in the plasma does not change. The only solution is to increase the dissolved oxygen fraction. This is only possible in a pressure chamber, because with increasing pressure the solubility of gases increases. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) method included in complex therapy patients, turns out to be very effective, and in some cases, the main one.

Absolute indications for HBOT

  • Poisoning by combustion products, cyanides, methemoglobin formers, chlorinated hydrocarbons. Air embolism and decompression sickness. Gas gangrene.
  • Anaerobic and aerobic infection with soft tissue necrosis.
  • Crash syndrome and other acute traumatic ischemia. Acute obstructive disorders of the retinal artery. Conditions after mechanical asphyxia.

Conditions in which HBOT is an effective pathogenetically determined non-drug treatment:

  • Heart: spicy coronary syndrome and myocardial infarction, arrhythmic variant of coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmias, extrasystoles, heart failure, decompensation of post-infarction states, intoxication with cardiac glycosides, pulmonary heart failure.
  • Vessels: obliterating vascular diseases in pre- and postoperative periods, early recovery period after surgical elimination of thromboembolism, trophic ulcers as a result of circulatory disorders, vasculitis.
  • Lungs: purulent-destructive (in the pre- and postoperative periods), chronic nonspecific diseases (with pronounced signs of cor pulmonale).
  • Gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, posthemorrhagic syndrome after ulcer bleeding, dynamic obstruction, inflammatory diseases of the small and large intestine.
  • Liver and pancreas: acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, all forms of acute pancreatitis, including in the postoperative period.
  • Nervous system: ischemic stroke, TBI (acute and late recovery periods), injury spinal cord, conditions after neuroinfection, encephalopathy, paresis peripheral nerves, dorsopathies, demyelinating diseases.
  • Endocrine system: diabetes mellitus and its complications, diffuse toxic goiter.
  • Obstetrics: intrauterine hypoxia and fetal malnutrition, threat of miscarriage, pregnancy with concomitant pathology, immunoconflict, pathology endocrine system, infertility.
  • Pathology of newborns: asphyxia during childbirth, violation cerebral circulation, hemolytic disease, ulcerative necrotizing enterocolitis.
  • Gynecology: chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Traumatology: slowly consolidating fractures, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis.
  • Wounds: prevention of infection, flaccid granulating, bedsores, burns, frostbite, positional compression syndrome, postoperative.
  • Skin infections and subcutaneous tissue, dermatitis, psoriasis.
  • Eyes: retinal circulatory disorders, diabetic retinopathy, dystrophy optic nerve in case of poisoning with methyl alcohol.
  • ENT organs: sudden deafness, sensory hearing loss.
  • Maxillofacial pathology: periodontal disease, necrotizing gingivitis and stomatitis.
  • Restorative and plastic surgery : replantation of severed segments, transplantation of flaps on a nutritional pedicle, improvement of healing after plastic and cosmetic surgeries.
  • Oncology and radiation medicine: patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy; radiation osteonecrosis, myelitis, enteritis.
  • Psychiatry and Narcology: mental disorders with the leading role of hypoxia in pathogenesis ( cerebral atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction, traumatic, toxic and degenerative-atrophic brain lesions), mental disorders due to chronic or acute intoxication(chronic alcoholism, alcoholic psychoses, barbiturate poisoning), endogenous psychoses, separate forms schizophrenia, neurasthenia, asthenic disorders, wide group affective disorders, row depressive disorders, psychoorganic syndrome with decreased memory and intelligence, withdrawal syndrome, drug addiction.
  • Pediatrics: cerebral palsy, myopathies, delayed motor development. Selected diseases Gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, nervous system, endocrine system (as in adults).
  • Severe hemorrhagic anemia.
  • Post-resuscitation illness.

IN sports medicine- increasing the level of fitness and accelerating recovery after exercise.

U healthy people HBO significantly increases adaptive capabilities. Sessions in a pressure chamber relieve fatigue, restore strength after hard work, increase muscle tone, have anti-stress, restorative and tonic effects, improve sexual function in men, reduce the adverse effects of polluted atmosphere. Those who have completed the HBOT course note an increase in performance and stabilization of their psycho-emotional state.

Main contraindications for HBOT:

  • history of convulsive syndrome (epilepsy);
  • persistent poorly corrected arterial hypertension (BP above 160/90);
  • the presence of closed cavities (cavities, abscesses, air cysts in the lungs);
  • undrained pneumothorax;
  • polysegmental bilateral pneumonia;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • increased sensitivity to oxygen;
  • claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces).

"Mountain" road of stimulation

Hypobaric adaptation (HBA) - non-drug method to stimulate your own protective forces and physiological reserves of the body. Its essence: breathing a gas mixture with a reduced partial pressure of oxygen in conditions of “mountain air” (low atmospheric pressure), training baroreceptors. It is carried out in multi-place or single pressure chambers. Zone therapeutic effects artificially created intermittent hypobaric hypoxia is an altitude of 2,800–6,000 m above sea level. Inhaled oxygen concentration gas mixture is 14–10%. Reduced partial pressure of oxygen and atmospheric lead to an increase in the volume of inhaled air and the coefficient of oxygen utilization from it, an increase in the oxygen capacity of the blood and the ability of tissues to utilize oxygen, the number of functioning capillaries, and an improvement in the condition of the capillary bed, contractile function myocardium, reducing the severity of factors risk of ischemic heart disease.

Indications for hypobaric adaptation:

  • bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • during correction borderline conditions; neuroses, depressive and hypochondriacal states, NCD, migraines during the interictal period;
  • complex treatment stable angina, rehabilitation post-infarction cardiosclerosis, prevention of coronary heart disease (inpatient and outpatient);
  • arterial hypertension of 1–2 degrees (has a persistent hypotensive effect);
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • those who suffer from colds for a long time and often;
  • healthy people with risk factors for coronary artery disease and hypertension - to improve hemodynamics and general condition;
  • increasing the effectiveness of the training process of athletes.
  • In patients after a course of GBA, relapses and exacerbations of the underlying disease occur much less frequently, and the volume of drug therapy. There is an increase in mental and physical performance, resistance to unfavorable factors, reduction of fatigue.

Main contraindications to GBA:

  • disruption of the patency of the Eustachian tubes and canals connecting the paranasal sinuses with external environment(polyps, inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, middle ear, paranasal sinuses nose, developmental anomalies);
  • diseases of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • hernias of any localization;
  • history of TBI within 1 year;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • all acute infectious and somatic diseases or their exacerbation;
  • pregnancy;
  • age over 60 years;
  • claustrophobia.

In Belarus, HBOT treatment sessions are carried out in more than 40 departments and rooms. In the 5th City Clinical Hospital of Minsk and the clinic of Vitebsk State Medical University they work GBA multi-place pressure chambers. All pressure chambers in operation are manufactured in Russia and are sufficiently reliable and safe. More than 17 thousand patients are provided assistance annually. The need for this type of treatment and prevention is still far from optimal. Limiting factors - relatively high cost hyperbaric chambers and lack of awareness of the medical community. The HBOT method for a number of diseases and conditions is an integral part intensive care. Thus, in 2008, only in department 5 of the Minsk City Clinical Hospital, emergency assistance more than 130 victims of poisoning carbon monoxide.

Indications and contraindications for treatment with HBO and GBA methods are determined by the doctor after an individual examination of the patient and studying his medical history.

What is a pressure chamber for? What diseases can be treated with this procedure? The appointment of sessions is directly related to the unique functions of the device. The pressure chamber is a hermetic cylinder into which pure oxygen enters through special channels.

The method that uses a pressure chamber is called hyperbaric body oxygenation (HBO). Oxygen under high pressure allows you to treat any form of oxygen starvation. And oxygen, as you know, is one of the main conditions for the flow of many vital important processes in the body.

From here it becomes clear why the pressure chamber is used, that is, to maximize the saturation of cells and tissues with oxygen. As a result, they improve metabolic processes, regeneration and restoration of cells and tissues occur faster, the patient’s condition improves. With the help of HBOT, you can stop the development of many pathologies and overcome a number of ailments.

Indications for use

Procedures using a pressure chamber are included in the complex therapeutic effects on various pathologies. So, in some cases, oxygen treatment is simply necessary. For example, when:

  • intoxication with carbon monoxide, aggressive chemical vapors;
  • brain hypoxia and other forms of oxygen starvation;
  • air embolism;
  • gas gangrene;
  • anaerobes and aerobes with necrotic lesions;
  • acute traumatic local anemia;
  • obstructive disorder of the retinal artery;
  • post-mechanical asphyxia.

The list of recommendations does not end here, since treatment in a pressure chamber has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Therefore, procedures for intensive oxygen saturation of cells are prescribed for diseases and pathological conditions:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • liver;
  • organs of the endocrine system;
  • respiratory organs;
  • traumatology;
  • gynecology;
  • oncology;
  • pediatrics;
  • obstetrics;
  • psychiatry;
  • drug addiction;
  • maxillofacial pathology;
  • organs of vision;
  • dermatology;
  • post-resuscitation syndrome.

The range of applications of the pressure chamber is extensive. Hyperbaric chamber during pregnancy, for example, necessary condition saving the fetus in case of development of anemia, hypoxia, malnutrition, impaired placental-uterine circulation. Hyperbaric chamber, like effective method maintaining pregnancy, allows you to avoid taking potent medications, and is also a necessary condition for maintaining favorable conditions fetal development against the background of diabetes mellitus and chronic hepatitis. At least 5-10 HBOT sessions are prescribed, each lasting a quarter of an hour.

Despite positive influence, the pressure chamber has its contraindications. For example, sessions are not recommended for people suffering from epilepsy and claustrophobia. And also when:

  • severe course of bronchial asthma;
  • signs of pulmonary-cardiac, renal and liver failure;
  • ENT-acute purulent ailments and anatomical defects;
  • arterial hypertension resistant to therapy;
  • sustained cardiac ischemia;
  • abscesses, cysts and cavities in the lungs;
  • non-drainage pneumothorax;
  • heart disease;
  • fibroids, ulcers, hernias;
  • tuberculosis;
  • some oncological pathologies.