What structure provides nutrition and sensitivity to the tooth. Symptoms of increased tooth sensitivity. Hyperesthesia: causes

In the event that your teeth react sharply to a sip of cold or hot water, sour or sweet drinks - it is quite difficult to appreciate the beauty of contrasting flavors. We hasten to please you that getting rid of this problem today will not be difficult!

Do you like to experience the fullness of taste, do you like contrasts that help diversify ordinary sensations? Just like an ice shower is refreshing after a bath, so hot coffee with cold ice cream will give you incredible taste, but only if your teeth are not afraid of such tests.

Hot moment

What causes pain when teeth become sensitive? In the vast majority of cases, their source is the hard and at the same time the most sensitive part of the teeth - dentin, permeated with thousands of tiny tubules filled with liquid. Protect them from any external irritants, i.e. cold, heat, sweetness and acid can reliably insulate and protect dentin by enamel and, accordingly, gum. If it is exposed for any reason, the sensitivity of the teeth increases, which turns any meal into torture.

The food is too tough

As a rule, recession leads to hypersensitivity, the so-called receding gums followed by exposure of the neck and roots of the teeth. This reaction is caused by periodontitis – inflammation of the gums. Of the patients with similar manifestations, about 98% suffer from acute pain while eating. This often results from professional teeth cleaning or enamel whitening in the dentist’s chair.
It is worth noting that similar discomfort passes quite quickly, which cannot be said about the increased sensitivity that is caused by products harmful to teeth, which lead to acid abrasion or damage to the enamel. It is for this reason, this problem¸ inherent in the past to people of advanced age, today affects the teeth of 20-year-olds! Experts believe that the reason for rejuvenation is a change in food preferences.

Nowadays there is an excessive passion for juices and more sour fruits. Many people consume grapefruit and ½ lemon every day to lose weight, others struggle with colds. As a result, enamel erosion occurs, which leads to dentin exposure and increases tooth sensitivity. Similar erosions can also be found in children who drink large quantities orange juice, apple juice or water with lemon.

Irreparable harm to dental health can be caused today herbal teas which are considered to be an alternative drink. According to research carried out by members of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Bristol, most of them have a fairly low pH value, i.e. This acidic environment, causing enamel destruction and teeth becoming sensitive. We especially emphasize that there are teas that damage enamel three times more actively when compared with orange juice!


If your teeth are constantly exposed to acid, this will quickly lead to their demineralization. This means that the enamel will lose its mineral layer. In this case, exposed areas of dentin will appear on the front surfaces of 2 teeth located symmetrically. Usually this upper incisors. You can recognize them by characteristic appearance– slightly concave – round or oval shape.
These areas react painfully to irritants caused by temperature changes. This will be the 1st stage of increasing tooth sensitivity.
The second stage is characterized by sharp pain, which is caused by osmotic factors - this is an acidic, sweet or salty environment.

If you bring the situation to the appearance of the 3rd stage, then you will feel pain even from the touch of a toothbrush, and then what can we say about dental instruments. By trying to avoid sore spots when brushing your teeth, you significantly worsen your hygiene. Bacteria are not only not removed, they multiply, acid is released, which leads to the destruction of enamel and increased tooth sensitivity.

In order to reduce its severity, doctors apply special preparations to areas of increased sensitivity that prevent contact of exposed dentin with those coming from outside. Many of them, for example, gels, varnishes, sealants made of polymeric materials, cannot be used at home. The same applies to professional toothpastes; dentists use them to treat areas of high sensitivity in order to close the dentin tubules from external influences. It is worth especially noting that a happy exception to this rule is Colgate® Sensitive Pro ReliefTM, this toothpaste, With innovative technology Pro-ArginTM. Even a single use is enough to instantly provide the desired effect. A persistent decrease in sensitivity occurs with its constant use at least 2 times a day. At the same time, instant relief from pain remains sufficiently long period time.
Advice. A small amount of Colgate® Sensitive Pro Relief should be squeezed onto your finger and applied to the sensitive area of ​​the teeth, rubbing in for at least a minute. Then test your teeth cold water– try taking a sip or rinsing your mouth. Don't be afraid of the pain returning - it won't happen again!

Big difference.

Everyone dreams of “their” doctor and expects from him attentive attitude to all complaints and qualified assistance in solving any dental problems. We want to know as much as possible about such a doctor—where his years of study and internship were, and his previous place of work. We are interested in his successes and achievements... In short, we are interested in how he managed to achieve heights professionally. Toothpaste is also selected in a similar way. Only in comparison with others will we be able to feel the difference and choose the most suitable one.

Many toothpastes created to reduce tooth sensitivity do not help relieve pain in a short time. This is due to the fact that their focus is not on eliminating the very cause of hypersensitivity, but only its symptoms. In the language of specialists, this is called the depolarization effect. Probably everyone knows what happens if you mix up the “plus” and “minus” batteries. That's right, no current will appear. Similarly, the pulsed flow of potassium ions (found in most toothpastes) in the nerve endings stops.

Another problem is the fact that it is impossible to get an instant effect: after all, the active components need time to penetrate the tubules. However, the most important thing is that the action cannot be as long as we would like; therefore, the channels remain accessible to stimuli from the outside. For instant pain relief long term they need to be sealed. This technology called obstructive. This is very difficult to do, because they are not just microscopic, there are many thousands of such tubules! Therefore, one should not be surprised - the appearance the slightest possibility to do this can be called a real revolution in the fight against pain.
This technology is based on the uniqueness of the Pro-ArginTM complex - it is calcium carbonate and a natural amino acid - arginine, which is part of saliva and fills it with protective properties.

The combination with calcium carbonate allows arginine to instantly be attracted to the surface of dentin, which is exposed, and seal its tubules, penetrating to maximum depth. As a result, a mineral layer appears, firmly connected to the structure of the hard tissue. It is resistant to any impact, both mechanical and acid. In addition, an excellent champagne-like stopper is formed, unlike surface fillings, even with a single application of Colgate® Sensitive Pro Relief™. The onset of the desired effect occurs in a matter of moments and lasts for a long time.

Expert opinion

According to Dr. William DeVisio, vice president of the Colgate-Palmolive Dental Research Center, “Having studied dental problems for many years, especially dental sensitivity, I have never encountered one amazing effect resulting from using this new toothpaste. Surprisingly, it is an indisputable fact that about 8 out of 10 subjects who suffered from this problem confirmed an immediate reduction in it after using Colgate® Sensitive Pro Relief™, even by drinking very cold water. As confirmed clinical trials, regular use of the paste allows you to maintain the effect for a long time. As a professional, I consider this a real breakthrough.”

Advice. Along with toothpaste, you should choose the right brush! Doctors in dental offices More than once I had to deal with a situation where the thinning of the tooth surface at the front occurred due to the use of too hard bristles on the brush, as well as excessive pressure on it. The process of brushing your teeth is no less important. Movement only horizontally leads to abrasion of tooth enamel, primarily for incisors, canines and small molars. Correctly brushing your teeth means making vertical movements - starting from the edge of the gum and ending with the top of the teeth.

In case sensitive teeth, it makes sense to use a toothbrush - Colgate 360o Sensitive Pro-ReliefTM. Its specially developed ultra-soft bristles will allow you to carefully clean not only your teeth, but also your gums. At the same time, minimal pressure is applied to areas of high sensitivity. The final step is Colgate Plax “For Sensitive Teeth” mouthwash, which can protect your teeth from any bacteria for 12 hours.

Only by following the recommendations of leading dentists for the care of sensitive teeth, you can without any negative consequences fully enjoy the sophistication flavor combinations any dishes. At the same time, you are not afraid of sweet and sour sauces for your favorite meat dish or hot coffee and scalding ice of ice cream - you will not have to wince from pain in your teeth. As one philosopher said: “Only thanks to the fact that the Lord made eating food for us not only a necessity, but also a pleasure, this activity is not so tiring.” Only you have the power to receive it!

Increased sensitivity of teeth is expressed in painful sensations when eating cold and hot food, as well as sweet and sour foods.

In dentistry, this phenomenon is called dental hypersensitivity or hyperesthesia. The problem not only causes discomfort, it can be the first signal of serious dental abnormalities, so it is important to find out the cause of its occurrence and only then figure out what to do and how to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Causes of hyperesthesia

The main cause of tooth hypersensitivity is damage to the enamel. The protective layer opens the dentin, which contains nerve endings. When there is a sudden change in temperature or acidity in the oral cavity, they begin to react, causing pain. Most often this is due to the following factors:

All of the above reasons are associated with changes in the structure of the teeth, their appearance. These conditions are problematic and require specific treatment. There are situations when hyperesthesia occurs in the absence visible reasons. Then this could be due to:

Treatment at the dentist

When the first signs of increased tooth sensitivity occur, it is better to contact a dentist who will identify the real reason problems and prescribe the correct therapy. Before treatment, sometimes it is necessary to eliminate the cause, and only then begin to restore the enamel.

Remineralization and fluoridation

Remineralizing therapy involves saturating the enamel with calcium. For this purpose, special preparations are used that are applied to the surface of the teeth. It is important to accompany this procedure with fluoridation. So, the effect will be much better. This is due to the fact that calcium, when it enters the enamel, turns into hydroxyapatite. The substance strengthens the protective layer, but it is quickly washed out under the influence of acids.

By resorting to fluoridation immediately after the remineralization procedure, hydroxyapatite is transformed into fluorohydroxyapatite, which has more resistant properties with respect to acids. This method is ineffective in the presence of caries or wedge-shaped defects.

One of the most popular means for carrying out procedures to increase the sensitivity of enamel is “ Enamel-sealing liquid Tiefenfluorid». German drug consists of two ampoules: the first is applied to a substance rich in calcium hydroxide, the second - containing fluorine. After just two procedures, the enamel will be restored, which is why hyperesthesia of the hard tissues of the tooth will no longer bother you.


In severe cases, the dentist may prescribe iontophoresis. The method involves the use of drugs under the influence of galvanic current. Due to the impulse, the salts penetrate deeper into the surface tissue and form more dense compounds. Most often, the following medications are used during the procedure:

After the procedure at the dentist, the remaining course can be carried out at home, using special mouth guards soaked in the drug.

Diplene films

Not long ago, a wide range of films for teeth appeared that normalize tooth sensitivity by enriching and strengthening the enamel. Thin stripes with inside impregnated with a medicinal substance. They are very flexible and plastic, and fit comfortably on the teeth. The film is applied for half an hour or longer, it is almost invisible on the teeth. Already after the first procedure, a noticeable decrease in sensitivity is felt.

What can you do at home?

You can reduce hyperesthesia at home. To do this, use remineralizing gels and toothpastes for sensitive teeth. Traditional medicine also offers many recipes.

Remineralizing gels

If you have problems with tooth sensitivity, it is recommended that in addition to dental procedures carry out remineralization at home. For this purpose, there are gels saturated with calcium, which help accelerated recovery enamels. The most popular home remedies for sensitive teeth are: R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals And Elmex-gel.

A small amount of the product is applied to the surface of the teeth and left for 30-45 minutes. Some consumers complain that the gels are not durable due to increased salivation during their use. This problem can be solved with the help of caps. Simply apply to the inside thin layer gel and do the necessary things. The effect of this procedure is noticeable, but severe forms hyperesthesia, this method has to be resorted to daily.

Paste for sensitive teeth

A prerequisite for dental hypersensitivity is compliance with the rules of hygiene, and the choice should be made exclusively in favor of toothpastes for sensitive teeth. They are enriched with minerals, in particular potassium, calcium, fluorine, strontium. The following pastes are very popular:

There are also special hygiene products based on bischofite. Their main task is to clog the emerging cracks and tubules that expose dentin. These pastes are often used for...

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine cannot cure the problem, but it can help in reducing pain.

Don't forget about proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements. Special attention should be given to products containing calcium: milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. The substance is well absorbed only in combination with vitamin D, so it is better to include it in the complex of medications taken. Huge value have vitamins C and E, they are found in abundance in fruits, berries and vegetables.

People with sensitive teeth should monitor their oral health and adhere to a number of rules. These include:

Increased sensitivity of teeth can cause a lot of discomfort and become the beginning of dental problems caused by thinning enamel. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult a specialist and identify the cause, as well as take a course medical procedures. Preventive measures And correct image life will preserve the integrity of the enamel for a long time.

Increased tooth sensitivity is a fairly common phenomenon that significantly reduces the quality of life. If left unattended, it can lead to serious dental problems.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

Medical name such a phenomenon is hyperesthesia. There are quite a few reasons why it can occur.

Classification of the most common and possible ways their solutions are reflected in the following table:

Causes of tooth sensitivity Possible options eliminating them
Caries Treatment of this disease
Tooth wear Orthodontic therapy
Cervical wedge-shaped defects Surgical intervention(covering the neck of the tooth)
Exposure of teeth due to periodontitis Treatment of periodontal diseases
High-quality pastes, hard brushes Eliminate whitening pastes and use brushes of medium or low hardness
Bad habits Quitting bad habits
Poor nutrition Organize balanced diet, if necessary - reception vitamin complexes
Recent professional cleaning or bleaching Performed as prescribed by a doctor next treatment: remineralization; iontophoresis; coating of enamel with a special varnish (separately or in combination).

Attention! In addition to those listed, many others are possible; some of them involve the participation of a psychologist in treatment. For example: bruxism is an involuntary movement of the jaws during sleep.

Any of the above reasons requires consultation and treatment with a specialist.


Symptoms that indicate a problem is occurring excessively sensitive enamel teeth, can be divided into three degrees (in increasing order of impact):

The extent of these symptoms, along with the causes, determine the choice of treatment.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity at home?

If it is not possible to visit a doctor's office regularly, therapy to reduce tooth sensitivity can be done at home.

In this case (after consultation with the dentist), a product intended for independent use. What to do at home and how to relieve sensitivity yourself:

Pharmacy products

Currently, in pharmacies in any city you can purchase various effective drugs, helping to significantly reduce tooth sensitivity.

Their product range is very wide, we offer information about the most common ones:


It is necessary to strictly observe the interval between courses of treatment and the number of procedures in a course

Typically, gels have a main active component - fluorine, and have the task of saturating them with it. tooth enamel.

As a result, the necessary layer is formed on the tooth surface.

Before using the gel, teeth should be thoroughly cleaned.

After this, the product is applied to the desired areas (the application time for each drug is indicated in the instructions) and after the required time, the remaining medication is spat out.

When using any gel, you should follow the rules (if the instructions do not indicate any features):

  • to avoid vomiting or nausea, try not to swallow the product;
  • do not rinse your mouth after use;
  • refrain from eating and drinking water for an hour after using the gel;

It is necessary to strictly observe the interval between courses of treatment and the number of procedures in a course, which are indicated in the instructions for each drug or prescribed by the attending physician.

Creams, ointments

Ointments are applied to the teeth using an applicator, remaining there for the prescribed time.

Most of them:

  • have increased content elements such as calcium and phosphorus;
  • reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel by closing the dentinal tubules.

Using an applicator, apply to the teeth, remaining there for the prescribed time.

After this, you should rinse your mouth lightly and refrain from eating or drinking for half an hour.

Attention! All of the above remedies will be less effective if the oral cavity has not been sanitized.

Care products

To combat dental hypersensitivity at home, pastes containing components such as calcium, potassium, and fluoride are used.

In Russia, the most popular products for this problem are two lines - Lacalute and Sensodyne:

Pastes and rinses of the “Lacalut” series

Manufactured in Germany, available in the following versions:

  • Pasta "Lacalut Sensitive» – actively restores tooth enamel; has a cumulative effect - therapeutic effect appears after filling the dental tissue necessary substances.
  • Pasta "Lacalut Extra Sensitive». An updated version of the previous paste (added with amino fluoride). When used, the tooth surface is covered with a protective film, from which fluoride enters the enamel for a long time. It also contains active ingredients, dulling the sensitivity of nerve endings and allowing you to get rid of the high sensitivity of the enamel. The effect of this type of paste appears very quickly.
  • Rinse aid "Lacalut Sensitive» – simple and easy to use. The enamel is restored due to the presence of sodium and potassium elements in its composition. Presence herbal ingredients and antiseptics helps fight caries and gum inflammation. Dentists recommend using this product and rinsing your mouth with it after every meal.

Sensodyne series pastes

Is effective means to combat hyperesthesia, country of origin – England.

  • Paste “Restoration and Protection”– remineralizes tooth enamel by accumulating micronutrients in it. Also protects gums and oral mucosa. It takes time to achieve full results.
  • Paste “Instant effect”– Painful sensations are relieved within a short time. If there is such sensitivity that toothbrush causes severe pain, the paste can be applied to the surface of the tooth with your fingers. Its effectiveness is not reduced.

Pastes of this type from Russian manufacturers cannot yet compete with foreign analogues. The result of their impact is a decrease pain, but the weakened enamel is not strengthened.

Attention! Toothpastes intended to reduce tooth sensitivity should not be used long time. After the symptoms disappear, you need to switch to a daily use paste.

Traditional methods

If there are any reasons preventing the use medications, you can use folk remedies to cure hyperesthesia.

Their significant advantages are: safety in case of accidental ingestion, absence of side effects And low cost.

The following remedies are used to treat tooth sensitivity:

Important! If the drug is used for the first time, it is recommended to reduce the initial dose by half. This will help to detect individual intolerance to components, if any.


Appeared dental problem indicates a possible vitamin imbalance in the body as a whole. If the examination confirms the cause, then taking the missing elements and minerals will help eliminate tooth sensitivity.

If necessary, vitamin complexes in the form of tablets or injections are prescribed to help strengthen tooth enamel.

Treatment in dentistry

The most reliable option when solving any problem is to turn to professionals. The cause of the disease is not always obvious.

Often tests and examinations are necessary to identify it. This path can only be offered by a specialized institution.

Depending on the identified causes, one or more of the proposed treatment methods is selected.


Incorrectly performed filling (loose fit of the filling or gap between it and the tooth) can subsequently cause the phenomenon of hyperesthesia. For treatment, it is necessary to re-fill the tooth correctly, and, if necessary, the canal.

Laser treatment

One of the latest generation methods is the treatment of hyperesthesia with laser. Within 1-3 minutes laser beam affects thinned tooth tissues.

The result of this procedure is an increase in the density of tooth enamel, and as a result, a decrease in tooth sensitivity.

The notable advantages of this method include: speed of implementation and preservation of the treatment effect for a long time.

The result of this procedure is an increase in the density of tooth enamel, and as a result, a decrease in tooth sensitivity.

Closure of dentinal tubules

Frequent whitening or professional teeth cleanings can lead to a decrease in the enamel layer on the teeth, which means to their increased sensitivity.

  • treatment with a course of applications containing fluoride and calcium salts;
  • The required dental units are coated with a special fluoride-based varnish.

This effect allows you to close the dentin canals and significantly reduce (or completely eliminate) the tooth’s response to irritants.


This method of reducing tooth sensitivity is one of the most commonly used in clinical settings.

Remineralization of tooth enamel involves carrying out certain actions during one procedure:

  • Special professional pastes the tooth surface is cleaned.
  • Cleaned teeth are treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  • The dentition is covered with applications containing the necessary components (fluorine, calcium, phosphorus). Such linings are replaced every 5 minutes; number of applications – 4-5 pieces.
  • Surface treatment with sodium fluoride (1-2%).
  • During the last session, the enamel is secured with fluoride varnish.

This concludes the one-day session; The course of treatment for hyperesthesia involves 4-5 sessions. It helps strengthen tooth enamel by saturating it with essential minerals.


During this procedure, pulsed or galvanic current charges are used along with medicines.

In most cases, they contain elements of fluorine and calcium. Their effect on dental tissue can significantly strengthen the enamel layer of the tooth.

The effect of current on dental tissue can significantly strengthen the enamel layer of the tooth.


If hyperesthesia occurs as a result of pulpitis (inflammation of pulp tissue), then it is necessary to depulpate the dental canals.

It includes: opening, removing the nerve, cleaning and thoroughly filling the inflamed canal. This will stop the process that has arisen and begin further treatment to restore tooth enamel.

If hyperesthesia occurs as a result of pulpitis, then it is necessary to remove the pulp from the dental canals.

Special films

In the treatment of hyperesthesia, special dental films are often used, mainly of the Diplene type. Such films have several varieties, depending on the content they contain. active substance.

The film is attached to the tooth surface, fixed on it and left for 6-8 hours. Throughout this period, the enamel is saturated with essential minerals.

Mouth guards

Sometimes this disease is a consequence of another – bruxism (involuntary grinding of teeth during sleep).

In this case, in addition to current treatment procedures, mouthguards are used - special linings on the tooth.

This product helps protect tooth enamel from overnight damage.

Further treatment requires the participation of not only a dentist, but also a psychologist. It will help identify and remove the cause of bruxism.

Preventive measures

As a rule, hyperesthesia is a consequence of violation of some life rules. Doing them daily can be an effective prevention of dental hypersensitivity.

These rules include:

This information may be useful to those who are already familiar with the problem of hyperesthesia. Those who have not yet encountered this disease will benefit from tips on how to prevent it.

When visiting a dentist, people often complain about increased tooth sensitivity. Is this feature a pathology and why do teeth become sensitive to various types of irritants? Let us consider in more detail why hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues can suddenly develop.

The concept of hyperesthesia and its types

Dental hyperesthesia is the increased sensitivity of teeth to irritants. When exposed to provoking factors, a person experiences severe pain in the tooth enamel. Depending on the degree of damage, hyperesthesia of hard tissues can be short-term, or increase in time and last several minutes. In any case, it is necessary to visit the dentist to identify the cause of the discomfort.

Sensitive teeth primarily need qualified treatment from specialists. Each case is considered individually and requires studying the cause of dental hypersensitivity.

Dental hyperesthesia can be systemic or non-systemic in nature. In the first case, the causes include diseases nervous system and previously suffered pathologies. In this case, there are no changes in the hard tissues of the tooth. A person notices that sensitivity worsens when eating or in the cold. How to reduce tooth sensitivity and strengthen enamel at home. We will consider the causes and treatment of increased tooth sensitivity below.

Main types of hyperesthesia

Dental hyperesthesia is divided into several types:

By distribution and extent of damage:
  • Organic. Occurs when there are enamel defects, as well as as a result of preparing teeth for crowns or inlays. Symptom: sensitivity is observed in one or more teeth;
  • Generalized. It is typical for people whose teeth are affected by diseases or when the enamel is abraded, with damage to the neck and root;
Due to the occurrence:
  • Dental hyperesthesia, which occurs when hard tissue wears off;
  • Hypersensitivity not related to dentin abrasion;
According to clinical manifestations:
  • 1st degree. Very severe sensitivity of teeth to exposure to high or low temperatures;
  • 2nd degree. Hypersensitivity of teeth to temperature changes and chemical irritants;
  • 3rd degree. Symptom: increased sensitivity to all irritating factors, including any touch.

An important feature of hyperesthesia is that with increased sensitivity, treatment is difficult. All actions of the dentist can cause pain and discomfort to the patient. The pain can be localized in the area of ​​one tooth, or the susceptibility to a number of irritants may increase. Often a person notices that tooth sensitivity suddenly increases after treatment. Even the simplest dental procedures lead to excruciating pain, which is difficult to relieve with analgesics.

Let's look at the main causes of tooth sensitivity and ways to eliminate them, and also learn how to treat hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues.

Before getting rid of tooth sensitivity, it is important to identify the cause and mechanism of formation of the disease.

Hyperesthesia is a thinning of the enamel, which leads to the opening of tubules in the dentin. The opened channels lead to the nerve endings and pulp. The slightest action provoking factors irritate the enamel, then the nerve and lead to severe pain.

Why do teeth get set on edge? Hyperesthesia worsens:

  • With scanty and poor nutrition, with a deficiency of minerals;
  • Abuse of sweet and sour foods;
  • As a result of using pastes containing abrasives that scratch the enamel, compromising its integrity;
  • Hard brush;
  • In the absence proper care behind the oral cavity, as well as among those who like to bite nails and nuts;
  • When tooth enamel is exposed to contrasting temperatures: for example, a person drank hot coffee and immediately started enjoying ice cream.

Treatment of hypersensitivity of teeth is carried out by a dentist; the patient’s task is to strictly follow all recommendations and exclude irritants from the diet. We will learn further how to reduce tooth sensitivity and get rid of discomfort at home.

How to reduce enamel sensitivity

How to deal with tooth sensitivity? An important rule: stop the growth and reproduction of microbes that contribute to the weakening of dentin.

  1. Proper, and most importantly, regular cleaning helps reduce pathogenic microflora in the mouth. Movements when cleansing the oral cavity should be smooth, especially during an acute period. Cleaning begins with the posterior, chewing ones, and ends with the anterior ones.
  2. If your toothpaste has a whitening effect, there is no question of how to relieve tooth sensitivity. Even the highest quality pastes contain abrasives that scratch enamel.
  3. There is an increased risk of microcracks when eating hot or too cold food. If you decide to start therapy to reduce sensitivity at home, refusing to abuse your own body will come in handy. Do not experiment and stop exposing your teeth to contrasting thermal effects.
  4. Address the issue of nutrition. Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat more vegetables and fruits, but sweets should be removed from your diet. With such actions you will strengthen not only hard fabrics, but also gums.
  5. Postpone the procedure for professional enamel whitening until better times: mechanical and chemical cleaning will cause pain and further increase sensitivity. If you are still determined to go to the dentist for whitening and stone removal, give preference laser resurfacing. This procedure is more gentle on the enamel, eliminating its heating.

Treatment of dental hyperesthesia should be carried out by a dentist. It is within your power to carry out preventive measures in full.

If a sore throat appears, what should you do? Treatment of sensitive teeth should be comprehensive. This applies not only therapeutic measures, but also compliance with hygiene rules, as well as dietary adjustments. What do dentists recommend if your teeth become sensitive?

As therapeutic methods, dentists recommend using desensitizing pastes that will help reduce the sensitivity threshold and fill microcracks in the enamel.

Widely used:

  • Oral-B Sensitive Original. Contains a high degree of concentration of substances similar in structure to enamel, preventing the appearance of cracks;
  • MEXIDOL Dent Sensitive. Pasta with high content potassium Protects enamel from damage and reduces pain when exposed to irritating substances;
  • Sensodyne-F. Rich in potassium. It has the property of relieving pain and preventing the transmission of impulses from the irritant;
  • Rembrandt Sensitive. Protects enamel by forming an invisible film on dentin. It is recommended to use after every meal.

All pastes with therapeutic effect contain alkali, which neutralizes the effects of acids and reduces the irritating effect of provoking factors. They need to be used in a course, the duration of which is announced by the doctor.

Additional enamel protection products

To strengthen the enamel and reduce sensitivity to irritants, dentists recommend using varnishes, foams and gels. The convenience of these is due to the ability to use them in conjunction with mouth guards, which are worn at night.

Various varnishes are no less effective. The high content of microelements helps strengthen tooth enamel and reduce susceptibility to irritants. After application, a thin film is formed on the dentin surface, which provides protection from external irritants.

The most popular medicinal varnishes, solutions and powders:

  • Bifluoride 12. Contains sodium fluoride and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the enamel;
  • Fluocal. Available in the form of varnish and solution;
  • Fluoride varnish. Provides protection of enamel from damage by forming a film;
  • Remodent. Contains zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Used as a solution for rinsing or application;

  • Strontium chloride - paste or solution with protective properties;
  • Calcium gluconate 10%. It is recommended to apply for 20 minutes;
  • Gel Tooth Mousse. It has the property of forming a film on the surface. Approved for use by children from 1 year of age.
  • MI Paste Plus gel containing fluoride. Not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age.

All of the above can be used in for preventive purposes, especially with weakened enamel and the presence of caries.


  1. The drug is delivered immediately to the damaged area and penetrates deep into the tissue;
  2. Does not cause discomfort or pain;
  3. Suitable for treating children.

As active ingredients Fluocal, calcium gluconate, sodium fluoride and vitamin B1 are used.

After determining the cause, treatment for dental hypersensitivity is prescribed immediately to prevent the development inflammatory process in the pulp. Pathology can be fought with traditional methods, which are no less effective than traditional ways treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment

So, what to do if your teeth are sensitive? Traditional medicine advises:

  • Dilute 3 drops of oil tea tree in 200 ml of water. Rinse your mouth 3 - 4 times a day;
  • tablespoon oak bark pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Ready solution use for rinsing;
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over chamomile flowers (1 tsp), infuse and rinse your mouth;
  • Fresh warm milk hold a little in your mouth to relieve pain.

Traditional medicine is effective in combating diseases when additional measures, both therapeutic and preventive, are applied.

Preventive measures

Following simple rules will help eliminate the problem. It's no secret that important rule and the key to health is a timely visit to the dentist. Following his recommendations will help not only cope with various kinds problems, but also to identify pathologies on early stages development.
To summarize, we can say that in order to eliminate the effect of an irritant on enamel, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude it from the diet. Traditional methods are also effective, but with regularly performed procedures.

Hello dear readers. Many of us are very familiar with such an unpleasant problem as tooth sensitivity. When they react to cold and hot, we experience severe discomfort and sometimes even pain. We will discuss how to reduce tooth sensitivity at home.

I myself faced this problem in my youth. I could only eat ice cream with a spoon. Whenever I tried to bite the treat with my teeth, I experienced terrible discomfort. Probably, it was then that some unprintable words appeared in my vocabulary, and I myself first addressed this problem in city ​​dentistry. It all started with damage to the enamel. I can’t remember what exactly I gnawed as a child, but it was enough for many years of problems and toothache.

Main causes of hypersensitivity

  • the layer of tooth enamel has become thinner;
  • there are microcracks;
  • demineralization;
  • undetected caries.

Any damage to the enamel leads to the fact that the next layer - dentin - begins to feel everything from which the enamel should have protected it. normal conditions. Unpleasant sensations pass through thin nerves, causing you to experience indescribable emotions.

If the causes of sensitivity are carious in nature, you may not even try to treat them at home. It is quite likely that there is a wedge-shaped defect. They must be eliminated by cleaning and filling.

Symptoms and methods of control

You can read the forums for a long time and tediously, which are like mushrooms after the rain. They are as good as advice in glossy magazines. Because they are written by bloggers, not specialists. They will teach you how to apply plantain to gangrene and treat diabetes with dietary supplements.

First of all, you need to understand why you have this problem. To do this, contact your dentist. Let him check the condition of his teeth. If he doesn’t find anything serious, he might recommend some kind of paste, like Lacalut Extra Sensitive.

In general, such a phenomenon as hyperesthesia (this is the scientific name for this problem) manifests itself in different ways:

  • teeth react only to hot and cold;
  • they hurt even if you breathe in cold air;
  • there is a reaction to sour/salty/sweet.

Lacalut Extra Sensitive Paste

In adolescents, this phenomenon may be a consequence hormonal changes in the body. Also the reason may be endocrine diseases, periodontitis, etc. Even an incorrectly selected brush with excessively hard bristles can cause damage to the enamel and increased sensitivity.

Is it really possible to reduce tooth sensitivity at home? Yes, if there are no serious defects ( initial caries, wedge-shaped defect, erosion, injuries leading to chips).

We are reviewing our eating habits. For example, we avoid soda, citrus fruits, and solid foods like crackers and nuts. We eat foods containing calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus. In particular, do not forget to eat fish and seafood, fresh cottage cheese, etc.

Sudden temperature changes like coffee + ice cream negatively affect the condition. Therefore, you should refrain from such experiments on your health. At the very least, it will be unpleasant.

Let’s not forget about various types of gels and varnishes, the task of which is to combat microcracks. For example, there are such tools:

  • Remodent powder containing all the necessary minerals;
  • “Bifluoride 12” – enamel varnish with calcium and sodium fluoride;
  • calcium gluconate solution.

In general, many of these gels, varnishes, etc. are produced in our country, tested, certified, etc. They do not contain any harmful compounds. This is somehow more reliable than advertised drugs. Therefore, I personally would recommend something like this for home use. These products are available without prescriptions.

Treating tooth sensitivity with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is not a panacea, but it is good recipes, which have been tested and are truly capable of having an effect on various non-critical enamel defects. I've collected some of the simplest ones.

  1. Take 3 drops of tea tree oil and dissolve in a glass of water at room temperature. We rinse our mouth with this mixture three times a day.
  2. We make a decoction of oak bark. The product is sold at any pharmacy. You need a tablespoon of it in the same glass of water. Pour boiling water for 10 minutes or put on fire for 5 minutes.
  3. Make an infusion of chamomile and burdock (in equal parts). Let it sit for an hour and rinse your teeth 2-3 times a day.
  4. The simplest remedy local action– hold warm milk in your mouth.

The main thing is to read less of any “healer” recipes. Using them can make things even worse. Often you come across unique people who will recommend almost alcohol and tar. I came across a couple of books in the spirit of “recipes of a traditional healer.” Another sorceress in the forty-fifth generation promises you miracles. According to her, you wise advice“You drink all sorts of nonsense, read conspiracies.

And people really think that if they whisper some words, the hole in the tooth will heal and everything will be fine. It’s the same as curing cirrhosis of the liver through willpower and helping with a bullet wound. And 90% of these books are written based on what is collected on the Internet, and are beautifully designed with pictures and in a hard cover with an attractive title.

Tooth hypersensitivity after therapy

Types of desensitizers:

Seal Protect(Densplay)
Admira Protect (voco)
Fluor protector IVOCLAR
Glumo(Heraeus Kulzer

In some cases, increased sensitivity may occur after dental treatment. For example, one of the reasons why sensitivity increases may be due to the use of a special gel (chemically active). If so, we recommend using desensitizers - special products (in the form of a paste, gel or rinse) that reduce tooth sensitivity. In addition, increased sensitivity after whitening or professional hygiene procedures can be reduced with remineralization therapy.

Note! Another factor affecting sensitivity is microinflammation of the pulp. In some cases they are observed after medical intervention– for example, treatment of caries.

Dental hypersensitivity is often caused by periodontal disease. Here the problems can be solved by the same professional hygienic measures, including the removal of sub- and supragingival deposits, as well as subsequent fluoridation. Finally, high sensitivity occurs due to uncontrolled clenching/grinding of teeth. Because of this, the enamel and tissues of the teeth wear out, which provokes severe hyperesthesia.

Getting rid of the problem of tooth sensitivity

You will say that there are a lot of words, but nothing has been said, is it possible to remove tooth sensitivity forever? Theoretically, and if there are no serious defects, yes. And even in ordinary living conditions. But you will have to seriously reconsider your lifestyle. What is more important to you - healthy teeth or beer crackers, ice cream and lemonade? I personally would choose the teeth. Because today they react to the cold, tomorrow caries will appear, and so on.

And how many articles have I seen on the Internet about relieving tooth sensitivity? This is not to mention all sorts of miracle remedies. Of these, 90% are outright attempts to defraud money. Remember the “Kremlin pill”? These were flowers. Here you will find all sorts of devices with radiation and space technologies for presidents. In general, if you have a couple of hundred extra dollars and a desire to add to your collection of household useless items, you can buy it.

Video - Increased tooth sensitivity

Prevention of tooth sensitivity

So that in the foreseeable future you have as much as possible less problems with teeth, and every sip cold water did not cause pain or discomfort, you should follow simple rules.

  1. You should not open bottles, etc. with your teeth. Chips in enamel are one of the main causes of pain. You should also not bite your nails, pencils, or pen caps.
  2. If you have areas of demineralization in the form of small white spots on the surface of the tooth, go to the dentist. It will help you prevent it from getting worse.
  3. Use it fluoride pastes. Quality, not for a dollar.
  4. Forget about solid foods like the above-mentioned crackers. You should not crack nuts with your teeth.
  5. You will have to eat ice cream with a spoon. And not icy, but slightly heated. Drinking hot drinks like tea and coffee is bad for your teeth.
  6. If your hair is not perfect, then strong bleaching pastes and powders with an abrasive effect can lead to damage. Rinsing with baking soda and peroxide is similar.

When choosing, look at their composition and purpose. Therapeutic and preventive, of course, can reduce tooth sensitivity. But ordinary toothpastes, sold in every supermarket, will, at most, partially remove plaque.

Pastes for tooth sensitivity:

LACALUT Extra Sensitive
SILCA Complete Sensitive
LACALUT Sensitive
Blendamed Pro-Expert

Yes, you shouldn’t forget about visiting the dentist either - it’s not at all difficult to do this 2-3 times a year. Visually, damage to tooth enamel is invisible. But they are like a gopher. You don't see them, but they are there. For treatment, iontophoresis or electrophoresis with calcium gluconate, sodium fluoride, vitamin B and trimecaine may be prescribed. These remedies help relieve acute tooth sensitivity and guarantee not just temporary relief, but a long-term effect.

On your own personal experience I can say from the experience of people I know – it helps. But, of course, not in one procedure. A course of treatment and the use of remineralization agents are required.

When was the last time you went to the dentist, not because it already hurts, but just to get examined? Now there are a lot of special tools that can be used to eliminate the problem using them at home.

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Video - How to reduce tooth sensitivity at home - practical tips