Constipation in kittens 2-3 months old. Problems with the toilet in small kittens (constipation). Helping your cat at home

Have you noticed constipation, bloating and indigestion in your kitten? How to help if problems occur in a newborn, a week-old or a month-old kitten? Constipation began at 2–3 months, what could be the reasons? What to do at home? Is it possible to use Vaseline oil and when is it reasonable? Let's figure it out.

The physiology of kittens changes, or rather improves, with age. The younger the kitten, the more likely there are problems with work gastrointestinal tract, especially if the baby receives unnatural nutrition. For kittens aged 1 month natural nutrition is only mother's milk, and in the first few days only colostrum.

Immediately after birth, the intestines of kittens are sterile, that is, they are not populated by microflora. When colostrum is absorbed, the kitten colonizes the intestines beneficial bacteria, which help process mother's milk. If for some reason the kitten did not receive nutrition from the mother, it is possible to feed it with a cat's milk replacer.

However, with artificial feeding, from birth to 3 months, the kitten may develop problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract against the background.

Constipation in a newborn kitten

The gastrointestinal tract of a newborn kitten does not function fully. In order for the kitten to suckle milk, the mother stimulates it by purring and pushing towards the nipples. By and large, before opening their eyes and ears, kittens find a source of food, focusing only on the smell.

Newborn kittens cannot empty their bowels and bladder on their own.

During each feeding, the cat licks the belly and genital area of ​​each kitten, stimulating bowel movements and bladder. If you are artificially feeding a kitten, before each feeding you need to massage its abdomen and genital area with a sponge soaked in warm water.

Constipation in a one-week-old kitten

A one-week-old kitten's gastrointestinal tract can only digest dairy products. When transferring a kitten to artificial feeding, constipation may occur. In such early age both diseases are deadly. With constipation, the kitten quickly develops intoxication, and with diarrhea, dehydration.

Duphalac will help quickly relieve constipation in a one-week-old kitten. The drug is considered safe, is prescribed to children from birth and has no contraindications. Duphalac is powerless if constipation occurs after swallowing foreign objects. In this case, use Vaseline or linseed oil.

Constipation in a one-month-old kitten

U one month old kitten well developed sense of smell, hearing and vision. Focusing on the senses, the kitten begins to explore the outside world and adult food. Typically, kittens instinctively respond to the smell of meat and dairy products. At such an early age, kittens are fed boiled minced meat and fermented milk products or high-quality industrial canned food.

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A slight digestive upset when introducing new foods into the diet is considered normal and expected. Usually, diarrhea stops without outside intervention and does not recur more than 2 times a day. If your kitten develops constipation, the most likely cause is a lack of water. To stabilize the gastrointestinal tract, constantly offer your kitten warm fermented milk products.

If constipation occurs for 6–10 hours, laxatives should be used. Usually, veterinarians prescribe Duphalac. If the cause of constipation is the use of adsorbents, the kitten is prescribed plenty of fluids, and in case of severe dehydration, drip administration of buffer solutions is prescribed.

Constipation in a kitten at 2–3 months

At 2–3 months, the kitten’s diet quickly expands. In addition, the baby plays actively, which can lead to unintentional ingestion of foreign objects. When constipation develops in a 2-3 month old kitten, it is extremely important to determine the cause of the disease.

By and large, constipation is a consequence of a lack of water in the diet.

Feces become too dry, difficult to move through the intestines and form a plug. If you are sure that the kitten could not swallow foreign object Constipation can be relieved with:

  • Abdominal massage.
  • Dufalaka.
  • Flaxseed oil.
  • Cleansing.

Before using any medical or traditional methods, massage the kitten's belly in a clockwise direction. Even at 2–3 one month old The baby retains the bowel movement reflex after licking the genital area. To stimulate bowel movement, take a cotton swab and dip it in warm water and thoroughly wipe the kitten's genital area, imitating a cat licking. If you see that the kitten is struggling, but feces do not come out of the intestines, this is definitely constipation.

What to do at home?

What to do at home if you are convinced that the kitten is suffering from constipation? When providing assistance yourself, the main thing is not to cause harm. If the baby has obvious signs intoxication, it is better not to risk it and contact veterinarian.

Important! Self-treatment It’s better not to practice if the kitten’s anus is inflamed.

To treat kittens at home, it is reasonable to use only folk and safe methods. It is important to understand that most traditional methods for eliminating constipation are contraindicated in cases of volvulus and intestinal blockage. Volvulus or blockage can only be determined by x-ray With contrast agent.

Using Vaseline Oil

Vaseline oil is the most common folk remedy to combat constipation. The oil can be used in several variations:

  • Adding to food.
  • Enema with Vaseline oil and water.
  • Vaseline candles.

Read also: Fungus in cats: symptoms, prevention and treatment

A few drops of oil can be added to food or placed on the kitten's tongue if constipation does not cause obvious discomfort. The product is not absorbed in the intestines, creates an enveloping film and helps promote feces, maintaining intestinal motility.

An enema with petroleum jelly is contraindicated for volvulus and intestinal blockage. If after the procedure the kitten is unable to have a bowel movement within an hour, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Before introducing the solution into the intestines, it must be thoroughly shaken and heated to a temperature of 38–38.5 degrees.

A Vaseline suppository is inserted into the anus. To carry out the procedure for a kitten, the candle must be divided into 2 or 4 parts (depending on the size of the animal). Vaseline suppositories quickly help eliminate constipation if the accumulation of feces is localized in the large intestine.

Duphalac - a remedy for constipation

Duphalac is one of the most famous and safe means from constipation. The syrup can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. The drug is a syrup yellowish color and viscous consistency, with a sweetish taste. Basics active substance Duphalac is lactulose, so the drug may be contraindicated in animals with lactose intolerance.

Pay attention! All kittens under four months of age tolerate lactose well, so Duphalac can be used without fear.

The dose of the drug is calculated by weight, approximately 0.01 to 0.5 ml per 1 kilogram. How smaller kitten, the lower the dosage should be used, however, taking the drug can be repeated 4-5 times a day. If you do not observe positive dynamics within 24 hours, it is wiser to contact a veterinarian.

Duphalac helps relieve natural constipation, but is contraindicated for:

  • Intestinal volvulus.

Important! With significant helminthic infestation Duphalac can only partially alleviate the pet's condition.

What to do if your kitten has constipation and bloating?

Even experienced owners very often diagnose their pet with bloating. However, increased peritoneal coverage can be associated with a variety of conditions, some of which are acute and fatal.

Bloating is a very vague diagnosis that often indicates:

  • or increased gas formation.
  • Physical distension of the intestinal walls - occurs with helminthic infestation, prolonged constipation, deformation or enlargement of organs.
  • Intestinal volvulus - deformation occurs against the background of swelling and constipation.
  • Intestinal blockage - deformation occurs due to constipation, since feces cannot move to the large intestine.

Pay attention! Excessive defecation of fatty, shapeless feces can signal atonic constipation.

This condition develops against the background of a lack of peristalsis of the large intestine. With atonic constipation, defecation occurs after the intestines are full of feces.

If your kitten has a visually enlarged belly, it is better not to self-medicate and consult a veterinarian.

If for some reason doctors are unavailable, you can determine the type of illness by the following signs:

  • A soft abdomen and the emission of gases during massaging are most likely flatulence associated with a change or expansion of the usual diet.
  • A medium-soft abdomen, absence of pain on palpation - most often indicates. In small kittens, with significant helminthic infestation, the body becomes like a pear.
  • A medium-soft abdomen and pain on palpation are most likely constipation and accumulation of gases, leading to colic.
  • A hard abdomen on palpation may indicate an extreme degree of any of the above conditions or severe pain syndrome, causing the kitten to tense its abdominal muscles.

Pay attention! If during pushing a small amount of mucus comes out of the kitten's intestines, this is so-called false constipation, which must be treated.

Gas is a possible cause of constipation

In the background increased gas formation The kitten may develop colic or constipation. The inability to empty the intestines is due to the fact that gas bubbles form as the stool moves. This can happen if the kitten was abruptly transferred to unusual diet or has congenital features gastrointestinal tract.

Constipation in a kitten is a prolonged absence of stool for more than two days or difficulty in emptying the animal’s intestines. This phenomenon is quite rare, mainly associated with poor nutrition or insufficient water consumption. However, sometimes constipation occurs little kitten may signal serious illnesses, especially in cases where it is accompanied strong thirst. The cause may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, orthopedic and neurological problems, diseases of the prostate, liver, kidneys.

The absence or untimely provision of assistance can lead to disastrous consequences: severe intoxication, which, in turn, disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems and inevitably leads to the death of the animal.

Let's figure out how to solve and prevent this problem in the future.

Trichobezoar- This is an accumulation of hair in the kitten’s stomach, which makes defecation difficult. Take care to regularly brush your pets, because even if they have short hair, it can clog the intestines no worse than long hair. In addition to this, there are special drugs, promoting wool distillation. which you can purchase from a veterinarian or pet store.

Foreign body, for example, a bone, a small toy, a nut or other objects. A special drug will be useful here, but we recommend taking your baby to the veterinarian in cases of swallowing sharp objects, such as fish bone or a needle.

Poor nutrition and intestinal dysbiosis. Avoid overfeeding and consuming low-quality feed, and monitor fluid intake.

A sudden change in diet. The cat's menu needs to be changed gradually, extending this process for at least 3-5 days. Combine the animal's usual food with bran - this will help break up the feces, making them easier to pass. Do not forget that a cat is a predatory creature, so even a baby needs meat: pre-cooked and chopped into a pate.

The presence of worms can also cause constipation. When there is a large accumulation of them in the body, intestinal blockage is caused. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor, since worming is prohibited until the symptom is eliminated, since the decomposition process can lead to severe poisoning.

How consequence of injury, hematomas, tumors and edema, in the postoperative period..

Megacolon– expansion of the intestines and loss of motility. It may be congenital or caused by prolonged constipation.

Poor bowel function. You can stimulate its work by light, soft and leisurely stroking the abdomen.

Stress– a change of environment, separation from the mother cat or fear can provoke the baby’s refusal to go to the toilet. As a rule, the process of getting used to a new environment lasts a couple of days, so there is no need to sound the alarm if the kitten has been constipated for only 1-2 days. Surround the new family member with love and attention and, most likely, the problem will disappear.

Constipation in a kitten: characteristic symptoms

Constipation in a kitten can be recognized by characteristic features: lethargy, refusal or low food intake, bloating, pain in the area when touched, dry stools, sometimes with mucus or blood, weight loss. The baby tries to go big, but it’s difficult or the potty remains empty, advanced cases vomiting appears.

What to do if your kitten is constipated

As a rule, lactulose-based products are used, such as Duphalac, Lactusan, Lizalak, Festal, Espumisan and petroleum jelly (not to be confused with petroleum jelly!).

However, we recommend starting with adding a small amount to your food. vegetable oil. Make sure you have vegetables and grains in your diet. It is also worth reducing the portions a little and adding a little to the carnivore’s diet fermented milk products.

Vaseline oil is used orally at the rate of 1.5 ml per kilogram 2-3 times a day until fecal waste normalizes. The oil coats the intestinal walls without being absorbed into the blood, softens feces, facilitating their further passage.

We do not recommend using the widely recommended castor oil, since it causes pain in small pets, but does not lead to a significant improvement in the animal’s condition. In addition, castor oil can be absorbed into the blood, causing damage to the liver.

Duphalac should be taken at a rate of 0.5 ml per kilogram 2 times a day. The principle of its effect on the body and the effect of its use is similar to Vaseline oil. It is important to remember that drugs to normalize microflora must be given in courses.

Well-proven widespread folk method: a small amount of condensed milk is diluted raw water. Although this method gives good result and relief for the animal, it is harmful to the liver, so you should not use it too often.

A cleansing enema is the most in a radical way. It is quite problematic to administer a deep cleansing enema at home, so it is better to entrust this process to a veterinarian. However, microenemas can also be done at home. To enhance the effect, use drugs such as lactusan, duphalac or a simple chamomile decoction.

How to give an enema correctly

For the procedure, you can use a 10 mg syringe without a needle or a catheter with an adapter. You will most likely need help holding the tailed's paws and body in place during the process. You need to mentally prepare for the fact that the baby will not at all like all the manipulations that you will carry out with him.

To make the enema insertion process as painless as possible, lubricate the tip with Vaseline or any vegetable oil. When inserting a syringe or catheter, make sure that it is already deep enough so that the enema contents do not leak out.

Introduce the liquid slowly, gradually, without unnecessary haste, while simultaneously palpating the tummy. Once you feel it is full enough, slowly remove the tip.

Massage bottom part tummy in search of characteristic long absence defecation of indurations. Using smooth circular movements, without applying strong pressure, try to crush them. Do not press too hard to avoid damaging internal organs.

If you did everything correctly, then stagnant feces will come out along with the water. Continue until the liquid runs clear. In total, you may need to do an enema 2-3 times of 10 mg.

If treatment at home does not help or problems with bowel movements occur too often, you should urgently contact a veterinary clinic to establish the cause, diagnosis and treatment. effective treatment pet. If necessary, your veterinarian may order a blood test, an X-ray with a contrast agent, or an abdominal ultrasound. If problems with bowel movements have progressed to acute stage, vomiting, lethargy and drowsiness appeared, the doctor will do a deep cleansing enema and prescribe a special dropper to detoxify the body.

A little about prevention

If the kitten is constipated - common occurrence, what to do?

Frequent problems with big hikes require some preventive measures.
Take care to provide the animal with the correct dietary nutrition. into him mandatory should include fiber, which can be found in sufficient quantities in bran, cereals and vegetables. Some cases involve the introduction of dairy and fermented milk products into the diet on an ongoing basis. Occasional use Vaseline oil in small quantities helps to facilitate the process of defecation and avoid injury to the walls of the rectum.

It is important to remember about wool. Veterinarians recommend giving long-haired cats special preparations for fur control as part of prevention.

Give the kitten more opportunity and space to run and play, which will have a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also on general health small family member.

Carefully following these rules will ensure your baby a healthy, long and happy life.


Any animal in the house requires a lot of attention. He needs to provide complete care and proper nutrition. Sometimes owners are faced with an unpleasant situation when the kitten does not go to the toilet in a big way. It is quite possible to cope with it and alleviate the pet’s condition.

If a cat does not pay enough attention to her cub or does not care for him, he may have problems with the toilet. Although usually the mother regularly licks the kitten’s tummy, which stimulates the intestines. As a result, the formed gases are released, and the animal empties normally. Among the main factors that provoke constipation are:

  • weak contractions of the intestinal muscles;
  • poor nutrition– drinking little water, eating bones frequently, protein deficiency;
  • stress;
  • pain during bowel movements - it can be caused by inflammation of the anus, bowel dysfunction, abdominal trauma;
  • kidney pathologies leading to dehydration - when water is absorbed into the body, the stool becomes dry and hard;
  • problems psychological nature– fighting for the tray, the toilet is standing in crowded place etc.
  • licking fur - can lead to its accumulation in the intestines, this condition requires urgent surgery;
  • foreign object - the pet may eat something small and inedible. It will get stuck in the intestines and interfere with the passage of stool.

Poor diet can cause constipation

If problems with bowel movements are observed constantly, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian and determine their causes. Tests may reveal chronic diseases that are subject to mandatory treatment.

If a kitten does not go to the toilet, the cause of this condition can be any error in nutrition. In addition, small animals are very inquisitive and can taste any objects. Constipation can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. No bowel movements for three or more days - healthy pet should be emptied at least once a day. If he goes to the litter box less often, but the process proceeds without problems, and the feces have normal consistency, there is no reason to worry.
  2. A small amount of excrement that is too hard - sometimes with constipation, feces similar to small peas are observed.
  3. Tense stomach and increased anxiety - the baby may meow loudly, refuse to eat, etc.
  4. Lethargy – the kitten becomes apathetic and does not want to play.

If any alarming symptoms You need to take the kitten to the veterinarian, as the problem can be caused by serious diseases:

To resolve problems that arise, you need to show persistence and patience. Typically, animals do not tolerate treatment well and break away from your hands when you try to give them an enema or introduce a piece of soap. Therefore, before visiting the veterinarian, you can try several effective remedies.

Vaseline oil

This is a proven way to eliminate constipation and make your pet feel better. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosage - one milliliter per kilogram of animal weight. A mandatory condition for such treatment is to give the kitten oil no more than once a day. To carry out the procedure, you will need a regular syringe without a needle. Secure your pet and pour the product into his mouth. The expected effect occurs within twelve to sixteen hours.

Vaseline oil


Usually the cat itself licks the baby several times a day. By doing this, it stimulates the functioning of all organs, including the intestines. If you have a very tiny kitten under one month old, a mandatory component of caring for it is a belly massage, which should be done not only if constipation occurs. It should be performed with light stroking movements in the direction from head to tail. Just ten minutes of daily massage is enough to permanently eliminate problems with the digestive tract.

To eliminate intestinal problems, you can massage


This good way combat constipation, but you can perform the procedure yourself only as a last resort. There are two reasons for this:

  1. The tip of the syringe can easily injure the kitten's intestines.
  2. If the problem is caused by an obstruction or tumor, an enema will cause even more harm to the animal.

You need to be careful with an enema, as it can harm your pet.

It is recommended to do the procedure in the morning, when the pet is still relaxed after sleep. Securely fix it in a standing position and place it in any container. Lubricate the tip of the syringe well with Vaseline, then insert it into the anus. The water in the enema must be clean and always at room temperature. It must be administered with the utmost care, in small portions. If you have any difficulties, you need to stop immediately, otherwise you can rupture your intestine.

Condensed milk and soap

If your kitten doesn't poop, you can give him condensed milk. pure form or pre-dilute with water. But you should not use this product too often, as it is high in calories and quite fatty, so it is dangerous for the liver of kittens.

Condensed milk can be diluted with water and given to a kitten

Some owners use it to relieve constipation regular soap– you need to make a small candle out of it, and then carefully insert it into the anus. The substance irritates the mucous membrane, causes contraction of the intestinal muscles and leads to defecation. Constipation will go away, but other complications are possible - allergies to individual soap ingredients, swelling and redness.

To successfully treat a pet, you need to properly organize its nutrition. The menu should have enough fiber, liquid and fat. Low-quality feed can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, constipation. Therefore it is better to choose wet food premium class. But giving them to your pet too often is contraindicated.

In advanced cases, without assistance, the pet may die

Among the negative consequences are:

  1. Intoxication - when food is digested, feces are formed, which contain toxic substances. With constipation, it accumulates inside, which leads to poisoning of the body.
  2. Overstretching of the intestinal walls - when feces accumulate, it stretches, compresses other organs, which threatens the development of necrotic processes.
  3. Impaired intestinal absorption - if stool disturbances are observed for two to three days, work digestive tract is disrupted, the animal loses its appetite, it loses weight and does not receive enough valuable nutrients.
  4. Peritonitis - the intestinal wall is elastic, but can rupture if stretched too much. As a result, feces end up in abdominal cavity and provokes the development of peritonitis, which, in the absence of adequate measures, leads to the death of the pet.

How to treat constipation

If problems with stool appear regularly, you need to reconsider your pet’s usual lifestyle:

  1. Nutrition – the animal’s menu should be correct and healthy with sufficient fluid.
  2. Grooming – to prevent hair from accumulating in the intestines, the kitten should be brushed periodically.
  3. Movement - cats should be quite active - run, jump and play more often.
  4. Massage improves peristalsis and helps relieve constipation.
  5. Medicines will help normalize stool medicines. But they must be prescribed by a specialist. One of the most popular products is Duphalac.

Self-treatment of constipation that occurs in patients can be carried out only after a visit to an experienced veterinarian, since we are talking about intestinal obstruction.


To prevent the development of constipation, you need to follow certain preventive measures:

  1. Long-haired cats should be brushed regularly, otherwise it will get stuck in a lump and end up in the intestines.
  2. Buy phytomines – they help remove hair from your pet’s body.
  3. An excellent laxative is pumpkin. If you add cooked product to feed, you can quickly cope with stool disorders.
  4. Take your pet to the veterinarian regularly to identify possible problems in time.

If you follow all the rules listed above, you can avoid bowel disorders. Carefully monitor your pet's condition, its diet and behavior, and take immediate action when the first symptoms of constipation appear.

Constipation in a kitten is a fairly common problem. Babies are susceptible to stress and react quickly to changes in diet. Let's look at the causes of the problem and ways to solve it.

How can you tell if your kitten is constipated?

Constipation can be expressed not only in the absence of stool. This factor can be missed if the pet has access to the street and defecates there. What are the signs that indicate that a kitten is constipated?

  1. Frequent but unproductive attempts to go to the toilet.
  2. The kitten meows when it tries to empty its intestines, walks around the tray for a long time and is afraid of it.
  3. Dry, hard, small stools.
  4. Mucus or blood in the stool.
  5. Lack of appetite.
  6. The kitten does not lick itself, is lethargic, has lost weight.
  7. A small amount of liquid feces after the kitten has been pushing for a long time.

Causes of intestinal problems

A kitten in the house requires attention, especially a small one. At a young age, animals often have digestive problems, in which the kitten does not go to the toilet in a big way. It is very important to ensure that he has regular bowel movements.

What are the reasons that a kitten does not go to the toilet in a big way?

  1. Newborn kittens need help to defecate.
  2. The second factor that can affect stool is poor nutrition.
  3. The third common reason why a kitten becomes constipated is stress associated with a change of place of residence and separation from its mother.
  4. Fourth reason bad work intestines - a possible disease.

Help for newborn kittens

Young kittens often have problems with bowel movements. The fact is that kids need outside help. A cat should lick her babies not only to clean their fur. A gentle massage stimulates the intestines and ensures blood flow. Licking helps the kitten get rid of the contents of the intestines, because he cannot do this on his own.

In the case when a young and inexperienced mother refuses to care for her offspring, a person must help. Help may also be required if the adopted kitten is one month old or less.

In order to perform a massage, you need to take a small piece soft fabric or cotton wool and moisten it warm water. Now make it short longitudinal movements from chest to tail all over the tummy. Movements should be very soft, gentle, not causing discomfort to the kitten. There is no need to press on the tummy, just stroke it.


One common reason why a kitten won't go to the toilet is stress. First of all, it is caused by moving to new home, shift familiar surroundings, separation from mother. Another reason could be fear. A kitten may become frightened by another aggressive animal or by harassment from a child.

Due to stress, the baby may refuse to go to the toilet for up to 5 days. There is no need to worry if, immediately after acquisition, the kitten does not go to the toilet regularly for several days. Provide the animal with a calm environment, do not disturb it and let it get comfortable. It is very important to surround the baby with affection, as he yearns for his mother.

If there is a child in the house, then explain to him that he cannot play with the kitten right away. He is easily frightened by sharp sounds and movements. A healthy animal will get used to it very quickly. In just a few hours, the baby will begin to explore the new home, find a bowl and tray, and want to play.


Another cause of intestinal dysfunction is poor nutrition. The animal's body needs time to get used to new food. It is especially important not to change the feeding pattern during the kitten’s adaptation after moving to a new home. To do this, you need to find out from the previous owners how they feed the kitten, what its favorite food is. It is best to take some food from the previous home and feed it to your pet for the first few days. You can purchase food of the same brand.

New foods should be introduced gradually. The kitten can be fed dry or wet food for kittens or natural food. If the diet includes dry food, you need to ensure that the animal always has access to clean water. When feeding natural food, to improve intestinal function, bran should be added to the food. This measure will help prevent constipation.

Cats are predators, their natural food- meat. The kitten begins to gradually become accustomed to animal products from the age of 1.5 months. This needs to be done gradually. The meat should be cut into small pieces and boiled without salt and spices for 10-15 minutes, cool. You can grind it to a puree. As meat feeding For kittens it is good to use baby puree in jars.

Constipation can occur due to lack of fluid. Make sure your pet drinks enough, especially if he eats dry food.

What to do if the kitten does not go to the toilet in a big way?

So, your kitten is used to his new home, happy and active, but still does not go to the toilet? Certain measures need to be taken. If the animal does not go to the toilet for more than five days, you need to carefully palpate its abdomen. The fact is that constipation is most often accompanied by bloating, as well as painful sensations during defecation.

How to tell if a kitten is in pain? In this case, he walks around the tray for a long time, adjusts himself, and squeaks pitifully. Sometimes stool may be visible in the anus. IN difficult cases The veterinarian will help. Calling such a specialist to your home is not a problem, but you can try to deal with the problem yourself.


This remedy works well for both adult animals and kittens. If he does not go to the toilet for several days, vegetable oil will help relieve the condition. You don’t need to give a lot of oil, half a teaspoon per day is enough. It is most convenient to give the product from a syringe without a needle. The oil must be poured in very slowly so that the kitten does not choke. Now going to the toilet will not bring discomfort. After consuming the oil, the animal may be thirsty.

You can also simply mix a little vegetable oil into your food. Do not overuse this method, as it has a negative effect on the liver. The kitten must go to the toilet thanks to proper nutrition, and not due to the constant addition of vegetable fats.


You can relieve your kitten of constipation using soap. To do this, you need to cut a small piece of soap and give it a round shape. The soap candle is lightly moistened with water and then inserted into anus animal. The kitten won't like it this procedure, so it’s better to do it when the baby is sleeping. A soap candle will take effect within a few hours.


If constipation has been going on for several days, you can resort to an enema. The procedure must be performed extremely carefully. To do this, take a little warm boiled water, syringe 10 mg. It is more convenient to do an enema together. One person gently holds the kitten while another person gently and slowly introduces the liquid.

The syringe must be inserted so that the liquid does not spill out, deep enough. The tip can be lubricated with oil or Vaseline. You need to feel the kitten's tummy to understand when the intestines are full. There is no need to press hard on the stomach, light touches are enough. If necessary, the procedure can be performed several times.

Enema to a kitten should be done very carefully, especially if you do not have the necessary experience. It is best to have the procedure performed by a veterinarian. It’s easy to call him at home. You can visit the veterinary clinic yourself.

Treatment of kittens for constipation with medications

It's better not to start drug treatment kitten without a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to choose the right remedy and dosage so as not to cause diarrhea and other negative consequences. For soft treatment For constipation, you can use Vaseline oil.

Vaseline oil can be easily purchased at a regular pharmacy (not to be confused with petroleum jelly). It should be given 2-3 times a day in small quantities - 1.5 mg per kilogram of weight. Keep in mind that the weight of a kitten can be significantly less than a kilogram. The oil gently coats the intestinal walls, but is not absorbed.

Castor oil cannot be used to treat kittens. The result will not be achieved, and due to the action of the drug, the animals will experience pain.

Used to treat constipation in kittens soft drugs based on lactulose. For example, "Laktustan", "Lizalak", "Dufalak". These products have the most safe action. It is not recommended to use a stronger laxative for kittens without consulting a veterinarian.

"Duphalac" is given to the kitten 2 times a day, 0.5 ml per kilogram of weight. The effect of the drug is similar to the effect of Vaseline oil, so there is no need to use both products at the same time.

This medical term refers to all sorts of difficulties with bowel movements. The problem can rightfully be considered the most common pet problem. Constipation in kittens, for example, occurs in every third four-legged cat. Veterinarians say that healthy cat must have a bowel movement at least once a day. If you notice that your pet's stool has become dry and scanty, you should contact a veterinarian.

Constipation in a kitten: symptoms

So, what signs indicate that an animal has digestive problems? Firstly, when sitting on the tray, he will meow loudly and pitifully. Secondly, the excrement will be dry and hard, and you may find traces of blood and mucus among the filler. Constipation in kittens is usually accompanied by loss of appetite, sharp decline weight, lethargy. Sometimes the pet vomits and stops licking itself. If you notice at least two manifestations from this list, immediately show your four-legged friend specialist.

Possible reasons

Constipation in kittens can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common veterinarians call a diet with low content proteins and dehydration. Think about it: is your cat overusing dry food? You should also make sure he drinks enough fluids. The factor that provokes constipation can be the so-called “hair ball” (a ball of hair accumulated in the stomach).


In some cases, constipation in kittens is one of the signs of illness. Depending on the situation, the doctor may diagnose the presence of a cyst in the animal’s intestines, neurological disorder, tumor in the esophagus, obesity, prostate enlargement or problems with peristalsis. In addition, a foreign object (bone, small toy, piece of fabric, etc.) that has entered the stomach may be to blame.


The treatment process largely depends on the cause of constipation. Your veterinarian may prescribe a stool softener, laxative, or enema. You can carry out the last procedure yourself, but it is better to entrust it to a doctor. Don't forget that your cat will most likely react extremely negatively to your attempts, and some enemas can be toxic to animals. the kitten can be eliminated with the help of medications that enhance peristalsis. In some cases, manual bowel cleansing or even surgery(it is necessary in order to remove the obstacle that interferes with the passage of feces). A sick cat is recommended to eat a diet with increased content fiber and fibre.

Folk remedies

If you pick up a kitten on the street, and it refuses to go to the toilet for several days, do not worry: constipation may well be caused by stress from an unusual environment. Try giving your pet some condensed milk - most cats love it and it's an excellent laxative.

Risk group

When will your pet be prone to constipation? Firstly, if he is over ten years old, and secondly, if he is lazy and does not get enough exercise.