Rocs Medical Minerals gel for adults and children. Rox gel for teeth – price, composition, description, pharmacological properties and method of application

ROX gel for teeth - price, composition and other characteristics of the drug. This product is a highly digestible source of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Due to the formation of an invisible, stable film after applying the gel to the tooth surface, it ensures the slow penetration of active substances into the dental tissue.

Features of the composition of the remineralizing gel R.O.C.S. MEDICAL MINERALS for teeth.

Xylitol, which is part of the drug, helps to increase the remineralizing complex, in addition, it allows you to suppress the activity of bacteria that provoke the appearance of caries and gum disease. Due to the presence of special additives, the gel forms an invisible and stable film over the teeth. Due to this, the exposure time of active substances is prolonged.

What is ROKS teeth gel used for?:

Interesting on the web:

  • is an excellent preventative against caries;
  • effectively helps fight caries at the stage white spot;
  • makes it possible to significantly improve the appearance of teeth in case of fluorosis;
  • eliminates increased tooth sensitivity;
  • restores the normal appearance of teeth damaged as a result of treatment with braces;
  • brightens teeth by approximately 4.8 shades;
  • gives teeth a natural shine;
  • stabilizes microflora composition oral cavity.

Due to the fact that the gel does not contain fluorine, the following is guaranteed:

  • the drug is completely safe even if swallowed;
  • it is suitable even for infants;
  • is indispensable and most effective for combating caries in those areas where the amount of fluoride contained in drinking water is significantly increased;
  • necessary for people who are not recommended to use products containing fluoride (for example, for thyroid diseases, renal failure, osteoporosis, etc.).

How to properly use R.O.C.S. remineralizing gel for teeth. MEDICAL MINERALS?

The use of this drug is indicated for the purpose of mineralization of tooth enamel, to eliminate tooth sensitivity, and for the prevention various diseases, as a component of a complex of therapeutic measures, during preparation for it, as well as for teeth restoration and whitening. There are different schemes for using R.O.C.S gel, which differ in its purpose (you can see this either in the instructions or check directly with your doctor).

Thick, ROX transparent gel for strengthening teeth has virtually no taste. It is quite difficult to distribute because it tries to escape somewhere from the tooth surface. The most convenient way to apply the product is with a toothbrush, but you need to distribute it very carefully. During application, the gel will foam slightly, so it is difficult to achieve a dense and even layer, but this does not affect the effect at all. A small tube of forty milliliters is enough for approximately one and a half to two months of constant use. The gel is applied about twice a day to the clean surface of the teeth, after which you should not consume food or water for about forty minutes.

There is no need to rinse your mouth after the drug, since it does not contain harmful components. After a few uses, the teeth become incredibly smooth, after another four days the whitening effect begins to appear, and if you continue regular use, it becomes more noticeable. Of course, R.O.C.S gel will not replace professional cleaning in the dentist's office, but it will help to significantly prolong and maintain the effect of it. Teeth will become less sensitive and will not react to hot and ice.

Until recently, toothpaste was perceived exclusively as a means of oral hygiene, the only requirement for which was to remove soft plaque from the surface of the enamel and freshen breath.

But manufacturers of oral care products are not standing still. Today, home remedies for teeth can strengthen enamel as well as professional procedures in dental offices. AND wonderful to that example: Rox gel for cleaning and strengthening teeth.


Rocs Medical Minerals has an innovative composition, thanks to which the product truly strengthens tooth enamel.

Rocks has three main components: phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Once on the surface of the teeth, these three components have the ability to penetrate into the dentin through edentulous tubules and microcracks, thereby restoring the tooth from the inside. It is noteworthy that the gel has a consistency that facilitates faster penetration of the components.

Wrong lifestyle, lack a complete diet, chronic diseases make teeth less resistant to decay. In this case, doctors recommend taking it with food or with special vitamin complexes minerals that will eliminate this cause. However, ingestion of trace elements in excessive quantities is fraught with problems with the kidneys, bones, and joints, so in this case, using a remineralizing gel topically is the most correct and safest way.

Prevention of caries

Like any other paste, Rocs Medical Minerals gel helps fight the cause of caries - bacteria. When a person does not perform oral hygiene properly, they consume a lot of sugary foods, which leave an invisible film on the teeth, pathogenic bacteria are actively reproducing. Due to this, plaque forms and turns into stone much faster, and therefore the enamel cannot resist resolution.

It is noteworthy that bacteria on the surface of teeth lead not only to caries, but also serious illnesses connective tissue, kidneys, heart, joints. If the human body has pathologies in immune system, and according to scientists, this concerns more than half of the world’s population, and this number is steadily growing every year, the immune system begins to produce antibodies.

The kidneys and heart are similar to bacterial cells, so the immune system begins to attack them instead of bacteria. Autoimmune diseases are currently incurable, and maintenance therapy has a whole range of side effects, negatively affecting well-being and appearance. That's why careful hygiene oral hygiene is extremely important, and Rocs Medical Minerals will find a rightful place on the shelf of any bathroom.

Aesthetic effect

It is important that Rox is able to make your smile visually more beautiful in just a couple of weeks of regular use.

  • Teeth cleaning gel eliminates white spots that appear on the surface of the enamel - fluorosis.
  • The composition of Rocs Medical Minerals includes soft abrasive particles, which, without damaging the enamel, allow you to achieve a pronounced lightening of the color of your teeth. In addition, the gel will return the shine to the smile: using the gel for daily cleaning, a person promotes the effect of polishing the enamel. This not only improves the aesthetic quality of the smile. But it also prevents the formation of plaque: it is much more difficult for it to accumulate on the smooth surface of the enamel.
  • Rocs Medical Minerals is very effective during the removal of orthodontic braces. The fact is that wearing a system of arches and clasps demineralizes the teeth, they become more sensitive to cold and hot, and their color becomes darker. The remineralizing composition makes it possible to quickly and effectively restore dentin and enamel.

How to use the product

Rocs Medical Minerals gel can be purchased in pharmacies and ordinary cosmetic stores. Rox has proven himself to be absolutely safe remedy for cleaning teeth, you can use it even during pregnancy and lactation. Its effect is especially pronounced when there is a deficiency of minerals in the body, which cannot be replenished by taking medications: for example, with kidney or liver failure, osteoporosis. In this case, Rox solves two problems at once: it works to strengthen teeth and eliminates unnecessary side effects.

The instructions suggest using Rocs Medical Minerals in the following way: you need to brush your teeth twice with the gel, applying it to the brush like a regular paste, foaming it on the surface of the enamel and leaving it for a couple of minutes so that the minerals have the opportunity to penetrate through the edentulous tubules into the canal.

In order to clean the child’s mouth, you need to use Rox Medical Minerals, no larger than a pea. The instructions suggest distributing given quantity on the surface of a special soft brush for cleaning children’s teeth and gums, gently massage the mucous membrane, and then rinse with water. Even if the baby swallows part of the Rox Medical Minerals product, it will not cause the slightest harm to his body.

Rox is suitable for continuous use; it does not have to be used in courses when problems arise. On the contrary, the prevention of oral diseases with the help of Rox Medical Minerals is guaranteed to eliminate the need for treatment, which will not only save your budget, but will also allow you to avoid not the most pleasant moments therapeutic treatment caries.

Why does tooth decay occur?

Several factors are involved in the development of this process. First of all, these are carbohydrates and microorganisms. Bacteria are able to break down carbohydrates that come with food and linger on the crown. As a result, lactic acid is released, which destroys the enamel. Additional provoking factors are an acidic reaction of saliva, insufficient salivation, as well as a deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and other elements. Prevention of caries using a remineralizing gel is associated with the delivery of these substances, as well as a reduction in the number of bacteria. To carry out the procedure, dentists recommend Rocs remineralizing gel. Reviews from those who have used it will be given below.

Enamel: features and composition

The hardest tissue is the tooth enamel, which covers its crown and is located above the dentin. The thickness of this layer varies depending on different areas. Thus, in the neck area the enamel is thinnest, and on the occlusal (chewing) surface its thickness is maximum.

The hardness of tooth enamel can be explained by its composition, because it consists of 96% inorganic substances. The main ones are hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite. Important role played by elements such as calcium, copper, aluminum, which are distributed evenly in the tissue. Iron, zinc and lead are also important - they are concentrated mainly in surface layer. Remineralizing therapy is based on replenishing the amount of these elements, which helps strengthen the enamel and stop the initial stage of caries.

Rocs drug

Rocs (remineralizing gel) has long established itself on the market. Many dentists recommend this particular drug as the most affordable and effective. It contains elements necessary for tooth enamel, namely those described above - calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Please note that this list does not contain fluoride, which makes the gel safe for children. In addition, the composition contains xylitol, which has a bacteriostatic effect, thereby improving hygienic condition oral cavity, and also carries out additional prevention caries. Rocs dental gel (instructions below) has a convenient consistency, which allows it to be evenly distributed over the surface. It forms a film that is difficult to wash off with saliva, therefore, the components of the gel take longer to penetrate the enamel, exerting their effect. However, for greater convenience when carrying out home remineralization, dentists recommend using mouth guards. This option is also necessary for children, who will definitely try to taste the gel.

Although fluorine is also an important component enamel, it should not be allowed to enter the body in large quantities. The absence of this element in the gel makes it completely safe when swallowed and allows it to be used for children and in regions where it is observed increased content fluoride in water. In addition, this element is contraindicated in certain diseases, including pathologies thyroid gland and kidneys, osteoporosis. It will not be difficult to use Rocs (remineralizing gel). The instructions will help you figure this out.

Why is the gel needed?

The main function of the drug is to strengthen the enamel.

It is recommended to use it for the prevention of caries, and also if there are already active carious processes on the initial stage- in the white spot stage. During this period, the enamel damage is small, and the defect appears as a white matte area. In order to prevent progression of the process, dentists prescribe a course of remineralizing therapy. In addition, the drug helps with increased tooth sensitivity. Additional positive effects include slight whitening and shine. Xylitol, which is part of the gel, helps maintain hygiene, which not only reduces the risk of developing caries, but also improves the condition of the mucous membrane. Rocs tooth gel must be prescribed after whitening and correction with braces.

Rocs (remineralizing gel): instructions

How to use Rocs, remineralizing gel? Reviews for this drug are not always positive, but this can only be attributed to improper use.

The gel is applied to the surface of the teeth in the form of a film. Before this, you should thoroughly clean the enamel from plaque, which is necessary to achieve maximum effect. The frequency of remineralizing procedures is 2 times a day. Dentists recommend using the gel in the morning after meals on cleansed teeth, as well as before bed.

There are two options for using the drug. Everyone can choose the one they find convenient. The first is without using a mouth guard, when Rocs remineralizing gel is applied using a brush or a special applicator. After this, you should not rinse your mouth or eat food for about 40-60 minutes. The second method involves using a mouthguard. It is considered more convenient, especially when carrying out remineralization in children. The gel is first placed in a mouth guard, after which it is put on the teeth. The exposure time should be no more than 30 minutes. If the procedure is performed on children, it is reduced to 10 minutes. However, the effect of the gel does not end there. After removing the aligner, excess medication should be spat out, but you should not rinse your mouth or eat food for about 30 minutes.

Use in children

There is no doubt that the drug is safe for adults, but can it be used for children? Thanks to its gentle composition, it will not cause harm children's body. The gel is recommended to be applied even to infants to prevent caries. Even if a child swallows a little gel, it will not affect his health in any way. On the contrary, there is an improvement in the condition of not only the enamel, but also the entire oral cavity due to the fact that the gel affects bacteria, suppressing their growth and reproduction. It is especially necessary to use such a product if the child has been treated with braces. Moreover, it is worth choosing Rocs - a remineralizing gel. Reviews of it prove its high effectiveness.


Rocs dental gel is completely safe for both children and adults, but we should not forget about the possibility of allergic reaction on the components of the drug. To begin with, it is recommended to use a small amount of gel for 10-15 minutes. If hyperemia and itching appear after the procedure, you should not use the drug. It is better to contact a dentist who will offer alternative option. Cases of allergies to Rocs remineralizing gel are very rare, therefore, as a rule, the drug is suitable for almost all patients. The advantage of the gel is the absence of fluoride, which allows it to be used by people with osteoporosis and diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys.

Rocs (remineralizing gel): reviews

They are usually positive. Dentists say that most patients note a decrease in tooth sensitivity, as well as a slight lightening of their color and the return of natural shine. On examination there is a suspension carious process in the spot stage, and with a full course of remineralization - its complete disappearance. In addition, those who tried this gel noticed an improvement in the condition of their gums. The absence of an effect can only indicate an incorrect or irregular use drug. Rocs, a gel for strengthening teeth, cannot but have a beneficial effect on enamel.

Why use toothpaste if the gel cleans teeth perfectly?

A mistake made by some patients is to apply the gel to uncleaned teeth. They argue that the gel already has antibacterial properties. In no case should you forget about brushing your teeth, because the gel does not replace it, but only complements it. Such incorrect use will not only not lead to the desired effect, but will also worsen the situation. Rocs gel should be used correctly (the instructions come in addition to the drug).

Remineralization allows you to effectively strengthen tooth enamel, which is an excellent prevention of caries. Regularly performing this procedure will help maintain the health and aesthetic appearance of your teeth. However, you should remember that you should use Rocs (remineralizing gel) only after consulting a dentist.

What is Rox tooth gel used for?

Gel for strengthening teeth Rox special series created for qualitatively new care for tooth enamel and oral cavity. With regular use, the effect after using Rox gel is significant:

  1. Reducing the sensitivity of teeth to irritating factors: cold, heat, increased acidity;
  2. Whitening effect – more than 4 shades;
  3. Return of natural shine as a result of plaque removal;
  4. Combating the development of caries (the greatest effect in the white spot stage);
  5. Prevention of carious manifestations;
  6. Improving enamel aesthetics during and after fluorosis long-term wearing braces;
  7. Alignment of the microflora of the oral cavity.

Features of the composition of the Rox Medical Minerals gel

The result of using the drug is the formation of a special film on the tooth enamel. The composition contains xylitol, which is responsible for improving the microflora of the oral cavity and fighting the development of caries.

They are also bioavailable compounds rich in minerals and elements such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. They have a strengthening effect on the enamel and, accordingly, reduce the risk of associated manifestations.

Rox remineralizing gel is indispensable for those for whom the use of fluoride-containing drugs is not indicated - these are people with mineral metabolism disorders, suffering from diseases of the thyroid gland, kidney stones, renal failure, various forms osteoporosis and some others.

Gel Rox for strengthening teeth in children

An important feature of Rox gel for children is its complete safety; it can be used even for infants. There is no fluoride in the composition, which means there is no risk of poisoning if swallowed.

Mineralizing gel Rox was specially developed for children and adolescents, distinctive feature is a pleasant fruity taste.

Rocs medical minerals gel was successfully tested among a group of schoolchildren. According to the results, it was possible to record a decrease in the increase in caries up to 3-4 times. This is good indicator, taking into account that no special equipment was used. The decompensated form of caries is taken into account when fluorides cannot give a quality result.

Remineralizing gel Rox - instructions for use

Everyone can independently choose how to use Rox tooth enamel gel - as a temporary remedy or on a permanent basis. Regular use is acceptable, as clinical studies have shown no side effects.

If you still want to use Rox teeth mineralization gel in courses, a total of one to three courses are carried out annually. However, its standard duration is two weeks.

An important point is the method of using the drug; the stability of the effect obtained depends on the correctness of the procedure and compliance with the recommendations. First, the teeth are cleaned with the usual means, after which the composition is also applied with a toothbrush to the entire surface of the teeth. Recommended use 2 times a day, usually in the afternoon and evening.

For optimal results, it is important to soak the gel for half an hour, while not consuming food or drinks. Experts advise using for better action Dental trays are a plastic product made from an individual impression of the jaw. They are completely safe and enable the gel to have the most effective effect on the enamel.

Prices in pharmacies for Rox remineralizing gel

You can buy Rox remineralizing gel in tubes of 45 and 35 grams or in the form of 25 sachets of 11 grams each. It is recommended to use disposable packaging, since then the substances are more reliably protected from the influence environment, that is, they turn out to be more effective.

A gel is available with a neutral, mint and fruity taste. The price per package varies depending on the store you choose or region. On average, this amount is from 270 to 360 rubles. It is often recommended to buy a special universal mouth guard along with the gel.

Composition and properties of the gel

A component of this medicinal product Xylitol serves. The substance inhibits the development of microorganisms, prevents bacterial infections, protects teeth and gums from inflammation. The antibacterial protection provided by the medicine reduces the likelihood of developing caries. Other components of the gel, namely calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, protect teeth by forming a stable film on their surface. The drug itself has a light consistency, which facilitates its penetration into the chewing organs. Active substances Roxa lasts longer compared to other drugs for the same purpose.

The gel helps to carry out preventive cleaning to avoid caries; removes pigmentation; improves the appearance of teeth with flurosis; restores enamel after wearing braces. This medicine helps whiten teeth by 4-5 shades. After using the gel, they acquire a natural shine, and the bacterial composition of saliva is maintained in a stable state.

Since the instructions state that there is no fluoride in the preparation for strengthening teeth, even if it is swallowed it will not cause harm. Gel Rox can be used by young children, for whom it is specially produced with different tastes.

When drinking water contains a lot of fluorine, the medicine penetrates into those places where it accumulates, eliminating it. It is worth noting that this particular product is suitable for strengthening teeth for those people who cannot use fluoride-containing preparations for this purpose. This is a category of patients with kidney disease and endocrine diseases.

Aesthetic action medicine is that in just a few weeks it will significantly improve the appearance of teeth and make a man or woman’s smile attractive.

One of the main advantages of Rox gel for strengthening teeth is its safety. It can be used by nursing mothers and pregnant women.

If a person suffers from osteoporosis, then such a drug will help keep teeth healthy and protect them from destruction.

About using the gel for adults

According to the instructions, the gel should be applied to toothbrush and brush your teeth as you would with regular toothpaste. After the procedure, it is necessary to leave it for a few minutes so that the minerals penetrate into the edentulous canals of the tooth. It is enough to clean with gel once a day. If your teeth are sensitive, then soon after using the gel you can forget about this problem.

Gel Rox and strengthening children's teeth

It's no secret that children are afraid of doctors. This also applies to dentists.

But today the condition of children's teeth leaves much to be desired. Therefore, using the gel to strengthen their chewing organs is great option for caring for children's teeth at home.

Children's gel has the following advantages: maintains mineral balance; reduces tooth sensitivity; restores their aesthetic appearance; eliminates harmful microorganisms; has a pleasant taste.

The only limitation in its use for children may be the presence of casein in the composition. This is a protein found in cow's milk. And if a child is allergic to this substance, it is better to avoid using the drug. This limitation is the only one in its use for young patients.

If we're talking about about the use of Rox gel to strengthen children's teeth, then apply it to a soft toothbrush in the size of a pea. The teeth are brushed, the gums are massaged, and the mouth is rinsed with water. There is nothing wrong with a child swallowing the product.

By the way, parents note the effect of using the gel in caring for the milk and permanent chewing organs of their children.

So, Rox gel is an affordable, safe and reliable means for achieving a radiant and healthy smile.

What is remineralization

Tooth enamel is the outer protective layer of the tooth, which is subject to constant negative influence both external and internal factors. She suffers from an unhealthy and unbalanced diet, bad habits, irregular care, illness internal organs. Over time, its density and structure are disrupted, cracks and sensitivity appear, and demineralization of the teeth occurs. To reverse the degradation process, remineralization is carried out.

Remineralization is a preventive procedure to correct defects in tooth enamel, replenish mineral components, strengthen the tooth and prevent caries. Using absolutely painless and safe methods it allows you to prevent pathological processes, preserve and give a healthy appearance to teeth.

The remineralization method is indicated as a prevention of dental problems at any age, as well as in the following conditions:

  • formation of dental plaque;
  • enamel damage of varying degrees;
  • hypersensitivity of gums and teeth;
  • the appearance of white streaks after dental whitening;
  • after straightening the dentition with braces;
  • on initial stage caries.

Ultimately, the procedure improves general condition teeth and gums, preventing negative factors have a destructive effect on them.

Gel Rox - composition and purpose

Remineralizing gel is a thick transparent mass with pleasant smell and taste. Looks like a normal one toothpaste. Production packaging involves a soft tube in a cardboard box with instructions inside. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription, can also be found in cosmetic stores.

The main feature and at the same time advantage of this gel is that it does not contain fluoride, which negatively affects the enamel and mucous membrane of the mouth. This allows it to be used at any age, even for infants, because ingestion is absolutely not dangerous to health. People with fluorosis, diseases of the thyroid gland, and liver can also use the gel.

The composition includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, xylitol. Three minerals in combination have a positive effect on tooth tissue, restoring and strengthening them. At the same time, they easily penetrate the enamel and have a prolonged effect. An additional enhancer is xylitol, which increases the effect of minerals and prevents the growth of bacteria in the gums. In addition, the components are selected in such a way that during use a film is formed on the teeth, protecting the enamel for even longer. for a long time after rinsing.

The scope of application of Rox gel is quite extensive, which determines its popularity in most dental clinics and private offices.

The drug is prescribed for the following purposes:

  • for prevention bacterial infections in the oral cavity and carious formations;
  • for the treatment of caries at the initial stage, when a white spot appears;
  • to improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth;
  • to eliminate increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
    for recovery appearance teeth after leveling devices;
  • to lighten teeth by 4-5 shades;
  • to restore the structure of tooth enamel;
  • to normalize microflora in the oral cavity;
  • as an adjuvant therapy during orthodontic treatment;
  • to eliminate non-carious lesions;
  • V complex therapy periodontal diseases.

Dental gel Rox is absolutely safe, therefore it is used to treat small children, pregnant and nursing mothers. High efficiency proven by many years of research and positive patient reviews.

How does remineralization work with Rox gel?

Gel Rox acts directly on the enamel of teeth, while capturing the area of ​​​​the dental pockets and gums. It completely envelops the entire tooth from the inside and external sides, penetrating into the most inaccessible interdental spaces. Thus, a kind of elastic protective film is formed on the surface of the tooth, which exerts its restorative effect even after the gel is washed off.

Most important functions that Rox performs can be divided into three main groups:

  • strengthening enamel;
  • prevention and control of caries;
  • aesthetic action.

The gel contains three important minerals involved in the formation of strong enamel. When the natural structure of the tooth is destroyed for some reason, they quickly and effectively restore it, thus strengthening the dental tissue. This effect extends not only to the surface of the tooth, but also to its internal canals.

Dental gel Rox fights harmful bacteria in the oral cavity that cause tooth decay. It cleanses from germs all hidden from the usual hygiene procedure places. This prevents the formation of tartar and plaque, which are often hidden behind all kinds of pathologies dental tissue and periodontal tissue.

An important effect of using the gel is its aesthetic effect. In just a few weeks of using Rox, the smile becomes noticeably whiter and brighter, and age-related pigmentation is removed. Light spots with fluorosis disappear in a matter of days, especially since this particular remedy is indicated for this disease. It will also become life-saving after removing the braces system, which leaves stripes on the surface of the teeth. Whitening tooth enamel occurs in a gentle way, without destroying or cleaning it.

All components of the Rox gel work to restore teeth to health and their original appearance.

Various ways to use Rox gel

The instructions that come with the drug allow different ways using the gel - this can be as professionally applied in conditions dental office, and at home.

The doctor usually uses the mouth guard method. What is he? A small layer of gel is applied inside a special polymer tray tailored to the dentition. It is then placed tightly over the teeth and left for about 30 minutes. After this, it is carefully removed, but Rox is not washed off for another half hour. At this time, you should not drink, eat, or rinse your mouth. This completes the procedure. It should be carried out in a course of 2-4 weeks, depending on the problem.

Home dental treatment dental gel Rocks can be performed without special devices. The product is simply applied with a brush to the surface of the teeth and left for 1 hour, after which you can rinse plain water. For young children, it is recommended to reduce the procedure time to 10-15 minutes. It is important not to drink or eat anything at this time, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero.

Minimum treatment course should last 14 days. WITH for preventive purposes the number of such appointments is two per year. At poor condition enamel, as well as the presence of caries, the frequency of repetition of the procedure can be increased to 3-4 times a year. Increased sensitivity teeth requires daily use of the gel until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on several important nuances. Firstly, the first application of Rox gel should be a test, lasting up to 10 minutes. If after this there are no adverse reactions, That following procedure can be carried out according to the instructions. IN childhood It is especially important to pay attention to this point, because children are prone to allergies. Secondly, the product must be used regularly and in complexes. You cannot skip procedures or shorten their duration.

The dentist can choose the optimal treatment regimen based on the severity of the dental pathology. It must be followed unswervingly. Thirdly, the gel is not a replacement for toothpaste. Cancel daily hygiene oral cavity is not allowed. Moreover, before using Rox, it is recommended to brush your teeth with regular toothpaste, then the effect will be much better.

Strengthening teeth during pregnancy

Women often wonder how to strengthen their teeth during pregnancy and lactation. During this period, the enamel is especially fragile and demineralized, and many medical supplies prohibited. But Rox gel is exactly the drug that can and even should be used during this interesting period. The procedure is no different from the standard one. The main thing is that the woman has no history allergic diseases. To determine the specifics of treatment, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

At correct use Gel Rox is very convenient, does not cause any discomfort and is absolutely harmless.

Types of dental gel

Gel Rox is produced by manufacturers in several forms for ease of use:

  • classic remineralizing gel Rocs Medical Minerals, recommended for the whole family;
  • Rocs Medical Sensitive gel for sensitive teeth;
    Rocs children's gel with strawberry flavor;
  • remineralizing fruit gel.

All these types are available in the pharmacy chain at average price. You can choose the option you like yourself or ask for a doctor’s recommendation based on the existing problem.

Gel Rox is excellent modern means for the prevention and treatment of tooth enamel in adults and children, without resorting to dental procedures.

To prevent caries, there are many means that help keep a person’s teeth healthy and strong. These include rocs medical minerals gel. It has unique properties that help strengthen the enamel, make it stronger and avoid various dental diseases. What does it contain?

ROCS Medical Minerals Gel – composition

The gel contains phosphorus and magnesium, calcium and xylitol, which helps strengthen the enamel and make it several shades whiter. In addition, xylitol helps protect teeth from infections and increases the ability of other components to penetrate inside to protect teeth and gums. The gel also creates a protective film, which helps create an antibacterial barrier in the oral cavity.

Features of the gel

The gel has many unique properties, which do not have toothpastes, so the use of rocs medical minerals gel is very useful for people of any age.

For example, he can:

  • Carry out cleaning for preventive purposes to avoid the formation of caries;
  • Removes white spots - harbingers of caries without a trace;
  • Helps improve the appearance of teeth;
  • May reduce enamel sensitivity;
  • Does an excellent job of restoring enamel after wearing braces;
  • Whitens teeth up to 5 shades;
  • Teeth begin to shine after applying the gel;
  • The bacterial composition of the oral mucosa after using the product is normal.

Do you want white and healthy teeth?

Even with careful care of your teeth, over time stains appear on them, they darken and turn yellow.

In addition, the enamel becomes thinner and teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet foods or drinks.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest remedy- Denta Seal toothpaste with a filling effect.

It has the following properties:

  • Levels damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Returns teeth natural whiteness, smoothness and shine

Indications for use

The gel can be used:

  • In children from the appearance of their first teeth for the prevention of caries;
  • In pregnant women in order to preserve enamel during pregnancy;
  • And for everyone who wants to keep their teeth strong and healthy for a long time.

In addition, doctors recommend it to those who have tooth sensitivity, wore braces, or for some reason have a weakened enamel structure. Since the product does not contain fluoride, it can be used by everyone without exception, especially by those who cannot use pastes with fluoride-containing substances due to their illness (endocrine, kidney and others).

With improper oral hygiene Not only caries occurs, but also plaque and stones form. The teeth are subjected to double stress, because in the presence of stone, the gums become loose and become inflamed. gum pockets. Also Oral infections can affect problems throughout the body in general: the occurrence of kidney problems, dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, connective tissue. This especially affects people with autoimmune diseases.

Instructions for use

In order to use the gel, you need to decide what it will be used for. It is usually applied to the cleaned surface of the teeth with a brush and left for some time to be absorbed.

You can use gel instead of paste, however, the consumption will be somewhat high.

For small children The gel is applied with a finger or a soft-bristled brush, lightly rubbing the gel into the gums and teeth. Even if the baby swallows a little of the product, nothing bad will happen.

The gel has the ability to get into hard-to-reach places, so it is much more better than pasta copes with enamel mineralization and its restoration.

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin out the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly seals microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents early tooth decay. Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend it.

Rocs Medical Minerals gel for children

The gel must be used every day, so over time you need to teach your baby to use it independently. For use in children, the gel is required to be the size of a pea, which needs to be distributed thin layer on the surface of the teeth.

There is a special Rocs gel for babies with different tastes, so they can be easily trained to care for their teeth with early childhood. Since kids don’t like visiting the dentist’s office, you just need to constantly engage in caries prevention. The gel is designed for different ages, and you can purchase it, just like toothpaste, from the appearance of your first milk teeth.

Besides this gel fights various bacterial infections, which can often occur in the baby’s mouth, so this will help avoid other oral diseases.

The gel does not have a negative effect, so it can be used as indicated in the instructions. If necessary, the doctor can adjust the medication intake on an individual basis.

How Rocs gel affects baby’s tooth enamel:

  • Helps to comply acid-base balance in the mouth;
  • Reduces enamel sensitivity and differences in taste sensations;
  • Restores the aesthetic qualities of the tooth surface;
  • Removes germs from the oral cavity.

The only contraindication to the use of Rocs gel may be the presence allergies to casein. This is a protein found in cow's milk. If you are allergic to this component, it is not recommended to use the enamel strengthening agent.

In general, the product is absolutely safe, so used at any age of the child.


Given universal remedy has a fairly high price. Therefore, this is what scares off many buyers. So a tube of 45 grams will cost from 250 to 280 rubles depending on taste and suppliers. However, the gel is used in small quantities; in addition, after its use in a group of schoolchildren, a 4-fold decrease in requests for caries was noted.

Therefore, it makes sense to think about the need to engage in prevention of this disease, especially since treatment is often much more expensive than the cost of the gel.

You can purchase the product in pharmacies or cosmetics stores, in the department with regular Rocs pastes and others. The Rocs series of pastes has not only different tastes, but also solves problems of tooth sensitivity, removes plaque from coffee and cigarettes, and helps eliminate bleeding gums. Teenagers and adults can use Rocs gel and paste in combination.

Also consume foods with high content calcium, namely:

  • Milk and cottage cheese;
  • Cheese and kefir;
  • Beef liver and eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Cabbage, cereals and much more.

From proper nutrition The health of the child as a whole depends. Various oral infections also affect dental health, malocclusion, diseases of internal organs: stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and other organs. You cannot think that using only gel you can achieve amazing results.

It is very important to take vitamins and constantly carry out dental sanitation. Some people have had weak enamel since childhood. And this is the fault of the mother, who tried to diet, ate poorly and did not lay a good foundation for the health of her baby. Therefore, it is necessary to start preventing caries in the unborn child from the mother.

Don’t be afraid to use Rocs Medical Minerals gel at any age, because it can further strengthen your enamel and give you a beautiful smile.

If you decide, read the features of use this drug. We will tell you about its effect on the body and how to use it. Thanks to this it will be possible to extract maximum benefit from this remedy.

Features of use

Gel Rocks Medical Minerals has a very thick consistency. It is slippery and has virtually no taste or smell. It is simply applied to the tooth surface. It is completely safe, so there is no need to rinse your mouth after the procedure.

Even if a small amount of the product enters the esophagus along with swallowed saliva, during or after application, there will be no harm to the body.

The most convenient way to apply Rox Medical Minerals dental gel is with a toothbrush, carefully distributing it over the enamel surface. During application, the product foams slightly. This property does not affect the performance of this product.


The Rox Medical Minerals tooth gel is based on the following components:

  1. Phosphorus.
  2. Calcium.
  3. Magnesium.
These are the ingredients that are active ingredients that help you achieve what you need pharmacological action. Thanks to regular application active ingredients of these elements are absorbed into the tooth tissue.

The remaining components of this product are designed to give a more convenient consistency, which ensures convenient application and improves the penetration of components into the applied surface.

The product is available in a tube, convenient for regular use. It is produced in a 35 ml bottle, which corresponds to 45 g.

Impact on the body

It is remineralizing, which means that it affects tooth enamel. It works like this:

  • helps lighten teeth;
  • gives your smile a natural shine;
  • stabilizes the microflora of the oral cavity;
  • improves the appearance of your smile;
  • improves gums damaged by wearing corrective braces;
  • reduces bleeding and sensitivity of teeth and gums;
  • helps in the fight against the initial stages of caries;
  • is prophylactic to combat the occurrence and spread of caries.
Rocs Medical Minerals Remineralizing Gel helps replenish enamel with minerals, resulting in improved dental health and appearance. These qualities are especially valuable for sensitive, damaged, weakened enamels that require emergency restoration or treatment. Although Rocs Medical Minerals gel will not replace professional treatment at the dentist, and will not help achieve the whitening effect in professional offices, maintain a smile in good condition and it can prevent problems associated with excessive sensitivity.

Advantages and Benefits

Rocs Medical Minerals dental gel has the following advantages:

  • does not contain fluorine;
  • completely safe for the digestive system;
  • approved for use by those who have thyroid disease or kidney failure;
  • helps protect enamel from the harmful effects of contaminated water.
Gel Rox Medical Minerals is completely safe for children. It can even be used for preventive measures, associated with milk teeth even infants. When the first problems of the oral cavity occur in children preschool age this drug is recommended for use.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, Rox Medical Minerals gel should be used as follows:

  1. After eating, the oral cavity is cleaned with and.
  2. Rinse your mouth with cold water.
  3. Using a separate brush specially designed for this purpose, the medical product is applied to the surface of the tooth enamel.
  4. After using the drug, you should refrain from eating and drinking, as well as rinsing the mouth for 1 hour.
According to the instructions, Rocs Medical Minerals gel should be used in courses, each of which should last from 2 to 4 weeks. Repeated treatment the drug is produced depending on the need.


Gel Rox Medical Minerals, designed to strengthen teeth, is approved for children. Since its components do not contain fluorine, it can be used by the following categories of the population:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with a removed thyroid gland;
  • those who have kidney failure.
Among the contraindications we should highlight only individual intolerance product components.


The price for one tube of gel ranges from 270 to 360 rubles. According to reviews, Rox Medical Minerals gel lasts for up to two months of regular use (2 times a day). On at the moment absolute analogue of this medical product does not exist.

This product is available in 3 different varieties depending on taste:

  • neutral;
  • mint;
Fruity is more suitable for children who enjoy the fruity taste in their mouth. This circumstance makes the procedure less complicated for children and simplifies dental care for their parents. Adults can also use a fruit preparation.

Those who like a fresh taste should use the mint version, as it freshens the breath. For those for whom this taste is unacceptable, it is recommended to buy a neutral option, which has not only no taste, but also no particular smell.

As can be seen from the information described above, to give a smile fresh look, and also for little treatment enamels can be used at home special drug. It is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription. The safety of this product has reached such a level that it can even be used on infants and pregnant women.

Oral care is an important hygienic procedure designed to protect and preserve teeth from decay and disease. Unfortunately, daily use of toothpaste is not enough to preserve the health of your teeth and gums. It is necessary to visit the dentist regularly, and also use it for preventive purposes. special means. One of these products is Rox remineralizing dental gel.

What is its benefit, how it is used in dentistry and at home - we will look into it below.


What is remineralization

Tooth enamel is the outer protective layer of the tooth, which is subject to constant negative influence from both external and internal factors. She suffers from improper and unbalanced nutrition, bad habits, irregular care, and diseases of internal organs. Over time, its density and structure are disrupted, cracks and sensitivity appear, and demineralization of the teeth occurs. To reverse the degradation process, remineralization is carried out.

Remineralization is a preventive procedure to correct defects in tooth enamel, replenish mineral components, strengthen the tooth and prevent caries. Using absolutely painless and safe methods, it allows you to prevent pathological processes, preserve and give a healthy appearance to your teeth.

The remineralization method is indicated as a prevention of dental problems at any age, as well as in the following conditions:

  • formation of dental plaque;
  • enamel damage of varying degrees;
  • hypersensitivity of gums and teeth;
  • the appearance of white streaks after dental whitening;
  • after straightening the dentition with braces;
  • at the initial stage of caries.

Ultimately, the procedure improves the general condition of teeth and gums, preventing negative factors from damaging them.

Gel Rox - composition and purpose

Remineralizing gel is a thick transparent mass with a pleasant smell and taste. Externally it resembles regular toothpaste. Production packaging involves a soft tube in a cardboard box with instructions inside. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription, can also be found in cosmetic stores.

The main feature and at the same time advantage of this gel is that it does not contain fluoride, which negatively affects the enamel and mucous membrane of the mouth. This allows it to be used at any age, even for infants, because ingestion is absolutely not dangerous to health. People with fluorosis, diseases of the thyroid gland, and liver can also use the gel.

The composition includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, xylitol. Three minerals in combination have a positive effect on tooth tissue, restoring and strengthening them. At the same time, they easily penetrate the enamel and have a prolonged effect. An additional enhancer is xylitol, which increases the effect of minerals and prevents the growth of bacteria in the gums. In addition, the components are selected in such a way that during use a film is formed on the teeth, protecting the enamel for a long time after rinsing.

The scope of application of Rox gel is quite extensive, which makes it popular in most dental clinics and private offices.

The drug is prescribed for the following purposes:

  • for the prevention of bacterial infections in the oral cavity and carious formations;
  • for the treatment of caries at the initial stage, when a white spot appears;
  • to improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth;
  • to eliminate increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
    to restore the appearance of teeth after straightening devices;
  • to lighten teeth by 4-5 shades;
  • to restore the structure of tooth enamel;
  • to normalize microflora in the oral cavity;
  • as an adjuvant therapy during orthodontic treatment;
  • to eliminate non-carious lesions;
  • in complex therapy of periodontal diseases.

Dental gel Rox is absolutely safe, therefore it is used to treat small children, pregnant and nursing mothers. High efficiency has been proven by many years of research and positive patient reviews.

How does remineralization work with Rox gel?

Gel Rox acts directly on the enamel of teeth, while capturing the area of ​​​​the dental pockets and gums. It completely envelops the entire tooth from the inside and outside, penetrating into the most inaccessible interdental spaces. Thus, a kind of elastic protective film is formed on the surface of the tooth, which exerts its restorative effect even after the gel is washed off.

The most important functions that Rox performs can be divided into three main groups:

  • strengthening enamel;
  • prevention and control of caries;
  • aesthetic action.

The gel contains three important minerals involved in the formation of strong enamel. When the natural structure of the tooth is destroyed for some reason, they quickly and effectively restore it, thus strengthening the dental tissue. This effect extends not only to the surface of the tooth, but also to its internal canals.

Dental gel Rox fights harmful bacteria in the oral cavity that cause tooth decay. It cleanses from germs all places hidden from the usual hygiene procedure. This prevents the formation of tartar and plaque, which often hide all sorts of pathologies of dental tissue and periodontium.

An important effect of using the gel is its aesthetic effect. In just a few weeks of using Rox, the smile becomes noticeably whiter and brighter, and age-related pigmentation is removed. Light spots with fluorosis disappear in a matter of days, especially since this particular remedy is indicated for this disease. It will also become life-saving after removing the braces system, which leaves stripes on the surface of the teeth. Whitening tooth enamel occurs in a gentle way, without destroying or cleaning it.

All components of the Rox gel work to restore teeth to health and their original appearance.

Various ways to use Rox gel

The instructions that come with the drug allow for different ways to use the gel - this can be either professional application in a dental office or at home.

The doctor usually uses the mouth guard method. What is he? A small layer of gel is applied inside a special polymer tray tailored to the dentition. It is then placed tightly over the teeth and left for about 30 minutes. After this, it is carefully removed, but Rox is not washed off for another half hour. At this time, you should not drink, eat, or rinse your mouth. This completes the procedure. It should be carried out in a course of 2-4 weeks, depending on the problem.

At home, dental treatment with Rox dental gel can be carried out without special devices. The product is simply applied with a brush to the surface of the teeth and left for 1 hour, after which you can rinse with plain water. For young children, it is recommended to reduce the procedure time to 10-15 minutes. It is important not to drink or eat anything at this time, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero.

The minimum treatment course should last 14 days. For preventive purposes, the number of such appointments is two per year. If the condition of the enamel is poor, as well as the presence of caries, the frequency of repetition of the procedure can be increased to 3-4 times a year. Increased sensitivity of teeth requires daily use of the gel until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on several important nuances. Firstly, the first application of Rox gel should be a test, lasting up to 10 minutes. If after this no undesirable reactions occur, then the next procedure can be carried out according to the instructions. In childhood, it is especially important to pay attention to this point, because children are prone to allergies. Secondly, the product must be used regularly and in complexes. You cannot skip procedures or shorten their duration.

The dentist can choose the optimal treatment regimen based on the severity of the dental pathology. It must be followed unswervingly. Thirdly, the gel is not a replacement for toothpaste. You cannot cancel daily oral hygiene. Moreover, before using Rox, it is recommended to brush your teeth with regular toothpaste, then the effect will be much better.

Strengthening teeth during pregnancy

Women often wonder how to strengthen their teeth during pregnancy and lactation. During this period, the enamel is especially fragile and demineralized, and many medications are prohibited. But Rox gel is exactly the drug that can and even should be used during this interesting period. The procedure is no different from the standard one. The main thing is that the woman has no history of allergic diseases. To determine the specifics of treatment, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

When used correctly, Gel Rox is very convenient, does not cause any discomfort and is absolutely harmless.

Types of dental gel

Gel Rox is produced by manufacturers in several forms for ease of use:

  • classic remineralizing gel Rocs Medical Minerals, recommended for the whole family;
  • Rocs Medical Sensitive gel for sensitive teeth;
    Rocs children's gel with strawberry flavor;
  • remineralizing fruit gel.

All these types are available in the pharmacy chain at an average price. You can choose the option you like yourself or ask for a doctor’s recommendation based on the existing problem.

Gel Rox is an excellent modern remedy for the prevention and treatment of tooth enamel in adults and children, without resorting to dental procedures.