False chord of the left ventricle: causes and methods of prevention. What is an accessory chord in the heart? False chords in the cavity of the left ventricle

The false chord of the left ventricle is additional education connective muscle-tissue structure. It is attached to the wall of the septum between the ventricles of the heart, but is not connected to the valve leaflets. For the first time, doctors discovered additional chords at the end of the 19th century using an autopsy. But only in 1970 were their differences from true formations finally established.

Etiology of manifestations

Mechanism of operation healthy heart consists of pumping blood from the atria to the ventricles by opening and closing valves. The functional flexibility and mobility of the latter is provided by tendon threads, which, contracting and relaxing, alternately open and close the valves. IN in rare cases During pregnancy, when the formation of the main organs of the child occurs, the normal algorithm may fail. As a result, additional connecting threads appear. Most often this occurs in the left ventricle. Special consequences These tendons do not support the activity of the heart muscle, so this condition is classified as a minor anomaly.

Additional threads of the left heart chamber are systematized in the direction of their location. Fibers with longitudinal or diagonal orientation do not oppose blood flow. Transverse filaments in the absence of constant cardiac monitoring in some circumstances can become a reason for the development of negative processes. It is necessary to understand that pathology with pre-excitation of the ventricles due to an abnormal connection (Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome) and supraventricular tachycardia cannot be caused by abnormal formations.

The reasons for the formation of a false chord are of a different nature. Main risk factors:

  • heredity (mostly passed on from the mother and very rarely from the father);
  • negative impact of the ecological environment;
  • irresponsible attitude of the mother towards the health of the unborn child and her own during pregnancy - drinking alcohol, smoking, drug addiction.

The pathology of the structure of the left ventricle of the heart is mainly formed in males during the period embryonic development. Therefore, maternal heart disease, especially intoxication through alcohol or drug addiction, greatly increases the risk of the formation of additional fibers. If timely measures are not taken, the false threads will eventually transform into additional pathways for electrical signals. The likelihood of pathology occurring sharply increases with neuropsychological overload and lack of emotional balance.

Signs of pathology and diagnosis

Atypical threads are also found in the right ventricle of the heart, but most often in the left. They occupy the basal, middle or apical sections of the chamber. In more than half of the cases, the anomalous chord is the only one, in the rest it forms a group. Depending on the histology, the threads can be of three types: muscle, muscle-fibrous and fibrous. Currently, they are determined immediately after birth. If the pathology is not detected, then it may manifest itself in the future through the following symptoms:

  • pain in chest;
  • good heartbeat audibility;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • autonomic cardiac disorders;
  • arrhythmia;
  • the appearance of systolic murmur;
  • fluctuations in blood circulation rate;
  • violations anatomical structure left ventricle.

Today, several methods have been developed to determine the false chord of the left ventricle. Using the Doppler effect, the size, nature and density of the false formation are determined. Ultrasound helps to consider external manifestations pathology, and echocardiography gives a sound picture of her condition. For children less than 1 month old from the date of birth, it is recommended to perform only echocardiography. This is explained by the small size of the heart, so it is almost impossible to examine and measure anything. Usually, in a child, abnormal fibers in the heart show little sign of themselves, especially if the chord is single. In some cases, abnormal phenomena disappear spontaneously, without medical intervention.

Impact on quality of life and necessary therapy

Modern medicine is of the opinion that additional fibers in the ventricle can worsen the condition over time if they are not isolated, especially when found in the right chamber of the heart. With age, a person may develop diseases such as:

  • endocardial disorder - in the case of a short chord;
  • the appearance of fibrosis - proliferation, compaction of tissue, accompanied by the formation of scars;
  • impossibility of relaxation after contraction;
  • disturbances in the conductivity of electrical impulses;
  • disorder of the biomechanical functions of the heart muscle.

Classical treatment of the pathology of additional fibers in the ventricles of the heart with the use of drugs is not prescribed, since the disease refers to minor cardiac anomalies. It is believed that it is completely forbidden for a child to lead active image life should not. We need to pay attention to proper nutrition, enhanced with fortified foods. To improve the conductivity of electrical signals, you should consume more foods containing the elements potassium and magnesium.

The most important human organ is the heart. Its coordinated work provides blood, and with it oxygen and nutrition, to all cells and tissues of the body. If a malfunction occurs in the heart, a person’s life is at risk. In this regard, in our country, all newborn babies are fully examined for the presence of various pathologies. Often, a baby is diagnosed with an accessory chord of the left ventricle (LVAC). For many parents, this conclusion sounds scary, but is it really so?

Structure of the heart

Chord in the heart - what is it?

It is known that the heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The heart chambers are connected to each other by valves. There are special threads to support them connective tissue- chords. Their function is very important for the heart - they open the valve, and blood flows from the atrium into the ventricle. The chordae pull on the valve flaps, opening them and then closing them, preventing blood from flowing back into the atrium.

Types of chords in the heart

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All chords in the heart are characterized by the same thickness and structure. However, chordae appear that have a different structure than normal and are usually connected at only one end to the ventricle. Such chords are called additional, anomalous or false. Of all heart pathologies, this is the most common throughout the world.

They are often single; two or more additional chords are rarely found. Their usual location is left cardiac ventricle. Some experts consider an accessory chord in the left ventricle to be a conditional norm, and in the right ventricle – a pathology. This is due to the fact that the chord in the left ventricle does not affect the functioning of the heart. In 90-95% of cases, an additional chord in the child’s heart, formed in the womb, does not pose any problems or consequences.

True and false chords of the left ventricle

It is customary to divide additional chords according to different parameters:

  • influence on normal heart function - hemodynamically significant and insignificant;
  • by location - left ventricular and right ventricular;
  • according to the area of ​​attachment - apical, middle, basal;
  • in the direction of the fabric - longitudinal, diagonal, transverse.


Natural chords have normal structure, they help the valves contract and perform the heart’s usual work. The chordae stretch like a sail and prevent blood from flowing back. If there were no chords, then the valves would not be able to close and open, and the heart muscle would not be able to function fully. The notochord ensures normal blood flow in the myocardium.


An abnormal chord of the left ventricle (LVAC), that is, having abnormalities in the structure, violates correct work hearts. It cannot be treated with any medications and requires constant monitoring. The doctor will prescribe medications only for withdrawal negative symptoms, strengthening the heart muscle and normalizing its work. The baby needs to be protected from stress and excessive loads.


When a child has a false chord, and it is alone, this is not considered a serious pathology. It can pass without consequences for the child’s health.

It happens that upon repeated examination a year later it is no longer detected. Or later, as the child lives and grows, the false chord extends and merges with the valve. In this case, they say that the child has outgrown this anomaly.

Reasons for the formation of accessory chords

Heredity plays a huge role in the appearance of an extra chord, and much more often on the maternal side. It is generally accepted that the following factors during pregnancy lead to the development of this anomaly:

  • smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • poor ecology, especially exposure to radiation;
  • strong psycho-emotional stress, frequent stress;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • malnutrition;
  • weak immunity, poor condition maternal health;

Cardiac pathologies develop in the fetus at 5-6 weeks. To exclude this kind of anomaly, a pregnant woman needs to be monitored healthy image life and undergo scheduled examinations on time antenatal clinic.

The development of this pathology largely depends on the mother’s lifestyle during gestation.

Symptoms accompanying an abnormal development of the heart

If there is only one abnormal chord, there are usually no symptoms. It is usually found incidentally during a routine cardiac examination.

If there are many abnormal chordae, and this happens only in 30% of cases, then the child may develop some warning symptoms:

  • heart pain;
  • fatigue, lethargy;
  • irritability, tearfulness, instability of emotional state;
  • high heart rate and rhythm disturbances;
  • dizziness;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • musculoskeletal disorders.

If there are abnormal chordae, the child constantly complains of fatigue, weakness and dizziness

The last two signs occur already in the presence of complications. Often these symptoms appear in adolescence during rapid growth body.

Diagnostic methods

When listening to the heart, the doctor will hear noises that should not normally be present (we recommend reading:). If a heart pathology is suspected, he will refer the baby for an EchoCG, ECG and Holter ECG. The child will be registered with a cardiologist at the clinic; some examinations will need to be done 1-2 times a year as necessary.

Most often, additional chordae are first discovered in infant, because the heart is still small and it is easier to hear atypical noises in it. On echocardiography, the abnormal chord is clearly visible. On the ECG, changes are detected only when there is a multiplicity of abnormal chordae. A Holter ECG may be required - daily monitoring ECG. By deciphering the results, the doctor will be able to assess whether the additional chord affects the blood flow in the heart muscle.

An echocardiogram can also make the following diagnosis: “additional left ventricular trabecula (LVAD),” which also refers to minor cardiac anomalies. Anatomically, the trabecula is another element of the myocardium. However, in the EchoCG conclusion, these diagnoses are often combined, and “notochord” is indicated instead of trabecula.

Why is an extra chord in the heart dangerous?

It is impossible to say unambiguously how exactly the anomaly will affect the future health of the child. It may not manifest itself in any way, or it may give quite noticeable symptoms and develop into a cardiovascular disease.

Hemodynamically significant chords are dangerous, that is, they affect blood flow in the heart and prevent it from functioning normally. In this case, the baby will develop tachycardia, arrhythmia, etc. (we recommend reading:).

If there are many chords, deviations from other organs and systems may appear: digestive, urinary, musculoskeletal. In this case, violations interfere normal operation hearts may be required surgery with excision of pathological chords. Deterioration of the condition in such children, accompanied by arrhythmia, requires immediate hospitalization and treatment.

As we get older, the presence of accessory chordae may develop into dysfunction. cardiovascular system: endocarditis, blood clots, changes in heart rhythm and conduction, ischemic stroke. To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow preventive measures and visit pediatric cardiologist once a year.

When is treatment for pathology necessary?

If the presence of an additional chord does not manifest itself symptomatically, then no medical treatment not assigned. It will be necessary to see a doctor and undergo periodic examinations, and parents will need to organize a healthy lifestyle for the baby. If the anomaly provokes symptoms characteristic of cardiovascular diseases, then therapy will be required.

Treatment consists of prescribing medications:

  • vitamins B1, B2, PP;
  • magnesium and potassium (Magne B6, Panangin);
  • antioxidants (L-carnitine preparations, Cytochrome C, Ubiquinone);
  • neurotropic drugs if necessary (Nootropil, Piracetam).
  • engage in suitable exercise therapy, do not overload the child with physical activity;
  • conduct a course of strengthening massage every year;
  • to play sports, and what types of sports will be advised by the attending physician;
  • protect from activities with strong emotional stress - parachuting, diving, etc.;
  • to harden;
  • eat a nutritious and varied diet;
  • walk more fresh air;
  • avoid infectious diseases and weakened immunity;
  • provide good sleep and rest;
  • create a welcoming, stress-free atmosphere at home.

There is no need to protect the child from the outside world; it is quite possible that he will simply outgrow this pathology. The baby must lead full life, and be observed by a specialist. Subsequently, in adolescence, boys can serve in the army; the additional chord is not a medical deviation, except in cases where it leads to cardiovascular diseases. Girls can safely endure pregnancy and give birth naturally.

Anomalies in the development of the cardiovascular system (together with defects gastrointestinal tract) are the most common. Thus, an accessory left ventricular chord (LVAC) can occur in 8-9% of the population.

Chordae in the heart are connective tissue “threads” that connect the valve flaps between the ventricles and atria with the muscle trabeculae of the former. In the left half of the heart, this is the mitral, and right side divides the tricuspid.

An additional chord is considered to be a cord from the trabeculae to the valves, existing in excess of their normal number. More than 94-95% of all cases occur in the left ventricle. Therefore, further discussion will be about its additional chord.


Classification of additional chords is carried out according to several criteria:

  • quantity;
  • tissue structure;
  • places of their attachment;
  • nature of the location.

The quantitative criterion divides all additional strands into two groups. These are single chords (there is one abnormal “thread”) and multiple (two or more). In the first case, it is often located separately from normal fibers. With the second option, it is possible to place them either separately or between normal cords.

Based on the nature of the tissue from which these anomalies are formed, several groups can be distinguished.

  1. Connective tissue. Occurs in most cases. They are cords consisting entirely of elastin fibers and primary collagen.
  2. Tendon chords. Consist only of secondary collagen fibers.
  3. Muscular. Normal muscle growths.
  4. Mixed chords. They contain various components of muscle and connective tissue. Among other anomalies, they are rare.

There can be three places for attachment of anomalous chords. The most common is the apex of the heart. In the left ventricle, this is the part of the cavity farthest from the valve. The option of attaching to one of the walls is possible. Basal fixation of abnormal chordae is very rare. When it (they) are fastened at one end in the area of ​​the septum separating the ventricle from the atrium.

The nature of the location of the anomalies can be either parallel to the normal cords or different from their direction. If the LVDP deviates no more than 25-35 degrees, it is said to be oblique or diagonal. When the angle is more than 40 (even 90) – the chord is in a transverse position.

Why does it occur

The reason for the development of anomalies is associated with deviations in genes located on the X chromosomes. The more of them, the greater the likelihood of developing an accessory chord in a child.

Important! The trait is transmitted through the maternal line in 90%, and through the paternal line in 10%.

It is not the chord itself that is inherited, but the factors that cause it. Even in the first months of the baby’s intrauterine development, additional tissue is laid down. During the formation interventricular septum often “extra” tissue is included in its composition. A child with a hereditary history of heart abnormalities is born without LVDC. But the action of a number of factors during pregnancy contributes to the fact that the “excess” tissue degenerates into an additional chord. This:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • use of certain medications (ACE inhibitors);
  • stress;
  • viral diseases.

If there are such chronic diseases How diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, the risk of developing an accessory chord is present even without heredity.

Features of the pathology

The development of the anomaly occurs in the fetus during the prenatal period, and by the time of birth it is already formed. Due to the fact that it does not affect hemodynamics, it is almost always detected by chance. Only small part(this applies to transversely located muscular and mixed chords) may have negative consequences for the functioning of the heart and all hemodynamics.

Feature of the false chord in childhood– unfinished development. But the situation should be constantly monitored by parents (they should not miss the first warning symptoms) and the local doctor. In the first year, a false chord of the left ventricle in a child cannot be eliminated without surgery, but its development can be influenced.

Only a hemodynamically significant abnormal chord can “make itself known.” This can be seen from the following signs:

  • discomfort in the chest (but a newborn baby will not be able to report pain);
  • high fatigue and poor exercise tolerance;
  • frequent attacks of heartbeat;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • changes in psycho-emotional behavior (most often the baby becomes whiny and irritable, and the teenager may become withdrawn).

The doctor may suspect the presence of an abnormal chordae due to one more sign - a murmur upon auscultation of the heart.


Additional chord in the left ventricle is corrected only if there is negative influence to the work of the heart. The most in a radical way counts surgery. There must be compelling reasons to carry it out.

  • Uncorrectable rhythm disturbances associated with an abnormal chord. This is especially true for young people and children.
  • Rapidly progressive heart failure due to accessory chordae.

Surgical treatment is possible in two options. This is either cryodestruction or its excision. The first type is carried out with a single strand that has its own blood vessels. Removal is necessary in all other cases.

If there is no indication for surgery, the following measures are recommended for everyone (especially children):

  1. Observation by a cardiologist with echocardiography at least once a year until the age of 18. Every 2 years – for young people and up to 40-45 years old.
  2. Compliance correct mode nutrition.
  3. Dosed loads. Simply put - the right combination work and rest.
  4. Hardening and general strengthening measures.
  5. Complete rest and daily night sleep at least 7-8 hours.

The issue of non-professional sports can only be resolved together with a doctor. Sports at the professional level are not recommended by cardiologists. If there are no signs of hemodynamic disturbances, it is allowed to engage in all types of physical activity, with a few exceptions. All types are contraindicated strength sports, high cardio loads - the accessory chord of the left ventricle of the heart can increase its effect on the functioning of the organ.


Abnormal cords that did not cause hemodynamic disturbances in childhood and adolescence never lead to a worsening of the condition in adults. But the additional chords, which somehow made themselves felt in children, deserve close attention at any age. They can be the cause of a number of heart diseases. Any such chord requires lifelong monitoring with constant adherence to the following rules:

  • Rational mode of labor activity. All loads must be well tolerated.
  • Complete rest at night and during the day (as fatigue appears).
  • A periodic course of medications aimed at maintaining the functioning of the heart (pantogam, asparkam, cytochrome, magnesium preparations and vitamins PP, group B).

Full life activity can be possible in any situation if all recommendations were followed on time, according to Dr. Komarovsky. The accessory chord in the cavity of the left ventricle completes its development in the first 10 years of life.

The presence of additional chords of the left ventricle is included in the list of common causes of pathological murmurs. This anomaly most often occurs in children and is considered minor and not life-threatening.

What are false chords of the left ventricle?

False chords- These are small thread-like tendon structures. They contain elements of the conduction system of the heart. This causes the risk of blood flowing not only through physiological pathways, but also through these tendon structures. In this case, a disturbance in the rhythm of the heart may occur. In medicine, chords are usually classified depending on their location (diagonally, longitudinally or transversely), as well as their number (one chord occurs in approximately 60% of cases, in other cases there are several formations).

How does a false chord appear in the cavity of the left ventricle?

Most often, the presence of such a diagnosis does not require any medical intervention. The child has no health complaints and can perform physical activity to the fullest. In this case, it is recommended to lead a normal lifestyle, only regularly visiting a cardiologist to monitor the condition of the heart. Moreover, the problem usually resolves itself, and the condition of the organ returns to normal with age. Because of this, false chord belongs to the category of “age-related” pathologies.

However, in some situations, the patient may experience some discomfort or even abnormalities in the functioning of the heart. Additional chordae in the left ventricle are characterized by nonspecific symptoms. This means that the symptoms observed with this anomaly are also often found in other diseases. Accordingly for staging accurate diagnosis a complete and thorough diagnosis is necessary. TO possible manifestations The accessory chord of the left ventricle includes:

  • heart rhythm disturbances: bradycardia or tachycardia (pulse changes), arrhythmia, etc.;
  • untimely contraction and relaxation of the heart, and this is less noticeable after physical or emotional stress;
  • the presence of systolic murmurs during auscultation is one of the signs of arrhythmia, which was mentioned earlier;
  • excessive excitation of the left ventricle;
  • abnormalities in the speed of blood movement through the heart;
  • change anatomical forms affected department;
  • general weakness, loss of performance and fatigue.


Since the anomaly rarely reveals itself as one or another symptom, most often the presence of additional chordae is discovered only when diagnostic measures and examination for the presence of other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The most modern and informative methods are considered ultrasound examination heart (ultrasound), echocardiography (ECHO-CG) and Doppler examination.

Ultrasound is used to look at the anatomical features of the baby's heart. The method allows you to assess the conformity of the organ age standards, to determine certain anomalies of its development. Using ultrasound, you can see the presence of an additional chord of the left ventricle.

Echocardiography allows you to hear changes in organ function caused by a minor anomaly. In addition, this method used to assess the effect of the false chord on the functioning of the left ventricle and the heart as a whole. Most often, it is the results of ECHO-CG that determine the need and extent of medical intervention. Doppler examination is used when it is necessary to measure the size and density of the false chord, as well as evaluate its nature.

Please note that only echocardiography is used to examine newborns. This is due to the fact that the size of the heart small child do not allow you to see or measure it anatomical features. However, with ECHO-CG it is still possible to hear murmurs or other changes that can be caused by an additional chord in the left ventricle. If there are changes characteristic of this pathology, the conclusion of the examination is most often written “MARS syndrome” (“minor anomaly of cardiac development”).


As already mentioned, most often all the inconveniences associated with the presence of a false chord in the ventricle disappear with age and do not require specific treatment. It can only be noted general recommendations for restoration and maintenance of health. These include:

  • A balanced diet with sufficient amounts of all necessary micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins.
  • Rational combination of work and rest.
  • Therapeutic exercises, evening walks in the fresh air before bedtime.
  • Maintaining a daily routine.
  • Drug therapy (as prescribed by a cardiologist).

Article publication date: 04/05/2017

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

In this article you will learn: an additional chord of the left ventricle - what it is, what the presence of such an anomaly of the heart entails. Diagnostic methods, issues of the need for treatment and the rules of life for a person with this pathology will also be discussed.

The LV accessory chord (abbreviated as LVAD) is an abnormal connective tissue cord that runs from the trabeculae (muscular elevations) of the left ventricle to the mitral valve.

This disease is included in the group of minor anomalies of cardiac development (MARS). Usually these deviations are not accompanied by any significant symptoms, disorders and do not require treatment.

A patient diagnosed with LVDC should be seen by a cardiologist. In exceptional cases there may be a need for surgical treatment hearts.

It is impossible to rid a patient of the pathology without surgery, but most adolescents “outgrow” this condition without consequences for health.

This pathology is dealt with by a cardiologist.

Structure of the heart

The human heart is the most important life-support organ. Its well-functioning operation pumps blood through the vessels, providing nutrition and oxygen to all organs and tissues. This is a muscular fibrous organ, the heart muscle (myocardium) is divided into 4 chambers: the right and left atria and the right and left ventricles.

Blood in the left and right half Normally it never mixes. To ensure blood flow in the desired direction, connecting plates - valves - are located between the atria, ventricles and vessels: mitral (tricuspid) on the left and tricuspid (bicuspid) on the right.

In a relaxed state (in diastole), the valves open and blood flows from one chamber to another. Then contraction (systole) occurs, and blood is released into the vessels: from the left ventricle - into the aorta and further to the organs, blood rich in oxygen flows; from right - to pulmonary artery, to the lungs, saturated with carbon dioxide.

To maintain the elasticity of the valves and create a strong frame, connective tissue cords - chords - extend from the muscular elevations (trabeculae) in the ventricles to the valves. They prevent the valves from opening during systole.

In some cases, a person develops an extra thread in utero. This is called an additional chord. In 95% they are formed in the left ventricle.

Causes of pathology

Exists genetic predisposition to the accessory chord of the left ventricle. It is usually transmitted from mother to fetus, and in less than 10% of cases it is inherited from the father.

An abnormal chord in the left ventricle is formed in utero; a child is already born with this anomaly; it cannot arise during life.

The formation of such anomalies in the ventricular cavity during the intrauterine development of the embryo and the formation of the heart (this is 5–6 weeks of pregnancy) can also be influenced by external factors:

  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • bad habits of the mother during the development of connective tissue in the fetus.

More often a single additional chord is formed. Multiple threads are rarely formed.

Classification: types of chords

Longitudinal and diagonal usually have no effect on the blood flow pattern. Transverse ones sometimes interfere with blood flow and can cause rhythm disturbances in adult life.

Characteristic symptoms

In most cases, the anomaly does not manifest itself in any way in early childhood.

As the child grows, when internal organs“do not keep up” with the growth of the body, nonspecific symptoms may appear:

  1. Chest pain.
  2. Dizziness, fainting.
  3. Increased fatigue.
  4. Distracted attention.
  5. Heartbeat disorders.
  6. Instability of blood pressure.

The same signs are characteristic of multiple chords in the ventricular cavity or the formation of cardiac dysfunction.

Also, an additional chord in the cavity of the left ventricle may be accompanied by other manifestations of connective tissue deficiency:

  • pathological joint mobility;
  • kidney prolapse;
  • megaureter (stricture of the ureter above its entrance to bladder, due to which it expands higher);
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus;
  • poor posture.

In adulthood, if the additional chord is preserved or located transversely, the following may join:

  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • endocardial damage;
  • impaired ventricular relaxation.

These developed consequences should be corrected by a cardiologist.

Diagnostic methods

Without special methods It is difficult to detect the presence of chordae in the ventricular cavity. Sometimes, when examined by a pediatrician or therapist, a noise may be heard that occurs during contraction of the heart muscle.

At conducting an ECG usually there is no change. In rare cases, shortening of intervals may be observed. Significant disturbances are visible with the development of arrhythmia.

The main method for diagnosing anomalies is EchoCG - ultrasound examination of the heart. Additional examination Doppler scanning allows you to determine the location, thickness, length of the abnormal thread, the place of its attachment, and assess the speed of blood flow above it.

Sometimes a cardiologist prescribes Holter ECG monitoring - a 24-hour ECG. A small device is attached to the patient’s body, which records an ECG throughout the day. This method allows you to determine whether the abnormal chorda affects blood flow (hemodynamics). If the pathology does not affect blood flow, no treatment is required, and the person is under dispensary observation at the cardiologist. If hemodynamic disturbances are detected, the cardiologist prescribes treatment.

When is treatment needed?

Can't be cured medicines. Only the presence in a patient with such a pathology of blood flow disturbances caused by the chord, rhythm changes and other abnormalities require drug treatment.

Medicines used:

  • vitamins B, PP - to improve myocardial nutrition;
  • magnesium and potassium preparations - to normalize the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • L-carnitine – in courses, for strengthening metabolic processes in the heart muscle;
  • nootropic drugs – for unstable blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In case of rhythm disturbances, antiarrhythmic treatment is carried out.

In extreme cases, when the anomaly provokes severe complications(endocarditis,), cardiac surgery is used:

  1. Cryodestruction of the chord is destruction by cold.
  2. Excision of the chord.

Inpatient treatment is indicated if complications develop.

Possible complications

In rare cases, cardiac complications may develop:

Rules of life

If a child has an additional chord, this does not make him sick. Parental fears about the presence of a “vice” can lead to the child’s isolation from “ possible difficulties“- but by doing so, parents, wanting to protect their baby, hinder his socialization and make him sick themselves.

Still, there are some restrictions - you cannot engage in professional sports with high physical activity.

The rules of behavior for a person with an additional chord in the cavity of the left ventricle are simple; compliance with them will help to avoid complications:

  1. Observe the work and rest schedule.
  2. Get good sleep, sleep at least 8 hours a night.
  3. Eat a balanced diet.
  4. Avoid eating fatty, fried and fast food.
  5. Study therapeutic exercises, hardening.
  6. Avoid stressful situations.
  7. Avoid heavy physical activity.
  8. Get an annual strengthening massage.
  9. Accept medicines after consultation with the attending physician.
  10. Have a medical examination and examination by a cardiologist every year.

It is useful for a child with an additional chord of the left ventricle to attend clubs and sections. The choice of a sports section should be made after consultation with a cardiologist, taking into account the desires and abilities of the child. Suitable for this child:

  • ballroom dancing;
  • athletics (non-professional);
  • exercises on the Swedish wall;
  • tourism and hiking over short distances.

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It is also worth protecting your child from extreme activities associated with danger, risk, and adrenaline rush:

  • skydiving;
  • diving;
  • rooms of fear.

Having such a diagnosis is not a disqualification from military service. A young man with the development of complications such as persistent arrhythmias or cardiovascular failure is not subject to conscription.

Girls are allowed pregnancy and spontaneous childbirth, in the absence of obstetric indications otherwise.

Prognosis and prevention

Measures to prevent the development of chordae in the cavities of the heart have not been developed. On modern stage During the development of medicine, doctors did not learn to change the human genetic code.

However, a pregnant woman should avoid bad habits, especially smoking, avoid contact with harmful chemicals, eat right.

In most cases, the prognosis for additional left ventricular chord is favorable. With age, the human body adapts to the presence of the anomaly, and it does not manifest itself in any way and does not bother.

The prognosis is somewhat less favorable with multiple chords in the ventricle and with a transverse arrangement of the filaments.