Plantain seed coat. Some data on Psyllium. Medicinal properties of seeds and husks

The seeds contain polysaccharides (about 44% of the composition), also fixed oils, acids and organic compounds. Research has shown that the seeds contain gluten-free gluten, which allows the use of psyllium seeds in products for people suffering from celiac disease.

Indications for use

  • for chronic constipation,
  • catarrh of the intestines and dysentery,
  • as an anti-inflammatory for colitis,
  • duodenum,
  • endocrine form of female infertility,
  • adhesions.


  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • They have a pronounced wound-healing property.
  • Reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Render positive impact on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating constipation.
  • Bile is removed from the body.
  • Effective in treating infertility.
  • They have a mild laxative effect and improve digestion, so they can be used in weight loss programs.

Plantain seeds for infertility (for conception)

Plantain seeds help cope with the following problems:

  • Poor spermatogenesis in men ( low mobility and low sperm count). The cause of this condition can be an incorrect lifestyle, treatment with antibiotics, inflammatory processes and chronic diseases.
  • Violation hormonal levels in men and women.
  • Obstruction fallopian tubes(adhesions), inflammatory processes in women.
  • Incompatibility of partners.

To treat obstruction of the fallopian tubes, use the following recipe: 1 tbsp. l. seeds, pour 200 ml of boiling water, then simmer the mixture in a water bath for about 5 minutes. The glass is divided into 2 daily doses, consuming the norm 15-20 minutes before meals. If the menstrual cycle is disrupted, use the same recipe, but take a decoction of 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day, also before meals.

Plantain seeds for constipation and for the gastrointestinal tract

Plantain seeds contain a large amount of fiber, which coats the intestinal walls and promotes liquefaction. feces. Besides this, herbal component restores microflora, heals micro-wounds on the gastrointestinal mucosa and removes toxins.

For the treatment of chronic and irregular constipation, it is recommended to add to food or consume pure form, drinking a large number water. An adult is recommended to consume 10-15 g of seeds per day to speed up laxative effect They should be soaked in warm water for 2-6 hours.

Plantain seeds for weight loss

The seeds contain polyphenols that break down fats. And the seeds, once in the stomach, increase in size, reducing appetite. To prepare a decoction for weight loss, take 1 tbsp. l. seeds, pour boiling water over them and let the mixture brew for 2-3 hours. Now express the liquid, divide it into 3 doses, and then consume it before meals. The course of administration is 10 days, and the decoction is more effective if combined with a moderate diet.

Directions for use

Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. seeds are poured with a glass of water, then boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes, take 1-2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day. You can store the broth in the refrigerator for two to three days. Drink the decoction warm.

Infusion: 2 tbsp. l. spoons of seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, shake for a long time, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals

Use during pregnancy

The seeds have virtually no contraindications, so they are widely used to treat constipation in pregnant women. Contraindications for pregnant women are similar to general contraindications.

Plantain leaf has been used for a long time; many people know about its beneficial properties. Often the leaf of this plant is used for a cut or insect bite. We can say that this is the first anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, which is almost always at hand.

Plantain helps to get rid of stomach diseases and coughs. Good remedy to relieve inflammation of the gums and eliminate toothache. People mainly use plantain leaves for treatment, and few people know that its seeds have many beneficial properties. In pharmacies, a remedy made from the seeds of the plant is also not often found.

What does plantain contain?

Thanks to all these components, plantain promotes fast healing wounds, has restorative properties.

What are the beneficial properties of plantain?

Plantain seeds are used for treatment various diseases. Among the most basic properties of the seeds of this plant are:

  • Promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • Improves sputum production.
  • Antibacterial properties.
  • Relieves inflammation.

The plant is widely used in folk medicine:

  1. The seeds of such a plant have been helping people get rid of prostatitis and infertility for many years.
  2. Treat diseases in the stomach area and normalize blood sugar levels when diabetes mellitus.
  3. Plantain seeds increase immune system, taken for diseases of the heart muscle.
  4. The seeds help eliminate skin inflammation.
  5. They are used by women during breastfeeding, they treat cracks that form on the nipples.
  6. To prevent hemorrhoids, plantain seeds are also used.
  7. Constipation, diarrhea, colitis, and diseases of the intestinal tract are treated by this plant. With their help, they cleanse the intestines and rid the body of harmful substances, waste, and toxins. By the way, ridding the body and cleansing it of accumulated waste and toxins is also the prevention of heart muscle diseases. Many heart diseases arise from high cholesterol in the blood and sludge in the body.
  8. Plantain seeds prevent the body from cancer.
  9. Often used for weight loss, and the effect is much better than other weight loss products. To get rid of unnecessary weight, plantain seeds are added to food and drinks, the effect will not be long in coming.

The seeds of the plant have a sweet taste and are often used as a snack substitute. But, with all this, you need to drink a lot of water, it is better if it is clean, without additives.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, then you can get rid of such problems if you take plantain. The seeds can be soaked in liquid, or you can prepare a decoction or infusion from them.

  1. When you need to rid the body of excess, take three to ten grams of seeds and fill them with water. Leave for several hours to swell. When the seeds are ready, they are drunk along with the liquid in which they swelled. You need to take it 30 minutes before meals and after an hour after eating. You need to drink a lot of water per day, at least two liters. The seeds enter the intestines, they swell and absorb water from the body, which is why it is important to drink a lot.
  2. To get rid of diarrhea, take about forty grams of plant seeds per day. Thanks to plantain seeds, the human body gets rid of toxins and harmful substances.
  3. In case of constipation, plantain seeds are crushed to a powder state and consumed before meals, half a teaspoon, washed down well with water. You need to take the drug until your intestinal function is completely normalized.
  4. To make a decoction, you need 5 tbsp. seeds, pour a glass of just boiled water. Place the container with the broth on low heat and leave in this state for an hour. It is necessary that the liquid does not boil too much. You need to drink this decoction before meals, 50 ml, until the problem is completely eliminated.
  5. If there are problems with the gastric mucosa, then 25 g of seeds are poured into a glass of boiling water. Mix thoroughly for several minutes. Then the broth is filtered, take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Treatment of epidermal diseases

  1. Any skin lesion, be it a wound, a crack, or something else, is treated with an infusion of seeds. To prepare this infusion, 1 tbsp. plantain is poured with boiling water and the seeds are left to swell. The steamed seeds are ground and applied to the sore spot. This decoction is well suited for washing wounds, compresses, relieving inflammation and burning after an insect bite, and promotes the healing of calluses.
  2. When a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time, a decoction of plantain seeds can help her. It is taken for one month, three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  3. The decoction also normalizes blood sugar levels. Relieves asthma and bronchitis. To cure asthma in a child, you will need green, unripe seeds. They make porridge from them, dilute them a little with water and give them to the baby five times a day.
  4. The seeds of this plant promote expectoration. To make a decoction, 1 tsp. seeds need to be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, covered and allowed to stand for half an hour. Strain and take 1 tbsp. before eating.

Infertility treatment

Plantain seeds have great benefits for the body of women. They are used when hormonal levels are disrupted, appendages are inflamed, adhesions are present, menstruation is disrupted or bleeding occurs. Traditional medicine treats infertility with plantain seeds, and not only in the fair sex, but also in the male half of the population. The duration of treatment for such diseases can range from six months to a year. After reception medicine You need to give your body a rest for one month, and then start the course again.

To prepare a decoction for infertility, pour 1 tbsp. plant seeds with a glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for half an hour, filtered and taken before meals, 3 times a day. This decoction is also suitable for the male body, having the same beneficial effect on it.

Use of plantain seeds for cosmetic procedures

The appearance will change significantly after the body is cleansed of accumulated harmful substances with the help of plantain seeds. All these harmful substances, which are in our body, cause the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

A cosmetic product made from seeds helps cope with oily skin face, eliminates blemishes after rashes. For such procedures, lotions and tonics are usually chosen. Often used as a hair rinse. Relieves dandruff. For the decoction you need 1 tbsp. seeds and a liter of boiling water. Let the liquid sit for a while, strain and rinse your hair.

What is psyllium husk used for?

  1. Cleanses the body of harmful substances. Reduces the risk of disease oncological nature, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle.
  2. By consuming the husk to lose weight, the body's metabolism accelerates and there is no feeling of hunger. To lose weight, take 1 teaspoon of husk per glass of water or juice.
  3. To get rid of constipation, take 2 tsp. husks per glass of water. You need to drink a lot of fluids so that the body does not become dehydrated.


Use of psyllium seeds or husks for human body is not harmful, but just the opposite. But you should not take such a plant without consulting a doctor if you are allergic to such a plant, the acidity of the stomach is high, or thrombosis occurs. It is not recommended to take the plant during pregnancy.

Preparation and storage

You can prepare the plant seeds yourself. Of course, you can buy them at the pharmacy, but they are very rarely available there. They need to be collected immediately after the plant blooms. Seeds that have not ripened are used to relieve children from asthma.

The period of collecting seeds begins from the last summer month. Dry them in a well-ventilated area, not in the sun. Store in a jar or paper bag.

Video: medicinal properties and contraindications of plantain

Plantain leaf has been used for a long time; many people know about its beneficial properties. Often the leaf of this plant is used for a cut or insect bite. We can say that this is the first anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent that is almost always at hand.

Plantain helps to get rid of stomach diseases and coughs. A good remedy for relieving gum inflammation and toothache. People mainly use plantain leaves for treatment, and few people know that its seeds have many beneficial properties. In pharmacies, a remedy made from the seeds of the plant is also not often found.

Thanks to all these components, plantain promotes rapid healing of wounds and has restorative properties.

Manchurian nut - medicinal properties and application

What are the beneficial properties of plantain?

Plantain seeds are used to treat various diseases. Among the most basic properties of the seeds of this plant are:

  • Promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • Improves sputum production.
  • Antibacterial properties.
  • Relieves inflammation.

The plant is widely used in folk medicine:

  1. The seeds of such a plant have been helping people get rid of prostatitis and infertility for many years.
  2. They treat diseases in the stomach area and normalize blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus.
  3. Plantain seeds boost the immune system and are taken for diseases of the heart muscle.
  4. The seeds help eliminate skin inflammation.
  5. They are used by women during breastfeeding to treat cracks that form on the nipples.
  6. To prevent hemorrhoids, plantain seeds are also used.
  7. Constipation, diarrhea, colitis, and diseases of the intestinal tract are treated by this plant. With their help, they cleanse the intestines and rid the body of harmful substances, waste, and toxins. By the way, ridding the body and cleansing it of accumulated waste and toxins is also the prevention of heart muscle diseases. Many heart diseases arise from high levels of cholesterol in the blood and sludge in the body.
  8. Plantain seeds prevent the body from cancer.
  9. Often used for weight loss, and the effect is much better than other weight loss products. To get rid of unnecessary weight, plantain seeds are added to food and drinks, the effect will not be long in coming.

The seeds of the plant have a sweet taste and are often used as a snack substitute. But, with all this, you need to drink a lot of water, it is better if it is clean, without additives.

onion peel - medicinal properties and contraindications

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, then you can get rid of such problems if you take plantain. The seeds can be soaked in liquid, or you can prepare a decoction or infusion from them.

  1. When you need to rid the body of excess, take three to ten grams of seeds and fill them with water. Leave for several hours to swell. When the seeds are ready, they are drunk along with the liquid in which they swelled. You need to take it 30 minutes before meals and after an hour after eating. You need to drink a lot of water per day, at least two liters. The seeds enter the intestines, they swell and absorb water from the body, which is why it is important to drink a lot.
  2. To get rid of diarrhea, take about forty grams of plant seeds per day. Thanks to plantain seeds, the human body gets rid of toxins and harmful substances.
  3. In case of constipation, plantain seeds are crushed to a powder state and consumed before meals, half a teaspoon, washed down well with water. You need to take the drug until your intestinal function is completely normalized.
  4. To make a decoction, you need 5 tbsp. seeds, pour a glass of just boiled water. Place the container with the broth on low heat and leave in this state for an hour. It is necessary that the liquid does not boil too much. You need to drink this decoction before meals, 50 ml, until the problem is completely eliminated.
  5. If there are problems with the gastric mucosa, then 25 g of seeds are poured into a glass of boiling water. Mix thoroughly for several minutes. Then the broth is filtered, take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

beaver jet - medicinal properties and applications

Treatment of epidermal diseases

  1. Any skin lesion, be it a wound, a crack, or something else, is treated with an infusion of seeds. To prepare this infusion, 1 tbsp. plantain is poured with boiling water and the seeds are left to swell. The steamed seeds are ground and applied to the sore spot. This decoction is well suited for washing wounds, compresses, relieving inflammation and burning after an insect bite, and promotes the healing of calluses.
  2. When a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time, a decoction of plantain seeds can help her. It is taken for one month, three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  3. The decoction also normalizes blood sugar levels. Relieves asthma and bronchitis. To cure asthma in a child, you will need green, unripe seeds. They make porridge from them, dilute them a little with water and give them to the baby five times a day.
  4. The seeds of this plant promote expectoration. To make a decoction, 1 tsp. seeds need to be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, covered and allowed to stand for half an hour. Strain and take 1 tbsp. before eating.

Infertility treatment

Plantain seeds have great benefits for the body of women. They are used when hormonal levels are disrupted, appendages are inflamed, adhesions are present, menstruation is disrupted or bleeding occurs. Traditional medicine treats infertility with plantain seeds, and not only in the fair sex, but also in the male half of the population. The duration of treatment for such diseases can range from six months to a year. After taking the medicine, you need to give the body a rest for one month, and then start the course again.

To prepare a decoction for infertility, pour 1 tbsp. plant seeds with a glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for half an hour, filtered and taken before meals, 3 times a day. This decoction is also suitable for the male body, having the same beneficial effect on it.

Use of plantain seeds for cosmetic procedures

The appearance will change significantly after the body is cleansed of accumulated harmful substances with the help of plantain seeds. All these harmful substances that are in our body are the cause of pimples and blackheads.

A cosmetic product made from seeds helps cope with oily facial skin and gets rid of blemishes after rashes. For such procedures, lotions and tonics are usually chosen. Often used as a hair rinse. Relieves dandruff. For the decoction you need 1 tbsp. seeds and a liter of boiling water. Let the liquid sit for a while, strain and rinse your hair.

What is psyllium husk used for?

  1. Cleanses the body of harmful substances. Reduces the risk of cancer and normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle.
  2. By consuming the husk to lose weight, the body's metabolism accelerates and there is no feeling of hunger. To lose weight, take 1 teaspoon of husk per glass of water or juice.
  3. To get rid of constipation, take 2 tsp. husks per glass of water. You need to drink a lot of fluids so that the body does not become dehydrated.

parsley root - medicinal properties and contraindications


The use of psyllium seeds or husks is not harmful to the human body, but only the opposite. But you should not take such a plant without consulting a doctor if you are allergic to such a plant, the acidity of the stomach is high, or thrombosis occurs. It is not recommended to take the plant during pregnancy.

Preparation and storage

You can prepare the plant seeds yourself. Of course, you can buy them at the pharmacy, but they are very rarely available there. They need to be collected immediately after the plant blooms. Seeds that have not ripened are used to relieve children from asthma.

The period of collecting seeds begins from the last summer month. Dry them in a well-ventilated area, not in the sun. Store in a jar or paper bag.

Milk thistle seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications

Video: medicinal properties and contraindications of plantain

Many people know about the beneficial and medicinal properties of plantain leaf and are often used for treatment. Few people realize that its seeds and husks are no less useful.

It grows almost everywhere. Even in places where it seems like nothing should grow.

It is well known as the first remedy for cuts and insect bites. If there is no first aid kit, and a plantain grows nearby, many people apply leaves to the wound or the site of an insect bite.

Plantain excellent remedy for cough, stomach diseases. Helps with gum inflammation and toothache.

But not many people know about the medicinal properties of seeds. They don’t even suspect that they have no less beneficial properties than a leaf. And they can be difficult to find in a pharmacy. Meanwhile, this is an excellent way to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. And not only.

Read on topic: Expensive medicinal properties and contraindications

Polysaccharides (mucus). Its content ranges from 20 to 44%. Mucus consists of starch and a non-starchy polysaccharide - mannan. It is this substance that allows you to envelop the mucous membranes and has an anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

Fatty oils, consisting of fatty acids, impart regenerating, softening, and wound-healing properties.



Organic compounds;

Dietary fiber;


Iridoids (phytonutrients).

American scientists discovered gluten similar wheat flour. But gluten free. This makes it possible to use them in baking for people suffering from celiac disease.

Medicinal properties

Plantain seeds have the following properties:





Wound healing.

Preparations based on them help with:


Infertility in women;

Diseases gastrointestinal tract;

Reduced immunity;

Cardiovascular diseases.

Various inflammations on the skin,

Cracks in the nipples in women that form during breastfeeding;

Cracks in the skin (including on the heels);

Used for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. Help with:

Intestinal diseases: colitis, irritable bowel syndrome;


Stomach and duodenal ulcers.

For those who want to cleanse the intestines, psyllium seeds are much better than bran. They, like a sponge, absorb all harmful substances and cleanse the intestinal walls of toxins accumulated on them.

Acting as a sorbent, they remove all toxins and waste from the body. Normalize blood cholesterol levels. Which in turn can serve as a good disease prevention cardiovascular system. It is no secret that elevated cholesterol levels and sludge in the body are often the cause of these diseases.

Such cleansing can serve as a good prevention of cancer, including colon cancer.

It will be a particularly pleasant bonus for those who want to reset extra pounds that they are better suited for this purpose than many advertised superdrugs. And they cost less.

If you want to lose weight, lose weight, cleanse your body, add them to soup, cocktails, smoothies and you will soon see an effect that will greatly please you.

Sweet tasting ones can replace a snack. What you just need to pay attention to is compliance drinking regime. You need to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water.

They are completely harmless to the body. When taken as a preventive measure, you can very soon see a positive effect, improvement general condition health. In addition, after such a cleansing, the weight does not return.

Treatment with plantain seeds

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

If the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, you can take the seeds with water, prepare decoctions and infusions.

Cleansing the body

Pour 3-10 grams of seeds with water or compote. Leave to swell for four to six hours. Then drink them along with the liquid in which they were soaked, half an hour before meals or an hour and a half after meals. Don't forget to drink enough clean water, at least two liters per day.

The seeds swell in the intestines and absorb water from the body. If its quantity is insufficient, it can lead to dehydration, constipation, and even suffocation.

For diarrhea

For diarrhea and intestinal upset, you need to take about 40 grams of plantain seeds during the day. They bind toxins and poisonous substances and remove them from the body.

For constipation

Oddly enough, they can help with constipation. To treat constipation, grind into powder. Take 0.5 teaspoon before meals with water. The course of treatment is until the problem disappears, i.e. normalization of intestinal function.

You can prepare a decoction. For this, pour 5 tablespoons of seeds into a glass of boiling water. Place on low heat. Simmer for about an hour, so that the boiling is barely noticeable.

Drink 50 ml of decoction before meals until the problem disappears.

Treatment of the gastric mucosa

Pour 25 grams of seeds into a glass hot water and stir for a long time. Then strain. Drink a tablespoon of decoction before meals three times a day.

The decoction and infusion can also be taken for constipation, spasms of the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines.

Skin diseases

At skin lesions or mucous membranes, wounds, cracks, etc., make poultices from the infusion. Pour a tablespoon of seeds with water and leave to swell. Then crush and apply to the affected area.

They gargle with the decoction, wash the wounds, apply a compress to relieve itching, inflammation after insect bites, and heal calluses.

Infertility treatment

For female infertility, drink a decoction of seeds, one tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is one or two months.
The decoction can be taken for diabetes to normalize blood sugar.

Upper respiratory tract diseases, asthma

To treat asthma in children, green, not yet ripened seeds are used. They are collected immediately after flowering.

Peel off the husks and grind into a paste, which is diluted with water. Give to the child five times a day.

To achieve better effect traditional healers It is recommended to wrap the child’s feet overnight with plantain leaves soaked in vinegar and water. The proportions of vinegar and water are 1:1.

In adults, asthma is treated with a decoction. A decoction is prepared from 1 teaspoon of seeds, which is poured with 100 ml of hot water. Infuse and drink 3 times a day before meals.

For bronchitis

Plantain seed helps with bronchitis and cough. As an expectorant, they thin out mucus and allow sputum to clear out better, cleansing the bronchi and lungs.

To prepare the decoction, you need to brew a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water. Cover the jar with a lid and let it brew for 15-30 minutes. Strain and drink one tablespoon before meals.

Plantain seeds for women

Plantain seeds contain a fairly large amount of useful mineral salts, which provide beneficial influence on the female reproductive organs.

Help with:

Hormonal imbalance;

Inflammation of the appendages;

Gynecological bleeding;

Violation menstrual cycle.

This does not mean that men can neglect such treatment. It must be remembered that the seeds have a good cleansing and healing effect on the body as a whole. In addition, they increase libido in both sexes.

The course of infertility treatment ranges from six months to one year. Take the decoction for conception in courses of 1-2 months with a break.

It is prepared from one tablespoon of seeds brewed with a glass of boiling water. Leave for at least 30 minutes and strain. Drink 3 times a day before meals for one or two months.

The decoction will be useful for men as a prevention of impotence and illness. prostate gland, especially after 35 years.

Plantain seeds in cosmetology

Firstly, as has been noted more than once in this article, plantain seeds are good at cleansing the body of toxins and waste. And this cannot but affect the appearance. After all, often the cause of skin rashes, acne, pimples, boils lies precisely in the slagging of the body. By cleansing the body, you can get rid of many problems in this way.

Secondly, they contain mucus, which gently envelops the tissues, relieves the process of inflammation, helps wounds and cuts heal faster, including spots from acne and blackheads. A lotion made from them is especially useful for oily, porous skin.

Helps with oily scalp, seborrhea, dandruff. Rinse your hair with the broth after washing.

Easy to prepare. Pour one tablespoon of seeds into one liter of hot water and leave. Then strain and the product is ready for use.

Psyllium Husk

Psyllium husk is outer shell seeds It has the same medicinal properties as the seed. Used as a laxative for constipation. Helps with diarrhea, irritable bowel, hemorrhoids, removes cholesterol.

In Chinese and Indian medicine, the husk is used for bladder problems.

Like seeds, it is rich in insoluble fibers, which absorb all toxins and wastes and remove them from the body.

This property can be used to cleanse the body when losing weight.

It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of cancer.

When consuming the husk for weight loss, it gives a feeling of fullness and has amazing effect on metabolism. It contains spongy fiber, which suppresses appetite.

To lose weight, simply add a teaspoon to a glass of water, juice or compote.

For constipation, husks with high content fiber, helps increase the volume of stool and its movement along the intestines, causing a reflex contraction of the intestinal wall.

For mild constipation, add a teaspoon to a glass of warm water, milk or juice. Take 3 times daily before meals.

For strong ones - two teaspoons. Remember to drink enough water, at least 6-8 glasses a day. It’s better to immediately drink a glass of clean water after taking it.

The husk, cleansing the intestines of toxins, removes all pathogenic microflora without affecting the beneficial ones, and stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria.

IN lately it is included in many new diets and weight loss medications. Why overpay when you can buy or prepare it yourself.

Contraindications for use

Although psyllium seeds and husks, like the herb itself, are generally harmless, there are a number of restrictions when you should avoid taking them and consult a doctor.

These include:

Presence of thrombosis;

Allergy to the plant;

Increased stomach acidity.

You should not undergo treatment during pregnancy. Although they do not have a pronounced negative consequences, but you should consult your doctor before use.

When to collect plantain seeds

Fresh plantain seeds are collected immediately after the plant blooms. They are used to treat asthma in children.

The ripened seed is collected starting in August, depending on the region. They are dried, like all medicinal herbs, under a canopy, in a well-ventilated area away from the sun.

Dried seeds are stripped of shoots. Store in a jar, container or paper bag.

Everyone has at least once seen these plants growing along roads and in clearings, whose leaves provide first aid to urchins who have broken knees.

But, in addition to the leaves, plantain seeds are no less healing, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been sufficiently studied by modern scientists. They are used to make medicinal drugs that help overcome various ailments from banal abrasions to more serious illnesses such as asthma or infertility.

Chemical composition of plantain seeds and medicinal properties

Chemical composition

Plantain seed material has healing qualities due to the presence of many valuable substances, good for health. It is rich in the following substances:

  • Fatty oils.
  • Tannins.
  • Organic acids: vanillic, chlorogenic, ascorbic, etc.
  • Slimy and bitter.
  • Proteins and carbohydrates.

Their effect is actively used in traditional and folk medicine, so seed extract is added to various drugs, which treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, etc.

What are the benefits of plantain seeds?

Properties of plantain seeds, noted for a long time folk healers, are widely used today in official medicine, and help save people from many health problems.

What are the benefits of plantain seeds?

Gastrointestinal diseases

The mucus, which the achenes are rich in, envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, and active ingredients its composition helps to cure gastritis with low acidity, colitis, enteritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers.


  • Pour a tablespoon of seed into 1 tbsp. water.
  • Mix and drink all the contents.
  • After 30 min. drink a mug of water.
  • We continue to take the remedy every day until we recover.

Plantain seeds, whose medicinal properties relieve intestinal ailments, supply the body with fiber, which is sorely lacking in the modern diet. And diverticulitis appears precisely because of its deficiency.


  • Brew 1 tbsp. achenes with a glass of boiling water, steam to a boil, cool, filter and drink the same day.
  • We wash 2 tablespoons of raw materials, pour 1 tbsp. hot water, cool and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Grind the achenes using a coffee grinder and eat ¼ tsp. three times a day for 10 minutes. before meals, with water. You need to drink about 2 liters of water per day: only under this condition will the product give the desired effect.

The seeds absorb water, soften the stool and cause the intestines to contract and get rid of feces.

"Women's" diseases

The medicinal properties of plantain seeds help with infertility, hormonal imbalances, cystitis and other inflammations of the genitourinary organs. A compress with infusion heals cracked nipples during breastfeeding.


Female infertility

  • Mix equal parts of plantain seeds, rose hips, lemongrass and tribulus.
  • Grind the mixture and brew a couple of tablespoons of 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • Cool until warm state and mix with honey (a tablespoon).
  • Use 1 tsp. 3 times a day, washed down, if necessary, with clean water.

With regular use, a positive effect is observed after three to five months.

This remedy is used to treat female infertility resulting from adhesions of the fallopian tubes, lack of ovulation, vaginal inflammation, menorrhagia, hormonal disorders.

Plantain seeds, medicinal properties

Male infertility

Plantain seeds have medicinal properties for both female and male infertility. They restore sperm motility if the decoction is used regularly for 6 months.

Preparing the decoction

  • Brew a tablespoon of seed with a glass of boiling water, cook for five minutes over low heat.
  • Remove from the stove and leave for 30 minutes.
  • We filter and drink a couple of tablespoons four times a day.

Bath additive

  • Brew 50 grams of plantain leaves with a liter of boiling water.
  • Leave for 50 minutes and filter.
  • Pour into 30-35 degree water collected in the bath.
  • We lie in it for 20 minutes, taking a bath every day or two.

Baths with leaves will improve the results of taking a decoction of plantain seeds, whose medicinal properties will manifest themselves even more strongly. The treatment period is six months; if necessary, we repeat the course.

Asthma, bronchitis, cough

To treat these diseases we use the following remedy:

  • Pour in 1.5 tsp. plantain seed with a glass of boiling water.
  • Let it sit until it becomes warm.

Take warm, one tablespoon per 15 minutes. before meals.

Other diseases

What other benefits do plantain seeds have? They help get rid of other ailments and prevent their occurrence:

  • Removes bad cholesterol.
  • Protects against heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  • Used in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Removes toxic substances.
  • Cures childhood and senile enuresis.

A decoction of plantain seeds relieves inflammation of the eyes (make compresses).

Plantain seeds, benefits for the body


The properties of plantain seeds sometimes give a different effect than expected, and even cause harm to the body. Their use is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • Intolerance. Although the achenes do not contain toxins, but, on the contrary, remove them from the intestines and other organs, their components can harm those who suffer from individual intolerance of these substances.
  • Increased acidity gastric juice . Plantain seed enhances the production of gastric juice, so it should not be used by patients with gastritis or ulcers, who already have high acidity.
  • Thrombosis. Taking plantain medications is prohibited for patients prone to the formation of blood clots and accelerated blood cell clotting.

You should not use plantain seeds for health purposes, the medicinal properties and contraindications for use of which have been well studied by specialists, expectant and nursing mothers. Their components sometimes cause allergies in the baby. In any case, before using drugs made from this herbal raw material, you should consult a doctor to protect yourself from risks.

The healing properties of plantain have been known since time immemorial. It began to be used back in Ancient China when treating the most various diseases. Not only plantain leaves, but also plantain seeds were used to prepare potions. Last found wide application in folk and classical medicine.

Even the Persian physician and philosopher Avicenna spoke highly of the healing properties of the inflorescences. They are especially useful for women. Therefore, below we will talk about the benefits and harms of plantain seeds, find out what diseases they help against and how to brew and take them correctly.

Plantain seeds have been known to medicine since time immemorial.

What do we know about plantain and its seeds?

This plant, unremarkable at first glance, can be found everywhere: along roadsides and wastelands, along garden paths and in weedy places. Already in June, arrow-like spikelets with inconspicuous flowers appear above the leaves, which soon turn into boxes with seeds. As they mature, they scatter around or travel on legs, paws and wheels.

The medicinal properties of plantain seeds are 99% determined by chemical composition, and in this case it is very rich and useful:

  • mucus;
  • fatty and organic acids - oxalic, oleanolic, ascorbic;
  • polysaccharides;
  • vitamins A, C, PP and trace elements - calcium, selenium, potassium, manganese;
  • bitterness (aucuban);

In addition to these components, seeds contain many other substances that do not have a pronounced biological activity. Of the above, I would like to mention oleanolic acid, which normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and mucus, which makes up almost 50% of plantain seeds.

Healing properties and contraindications

Infertility has a beneficial effect even on healthy people. They are able, like a sponge, to absorb harmful toxins and remove them from the body. This part of the plant is effective for gastrointestinal pathologies: colitis and gastritis, peptic ulcer, flatulence, constipation, food poisoning and dysentery.

Seeds medicinal plant useful for both healthy and sick

Modern science has studied in detail healing properties plantain seeds and their effects on the human body. I would especially like to note the following effects:

  • wound healing and restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diuretic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • mucolytic and expectorant.

The seeds are very useful for women. They help you lose weight, create a feeling of fullness and improve intestinal motility. Dry and powdered raw materials are used in cosmetology to prepare masks and compresses, applied to chapped and chapped skin of the face and hands.

Attention. Phytochemical studies have proven that the seeds prevent the development of atherosclerosis and help maintain blood sugar levels.

But the main advantage of this part of the plantain is to help in the treatment of male and female infertility. Biologically active elements help normalize hormonal levels, eliminate inflammatory processes, increase immunity and improve the composition of seminal fluid.

Before starting treatment, consultation with a doctor is required.

When starting therapy, it is necessary to remember that plantain seeds, in addition to their medicinal properties, also have contraindications. It is not advisable to take them in the following cases:

  • for peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • people with individual intolerance to plant components;
  • patients with a history of predisposition to thrombosis.

Collection time - why is it so important

The harvesting time and drying conditions of the raw materials are of great importance for the effectiveness of the impact. As they said in the old days, “any herb is useful if you collect it wisely.” Plucked in certain period, it will protect from illness and troubles, give health and strength.

When to collect plantain seeds? The event should be carried out at the moment of full ripening of the boxes, but before the leaves turn yellow. Herbalists Ancient Rus' In order to properly prepare the fruit, they waited for a clear, sunny and windless day.

Carefully. It is prohibited to collect raw materials in environmentally polluted areas and in fields treated with pesticides or infested with pests.

It is better to collect fruits on a dry and sunny day.

At have a nice summer The collection of plantain seeds can be carried out several times in the same area. The finished product is poured into paper bags and stored for no longer than 2 years.

Treatment of diseases

Plantain seeds are widely used in the treatment and prevention of many ailments. They are used in gastroenterology and otolaryngology, for cancer predisposition and inflammatory processes in the body. Healing infusions and decoctions are indispensable in gynecological practice and in hormonal imbalances.

Treatment of female and male infertility

As mentioned above, the seeds are quite successful in helping to combat infertility. This property of plantain is recognized by official medicine and is used for the following problems of the reproductive system:

  • heavy and painful menstruation;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • endometriosis;
  • postmenopausal disorders;
  • lack of ovulation.

These diseases affect only women, but infertility is no less useful for the stronger sex.

Men's problems

Men can use psyllium seeds to treat inflammation of the prostate and impotence, decreased quality of seminal fluid and insufficient libido. Besides alternative medicine strongly recommends stronger sex drink infusions and decoctions based on infertility in case of poor spermatogenesis that has developed against the background long-term use antibiotics. The drink will restore sperm concentration and increase their motility.

Attention. Plantain seeds are considered excellent prophylactic from sexual impotence and prostatitis.

The medicinal plant, or rather its fruit, will also be useful for hormonal imbalances male body, expressed increased level estrogens and leading to infertility.

Plantain for conception

The benefits of plantain seeds for infertility have been known since ancient times. With their help in Rus' they treated obstruction of the appendages and fallopian tubes in women, inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, hormonal deficiency(hyperandrogenism).

Regular consumption of psyllium seeds will help overcome infertility

The fruits are taken in the form of infusions or in dry form, washed down with plenty of liquid. They also help nursing mothers by quickly healing cracks in the nipples. A properly prepared healing drink gives positive result within 5-6 months.

Plantain seeds are used to combat infertility as independent therapy or as part of complex treatment. The second option is, of course, preferable. But, no matter what method is used, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Women's health

An infusion of seeds can treat irregularities in the menstrual cycle, heavy periods accompanied by pain, poor health and depression. By normalizing hormonal levels, the drink restores women's health, restores vigor and good mood.

Advice. It is very useful to take plantain seeds during menopause and menopause. They will help preserve beauty and youth for many years.

Recipes for preparing healing potions

There are a large number of recipes for treating infertility. They all have approximately the same effect on the body, so let’s look at the most effective ones:

  1. The seeds are poured with boiling water and heated over low heat for 5 minutes, then left for half an hour and used for their intended purpose.
  2. The powdered raw materials are mixed with boiling water, shaken well and left for 25–30 minutes.

The finished drink for conception from plantain seeds should be thick and viscous, like jelly. It should be boiled again every day and taken 3 times a day, 1/3 cup, regardless of meals.

To obtain results, it is necessary to complete a full therapeutic course lasting 4–6 months. After a 2-week break, it is recommended to repeat the treatment. For greater effect, take healing drink It is recommended to combine with sitz baths from plantain leaves.

Any therapy based on medicinal herbs and aimed at combating infertility, should be selected strictly individually. During treatment, it is advisable to regularly take hormone tests, undergo ultrasound and monitor the frequency of the menstrual cycle and ovulation.

Help with constipation

Plantain seed will also help with constipation

The benefits of the medicinal plant are not limited to the fight against infertility. Plantain seeds are excellent for constipation, but before use it is advisable to find out the cause of the pathological condition so as not to cause even more harm by self-medication.

For difficult bowel movements, prepare a decoction of 1 tsp. seeds and a glass of water using one of the above methods. The drink is best consumed before bed. It should be thick and warm. The course of treatment is 10–11 days.

Plantain during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, women often suffer from various ailments. These are constipation, flatulence, indigestion and nausea, constant colds and many other problems. Pregnant women often have weakened immunity and reduced resistance to infections.

An infusion of seeds will be useful for pregnant women in any trimester.

Medicinal herbs help get rid of most pathological conditions without harm to health, so plantain seeds will be very useful. Taking drugs based on them will not harm either the mother or the child. But, despite the safety of the product, it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify possible contraindications.

Weight loss

Plantain seeds are often used for weight loss. An infusion of fruits prevents fat deposition, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces appetite and improves metabolism. These properties of the plant allow the seeds to be used when following diets and in complex treatment obesity.

For cooking medicinal infusion the raw material is poured with boiling water and left under the lid until it swells. Then mix well and filter. The viscous drink is consumed before meals, no more than 50 mg per dose. The swollen seeds can also be used as food.

Advice. Dry fruits are added to soups and porridges, sprinkled with them ready meals, or mixed with juice, milk, vitamin cocktail. The pleasant, sweetish taste allows the seeds to be used as a dessert.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Various pathologies of the stomach and intestines are always accompanied by inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane. And in this case, plantain seeds come to the rescue. Healing infusions and decoctions based on them eliminate pain and flatulence, destroy staphylococcal bacillus, heal wounds and injuries.

The adhesive component of the seeds heals and restores the mucous membrane well

This part of the plant is especially valuable for treating the following ailments:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • colitis and enterocolitis;
  • food poisoning, dysentery.

In case of increased secretion of gastric juice, infructescences are used with caution, although treatment with their help is possible in this case as well.

Plantain seeds are widely used in cosmetology. Various masks for the face and hands, compresses and rubs, hair rinses, baths to soften the skin of the feet - this is far from full list recipes, the main ingredient of which is a medicinal plant.

The healing properties of the husk

Psyllium seed husk deserves a separate discussion. It consists of a mass useful substances, among which there are fatty acids, alkaloids, fiber, vitamins and amino acids. These components have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body.

The following pathological conditions are treated with the help of husks:

  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cystitis and urethritis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • dermatitis and skin rashes;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies.

When soaked, the seed shell swells and turns into a thick, viscous mass, which improves intestinal motility, eliminates irritation of the mucous membrane and reduces inflammation.

Attention. The ability of husks to cleanse the body of poisons and toxins significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Husk is useful for those who want to lose weight

The seed shell has found application in cooking and cosmetology. It is used as a thickener and cleansing agent. And the property of inducing satiety has made it possible to include psyllium husks in diets for weight loss. The dry product is taken in between meals, washed down with plenty of liquid. This remedy is very useful during fasting, as it contains a lot nutrients, necessary for the body during a diet.

The seed coat not only helps reduce weight, but also prevents development and growth gallstones. It has great value for obese people, since switching to a low-carbohydrate diet increases the risk of stone formation.

The husk also helps in the fight against atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that adding it to the diet reduces levels bad cholesterol by 8%.

How to take the husk

The shell of plantain seeds is sold in the pharmacy, already crushed and packaged in separate boxes. It is usually consumed dry or made into a decoction. To prepare the drink 1 tbsp. l. simmer the mixture over low heat in half a liter of water for at least 30 minutes. Drink ½ glass twice a day. The therapeutic course is one month.

Not known to everyone, but such an affordable and effective remedy as plantain seed can help with many diseases. And most importantly, the herbal product is truly effective in the treatment of male and female infertility, especially in combination with methods traditional medicine. This seemingly useless part of the plant has a powerful healing effect, improves appearance and well-being.

Attention. The article is for informational purposes only. Specialist consultation is required.

Plantain is known to many people from childhood. Abrasions and wounds were treated with the help of this plant, accessible to everyone. The name plantain reflects the location - near roads. Plantain is a fairly common plant that grows not only on roadsides, but also in fields, forests, personal plots and vacant lots.

The medicinal properties of plantain stems, seeds, leaves, roots, juice and oil have been known for a long time and have been used since Ancient Rome and Greece.

Plantain is popularly known by the names: roadside grass, seven-zilla grass, boil grass, cut grass, fellow traveler. Plantain belongs to the Podorozhnikov family. It is distributed throughout the world and has more than 200 species. The birthplace of this medicinal plant is the central European region. From there it was spread to Asia.

Today plantain can be found in Russia, Europe, Central Asia, India, Africa, Australia, South and North America, in Japan. In India and Japan, plantain is cultivated; in other countries it grows wild.

Plantain is unpretentious to soils and climatic conditions and that’s why it’s found almost everywhere. It can grow on sandy soil, clay, in the sun and in the shade, and is easily restored when trampled.

Plantain has a short, thick main root with lateral bundle-shaped adventitious roots. They go 20 centimeters into the ground. The stem is straight, arrow-shaped, slightly pubescent or bare, the height, depending on the species, reaches 60 centimeters. The leaves near the ground form a rosette, wide, ovoid in shape. The surface of the leaves has arched dark green veins, the edges of the leaf are slightly jagged or solid, the tip is slightly pointed.

The inflorescence is an elongated cylindrical spike. Peduncles are erect. The flowers are grayish in color, small. The seeds are small, brown, matte.

Plantain blooms from May to October. The plant reproduces by seeds. The plant is odorless, with a slightly astringent, bitter taste.

Composition of plantain

In the leaves large quantities there are organic acids (vanillic, ferulic, paracoumaric, fumaric, protocatechuic, neochlorogenic, parahydroxybenzoic, chlorogenic), tannic, bitter substances, calcium, potassium, zinc, mineral salts.

The stems contain phenol carbonic acids and flavonoids.

The roots contain campesterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, linoleic acid, sitosterol.

Useful properties of leaves and seeds

Plantain has bactericidal, wound-healing, hemostatic, analgesic, protistocidal, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiallergic, antipyretic, diuretic, and hypnotic properties.

Medicines from plantain leaves are useful for diabetes, anemia, and inflammatory processes oral cavity, ear pain, toothache, headache, conjunctivitis, dry eye, corneal damage, metabolic disorders, neurasthenia, heart and gallbladder diseases, polyuria, impotence. It is used in the treatment of kidney diseases, urethritis, cholecystitis, gonorrhea, kills Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Plantain enhances the formation of gastric juice, improves appetite and digestion. Helps with gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers (with low acidity), colitis, flatulence and other gastrointestinal diseases.

It is effective in treating cancerous tumors, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia.
Medicines based on it strengthen the immune system, protect the body from damage from radiation and chemotherapy, and increase useful action Such therapy accelerates the process of resorption of small tumors and metastases. Long-term use plantain protects against diabetes and cancer.

Fresh leaves are applied to scratches, wounds, cellulitis, abscesses, ulcers, insect bites and boils to relieve inflammation and stop bleeding. Leaves in fresh, dried form, except for use in medicinal purposes, used in cosmetology (for skin and hair). Fresh leaves are used to prepare various dishes.

For lichen, furunculosis, rashes and others skin diseases, plantain decoction helps cleanse the blood.

A decoction of the leaves is used for treatment genitourinary system, digestive tract, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy, chronic catarrh of the lungs and bronchi.

When you cough, plantain thins mucus and helps eliminate it.

An infusion of leaves tones, relieves fatigue, reduces blood pressure, has a sedative effect. The infusion helps with fever, hay fever, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, inflammation bladder, oncology.

A decoction of plantain flowers has an analgesic effect and is used for pain in the stomach and intestines.
A decoction of the seeds has an enveloping, emollient effect on any inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, helps with hemorrhoids, gout, and constipation. The mucus found in the seeds envelops the stomach and intestines, protecting against various types irritations.

For internal hemorrhages and bleeding, plantain helps stop bleeding.

Extract from the roots helps against snake bites and fever.

Preparations based on plantain have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect. They are used for stomach ulcers, hypacid gastritis, diseases respiratory tract.

At bacterial infections products containing plantain (juice, leaves) are used.

Plantain juice - benefits

The juice is used in the treatment of dysentery, stomach and duodenal ulcers, enterocolitis, colitis, gastritis, bladder diseases, corneal injuries, acne and neurodermatitis.

With the help of juice, you can cure enuresis, nephritis, diarrhea, anthrax. In combination with other remedies, plantain can help with lung cancer.

In gynecology, juice is used for myometritis, endometritis, adnexitis, parametritis and some types of infertility.

Juice with honey has a diuretic effect and is used to treat children and adults.

The juice is effective for corneal damage, inhibits growth Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and streptococcus.


With stomach and intestinal ulcers (with high acidity), hyperacid gastritis, plantain can lead to a worsening of the condition. If there is increased production of gastric juice, this plant should not be used. In case of increased blood clotting or thrombophlebitis, plantain is contraindicated, as it makes the blood even thicker. In case of individual intolerance, plantain in love form is prohibited from use.

To avoid allergic reaction any folk or pharmacy medicine based on plantain, it is administered in small doses; if there is no reaction, the dose is increased to the required norm.

Use for cough

When coughing, an infusion of leaves helps, acting as an expectorant, it thins the mucus. Plantain helps cure most diseases that cause irritation of the respiratory tract and, as a result, cough.

To combat cough take:

40 grams of dried leaves, a glass of boiling water. The leaves are poured into a thermos and filled with boiling water. Leave for two hours. You need to drink 4 times a day, a tablespoon.

For children under 10 years of age, the dose is reduced to one teaspoon. For children over 11 years of age, the dosage is increased to a dessert spoon. This infusion can be used for inhalation. This remedy can be taken for atherosclerosis and renal failure.

At severe cough you can take fresh ones green leaves plantain, pour 1 glass of water over them and boil. After cooling, add 4 tablespoons of honey. You need to consume the resulting gruel every hour, one teaspoon.

To help with coughs, sore throats and colds, the following remedy is used:

leaves and roots need to be washed, dried and crushed. Chopped greens with roots should be mixed with sugar (ratio 1:1). Place everything in an enamel container with a tight lid and bury it in the ground for 3 months.

The resulting mixture is stored in the basement, refrigerator, or pantry. Tablespoon medicinal mixture pour a glass of boiling water and drink it like tea.

Cold water extracts from plantain can cure tracheitis.

Take a glass for 2 tablespoons of crushed dried leaf cold water. You need to insist for 12 hours. You need to drink the extract throughout the day.

Recipes for other diseases

Plantain decoction is used to purify the blood, to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, and respiratory tract.

For a decoction of plantain leaves, you need:

2 tablespoons of dried crushed leaves, a glass of boiling water.

  • The dried plantain is poured into an enamel pan, poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  • Then set aside for 10 minutes, strain, and squeeze out the remainder.
  • Water is added to the broth, the total volume should be 200 milliliters.
  • You need to take 100 grams 4 times a day, 20-25 minutes before meals.

Taking powder from dry leaves (on an empty stomach) helps with constipation (the powder should be washed down with warm water).

At kidney diseases, enuresis you need to mix a glass of boiling water with a spoonful of plant leaves, wrap it up for an hour. The infusion should be taken 1 tablespoon, 20-25 minutes before meals, 4 times a day.

As an additional remedy for stomach and lung cancer, take: sugar and washed plantain leaves (1:1). The mixture is stirred and infused for two weeks in a cool, dark place.
You need to take a spoonful, 20 minutes before meals, 4 times a day.

For an external tumor, prepare a compress, take a glass of water, 2 tablespoons of crushed, dry leaves, mix everything and infuse it.

An infusion of seeds is prepared as follows:: Take a glass of boiling water for 25 grams of seeds. The seeds are poured with water and left to brew for 10-15 minutes. The infusion from the seeds is filtered through cheesecloth. You need to take it before meals, a spoon three times a day. Helps with diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart disease, blood vessels and others. This remedy helps in the form of a compress for cracked nipples when feeding a child.

Plantain juice is squeezed from the stems and leaves of the plant. The juice helps with gastrointestinal diseases.

Leaves and stems are washed in running water. The water should drain completely. They douse themselves with boiling water. Grind in a meat grinder or blender. Wrings out through gauze. The thick concentrated juice is diluted with water one to one and boiled for 2 minutes.

You need to take the juice three times a day, 20-25 minutes before meals, for 30 days. A spoonful of juice is diluted in 50 grams of water. Stored in the refrigerator, in a dark, glass, closed container.

Oil with plantain juice: take 50 grams of juice, 25 grams of Vaseline and the same amount of lanolin. Everything is mixed in a glass container. Used externally as a wound healing, softening,
anti-inflammatory agent.

For toothache, peeled plantain root should be placed in the ear (not deep) on the painful side. You can use fresh juice, 2-3 drops in the ear is enough. After half an hour the pain will subside.

When to collect and how to dry

For medicinal purposes, plantain leaves and seeds are mainly used. Leaves for collection must be clean, free from damage, diseases and pests. The flowering period (May - September) is suitable for harvesting, until the leaves turn yellow.

You can harvest several crops per season useful leaves. The leaves are cut with a knife with a small remainder of the cutting; dense thickets can be mowed. The rosette cannot be completely cut off, as this will lead to the death of the plant. For propagation, you need to leave a couple or three large bushes intact.

Collection should be done after rain, when the foliage is completely dry.

Drying can be done in an electric dryer at 40-45 degrees or in the shade in the air. The leaves are unfolding thin layer on white paper. From time to time the leaves turn over. Yellow and reddened leaves are removed.

The dried leaves have a weak odor and a slightly bitter taste. The shelf life of dry leaves is 2 years.

The seeds are collected with peduncles, in a ripened state (August - September). Dry in a dry, ventilated and dark place (veranda, attic, shed). After that, the seeds are removed from the peduncles by hand. Seeds are stored for 3 years.

How to store

Dried leaves and seeds should be stored in a glass container with a tight lid. Sunlight should not touch raw materials. The best place There will be a closed shelf or pantry for storage.

Pharmacy plantain syrup - benefits, instructions for use

Plantain syrup is an excellent helper against viral diseases. The medicine acts as an antitussive, antibacterial, and also stimulates natural immunity.

If dry and wet cough A common syrup to combat illness is plantain syrup. There are quite a few brands of this product, the only differences lie in brand recognition, price, additives, the effect is identical for all.

Syrups are suitable for use by adults and children. Since this remedy is natural, it is suitable for treating young children. The syrup is used for dry, wet and allergic coughs.

The dosage of syrup for children from 2 to 7 years is 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day. Children from 7 to 14 years old are prescribed 3-5 spoons per day.
The medicine should be taken with a glass warm water. The syrup should be taken between meals. The course of treatment for any cough is seven days.

This syrup should not be given to children from 0 to 2 years old! Some syrups can be used from 6 years of age. If an allergy occurs, the syrup is discontinued.
If the patient has inflammatory diseases Gastrointestinal tract, there is intolerance to sucrose and fructose, the drug is not suitable for treatment.
In case of diabetes mellitus, syrup should be used with extreme caution and in compliance with the exact dosage.

Some syrups have additives and when choosing, you need to clarify the composition. Any syrup in complex therapy helps with tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchopneumonia.

Medicinal properties of plantain herb and contraindications: video

Plantain is unique means from many diseases.

Everyone has at least once seen these plants growing along roads and in clearings, whose leaves provide first aid to urchins who have broken knees.

But, in addition to the leaves, plantain seeds are no less healing, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been sufficiently studied by modern scientists. They are used to make medicinal potions that help overcome various ailments from banal abrasions to more serious illnesses such as asthma or infertility.

Chemical composition of plantain seeds and medicinal properties

Chemical composition

Plantain seed material has healing qualities due to the presence in its composition of many valuable substances that are beneficial to health. It is rich in the following substances:

  • Fatty oils.
  • Tannins.
  • Organic acids: vanillic, chlorogenic, ascorbic, etc.
  • Slimy and bitter.
  • Proteins and carbohydrates.

Their effect is actively used in traditional and folk medicine, so seed extract is added to various preparations used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, etc.

The properties of plantain seeds, noted long ago by folk healers, are now widely used in official medicine and help relieve people from many health problems.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The mucus, which the achenes are rich in, envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, and the active components in its composition help cure gastritis with low acidity, colitis, enteritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers.


  • Pour a tablespoon of seed into 1 tbsp. water.
  • Mix and drink all the contents.
  • After 30 min. drink a mug of water.
  • We continue to take the remedy every day until we recover.

Plantain seeds, whose medicinal properties relieve intestinal ailments, supply the body with fiber, which is sorely lacking in the modern diet. And diverticulitis appears precisely because of its deficiency.


  • Brew 1 tbsp. achenes with a glass of boiling water, steam to a boil, cool, filter and drink the same day.
  • We wash 2 tablespoons of raw materials, pour 1 tbsp. hot water, cool and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Grind the achenes using a coffee grinder and eat ¼ tsp. three times a day for 10 minutes. before meals, with water. You need to drink about 2 liters of water per day: only under this condition will the product give the desired effect.

The seeds absorb water, soften the stool and cause the intestines to contract and get rid of feces.

"Women's" diseases

The medicinal properties of plantain seeds help with infertility, hormonal imbalances, cystitis and other inflammations of the genitourinary organs. A compress with infusion heals cracked nipples during breastfeeding.


Female infertility

  • Mix equal parts of plantain seeds, rose hips, lemongrass and tribulus.
  • Grind the mixture and brew a couple of tablespoons of 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • Cool until warm and mix with honey (a tablespoon).
  • Use 1 tsp. 3 times a day, washed down, if necessary, with clean water.

With regular use, a positive effect is observed after three to five months.

This remedy treats female infertility caused by adhesions of the fallopian tubes, lack of ovulation, vaginal inflammation, menorrhagia, and hormonal disorders.

Plantain seeds, medicinal properties

Male infertility

Plantain seeds have medicinal properties for both female and male infertility. They restore sperm motility if the decoction is used regularly for 6 months.

Preparing the decoction

  • Brew a tablespoon of seed with a glass of boiling water, cook for five minutes over low heat.
  • Remove from the stove and leave for 30 minutes.
  • We filter and drink a couple of tablespoons four times a day.

Bath additive

  • Brew 50 grams of plantain leaves with a liter of boiling water.
  • Leave for 50 minutes and filter.
  • Pour into 30-35 degree water collected in the bath.
  • We lie in it for 20 minutes, taking a bath every day or two.

Baths with leaves will improve the results of taking a decoction of plantain seeds, whose medicinal properties will manifest themselves even more strongly. The treatment period is six months; if necessary, we repeat the course.

Asthma, bronchitis, cough

To treat these diseases we use the following remedy:

  • Pour in 1.5 tsp. plantain seed with a glass of boiling water.
  • Let it sit until it becomes warm.

Take warm, one tablespoon per 15 minutes. before meals.

Other diseases

What other benefits do plantain seeds have? They help get rid of other ailments and prevent their occurrence:

  • Removes bad cholesterol.
  • Protects against heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  • Used in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Removes toxic substances.
  • Cures childhood and senile enuresis.

A decoction of plantain seeds relieves inflammation of the eyes (make compresses).


The properties of plantain seeds sometimes give a different effect than expected, and even cause harm to the body. Their use is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • Intolerance. Although the achenes do not contain toxins, but, on the contrary, remove them from the intestines and other organs, their components can harm those who have an individual intolerance to these substances.
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice. Plantain seed enhances the production of gastric juice, so it should not be used by patients with gastritis or ulcers, who already have high acidity.
  • Thrombosis. Taking plantain medications is prohibited for patients prone to the formation of blood clots and accelerated blood cell clotting.

You should not use plantain seeds for health purposes, the medicinal properties and contraindications for use of which have been well studied by specialists, expectant and nursing mothers. Their components sometimes cause allergies in the baby. In any case, before using drugs made from this herbal raw material, you should consult a doctor to protect yourself from risks.